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Before you begin this unit, please take the        THE NORMAL
corresponding test at the end of the book to
assess your knowledge of the subject matter. You   PUERPERIUM
should redo the test after you’ve worked through
the unit, to evaluate what you have learned.
                                                   12-1 What is the puerperium?
                                                   The puerperium is the period from the end
 Objectives                                        of the third stage of labour until most of the
                                                   patient’s organs have returned to their pre-
                                                   pregnant state.
 When you have completed this unit you
 should be able to:
                                                   12-2 How long does the puerperium last?
 • Define the puerperium.
 • List the physical changes which occur           The puerperium starts when the placenta is
                                                   delivered and lasts for six weeks (42 days).
   during the puerperium.
                                                   However, some organs may only return to
 • Manage the normal puerperium.                   their pre-pregnant state weeks or even months
 • Assess a patient at the six-week                after the six weeks have elapsed (e.g. the
   postnatal visit.                                ureters). Other organs never regain their pre-
 • Diagnose and manage the various                 pregnant state (e.g. the perineum).
   causes of puerperal pyrexia.                    It is important for the midwife or doctor
 • Recognise the puerperal psychiatric             to assess whether the puerperal patient has
   disorders.                                      returned, as closely as possible, to normal
 • Diagnose and manage secondary                   health and activity.
   postpartum haemorrhage.
 • Teach the patient the concept of ‘the            The puerperium starts when the placenta is
   mother as a monitor’.                            delivered and lasts for six weeks.

                                                   12-3 Why is the puerperium important?
                                                   1. The patient recovers from her labour,
                                                      which often leaves her tired, even

   exhausted. There is, nevertheless, a feeling        3. Abdominal wall:
   of great relief and happiness.                         • The abdominal wall is flaccid (loose
2. The patient undergoes what is probably the                 and wrinkled) and some separation
   most important psychological experience of                 (divarication) of the abdominal
   her life, as she realises that she is responsible          muscles occurs.
   for another human being, her infant.                   • Pregnancy marks (striae gravidarum),
3. Breastfeeding should be established.                       where present, do not disappear, but do
4. The patient should decide, with the                        tend to become less red in time.
   guidance of a midwife or doctor, on an              4. Gastrointestinal tract:
   appropriate contraceptive method.                      • Thirst is common.
                                                          • The appetite varies from anorexia to
12-4 What physical changes occur                              ravenous hunger.
in the puerperium?                                        • There may be flatulence (excess wind).
                                                          • Many patients are constipated as a
Almost every organ undergoes change in the                    result of decreased tone of the bowel
puerperium. These adjustments range from                      during pregnancy, decreased food
mild to marked. Only those changes which are                  intake during labour and passing stool
important in the management of the normal                     when nearly fully dilated or during the
puerperium will be described here:                            second stage of labour. Constipation
1. General condition:                                         is common in the presence of an
   • Some women experience shivering                          episiotomy or painful haemorrhoids.
      soon after delivery, without a change in            The routine administration of enemas
      body temperature.                                   when patients are admitted in labour
   • The pulse rate may be slow, normal or                is unnecessary and is not beneficial to
      fast, but should not be above 100 beats             patients. It also causes constipation during
      per minute.                                         the puerperium.
   • The blood pressure may also vary and              5. Urinary tract:
      may be slightly elevated in an otherwise            • Retention of urine is common and
      healthy patient. It should, however, be                 may result from decreased tone of the
      less than 140/90 mm Hg.                                 bladder in pregnancy and oedema of
   • There is an immediate drop in weight                     the urethra following delivery. Dysuria
      of about 8 kg after delivery. Further                   and difficulty in passing urine may
      weight loss follows involution of the                   lead to complete urinary retention, or
      uterus and the normal diuresis (an                      retention with overflow incontinence.
      increased amount of urine passed), but                  A full bladder will interfere with
      also depends on whether the patient                     uterine contractions.
      breastfeeds her infant.                             • A diuresis usually occurs on the
2. Skin:                                                      second or third day of the puerperium.
   • The increased pigmentation of the face,                  In oedematous patients it may start
      abdominal wall and vulva lightens but                   immediately after delivery.
      the areolae may remain darker than                  • Stress incontinence (a leak of urine)
      they were before pregnancy.                             is common when the patient laughs
   • With the onset of diuresis the general                   or coughs. It may first be noted in
      puffiness and any oedema disappear in                   the puerperium or follow stress
      a few days.                                             incontinence which was present
   • Marked sweating may occur for some                       during pregnancy. Often stress
      days.                                                   incontinence becomes worse initially
                                                              but tends to improve with time and
                                                              with pelvic floor exercises.

   Pelvic floor exercises are also known as               fingers. By the seventh day postpartum
   pinch or ‘knyp’ exercises. The muscles that            the cervical os will have closed.
   are exercised are those used to suddenly           •   Uterus: The most important change
   stop a stream of urine midway through                  occurring in the uterus is involution.
   micturition. These muscles should be                   After delivery the uterus is about the
   tightened, as strongly as possible, ten times          size of a 20-week pregnancy. By the end
   in succession on at least four occasions a             of the first week it is about 12 weeks
   day.                                                   in size. At 14 days the fundus of the
                                                          uterus should no longer be palpable
  NOTE Normal bladder function is likely to be            above the symphysis pubis. After six
  temporarily impaired when a patient has been            weeks it has decreased to the size of a
  given epidural analgesia. Complete retention            normal multiparous uterus, which is
  of urine or retention with overflow may occur.
                                                          slightly larger than a nulliparous one.
6. Blood:                                                 This remarkable decrease in size is the
   • The haemoglobin concentration                        result of contraction and retraction
       becomes stable around the fourth day               of the uterine muscle. The normally
       of the puerperium.                                 involuting uterus should be firm and
   • The platelet count is raised and the                 non tender. The decidua of the uterus
       platelets become more sticky from                  necroses (dies), due to ischaemia, and is
       the fourth to tenth day after delivery.            shed as the lochia. The average duration
       These and other changes in the clotting            of red lochia is 24 days. Thereafter, the
       (coagulation) factors may cause                    lochia becomes straw coloured. Normal
       thrombo-embolism in the puerperium.                lochia has a typical, non-offensive smell.
7. Breasts:                                               Offensive lochia is always abnormal.
   Marked changes occur during the
   puerperium with the production of milk.
8. Genital tract:                                  MANAGEMENT OF
   Very marked changes occur in the genital        THE PUERPERIUM
   tract during the puerperium.
   • Vulva: The vulva is swollen and               The management of the puerperium may be
       congested after delivery, but these         divided into three stages:
       features rapidly disappear. Tears and/or
       an episiotomy usually heal easily.          1. The management of the first hour after
   • Vagina: Immediately after delivery               delivery of the placenta (sometimes called
       the vagina is large, smooth walled,            the fourth stage of labour).
       oedematous and congested. It rapidly        2. The management of the rest of the
       shrinks in size and rugae return by the        puerperium.
       third week. The vaginal walls remain        3. The six week postnatal visit.
       laxer than before and some degree of
       vaginal prolapse (cystocoele and/or         12-5 How should you manage the first
       rectocoele) is common after a vaginal       hour after the delivery of the placenta?
       delivery. Small vaginal tears, which are
                                                   The two main objectives of managing the first
       very common, usually heal in seven to
                                                   hour of the puerperium are:
       ten days.
   • Cervix: After the first vaginal delivery      1. To ensure that the patient is, and remains,
       the circular external os of the nullipara      in a good condition.
       becomes slit-like. For the first few        2. The prevention of a postpartum
       days after delivery the cervix remains         haemorrhage (PPH).
       partially open, admitting one or two        To achieve these, you should:

1. Perform certain routine observations.            12-8 How can the patient help to prevent
2. Care for the needs of the patient.               postpartum haemorrhage during
3. Get the patient’s co-operation in ensuring       the first hour of the puerperium?
   that her uterus remains well contracted
                                                    1. The patient should be shown how to
   and that she reports any vaginal bleeding.
The correct management of the first hour of            • The height of the uterine fundus in
the puerperium is most important as the risk              relation to the umbilicus.
of postpartum haemorrhage is greatest at this          • The feel of a well-contracted uterus.
time.                                                  • The amount of vaginal bleeding.
                                                    2. She should be shown how to ‘rub up’ the
12-6 Which routine observations                        uterus.
should you perform in the first hour                3. She should be told that if the uterine
after delivery of the placenta?                        fundus rises or the uterus relaxes or if
                                                       vaginal bleeding increases, she must:
1. Immediately after the delivery of the               • Immediately call the midwife.
   placenta you should:                                • In the meantime rub up the uterus.
   • Assess whether the uterus is well
       contracted.                                  These two important steps may help prevent a
   • Assess whether vaginal bleeding                postpartum haemorrhage.
       appears more than normal.
   • Record the patient’s pulse rate, blood          The patient can play a very important role in the
       pressure and temperature.
                                                     prevention of postpartum haemorrhage.
2. During the first hour after the delivery
   of the placenta, provided that the above
   observations are normal, you should:             12-9 When should a postpartum
   • Continuously assess whether the uterus         patient be allowed to go home?
       is well contracted and that no excessive     This will depend on:
       vaginal bleeding is present.
   • Repeat the measurement of the pulse            1. Whether the patient had a normal
       rate and blood pressure after one hour.         pregnancy and delivery.
   • If the patient’s condition changes,            2. The circumstances of the hospital or clinic
       observations must be done more                  where the patient was delivered.
       frequently until the patient’s condition
       returns to normal.                           12-10 When should a patient be
                                                    allowed to go home following a
                                                    normal pregnancy and delivery?
 Observations during the first hour of the
 puerperium are extremely important.                A patient who has had a normal pregnancy
                                                    and delivery may be allowed to go home about
                                                    six hours after the birth of her infant, provided:
12-7 How should you care for the
needs of the patient during the                     1. The observations done on the mother and
first hour of the puerperium?                          infant since delivery have been normal.
                                                    2. The mother and infant are normal on
After the placenta has been delivered the
                                                       examination, and the infant is sucking well.
patient needs to be:
                                                    3. The patient is able to attend her nearest
1.   Washed.                                           clinic on the day after delivery (day one)
2.   Given something to drink and maybe to eat.        and then again on days three and five
3.   Allowed to bond with her infant.                  after delivery for postnatal care, or be
4.   Allowed to rest for as long as she needs to.      visited at home by a midwife on those

   days. Primigravidas should be seen again          at least 24 hours to ensure that her uterus
   on day seven, especially to ensure that           is well contracted and that there is no
   breastfeeding is well established.                further bleeding.
4. Patients who received no antenatal care
   and are delivered without having had           12-12 How will the circumstances at a clinic
   any screening tests must have a rapid          or hospital influence the time of discharge?
   syphilis test and a rapid Rhesus grouping.
   Counselling for HIV testing must also be       1. Some clinics have no space to
   done.                                             accommodate patients for longer than six
5. A postnatal card needs to be completed            hours after delivery. Therefore, patients who
   for the mother on discharge as this is the        cannot be discharged safely at six hours will
   only means of communication between the           have to be transferred to a hospital.
   delivery site and the clinic where she will    2. Some hospitals manage patients who live
   receive postnatal care.                           in remote areas where follow-up is not
                                                     possible. These patients will have to be kept
A patient should only be discharged home after       in hospital longer before discharge.
delivery if no abnormalities are found when
the following examinations are performed:         12-13 What postnatal care should be
1. A general examination, paying particular       given during the puerperium after the
   attention to the:                              patient has left the hospital or clinic?
   • Pulse rate.                                  The following observations must be done on
   • Blood pressure.                              the mother:
   • Temperature.
   • Haemoglobin concentration.                   1. Assess the patient’s general condition.
2. An abdominal examination, paying               2. Observe the pulse rate, blood pressure and
   particular attention to the state of              temperature.
   contraction and tenderness of the uterus.      3. Determine the height of the uterine fundus
3. An inspection of the episiotomy site.             and assess whether any uterine tenderness
4. The amount, colour, and odour of the              is present.
   lochia.                                        4. Assess the amount, colour, and odour of
5. A postnatal examination was completed             the lochia.
   for the mother and infant.                     5. Check whether the episiotomy is healing
12-11 When should a patient be                    6. Ask if the patient passes urine normally
discharged from hospital following a                 and enquire about any urinary symptoms.
complicated pregnancy and delivery?                  Reassure the patient if she has not passed a
                                                     stool by day five.
This will depend on the nature of the             7. Measure the haemoglobin concentration if
complication and the method of delivery.             the patient appears pale.
For example:                                      8. Assess the condition of the patient’s breasts
1. A patient with pre-eclampsia should               and nipples. Determine whether successful
   be kept in hospital until her blood               breastfeeding has been established.
   pressure has returned to normal or is well     The following observations must be done on
   controlled with oral drugs.                    the infant:
2. A patient who has had a Caesarean section
   will usually stay in hospital for three days   1. Assess whether the infant appears well.
   or longer.                                     2. Check whether the infant is jaundiced.
3. A patient who has had a postpartum             3. Examine the umbilical stump for signs of
   haemorrhage must be kept in hospital for          infection.

4. Examine the eyes for conjunctivitis.             12-16 When should a patient be seen again
5. Ask whether the infant has passed urine          after postnatal care has been completed?
   and stool.
                                                    The postnatal visit is usually held six weeks
6. Assess whether the infant is feeding well
                                                    after delivery. By this time almost all the organ
   and is satisfied after a feed.
                                                    changes which occurred during pregnancy
                                                    should have disappeared.
 The successful establishment of breastfeeding is
 one of the most important goals of patient care
 during the puerperium.                             THE SIX WEEK
                                                    POSTNATAL VISIT
12-14 How can you help to establish
successful breastfeeding?
                                                    12-17 Which patients need to attend
By providing patient education and                  a six week postnatal clinic?
motivation. This should preferably start
before pregnancy and continue throughout            Patients with specific problems that need to be
the antenatal period and after pregnancy.           followed up six weeks postpartum, e.g. patients
Encouragement and support are very                  who were discharged with hypertension need
important during the first weeks after delivery.    to come back to have their blood pressure
The important role of breastfeeding in              measured. Patients who are healthy may be
lowering infant mortality in poor communities       referred directly to the mother-and-child
must be remembered.                                 health clinics.

12-15 Which topics should you                       12-18 What are the objectives of
include under patient education                     the six week postnatal visit?
in the puerperium?                                  It is important to determine whether:
Patient education regarding herself, her            1. The patient is healthy and has returned to
infant, and her family should not start during         her normal activities.
the puerperium, but should be part of any           2. The infant is well and growing normally.
woman’s general education, starting at school.      3. Breastfeeding has been satisfactorily
Topics which should be emphasised in patient           established.
education in the puerperium include:                4. Contraception has been arranged to the
1. Personal and infant care.                           patient’s satisfaction.
2. Offensive lochia must be reported                5. The patient has been referred to a mother-
   immediately.                                        and-child health clinic for further care.
3. The ‘puerperal blues’.                           6. The patient has any questions about
4. Family planning.                                    herself, her infant, or her family.
5. Any special arrangements for the next
   pregnancy and delivery.                          12-19 How should the six week
6. When to start coitus again. Usually              postnatal visit be conducted?
   coitus can be started three to four weeks
                                                    1. The patient is asked how she and her infant
   postpartum when the episiotomy or tears
                                                       have been since they were discharged from
   have healed.
                                                       the hospital or clinic.
                                                    2. The patient is then examined. On
 Patient education is an important and often           examination pay particular attention
 neglected part of postnatal care.                     to the blood pressure and breasts, and
                                                       look for signs of anaemia. An abdominal

   examination is followed by a speculum
                                                       Puerperal pyrexia may be caused by a serious
   examination to check whether the
                                                       complication of the puerperium.
   episiotomy, vulval, or vaginal tears have
   healed. A cytology smear of the cervix
   should be taken if the patient is 30 years         12-22 What are the causes
   or older and has not previously had a              of puerperal pyrexia?
   normal cervical smear. A cervical smear
                                                      1. Genital tract infection.
   should also be taken on any woman
                                                      2. Urinary tract infection.
   who has previously had an abnormal
                                                      3. Mastitis or breast abscess.
   smear. A bimanual examination is then
                                                      4. Thrombophlebitis (superficial vein
   done to assess the size of the uterus. The
   haemoglobin is measured and the urine
                                                      5. Respiratory tract infection.
   tested for glucose and protein.
                                                      6. Other infections.
3. Attention must be given to any specific
   reason why the patient is being followed
   up, e.g. arrangements for the management           12-23 What is the cause of
   of patients who remain hypertensive after          genital tract infection?
   delivery.                                          Genital tract infection (or puerperal sepsis)
4. The patient is given health education as           is caused by bacterial infection of the raw
   set out in section 12-15. It should again be       placental site or lacerations of the cervix,
   remembered to ask her whether she has              vagina or perineum.
   any questions she would like to ask.
                                                           NOTE Genital tract infection is usually caused
If the patient and her infant are both well, they          by the group A or group B Streptococcus,
are referred to their local mother-and-child               Staphylococcus aureus or anaerobic bacteria.
health clinic for further follow-up.
                                                      12-24 How should you diagnose
 A patient and her infant should only be discharged   genital tract infection?
 if they are both well and have been referred to
                                                      1. History
 the local mother-and-child health clinic, and the       If one or more of the following is present:
 patient has received contraceptive counselling.         • Preterm or prelabour rupture of the
                                                             membranes, a long labour, operative
                                                             delivery, or incomplete delivery of
PUERPERAL PYREXIA                                            the placenta or membranes may have
                                                         • The patient will feel generally unwell.
12-20 When is puerperal pyrexia present?                 • Lower abdominal pain.
A patient has puerperal pyrexia if her oral           2. Examination
temperature rises to 38 °C or higher during the          • Pyrexia, usually developing within the
puerperium.                                                  first 24 hours after delivery. Rigors may
12-21 Why is puerperal pyrexia important?                • Marked tachycardia.
                                                         • Lower abdominal tenderness.
Because it may be caused by serious                      • Offensive lochia.
complications of the puerperium.                         • The episiotomy wound or perineal or
Breastfeeding may be interfered with. The                    vaginal tears may be infected.
patient may become very ill or even die.
                                                           NOTE If possible, an endocervical swab should be
                                                           taken for microscopy, culture, and sensitivity tests.

