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Lecture Notes on Prenatal Care / Health Teachings
Prepared By: Mark Fredderick R Abejo R.N, MAN                                                                        1
             Clinical Instructor

                                                                     Heartburn      Increased        Pats of butter
             PRENATAL CARE and                                                      progesterone    before meals
                                                                                    which dec.       Avoid fried ,
             HEALTH TEACHINGS                                                       gastric         fatty foods
                                                                                    motility         Sips of milk at
                                                                                    causing         frequent
                                                                                    esophageal      intervals.
Basic Concepts in Pregnancy                                                         reflux.          Small,
                                                                                                    frequent meals
Signs of Pregnancy:                                                                                 taken slowly.
 Presumptive Signs                                                                                  Bends at the
   Amenorrhea – absence of menses                                                                   knees, not at
   Nausea and Vomiting                                                                              the waist
   Increased breast sensitivity and breast changes                                                   Take antacids
   Increased pigmentation                                            Constipation   Due to           Increased
   Constipation                                                                     displacemen     fluids and
   Frequent urination                                                               t of the        roughage in the
   Quickening                                                                       stomach and     diet.
   Abdominal enlargement                                                            intestines;      Regular
                                                                                    iron            elimination
 Probable Signs                                                                    supplements     time.
  Uterine enlargement                                                                                Increase
  Hegar’s Sign                                                                                      exercise
  Goodell’s Sign                                                                                     Avoid enemas,
  Chadwick’s Sign                                                                                   harsh laxatives
  Ballottement                                                                                      and mineral oil.
  Braxton Hick’s contraction                                         Hemorrhoids    Pressure of      Warm sitz
  Positive Pregnancy Test                                                           growing         bathing
                                                                                    fetus,           High fiber diet
 Positive Signs                                                                    Increase        and increase
  Fetal Heart Tone                                                                  venous          fluid.
  X-ray or Ultrasound of fetus                                                      pressure         Sit on soft
  Palpable fetal movements                                                                          pillow
                                                                     Urinary        Increase         Sleep on the
Discomforts of Pregnancy                                             Frequency      blood supply    side at night.
                                                                                    to the           Limit fluid
     Changes                      Reason                Health                      kidney/         intake during
                                                      Teachings                     Pressure of     evening
Nausea and                    Increased              Dry crackers                   enlarged         Bladder
Vomiting                      HCG                   30 min. before                  uterus in the   training
                                                    arising                         3rd Tri
                                                     Small,          Backache       From             Back exercise
                                                    frequent, low                   exaggerated     (pelvic rock)
                                                    fat meals                       lumbo-           Wear low-
                                                     Liquids bet.                   sacral          heeled shoes.
                                                    meals                           curving          Avoid heavy
                                                                                    during          lifting
                                                     Avoid anti-
Lecture Notes on Prenatal Care / Health Teachings
Prepared By: Mark Fredderick R Abejo R.N, MAN                                                           2
             Clinical Instructor

Leg Cramps                    Increase               Frequent rest     Presumptive Signs of Pregnancy
                              pressure of           with feet
                              gravid fetus,         elevated
                              low calcium            Regular
                                                    exercise like
                                                     Increase milk
Ankle Edema                   From                   Elevate legs at
                              venous                least twice a
                              stasis                day.
                                                     Sleep on left
Varicose                      From faulty            Elevate feet
Veins                         valves or             when sitting.
                              weakened               Use support
                              vessel walls          hose
                                                     Apply elastic
                                                     Avoid use of
Shortness of                  From                   Sleep with feet
breath                        pressure on           elevated or on
                              diaphragm              regularly.
Nasal                         Elevated               Direct pressure
stuffiness and                Estrogen              to the nasal
epistaxis                     levels                area
                                                     Avoid blowing
                                                    of nose.
Fatigue                       Due to                 Get regular
                              hormonal              exercise
                              changes                Sleep as much
                                                    as needed.
Breast                        Increase               Wear well
Tenderness                    estrogen and          fitted bra
                              progesterone           Warm
                              level                 compress
Increased                     Due to                 Consult
Vaginal                       hyperplasia           physician if
discharges                    of mucosa             infection is
                              and increase          suspected
                              mucus                  Wash carefully
                              production            and keep it dry.
Lecture Notes on Prenatal Care / Health Teachings
Prepared By: Mark Fredderick R Abejo R.N, MAN                                                                     3
             Clinical Instructor

Formula Used In Providing Estimates In
                                                                   C. Estimated Fetal Weight
A. To estimate the EDC
                                                                      Given the      Use             Formula
  Given the                         Use                Formula     Rump-to-       Standard     Rump-to-crown
Last Menstrual                 Nagele’s Rule        First day of   crown length   Formula      length in utero cm.
Period (LMP)                                        LMP – 3        in utero cm.                x 100 = weight in
                                                    months + 7                                 gm
                                                    days                          Johnson’s    FH (cm)
Date of                                             Primi:                        Ruler        - 11 (if unengaged )
Quickening                                          Q + 4 months                               - 12 ( if engaged ) x
                                                    + 20 days                                  155

