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Agriculture, Climate Change
                                                 and Carbon Sequestration
    A Publication of ATTRA—National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service • 1-800-346-9140 •
By Jeff Schahczenski                              Carbon sequestration and reductions in greenhouse gas emissions can occur through a variety of
and Holly Hill                                   agriculture practices. This publication provides an overview of the relationship between agriculture,
NCAT Program                                     climate change and carbon sequestration. It also investigates possible options for farmers and ranchers
Specialists                                      to have a positive impact on the changing climate and presents opportunities for becoming involved
© 2009 NCAT                                      in the emerging carbon market.

  Table of Contents
Climate change science......2
How does climate change
influence agriculture? .........3
How does agriculture
influence climate
change? ....................................3
Agriculture’s role
in mitigating climate
change ......................................6
The value of soil carbon:
Potential benefits for
agriculture ...............................8
Charge systems:
Carbon tax ...............................8
Cap and trade: A private
market for greenhouse
gas emissions .........................9
Subsidizing positive
behavior .................................12
Summary ................................13
References .............................14
Resources ...............................14
How to get involved
in voluntary private
carbon markets....................15             An organic wheat grass field. Growing research is showing that organic production systems are one of the most
                                                 climate-friendly systems of food production.

                                                 Introduction                                                 • lengthen the growing season in
                                                                                                                 regions with relatively cool spring
                                                 The Earth’s average surface temperature                         and fall seasons;
                                                 increased 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit over the
                                                                                                              • adversely affect crops in regions
ATTRA—National Sustainable                       past century, and is projected by the Inter-
Agriculture Information Service                                                                                  where summer heat already limits
( is managed                  governmental Panel on Climate Change to                         production;
by the National Center for Appro-                increase by an additional 3.2 to 7.2 degrees
priate Technology (NCAT) and is
funded under a grant from the                    over the 21st century (IPCC, 2007a). These                   • increase soil evaporation rates; and
United States Department of
Agriculture’s Rural Business-
                                                 seemingly slight changes in temperature                      • increase the chances of severe
Cooperative Service. Visit the                   could have profound implications for farm-                      droughts (2008a).
NCAT Web site (
sarc_current.php) for                            ers and ranchers. According to the Envi-                Innovative farming practices such as conser-
more information on                              ronmental Protection Agency, an increase                vation tillage, organic production, improved
our sustainable agri-
culture projects.                                in average temperature can:                             cropping systems, land restoration, land use
change and irrigation and water manage-                     habitable. Increased levels of greenhouse
                        ment, are ways that farmers can address                     gases enhance the naturally occurring
                        climate change. Good management prac-                       greenhouse effect by trapping even more of
                        tices have multiple benefits that may also                   the sun’s heat, resulting in a global warm-
                        enhance profitability, improve farm energy                   ing effect. Figure 1 illustrates the natural
                        efficiency and boost air and soil quality.                   and enhanced greenhouse effects (Pew Cen-
                                                                                    ter on Global Climate Change, 2008).
                        Climate change science                                      The primary greenhouse gases associated
                        Natural shifts in global temperatures have                  with agriculture are carbon dioxide (CO2),
                        occurred throughout human history. The                      methane (CH4 ) and nitrous oxide (N20).
Related ATTRA                                                                       Although carbon dioxide is the most prev-
Publications            20th century, however, has seen a rapid rise
                        in global temperatures. Scientists attribute                alent greenhouse gas in the atmosphere,
Conservation Tillage    the temp increase to a rise in carbon diox-                 nitrous oxide and methane have longer
                        ide and other greenhouse gases released                     durations in the atmosphere and absorb
Pursuing Conservation
Tillage Systems         from the burning of fossil fuels, deforesta-                more long-wave radiation. Therefore, small
for Organic Crop        tion, agriculture and other industrial pro-                 quantities of methane and nitrous oxide can
Production              cesses. Scientists refer to this phenomenon                 have significant effects on climate change.
                        as the enhanced greenhouse effect.                          Several excellent resources and fact sheets
Energy Saving Tips
for Irrigators          The naturally occurring greenhouse effect                   explain the greenhouse effect and the
Anaerobic Digestion     traps the heat of the sun before it can                     science behind climate change. See the
of Animal Wastes:       be released back into space. This allows                    Resources section for information on how
Factors to Consider     the Earth’s surface to remain warm and                      to obtain copies.
The Sustainability
Dimensions              Figure 1. The Greenhouse Effect
                        Source: The National Academy of Sciences.
Ethanol Opportunities
and Questions             Natural Greenhouse Effect                                           Enhanced Greenhouse Effect
                          The greenhouse effect is a natural warm-                            Increasing the amount of greenhouse gases
Renewable Energy
                          ing process. Carbon dioxide (CO2) and cer-                         intensifies the greenhouse effect. This side
Opportunities on          tain other gases are always present in the                         of the globe simulates conditions today,
the Farm                  atmosphere. These gases create a warm-                             roughly two centuries after the Industrial
Federal Resources for     ing effect that has some similarity to the                          Revolution began.
                          warming inside a greenhouse, hence the
Sustainable Farming
                          name “greenhouse effect.”
and Ranching

                        Illustration of the greenhouse effect (courtesy of the Marion Koshland Science Museum of the National Academy of
                        Sciences). Visible sunlight passes through the atmosphere without being absorbed. Some of the sunlight striking the
                        earth (1) is absorbed and converted to heat, which warms the surface. The surface (2) emits infrared radiation to the
                        atmosphere, where some of it (3) is absorbed by greenhouse gases and (4) re-emitted toward the surface; some of
                        the heat is not trapped by greenhouse gases and (5) escapes into space. Human activities that emit additional green-
                        house gases to the atmosphere (6) increase the amount of infrared radiation that gets absorbed before escaping into
                        space, thus enhancing the greenhouse effect and amplifying the warming of the earth.

Page 2       ATTRA                                                     Agriculture, Climate Change and Carbon Sequestration
How does climate change                                will likely extend forage production
                                                       into late fall and early spring.
influence agriculture?
                                                    • Climate change-induced shifts in
Climate change may have beneficial as well
                                                      plant species are already under way
as detrimental consequences for agricul-
                                                      in rangelands. The establishment
ture. Some research indicates that warmer
                                                      of perennial herbaceous species is
temperatures lengthen growing seasons and
                                                      reducing soil water availability early
increased carbon dioxide in the air results
                                                      in the growing season.
in higher yields from some crops. A warm-
ing climate and decreasing soil moisture can        • Higher temperatures will very likely
also result in production patterns shifting           reduce livestock production during
northward and an increasing need for irri-            the summer season, but these losses
gation. Changes, however, will likely vary            will be partially offset by warmer
significantly by region. Geography will play           temperatures during the winter
a large role in how agriculture might benefit          season (Backlund et al., 2008).
from climate change. While projections look
favorable for some areas, the potential of     How does agriculture
increased climate variability and extremes

                                               influence climate change?                                     onserva-
are not necessarily considered. Benefits to                                                                  tion tillage,
agriculture might be offset by an increased    Agriculture’s contribution to                                organic
likelihood of heat waves, drought, severe
thunderstorms and tornadoes. An increase       greenhouse gas emissions                            production, cover
in climate variability makes adaptation dif-   Agriculture activities serve as both sources        cropping and crop
ficult for farmers.                             and sinks for greenhouse gases. Agriculture         rotations can dras-
                                               sinks of greenhouse gases are reservoirs of
The U.S. Department of Agriculture             carbon that have been removed from the
                                                                                                   tically increase the
released a report in May 2008 that focused     atmosphere through the process of biologi-          amount of carbon
on the effects of climate on agriculture,      cal carbon sequestration.                           stored in soils.
specifically on cropping systems, pasture
and grazing lands and animal management        The primary sources of greenhouse gases in
(Backlund et al., 2008). The following find-    agriculture are the production of nitrogen-
ings are excerpted from the report:            based fertilizers; the combustion of fossil fuels
                                               such as coal, gasoline, diesel fuel and natural
    • With increased carbon dioxide and        gas; and waste management. Livestock enteric
      higher temperatures, the life cycle      fermentation, or the fermentation that takes
      of grain and oilseed crops will likely   place in the digestive systems of ruminant
      progress more rapidly.                   animals, results in methane emissions.
    • The marketable yield of many hor-
                                               Carbon dioxide is removed from the atmo-
      ticultural crops, such as tomatoes,
                                               sphere and converted to organic carbon
      onions and fruits, is very likely to
                                               through the process of photosynthesis. As
      be more sensitive to climate change
                                               organic carbon decomposes, it is converted
      than grain and oilseed crops.
                                               back to carbon dioxide through the process
    • Climate change is likely to lead to a    of respiration. Conservation tillage, organic
      northern migration of weeds. Many        production, cover cropping and crop rota-
      weeds respond more positively to         tions can drastically increase the amount of
      increasing carbon dioxide than most      carbon stored in soils.
      cash crops.
                                               In 2005, agriculture accounted for from
    • Disease pressure on crops and domes-     10 to 12 percent of total global human-
      tic animals will likely increase with    caused emissions of greenhouse gases,
      earlier springs and warmer winters.      according the Intergovernmental Panel on
    • Projected increases in temperature and   Climate Change (IPCC, 2007b). In the
      a lengthening of the growing season      United States, greenhouse gas emissions                                                                                 ATTRA           Page 3
from agriculture account for 8 percent                          Greenhouse gases have varying global
                               of all emissions and have increased                             warming potentials, therefore climate
                               since 1990 (Congressional Research                              scientists use carbon dioxide equivalents
                               Service, 2008). Figure 2 presents recent                        to calculate a universal measurement of
                               data in carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e).                      greenhouse gas emissions.

Figure 2. Greenhouse gas emissions and carbon sinks in agricultural activities, 1990-2005 (CO2 equivalent).
                                                    1990                   1995                  2000                  2005
                Source                                                                                                                   2001-2005
                                                                    million metric tons CO2 equivalent (MMTCO2-Eq)
U.S. Agricultural Activities
GHG Emissions (CH4 and N2O)
Agriculture Soil Managementa                 366.9                  353.4                 376.8                 365.1                 370.9
Enteric Fermentationb                        115.7                  120.6                 113.5                 112.1                 115.0
Manure management                            39.5                   44.1                  48.3                  50.8                  45.6
Rice Cultivation                             7.1                    7.6                   7.5                   6.9                   7.4
Agricultural Residue Burning                 1.1                    1.1                   1.3                   1.4                   1.2
Subtotal                                     530.3                  526.8                 547.4                 536.3                 540.1
Carbon Sinks
Agricultural Soils                           (33.9)                 (30.1)                (29.3)                (32.4)                (31.7)
Other                                        na                     na                    na                    na                    na
Subtotal                                     (33.9)                 (30.1)                (29.3)                (32.4)                (31.7)
Net Emissions, Agriculture                   496.4                  496.7                 518.1                 503.9                 508.4

Attributable CO2 emissions: c                46.8                   57.3                  50.9                  45.5                  52.6
Fossil fuel/mobile combustion

% All Emissions, Agricultured                8.5%                   8.0%                  7.7%                  7.4%                  8.0%
% Total Sinks, Agriculture                   4.8%                   3.6%                  3.9%                  3.9%                  4.0%

% Total Emissions, Forestry                  0.2%                   0.2%                  0.2%                  0.3%                  0.3%
% Total Sinks, Forestrye                     94.3%                  92.0%                 94.8%                 94.7%                 95.0%

Total GHG Emissions, All Sectors 6,242.0                            6,571.0               7,147.2               7,260.4               6,787.1
Total Carbon SInks, All Sectors  (712.8)                            (828.8)               (756.7)               (828.5)               (801.0)
Net Emissions, All Sectors       5,529.2                            5,742.2               6,390.5               6,431.9               5,986.1

  Source: EPA, Inventory of U.S. Grenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2005, April 2007, [
  usinventoryreport.html]. Table ES-2, Table 2-13, Table 6-1, Table 7-1, and Table 7-3. EPA data are reported i teragrams (tg.), which are equivalent to
  one million metric tons each.
  a. N2O emissions from soil management and nutrient/chemical applications on croplands.
  b. CH4 emissions from ruminant livestock.
  c. Emissions from fossil fuel/mobile combustion associated with energy use in the U.S. agriculture sector (excluded from EPA’s reported GHG
     emissions for agricultural activities).
  d. Does not include attributable CO2 emissions from fossil fuel/mobile combustion.
  e. Change in forest stocks and carbon uptake from urban trees and landfilled yard trimmings.

