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Anatomy, Bones &
Hossein Khorrami PhD.
Anatomical position
 most widely used &
accurate for all aspects
of the body
 standing in an upright
posture, facing straight
ahead, feet parallel and
close, & palms facing
Anatomical planes
 Median
 Frontal (coronal)
 Transverse
Body Planes and
 Coronal (frontal) plane - Lies vertically and divides
body into anterior (front) and posterior (back) parts
 Sagittal plane – lies vertically and divides the body into
left and right sides.
 Median (midsagittal) plane - Specific sagittal plane that
lies vertically in the midline
 Transverse plane - runs horizontally and divides body
into superior (up) and inferior (down) parts
Anatomical directional terms
• Anterior
 in front or in the front part
 Anteroinferior
 in front & below
 Anterosuperior
 in front & above
 Posterior
 behind, in back, or in the rear
 Posteroinferior
 behind & below; in back &
 Posterolateral
 behind & to one side,
specifically to the outside
Orientation and Directional Terms
Orientation and Directional Terms
Orientation and Directional Terms
Regional Terms
Regional Terms
Body Cavities and Membranes
 Dorsal body cavity
 Cranial cavity
 Cranial cavity
houses the brain
 Vertebral cavity
 Vertebral cavity
runs through the
vertebral column
and encloses the
spinal cord
Body Cavities and Membranes
 Ventral body cavity
 Thoracic cavity
 Two lateral parts each
containing a lung
surrounded by a
pleural cavity
 Mediastinum –
contains the heart
surrounded by the
pericardial sac
Body Cavities and Membranes
 Ventral body cavity
 Abdominopelvic
 Abdominal cavity –
contains the liver,
stomach, kidneys, and
other organs
 Pelvic cavity –
contains the bladder,
some reproductive
organs, and rectum
Body Cavities and Membranes
 Serous cavities – a slit-like space lined by a
serous membrane
 Pleura, pericardium, and peritoneum
 Parietal serosa – outer wall of the cavity
 Visceral serosa covers the visceral organs
Body Cavities and Membranes
Other Body Cavities
 Oral cavity
 Nasal cavity
 Orbital cavities
 Middle ear cavities
 Synovial cavities
Abdominal Regions and Quadrants
 Abdominal regions divide the abdomen into nine
Abdominal Quadrants
 Abdominal quadrants divide the abdomen into four
 Right upper and left upper quadrants
 Right lower and left lower quadrants
Bone functions
 Supportive
 Protection of brain & Sp.cord
 Movement
 Storage, minerals, fat
 Hematopoiesis
Bone growth
 Prenatal, after wk 8, starts mineralization
 Postnatal, longitudinal and diameter
Classification of Bones
Long bones
 Typically longer than wide
 Have a shaft with heads at both ends
 Contain mostly compact bone
 Examples: Femur, humerus
 Short bones
 Generally cube-shape
 Contain mostly spongy bone
 Examples: Carpals, tarsals
Classification of Bones, cont.
 Flat bones
Thin and flattened, usually curved
Thin layers of compact bone around a layer of
spongy bone
 Examples: Skull, ribs, sternum
 Irregular bones
 Irregular in shape
 Do not fit into other bone classification categories
 Example: Vertebrae
The adult skeleton has 206 bones
Two basic types of bone tissue
 Compact bone
 Homogeneous
 Spongy bone
 Small needle-like
pieces of bone
 Many open spaces
Long Bone
 Shaft
 Composed of compact bone
 Ends of the bone
 Composed mostly of spongy
 Hematopoiesis
Structures of a Long Bone
 Outside covering of the
 Fibrous connective tissue
Sharpey’s fibers
 Secure periosteum to
underlying bone
 Supply bone cells with
Structures of a Long Bone
Articular cartilage
 Covers the external
surface of the epiphyses
 Made of hyaline cartilage
 Decreases friction at joint
Figure 5.2a
Structures of a Long Bone
Medullary cavity
 Cavity of the shaft
 Contains yellow marrow
(mostly fat) in adults
 Contains red marrow (for
blood cell formation) in
Figure 5.2a
Microscopic Anatomy of Bone
Osteon (Haversian System)
A unit of bone
Central (Haversian) canal
Carries blood vessels
and nerves
Perforating (Volkman’s)
Canal perpendicular to
the central canal
Carries blood vessels
and nerves
Bone Markings
 Surface features of bones
 Projections and processes – grow out from the bone surface
 Depressions or cavities – indentations
 Sites of attachments for
muscles, tendons, and
 Passages for nerves and
blood vessels
Changes in the Human
In embryos, the skeleton is primarily hyaline cartilage
During development, much of this cartilage is
replaced by bone
Cartilage remains in isolated areas
 Bridge of the nose
 Parts of ribs
 Joints
Bone Growth
Epiphyseal plates allow for growth of long bone
during childhood
 New cartilage is continuously formed
 Older cartilage becomes ossified
 Cartilage is broken down
 Bone replaces cartilage
Bone Growth
Bones are remodeled and lengthened until
growth stops
 Bones change shape somewhat
 Bones grow in width
Long Bone Formation and
Types of Bone Cells
 Mature bone cells
 Bone-forming cells
 Bone-destroying cells
 Break down bone matrix for remodeling and release of
Bone remodeling is a process by both osteoblasts
and osteoclasts
33% organic
28% collagen
5% non
67% inorganic Hydroxyapatite
Composition of Bone…
Inorganic component:
 Hydroxyapatite crystals with carbonate content
Organic component:
- Osteoid
 Type I collagen (95%)
 type V collagen (<5%)
Non collagenous proteins
 Osteocalcin,
 Osteopontin,
 Bone sialoprotein,
 Osteonectin.(SPARC)- Cell adhesion ,proliferation,
modulation of cytokine activity.
Nerve cells
Sense the change in environment and send signals that affect
response of other cells involved in bone remodelling
Maintains balance between
resorption and remodelling
 Bone that forms more rapidly
shows more osteocytes
Osteocytic lacunae
Canaliculi- narrow extension of lacunae, permits
diffusion of gases and nutrients
Maintains bone integrity and vitality
Failure of inter connecting system between osteocytes
and osteoblasts leads to sclerosis and death of bone
Osteoblasts :
Derived from osteoprogenitor cells
Periosteum serves as important reservoir .
Morphology :
 basophilic
 cuboidal or slightly elongated cells
contain prominent bundles of actin, myosin
Osteoblast, Functions
 New bone formation
 Controls bone mineralization at 3 levels
1. In its initial phase, by production of matrix vesicle
2. At a later stage, by controlling the ongoing process of
3. By regulating the number of ions available
 Regulation of bone remodeling and mineral metabolism
Osteoblasts Functions
 Secrete type I collagen, small amount of type V collagen,
osteonectin, osteopontin, RANKL, osteoprotegerin,
Proteoglycans, latent proteases and growth factors
including bone morphogenic proteins
 Exhibit high levels of alkaline phosphatase -cytochemical
Osteoblasts flatten, when bone is not forming and extend
along the bone surface and hence the name
They are present on periosteal as well as endosteal surfaces
Sequence of events of bone resorption: Involves 3 phases
First phase -
formation of osteoclast
Second phase-
activation of osteoclast
Third phase -
resorption of bone
 Alterations in the osteoclast
 Removal of hydroxyapatite
acidic environment by proton pump
 Degradation of organic matrix
acid phosphatase, cathepsin B
 Removal of degradation products from lacunae
 Translocation of degraded products and extracellular release
Removal of hydroxyapatite:
The initial phase involves the dissolution of the mineral phase –
The protons for the acid arise from the activity of cytoplasmic
carbonic anhydrase II, which is synthesized in osteoclast.