                                                    Q + 5 months   Measuring the Fundic Height
                                                    + 4 days

B. To estimate the AOG

  Given the                         Use               Formula
Fundic Height                  McDonald’s           Height in cm
                                                    FH x 2/7 =
                                                    duration in

                                                    FH x 8/7 =
                                                    Duration in

 Fundus Height at Various week
Lecture Notes on Prenatal Care / Health Teachings
Prepared By: Mark Fredderick R Abejo R.N, MAN                                                         4
             Clinical Instructor

PRENATAL VISIT                                        High Risk Factors During Pregnancy

Maternal Health Program of the DOH                      Life of woman and fetus has significantly
        is tasked to reduced the maternal mortality    increased risk of disability or death.
ratio by three-quarters by 2015:
        MMR of 112/100,000 live births in 2010          Generally, these are:
        MMR of 80/100,000 live births in 2015          - abnormal fetal position or presentation
                                                       - age 35 years or younger than age 15 years
Strategic Thrusts for 2005-2010                        - bleeding during pregnancy
   Launch and implement the Basic Emergency            - drug or alcohol dependent
  Obstetric Care or BEMOC. The BEMOC                   - hydramnios
  strategy entails the establishment of facilities     - hypertension of pregnancy
  that provide emergency care for every 125,000        - infection of mother
  population.                                          - maternal illness
   Improve the quality of prenatal and postnatal       - past history of difficult delivery
  care                                                 - post cesarean birth
   Reduce women’s exposure to health risks             - potential for blood incompatibility
  through the institutionalization of responsible
  parenthood and provision of appropriate health        Medical History and current status:
  care package to all women of reproductive ages.      - obstetrical history, current status
   LGU’s, NGOs and other stakeholders must             - Psychosocial risks, maternal behaviors and
  advocate for health through resource generation      adverse lifestyle.
  and allocation of health services for the mother     - smoking
  and the unborn.                                      - caffeine: 3 or more cups of coffee
                                                       - alcohol: no safe dose
Prenatal Clinic Visits                                 - drugs
                                                       - abuse and violence
   Schedule of first visit is as soon as the woman
                                                       - Psychological status
  missed her menstrual period and pregnancy is
                                                       - working more than 10 hours, heavy lifting
                                                       - standing more than 4 hours.
First 32 weeks : once a month
32-36 weeks : twice a month                             Socio-demographic risks:
36-40 weeks : every week                               - low income
                                                       - lack of prenatal care
                                                       - height less than 145 cm ( 4’9”)
Length of Pregnancy                                    - parity more than 5
                                                       - marital status
   267-280 days                                        - residence
   38-42 weeks (ave.40 weeks)                          - ethnicity
   9 calendar months
   10 lunar months                                      Environmental risks:
   3 trimester                                         - infection
First Trimester: Period of Organogenesis               - radiation
Second Trimester: Most comfortable for mother          - chemicals
                    with continued fetal growth.       - physical; extreme heat more than 38.9 c,
Third Trimester: Period of rapid fetal growth          noise, vibration and atmospheric pressure,
                  bec. of rapid deposition of fats
                   iron and calcium.
Lecture Notes on Prenatal Care / Health Teachings
  Prepared By: Mark Fredderick R Abejo R.N, MAN                                                       5
               Clinical Instructor

  Components of a Prenatal Visits                       TPAL
                                                         T = Full Term Babies
Initial interview                                        P = Premature
      Health history                                     A = Babies Abortion
     - Menstrual history: menarche, regularity,          L = Living Children
     frequency and duration of flow and last period.
     - Obstetrical history; all pregnancy, outcome,     Physical Examination
     complication, contraceptives use, sexual history     Review of System
                                                          Pelvic Examination
  Danger Signs of Pregnancy                              ( Cardinal Rule: EMPTY BLADDER )
   - Vaginal Bleeding
   - Swelling of the face or finger
   - Severe headache                                      Internal Exam (I.E) to determine:
   - Blurring of vision                                   Hegar’s Sign – softening of the uterus
   - Flashes of lights                                    Goodell’s Sign – softening of the cervix
   - Pain in the abdomen                                  Chadwick’s Sign – bluish discoloration of
   - Persistent vomiting                                                     vagina.
   - Chills and fever
   - Sudden escape of fluids from the vagina
   - absence of fetal heart tone

       Demographic data
       Chief concern
       Family profile
       History of past illnesses
                                                          Ballotement – fetus will bounce when
       History of family illness
                                                                   lower uterine segment is tapped
       Gynecologic history
       Obstetric history                                           ( on the 5th month )
       Review of systems
       Support person’s role

                                                          Fetal Heart Rate Assessment
                                                            - Doppler Ultrasound ( 10-12 weeks )
                                                            - Stethoscope ( 18-20 weeks )
                                                         Expected Rate: 120-160 bpm
Lecture Notes on Prenatal Care / Health Teachings
Prepared By: Mark Fredderick R Abejo R.N, MAN                                                             6
             Clinical Instructor

       Pelvic Measurement are preferably done                     Classification of Findings
                     after the 6 lunar month.
             Xray Pelvimetry is the most effective        Class 1 – absence of abnormal cells
             method of diagnosing cephalopelvic           Class 2 – abnormal cell but no evidence of
             disproportion. But since Xrays are           malignancy.
             teratogenic, the procedure can be done       Class 3 – cytology suggestive of malignancy
             only two weeks before EDC.                   Class 4 – cytology strongly suggestive of
                                                          Class 5 – conclusive for malignancy
Types of Pelvis
                                                              Clinical Stages of Cervical Cancer

                                                           Stage 1 - Cancer confined to the cervix
                                                           Stage 2 - CA extends beyond the cervix into
                                                          the vagina
                                                           Stage 3 - metastasis to the pelvic wall
                                                           Stage 4 - metastasis beyond pelvic wall into
                                                          the bladder and rectum.

