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                                     Importance of Digital Evidence
                                                        IFA Presentation 2007
IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
Agenda                                                                  : YSECORP

                                     Defining Digital Evidence
                                     Why Important
                                     General Methodologies
                                        Seizure Practices
                                        Safe Acquisition Methods
                                        Safeguarding Digital Evidence

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation

                                     Importance of Digital Evidence
                                                        IFA Presentation 2007
IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
Defining Digital Evidence                                                       : YSECORP

       Some Definitions :

        Digital Evidence
            Information stored or transmitted in binary form that may be relied upon in
        Original Digital Evidence
            Physical items and those data objects, which are associated with those items at
            the time of seizure.
        Duplicate Digital Evidence
            A duplicate is an accurate digital reproduction of all data objects contained on
            the original physical item.
        Copy
            A copy is an accurate reproduction of information contained in the data objects
            independent of the original physical item.

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
Defining Digital Evidence                                                      : YSECORP

       Some Definitions (cont’d) :

        Chain of Custody
            A means of accountability, that shows who obtained the evidence, where and
            when the evidence was obtained, who secured the evidence, who had control or
            possession of the evidence.
        Rules of Evidence
            Evidence must be competent, relevant, and material to the issue.

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
Defining Digital Evidence                                      : YSECORP

       5 Rules of Evidence :

        Admissible
            Must be able to be used in court or elsewhere
        Authentic
         Evidence relates to incident in relevant way
        Complete (no tunnel vision)
         Exculpatory evidence for alternative suspects
        Reliable
         No question about authenticity & veracity
        Believable
         Clear, easy to understand, and believable by a jury

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
Defining Digital Evidence                               : YSECORP

       The Evidence Life Cycle :

           Collection & identification
           Storage, preservation, and transportation
           Presentation of Evidence
           Return to production, owner, or court

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
Defining Digital Evidence                                                       : YSECORP

       Categories of Evidence :

        Best evidence
               Primary evidence used in trail
               Usually documentation falls into this category

        Secondary evidence
               Not viewed as reliable & strong in proving innocence or guilt
               Oral evidence

        Direct evidence
               Proves a fact all by itself
               Eye witness testimony

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
Defining Digital Evidence                                                                : YSECORP

       Categories of Evidence (cont’d) :

        Conclusive evidence
               Irrefutable and cannot be contradicted

        Circumstantial evidence
               Proves an intermediate fact that can be used to deduce or assume the
                existence of another fact

        Corroborative evidence
               Supporting evidence used to help prove an idea or point

        Opinion evidence
               Pertains to witness testimony
               Witness must testify to only the facts of the issue and not their opinion of the facts

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
Defining Digital Evidence                 : YSECORP

       Digital Evidence is everywhere !

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
Defining Digital Evidence                                                      : YSECORP

       Digital Evidence is electronically data based, therefore difficult to handle :

        Volatile Data
               RAM memory, cache, network status, etc.

        Stored Data
               Fragile : May be destroyed upon startup (e.g. digital booby-trap) or MAC
                times may be changing
               Hidden : Slack spaces, Hidden Files
               Temporary : Only active when application is running

        Manipulated Data
               Encryption
               Steganography

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
Defining Digital Evidence                                 : YSECORP

       I present you, The Data Iceberg :

                                           - Filenames
                                           - Folders
                                           - Log File Entries

                                            - File and Memory Slack
                                            - NTFS streams
                                            - Alien Binaries
                                            - Swap Files
                                            - Hidden Files

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
Agenda                                                                  : YSECORP

                                     Defining Digital Evidence
                                     Why Important
                                     General Methodologies
                                        Seizure Practices
                                        Safe Acquisition Methods
                                        Safeguarding Digital Evidence

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
Why Important                                                        : YSECORP

       Q : Important to adequately acquire and investigate digital media ?

       A : You think about the impact of following scenarios :

        The recovery of deleted files on a computer indicate Jon Doe is trading
         in a network of pedophiles.

        Recovered numbers and cell location data on a cell phone prove Jane
         Doe was not around the crime scene during the night of that murder.

        Using ―steganography‖ methods, seemingly harmless holiday pictures
         hide messages that synchronize terrorist attacks worldwide.

