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Algorithm Design and Complexity

                         Course 11
   All-Pairs Shortest Paths (APSP)
   Using SSSP Algorithms
   Simple DP Algorithms
   Floyd-Warshall Algorithm
   Johnson’s Algorithm
   Transitive Closure of a Graph
All-Pairs Shortest Paths (APSP)
   G(V, E) (un)directed, connected and weighted graph
   The weight (cost) function w: E → R
   w(u, v) = the weight of the edge (u, v)

   Adjacency matrix of weights
   W = [w(i, j)] ; 1 <= i, j <= n
       w(i, j) = 0                            if i = j
       w(i, j) = INF                                     if i != j and (i, j)E
       w(i, j) = weight of the edge (i, j)    if i != j and (i, j)E

   Compute the shortest paths between any two vertices in the
   Use a matrix D = [d(i, j)] ; 1 <= i, j <= n
       We want d(i, j) = δ(i, j) = weight of the shortest path from i to j
APSP – Predecessors
   We also compute a matrix of predecessors
   P = [p(i, j)] ; 1 <= i, j <= n
       p(i, j) is the predecessor of j on the shortest path i..j
       p(i, j) = NIL if there isn’t any path between i and j

   Therefore to find out the vertices on the shortest path
    between any two vertices, u and v, u..v:
       1. Start from v’ = v
       2. Go to v’ = p(u, v’)
       3. If (v’ == u) then stop
       4. Else go to step 2

   (p(u,v), v), (p(u, p(u,v)), p(u,v))… (u, p(u, … p(u,v)))
Solutions for APSP
1.       Use SSSP algorithms called n times
         Considering each vertex as a source
2.       Use specialized algorithms
         Try to compute the matrices D and P directly

        There is no algorithm that works best for all cases
        Consider the best choice given the problem
         needed to be solved
         Dense vs. sparse graph, negative vs. positive weights
         Special cases: DAGs
         Etc.
Using SSSP Algorithms for APSP
   For any type of graph
   Use Bellman-Ford – n times
       n * (n*m) = (n2*m)
       Dense graphs: (n4)
       Sparse graphs: (n3)
       We want to improve it!
   Using Dijkstra – n times
       Only for positive weighted edges
       Fibonacci heaps: n * (n*logn + m) = (n2*logn + n*m)
       Dense graphs: (n3)
       Sparse graphs: (n2*logn)
       Otherwise, choose between binary heap and arrays for the best
        solution depending on the graph
Specific APSP Algorithms
   The specific APSP algorithms, should work better than
    the previous solutions
   We want (n3) for any kind of graph
       Floyd-Warshall algorithm
   Maybe find improvements for specific types of graphs
       (n2*logn) for sparse graphs with negative weights
       Johnson’s algorithm
   For some graphs, the SSSP solutions is the best one
       E.g. for DAGS, the SSSP algorithm works great with minor
   Use dynamic programming for designing these
APSP DP Algorithms
    Use the property: any subpath of a shortest path is
     also a shortest path!
    What kind of sub-problems?

1.    Determine the shortest paths that contain at most k
      edges! (Simple DP algorithms)
2.    Determine the shortest paths that contain only the
      first k vertices as intermediate vertices on the SP
      (Floyd-Warshall algorithm)

     Start with k = 0 and then increase it!
Simple DP algorithms
   Compute the APSP that contain at most k edges on
    the determined SP!
   Use L(k)[i, j] = the weight of the SP from vertex i to
    vertex j that contains <= k edges
   Start with k = 0 (stop condition for the recursion)
       L(0)[i, j] = 0      if i = j
       L(0)[i, j] = INF    if i != j
   Use the following recursion for k >= 1
   L(k)[i, j]
        = min(L(k-1)[i, j] , mink=1..n(L(k-1)[i, k] + w(k, j)))
        = mink=1..n(L(k-1)[i, k] + w(k, j))       because w(j, j) = 0
Simple DP Algorithm for APSP
   Can also compute the predecessor matrix as well
       Exercise: how to compute it!

   Verify the recursive formula when k = 1
   L(1)[i, j] should be w(i, j)

   But
    L(1)[i, j]   = mink=1..n(L(0)[i, k] + w(k, j))
                 = L(0)[i, i] + w(i, j) (the only non-INF value)
                 = w(i, j)
Simple DP Algorithm for APSP (2)
   There are at most n – 1 edges on each shortest path
   Therefore, we want to compute L(n-1)
   Afterwards, the matrix should not change anymore:
    L(n-1) = L(n) = L(n+1) = …
    δ(i, j) = L(n-1)[i, j] = L(n)[i, j] = L(n+1)[i, j]= …
   Start from L(1) = W
   Compute the solution in a bottom-up manner
   L(1), L(2), …, L(k), …, L(n-1)
Simple DP Algorithm – Pseudocode
   n = |V[G]|
   L[1] = W
   FOR (m=2; m < n; m++)
             L[m] = EXPAND(L[m-1], W, n)
   RETURN L[n-1]
EXPAND (L, W, n)
   L’ = new matrix(n, n)
   FOR (i=1; i <= n; i++)
             FOR (j=1; j <= n; j++)
                          L’[i][j] = INF
                          FOR (k=1; k <= n; k++)
                                         L’[i][j] = min(L’[i][j], L[i][k] + w[k][j])

Time complexity:
   EXPAND - (n3)
   SLOW-APSP - (n4)  not very good! Same as Bellman-Ford - n times!

