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                                  DECEMBER 2012 PNLE PEARLS OF SUCCESS


A. Pregnancy                                                                                 SHOULD REFRAIN FROM
      Ovum: From ovulation to fertilization                                                  SEXUAL INTERCOURSE
      Zygote: From fertilization to implantation                                             AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY
      Embryo: From implantation to 5-8 weeks.                                                FOR 48 hours.
      Fetus:From 5-8 weeks until term                                                       A small amount of
                                                                                              spotting is normal for the
Length of Pregnancy                                                                           1st 24-48 hours.
   267-280 days
   38-42 weeks (ave.40 weeks)                                    ULTRASOUND                  Done 18-40 weeks for
   9 calendar months                                                                          fetal abnormalities.
   10 lunar months                                               Use of sound and            Best Test for ECTOPIC
   3 trimester                                                   returning echo               PREGNANCY
First Trimester: Period of Organogenesis                         patterns to identify        Full Bladder
Second Trimester: Most comfortable for mother                    intrabody structures.       Use to locate the precise
                  with continued fetal growth.                                                location of the fetus and
Third Trimester: Period of rapid fetal growth                                                 its membrane during CVS
                 bec. of rapid deposition of fats                                             and amniocentesis
                 iron and calcium                                AMNIOCENTESIS               Possible after the 14th
B. Signs of Pregnancy                                            Aspiration of amniotic      The client should be
                                                                 fluid for examination.       supine during the
 Presumptive Signs                                                                           procedure
    Amenorrhea – absence of menses                                                           Afterward, she should be
    Nausea and Vomiting                                                                       placed on her left side.
    Increased breast sensitivity and breast changes                                          The patient MUST
    Increased pigmentation                                                                    EMPTY THE BLADDER.
    Constipation                                                                             Vital signs are assessed
    Frequent urination                                                                        every 15 minutes.
    Quickening                                                                               CALL THE PHYSICIAN
    Abdominal enlargement                                                                     FOR THE FF: Chills, fever,
                                                                                              leakage of fluid, decrease
 Probable Signs                                                                              fetal movement or
                                                                                              uterine contractions.
    Uterine enlargement
    Hegar’s Sign
                                                                 X-RAY                       Done only      2   weeks
    Goodell’s Sign
                                                                                              before EDC
    Chadwick’s Sign
                                                                 ALPHA-FETOPROTEIN           Test done between 16
    Braxton Hick’s contraction                                   SCREENING                    and      18       weeks
    Positive Pregnancy Test                                                                   gestation.
                                                                 Maternal serum              Normal     Value:    10
 Positive Signs                                                 screens for open             mg/dl
    Fetal Heart Tone                                             neural tube defects.        LOW: Chromosomal
    X-ray or Ultrasound of fetus                                                              defects
    Palpable fetal movements                                                                 HIGH: Neural tube
C. Maternal and Fetal Diagnostic Test
                                                                 LECITHIN -                  Done through
 CHORIONIC VILLI               Performed between the            SPHINGOMYELIN –              AMNIOCENTESIS
 SAMPLING                       8th – 11th weeks of              (L/S RATIO)                 Perform at 35-36 weeks
                                gestation.                                                   Position: Supine.
 Removal of a small            Laboratory results are           Uses amniotic fluid to      Place folded towel on the
 piece of Chorionic villi       obtained in 1 - 7 days           ascertain fetal lung         right buttocks.
                                                                 maturity                    Needle insertion in a 20-
                            Disadvantages:                                                    22 gauge spinal needle,
                                Risk of Abortion                                              withdrawing amniotic
                                Infection                                                     fluid.
                                Embryo-fetal/placental                                       NORMAL L/S RATIO
                                damage                                                        (lecithin/sphingomyelin)
                                Spontaneous abortion                                          : 2:1 = normal fetal lung
                                Premature rupture of the                                      maturity ratio

*Patterned on the previous board exams from December 2006 – December 2011… the purpose of this note is to GUIDE students
on the possible topics that might be part of the upcoming Dec 2012 PNLE
                                  DECEMBER 2012 PNLE PEARLS OF SUCCESS


 LEOPOLDS                     Palpate with warm hands.         Constipation     Due to               Increased fluids and
 MANEUVER                     Use palms, not fingertips.                        displacement         roughage in the diet.
                              Woman should lie in                               of the stomach       Regular elimination
                               supine position with knees                        and intestines;      time.
                               flexed slightly.                                  iron                 Increase exercise
                          Done with empty bladder.                              supplements          Avoid enemas, harsh
                         1st: Presenting Part                                                         laxatives and mineral
                         2nd: Fetal Back                                                              oil.
                         3rd: Engagement                        Hemorrhoids      Pressure of          Warm sitz bathing
                         4th: Descent                                            growing fetus,       High fiber diet and
                                                                                 Increase             increase fluid.
                                                                                 venous               Sit on soft pillow
TeTox Routine Immunization of Pregnant Women                                     pressure
                                                                Urinary          Increase blood       Sleep on the side at
   Vaccine       Minimum             Duration of                Frequency        supply to the        night.
                  Interval           Protection                                  kidney/              Limit fluid intake
 TeTox 1         As early as                                                     Pressure of          during evening
                  possible                                                       enlarged             Bladder training
                   during                                                        uterus in the
                 pregnancy                                                       3rd Tri
 TeTox 2        4 weeks after       infant will be              Backache         From                 Back exercise (pelvic
                  TeTox 1           protected by                                 exaggerated          rock)
 Minimum                            neonatal tetanus                             lumbo-sacral         Wear low-heeled shoes.
 required                           3 years protection                           curving during       Avoid heavy lifting
 TeTox for                          for the mother                               pregnancy.
 pregnant                                                       Leg Cramps       Increase             Frequent rest with feet
 mother                                                                          pressure of          elevated
 TeTox 3          6 months          infant will be                               gravid fetus,        Regular exercise like
                after TeTox 2       protected by                                 low calcium          walking
                                    neonatal tetanus                                                  Increase milk intake
                                    5 years protection          Ankle Edema      From venous          Elevate legs at least
                                    for the mother                               stasis               twice a day.
 TeTox 4        1 year after        infant will be                                                    Sleep on left side
                  TeTox 3           protected by                Fatigue          Due to               Get regular exercise
                                    neonatal tetanus                             hormonal             Sleep as much as
                                    10 years                                     changes              needed.
                                    protection for the
                                                                                                      Avoid stimulants.
                                                                Breast           Increase             Wear well fitted bra
 TeTox 5         1 year after       all infant born to
                                                                Tenderness       estrogen and         Warm compress
                   TeTox 4          that mother will be
                                    lifetime protection
                                    for the mother
                                                                E. Formula Used In Providing Estimates In Pregnancy
D. Discomfort of Pregnancy                                      To estimate the EDC
  Changes           Reason             Health Teachings             Given the                Use              Formula
Nausea and      Increased HCG        Dry crackers 30 min.       Last Menstrual        Nagele’s Rule      First day of LMP –
Vomiting                             before arising             Period (LMP)                             3 months + 7 days
                                     Small, frequent, low fat   Date of                                  Primi:
                                     meals                      Quickening                               Q + 4 months + 20
                                     Avoid anti-emetics.                                                 days
Heartburn       Increased            Pats of butter before
                progesterone         meals                                                               Multi:
                which decrease       Avoid fried, fatty foods                                            Q + 5 months + 4
                gastric motility     Sips of milk at frequent                                            days
                causing              intervals.
                esophageal           Small, frequent meals
                reflux.              taken slowly.
                                     Bends at the knees, not
                                     at the waist
*Patterned on the previous board exams from December 2006 – December 2011… the purpose of this note is to GUIDE students
on the possible topics that might be part of the upcoming Dec 2012 PNLE
                                  DECEMBER 2012 PNLE PEARLS OF SUCCESS