12-25 How should you manage                             12-26 How must a patient with
genital tract infection?                                offensive lochia be managed?
1. Prevention                                           1. If the patient has pyrexia she must be
   • Strict asepsis during delivery.                       admitted to hospital.
   • Reduction in the number of vaginal                 2. If the involution of the patient’s uterus is
      examinations during labour to a                      slower than expected and the cervical os
      minimum.                                             remains open, retained placental products
   • Prevention of unnecessary trauma                      are present. An evacuation of the uterus
      during labour.                                       under general anaesthesia must be done.
   • Isolation of infected patients.                    3. If the patient has a normal temperature
2. Treatment                                               and normal involution of her uterus, she
   • Admit the patient to hospital.                        can be managed as an outpatient with oral
   • Bring down the patient’s temperature,                 ampicillin and metronidazole (Flagyl).
      e.g. by tepid sponging.
   • Give the patient analgesia, e.g.
      paracetamol (Panado) 1 g (two adult
                                                         Offensive lochia is an important sign of genital
      tablets) orally six-hourly.                        tract infection.
   • Adequate fluid intake with strict intake
      and output measurement.                           12-27 How should you diagnose
   • Broad spectrum antibiotics, e.g.                   a urinary tract infection?
      intravenous ampicillin and oral
                                                        1. History
      metronidazole (Flagyl). If the patient
                                                           • The patient may have been catheterised
      is to be referred, antibiotic treatment
                                                              during labour or in the puerperium.
      must be started before transfer.
                                                           • The patient complains of rigors
   • The haemoglobin concentration must
                                                              (shivering) and lower abdominal pain
      be measured. A blood transfusion
                                                              and/or pain in the lower back over one
      must be given if the haemoglobin
                                                              or both the kidneys (the loins).
      concentration is below 8 g/dl.
                                                           • Dysuria and frequency. However, these
   • Removal of all stitches if the wound is
                                                              are not reliable symptoms of urinary
                                                              tract infection.
   • Drainage of any abscess.
                                                        2. Examination
   • If there is subinvolution of the
                                                           • Pyrexia, often with rigors (shivering).
      uterus, an evacuation under general
                                                           • Tachycardia.
      anaesthetic must be done.
                                                           • Suprapubic tenderness and/or
  NOTE 24 hours after starting this treatment
                                                              tenderness, especially to percussion,
  the patient’s condition should have improved                over the kidneys (punch tenderness in
  considerably and the temperature should by                  the renal angles).
  then be normal. If this is not the case, evacuation   3. Side-room and special investigations
  of the uterus is required and gentamicin must            • Microscopy of a midstream or catheter
  be added to the antibiotics. A laporotomy                   specimen of urine usually shows large
  and possibly a hysterectomy is indicated, if                numbers of pus cells and bacteria.
  peritonitis and subinvolution of the uterus
                                                           • Culture and sensitivity tests of the
  are present, and there is no response to the
  measures detailed above. Transfer the patient to
                                                              urine must be done if the facilities are
  the appropriate level of care for this purpose.             available.
                                                        The presence of pyrexia and punch tenderness
                                                        in the renal angles indicate an upper renal

tract infection and a diagnosis of acute               •     Tachycardia.
pyelonephritis must be made.                           •     Presence of a localised area of the
                                                             forearm or leg which is swollen, red
12-28 How should you manage a                                and tender.
patient with a urinary tract infection?
                                                    12-31 How should you manage a patient
1. Prevention
                                                    with superficial vein thrombophlebitis?
   • Avoid catheterisation whenever
      possible. If catheterisation is essential,    1. Give analgesia, e.g. aspirin 300 mg (one
      it must be done with strict aseptic              adult tablet) six-hourly.
      precautions.                                  2. Support the leg with an elastic bandage.
2. Treatment                                        3. Encourage the patient to walk around.
   • Admit the patient to hospital.
   • Take measures to bring down the
      temperature.                                  RESPIRATORY TRACT
   • Analgesia, e.g. paracetamol (Panado)           INFECTION
      1 g orally six-hourly.
   • Adequate fluid intake.
   • Intravenous cefuroxime (Zinecef)               12-32 How should you diagnose a
      750 mg eight-hourly.                          lower respiratory tract infection?

  NOTE Organisms causing acute pyelonephritis
                                                    A lower respiratory tract infection, such as
  are often resistant to ampicillin, therefore      acute bronchitis or pneumonia, is diagnosed
  intravenous cefuroxime (Zinacef ) must be used.   as follows:
                                                    1. History
 Antibiotics should not be given to a patient          • The patient may have had general
 with puerperal pyrexia until she has been fully          anaesthesia with endotracheal
 investigated.                                            intubation, e.g. for a Caesarean section.
                                                       • Cough, which may be productive.
                                                       • Pain in the chest.
                                                       • A recent upper respiratory tract
THROMBOPHLEBITIS                                          infection.
                                                    2. Examination
                                                       • Pyrexia.
12-29 What is superficial vein                         • Tachypnoea (breathing rapidly).
thrombophlebitis?                                      • Tachycardia.
This is a non-infective inflammation and            3. Special investigations
thrombosis of the superficial veins of the             • A chest X-ray is useful in diagnosing
leg or forearm where an infusion was given.               pneumonia.
Thrombophlebitis commonly occurs during
the puerperium, especially in varicose veins.         NOTE  Examination of the chest may reveal basal
                                                      dullness due to collapse, increased breath
                                                      sounds or crepitations due to pneumonia,
12-30 How should you diagnose                         or bilateral rhonchi due to bronchitis.
superficial leg vein thrombophlebitis?
1. History                                          12-33 How should you manage a patient
   • Painful swelling of the leg or forearm.        with a lower respiratory tract infection.
   • Presence of varicose veins.                    1. Prevention
2. Examination                                         • Skilled anaesthesia.
   • Pyrexia.

   •  Proper care of the patient during          • Genital tract.
      induction and recovery from                • Legs, especially the calves.
      anaesthesia.                            4. Perform the necessary special
   • Encourage deep breathing and coughing       investigations, but always send off a:
      following a general anaesthetic to         • Endocervical swab.
      prevent lower lobe collapse.               • Midstream or catheter specimen of
2. Treatment                                         urine.
   • Admit the patient to hospital, unless    5. Start the appropriate treatment.
      the infection is very mild.
   • Oxygen, if required.
   • Ampicillin orally or intravenously
                                               If a patient presents with puerperal pyrexia
      depending on the severity of the         the cause of the pyrexia must be found and
      infection.                               appropriately treated.
   • Analgesia, e.g. paracetamol (Panado)
      1 g six-hourly.
   • Physiotherapy.                           PUERPERAL PSYCHIATRIC
3. Special investigations
   • Send a sample of sputum for              DISORDERS
      microscopy, culture, and sensitivity
      testing if possible.
                                              12-36 Which are the puerperal
                                              psychiatric disorders?
12-34 Which other infections may
cause puerperal pyrexia?                      1. The ‘puerperal blues’.
                                              2. Temporary postnatal depression.
Tonsillitis, influenza and any other acute    3. Puerperal psychosis.
infection, e.g. acute appendicitis.
                                              12-37 Why is it important to recognise the
12-35 What should you do if a patient         various puerperal psychiatric disorders?
presents with puerperal pyrexia?
                                              1. The ‘puerperal blues’ are very common in
1. Ask the patient what she thinks is wrong      the first week after delivery, especially on
   with her.                                     day three. The patient feels miserable and
2. Specifically ask for symptoms which           cries easily. Although the patient may be
   point to:                                     very distressed, all that is required is an
   • An infection of the throat or ears.         explanation, reassurance, and a caring,
   • Mastitis or breast abscess.                 sympathetic attitude and emotional support.
   • A chest infection.                          The condition improves within a few days.
   • A urinary tract infection.               2. Postnatal depression is much commoner
   • An infected abdominal wound if the          than is generally realised. It may last for
       patient had a Caesarean section or a      months or even years and patients may
       puerperal sterilisation.                  need to be referred to a psychiatrist.
   • Genital tract infection.                    Patients with postnatal depression usually
   • Superficial leg vein thrombophlebitis.      present with a depressed mood that cannot
3. Examine the patient systematically,           be relieved, a lack of interest in their
   including the:                                surroundings, a poor or excessive appetite,
   • Throat and ears.                            sleeping difficulties, feelings of inadequacy,
   • Breasts.                                    guilt and helplessness, and sometimes
   • Chest.                                      suicidal thoughts.
   • Abdominal wound, if present.
   • Urinary tract.

