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Anti-GBM Diseases

  Amanda Valliant, MD
   Nephrology Fellow
 Epidemiology
 Pathogenesis

 Clinical Presentation

 Laboratory and Pathology Findings

 Treatment

 Prognosis
   Acute GN due to anti-GBM antibody disease is
    rare, estimated in <1 per million

   <20% of RPGN cases

   Bimodal distribution young males (3rd decade)
    and older females (6th decade) most typical

   Disease limited to the kidney more common in
    older patients

   Less common in blacks, likely due to HLA antigen
   Goodpasture’s Syndrome
    • Used to describe clinical findings of GN and
      pulmonary hemorrhage

   Goodpasture’s Disease
    • Triad of proliferative GN (usually crescentic),
      pulmonary hemorrhage, anti-GBM antibodies

   Anti-GBM Disease
    • Anti-GBM antibodies + GN
Chelsea Naval Hospital
                                          Circa 1918

Dr. Ernest Goodpasture
 Vanderbilt Laboratory

1919—looking at pathologic
features of influenza in the lung

patient with systemic disease
and pulmonary + renal involvement
A lesson in history…
   1919: Goodpasture described the case of an 18-yo man
    who died with lung hemorrhage and acute GN

   1958: Clinical picture of pulmonary renal syndrome
    described by Stanton and Tage and named after Dr.

   Anti-GBM antibodies discovered in 1967
    • Lerner, et al. conducted famous studies with antibodies eluted
      from the serum of Goodpasture’s patients transferred to
      monkeys who developed proliferative GN
Table 1 Differential Diagnosis in Patients Presenting Clinically
                 with Pulmonary-Renal Syndrome

* PR3- and MPO-ANCA associated (MPA, WG, CSS)
* Anti-GBM disease
* Other vasculitides (Henoch-Schönlein purpura, SLE, cryoglobulinemia, drug
* Chronic/acute glomerulonephritis, diabetes
* Atherosclerosis/hypertensive nephrosclerosis
* Microangiopathic renal failure/hemolytic uremic syndrome
* Legionella, mycoplasma, streptococcus
* Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (eg, Hantavirus)
- CARDIOVASCULAR (eg, renal artery stenosis)               Sanders, et al. 2011
   Antibodies directed against an antigen
    intrinsic to the GBM

    • Antibodies may precede clinical signs by
      weeks or months
    • Typically IgG1 or IgG3 antibodies

    • Principal target is the NC1 domain of
      the alpha-3 chain of type IV collagen
Varied Presentations of Anti-GBM
   In anti-GBM disease the pulmonary hemorrhage
    may precede, occur concurrently with, or follow the
    glomerular involvement

   Some patients with anti-GBM antibodies and GN
    and hence “anti-GBM” disease never experience
    pulmonary involvement and thus do not have true
    “Goodpasture’s syndrome.” (perhaps 60%)

   Typical presentation is relatively acute renal failure
    with urinalysis showing proteinuria and a nephritic
     • Typically not nephrotic range proteinuria
     • Dysmorphic RBCs, WBCs, red cell and granular casts
Clinical Presentation
   Systemic complaints typically absent
    • Malaise, weight loss, fever, arthralgia
    • May suggest concurrent vasculitis

   Relatively mild degree of renal involvement
    may be more common than previously
    • Retrospective analysis in Australia found 36%
      (5/14) had previous findings of hematuria and/or
      proteinuria with normal creatinine
Antibodies bind tightly and
                                          rapidly to the GBM, which
                                          has been demonstrated in
                                          passive transfer experiments
                                          in which antibody obtained
                                          from the plasma of patients
                                          with the disorder are infused
                                          into animals.
Titers of antibodies directed against
the N-terminus of the NC1 domain
correlate directly with renal survival.