Space complexity: uses n matrices - (n3)  can be reduced by using the same matrix L
Improved Simple DP Algorithm
   Improve the way L(n-1) is computed
   Instead of computing:
         L(1), L(2), …, L(k), …, L(n-1)
   Why not compute?
         L(1), L(2), L(4), …, L(2^k), …, L(2^r)
   Stop when r = ceiling(log(n-1)) >= n-1, but this is ok!

   EXPAND is similar to matrix multiplication C = A * B
       L       A
       W       B
       L’      C
       min     +
       +       *
       INF     0
Improved DP Algorithm – Pseudocode
   n = |V[G]|
   L[1] = W
   FOR (; m < n; m=2*m)
             L[2*m] = EXPAND(L[m], L[m], n)
   RETURN L[m]
EXPAND (L, W, n)
   L’ = new matrix(n, n)
   FOR (i=1; i <= n; i++)
             FOR (j=1; j <= n; j++)
                          L’[i][j] = INF
                          FOR (k=1; k <= n; k++)
                                         L’[i][j] = min(L’[i][j], L[i][k] + w[k][j])

Time complexity:
   EXPAND - (n3)
   FAST-APSP - (n3 * logn)  Still not very good! But better than Bellman-Ford - n times!

Space complexity: uses n matrices - (n3)  can be reduced by using the same matrix L
Floyd-Warshall Algorithm
   Use another DP formulation
   Given a path p = <v1, v2, … , vj>
       Any vertex except v1 and vj are intermediate vertices

   Sub-problem: which is the shortest path between
    any two vertices that contain intermediate vertices in
    the set {1, 2, … , k} ?
   D(k) = (D(k) [i, j]) for all 1 <= i, j <= n

   We want to compute D(n)
Floyd-Warshall – Recursive Formulation
   Initialization (stop condition for the recursion):
   D(0) = W
   If no intermediate vertices are allowed, the best path
    between any two vertices is either the weight of the edge
    (if it exists) or INF

   Recursive formulation:
    D(k)[i, j] = min(D(k-1)[i, j], D(k-1)[i, k] + D(k-1)[k, j])
   Choose between:
       The shortest path between i and j that contains intermediate
        vertices in {1, 2, … , k-1}
       The sum of the shortest paths from i to k and from k to j that
        contain intermediate vertices in {1, 2, … , k-1}
Floyd-Warshall – Recursive Formulation
   The recursive formulation can be proved by
       On whiteboard
   Can also compute P(k)
       How?
   Compute the solution in a bottom-up fashion
   D(0), D(1),…, D(k),…, D(n)
Floyd-Warshall – Pseudocode
   n = |V[G]|
   D[0] = W
   FOR (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                FOR (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
                                 IF (w(i, j) != INF)
                                                   P[0][i][j] = i
                                                   P[0][i][j] = NIL
   FOR (k = 1; k <= n; k++)
                FOR (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                                 FOR (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
                                                   IF (D[k-1][i][j] < D[k-1][i][k] + D[k-1][k][j])
                                                                       D[k][i][j] = D[k-1][i][j]
                                                                       P[k][i][j] = P[k-1][i][j]
                                                                       D[k][i][j] = D[k-1][i][k] + D[k-1][k][j]
                                                                       P[k][i][j] = P[k-1][k][j]
   RETURN D[n]

Time complexity: (n3)  good for dense graphs and for graphs with negative weights
Space complexity: (n3)  can be reduced to (n2) by using a single D matrix and a single P matrix
Example (1)

                                                 0          3       8 ∞         -4
       3                   4                     ∞          0       ∞ 1         7
                                          D(0) = ∞          4       0 ∞         ∞
 1                              3                2          ∞       -5 0        ∞
  -4               2
                       1                         ∞          ∞       ∞ 6         0
       5               4
               6                                 nil          1     1     nil   1
                                                 nil         nil    nil   2     2
                                          P(0) = nil          3     nil   nil   nil
                                                 4           nil     4    nil   nil
                                                 nil         nil    nil   5     nil

