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Maternal and Child Health Nursing
Antepartal Complication

                                    MATERNAL and CHILD HEALTH NURSING

                                           PREGNANCY COMPLICATION

                                      Lecturer: Mark Fredderick R. Abejo RN, MAN

                                          PREGNANCY COMPLICATIONS
                                               ( ANTEPARTAL )

A. Abortion
       - termination of pregnancy before the fetus is viable (20 weeks or a weight of 500 g)

     TYPES                 DEFINITION                 S/S                     NURSING INTERVENTION
1. Threatened            The continuation of   Bleeding or         Bedrest, Restrictive activity, Sedation, Avoid coitus
                         the pregnancy is in   spotting closed     for 2 weeks following last evidence of bleeding
                         doubt                 cervix
                                                                   Rhogam indicated when a young patient has a
                                                                   threatened abortion in the first trimester and a
                                                                   laboratory studies reveal an Rh negative and the
                                                                   husband is Rh positive
2. Inevitable            Threatened loss       Bleeding and        Save tissue fragments
                         that can be           cervical dilation
                         prevented; abortive
                         process is going on
3. Complete              Products of           Minimal             Continuous monitoring
                         conception are        bleeding
                         totally expelled
4. Incomplete            Some fragments        Profuse             Dilatation & Curettage;
                         are retained inside   bleeding            Use of oxytocin:
                         the uterine cavity                         Oxytocin nasal spray should be administered while
                                                                   the client is sitting with her head in a vertical
                                                                   position. A nasal preparation must not be
                                                                   administered with the client lying down or the head
                                                                   tilted back because this could cause aspiration.
5. Missed                Retention of the      Intermittent        Evacuation, D & C
                         products of           bleeding;
                         conception after      absence of
                         fetal death           uterine growth
6.Habitual /             3 spontaneous                             Provide IV, Monitor bleeding, Count perineal pads,
  Recurrent              abortions occurring                       psychological support
                                                                   NOTE:Because spontaneous abortion is
                                                                   threatening, all perineal pads must be inspected for
                                                                   the products of conception. Fluid replacement is
                                                                   necessary because of blood loss

B. Ectopic Pregnancy

A pregnancy that occurs in another than uterine site, with implantation usually occurring in fallopian tubes

         A ruptured ectopic pregnancy is a medical emergency due to the large quantity of blood that may be lost in
          the pelvic and abdominal cavities.
         Shock may develop from blood loss, and large quantities of I.V. fluids are needed to restore intravascular
          volume until the bleeding is surgically controlled.
         Pain may be caused by a ruptured or distended fallopian tube or blood in the peritoneal cavity.

MCHN                                                                                                                Abejo
Maternal and Child Health Nursing
Antepartal Complication

         Causes              Signs and Symptoms                 Diagnostic Tests             Management
         Narrowing of         Vaginal Bleeding                  Culdocentesis               Monitor amount of
         tube                 Knife-like abdominal pain         Culdoscopy                    bleeding
         Pelvic               Referred pain on the right        Radioimmunoassay of         Assess vital signs
         infection               shoulder                           elevated         serum    Assess abdominal
         Endometriosis        Pelvic pressure of pelvic            qualitative -Beta-HCG       pain
         Smoking                 fullness                        Abdominal                   Blood transfusion
         History of           Cullen’s sign                        Ultrasound                Surgery:
         IUD usage            Pain        unilaterally, with    Blood samples of Hgb          Salpingostomy
              .                  cramping and tenderness            and Hct; blood type       Administer Rhogam
                              Mass in the adnexal or cul-          and group                   for Rh (-) client
                              Slight, dark vaginal bleeding
                              Profound shock if rupture
                                      Symptoms of Shock:
                                      decreased BP
                                      increased RR,
                                      fast but thready pulse.
                                      This is the number 1

C. Hydatidiform mole / Trophoblastic Disease / Molar Disease

        Gestational trophoblastic neoplasm that arise from the chorion; characterized by the proliferation and
degeneration of the chorionic or trophoblastic villi.

MCHN                                                                                                       Abejo
Maternal and Child Health Nursing
Antepartal Complication

A patient with Hydatidiform mole has a positive signs of pregnancy but is not pregnant.
The #1 Complication is Choriocarcinoma
The Three H of H-mole
         1.Hyper - emesis gravidarum
         2. increase Hcg
         3. increase incidence for piH

  PREDISPOSING                      TYPES              MANIFESTATIONS           DIAGNOSTIC              MANAGEMENT
    FACTORS                                                                         TESTS
    Low                            Complete/           Vaginal bleeding       HCG          titer     Molar evacuation
    socioeconomic                   classical parts     Excessive N/V           determination           / D&C
    status                          of the villi are    Rapid                  Ultrasound             Chemotherapy
    Women below                     affected             enlargement of the     X-ray of the           Monitor      HCG
    18 or above 35                                       uterus                  abdomen                 levels
    Intake         of              Incomplete/         (+) Pregnancy test                             Delay
    Clomid                          partial- some       Possible PIH                                    childbearing plans
    (Clomiphene                     parts      are      Abdominal                                       for a year
    Citrate)                        normal               cramps                                         Perineal       pad
    Women          of                                   Absent FHR                                      counts
    asian heritage           The #1                     Elevated     HCG                               Instruct       the
                             Complication of             titer: 1-2 million                              couple to have
                             H-mole is                   IU; Normal level:                               VAGINAL REST
                             choriocarcinoma             400,000 IU                                      ( no sex) for 1

D. Incompetent Cervix

     - Painless premature dilatation of the cervix (usually in the 16th to 20th week)

                                                                INCOMPETENT CERVIX

Synonyms                                   Dysfunctional cervix
Predisposing/Contributing                   Repeated dilatation of the cervix,
Factors:                                    maternal DES ( Diethylstilbestrol) Exposure,
                                            Traumatic injuries to the cervix.
                                            Congenital anomaly
                                            Trauma to the cervix (surgery / birth)
                                                    1. Uterine anomaly
                                                    2. Habitual abortion
                                                    3. Pre-term labor
Initial Signs                               Show (a pink-stained vaginal discharge)
                                            #1 Sign: Rupture of membranes and discharge of amniotic fluid
Late signs:                               Pressure or heaviness on the lower abdomen.

Cardinal/Pathognomonic/maj                    The cervix dilates painlessly in the second trimester of pregnancy.
or sign:                                       Bloody show
                                            PROM
                                            Painless dilatation
                                            Birth of dead/non-viable fetus
Screening or initial diagnostic                Ultrasound
Conformity test:                                 Ultrasonography
Best major surgery:                              Cervical Cerclage, McDonald Cerclage
Possible surgical                              Sterility, rupture of the cervix premature delivery, pelvic bleeding
complication:                                  and infection.

MCHN                                                                                                                  Abejo
Maternal and Child Health Nursing
Antepartal Complication

Disease complication                  #1 Hemorrhage, Ectopic pregnancy, birth defects, viruses and
                                      pregnancy diseases, diabetes in pregnancy, HPN

Best position before and after           Side lying position
surgery                                  Prone position
Best side equipment                      Suction
Nursing Intervention                      Pre-op: Encourage patient to maintain bed rest
                                          Post-op: Check for excessive vaginal discharge and severe pain.
                                            Bed rest in trendelenburg position
                                            Administer tocolytic medications as ordered Eg; Ritodrine
                                                Hydrochloride (Yutopar): Terbutaline sulfate (Brethine):
                                                Magnesium Sulfate, Hydroxyzine hydrochloride (Vistaril) is a
                                                common drug ordered to counteract the effect of terbutaline
                                            Surgery: Cervical Cerclage
                                               Shirodkar-Barter Technique ( internal os) permanent
                                                   suture: subsequent delivery by C/S.
                                               Mc Donald Procedure ( external os)-suture removed at
                                                   term with vaginal delivery

                                       Usually 4-6 weeks after vaginal delivery is the safe period for a
                                        patient to resume sexual activity, when the episiotomy has healed
                                        and the lochia had stopped
                                         - Monitor V/S and report HPN Monitor FHR
                                         Limit activities
                                         Observe for Ruptured BOW
                                         Avoid vaginal douche
                                         Avoid coitus

     Gestational diabetes mellitus (pregnancy induced)

  A pregnant, insulin-dependent diabetic is at risk for sudden hypoglycemia because insulin needs and metabolism
  are affected b pregnancy, making sudden hypoglycemic episodes more common for diabetics.

         Changes in the glucose-insulin mechanism:
                o Early in pregnancy:
                           A. Increase production of insulin
                           B. Maternal glucose is consumed by fetus
                o Late in pregnancy:
                           A. Mother develops insulin resistance
                           B. The presence of placental insulinase breaks down insulin rapidly

B. Description of Diabetes in Pregnancy

    1.     Maternal glucose crosses the placenta but insulin does not
    2.     During the first trimester, maternal insulin needs decrease
    3.     The fetus produces its own insulin and pulls glucose from the mother, which predisposes the mother to
           hypoglycemic reactions
    4.     During the second and third trimesters, increases in placental hormones cause an insulin-resistant state,
           requiring an increase in the client's insulin dose
    5.     Diabetes mellitus is more difficult to control during pregnancy & occurs during the second or third trimester.
           Premature delivery is more frequent. The newborn infant of a diabetic mother may be large in size but will
           have functions related to gestational age rather than size. The newborn infant of a diabetic mother is subject
           to hypoglycemia, hyperbilirubinemia, respiratory distress syndrome, and congenital anomalies. Stillborn and
           neonatal mortality rates are higher in pregnancies of a diabetic woman

    NOTE: The greatest incidence of insulin coma during pregnancy occurs during the second and the third
    months, the incidence of the diabetic coma during pregnancy occurs around the sixth months.