Page 4         ATTRA                                                              Agriculture, Climate Change and Carbon Sequestration
Figure 3. Agricultural greenhouse gas emissions, average from 2001 to 2005. Source: EPA, 2007
Inventory report, April 2007.

                    2.     1.                                                     f
      4.                                                  2.              r             b

                                                          3.                          management

                                                          4.                          management

                                                          5.                  c
                                                          6.              s       management

Figure 3 illustrates agricultural greenhouse gas      Carbon sequestration
emissions by source in the United States.             Carbon sequestration in the agriculture sec-
The following is evident from the informa-            tor refers to the capacity of agriculture lands
tion in Figures 2 and 3:                              and forests to remove carbon dioxide from
                                                      the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is absorbed
          • Despite some improvement in               by trees, plants and crops through photo-
            certain areas since 1990, the             synthesis and stored as carbon in biomass
            U.S. agricultural production sec-         in tree trunks, branches, foliage and roots
            tor increased its greenhouse gas          and soils (EPA, 2008b). Forests and stable
            emissions and expanded its role in        grasslands are referred to as carbon sinks
            climate change.                           because they can store large amounts of
          • The U.S. agricultural production          carbon in their vegetation and root systems
            sector is a net emitter of green-         for long periods of time. Soils are the larg-
            house gas emissions. That is,             est terrestrial sink for carbon on the planet.
            agricultural production annually          The ability of agriculture lands to store or
            creates more greenhouse gas emis-         sequester carbon depends on several fac-
            sions than it captures, despite the       tors, including climate, soil type, type of
            potential for the sector to seques-       crop or vegetation cover and management
            ter higher levels of carbon with          practices.
            management changes.                       The amount of carbon stored in soil organic
          • The U.S. agricultural production          matter is influenced by the addition of car-
            sector contributes more greenhouse        bon from dead plant material and carbon
            gas emissions from methane (CH4)          losses from respiration, the decomposition
            and nitrous oxide (N2O) than from         process and both natural and human dis-
            carbon dioxide (CO2).                     turbance of the soil. By employing farming
                                                      practices that involve minimal disturbance
          • Agricultural soil management is           of the soil and encourage carbon sequestra-
            the single greatest contributor to        tion, farmers may be able to slow or even
            greenhouse gas emissions from the         reverse the loss of carbon from their fields.
            U.S agricultural production sector.       In the United States, forest and croplands
            Enteric fermentation (f latulence         currently sequester the equivalent of 12
            and belches of ruminants) and             percent of U.S. carbon dioxide emissions
            manure management are also large          from the energy, transportation and indus-
            contributors.                             trial sectors (EPA, 2008b).                                                                                      ATTRA   Page 5
Figure 4. Carbon pools in forestry and agriculture. Source: EPA.

       Atmospheric carbon is fixed by trees and                     Carbon is lost back to the atmosphere
       other vegetation through photosynthesis.                    through respiration and decompositon
                                                                   of organic matter.

                                                                              Aboveground carbon:
                                                                               • Stem
                                                                               • Branches
                                                                               • Foliage

                                                                    Fallen leaves and
                                                                    branches add
                                                                    carbon to soils.                 Carbon is lost to the
           Some carbon is internally                                                                 atmosphere through
           transferred from aboveground                                                              soil respiration.
           to belowground carbon soils.

   Belowground carbon:
    • Roots                                                                                                   Soil carbon:
    • Litter                                                                                                   • Organic
                                                     Some carbon is transferred from                           • Inorganic
                                                     belowground carbon (for example,
                                                     root mortality) to the soils.

                          Figure 4, adapted from the EPA, illustrates         Conservation tillage and
                          the different processes through which trees         cover crops
                          and soils can gain and lose carbon.
                                                                              Conservation tillage refers to a number
                                                                              of strategies and techniques for establish-
                          Agriculture’s role in                               ing crops in the residue of previous crops,
                          mitigating climate change                           which are purposely left on the soil surface.
                                                                              Reducing tillage reduces soil disturbance
                          Several farming practices and technolo-
                                                                              and helps mitigate the release of soil car-
                          gies can reduce greenhouse gas emissions            bon into the atmosphere. Conservation till-
                          and prevent climate change by enhancing             age also improves the carbon sequestration
                          carbon storage in soils; preserving existing        capacity of the soil. Additional benefits of
                          soil carbon; and reducing carbon dioxide,           conservation tillage include improved water
                          methane and nitrous oxide emissions.                conservation, reduced soil erosion, reduced

Page 6       ATTRA                                                 Agriculture, Climate Change and Carbon Sequestration
fuel consumption, reduced compaction,            Irrigation and water
increased planting and harvesting flexibility,
reduced labor requirements and improved
soil tilth. For further information, see the     Improvements in water use efficiency,
ATTRA publication Conservation Tillage.          through measures such as irrigation system
                                                 mechanical improvements coupled with a
Improved cropping and                            reduction in operating hours; drip irriga-
organic systems                                  tion technologies; and center-pivot irriga-
                                                 tion systems, can significantly reduce the
Recent reports have investigated the potential
                                                 amount of water and nitrogen applied to
of organic agriculture to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions (Rodale Institute, 2008).          the cropping system. This reduces green-
Organic systems of production increase soil      house emissions of nitrous oxide and water
organic matter levels through the use of com-    withdrawals. For more information, see the
posted animal manures and cover crops.           ATTRA publication Energy Saving Tips
Organic cropping systems also eliminate the      for Irrigators.
emissions from the production and transpor-
tation of synthetic fertilizers. Components of   Nitrogen use efficiency

organic agriculture could be implemented                                                                 onservation
with other sustainable farming systems,          Improving fertilizer efficiency through                 farming
such as conservation tillage, to further         practices like precision farming using GPS
increase climate change mitigation poten-        tracking can reduce nitrous oxide emis-
                                                                                                 that conserve
tial. See the ATTRA publication Pursuing         sions. Other strategies include the use of
                                                 cover crops and manures (both green and         moisture, improve
Conservation Tillage Systems for Organic Crop
Production for more information.                 animal); nitrogen-fixing crop rotations;        yield potential and
                                                 composting and compost teas; and inte-          reduce erosion
Generally, conservation farming prac-
tices that conserve moisture, improve yield      grated pest management. The ATTRA Farm          and fuel costs also
potential and reduce erosion and fuel costs      Energy Web site contains information about      increase soil carbon.
also increase soil carbon. Examples of prac-     reducing nitrogen fertilizer on the farm at
tices that reduce carbon dioxide emissions       the following link:
and increase soil carbon include direct          energy/nitrogen.html.
seeding, field windbreaks, rotational graz-
ing, perennial forage crops, reduced sum-        Methane capture
mer fallow and proper straw management
(Alberta Agriculture and Rural Develop-          Large emissions of methane and nitrous
ment, 2000). Using higher-yielding crops         oxide are attributable to livestock waste
or varieties and maximizing yield potential      treatment, especially in dairies. Agriculture
can also increase soil carbon.                   methane collection and combustion systems
                                                 include covered lagoons and complete mix
Land restoration and                             and plug flow digesters. Anaerobic digestion
                                                 converts animal waste to energy by captur-
land use changes
                                                 ing methane and preventing it from being
Land restoration and land use changes            released into the atmosphere. The captured
that encourage the conservation and              methane can be used to fuel a variety of
improvement of soil, water and air qual-
                                                 on-farm applications, as well as to gener-
ity typically reduce greenhouse gas emis-
sions. Modifications to grazing practices,        ate electricity. Additional benefits include
such as implementing sustainable stocking        reducing odors from livestock manure
rates, rotational grazing and seasonal use       and reducing labor costs associated with
of rangeland, can lead to greenhouse gas         manure removal. For more information on
reductions. Converting marginal cropland         anaerobic digestion, see the ATTRA publi-
to trees or grass maximizes carbon storage       cation Anaerobic Digestion of Animal Wastes:
on land that is less suitable for crops.         Factors to Consider.                                                                               ATTRA         Page 7
Biofuels                                        individual farmer and rancher, as well as
                                                                        society at large, is the heart of understand-
                        There is significant scientific controversy
                                                                        ing the role agriculture can play in carbon
                        regarding whether biofuels — particularly
                                                                        sequestration and climate stabilization.
                        those derived from oilseeds (biodiesel),
                        feed corn (ethanol) or even from cellulosic     The two most frequently discussed systems
                        sources — are carbon neutral. To ascer-         to create value for offsetting greenhouse gas
                        tain the true climate neutrality of biofuels    emissions are known as carbon taxation and
                        requires a careful life-cycle analysis of the   cap and trade. Government subsidies are dis-
                        specific biofuel under consideration. Also,      cussed less often, but will also play a role in
                        an analysis is needed to understand what        greenhouse gas emission reductions.
                        the global land use change implications will
                        be if farmers grow more of a specific biofuel    Charge systems: Carbon tax
                        feedstock. For further information on biofu-
                                                                        By taxing every ton of carbon in fossil fuels
                        els, see the ATTRA publications Biodiesel:
                                                                        or every ton of greenhouse gas companies
                        The Sustainability Dimensions and Ethanol
                                                                        emit, entities that emit greenhouse gases or
                        Opportunities and Questions.
                                                                        use carbon-based fuels will have an incen-
                                                                        tive to switch to alternative renewable fuels,