                                    Proiectarea Algoritmilor 2010
Example (2)
   0      3     8 ∞         -4                              0          3      8 ∞         -4
   ∞      0     ∞ 1         7                               ∞          0      ∞ 1         7
D= ∞      4     0 ∞         ∞                            D= ∞          4      0 ∞         ∞
   2      ∞     -5 0        ∞                               2          5      -5 0        -2
   ∞      ∞     ∞ 6         0          3               4    ∞          ∞      ∞ 6         0
                                            7 8
                                  1                        3
           D(0), P(0)                                                      D(1), P(1)
                                  -4                  1
                                                  2       -5
    nil    1    1     nil   1           5
                                                      4       nil       1     1     nil   1
    nil   nil   nil   2     2                                 nil      nil    nil   2     2
p = nil    3    nil   nil   nil                           p = nil       3     nil   nil   nil
    4     nil    4    nil   nil                               4         1      4    nil   1
    nil   nil   nil   5     nil                               nil      nil    nil   5     nil
                                       Proiectarea Algoritmilor 2010
Example (3)
   0      3     8     ∞     -4                              0          3      8 4         -4
   ∞      0     ∞     1     7                               ∞          0      ∞ 1         7
D= ∞      4     0     ∞     ∞                            D= ∞          4      0 5         11
   2      5     -5    0     -2                              2          5      -5 0        -2
   ∞      ∞     ∞     6     0           3               4   ∞          ∞      ∞ 6         0
                                             7 8
                                  1                         3
           D(1), P(1)                                                      D(2), P(2)
                                  -4                   1
                                                   2        -5
    nil    1    1     nil   1            5
                                                       4       nil      1     1     2     1
    nil   nil   nil   2     2                                  nil     nil    nil   2     2
p = nil    3    nil   nil   nil                            p = nil      3     nil   2     2
    4      1     4    nil   1                                  4        1      4    nil   1
    nil   nil   nil   5     nil                                nil     nil    nil   5     nil
                                       Proiectarea Algoritmilor 2010
Example (4)
   0      3     8 4         -4                              0          3     8     4     -4
   ∞      0     ∞ 1         7                               ∞          0     ∞     1     7
D= ∞      4     0 5         11                           D= ∞          4     0     5     11
   2      5     -5 0        -2                              2          -1    -5    0     -2
   ∞      ∞     ∞ 6         0           3               4   ∞          ∞     ∞     6     0
                                             7 8
                                  1                         3
           D(2), P(2)                                                   D(3), P(3)
                                  -4                   1
                                                   2        -5
    nil    1    1     2     1            5
                                                       4       nil      1    1     2     1
    nil   nil   nil   2     2                                  nil     nil   nil   2     2
p = nil    3    nil   2     2                              p = nil      3    nil   2     2
    4      1     4    nil   1                                  4        3     4    nil   1
    nil   nil   nil   5     nil                                nil     nil   nil   5     nil
                                       Proiectarea Algoritmilor 2010
Example (5)
   0      3     8     4     -4                              0           3    -1     4    -4
   ∞      0     ∞     1     7                               3           0    -4     1    -1
D= ∞      4     0     5     11                           D= 7           4    0      5     3
   2      -1    -5    0     -2                              2          -1    -5    0     -2
   ∞      ∞     ∞     6     0           3               4   8           5    1     6     0
                                             7 8
                                  1                         3
           D(3), P(3)                                                    D(4), P(4)
                                  -4                   1
                                                   2       -5
    nil    1    1     2     1            5             4      nil       1    4     2     1
    nil   nil   nil   2     2                                 4        nil   4     2     1
p = nil    3    nil   2     2                              p= 4         3    nil   2     1
    4      3     4    nil   1                                 4         3    4     nil   1
    nil   nil   nil   5     nil                               4         3    4     5     nil
                                       Proiectarea Algoritmilor 2010
Example (6)
   0      3    -1     4    -4                              0           1    -3     2    -4
   3      0    -4     1    -1                              3           0    -4     1    -1
D= 7      4    0      5     3                           D= 7           4    0      5     3
   2     -1    -5    0     -2                              2          -1    -5    0     -2
   8      5    1     6     0           3               4   8           5    1     6     0
                                            7 8
          D(4), P(4)             1                         3            D(5), P(5)
                                 -4                   1
                                                  2       -5
   nil    1    4     2     1            5             4      nil       3    4     5     1
   4     nil   4     2     1                                 4        nil   4     2     1
p= 4      3    nil   2     1                              p= 4         3    nil   2     1
   4      3    4     nil   1                                 4         3    4     nil   1
   4      3    4     5     nil                               4         3    4     5     nil
                                      Proiectarea Algoritmilor 2010
Johnson’s Algorithm
   We want to find an algorithm that works better than
    F-W for sparse graphs
   Use SSSP algorithms
       No negative edges: use Dijkstra – n times  (n2*logn)
       Problem if we have negative weight edges  cannot use
        Dijkstra  B-F – n times is not good enough  (n3)
   Therefore, we want to find an (n2*logn) algorithm
    that works on both positive and negative weight

   Combines Bellman-Ford and Dijkstra
Johnson’s Algorithm – Idea
   We would like:
       To transform any negative-weighted graph into a graph
        with positive weights
       Such that the minimum path using the new weights is the
        same path for the original weights

   (G, W) => (G, W1)
       w(u, v) can be negative
       w1(u, v) >= 0 for all (u, v)
       p is a minimum path u..v in (G, W) => p is also a minimum
        path u..v in (G, W1)
How to Compute W1?
   Computing W1 is not so simple
   Simplistic idea:
       Find the minimum negative weight edge
       Add the absolute value of that weight to all the other
        weights in the graph
       Then, these new weights are always >= 0
                   3    b                              10   b
               a              8                    a            15
               5                                  12
                                  c                              c
                   d     -7                            d    0