MCHN                                                                                                               Abejo
Maternal and Child Health Nursing
Antepartal Complication

                                                         GESTATIONAL DIABETES
Definition                           A type of Diabetes where only pregnant women gets where her
                                        blood sugar rate elevates but never had a high blood sugar rate
                                        before pregnancy.
Synonyms                                Diabetes during Pregnancy
Predisposing/Contributing            Hyperglycemia develops during pregnancy because of the secretion
Factors                                  of placenta hormones such as Prolactin, Progesterone&
                                     Maternal age more than 35
                                     Previous macrosomic infant
                                     Previous unexplained stillbirth
                                     Previous pregnancy with GDM
                                     Family history of DM
                                     Obesity
                                     Hypertension
                                     FBS more than 140 mg/dl
Initial Signs                       3-P’s: Polyuria, Polydipsia and Polyphagia
                                    MATERNAL SIGNS & SYMPTOMS:
                                         1.Excessive thirst
                                         2. Hunger
                                         3. Weightless
                                         4. Blurred vision
                                         5. Frequent urination
                                         6. Recurrent urinary tract infections and vaginal yeast infections
                                         7. Glycosuria and ketonuria
                                         8. Signs of pregnancy-induced hypertension
                                         9. Polyhydramnios
                                         10. Fetus large for gestational age
Late signs                          Fatigue, weakness, sudden vision changes, tingling or numbness in
Cardinal/Pathognomenic/majo         Weight loss, fatigue, nausea, and vomiting excessive thirst, decrease
r sign                              urination

Screening or initial diagnostic     50 gms oral glucose challenge test
Confirmative test                       3- hour glucose tolerance test will be performed to confirm
                                         diabetes mellitus
                                     Glycosolated Hemoglobin less than 8%
Best diet                           Strict Diabetic Diet
                                     Calories in diet should consist of 50% to 60% carbohydrates, 12% to
                                    20% protein, and 20% to 30% fat

                                    NOTE: Because insulin does not pass into the breast milk,
                                    breastfeeding is not contraindicated for the mother with diabetes.
                                    Breastfeeding is encouraged; it decreases the insulin requirements for
                                    insulin-independent clients. Breastfeeding does not increase the risk of
                                    maternal infection; it leads to an increased caloric demand. Infants of
                                    diabetic mothers often display jitteriness in response to hypoglycemia
                                    after birth
Best diet for the disease:          Well-balanced Caloric Diet
Disease complication                Maternal Complications: PIH, Placental disorders, stillbirth,
                                    macrosomia, neural tube defects.

                                    Fetal Diabetic Complications:
                                        Congenital anomalies

                                              The incidence of congenital anomalies among infants of
                                    diabetic pregnancies is three to four times higher than that in general
                                    population and is related to the high maternal glucose levels during the
                                    third to sixth gestational weeks.
Best side equipment                  Glucometer
                                     Insulin Equipment
                                     #1 Eternal Electronic Fetal Heart Rate monitoring

MCHN                                                                                                           Abejo
Maternal and Child Health Nursing
Antepartal Complication

Best drug                               Insulin therapy ( don’t use Oral hypoglycemics, they are
Nature of the drug                      Insulin
Nursing Diagnosis                       #1 High Risk for fluid volume deficit related to polyuria and
                                        Imbalanced nutrition related to imbalanced of insulin, food and
                                         physical activity
                                        Potential heath care deficit related to physical improvements or
                                         social factors..
Nursing Intervention                                             MANAGEMENT
                                        Screen clients between the 24th and 28th weeks of pregnancy
                                        Prenatal visits bimonthly for 6 months and weekly thereafter.
                                        Calories in diet should consist of 50% to 60% carbohydrates, 12%
                                          to 20% protein, and 20% to 30% fat
                                        Observe client closely for an insulin since a precipitous drop in
                                          insulin required is usual
                                        Monitor for signs of infection or post hemorrhage
                                        If a pregnant diabetic is in labor, her blood glucose should be
                                          monitored hourly.
                                        The preferred method of administration if insulin is required
                                          during labor is intravenous

                                           OTHER IMPORTANT MANAGEMENT:
                                            Urine testing
                                            Blood glucose determination
                                            Insulin administration
                                            Dietary management
                                            Fetal surveillance:
                                           (* Non-stress test * contraction stress test * amniocentesis)


                    CLASSIFICATION                              EFFECTS                    MANAGEMENT
            Class I Asymptomatic                             Retarded growth               Goal is to reduce
            Class II Asymptomatic at rest;                   Fetal distress                workload of heart
            symptomatic with heavy physical              To relieve fetal distress let     Promote rest
            activity                                     the patient lie on her side       Promote a healthy diet
            Class III Asymptomatic at rest;                                                Educate regarding
            symptomatic with ordinary activity               Premature labor               medication
            Class IV Symptomatic with all                You don’t have to notify          Educate regarding
            activity; symptomatic at rest                the physician if the patient      avoidance of infection
                                                         complains of a                    Promote reduction of
      a.    Class I: no limitation of activities. No     “fluttering” sensation in         physiologic stress
            symptoms of cardiac insufficiency.           her chest because of
                                                         taking terbutaline
      b.    Class II: slight limitation of activity,     (Brethine) SQ for
            Asymptomatic at rest. Ordinary               premature contractions
            activities causes fatigue, palpitations      because it is a common
            and dyspnea                                  side effect unless vital
                                                         signs indicate stress
      c. Class II: marked limitation of
         activities, comfortable at rest, less
         than ordinary activities causes

      d. Class IV: unable to perform any physical
         activity without discomfort. May have the
         symptoms during rest.

MCHN                                                                                                            Abejo
Maternal and Child Health Nursing
Antepartal Complication


NAME OF THE                                        PRE-ECLAMPSIA                            ECLAMPSIA
                                MILD                      SEVERE
Synonym                          (PREGNANCY-INDUCED HYPERTENSION)
Predisposing /                   Primiparas younger than age 20 years or older than 40 years
Contributing factors             women from low socioeconomic background because of poor nutrition
                                 women of color; women with heart disease
                                 diabetes with vessel or renal involvement
                                 essential hypertension
                                 poor calcium and magnesium intake
                                 hydatidiform mole
                                 multiple gestation
                                 polyhydramnios
                                 pre-existing vascular disease

Initial Sign                     B≥140/90 mmGh                BP≥160/110 mmHg or           temperature rises
                                  on at least two               diastolic pressure≥110        sharply to 39.4°C or
                                  occasion ≥ 6 hours            mmHg on two                   40ºC (103ºF to
                                  apart                         occasions at least 6          104ºF) from
                                                                hours apart with the          increased cerebral
                                 proteinuria of 1-2+           patient on bedrest            edema; reflexes
                                  on a random                                                 become hyperactive
                                  sample; weight gain          proteinuria ≥5 b/24 h
                                  over 2 lbs per week           or 3+ to 4+ on               premonition that
                                  in second trimester           qualitative assessment        “something is
                                  and 1 lb per wk,              (urine dipstick)              happening”;
                                  third trimester                                             epigastric pain and
                                                               extreme edema in              nausea; urinary
                                 mild edema in                 hands and                     output less than 30
                                  upper extremities or          face/”puffiness”              ml/h

Late Sign                       Signs of Worsening PIH            Oligauria ≤400 to 500    During pregnancy,
                                or Impending Seizures:             ml/24h                   blurred vision may be a
                                                                  cerebral or visual       danger sign of
                                     BP 160/110 mm Hg             disturbances (altered    preeclampsia or
                                      or above                     level of consciousness   eclampsia,
                                                                  headache, scotomata,     complications that
                                     Epigastric pain
                                                                   or blurred vision)       require immediate
                                     Decreased urinary           epigastric pain or       attention because they
                                      output                       RUQ pain, pulmonary      can cause severe
                                     Visual changes               edema or cyanosis        maternal and fetal
                                     Headache                    impaired liver           consequences.
                                                                   function of unclear
                                                                  thrombocytopenia
                                                                   (platelet count
                                                                   development of
                                                                   eclampsia elevated
                                                                   serum creatinine > 1.2

Cardinal /                      Hypertension and proteinuria are the most significant. Edema is significant only
Pathognomonic/ Major            if hypertension and proteinuria or signs of multi-organ system involvement are
Sign                            present.

Nursing Diagnosis and               Fluid volume excess       Maintaining Fluid Balance
Nursing Interventions               related to                1. Control IV intake using a continuous infusion
                                    pathophysiologic             pump.
                                    changes of PIH and        2. Monitor input and output strictly; notify health care
                                    increased risk of fluid      provider if urine output is <30 ml/h.
                                    overload.                 3. Monitor hematocrit levels to evaluate intravascular
                                                                 fluid status.
                                                              4. Monitor vital signs every hour.

MCHN                                                                                                                     Abejo
Maternal and Child Health Nursing
Antepartal Complication

                                                              5. Auscultate breath sounds every 2 hours, and report
                                                                 signs of pulmonary edema (wheezing, crackles,
                                                                 shortness of breath, increased pulse rate, increased
                                                                 respiratory rate).

