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Slopes and Slope Stability
Mass Wasting
 Mass Movement is defined as the down slope movement of rock and
regolith near the Earth's surface mainly due to the force of gravity.
 Mass movements are an important part of the erosional process, as it moves
material from higher elevations to lower elevations where transporting
agents like streams and glaciers can then pick up the material and move it
to even lower elevations.
 Mass movement processes are occurring continuously on all slopes; some
act very slowly, others occur very suddenly, often with disastrous results.
 Any perceptible down slope movement of rock or regolith is often referred
to in general terms as a landslide.
 Landslides, however, can be classified in a much more detailed way that
reflects the mechanisms responsible for the movement and the velocity at
which the movement occurs.R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Factors influencing slope stability
 Basically mass movements occur whenever the downward pull of gravity
overcomes the forces-usually frictional-resisting it.
 The downslope pull tending to cause mass movements, called the shearing
stress, is related to the mass of material and slope angle.
 Counteracting the shearing stress is friction, or, in a coherent solid, shear
1. Effects of slope and materials:
The steeper the slope, greater the shearing stress and therefore, greater the
likelihood of failure.
For dry, unconsolidated material, the angle of repose is the maximum slope
angle at which the material is stable.
Solid rock can be perfectly stable even at a vertical slope but may lose its
strength if it is broken up by weathering or fracturing.
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
1. Effects of slope and materials:
Also in sedimentary rocks, there may be weaknesses along bedding planes, some
units may themselves be weak or even slippery. Such are potential planes.
Slopes may be steepened to unstable angles by natural erosion of water and ice as it
can undercut the soil removing the support beneath.
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
gravity: 2 factors in balance
1) gravity--pulls object to center of Earth
• component perpendicular (normal) to surface
(contributes to friction)
• component parallel (shear) to surface
(contributes to sliding)
2) friction--resists block sliding downslope
• depends on angle of slope; slipperiness of slope;
and magnitude of normal component of gravity
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
This California Cliff holds its
near vertical cliff only
temporarily, eventually the
weakly cohesive sediment
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Factors influencing slope stability
2. Effects of fluid:
Addition of some moisture to dry soils may increase adhesion. However,
saturation of unconsolidated materials reduces the friction between particles that
otherwise provide cohesion and strength and reduced friction destabilizes the
It is also effective in promoting sliding for rocks under stress due to gravity.
The very mass of water in saturated soil adds extra weight, and thus extra
downward pull.
It can also seep along bedding planes in layered rock, reducing friction.
Frost wedging is also responsible rock falls and landslides.
Clays might absorb as much amount of water and form slippery sticky substance
and can destabilize the slope.R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Factors influencing slope stability
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Factors influencing slope stability
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Factors influencing slope stability
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Filling a reservoir behind a
dam may also raise the water
table enough to cause slides
around the edges of the
reservoir (8-12). In some cases,
the rising water fills fractures
in surrounding sedimentary
layers sloping toward the
reservoir, causing massive
sliding into the reservoir (A
Coherent Translational Slide
Triggered by Filling a
Reservoir—The Vaiont
Landslide). R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Vaiont Reservoir Disaster, October 1963, Italy
On night of October 9, a rock
slide 2km long, 1.6km wide and
over 150m thick moved suddenly
and filled the 270m-deep
reservoir for 2km upstream.
The movement took less than a
minute that water from the
reservoir was ejected 260m up
and propelled in great waves
both upstream and downstream.
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Vaiont Reservoir Disaster, October 1963, Italy
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
1. Adverse geologic conditions, including weak rocks and limestone with open fractures,
sinkholes and clay partings inclined towards the reservoir.
2. Increased water pressure in the valley rocks due to impounded water.
3. Heavy rains from september until the day of the disaster further increased the weight of
the slope materials, raised the water pressure in the rocks and produced runoff.
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Vaiont Reservoir Disaster, October 1963, Italy
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Vaiont Reservoir Disaster, October 1963, Italy
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Factors influencing slope stability
3. Effects of vegetation:
Plant roots can provide a strong interlocking network to hold
unconsolidated materials together and prevent flow.
In addition, vegetation takes up moisture from the upper layers
of soil, and can thus reduce the overall moisture content of the
mass, increasing its shear strength.
Commonly, vegetation tends to increase slope stability.