3. Puerperal psychosis is an uncommon but            However, the cause is unknown in up to half of
   very important condition. The onset is            these patients.
   usually acute and an observant attendant
   will notice the sudden and marked change            NOTE  Gestational trophoblastic disease
   in the patient’s behaviour. She may rapidly         (hydatidiform mole or choriocarcinoma) and
   pose a threat to her infant, the staff, and         a disorder of blood coagulation may also
                                                       cause secondary postpartum haemorrhage.
   herself. Such a patient must be referred
   urgently to a psychiatrist and will usually
   need admission to a psychiatric unit.             12-41 What clinical features should alert you
                                                     to the possibility of the patient developing
  NOTE Patients with puerperal psychosis are         secondary postpartum haemorrhage?
  unable to care for themselves or their infants.
                                                     1. A history of incomplete delivery of the
  They are often disorientated and paranoid
  and may have hallucinations. They may                 placenta and/or membranes.
  also be severely depressed or manic.               2. Unexplained puerperal pyrexia.
                                                     3. Delayed involution of the uterus.
                                                     4. Offensive and/or persistently red lochia.
                                                     12-42 How should you manage a patient
HAEMORRHAGE                                          with secondary postpartum haemorrhage?
                                                     1. Prevention
12-38 What is secondary                                 • Aseptic technique throughout labour,
postpartum haemorrhage?                                    the delivery and the puerperium.
                                                        • Careful examination after delivery to
This is any amount of vaginal bleeding, other              determine whether the placenta and
than the normal amount of lochia, occurring                membranes are complete.
after the first 24 hours postpartum until the           • Proper repair of vaginal and perineal
end of the puerperium. It commonly occurs                  lacerations.
between the fifth and 15th days after delivery.      2. Treatment
                                                        • Admission of the patient to hospital is
12-39 Why is secondary postpartum                          indicated, except in very mild cases of
haemorrhage important?                                     secondary postpartum haemorrhage.
1. A secondary postpartum haemorrhage                   • Review of the clinical notes with regard
   may be so severe that it causes shock.                  to completeness of the placenta and
2. Unless the cause of the secondary                       membranes.
   postpartum haemorrhage is treated, the               • Obtain an endocervical swab for
   vaginal bleeding will continue.                         bacteriology.
                                                        • Give ampicillin and metronidazole
                                                           (Flagyl) orally.
12-40 What are the causes of secondary
                                                        • Give 20 units oxytocin in an
postpartum haemorrhage?
                                                           intravenous infusion if excessive
1. Genital tract infection with or without                 bleeding is present.
   retention of a piece of placenta or part of the      • Blood transfusion, if the haemoglobin
   membranes. This is the commonest cause.                 concentration drops below 8 g/dl.
2. Separation of an infected slough in a                • Removal of retained placental products
   cervical or vaginal laceration.                         under general anaesthesia.
3. Breakdown (dehiscence) of a Caesarean
   section wound of the uterus.

12-43 What may you find on physical                       •   Conjunctivitis.
examination to suggest that retained                      •   Infection of the umbilical cord stump.
pieces of placenta or membranes
are the cause of a secondary
                                                      Each patient must be taught to monitor her own
postpartum haemorrhage?
                                                      wellbeing, as well as that of her fetus or infant.
1. The uterus will be involuting slower than
2. Even though the patient may be more than
   seven days postpartum, the cervical os
                                                     CASE STUDY 1
   will have remained open (a finger can be
   passed through the cervix).                       Following a spontaneous vertex delivery in
                                                     a clinic, you have delivered the placenta and
                                                     membranes completely. The maternal and fetal
SELF-MONITORING                                      conditions are good and there is no abnormal
                                                     vaginal bleeding. You are the only staff
                                                     member in the clinic. You are called away and
12-44 What is meant by the concept                   will have to leave the patient alone for a while.
of ‘the mother as a monitor’?
This is a concept where the patient is made          1. How can you get the patient’s help in
aware of the many ways in which she can              preventing a postpartum haemorrhage?
monitor her own, as well as her fetus’ or infant’s   The patient should be shown how to observe:
wellbeing, during pregnancy, in labour, and in
the puerperium. This has two major advantages:       1.   The height of the uterine fundus.
                                                     2.   Whether the uterus is well contracted.
1. The patient becomes much more involved            3.   The amount of vaginal bleeding.
   in her own perinatal care.                        4.   She should also be asked to empty her
2. Possible complications will be reported by             bladder frequently.
   the patient at the earliest opportunity.
                                                     2. What should the patient do if
12-45 How can the patient act as                     she notices that her uterus relaxes
a monitor in the puerperium?                         and/or there is vaginal bleeding?
The patient must be encouraged to report             She should rub up the uterus and call you
the following complications as soon as she           immediately.
becomes aware of them:
1. Maternal complications                            3. What should you check on
   • Symptoms of puerperal pyrexia.                  before leaving the patient?
   • Breakdown of an episiotomy.
                                                     You should make sure that:
   • Breastfeeding problems.
   • Excessive or offensive lochia.                  1. The patient and her infant’s observations are
   • Recurrence of vaginal bleeding, i.e.               normal and both their conditions are stable.
     secondary postpartum haemorrhage.               2. The patient understands what she has to do.
   • Prolonged postnatal depression.                 3. You will be able to hear the patient, if she
2. Complications in the infant                          calls you.
   • Poor feeding or other feeding
   • Lethargy.
   • Jaundice.

CASE STUDY 2                                        2. Which contraceptive method she should
                                                       use and how to use it correctly.
                                                    3. The care and feeding of her infant,
A patient returns to a clinic for a visit three
                                                       stressing the importance of breastfeeding.
days after a normal first pregnancy and
                                                    4. The time that coitus can be resumed.
delivery. She complains of leaking urine
when coughing or laughing, and she is also          Also ask about, and discuss, any other
worried that she has not passed a stool since       uncertainties which the patient may have.
the delivery. She starts to cry and says that she
should not have fallen pregnant. Her infant
takes the breast well and sleeps well after each    CASE STUDY 3
feed. On examination the patient appears well,
her observations are normal, the uterus is the      Following a prolonged first stage of labour due
size of a 16-week pregnant uterus, and the          to an occipito-posterior position, a patient has
lochia is red and not offensive.                    a spontaneous vertex delivery. The placenta and
                                                    membranes are complete. There is no excessive
1. Is her puerperium progressing normally?          postpartum blood loss and the patient is
Yes. The patient appears healthy with normal        discharged home after six hours. Within 24
observations, and the involution of her uterus      hours of delivery the patient is brought back
is satisfactory.                                    to the clinic. She has a temperature of 39 °C,
                                                    a pulse rate of 110 beats per minute and
                                                    complains of a headache and lower abdominal
2. What should be done about
                                                    pain. The uterus is tender to palpation.
the patient’s complaints?
Stress incontinence is common during                1. What does the patient present with?
the puerperium. Therefore, the patient
must be reassured that it will improve over         Puerperal pyrexia.
time. However, pelvic floor exercises must
be explained to her as they will hasten             2. What is the most likely cause
improvement of her incontinence. She need           of the puerperal pyrexia?
not be worried about not having passed a stool      Genital tract infection, i.e. puerperal sepsis.
as this is normal during the first few days of      This diagnosis is suggested by the general
the puerperium.                                     signs of infection and the uterine tenderness.
                                                    The patient had a prolonged first stage of
3. Why is the patient regretting                    labour, which is usually accompanied by
her pregnancy and crying for                        a greater than usual number of vaginal
no apparent reason?                                 examinations and, therefore, predisposes her
She probably has the ‘puerperal blues’ which        to genital tract infection.
are common in the puerperium. Listen
sympathetically to the patient’s complaints         3. Was the early postnatal management
and reassure her that she is managing well as       of this patient correct?
a mother. Also explain that her feelings are        No. The patient should not have been
normal and are experienced by most mothers.         discharged home so early as she had a
                                                    prolonged first stage of labour which places
4. What educational topics must be                  her at a higher risk of infection. She should
discussed with the patient during this visit?       have been observed for at least 24 hours.
1. Family size and when she plans to have her
   next infant.