    Papanicolau ( Pap Smear) –
            cytological examination to
            diagnose cervical cancer.

                                                               1 : Nulligravida cervix
                                                               2 : Cervix after childbirth
                                                               3 : “Stellate” cervix seen after mild
                                                                    cervical tearing.
                                                               1 : Herpes II
                                                               2 : Chancre of syphilis
                                                               3 : Erosion or infection
Lecture Notes on Prenatal Care / Health Teachings
Prepared By: Mark Fredderick R Abejo R.N, MAN                                                           7
             Clinical Instructor

 Leopold, Maneuvers – are a systematic                 to determine fetal back
  methods of observation and palpation to               still facing the head part of the mother, palpate
  determine fetal position, presentation, lie and      side to locate the fetal back.
  attitude which helps in predicting course of          a feel smooth hard resistant surface is the back
  labor                                                part. ( best place to hear the FHT )
                                                        a number of angular nodulation are knees and
Preparatory Steps:                                     elbows.
1. Palpate with warm hands.
2. Use palms, not fingertips.                         3rd Maneuver
3. Woman should lie in supine position with
   knees flexed slightly.
4. Done with empty bladder.


1st Maneuver

                                                        to determine engagement and mobility of
                                                       presenting part.
                                                        still facing the head part of the mother, grasp
                                                       the lower portion of the abdomen just above the
                                                       symphysis pubis to find out degree of
    to determine presenting part
    facing the head part of the pregnant woman,       4th Maneuver
   palpate for fetal part found in the fundus to
   determine presentation.
    ( a hard, smooth, ballotable mass at the fundus
   means fetus is breech presentation )

2nd Maneuver

                                                        to determine fetal attitude and descent.
                                                        Now facing the feet of the mother, press
                                                       fingers downward on both sides of the uterus
                                                       above the inguinal ligaments to determine
                                                       degree of flexion of fetal head.
Lecture Notes on Prenatal Care / Health Teachings
Prepared By: Mark Fredderick R Abejo R.N, MAN                                                 8
             Clinical Instructor

 Benedict’s Test                                      Nutritional Assessment
          Test for glycosuria, a sign of possible      - Food preferences and eating habits
     gestational diabetes.                             - Cultural and religious influences
        Urine should be collected before breakfast     - Education and occupational level
       Blue - no sugar
       Green - +1 sugar
       Yellow - +2 sugar                                   Assessing Maternal Weight Gain
       Orange - +3 sugar
       Red - +4 sugar

     Vital Signs During Pregnancy

     Blood Pressure : limit increase is 10/15
     mmHg systolic – diastolic above baseline BP.
     Pulse : 60 -90 beats per min.
     Respiration : 16 – 24 cycles per min.
     Temperature : 36.2 – 37.6 C ( 97-100 F )


Nutritional Health During Pregnancy
Nutrition – most important aspect

Weight Gain
       11.2 to 15.9 kg. ( 25 – 30 lb )
recommended as an average weight gain in
       2 – 4 lbs during 1st trimester
       11 – 14 lbs during 2nd trimester
       8-11 lbs from the 3rd trimester
       Pattern of weight gain is more important
than amount of weight gain.
                                                     Computation of Caloric Equivalents
Women who need special attention:
   Pregnant teenagers                                  Carbohydrates X 4
   Low pre-pregnant weight and obese                   Proteins X 4
   Low income women                                    Fats X 9
   Successive pregnancies
Lecture Notes on Prenatal Care / Health Teachings
Prepared By: Mark Fredderick R Abejo R.N, MAN       9
             Clinical Instructor
Lecture Notes on Prenatal Care / Health Teachings
Prepared By: Mark Fredderick R Abejo R.N, MAN                                                                                10
             Clinical Instructor