However, the plants also add weight to the slope. If the added
weight is large and the root network of limited extent, the
vegetation may have a destabilizing effect instead.
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Factors influencing slope stability
4. Earthquakes:
Landslides are a common consequence
of earthquake in hilly terrain.
Seismic waves release stress and
fracture the rocks.
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
5. Quick Clays:
Water saturated muds in marine bays, estuaries and old saline lakebeds are called
quickclays because they are especially prone to collapse and flow when
Quick clays are common in northern polar latitudes.
The grinding and pulverizing action of massive glaciers can produce a rock flour of
clay sized particles, <0.02mm diameter.
When this extremely fine material is deposited in a marine environment, and the
sediment is later uplifted due to tectonic movements, it contains salty pore
The NaCl in pore water acts as a glue, holding the clay particles together.
Fresh water subsequently infiltrating the clay washes out the salts, leaving a delicate
structure of particles.
Seismic wave vibrations break the structure apart, reducing the strength of quick
clay by as much as 20-30times that is prone to sliding.
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
• One of the most common landslide types is a rotational slide, or slump (8-
• Homogeneous, cohesive, soft materials, those that lack a planar surface that
guides landslide movement, commonly slide on a curving slip surface concave to
the sky.
• The surface curves because at the top of the moving mass, gravity pulls it straight
down; that vertical part of the slip surface is the headscarp.
• Farther downslope, the mass is also pushing outward, toward the open air where
less load pushes down.
• The combination of the two forces rotates more and more outward toward the
slope ( 8-23 and 8-24A).
• The curvature of the slip surface rotates the slide mass as it moves, so the upper
end of the slide block tilts backward into the original slope while it moves.
• The lower part of the mass moves outward from the slope, leading finally
towards the lowest end, toe.
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
• Translational slides move on preexisting weak surfaces that lie more or less parallel to a slope.
These may be planes along inherently weak layers, such as shale, old fault or slide surfaces, or
fractures. Some involve soil sliding off underlying bedrock. Compared to a rotational slide, a
translational slide is shallow, which is demonstrated by the fact that trees slip down the surface
and remain vertical rather than rotating with the sliding surface ( 8-24B ).
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Slump at Fargo, North DakotaR. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Slides and Slumps
Rock Slide/Block Glide: it is the
most simplest form. The movement is
relatively rapid and most commonly
ocurs where steeply dipping bedded
strata or sheeting nearly parallels the
surface slope.
Rockslides are generally shallow.
The dip of strata is an obvious
factor along with inherent strength,
presence, spacing and orientation of
joints and other fractures.R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Slides and Slumps
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
A rockfall triggered by blasting, Frank Slide, Alberta,
April 29, 1903
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Creep is imperceptible and
nonaccelerating downslope
The cumulative result become
obvious over a period of years.
Most stonewalls and
pavements on hillside show
downslope motion by tension
cracks, downslope tilt or
visible displacement.R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
All this is because of essentially
planar nature of soil creep.
Each layer of soil is carried downhill
by the motion of the layer beneath it,
and the effect is cumulative, with the
maximum rate at the surface
exponentially decreasing to zero with
Soil creep is aided by expansion and
contraction of soil by heating and
cooling, freezing and thawing or
wetting and drying.
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Creep in North Dakota
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Creep in Nevada
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Marathon Basin, W. Texas
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Garnet schist, Black Hills, South Dakota
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Incohrent rock debris may be mobilized sufficiently so that it
flows like viscous fluid.
In a flow, the material moves in a more disorganized fashion, with
mixing of particles within the flowing mass, as a fluid flows.
Solifluction: If soil or regolith is saturated with water, the soggy
mass may move downhill a few mm or few cms per day or per
It is a form of mass wasting common wherever water cannot
escape from a saturated surface layer of regolith by percolation
into deeper levels.R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Slope stabilization
If a slope is too steep to be stable under the load it carries, any of the
following steps will reduce slide potential
1. reduce the slope angle/modifying the slope geometry
2. Drainage
3. place additional supporting material at the foot of the slope to prevent a
slide or flow at the base of the slope or by inserting resistant structural
elements into the slope, or
4. Reduce the load (weight, shearing stress) on the slope by removing some
of the rock or soil (or artificial structures) high on the slope.