The protons are then released across the ruffled border into the
resorption zone by an ATP consuming proton pump.
 This leads to a fall in pH to 2.5 to 3.0 in the osteoclast resorption
As age increases resorption exceeds
Cortical bone turnover-5% per year
 Trabecular and endosteal surface – 15% per year
The processes of bone synthesis and bone breakdown go on
simultaneously and the status of the bone represents the net result
of a balance between the two processes. This phenomenon is
called coupling.
Hormones and coupling
With the exception of calcitonin, all the hormones, cytokines, and
growth factors that act on bone, as an organ, mediate their activity
through osteoblasts
Resorbing hormones act directly on osteoblasts, which then
produce other factors that regulate osteoclast activity
This results in both bone formation and bone resorption being
To prevent accumulation of damaged bone by regenerating
new bone
Allowing to respond to the changes in mechanical forces
Mineral homeostasis
Functions of remodeling
Sequence of events in bone remodelling:
 Parathyroid hormone
 Calcitonin
 Vitamin D metabolites i.e., 1, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol
 Cytokines
 Prostaglandins
 Growth factors
 Corticosteroids
 Mechanical factors
 Bacterial products
Pathologies caused due to improper control of remodelling are:
•Malignant bone tumors
•Inflammatory joint diseases
*Osteopetrosis is a bone disease that makes bones abnormally
dense and prone to fracture
Autosomal Dominant Osteopetrosis(ADO)
Bone remodeling
Bone formation
 Piezoelectric effect
 GH
 Insulin
 Estrogen
 Androgen
 Vitamin D
 TGF-beta
 Calcitonin
Hormonal Control of Blood Ca
calcium salt
in bone
glands release
hormone (PTH)
degrade bone
matrix and release
Ca2+ into blood
Falling blood
Ca2+ levels
Rising blood
Ca2+ levels
Calcium homeostasis of blood: 9–11 mg/100 ml
Response to Mechanical Stress
 Trabeculae form along lines of stress
 Large, bony projections occur where heavy, active
muscles attach
Response to Mechanical Stress
 Wolff’s law: a bone grows or remodels in response to the
forces or demands placed upon it
 Observations supporting Wolff’s law include
 Long bones are thickest midway along the shaft
(where bending stress is greatest)
 Curved bones are thickest where they are most
likely to buckle
Response to Mechanical Stress
The Skeletal System
 270-300 bones at birth
 206 in adults
 Skull: 8
 Facial bones: 14
 Middle ear: 6
 Hyoid
 Upper limbs: 64 ( 10+54)
 Pelvic girdle: 3
 Lower limb: 60 (8+52)
 Vertebrae: 33(7+12+5+5+4)
 Ribs: 24
 Sternum
•Cranial and Facial Bones (22):frontal bone
•parietal bone (2)
•temporal bone (2)
•occipital bone
•sphenoid bone
•ethmoid bone
•maxilla (2)
•palatine bone (2)
•zygomatic bone (2)
•nasal bone (2)
•lacrimal bone (2)
•inferior nasal conchae (2)
Ear bones
Joint definition
 Joints connect the components of the skeletal
system together
 They give the skeletal system flexibility, and allow
muscles to direct movements by moving bones in
different directions
Articulations of bones
Functions of joints
 Hold bones together
 Allow for mobility
Ways joints are classified
 Functionally
 Structurally
Functional Classification of
Synarthrosis –
immovable(minimal) joints
Amphiarthrosis – slightly
moveable joints
Diarthrosis – freely
moveable joints
Functional classification,
187 joints in body
 Synarthrosis are immovable joints; these joints are
common where protection of delicate internal structures
 Skull, mandible
 Amphiarthrosis are slightly movable joints; connected
by broad flattened disks of fibrocartilage, of a more or
less complex structure, which adhere to the ends of
each bone
 Vertebrae, pubic symphysis, sternocostal joint
 Diarthrosis are freely movable joints; these joints
dominate in the limbs and areas of the body where
movement is important
Structural classification
 Fibrous joints allow very little movement, and are composed of fibrous (dense)
connective tissue
 skull sutures, tibia and fibula
 Cartilaginous joints allow very little or no movement, and are characterized by
a connection between adjoining bones made of cartilage, no joint cavity
 1. Fibrocarlilage: epiphyseal plate of growing bones is an immovable cartilaginous
 2. Hyaline cartilage: pubic symphysis, intervertebral joints and connection between
the first rib and sternum are slightly movable cartilaginous joints
 Synovial joints are the most complex of the joint types
 Characterized by articular (hyaline) cartilage covering the ends of bones, a fibrous
articular capsule (composed of fibrous connective tissue) lined with synovial
membrane, a joint cavity containing synovial fluid and reinforcing ligaments to hold the
bones together
 Between the bones of the limbs
 Bursae: flattened fibrous sacs lined with synovial membrane that develop in areas of
 Tendon sheaths are special bursae that wrap around tendons in areas of friction
Fibrous Joints
Bones united by fibrous
 Sutures
 Syndesmoses
 Allows more
movement than
 Example: distal
end of tibia and
Cartilaginous Joints
Bones connected by cartilage
 Pubic
 Intervertebral
Synovial Joints
Articulating bones are
separated by a joint
Synovial fluid is found in
the joint cavity
Synovial joints
 Some synovial joints such as knee and hip have
fatty pads between the fibrous capsule and the
 Some have discs or wedges of fibrocartilage
separating the articular surface of bones (menisci of
 Some synovial joints have bursa which is a fluid
filled sac containing the synovial fluid to decrease
the friction
Features of Synovial Joints
Articular cartilage (hyaline cartilage) covers the ends
of bones
Joint surfaces are enclosed by a fibrous articular
Have a joint cavity filled with synovial fluid
Ligaments reinforce the joint
Structures Associated with the Synovial
Bursae – flattened fibrous sacs
 Lined with synovial membranes
 Filled with synovial fluid
 Not actually part of the joint
Tendon sheath
 Elongated bursa that wraps around a tendon
The Synovial Joint
Which Joints have
 Shoulder
 Elbow
 Hip
 Knee
 Heel
 Big toe
 …
Synovial joints classification
 Nonaxial(plane): carpal bones
 Uniaxial joint: one degree of freedom
 Hinge: elbow
 Pivot: Atlas & Axis
 Biaxial joint:
 Saddle: thumb carpal-metacarpal
 Condyloid: MCP in fingers
 Triaxial joint(multiaxial joint)
 Ball & socket: humeroscapular
Types of Synovial Joints Based on
Types of Synovial Joints Based on Shape
• Plane joints connect two flat surfaces of bone to one another, and only allow
side-to-side movement with no rotation, so called nonaxial joints. Flat wrist
• Hinge joints connect a cylindrical bone end to a concave portion of another
bone. Rotation can occur in only one plane (like a door hinge), so called uniaxial
joints. Elbow and ankle, PIP, DIP
• Pivot joints connect the rounded end of one bone to a ring or sheath formed by
another bone, so are uniaxial joints. Radius & ulna, atlas & axis
• Condyloid joints fit the rounded convex articular surface of one bone into the
rounded concave surface of another bone. Allow side to side and forwards-
backwards movements, but no rotation, similarly to saddle joints, so are biaxial
joints. Knuckles(MCP)
• Saddle joints are characterized by concave and convex surfaces on both
articular surfaces. Allow side to side and forwards-backwards movements, but no
rotation, so are biaxial joints. Carpal & metacarpal of the thumb
• Ball-and-socket joints join the spherical end of one bone to the concave,
rounded socket of another bone. Allow movement in all axes and rotation, and
are therefore multiaxial joints. shoulder and hip
Motion depends on:
 Joints
 Muscle and tendon
 Ligaments
 Capsule
 Skin
 Other soft tissues such as vessels, adipose tissue,
nerves & etc.
