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FMP Evaluation
Alisha Harrison
Production Process Evaluation
• The strengths of my research where that I knew what sort of magazine I
knew I wanted to do so I researched that genre which gave me a wide
range of ideas in order to create my product.
• My research has helped my product by making it secure to that particular
genre I wanted to do which is a photography magazine.
• The weaknesses of my research are that I just end up copying the ideas I
get I copy which is why I don’t like to do too much research.
• To improve my product I could have looked at other genre's, the effect this
would have had on my product would be maybe a mixed genre for
example one page could have been outdoor photography another page
could have been indoor photography then another page could have been
macro and so on.
• The strengths of my planning were I knew what I wanted my final product to
turn out like so once I new that I could then get some ideas down which would
have helped me in order to generate that idea.
• Secondly its helped because I had ideas for my final product as I knew what
my plans looked like so I could just move stuff around and change fonts and
• My planning has defiantly helped my product a lot by having faint ideas on
what I wanted to final outcome to be which would be a photography
• The weaknesses of my planning are that when I’m planning I’m trying not to
do what I want my final outcome to be m trying to go back steps and not
create my final product.
• What I could have done better to improve my product is maybe do more
• The effect that this could have had on my product is it would have had a better
Time Management
• I managed the time very well for this product.
• I completed my product before the time limit which I am very impressed
that I have managed it.
• If I did have more time I could of maybe spent more time on my planning
but don’t think I needed too because I have finished with a bit of time still
left which game me chance to go through everything and make changes
and add things in to make it more detailed in order to get a better mark.
• Because I finished my product with time still left I managed to go back
through and change bits I thought needed changing or added bits I
thought needed adding.
Target Audience Appeal
• My target audience for my final product is Mostly females aged 16-30
• My audience are mostly belongers and achievers, my audience are either
in education and have time to spend on magazines and live with there
parents still or they are running a business and do not live with there
• I think my final product defiantly relates to my audience because I have
used the colours they wanted from the feedback I got from my survey.
• I have included in a competition to win a camera just like most of them
wanted from the surveys I got back.
• I have also included outdoor and indoor pictures because on my
questionnaire I asked which the would prefer and it was an even result.
Technical QualitiesI think my final product is
similar to this existing
product because, It has a
banner at the top to win
something or enter into a
competition, however on the
already existing one it’s a
different colour to mine
there's is blue mine is yellow
I wanted mine yellow to
stand out and drag the
audience’s Attention.
The colour of the font is black
on mine they have used
white. I think using black was
better to stand out of the
yellow background
The title is similar on both of
these magazine covers mine
and the already existing one
say the same thing but the
differences are that there
both different fonts and
colours. I used red to make it
stand out of the blue and
they have used black to make
there's standout from their
background colour.
The text on both mine and the already existing product is similar because its in little
blocks and sort of scattered on the page but neatly the already existing product has
more down the right hand side of their page. The differences are they have another bold
headline ”control freak” my product just has one thing in bold and that’s the title “
photography”. They have also used different colours like mine to make things stand out
to other things like I've used red and black they have used white and brown.
I think my product and the
already existing product are
also similar but different
because the background
image that makes the
magazine really stand out are
both similar, there both
landscapes, the difference is
there not the same image
the image on my product is
the view from Oliver's Mount
in Scarborough, their image
is of some rocks in Australia
they are both set in different
countries, they have
obviously used different font
colour to me so it stands out
their background a lot better
where as I have chosen a
font colour that stands of my
background image.
A big difference to these two products are that my
product has a line of pictures at the bottom advertising
people to sign up to be a wedding photographer with a
yellow border around it to make it stand out, However
there's does not have that there's doesn’t have any more
pictures on it at all apart from the background image.
Another difference is I have a price on mine but no bar
code they have a barcode and no price.
Technical QualitiesI think my
product is
similar to this
because of the
layout, their
layout has just
4 pictures it
looks like 1-2
pictures per
text, however
mine has 2
pictures per
text to show
edited and
none edited.
Another difference to the existing product compared
to my product is that all of their images that have
been used have all been take outside, where as I have
used a range of images some taken outdoor and some
taken indoor, I suppose that's what there target
audience wanted to see which is why I have a mixture
I got mixed results back from my questionnaire.
Another difference is the background colour
I have used blue but they have used white, I
liked blue because my front cover is a
landscape and has blue sky in it so I decided
to do my double page spread blue.
Another similarity and difference is the text, the texts on both these products theirs and
mine are both set out in paragraphs I think the difference is that I have used red to make
the important pieces of information stand out there's is all one colour they have made
there's look a lot more formal than mine.