“       reating farm
        and forestry
                        Other renewable energy options                  invest in technology changes to use carbon-
        systems with    Renewable energy opportunities such as          based fuels more efficiently and in general
                        wind and solar also present significant         adopt practices that would lower their level of
strong incentives for
                        opportunities for the agriculture sector to     greenhouse gas emissions. Thus a carbon or
growing soil carbon     reduce greenhouse gas emissions. For fur-       greenhouse gas emission tax values carbon
could well be at the    ther information about these options, see       in negative terms of tax avoidance. Those
center of climate       the ATTRA publication Renewable Energy          farms and ranches that emit or use less car-
stabilization.”         Opportunities on the Farm.                      bon-intensive fuels pay a smaller tax.
(Mazza, 2007)                                                           From the perspective of farmers and ranch-
                        The value of soil carbon:                       ers, a carbon tax would increase the direct
                        Potential benefits for                           and indirect costs of agricultural production.
                        agriculture                                     Farmers and ranchers use carbon-based
                                                                        fuels directly in the forms of petroleum and
                        As Mazza (2007) has remarked, “creating
                                                                        natural gas and indirectly in the forms of
                        farm and forestry systems with strong incen-
                                                                        carbon-based fertilizers and pesticides and
                        tives for growing soil carbon could well be
                                                                        fuel-intensive inputs. Thus, a carbon tax
                        at the center of climate stabilization.”
                                                                        could move farmers and ranchers to shift to
                        Thus, a new crop that farmers and ranchers      systems of production that either eliminate
                        may grow in the future is carbon. The Natural   the use of fossil fuels and inputs or at least
                        Resources Conservation Service, part of the     improve the efficiency of their use.
                        USDA, has long been a promoter of managing
                                                                        However, proponents of carbon taxes have
                        carbon in efforts to improve soil quality.
                                                                        generally sought to exclude the agriculture
                        As with any crop, farmers and ranchers          sector from such taxation. For the most
                        need a market for this new crop, as well        part, carbon tax proponents have been
                        as a price that will make it more profit-        more interested in placing greenhouse gas
                        able to grow. From a broader social con-        emission taxes on upstream producers of
                        text, the questions of who will purchase        the original source products. This includes
                        this new crop and what is a fair price are      coal, petroleum and natural gas produc-
                        also of private and public importance. Vol-     ers and major emitters such as large elec-
                        untary private carbon markets exist in the      tric utilities. Nonetheless, as people work
                        United States. Federal government markets       to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the
                        are expected to be created soon. How to         potential to place a carbon tax on sectors
                        value carbon from the perspective of the        like agriculture may become more likely.
Page 8       ATTRA                                           Agriculture, Climate Change and Carbon Sequestration
Benefits of a carbon tax for                     than the net benefits of an inflexible cap”
                                                (Congressional Budget Office, 2008).
farmers and ranchers
A major benefit of a carbon or greenhouse
gas emission tax would be the creation of a
                                                Downside of a carbon tax
stream of tax revenue that the government       The introduction of any tax results in dis-
could use to further induce the practice        cussions of where the burden of taxation
and technology changes necessary to lower       lies and issues of equity. In short, taxation
greenhouse gas emissions. For example,          is about who pays and who does not. New
many of the current agriculture conserva-       taxes also often result in a public discus-
tion programs, such as the Environmental        sion of the fairness of the tax. There is logic
Quality Incentive Program and the newer         to the argument that the burden of a car-
Conservation Stewardship Program, sup-          bon or greenhouse gas emission tax should
port improvements in soil quality and could     be placed fi rst and foremost on those who
be funded in part from emission or carbon       either create carbon-intensive fuels or those
taxes, thereby providing a revenue source       who are the largest emitters of greenhouse
to subsidize those who adopt or maintain        gases. The greatest source of greenhouse
emission-reduction practices or carbon          gas emissions in the United States is the

                                                                                                           tax provides
                                                combustion of fossil fuels. Since agriculture
sequestration activities. See the ATTRA                                                                    a clear and
                                                uses a small percentage of U.S. fossil fuels,
publication Federal Resources for Sustain-
                                                an argument can be made that the burden                    stable cost
able Farming and Ranching for more infor-
                                                of taxation should not to fall on this sector.    to current practices.
mation. Tax revenues could also assist in
                                                Still, agriculture is heavily dependent on
the support of conservation programs like
                                                fossil fuels and any carbon or greenhouse
the Conservation Reserve Program, which
                                                gas emission tax would likely be costly.
works to keep sensitive and highly erodible
lands out of production since these lands       The ability of any individual farmer or
sequester soil carbon.                          rancher to pass on the increased costs of
                                                fossil fuels that this kind of taxation would
Another benefit of this approach is that a       create is much more limited than in other
tax provides a clear and stable cost to cur-    sectors of the economy. For instance, if a
rent practices. A tax also makes it easier      carbon tax is placed on diesel fuel, diesel
to determine changes that will be more          fuel manufacturers can more easily pass on
profitable in a new cost environment. For        the tax burden to the consumers of the die-
instance, if a concentrated animal feeding      sel. The ability to pass on costs to consum-
operation understood the cost of their emis-    ers is greater in industries where there is
sions as expressed by their emission tax, it    little product substitution and where a few
would be easier for the operation to deter-     producers dominate the market. This is not
mine alternatives to current practices that     the case for farmers and ranchers, given
would be cost efficient. At a high enough tax    their relative lack of market concentration
rate, installing methane digesters to lower     and power.
greenhouse gas emission would become
economically feasible.
                                                Cap and trade: A private market
Finally, it has been argued that a carbon       for greenhouse gas emissions
tax approach is cost effective in imple-
mentation, at least when compared to the        A government-sponsored cap-and-trade sys-
cap-and-trade method of achieving green-        tem would create a new market for green-
                                                house gas emissions by creating a new prop-
house gas emissions reductions. As recent
                                                erty right — the right to emit.
Congressional Budget Office report states:
“available research suggests that in the near   The market is created by a government
term, the net benefits (benefits minus costs)     that sets a limit or cap on total greenhouse
of a tax could be roughly five times greater     gas emissions allowed. Companies that                                                                                ATTRA         Page 9
emit greenhouse gases are issued emission         purchase offsets from groups more capable of
                         permits that allow a certain amount of emis-      reducing emissions.
                         sions. Companies and groups that exceed
                         their allowed emissions must purchase off-        Benefits for farmers and
                         sets from other entities that pollute less than
                         their allowance or from entities that seques-     ranchers
                         ter carbon.                                       Depending on the practices adopted,
                                                                           farmers and ranchers could be a source
                         These exchangeable emission permits, often        of inexpensive carbon reduction and cap-
                         called allowances, are measured in tons of
                                                                           ture the value of these allowances as off-
                         carbon dioxide equivalents per year. Carbon
                                                                           sets. In short, the value of offsets would
                         dioxide equivalents provide a common mea-
                                                                           become the market price of carbon equiva-
                         sure for all greenhouse gas emissions and are
                         calculated by converting greenhouse gases         lents. This would become the value of the
                         into carbon dioxide equivalents according to      new crop — carbon — that farmers and
                         their global warming potential.                   ranchers could grow.

                         Over time, the government will continu-           From the May 26, 2008 issue of High
                         ally lower the total level of allowances to       Country News:
                         meet an established level of acceptable               For example, if a farmer shifted to an
                                                                               organic system of production, measurable
                         total emissions. As the supply of allow-
                                                                               improvements in the ability of the farmer to
                         ances decreases, the value of the allow-              sequester carbon could be verified and the
                         ances will rise or fall depending on demand           farmer could sell this sequestered carbon at
                         and on the ability of emitters to make nec-           the current carbon market price set in the
                         essary changes to reduce emissions or                 new emissions market (Ogburn, 2008).

Figure 5. Chicago Climate Exchange daily report. Source: Chicago Climate Exchange.

Page 10      ATTRA                                              Agriculture, Climate Change and Carbon Sequestration
A limited, privately created and voluntary      Figure 6. Conservation tillage soil offset map. Source: Chicago Climate
cap-and-trade system called the Chicago         Exchange.
Climate Exchange (CCX) has been in oper-
ation in the United States since 2003. The
emission cap is set by emitting entities that
voluntarily sought to limit greenhouse gas
emissions. Purchases of agriculture off-
sets have been part of this exchange. As
can be seen from Figure 5, the price of car-
bon dioxide equivalents per ton has varied
significantly over the life of the exchange
and hit its highest level in 2008 at $7.35
per ton. This price has not yet resulted in
an overwhelming participation by farmers
and ranchers.

Downsides of cap and trade
For farmers and ranchers to provide carbon
offsets for greenhouse gas emitters, farmers
and ranchers must be willing to make long-
term, or even permanent, changes in not
only practices but perhaps whole systems        doubtful that the actual carbon storage levels
of production. These changes also need to       allocated can be achieved across areas that
provide verifiable changes that result in true   are so large. Finally, the CCX does not
offsets of greenhouse gas emissions. The        verify the actual carbon storage as a result
issues of verifiability, permanence and what     of the practice change, but only monitors
is known as additionality are critical to the   that the practice is maintained during the
success of agriculture’s role in the cap-and-   life of the contract. Thus, it is doubtful the
trade system and the ultimate reduction of      carbon offset truly matches actual carbon
greenhouse gas emissions.                       sequestered.
Verifiability is critical because the system     The issue of permanence is also critical.
or practice change must result in a measur-     What happens after a farmer or rancher
able change in the amount of carbon stored.     changes to a practice or system of produc-
For example, the adoption of a no-till          tion, is paid for carbon stored and then
cultivation practice is thought to result in    decides to change practices and potentially
soil with higher carbon sequestration capac-    release the carbon that he or she was paid
ity. However, there is continuing scientific     to sequester to offset emissions?
debate over whether the practice of contin-
uous no-till does in fact lead to long-term     Additionality refers to the issue that a
additional storage of carbon in the soil        farmer or rancher can only offer and be
(Baker et al., 2007).                           paid for an offset for a new sequestration
                                                of carbon, not for a practice or a system of
The CCX divided the United States into          production already in place. For instance,
zones and allocated specific levels of car-      if a rancher developed a permanent wind
bon sequestration to each acre farmed in        shelter belt, that change in land use would
a particular zone under continuous no-till      likely result in new, or additional, car-
practices, as illustrated in Figure 6.          bon sequestration. However, a rancher
While there may be some need to sim-            who already developed a similar shel-
plify the implementation of a nationwide        ter belt would not be eligible for an offset
soil carbon sequestration project related       because the rancher would not be providing
to tillage practice change, it is very          additional carbon sequestration. Likewise,                                                                                 ATTRA         Page 11
a farmer already engaged in conservation             mitigate greenhouse gas emissions is one
                          tillage would not provide additional carbon          that is already well known — a direct sub-
                          storage by maintaining that practice.                sidy. Many federal conservation programs
                          However, the current USDA Conservation               provide incentives, known as cost shares,
                          Stewardship Program provides a possible              that help farmers and ranchers make
                          payment structure that pays farmers to               changes in practices to conserve natural
                          maintain practices.
                                                                               resources. For more information, see the
                          Additionality is also important because              ATTRA publication Federal Resources for
                          of the possibility that perverse incentives          Sustainable Farming and Ranching. For
                          may be created that encourage farmers or             example, data in Figure 7, adapted from
                          ranchers to release carbon so that they can          a Natural Resources Conservation Service
                          get paid to store it. For example, a farmer          bulletin, indicates various crop and animal
                          practicing no-till farming may decide to
                                                                               management practices that can either lower
                          abandon the practice because of the new
                          availability of per-acre payments and switch         greenhouse gas emissions or increase car-
                          back to no-till at a later time. To address          bon sequestration. Under the Conservation
                          this and stop additional greenhouse gas              Stewardship Program and the Environmen-
                          emissions, the idea of offsets would need            tal Quality Incentive Program, farmers and
                          to be expanded to include farmers and                ranchers can receive incentives to adopt
                          ranchers already undertaking a practice or           new practices or receive support to main-
                          specific land use that stores soil carbon.            tain such practices. Though not designed
                                                                               to address climate change issues specifi-
                          Subsidizing positive behavior                        cally, many federal conservation programs
                          A final mechanism that could expand                  already provide public incentives to reduce
                          the ability of the agriculture sector to             greenhouse gas emissions.

Figure 7. Agricultural practices and benefits. Source: NRCS.