Food Sources                                                                 Pregnat   10,000     1       For 4        Vit. A
                                                                             women     IU         cap /   weeks        should
Protein                       Meat, fish, eggs, milk, poultry,               with                 day     upon         not be
                              cheese, beans, mongo                           night                        diagnosis    given to
Vit. A                        Eggs, carrots, squash, all green               blindness                                 woman
                              leafy vegetables                                                                         who
Vit. D                        Fish, liver, egg, milk, margarine                                                        already
                              Note: excess vit.D may lead to                                                           taking
                              fetal cardiac problem                                                                    vit. that
Vit. E                        Green leafy vegetables, fish, corn
Vit. C                        Tomatoes, guava, papaya, citrus
                                                                                                                       Vit. A
Folic Acid                    Asparagus, organ meat, green
                              leafy vegetables                               Iron Supplementation
Vit. B                        ( foods rich in protein )
Calcium and                   Milk, cheese, green leafy                      Target     Prep.     Dose /              Remarks
Phosphorus                    vegetables, whole grains,                                           Duration
                              seafood, tofu                                  Pregnant Coated      1 tab/day for
Iron                          Pork liver, lean meat, kamote                  Women     Tab.       6 months or
                              leaves, soybeans, seaweeds,                              contains 180 days
                              mongo                                                    60 mg      during              A dose of
Iodine                        Iodized salt, seafood, milk, egg,                        elemental pregnancy            800 mcg
                              bread                                                    iron with period               folic acid
                                                                                       400 mg     OR                  is still
Micronutrient Supplementation                                                          folic acid 2 tab/day if        safe to
                                                                                                  prenatal            pregnant
                                                                                                  consultation        woman
Vitamin A Supplementation                                                                         are done
                                                                                                  during the
 Target   Prep.                         Dose         Duration    Remarks                          2nd/3rd
Pregnant 10,000                         1           Start from   Vit. A                           trimester
Women    IU                             cap         the 4th      should      Lactating Coated     1 tab / day for
                                        2x a        month of     not be      Women     Tab.       3 months or
                                        week        pregnancy    given to              contains 90 days
                                                    until        woman                 60 mg
                                                    delivery     who                   elemental
                                                                 already               iron with
                                                                 taking                400 mg
                                                                 vit. that             folic acid
                                                                 contain     Iodine Supplementation
                                                                 Vit. A
Post                 200,000 1                      One dose     Vit.A         Target         Prep.        Dose / Duration
Partum               IU      cap                    only         (200K
                                                                             Women        Iodized oil     1 capsule for 1
Women                                               within 4     IU)
                                                                             15-45        capsule with    year
                                                    weeks        should
                                                                             yrs.old      200 mg.
                                                    after        not be to
                                                    delivery     pregnant
Lecture Notes on Prenatal Care / Health Teachings
Prepared By: Mark Fredderick R Abejo R.N, MAN                                                                       11
             Clinical Instructor

         TeTox Routine Immunization of                                Dont’s During Pregnancy
               Pregnant Women
                                                                      Smoking          Causes vasoconstriction,
Vaccine            Minimum                 Percent    Duration of                      leading to low birth weight
                   Interval               Protected   Protection                       babies
TeTox 1            As early as                                        Drinking Alcohol When excess can cause
                    possible                                                           respiratory depression in
                     during                                                            newborn and fetal
                   pregnancy                                                           withdrawal syndrome.
TeTox 2             4 weeks                    80%      infant will                    Delayed fetal growth and
                      after                            be                              development
Minimum             TeTox 1                            protected                       Drugs       are      dangerous
required                                                              Drugs                                st
                                                       by neonatal                     especially during 1 Tri.
TeTox for
pregnant                                               tetanus          Thalidomide    Causes amelia or
mother                                                  3 years                        phocomelia (short or no
                                                       protection                      extremities
                                                       for the          Steriods       Can cause cleft palate and
                                                       mother                          abortion
TeTox 3              6 months                 95 %      infant will     Cough          Can cause enlargement of
                       after                           be              suppressant     fetal thyroid gland leading
                     TeTox 2                           protected                       to tracheal compression and
                                                       by neonatal                     dyspnea at birth
                                                       tetanus          Vit.K          Cause hemolysis and
                                                        5 years                        hyperbilirubinemia
                                                       protection       Aspirin        Causes bleeding disorder
                                                       for the          Streptomycin   Cause damage to the 8th
                                                       mother                          cranial nerve
TeTox 4               1 year                  99 %      infant will     Tetracycline   Causes staining of the tooth
                       after                           be                              enamel and inhibits growth
                     TeTox 3                           protected                       of long bones
                                                       by neonatal      Cocaine        Causes abruption placenta,
                                                       tetanus                         preterm labor and fetal
                                                        10 years                       death
                                                       protection       Amphetamines Can cause jitteriness and
                                                       for the                         poor feeding at birth
                                                       mother           Marijuana      Increase incidence of
TeTox 5 1 year after                          99 %      all infant                     respiratory infection
         TeTox 4                                       born to that     Narcotics      Small gestational age,
                                                       mother will                     increase rate of fetal distress,
                                                       be                              meconium aspiration,
                                                       protected                       abnormal fetal liver and lung
                                                        lifetime                       tissue
                                                       protection       Inhalants      Cardiac irregularities,
                                                       for the                         severe respiratory
                                                       mother                          depression.
Lecture Notes on Prenatal Care / Health Teachings
Prepared By: Mark Fredderick R Abejo R.N, MAN                                                                     12
             Clinical Instructor