                                    Altered tissue            Promoting Adequate Tissue Perfusion
                                    perfusion, Fetal          1. Position on side, preferably the left side to
                                    cardiac and cereral,         promote placental perfusion.
                                    related to altered        2. Monitor fetal activity.
                                    placental blood flow      3. Evaluate NST to determine fetal status.
                                    caused by vasospasm       4. Increase protein intake to replace protein lost
                                    and thombosis.               through kidneys.

                                    Risk for injury related   Preventing Injury
                                    to convulsions.            1. Instruct on the importance of reporting
                                                                  headaches, visual changes, dizziness, and
                                    Decreased cardiac             epigastric pain.
                                    output related to          2. Instruct to lie down on left side if symptoms are
                                    decreased preload or          present.
                                    antihypertensive           3. Keep the environment quiet and as calm as
                                    therapy.                      possible.
                                                               4. If patient is hospitalized, side rails should be
                                                                  padded and remain up to prevent injury if seizure

                                                              NOTE: The patient with a diagnosis of PIH should
                                                              be close to the nurses’ station because she requires
                                                              close observation. The patient also should be placed
                                                              in a room with decreased stimuli.

                                                              Maintaining Cardiac Output
                                                              1. Monitor IV intake using a continuous infusion
                                                              2. Monitor input and output strictly; notify primary
                                                                 care provider if urine output is < 30 ml/h.
                                                              3. Monitor maternal vital signs; especially mean
                                                                 blood pressure and respirations.
                                                              4. Assess edema status, and report pitting edema of
                                                                 ≥ + 2 to primary care provider.
                                                              5. Monitor oxygenation saturation levels with pulse
                                                                 oximetry. Report oxygenation saturation rate of
                                                                 <90% to primary care provider.

Screening/Initial               Blood pressure over 140/90, or increase of 30 mm systolic, 15 mm diastolic over
diagnostic test                 pre-pregnancy level.

Confirmatory Test               24-hour urine for protein of 300 mg or greater; elevated serum BUN and
                                creatinine; increased deep tendon reflexes and clonus; blood pressure changes
                                meeting criteria for diagnosis

Best Diet                       The woman needs a moderate to high-protein, moderate-sodium diet to
                                compensate for the protein she is losing.

Disease Complications                Abruptio placentae (Hypertension in PIH leads to vasopasm. This in turn
                                     causes the placenta to tear away from the uterine wall (abrupto placentae)

                                disseminated intravascular coagulation; HELLP syndrome; prematurity;
                                intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) from decreased placental perfusion;
                                maternal/fetal death; hypertensive crisis; acute renal failure; hemorrhage;
                                cerebrovascular accident; blindness; hypoglycemia; hepatic rupture

Best Position                   SEVERE PRECLAMPSIA: Lateral recumbent position ECLAMPSIA: to prevent
                                aspiration, turn the woman on her side to allow secretions to drain from her

Beside Equipment                Infusion pump; pulse oximeter

MCHN                                                                                                                    Abejo
Maternal and Child Health Nursing
Antepartal Complication

Best Drug                       Mgnesium sulfate: 4-6 loading dose of 50% give IV over 15-30 mins followed by
                                a maintenance dose (secondary infusion) of 1-4 g/h or IM injection or 10 g (5 g in
                                each buttock) as a loading dose followed by 5 g every 4 hours

                                Administer antihypertensives such as hydralazine (Apresoline) as prescribed, to
                                prevent a cerebrovascular accident

Nature of the Drug              Best tocolytic agent; antihypertensive; anticonvulsant/eclampsia
                                #1 Complication of MgSO4 is : Respiratory Depression

PRIORITY DRUG                       Reflexes, respiration and urinary output are priority assessments during
ASSESSMENT:                         administration of magnesium sulfate therapy in patients with PIH.
SIDE EFFECT                         If the patient’s magnesium levels increase above the therapeutic range (4 to 8
                                    mg/dl), the absence of reflexes is often the first indication of toxicity.
                                    Reflexes often disappear at serum magnesium levels of 8 to 10 mg/dl.
                                    Respiratory depression occurs at levels of 10 to 15 mg/dl, and cardiac
                                    conduction problems occur at levels of 15 mg/dl and higher.
                                     Urinary output of less than 30ml/hour may result in the accumulation of toxic
                                    levels of magnesium.

Proper Assessment of            Assessment Patellar Reflexes
Abnormal Reflexes
                                   Position the client with legs dangling over the edge of the examining table or
                                    lying on back with legs slightly.
                                   Strike the patellar tendon just below the kneecap with the percussion hammer.
                                   Normal Response: Flexion of the arm at the elbow.

                                 Position the client with legs dangling over the edge of the examining table.
                                 Support the leg with one hand and sharply dorsiflex the client’s foot with the
                                    other hand.
                                 Maintain the dorsiflexed position for a few seconds; then release the foot.

                                Normal Response: (Negative Clonus Response)
                                 Foot will remain steady in the dorsiflexed position.
                                 No rhythmic oscillation of jerking of the foot will be felt.
                                 When released, the foot will drop to a plantar flexed position with no

                                Abnormal Response: (Positive Clonus Response)
                                 Rhythmic oscillations when the foot is dorsiflexed.
                                 Similar oscillations will be noted when the foot drops to the plantar flexed


      Placenta: contains 20 cotyledons, weighs 400-600 grams. Develops on the 3rd month. Form from Chorionic
                 villi & deciduas basalis. Deciduas (meaning endometrial changes & growth)
      Functions: Main source of nourishment & acts a transfer organ for metabolic purposes for the fetus.

 Placental Problem
         Placental separation is characterized by a sudden gush or trickle of blood from the vagina, further
protrusion of the umbilical cord from the vagina, a globular-shaped uterus, and an increase in fundal height. With
cervical or vaginal laceration, the nurse notes a consistent flow of bright red blood from the vagina. With postpartum
hemorrhage, usually caused by uterine atony, the uterus isn't globular. Uterine involution can't begin until the
placenta has been delivered.

MCHN                                                                                                                 Abejo
Maternal and Child Health Nursing
Antepartal Complication

                                                    PLACENTA PREVIA

                                                              PLACENTA PREVIA
Definition                           Improperly implanted placenta in the lower uterine segment near or over
                                      the internal cervical os
                                     Total: the internal os is entirely covered by the placenta when cervix is
                                      fully dilated
                                     Marginal: only an edge of the placenta extends to the internal os
                                     Low-lying placenta: implanted in the lower uterine segment but does
                                      not reach the os

Predisposing Factor                 Maternal age
                                    Parity (no. Of pregnancy)
                                    Previous uterine surgery
Assessment                          . Painless
                                    . Heavy bleeding
                                    . Soft, non tender, relaxed uterus w/ normal tone
                                    . Shock in proportion to observed blood loss
                                    . Signs of fetal distress usually not present

Complication                              Anemia
                                          #1hemorrhage
                                          #2shock,
                                          renal failure
                                          #3 disseminated intravascular coagulation
                                          cerebral ischemia, maternal and fetal death
Therapeutic Interventions           > Ultrasonography to confirm the pressure of placenta previa.
                                    > Depends on location of placenta, amount of bleeding and status of the
                                    > Home monitoring with repeated ultrasounds may be possible with type I-
                                       low lying
                                    > Control bleeding
                                    > Replace blood loss if excessive
                                    > Cesarean birth if necessary
                                    > Betamethasone is indicated to increase fetal lung maturity.
Nursing Diagnosis with              #1 NURSING DIAGNOSIS: Potential fluid volume deficit
Nursing Intervention
                                    Maintain bed rest
                                    > #1 Assessment - Monitor maternal vital signs, FHR, and fetal activity
                                    > Assess bleeding (amount and quality)
                                    > Monitor and treat signs of shock
                                    > Avoid vaginal examination if bleeding is occurring
                                    > Prepare for premature birth or cesarean section
                                    > Administer IV fluids as ordered
                                    > Administer iron supplements or blood transfusion as ordered (maintain
                                      hematocrit level)
                                    > Prepare to administer Rh immune globulin

MCHN                                                                                                              Abejo
Maternal and Child Health Nursing
Antepartal Complication

BESTPOSITION                        The patient with placenta previa should be maintained on bed rest, preferably
                                    in a side-lying position.
                                    Additional pressure from an upright position may cause further tearing of the
                                    placenta from the uterine lining.
                                    Ambulating would therefore be indicated for this patient. Performing a
                                    vaginal examination and applying internal scalp electrode could also cause
                                    the placenta to be further torn from the uterine lining.
Confirmatory Test                   > Ultrasound for placenta localization
                                          Manual pelvic examinations are contraindicated when vaginal
                                          bleeding is apparent in the third trimester unit a diagnosis is
                                          made and placenta previa is ruled out.
                                          Digital examination of the cervix can lead to maternal and fetal
                                          A diagnosis of placenta previa is made by ultrasound.
                                          The hemoglobin and hematocrit levels are monitored and external
                                              electronic fetal heart rate monitoring is initiated. Electronic fetal
                                              monitoring (external) is crucial in evaluating the status of the fetus
                                              who is at risk for severe hypoxia.
Best Position                       > Left lateral position

                                                 ABRUPTIO PLACENTAE

                                                               ABRUPTIO PLACENTAE
Definition                              Premature separation of the placenta from the uterine wall after the 20 th
                                        week of gestation and before the fetus is delivered (Saunders page 299-
Synonyms                                > Placental abruption
                                        > Premature separation of placenta
Predisposing Factor                     > Maternal age
                                        > Parity
                                        > Previous abruptio placentae, multifetal gestation
                                        > Hypertension
                                        Abruptio placentae is associated with conditions characterized by poor
                                        uteroplacental circulation, such as hypertension, smoking and alcohol or
                                        cocaine abuse. It is also associated with physical and mechanical factors
                                        such as over distension of the uterus that occurs with multiple gestation
                                        or polyhydranions. In addition, a short umbilical cord, physical trauma,
                                        and increased maternal age and parity are risk factors.