Capsular joint
 Joint mobilization
 Capsular excess
 Joint play
The Axial Skeleton
Forms the longitudinal part of the body
Divided into three parts
 Skull
 Vertebral column
 Bony thorax
The Axial Skeleton
 Sometimes these paired
bones will show the same
motions, sometimes
opposite, depending on the
pair Clinically, this means
that problems in one bone
can often be driven by its
paired bone
 For instance, if a person
chronically has problems
with their C1 in the upper
neck, one should also
address problems in its pair;
the L5 in the low back
Lovett Reactor System
Postural Homeostasis
 Spinal Coupling:
 C1 should move in a similar direction as L5
 C2 should move in a similar direction as L4
 C3 should move in a similar direction as L3
 C4 should move in the opposite direction as L2
 C5 should move in the opposite direction as L1
 This continues downward to T5 which moves in the opposite direction
as T6
 Pelvic-Cranial Coupling:
 Sacrum should move in the opposite direction as the occiput
 The ilium should move in the opposite direction to the
ipsilateral temporal bone (e.g., an anteriorly rotated left ilium
should automatically rotate the left temporal bone posteriorly)
 The coccyx should move in the same direction as the
sphenoid bone
 In essence, the Lovett Reactor is a description of what
occurs in the pelvis, vertebrae and cranial bones when the
Righting Reflex is working correctly
The Vertebral
Vertebrae separated by
intervertebral discs
The spine has a normal
Each vertebrae is given a
name according to its location
4 Curves
 Primary: Thoracic &
 Secondary: Cervical & Lumbar
Structure of a Typical
 7 processes
 Body
Cervical vertebrae
 Unlike the other parts of the spine, the cervical
spine has TRANSVERSE FORAMINA in each vertebra
for the vertebral arteries
 Classify to upper and lower parts
 Y-shape spinous process(C3-C6)
 U-shape transverse processes for cervical spinal
 Transverse foramen for paravertebral artery
 Larger spinous process at C7
Cervical, Upper part
 The upper cervical spine consists of the atlas (C1) and
the axis (C2)
 These first 2 vertebrae are quite different from the rest of
the cervical spine
 The atlas articulates superiorly with the occiput (the
atlanto-occipital joint) and inferiorly with the axis (the
atlantoaxial joint), synovial joints
 The atlantoaxial joint is responsible for 50% of all
cervical rotation; the atlanto-occipital joint is responsible
for 50% of flexion and extension
 The unique features of C2 anatomy and its articulations
complicate assessment of its pathology
Atlas & Axis
Zygapophyseal Joint
Steel’s Rule of Thirds
 At the level of the atlas, the odontoid process, the
subarachnoid space, and spinal cord each occupy
one third of the area of the spinal canal
 The axis is composed of a vertebral body, heavy
pedicles, laminae, and transverse processes, which
serve as attachment points for muscles
 The axis articulates with the atlas via its superior
articular facets, which are convex and face upward and
 At birth, a vestigial cartilaginous disc space called the
neurocentral synchondrosis separates the odontoid process
from the body of C2
 The synchondrosis is seen in virtually all children aged 3 years
and is absent in those aged 6 years
 The apical portion of the dens ossifies by age 3-5 years and
fuses with the rest of the structure around age 12 years
 This synchondrosis should not be confused with a fracture
Lower Cervical Spine
Joint of Luschka
Joint of Luschka
 The joint believed to be
the result of degenerative
changes in the annulus,
which lead to fissuring in
the annulus and the
creation of the joint
 Can develop osteophytic
spurs, which can narrow
the intervertebral foramina
Facet Joints
 The facet joints in the cervical spine are Diarthrodial
synovial joints with fibrous capsules
 The joint capsules are more lax in the lower cervical
spine than in other areas of the spine to allow
gliding movements of the facets
 The joints are inclined at an angle of 45° from the
horizontal plane and 85° from the sagittal plane
 This alignment helps prevent
excessive anterior translation and is
important in weight-bearing
Intervertebral Discs
 These disks are composed of 4 parts: the nucleus
pulposus in the middle, the annulus fibrosis surrounding
the nucleus, and 2 end plates that are attached to the
adjacent vertebral bodies
 They serve as force dissipators, transmitting compressive
loads throughout a range of motion
 The disks are thicker anteriorly and therefore contribute to
normal cervical lordosis
Characteristics of
Structure of a Typical
Rule of Threes
Facet Joints*
 To guide and limit mvmts in vertebral segments
 Cartilage
 Synovial fluid
 Nerve & blood vessels
 Ligaments
 *Zygapophyseal(Z-joint)
Facet Joint Orientation, Cervical
 Cervical Region: 45 degrees; frontal plane; all
movements are possible such as flexion, extension,
lateral flexion, and rotation
 The articulating facets in the cervical vertebrae face
45o to the transverse plane and lie parallel to the
frontal plane, with the superior articulating process
facing posterior and up and the inferior articulating
processes facing anteriorly and down
Facet Joint Orientation, Thoracic
 Thoracic Region: 60 degrees;
frontal plane; lateral flexion and
rotation; no flexion/extension
 The facet joints between
adjacent thoracic vertebrae are
angled at 60° to the
transverse(Hor) plane and 20°
to the frontal plane, with the
superior facets facing posterior
and a little up and laterally and
the inferior facets facing
anteriorly, down, and medially
Costovertebral Joints
Facet Joint Orientation, Lumbar
 Lumbar Region: 90 degrees; sagittal
plane; only flexion and extension
 The facet joints in the lumbar region lie
in the sagittal plane; the articulating
facets are at right angles to the
transverse plane and 45° to the frontal
 The superior facets face medially, and
the inferior facets face laterally, this
changes at the lumbosacral junction,
where the apophyseal joint moves into
the frontal plane and the inferior facet
on L5 faces front
 This change in orientation keeps the
vertebral column from sliding forward on
the sacrum
 Nucleus pulposus
 Annulus fibrosus
 Pressure on lumbar disc
 Lying or standing: 17 PSI
 Sitting or bending to lift: up to 300 PSI
Disc Problems
 Disc Prolapse: annulus fibrosus is intact
 Disc Protrusion: annulus fibrosus involved
 Disc Herniation: tearing annulus fibrosus & bulge
out nucleus
Herniation Stages
 1) Disc Degeneration: chemical changes
associated with aging causes discs to
weaken, but without a herniation
 2) Prolapse: the form or position of the
disc changes with some slight
impingement into the spinal canal. Also
called a bulge or protrusion
 3) Extrusion: the gel-like nucleus pulposes
breaks through the annulus fibrosus but
remains within the disc
 4) Sequestration: nucleus pulposus
breaks through the annulus fibrosus and
lies outside the disc in the spinal canal
Disc problem, Risk Factors
 Aging
 Decrease bone density, muscle & ligament weakness
 Improper lifting
 Bad posture
 Smoking
 Strenuous repetitive activities
 Obesity
 Sudden pressure
Lumbar Area Problems
 Lordosis
 Disc problems
 Facet joints problems(dysfunction)
 Degenerative vertebrae secondary to degenerative
 Spondylolisthesis
Posterior Longitudinal Ligament
 From C2 to sacrum
 Long and
important ligament located
immediately posterior to the
vertebral bodies (to which it
attaches loosely) and
intervertebral discs
 Extends from the back of the
sacrum inferiorly and
gradually broadens as it
Facet Joint Syndrome
 OA
 Disc degeneration
 Pressure overload
 Aging
Facet Joint Syndrome
 Narrowing the joint space
 Friction and destroying articular cartilage and the
 Wear away cartilage
 Bone spurs
 Compress nerve
 More bone spurs extend to the spinal canal
 Spinal stenosis
Facet Joint Symptoms
 Difficulty in head rotation
 Difficulty in straightening back and get up of a chair
 Pain, numbness, muscle weakness,..