Hellmark, et al. Kidney International, 1999.
Subendothelial deposits of circulating immune complexes most
common, with subepithelial deposits rarely seen.
   Anti-GBM autoantibodies react with epitopes on the
    noncollagenous domain of the α-3 and -5 chains of type IV

   The antigenic epitope has been localized between amino
    acids 198 and 237 of the terminal region of the α-3 chain.
    The α-3 chain of type IV collagen is found predominantly in
    the GBM and alveolar capillary basement membranes,
    which correlates with the limited distribution of disease
    involvement in Goodpasture’s syndrome

        Cryptic epitope??
Pathogenesis: Antigen Structure
   The alpha-3 chain forms a triple helix with
    alpha 4/5 chains, combining with another
    triple helix to form a hexamer

   The antibodies DO NOT BIND the intact
    hexamer, binding only when it dissociates

   In vivo studies indicate that the alpha 3
    epitopes are sequestered under normal
    circumstances (hidden) and become
    exposed due to some disruption of the
Pathogenesis: Autoreactive T Cells
   T cell infiltrates typically found on biopsy

   T cell proliferative response found with
    exposure to α-3 IV NC1 domain (serum from
    patients with anti-GBM)

   Regulatory T cells (CD4/25+) that counter
    the effects of autoreactive cells reduce the
    severity of lesions in murine anti-GBM GN

   Correlation found between number of
    autoreactive T cells and disease activity
Role of epidermal
                                                                         growth factor?
                                                                     constitutively expressed
                                                                     in the kidney, activation
                                                                         linked with RPGN

In RPGN there is an accumulation of CD4 T cells and macrophages in the tuft, proliferation of endogenous
glomerular cells, development of cellularcrescents that result from capillary damage and leakage of plasma
proteins into Bowman’s space. Crescents consist of fibrous material and proliferating
cells arising from the parietal epithelium and podocytes as well as infilatrating macrophages and fibroblasts.
Antigenic Triggers
   Smoking
   Exposure to hydrocarbons
   Lithotripsy
   Pulmonary Infections
   Secondary GN process
   Degradation by reactive oxygen species
              Damage to the GBM revealing the epitope?
              Damage to alveolar capillaries allowing
              circulating antibody to interact?
Genetic Susceptibility
   Patients with HLA-DR15 and DR4
    appear to be at increased risk
    • Association with DR15 confirmed in Chinese
      and Japanese studies
    • Molecular analysis has revealed a particular 6
      amino acid motif common to both that may
      confer susceptibility

   DR1 and DR7 appear to be at lesser
   Pulmonary hemorrhage can be seen
    with other acute nephritides
    • SLE, ANCA+ vasculitis, patients with
      pulmonary edema

   Diagnosis requires demonstration of
    anti-GBM antibodies in serum or kidney

   Renal biopsy should be done unless
    there is a contraindication
Renal Biopsy
   Light microscopy typically shows crescentic

   Immunofluorescence demonstrates
    pathognomonic findings of linear IgG
    deposition along the capillaries and
    occasionally distal tubules (occasionally IgA or

   Linear IgG staining can be seen in 2 other
    • Diabetic Nephropathy
    • Fibrillary Glomerulonephritis
    **staining typically not as strong as with anti-GBM
FIGURE 32-21 Anti–glomerular basement membrane disease 
        (Goodpasture’s syndrome). There is diffuse crescentic 
  glomerulonephritis with large circumferential cellular crescents and 
severe compression of the glomerular tuft (periodic acid–Schiff, ×80). 

                                   Brenner and Rector’s The Kidney
FIGURE 32-22 Anti–glomerular basement membrane disease 
  (Goodpasture’s syndrome). Immunofluorescence photomicrograph 
     showing linear glomerular basement membrane deposits of 
immunoglobulin G. Some of the glomerular basement membranes are 
         discontinuous, indicating sites of rupture (×800).  

                                  Brenner and Rector’s The Kidney
Serologic Testing
   Indirect Immunofluorescence 
    • Requires an experienced renal pathologist
    • Fluorescein-labeled anti-human IgG added to 
      incubation of the patient’s serum with normal renal 

   ELISA serum assay for anti-GBM antibodies
    • Specificity can be confirmed by Western blot
    • Sensitivity varies by kit (63% to almost 100%)
    • False negatives in Alport syndrome patients
Antineutrophil Cytoplasm
   Should be tested in any patient with acute GN with 
    or without pulmonary findings
    • 10-38% of patients with anti-GBM also ANCA+ (usually 

   Low levels of ANCA may be detectable years before 
    production of anti-GBM antibody and onset of 

   Clinically relevant because patients with ANCA may 
    have more treatable disease than anti-GBM + only
    • Tailor long-term management to vasculitis treatment
    • These patients may have relapses of systemic vasculitis
Retrospective military analysis of 30 patients who 
        ultimately developed anti-GBM disease:

Looked back 30 years at stored serum samples obtained at the time
   of enlistment and every other year after
Patients diagnosed with anti-GBM and healthy controls were identified
   from the military database
Compared with matched controls, a greater number of patients with 
    anti-GBM disease had PR3-ANCA and MPO-ANCA levels detected in 
    multiple serum samples obtained in the years prior to clinical disease

82% versus 14% control for PR3-ANCA
72% versus 27% control for MPO-ANCA

In all cases, ANCA were detected in earlier samples than anti-GBM 
antibodies that were detected months prior to onset of symptoms (but 
not years).  

Mechanism of ANCA in disease pathogenesis not clear.  

                                Olson, et al.  J Am Soc Nephrol, 2011.
   Plasmapheresis + Prednisone 
    + Cyclophosphamide
    • Plasmapheresis removes 
      circulating anti-GBM 
      antibodies and complement
    • Immunosuppression 
      minimizes new antibody 

   40-45% will benefit by not 
    progressing to ESRD or death 
    when treated with this 
    • Recovery more likely in non-
      oliguric patients 
    • Patients on dialysis or with 
      100% crescents on renal 
      biopsy unlikely to respond to 
To pherese or not to pherese?
   1 randomized trial evaluated outcomes among 17 patients 
    prednisone and cyclophosphamide alone or with plasmapheresis
    • 2/8 patients with plasmapheresis progressed to ESRD compared 
      with 6/9 in the immunosuppression group
    • % crescents on initial renal biopsy and entry plasma creatinine 
      correlated better with outcomes
    • Patients with creatinine <3 and <30% crescents did well
    • Creatinine >4 and severe crescentic involvement did not

   Typically recommended based on 2 factors:  
    • improved morbidity and mortality in the era of plasmapheresis 
      when compared to historic rates
    • The “common sense” argument of greater reduction of disease 
      consequences with rapid removal of anti-GBM antibody

                                          Johnson, et al. Medicine, 1985.
   Typically daily or alternate day 4-liter exchanges for 2-3 weeks

   Albumin given as replacement fluid

   1-2 units of FFP at the end of the procedure should be 
    substituted for albumin if recent hemorrhage or biopsy to 
    reverse depletion of coagulation factors by pheresis

   Monitor for metabolic alkalosis with FFP administration 

   Recheck antibody titers after regimen, may need to continue 
    for another 2-3 weeks
   Methylprednisolone 15-30 mg/kg to 
    a max of 1000 mg IV for 3 doses
    • Followed by daily oral prednisone (max 
      60-80 mg per day)

   Oral cyclophosphamide 2 mg/kg per 
    day initial dosing
    • Not to exceed 100 mg/day in those 
      patients > 60 years due to toxicity
Treatment Duration
   Optimal timing unknown, may take 6-9 months
    for cessation of antibody formation

   Maintenance therapy with prednsione and
    azathioprine typically given after remission
    • Some use 3 months of prednisone and
      cyclophosphamide therapy if titers negative
    • Anti-GBM antibody levels should be monitored every 1-2

   Patients presenting with dialysis-dependant renal
    failure  must weigh risks of treatment
Treatment: Patient Selection
   Retrospective review of 71
                                    Plasma      Patient     Renal
    patients treated with the      Creatinine   Survival   Survival
    typical triad                               @ 1 year   @ 1 year

   Among 42 patients with
                                                100% 95%
    pulmonary hemorrhage,
    bleeding resolved in 90%
                                   No urgent
                                                83%        82%
   All patients with crescents     Requiring
                                     urgent     65%         8%
    in all glomeruli on biopsy
    required long-term dialysis

                                  Levy, et al. Ann Intern Med, 2001
Treatment: Patient Selection
   Recommendations are to treat with pheresis +
    immunosuppression in the following situations:

    • Pulmonary hemorrhage, regardless of renal involvement
    • Patients with renal involvement NOT requiring
      immediate RRT
    • Most patients with less severe disease (30-50%
      crescents) although they may do well with
      methylprednisolone followed by oral prednisone

    **Some consider a short trial of combination therapy in
      patients with very acute disease, younger patients,
      patients with ANCA+ and clinical signs of vasculitis
      (purpura, arthralgias) as they may recover function.