Fundus Height at Various Week                                       INTERPRETATION:
                                                                    Early Deceleration: Head Compression
                                                                    Late Deceleration: Utero-placental Insufficiency
                                                                    Variable Deceleration: Cord Compression

                                                                H. Signs of Labor
                                                                 1. Lightening – setting of fetal head into pelvic brim
                                                                        occurs approximately 10-14 days before labor .
                                                                        mother may experience: shooting leg pains from
                                                                            the increased pressure on the sciatic nerve,
                                                                            increased amounts of vaginal discharge and
                                                                            urinary frequency from pressure on the bladder
                                                                 2. Increased in Level of Activity
                                                                 3. Braxton Hicks Contractions
                                                                 4. Ripening of the cervix
                                                                 5. Weight Loss
                                                                 6. Rupture BOW
                                                                 7. Effacement and Dilation

                                                                I. Length of Labor
F. Pre-Natal Visit
                                                                Stages of Labor        Primigravida         Multigravida
  Schedule of first visit is as soon as the woman missed her    First Stage           12 and ½ hour       7hours and 20
  menstrual period and pregnancy is suspected                                                             minutes
                                                                Second Stage          80 minutes          30 minutes
First 32 weeks : once a month
32-36 weeks : twice a month                                     Third Stage           10 minute           10 minutes
36-40 weeks : every week                                        TOTAL                 14 hours            8 hours

G. Electronic Monitoring                                        J. Nursing Care During Labor

Non-Stress Test                                                 1st Stage               Latent
     Accelerations in heart rate accompany normal fetal                                 Contractions are mild and short
         movement.                                              Onset of true labor         lasting 20-40 seconds
     Observation of fetal heart rate related to fetal          pain until               Cervix dilates from 0-3cm
         movement.                                              complete cervical           Monitor frequency, intensity, and
         FHT: Doppler: 8 weeks                                  dilation and                patterns of uterine contractions
               Fetoscope: 16 weeks / 4 months                   effacement                  Monitor fetal status during labor by
               Stethoscope: 20 weeks / 5months                                              monitoring fetal heart rate
     Teach mother to count 2-3 times daily, 30-60 minutes                                  Assess bloody show (pink or blood
         each time, should feel 5-6 movements per counting                                  streaked mucus), perineal bulging,
         time                                                                               membrane status
                                                                                            Monitor vital signs
     Patient should eat snacks.
                                                                                            Assess client’s ability to cope with
     Position: Semi-Fowlers or left lateral positions
            1. Reactive (Normal): indicates a fetal fetus                                   Provide emotional support
               Greater than 15 beats per minute- occur with
                  fetal movement in a 10 or 20 minute period.                           Active
            2. Non-Reactive (Abnormal):                                                  Dilatation increases from 4 – 7 cm
                                                                                         Contraction lasts 40-60 sec and occur
               No fetal movement occurs
                                                                                            every 3-5 minutes
               The doctor will order an Oxytocin Test
                  AFTER the patient has non-reactive test.                                   Finds assessment techniques
                                                                                             between contractions
Contraction Stress Test (CST)                                                                Assists with frequent position
     Response of the fetus to induced uterine contractions.                                 change
   PREPARATION:                                                                              Applies counter pressure to
     Woman in semi-Fowler’s or side-lying position.                                         sacrococcygeal area
     Monitor for post-test labor onset.                                                     Encourages and praises
     Indication: 28 weeks pregnancy high risk mother                                        Keeps woman aware of progress
     Contraindicated: Pre Term Labor                                                        Check bladder and encourages

*Patterned on the previous board exams from December 2006 – December 2011… the purpose of this note is to GUIDE students
on the possible topics that might be part of the upcoming Dec 2012 PNLE
                                 DECEMBER 2012 PNLE PEARLS OF SUCCESS