FJS Treat
 Ice, to reduce inflammation
 Ultrasound, Electrostimulation to reduce muscle
 Massage, traction, mobilization to increase ROM
and reduce pain
 Exercise for more stability
 Birth defect
 Rapid growth during adolescence
 Football
 Weightlifting
 Wrestling
 Gymnastics
 Track and field…
The Bony Thorax
Forms a cage to
protect major organs
The Bony Thorax
Made-up of three
 Sternum
 Ribs
 Thoracic
Sternoclavicular Joint
 Plane style synovial joint
 Fibrocartilage joint disk
 Ligaments
 Anterior sternoclavicular ligament
 Posterior sternoclavicular ligament
 Costoclavicular lig
 Interclavicular lig
Sternoclavicular Joint
The Appendicular Skeleton
Pectoral girdle
Limbs (appendages)
Pelvic girdle
The Pectoral (Shoulder) Girdle
Composed of two bones
 Clavicle – collarbone
 Scapula – shoulder blade
These bones allow the upper limb to have
exceptionally free movement
Bones of the Shoulder Girdle
Acromioclavicular Joint
 To allow the scapula additional range of rotation on
the thorax
 Allow for adjustments of the scapula (tipping and
internal/external rotation) outside the initial plane of
the scapula in order to follow the changing shape of
the thorax as arm movement occurs
 The joint allows transmission of forces from the
upper extremity to the clavicle
Bones of the Shoulder Girdle
Bones of the Upper Limb
The arm is formed by a
single bone
 Humerus
Bones of the Upper Limb
The forearm has two bones
 Ulna
 Radius
Right Hand
Bones of the Upper Limb
The hand
 Carpals – wrist
 Metacarpals – palm
 Phalanges – fingers
So Long To Pinky, Here Comes The Thumb
Bones of the Pelvic Girdle
Hip bones
Composed of three pair of fused bones
 Ilium
 Ischium
 Pubic bone
The total weight of the upper body rests on the pelvis
Protects several organs
 Reproductive organs
 Urinary bladder
 Part of the large intestine
The Pelvis
The Pelvis: Right Coxal Bone
Gender Differences of the
Lower Limbs
The thigh has one
 Femur – thigh bone
Lower Limbs, distal
The leg has two bones
 Tibia
 Fibula
The foot
 Tarsus – ankle
 Metatarsals – sole
 Phalanges – toes
Arches of the Foot
Bones of the foot are
arranged to form three
strong arches
 Two longitudinal
 One transverse
 Manual muscle test (MMT)
 Range Of Motion (ROM)
ROM benefits
 To determine presence of impairment
 Establishing a diagnosis
 Evaluation of progress
 Modify the treatment
 Motivate the patient
 Research
 Power: work produced /time
 For more power: more repetition
 Strength: contract against external load
 Endurance: perform activities over prolonged
 Flexibility: ability to move a single joint or series of
joints smoothly & easily through an unrestricted
pain-free ROM
 Plasticity: property of skeletal muscle that allow for
a new & greater length after a stretch that has been
Manual Muscle Testing(MMT)
Grade Result
0 No contraction, no movement
1 Visible contraction, a little
2 Visible contraction, full ROM in elimination of gravity
3 Visible contraction, full ROM against gravity
4 Full ROM with moderate resistance
5 Full ROM with max resistance
Joint improvement
 Passive range of motion
 Active range of motion
 Active assistive range of motion
 Strengthening
 Isometric
 Isotonic
 Concentric
 Eccentric
 Stretching
Benefits of exercises
 Increase & maintain muscle strength
 Increase endurance
 Improve & maintain ROM
 Increase circulation
 Increase flexibility
 Improve balance & coordination
 Increase CV fitness
 Improve sense of wellbeing
Stretching, indications
 Adhesion, contracture, scar tissue
 Decreased ROM(may lead deformity)
 Part of a fitness program to prevent injury
 Warm-up & cool-down exercise
Stretching, contra-indications
 Recent fracture, incomplete bony union
 Muscle ossification
 Acute inflammation, infection
 Sharp pain
 Hematoma in muscle or area
 Hypermobility
Characters of stretching
 Intensity
 Duration: 30sec
 Frequency: 5-7/day
 Speed: slowly
Inflammatory Conditions Associated with
Bursitis – inflammation of a bursa usually caused by a
blow or friction
Tendonitis – inflammation of tendon sheaths
Arthritis – inflammatory or degenerative diseases of joints
 Over 100 different types
 The most widespread crippling disease in the United
Clinical Forms of Arthritis
 Most common chronic arthritis
 Probably related to normal aging processes
Rheumatoid arthritis
 An autoimmune disease – the immune system attacks
the joints
 Symptoms begin with bilateral inflammation of certain
 Often leads to deformities
Clinical Forms of Arthritis
Gouty Arthritis
 Inflammation of joints is caused by a deposition of
urate crystals from the blood
 Can usually be controlled with diet
Developmental Aspects of the Skeletal
At birth, the skull bones are incomplete
Bones are joined by fibrous membranes – fontanelles
Fontanelles are completely replaced with bone within two
years after birth
The Skull
Two sets of bones
 Cranium
 Facial bones
Bones are joined by sutures
Only the mandible is attached by a freely movable
The Skull
Human Skull, Superior View
Human Skull, Inferior View
Paranasal Sinuses
Hollow portions of bones surrounding the nasal
Paranasal Sinuses
Functions of paranasal sinuses
 Lighten the skull
 Give resonance and amplification to voice
The Hyoid Bone
The only bone that does
not articulate with another
Serves as a moveable base
for the tongue
The Fetal Skull
The fetal skull is large
compared to the infants
total body length
The Fetal Skull
Fontanelles – fibrous
membranes connecting the
cranial bones
 Allow the brain
to grow
 Convert to bone within 24
months after birth
Thank you
Bone Fractures
A break in a bone
Types of bone fractures
 Closed (simple) fracture – break that does not
penetrate the skin
 Open (compound) fracture – broken bone penetrates
through the skin
Bone fractures are treated by reduction and
 Realignment of the bone
Common Types of Fractures
Repair of Bone Fractures
Hematoma (blood-filled swelling) is formed
Break is splinted by fibrocartilage to form a callus
Fibrocartilage callus is replaced by a bony callus
Bony callus is remodeled to form a permanent patch
Stages in the Healing of a
Bone Fracture
Anatomy, bones & Joints

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Anatomy, bones & Joints

  • 1. Anatomy, Bones & Joints By: Hossein Khorrami PhD.
  • 2.