                                Levy, et al. Ann Intern Med, 2001
Complications of Therapy
   Infection
    • May be exacerbated by plasmapheresis and require IVIG
    • High dose steroids  multiple adverse effects

   Cyclophosphamide-related
    • Increased risk of PJP
    • Amenorrhea
    • Bladder toxicity (cystitis, bladder CA)
Novel Therapy
   Suppression of T Cell involvement via blockade of
    CD28-B7 (co-stimlatory pathyway for T cell

    • Fusion protein CTLA41g evaluated in rat model of anti-
    • Development of crescentic GN completely prevented
    • No human studies done yet
   In general, patients who survive the first year with
    intact renal function do well

   Survival (patient and renal) closely correlates with
    degree of renal impairment at diagnosis

   Few requiring immediate dialysis recover renal

   Relapses uncommon  2% in a single center study,
    clinically more common with ANCA+ patients

   Higher rate of recurrence in smokers
Post-Transplantation Disease
   Occurs in 5-10% of renal transplants in patients with
    underlying hereditary nephritis (Alport Syndrome)
   Commonly have abnormality in the alpha-5 type IV
    collagen chain
    • May also have alpha-3 or alpha-4 mutation
    • Defective organization of alpha 3,4,5 chains in the GBM
      leads to altered Goodpasture antigen in the alpha 3 chain
    • Altered antigen not recognized by the GBM antibody
    • Donor kidney has normal antigen, which elicits an immune
      response against the “new” antigen in the transplanted
    • Alloantibody produced recognizes a different epitope than
      the autoantibody in Goodpasture’s disease
   Levy JB, Turner AN, Rees AJ, et al. Long term outcome of
    anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody disease
    treated with plasma exchange and immunosuppressants.
    Ann Intern Med. 2001;134(11):1033.
   Taal: Brenner and Rector’s The Kidney, 9th Ed. Chapter 32:
    Secondary Glomerular Diseases. 2012:1224-1226
    *Pathogenesis and diagnosis of anti-GBM antibody
    (Goodpasture’s) disease
    *Treatment of anti-GBM antibody (Goodpasture’s) disease
Anti-GBM Diseases