                    Transitional                                K. Micronutrient Supplementation
                     Contractions reached their peak of
                        intensity occurring every 2-3 minutes   Vitamin A Supplementation
                        with duration of 60-90sec
                     Maximum dilatation 8-10cm                  Target       Prep.       Dose             Duration
                     Complete cervical effacement              Pregnant     100,000     1 cap    Start from the 4th month
                        Woman experiences intense               Women        IU          2x a     of pregnancy until
                        discomfort accompanied by nausea                                 week     delivery
                        and vomiting                            Post         200,000     1 cap    One dose only within 4
                        Woman may also experience a             Partum       IU                   weeks after delivery
                        feeling of loss of control, anxiety,    Women
                        panic or irritability
                                                                Iron Supplementation
2nd Stage              Prep client for delivery
                       Immediate assessment of the              Target      Prep.         Dose / Duration         Remarks
From complete          newborn                                  Pregnant    Coated        1 tab/day for 6
dilation and        6 Cardinal Movements of the                 Women       Tab.          months or 180 days
effacement to       Mechanism of labor                                      contains      during pregnancy
delivery of the         1. Descent                                          60 mg         period                  A dose of
fetus                   2. Flexion                                          elemental     OR                      800 mcg
                        3. Internal Rotation                                iron with     2 tab/day if prenatal   folic acid is
                        4. Extension                                        400 mg        consultation are        still safe to
                        5. External Rotation                                folic acid    done during the         pregnant
                        6. Expulsion                                                      2nd/3rd trimester       woman
3rd Stage               Assess umbilical cord for 3 vessels     Lactating   Coated        1 tab / day for 3
                        (2 arteries, 1 vein)                    Women       Tab.          months or 90 days
From delivery of        Assess placenta for intactness                      contains
the fetus to            The fundus should be midline at or                  60 mg
delivery of the         2 cm. below the umbilicus                           elemental
placenta                Don’t hurry the expulsion of the                    iron with
                        placenta, just watch for the signs of               400 mg
                        placental separation:                               folic acid
                          Lengthening of the cord
                          Sudden gush of blood
                          Change of shape of the uterus         L. Pregnancy Complications
                        Palpate the uterus to determine
                        degree of contraction. If relaxed,      ABORTION
                        massage gently and apply ice cap            Threatened, the continuation of the pregnancy is in
                        Inspect for lacerations                        doubt
                        The fundus should descend                   Inevitable, loss that can be prevented
                        approximately 1-2 cm every 24               Complete, products of conception are totally expelled
                        hours                                       Incomplete, some fragments are retained inside the
4th Stage              Promote parent-infant bonding                   uterine cavity
                       Assess maternal vital signs, fundal          Missed, retention of the products of conception after
The period of          height,     lochia    and     bladder           fetal death
immediate              distention                                   Habitual, 3 spontaneous abortions occurring
recovery and                                                           successively
observation after   Degrees of Perineal Lacerations:
delivery of the                                                 ECTOPIC PREGNANCY
placenta            1. First Degree – skin and superficial to       A pregnancy that occurs in another than uterine
                    muscle                                             site, with implantation usually occurring in fallopian
                    2. Second Degree – muscles of the                  tubes
                    perineum                                        Knife-like abdominal pain
                    3. Third Degree – continues to anal             Profound shock if rupture occurs
                    sphincter                                         Symptoms of Shock:
                    4. Fourth Degree – involves the anterior                 decreased BP
                    anal wall                                                Increased RR,
                                                                             Fast but thready pulse
                                                                    Surgery: Salpingostomy

*Patterned on the previous board exams from December 2006 – December 2011… the purpose of this note is to GUIDE students
on the possible topics that might be part of the upcoming Dec 2012 PNLE
                                  DECEMBER 2012 PNLE PEARLS OF SUCCESS


INCOMPETENT CERVIX                                                     ECLAMPSIA: to prevent aspiration, turn the
     Painless premature dilatation of the cervix (usually in           woman on her side to allow secretions to drain
      the 16th to 20th week)                                            from her mouth.
     #1 Sign: Rupture of membranes and discharge of                   SEVERE PRECLAMPSIA: Lateral recumbent
      amniotic fluid                                                    position
     Best Position: Side lying position                               DOC: Magnesium Sulfate
     Pre-op: Encourage patient to maintain bed rest                   Magnesium Sulfate Toxicity:
     Post-op: Check for excessive vaginal discharge and                         Decrease urine output
      severe pain.                                                               Decrease RR
       Bed rest in trendelenburg position                                       Absence of reflexes
       Administer tocolytic medications as ordered                    Antidote: CALCIUM GLUCONATE
           Eg; Ritodrine Hydrochloride (Yutopar)
       Surgery: Cervical Cerclage
            Shirodkar-Barter Technique ( internal              PLACENTA PREVIA
                os) permanent suture: subsequent                    Improperly implanted placenta in the lower uterine
                delivery by C/S.                                       segment near or over the internal cervical os
            Mc Donald Procedure ( external os)-                    Total: the internal os is entirely covered by the
                suture removed at term with vaginal                    placenta when cervix is fully dilated
                delivery                                            Marginal: only an edge of the placenta extends to
                                                                       the internal os
CARDIAC DISEASE                                                     Low-lying placenta: implanted in the lower uterine
    Class I: no limitation of activities. No symptoms of              segment but does not reach the os
       cardiac insufficiency.                                       Painless Bleeding
    Class II: slight limitation of activity, Asymptomatic          #1 Assessment - Monitor maternal vital signs,
       at rest. Ordinary activities causes fatigue,                    FHR, and fetal activity
       palpitations and dyspnea                                     Best Position: Left Lateral
    Class II: marked limitation of activities, comfortable
       at rest, less than ordinary activities causes
       discomforts                                              ABRUPTIO PLACENTA
    Class IV: unable to perform any physical activity              Premature separation of the placenta from the
       without discomfort. May have the symptoms during               uterine wall after the 20th week of gestation and
       rest.                                                          before the fetus is delivered.
                                                                    Abruptio placentae is associated with conditions
                                                                      characterized by poor uteroplacental circulation,
GESTATIONAL DIABETES                                                  such as hypertension, smoking and alcohol or cocaine
    Diabetes during pregnancy.                                       abuse.
    3-P’s: Polyuria, Polydipsia and Polyphagia                     Painful vaginal bleeding
    Because insulin does not pass into the breast                  Board-like rigidity of abdomen
       milk, breastfeeding is not contraindicated for the           The goal of management in abruption placentae is to
       mother with diabetes                                           control the hemorrhage and deliver the fetus as soon
    Maternal Complications: PIH, Placental disorders,                as possible
       stillbirth, macrosomia, neural tube defects.
    Screen clients between the 24th and 28th weeks of          M. Post Partum
    If a pregnant diabetic is in labor, her blood glucose      LOCHIAL CHANGES
       should be monitored hourly.
                                                                   Lochia Rubra
    Treatment: Insulin therapy (don’t use Oral
                                                                    •   Dark red discharge occurring in the first 2-3 days.
       hypoglycemics, they are Teratogenic)
                                                                    •   Characteristic human odor.