  • 3. Anatomical position  most widely used & accurate for all aspects of the body  standing in an upright posture, facing straight ahead, feet parallel and close, & palms facing forward
  • 4. Anatomical planes  Median  Frontal (coronal)  Transverse
  • 5. Body Planes and Sections  Coronal (frontal) plane - Lies vertically and divides body into anterior (front) and posterior (back) parts  Sagittal plane – lies vertically and divides the body into left and right sides.  Median (midsagittal) plane - Specific sagittal plane that lies vertically in the midline  Transverse plane - runs horizontally and divides body into superior (up) and inferior (down) parts
  • 6. Anatomical directional terms • Anterior  in front or in the front part  Anteroinferior  in front & below  Anterosuperior  in front & above  Posterior  behind, in back, or in the rear  Posteroinferior  behind & below; in back & below  Posterolateral  behind & to one side, specifically to the outside
  • 12. Body Cavities and Membranes  Dorsal body cavity  Cranial cavity  Cranial cavity houses the brain  Vertebral cavity  Vertebral cavity runs through the vertebral column and encloses the spinal cord
  • 13. Body Cavities and Membranes  Ventral body cavity  Thoracic cavity  Two lateral parts each containing a lung surrounded by a pleural cavity  Mediastinum – contains the heart surrounded by the pericardial sac
  • 14. Body Cavities and Membranes  Ventral body cavity  Abdominopelvic cavity  Abdominal cavity – contains the liver, stomach, kidneys, and other organs  Pelvic cavity – contains the bladder, some reproductive organs, and rectum
  • 15. Body Cavities and Membranes  Serous cavities – a slit-like space lined by a serous membrane  Pleura, pericardium, and peritoneum  Parietal serosa – outer wall of the cavity  Visceral serosa covers the visceral organs
  • 16. Body Cavities and Membranes
  • 17. Other Body Cavities  Oral cavity  Nasal cavity  Orbital cavities  Middle ear cavities  Synovial cavities
  • 18. Abdominal Regions and Quadrants  Abdominal regions divide the abdomen into nine regions
  • 19. Abdominal Quadrants  Abdominal quadrants divide the abdomen into four quadrants  Right upper and left upper quadrants  Right lower and left lower quadrants
  • 20.
  • 21. Bone functions  Supportive  Protection of brain & Sp.cord  Movement  Storage, minerals, fat  Hematopoiesis
  • 22. Bone growth  Prenatal, after wk 8, starts mineralization  Postnatal, longitudinal and diameter
  • 23. Classification of Bones Long bones  Typically longer than wide  Have a shaft with heads at both ends  Contain mostly compact bone  Examples: Femur, humerus  Short bones  Generally cube-shape  Contain mostly spongy bone  Examples: Carpals, tarsals
  • 24. Classification of Bones, cont.  Flat bones Thin and flattened, usually curved Thin layers of compact bone around a layer of spongy bone  Examples: Skull, ribs, sternum  Irregular bones  Irregular in shape  Do not fit into other bone classification categories  Example: Vertebrae
  • 25.
  • 26. Bones The adult skeleton has 206 bones Two basic types of bone tissue  Compact bone  Homogeneous  Spongy bone  Small needle-like pieces of bone  Many open spaces
  • 27. Long Bone Diaphysis  Shaft  Composed of compact bone Epiphysis  Ends of the bone  Composed mostly of spongy bone  Hematopoiesis
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  • 29. Structures of a Long Bone Periosteum  Outside covering of the diaphysis  Fibrous connective tissue membrane Sharpey’s fibers  Secure periosteum to underlying bone Arteries  Supply bone cells with nutrients
  • 30.
  • 31. Structures of a Long Bone Articular cartilage  Covers the external surface of the epiphyses  Made of hyaline cartilage  Decreases friction at joint surfaces Figure 5.2a
  • 32. Structures of a Long Bone Medullary cavity  Cavity of the shaft  Contains yellow marrow (mostly fat) in adults  Contains red marrow (for blood cell formation) in infants Figure 5.2a
  • 33. Microscopic Anatomy of Bone Osteon (Haversian System) A unit of bone Central (Haversian) canal Carries blood vessels and nerves Perforating (Volkman’s) canal Canal perpendicular to the central canal Carries blood vessels and nerves
  • 34. Bone Markings  Surface features of bones  Projections and processes – grow out from the bone surface  Depressions or cavities – indentations  Sites of attachments for muscles, tendons, and ligaments  Passages for nerves and blood vessels
  • 35. Changes in the Human Skeleton In embryos, the skeleton is primarily hyaline cartilage During development, much of this cartilage is replaced by bone Cartilage remains in isolated areas  Bridge of the nose  Parts of ribs  Joints
  • 36. Bone Growth Epiphyseal plates allow for growth of long bone during childhood  New cartilage is continuously formed  Older cartilage becomes ossified  Cartilage is broken down  Bone replaces cartilage
  • 37. Bone Growth Bones are remodeled and lengthened until growth stops  Bones change shape somewhat  Bones grow in width
  • 38. Long Bone Formation and Growth
  • 39. Types of Bone Cells Osteocytes  Mature bone cells Osteoblasts  Bone-forming cells Osteoclasts  Bone-destroying cells  Break down bone matrix for remodeling and release of calcium Bone remodeling is a process by both osteoblasts and osteoclasts
  • 40. COMPOSITION OF BONE: Bone 33% organic 28% collagen 5% non collagenous proteins 67% inorganic Hydroxyapatite
  • 41. Composition of Bone… Inorganic component:  Hydroxyapatite crystals with carbonate content Organic component: - Osteoid  Type I collagen (95%)  type V collagen (<5%) Non collagenous proteins  Osteocalcin,  Osteopontin,  Bone sialoprotein,  Osteonectin.(SPARC)- Cell adhesion ,proliferation, modulation of cytokine activity.
  • 42. OSTEOCYTES: Nerve cells Sense the change in environment and send signals that affect response of other cells involved in bone remodelling Maintains balance between resorption and remodelling  Bone that forms more rapidly shows more osteocytes
  • 43. Osteocytic lacunae Canaliculi- narrow extension of lacunae, permits diffusion of gases and nutrients Maintains bone integrity and vitality Failure of inter connecting system between osteocytes and osteoblasts leads to sclerosis and death of bone
  • 44. Osteoblasts : Derived from osteoprogenitor cells Periosteum serves as important reservoir . Morphology :  basophilic  cuboidal or slightly elongated cells contain prominent bundles of actin, myosin BONE CELLS:
  • 45.
  • 46. Osteoblast, Functions  New bone formation  Controls bone mineralization at 3 levels 1. In its initial phase, by production of matrix vesicle 2. At a later stage, by controlling the ongoing process of mineralization 3. By regulating the number of ions available  Regulation of bone remodeling and mineral metabolism
  • 47. Osteoblasts Functions  Secrete type I collagen, small amount of type V collagen, osteonectin, osteopontin, RANKL, osteoprotegerin, Proteoglycans, latent proteases and growth factors including bone morphogenic proteins  Exhibit high levels of alkaline phosphatase -cytochemical marker
  • 48. BONE LINING CELLS: Osteoblasts flatten, when bone is not forming and extend along the bone surface and hence the name They are present on periosteal as well as endosteal surfaces
  • 49. BONE RESORPTION: Osteoclasts Sequence of events of bone resorption: Involves 3 phases First phase - formation of osteoclast Second phase- activation of osteoclast Third phase - resorption of bone
  • 50.  Alterations in the osteoclast  Removal of hydroxyapatite acidic environment by proton pump  Degradation of organic matrix acid phosphatase, cathepsin B  Removal of degradation products from lacunae endocytosis  Translocation of degraded products and extracellular release
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  • 52. Removal of hydroxyapatite: The initial phase involves the dissolution of the mineral phase – HCl The protons for the acid arise from the activity of cytoplasmic carbonic anhydrase II, which is synthesized in osteoclast. The protons are then released across the ruffled border into the resorption zone by an ATP consuming proton pump.  This leads to a fall in pH to 2.5 to 3.0 in the osteoclast resorption space.