                       Look at w(abd) in the two graphs
                             This idea does not work!
How to Compute W1? Use B-F
   New idea: build a new graph G’(V’, E’)
       V’ = V U {s}
       E’ = E U {(s, v) for all vV}
       w’(s, v) = 0 for all vV
       w’(u, v) = w(u, v) for all u,vV
   Run Bellman-Ford on G’ from s
       The result is h(v)= δ(s, v) in G’ for all vV
       h(v) may be positive or negative
       We can also detect the negative cycles in G’
   The new weight function for G is:
       w1(u, v) = w(u, v) + h(u) – h(v) >= 0 for all (u, v)E
Properties of G’ and W1
   For any path p = <v0, v1, …, vk> in G:
       w1(p) = w(p) + h(v0) – h(vk)

   The negative weight cycles in G’ are the same as the
    negative weight cycles in G. Why?
       Because the weight of all the cycles is the same for w1 as for w
       Cycle p => v0 = vk => w1(p) = w(p)

   Prove that w1(u, v) = w(u, v) + h(u) – h(v) >= 0 for all (u,
       Use triangle inequality for edge (u, v)E
       In G’, we have h(v) = δ(s, v) <= h(u) + w(u, v) = δ(s, u) + w(u, v)
       Therefore h(u) + w(u, v) – h(v) >= 0
Johnson’s Algorithm – Pseudocode
  G’ = (V’,E’);
  V’ = V  {s};                                               // add new source s
  E’ = E  (s,u), uV; w’(s,u) = 0;
  IF (BF(G’, W’) == FALSE)                       // run BF on G’
      PRINT “Error! Negative cycle was found!”
      FOREACH (vV)
          h(v) = δ(s,v);                                      // computed by Bellman Ford
      FOREACH ((u,v)E)
          w1(u,v) = w(u,v) + h(u) - h(v)                      // compute new positive weights
      FOREACH (uV)
          Dijkstra(G,w1,u)          // run Dijkstra for each vertex as a source using w1
          FOREACH (vV)
              d(u,v) = δ1(u,v) + h(v) - h(u)     // we need to switch back from w1 to w

Time complexity: (n*m + n2*logn)  (n2 * logn) for sparse graphs
Example (1)

                                                                        0       -1
              2                                                 0               2
      3                   4                                         3                       4
          7                                0              0                 7
                                                    0                           8                        -5
              8                                s          1                                          3
 1                             3
                      1                                                                 1
                  2                                 0      -4                       2
 -4                           -5                                                                    -5
      5               4                                              5                  4
              6                                           0                     6               0
                                   Add s and run                    -4
                                    B-F on the
                                    new graph.

                                        Proiectarea Algoritmilor 2010
Example (2)
                           0       -1
                   0               2
                       3                       4
0            0                 7
        0                          8                            -5
    s        1                                          3
                                                                                     5     -1
        0     -4                       2                                     1
                                                       -5                                  2
                        5                  4                                     4                     0
             0                     6               0        0            0            10
                       -4                                            0                     13                      -5
                                                                s        1                                     3
                                                                     4   0                     2

            w1(u,v) = w(u,v) + h(u) - h(v)                                        5                4
                                                                         0                 2               0

                                                       Proiectarea Algoritmilor 2010
Example (3)
                        5     -1
                1             2
                    4                     0
0           0                                                      4                      0
                         10                           -5     0/0                              2/-3
        0                     13                                       10
    s       1                                     3                           13
                                                             1                                 3
        4   0                     2                                                   0
                                                  0           0                   2
                     5                4
            0                 2               0                     5                  4
                    -4                                                        2
                                                                   0/-4               2/2
                                              Remove s

                         Run Dijkstra from each vertex => (δ1(u, v)).
                         Recompute the distances:
                                 d(u,v) = δ1(u,v) + h(v) - h(u)

                                              Proiectarea Algoritmilor 2010
Example (4)
                       0/0                                                                           0/4
                        2                                                                             2
          4                         0                                                   4                         0
2/3           10                            0/-4                              2/7           10                            0/0
                       13                                                                            13
 1                                           3                                 1                                           3
                                0                                                                     2       0
                                                    0    1   -3     2    -4     0                                         0
           5                    4                   3    0   -4     1    -1              5                    4
                   2                                                                             2
          2/-1                  0/1                 7    4   0      5     3             2/3                   0/5
                        0/-1                        2   -1   -5    0     -2                           2/5
                         2                                                                             2
              4                         0           8    5   1     6     0                  4                         0
 2/2              10                            0/-5                           4/8              10                            2/1
                         13                                                                            13
  1                                              3                              1                                              3
                            2       0                                                                     2       0
      0                                         0                                   0                                         0
            5                       4                                                     5                       4
                        2                                                                             2
           2/-2                     0/0                                                  0/0                      2/6
                                                         Proiectarea Algoritmilor 2010
Application: Transitive Closure
   Given a graph G(V, E)
   Compute the transitive closure of G: G*(V, E*)
   E* = {(u, v) | there exists at least a path in G from u
    to v, u..v}
   G* is an unweighted graph  we only need to
    compute E* or the adjacency matrix of G*

