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FILM COLLECTION 1 Thriller 2 p171 Thriller 3 p196 Comedy 4 p200
FILM COLLECTION 2 Drama 3 p177 Comedy 2 p193 Thriller 1 p208
FILM COLLECTION 3 Animation 1 p175 Drama 4 p194 Drama 1 p204
MASTERCLASS Creating captivating
narratives Industry 1
p68 14:00
Bringing a story to
life: The role of the
editor p80
University of Lincoln
p104 10:00am
GUEST PROGRAMME Indigenous Cinema
Films 1
• The film was about this bus driver and it was her birthday, she had a night shift on the bus and this supernatural figure came on. It kept
ringing the stop bell and they were making the bus all icy, she kept checking the cameras to see if anything was there but there wasn’t,
then a figure appears on the top deck and she tries to get out, in the end she ends up beating figure and then a person comes on the bus
and there was nothing there in the end. I think it was a figment of her imagination and reflected her fear of growing old.
• I really enjoyed this movie, it kept me on edge all the way through trying to figure out what was there. It was full of suspense and the
figure that was haunting the bus was done really well I thought it was really creepy. I also liked how when she spotted the figure she said
“Nah, mate” and immediately ran to get out I thought that was quite funny, and it goes against the typical horror protagonist cliché
where they see the ghost and decide to investigate so I liked how they did that.
• There wasn’t really anything I didn’t like about the film, it was better than I expected when I read the summary and I really enjoyed it.
The only thing I would say is I didn’t exactly get the ending was the ghost there or not? But I liked how they made it so you decide
whether it was a figment of her imagination or not.
• I think audiences who are fans of thriller would really enjoy this, it’s creepy and suspenseful, the acting was very good and so was the
filming techniques to create the suspense. I think this is the perfect film for thriller fans and even horror fans as well.
• The film made me very anxious, I didn’t know f there was going to be a jump scare or not so it really kept me on the edge of my seat, it
did make me laugh in one part which I think it was supposed to, overall I really enjoyed it.
• I think I would recommend this film to someone especially my friends who like thriller and suspense I think they would really enjoy it.
Watching this as well has given me ideas for what I can do for my FMP, I want to make a horror and this has helped me get ideas for how
to create suspense and to put the audience on edge.
Night Bus Thriller
Films 2
• The film was about a pregnant woman who got on a bus and she asked this guy for a seat and he said no because he’s helping his
son with work, the bus jerks and she’s about to fall so he grabs her to stop her from falling. She misinterprets it and thought he
was just grabbing her so she filmed him and started arguing with him and caused a scene on the bus saying she was going to put
the video on Facebook. The whole bus starts filming and he gets in a argument with these teenagers telling them to stop, then the
woman is giving birth on the bus and man held up a curtain so the people on the bus can’t film her.
• I liked the message of people not getting privacy, such as if someone was having an heated argument then people just
automatically film it and post it on social media even though it’s none of their business. Another message I think they were trying
to get across is there’s always 2 sides to a story, if that woman posted the video people who watch it wouldn’t of seen what
actually happened and immediately think the guy was the bad guy when in the end he wasn’t.
• The thing I didn’t like about this movie was the characters, at first I was on the woman’s side because the guy refused her a seat
even though she was heavily pregnant but then just because of that she made a whole scene out of it even though the guy was
helping her. So in the end I was on the guys side, especially when she said she was going to post the video on social media. In the
end I could.t really get on board with either of the characters.
• I think people who like Drama would definitely like this film, because it’s full of it for me personally I’m not a massive fan of films
like this. I like drama thriller type films but this just wasn’t for me.
• This film made me feel quite annoyed, pretty much with everyone on the bus because the guy didn’t offer her a seat and no one
else on the bus did either, then when the woman started getting mad at the man from stopping her from falling no one backed
him up even though they saw what happened. Instead they decided to film it all. So in the end I just felt annoyed.
May I have this seat? Drama
Films 3
• The animation was about this guy who goes on a shopping trip and it shows a much more exaggerated lockdown to what
we are in, the streets were dark and bare, when he entered the shop a man pointed a gun at him until the scanner went
green. It was all very eerie and was like a dystopian world.
• I liked how the creator used something we are experiencing now and made it much more exaggerated and scarier, I also
like the animation style he used, it made the whole film a lot more eerier to watch.
• For me I thought it was a bit slow and boring, we watched the guy walking the same streets for majority of the video and I
was starting to lose interest. The only interesting part was when he went to the shop and that was only 10 seconds long, I
just thought there could have been a bit more to it.
• It made me feel curious as to what the world in the animation is like, I would of liked to see a bit more of it and also it
made me feel a bit bored just watching the guy walk for quite a long period of time.
• I don’t think I would recommend it to a friend as it didn’t really show much and I found quite boring so I think they would
to. It has given me an idea for an FMP, the story of an exaggerated lockdown I think would be interesting to especially if
we’re still in one by the time I produce it.
Shopping trip Animation
Films 4
• The film was about this woman who suffers from an eating disorder, and as it continues a hole appears in her body. She
searches up if its normal and this person said the hole will help her become thinner and don’t listen to the people telling
her it’s a disease so she doesn’t do anything about it. The film finishes with the hole becoming to painful for her and this
other woman comes in and shows she has the same hole and then it ends with her screaming in pain.