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Anti-GBM Diseases

  • 1. Anti-GBM Diseases Amanda Valliant, MD Nephrology Fellow 11.28.12
  • 2. Objectives:  Epidemiology  Pathogenesis  Clinical Presentation  Laboratory and Pathology Findings  Treatment  Prognosis
  • 3. Epidemiology  Acute GN due to anti-GBM antibody disease is rare, estimated in <1 per million  <20% of RPGN cases  Bimodal distribution young males (3rd decade) and older females (6th decade) most typical  Disease limited to the kidney more common in older patients  Less common in blacks, likely due to HLA antigen differences
  • 4. Nomenclature  Goodpasture’s Syndrome • Used to describe clinical findings of GN and pulmonary hemorrhage  Goodpasture’s Disease • Triad of proliferative GN (usually crescentic), pulmonary hemorrhage, anti-GBM antibodies  Anti-GBM Disease • Anti-GBM antibodies + GN
  • 5. Chelsea Naval Hospital Circa 1918 Dr. Ernest Goodpasture 1955 Vanderbilt Laboratory 1919—looking at pathologic features of influenza in the lung patient with systemic disease and pulmonary + renal involvement
  • 6. A lesson in history…  1919: Goodpasture described the case of an 18-yo man who died with lung hemorrhage and acute GN  1958: Clinical picture of pulmonary renal syndrome described by Stanton and Tage and named after Dr. Goodpasture  Anti-GBM antibodies discovered in 1967 • Lerner, et al. conducted famous studies with antibodies eluted from the serum of Goodpasture’s patients transferred to monkeys who developed proliferative GN
  • 7. Table 1 Differential Diagnosis in Patients Presenting Clinically with Pulmonary-Renal Syndrome - NECROTIZING SMALL-VESSEL VASCULITIS * PR3- and MPO-ANCA associated (MPA, WG, CSS) * Anti-GBM disease * Other vasculitides (Henoch-Schönlein purpura, SLE, cryoglobulinemia, drug induced) - CATASTROPHIC ANTI-PHOSPHOLIPID SYNDROME - RENAL FAILURE WITH VOLUME OVERLOAD / CARDIAC FAILURE * Chronic/acute glomerulonephritis, diabetes * Atherosclerosis/hypertensive nephrosclerosis * Microangiopathic renal failure/hemolytic uremic syndrome - RENAL FAILURE ASSOCIATED WITH PULMONARY INFECTION * Legionella, mycoplasma, streptococcus * Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (eg, Hantavirus) - ENDOCARDITIS - SIRS/SEPSIS WITH MULTIORGAN FAILURE - CARDIOVASCULAR (eg, renal artery stenosis) Sanders, et al. 2011
  • 8. Pathogenesis  Antibodies directed against an antigen intrinsic to the GBM • Antibodies may precede clinical signs by weeks or months • Typically IgG1 or IgG3 antibodies • Principal target is the NC1 domain of the alpha-3 chain of type IV collagen
  • 9. Varied Presentations of Anti-GBM Disease  In anti-GBM disease the pulmonary hemorrhage may precede, occur concurrently with, or follow the glomerular involvement  Some patients with anti-GBM antibodies and GN and hence “anti-GBM” disease never experience pulmonary involvement and thus do not have true “Goodpasture’s syndrome.” (perhaps 60%)  Typical presentation is relatively acute renal failure with urinalysis showing proteinuria and a nephritic sediment • Typically not nephrotic range proteinuria • Dysmorphic RBCs, WBCs, red cell and granular casts
  • 10. Clinical Presentation  Systemic complaints typically absent • Malaise, weight loss, fever, arthralgia • May suggest concurrent vasculitis  Relatively mild degree of renal involvement may be more common than previously thought • Retrospective analysis in Australia found 36% (5/14) had previous findings of hematuria and/or proteinuria with normal creatinine
  • 11. Antibodies bind tightly and rapidly to the GBM, which has been demonstrated in passive transfer experiments in which antibody obtained from the plasma of patients with the disorder are infused into animals. Titers of antibodies directed against the N-terminus of the NC1 domain correlate directly with renal survival. Hellmark, et al. Kidney International, 1999.
  • 12. Subendothelial deposits of circulating immune complexes most common, with subepithelial deposits rarely seen.
  • 13. Anti-GBM autoantibodies react with epitopes on the noncollagenous domain of the α-3 and -5 chains of type IV collagen.  The antigenic epitope has been localized between amino acids 198 and 237 of the terminal region of the α-3 chain. The α-3 chain of type IV collagen is found predominantly in the GBM and alveolar capillary basement membranes, which correlates with the limited distribution of disease involvement in Goodpasture’s syndrome Cryptic epitope??
  • 14. Pathogenesis: Antigen Structure  The alpha-3 chain forms a triple helix with alpha 4/5 chains, combining with another triple helix to form a hexamer  The antibodies DO NOT BIND the intact hexamer, binding only when it dissociates  In vivo studies indicate that the alpha 3 epitopes are sequestered under normal circumstances (hidden) and become exposed due to some disruption of the GBM