 Conservation Practice                     GHG Objectives                             Additional Benefits
 Conservation tillage and reduced          Sequestration, emission reduction          Improves soil, water and air quality.
 field pass intensity                                                                  Reduces soil erosion and fuel use
 Efficient nutrient management               Sequestration, emission reduction          Improves water quality. Saves
                                                                                      expenses, time and labor.

 Crop diversity through rotations and Sequestration                                   Reduces erosion and water require-
 cover crops                                                                          ments. Improves soil and water quality.

 Manure management                         Emission reduction                         On-farm sources of biogas fuel and
                                                                                      possibly electricity for large opera-
                                                                                      tions, provides nutrients for crops.

 Rotational grazing and improved           Sequestration, emission reduction          Reduces water requirements. Helps
 forage                                                                               withstand drought. Increases long-
                                                                                      term grassland productivity.

 Feed management                           Emission reduction                         Reduces quantity of nutrients.
                                                                                      Improves water quality. More
                                                                                      efficient use of feed.

Page 12      ATTRA                                                 Agriculture, Climate Change and Carbon Sequestration
In the future, conservation programs could        Paustian et al. (2006) estimated that it would
be refocused to lower greenhouse emissions        take a price of at least $13 per ton of car-
or increase carbon sequestration. Perhaps         bon dioxide equivalent ($50 per ton of car-
modifications of the Conservation Steward-         bon) per year to offset 70 million metric tons
ship Program and the Environmental Qual-          (MMT) of carbon dioxide equivalents. This
ity Incentive Program could allow for lon-        would be a total public cost of close to $1
ger contracts (currently a maximum of five         billion dollars per year for perhaps as long
years) so that outcomes are reached and           as 40 years. Also, this represents an offset of
maintained. Also, the programs could add          only 4 percent of total U.S. greenhouse gas
specific validation procedures to assure cli-      emissions in 2004. Is this the least expen-
mate targets are met and sustained.               sive way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
                                                  compared to alternative public expenditures?
Benefits of subsidies                              For instance, what if public dollars were com-
There is an immediate benefit to farmers           mitted to a research program to improve the
and ranchers willing to make changes that         gas mileage of automobiles?
meet the challenges of climate stabilization.     Finally, how do we know that Paustian et. al.
If sufficiently funded with outreach and

                                                  are correct in their estimation of the incen-             he public
technical assistance, efforts can be made         tive needed to change farming and ranch-                  sector will
to assure that all farmers and ranchers —         ing practices? Recently, Sperow (2007) esti-              play an
regardless of their situation — take advan-       mated an average cost to sequester carbon at
tage of these programs. Finally, resources                                                          important role in
                                                  $261 per ton of carbon. This is considerably
can be prioritized to different regions of the    higher than the Paustian estimate. While
                                                                                                    determining how
country or to specific practices or systems of     the difference between these studies can
                                                                                                    to engage the agri-
production so programs can be cost-effec-         be explained by the fact that there is a wide     culture sector in the
tive in reaching climate change goals.
                                                  regional variation in carbon sequestration        reduction of green-
                                                  capacity and how sequestration is accom-          house gas emissions.
Downside of subsidies                             plished, public costs would nonetheless be
Subsidies are a public cost, and this is a con-   significant to achieve greenhouse gas emis-
siderable downside. Furthermore, subsidies        sion reductions through subsidization.
are based on the idea that the government
can know and assure that the practices it         Summary
pays for achieve the intended outcomes. For
example, the federal government provides          The public sector will play an important role
significant subsidization of corn ethanol pro-     in determining how to engage the agricul-
duction. Many argue that this changed the         ture sector in the reduction of greenhouse
price of field corn and increased costs for        gas emissions. The government can use its
people who use corn as animal feed and            power to tax, subsidize or create a new mar-
for other countries that import corn to feed      ket mechanism to do this. In 2008, the U.S.
people. There are also questions about how        Senate debated climate change legislation,
subsidies can reduce greenhouse gas emis-         including the Lieberman-Warner bill. This
sions. Will subsidizing a shift to a continuous   bill proposes a modified cap-and-trade sys-
no-till cultivation operation result in greater   tem with the expectation that the agriculture
carbon sequestration? If the scientific under-     sector will provide at least 15 percent of the
standing of the relationship between carbon       offsets needed to reduce greenhouse gas
sequestration and no-till is simply in error,     emissions 71 percent from 2005 levels by
then public dollars spent to change farmer        2050. Whether this or future legislation will
behavior would be wasted. Furthermore, will       become the base of future climate change
subsidization offer the least expensive way to    improvements, there is little doubt that agri-
achieve a specific outcome?                        culture will play some role in the effort.                                                                                  ATTRA        Page 13
References                                                           Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
                                                                     [Solomon, S., D. Qin, M. Manning (eds)].
Agricultural and Food Policy Center. 2008.Carbon           
       Markets: A Potential Source of Financial
                                                              IPCC. 2007b. Climate Change 2007: Agriculture.
       Benefits for Farmers and Ranchers, Texas
                                                                     Contribution of Working Group III to the
       A&M University System.
       pubs/2/519/RR%2008-03.pdf                                     Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovern-
                                                                     mental Panel on Climate Change. [B. Metz,
Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development. 2000.                     O.R. Davidson, P.R. Bosch, R. Dave, L.A.
       Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Alberta's                        Meyer (eds)].
       Cropping Industry – Things You Need to                        ar4/wg3/ar4-wg3-chapter8.pdf
       deptdocs.nsf/all/cl3010                                Mazza, Patrick. 2007. Growing Sustainable Biofuels —
                                                                     Common Sense on Biofuels, Part 2.
Backlund, P., et al. 2008. U.S. Climate Change                       Harvesting Clean Energy Journal (online).
       Science Program and the Subcommittee on             
       Global Change Research May 2008. The                          journal/2007/11/12/growing-sustainable-
       effects of climate change on agriculture, land                biofuels-producing-bioenergy-on-the-farm.html
       resources, water resources, and biodiversity
       in the United States.          Ogburn, Stephanie Paige. Climate cash-in: West-
       Library/sap/sap4-3/final-report/default.htm                   ern farmers and ranchers use crops — and
                                                                    cows — to tap into the carbon market. High
Baker, J.M., et al. 2007. Tillage and Soil Carbon Seques-           Country News, May 26, 2008.
        tration — What Do We Really Know? Agricul-
        ture, Ecosystems and Environment. 118: 1-5.
                                                              Paustian, et al. 2006. Agriculture’s Role in Green-
Chicago Climate Exchange. 2009. Offset Project
                                                                     house Gas Mitigation. Pew Center on Global
                                                                     Climate Change.
Congressional Budget Office. 2008. Policy Options                     %20Mitigation.pdf
      for Reducing CO2 Emissions, Congressio-
      nal Budget Office study.                Pew Center on Global Climate Change. 2008.Climate
      cfm?index=8934                                                Change 101 – The Science and Impacts.
Congressional Research Service. 2008. Climate                       Climate%20Change%20101,%20The%20Science
      Change: The Role of the U.S. Agriculture                      %20and%20Impacts.pdf
      Sector. Renee Johnson.
      documents/organization/81931.pdf                        Rodale Institute. 2008. Regenerative Organic
                                                                     Farming: A Solution to Global Warming.
EPA. 2008a. Agriculture and Food Supply.                             Paper-07_30_08.pdf
EPA. 2008b. Carbon Sequestration in Agriculture and           Sperow, M. 2007. The Marginal Costs of
      Forestry.                 Carbon Sequestration: Implications of One
EPA. 2008c. Local Scale: Carbon Pools in Forestry                    Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Activity. Journal of
      and Agriculture.                    Soil and Water Conservation. 62(6):367-375.
Farmers Union. 2008. Carbon Credit Program                    Resources
      ccbrochure.pdf                                          Web sites
IPCC. 2007a. Climate Change 2007: The Physical                Environmental Protection Agency – Carbon
       Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I                Sequestration in Agriculture and Forestry,
       to the Fourth Assessment Report of the              
Page 14      ATTRA                                             Agriculture, Climate Change and Carbon Sequestration
Environmental Protection Agency Global Warming            Agriculture and Climate Change: Greenhouse Gas
       Impacts on Agriculture,                   Mitigation Opportunities and the 2007 Farm
       climatechange/effects/agriculture.html                    Bill. Evan Branosky and Suzie Greenhalgh.
                                                                 World Resources Institute Policy Note. March
Pew Center on Global Climate Change,
Consortium for Agricultural Soil Mitigation
                                                          Soil Carbon Sequestration in Agriculture: Farm
       of Greenhouse Gases (CASMGS),
                                                                  Management Practices Can Affect Greenhouse
                                                                  Gas Emissions. Dept. of Land Resources and
Climate Friendly Farming, Washington State                        Environmental Sciences, Montana State
       University Center for Sustaining Agriculture               University Extension Service. Perry Miller,
       and Natural Resources,                  Rick Engel, and Ross Bricklemyer.
Pacific Northwest STEEP - Solutions to Environmental               AgandNaturalResources/MT200404AG.pdf
       and Economic Problems,
                                                          Using Agricultural Land for Carbon Sequestration.,                                           Purdue University. Andrea S. Bongen.                       
Soil Carbon Center at Kansas State University,            Contracting for Soil Carbon Credits: Design and Costs                         of Measurement and Monitoring. Department
                                                                 of Agricultural Economics and Economics,
Reports                                                          Montana State University Department of Soil
Harnessing Farms and Forests in the Low-Carbon                   and Crop Sciences and Natural Resource
      Economy: How to Create, Measure, and Verify                Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University.
      Greenhouse Gas Offsets. The Nicholas Institute             May 2002. Siân Mooney, John Antle,
      for Environmental Policy Solutions. Edited by              Susan Capalbo, and Keith Paustian
      Zach Willey & Bill Chameides, Environmental      
      Defense. Duke University Press. Durham &
                                                          Multiple Benefits of Carbon-Friendly Agricultural
      London. 2007
                                                                  Practices: Empirical Assessment of
Addressing Climate Change and Providing New                       Conservation Tillage. Center for Agricultural
      Opportunities for Farmers. Institute for Agri-              and Rural Development, Iowa State University.
      culture and Trade Policy. Mark Muller, Cath-                Lyubov A. Kurkalova, Catherine L. Kling,
      erine Hofman, Paul Hodges. September 2000.                  Jinhua Zhao. February 2003. www.card.     
      258&refID=29793                                             03wp326.pdf