                                                                   Lochia Serosa
                                                                    •   Pinkish to brownish discharge occurring 3-10 days
    Blood pressure over 140/90, or increase of 30 mm
                                                                        after delivery.
      systolic, 15 mm diastolic over pre-pregnancy level
                                                                    •   Has a strong odor.
    Pre Eclampsia: HPN, Protenuria , Edema
                                                                   Lochia Alba
    Eclampsia: HPN, Protenuria, Edema plus Fever and
                                                                    •   Almost colorless to creamy yellowish discharge
      Epigastric pain.
                                                                        occurring from 10 days to 3 weeks after delivery.
    During pregnancy, blurred vision may be a danger
                                                                    •    Has no odor.
      sign of preeclampsia or eclampsia.
    Monitor VS, I&O and breath sound

*Patterned on the previous board exams from December 2006 – December 2011… the purpose of this note is to GUIDE students
on the possible topics that might be part of the upcoming Dec 2012 PNLE
                                   DECEMBER 2012 PNLE PEARLS OF SUCCESS


UTERINE INVOLUTION                                                                      intake
 Process of involution takes 4-6 weeks to complete.              DIGESTIVE             IMMATURE CARDIAC SPHINCTER
 Weight decreases from 2 lbs to 2 oz.                            SYSTEM                – may allow reflux of food, burped,
 Fundus steadily descends into true pelvis; Fundal height                              REGURGITATE-placed NB right
   decreases about 1 fingerbreadth (1 cm)/day; by 10-14                                 side after feeding
   days postpartum, cannot be palpated abdominally.                                     FIRST STOOL is MECONIUM
                                                                                         -    Black, tarry residue from
                                                                                              lower intestine
                                                                                         -    Usually passed within 12-24
                                                                                              hours after birth
                                                                                         TRANSITIONAL STOOLS thin,
                                                                                         brownish green in color
                                                                                          After 3 days MILK STOOLS:
                                                                                        a. MILK STOOLS for BF infant –
                                                                                             loose and golden yellow
                                                                                        b. MILK STOOLS for
                                                                                             FORMULATED FED- formed
                                                                                             and pale yellow
                                                                  HEPATIC                Pathologic Jaundice, yellowish
                                                                                         discoloration immediately after
                                                                                         Physiologic Jaundice, yellowish
                                                                                         discoloration 2-3 days after birth
NOTE: Deviation of the fundus to the right or left and location   TEMPERATURE            Axillary temperature: 96.8 to 99F
of the fundus above the umbilical are signs that the bladder is                          Newborn can’t shiver as an adult
distended                                                                                does to release heat
                                                                                         Cold stress increases o2
N. Care of the Newborn                                                                   consumption – may lead to
                                                                                         metabolic acidosis and respiratory
        Suction the mouth first before the nose                                         distress
        Delay initial bath until temp. has stabilized for at     IMMUNOLOGIC           NB develops own antibodies
         least 6 hours.                                                                 during 1st 3 months but at risk for
        APGAR scoring is taken twice: initially @ 1 minute,                            infection during the first 6 weeks
         and then @ 5 minutes after birth
        Give prophylactic eye treatment (credes ointment)
         against gonorrheal conjunctivitis or ophthalmia          P. Freud’s Theory
         neonatorum within the first hour after delivery.
        Prevent hemorrhage , give 0.5mg (preterm) to 1                               Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory
         mg (full term) Vit. K or Aquamephyton is injected                              Psychosexual Development
         IM in the NB’s vastus lateralis (lateral anterior           Infants     Oral Stage
         thigh)muscle                                              (birth to 1     Child explores the world by using
        The cord is clamped and cut approximately within             year)           mouth, especially the tongue
         30 seconds after birth when cord pulsation stop                           Baby finds pleasure in the mouth
        The cord stump usually dries and fall within 7 to          Toddler      Anal Stage
         10 days                                                   (1-3 y/o)       Child learns to control urination and
                                                                                      defecation (18 months)
O. Newborn Assessment                                                              Toilet training
                                                                  Preschooler    Phallic Stage
CIRCULATORY             DUCTUS ARTERIOSUS constrict                (3-6y/o)        The genitals are the pleasure of the
STATUS                   with establishment of respiratory                            child
                         function, remains open cause PDA                          Oedipus and Electra Complex
                         (patent ductus arteriosus)                                Masturbation is common during this
                        FORAMEN OVALE closes                                          phase and may also show
                         functionally as respirations                                 exhibitionism
                         established, remains open cause          School-Age     Latent Stage / Latency Period
                         ASD (atrial septal defect)               (6-12 y/o)       Child’s personality development
RESPIRATORY             RR = 30-80 breaths /minutes with                              appears to be nonactive or dormant
STATUS                  short periods of apnea (< 15              Adolescent     Genital Stage
                        seconds)                                  (13-20 y/o)      Adolescent develops sexual maturity
RENAL SYSTEM            Later pattern is 6-10 voidings/                               and learns to establish satisfactory
                        day – indicative of sufficient fluid                          relationships w/ the opposite sex

*Patterned on the previous board exams from December 2006 – December 2011… the purpose of this note is to GUIDE students
on the possible topics that might be part of the upcoming Dec 2012 PNLE
                                 DECEMBER 2012 PNLE PEARLS OF SUCCESS


Q. Erikson’s Theory                                             R Physical Growth and Development

                          Erikson’s Theory of
                       Psychosocial Development                 Mo.          Gross                     Fine Motor
  Infants     Trust vs. Mistrust                                Yr.   Motor Development              Development
(birth to 1     Fear: strangers, anxiety, loud noises,                Largely reflex           The eyes is fixated on
   year)                falls, sudden movements in the          0-1                               the person
                        environment                                                              Keeps hands fisted
                Play: Solitary                                        Holds head up            Development of
                Learning confidence or learning to                     when prone                 social smile
                    love,                                        2                               Responds to familiar
  Toddler     Autonmy vs. Shame                                                                    voice
 (1-3 y/o)      Psychosocial Theme: “hold on or let                   Holds head & chest       The baby knows how
                                          go”                           up when prone              to cry
                Play: Parallel                                  3                               Laughs aloud
                Child learns to be independent and                                              Babbles and “coos”
                    make decisions for self                              Grasp                  Can raise head and
                Favorite word: “I”, “no”                                Stepping                 chest
Preschooler   Initiative vs. Guilt                                       Tonic neck             Reach out to object
 (3-6y/o)       Ability to try new things                       4       Reflexes are fading
                Bogus playmates/imaginary                               Turns front to back    Roll over
                Fears: dark, being left alone, large            5       Has head lag when      Hold blocks at each
                         animals, ghosts, body mutilation,                pulled upright          hand
                         pain & objects
School-Age    Industry vs. Inferiority                                 Turns both ways          Doubles birth weight
(6-12 y/o)      Makes things w/ others                                Moro reflex fading       Eruption of 1st tooth
                Strives to achieve success                                                      Sits w/ minimal
                Child learns how to do things well              6                                support
Adolescent    Identity vs. Role Confusion                                                        Uses palmar grasp
(13-20 y/o)     Determines own sense of self                          Reaches out in           “dada”, “mama”
                Development of who, what & where                       anticipation of          Sleeps on prone
                    they are going                                      being picked up           position
                Adjusting to a new body and seeking             7     Sits unsteadily          Uses fingers to hold
                    emancipation from parents, choosing                                           objects
                    a vocation & determining a value                                             Transfers objects
                    system                                                                        hand to hand
  Young       Intimacy vs. Isolation
  Adult         Person makes commitments to one                       Sits securely w/o        Sits alone steadily for
                    another                                             support                   an indefinite period
                Isolation and self absorption if                8                               Recognizes strangers
                    unsuccessful                                                                 Peek-a-boo (to test
                Independent from parents, possible                                               memory)
                    marriage / partnership
                Major goals to accomplish in career                   Creeps or crawls         Can hold own bottle
                    and family                                                                   Starts to crawl
  Middle      Generativity vs. Stagnation                        9                               Understands simple
  Adult         Physical Changes: graying hair,                                                  gestures
                  wrinkling skin, pain & muscle aches,
                  menopausal period                                    Pulls self to            From crawling to
                Mature adult is concerned w/                           standing                  standing
                  establishing & guiding the new                 10                              Responds when
                  generation or else feels personal                                               called by his/her
                  impoverishment                                                                  name
                Become “Pillars of the Community”
                                                                       From crawling to         Walks with
Older Adult   Integrity vs. Despair
                                                                 11     standing                  assistance
                Achieves sense of acceptance of own
                                                                       Stands alone             Triples birth weight
                Adapts to triumphs & disappointment
                                                                 12    Some infants take        Can say 2 syllable
                   w/ a certain ego integrity
                                                                        1st step                  words
                                                                                                 Can walk w/ help