Sexual Activity
       Sexual desires continue                      throughout
pregnancy, but levels change:                                       No travel restriction, but postpone a trip during
                                                                   the last trimester.
    During the First Trimester: there is a decrease                 On long rides, 15 – 20 minute rest period every
   in sexual desire because the woman is more                      2-3 hours to walk about or empty the bladder is
   preoccupied with the changes in her body.                       advisable.
    During the Second Trimester: there is an
   improvement in sexual desire because the                      Exercises
   woman has adapted to the growing fetus.
    During the Third Trimester: there is another                 Chief Aim : To strengthen the muscles used in
   decrease in sexual desire because the woman is                            labor and delivery
   afraid of hurting the fetus.
                                                                    Should be done in moderation
                                                                    Should be individualized: according to age,
        Sex in moderation is permitted during
                                                                   physical condition, customary amount of
pregnancy but not during the last 6 weeks since
                                                                   exercise and stage of pregnancy
there is increased incidence of postpartum
infection in women who engage in sex during the
last 6 weeks.                                                    Recommended Exercises

Recommended Position                                             Squatting       Increase circulation in the
- side by side position                                                          perineum, make pelvic joints
- woman on top                                                                   more pliable .
- entrance at the back (dog’s style )                                            When standing from squatting
- side on the back                                                               position, raise buttocks first
                                                                                 before raising the head to prevent
Sex is CONTRAINDICATED                                                           postural hypotension
                                                                 Tailor          Strengthens the thighs and
                                                                 Sitting         stretches perineal muscles to
     Spotting or bleeding
                                                                                 make them more supple.
     Ruptured BOW
                                                                 Pelvic Rock         Maintains good posture
     Incompetent cervical OS
                                                                                     Relieve abdominal pressure
     Deeply-engage presenting part
                                                                                    and low back pain
     Placenta previa
                                                                                     Strengthens abdominal
     History of spontaneous miscarriage
                                                                 Modified            Relieve pelvic pressure and
                                                                 knee-chest         cramps in the thighs and
Employment                                                       position           buttocks
                                                                                     Relieves discomfort from
    As long as the job does not entail handling
                                                                 Shoulder-       Strengthens muscles of the chest
   toxic substance or lifting heavy objects or
   excessive physical and emotional strain, there is
                                                                 Walking         BEST EXERCISE
   no contraindication to work.
                                                                 Kegel             Relieve congestion and
    Advise pregnant women to walk about every
                                                                                  discomfort in pelvic region.
   few hours of her work day during long periods
   of standing or sitting to promote circulation.                                  Tones up pelvic floor muscles

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Prenatal ( Health Center) Handouts