• I didn’t really like this film, I thought it was really disturbing and I didn’t enjoy watching it at all but I did like the message it
brought across such as it’s bad to not eat food to become thinner even if this was a very dramatic and unrealistic example
of what could happen it still gets that message across.
• I think people who like thriller might enjoy this, personally I didn’t see this exactly like a thriller film to me. But I think
people who watch films that can be quite weird and disturbing would like this movie.
• In the end it made me feel very uncomfortable, and a bit disturbed I thought the effect done to make the hole in the body
was very well done as it made me feel very uneasy watching it especially when she was about to staple the hole up.
• I would probably recommend this film to someone with an eating disorder as it gets the message that your body is fine the
way it is and how unhealthy it is to not eat just to become thinner.
• I don’t think I would b doing anything like this for my FMP because I didn’t really enjoy it all that much but I did think all
the cinematography, acting and effects was really good I just wasn’t really keen on the story personally.
The hole Thriller 3
Films 5
• The film was about this woman doing laundry and she was on the phone to her mum, they were currently in a pandemic
and while she was on the phone she was telling her mum how life was living with her partner. This then came to her mum
“Jokingly” saying that she should cause an accident to get rid off him, Which made the woman reminisce about her
previous boyfriends and how many of them had “accidents”.
• I liked the way the film was filmed, I liked how when she said one of her ex’s names it switched to her slapping out the
washing, this made for a comedic affect and also showed how fed up she was living with her current boyfriend. I likes how
it was set in a pandemic as well which made it more relatable to watch.
• What I didn’t like about this film was, I found it quite boring because it was just a woman on the phone to her mum and
although the topic of conversation was okay to listen to I just wasn’t that interested in it because there wasn’t a lot
• I think people who like that sort of humour would like this film, I didn’t really find it that amusing to watch but I think
people who like that humour would find it better to watch.
• It made me feel interested in the phone conversation and curious to if she was joking about her ex boyfriends or if she was
serious, I didn’t really laugh at it because I didn’t find it all that funny but I enjoyed it.
• The camera techniques used with the effects of the camera switching to a wide view to an up close one of her flapping out
the washing I thought was quite good and I think in my FMP it would look good if I tried that I also like the zoom in of the
woman's face where it just showed her eyes as well.
Stockholm Syndrome Comdey
Films 6
- The film was about this guy who is trying to do laundry at a laundromat and his he cant get the washing machine door
open so he this robot who works there comes and helps him, then he wants his money back and the robot didn’t
understand him but after a while he did and said he cant have his money back then the guy got angry at the robot and
started threatening him and was asking for a human worker instead.
- I liked the concept of this film, it was kind of like the beginning of robots taking over from humans and the frustration it
caused the guy when the robot wouldn’t understand him, I also liked the way the robot was done as well it was quite
realistic with the face and the voice.
- I enjoyed this movie there wasn’t much I didn’t like about it, maybe a better explanation as to how and why the robots are
taking over the humans jobs but apart from that I thought the film was very well done.
- I think people who like drama would like this movie because the guy is causing a lot of drama with the robot, I also think
people who aren’t very much into drama films would like this as well because its unusual for a drama film and I think
people would enjoy it.
- The film made me feel angry at the guy for losing his temper but at the same time I understood why he because it was a
frustrating position to be put in so the character was relatable but not very likeable.
- I would recommend this film to a friend it was interesting to watch and enjoyable as well, I think other people would like
this film.
- I really liked the story to this but I think it could be expanded on more and that could give me an idea for story for my FMP
although it might be hard to do a robot with limited resources I still think the story would be doable.
Day One Drama 4
Films 7
- The film was about 2 guys who go to this café that they’ve been going to for years, when the guy asks for his usual English
breakfast the woman said the menus changed and they’re serving food like smashed avocados on bread for £16. The guy doesn’t
understand why its changed then his friend orders a pastry while he orders a normal coffee that end up coming I a small bathtub
instead of a cup. The pastry then comes and it’s on a posh plate thing and he eats it and starts turning into a hipster, the guy who
ordered coffee can see everything is weird and he goes to the toilets and then comes out the café had completely changed and his
friend had turned into a full on hipster.
- I liked the plot of the movie, I found it entertaining to watch and funny when she started telling the guy the prices of the food and
he made a joke saying its costing his pension for something he could make at home. I found it relatable because of the whole price
of food and how ridiculous it is too charge that much, and I like the whole concept if change and how society is changing
- There wasn’t much I didn’t like about this film, I really enjoyed it I think for a comedy though it could have been a bit more funnier
but apart from that I really liked the film.
- I think quite a lot of people would like this film, maybe not hipster people who the film is targeting at and sort of making fun of but
I think quite a few people who enjoy comedy would like this and find it amusing.
- The film ended up making me feel entertained, I liked the story and it was relatable to the audience as well and I did laugh at some
parts of the film as well.
- I would recommend this film to my friends because I think they would be quite amused by it as well as finding it relatable to them
as well.
- I enjoy film a lot more when they have a relatability to it, so you can go yeah I know how they feel which this film did perfectly and
I think that’s something I need to apply to my projects it needs to be relatable to the audience because I find that much more
enjoyable to watch.
Greasy spoon Comedy
Films 8
• The film was about this woman who lost her son, and she started to see and hear him again in the house. Then one night
she hears, she gets a gun and then this guy appears who she knew and she shot him because he scared her and then she
had to dump his body in the pool. Then she went swimming and hands came behind her and she asks who’s there and
they go it’s me and ends, so I’m assuming her son was behind her.