*Patterned on the previous board exams from December 2006 – December 2011… the purpose of this note is to GUIDE students
on the possible topics that might be part of the upcoming Dec 2012 PNLE

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  • 1. WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW BEFORE THE PNLE DECEMBER 2012 PNLE PEARLS OF SUCCESS PART 2: MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH NURSING A. Pregnancy  SHOULD REFRAIN FROM  Ovum: From ovulation to fertilization SEXUAL INTERCOURSE  Zygote: From fertilization to implantation AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY  Embryo: From implantation to 5-8 weeks. FOR 48 hours.  Fetus:From 5-8 weeks until term  A small amount of spotting is normal for the Length of Pregnancy 1st 24-48 hours. 267-280 days 38-42 weeks (ave.40 weeks) ULTRASOUND  Done 18-40 weeks for 9 calendar months fetal abnormalities. 10 lunar months Use of sound and  Best Test for ECTOPIC 3 trimester returning echo PREGNANCY First Trimester: Period of Organogenesis patterns to identify  Full Bladder Second Trimester: Most comfortable for mother intrabody structures.  Use to locate the precise with continued fetal growth. location of the fetus and Third Trimester: Period of rapid fetal growth its membrane during CVS bec. of rapid deposition of fats and amniocentesis iron and calcium AMNIOCENTESIS  Possible after the 14th week. B. Signs of Pregnancy Aspiration of amniotic  The client should be fluid for examination. supine during the  Presumptive Signs procedure Amenorrhea – absence of menses  Afterward, she should be Nausea and Vomiting placed on her left side. Increased breast sensitivity and breast changes  The patient MUST Increased pigmentation EMPTY THE BLADDER. Constipation  Vital signs are assessed Frequent urination every 15 minutes. Quickening  CALL THE PHYSICIAN Abdominal enlargement FOR THE FF: Chills, fever, leakage of fluid, decrease  Probable Signs fetal movement or uterine contractions. Uterine enlargement Hegar’s Sign X-RAY  Done only 2 weeks Goodell’s Sign before EDC Chadwick’s Sign Ballottement ALPHA-FETOPROTEIN  Test done between 16 Braxton Hick’s contraction SCREENING and 18 weeks Positive Pregnancy Test gestation. Maternal serum  Normal Value: 10  Positive Signs screens for open mg/dl Fetal Heart Tone neural tube defects.  LOW: Chromosomal X-ray or Ultrasound of fetus defects Palpable fetal movements  HIGH: Neural tube defects. C. Maternal and Fetal Diagnostic Test LECITHIN -  Done through CHORIONIC VILLI  Performed between the SPHINGOMYELIN – AMNIOCENTESIS SAMPLING 8th – 11th weeks of (L/S RATIO)  Perform at 35-36 weeks gestation.  Position: Supine. Removal of a small  Laboratory results are Uses amniotic fluid to  Place folded towel on the piece of Chorionic villi obtained in 1 - 7 days ascertain fetal lung right buttocks. maturity  Needle insertion in a 20- Disadvantages: 22 gauge spinal needle, Risk of Abortion withdrawing amniotic Infection fluid. Embryo-fetal/placental  NORMAL L/S RATIO damage (lecithin/sphingomyelin) Spontaneous abortion : 2:1 = normal fetal lung Premature rupture of the maturity ratio membranes POSSIBLE TOPICS ON MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH NURSING FOR THE UPCOMING DEC 2012 PNLE *Patterned on the previous board exams from December 2006 – December 2011… the purpose of this note is to GUIDE students on the possible topics that might be part of the upcoming Dec 2012 PNLE
  • 2. WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW BEFORE THE PNLE DECEMBER 2012 PNLE PEARLS OF SUCCESS PART 2: MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH NURSING LEOPOLDS  Palpate with warm hands. Constipation Due to Increased fluids and MANEUVER  Use palms, not fingertips. displacement roughage in the diet.  Woman should lie in of the stomach Regular elimination supine position with knees and intestines; time. flexed slightly. iron Increase exercise  Done with empty bladder. supplements Avoid enemas, harsh 1st: Presenting Part laxatives and mineral 2nd: Fetal Back oil. 3rd: Engagement Hemorrhoids Pressure of Warm sitz bathing 4th: Descent growing fetus, High fiber diet and Increase increase fluid. venous Sit on soft pillow TeTox Routine Immunization of Pregnant Women pressure Urinary Increase blood Sleep on the side at Vaccine Minimum Duration of Frequency supply to the night. Interval Protection kidney/ Limit fluid intake TeTox 1 As early as Pressure of during evening possible enlarged Bladder training during uterus in the pregnancy 3rd Tri TeTox 2 4 weeks after infant will be Backache From Back exercise (pelvic TeTox 1 protected by exaggerated rock) Minimum neonatal tetanus lumbo-sacral Wear low-heeled shoes. required 3 years protection curving during Avoid heavy lifting TeTox for for the mother pregnancy. pregnant Leg Cramps Increase Frequent rest with feet mother pressure of elevated TeTox 3 6 months infant will be gravid fetus, Regular exercise like after TeTox 2 protected by low calcium walking neonatal tetanus Increase milk intake 5 years protection Ankle Edema From venous Elevate legs at least for the mother stasis twice a day. TeTox 4 1 year after infant will be Sleep on left side TeTox 3 protected by Fatigue Due to Get regular exercise neonatal tetanus hormonal Sleep as much as 10 years changes needed. protection for the Avoid stimulants. mother Breast Increase Wear well fitted bra TeTox 5 1 year after all infant born to Tenderness estrogen and Warm compress TeTox 4 that mother will be progesterone protected level lifetime protection for the mother E. Formula Used In Providing Estimates In Pregnancy D. Discomfort of Pregnancy To estimate the EDC Changes Reason Health Teachings Given the Use Formula Nausea and Increased HCG Dry crackers 30 min. Last Menstrual Nagele’s Rule First day of LMP – Vomiting before arising Period (LMP) 3 months + 7 days Small, frequent, low fat Date of Primi: meals Quickening Q + 4 months + 20 Avoid anti-emetics. days Heartburn Increased Pats of butter before progesterone meals Multi: which decrease Avoid fried, fatty foods Q + 5 months + 4 gastric motility Sips of milk at frequent days causing intervals. esophageal Small, frequent meals reflux. taken slowly. Bends at the knees, not at the waist POSSIBLE TOPICS ON MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH NURSING FOR THE UPCOMING DEC 2012 PNLE *Patterned on the previous board exams from December 2006 – December 2011… the purpose of this note is to GUIDE students on the possible topics that might be part of the upcoming Dec 2012 PNLE