   We can use different algorithms
   One algorithm is an adapted version of Floyd-
       Initialize A(0)[i, j] = 1 if (i, j)E and A(0)[i, j] = 0 o/w
       A(k)[i, j] = A(k-1)[i, j] OR (A(k-1)[i, k] AND A(k-1)[k, j])
Transitive Closure – Pseudocode
  n = |V[G]|
  FOR (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
          FOR (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
                       IF (W[i][j] != INF)
                                     A[0][i][j] = 1
                                     A[0][i][j] = 0
  FOR (k = 1; k <= n; k++)
          FOR (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                       FOR (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
                                     A[k][i][j] = A[k-1][i][j] OR (A[k-1][i][k] AND A[k-1][k][j])
   We can use SSSP algorithms for computing APSP

   But there are better solutions specific to the APSP

   Floyd-Warshall for dense graphs: (n3)
   Johnson for sparse graphs: (n2 * logn)
   CLRS – Chapter 25

   R. Sedgewick, K Wayne – Algorithms and Data
    Structures – Princeton 2007
       Problem 1 and the corresponding images are taken from these

   MIT OCW – Introduction to Algorithms – video lecture 19

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  • 1. Algorithm Design and Complexity Course 11
  • 2. Overview  All-Pairs Shortest Paths (APSP)  Using SSSP Algorithms  Simple DP Algorithms  Floyd-Warshall Algorithm  Johnson’s Algorithm  Transitive Closure of a Graph
  • 3. All-Pairs Shortest Paths (APSP)  G(V, E) (un)directed, connected and weighted graph  The weight (cost) function w: E → R  w(u, v) = the weight of the edge (u, v)  Adjacency matrix of weights  W = [w(i, j)] ; 1 <= i, j <= n  w(i, j) = 0 if i = j  w(i, j) = INF if i != j and (i, j)E  w(i, j) = weight of the edge (i, j) if i != j and (i, j)E  Compute the shortest paths between any two vertices in the graph  Use a matrix D = [d(i, j)] ; 1 <= i, j <= n  We want d(i, j) = δ(i, j) = weight of the shortest path from i to j
  • 4. APSP – Predecessors  We also compute a matrix of predecessors  P = [p(i, j)] ; 1 <= i, j <= n  p(i, j) is the predecessor of j on the shortest path i..j  p(i, j) = NIL if there isn’t any path between i and j  Therefore to find out the vertices on the shortest path between any two vertices, u and v, u..v:  1. Start from v’ = v  2. Go to v’ = p(u, v’)  3. If (v’ == u) then stop  4. Else go to step 2  (p(u,v), v), (p(u, p(u,v)), p(u,v))… (u, p(u, … p(u,v)))
  • 5. Solutions for APSP 1. Use SSSP algorithms called n times  Considering each vertex as a source 2. Use specialized algorithms  Try to compute the matrices D and P directly  There is no algorithm that works best for all cases  Consider the best choice given the problem needed to be solved  Dense vs. sparse graph, negative vs. positive weights  Special cases: DAGs  Etc.
  • 6. Using SSSP Algorithms for APSP  For any type of graph  Use Bellman-Ford – n times  n * (n*m) = (n2*m)  Dense graphs: (n4)  Sparse graphs: (n3)  We want to improve it!  Using Dijkstra – n times  Only for positive weighted edges  Fibonacci heaps: n * (n*logn + m) = (n2*logn + n*m)  Dense graphs: (n3)  Sparse graphs: (n2*logn)  Otherwise, choose between binary heap and arrays for the best solution depending on the graph
  • 7. Specific APSP Algorithms  The specific APSP algorithms, should work better than the previous solutions  We want (n3) for any kind of graph  Floyd-Warshall algorithm  Maybe find improvements for specific types of graphs  (n2*logn) for sparse graphs with negative weights  Johnson’s algorithm  For some graphs, the SSSP solutions is the best one  E.g. for DAGS, the SSSP algorithm works great with minor improvements  Use dynamic programming for designing these algorithms