  • 1. Lecture Notes on Prenatal Care / Health Teachings Prepared By: Mark Fredderick R Abejo R.N, MAN 1 Clinical Instructor Heartburn Increased Pats of butter PRENATAL CARE and progesterone before meals which dec. Avoid fried , HEALTH TEACHINGS gastric fatty foods motility Sips of milk at causing frequent esophageal intervals. Basic Concepts in Pregnancy reflux. Small, frequent meals Signs of Pregnancy: taken slowly.  Presumptive Signs Bends at the Amenorrhea – absence of menses knees, not at Nausea and Vomiting the waist Increased breast sensitivity and breast changes Take antacids Increased pigmentation Constipation Due to Increased Constipation displacemen fluids and Frequent urination t of the roughage in the Quickening stomach and diet. Abdominal enlargement intestines; Regular iron elimination  Probable Signs supplements time. Uterine enlargement Increase Hegar’s Sign exercise Goodell’s Sign Avoid enemas, Chadwick’s Sign harsh laxatives Ballottement and mineral oil. Braxton Hick’s contraction Hemorrhoids Pressure of Warm sitz Positive Pregnancy Test growing bathing fetus, High fiber diet  Positive Signs Increase and increase Fetal Heart Tone venous fluid. X-ray or Ultrasound of fetus pressure Sit on soft Palpable fetal movements pillow Urinary Increase Sleep on the Discomforts of Pregnancy Frequency blood supply side at night. to the Limit fluid Changes Reason Health kidney/ intake during Teachings Pressure of evening Nausea and Increased Dry crackers enlarged Bladder Vomiting HCG 30 min. before uterus in the training arising 3rd Tri Small, Backache From Back exercise frequent, low exaggerated (pelvic rock) fat meals lumbo- Wear low- Liquids bet. sacral heeled shoes. meals curving Avoid heavy during lifting Avoid anti- pregnancy. emetics.
  • 2. Lecture Notes on Prenatal Care / Health Teachings Prepared By: Mark Fredderick R Abejo R.N, MAN 2 Clinical Instructor Leg Cramps Increase Frequent rest Presumptive Signs of Pregnancy pressure of with feet gravid fetus, elevated low calcium Regular exercise like walking Increase milk intake Ankle Edema From Elevate legs at venous least twice a stasis day. Sleep on left side Varicose From faulty Elevate feet Veins valves or when sitting. weakened Use support vessel walls hose Apply elastic bandage Avoid use of constricting garters Shortness of From Sleep with feet breath pressure on elevated or on diaphragm regularly. Nasal Elevated Direct pressure stuffiness and Estrogen to the nasal epistaxis levels area Avoid blowing of nose. Fatigue Due to Get regular hormonal exercise changes Sleep as much as needed. Avoid stimulants. Breast Increase Wear well Tenderness estrogen and fitted bra progesterone Warm level compress Increased Due to Consult Vaginal hyperplasia physician if discharges of mucosa infection is and increase suspected mucus Wash carefully production and keep it dry.
  • 3. Lecture Notes on Prenatal Care / Health Teachings Prepared By: Mark Fredderick R Abejo R.N, MAN 3 Clinical Instructor Formula Used In Providing Estimates In Pregnancy C. Estimated Fetal Weight A. To estimate the EDC Given the Use Formula Given the Use Formula Rump-to- Standard Rump-to-crown Last Menstrual Nagele’s Rule First day of crown length Formula length in utero cm. Period (LMP) LMP – 3 in utero cm. x 100 = weight in months + 7 gm days Johnson’s FH (cm) Date of Primi: Ruler - 11 (if unengaged ) Quickening Q + 4 months - 12 ( if engaged ) x + 20 days 155 Multi: Q + 5 months Measuring the Fundic Height + 4 days B. To estimate the AOG Given the Use Formula Fundic Height McDonald’s Height in cm rule FH x 2/7 = duration in months FH x 8/7 = Duration in weeks Fundus Height at Various week
  • 4. Lecture Notes on Prenatal Care / Health Teachings Prepared By: Mark Fredderick R Abejo R.N, MAN 4 Clinical Instructor PRENATAL VISIT High Risk Factors During Pregnancy Maternal Health Program of the DOH Life of woman and fetus has significantly is tasked to reduced the maternal mortality increased risk of disability or death. ratio by three-quarters by 2015: MMR of 112/100,000 live births in 2010 Generally, these are: MMR of 80/100,000 live births in 2015 - abnormal fetal position or presentation - age 35 years or younger than age 15 years Strategic Thrusts for 2005-2010 - bleeding during pregnancy Launch and implement the Basic Emergency - drug or alcohol dependent Obstetric Care or BEMOC. The BEMOC - hydramnios strategy entails the establishment of facilities - hypertension of pregnancy that provide emergency care for every 125,000 - infection of mother population. - maternal illness Improve the quality of prenatal and postnatal - past history of difficult delivery care - post cesarean birth Reduce women’s exposure to health risks - potential for blood incompatibility through the institutionalization of responsible parenthood and provision of appropriate health Medical History and current status: care package to all women of reproductive ages. - obstetrical history, current status LGU’s, NGOs and other stakeholders must - Psychosocial risks, maternal behaviors and advocate for health through resource generation adverse lifestyle. and allocation of health services for the mother - smoking and the unborn. - caffeine: 3 or more cups of coffee - alcohol: no safe dose Prenatal Clinic Visits - drugs - abuse and violence Schedule of first visit is as soon as the woman - Psychological status missed her menstrual period and pregnancy is - working more than 10 hours, heavy lifting suspected - standing more than 4 hours. First 32 weeks : once a month 32-36 weeks : twice a month Socio-demographic risks: 36-40 weeks : every week - low income - lack of prenatal care - height less than 145 cm ( 4’9”) Length of Pregnancy - parity more than 5 - marital status 267-280 days - residence 38-42 weeks (ave.40 weeks) - ethnicity 9 calendar months 10 lunar months Environmental risks: 3 trimester - infection First Trimester: Period of Organogenesis - radiation Second Trimester: Most comfortable for mother - chemicals with continued fetal growth. - physical; extreme heat more than 38.9 c, Third Trimester: Period of rapid fetal growth noise, vibration and atmospheric pressure, bec. of rapid deposition of fats iron and calcium.