How to get involved in voluntary                          contract expectations and verification policies. Review
                                                          all of these items with carbon aggregators before decid-
private carbon markets
                                                          ing to enroll.
The future of the voluntary carbon market remains
to be seen. Currently, farmer payments from carbon        Eligibility
offsets alone are not substantial enough to rationalize
decisions for land management changes. However, it        The following table was developed by the National Farm-
is important that the farm sector be included in solu-    ers Union Carbon Credit Program to help farmers deter-
tions for mitigating climate change. Before enroll-       mine eligibility for enrollment in specific projects (Farmers
ing in any type of carbon credit program, however, it     Union, 2008). Different aggregators might have different
is important to understand eligibility requirements,      requirements for eligibility, enrollment and contracts.                                                                              ATTRA        Page 15
• A signed contract between the landowner and
 Eligible land and credit-earning potential
                                                                        the Chicago Climate Exchange or an aggrega-
 No-till: Carbon credits are issued at the rate of 0.2 to 0.6
 metric tons of carbon per acre annually to participants who            tor for the appropriate management practices
 commit to continuous conservation tillage on enrolled land             (Agricultural and Food Policy Center, 2008).
 for at least five future years. In most cases, credit can be
 earned for the previous year. Enrolled acres may be planted
 in low-residue crops, such as beans, peas and lentils, no       Contracts
 more than three of the contract years. Alfalfa or other hayed   Contracts are based on a five-year period for crop
 forage will be considered as no-till for these contracts.
                                                                 production and rangeland projects. At the end of the
 Seeded grass stands: Carbon credits are earned at a rate
 of 0.4 metric tons to 1 metric ton per acre annually, even
                                                                 contract, producers are free to renew the contract for
 if enrolled in Conservation Reserve Program. Grass stands       another five years or let the contract expire. Once a
 seeded prior to January 1, 1999, are not eligible for enroll-   contract expires, landowners have no more obligations
 ment in the program. Credits can be earned back to 2003
 with proper documentation.                                      to the CCX or to the aggregator. However, if a land-
 Native rangeland: Grassland with a formal grazing plan
                                                                 owner discontinues the approved sequestration produc-
 may earn up to 0.52 tons per acre annually. Credits can be      tion practice prior to the end of the contract, the CCX
 earned back to 2003 with proper documentation.                  or aggregator will ask the owner to return the amount
 Forestry: Trees planted after 1990 can earn carbon credits      of carbon that would have been sequestered up to that
 annually, provided no harvest is intended.
                                                                 point or pay for the same amount of carbon at mar-
 Methane offset: Methane captured or destroyed can earn
 carbon credit. Animal waste systems, including anaero-
                                                                 ket price. Additionally, the project owner will not be
 bic digesters and covered lagoons, can be enrolled. Each        allowed to further participate in the CCX (Agricultural
 ton of methane captured earns 21 tons of carbon credits         and Food Policy Center, 2008).
 (Farmers Union, 2008).

Finding an aggregator                                            Once a project is approved, the aggregator is responsible
Several aggregators are located across the country               for obtaining independent verification by an approved
to help farmers and ranchers enroll in carbon offset             verifier to ensure the actual greenhouse gas sequestra-
projects. The following aggregators provide Web sites
with detailed information on contracts and enrollment.           tion. A project is subject to initial and annual verification
For a full list of carbon aggregators for the Chicago            for the duration of its contract with the Chicago Climate
Climate Exchange, visit their Web site at www.                   Exchange (Chicago Climate Exchange, 2009).
    • National Farmers Union Carbon Credit
    • National Carbon Offset Coalition,
                                                                   Agriculture, Climate Change and
    • Pacific Northwest Direct Seed Association,
                                                                   Carbon Sequestration
                                                                   By Jeff Schahczenski and Holly Hill
                                                                   NCAT Program Specialists
How to enroll                                                      © 2008 NCAT
You will need to provide the following information to              Holly Michels, Editor
enroll in carbon sequestration programs:                           Amy Smith, Production
    • Land maps to document ownership of a given                   This publication is available on the Web at:
      tract of land, including the legal description of   or
      the tract.                                         
    • Document of management practices, such as
                                                                   Slot 336
      program forms for croplands, grass and forest                Version 012309
Page 16      ATTRA

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Agriculture, Climate Change and Carbon Sequestration - IP338