MCHN                                                                                                                   Abejo
Maternal and Child Health Nursing
Antepartal Complication

Pathophysiology                     > Spontaneous rupture of blood vessels at the placental bed may due to
                                       lack of resiliency or to abnormal changes in uterine vasculature.
                                    > May be complicated by hypertension or by an enlarged uterus that
                                       can’t contract sufficiently to seal off the torn vessels
                                    > Consequently, bleeding continues unchecked, possibly shearing off the
                                       placenta partially or completely.

Manifestation                       > Painful vaginal bleeding
                                    > Hypertonic to tetanic, enlarged uterus
                                    > Board-like rigidity of abdomen (Cullen Sign)
                                    > Abnormal/absent fetal heart tones
                                    > Pallor
                                    > Cool, moist skin
                                    > Bloody amniotic fluid
                                    > Rising fundal height from blood trapped behind the placenta
                                    > Signs of shock
                                    > Manifestation of coagulopathy

                                    Uterine tenderness accompanies placental abruption, especially with a
                                    central abruption and trapped blood behind the placenta. The abdomen
                                    will feel hard and boardlike upon palpation as the blood penetrates the
                                    myometrium and causes uterine irritability. Observation of the fetal
                                    monitoring often reveals increased uterine resting tone, caused by failure
                                    of the uterus to relax in an attempt to constrict blood vessels and control

Complication                        > Hemorrhage, shock, renal failure, disseminated intravascular
                                       coagulation, maternal death, fetal death(Nursing Alert p.4)

Therapeutic Interventions           > Replacement of blood loss.
                                    > With moderate or severe separation or maternal or fetal distress:
                                    emergency childbirth.

                                       The goal of management in abruption placentae is to control the
                                       hemorrhage and deliver the fetus as soon as possible. Delivery is
                                       the treatment of choic if the fetus is at term gestation or if the
                                       bleeding is moderate to severe and mother or fetus is in jeopardy.

                                    > With mild separation without fetal distress and in the presence of some
                                      cervical effacement and dilatation: induction of labor may be
                                    >Oxygen if necessary
                                    > Maintenance of fluid and electrolytes balance.

Nursing Diagnosis with              #1 NURSING DIAGNOSIS: Risk for fluid volume deficit
Intervention                        > #1 Assessment: Monitor and FHR
                                    > Assess for vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain, and increase in fundal
                                    > Maintain bed rest
                                    > Administer oxygen as prescribed
                                    > Monitor and report any uterine activity
                                    > Administer IV fluid as prescribed
                                    > Monitor I & O
                                    > Administer blood products as prescribed
                                    > Monitor blood studies
                                    > Prepare for the delivery of the fetus as quickly as possible
                                    > Monitor for signs of disseminated intravascular coagulation in the post-
                                    partum period

Confirmatory Test                   > Ultrasound detects retro-placental bleeding

MCHN                                                                                                              Abejo
Maternal and Child Health Nursing
Antepartal Complication

                                          VENA CAVA SYNDROME

      Definition                    The venous return to the heart is impaired by the weight of uterus.
      Synonym                       Supine Hypotensive Syndrome
      Predisposing factors          Thrombophlebitis
                                      Contribute to clot formation motion include inactivity,reduced cordiac
                                      output, compression of the viens in pelvis or legs

                                    The most likely cause of supine hypotension is feeling dizzy, short of
                                    breath and clammy when lying back for long periods of time in patients 6 th
                                    month of pregnancy.
                                    The cause of supine hypotension during pregnancy is the weight of the
                                    uterus compresses the inferior vena cava, decreasing the return of blood
                                    to the heart, thus decreasing cardiac output, which lowers the blood
      Initial sign                        Fatique
                                          proxymal nocturnal
                                          dyspnea
                                          orthopnea
                                          hypoxia
                                          cyanosis
      Late Sign                     Reduce renal perfection, Decrease glomerular filtration
      Cardinal sign                 Shock such as tachycardia
                                       Caused by reduced cardiac output, respiratory distress, fatal distress
      Initial / Screening test      FHT monitor
                                       Above 160 or below 120 beats per minutes, Fetal PH below 7.5
      Confirmatory test             Amniotomy:
                                       Above keeping the significant other improved of the progress of care,
                                       the fatal status would he the priority
      Nursing Diagnosis               Altered tissue perfection related to decrease blood circulation
                                      Risk for altered Health maintenance related to insufficient knowledge
                                          of treatments, drug therapies, home care management and prevention
                                          of future infection
                                      Altered comfort related to maladaptive coping
      Nursing Intervention            Closely monitor for shock and decreasing blood. Pressure,
                                          tachycardia, coal, clammy Skin
                                      Maintain patient on bed rest to reduce Oxygen demands and risk for
                                          bleeding. Monitor prescribed medication given to preserve right
                                          Ventricular felling pressure and increase blood pressure
                                      Instruct patient in self – care activities Provide information about anti
                                          smoking strategies and allow patient time to return demonstration of
                                          treatment to the done at home
                                      Assess physical complaints matters of facts without emphasizing
                                          concern. Use deep – breathing, muscle relaxation, and imagery to
                                          relieve discomfort. Express a caring attitude
      Best major Surgery            Caesarian Section – note if cervix is incomplete deleted.
      Best dirt for pre-operative   Food and fluid are withheld before invasive procedure is not resumed until
                                    the client is stable and free of nausea & vomiting.
      Best diet for Disease         Hypoallergenic Ionic diet Calcium increased
      Possible Surgical             Interruption of vena cava, which reduce channel size.
      Complication of Disease       > Bleeding as a result of treatment
                                       Observation of the fetal monitoring often reveal increase uterine
                                       rustling tone, caused by failure of the uterus to relax in an attempt to
                                       constrict blood vesicle and control bleeding
                                    > Respiratory failure.
      Best position pre-operative   Sims Position
                                       Turning to the left side to shift right of the fetus off the inferior vena
      Bed Side Equipment               Oxygen obtain equipment for external electronic fetal heart rate
                                       monitoring Oxygen with Cannula
      History of Disease               Angina, myocardial infarction

MCHN                                                                                                            Abejo
Maternal and Child Health Nursing
Antepartal Complication


Name of the Disease             Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
Predisposing /                  Overwhelming infections particularly bacterial sepsis; #1 abruption placenta;
Contributing Factors            eclampsia; amniotic fluid embolism; IUFD(Intra-uterine fetal death) or retention of
                                dead fetus; burn; trauma; fractures; major surgery; fat embolism; sock; hemolytic
                                transfusion reaction; malignancies particularly of lung, colon, stomach, and

                                Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is a state of diffuse clotting in which
                                clotting factors are consumed. This leads to widespread bleeding. Platelet are
                                decreased because they are consumed by the process, coagulation studies show no
                                clot formation (and are thus normal to prolonged); and fibrin plugs may clog the
                                microvasculature diffusely, oozing from injection sites, and presence of hematuria
                                are signs associated with the presence of DIC. Swelling and pain in the calf of one
                                leg are more likely to be associated with thrompophlebitis. (Saunders

Initial Sign                    Coolness and mottling of extremities; pain; dyspnea; abnormal bleeding
Late Sign                       Altered mental status; acute renal failure
Nursing Diagnosis &              Risk for injury related    Minimizing Bleeding
Intervention                     to bleeding due to         1. Institute Bleeding precautions
                                 thrombocytopenia           2. Monitor pad count/amount of saturation during
                                                               menses; administer or teach self-administration of
                                                               hormones to suppress menstruation as prescribed.
                                                            3. Administer blood products as ordered. Monitor for
                                                               signs and symptoms of allergic reactions,
                                                               anaphylaxis, and volume overload.
                                                            4. Avoid dislodging costs. Apply pressure to sites of
                                                               bleeding for at least 20 mins, use topical hemostatic
                                                               agents. Use tape cautiously.
                                                            5. Maintain bed rest during bleeding episode.
                                                            6. If internal bleeding is suspected, assess bowel sounds
                                                               and abdominal girth.
                                                            7. Evaluate fluid status and bleeding by frequent
                                                               measurement fo vital signs, central venous pressure,
                                                               intake and output.

                                                                Promoting Tissue Perfusion
                                                                1. Keep patient warm
                                                                2. Avoid vasoconstrictive agents (systemic or topical).
                                    Altered tissue perfusion    3. Change patient’s position frequently and perform
                                     (all tissues) related to      ROM exercises.
                                     ischemia due to            4. Monitor electrocardiogram and laboratory test for
                                     microthrombi                  dysfunction of vital organs casued by ischemia –
                                     formation                     arrhythmias, abnormal arterial blood gases, increased
                                                                   blood urea nitrogen and creatinine.
                                                                5. Monitor for signs of vascular occlusion and report
                                                                   a. Brain – decreased level of consciousness, sensory
                                                                              and motor deficits, seizures, coma.
                                                                   b. Eyes – Visual deficits.
                                                                   c. Bone – Pain
                                                                   d. Pulmonary vasculature – chest pain, shortness of
                                                                              breath, tachycardia.
                                                                   e. Extremities – cold, mottling, numbness.
                                                                   f. Coronary arteries – chest pain, arrhythmias.
                                                                   g. Bowel – pain, tenderness, decreased bowel sounds.