  • 5. Lecture Notes on Prenatal Care / Health Teachings Prepared By: Mark Fredderick R Abejo R.N, MAN 5 Clinical Instructor Components of a Prenatal Visits TPAL T = Full Term Babies Initial interview P = Premature Health history A = Babies Abortion - Menstrual history: menarche, regularity, L = Living Children frequency and duration of flow and last period. - Obstetrical history; all pregnancy, outcome, Physical Examination complication, contraceptives use, sexual history Review of System Pelvic Examination Danger Signs of Pregnancy ( Cardinal Rule: EMPTY BLADDER ) - Vaginal Bleeding - Swelling of the face or finger - Severe headache  Internal Exam (I.E) to determine: - Blurring of vision Hegar’s Sign – softening of the uterus - Flashes of lights Goodell’s Sign – softening of the cervix - Pain in the abdomen Chadwick’s Sign – bluish discoloration of - Persistent vomiting vagina. - Chills and fever - Sudden escape of fluids from the vagina - absence of fetal heart tone Demographic data Chief concern Family profile History of past illnesses  Ballotement – fetus will bounce when History of family illness lower uterine segment is tapped Gynecologic history sharply Obstetric history ( on the 5th month ) Review of systems Support person’s role  Fetal Heart Rate Assessment - Doppler Ultrasound ( 10-12 weeks ) - Stethoscope ( 18-20 weeks ) Expected Rate: 120-160 bpm
  • 6. Lecture Notes on Prenatal Care / Health Teachings Prepared By: Mark Fredderick R Abejo R.N, MAN 6 Clinical Instructor  Pelvic Measurement are preferably done Classification of Findings th after the 6 lunar month. Xray Pelvimetry is the most effective Class 1 – absence of abnormal cells method of diagnosing cephalopelvic Class 2 – abnormal cell but no evidence of disproportion. But since Xrays are malignancy. teratogenic, the procedure can be done Class 3 – cytology suggestive of malignancy only two weeks before EDC. Class 4 – cytology strongly suggestive of malignancy Class 5 – conclusive for malignancy Types of Pelvis Clinical Stages of Cervical Cancer Stage 1 - Cancer confined to the cervix Stage 2 - CA extends beyond the cervix into the vagina Stage 3 - metastasis to the pelvic wall Stage 4 - metastasis beyond pelvic wall into the bladder and rectum.  Papanicolau ( Pap Smear) – cytological examination to diagnose cervical cancer. A. 1 : Nulligravida cervix 2 : Cervix after childbirth 3 : “Stellate” cervix seen after mild cervical tearing. B 1 : Herpes II 2 : Chancre of syphilis 3 : Erosion or infection
  • 7. Lecture Notes on Prenatal Care / Health Teachings Prepared By: Mark Fredderick R Abejo R.N, MAN 7 Clinical Instructor  Leopold, Maneuvers – are a systematic to determine fetal back methods of observation and palpation to still facing the head part of the mother, palpate determine fetal position, presentation, lie and side to locate the fetal back. attitude which helps in predicting course of a feel smooth hard resistant surface is the back labor part. ( best place to hear the FHT ) a number of angular nodulation are knees and Preparatory Steps: elbows. 1. Palpate with warm hands. 2. Use palms, not fingertips. 3rd Maneuver 3. Woman should lie in supine position with knees flexed slightly. 4. Done with empty bladder. Procedure: 1st Maneuver to determine engagement and mobility of presenting part. still facing the head part of the mother, grasp the lower portion of the abdomen just above the symphysis pubis to find out degree of engagement. to determine presenting part facing the head part of the pregnant woman, 4th Maneuver palpate for fetal part found in the fundus to determine presentation. ( a hard, smooth, ballotable mass at the fundus means fetus is breech presentation ) 2nd Maneuver to determine fetal attitude and descent. Now facing the feet of the mother, press fingers downward on both sides of the uterus above the inguinal ligaments to determine degree of flexion of fetal head.
  • 8. Lecture Notes on Prenatal Care / Health Teachings Prepared By: Mark Fredderick R Abejo R.N, MAN 8 Clinical Instructor  Benedict’s Test Nutritional Assessment Test for glycosuria, a sign of possible - Food preferences and eating habits gestational diabetes. - Cultural and religious influences Urine should be collected before breakfast - Education and occupational level results: Blue - no sugar Green - +1 sugar Yellow - +2 sugar Assessing Maternal Weight Gain Orange - +3 sugar Red - +4 sugar Vital Signs During Pregnancy Blood Pressure : limit increase is 10/15 mmHg systolic – diastolic above baseline BP. Pulse : 60 -90 beats per min. Respiration : 16 – 24 cycles per min. Temperature : 36.2 – 37.6 C ( 97-100 F ) PRENATAL HEALTH TEACHINGS Nutritional Health During Pregnancy Nutrition – most important aspect Weight Gain 11.2 to 15.9 kg. ( 25 – 30 lb ) recommended as an average weight gain in pregnancy. 2 – 4 lbs during 1st trimester 11 – 14 lbs during 2nd trimester 8-11 lbs from the 3rd trimester Note: Pattern of weight gain is more important than amount of weight gain. Computation of Caloric Equivalents Women who need special attention: Pregnant teenagers Carbohydrates X 4 Low pre-pregnant weight and obese Proteins X 4 Low income women Fats X 9 Successive pregnancies Vegetarians
  • 9. Lecture Notes on Prenatal Care / Health Teachings Prepared By: Mark Fredderick R Abejo R.N, MAN 9 Clinical Instructor