• I liked the tension scenes in the film and the transitions it makes such as when she drops the apple it transitions to a
flashback of her sone picking up an apple, or when she opens a door another flashback appears of her opening the door to
her son.
• I thought the long walks down the corridor and up the stairs were unnecessarily long, it did create tension at first but then
it came to a point as to me asking myself where is this going? I just thought it ruined the tension and got a bit boring just
watching walk down a corridor for a long time to me I just didn’t feel that tension building.
• It made me feel intrigued with the story, at first I thought it was a bit slow but when she shot that guy I thought it was
picking up a bit,
• I didn’t really find it all that scary and the story wasn’t the most original but I was interested in it.
• I would recommend this to a friend because all though I didn’t really find it all that scary I thought the story was still good
so I would recommend it.
• I think for my FMP if I'm doing a horror I need to time the tension building right, as I've found with this film they tried to
hold the tension for too long and it just lost it so I need to pace my film out right.
It’s me Thriller
Films 9
• The film was about this mother who payed for chlorine but she didn’t get it and wanted a refund so she dragged her daughter to
the store to help her because she wasn’t from their country but the daughter was born it and could speak better English. The shop
clerk wouldn’t refund them even though they had a right to it so the daughter kept persisting eventual they got another manager
and she said she couldn’t do anything either, then the daughter brought up something that convinced them to give them the
refund, and because they were being rude to them before because of the colour of the skin, the daughter said she never got the
chicken either and wanted a refund for that when they did get the chicken. So the two shop owners gave them the refund for the
chicken as well.
• I really enjoyed this film, I think it was set in the 60s and racism back then was a major problem and it was satisfying to see the
mother and daughter haggle the two shop workers into what they want and they didn’t back down. I felt it was quite satisfying for
how they treated the two.
• There wasn’t really anything I didn’t like about the film, I thought the cinematography was great and so was the story I can’t really
find a fault with it.
• It made me feel angry for the shop workers were treating the mother and daughter and satisfied when they didn’t give up and
fought for their right to a refund.
• I would recommend this film to my friends, I thought it was great I usually don’t really like drama movies but I thought this one
was done perfectly.
• I think if I was going down the drama route for my project I’d definitely take inspiration from this story but the genre isn’t really my
favourite. But I did like the cinematography of the films so I’d use this as an example as ideas to help with my own filming,
Chicken Drama
Masterclass 1
• This masterclass was about script writing and capturing different narratives, he’s talking about breaking up script writing. He says
you have to write it so it fits with the actor and so it’s easy for them to understand and act out what’s on the script.
• When writing a script never write in camera shots or directions and it’s not your job the script needs to be able to describe and
convey to the director what camera shots would be needed just by what's happening in the script.
• If the character is written well enough you don’t need to say how they go there, character development is key to a good script as
the actor can get a feel of the character and will be able to apply what's on the script to the screen.
• As an example he showed two clips one from a police series where you immediately know who the main character is by her taking
charge, then we watched a kids show where they introduced the characters through rap but we still understood who the main
character was.
• Coherence: You have to understand the tone of the movie you are trying to make, not understanding the tone will come through
on screen and can make the audience uncomfortable.
• When making a character you need to keep them interesting and emotionally compelling so you want to spend time with them
through their POV in their world. The character needs to be active all the time, you need to avoid repeating character actions as
well. The character needs to be distinct and at all cost avoid cliché characters as they can be extremely boring.
• Cliché characters kill story and so does cliché storytelling, you cant let the story become predictable it needs to be original, if
you’re retelling a story tell it in your unique way so it’s a new take. Inevitability is the key, if a character is supposed to die you
know their going to die it’s the way they that needs to be unpredictable.
• You can’t do something out of character for the character the personality and actions they make needs to have continuity about it,
you cant make them all of a sudden do something bad when there's been no hint or explanation to them doing it.
• Circular- The story ends where it starts Epic- narrative movement depends on the world.
• Good dialogue expresses character, bad dialogue simply relates and explains.
• A character is well written when you can cover up their name on the script and can just tell by the dialogue who they are.
• You have to be passionate about the script and the story, you have to want to write and bring it to life.
• From what I’ve learnt from this class id]s the keys to writing a good script, this will help me with my FMP as now I have an
understanding of what needs to be done to make a good script.
Creating and captivating narratives
Masterclass 2
- To start her job as an editor she first started off making tea and coffee and had to work her way up, she then worked up to BBC
and managed to secure an editing job their.
- The masterclass is about editing and how to start off in the business and what she has to do, and what it’s like working in editing.
- She starts her work on the first day of shoot and makes sure everything in the editing suite is set up she then has to check all the
filmed footage and the quality of it, she then has a conversation with director and Producers to tell them what she thinks and that
everything's set up and what needs to be re shot.
- When she edits she doesn’t add any music to the footage until she makes sure the footage works together, then she adds music
- If you see a problem with the script you need to tell someone if when you’re editing and it doesn’t work or doesn’t make sense
you have to tell someone, specifically the script writer but you have to go about it as nice as possible without offending anyone or
else their would be tension on set.
- There’s a lot of disagreements in filmmaking but in the end it comes down to the directors decision on what they want. You also
have to make the director happy and it’s most likely they’ll hire you for the next project.