  • 3. WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW BEFORE THE PNLE DECEMBER 2012 PNLE PEARLS OF SUCCESS PART 2: MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH NURSING Fundus Height at Various Week INTERPRETATION: Early Deceleration: Head Compression Late Deceleration: Utero-placental Insufficiency Variable Deceleration: Cord Compression H. Signs of Labor 1. Lightening – setting of fetal head into pelvic brim  occurs approximately 10-14 days before labor .  mother may experience: shooting leg pains from the increased pressure on the sciatic nerve, increased amounts of vaginal discharge and urinary frequency from pressure on the bladder 2. Increased in Level of Activity 3. Braxton Hicks Contractions 4. Ripening of the cervix 5. Weight Loss 6. Rupture BOW 7. Effacement and Dilation I. Length of Labor F. Pre-Natal Visit Stages of Labor Primigravida Multigravida Schedule of first visit is as soon as the woman missed her First Stage 12 and ½ hour 7hours and 20 menstrual period and pregnancy is suspected minutes Second Stage 80 minutes 30 minutes First 32 weeks : once a month 32-36 weeks : twice a month Third Stage 10 minute 10 minutes 36-40 weeks : every week TOTAL 14 hours 8 hours G. Electronic Monitoring J. Nursing Care During Labor Non-Stress Test 1st Stage Latent  Accelerations in heart rate accompany normal fetal  Contractions are mild and short movement. Onset of true labor lasting 20-40 seconds  Observation of fetal heart rate related to fetal pain until  Cervix dilates from 0-3cm movement. complete cervical Monitor frequency, intensity, and FHT: Doppler: 8 weeks dilation and patterns of uterine contractions Fetoscope: 16 weeks / 4 months effacement Monitor fetal status during labor by Stethoscope: 20 weeks / 5months monitoring fetal heart rate  Teach mother to count 2-3 times daily, 30-60 minutes Assess bloody show (pink or blood each time, should feel 5-6 movements per counting streaked mucus), perineal bulging, time membrane status PREPARATION: Monitor vital signs  Patient should eat snacks. Assess client’s ability to cope with  Position: Semi-Fowlers or left lateral positions contractions RESULTS: 1. Reactive (Normal): indicates a fetal fetus Provide emotional support  Greater than 15 beats per minute- occur with fetal movement in a 10 or 20 minute period. Active 2. Non-Reactive (Abnormal):  Dilatation increases from 4 – 7 cm  Contraction lasts 40-60 sec and occur  No fetal movement occurs every 3-5 minutes  The doctor will order an Oxytocin Test AFTER the patient has non-reactive test. Finds assessment techniques between contractions Contraction Stress Test (CST) Assists with frequent position  Response of the fetus to induced uterine contractions. change PREPARATION: Applies counter pressure to  Woman in semi-Fowler’s or side-lying position. sacrococcygeal area  Monitor for post-test labor onset. Encourages and praises  Indication: 28 weeks pregnancy high risk mother Keeps woman aware of progress  Contraindicated: Pre Term Labor Check bladder and encourages voiding POSSIBLE TOPICS ON MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH NURSING FOR THE UPCOMING DEC 2012 PNLE *Patterned on the previous board exams from December 2006 – December 2011… the purpose of this note is to GUIDE students on the possible topics that might be part of the upcoming Dec 2012 PNLE
  • 4. WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW BEFORE THE PNLE DECEMBER 2012 PNLE PEARLS OF SUCCESS PART 2: MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH NURSING Transitional K. Micronutrient Supplementation  Contractions reached their peak of intensity occurring every 2-3 minutes Vitamin A Supplementation with duration of 60-90sec  Maximum dilatation 8-10cm Target Prep. Dose Duration  Complete cervical effacement Pregnant 100,000 1 cap Start from the 4th month Woman experiences intense Women IU 2x a of pregnancy until discomfort accompanied by nausea week delivery and vomiting Post 200,000 1 cap One dose only within 4 Woman may also experience a Partum IU weeks after delivery feeling of loss of control, anxiety, Women panic or irritability Iron Supplementation 2nd Stage Prep client for delivery Immediate assessment of the Target Prep. Dose / Duration Remarks From complete newborn Pregnant Coated 1 tab/day for 6 dilation and 6 Cardinal Movements of the Women Tab. months or 180 days effacement to Mechanism of labor contains during pregnancy delivery of the 1. Descent 60 mg period A dose of fetus 2. Flexion elemental OR 800 mcg 3. Internal Rotation iron with 2 tab/day if prenatal folic acid is 4. Extension 400 mg consultation are still safe to 5. External Rotation folic acid done during the pregnant 6. Expulsion 2nd/3rd trimester woman 3rd Stage Assess umbilical cord for 3 vessels Lactating Coated 1 tab / day for 3 (2 arteries, 1 vein) Women Tab. months or 90 days From delivery of Assess placenta for intactness contains the fetus to The fundus should be midline at or 60 mg delivery of the 2 cm. below the umbilicus elemental placenta Don’t hurry the expulsion of the iron with placenta, just watch for the signs of 400 mg placental separation: folic acid Lengthening of the cord Sudden gush of blood Change of shape of the uterus L. Pregnancy Complications Palpate the uterus to determine degree of contraction. If relaxed, ABORTION massage gently and apply ice cap  Threatened, the continuation of the pregnancy is in Inspect for lacerations doubt The fundus should descend  Inevitable, loss that can be prevented approximately 1-2 cm every 24  Complete, products of conception are totally expelled hours  Incomplete, some fragments are retained inside the 4th Stage Promote parent-infant bonding uterine cavity Assess maternal vital