If earthmoving equipment is being used to remove soil at the top of a
slope, for example, the added weight of the equipment and vibrations
from it could possibly trigger a landslide.
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Modifying the
slope geometry
1. Excavation of the head of the slope
2. Increasing weight at the slope toe,
even though this solution means
occupying a large area at the base of
the slope where available space is
usually scarce.
3. A wall with proper foundations can be
4. Put rip-rap at the slope toe
5. Slope stepping: construction of
benches and berms.
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Modifying the
slope geometry
1. Excavation of the head of the slope
2. Increasing weight at the slope toe, even
though this solution means occupying a
large area at the base of the slope where
available space is usually scarce.
3. A wall with proper foundations can be
4. Put rip-rap at the slope toe
5. Slope stepping: construction of benches
and berms.
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Modifying the
slope geometry
1. Excavation of the head of the slope
2. Increasing weight at the slope toe, even
though this solution means occupying a
large area at the base of the slope where
available space is usually scarce.
3. A wall with proper foundations can be
4. Put rip-rap at the slope toe
5. Slope stepping: construction of benches
and berms.
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Modifying the
slope geometry
1. Excavation of the head of the slope
2. Increasing weight at the slope toe, even
though this solution means occupying a
large area at the base of the slope where
available space is usually scarce.
3. A wall with proper foundations can be
4. Put rip-rap at the slope toe
5. Slope stepping: construction of benches
and berms.
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Drainage methods
1. Because water is often the main cause of slope instability, drainage is
normally the most effective measure.
2. Drainage measures can be at ground level, with drainage ditches and
channels, or at depth, using horizontal or “Californian” drains, wells
or vertical drains, drainage adits and drainage wwalls.
3. Surface drainage measures prevent runoff water from infiltrating the
slope or penetrating discontinuities. They also prevent the erosive
effect of water
4. “Californian” drains are subhorizontal boreholes with a diameter
ranging from 100-150mm and a maximum length of 30-40mR. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
 Decreasing the water content might be done by
covering the surface completely with an
impermeable material and diverting surface runoff
above the slope.
 Alternatively, subsurface drainage might be
 Systems of underground boreholes can be drilled
to increase drainage, and pipelines installed to
carry the water out of the slide area.
 All such moisture-reducing techniques naturally
have the greatest impact where rocks or soils are
relatively permeable.
 Where the rock or soil is fine-grained and drains
only slowly, hot air may be blown through
boreholes to help dry out the ground. Such
moisture reduction reduces pore pressure and
increases frictional resistance to sliding.
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Drainage methods
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Drainage methods
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Resistant structural elements
1. Pile walls: are alignment of piles,
arranged at intervals to form a more or
less continuous structure crossing the
sliding mass and embedded in stable
ground. Diameters vary from 0.65 to 2m
and they are often shored up with beams
at the surface.
2. Micropile walls: have a similar function
but are smaller 12-15cm in diameter and
are upto 15-20m long. They are
reinforced with a steel tube filled with
injected concrete.R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Resistant structural
1. Pile walls: are alignment of piles,
arranged at intervals to form a more or
less continuous structure crossing the
sliding mass and embedded in stable
ground. Diameters vary from 0.65 to 2m
and they are often shored up with beams
at the surface.
2. Micropile walls: have a similar
function but are smaller 12-15cm in
diameter and are upto 15-20m long.
They are reinforced with a steel tube
filled with injected concrete.R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Resistant structural
3. Jet-grouting columns: are normally
used to stabilize slopes in granular soils
and even cohesive ground by cutting into
the sliding surface and creating areas
with greater shear strength. The ground
is penetrated, generally with boreholes
0.4-1m in diameter and cement is
injected at high pressure (at 30-60MPa)
through a high-speed rotating drill which
penetrates and breaks up the surrounding
ground. The result is a high strength
column made of the ground itself and the
injected material.R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Resistant structural
4. Anchors are elements consisting of
steel cables or bars anchored in stable
areas of the rock mass. They work by
traction and exert a force opposed to the
movement and an increment of normal
stress on the failure surface. Anchors are
usually 15-40m long, with a load
capacity of about 60-120 tons per anchor.
The anchor heads may be joined together
at the surface with concrete beams so
that they work together.