4. How should you manage this                          2. What is the most likely cause
patient further in the clinic?                         of the patient’s pyrexia?
She must be made comfortable. Paracetamol              An upper urinary tract infection as suggested
(Panado) 1 g orally may be given for the               by the pyrexia, rigors, lower abdominal pain
headache. If necessary, she should be given            and tenderness over the kidneys.
a tepid sponging. An intravenous infusion
should be started and she must then be                 3. Do you agree with the management
referred to hospital. If at all possible, the infant   given to the patient?
must accompany the patient to hospital. The
need to start antibiotic treatment, such as            No. A urinary tract infection that causes
intravenous ampicillin and oral metronidazole          puerperal pyrexia is an indication for
(Flagyl), before transfer must be discussed            admitting the patient to hospital. Intravenous
with the doctor.                                       cefuroxime (Zinecef) must be given, as this
                                                       will lead to a rapid recovery and prevent
                                                       serious complications.
                                                       4. Why is a puerperal patient at
                                                       risk of a urinary tract infection and
A patient is seen at a clinic on day five following
                                                       how may this be prevented?
a normal pregnancy, labour and delivery. She
complains of rigors and lower abdominal pain.          Catheterisation is often required and this
She has a temperature of 38.5 °C, tenderness           increases the risk of a urinary tract infection.
over both kidneys (loins) and tenderness to            Catheterisation must only be carried out
percussion over both renal angles. A diagnosis         when necessary and must always be done as
of puerperal pyrexia is made and the patient is        an aseptic procedure. Screening and treating
given oral ampicillin. She is asked to come back       asymptomatic bacteriuria at the antenatal
to the clinic on day seven.                            clinic will reduce acute pyelonephritis during
                                                       the puerperium.
1. Are you satisfied with the
diagnosis of puerperal pyrexia?
No. Puerperal pyrexia is a clinical sign and
not a diagnosis. The cause of the pyrexia must
be found by taking a history, doing a physical
examination and, if indicated, completing
special investigations.

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Maternal Care: The puerperium