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
Why Important                        : YSECORP

       Some Examples :

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
Why Important                                                      : YSECORP

       Characteristics of Digital Evidence :

        Evidence needs to be handled carefully to be usable in court.
        Digital evidence is difficult to handle.
        Special requirements to keep the chain of custody intact.
        An evidence may need to be presented in court in person, yet an
         evidence is not a personal assumption.
        Judge decides, whether evidence is good enough.

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
Agenda                                                                  : YSECORP

                                     Defining Digital Evidence
                                     Why Important
                                     General Methodologies
                                        Seizure Practices
                                        Safe Acquisition Methods
                                        Safeguarding Digital Evidence

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
Challenges                                                                     : YSECORP

        Digital/ Electronic evidence is extremely volatile !

        Once the evidence is contaminated it cannot be de-contaminated ! The
         process of manipulation is irreversible.

        The courts acceptance is based on the best evidence principle.
               With computer data, printouts or other output readable by sight, and bit
                stream copies adhere to this principle.

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
Challenges                                                           : YSECORP

        Technical Challenges that hinder law enforcement’s ability to find and
         prosecute criminals operating online or work organized.

        Legal Challenges resulting from laws and legal frameworks required to
         investigate cybercrime that lag behind technological, structural and
         social changes (e.g. international and online investigations).

        Resource Challenges to ensure we have satisfied critical investigative
         and prosecutorial needs at all levels of the government.

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
Challenges                                                                  : YSECORP

        Post Mortem analysis is commonly growing to be an established
         computer forensic practice :
               Knowledgeable on Operating System knowledge and Data Storage
               Increased maturity of digital evidence handling frameworks and methods
               Increasing set of forensically challenged software is available
               Growing marketplace of experience professionals

        Live Analysis is a problem :
               Knowledgeable on Operating System knowledge, TCP/IP knowledge, Data
                Storage principles, cybercriminal profiling and hacking, etc.
               Highly stressful situations that encourage mistakes !
               Low maturity in handling procedures and professionalism when dealing
                with live investigations.

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
Agenda                                                                  : YSECORP

                                     Defining Digital Evidence
                                     Why Important
                                     General Methodologies
                                        Seizure Practices
                                        Safe Acquisition Methods
                                        Safeguarding Digital Evidence

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
General Methodologies                                                : YSECORP

       Basically :

        Acquiring the evidence without altering or damaging the original

        Authenticating the image

        Analyzing the data without modifying it

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
General Methodologies                                                       : YSECORP

        Methodology in Belgium

        Methodology international
               Based on International Organization of Computer Evidence
               G8 Principles

        Need for a framework and standards
               Digital Forensics Research Workshop (DFRWS) Digital Investigation
               Two-Tier Digital Investigations Process Framework

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
General Methodologies                                                        : YSECORP

        Based on a specific law (―Wet Computercriminaliteit Wet van 28
         november 2000 inzake informaticacriminaliteit (WIC), B.S. 03-02-2001,

        Actual implementation described in circulaire (―Circulaire 01/2002 van
         de Procureurs-generaal bij de Hoven van Beroep inzake de wet
              – Principles are explained
              – Technical annex (Definitions)
              – It’s important to use the same vocabulary ( Law Enforcement – Private

        Based on international principles.

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
General Methodologies                                                : YSECORP

        General principles of the IOCE – International Organization on
         Computer Evidence ( :
              – Definitions
              – General principles – evidence material handling
              – Special considerations

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
General Methodologies                          : YSECORP

        Definitions (IOCE) :
              –    Digital evidence
              –    Original digital evidence
              –    Media
              –    File system
              –    Active file
              –    Free or unallocated space
              –    Slack space
              –    Unused space
              –    Forensic copy
              –    File level copy

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
General Methodologies                                                            : YSECORP

        General principles (IOCE) :
              – When dealing with digital evidence, all of the general forensic and
                procedural principles must be applied.
              – Upon seizing digital evidence, actions taken should not change that
              – When it is necessary for a person to access original digital evidence, that
                person should be trained for the purpose.
              – All activity relating to the seizure, access, storage or transfer of digital
                evidence must be fully documented, preserved and available for review.
              – An Individual is responsible for all actions taken with respect to digital
                evidence whilst the digital evidence is in their possession.
              – Any agency, which is responsible for seizing, accessing, storing or
                transferring digital evidence is responsible for compliance with these

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
General Methodologies                                                           : YSECORP