  • 53. As age increases resorption exceeds Cortical bone turnover-5% per year  Trabecular and endosteal surface – 15% per year Coupling The processes of bone synthesis and bone breakdown go on simultaneously and the status of the bone represents the net result of a balance between the two processes. This phenomenon is called coupling.
  • 54. Hormones and coupling With the exception of calcitonin, all the hormones, cytokines, and growth factors that act on bone, as an organ, mediate their activity through osteoblasts Resorbing hormones act directly on osteoblasts, which then produce other factors that regulate osteoclast activity This results in both bone formation and bone resorption being coupled
  • 55. To prevent accumulation of damaged bone by regenerating new bone Allowing to respond to the changes in mechanical forces Mineral homeostasis Functions of remodeling
  • 56. Sequence of events in bone remodelling:
  • 57. MEDIATORS OF BONE REMODELLING:  Parathyroid hormone  Calcitonin  Vitamin D metabolites i.e., 1, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol  Cytokines  Prostaglandins  Growth factors  Corticosteroids  Mechanical factors  Bacterial products
  • 58. Pathologies caused due to improper control of remodelling are: •Osteoporosis •Osteopetrosis* •Malignant bone tumors •Inflammatory joint diseases *Osteopetrosis is a bone disease that makes bones abnormally dense and prone to fracture Autosomal Dominant Osteopetrosis(ADO)
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  • 61. Bone formation  Piezoelectric effect  GH  Insulin  Estrogen  Androgen  Vitamin D  TGF-beta  PDGF  Calcitonin  PTH
  • 62. Hormonal Control of Blood Ca PTH; calcitonin secreted Calcitonin stimulates calcium salt deposit in bone Parathyroid glands release parathyroid hormone (PTH) Thyroid gland Thyroid gland Parathyroid glands Osteoclasts degrade bone matrix and release Ca2+ into blood Falling blood Ca2+ levels Rising blood Ca2+ levels Calcium homeostasis of blood: 9–11 mg/100 ml PTH
  • 63. Response to Mechanical Stress  Trabeculae form along lines of stress  Large, bony projections occur where heavy, active muscles attach
  • 64. Response to Mechanical Stress  Wolff’s law: a bone grows or remodels in response to the forces or demands placed upon it  Observations supporting Wolff’s law include  Long bones are thickest midway along the shaft (where bending stress is greatest)  Curved bones are thickest where they are most likely to buckle
  • 67. Bones  270-300 bones at birth  206 in adults  Skull: 8  Facial bones: 14  Middle ear: 6  Hyoid  Upper limbs: 64 ( 10+54)  Pelvic girdle: 3  Lower limb: 60 (8+52)  Vertebrae: 33(7+12+5+5+4)  Ribs: 24  Sternum
  • 68. •Cranial and Facial Bones (22):frontal bone •parietal bone (2) •temporal bone (2) •occipital bone •sphenoid bone •ethmoid bone •mandible •maxilla (2) •palatine bone (2) •zygomatic bone (2) •nasal bone (2) •lacrimal bone (2) •vomer •inferior nasal conchae (2)
  • 70. Joint definition  Joints connect the components of the skeletal system together  They give the skeletal system flexibility, and allow muscles to direct movements by moving bones in different directions
  • 71. Joints Articulations of bones Functions of joints  Hold bones together  Allow for mobility Ways joints are classified  Functionally  Structurally
  • 72. Functional Classification of Joints Synarthrosis – immovable(minimal) joints Amphiarthrosis – slightly moveable joints Diarthrosis – freely moveable joints
  • 74. Functional classification, 187 joints in body  Synarthrosis are immovable joints; these joints are common where protection of delicate internal structures  Skull, mandible  Amphiarthrosis are slightly movable joints; connected by broad flattened disks of fibrocartilage, of a more or less complex structure, which adhere to the ends of each bone  Vertebrae, pubic symphysis, sternocostal joint  Diarthrosis are freely movable joints; these joints dominate in the limbs and areas of the body where movement is important
  • 77. Structural classification  Fibrous joints allow very little movement, and are composed of fibrous (dense) connective tissue  skull sutures, tibia and fibula  Cartilaginous joints allow very little or no movement, and are characterized by a connection between adjoining bones made of cartilage, no joint cavity  1. Fibrocarlilage: epiphyseal plate of growing bones is an immovable cartilaginous joint  2. Hyaline cartilage: pubic symphysis, intervertebral joints and connection between the first rib and sternum are slightly movable cartilaginous joints  Synovial joints are the most complex of the joint types  Characterized by articular (hyaline) cartilage covering the ends of bones, a fibrous articular capsule (composed of fibrous connective tissue) lined with synovial membrane, a joint cavity containing synovial fluid and reinforcing ligaments to hold the bones together  Between the bones of the limbs  Bursae: flattened fibrous sacs lined with synovial membrane that develop in areas of friction  Tendon sheaths are special bursae that wrap around tendons in areas of friction
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  • 79. Fibrous Joints Bones united by fibrous tissue Examples  Sutures  Syndesmoses  Allows more movement than sutures  Example: distal end of tibia and fibula
  • 80.
  • 81. Cartilaginous Joints Bones connected by cartilage Examples  Pubic symphysis  Intervertebral joints
  • 82. Synovial Joints Articulating bones are separated by a joint cavity Synovial fluid is found in the joint cavity
  • 83. Synovial joints  Some synovial joints such as knee and hip have fatty pads between the fibrous capsule and the bone  Some have discs or wedges of fibrocartilage separating the articular surface of bones (menisci of knee)  Some synovial joints have bursa which is a fluid filled sac containing the synovial fluid to decrease the friction
  • 84. Features of Synovial Joints Articular cartilage (hyaline cartilage) covers the ends of bones Joint surfaces are enclosed by a fibrous articular capsule Have a joint cavity filled with synovial fluid Ligaments reinforce the joint
  • 85. Structures Associated with the Synovial Joint Bursae – flattened fibrous sacs  Lined with synovial membranes  Filled with synovial fluid  Not actually part of the joint Tendon sheath  Elongated bursa that wraps around a tendon
  • 87. Which Joints have Bursae  Shoulder  Elbow  Hip  Knee  Heel  Big toe  …
  • 88. Synovial joints classification  Nonaxial(plane): carpal bones  Uniaxial joint: one degree of freedom  Hinge: elbow  Pivot: Atlas & Axis  Biaxial joint:  Saddle: thumb carpal-metacarpal  Condyloid: MCP in fingers  Triaxial joint(multiaxial joint)  Ball & socket: humeroscapular
  • 89. Types of Synovial Joints Based on Shape
  • 90. Types of Synovial Joints Based on Shape
  • 91. • Plane joints connect two flat surfaces of bone to one another, and only allow side-to-side movement with no rotation, so called nonaxial joints. Flat wrist bones • Hinge joints connect a cylindrical bone end to a concave portion of another bone. Rotation can occur in only one plane (like a door hinge), so called uniaxial joints. Elbow and ankle, PIP, DIP • Pivot joints connect the rounded end of one bone to a ring or sheath formed by another bone, so are uniaxial joints. Radius & ulna, atlas & axis • Condyloid joints fit the rounded convex articular surface of one bone into the rounded concave surface of another bone. Allow side to side and forwards- backwards movements, but no rotation, similarly to saddle joints, so are biaxial joints. Knuckles(MCP) • Saddle joints are characterized by concave and convex surfaces on both articular surfaces. Allow side to side and forwards-backwards movements, but no rotation, so are biaxial joints. Carpal & metacarpal of the thumb • Ball-and-socket joints join the spherical end of one bone to the concave, rounded socket of another bone. Allow movement in all axes and rotation, and are therefore multiaxial joints. shoulder and hip
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  • 94. Motion depends on:  Joints  Muscle and tendon  Ligaments  Capsule  Skin  Other soft tissues such as vessels, adipose tissue, nerves & etc.