- They showed a clip from Birdsong which she helped edit the film, she said she changed things from a script to make the scene
more emotional, when they were writing letters she did it so after they have read the letters meant from their loved ones she
edited so it showed them dying after.
- An important aspect to have in Editing is being emotionally sensitive to the story and recognizing the actors emotions and
expanding on them to make it look much more emotional to watch and so the audience can get a better feel of the characters.
- If you find a problem with the film and the director doesn’t agree but you think strongly about it you have to then go to the
producer and if they think the same as you then it’s then the director has to re consider the problem.
- This masterclass has helped me learn the importance of editing and how to capture the actors emotions as well as how to get the
audience to feel emotional throughout the film. This will help me in my FMP when I Edit it the main thing is getting the audience
engaged and to feel what the characters are feeling, I think this class has definitely help me learn what I need to edit.
Bringing a story to life: The role of the
University Showcase
• I chose this showcase because I have put Lincoln down as one of mu university choices and I wanted to see the type and quality films the students make their.
• The first film they showed was called beep where this guy could keep hearing this constant beeping sound, I wasn’t too keen on this one because I didn’t really
understand the story and what was going on. I did like some of the way it was filmed so I could use some filming techniques in mine.
• The second film they showed was called shelter, it was these two men who broke into a house to steal food and they ended up staying the night and they had
conflict with one another. I enjoyed this film a lot more than the other one, I thought the story was better and it was better filmed and acted.
• The third film I watched was a animation, I thought it was quite good. There wasn’t any talking in it but the story came across and it was entertaining to watch.
• The next film that was shown was called Rich, it was about this old man who has a illness and refused treatment for it, he is looked after by this woman and he
refused treatment so he could be with his wife when he dies. I enjoyed this film as well, I thought it was filmed and acted well and the story was good.
• The next film I watched was about this guy who came to visit his ex boyfriend after two years to find out he has a girlfriend and he tries to convince him to pick
up where they left off. I enjoyed this film as well I thought the story was alright and the acting the filming was very good.
• The next film I watched was a spaceship film where they get in trouble in space and need to get out of it, I enjoyed this one I thought effects for the spaceship
as well as space was really good and it was enjoyable to watch.
• The next film they showed was a parkour documentary I enjoyed this documentary, I thought it was interesting and I enjoyed watching them do all these
parkour tricks and reasoning behind why some people do it. This one person said that learning to do parkour could save your life if you’re ever in a situation
where you’re being chased by someone which I can see why he would say that. Overall I enjoyed it learning and watching them do parkour.
• The next film I watched was an animation of a frog trying to protect it’s eggs and being chased by all these animals, I thought it was entertaining to watched I
enjoyed the animation quality as well as the sound effects and music. I also though the ending was quite funny, if not a little dark because after he had gone
through the effort of protecting the eggs a bird comes and grabs him.
• The next film I watched was called Final Contact it was about this alien who is keeping this human hostage, however the reasoning behind it is because the
human killed her family and they were protecting themselves but so was the humans so they were both just equally misunderstood. They then get to trust
each other but then the woman turns on the alien and kills her. I think this movie was my favourite it reminded me of Doctor Who a bit and the acting was the
best I’ve seen in the showcase and I though the story and plot twist was the best I’ve seen as well.
Lincoln university
Guest Programme
• I chose this programme because I was curious to see what life is like in Brazil, I also wanted to see from their perspectives
how they view the world and how they live etc…
• The first film I watched was called the ‘Fantastic Garden’ it was about this teacher who in order to connect more with her
students performs a ritual but then during the ritual one of the kids wonders off and discovers this mysterious figure that
isn’t human. The boy then takes the teacher back in the woods and he gets her to only tell the truth through these cards, I
didn’t really understand the ending it was a bit confusing. I liked the camera techniques used such as the only focusing on
the character then blurring the background out as well the camera quality of the video as well. I think I can use the
techniques they used and apply it my project, I also thought the story was original as well if not a bit confusing.
• The next film I watched was called ‘It will get better’ it was about this woman who was in this election, and she discovers a
scandal and she had to decide whether to show everyone or not which would determine whether she would win or not, in
the end she decided to show it. I enjoyed this film I thought it was interesting and we got to see more of a different side to
politics as well. I think the story was an interesting concept but for my future work I don’t think I would do something
political like this film because it’s not really something that interests me.
• The next film I watched was called ‘Between us and the world’ this was a documentary film about a woman's son who got
killed by the police. This was quite an emotional film especially when you learn that the son didn’t do anything to warrant
the polices attention accept walk down the street, the police stopped him by the way he was dressed and walked. I didn’t
enjoy watching this because of what it was about I don’t think anyone would enjoy this but it was good that they chose to
make this to show police brutality in Brazil, and also how the mother is coping with the loss of her son.
• The next film I watched was called ‘Extracts’ It was images and small videos put together from the 1970’s to 1972 and it was
from the cities of Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, London, Marrakech, Rabat and the Sahara Desert. I really enjoyed this, i think it
was my favourite out of the others, i loved the aesthetic of the video and it was something very original as well. I enjoyed
seeing all thes cities and the way they were captured and presented i thought was very well done.
Brazil in the spotlight

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Creative critical reflection of the final project by Aribah Imtiaz
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Asff 2020

  • 2.