  • 15. Pathogenesis: Autoreactive T Cells  T cell infiltrates typically found on biopsy  T cell proliferative response found with exposure to α-3 IV NC1 domain (serum from patients with anti-GBM)  Regulatory T cells (CD4/25+) that counter the effects of autoreactive cells reduce the severity of lesions in murine anti-GBM GN  Correlation found between number of autoreactive T cells and disease activity
  • 16. Role of epidermal growth factor? constitutively expressed in the kidney, activation linked with RPGN In RPGN there is an accumulation of CD4 T cells and macrophages in the tuft, proliferation of endogenous glomerular cells, development of cellularcrescents that result from capillary damage and leakage of plasma proteins into Bowman’s space. Crescents consist of fibrous material and proliferating cells arising from the parietal epithelium and podocytes as well as infilatrating macrophages and fibroblasts.
  • 17. Antigenic Triggers  Smoking  Exposure to hydrocarbons  Lithotripsy  Pulmonary Infections  Secondary GN process  Degradation by reactive oxygen species Damage to the GBM revealing the epitope? Damage to alveolar capillaries allowing circulating antibody to interact?
  • 18. Genetic Susceptibility  Patients with HLA-DR15 and DR4 appear to be at increased risk • Association with DR15 confirmed in Chinese and Japanese studies • Molecular analysis has revealed a particular 6 amino acid motif common to both that may confer susceptibility  DR1 and DR7 appear to be at lesser risk
  • 19. Diagnosis  Pulmonary hemorrhage can be seen with other acute nephritides • SLE, ANCA+ vasculitis, patients with pulmonary edema  Diagnosis requires demonstration of anti-GBM antibodies in serum or kidney  Renal biopsy should be done unless there is a contraindication
  • 20. Renal Biopsy  Light microscopy typically shows crescentic glomerulonephritis  Immunofluorescence demonstrates pathognomonic findings of linear IgG deposition along the capillaries and occasionally distal tubules (occasionally IgA or IgM)  Linear IgG staining can be seen in 2 other disorders: • Diabetic Nephropathy • Fibrillary Glomerulonephritis **staining typically not as strong as with anti-GBM
  • 22. FIGURE 32-21 Anti–glomerular basement membrane disease  (Goodpasture’s syndrome). There is diffuse crescentic  glomerulonephritis with large circumferential cellular crescents and  severe compression of the glomerular tuft (periodic acid–Schiff, ×80).  Brenner and Rector’s The Kidney
  • 23. FIGURE 32-22 Anti–glomerular basement membrane disease  (Goodpasture’s syndrome). Immunofluorescence photomicrograph  showing linear glomerular basement membrane deposits of  immunoglobulin G. Some of the glomerular basement membranes are  discontinuous, indicating sites of rupture (×800).   Brenner and Rector’s The Kidney
  • 24. Serologic Testing  Indirect Immunofluorescence  • Requires an experienced renal pathologist • Fluorescein-labeled anti-human IgG added to  incubation of the patient’s serum with normal renal  tissue  ELISA serum assay for anti-GBM antibodies • Specificity can be confirmed by Western blot • Sensitivity varies by kit (63% to almost 100%) • False negatives in Alport syndrome patients
  • 25. Antineutrophil Cytoplasm Antibodies  Should be tested in any patient with acute GN with  or without pulmonary findings • 10-38% of patients with anti-GBM also ANCA+ (usually  MPO)  Low levels of ANCA may be detectable years before  production of anti-GBM antibody and onset of  symptoms  Clinically relevant because patients with ANCA may  have more treatable disease than anti-GBM + only • Tailor long-term management to vasculitis treatment • These patients may have relapses of systemic vasculitis
  • 26. Retrospective military analysis of 30 patients who  ultimately developed anti-GBM disease: Looked back 30 years at stored serum samples obtained at the time    of enlistment and every other year after Patients diagnosed with anti-GBM and healthy controls were identified    from the military database Compared with matched controls, a greater number of patients with      anti-GBM disease had PR3-ANCA and MPO-ANCA levels detected in      multiple serum samples obtained in the years prior to clinical disease 82% versus 14% control for PR3-ANCA 72% versus 27% control for MPO-ANCA In all cases, ANCA were detected in earlier samples than anti-GBM  antibodies that were detected months prior to onset of symptoms (but  not years).   Mechanism of ANCA in disease pathogenesis not clear.   Olson, et al.  J Am Soc Nephrol, 2011.
  • 27. Treatment  Plasmapheresis + Prednisone  + Cyclophosphamide • Plasmapheresis removes  circulating anti-GBM  antibodies and complement • Immunosuppression  minimizes new antibody  formation  40-45% will benefit by not  progressing to ESRD or death  when treated with this  combination • Recovery more likely in non- oliguric patients  • Patients on dialysis or with  100% crescents on renal  biopsy unlikely to respond to  treatment