  • 95. Capsular joint  Joint mobilization  Capsular excess  Joint play
  • 96. The Axial Skeleton Forms the longitudinal part of the body Divided into three parts  Skull  Vertebral column  Bony thorax
  • 98.  Sometimes these paired bones will show the same motions, sometimes opposite, depending on the pair Clinically, this means that problems in one bone can often be driven by its paired bone  For instance, if a person chronically has problems with their C1 in the upper neck, one should also address problems in its pair; the L5 in the low back Lovett Reactor System Postural Homeostasis
  • 99.  Spinal Coupling:  C1 should move in a similar direction as L5  C2 should move in a similar direction as L4  C3 should move in a similar direction as L3  C4 should move in the opposite direction as L2  C5 should move in the opposite direction as L1  This continues downward to T5 which moves in the opposite direction as T6
  • 100.
  • 101.  Pelvic-Cranial Coupling:  Sacrum should move in the opposite direction as the occiput  The ilium should move in the opposite direction to the ipsilateral temporal bone (e.g., an anteriorly rotated left ilium should automatically rotate the left temporal bone posteriorly)  The coccyx should move in the same direction as the sphenoid bone  In essence, the Lovett Reactor is a description of what occurs in the pelvis, vertebrae and cranial bones when the Righting Reflex is working correctly
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  • 104. The Vertebral Column Vertebrae separated by intervertebral discs The spine has a normal curvature Each vertebrae is given a name according to its location 4 Curves  Primary: Thoracic & Sacrococcygeal  Secondary: Cervical & Lumbar
  • 105.
  • 106. Structure of a Typical Vertebrae  7 processes  Body
  • 107. Cervical vertebrae  Unlike the other parts of the spine, the cervical spine has TRANSVERSE FORAMINA in each vertebra for the vertebral arteries  Classify to upper and lower parts  Y-shape spinous process(C3-C6)  U-shape transverse processes for cervical spinal nerves  Transverse foramen for paravertebral artery  Larger spinous process at C7
  • 108.
  • 109. Cervical, Upper part  The upper cervical spine consists of the atlas (C1) and the axis (C2)  These first 2 vertebrae are quite different from the rest of the cervical spine  The atlas articulates superiorly with the occiput (the atlanto-occipital joint) and inferiorly with the axis (the atlantoaxial joint), synovial joints  The atlantoaxial joint is responsible for 50% of all cervical rotation; the atlanto-occipital joint is responsible for 50% of flexion and extension  The unique features of C2 anatomy and its articulations complicate assessment of its pathology
  • 112. Steel’s Rule of Thirds  At the level of the atlas, the odontoid process, the subarachnoid space, and spinal cord each occupy one third of the area of the spinal canal
  • 113. Axis  The axis is composed of a vertebral body, heavy pedicles, laminae, and transverse processes, which serve as attachment points for muscles  The axis articulates with the atlas via its superior articular facets, which are convex and face upward and outward
  • 114.
  • 115. Axis  At birth, a vestigial cartilaginous disc space called the neurocentral synchondrosis separates the odontoid process from the body of C2  The synchondrosis is seen in virtually all children aged 3 years and is absent in those aged 6 years  The apical portion of the dens ossifies by age 3-5 years and fuses with the rest of the structure around age 12 years  This synchondrosis should not be confused with a fracture
  • 118. Joint of Luschka  The joint believed to be the result of degenerative changes in the annulus, which lead to fissuring in the annulus and the creation of the joint  Can develop osteophytic spurs, which can narrow the intervertebral foramina
  • 119. Facet Joints  The facet joints in the cervical spine are Diarthrodial synovial joints with fibrous capsules  The joint capsules are more lax in the lower cervical spine than in other areas of the spine to allow gliding movements of the facets  The joints are inclined at an angle of 45° from the horizontal plane and 85° from the sagittal plane  This alignment helps prevent excessive anterior translation and is important in weight-bearing
  • 120. Intervertebral Discs  These disks are composed of 4 parts: the nucleus pulposus in the middle, the annulus fibrosis surrounding the nucleus, and 2 end plates that are attached to the adjacent vertebral bodies  They serve as force dissipators, transmitting compressive loads throughout a range of motion  The disks are thicker anteriorly and therefore contribute to normal cervical lordosis
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  • 127. Structure of a Typical Vertebrae
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  • 130. Facet Joints*  To guide and limit mvmts in vertebral segments  Cartilage  Synovial fluid  Nerve & blood vessels  Ligaments  *Zygapophyseal(Z-joint)
  • 131. Facet Joint Orientation, Cervical  Cervical Region: 45 degrees; frontal plane; all movements are possible such as flexion, extension, lateral flexion, and rotation  The articulating facets in the cervical vertebrae face 45o to the transverse plane and lie parallel to the frontal plane, with the superior articulating process facing posterior and up and the inferior articulating processes facing anteriorly and down
  • 132. Facet Joint Orientation, Thoracic  Thoracic Region: 60 degrees; frontal plane; lateral flexion and rotation; no flexion/extension  The facet joints between adjacent thoracic vertebrae are angled at 60° to the transverse(Hor) plane and 20° to the frontal plane, with the superior facets facing posterior and a little up and laterally and the inferior facets facing anteriorly, down, and medially
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  • 138. Ribs
  • 139.
  • 140. Facet Joint Orientation, Lumbar  Lumbar Region: 90 degrees; sagittal plane; only flexion and extension  The facet joints in the lumbar region lie in the sagittal plane; the articulating facets are at right angles to the transverse plane and 45° to the frontal plane  The superior facets face medially, and the inferior facets face laterally, this changes at the lumbosacral junction, where the apophyseal joint moves into the frontal plane and the inferior facet on L5 faces front  This change in orientation keeps the vertebral column from sliding forward on the sacrum
  • 141. Discus  Nucleus pulposus  Annulus fibrosus
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  • 144. Discus  Pressure on lumbar disc  Lying or standing: 17 PSI  Sitting or bending to lift: up to 300 PSI
  • 145. Disc Problems  Disc Prolapse: annulus fibrosus is intact  Disc Protrusion: annulus fibrosus involved  Disc Herniation: tearing annulus fibrosus & bulge out nucleus
  • 146. Herniation Stages  1) Disc Degeneration: chemical changes associated with aging causes discs to weaken, but without a herniation  2) Prolapse: the form or position of the disc changes with some slight impingement into the spinal canal. Also called a bulge or protrusion  3) Extrusion: the gel-like nucleus pulposes breaks through the annulus fibrosus but remains within the disc  4) Sequestration: nucleus pulposus breaks through the annulus fibrosus and lies outside the disc in the spinal canal
  • 147. Disc problem, Risk Factors  Aging  Decrease bone density, muscle & ligament weakness  Improper lifting  Bad posture  Smoking  Strenuous repetitive activities  Obesity  Sudden pressure
  • 148. Lumbar Area Problems  Lordosis  Disc problems  Facet joints problems(dysfunction)  Degenerative vertebrae secondary to degenerative disc  Spondylolisthesis
  • 149. Posterior Longitudinal Ligament  From C2 to sacrum  Long and important ligament located immediately posterior to the vertebral bodies (to which it attaches loosely) and intervertebral discs  Extends from the back of the sacrum inferiorly and gradually broadens as it ascends
  • 150. Facet Joint Syndrome  OA  Disc degeneration  Pressure overload  Aging
  • 151. Facet Joint Syndrome  Narrowing the joint space  Friction and destroying articular cartilage and the fluid  Wear away cartilage  Bone spurs  Compress nerve  More bone spurs extend to the spinal canal  Spinal stenosis
  • 152. Facet Joint Symptoms  Difficulty in head rotation  Difficulty in straightening back and get up of a chair  Pain, numbness, muscle weakness,..