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Resistant structural
4. Anchors are elements consisting of
steel cables or bars anchored in stable
areas of the rock mass. They work by
traction and exert a force opposed to the
movement and an increment of normal
stress on the failure surface. Anchors are
usually 15-40m long, with a load
capacity of about 60-120 tons per anchor.
The anchor heads may be joined together
at the surface with concrete beams so
that they work together.
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Resistant structural elements
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Anchored pile walls
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Resistant structural
5. The use of rock bolts to stabilize rocky
slopes and, occasionally, rockslides has had
greater success. Rock bolts have long been
used in tunneling and mining to stabilize
rock walls. It is sometimes also possible to
anchor a rockslide with giant steel bolts
driven into stable rocks below the slip plane.
Again, this works best on thin slide blocks
of very coherent rocks on low-angle slopes.
They are usually 3-6m long and 25-40mm in
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Walls and Retaining elements
1. Walls are built at the toe of a slope to reinforce it
and prevent deterioration in this area. The
disadvantages of retaining walls are that the slope
toe must be excavated before they are built, which
in itself favors instability and that they do not
prevent sliding from occurring on failure surfaces
above or below the wall.
1. Flexible gabion walls consist of fragments of
rock, or riprap enclosed in steel-mesh; they work by
gravity and may be constructed in stepped
formation facing towards or away from the slope.
Advantage: water can flow through them.
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Gabion walls
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Walls and Retaining elements
2. Diaphragm walls are
made of reinforced concrete
sections constructed insitu in
slots mechanically excavated
below the ground surface;
their stabilizing action is
similar to that of pile walls,
although in contrast to these,
diaphragm walls are
continuous structures.
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Walls and Retaining elements
2. Diaphragm walls are
made of reinforced concrete
sections constructed insitu in
slots mechanically excavated
below the ground surface;
their stabilizing action is
similar to that of pile walls,
although in contrast to these,
diaphragm walls are
continuous structures.
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Walls and Retaining elements
2. Diaphragm walls are made
of reinforced concrete
sections constructed insitu in
slots mechanically excavated
below the ground surface;
their stabilizing action is
similar to that of pile walls,
although in contrast to these,
diaphragm walls are
continuous structures.
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Walls and Retaining elements
3. Reinforced
earth walls have
an outer facing
made of
concrete or metal
sheets and a soil
infill, reinforced by
strips or bands of
metal or synthetic
material anchored to
the facing and to the
slope. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Reinforced earth walls
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Reinforced earth walls
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Surface protection measures
 These measures aim to
1. Eliminate rockfall problems
2. Increase slope safety by preventing surface failure
3. Prevent or reduce erosion and weathering on the slope face
4. Prevent infiltration of runoff water
 The most common measures taken are
1. Installing wire meshes
2. Shotcreting the slopes
3. Building revetment walls at the slope toe
4. Laying geotextiles
5. Implementing water infiltration control
6. Using plant species to help reinforce the ground surface of slopes excavated in soils
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Installing wire mesh
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
This process consists of covering the slope surface
with a mixture of shotcrete or gunite (cement, water
and aggregate), projected pneumatically with a hose
and nozzle.
The slope is normally treated with several layers, with a total
thickness of 5-8cm.
It can be reinforced by fixing a metal mesh to the slope and
spraying the mixture onto it.
Holes are drilled through the shotcrete layer to facilitate
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Revetment walls
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Revetment walls
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Laying geotextiles: Geotextiles are permeable fabrics which,
when used in association with soil, have the ability to separate,
filter, reinforce, protect, or drain.