  • 28. To pherese or not to pherese?  1 randomized trial evaluated outcomes among 17 patients  prednisone and cyclophosphamide alone or with plasmapheresis • 2/8 patients with plasmapheresis progressed to ESRD compared  with 6/9 in the immunosuppression group • % crescents on initial renal biopsy and entry plasma creatinine  correlated better with outcomes • Patients with creatinine <3 and <30% crescents did well • Creatinine >4 and severe crescentic involvement did not  Typically recommended based on 2 factors:   • improved morbidity and mortality in the era of plasmapheresis  when compared to historic rates • The “common sense” argument of greater reduction of disease  consequences with rapid removal of anti-GBM antibody Johnson, et al. Medicine, 1985.
  • 29. Plasmapheresis  Typically daily or alternate day 4-liter exchanges for 2-3 weeks  Albumin given as replacement fluid  1-2 units of FFP at the end of the procedure should be  substituted for albumin if recent hemorrhage or biopsy to  reverse depletion of coagulation factors by pheresis  Monitor for metabolic alkalosis with FFP administration   Recheck antibody titers after regimen, may need to continue  for another 2-3 weeks
  • 30. Immunosuppressants  Methylprednisolone 15-30 mg/kg to  a max of 1000 mg IV for 3 doses • Followed by daily oral prednisone (max  60-80 mg per day)  Oral cyclophosphamide 2 mg/kg per  day initial dosing • Not to exceed 100 mg/day in those  patients > 60 years due to toxicity
  • 31. Treatment Duration  Optimal timing unknown, may take 6-9 months for cessation of antibody formation  Maintenance therapy with prednsione and azathioprine typically given after remission induced • Some use 3 months of prednisone and cyclophosphamide therapy if titers negative • Anti-GBM antibody levels should be monitored every 1-2 weeks  Patients presenting with dialysis-dependant renal failure  must weigh risks of treatment
  • 32. Treatment: Patient Selection  Retrospective review of 71 Plasma Patient Renal patients treated with the Creatinine Survival Survival typical triad @ 1 year @ 1 year  Among 42 patients with <5.7mg/dL 100% 95% pulmonary hemorrhage, bleeding resolved in 90% >5.7mg/dL No urgent 83% 82% Dialysis  All patients with crescents Requiring urgent 65% 8% in all glomeruli on biopsy dialysis required long-term dialysis Levy, et al. Ann Intern Med, 2001
  • 33. Treatment: Patient Selection  Recommendations are to treat with pheresis + immunosuppression in the following situations: • Pulmonary hemorrhage, regardless of renal involvement • Patients with renal involvement NOT requiring immediate RRT • Most patients with less severe disease (30-50% crescents) although they may do well with methylprednisolone followed by oral prednisone **Some consider a short trial of combination therapy in patients with very acute disease, younger patients, patients with ANCA+ and clinical signs of vasculitis (purpura, arthralgias) as they may recover function. Levy, et al. Ann Intern Med, 2001
  • 34. Complications of Therapy  Infection • May be exacerbated by plasmapheresis and require IVIG infusion • High dose steroids  multiple adverse effects  Cyclophosphamide-related • Increased risk of PJP • Amenorrhea • Bladder toxicity (cystitis, bladder CA)
  • 35. Novel Therapy  Suppression of T Cell involvement via blockade of CD28-B7 (co-stimlatory pathyway for T cell activation) • Fusion protein CTLA41g evaluated in rat model of anti- GBM • Development of crescentic GN completely prevented • No human studies done yet
  • 36. Prognosis  In general, patients who survive the first year with intact renal function do well  Survival (patient and renal) closely correlates with degree of renal impairment at diagnosis  Few requiring immediate dialysis recover renal function  Relapses uncommon  2% in a single center study, clinically more common with ANCA+ patients  Higher rate of recurrence in smokers
  • 37. Post-Transplantation Disease  Occurs in 5-10% of renal transplants in patients with underlying hereditary nephritis (Alport Syndrome)  Commonly have abnormality in the alpha-5 type IV collagen chain • May also have alpha-3 or alpha-4 mutation • Defective organization of alpha 3,4,5 chains in the GBM leads to altered Goodpasture antigen in the alpha 3 chain • Altered antigen not recognized by the GBM antibody • Donor kidney has normal antigen, which elicits an immune response against the “new” antigen in the transplanted kidney • Alloantibody produced recognizes a different epitope than the autoantibody in Goodpasture’s disease
  • 38. References:  Levy JB, Turner AN, Rees AJ, et al. Long term outcome of anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody disease treated with plasma exchange and immunosuppressants. Ann Intern Med. 2001;134(11):1033.  Taal: Brenner and Rector’s The Kidney, 9th Ed. Chapter 32: Secondary Glomerular Diseases. 2012:1224-1226   *Pathogenesis and diagnosis of anti-GBM antibody (Goodpasture’s) disease *Treatment of anti-GBM antibody (Goodpasture’s) disease