        Additional Framework and Standards :

              –    Digital Forensics Research Workshop (
              –    European Network of Forensic Science Institutes Forensic (
              –    Forensic Science Service (
              –    International Organization of Computer Evidence (
              –    Scientific Working Group on Digital Evidence (

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
Agenda                                                                  : YSECORP

                                     Defining Digital Evidence
                                     Why Important
                                     General Methodologies
                                        Seizure Practices
                                        Safe Acquisition Methods
                                        Safeguarding Digital Evidence

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
Seizure Practices                                                       : YSECORP

       Mere Best Practices, no strict regulatory requirements :

       1.     Control the scene
       2.     Allow only authorized persons access
       3.     Record the names of all individuals present during the search
       4.     Confirm when the system was last accessed
       5.     Establish a chronology of access to the media
       6.     Photograph or video tape the entire scene including the contents on
              the monitor.

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
Seizure Practices                                                  : YSECORP

       Some more :

        If the computer is ―Off‖ do not turn it on.
        Disconnect all remote access to the system (e.g., LAN cables, Modem
         cables etc.). Be sure to tag and label all cables and connectors.
        Physically examine the system (i.e., remove covers and photograph).
        Document model and serial numbers of the system and its
        Inventory all peripherals (PDAs, Printers, Scanners, WAP’s, Fax
         machines etc.).
        Search scene for secondary storage media (USB drives, devices,
         diskettes, wireless hard disks, tapes etc.)

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
Seizure Practices                                                            : YSECORP

       First Responder Interviews are often overlooked :

        Separate and identify all persons (witnesses, subjects, or others) at the
         scene and record their location at time of entry.
        Passwords. Any passwords required to access the system, software, or
         data. (An individual may have multiple passwords, e.g., BIOS, system
         login, network or ISP, application files, encryption pass phrase, e-mail,
         access token, scheduler, or contact list.)
        Determine the ―Purpose‖ of the system :
               Any unique security schemes or destructive devices.
               Any offsite data storage.
               Any documentation explaining the hardware or software installed on the

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
Seizure Practices                                                           : YSECORP

       Document everything and preserve the Chain of Custody :

        Protects integrity of the evidence :
               Effective process of documenting the complete journey of the evidence
                during the life of the case

        Allows you to answer the following questions :
                  Who collected it?
                  How & where?
                  Who took possession of it?
                  How was it stored & protected in storage?
                  Who took it out of storage & why?

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
Seizure Practices                                                       : YSECORP

       Some hardware tools for your Forensic Fieldkit :

       Documentation Tools
       Cable tags.
       Indelible felt tip markers.
       Stick-on labels.

       Disassembly and Removal Tools
       Flat-blade and Philips-type screwdrivers.   Secure-bit drivers.
       Anti-static Straps                          Small tweezers.
       Hex-nut drivers.                            Vendor Specific screwdrivers
       Standard and Needle-nose pliers.            Star-type nut drivers.
       Wire cutters.

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
Seizure Practices                                          : YSECORP

       Some forensic tools for your Forensic Fieldkit :

       Rubber Gloves
       Hand truck.
       Large rubber bands.
       List of contact telephone numbers for assistance.
       Magnifying glass.
       Printer paper.
       Seizure disk.
       Small flashlight.
       Unused floppy diskettes (3.5 and 5.25 inch).
       Blank & Zeroed Hard Drives.

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
Agenda                                                                  : YSECORP

                                     Defining Digital Evidence
                                     Why Important
                                     General Methodologies
                                        Seizure Practices
                                        Safe Acquisition Methods
                                        Safeguarding Digital Evidence

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
Safe Acquisition Methods                                                        : YSECORP

        Acquisition is often referred to as : Forensic Duplication or Bit-to-Bit
         Image :
               It’s a 1:1 bitwise copy of a complete physical storage medium

        Most important rule (1) : no changes to the original storage medium
         must be tolerated !
               Some changes happen automatically and without notification !
               Acquiring evidence into a live operating system using SCSI, (S)ATA cables
                may already be faulty, due to bit changes to the hard disk (Microsoft

        Specialized read only equipment recommended : WriteBlocker,
         Tableau, etc.

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
Safe Acquisition Methods                                                     : YSECORP

        Second most important rule (2) : all acquired data must be authentic
         and relate in full integrity to its original evidence.