  • 1. 12 The puerperium Before you begin this unit, please take the THE NORMAL corresponding test at the end of the book to assess your knowledge of the subject matter. You PUERPERIUM should redo the test after you’ve worked through the unit, to evaluate what you have learned. 12-1 What is the puerperium? The puerperium is the period from the end Objectives of the third stage of labour until most of the patient’s organs have returned to their pre- pregnant state. When you have completed this unit you should be able to: 12-2 How long does the puerperium last? • Define the puerperium. • List the physical changes which occur The puerperium starts when the placenta is delivered and lasts for six weeks (42 days). during the puerperium. However, some organs may only return to • Manage the normal puerperium. their pre-pregnant state weeks or even months • Assess a patient at the six-week after the six weeks have elapsed (e.g. the postnatal visit. ureters). Other organs never regain their pre- • Diagnose and manage the various pregnant state (e.g. the perineum). causes of puerperal pyrexia. It is important for the midwife or doctor • Recognise the puerperal psychiatric to assess whether the puerperal patient has disorders. returned, as closely as possible, to normal • Diagnose and manage secondary health and activity. postpartum haemorrhage. • Teach the patient the concept of ‘the The puerperium starts when the placenta is mother as a monitor’. delivered and lasts for six weeks. 12-3 Why is the puerperium important? 1. The patient recovers from her labour, which often leaves her tired, even
  • 2. 230 MATERNAL CARE exhausted. There is, nevertheless, a feeling 3. Abdominal wall: of great relief and happiness. • The abdominal wall is flaccid (loose 2. The patient undergoes what is probably the and wrinkled) and some separation most important psychological experience of (divarication) of the abdominal her life, as she realises that she is responsible muscles occurs. for another human being, her infant. • Pregnancy marks (striae gravidarum), 3. Breastfeeding should be established. where present, do not disappear, but do 4. The patient should decide, with the tend to become less red in time. guidance of a midwife or doctor, on an 4. Gastrointestinal tract: appropriate contraceptive method. • Thirst is common. • The appetite varies from anorexia to 12-4 What physical changes occur ravenous hunger. in the puerperium? • There may be flatulence (excess wind). • Many patients are constipated as a Almost every organ undergoes change in the result of decreased tone of the bowel puerperium. These adjustments range from during pregnancy, decreased food mild to marked. Only those changes which are intake during labour and passing stool important in the management of the normal when nearly fully dilated or during the puerperium will be described here: second stage of labour. Constipation 1. General condition: is common in the presence of an • Some women experience shivering episiotomy or painful haemorrhoids. soon after delivery, without a change in The routine administration of enemas body temperature. when patients are admitted in labour • The pulse rate may be slow, normal or is unnecessary and is not beneficial to fast, but should not be above 100 beats patients. It also causes constipation during per minute. the puerperium. • The blood pressure may also vary and 5. Urinary tract: may be slightly elevated in an otherwise • Retention of urine is common and healthy patient. It should, however, be may result from decreased tone of the less than 140/90 mm Hg. bladder in pregnancy and oedema of • There is an immediate drop in weight the urethra following delivery. Dysuria of about 8 kg after delivery. Further and difficulty in passing urine may weight loss follows involution of the lead to complete urinary retention, or uterus and the normal diuresis (an retention with overflow incontinence. increased amount of urine passed), but A full bladder will interfere with also depends on whether the patient uterine contractions. breastfeeds her infant. • A diuresis usually occurs on the 2. Skin: second or third day of the puerperium. • The increased pigmentation of the face, In oedematous patients it may start abdominal wall and vulva lightens but immediately after delivery. the areolae may remain darker than • Stress incontinence (a leak of urine) they were before pregnancy. is common when the patient laughs • With the onset of diuresis the general or coughs. It may first be noted in puffiness and any oedema disappear in the puerperium or follow stress a few days. incontinence which was present • Marked sweating may occur for some during pregnancy. Often stress days. incontinence becomes worse initially but tends to improve with time and with pelvic floor exercises.
  • 3. THE PUERPERIUM 231 Pelvic floor exercises are also known as fingers. By the seventh day postpartum pinch or ‘knyp’ exercises. The muscles that the cervical os will have closed. are exercised are those used to suddenly • Uterus: The most important change stop a stream of urine midway through occurring in the uterus is involution. micturition. These muscles should be After delivery the uterus is about the tightened, as strongly as possible, ten times size of a 20-week pregnancy. By the end in succession on at least four occasions a of the first week it is about 12 weeks day. in size. At 14 days the fundus of the uterus should no longer be palpable NOTE Normal bladder function is likely to be above the symphysis pubis. After six temporarily impaired when a patient has been weeks it has decreased to the size of a given epidural analgesia. Complete retention normal multiparous uterus, which is of urine or retention with overflow may occur. slightly larger than a nulliparous one. 6. Blood: This remarkable decrease in size is the • The haemoglobin concentration result of contraction and retraction becomes stable around the fourth day of the uterine muscle. The normally of the puerperium. involuting uterus should be firm and • The platelet count is raised and the non tender. The decidua of the uterus platelets become more sticky from necroses (dies), due to ischaemia, and is the fourth to tenth day after delivery. shed as the lochia. The average duration These and other changes in the clotting of red lochia is 24 days. Thereafter, the (coagulation) factors may cause lochia becomes straw coloured. Normal thrombo-embolism in the puerperium. lochia has a typical, non-offensive smell. 7. Breasts: Offensive lochia is always abnormal. Marked changes occur during the puerperium with the production of milk. 8. Genital tract: MANAGEMENT OF Very marked changes occur in the genital THE PUERPERIUM tract during the puerperium. • Vulva: The vulva is swollen and The management of the puerperium may be congested after delivery, but these divided into three stages: features rapidly disappear. Tears and/or an episiotomy usually heal easily. 1. The management of the first hour after • Vagina: Immediately after delivery delivery of the placenta (sometimes called the vagina is large, smooth walled, the fourth stage of labour). oedematous and congested. It rapidly 2. The management of the rest of the shrinks in size and rugae return by the puerperium. third week. The vaginal walls remain 3. The six week postnatal visit. laxer than before and some degree of vaginal prolapse (cystocoele and/or 12-5 How should you manage the first rectocoele) is common after a vaginal hour after the delivery of the placenta? delivery. Small vaginal tears, which are The two main objectives of managing the first very common, usually heal in seven to hour of the puerperium are: ten days. • Cervix: After the first vaginal delivery 1. To ensure that the patient is, and remains, the circular external os of the nullipara in a good condition. becomes slit-like. For the first few 2. The prevention of a postpartum days after delivery the cervix remains haemorrhage (PPH). partially open, admitting one or two To achieve these, you should:
  • 4. 232 MATERNAL CARE 1. Perform certain routine observations. 12-8 How can the patient help to prevent 2. Care for the needs of the patient. postpartum haemorrhage during 3. Get the patient’s co-operation in ensuring the first hour of the puerperium? that her uterus remains well contracted 1. The patient should be shown how to and that she reports any vaginal bleeding. observe: The correct management of the first hour of • The height of the uterine fundus in the puerperium is most important as the risk relation to the umbilicus. of postpartum haemorrhage is greatest at this • The feel of a well-contracted uterus. time. • The amount of vaginal bleeding. 2. She should be shown how to ‘rub up’ the 12-6 Which routine observations uterus. should you perform in the first hour 3. She should be told that if the uterine after delivery of the placenta? fundus rises or the uterus relaxes or if vaginal bleeding increases, she must: 1. Immediately after the delivery of the • Immediately call the midwife. placenta you should: • In the meantime rub up the uterus. • Assess whether the uterus is well contracted. These two important steps may help prevent a • Assess whether vaginal bleeding postpartum haemorrhage. appears more than normal. • Record the patient’s pulse rate, blood The patient can play a very important role in the pressure and temperature. prevention of postpartum haemorrhage. 2. During the first hour after the delivery of the placenta, provided that the above observations are normal, you should: 12-9 When should a postpartum • Continuously assess whether the uterus patient be allowed to go home? is well contracted and that no excessive This will depend on: vaginal bleeding is present. • Repeat the measurement of the pulse 1. Whether the patient had a normal rate and blood pressure after one hour. pregnancy and delivery. • If the patient’s condition changes, 2. The circumstances of the hospital or clinic observations must be done more where the patient was delivered. frequently until the patient’s condition returns to normal. 12-10 When should a patient be allowed to go home following a normal pregnancy and delivery? Observations during the first hour of the puerperium are extremely important. A patient who has had a normal pregnancy and delivery may be allowed to go home about six hours after the birth of her infant, provided: 12-7 How should you care for the needs of the patient during the 1. The observations done on the mother and first hour of the puerperium? infant since delivery have been normal. 2. The mother and infant are normal on After the placenta has been delivered the examination, and the infant is sucking well. patient needs to be: 3. The patient is able to attend her nearest 1. Washed. clinic on the day after delivery (day one) 2. Given something to drink and maybe to eat. and then again on days three and five 3. Allowed to bond with her infant. after delivery for postnatal care, or be 4. Allowed to rest for as long as she needs to. visited at home by a midwife on those
  • 5. THE PUERPERIUM 233 days. Primigravidas should be seen again at least 24 hours to ensure that her uterus on day seven, especially to ensure that is well contracted and that there is no breastfeeding is well established. further bleeding. 4. Patients who received no antenatal care and are delivered without having had 12-12 How will the circumstances at a clinic any screening tests must have a rapid or hospital influence the time of discharge? syphilis test and a rapid Rhesus grouping. Counselling for HIV testing must also be 1. Some clinics have no space to done. accommodate patients for longer than six 5. A postnatal card needs to be completed hours after delivery. Therefore, patients who for the mother on discharge as this is the cannot be discharged safely at six hours will only means of communication between the have to be transferred to a hospital. delivery site and the clinic where she will 2. Some hospitals manage patients who live receive postnatal care. in remote areas where follow-up is not possible. These patients will have to be kept A patient should only be discharged home after in hospital longer before discharge. delivery if no abnormalities are found when the following examinations are performed: 12-13 What postnatal care should be 1. A general examination, paying particular given during the puerperium after the attention to the: patient has left the hospital or clinic? • Pulse rate. The following observations must be done on • Blood pressure. the mother: • Temperature. • Haemoglobin concentration. 1. Assess the patient’s general condition. 2. An abdominal examination, paying 2. Observe the pulse rate, blood pressure and particular attention to the state of temperature. contraction and tenderness of the uterus. 3. Determine the height of the uterine fundus 3. An inspection of the episiotomy site. and assess whether any uterine tenderness 4. The amount, colour, and odour of the is present. lochia. 4. Assess the amount, colour, and odour of 5. A postnatal examination was completed the lochia. for the mother and infant. 5. Check whether the episiotomy is healing satisfactorily. 12-11 When should a patient be 6. Ask if the patient passes urine normally discharged from hospital following a and enquire about any urinary symptoms. complicated pregnancy and delivery? Reassure the patient if she has not passed a stool by day five. This will depend on the nature of the 7. Measure the haemoglobin concentration if complication and the method of delivery. the patient appears pale. For example: 8. Assess the condition of the patient’s breasts 1. A patient with pre-eclampsia should and nipples. Determine whether successful be kept in hospital until her blood breastfeeding has been established. pressure has returned to normal or is well The following observations must be done on controlled with oral drugs. the infant: 2. A patient who has had a Caesarean section will usually stay in hospital for three days 1. Assess whether the infant appears well. or longer. 2. Check whether the infant is jaundiced. 3. A patient who has had a postpartum 3. Examine the umbilical stump for signs of haemorrhage must be kept in hospital for infection.