  • 10. Lecture Notes on Prenatal Care / Health Teachings Prepared By: Mark Fredderick R Abejo R.N, MAN 10 Clinical Instructor Food Sources Pregnat 10,000 1 For 4 Vit. A women IU cap / weeks should Protein Meat, fish, eggs, milk, poultry, with day upon not be cheese, beans, mongo night diagnosis given to Vit. A Eggs, carrots, squash, all green blindness woman leafy vegetables who Vit. D Fish, liver, egg, milk, margarine already Note: excess vit.D may lead to taking fetal cardiac problem vit. that also Vit. E Green leafy vegetables, fish, corn contain Vit. C Tomatoes, guava, papaya, citrus Vit. A fruits Folic Acid Asparagus, organ meat, green leafy vegetables Iron Supplementation Vit. B ( foods rich in protein ) Calcium and Milk, cheese, green leafy Target Prep. Dose / Remarks Phosphorus vegetables, whole grains, Duration seafood, tofu Pregnant Coated 1 tab/day for Iron Pork liver, lean meat, kamote Women Tab. 6 months or leaves, soybeans, seaweeds, contains 180 days mongo 60 mg during A dose of Iodine Iodized salt, seafood, milk, egg, elemental pregnancy 800 mcg bread iron with period folic acid 400 mg OR is still Micronutrient Supplementation folic acid 2 tab/day if safe to prenatal pregnant consultation woman Vitamin A Supplementation are done during the Target Prep. Dose Duration Remarks 2nd/3rd Pregnant 10,000 1 Start from Vit. A trimester Women IU cap the 4th should Lactating Coated 1 tab / day for 2x a month of not be Women Tab. 3 months or week pregnancy given to contains 90 days until woman 60 mg delivery who elemental already iron with taking 400 mg vit. that folic acid also contain Iodine Supplementation Vit. A Post 200,000 1 One dose Vit.A Target Prep. Dose / Duration Partum IU cap only (200K Women Iodized oil 1 capsule for 1 Women within 4 IU) 15-45 capsule with year weeks should yrs.old 200 mg. after not be to iodine delivery pregnant women.
  • 11. Lecture Notes on Prenatal Care / Health Teachings Prepared By: Mark Fredderick R Abejo R.N, MAN 11 Clinical Instructor TeTox Routine Immunization of Dont’s During Pregnancy Pregnant Women Smoking Causes vasoconstriction, Vaccine Minimum Percent Duration of leading to low birth weight Interval Protected Protection babies TeTox 1 As early as Drinking Alcohol When excess can cause possible respiratory depression in during newborn and fetal pregnancy withdrawal syndrome. TeTox 2 4 weeks 80% infant will Delayed fetal growth and after be development Minimum TeTox 1 protected Drugs are dangerous required Drugs st by neonatal especially during 1 Tri. TeTox for pregnant tetanus Thalidomide Causes amelia or mother 3 years phocomelia (short or no protection extremities for the Steriods Can cause cleft palate and mother abortion TeTox 3 6 months 95 % infant will Cough Can cause enlargement of after be suppressant fetal thyroid gland leading TeTox 2 protected to tracheal compression and by neonatal dyspnea at birth tetanus Vit.K Cause hemolysis and 5 years hyperbilirubinemia protection Aspirin Causes bleeding disorder for the Streptomycin Cause damage to the 8th mother cranial nerve TeTox 4 1 year 99 % infant will Tetracycline Causes staining of the tooth after be enamel and inhibits growth TeTox 3 protected of long bones by neonatal Cocaine Causes abruption placenta, tetanus preterm labor and fetal 10 years death protection Amphetamines Can cause jitteriness and for the poor feeding at birth mother Marijuana Increase incidence of TeTox 5 1 year after 99 % all infant respiratory infection TeTox 4 born to that Narcotics Small gestational age, mother will increase rate of fetal distress, be meconium aspiration, protected abnormal fetal liver and lung lifetime tissue protection Inhalants Cardiac irregularities, for the severe respiratory mother depression.
  • 12. Lecture Notes on Prenatal Care / Health Teachings Prepared By: Mark Fredderick R Abejo R.N, MAN 12 Clinical Instructor Sexual Activity Traveling Sexual desires continue throughout pregnancy, but levels change: No travel restriction, but postpone a trip during the last trimester. During the First Trimester: there is a decrease On long rides, 15 – 20 minute rest period every in sexual desire because the woman is more 2-3 hours to walk about or empty the bladder is preoccupied with the changes in her body. advisable. During the Second Trimester: there is an improvement in sexual desire because the Exercises woman has adapted to the growing fetus. During the Third Trimester: there is another Chief Aim : To strengthen the muscles used in decrease in sexual desire because the woman is labor and delivery afraid of hurting the fetus. Should be done in moderation Note: Should be individualized: according to age, Sex in moderation is permitted during physical condition, customary amount of pregnancy but not during the last 6 weeks since exercise and stage of pregnancy there is increased incidence of postpartum infection in women who engage in sex during the last 6 weeks. Recommended Exercises Recommended Position Squatting Increase circulation in the - side by side position perineum, make pelvic joints - woman on top more pliable . - entrance at the back (dog’s style ) When standing from squatting - side on the back position, raise buttocks first before raising the head to prevent Sex is CONTRAINDICATED postural hypotension Tailor Strengthens the thighs and Sitting stretches perineal muscles to Spotting or bleeding make them more supple. Ruptured BOW Pelvic Rock Maintains good posture Incompetent cervical OS Relieve abdominal pressure Deeply-engage presenting part and low back pain Placenta previa Strengthens abdominal History of spontaneous miscarriage muscles Modified Relieve pelvic pressure and knee-chest cramps in the thighs and Employment position buttocks Relieves discomfort from hemorrhoids. As long as the job does not entail handling Shoulder- Strengthens muscles of the chest toxic substance or lifting heavy objects or circling excessive physical and emotional strain, there is Walking BEST EXERCISE no contraindication to work. Kegel Relieve congestion and Advise pregnant women to walk about every discomfort in pelvic region. few hours of her work day during long periods of standing or sitting to promote circulation. Tones up pelvic floor muscles