  • 1. Agriculture, Climate Change and Carbon Sequestration A Publication of ATTRA—National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service • 1-800-346-9140 • By Jeff Schahczenski Carbon sequestration and reductions in greenhouse gas emissions can occur through a variety of and Holly Hill agriculture practices. This publication provides an overview of the relationship between agriculture, NCAT Program climate change and carbon sequestration. It also investigates possible options for farmers and ranchers Specialists to have a positive impact on the changing climate and presents opportunities for becoming involved © 2009 NCAT in the emerging carbon market. Table of Contents Introduction............................1 Climate change science......2 How does climate change influence agriculture? .........3 How does agriculture influence climate change? ....................................3 Agriculture’s role in mitigating climate change ......................................6 The value of soil carbon: Potential benefits for agriculture ...............................8 Charge systems: Carbon tax ...............................8 Cap and trade: A private market for greenhouse gas emissions .........................9 Subsidizing positive behavior .................................12 Summary ................................13 References .............................14 Resources ...............................14 Appendix: How to get involved in voluntary private carbon markets....................15 An organic wheat grass field. Growing research is showing that organic production systems are one of the most climate-friendly systems of food production. Introduction • lengthen the growing season in regions with relatively cool spring The Earth’s average surface temperature and fall seasons; increased 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit over the • adversely affect crops in regions ATTRA—National Sustainable past century, and is projected by the Inter- Agriculture Information Service where summer heat already limits ( is managed governmental Panel on Climate Change to production; by the National Center for Appro- increase by an additional 3.2 to 7.2 degrees priate Technology (NCAT) and is funded under a grant from the over the 21st century (IPCC, 2007a). These • increase soil evaporation rates; and United States Department of Agriculture’s Rural Business- seemingly slight changes in temperature • increase the chances of severe Cooperative Service. Visit the could have profound implications for farm- droughts (2008a). NCAT Web site ( sarc_current.php) for ers and ranchers. According to the Envi- Innovative farming practices such as conser- more information on ronmental Protection Agency, an increase vation tillage, organic production, improved our sustainable agri- culture projects. in average temperature can: cropping systems, land restoration, land use
  • 2. change and irrigation and water manage- habitable. Increased levels of greenhouse ment, are ways that farmers can address gases enhance the naturally occurring climate change. Good management prac- greenhouse effect by trapping even more of tices have multiple benefits that may also the sun’s heat, resulting in a global warm- enhance profitability, improve farm energy ing effect. Figure 1 illustrates the natural efficiency and boost air and soil quality. and enhanced greenhouse effects (Pew Cen- ter on Global Climate Change, 2008). Climate change science The primary greenhouse gases associated Natural shifts in global temperatures have with agriculture are carbon dioxide (CO2), occurred throughout human history. The methane (CH4 ) and nitrous oxide (N20). Related ATTRA Although carbon dioxide is the most prev- Publications 20th century, however, has seen a rapid rise in global temperatures. Scientists attribute alent greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, Conservation Tillage the temp increase to a rise in carbon diox- nitrous oxide and methane have longer ide and other greenhouse gases released durations in the atmosphere and absorb Pursuing Conservation Tillage Systems from the burning of fossil fuels, deforesta- more long-wave radiation. Therefore, small for Organic Crop tion, agriculture and other industrial pro- quantities of methane and nitrous oxide can Production cesses. Scientists refer to this phenomenon have significant effects on climate change. as the enhanced greenhouse effect. Several excellent resources and fact sheets Energy Saving Tips for Irrigators The naturally occurring greenhouse effect explain the greenhouse effect and the Anaerobic Digestion traps the heat of the sun before it can science behind climate change. See the of Animal Wastes: be released back into space. This allows Resources section for information on how Factors to Consider the Earth’s surface to remain warm and to obtain copies. Biodiesel: The Sustainability Dimensions Figure 1. The Greenhouse Effect Source: The National Academy of Sciences. Ethanol Opportunities and Questions Natural Greenhouse Effect Enhanced Greenhouse Effect The greenhouse effect is a natural warm- Increasing the amount of greenhouse gases Renewable Energy ing process. Carbon dioxide (CO2) and cer- intensifies the greenhouse effect. This side Opportunities on tain other gases are always present in the of the globe simulates conditions today, the Farm atmosphere. These gases create a warm- roughly two centuries after the Industrial Federal Resources for ing effect that has some similarity to the Revolution began. warming inside a greenhouse, hence the Sustainable Farming name “greenhouse effect.” and Ranching Illustration of the greenhouse effect (courtesy of the Marion Koshland Science Museum of the National Academy of Sciences). Visible sunlight passes through the atmosphere without being absorbed. Some of the sunlight striking the earth (1) is absorbed and converted to heat, which warms the surface. The surface (2) emits infrared radiation to the atmosphere, where some of it (3) is absorbed by greenhouse gases and (4) re-emitted toward the surface; some of the heat is not trapped by greenhouse gases and (5) escapes into space. Human activities that emit additional green- house gases to the atmosphere (6) increase the amount of infrared radiation that gets absorbed before escaping into space, thus enhancing the greenhouse effect and amplifying the warming of the earth. Page 2 ATTRA Agriculture, Climate Change and Carbon Sequestration
  • 3. How does climate change will likely extend forage production into late fall and early spring. influence agriculture? • Climate change-induced shifts in Climate change may have beneficial as well plant species are already under way as detrimental consequences for agricul- in rangelands. The establishment ture. Some research indicates that warmer of perennial herbaceous species is temperatures lengthen growing seasons and reducing soil water availability early increased carbon dioxide in the air results in the growing season. in higher yields from some crops. A warm- ing climate and decreasing soil moisture can • Higher temperatures will very likely also result in production patterns shifting reduce livestock production during northward and an increasing need for irri- the summer season, but these losses gation. Changes, however, will likely vary will be partially offset by warmer significantly by region. Geography will play temperatures during the winter a large role in how agriculture might benefit season (Backlund et al., 2008). from climate change. While projections look favorable for some areas, the potential of How does agriculture increased climate variability and extremes C influence climate change? onserva- are not necessarily considered. Benefits to tion tillage, agriculture might be offset by an increased Agriculture’s contribution to organic likelihood of heat waves, drought, severe thunderstorms and tornadoes. An increase greenhouse gas emissions production, cover in climate variability makes adaptation dif- Agriculture activities serve as both sources cropping and crop ficult for farmers. and sinks for greenhouse gases. Agriculture rotations can dras- sinks of greenhouse gases are reservoirs of The U.S. Department of Agriculture carbon that have been removed from the tically increase the released a report in May 2008 that focused atmosphere through the process of biologi- amount of carbon on the effects of climate on agriculture, cal carbon sequestration. stored in soils. specifically on cropping systems, pasture and grazing lands and animal management The primary sources of greenhouse gases in (Backlund et al., 2008). The following find- agriculture are the production of nitrogen- ings are excerpted from the report: based fertilizers; the combustion of fossil fuels such as coal, gasoline, diesel fuel and natural • With increased carbon dioxide and gas; and waste management. Livestock enteric higher temperatures, the life cycle fermentation, or the fermentation that takes of grain and oilseed crops will likely place in the digestive systems of ruminant progress more rapidly. animals, results in methane emissions. • The marketable yield of many hor- Carbon dioxide is removed from the atmo- ticultural crops, such as tomatoes, sphere and converted to organic carbon onions and fruits, is very likely to through the process of photosynthesis. As be more sensitive to climate change organic carbon decomposes, it is converted than grain and oilseed crops. back to carbon dioxide through the process • Climate change is likely to lead to a of respiration. Conservation tillage, organic northern migration of weeds. Many production, cover cropping and crop rota- weeds respond more positively to tions can drastically increase the amount of increasing carbon dioxide than most carbon stored in soils. cash crops. In 2005, agriculture accounted for from • Disease pressure on crops and domes- 10 to 12 percent of total global human- tic animals will likely increase with caused emissions of greenhouse gases, earlier springs and warmer winters. according the Intergovernmental Panel on • Projected increases in temperature and Climate Change (IPCC, 2007b). In the a lengthening of the growing season United States, greenhouse gas emissions ATTRA Page 3
  • 4. from agriculture account for 8 percent Greenhouse gases have varying global of all emissions and have increased warming potentials, therefore climate since 1990 (Congressional Research scientists use carbon dioxide equivalents Service, 2008). Figure 2 presents recent to calculate a universal measurement of data in carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e). greenhouse gas emissions. Figure 2. Greenhouse gas emissions and carbon sinks in agricultural activities, 1990-2005 (CO2 equivalent). Avg. 1990 1995 2000 2005 Source 2001-2005 million metric tons CO2 equivalent (MMTCO2-Eq) U.S. Agricultural Activities GHG Emissions (CH4 and N2O) Agriculture Soil Managementa 366.9 353.4 376.8 365.1 370.9 Enteric Fermentationb 115.7 120.6 113.5 112.1 115.0 Manure management 39.5 44.1 48.3 50.8 45.6 Rice Cultivation 7.1 7.6 7.5 6.9 7.4 Agricultural Residue Burning 1.1 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.2 Subtotal 530.3 526.8 547.4 536.3 540.1 Carbon Sinks Agricultural Soils (33.9) (30.1) (29.3) (32.4) (31.7) Other na na na na na Subtotal (33.9) (30.1) (29.3) (32.4) (31.7) Net Emissions, Agriculture 496.4 496.7 518.1 503.9 508.4 Attributable CO2 emissions: c 46.8 57.3 50.9 45.5 52.6 Fossil fuel/mobile combustion % All Emissions, Agricultured 8.5% 8.0% 7.7% 7.4% 8.0% % Total Sinks, Agriculture 4.8% 3.6% 3.9% 3.9% 4.0% % Total Emissions, Forestry 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.3% 0.3% % Total Sinks, Forestrye 94.3% 92.0% 94.8% 94.7% 95.0% Total GHG Emissions, All Sectors 6,242.0 6,571.0 7,147.2 7,260.4 6,787.1 Total Carbon SInks, All Sectors (712.8) (828.8) (756.7) (828.5) (801.0) Net Emissions, All Sectors 5,529.2 5,742.2 6,390.5 6,431.9 5,986.1 Source: EPA, Inventory of U.S. Grenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2005, April 2007, [ usinventoryreport.html]. Table ES-2, Table 2-13, Table 6-1, Table 7-1, and Table 7-3. EPA data are reported i teragrams (tg.), which are equivalent to one million metric tons each. a. N2O emissions from soil management and nutrient/chemical applications on croplands. b. CH4 emissions from ruminant livestock. c. Emissions from fossil fuel/mobile combustion associated with energy use in the U.S. agriculture sector (excluded from EPA’s reported GHG emissions for agricultural activities). d. Does not include attributable CO2 emissions from fossil fuel/mobile combustion. e. Change in forest stocks and carbon uptake from urban trees and landfilled yard trimmings. Page 4 ATTRA Agriculture, Climate Change and Carbon Sequestration
  • 5. Figure 3. Agricultural greenhouse gas emissions, average from 2001 to 2005. Source: EPA, 2007 Inventory report, April 2007. 2. 1. f 1. 3. 4. 2. r b 5. 3. management 4. management 5. c 6. 6. s management Figure 3 illustrates agricultural greenhouse gas Carbon sequestration emissions by source in the United States. Carbon sequestration in the agriculture sec- The following is evident from the informa- tor refers to the capacity of agriculture lands tion in Figures 2 and 3: and forests to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is absorbed • Despite some improvement in by trees, plants and crops through photo- certain areas since 1990, the synthesis and stored as carbon in biomass U.S. agricultural production sec- in tree trunks, branches, foliage and roots tor increased its greenhouse gas and soils (EPA, 2008b). Forests and stable emissions and expanded its role in grasslands are referred to as carbon sinks climate change. because they can store large amounts of • The U.S. agricultural production carbon in their vegetation and root systems sector is a net emitter of green- for long periods of time. Soils are the larg- house gas emissions. That is, est terrestrial sink for carbon on the planet. agricultural production annually The ability of agriculture lands to store or creates more greenhouse gas emis- sequester carbon depends on several fac- sions than it captures, despite the tors, including climate, soil type, type of potential for the sector to seques- crop or vegetation cover and management ter higher levels of carbon with practices. management changes. The amount of carbon stored in soil organic • The U.S. agricultural production matter is influenced by the addition of car- sector contributes more greenhouse bon from dead plant material and carbon gas emissions from methane (CH4) losses from respiration, the decomposition and nitrous oxide (N2O) than from process and both natural and human dis- carbon dioxide (CO2). turbance of the soil. By employing farming practices that involve minimal disturbance • Agricultural soil management is of the soil and encourage carbon sequestra- the single greatest contributor to tion, farmers may be able to slow or even greenhouse gas emissions from the reverse the loss of carbon from their fields. U.S agricultural production sector. In the United States, forest and croplands Enteric fermentation (f latulence currently sequester the equivalent of 12 and belches of ruminants) and percent of U.S. carbon dioxide emissions manure management are also large from the energy, transportation and indus- contributors. trial sectors (EPA, 2008b). ATTRA Page 5
  • 6. Figure 4. Carbon pools in forestry and agriculture. Source: EPA. Atmospheric carbon is fixed by trees and Carbon is lost back to the atmosphere other vegetation through photosynthesis. through respiration and decompositon of organic matter. Aboveground carbon: • Stem • Branches • Foliage Fallen leaves and branches add carbon to soils. Carbon is lost to the Some carbon is internally atmosphere through transferred from aboveground soil respiration. to belowground carbon soils. Belowground carbon: • Roots Soil carbon: • Litter • Organic Some carbon is transferred from • Inorganic belowground carbon (for example, root mortality) to the soils. Figure 4, adapted from the EPA, illustrates Conservation tillage and the different processes through which trees cover crops and soils can gain and lose carbon. Conservation tillage refers to a number of strategies and techniques for establish- Agriculture’s role in ing crops in the residue of previous crops, mitigating climate change which are purposely left on the soil surface. Reducing tillage reduces soil disturbance Several farming practices and technolo- and helps mitigate the release of soil car- gies can reduce greenhouse gas emissions bon into the atmosphere. Conservation till- and prevent climate change by enhancing age also improves the carbon sequestration carbon storage in soils; preserving existing capacity of the soil. Additional benefits of soil carbon; and reducing carbon dioxide, conservation tillage include improved water methane and nitrous oxide emissions. conservation, reduced soil erosion, reduced Page 6 ATTRA Agriculture, Climate Change and Carbon Sequestration