  • 6. 234 MATERNAL CARE 4. Examine the eyes for conjunctivitis. 12-16 When should a patient be seen again 5. Ask whether the infant has passed urine after postnatal care has been completed? and stool. The postnatal visit is usually held six weeks 6. Assess whether the infant is feeding well after delivery. By this time almost all the organ and is satisfied after a feed. changes which occurred during pregnancy should have disappeared. The successful establishment of breastfeeding is one of the most important goals of patient care during the puerperium. THE SIX WEEK POSTNATAL VISIT 12-14 How can you help to establish successful breastfeeding? 12-17 Which patients need to attend By providing patient education and a six week postnatal clinic? motivation. This should preferably start before pregnancy and continue throughout Patients with specific problems that need to be the antenatal period and after pregnancy. followed up six weeks postpartum, e.g. patients Encouragement and support are very who were discharged with hypertension need important during the first weeks after delivery. to come back to have their blood pressure The important role of breastfeeding in measured. Patients who are healthy may be lowering infant mortality in poor communities referred directly to the mother-and-child must be remembered. health clinics. 12-15 Which topics should you 12-18 What are the objectives of include under patient education the six week postnatal visit? in the puerperium? It is important to determine whether: Patient education regarding herself, her 1. The patient is healthy and has returned to infant, and her family should not start during her normal activities. the puerperium, but should be part of any 2. The infant is well and growing normally. woman’s general education, starting at school. 3. Breastfeeding has been satisfactorily Topics which should be emphasised in patient established. education in the puerperium include: 4. Contraception has been arranged to the 1. Personal and infant care. patient’s satisfaction. 2. Offensive lochia must be reported 5. The patient has been referred to a mother- immediately. and-child health clinic for further care. 3. The ‘puerperal blues’. 6. The patient has any questions about 4. Family planning. herself, her infant, or her family. 5. Any special arrangements for the next pregnancy and delivery. 12-19 How should the six week 6. When to start coitus again. Usually postnatal visit be conducted? coitus can be started three to four weeks 1. The patient is asked how she and her infant postpartum when the episiotomy or tears have been since they were discharged from have healed. the hospital or clinic. 2. The patient is then examined. On Patient education is an important and often examination pay particular attention neglected part of postnatal care. to the blood pressure and breasts, and look for signs of anaemia. An abdominal
  • 7. THE PUERPERIUM 235 examination is followed by a speculum Puerperal pyrexia may be caused by a serious examination to check whether the complication of the puerperium. episiotomy, vulval, or vaginal tears have healed. A cytology smear of the cervix should be taken if the patient is 30 years 12-22 What are the causes or older and has not previously had a of puerperal pyrexia? normal cervical smear. A cervical smear 1. Genital tract infection. should also be taken on any woman 2. Urinary tract infection. who has previously had an abnormal 3. Mastitis or breast abscess. smear. A bimanual examination is then 4. Thrombophlebitis (superficial vein done to assess the size of the uterus. The thrombosis). haemoglobin is measured and the urine 5. Respiratory tract infection. tested for glucose and protein. 6. Other infections. 3. Attention must be given to any specific reason why the patient is being followed up, e.g. arrangements for the management 12-23 What is the cause of of patients who remain hypertensive after genital tract infection? delivery. Genital tract infection (or puerperal sepsis) 4. The patient is given health education as is caused by bacterial infection of the raw set out in section 12-15. It should again be placental site or lacerations of the cervix, remembered to ask her whether she has vagina or perineum. any questions she would like to ask. NOTE Genital tract infection is usually caused If the patient and her infant are both well, they by the group A or group B Streptococcus, are referred to their local mother-and-child Staphylococcus aureus or anaerobic bacteria. health clinic for further follow-up. 12-24 How should you diagnose A patient and her infant should only be discharged genital tract infection? if they are both well and have been referred to 1. History the local mother-and-child health clinic, and the If one or more of the following is present: patient has received contraceptive counselling. • Preterm or prelabour rupture of the membranes, a long labour, operative delivery, or incomplete delivery of PUERPERAL PYREXIA the placenta or membranes may have occurred. • The patient will feel generally unwell. 12-20 When is puerperal pyrexia present? • Lower abdominal pain. A patient has puerperal pyrexia if her oral 2. Examination temperature rises to 38 °C or higher during the • Pyrexia, usually developing within the puerperium. first 24 hours after delivery. Rigors may occur. 12-21 Why is puerperal pyrexia important? • Marked tachycardia. • Lower abdominal tenderness. Because it may be caused by serious • Offensive lochia. complications of the puerperium. • The episiotomy wound or perineal or Breastfeeding may be interfered with. The vaginal tears may be infected. patient may become very ill or even die. NOTE If possible, an endocervical swab should be taken for microscopy, culture, and sensitivity tests.
  • 8. 236 MATERNAL CARE 12-25 How should you manage 12-26 How must a patient with genital tract infection? offensive lochia be managed? 1. Prevention 1. If the patient has pyrexia she must be • Strict asepsis during delivery. admitted to hospital. • Reduction in the number of vaginal 2. If the involution of the patient’s uterus is examinations during labour to a slower than expected and the cervical os minimum. remains open, retained placental products • Prevention of unnecessary trauma are present. An evacuation of the uterus during labour. under general anaesthesia must be done. • Isolation of infected patients. 3. If the patient has a normal temperature 2. Treatment and normal involution of her uterus, she • Admit the patient to hospital. can be managed as an outpatient with oral • Bring down the patient’s temperature, ampicillin and metronidazole (Flagyl). e.g. by tepid sponging. • Give the patient analgesia, e.g. paracetamol (Panado) 1 g (two adult Offensive lochia is an important sign of genital tablets) orally six-hourly. tract infection. • Adequate fluid intake with strict intake and output measurement. 12-27 How should you diagnose • Broad spectrum antibiotics, e.g. a urinary tract infection? intravenous ampicillin and oral 1. History metronidazole (Flagyl). If the patient • The patient may have been catheterised is to be referred, antibiotic treatment during labour or in the puerperium. must be started before transfer. • The patient complains of rigors • The haemoglobin concentration must (shivering) and lower abdominal pain be measured. A blood transfusion and/or pain in the lower back over one must be given if the haemoglobin or both the kidneys (the loins). concentration is below 8 g/dl. • Dysuria and frequency. However, these • Removal of all stitches if the wound is are not reliable symptoms of urinary infected. tract infection. • Drainage of any abscess. 2. Examination • If there is subinvolution of the • Pyrexia, often with rigors (shivering). uterus, an evacuation under general • Tachycardia. anaesthetic must be done. • Suprapubic tenderness and/or NOTE 24 hours after starting this treatment tenderness, especially to percussion, the patient’s condition should have improved over the kidneys (punch tenderness in considerably and the temperature should by the renal angles). then be normal. If this is not the case, evacuation 3. Side-room and special investigations of the uterus is required and gentamicin must • Microscopy of a midstream or catheter be added to the antibiotics. A laporotomy specimen of urine usually shows large and possibly a hysterectomy is indicated, if numbers of pus cells and bacteria. peritonitis and subinvolution of the uterus • Culture and sensitivity tests of the are present, and there is no response to the measures detailed above. Transfer the patient to urine must be done if the facilities are the appropriate level of care for this purpose. available. The presence of pyrexia and punch tenderness in the renal angles indicate an upper renal
  • 9. THE PUERPERIUM 237 tract infection and a diagnosis of acute • Tachycardia. pyelonephritis must be made. • Presence of a localised area of the forearm or leg which is swollen, red 12-28 How should you manage a and tender. patient with a urinary tract infection? 12-31 How should you manage a patient 1. Prevention with superficial vein thrombophlebitis? • Avoid catheterisation whenever possible. If catheterisation is essential, 1. Give analgesia, e.g. aspirin 300 mg (one it must be done with strict aseptic adult tablet) six-hourly. precautions. 2. Support the leg with an elastic bandage. 2. Treatment 3. Encourage the patient to walk around. • Admit the patient to hospital. • Take measures to bring down the temperature. RESPIRATORY TRACT • Analgesia, e.g. paracetamol (Panado) INFECTION 1 g orally six-hourly. • Adequate fluid intake. • Intravenous cefuroxime (Zinecef) 12-32 How should you diagnose a 750 mg eight-hourly. lower respiratory tract infection? NOTE Organisms causing acute pyelonephritis A lower respiratory tract infection, such as are often resistant to ampicillin, therefore acute bronchitis or pneumonia, is diagnosed intravenous cefuroxime (Zinacef ) must be used. as follows: 1. History Antibiotics should not be given to a patient • The patient may have had general with puerperal pyrexia until she has been fully anaesthesia with endotracheal investigated. intubation, e.g. for a Caesarean section. • Cough, which may be productive. • Pain in the chest. • A recent upper respiratory tract THROMBOPHLEBITIS infection. 2. Examination • Pyrexia. 12-29 What is superficial vein • Tachypnoea (breathing rapidly). thrombophlebitis? • Tachycardia. This is a non-infective inflammation and 3. Special investigations thrombosis of the superficial veins of the • A chest X-ray is useful in diagnosing leg or forearm where an infusion was given. pneumonia. Thrombophlebitis commonly occurs during the puerperium, especially in varicose veins. NOTE Examination of the chest may reveal basal dullness due to collapse, increased breath sounds or crepitations due to pneumonia, 12-30 How should you diagnose or bilateral rhonchi due to bronchitis. superficial leg vein thrombophlebitis? 1. History 12-33 How should you manage a patient • Painful swelling of the leg or forearm. with a lower respiratory tract infection. • Presence of varicose veins. 1. Prevention 2. Examination • Skilled anaesthesia. • Pyrexia.