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Laying geotextiles: Coir mesh
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
Laying geotextiles: Jute
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University
R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University

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7 slopes and slope stability

  • 1. Slopes and Slope Stability
  • 2. Mass Wasting  Mass Movement is defined as the down slope movement of rock and regolith near the Earth's surface mainly due to the force of gravity.  Mass movements are an important part of the erosional process, as it moves material from higher elevations to lower elevations where transporting agents like streams and glaciers can then pick up the material and move it to even lower elevations.  Mass movement processes are occurring continuously on all slopes; some act very slowly, others occur very suddenly, often with disastrous results.  Any perceptible down slope movement of rock or regolith is often referred to in general terms as a landslide.  Landslides, however, can be classified in a much more detailed way that reflects the mechanisms responsible for the movement and the velocity at which the movement occurs.R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 2
  • 3. Factors influencing slope stability  Basically mass movements occur whenever the downward pull of gravity overcomes the forces-usually frictional-resisting it.  The downslope pull tending to cause mass movements, called the shearing stress, is related to the mass of material and slope angle.  Counteracting the shearing stress is friction, or, in a coherent solid, shear strength. 1. Effects of slope and materials: The steeper the slope, greater the shearing stress and therefore, greater the likelihood of failure. For dry, unconsolidated material, the angle of repose is the maximum slope angle at which the material is stable. Solid rock can be perfectly stable even at a vertical slope but may lose its strength if it is broken up by weathering or fracturing. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 3
  • 4. 1. Effects of slope and materials: Also in sedimentary rocks, there may be weaknesses along bedding planes, some units may themselves be weak or even slippery. Such are potential planes. Slopes may be steepened to unstable angles by natural erosion of water and ice as it can undercut the soil removing the support beneath. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 4
  • 5. gravity: 2 factors in balance 1) gravity--pulls object to center of Earth • component perpendicular (normal) to surface (contributes to friction) • component parallel (shear) to surface (contributes to sliding) 2) friction--resists block sliding downslope • depends on angle of slope; slipperiness of slope; and magnitude of normal component of gravity R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 5
  • 6. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 6
  • 7. This California Cliff holds its near vertical cliff only temporarily, eventually the weakly cohesive sediment collapses R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 7
  • 8. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 8
  • 9. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 9
  • 10. Factors influencing slope stability 2. Effects of fluid: Addition of some moisture to dry soils may increase adhesion. However, saturation of unconsolidated materials reduces the friction between particles that otherwise provide cohesion and strength and reduced friction destabilizes the slope. It is also effective in promoting sliding for rocks under stress due to gravity. The very mass of water in saturated soil adds extra weight, and thus extra downward pull. It can also seep along bedding planes in layered rock, reducing friction. Frost wedging is also responsible rock falls and landslides. Clays might absorb as much amount of water and form slippery sticky substance and can destabilize the slope.R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 10
  • 11. Factors influencing slope stability R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 11
  • 12. Factors influencing slope stability R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 12
  • 13. Factors influencing slope stability R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 13
  • 14. Filling a reservoir behind a dam may also raise the water table enough to cause slides around the edges of the reservoir (8-12). In some cases, the rising water fills fractures in surrounding sedimentary layers sloping toward the reservoir, causing massive sliding into the reservoir (A Coherent Translational Slide Triggered by Filling a Reservoir—The Vaiont Landslide). R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 14
  • 15. Vaiont Reservoir Disaster, October 1963, Italy On night of October 9, a rock slide 2km long, 1.6km wide and over 150m thick moved suddenly and filled the 270m-deep reservoir for 2km upstream. The movement took less than a minute that water from the reservoir was ejected 260m up and propelled in great waves both upstream and downstream. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 15
  • 16. Vaiont Reservoir Disaster, October 1963, Italy R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 16
  • 17. 1. Adverse geologic conditions, including weak rocks and limestone with open fractures, sinkholes and clay partings inclined towards the reservoir. 2. Increased water pressure in the valley rocks due to impounded water. 3. Heavy rains from september until the day of the disaster further increased the weight of the slope materials, raised the water pressure in the rocks and produced runoff. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 17
  • 18. Vaiont Reservoir Disaster, October 1963, Italy R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 18
  • 19. Vaiont Reservoir Disaster, October 1963, Italy R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 19