  • 7. fuel consumption, reduced compaction, Irrigation and water increased planting and harvesting flexibility, reduced labor requirements and improved management soil tilth. For further information, see the Improvements in water use efficiency, ATTRA publication Conservation Tillage. through measures such as irrigation system mechanical improvements coupled with a Improved cropping and reduction in operating hours; drip irriga- organic systems tion technologies; and center-pivot irriga- tion systems, can significantly reduce the Recent reports have investigated the potential amount of water and nitrogen applied to of organic agriculture to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (Rodale Institute, 2008). the cropping system. This reduces green- Organic systems of production increase soil house emissions of nitrous oxide and water organic matter levels through the use of com- withdrawals. For more information, see the posted animal manures and cover crops. ATTRA publication Energy Saving Tips Organic cropping systems also eliminate the for Irrigators. emissions from the production and transpor- tation of synthetic fertilizers. Components of Nitrogen use efficiency C organic agriculture could be implemented onservation with other sustainable farming systems, Improving fertilizer efficiency through farming such as conservation tillage, to further practices like precision farming using GPS practices increase climate change mitigation poten- tracking can reduce nitrous oxide emis- that conserve tial. See the ATTRA publication Pursuing sions. Other strategies include the use of cover crops and manures (both green and moisture, improve Conservation Tillage Systems for Organic Crop Production for more information. animal); nitrogen-fixing crop rotations; yield potential and composting and compost teas; and inte- reduce erosion Generally, conservation farming prac- tices that conserve moisture, improve yield grated pest management. The ATTRA Farm and fuel costs also potential and reduce erosion and fuel costs Energy Web site contains information about increase soil carbon. also increase soil carbon. Examples of prac- reducing nitrogen fertilizer on the farm at tices that reduce carbon dioxide emissions the following link: and increase soil carbon include direct energy/nitrogen.html. seeding, field windbreaks, rotational graz- ing, perennial forage crops, reduced sum- Methane capture mer fallow and proper straw management (Alberta Agriculture and Rural Develop- Large emissions of methane and nitrous ment, 2000). Using higher-yielding crops oxide are attributable to livestock waste or varieties and maximizing yield potential treatment, especially in dairies. Agriculture can also increase soil carbon. methane collection and combustion systems include covered lagoons and complete mix Land restoration and and plug flow digesters. Anaerobic digestion converts animal waste to energy by captur- land use changes ing methane and preventing it from being Land restoration and land use changes released into the atmosphere. The captured that encourage the conservation and methane can be used to fuel a variety of improvement of soil, water and air qual- on-farm applications, as well as to gener- ity typically reduce greenhouse gas emis- sions. Modifications to grazing practices, ate electricity. Additional benefits include such as implementing sustainable stocking reducing odors from livestock manure rates, rotational grazing and seasonal use and reducing labor costs associated with of rangeland, can lead to greenhouse gas manure removal. For more information on reductions. Converting marginal cropland anaerobic digestion, see the ATTRA publi- to trees or grass maximizes carbon storage cation Anaerobic Digestion of Animal Wastes: on land that is less suitable for crops. Factors to Consider. ATTRA Page 7
  • 8. Biofuels individual farmer and rancher, as well as society at large, is the heart of understand- There is significant scientific controversy ing the role agriculture can play in carbon regarding whether biofuels — particularly sequestration and climate stabilization. those derived from oilseeds (biodiesel), feed corn (ethanol) or even from cellulosic The two most frequently discussed systems sources — are carbon neutral. To ascer- to create value for offsetting greenhouse gas tain the true climate neutrality of biofuels emissions are known as carbon taxation and requires a careful life-cycle analysis of the cap and trade. Government subsidies are dis- specific biofuel under consideration. Also, cussed less often, but will also play a role in an analysis is needed to understand what greenhouse gas emission reductions. the global land use change implications will be if farmers grow more of a specific biofuel Charge systems: Carbon tax feedstock. For further information on biofu- By taxing every ton of carbon in fossil fuels els, see the ATTRA publications Biodiesel: or every ton of greenhouse gas companies The Sustainability Dimensions and Ethanol emit, entities that emit greenhouse gases or Opportunities and Questions. use carbon-based fuels will have an incen- tive to switch to alternative renewable fuels, C “ reating farm and forestry Other renewable energy options invest in technology changes to use carbon- systems with Renewable energy opportunities such as based fuels more efficiently and in general wind and solar also present significant adopt practices that would lower their level of strong incentives for opportunities for the agriculture sector to greenhouse gas emissions. Thus a carbon or growing soil carbon reduce greenhouse gas emissions. For fur- greenhouse gas emission tax values carbon could well be at the ther information about these options, see in negative terms of tax avoidance. Those center of climate the ATTRA publication Renewable Energy farms and ranches that emit or use less car- stabilization.” Opportunities on the Farm. bon-intensive fuels pay a smaller tax. (Mazza, 2007) From the perspective of farmers and ranch- The value of soil carbon: ers, a carbon tax would increase the direct Potential benefits for and indirect costs of agricultural production. agriculture Farmers and ranchers use carbon-based fuels directly in the forms of petroleum and As Mazza (2007) has remarked, “creating natural gas and indirectly in the forms of farm and forestry systems with strong incen- carbon-based fertilizers and pesticides and tives for growing soil carbon could well be fuel-intensive inputs. Thus, a carbon tax at the center of climate stabilization.” could move farmers and ranchers to shift to Thus, a new crop that farmers and ranchers systems of production that either eliminate may grow in the future is carbon. The Natural the use of fossil fuels and inputs or at least Resources Conservation Service, part of the improve the efficiency of their use. USDA, has long been a promoter of managing However, proponents of carbon taxes have carbon in efforts to improve soil quality. generally sought to exclude the agriculture As with any crop, farmers and ranchers sector from such taxation. For the most need a market for this new crop, as well part, carbon tax proponents have been as a price that will make it more profit- more interested in placing greenhouse gas able to grow. From a broader social con- emission taxes on upstream producers of text, the questions of who will purchase the original source products. This includes this new crop and what is a fair price are coal, petroleum and natural gas produc- also of private and public importance. Vol- ers and major emitters such as large elec- untary private carbon markets exist in the tric utilities. Nonetheless, as people work United States. Federal government markets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the are expected to be created soon. How to potential to place a carbon tax on sectors value carbon from the perspective of the like agriculture may become more likely. Page 8 ATTRA Agriculture, Climate Change and Carbon Sequestration
  • 9. Benefits of a carbon tax for than the net benefits of an inflexible cap” (Congressional Budget Office, 2008). farmers and ranchers A major benefit of a carbon or greenhouse gas emission tax would be the creation of a Downside of a carbon tax stream of tax revenue that the government The introduction of any tax results in dis- could use to further induce the practice cussions of where the burden of taxation and technology changes necessary to lower lies and issues of equity. In short, taxation greenhouse gas emissions. For example, is about who pays and who does not. New many of the current agriculture conserva- taxes also often result in a public discus- tion programs, such as the Environmental sion of the fairness of the tax. There is logic Quality Incentive Program and the newer to the argument that the burden of a car- Conservation Stewardship Program, sup- bon or greenhouse gas emission tax should port improvements in soil quality and could be placed fi rst and foremost on those who be funded in part from emission or carbon either create carbon-intensive fuels or those taxes, thereby providing a revenue source who are the largest emitters of greenhouse to subsidize those who adopt or maintain gases. The greatest source of greenhouse emission-reduction practices or carbon gas emissions in the United States is the A tax provides combustion of fossil fuels. Since agriculture sequestration activities. See the ATTRA a clear and uses a small percentage of U.S. fossil fuels, publication Federal Resources for Sustain- an argument can be made that the burden stable cost able Farming and Ranching for more infor- of taxation should not to fall on this sector. to current practices. mation. Tax revenues could also assist in Still, agriculture is heavily dependent on the support of conservation programs like fossil fuels and any carbon or greenhouse the Conservation Reserve Program, which gas emission tax would likely be costly. works to keep sensitive and highly erodible lands out of production since these lands The ability of any individual farmer or sequester soil carbon. rancher to pass on the increased costs of fossil fuels that this kind of taxation would Another benefit of this approach is that a create is much more limited than in other tax provides a clear and stable cost to cur- sectors of the economy. For instance, if a rent practices. A tax also makes it easier carbon tax is placed on diesel fuel, diesel to determine changes that will be more fuel manufacturers can more easily pass on profitable in a new cost environment. For the tax burden to the consumers of the die- instance, if a concentrated animal feeding sel. The ability to pass on costs to consum- operation understood the cost of their emis- ers is greater in industries where there is sions as expressed by their emission tax, it little product substitution and where a few would be easier for the operation to deter- producers dominate the market. This is not mine alternatives to current practices that the case for farmers and ranchers, given would be cost efficient. At a high enough tax their relative lack of market concentration rate, installing methane digesters to lower and power. greenhouse gas emission would become economically feasible. Cap and trade: A private market Finally, it has been argued that a carbon for greenhouse gas emissions tax approach is cost effective in imple- mentation, at least when compared to the A government-sponsored cap-and-trade sys- cap-and-trade method of achieving green- tem would create a new market for green- house gas emissions by creating a new prop- house gas emissions reductions. As recent erty right — the right to emit. Congressional Budget Office report states: “available research suggests that in the near The market is created by a government term, the net benefits (benefits minus costs) that sets a limit or cap on total greenhouse of a tax could be roughly five times greater gas emissions allowed. Companies that ATTRA Page 9
  • 10. emit greenhouse gases are issued emission purchase offsets from groups more capable of permits that allow a certain amount of emis- reducing emissions. sions. Companies and groups that exceed their allowed emissions must purchase off- Benefits for farmers and sets from other entities that pollute less than their allowance or from entities that seques- ranchers ter carbon. Depending on the practices adopted, farmers and ranchers could be a source These exchangeable emission permits, often of inexpensive carbon reduction and cap- called allowances, are measured in tons of ture the value of these allowances as off- carbon dioxide equivalents per year. Carbon sets. In short, the value of offsets would dioxide equivalents provide a common mea- become the market price of carbon equiva- sure for all greenhouse gas emissions and are calculated by converting greenhouse gases lents. This would become the value of the into carbon dioxide equivalents according to new crop — carbon — that farmers and their global warming potential. ranchers could grow. Over time, the government will continu- From the May 26, 2008 issue of High ally lower the total level of allowances to Country News: meet an established level of acceptable For example, if a farmer shifted to an organic system of production, measurable total emissions. As the supply of allow- improvements in the ability of the farmer to ances decreases, the value of the allow- sequester carbon could be verified and the ances will rise or fall depending on demand farmer could sell this sequestered carbon at and on the ability of emitters to make nec- the current carbon market price set in the essary changes to reduce emissions or new emissions market (Ogburn, 2008). Figure 5. Chicago Climate Exchange daily report. Source: Chicago Climate Exchange. Page 10 ATTRA Agriculture, Climate Change and Carbon Sequestration
  • 11. A limited, privately created and voluntary Figure 6. Conservation tillage soil offset map. Source: Chicago Climate cap-and-trade system called the Chicago Exchange. Climate Exchange (CCX) has been in oper- ation in the United States since 2003. The emission cap is set by emitting entities that voluntarily sought to limit greenhouse gas emissions. Purchases of agriculture off- sets have been part of this exchange. As can be seen from Figure 5, the price of car- bon dioxide equivalents per ton has varied significantly over the life of the exchange and hit its highest level in 2008 at $7.35 per ton. This price has not yet resulted in an overwhelming participation by farmers and ranchers. Downsides of cap and trade For farmers and ranchers to provide carbon offsets for greenhouse gas emitters, farmers and ranchers must be willing to make long- term, or even permanent, changes in not only practices but perhaps whole systems doubtful that the actual carbon storage levels of production. These changes also need to allocated can be achieved across areas that provide verifiable changes that result in true are so large. Finally, the CCX does not offsets of greenhouse gas emissions. The verify the actual carbon storage as a result issues of verifiability, permanence and what of the practice change, but only monitors is known as additionality are critical to the that the practice is maintained during the success of agriculture’s role in the cap-and- life of the contract. Thus, it is doubtful the trade system and the ultimate reduction of carbon offset truly matches actual carbon greenhouse gas emissions. sequestered. Verifiability is critical because the system The issue of permanence is also critical. or practice change must result in a measur- What happens after a farmer or rancher able change in the amount of carbon stored. changes to a practice or system of produc- For example, the adoption of a no-till tion, is paid for carbon stored and then cultivation practice is thought to result in decides to change practices and potentially soil with higher carbon sequestration capac- release the carbon that he or she was paid ity. However, there is continuing scientific to sequester to offset emissions? debate over whether the practice of contin- uous no-till does in fact lead to long-term Additionality refers to the issue that a additional storage of carbon in the soil farmer or rancher can only offer and be (Baker et al., 2007). paid for an offset for a new sequestration of carbon, not for a practice or a system of The CCX divided the United States into production already in place. For instance, zones and allocated specific levels of car- if a rancher developed a permanent wind bon sequestration to each acre farmed in shelter belt, that change in land use would a particular zone under continuous no-till likely result in new, or additional, car- practices, as illustrated in Figure 6. bon sequestration. However, a rancher While there may be some need to sim- who already developed a similar shel- plify the implementation of a nationwide ter belt would not be eligible for an offset soil carbon sequestration project related because the rancher would not be providing to tillage practice change, it is very additional carbon sequestration. Likewise, ATTRA Page 11