Screening or Initial            PT; PTT; Platelet count
Diagnostic Test
Confirmative Test               Decreased Fibrinogen level; increased fibrin split products; decreased anti-thrombin
                                III level
Beside Equipment                ECG; CVP
Best Drug                       Heparin inhibits clotting components of DIC
Nature of the Drug              Anticoagulant

MCHN                                                                                                                   Abejo
Maternal and Child Health Nursing
Antepartal Complication

Name of the Disease                 Hyperemesis gravidarum

Definition                          Hyperemesis gravidarum is persistent, uncontrolled vomiting that begins in the first
                                    weeks of pregnancy and may continue throughout pregnancy. Unlike “morning
                                    sickness,” hyperemesis can have serious complications, including severe weight loss,
                                    dehydration, and electrolyte imbalance.

                                    NOTE: The defining factor for hyperemesis gravidarum should be the time of
                                    occurrence – and that is the 2nd trimester, usually the 14 – 16th week. If this is
                                    on the 1st trimester, usually this is morning sickness.

Causes                                   Gonadotropine production
                                         Psychological factors
                                         Trophoblastic activity

Assessment Findings                      Continuous, severe nausea and vomiting
                                         Dehydration
                                         Dry skin and mucous membranes
                                         Electrolyte imbalance
                                         Metabolic acidosis
                                         Non-elastic skin turgor
                                         Oliguria

Diagnostic Result                        Arterial blood gas and analysis reveals alkalosis.
                                         Hb level and HCT are elevated.
                                         Serum potassium level reveals hypokalemia
                                         Urine ketone levels are elevated.
                                         Urine specific gravity is increased.

Nursing Diagnosis                        Fluid volume deficit
                                         Altered nutrition; less than body requirements
                                         Pain

Treatment                                Total parenteral nutrition (TPN)
                                         Restoration of fluid and electrolyte balance
                                         Anti-emetics, as necessary for vomiting, for example Plasil , Hydroxyzine and

Nursing Intervention                     Monitor vital signs and fluid intake and output to assess for fluid volume
                                         Obtain blood samples and urine specimens for laboratory tests, including Hb
                                          level, HCT, urinalysis, and electrolyte levels.
                                         Provide small frequent meals to maintain adequate nutrition.
                                         Maintain I.V. fluid replacement and TPN to reduce fluid deficit and pH
                                         Provide em0otional support to help the patient cope with her condition.

                                         Teaching Topics
                                         Using salt on foods to replace sodium lost by vomiting.

MCHN                                                                                                              Abejo