  • 153. FJS Treat  Ice, to reduce inflammation  Ultrasound, Electrostimulation to reduce muscle spasm  Massage, traction, mobilization to increase ROM and reduce pain  Exercise for more stability
  • 154. Spondylolisthesis  Birth defect  Rapid growth during adolescence  Football  Weightlifting  Wrestling  Gymnastics  Track and field…
  • 155. The Bony Thorax Forms a cage to protect major organs
  • 156. The Bony Thorax Made-up of three parts  Sternum  Ribs  Thoracic vertebrae
  • 158.
  • 159. Sternoclavicular Joint  Plane style synovial joint  Fibrocartilage joint disk  Ligaments  Anterior sternoclavicular ligament  Posterior sternoclavicular ligament  Costoclavicular lig  Interclavicular lig
  • 161. The Appendicular Skeleton Pectoral girdle Limbs (appendages) Pelvic girdle
  • 162. The Pectoral (Shoulder) Girdle Composed of two bones  Clavicle – collarbone  Scapula – shoulder blade These bones allow the upper limb to have exceptionally free movement
  • 163. Bones of the Shoulder Girdle
  • 164. Acromioclavicular Joint  To allow the scapula additional range of rotation on the thorax  Allow for adjustments of the scapula (tipping and internal/external rotation) outside the initial plane of the scapula in order to follow the changing shape of the thorax as arm movement occurs  The joint allows transmission of forces from the upper extremity to the clavicle
  • 166. Bones of the Shoulder Girdle
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  • 169. Bones of the Upper Limb The arm is formed by a single bone  Humerus
  • 170. Bones of the Upper Limb The forearm has two bones  Ulna  Radius
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  • 173. Bones of the Upper Limb The hand  Carpals – wrist  Metacarpals – palm  Phalanges – fingers So Long To Pinky, Here Comes The Thumb
  • 174. Bones of the Pelvic Girdle Hip bones Composed of three pair of fused bones  Ilium  Ischium  Pubic bone The total weight of the upper body rests on the pelvis Protects several organs  Reproductive organs  Urinary bladder  Part of the large intestine
  • 176. The Pelvis: Right Coxal Bone
  • 177. Gender Differences of the Pelvis
  • 178. Lower Limbs The thigh has one bone  Femur – thigh bone
  • 179. Lower Limbs, distal The leg has two bones  Tibia  Fibula
  • 180. Foot The foot  Tarsus – ankle  Metatarsals – sole  Phalanges – toes
  • 181. Arches of the Foot Bones of the foot are arranged to form three strong arches  Two longitudinal  One transverse
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  • 184. Assessment  Manual muscle test (MMT)  Range Of Motion (ROM)
  • 185. ROM benefits  To determine presence of impairment  Establishing a diagnosis  Evaluation of progress  Modify the treatment  Motivate the patient  Research
  • 186. Definitions  Power: work produced /time  For more power: more repetition  Strength: contract against external load  Endurance: perform activities over prolonged period  Flexibility: ability to move a single joint or series of joints smoothly & easily through an unrestricted pain-free ROM  Plasticity: property of skeletal muscle that allow for a new & greater length after a stretch that has been applied
  • 187. Manual Muscle Testing(MMT) Grade Result 0 No contraction, no movement 1 Visible contraction, a little 2 Visible contraction, full ROM in elimination of gravity 3 Visible contraction, full ROM against gravity 4 Full ROM with moderate resistance 5 Full ROM with max resistance
  • 188. Joint improvement  Passive range of motion  Active range of motion  Active assistive range of motion  Strengthening  Isometric  Isotonic  Concentric  Eccentric  Stretching
  • 189. Benefits of exercises  Increase & maintain muscle strength  Increase endurance  Improve & maintain ROM  Increase circulation  Increase flexibility  Improve balance & coordination  Increase CV fitness  Improve sense of wellbeing
  • 190. Stretching, indications  Adhesion, contracture, scar tissue  Decreased ROM(may lead deformity)  Part of a fitness program to prevent injury  Warm-up & cool-down exercise
  • 191. Stretching, contra-indications  Recent fracture, incomplete bony union  Muscle ossification  Acute inflammation, infection  Sharp pain  Hematoma in muscle or area  Hypermobility
  • 192. Characters of stretching  Intensity  Duration: 30sec  Frequency: 5-7/day  Speed: slowly
  • 193. Inflammatory Conditions Associated with Joints Bursitis – inflammation of a bursa usually caused by a blow or friction Tendonitis – inflammation of tendon sheaths Arthritis – inflammatory or degenerative diseases of joints  Over 100 different types  The most widespread crippling disease in the United States
  • 194. Clinical Forms of Arthritis Osteoarthritis  Most common chronic arthritis  Probably related to normal aging processes Rheumatoid arthritis  An autoimmune disease – the immune system attacks the joints  Symptoms begin with bilateral inflammation of certain joints  Often leads to deformities
  • 195. Clinical Forms of Arthritis Gouty Arthritis  Inflammation of joints is caused by a deposition of urate crystals from the blood  Can usually be controlled with diet
  • 196. Developmental Aspects of the Skeletal System At birth, the skull bones are incomplete Bones are joined by fibrous membranes – fontanelles Fontanelles are completely replaced with bone within two years after birth
  • 197. The Skull Two sets of bones  Cranium  Facial bones Bones are joined by sutures Only the mandible is attached by a freely movable joint
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  • 202. Paranasal Sinuses Hollow portions of bones surrounding the nasal cavity
  • 203. Paranasal Sinuses Functions of paranasal sinuses  Lighten the skull  Give resonance and amplification to voice
  • 204. The Hyoid Bone The only bone that does not articulate with another bone Serves as a moveable base for the tongue
  • 205. The Fetal Skull The fetal skull is large compared to the infants total body length
  • 206. The Fetal Skull Fontanelles – fibrous membranes connecting the cranial bones  Allow the brain to grow  Convert to bone within 24 months after birth
  • 208. Bone Fractures A break in a bone Types of bone fractures  Closed (simple) fracture – break that does not penetrate the skin  Open (compound) fracture – broken bone penetrates through the skin Bone fractures are treated by reduction and immobilization  Realignment of the bone
  • 209. Common Types of Fractures
  • 210. Repair of Bone Fractures Hematoma (blood-filled swelling) is formed Break is splinted by fibrocartilage to form a callus Fibrocartilage callus is replaced by a bony callus Bony callus is remodeled to form a permanent patch
  • 211. Stages in the Healing of a Bone Fracture