  • 20. Factors influencing slope stability 3. Effects of vegetation: Plant roots can provide a strong interlocking network to hold unconsolidated materials together and prevent flow. In addition, vegetation takes up moisture from the upper layers of soil, and can thus reduce the overall moisture content of the mass, increasing its shear strength. Commonly, vegetation tends to increase slope stability. However, the plants also add weight to the slope. If the added weight is large and the root network of limited extent, the vegetation may have a destabilizing effect instead. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 20
  • 21. Factors influencing slope stability 4. Earthquakes: Landslides are a common consequence of earthquake in hilly terrain. Seismic waves release stress and fracture the rocks. THE NEVADOS HUASCARAN DEBRIS AVALANCHE, PERU, 1970 R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 21
  • 22. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 22
  • 23. 5. Quick Clays: Water saturated muds in marine bays, estuaries and old saline lakebeds are called quickclays because they are especially prone to collapse and flow when disturbed. Quick clays are common in northern polar latitudes. The grinding and pulverizing action of massive glaciers can produce a rock flour of clay sized particles, <0.02mm diameter. When this extremely fine material is deposited in a marine environment, and the sediment is later uplifted due to tectonic movements, it contains salty pore water. The NaCl in pore water acts as a glue, holding the clay particles together. Fresh water subsequently infiltrating the clay washes out the salts, leaving a delicate structure of particles. Seismic wave vibrations break the structure apart, reducing the strength of quick clay by as much as 20-30times that is prone to sliding. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 23
  • 24. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 24
  • 25. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 25
  • 26. Classification R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 26
  • 27. Classification R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 27
  • 28. Classification R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 28
  • 29. Classification • One of the most common landslide types is a rotational slide, or slump (8- 22). • Homogeneous, cohesive, soft materials, those that lack a planar surface that guides landslide movement, commonly slide on a curving slip surface concave to the sky. • The surface curves because at the top of the moving mass, gravity pulls it straight down; that vertical part of the slip surface is the headscarp. • Farther downslope, the mass is also pushing outward, toward the open air where less load pushes down. • The combination of the two forces rotates more and more outward toward the slope ( 8-23 and 8-24A). • The curvature of the slip surface rotates the slide mass as it moves, so the upper end of the slide block tilts backward into the original slope while it moves. • The lower part of the mass moves outward from the slope, leading finally towards the lowest end, toe. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 29
  • 30. Classification R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 30
  • 31. Classification R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 31
  • 32. Classification • Translational slides move on preexisting weak surfaces that lie more or less parallel to a slope. These may be planes along inherently weak layers, such as shale, old fault or slide surfaces, or fractures. Some involve soil sliding off underlying bedrock. Compared to a rotational slide, a translational slide is shallow, which is demonstrated by the fact that trees slip down the surface and remain vertical rather than rotating with the sliding surface ( 8-24B ). R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 32
  • 33. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 33
  • 34. Slump at Fargo, North DakotaR. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 34
  • 35. Slides and Slumps Rock Slide/Block Glide: it is the most simplest form. The movement is relatively rapid and most commonly ocurs where steeply dipping bedded strata or sheeting nearly parallels the surface slope. Rockslides are generally shallow. The dip of strata is an obvious factor along with inherent strength, presence, spacing and orientation of joints and other fractures.R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 35
  • 36. Slides and Slumps R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 36
  • 37. A rockfall triggered by blasting, Frank Slide, Alberta, April 29, 1903 R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 37
  • 38. Creep Creep is imperceptible and nonaccelerating downslope movement. The cumulative result become obvious over a period of years. Most stonewalls and pavements on hillside show downslope motion by tension cracks, downslope tilt or visible displacement.R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 38
  • 39. Creep All this is because of essentially planar nature of soil creep. Each layer of soil is carried downhill by the motion of the layer beneath it, and the effect is cumulative, with the maximum rate at the surface exponentially decreasing to zero with depth. Soil creep is aided by expansion and contraction of soil by heating and cooling, freezing and thawing or wetting and drying. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 39
  • 40. Creep R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 40
  • 41. Creep in North Dakota R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 41
  • 42. Creep in Nevada R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 42
  • 43. Marathon Basin, W. Texas R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 43
  • 44. Garnet schist, Black Hills, South Dakota R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 44
  • 45. Flows Incohrent rock debris may be mobilized sufficiently so that it flows like viscous fluid. In a flow, the material moves in a more disorganized fashion, with mixing of particles within the flowing mass, as a fluid flows. Solifluction: If soil or regolith is saturated with water, the soggy mass may move downhill a few mm or few cms per day or per year. It is a form of mass wasting common wherever water cannot escape from a saturated surface layer of regolith by percolation into deeper levels.R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 45