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Antepartal Complications

  • 1. Maternal and Child Health Nursing Antepartal Complication MATERNAL and CHILD HEALTH NURSING PREGNANCY COMPLICATION Lecturer: Mark Fredderick R. Abejo RN, MAN _____________________________________________________________________________ PREGNANCY COMPLICATIONS ( ANTEPARTAL ) A. Abortion - termination of pregnancy before the fetus is viable (20 weeks or a weight of 500 g) TYPES DEFINITION S/S NURSING INTERVENTION 1. Threatened The continuation of Bleeding or Bedrest, Restrictive activity, Sedation, Avoid coitus the pregnancy is in spotting closed for 2 weeks following last evidence of bleeding doubt cervix Rhogam indicated when a young patient has a threatened abortion in the first trimester and a laboratory studies reveal an Rh negative and the husband is Rh positive 2. Inevitable Threatened loss Bleeding and Save tissue fragments that can be cervical dilation prevented; abortive process is going on 3. Complete Products of Minimal Continuous monitoring conception are bleeding totally expelled 4. Incomplete Some fragments Profuse Dilatation & Curettage; are retained inside bleeding Use of oxytocin: the uterine cavity Oxytocin nasal spray should be administered while the client is sitting with her head in a vertical position. A nasal preparation must not be administered with the client lying down or the head tilted back because this could cause aspiration. Evacuation 5. Missed Retention of the Intermittent Evacuation, D & C products of bleeding; conception after absence of fetal death uterine growth 6.Habitual / 3 spontaneous Provide IV, Monitor bleeding, Count perineal pads, Recurrent abortions occurring psychological support successively NOTE:Because spontaneous abortion is threatening, all perineal pads must be inspected for the products of conception. Fluid replacement is necessary because of blood loss B. Ectopic Pregnancy A pregnancy that occurs in another than uterine site, with implantation usually occurring in fallopian tubes  A ruptured ectopic pregnancy is a medical emergency due to the large quantity of blood that may be lost in the pelvic and abdominal cavities.  Shock may develop from blood loss, and large quantities of I.V. fluids are needed to restore intravascular volume until the bleeding is surgically controlled.  Pain may be caused by a ruptured or distended fallopian tube or blood in the peritoneal cavity. MCHN Abejo
  • 2. Maternal and Child Health Nursing Antepartal Complication Causes Signs and Symptoms Diagnostic Tests Management Narrowing of  Vaginal Bleeding  Culdocentesis  Monitor amount of tube  Knife-like abdominal pain  Culdoscopy bleeding Pelvic  Referred pain on the right  Radioimmunoassay of  Assess vital signs infection shoulder elevated serum  Assess abdominal Endometriosis  Pelvic pressure of pelvic qualitative -Beta-HCG pain Smoking fullness  Abdominal  Blood transfusion History of  Cullen’s sign Ultrasound  Surgery: IUD usage  Pain unilaterally, with  Blood samples of Hgb Salpingostomy . cramping and tenderness and Hct; blood type  Administer Rhogam  Mass in the adnexal or cul- and group for Rh (-) client de-sac  Slight, dark vaginal bleeding  Profound shock if rupture occurs Symptoms of Shock: decreased BP increased RR, fast but thready pulse. This is the number 1 complication. C. Hydatidiform mole / Trophoblastic Disease / Molar Disease Gestational trophoblastic neoplasm that arise from the chorion; characterized by the proliferation and degeneration of the chorionic or trophoblastic villi. MCHN Abejo
  • 3. Maternal and Child Health Nursing Antepartal Complication A patient with Hydatidiform mole has a positive signs of pregnancy but is not pregnant. The #1 Complication is Choriocarcinoma The Three H of H-mole 1.Hyper - emesis gravidarum 2. increase Hcg 3. increase incidence for piH PREDISPOSING TYPES MANIFESTATIONS DIAGNOSTIC MANAGEMENT FACTORS TESTS Low  Complete/  Vaginal bleeding  HCG titer  Molar evacuation socioeconomic classical parts  Excessive N/V determination / D&C status of the villi are  Rapid  Ultrasound  Chemotherapy Women below affected enlargement of the  X-ray of the  Monitor HCG 18 or above 35 uterus abdomen levels Intake of  Incomplete/  (+) Pregnancy test  Delay Clomid partial- some  Possible PIH childbearing plans (Clomiphene parts are  Abdominal for a year Citrate) normal cramps  Perineal pad Women of  Absent FHR counts asian heritage The #1  Elevated HCG  Instruct the Complication of titer: 1-2 million couple to have H-mole is IU; Normal level: VAGINAL REST choriocarcinoma 400,000 IU ( no sex) for 1 year. D. Incompetent Cervix - Painless premature dilatation of the cervix (usually in the 16th to 20th week) INCOMPETENT CERVIX Synonyms  Dysfunctional cervix Predisposing/Contributing  Repeated dilatation of the cervix, Factors:  maternal DES ( Diethylstilbestrol) Exposure,  Traumatic injuries to the cervix.  Congenital anomaly  Trauma to the cervix (surgery / birth) 1. Uterine anomaly 2. Habitual abortion 3. Pre-term labor Initial Signs  Show (a pink-stained vaginal discharge)  #1 Sign: Rupture of membranes and discharge of amniotic fluid Late signs: Pressure or heaviness on the lower abdomen. Cardinal/Pathognomonic/maj  The cervix dilates painlessly in the second trimester of pregnancy. or sign: Bloody show  PROM  Painless dilatation  Birth of dead/non-viable fetus Screening or initial diagnostic Ultrasound test: Conformity test: Ultrasonography Best major surgery: Cervical Cerclage, McDonald Cerclage Possible surgical Sterility, rupture of the cervix premature delivery, pelvic bleeding complication: and infection. MCHN Abejo
  • 4. Maternal and Child Health Nursing Antepartal Complication Disease complication #1 Hemorrhage, Ectopic pregnancy, birth defects, viruses and pregnancy diseases, diabetes in pregnancy, HPN Best position before and after  Side lying position surgery  Prone position Best side equipment  Suction Nursing Intervention  Pre-op: Encourage patient to maintain bed rest  Post-op: Check for excessive vaginal discharge and severe pain.  Bed rest in trendelenburg position  Administer tocolytic medications as ordered Eg; Ritodrine Hydrochloride (Yutopar): Terbutaline sulfate (Brethine): Magnesium Sulfate, Hydroxyzine hydrochloride (Vistaril) is a common drug ordered to counteract the effect of terbutaline (Brethine)  Surgery: Cervical Cerclage  Shirodkar-Barter Technique ( internal os) permanent suture: subsequent delivery by C/S.  Mc Donald Procedure ( external os)-suture removed at term with vaginal delivery  Usually 4-6 weeks after vaginal delivery is the safe period for a patient to resume sexual activity, when the episiotomy has healed and the lochia had stopped  - Monitor V/S and report HPN Monitor FHR  Limit activities  Observe for Ruptured BOW  Avoid vaginal douche  Avoid coitus E. DIABETES MELLITUS Gestational diabetes mellitus (pregnancy induced) A pregnant, insulin-dependent diabetic is at risk for sudden hypoglycemia because insulin needs and metabolism are affected b pregnancy, making sudden hypoglycemic episodes more common for diabetics. Changes in the glucose-insulin mechanism: o Early in pregnancy:  A. Increase production of insulin  B. Maternal glucose is consumed by fetus o Late in pregnancy:  A. Mother develops insulin resistance  B. The presence of placental insulinase breaks down insulin rapidly B. Description of Diabetes in Pregnancy 1. Maternal glucose crosses the placenta but insulin does not 2. During the first trimester, maternal insulin needs decrease 3. The fetus produces its own insulin and pulls glucose from the mother, which predisposes the mother to hypoglycemic reactions 4. During the second and third trimesters, increases in placental hormones cause an insulin-resistant state, requiring an increase in the client's insulin dose 5. Diabetes mellitus is more difficult to control during pregnancy & occurs during the second or third trimester. Premature delivery is more frequent. The newborn infant of a diabetic mother may be large in size but will have functions related to gestational age rather than size. The newborn infant of a diabetic mother is subject to hypoglycemia, hyperbilirubinemia, respiratory distress syndrome, and congenital anomalies. Stillborn and neonatal mortality rates are higher in pregnancies of a diabetic woman NOTE: The greatest incidence of insulin coma during pregnancy occurs during the second and the third months, the incidence of the diabetic coma during pregnancy occurs around the sixth months. MCHN Abejo
  • 5. Maternal and Child Health Nursing Antepartal Complication GESTATIONAL DIABETES Definition  A type of Diabetes where only pregnant women gets where her blood sugar rate elevates but never had a high blood sugar rate before pregnancy. Synonyms Diabetes during Pregnancy Predisposing/Contributing  Hyperglycemia develops during pregnancy because of the secretion Factors of placenta hormones such as Prolactin, Progesterone& Corticosteroids  Maternal age more than 35  Previous macrosomic infant  Previous unexplained stillbirth  Previous pregnancy with GDM  Family history of DM  Obesity  Hypertension  FBS more than 140 mg/dl Initial Signs 3-P’s: Polyuria, Polydipsia and Polyphagia MATERNAL SIGNS & SYMPTOMS: 1.Excessive thirst 2. Hunger 3. Weightless 4. Blurred vision 5. Frequent urination 6. Recurrent urinary tract infections and vaginal yeast infections 7. Glycosuria and ketonuria 8. Signs of pregnancy-induced hypertension 9. Polyhydramnios 10. Fetus large for gestational age Late signs Fatigue, weakness, sudden vision changes, tingling or numbness in hands Cardinal/Pathognomenic/majo Weight loss, fatigue, nausea, and vomiting excessive thirst, decrease r sign urination Screening or initial diagnostic 50 gms oral glucose challenge test test Confirmative test  3- hour glucose tolerance test will be performed to confirm diabetes mellitus  Glycosolated Hemoglobin less than 8% Best diet Strict Diabetic Diet Calories in diet should consist of 50% to 60% carbohydrates, 12% to 20% protein, and 20% to 30% fat NOTE: Because insulin does not pass into the breast milk, breastfeeding is not contraindicated for the mother with diabetes. Breastfeeding is encouraged; it decreases the insulin requirements for insulin-independent clients. Breastfeeding does not increase the risk of maternal infection; it leads to an increased caloric demand. Infants of diabetic mothers often display jitteriness in response to hypoglycemia after birth Best diet for the disease: Well-balanced Caloric Diet Disease complication Maternal Complications: PIH, Placental disorders, stillbirth, macrosomia, neural tube defects. Fetal Diabetic Complications: Macrosomia Pre-eclampsia Hydramnios Congenital anomalies NOTE: The incidence of congenital anomalies among infants of diabetic pregnancies is three to four times higher than that in general population and is related to the high maternal glucose levels during the third to sixth gestational weeks. Best side equipment  Glucometer  Insulin Equipment  #1 Eternal Electronic Fetal Heart Rate monitoring MCHN Abejo