signs, fundal  Missed, retention of the products of conception after The period of height, lochia and bladder fetal death immediate distention  Habitual, 3 spontaneous abortions occurring recovery and successively observation after Degrees of Perineal Lacerations: delivery of the ECTOPIC PREGNANCY placenta 1. First Degree – skin and superficial to  A pregnancy that occurs in another than uterine muscle site, with implantation usually occurring in fallopian 2. Second Degree – muscles of the tubes perineum  Knife-like abdominal pain 3. Third Degree – continues to anal  Profound shock if rupture occurs sphincter Symptoms of Shock: 4. Fourth Degree – involves the anterior decreased BP anal wall Increased RR, Fast but thready pulse  Surgery: Salpingostomy POSSIBLE TOPICS ON MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH NURSING FOR THE UPCOMING DEC 2012 PNLE *Patterned on the previous board exams from December 2006 – December 2011… the purpose of this note is to GUIDE students on the possible topics that might be part of the upcoming Dec 2012 PNLE
  • 5. WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW BEFORE THE PNLE DECEMBER 2012 PNLE PEARLS OF SUCCESS PART 2: MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH NURSING INCOMPETENT CERVIX  ECLAMPSIA: to prevent aspiration, turn the  Painless premature dilatation of the cervix (usually in woman on her side to allow secretions to drain the 16th to 20th week) from her mouth.  #1 Sign: Rupture of membranes and discharge of  SEVERE PRECLAMPSIA: Lateral recumbent amniotic fluid position  Best Position: Side lying position  DOC: Magnesium Sulfate  Pre-op: Encourage patient to maintain bed rest  Magnesium Sulfate Toxicity:  Post-op: Check for excessive vaginal discharge and Decrease urine output severe pain. Decrease RR  Bed rest in trendelenburg position Absence of reflexes  Administer tocolytic medications as ordered  Antidote: CALCIUM GLUCONATE Eg; Ritodrine Hydrochloride (Yutopar)  Surgery: Cervical Cerclage  Shirodkar-Barter Technique ( internal PLACENTA PREVIA os) permanent suture: subsequent  Improperly implanted placenta in the lower uterine delivery by C/S. segment near or over the internal cervical os  Mc Donald Procedure ( external os)-  Total: the internal os is entirely covered by the suture removed at term with vaginal placenta when cervix is fully dilated delivery  Marginal: only an edge of the placenta extends to the internal os CARDIAC DISEASE  Low-lying placenta: implanted in the lower uterine  Class I: no limitation of activities. No symptoms of segment but does not reach the os cardiac insufficiency.  Painless Bleeding  Class II: slight limitation of activity, Asymptomatic  #1 Assessment - Monitor maternal vital signs, at rest. Ordinary activities causes fatigue, FHR, and fetal activity palpitations and dyspnea  Best Position: Left Lateral  Class II: marked limitation of activities, comfortable at rest, less than ordinary activities causes discomforts ABRUPTIO PLACENTA  Class IV: unable to perform any physical activity  Premature separation of the placenta from the without discomfort. May have the symptoms during uterine wall after the 20th week of gestation and rest. before the fetus is delivered.  Abruptio placentae is associated with conditions characterized by poor uteroplacental circulation, GESTATIONAL DIABETES such as hypertension, smoking and alcohol or cocaine  Diabetes during pregnancy. abuse.  3-P’s: Polyuria, Polydipsia and Polyphagia  Painful vaginal bleeding  Because insulin does not pass into the breast  Board-like rigidity of abdomen milk, breastfeeding is not contraindicated for the  The goal of management in abruption placentae is to mother with diabetes control the hemorrhage and deliver the fetus as soon  Maternal Complications: PIH, Placental disorders, as possible stillbirth, macrosomia, neural tube defects.  Screen clients between the 24th and 28th weeks of M. Post Partum pregnancy  If a pregnant diabetic is in labor, her blood glucose LOCHIAL CHANGES should be monitored hourly.  Lochia Rubra  Treatment: Insulin therapy (don’t use Oral • Dark red discharge occurring in the first 2-3 days. hypoglycemics, they are Teratogenic) • Characteristic human odor.  Lochia Serosa PREGNANCY INDUCED HYPERTENTION (PIH) • Pinkish to brownish discharge occurring 3-10 days  Blood pressure over 140/90, or increase of 30 mm after delivery. systolic, 15 mm diastolic over pre-pregnancy level • Has a strong odor.  Pre Eclampsia: HPN, Protenuria , Edema (face&hand)  Lochia Alba  Eclampsia: HPN, Protenuria, Edema plus Fever and • Almost colorless to creamy yellowish discharge Epigastric pain. occurring from 10 days to 3 weeks after delivery.  During pregnancy, blurred vision may be a danger • Has no odor. sign of preeclampsia or eclampsia.  Monitor VS, I&O and breath sound POSSIBLE TOPICS ON MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH NURSING FOR THE UPCOMING DEC 2012 PNLE *Patterned on the previous board exams from December 2006 – December 2011… the purpose of this note is to GUIDE students on the possible topics that might be part of the upcoming Dec 2012 PNLE
  • 6. WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW BEFORE THE PNLE DECEMBER 2012 PNLE PEARLS OF SUCCESS PART 2: MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH NURSING UTERINE INVOLUTION intake  Process of involution takes 4-6 weeks to complete. DIGESTIVE IMMATURE CARDIAC SPHINCTER  Weight decreases from 2 lbs to 2 oz. SYSTEM – may allow reflux of food, burped,  Fundus steadily descends into true pelvis; Fundal height REGURGITATE-placed NB right decreases about 1 fingerbreadth (1 cm)/day; by 10-14 side after feeding days postpartum, cannot be palpated abdominally. FIRST STOOL is MECONIUM - Black, tarry residue from lower intestine - Usually passed within 12-24 hours after birth TRANSITIONAL STOOLS thin, brownish green in color After 3 days MILK STOOLS: a. MILK STOOLS for BF infant – loose and golden yellow b. MILK STOOLS for FORMULATED FED- formed and pale yellow HEPATIC Pathologic Jaundice, yellowish discoloration immediately after birth Physiologic Jaundice, yellowish discoloration 2-3 days after birth (normal) NOTE: Deviation of the fundus to the right or left and location TEMPERATURE Axillary temperature: 96.8 to 99F of the fundus above the umbilical are signs that the bladder is Newborn can’t shiver as an adult distended does to release heat Cold stress increases o2 N. Care of the Newborn consumption – may lead to metabolic acidosis and respiratory  Suction the mouth first before the nose distress  Delay initial bath until temp. has stabilized for at IMMUNOLOGIC NB develops own antibodies least 6 hours. during 1st 3 months but at risk for  APGAR scoring is taken twice: initially @ 1 minute, infection during the first 6 weeks and then @ 5 minutes after birth  Give prophylactic eye treatment (credes ointment) against gonorrheal conjunctivitis or ophthalmia P. Freud’s Theory neonatorum within the first hour after delivery.  