        Hashing algorithms are mandatory, yet often overlooked :
               Mostly used as For Your Information, yet may prove to be of utmost
               Choose a secure Hashing algorithm; e.g. RIPEMD-160. Not MD5…

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
Safe Acquisition Methods                                                        : YSECORP

        Most important Rule of Thumb (3) : the chain of custody must be
         protected at all times.
               Be your own picky secretary ! Note down every activity, build a credible
               Basically, all manipulations must be recorded in time, and must allow one
                to redo all actions and find the same results !

        Common rookie mistake : allow yourself to a structured approach in
         recording, labeling and storing digital evidence.
               Prepare yourself !!
               When dealing with multiple data sources, it is very easy to lose track of
                digital evidence.

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
Safe Acquisition Methods                                                                     : YSECORP

        Hint from the trenches (4) : never manipulate live systems.
               Uncontrolled handling may destroy critical evidence ! Common mistakes
                include :
                      —   Killing unknown system processes
                      —   Using the OS GUI
                      —   Browsing the Internet or File System, hereby altering timestamps
                      —   Running commands without logging
                      —   Patching systems
                      —   Installing forensic tools, etc.

               Using non-intrusive methods, i.e. FireWire memory dumps, one can acquire
                volatile data from a live system.

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
Safeguarding Digital Evidence                                       : YSECORP

        Properly inventory the system & peripherals
        Disconnect all peripherals
        Label all cables
        In the case of multiple systems label and code each system
        Place all magnetic media in antistatic packaging
        Properly label all containers used to hold the evidence
        Leave a ―Blank‖ of Forensic Boot disk in the diskette or CD-ROM drive
        In the case of media only properly be properly grounded prior to
         removing the media (i.e., the use of a grounding wrist device is
        In the case of media only record make, model, ser #, and stenciled
         drive geometry

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
Safeguarding Digital Evidence                                        : YSECORP

       Transportation and Storage :

        Keep electronic evidence away from magnetic sources (e.g., radio
         transmitters, speaker magnets and heated seats)
        Protect evidence from extremes in temperature
        Use proper anti-shock packing material in all containers (i.e., bubble
         wrap, Styrofoam etc.)
        Maintain the chain of custody on all evidence transported.
        Warning prolonged storage can result in alteration of system evidence
         (dates, times etc.) as batteries have a limited life span.
        Store all seized evidence in a properly secured storage area (e.g.,
         locked cabinet, restricted access lab, etc.)

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
Safeguarding Digital Evidence                                            : YSECORP

       Transportation and Storage Tools :

           Antistatic bags.
           Antistatic bubble wrap.
           Cable ties.
           Evidence bags.
           Evidence tape.
           Packing materials (avoid materials that can produce static
           electricity such as Styrofoam or Styrofoam peanuts).
           Packing tape.
           Sturdy boxes of various sizes.

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
Questions                                : YSECORP

IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation

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Digital Evidence in Computer Forensic Investigations