  • 3. ScheduleTUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY FILM COLLECTION 1 Thriller 2 p171 Thriller 3 p196 Comedy 4 p200 FILM COLLECTION 2 Drama 3 p177 Comedy 2 p193 Thriller 1 p208 FILM COLLECTION 3 Animation 1 p175 Drama 4 p194 Drama 1 p204 MASTERCLASS Creating captivating narratives Industry 1 p68 14:00 Bringing a story to life: The role of the editor p80 UNIVERSITY SHOWCASE University of Lincoln p104 10:00am GUEST PROGRAMME Indigenous Cinema p118
  • 4. Films 1 • The film was about this bus driver and it was her birthday, she had a night shift on the bus and this supernatural figure came on. It kept ringing the stop bell and they were making the bus all icy, she kept checking the cameras to see if anything was there but there wasn’t, then a figure appears on the top deck and she tries to get out, in the end she ends up beating figure and then a person comes on the bus and there was nothing there in the end. I think it was a figment of her imagination and reflected her fear of growing old. • I really enjoyed this movie, it kept me on edge all the way through trying to figure out what was there. It was full of suspense and the figure that was haunting the bus was done really well I thought it was really creepy. I also liked how when she spotted the figure she said “Nah, mate” and immediately ran to get out I thought that was quite funny, and it goes against the typical horror protagonist cliché where they see the ghost and decide to investigate so I liked how they did that. • There wasn’t really anything I didn’t like about the film, it was better than I expected when I read the summary and I really enjoyed it. The only thing I would say is I didn’t exactly get the ending was the ghost there or not? But I liked how they made it so you decide whether it was a figment of her imagination or not. • I think audiences who are fans of thriller would really enjoy this, it’s creepy and suspenseful, the acting was very good and so was the filming techniques to create the suspense. I think this is the perfect film for thriller fans and even horror fans as well. • The film made me very anxious, I didn’t know f there was going to be a jump scare or not so it really kept me on the edge of my seat, it did make me laugh in one part which I think it was supposed to, overall I really enjoyed it. • I think I would recommend this film to someone especially my friends who like thriller and suspense I think they would really enjoy it. Watching this as well has given me ideas for what I can do for my FMP, I want to make a horror and this has helped me get ideas for how to create suspense and to put the audience on edge. FILM TITLE FILM GENRE Night Bus Thriller
  • 5. Films 2 • The film was about a pregnant woman who got on a bus and she asked this guy for a seat and he said no because he’s helping his son with work, the bus jerks and she’s about to fall so he grabs her to stop her from falling. She misinterprets it and thought he was just grabbing her so she filmed him and started arguing with him and caused a scene on the bus saying she was going to put the video on Facebook. The whole bus starts filming and he gets in a argument with these teenagers telling them to stop, then the woman is giving birth on the bus and man held up a curtain so the people on the bus can’t film her. • I liked the message of people not getting privacy, such as if someone was having an heated argument then people just automatically film it and post it on social media even though it’s none of their business. Another message I think they were trying to get across is there’s always 2 sides to a story, if that woman posted the video people who watch it wouldn’t of seen what actually happened and immediately think the guy was the bad guy when in the end he wasn’t. • The thing I didn’t like about this movie was the characters, at first I was on the woman’s side because the guy refused her a seat even though she was heavily pregnant but then just because of that she made a whole scene out of it even though the guy was helping her. So in the end I was on the guys side, especially when she said she was going to post the video on social media. In the end I could.t really get on board with either of the characters. • I think people who like Drama would definitely like this film, because it’s full of it for me personally I’m not a massive fan of films like this. I like drama thriller type films but this just wasn’t for me. • This film made me feel quite annoyed, pretty much with everyone on the bus because the guy didn’t offer her a seat and no one else on the bus did either, then when the woman started getting mad at the man from stopping her from falling no one backed him up even though they saw what happened. Instead they decided to film it all. So in the end I just felt annoyed. FILM TITLE FILM GENRE May I have this seat? Drama
  • 6. Films 3 • The animation was about this guy who goes on a shopping trip and it shows a much more exaggerated lockdown to what we are in, the streets were dark and bare, when he entered the shop a man pointed a gun at him until the scanner went green. It was all very eerie and was like a dystopian world. • I liked how the creator used something we are experiencing now and made it much more exaggerated and scarier, I also like the animation style he used, it made the whole film a lot more eerier to watch. • For me I thought it was a bit slow and boring, we watched the guy walking the same streets for majority of the video and I was starting to lose interest. The only interesting part was when he went to the shop and that was only 10 seconds long, I just thought there could have been a bit more to it. • It made me feel curious as to what the world in the animation is like, I would of liked to see a bit more of it and also it made me feel a bit bored just watching the guy walk for quite a long period of time. • I don’t think I would recommend it to a friend as it didn’t really show much and I found quite boring so I think they would to. It has given me an idea for an FMP, the story of an exaggerated lockdown I think would be interesting to especially if we’re still in one by the time I produce it. FILM TITLE FILM GENRE Shopping trip Animation
  • 7. Films 4 • The film was about this woman who suffers from an eating disorder, and as it continues a hole appears in her body. She searches up if its normal and this person said the hole will help her become thinner and don’t listen to the people telling her it’s a disease so she doesn’t do anything about it. The film finishes with the hole becoming to painful for her and this other woman comes in and shows she has the same hole and then it ends with her screaming in pain. • I didn’t really like this film, I thought it was really disturbing and I didn’t enjoy watching it at all but I did like the message it brought across such as it’s bad to not eat food to become thinner even if this was a very dramatic and unrealistic example of what could happen it still gets that message across. • I think people who like thriller might enjoy this, personally I didn’t see this exactly like a thriller film to me. But I think people who watch films that can be quite weird and disturbing would like this movie. • In the end it made me feel very uncomfortable, and a bit disturbed I thought the effect done to make the hole in the body was very well done as it made me feel very uneasy watching it especially when she was about to staple the hole up. • I would probably recommend this film to someone with an eating disorder as it gets the message that your body is fine the way it is and how unhealthy it is to not eat just to become thinner. • I don’t think I would b doing anything like this for my FMP because I didn’t really enjoy it all that much but I did think all the cinematography, acting and effects was really good I just wasn’t really keen on the story personally. FILM TITLE FILM GENRE The hole Thriller 3