  • 12. a farmer already engaged in conservation mitigate greenhouse gas emissions is one tillage would not provide additional carbon that is already well known — a direct sub- storage by maintaining that practice. sidy. Many federal conservation programs However, the current USDA Conservation provide incentives, known as cost shares, Stewardship Program provides a possible that help farmers and ranchers make payment structure that pays farmers to changes in practices to conserve natural maintain practices. resources. For more information, see the Additionality is also important because ATTRA publication Federal Resources for of the possibility that perverse incentives Sustainable Farming and Ranching. For may be created that encourage farmers or example, data in Figure 7, adapted from ranchers to release carbon so that they can a Natural Resources Conservation Service get paid to store it. For example, a farmer bulletin, indicates various crop and animal practicing no-till farming may decide to management practices that can either lower abandon the practice because of the new availability of per-acre payments and switch greenhouse gas emissions or increase car- back to no-till at a later time. To address bon sequestration. Under the Conservation this and stop additional greenhouse gas Stewardship Program and the Environmen- emissions, the idea of offsets would need tal Quality Incentive Program, farmers and to be expanded to include farmers and ranchers can receive incentives to adopt ranchers already undertaking a practice or new practices or receive support to main- specific land use that stores soil carbon. tain such practices. Though not designed to address climate change issues specifi- Subsidizing positive behavior cally, many federal conservation programs A final mechanism that could expand already provide public incentives to reduce the ability of the agriculture sector to greenhouse gas emissions. Figure 7. Agricultural practices and benefits. Source: NRCS. Conservation Practice GHG Objectives Additional Benefits CROPS Conservation tillage and reduced Sequestration, emission reduction Improves soil, water and air quality. field pass intensity Reduces soil erosion and fuel use Efficient nutrient management Sequestration, emission reduction Improves water quality. Saves expenses, time and labor. Crop diversity through rotations and Sequestration Reduces erosion and water require- cover crops ments. Improves soil and water quality. ANIMALS Manure management Emission reduction On-farm sources of biogas fuel and possibly electricity for large opera- tions, provides nutrients for crops. Rotational grazing and improved Sequestration, emission reduction Reduces water requirements. Helps forage withstand drought. Increases long- term grassland productivity. Feed management Emission reduction Reduces quantity of nutrients. Improves water quality. More efficient use of feed. Page 12 ATTRA Agriculture, Climate Change and Carbon Sequestration
  • 13. In the future, conservation programs could Paustian et al. (2006) estimated that it would be refocused to lower greenhouse emissions take a price of at least $13 per ton of car- or increase carbon sequestration. Perhaps bon dioxide equivalent ($50 per ton of car- modifications of the Conservation Steward- bon) per year to offset 70 million metric tons ship Program and the Environmental Qual- (MMT) of carbon dioxide equivalents. This ity Incentive Program could allow for lon- would be a total public cost of close to $1 ger contracts (currently a maximum of five billion dollars per year for perhaps as long years) so that outcomes are reached and as 40 years. Also, this represents an offset of maintained. Also, the programs could add only 4 percent of total U.S. greenhouse gas specific validation procedures to assure cli- emissions in 2004. Is this the least expen- mate targets are met and sustained. sive way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions compared to alternative public expenditures? Benefits of subsidies For instance, what if public dollars were com- There is an immediate benefit to farmers mitted to a research program to improve the and ranchers willing to make changes that gas mileage of automobiles? meet the challenges of climate stabilization. Finally, how do we know that Paustian et. al. If sufficiently funded with outreach and T are correct in their estimation of the incen- he public technical assistance, efforts can be made tive needed to change farming and ranch- sector will to assure that all farmers and ranchers — ing practices? Recently, Sperow (2007) esti- play an regardless of their situation — take advan- mated an average cost to sequester carbon at tage of these programs. Finally, resources important role in $261 per ton of carbon. This is considerably can be prioritized to different regions of the higher than the Paustian estimate. While determining how country or to specific practices or systems of the difference between these studies can to engage the agri- production so programs can be cost-effec- be explained by the fact that there is a wide culture sector in the tive in reaching climate change goals. regional variation in carbon sequestration reduction of green- capacity and how sequestration is accom- house gas emissions. Downside of subsidies plished, public costs would nonetheless be Subsidies are a public cost, and this is a con- significant to achieve greenhouse gas emis- siderable downside. Furthermore, subsidies sion reductions through subsidization. are based on the idea that the government can know and assure that the practices it Summary pays for achieve the intended outcomes. For example, the federal government provides The public sector will play an important role significant subsidization of corn ethanol pro- in determining how to engage the agricul- duction. Many argue that this changed the ture sector in the reduction of greenhouse price of field corn and increased costs for gas emissions. The government can use its people who use corn as animal feed and power to tax, subsidize or create a new mar- for other countries that import corn to feed ket mechanism to do this. In 2008, the U.S. people. There are also questions about how Senate debated climate change legislation, subsidies can reduce greenhouse gas emis- including the Lieberman-Warner bill. This sions. Will subsidizing a shift to a continuous bill proposes a modified cap-and-trade sys- no-till cultivation operation result in greater tem with the expectation that the agriculture carbon sequestration? If the scientific under- sector will provide at least 15 percent of the standing of the relationship between carbon offsets needed to reduce greenhouse gas sequestration and no-till is simply in error, emissions 71 percent from 2005 levels by then public dollars spent to change farmer 2050. Whether this or future legislation will behavior would be wasted. Furthermore, will become the base of future climate change subsidization offer the least expensive way to improvements, there is little doubt that agri- achieve a specific outcome? culture will play some role in the effort. ATTRA Page 13
  • 14. References Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Solomon, S., D. Qin, M. Manning (eds)]. Agricultural and Food Policy Center. 2008.Carbon Markets: A Potential Source of Financial IPCC. 2007b. Climate Change 2007: Agriculture. Benefits for Farmers and Ranchers, Texas Contribution of Working Group III to the A&M University System. pubs/2/519/RR%2008-03.pdf Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovern- mental Panel on Climate Change. [B. Metz, Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development. 2000. O.R. Davidson, P.R. Bosch, R. Dave, L.A. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Alberta's Meyer (eds)]. Cropping Industry – Things You Need to ar4/wg3/ar4-wg3-chapter8.pdf Know.$department/ deptdocs.nsf/all/cl3010 Mazza, Patrick. 2007. Growing Sustainable Biofuels — Common Sense on Biofuels, Part 2. Backlund, P., et al. 2008. U.S. Climate Change Harvesting Clean Energy Journal (online). Science Program and the Subcommittee on Global Change Research May 2008. The journal/2007/11/12/growing-sustainable- effects of climate change on agriculture, land biofuels-producing-bioenergy-on-the-farm.html resources, water resources, and biodiversity in the United States. Ogburn, Stephanie Paige. Climate cash-in: West- Library/sap/sap4-3/final-report/default.htm ern farmers and ranchers use crops — and cows — to tap into the carbon market. High Baker, J.M., et al. 2007. Tillage and Soil Carbon Seques- Country News, May 26, 2008. tration — What Do We Really Know? Agricul- issues/371/17713 ture, Ecosystems and Environment. 118: 1-5. Paustian, et al. 2006. Agriculture’s Role in Green- Chicago Climate Exchange. 2009. Offset Project house Gas Mitigation. Pew Center on Global Verification. Climate Change. jsf?id=102 loads/Agriculture%27s%20Role%20in%20GHG Congressional Budget Office. 2008. Policy Options %20Mitigation.pdf for Reducing CO2 Emissions, Congressio- nal Budget Office study. Pew Center on Global Climate Change. 2008.Climate cfm?index=8934 Change 101 – The Science and Impacts. Congressional Research Service. 2008. Climate Climate%20Change%20101,%20The%20Science Change: The Role of the U.S. Agriculture %20and%20Impacts.pdf Sector. Renee Johnson. documents/organization/81931.pdf Rodale Institute. 2008. Regenerative Organic Farming: A Solution to Global Warming. EPA. 2008a. Agriculture and Food Supply. Paper-07_30_08.pdf EPA. 2008b. Carbon Sequestration in Agriculture and Sperow, M. 2007. The Marginal Costs of Forestry. Carbon Sequestration: Implications of One EPA. 2008c. Local Scale: Carbon Pools in Forestry Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Activity. Journal of and Agriculture. Soil and Water Conservation. 62(6):367-375. local_scale.html Farmers Union. 2008. Carbon Credit Program Resources Brochure. ccbrochure.pdf Web sites IPCC. 2007a. Climate Change 2007: The Physical Environmental Protection Agency – Carbon Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I Sequestration in Agriculture and Forestry, to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Page 14 ATTRA Agriculture, Climate Change and Carbon Sequestration
  • 15. Environmental Protection Agency Global Warming Agriculture and Climate Change: Greenhouse Gas Impacts on Agriculture, Mitigation Opportunities and the 2007 Farm climatechange/effects/agriculture.html Bill. Evan Branosky and Suzie Greenhalgh. World Resources Institute Policy Note. March Pew Center on Global Climate Change, 2007. agricultureandghgmitigation.pdf Consortium for Agricultural Soil Mitigation Soil Carbon Sequestration in Agriculture: Farm of Greenhouse Gases (CASMGS), Management Practices Can Affect Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Dept. of Land Resources and Climate Friendly Farming, Washington State Environmental Sciences, Montana State University Center for Sustaining Agriculture University Extension Service. Perry Miller, and Natural Resources, Rick Engel, and Ross Bricklemyer. Pacific Northwest STEEP - Solutions to Environmental AgandNaturalResources/MT200404AG.pdf and Economic Problems, Using Agricultural Land for Carbon Sequestration., Purdue University. Andrea S. Bongen. Soil Carbon Center at Kansas State University, Contracting for Soil Carbon Credits: Design and Costs of Measurement and Monitoring. Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics, Reports Montana State University Department of Soil Harnessing Farms and Forests in the Low-Carbon and Crop Sciences and Natural Resource Economy: How to Create, Measure, and Verify Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University. Greenhouse Gas Offsets. The Nicholas Institute May 2002. Siân Mooney, John Antle, for Environmental Policy Solutions. Edited by Susan Capalbo, and Keith Paustian Zach Willey & Bill Chameides, Environmental Defense. Duke University Press. Durham & Multiple Benefits of Carbon-Friendly Agricultural London. 2007 Practices: Empirical Assessment of Addressing Climate Change and Providing New Conservation Tillage. Center for Agricultural Opportunities for Farmers. Institute for Agri- and Rural Development, Iowa State University. culture and Trade Policy. Mark Muller, Cath- Lyubov A. Kurkalova, Catherine L. Kling, erine Hofman, Paul Hodges. September 2000. Jinhua Zhao. February 2003. www.card. 258&refID=29793 03wp326.pdf Appendix How to get involved in voluntary contract expectations and verification policies. Review all of these items with carbon aggregators before decid- private carbon markets ing to enroll. The future of the voluntary carbon market remains to be seen. Currently, farmer payments from carbon Eligibility offsets alone are not substantial enough to rationalize decisions for land management changes. However, it The following table was developed by the National Farm- is important that the farm sector be included in solu- ers Union Carbon Credit Program to help farmers deter- tions for mitigating climate change. Before enroll- mine eligibility for enrollment in specific projects (Farmers ing in any type of carbon credit program, however, it Union, 2008). Different aggregators might have different is important to understand eligibility requirements, requirements for eligibility, enrollment and contracts. ATTRA Page 15
  • 16. • A signed contract between the landowner and Eligible land and credit-earning potential the Chicago Climate Exchange or an aggrega- No-till: Carbon credits are issued at the rate of 0.2 to 0.6 metric tons of carbon per acre annually to participants who tor for the appropriate management practices commit to continuous conservation tillage on enrolled land (Agricultural and Food Policy Center, 2008). for at least five future years. In most cases, credit can be earned for the previous year. Enrolled acres may be planted in low-residue crops, such as beans, peas and lentils, no Contracts more than three of the contract years. Alfalfa or other hayed Contracts are based on a five-year period for crop forage will be considered as no-till for these contracts. production and rangeland projects. At the end of the Seeded grass stands: Carbon credits are earned at a rate of 0.4 metric tons to 1 metric ton per acre annually, even contract, producers are free to renew the contract for if enrolled in Conservation Reserve Program. Grass stands another five years or let the contract expire. Once a seeded prior to January 1, 1999, are not eligible for enroll- contract expires, landowners have no more obligations ment in the program. Credits can be earned back to 2003 with proper documentation. to the CCX or to the aggregator. However, if a land- Native rangeland: Grassland with a formal grazing plan owner discontinues the approved sequestration produc- may earn up to 0.52 tons per acre annually. Credits can be tion practice prior to the end of the contract, the CCX earned back to 2003 with proper documentation. or aggregator will ask the owner to return the amount Forestry: Trees planted after 1990 can earn carbon credits of carbon that would have been sequestered up to that annually, provided no harvest is intended. point or pay for the same amount of carbon at mar- Methane offset: Methane captured or destroyed can earn carbon credit. Animal waste systems, including anaero- ket price. Additionally, the project owner will not be bic digesters and covered lagoons, can be enrolled. Each allowed to further participate in the CCX (Agricultural ton of methane captured earns 21 tons of carbon credits and Food Policy Center, 2008). (Farmers Union, 2008). Verification Finding an aggregator Once a project is approved, the aggregator is responsible Several aggregators are located across the country for obtaining independent verification by an approved to help farmers and ranchers enroll in carbon offset verifier to ensure the actual greenhouse gas sequestra- projects. The following aggregators provide Web sites with detailed information on contracts and enrollment. tion. A project is subject to initial and annual verification For a full list of carbon aggregators for the Chicago for the duration of its contract with the Chicago Climate Climate Exchange, visit their Web site at www. Exchange (Chicago Climate Exchange, 2009). • National Farmers Union Carbon Credit Program, • National Carbon Offset Coalition, Agriculture, Climate Change and • Pacific Northwest Direct Seed Association, Carbon Sequestration By Jeff Schahczenski and Holly Hill NCAT Program Specialists How to enroll © 2008 NCAT You will need to provide the following information to Holly Michels, Editor enroll in carbon sequestration programs: Amy Smith, Production • Land maps to document ownership of a given This publication is available on the Web at: tract of land, including the legal description of or the tract. IP338 • Document of management practices, such as Slot 336 program forms for croplands, grass and forest Version 012309 management. Page 16 ATTRA