  • 1. : YSECORP Importance of Digital Evidence IFA Presentation 2007 IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 2. Agenda : YSECORP Defining Digital Evidence Why Important Challenges General Methodologies Seizure Practices Safe Acquisition Methods Safeguarding Digital Evidence IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 3. : YSECORP Importance of Digital Evidence IFA Presentation 2007 IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 4. Defining Digital Evidence : YSECORP Some Definitions :  Digital Evidence Information stored or transmitted in binary form that may be relied upon in court.  Original Digital Evidence Physical items and those data objects, which are associated with those items at the time of seizure.  Duplicate Digital Evidence A duplicate is an accurate digital reproduction of all data objects contained on the original physical item.  Copy A copy is an accurate reproduction of information contained in the data objects independent of the original physical item. IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 5. Defining Digital Evidence : YSECORP Some Definitions (cont’d) :  Chain of Custody A means of accountability, that shows who obtained the evidence, where and when the evidence was obtained, who secured the evidence, who had control or possession of the evidence.  Rules of Evidence Evidence must be competent, relevant, and material to the issue. IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 6. Defining Digital Evidence : YSECORP 5 Rules of Evidence :  Admissible Must be able to be used in court or elsewhere  Authentic Evidence relates to incident in relevant way  Complete (no tunnel vision) Exculpatory evidence for alternative suspects  Reliable No question about authenticity & veracity  Believable Clear, easy to understand, and believable by a jury IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 7. Defining Digital Evidence : YSECORP The Evidence Life Cycle :  Collection & identification  Storage, preservation, and transportation  Presentation of Evidence  Return to production, owner, or court IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 8. Defining Digital Evidence : YSECORP Categories of Evidence :  Best evidence  Primary evidence used in trail  Usually documentation falls into this category  Secondary evidence  Not viewed as reliable & strong in proving innocence or guilt  Oral evidence  Direct evidence  Proves a fact all by itself  Eye witness testimony IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 9. Defining Digital Evidence : YSECORP Categories of Evidence (cont’d) :  Conclusive evidence  Irrefutable and cannot be contradicted  Circumstantial evidence  Proves an intermediate fact that can be used to deduce or assume the existence of another fact  Corroborative evidence  Supporting evidence used to help prove an idea or point  Opinion evidence  Pertains to witness testimony  Witness must testify to only the facts of the issue and not their opinion of the facts IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 10. Defining Digital Evidence : YSECORP Digital Evidence is everywhere ! IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 11. Defining Digital Evidence : YSECORP Digital Evidence is electronically data based, therefore difficult to handle :  Volatile Data  RAM memory, cache, network status, etc.  Stored Data  Fragile : May be destroyed upon startup (e.g. digital booby-trap) or MAC times may be changing  Hidden : Slack spaces, Hidden Files  Temporary : Only active when application is running  Manipulated Data  Encryption  Steganography IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 12. Defining Digital Evidence : YSECORP I present you, The Data Iceberg : - Filenames - Folders - Log File Entries -… - File and Memory Slack - NTFS streams - Alien Binaries - Swap Files - Hidden Files -… IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 13. Agenda : YSECORP Defining Digital Evidence Why Important Challenges General Methodologies Seizure Practices Safe Acquisition Methods Safeguarding Digital Evidence IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 14. Why Important : YSECORP Q : Important to adequately acquire and investigate digital media ? A : You think about the impact of following scenarios :  The recovery of deleted files on a computer indicate Jon Doe is trading in a network of pedophiles.  Recovered numbers and cell location data on a cell phone prove Jane Doe was not around the crime scene during the night of that murder.  Using ―steganography‖ methods, seemingly harmless holiday pictures hide messages that synchronize terrorist attacks worldwide. IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 15. Why Important : YSECORP Some Examples : IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 16. Why Important : YSECORP Characteristics of Digital Evidence :  Evidence needs to be handled carefully to be usable in court.  Digital evidence is difficult to handle.  Special requirements to keep the chain of custody intact.  An evidence may need to be presented in court in person, yet an evidence is not a personal assumption.  Judge decides, whether evidence is good enough. IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 17. Agenda : YSECORP Defining Digital Evidence Why Important Challenges General Methodologies Seizure Practices Safe Acquisition Methods Safeguarding Digital Evidence IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 18. Challenges : YSECORP  Digital/ Electronic evidence is extremely volatile !  Once the evidence is contaminated it cannot be de-contaminated ! The process of manipulation is irreversible.  The courts acceptance is based on the best evidence principle.  With computer data, printouts or other output readable by sight, and bit stream copies adhere to this principle. IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 19. Challenges : YSECORP  Technical Challenges that hinder law enforcement’s ability to find and prosecute criminals operating online or work organized.  