  • 8. Films 5 • The film was about this woman doing laundry and she was on the phone to her mum, they were currently in a pandemic and while she was on the phone she was telling her mum how life was living with her partner. This then came to her mum “Jokingly” saying that she should cause an accident to get rid off him, Which made the woman reminisce about her previous boyfriends and how many of them had “accidents”. • I liked the way the film was filmed, I liked how when she said one of her ex’s names it switched to her slapping out the washing, this made for a comedic affect and also showed how fed up she was living with her current boyfriend. I likes how it was set in a pandemic as well which made it more relatable to watch. • What I didn’t like about this film was, I found it quite boring because it was just a woman on the phone to her mum and although the topic of conversation was okay to listen to I just wasn’t that interested in it because there wasn’t a lot happening. • I think people who like that sort of humour would like this film, I didn’t really find it that amusing to watch but I think people who like that humour would find it better to watch. • It made me feel interested in the phone conversation and curious to if she was joking about her ex boyfriends or if she was serious, I didn’t really laugh at it because I didn’t find it all that funny but I enjoyed it. • The camera techniques used with the effects of the camera switching to a wide view to an up close one of her flapping out the washing I thought was quite good and I think in my FMP it would look good if I tried that I also like the zoom in of the woman's face where it just showed her eyes as well. FILM TITLE FILM GENRE Stockholm Syndrome Comdey
  • 9. Films 6 - The film was about this guy who is trying to do laundry at a laundromat and his he cant get the washing machine door open so he this robot who works there comes and helps him, then he wants his money back and the robot didn’t understand him but after a while he did and said he cant have his money back then the guy got angry at the robot and started threatening him and was asking for a human worker instead. - I liked the concept of this film, it was kind of like the beginning of robots taking over from humans and the frustration it caused the guy when the robot wouldn’t understand him, I also liked the way the robot was done as well it was quite realistic with the face and the voice. - I enjoyed this movie there wasn’t much I didn’t like about it, maybe a better explanation as to how and why the robots are taking over the humans jobs but apart from that I thought the film was very well done. - I think people who like drama would like this movie because the guy is causing a lot of drama with the robot, I also think people who aren’t very much into drama films would like this as well because its unusual for a drama film and I think people would enjoy it. - The film made me feel angry at the guy for losing his temper but at the same time I understood why he because it was a frustrating position to be put in so the character was relatable but not very likeable. - I would recommend this film to a friend it was interesting to watch and enjoyable as well, I think other people would like this film. - I really liked the story to this but I think it could be expanded on more and that could give me an idea for story for my FMP although it might be hard to do a robot with limited resources I still think the story would be doable. FILM TITLE FILM GENRE Day One Drama 4
  • 10. Films 7 - The film was about 2 guys who go to this café that they’ve been going to for years, when the guy asks for his usual English breakfast the woman said the menus changed and they’re serving food like smashed avocados on bread for £16. The guy doesn’t understand why its changed then his friend orders a pastry while he orders a normal coffee that end up coming I a small bathtub instead of a cup. The pastry then comes and it’s on a posh plate thing and he eats it and starts turning into a hipster, the guy who ordered coffee can see everything is weird and he goes to the toilets and then comes out the café had completely changed and his friend had turned into a full on hipster. - I liked the plot of the movie, I found it entertaining to watch and funny when she started telling the guy the prices of the food and he made a joke saying its costing his pension for something he could make at home. I found it relatable because of the whole price of food and how ridiculous it is too charge that much, and I like the whole concept if change and how society is changing nowadays. - There wasn’t much I didn’t like about this film, I really enjoyed it I think for a comedy though it could have been a bit more funnier but apart from that I really liked the film. - I think quite a lot of people would like this film, maybe not hipster people who the film is targeting at and sort of making fun of but I think quite a few people who enjoy comedy would like this and find it amusing. - The film ended up making me feel entertained, I liked the story and it was relatable to the audience as well and I did laugh at some parts of the film as well. - I would recommend this film to my friends because I think they would be quite amused by it as well as finding it relatable to them as well. - I enjoy film a lot more when they have a relatability to it, so you can go yeah I know how they feel which this film did perfectly and I think that’s something I need to apply to my projects it needs to be relatable to the audience because I find that much more enjoyable to watch. FILM TITLE FILM GENRE Greasy spoon Comedy
  • 11. Films 8 • The film was about this woman who lost her son, and she started to see and hear him again in the house. Then one night she hears, she gets a gun and then this guy appears who she knew and she shot him because he scared her and then she had to dump his body in the pool. Then she went swimming and hands came behind her and she asks who’s there and they go it’s me and ends, so I’m assuming her son was behind her. • I liked the tension scenes in the film and the transitions it makes such as when she drops the apple it transitions to a flashback of her sone picking up an apple, or when she opens a door another flashback appears of her opening the door to her son. • I thought the long walks down the corridor and up the stairs were unnecessarily long, it did create tension at first but then it came to a point as to me asking myself where is this going? I just thought it ruined the tension and got a bit boring just watching walk down a corridor for a long time to me I just didn’t feel that tension building. • It made me feel intrigued with the story, at first I thought it was a bit slow but when she shot that guy I thought it was picking up a bit, • I didn’t really find it all that scary and the story wasn’t the most original but I was interested in it. • I would recommend this to a friend because all though I didn’t really find it all that scary I thought the story was still good so I would recommend it. • I think for my FMP if I'm doing a horror I need to time the tension building right, as I've found with this film they tried to hold the tension for too long and it just lost it so I need to pace my film out right. FILM TITLE FILM GENRE It’s me Thriller