  • 8. APSP DP Algorithms  Use the property: any subpath of a shortest path is also a shortest path!  What kind of sub-problems? 1. Determine the shortest paths that contain at most k edges! (Simple DP algorithms) 2. Determine the shortest paths that contain only the first k vertices as intermediate vertices on the SP (Floyd-Warshall algorithm)  Start with k = 0 and then increase it!
  • 9. Simple DP algorithms  Compute the APSP that contain at most k edges on the determined SP!  Use L(k)[i, j] = the weight of the SP from vertex i to vertex j that contains <= k edges  Start with k = 0 (stop condition for the recursion)  L(0)[i, j] = 0 if i = j  L(0)[i, j] = INF if i != j  Use the following recursion for k >= 1  L(k)[i, j] = min(L(k-1)[i, j] , mink=1..n(L(k-1)[i, k] + w(k, j))) = mink=1..n(L(k-1)[i, k] + w(k, j)) because w(j, j) = 0
  • 10. Simple DP Algorithm for APSP  Can also compute the predecessor matrix as well  Exercise: how to compute it!  Verify the recursive formula when k = 1  L(1)[i, j] should be w(i, j)  But L(1)[i, j] = mink=1..n(L(0)[i, k] + w(k, j)) = L(0)[i, i] + w(i, j) (the only non-INF value) = w(i, j)
  • 11. Simple DP Algorithm for APSP (2)  There are at most n – 1 edges on each shortest path  Therefore, we want to compute L(n-1)  Afterwards, the matrix should not change anymore: L(n-1) = L(n) = L(n+1) = … δ(i, j) = L(n-1)[i, j] = L(n)[i, j] = L(n+1)[i, j]= …  Start from L(1) = W  Compute the solution in a bottom-up manner  L(1), L(2), …, L(k), …, L(n-1)
  • 12. Simple DP Algorithm – Pseudocode SLOW-APSP(G, W) n = |V[G]| L[1] = W FOR (m=2; m < n; m++) L[m] = EXPAND(L[m-1], W, n) RETURN L[n-1] EXPAND (L, W, n) L’ = new matrix(n, n) FOR (i=1; i <= n; i++) FOR (j=1; j <= n; j++) L’[i][j] = INF FOR (k=1; k <= n; k++) L’[i][j] = min(L’[i][j], L[i][k] + w[k][j]) RETURN L’ Time complexity: EXPAND - (n3) SLOW-APSP - (n4)  not very good! Same as Bellman-Ford - n times! Space complexity: uses n matrices - (n3)  can be reduced by using the same matrix L
  • 13. Improved Simple DP Algorithm  Improve the way L(n-1) is computed  Instead of computing: L(1), L(2), …, L(k), …, L(n-1)  Why not compute? L(1), L(2), L(4), …, L(2^k), …, L(2^r)  Stop when r = ceiling(log(n-1)) >= n-1, but this is ok!  EXPAND is similar to matrix multiplication C = A * B  L A  W B  L’ C  min +  + *  INF 0
  • 14. Improved DP Algorithm – Pseudocode FAST-APSP(G, W) n = |V[G]| L[1] = W m=1 FOR (; m < n; m=2*m) L[2*m] = EXPAND(L[m], L[m], n) RETURN L[m] EXPAND (L, W, n) L’ = new matrix(n, n) FOR (i=1; i <= n; i++) FOR (j=1; j <= n; j++) L’[i][j] = INF FOR (k=1; k <= n; k++) L’[i][j] = min(L’[i][j], L[i][k] + w[k][j]) RETURN L’ Time complexity: EXPAND - (n3) FAST-APSP - (n3 * logn)  Still not very good! But better than Bellman-Ford - n times! Space complexity: uses n matrices - (n3)  can be reduced by using the same matrix L
  • 15. Floyd-Warshall Algorithm  Use another DP formulation  Given a path p = <v1, v2, … , vj>  Any vertex except v1 and vj are intermediate vertices  Sub-problem: which is the shortest path between any two vertices that contain intermediate vertices in the set {1, 2, … , k} ?  D(k) = (D(k) [i, j]) for all 1 <= i, j <= n  We want to compute D(n)
  • 16. Floyd-Warshall – Recursive Formulation  Initialization (stop condition for the recursion):  D(0) = W  If no intermediate vertices are allowed, the best path between any two vertices is either the weight of the edge (if it exists) or INF  Recursive formulation: D(k)[i, j] = min(D(k-1)[i, j], D(k-1)[i, k] + D(k-1)[k, j])  Choose between:  The shortest path between i and j that contains intermediate vertices in {1, 2, … , k-1}  The sum of the shortest paths from i to k and from k to j that contain intermediate vertices in {1, 2, … , k-1}
  • 17. Floyd-Warshall – Recursive Formulation  The recursive formulation can be proved by induction  On whiteboard  Can also compute P(k)  How?  Compute the solution in a bottom-up fashion  D(0), D(1),…, D(k),…, D(n)