  • 6. Maternal and Child Health Nursing Antepartal Complication Best drug  Insulin therapy ( don’t use Oral hypoglycemics, they are Teratogenic) Nature of the drug  Insulin Nursing Diagnosis  #1 High Risk for fluid volume deficit related to polyuria and dehydration  Imbalanced nutrition related to imbalanced of insulin, food and physical activity  Potential heath care deficit related to physical improvements or social factors.. Nursing Intervention MANAGEMENT  Screen clients between the 24th and 28th weeks of pregnancy  Prenatal visits bimonthly for 6 months and weekly thereafter.  Calories in diet should consist of 50% to 60% carbohydrates, 12% to 20% protein, and 20% to 30% fat  Observe client closely for an insulin since a precipitous drop in insulin required is usual  Monitor for signs of infection or post hemorrhage  If a pregnant diabetic is in labor, her blood glucose should be monitored hourly.  The preferred method of administration if insulin is required during labor is intravenous OTHER IMPORTANT MANAGEMENT: Urine testing Blood glucose determination Insulin administration Dietary management Exercise Fetal surveillance: (* Non-stress test * contraction stress test * amniocentesis) F. CARDIAC DISEASE CLASSIFICATION EFFECTS MANAGEMENT Class I Asymptomatic Retarded growth Goal is to reduce Class II Asymptomatic at rest; Fetal distress workload of heart symptomatic with heavy physical To relieve fetal distress let Promote rest activity the patient lie on her side Promote a healthy diet Class III Asymptomatic at rest; Educate regarding symptomatic with ordinary activity Premature labor medication Class IV Symptomatic with all You don’t have to notify Educate regarding activity; symptomatic at rest the physician if the patient avoidance of infection complains of a Promote reduction of a. Class I: no limitation of activities. No “fluttering” sensation in physiologic stress symptoms of cardiac insufficiency. her chest because of taking terbutaline b. Class II: slight limitation of activity, (Brethine) SQ for Asymptomatic at rest. Ordinary premature contractions activities causes fatigue, palpitations because it is a common and dyspnea side effect unless vital signs indicate stress c. Class II: marked limitation of activities, comfortable at rest, less than ordinary activities causes discomforts d. Class IV: unable to perform any physical activity without discomfort. May have the symptoms during rest. MCHN Abejo
  • 7. Maternal and Child Health Nursing Antepartal Complication PREGNANCY INDUCED HYPERTENSION (TOXEMIA OF PREGNANCY) NAME OF THE PRE-ECLAMPSIA ECLAMPSIA DISEASE MILD SEVERE Synonym (PREGNANCY-INDUCED HYPERTENSION) Predisposing /  Primiparas younger than age 20 years or older than 40 years Contributing factors  women from low socioeconomic background because of poor nutrition  women of color; women with heart disease  diabetes with vessel or renal involvement  essential hypertension  poor calcium and magnesium intake  hydatidiform mole  multiple gestation  polyhydramnios  pre-existing vascular disease Initial Sign  B≥140/90 mmGh  BP≥160/110 mmHg or  temperature rises on at least two diastolic pressure≥110 sharply to 39.4°C or occasion ≥ 6 hours mmHg on two 40ºC (103ºF to apart occasions at least 6 104ºF) from hours apart with the increased cerebral  proteinuria of 1-2+ patient on bedrest edema; reflexes on a random become hyperactive sample; weight gain  proteinuria ≥5 b/24 h over 2 lbs per week or 3+ to 4+ on  premonition that in second trimester qualitative assessment “something is and 1 lb per wk, (urine dipstick) happening”; third trimester epigastric pain and  extreme edema in nausea; urinary  mild edema in hands and output less than 30 upper extremities or face/”puffiness” ml/h face Late Sign Signs of Worsening PIH  Oligauria ≤400 to 500 During pregnancy, or Impending Seizures: ml/24h blurred vision may be a  cerebral or visual danger sign of  BP 160/110 mm Hg disturbances (altered preeclampsia or or above level of consciousness eclampsia,  headache, scotomata, complications that  Epigastric pain or blurred vision) require immediate  Decreased urinary  epigastric pain or attention because they output RUQ pain, pulmonary can cause severe  Visual changes edema or cyanosis maternal and fetal  Headache  impaired liver consequences. function of unclear etiology  thrombocytopenia (platelet count <150,000); development of eclampsia elevated serum creatinine > 1.2 mg/dl Cardinal / Hypertension and proteinuria are the most significant. Edema is significant only Pathognomonic/ Major if hypertension and proteinuria or signs of multi-organ system involvement are Sign present. Nursing Diagnosis and Fluid volume excess Maintaining Fluid Balance Nursing Interventions related to 1. Control IV intake using a continuous infusion pathophysiologic pump. changes of PIH and 2. Monitor input and output strictly; notify health care increased risk of fluid provider if urine output is <30 ml/h. overload. 3. Monitor hematocrit levels to evaluate intravascular fluid status. 4. Monitor vital signs every hour. MCHN Abejo
  • 8. Maternal and Child Health Nursing Antepartal Complication 5. Auscultate breath sounds every 2 hours, and report signs of pulmonary edema (wheezing, crackles, shortness of breath, increased pulse rate, increased respiratory rate). Altered tissue Promoting Adequate Tissue Perfusion perfusion, Fetal 1. Position on side, preferably the left side to cardiac and cereral, promote placental perfusion. related to altered 2. Monitor fetal activity. placental blood flow 3. Evaluate NST to determine fetal status. caused by vasospasm 4. Increase protein intake to replace protein lost and thombosis. through kidneys. Risk for injury related Preventing Injury to convulsions. 1. Instruct on the importance of reporting headaches, visual changes, dizziness, and Decreased cardiac epigastric pain. output related to 2. Instruct to lie down on left side if symptoms are decreased preload or present. antihypertensive 3. Keep the environment quiet and as calm as therapy. possible. 4. If patient is hospitalized, side rails should be padded and remain up to prevent injury if seizure occurs. NOTE: The patient with a diagnosis of PIH should be close to the nurses’ station because she requires close observation. The patient also should be placed in a room with decreased stimuli. Maintaining Cardiac Output 1. Monitor IV intake using a continuous infusion pump. 2. Monitor input and output strictly; notify primary care provider if urine output is < 30 ml/h. 3. Monitor maternal vital signs; especially mean blood pressure and respirations. 4. Assess edema status, and report pitting edema of ≥ + 2 to primary care provider. 5. Monitor oxygenation saturation levels with pulse oximetry. Report oxygenation saturation rate of <90% to primary care provider. Screening/Initial Blood pressure over 140/90, or increase of 30 mm systolic, 15 mm diastolic over diagnostic test pre-pregnancy level. Confirmatory Test 24-hour urine for protein of 300 mg or greater; elevated serum BUN and creatinine; increased deep tendon reflexes and clonus; blood pressure changes meeting criteria for diagnosis Best Diet The woman needs a moderate to high-protein, moderate-sodium diet to compensate for the protein she is losing. Disease Complications Abruptio placentae (Hypertension in PIH leads to vasopasm. This in turn causes the placenta to tear away from the uterine wall (abrupto placentae) disseminated intravascular coagulation; HELLP syndrome; prematurity; intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) from decreased placental perfusion; maternal/fetal death; hypertensive crisis; acute renal failure; hemorrhage; cerebrovascular accident; blindness; hypoglycemia; hepatic rupture Best Position SEVERE PRECLAMPSIA: Lateral recumbent position ECLAMPSIA: to prevent aspiration, turn the woman on her side to allow secretions to drain from her mouth. Beside Equipment Infusion pump; pulse oximeter MCHN Abejo
  • 9. Maternal and Child Health Nursing Antepartal Complication Best Drug Mgnesium sulfate: 4-6 loading dose of 50% give IV over 15-30 mins followed by a maintenance dose (secondary infusion) of 1-4 g/h or IM injection or 10 g (5 g in each buttock) as a loading dose followed by 5 g every 4 hours Administer antihypertensives such as hydralazine (Apresoline) as prescribed, to prevent a cerebrovascular accident Nature of the Drug Best tocolytic agent; antihypertensive; anticonvulsant/eclampsia #1 Complication of MgSO4 is : Respiratory Depression PRIORITY DRUG Reflexes, respiration and urinary output are priority assessments during ASSESSMENT: administration of magnesium sulfate therapy in patients with PIH. SIDE EFFECT If the patient’s magnesium levels increase above the therapeutic range (4 to 8 mg/dl), the absence of reflexes is often the first indication of toxicity. Reflexes often disappear at serum magnesium levels of 8 to 10 mg/dl. Respiratory depression occurs at levels of 10 to 15 mg/dl, and cardiac conduction problems occur at levels of 15 mg/dl and higher. Urinary output of less than 30ml/hour may result in the accumulation of toxic levels of magnesium. Proper Assessment of Assessment Patellar Reflexes Abnormal Reflexes  Position the client with legs dangling over the edge of the examining table or lying on back with legs slightly.  Strike the patellar tendon just below the kneecap with the percussion hammer.  Normal Response: Flexion of the arm at the elbow. Clonus  Position the client with legs dangling over the edge of the examining table.  Support the leg with one hand and sharply dorsiflex the client’s foot with the other hand.  Maintain the dorsiflexed position for a few seconds; then release the foot. Normal Response: (Negative Clonus Response)  Foot will remain steady in the dorsiflexed position.  No rhythmic oscillation of jerking of the foot will be felt.  When released, the foot will drop to a plantar flexed position with no oscillations. Abnormal Response: (Positive Clonus Response)  Rhythmic oscillations when the foot is dorsiflexed.  Similar oscillations will be noted when the foot drops to the plantar flexed position. G. BLEEDING DISORDERS AFFECTING THE PLACENTA Placenta: contains 20 cotyledons, weighs 400-600 grams. Develops on the 3rd month. Form from Chorionic villi & deciduas basalis. Deciduas (meaning endometrial changes & growth) Functions: Main source of nourishment & acts a transfer organ for metabolic purposes for the fetus. Placental Problem Placental separation is characterized by a sudden gush or trickle of blood from the vagina, further protrusion of the umbilical cord from the vagina, a globular-shaped uterus, and an increase in fundal height. With cervical or vaginal laceration, the nurse notes a consistent flow of bright red blood from the vagina. With postpartum hemorrhage, usually caused by uterine atony, the uterus isn't globular. Uterine involution can't begin until the placenta has been delivered. MCHN Abejo
  • 10. Maternal and Child Health Nursing Antepartal Complication PLACENTA PREVIA PLACENTA PREVIA Definition  Improperly implanted placenta in the lower uterine segment near or over the internal cervical os  Total: the internal os is entirely covered by the placenta when cervix is fully dilated  Marginal: only an edge of the placenta extends to the internal os  Low-lying placenta: implanted in the lower uterine segment but does not reach the os Predisposing Factor Maternal age Parity (no. Of pregnancy) Previous uterine surgery Assessment . Painless . Heavy bleeding . Soft, non tender, relaxed uterus w/ normal tone . Shock in proportion to observed blood loss . Signs of fetal distress usually not present Complication  Anemia  #1hemorrhage  #2shock,  renal failure  #3 disseminated intravascular coagulation  cerebral ischemia, maternal and fetal death Therapeutic Interventions > Ultrasonography to confirm the pressure of placenta previa. > Depends on location of placenta, amount of bleeding and status of the fetus. > Home monitoring with repeated ultrasounds may be possible with type I- low lying > Control bleeding > Replace blood loss if excessive > Cesarean birth if necessary > Betamethasone is indicated to increase fetal lung maturity. Nursing Diagnosis with #1 NURSING DIAGNOSIS: Potential fluid volume deficit Nursing Intervention Maintain bed rest > #1 Assessment - Monitor maternal vital signs, FHR, and fetal activity > Assess bleeding (amount and quality) > Monitor and treat signs of shock > Avoid vaginal examination if bleeding is occurring > Prepare for premature birth or cesarean section > Administer IV fluids as ordered > Administer iron supplements or blood transfusion as ordered (maintain hematocrit level) > Prepare to administer Rh immune globulin MCHN Abejo