  • 12. Films 9 • The film was about this mother who payed for chlorine but she didn’t get it and wanted a refund so she dragged her daughter to the store to help her because she wasn’t from their country but the daughter was born it and could speak better English. The shop clerk wouldn’t refund them even though they had a right to it so the daughter kept persisting eventual they got another manager and she said she couldn’t do anything either, then the daughter brought up something that convinced them to give them the refund, and because they were being rude to them before because of the colour of the skin, the daughter said she never got the chicken either and wanted a refund for that when they did get the chicken. So the two shop owners gave them the refund for the chicken as well. • I really enjoyed this film, I think it was set in the 60s and racism back then was a major problem and it was satisfying to see the mother and daughter haggle the two shop workers into what they want and they didn’t back down. I felt it was quite satisfying for how they treated the two. • There wasn’t really anything I didn’t like about the film, I thought the cinematography was great and so was the story I can’t really find a fault with it. • It made me feel angry for the shop workers were treating the mother and daughter and satisfied when they didn’t give up and fought for their right to a refund. • I would recommend this film to my friends, I thought it was great I usually don’t really like drama movies but I thought this one was done perfectly. • I think if I was going down the drama route for my project I’d definitely take inspiration from this story but the genre isn’t really my favourite. But I did like the cinematography of the films so I’d use this as an example as ideas to help with my own filming, FILM TITLE FILM GENRE Chicken Drama
  • 13. Masterclass 1 • This masterclass was about script writing and capturing different narratives, he’s talking about breaking up script writing. He says you have to write it so it fits with the actor and so it’s easy for them to understand and act out what’s on the script. • When writing a script never write in camera shots or directions and it’s not your job the script needs to be able to describe and convey to the director what camera shots would be needed just by what's happening in the script. • If the character is written well enough you don’t need to say how they go there, character development is key to a good script as the actor can get a feel of the character and will be able to apply what's on the script to the screen. • As an example he showed two clips one from a police series where you immediately know who the main character is by her taking charge, then we watched a kids show where they introduced the characters through rap but we still understood who the main character was. • Coherence: You have to understand the tone of the movie you are trying to make, not understanding the tone will come through on screen and can make the audience uncomfortable. • When making a character you need to keep them interesting and emotionally compelling so you want to spend time with them through their POV in their world. The character needs to be active all the time, you need to avoid repeating character actions as well. The character needs to be distinct and at all cost avoid cliché characters as they can be extremely boring. • Cliché characters kill story and so does cliché storytelling, you cant let the story become predictable it needs to be original, if you’re retelling a story tell it in your unique way so it’s a new take. Inevitability is the key, if a character is supposed to die you know their going to die it’s the way they that needs to be unpredictable. • You can’t do something out of character for the character the personality and actions they make needs to have continuity about it, you cant make them all of a sudden do something bad when there's been no hint or explanation to them doing it. • Circular- The story ends where it starts Epic- narrative movement depends on the world. • Good dialogue expresses character, bad dialogue simply relates and explains. • A character is well written when you can cover up their name on the script and can just tell by the dialogue who they are. • You have to be passionate about the script and the story, you have to want to write and bring it to life. • From what I’ve learnt from this class id]s the keys to writing a good script, this will help me with my FMP as now I have an understanding of what needs to be done to make a good script. MASTERCLASS TITLE Creating and captivating narratives
  • 14. Masterclass 2 - To start her job as an editor she first started off making tea and coffee and had to work her way up, she then worked up to BBC and managed to secure an editing job their. - The masterclass is about editing and how to start off in the business and what she has to do, and what it’s like working in editing. - She starts her work on the first day of shoot and makes sure everything in the editing suite is set up she then has to check all the filmed footage and the quality of it, she then has a conversation with director and Producers to tell them what she thinks and that everything's set up and what needs to be re shot. - When she edits she doesn’t add any music to the footage until she makes sure the footage works together, then she adds music after. - If you see a problem with the script you need to tell someone if when you’re editing and it doesn’t work or doesn’t make sense you have to tell someone, specifically the script writer but you have to go about it as nice as possible without offending anyone or else their would be tension on set. - There’s a lot of disagreements in filmmaking but in the end it comes down to the directors decision on what they want. You also have to make the director happy and it’s most likely they’ll hire you for the next project. - They showed a clip from Birdsong which she helped edit the film, she said she changed things from a script to make the scene more emotional, when they were writing letters she did it so after they have read the letters meant from their loved ones she edited so it showed them dying after. - An important aspect to have in Editing is being emotionally sensitive to the story and recognizing the actors emotions and expanding on them to make it look much more emotional to watch and so the audience can get a better feel of the characters. - If you find a problem with the film and the director doesn’t agree but you think strongly about it you have to then go to the producer and if they think the same as you then it’s then the director has to re consider the problem. - This masterclass has helped me learn the importance of editing and how to capture the actors emotions as well as how to get the audience to feel emotional throughout the film. This will help me in my FMP when I Edit it the main thing is getting the audience engaged and to feel what the characters are feeling, I think this class has definitely help me learn what I need to edit. MASTERCLASS TITLE Bringing a story to life: The role of the editor