  • 46. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 46
  • 47. Slope stabilization If a slope is too steep to be stable under the load it carries, any of the following steps will reduce slide potential 1. reduce the slope angle/modifying the slope geometry 2. Drainage 3. place additional supporting material at the foot of the slope to prevent a slide or flow at the base of the slope or by inserting resistant structural elements into the slope, or 4. Reduce the load (weight, shearing stress) on the slope by removing some of the rock or soil (or artificial structures) high on the slope. If earthmoving equipment is being used to remove soil at the top of a slope, for example, the added weight of the equipment and vibrations from it could possibly trigger a landslide. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 47
  • 48. Modifying the slope geometry 1. Excavation of the head of the slope 2. Increasing weight at the slope toe, even though this solution means occupying a large area at the base of the slope where available space is usually scarce. 3. A wall with proper foundations can be constructed 4. Put rip-rap at the slope toe 5. Slope stepping: construction of benches and berms. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 48
  • 49. Modifying the slope geometry 1. Excavation of the head of the slope 2. Increasing weight at the slope toe, even though this solution means occupying a large area at the base of the slope where available space is usually scarce. 3. A wall with proper foundations can be constructed 4. Put rip-rap at the slope toe 5. Slope stepping: construction of benches and berms. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 49
  • 50. Modifying the slope geometry 1. Excavation of the head of the slope 2. Increasing weight at the slope toe, even though this solution means occupying a large area at the base of the slope where available space is usually scarce. 3. A wall with proper foundations can be constructed 4. Put rip-rap at the slope toe 5. Slope stepping: construction of benches and berms. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 50
  • 51. Modifying the slope geometry 1. Excavation of the head of the slope 2. Increasing weight at the slope toe, even though this solution means occupying a large area at the base of the slope where available space is usually scarce. 3. A wall with proper foundations can be constructed 4. Put rip-rap at the slope toe 5. Slope stepping: construction of benches and berms. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 51
  • 52. Drainage methods 1. Because water is often the main cause of slope instability, drainage is normally the most effective measure. 2. Drainage measures can be at ground level, with drainage ditches and channels, or at depth, using horizontal or “Californian” drains, wells or vertical drains, drainage adits and drainage wwalls. 3. Surface drainage measures prevent runoff water from infiltrating the slope or penetrating discontinuities. They also prevent the erosive effect of water 4. “Californian” drains are subhorizontal boreholes with a diameter ranging from 100-150mm and a maximum length of 30-40mR. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 52
  • 53.  Decreasing the water content might be done by covering the surface completely with an impermeable material and diverting surface runoff above the slope.  Alternatively, subsurface drainage might be undertaken.  Systems of underground boreholes can be drilled to increase drainage, and pipelines installed to carry the water out of the slide area.  All such moisture-reducing techniques naturally have the greatest impact where rocks or soils are relatively permeable.  Where the rock or soil is fine-grained and drains only slowly, hot air may be blown through boreholes to help dry out the ground. Such moisture reduction reduces pore pressure and increases frictional resistance to sliding. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 53
  • 54. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 54
  • 55. Drainage methods R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 55
  • 56. Drainage methods R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 56
  • 57. Resistant structural elements 1. Pile walls: are alignment of piles, arranged at intervals to form a more or less continuous structure crossing the sliding mass and embedded in stable ground. Diameters vary from 0.65 to 2m and they are often shored up with beams at the surface. 2. Micropile walls: have a similar function but are smaller 12-15cm in diameter and are upto 15-20m long. They are reinforced with a steel tube filled with injected concrete.R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 57
  • 58. Resistant structural elements 1. Pile walls: are alignment of piles, arranged at intervals to form a more or less continuous structure crossing the sliding mass and embedded in stable ground. Diameters vary from 0.65 to 2m and they are often shored up with beams at the surface. 2. Micropile walls: have a similar function but are smaller 12-15cm in diameter and are upto 15-20m long. They are reinforced with a steel tube filled with injected concrete.R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 58
  • 59. Resistant structural elements 3. Jet-grouting columns: are normally used to stabilize slopes in granular soils and even cohesive ground by cutting into the sliding surface and creating areas with greater shear strength. The ground is penetrated, generally with boreholes 0.4-1m in diameter and cement is injected at high pressure (at 30-60MPa) through a high-speed rotating drill which penetrates and breaks up the surrounding ground. The result is a high strength column made of the ground itself and the injected material.R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 59
  • 60. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 60