Legal Challenges resulting from laws and legal frameworks required to investigate cybercrime that lag behind technological, structural and social changes (e.g. international and online investigations).  Resource Challenges to ensure we have satisfied critical investigative and prosecutorial needs at all levels of the government. IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 20. Challenges : YSECORP  Post Mortem analysis is commonly growing to be an established computer forensic practice :  Knowledgeable on Operating System knowledge and Data Storage principles  Increased maturity of digital evidence handling frameworks and methods  Increasing set of forensically challenged software is available  Growing marketplace of experience professionals  Live Analysis is a problem :  Knowledgeable on Operating System knowledge, TCP/IP knowledge, Data Storage principles, cybercriminal profiling and hacking, etc.  Highly stressful situations that encourage mistakes !  Low maturity in handling procedures and professionalism when dealing with live investigations. IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 21. Agenda : YSECORP Defining Digital Evidence Why Important Challenges General Methodologies Seizure Practices Safe Acquisition Methods Safeguarding Digital Evidence IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 22. General Methodologies : YSECORP Basically :  Acquiring the evidence without altering or damaging the original  Authenticating the image  Analyzing the data without modifying it IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 23. General Methodologies : YSECORP  Methodology in Belgium  Methodology international  Based on International Organization of Computer Evidence  G8 Principles  Need for a framework and standards  Digital Forensics Research Workshop (DFRWS) Digital Investigation Framework  Two-Tier Digital Investigations Process Framework IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 24. General Methodologies : YSECORP  Based on a specific law (―Wet Computercriminaliteit Wet van 28 november 2000 inzake informaticacriminaliteit (WIC), B.S. 03-02-2001, 2909‖)  Actual implementation described in circulaire (―Circulaire 01/2002 van de Procureurs-generaal bij de Hoven van Beroep inzake de wet Informaticacriminaliteit‖) – Principles are explained – Technical annex (Definitions) – It’s important to use the same vocabulary ( Law Enforcement – Private Sector)  Based on international principles. IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 25. General Methodologies : YSECORP  General principles of the IOCE – International Organization on Computer Evidence ( : – Definitions – General principles – evidence material handling – Special considerations IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 26. General Methodologies : YSECORP  Definitions (IOCE) : – Digital evidence – Original digital evidence – Media – File system – Active file – Free or unallocated space – Slack space – Unused space – Forensic copy – File level copy IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 27. General Methodologies : YSECORP  General principles (IOCE) : – When dealing with digital evidence, all of the general forensic and procedural principles must be applied. – Upon seizing digital evidence, actions taken should not change that evidence. – When it is necessary for a person to access original digital evidence, that person should be trained for the purpose. – All activity relating to the seizure, access, storage or transfer of digital evidence must be fully documented, preserved and available for review. – An Individual is responsible for all actions taken with respect to digital evidence whilst the digital evidence is in their possession. – Any agency, which is responsible for seizing, accessing, storing or transferring digital evidence is responsible for compliance with these principles. IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 28. General Methodologies : YSECORP  Additional Framework and Standards : – Digital Forensics Research Workshop ( – European Network of Forensic Science Institutes Forensic ( – Forensic Science Service ( – International Organization of Computer Evidence ( – Scientific Working Group on Digital Evidence ( IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 29. Agenda : YSECORP Defining Digital Evidence Why Important Challenges General Methodologies Seizure Practices Safe Acquisition Methods Safeguarding Digital Evidence IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 30. Seizure Practices : YSECORP Mere Best Practices, no strict regulatory requirements : 1. Control the scene 2. Allow only authorized persons access 3. Record the names of all individuals present during the search 4. Confirm when the system was last accessed 5. Establish a chronology of access to the media 6. Photograph or video tape the entire scene including the contents on the monitor. IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 31. Seizure Practices : YSECORP Some more :  If the computer is ―Off‖ do not turn it on.  Disconnect all remote access to the system (e.g., LAN cables, Modem cables etc.). Be sure to tag and label all cables and connectors.  Physically examine the system (i.e., remove covers and photograph).  Document model and serial numbers of the system and its components.  Inventory all peripherals (PDAs, Printers, Scanners, WAP’s, Fax machines etc.).  Search scene for secondary storage media (USB drives, devices, diskettes, wireless hard disks, tapes etc.) IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 32. Seizure Practices : YSECORP First Responder Interviews are often overlooked :  Separate and identify all persons (witnesses, subjects, or others) at the scene and record their location at time of entry.  