  • 10. 238 MATERNAL CARE • Proper care of the patient during • Genital tract. induction and recovery from • Legs, especially the calves. anaesthesia. 4. Perform the necessary special • Encourage deep breathing and coughing investigations, but always send off a: following a general anaesthetic to • Endocervical swab. prevent lower lobe collapse. • Midstream or catheter specimen of 2. Treatment urine. • Admit the patient to hospital, unless 5. Start the appropriate treatment. the infection is very mild. • Oxygen, if required. • Ampicillin orally or intravenously If a patient presents with puerperal pyrexia depending on the severity of the the cause of the pyrexia must be found and infection. appropriately treated. • Analgesia, e.g. paracetamol (Panado) 1 g six-hourly. • Physiotherapy. PUERPERAL PSYCHIATRIC 3. Special investigations • Send a sample of sputum for DISORDERS microscopy, culture, and sensitivity testing if possible. 12-36 Which are the puerperal psychiatric disorders? 12-34 Which other infections may cause puerperal pyrexia? 1. The ‘puerperal blues’. 2. Temporary postnatal depression. Tonsillitis, influenza and any other acute 3. Puerperal psychosis. infection, e.g. acute appendicitis. 12-37 Why is it important to recognise the 12-35 What should you do if a patient various puerperal psychiatric disorders? presents with puerperal pyrexia? 1. The ‘puerperal blues’ are very common in 1. Ask the patient what she thinks is wrong the first week after delivery, especially on with her. day three. The patient feels miserable and 2. Specifically ask for symptoms which cries easily. Although the patient may be point to: very distressed, all that is required is an • An infection of the throat or ears. explanation, reassurance, and a caring, • Mastitis or breast abscess. sympathetic attitude and emotional support. • A chest infection. The condition improves within a few days. • A urinary tract infection. 2. Postnatal depression is much commoner • An infected abdominal wound if the than is generally realised. It may last for patient had a Caesarean section or a months or even years and patients may puerperal sterilisation. need to be referred to a psychiatrist. • Genital tract infection. Patients with postnatal depression usually • Superficial leg vein thrombophlebitis. present with a depressed mood that cannot 3. Examine the patient systematically, be relieved, a lack of interest in their including the: surroundings, a poor or excessive appetite, • Throat and ears. sleeping difficulties, feelings of inadequacy, • Breasts. guilt and helplessness, and sometimes • Chest. suicidal thoughts. • Abdominal wound, if present. • Urinary tract.
  • 11. THE PUERPERIUM 239 3. Puerperal psychosis is an uncommon but However, the cause is unknown in up to half of very important condition. The onset is these patients. usually acute and an observant attendant will notice the sudden and marked change NOTE Gestational trophoblastic disease in the patient’s behaviour. She may rapidly (hydatidiform mole or choriocarcinoma) and pose a threat to her infant, the staff, and a disorder of blood coagulation may also cause secondary postpartum haemorrhage. herself. Such a patient must be referred urgently to a psychiatrist and will usually need admission to a psychiatric unit. 12-41 What clinical features should alert you to the possibility of the patient developing NOTE Patients with puerperal psychosis are secondary postpartum haemorrhage? unable to care for themselves or their infants. 1. A history of incomplete delivery of the They are often disorientated and paranoid and may have hallucinations. They may placenta and/or membranes. also be severely depressed or manic. 2. Unexplained puerperal pyrexia. 3. Delayed involution of the uterus. 4. Offensive and/or persistently red lochia. SECONDARY POSTPARTUM 12-42 How should you manage a patient HAEMORRHAGE with secondary postpartum haemorrhage? 1. Prevention 12-38 What is secondary • Aseptic technique throughout labour, postpartum haemorrhage? the delivery and the puerperium. • Careful examination after delivery to This is any amount of vaginal bleeding, other determine whether the placenta and than the normal amount of lochia, occurring membranes are complete. after the first 24 hours postpartum until the • Proper repair of vaginal and perineal end of the puerperium. It commonly occurs lacerations. between the fifth and 15th days after delivery. 2. Treatment • Admission of the patient to hospital is 12-39 Why is secondary postpartum indicated, except in very mild cases of haemorrhage important? secondary postpartum haemorrhage. 1. A secondary postpartum haemorrhage • Review of the clinical notes with regard may be so severe that it causes shock. to completeness of the placenta and 2. Unless the cause of the secondary membranes. postpartum haemorrhage is treated, the • Obtain an endocervical swab for vaginal bleeding will continue. bacteriology. • Give ampicillin and metronidazole (Flagyl) orally. 12-40 What are the causes of secondary • Give 20 units oxytocin in an postpartum haemorrhage? intravenous infusion if excessive 1. Genital tract infection with or without bleeding is present. retention of a piece of placenta or part of the • Blood transfusion, if the haemoglobin membranes. This is the commonest cause. concentration drops below 8 g/dl. 2. Separation of an infected slough in a • Removal of retained placental products cervical or vaginal laceration. under general anaesthesia. 3. Breakdown (dehiscence) of a Caesarean section wound of the uterus.
  • 12. 240 MATERNAL CARE 12-43 What may you find on physical • Conjunctivitis. examination to suggest that retained • Infection of the umbilical cord stump. pieces of placenta or membranes are the cause of a secondary Each patient must be taught to monitor her own postpartum haemorrhage? wellbeing, as well as that of her fetus or infant. 1. The uterus will be involuting slower than usual. 2. Even though the patient may be more than seven days postpartum, the cervical os CASE STUDY 1 will have remained open (a finger can be passed through the cervix). Following a spontaneous vertex delivery in a clinic, you have delivered the placenta and membranes completely. The maternal and fetal SELF-MONITORING conditions are good and there is no abnormal vaginal bleeding. You are the only staff member in the clinic. You are called away and 12-44 What is meant by the concept will have to leave the patient alone for a while. of ‘the mother as a monitor’? This is a concept where the patient is made 1. How can you get the patient’s help in aware of the many ways in which she can preventing a postpartum haemorrhage? monitor her own, as well as her fetus’ or infant’s The patient should be shown how to observe: wellbeing, during pregnancy, in labour, and in the puerperium. This has two major advantages: 1. The height of the uterine fundus. 2. Whether the uterus is well contracted. 1. The patient becomes much more involved 3. The amount of vaginal bleeding. in her own perinatal care. 4. She should also be asked to empty her 2. Possible complications will be reported by bladder frequently. the patient at the earliest opportunity. 2. What should the patient do if 12-45 How can the patient act as she notices that her uterus relaxes a monitor in the puerperium? and/or there is vaginal bleeding? The patient must be encouraged to report She should rub up the uterus and call you the following complications as soon as she immediately. becomes aware of them: 1. Maternal complications 3. What should you check on • Symptoms of puerperal pyrexia. before leaving the patient? • Breakdown of an episiotomy. You should make sure that: • Breastfeeding problems. • Excessive or offensive lochia. 1. The patient and her infant’s observations are • Recurrence of vaginal bleeding, i.e. normal and both their conditions are stable. secondary postpartum haemorrhage. 2. The patient understands what she has to do. • Prolonged postnatal depression. 3. You will be able to hear the patient, if she 2. Complications in the infant calls you. • Poor feeding or other feeding problems. • Lethargy. • Jaundice.
  • 13. THE PUERPERIUM 241 CASE STUDY 2 2. Which contraceptive method she should use and how to use it correctly. 3. The care and feeding of her infant, A patient returns to a clinic for a visit three stressing the importance of breastfeeding. days after a normal first pregnancy and 4. The time that coitus can be resumed. delivery. She complains of leaking urine when coughing or laughing, and she is also Also ask about, and discuss, any other worried that she has not passed a stool since uncertainties which the patient may have. the delivery. She starts to cry and says that she should not have fallen pregnant. Her infant takes the breast well and sleeps well after each CASE STUDY 3 feed. On examination the patient appears well, her observations are normal, the uterus is the Following a prolonged first stage of labour due size of a 16-week pregnant uterus, and the to an occipito-posterior position, a patient has lochia is red and not offensive. a spontaneous vertex delivery. The placenta and membranes are complete. There is no excessive 1. Is her puerperium progressing normally? postpartum blood loss and the patient is Yes. The patient appears healthy with normal discharged home after six hours. Within 24 observations, and the involution of her uterus hours of delivery the patient is brought back is satisfactory. to the clinic. She has a temperature of 39 °C, a pulse rate of 110 beats per minute and complains of a headache and lower abdominal 2. What should be done about pain. The uterus is tender to palpation. the patient’s complaints? Stress incontinence is common during 1. What does the patient present with? the puerperium. Therefore, the patient must be reassured that it will improve over Puerperal pyrexia. time. However, pelvic floor exercises must be explained to her as they will hasten 2. What is the most likely cause improvement of her incontinence. She need of the puerperal pyrexia? not be worried about not having passed a stool Genital tract infection, i.e. puerperal sepsis. as this is normal during the first few days of This diagnosis is suggested by the general the puerperium. signs of infection and the uterine tenderness. The patient had a prolonged first stage of 3. Why is the patient regretting labour, which is usually accompanied by her pregnancy and crying for a greater than usual number of vaginal no apparent reason? examinations and, therefore, predisposes her She probably has the ‘puerperal blues’ which to genital tract infection. are common in the puerperium. Listen sympathetically to the patient’s complaints 3. Was the early postnatal management and reassure her that she is managing well as of this patient correct? a mother. Also explain that her feelings are No. The patient should not have been normal and are experienced by most mothers. discharged home so early as she had a prolonged first stage of labour which places 4. What educational topics must be her at a higher risk of infection. She should discussed with the patient during this visit? have been observed for at least 24 hours. 1. Family size and when she plans to have her next infant.
  • 14. 242 MATERNAL CARE 4. How should you manage this 2. What is the most likely cause patient further in the clinic? of the patient’s pyrexia? She must be made comfortable. Paracetamol An upper urinary tract infection as suggested (Panado) 1 g orally may be given for the by the pyrexia, rigors, lower abdominal pain headache. If necessary, she should be given and tenderness over the kidneys. a tepid sponging. An intravenous infusion should be started and she must then be 3. Do you agree with the management referred to hospital. If at all possible, the infant given to the patient? must accompany the patient to hospital. The need to start antibiotic treatment, such as No. A urinary tract infection that causes intravenous ampicillin and oral metronidazole puerperal pyrexia is an indication for (Flagyl), before transfer must be discussed admitting the patient to hospital. Intravenous with the doctor. cefuroxime (Zinecef) must be given, as this will lead to a rapid recovery and prevent serious complications. CASE STUDY 4 4. Why is a puerperal patient at risk of a urinary tract infection and A patient is seen at a clinic on day five following how may this be prevented? a normal pregnancy, labour and delivery. She complains of rigors and lower abdominal pain. Catheterisation is often required and this She has a temperature of 38.5 °C, tenderness increases the risk of a urinary tract infection. over both kidneys (loins) and tenderness to Catheterisation must only be carried out percussion over both renal angles. A diagnosis when necessary and must always be done as of puerperal pyrexia is made and the patient is an aseptic procedure. Screening and treating given oral ampicillin. She is asked to come back asymptomatic bacteriuria at the antenatal to the clinic on day seven. clinic will reduce acute pyelonephritis during the puerperium. 1. Are you satisfied with the diagnosis of puerperal pyrexia? No. Puerperal pyrexia is a clinical sign and not a diagnosis. The cause of the pyrexia must be found by taking a history, doing a physical examination and, if indicated, completing special investigations.