  • 18. Floyd-Warshall – Pseudocode FLOYD-WARSHALL(G, W) n = |V[G]| D[0] = W FOR (i = 1; i <= n; i++) FOR (j = 1; j <= n; j++) IF (w(i, j) != INF) P[0][i][j] = i ELSE P[0][i][j] = NIL FOR (k = 1; k <= n; k++) FOR (i = 1; i <= n; i++) FOR (j = 1; j <= n; j++) IF (D[k-1][i][j] < D[k-1][i][k] + D[k-1][k][j]) D[k][i][j] = D[k-1][i][j] P[k][i][j] = P[k-1][i][j] ELSE D[k][i][j] = D[k-1][i][k] + D[k-1][k][j] P[k][i][j] = P[k-1][k][j] RETURN D[n] Time complexity: (n3)  good for dense graphs and for graphs with negative weights Space complexity: (n3)  can be reduced to (n2) by using a single D matrix and a single P matrix
  • 19. Example (1) 0 3 8 ∞ -4 2 3 4 ∞ 0 ∞ 1 7 7 8 D(0) = ∞ 4 0 ∞ ∞ 1 3 2 ∞ -5 0 ∞ -4 2 1 ∞ ∞ ∞ 6 0 -5 5 4 6 nil 1 1 nil 1 nil nil nil 2 2 P(0) = nil 3 nil nil nil 4 nil 4 nil nil nil nil nil 5 nil Proiectarea Algoritmilor 2010
  • 20. Example (2) 0 3 8 ∞ -4 0 3 8 ∞ -4 ∞ 0 ∞ 1 7 ∞ 0 ∞ 1 7 D= ∞ 4 0 ∞ ∞ D= ∞ 4 0 ∞ ∞ 2 ∞ -5 0 ∞ 2 5 -5 0 -2 2 ∞ ∞ ∞ 6 0 3 4 ∞ ∞ ∞ 6 0 7 8 1 3 D(0), P(0) D(1), P(1) -4 1 2 -5 nil 1 1 nil 1 5 6 4 nil 1 1 nil 1 nil nil nil 2 2 nil nil nil 2 2 p = nil 3 nil nil nil p = nil 3 nil nil nil 4 nil 4 nil nil 4 1 4 nil 1 nil nil nil 5 nil nil nil nil 5 nil Proiectarea Algoritmilor 2010
  • 21. Example (3) 0 3 8 ∞ -4 0 3 8 4 -4 ∞ 0 ∞ 1 7 ∞ 0 ∞ 1 7 D= ∞ 4 0 ∞ ∞ D= ∞ 4 0 5 11 2 5 -5 0 -2 2 5 -5 0 -2 2 ∞ ∞ ∞ 6 0 3 4 ∞ ∞ ∞ 6 0 7 8 1 3 D(1), P(1) D(2), P(2) -4 1 2 -5 nil 1 1 nil 1 5 6 4 nil 1 1 2 1 nil nil nil 2 2 nil nil nil 2 2 p = nil 3 nil nil nil p = nil 3 nil 2 2 4 1 4 nil 1 4 1 4 nil 1 nil nil nil 5 nil nil nil nil 5 nil Proiectarea Algoritmilor 2010
  • 22. Example (4) 0 3 8 4 -4 0 3 8 4 -4 ∞ 0 ∞ 1 7 ∞ 0 ∞ 1 7 D= ∞ 4 0 5 11 D= ∞ 4 0 5 11 2 5 -5 0 -2 2 -1 -5 0 -2 2 ∞ ∞ ∞ 6 0 3 4 ∞ ∞ ∞ 6 0 7 8 1 3 D(2), P(2) D(3), P(3) -4 1 2 -5 nil 1 1 2 1 5 6 4 nil 1 1 2 1 nil nil nil 2 2 nil nil nil 2 2 p = nil 3 nil 2 2 p = nil 3 nil 2 2 4 1 4 nil 1 4 3 4 nil 1 nil nil nil 5 nil nil nil nil 5 nil Proiectarea Algoritmilor 2010
  • 23. Example (5) 0 3 8 4 -4 0 3 -1 4 -4 ∞ 0 ∞ 1 7 3 0 -4 1 -1 D= ∞ 4 0 5 11 D= 7 4 0 5 3 2 -1 -5 0 -2 2 -1 -5 0 -2 2 ∞ ∞ ∞ 6 0 3 4 8 5 1 6 0 7 8 1 3 D(3), P(3) D(4), P(4) -4 1 2 -5 nil 1 1 2 1 5 4 nil 1 4 2 1 6 nil nil nil 2 2 4 nil 4 2 1 p = nil 3 nil 2 2 p= 4 3 nil 2 1 4 3 4 nil 1 4 3 4 nil 1 nil nil nil 5 nil 4 3 4 5 nil Proiectarea Algoritmilor 2010
  • 24. Example (6) 0 3 -1 4 -4 0 1 -3 2 -4 3 0 -4 1 -1 3 0 -4 1 -1 D= 7 4 0 5 3 D= 7 4 0 5 3 2 -1 -5 0 -2 2 -1 -5 0 -2 2 8 5 1 6 0 3 4 8 5 1 6 0 7 8 D(4), P(4) 1 3 D(5), P(5) -4 1 2 -5 nil 1 4 2 1 5 4 nil 3 4 5 1 6 4 nil 4 2 1 4 nil 4 2 1 p= 4 3 nil 2 1 p= 4 3 nil 2 1 4 3 4 nil 1 4 3 4 nil 1 4 3 4 5 nil 4 3 4 5 nil Proiectarea Algoritmilor 2010
  • 25. Johnson’s Algorithm  We want to find an algorithm that works better than F-W for sparse graphs  Use SSSP algorithms  No negative edges: use Dijkstra – n times  (n2*logn)  Problem if we have negative weight edges  cannot use Dijkstra  B-F – n times is not good enough  (n3)  Therefore, we want to find an (n2*logn) algorithm that works on both positive and negative weight edges!  Combines Bellman-Ford and Dijkstra
  • 26. Johnson’s Algorithm – Idea  We would like:  To transform any negative-weighted graph into a graph with positive weights  Such that the minimum path using the new weights is the same path for the original weights  (G, W) => (G, W1)  w(u, v) can be negative  w1(u, v) >= 0 for all (u, v)  p is a minimum path u..v in (G, W) => p is also a minimum path u..v in (G, W1)
  • 27. How to Compute W1?  Computing W1 is not so simple  Simplistic idea:  Find the minimum negative weight edge  Add the absolute value of that weight to all the other weights in the graph  Then, these new weights are always >= 0 3 b 10 b a 8 a 15 5 12 c c d -7 d 0 Look at w(abd) in the two graphs This idea does not work!