Prevent hemorrhage , give 0.5mg (preterm) to 1 Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory mg (full term) Vit. K or Aquamephyton is injected Psychosexual Development IM in the NB’s vastus lateralis (lateral anterior Infants Oral Stage thigh)muscle (birth to 1  Child explores the world by using  The cord is clamped and cut approximately within year) mouth, especially the tongue 30 seconds after birth when cord pulsation stop  Baby finds pleasure in the mouth  The cord stump usually dries and fall within 7 to Toddler Anal Stage 10 days (1-3 y/o)  Child learns to control urination and defecation (18 months) O. Newborn Assessment  Toilet training Preschooler Phallic Stage CIRCULATORY DUCTUS ARTERIOSUS constrict (3-6y/o)  The genitals are the pleasure of the STATUS with establishment of respiratory child function, remains open cause PDA  Oedipus and Electra Complex (patent ductus arteriosus)  Masturbation is common during this FORAMEN OVALE closes phase and may also show functionally as respirations exhibitionism established, remains open cause School-Age Latent Stage / Latency Period ASD (atrial septal defect) (6-12 y/o)  Child’s personality development RESPIRATORY RR = 30-80 breaths /minutes with appears to be nonactive or dormant STATUS short periods of apnea (< 15 Adolescent Genital Stage seconds) (13-20 y/o)  Adolescent develops sexual maturity RENAL SYSTEM Later pattern is 6-10 voidings/ and learns to establish satisfactory day – indicative of sufficient fluid relationships w/ the opposite sex POSSIBLE TOPICS ON MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH NURSING FOR THE UPCOMING DEC 2012 PNLE *Patterned on the previous board exams from December 2006 – December 2011… the purpose of this note is to GUIDE students on the possible topics that might be part of the upcoming Dec 2012 PNLE
  • 7. WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW BEFORE THE PNLE DECEMBER 2012 PNLE PEARLS OF SUCCESS PART 2: MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH NURSING Q. Erikson’s Theory R Physical Growth and Development Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development Mo. Gross Fine Motor Infants Trust vs. Mistrust Yr. Motor Development Development (birth to 1  Fear: strangers, anxiety, loud noises,  Largely reflex  The eyes is fixated on year) falls, sudden movements in the 0-1 the person environment  Keeps hands fisted  Play: Solitary  Holds head up  Development of  Learning confidence or learning to when prone social smile love, 2  Responds to familiar Toddler Autonmy vs. Shame voice (1-3 y/o)  Psychosocial Theme: “hold on or let  Holds head & chest  The baby knows how go” up when prone to cry  Play: Parallel 3  Laughs aloud  Child learns to be independent and  Babbles and “coos” make decisions for self  Grasp  Can raise head and  Favorite word: “I”, “no”  Stepping chest Preschooler Initiative vs. Guilt  Tonic neck  Reach out to object (3-6y/o)  Ability to try new things 4  Reflexes are fading  Bogus playmates/imaginary  Turns front to back  Roll over  Fears: dark, being left alone, large 5  Has head lag when  Hold blocks at each animals, ghosts, body mutilation, pulled upright hand pain & objects School-Age Industry vs. Inferiority  Turns both ways  Doubles birth weight (6-12 y/o)  Makes things w/ others  Moro reflex fading  Eruption of 1st tooth  Strives to achieve success  Sits w/ minimal  Child learns how to do things well 6 support Adolescent Identity vs. Role Confusion  Uses palmar grasp (13-20 y/o)  Determines own sense of self  Reaches out in  “dada”, “mama”  Development of who, what & where anticipation of  Sleeps on prone they are going being picked up position  Adjusting to a new body and seeking 7  Sits unsteadily  Uses fingers to hold emancipation from parents, choosing objects a vocation & determining a value  Transfers objects system hand to hand Young Intimacy vs. Isolation Adult  Person makes commitments to one  Sits securely w/o  Sits alone steadily for another support an indefinite period  Isolation and self absorption if 8  Recognizes strangers unsuccessful  Peek-a-boo (to test  Independent from parents, possible memory) marriage / partnership  Major goals to accomplish in career  Creeps or crawls  Can hold own bottle and family  Starts to crawl Middle Generativity vs. Stagnation 9  Understands simple Adult  Physical Changes: graying hair, gestures wrinkling skin, pain & muscle aches, menopausal period  Pulls self to  From crawling to  Mature adult is concerned w/ standing standing establishing & guiding the new 10  Responds when generation or else feels personal called by his/her impoverishment name  Become “Pillars of the Community”  From crawling to  Walks with Older Adult Integrity vs. Despair 11 standing assistance  Achieves sense of acceptance of own life  Stands alone  Triples birth weight  Adapts to triumphs & disappointment 12  Some infants take  Can say 2 syllable w/ a certain ego integrity 1st step words  Can walk w/ help POSSIBLE TOPICS ON MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH NURSING FOR THE UPCOMING DEC 2012 PNLE *Patterned on the previous board exams from December 2006 – December 2011… the purpose of this note is to GUIDE students on the possible topics that might be part of the upcoming Dec 2012 PNLE