  • 15. University Showcase • I chose this showcase because I have put Lincoln down as one of mu university choices and I wanted to see the type and quality films the students make their. • The first film they showed was called beep where this guy could keep hearing this constant beeping sound, I wasn’t too keen on this one because I didn’t really understand the story and what was going on. I did like some of the way it was filmed so I could use some filming techniques in mine. • The second film they showed was called shelter, it was these two men who broke into a house to steal food and they ended up staying the night and they had conflict with one another. I enjoyed this film a lot more than the other one, I thought the story was better and it was better filmed and acted. • The third film I watched was a animation, I thought it was quite good. There wasn’t any talking in it but the story came across and it was entertaining to watch. • The next film that was shown was called Rich, it was about this old man who has a illness and refused treatment for it, he is looked after by this woman and he refused treatment so he could be with his wife when he dies. I enjoyed this film as well, I thought it was filmed and acted well and the story was good. • The next film I watched was about this guy who came to visit his ex boyfriend after two years to find out he has a girlfriend and he tries to convince him to pick up where they left off. I enjoyed this film as well I thought the story was alright and the acting the filming was very good. • The next film I watched was a spaceship film where they get in trouble in space and need to get out of it, I enjoyed this one I thought effects for the spaceship as well as space was really good and it was enjoyable to watch. • The next film they showed was a parkour documentary I enjoyed this documentary, I thought it was interesting and I enjoyed watching them do all these parkour tricks and reasoning behind why some people do it. This one person said that learning to do parkour could save your life if you’re ever in a situation where you’re being chased by someone which I can see why he would say that. Overall I enjoyed it learning and watching them do parkour. • The next film I watched was an animation of a frog trying to protect it’s eggs and being chased by all these animals, I thought it was entertaining to watched I enjoyed the animation quality as well as the sound effects and music. I also though the ending was quite funny, if not a little dark because after he had gone through the effort of protecting the eggs a bird comes and grabs him. • The next film I watched was called Final Contact it was about this alien who is keeping this human hostage, however the reasoning behind it is because the human killed her family and they were protecting themselves but so was the humans so they were both just equally misunderstood. They then get to trust each other but then the woman turns on the alien and kills her. I think this movie was my favourite it reminded me of Doctor Who a bit and the acting was the best I’ve seen in the showcase and I though the story and plot twist was the best I’ve seen as well. SHOWCASE TITLE Lincoln university
  • 16. Guest Programme • I chose this programme because I was curious to see what life is like in Brazil, I also wanted to see from their perspectives how they view the world and how they live etc… • The first film I watched was called the ‘Fantastic Garden’ it was about this teacher who in order to connect more with her students performs a ritual but then during the ritual one of the kids wonders off and discovers this mysterious figure that isn’t human. The boy then takes the teacher back in the woods and he gets her to only tell the truth through these cards, I didn’t really understand the ending it was a bit confusing. I liked the camera techniques used such as the only focusing on the character then blurring the background out as well the camera quality of the video as well. I think I can use the techniques they used and apply it my project, I also thought the story was original as well if not a bit confusing. • The next film I watched was called ‘It will get better’ it was about this woman who was in this election, and she discovers a scandal and she had to decide whether to show everyone or not which would determine whether she would win or not, in the end she decided to show it. I enjoyed this film I thought it was interesting and we got to see more of a different side to politics as well. I think the story was an interesting concept but for my future work I don’t think I would do something political like this film because it’s not really something that interests me. • The next film I watched was called ‘Between us and the world’ this was a documentary film about a woman's son who got killed by the police. This was quite an emotional film especially when you learn that the son didn’t do anything to warrant the polices attention accept walk down the street, the police stopped him by the way he was dressed and walked. I didn’t enjoy watching this because of what it was about I don’t think anyone would enjoy this but it was good that they chose to make this to show police brutality in Brazil, and also how the mother is coping with the loss of her son. • The next film I watched was called ‘Extracts’ It was images and small videos put together from the 1970’s to 1972 and it was from the cities of Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, London, Marrakech, Rabat and the Sahara Desert. I really enjoyed this, i think it was my favourite out of the others, i loved the aesthetic of the video and it was something very original as well. I enjoyed seeing all thes cities and the way they were captured and presented i thought was very well done. GUEST PROGRAMME TITLE Brazil in the spotlight

Editor's Notes

  1. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  2. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  3. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  4. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  5. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  6. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  7. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  8. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  9. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  10. What was it about? What did you learn? How could you relate it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  11. What was it about? What did you learn? How could you relate it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  12. Why did you choose this showcase? Briefly describe each of the films included in it. How could you relate it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  13. Why did you choose this programme? Briefly describe each of the films included in it. How could you relate it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?