I have also used different paragraphs for different text to go with another pair of
pictures, on there's it looks like there text is referring to all the pictures maybe that’s
because its supposed to be formal and for an older audience than I wanted for mine.
Technical QualitiesI think my
magazine contents
page is similar to this
contents page
because they both
have a title saying
although the
difference is that
there at different
sides of the page
mine is on the left
hand side however
there's is on the right
hand side. They are
both in different
colours and there’s is
bolder than mine.
Another similarity is that they have used headings for example “features” and have put a
green background behind it. I have used a red background behind mine I did this to make it
stand out. They have also used page numbers underneath headings like I have I did this to
show the different set of page numbers that refer to certain things. I have used 3 headings o
page numbers they have used 2, their text is also bolder and in lowercase I have used capital
letters. I used capital letters to make certain pieces of text stand out. However there page
numbers are in red and so are mine. There page is also angled mine is straight.
Another similarity is that they have
used a picture their picture that has
been used seems to pop out more than
mine because it is black.
Where as the picture I have taken and
used has used a range of colours.
A difference is that they have used
more pictures than me in there
contents page to give an idea of what's
on the pages within the magazine
haven't done this because they will find
out when they flick through the pages.On my contents page I have referred back to the front cover by
using the win a camera advert for my magazine I have put it
into the contents page to remind the audience of that
opportunity to win a free camera. In the already existing
product they have used an advert at the bottom advertising
more page numbers.
I have also used web links to say come and subscribe I don’t see
that in theirs.
I have used capital letters for these little advertisements
because I wanted them to stand out.
Another similarity is that in both of these magazine
contents pages there is text to go with the main image
on the page.
The already existing product ha there text to go with
their photo underneath the picture with a big page
number at the side.
I have put mine on the picture with a white box behind
the text to make it stand out.
Technical QualitiesI think my photography
magazine back cover Is
similar to this already
existing product
because they layout is
very similar because
their both about
camera or lens.
However a difference is
that I have used Nikons
logo they have just used
text for Sigma's brand
I think by using the
products logo it will
drag more attention in
because they will know
its an actual product
that is supposed to be
good rather than some
fake palm of.
I have also used Nikons slogan.
On the already existing product
they have only used the word
“sigma” with no slogan its been
typed in plain black which I think
is a bit boring but they probably
did it to match up with their
target audience.
Another difference is on the already existing product they have used a red banner going
diagonally across the top right top advertise something whereas I haven’t put an advert in
mine other than the back cover itself.
I didn’t want to an advert because I have had some throughout the magazine ad I know my
audience didn’t want a lot
Another difference between my magazine
back cover and theirs is the barcode, I have
put a barcode on my product because the
buyers will need to scan it to buy it. I think
it looks more professional with a barcode
on it whether they have theirs on the front
I don’t know but if its not on the back
there will be one somewhere
There isn't really any
similarities with
these to other than
the fact there both
white both about
cameras and have
text in black the
layout is similar
because there is
white gaps on both
of these where
nothing is there no
text and no picture
but there's still things
on the page just not
a lot.
There is a lot more
differences than
similarities with
these 2 products.
Aesthetic QualitiesI think my front cover for a
photography magazine looks
good because it refers to what my
target audience wanted.
When got the results back from m
online questionnaire I was then
able to make my photography
magazine better, how the
audience wanted to see it, which
is why I think this looks good.
My front cover is creative
because I have based it on a local
area were most of my audience
are, they will recognise the front
covers picture of Scarborough
they will know where it’s the
image has been taken from which
will make them want to read the
The aspects of my photography magazine front cover that I like would
have to be the background image because it’s a landscape and it looks
pretty and it makes you want to read the magazine to see what it’s
about especially when it’s a local magazine my audience would defiantly
want to read this because it’s a picture of there home town that’s
making up the front cover. I also like the pictures at the bottom
advertising people to sign up to be a wedding photographer it stands
out and makes people want to read the magazine because there are
chances in it to become some sort of photographer.
To improve my product I would have maybe
added more text with pictures on the front
cover to make it appeal to my audience that
little bit more.
I could have also made my title “photography”
bigger. To also improve my final product I could
of edited the front cover picture to make it
brighter because it looks dull compared to the
yellow and red I have used to make things
stand out.
If I was to do this again I would defiantly think
about editing the main picture and making the
title bigger.
The strengths and weaknesses I had while
making my photography magazine where,
using photo shop was a strength I knew
where the tools where that I needed to
use a weakness was finding the right
place to take a photo for my magazine
background image.
I wanted to make sure the photo was
taken on a clear day and with having a
time schedule to stick to it was hard to
wait for a day to get a good picture.