  • 28. How to Compute W1? Use B-F  New idea: build a new graph G’(V’, E’)  V’ = V U {s}  E’ = E U {(s, v) for all vV}  w’(s, v) = 0 for all vV  w’(u, v) = w(u, v) for all u,vV  Run Bellman-Ford on G’ from s  The result is h(v)= δ(s, v) in G’ for all vV  h(v) may be positive or negative  We can also detect the negative cycles in G’  The new weight function for G is:  w1(u, v) = w(u, v) + h(u) – h(v) >= 0 for all (u, v)E
  • 29. Properties of G’ and W1  For any path p = <v0, v1, …, vk> in G:  w1(p) = w(p) + h(v0) – h(vk)  The negative weight cycles in G’ are the same as the negative weight cycles in G. Why?  Because the weight of all the cycles is the same for w1 as for w  Cycle p => v0 = vk => w1(p) = w(p)  Prove that w1(u, v) = w(u, v) + h(u) – h(v) >= 0 for all (u, v)E  Use triangle inequality for edge (u, v)E  In G’, we have h(v) = δ(s, v) <= h(u) + w(u, v) = δ(s, u) + w(u, v)  Therefore h(u) + w(u, v) – h(v) >= 0
  • 30. Johnson’s Algorithm – Pseudocode JOHNSON(G, W) G’ = (V’,E’); V’ = V  {s}; // add new source s E’ = E  (s,u), uV; w’(s,u) = 0; IF (BF(G’, W’) == FALSE) // run BF on G’ PRINT “Error! Negative cycle was found!” ELSE FOREACH (vV) h(v) = δ(s,v); // computed by Bellman Ford FOREACH ((u,v)E) w1(u,v) = w(u,v) + h(u) - h(v) // compute new positive weights FOREACH (uV) Dijkstra(G,w1,u) // run Dijkstra for each vertex as a source using w1 FOREACH (vV) d(u,v) = δ1(u,v) + h(v) - h(u) // we need to switch back from w1 to w Time complexity: (n*m + n2*logn)  (n2 * logn) for sparse graphs
  • 31. Example (1) 0 -1 2 0 2 3 4 3 4 7 0 0 7 0 8 -5 8 s 1 3 1 3 1 1 2 0 -4 2 -4 -5 -5 5 4 5 4 6 0 6 0 Add s and run -4 B-F on the new graph. Proiectarea Algoritmilor 2010
  • 32. Example (2) 0 -1 0 2 3 4 0 0 7 0 8 -5 s 1 3 5 -1 1 0 -4 2 1 -5 2 5 4 4 0 0 6 0 0 0 10 -4 0 13 -5 s 1 3 0 4 0 2 0 w1(u,v) = w(u,v) + h(u) - h(v) 5 4 0 2 0 -4 Proiectarea Algoritmilor 2010
  • 33. Example (3) 5 -1 2/1 1 2 2 4 0 0 0 4 0 10 -5 0/0 2/-3 0 13 10 s 1 3 13 1 3 0 4 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 5 4 0 2 0 5 4 -4 2 0/-4 2/2 Remove s Run Dijkstra from each vertex => (δ1(u, v)). Recompute the distances: d(u,v) = δ1(u,v) + h(v) - h(u) Proiectarea Algoritmilor 2010
  • 34. Example (4) 0/0 0/4 2 2 4 0 4 0 2/3 10 0/-4 2/7 10 0/0 13 13 1 3 1 3 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 1 -3 2 -4 0 0 5 4 3 0 -4 1 -1 5 4 2 2 2/-1 0/1 7 4 0 5 3 2/3 0/5 0/-1 2 -1 -5 0 -2 2/5 2 2 4 0 8 5 1 6 0 4 0 2/2 10 0/-5 4/8 10 2/1 13 13 1 3 1 3 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 5 4 2 2 2/-2 0/0 0/0 2/6 Proiectarea Algoritmilor 2010
  • 35. Application: Transitive Closure  Given a graph G(V, E)  Compute the transitive closure of G: G*(V, E*)  E* = {(u, v) | there exists at least a path in G from u to v, u..v}  G* is an unweighted graph  we only need to compute E* or the adjacency matrix of G*  We can use different algorithms  One algorithm is an adapted version of Floyd- Warshall  Initialize A(0)[i, j] = 1 if (i, j)E and A(0)[i, j] = 0 o/w  A(k)[i, j] = A(k-1)[i, j] OR (A(k-1)[i, k] AND A(k-1)[k, j])
  • 36. Transitive Closure – Pseudocode TRANSITIVE-CLOSURE(G, W) n = |V[G]| FOR (i = 1; i <= n; i++) FOR (j = 1; j <= n; j++) IF (W[i][j] != INF) A[0][i][j] = 1 ELSE A[0][i][j] = 0 FOR (k = 1; k <= n; k++) FOR (i = 1; i <= n; i++) FOR (j = 1; j <= n; j++) A[k][i][j] = A[k-1][i][j] OR (A[k-1][i][k] AND A[k-1][k][j]) RETURN A[n]
  • 37. Conclusions  We can use SSSP algorithms for computing APSP  But there are better solutions specific to the APSP problem!  Floyd-Warshall for dense graphs: (n3)  Johnson for sparse graphs: (n2 * logn)
  • 38. References  CLRS – Chapter 25  R. Sedgewick, K Wayne – Algorithms and Data Structures – Princeton 2007  Problem 1 and the corresponding images are taken from these slides!  MIT OCW – Introduction to Algorithms – video lecture 19