Passwords. Any passwords required to access the system, software, or data. (An individual may have multiple passwords, e.g., BIOS, system login, network or ISP, application files, encryption pass phrase, e-mail, access token, scheduler, or contact list.)  Determine the ―Purpose‖ of the system :  Any unique security schemes or destructive devices.  Any offsite data storage.  Any documentation explaining the hardware or software installed on the system. IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 33. Seizure Practices : YSECORP Document everything and preserve the Chain of Custody :  Protects integrity of the evidence :  Effective process of documenting the complete journey of the evidence during the life of the case  Allows you to answer the following questions :  Who collected it?  How & where?  Who took possession of it?  How was it stored & protected in storage?  Who took it out of storage & why? IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 34. Seizure Practices : YSECORP Some hardware tools for your Forensic Fieldkit : Documentation Tools Cable tags. Indelible felt tip markers. Stick-on labels. Disassembly and Removal Tools Flat-blade and Philips-type screwdrivers. Secure-bit drivers. Anti-static Straps Small tweezers. Hex-nut drivers. Vendor Specific screwdrivers Standard and Needle-nose pliers. Star-type nut drivers. Wire cutters. IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 35. Seizure Practices : YSECORP Some forensic tools for your Forensic Fieldkit : Rubber Gloves Hand truck. Large rubber bands. List of contact telephone numbers for assistance. Magnifying glass. Printer paper. Seizure disk. Small flashlight. Unused floppy diskettes (3.5 and 5.25 inch). Blank & Zeroed Hard Drives. IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 36. Agenda : YSECORP Defining Digital Evidence Why Important Challenges General Methodologies Seizure Practices Safe Acquisition Methods Safeguarding Digital Evidence IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 37. Safe Acquisition Methods : YSECORP  Acquisition is often referred to as : Forensic Duplication or Bit-to-Bit Image :  It’s a 1:1 bitwise copy of a complete physical storage medium  Most important rule (1) : no changes to the original storage medium must be tolerated !  Some changes happen automatically and without notification !  Acquiring evidence into a live operating system using SCSI, (S)ATA cables may already be faulty, due to bit changes to the hard disk (Microsoft Windows).  Specialized read only equipment recommended : WriteBlocker, Tableau, etc. IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 38. Safe Acquisition Methods : YSECORP  Second most important rule (2) : all acquired data must be authentic and relate in full integrity to its original evidence.  Hashing algorithms are mandatory, yet often overlooked :  Mostly used as For Your Information, yet may prove to be of utmost importance  Choose a secure Hashing algorithm; e.g. RIPEMD-160. Not MD5… IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 39. Safe Acquisition Methods : YSECORP  Most important Rule of Thumb (3) : the chain of custody must be protected at all times.  Be your own picky secretary ! Note down every activity, build a credible case.  Basically, all manipulations must be recorded in time, and must allow one to redo all actions and find the same results !  Common rookie mistake : allow yourself to a structured approach in recording, labeling and storing digital evidence.  Prepare yourself !!  When dealing with multiple data sources, it is very easy to lose track of digital evidence. IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 40. Safe Acquisition Methods : YSECORP  Hint from the trenches (4) : never manipulate live systems.  Uncontrolled handling may destroy critical evidence ! Common mistakes include : — Killing unknown system processes — Using the OS GUI — Browsing the Internet or File System, hereby altering timestamps — Running commands without logging — Patching systems — Installing forensic tools, etc.  Using non-intrusive methods, i.e. FireWire memory dumps, one can acquire volatile data from a live system. IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 41. Safeguarding Digital Evidence : YSECORP  Properly inventory the system & peripherals  Disconnect all peripherals  Label all cables  In the case of multiple systems label and code each system  Place all magnetic media in antistatic packaging  Properly label all containers used to hold the evidence  Leave a ―Blank‖ of Forensic Boot disk in the diskette or CD-ROM drive  In the case of media only properly be properly grounded prior to removing the media (i.e., the use of a grounding wrist device is recommended).  In the case of media only record make, model, ser #, and stenciled drive geometry IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 42. Safeguarding Digital Evidence : YSECORP Transportation and Storage :  Keep electronic evidence away from magnetic sources (e.g., radio transmitters, speaker magnets and heated seats)  Protect evidence from extremes in temperature  Use proper anti-shock packing material in all containers (i.e., bubble wrap, Styrofoam etc.)  Maintain the chain of custody on all evidence transported.  Warning prolonged storage can result in alteration of system evidence (dates, times etc.) as batteries have a limited life span.  Store all seized evidence in a properly secured storage area (e.g., locked cabinet, restricted access lab, etc.) IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 43. Safeguarding Digital Evidence : YSECORP Transportation and Storage Tools :  Antistatic bags.  Antistatic bubble wrap.  Cable ties.  Evidence bags.  Evidence tape.  Packing materials (avoid materials that can produce static  electricity such as Styrofoam or Styrofoam peanuts).  Packing tape.  Sturdy boxes of various sizes. IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation
  • 44. Questions : YSECORP ? IFA, 8th March 2007 - Presentation