  • 11. Maternal and Child Health Nursing Antepartal Complication BESTPOSITION The patient with placenta previa should be maintained on bed rest, preferably in a side-lying position. Additional pressure from an upright position may cause further tearing of the placenta from the uterine lining. Ambulating would therefore be indicated for this patient. Performing a vaginal examination and applying internal scalp electrode could also cause the placenta to be further torn from the uterine lining. Confirmatory Test > Ultrasound for placenta localization NOTE:  Manual pelvic examinations are contraindicated when vaginal  bleeding is apparent in the third trimester unit a diagnosis is  made and placenta previa is ruled out.  Digital examination of the cervix can lead to maternal and fetal hemorrhage.  A diagnosis of placenta previa is made by ultrasound.  The hemoglobin and hematocrit levels are monitored and external electronic fetal heart rate monitoring is initiated. Electronic fetal monitoring (external) is crucial in evaluating the status of the fetus who is at risk for severe hypoxia. Best Position > Left lateral position ABRUPTIO PLACENTAE ABRUPTIO PLACENTAE Definition Premature separation of the placenta from the uterine wall after the 20 th week of gestation and before the fetus is delivered (Saunders page 299- 300) Synonyms > Placental abruption > Premature separation of placenta Predisposing Factor > Maternal age > Parity > Previous abruptio placentae, multifetal gestation > Hypertension NOTE: Abruptio placentae is associated with conditions characterized by poor uteroplacental circulation, such as hypertension, smoking and alcohol or cocaine abuse. It is also associated with physical and mechanical factors such as over distension of the uterus that occurs with multiple gestation or polyhydranions. In addition, a short umbilical cord, physical trauma, and increased maternal age and parity are risk factors. MCHN Abejo
  • 12. Maternal and Child Health Nursing Antepartal Complication Pathophysiology > Spontaneous rupture of blood vessels at the placental bed may due to lack of resiliency or to abnormal changes in uterine vasculature. > May be complicated by hypertension or by an enlarged uterus that can’t contract sufficiently to seal off the torn vessels > Consequently, bleeding continues unchecked, possibly shearing off the placenta partially or completely. Manifestation > Painful vaginal bleeding > Hypertonic to tetanic, enlarged uterus > Board-like rigidity of abdomen (Cullen Sign) > Abnormal/absent fetal heart tones > Pallor > Cool, moist skin > Bloody amniotic fluid > Rising fundal height from blood trapped behind the placenta > Signs of shock > Manifestation of coagulopathy NOTE: Uterine tenderness accompanies placental abruption, especially with a central abruption and trapped blood behind the placenta. The abdomen will feel hard and boardlike upon palpation as the blood penetrates the myometrium and causes uterine irritability. Observation of the fetal monitoring often reveals increased uterine resting tone, caused by failure of the uterus to relax in an attempt to constrict blood vessels and control bleeding. Complication > Hemorrhage, shock, renal failure, disseminated intravascular coagulation, maternal death, fetal death(Nursing Alert p.4) Therapeutic Interventions > Replacement of blood loss. > With moderate or severe separation or maternal or fetal distress: emergency childbirth. NOTE: The goal of management in abruption placentae is to control the hemorrhage and deliver the fetus as soon as possible. Delivery is the treatment of choic if the fetus is at term gestation or if the bleeding is moderate to severe and mother or fetus is in jeopardy. > With mild separation without fetal distress and in the presence of some cervical effacement and dilatation: induction of labor may be attempted >Oxygen if necessary > Maintenance of fluid and electrolytes balance. Nursing Diagnosis with #1 NURSING DIAGNOSIS: Risk for fluid volume deficit Intervention > #1 Assessment: Monitor and FHR > Assess for vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain, and increase in fundal height > Maintain bed rest > Administer oxygen as prescribed > Monitor and report any uterine activity > Administer IV fluid as prescribed > Monitor I & O > Administer blood products as prescribed > Monitor blood studies > Prepare for the delivery of the fetus as quickly as possible > Monitor for signs of disseminated intravascular coagulation in the post- partum period Confirmatory Test > Ultrasound detects retro-placental bleeding MCHN Abejo
  • 13. Maternal and Child Health Nursing Antepartal Complication VENA CAVA SYNDROME Definition The venous return to the heart is impaired by the weight of uterus. Synonym Supine Hypotensive Syndrome Predisposing factors Thrombophlebitis NOTE: Contribute to clot formation motion include inactivity,reduced cordiac output, compression of the viens in pelvis or legs The most likely cause of supine hypotension is feeling dizzy, short of breath and clammy when lying back for long periods of time in patients 6 th month of pregnancy. The cause of supine hypotension during pregnancy is the weight of the uterus compresses the inferior vena cava, decreasing the return of blood to the heart, thus decreasing cardiac output, which lowers the blood pressure Initial sign  Fatique  proxymal nocturnal  dyspnea  orthopnea  hypoxia  cyanosis Late Sign Reduce renal perfection, Decrease glomerular filtration Cardinal sign Shock such as tachycardia NOTE: Caused by reduced cardiac output, respiratory distress, fatal distress Initial / Screening test FHT monitor NOTE: Above 160 or below 120 beats per minutes, Fetal PH below 7.5 Confirmatory test Amniotomy: NOTE: Above keeping the significant other improved of the progress of care, the fatal status would he the priority Nursing Diagnosis  Altered tissue perfection related to decrease blood circulation  Risk for altered Health maintenance related to insufficient knowledge of treatments, drug therapies, home care management and prevention of future infection  Altered comfort related to maladaptive coping Nursing Intervention  Closely monitor for shock and decreasing blood. Pressure, tachycardia, coal, clammy Skin  Maintain patient on bed rest to reduce Oxygen demands and risk for bleeding. Monitor prescribed medication given to preserve right Ventricular felling pressure and increase blood pressure  Instruct patient in self – care activities Provide information about anti smoking strategies and allow patient time to return demonstration of treatment to the done at home  Assess physical complaints matters of facts without emphasizing concern. Use deep – breathing, muscle relaxation, and imagery to relieve discomfort. Express a caring attitude Best major Surgery Caesarian Section – note if cervix is incomplete deleted. Best dirt for pre-operative Food and fluid are withheld before invasive procedure is not resumed until the client is stable and free of nausea & vomiting. Best diet for Disease Hypoallergenic Ionic diet Calcium increased Possible Surgical Interruption of vena cava, which reduce channel size. Complication Complication of Disease > Bleeding as a result of treatment NOTE: Observation of the fetal monitoring often reveal increase uterine rustling tone, caused by failure of the uterus to relax in an attempt to constrict blood vesicle and control bleeding > Respiratory failure. Best position pre-operative Sims Position NOTE: Turning to the left side to shift right of the fetus off the inferior vena cava. Bed Side Equipment Oxygen obtain equipment for external electronic fetal heart rate monitoring Oxygen with Cannula History of Disease Angina, myocardial infarction MCHN Abejo
  • 14. Maternal and Child Health Nursing Antepartal Complication OTHER DISEASES AND CONDITION Name of the Disease Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation Predisposing / Overwhelming infections particularly bacterial sepsis; #1 abruption placenta; Contributing Factors eclampsia; amniotic fluid embolism; IUFD(Intra-uterine fetal death) or retention of dead fetus; burn; trauma; fractures; major surgery; fat embolism; sock; hemolytic transfusion reaction; malignancies particularly of lung, colon, stomach, and pancreas NOTE: Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is a state of diffuse clotting in which clotting factors are consumed. This leads to widespread bleeding. Platelet are decreased because they are consumed by the process, coagulation studies show no clot formation (and are thus normal to prolonged); and fibrin plugs may clog the microvasculature diffusely, oozing from injection sites, and presence of hematuria are signs associated with the presence of DIC. Swelling and pain in the calf of one leg are more likely to be associated with thrompophlebitis. (Saunders Initial Sign Coolness and mottling of extremities; pain; dyspnea; abnormal bleeding Late Sign Altered mental status; acute renal failure Nursing Diagnosis & Risk for injury related Minimizing Bleeding Intervention to bleeding due to 1. Institute Bleeding precautions thrombocytopenia 2. Monitor pad count/amount of saturation during menses; administer or teach self-administration of hormones to suppress menstruation as prescribed. 3. Administer blood products as ordered. Monitor for signs and symptoms of allergic reactions, anaphylaxis, and volume overload. 4. Avoid dislodging costs. Apply pressure to sites of bleeding for at least 20 mins, use topical hemostatic agents. Use tape cautiously. 5. Maintain bed rest during bleeding episode. 6. If internal bleeding is suspected, assess bowel sounds and abdominal girth. 7. Evaluate fluid status and bleeding by frequent measurement fo vital signs, central venous pressure, intake and output. Promoting Tissue Perfusion 1. Keep patient warm 2. Avoid vasoconstrictive agents (systemic or topical). Altered tissue perfusion 3. Change patient’s position frequently and perform (all tissues) related to ROM exercises. ischemia due to 4. Monitor electrocardiogram and laboratory test for microthrombi dysfunction of vital organs casued by ischemia – formation arrhythmias, abnormal arterial blood gases, increased blood urea nitrogen and creatinine. 5. Monitor for signs of vascular occlusion and report immediately. a. Brain – decreased level of consciousness, sensory and motor deficits, seizures, coma. b. Eyes – Visual deficits. c. Bone – Pain d. Pulmonary vasculature – chest pain, shortness of breath, tachycardia. e. Extremities – cold, mottling, numbness. f. Coronary arteries – chest pain, arrhythmias. g. Bowel – pain, tenderness, decreased bowel sounds. Screening or Initial PT; PTT; Platelet count Diagnostic Test Confirmative Test Decreased Fibrinogen level; increased fibrin split products; decreased anti-thrombin III level Beside Equipment ECG; CVP Best Drug Heparin inhibits clotting components of DIC Nature of the Drug Anticoagulant MCHN Abejo
  • 15. Maternal and Child Health Nursing Antepartal Complication Name of the Disease Hyperemesis gravidarum Definition Hyperemesis gravidarum is persistent, uncontrolled vomiting that begins in the first weeks of pregnancy and may continue throughout pregnancy. Unlike “morning sickness,” hyperemesis can have serious complications, including severe weight loss, dehydration, and electrolyte imbalance. NOTE: The defining factor for hyperemesis gravidarum should be the time of occurrence – and that is the 2nd trimester, usually the 14 – 16th week. If this is on the 1st trimester, usually this is morning sickness. Causes  Gonadotropine production  Psychological factors  Trophoblastic activity Assessment Findings  Continuous, severe nausea and vomiting  Dehydration  Dry skin and mucous membranes  Electrolyte imbalance  Metabolic acidosis  Non-elastic skin turgor  Oliguria Diagnostic Result  Arterial blood gas and analysis reveals alkalosis.  Hb level and HCT are elevated.  Serum potassium level reveals hypokalemia  Urine ketone levels are elevated.  Urine specific gravity is increased. Nursing Diagnosis  Fluid volume deficit  Altered nutrition; less than body requirements  Pain Treatment  Total parenteral nutrition (TPN)  Restoration of fluid and electrolyte balance  Anti-emetics, as necessary for vomiting, for example Plasil , Hydroxyzine and Prochlorperazine Nursing Intervention  Monitor vital signs and fluid intake and output to assess for fluid volume deficit.  Obtain blood samples and urine specimens for laboratory tests, including Hb level, HCT, urinalysis, and electrolyte levels.  Provide small frequent meals to maintain adequate nutrition.  Maintain I.V. fluid replacement and TPN to reduce fluid deficit and pH imbalance.  Provide em0otional support to help the patient cope with her condition. Teaching Topics  Using salt on foods to replace sodium lost by vomiting. MCHN Abejo