  • 61. Resistant structural elements 4. Anchors are elements consisting of steel cables or bars anchored in stable areas of the rock mass. They work by traction and exert a force opposed to the movement and an increment of normal stress on the failure surface. Anchors are usually 15-40m long, with a load capacity of about 60-120 tons per anchor. The anchor heads may be joined together at the surface with concrete beams so that they work together. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 61
  • 62. Resistant structural elements 4. Anchors are elements consisting of steel cables or bars anchored in stable areas of the rock mass. They work by traction and exert a force opposed to the movement and an increment of normal stress on the failure surface. Anchors are usually 15-40m long, with a load capacity of about 60-120 tons per anchor. The anchor heads may be joined together at the surface with concrete beams so that they work together. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 62
  • 63. Resistant structural elements R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 63
  • 64. Anchored pile walls R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 64
  • 65. Anchors R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 65
  • 66. Resistant structural elements 5. The use of rock bolts to stabilize rocky slopes and, occasionally, rockslides has had greater success. Rock bolts have long been used in tunneling and mining to stabilize rock walls. It is sometimes also possible to anchor a rockslide with giant steel bolts driven into stable rocks below the slip plane. Again, this works best on thin slide blocks of very coherent rocks on low-angle slopes. They are usually 3-6m long and 25-40mm in diameter R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 66
  • 67. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 67
  • 68. Walls and Retaining elements 1. Walls are built at the toe of a slope to reinforce it and prevent deterioration in this area. The disadvantages of retaining walls are that the slope toe must be excavated before they are built, which in itself favors instability and that they do not prevent sliding from occurring on failure surfaces above or below the wall. 1. Flexible gabion walls consist of fragments of rock, or riprap enclosed in steel-mesh; they work by gravity and may be constructed in stepped formation facing towards or away from the slope. Advantage: water can flow through them. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 68
  • 69. Gabion walls R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 69
  • 70. Walls and Retaining elements 2. Diaphragm walls are made of reinforced concrete sections constructed insitu in slots mechanically excavated below the ground surface; their stabilizing action is similar to that of pile walls, although in contrast to these, diaphragm walls are continuous structures. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 70
  • 71. Walls and Retaining elements 2. Diaphragm walls are made of reinforced concrete sections constructed insitu in slots mechanically excavated below the ground surface; their stabilizing action is similar to that of pile walls, although in contrast to these, diaphragm walls are continuous structures. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 71
  • 72. Walls and Retaining elements 2. Diaphragm walls are made of reinforced concrete sections constructed insitu in slots mechanically excavated below the ground surface; their stabilizing action is similar to that of pile walls, although in contrast to these, diaphragm walls are continuous structures. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 72
  • 73. Walls and Retaining elements 3. Reinforced earth walls have an outer facing made of prefabricated concrete or metal sheets and a soil infill, reinforced by strips or bands of metal or synthetic material anchored to the facing and to the slope. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 73
  • 74. Reinforced earth walls R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 74
  • 75. Reinforced earth walls R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 75
  • 76. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 76
  • 77. Surface protection measures  These measures aim to 1. Eliminate rockfall problems 2. Increase slope safety by preventing surface failure 3. Prevent or reduce erosion and weathering on the slope face 4. Prevent infiltration of runoff water  The most common measures taken are 1. Installing wire meshes 2. Shotcreting the slopes 3. Building revetment walls at the slope toe 4. Laying geotextiles 5. Implementing water infiltration control 6. Using plant species to help reinforce the ground surface of slopes excavated in soils R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 77
  • 78. Installing wire mesh R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 78
  • 79. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 79
  • 80. Shotcreting This process consists of covering the slope surface with a mixture of shotcrete or gunite (cement, water and aggregate), projected pneumatically with a hose and nozzle. The slope is normally treated with several layers, with a total thickness of 5-8cm. It can be reinforced by fixing a metal mesh to the slope and spraying the mixture onto it. Holes are drilled through the shotcrete layer to facilitate drainage. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 80
  • 81. Shotcreting R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 81
  • 82. Shotcreting R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 82
  • 83. Shotcreting R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 83
  • 84. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 84
  • 85. Revetment walls R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 85
  • 86. Revetment walls R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 86
  • 87. Laying geotextiles: Geotextiles are permeable fabrics which, when used in association with soil, have the ability to separate, filter, reinforce, protect, or drain. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 87
  • 88. Laying geotextiles: Coir mesh R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 88
  • 89. Laying geotextiles: Jute R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 89
  • 90. R. R. Gadgil, Dept. of Earth Science, Goa University 90