Aesthetic Qualities
I think my photography magazine double page spread looks good
because it refers to what my target audience wanted from the results I
got back from my questionnaires I did online. I have managed to make a
product they would like to see so I am very pleased with this and I think
it looks very good because of that reason. Also because I have used the
types of images in the results I got back that they wanted to see.
My double page spread is
creative because I have
taken my audiences results
from the questionnaire
results I got in order to
make a product for them
to buy and read for
example the types of
photos that are on the
The aspects of my double page spread that I like would be the pictures
because of the before and after, there the same image but one has been
edited I think it looks good and most importantly its good because there is
text to go with every picture, everyone likes text to go with a picture.
I also like that I have done the page background colour blue because my
front cover is of Scarborough taken from a high view with a blue sky in the
image, I wanted to follow on and use colours that have been used to show
this double page spread goes with that magazine front page.
To improve my magazine double page
spread I could have put a more
detailed background in maybe some
patterns or something because its
just plain blue I could have even put
faint white clouds in because I
wanted it blue because of the front
cover magazine page. I don’t think I
would improve this a lot because this
is how I wanted it to be. I think the
layout looks good with the pictures
and text there isn't massive amounts
of text which is good because most
people don’t read it all, its good
because there is pictures to go with
the text.
The strengths and weaknesses while
making my final double page spread
where, keeping everything in line I had to
use loads of guide lines to keep the text in
line with the pictures.
I also struggled to fit everything on the
page I had to keep going down in font
sizes until it all fit on the page, then I
would have to make my pictures smaller
but I didn’t want them to small because
big pictures look good.
Aesthetic QualitiesI think my contents page looks good
because I have looked at already
existing products to get an idea of
what's already out there so I knew
what I was doing in order to make
my work look good and not random.
Another reason why my product
looks good is because I have looked
back at my results from my online
questionnaire and seen what my
audience would like to see in a
magazine so in order to make my
work good I referred to that
questionnaire to see their answers
so I got an idea of what they liked
and what to put in my magazine.
My contents page is creative
because it is my own idea and I
have related to my target audience
by looking back at my questionnaire
results in order to create a product
they want to see/read or buy. The
bit that relates mostly to my
targeted audience is the picture of
the camera telling you not to forget
to try and win one because in the
questionnaire they answered
camera to the freebies question I
put in.
The aspects of my contents page that I like are the layout because
it looks neat and tidy everything's in line and easy to read.
I like the range of colours I have used because some things stand
out more than other which is how I wanted it to be I also like the
picture with the page number on because it’s a sneak peak and will
make the audience want to read more but I think overall I am really
pleased with the layout.
To improve my product I would have taken a much better
picture to use. I could have maybe used pictures to go with
the sneak peaks page numbers section in order to make it
more interesting to the audience.
The strengths of making my contents
page where I knew what I wanted to
make so I knew how the layout would
be, making things stand out was easy
however I did come across some
struggles and weaknesses which
where choosing the right photograph
to go on the page and text I didn’t
know really what I wanted the text to
say I struggled in Photoshop with
some tools I struggled with the guide
lines and making everything neat I
couldn’t get them even on both sides
of the page but I did manage in the
Aesthetic QualitiesI think my work looks good because I
have related it to my target audience I
know this because I made an online
questionnaire and posted a link on a
few websites which I then got
response’s from and with those
responses I was able to add up the
totals from each question so how
many people would prefer adverts
and with that question the replies I
got where that my audience doesn’t
like pointless adverts that have
nothing to do with the magazine so I
decided to use a camera advert
advertising a Nikon camera I know
they will like this because they have
to be interested in photography to
buy the magazine and I also know
that they like cameras.
This was creative because its an idea no one else has done
already I know there is camera adverts but mine relates to
my magazine. I continuously put cameras into my magazine
to show its about photography and cameras.
The aspects of my photography
magazine back cover that I like are
the layout because its formal, clear
and easy to read. I also like the fact I
have used Nikons actual logo and
slogan rather than making my own
because the audience will recognise
this and hopefully buy/read this
To improve my photography magazines back cover I could have
used a bit of colour to the background maybe used an image I
took of a landscape or something for the background because it
is a photography magazine, I could have also added some more
pictures to advertise the product better
The strengths and weaknesses
during the making of this back cover
where struggling to find an example
and the strength is that the layout
was really simple so it was easy to
do in Photoshop I haven't used any
editing techniques so it was really
easy and straight forward to do.
Audience Appeal
I have appealed to my target
I know this because I made an
online questionnaire for people to
fill in and one of the questions
where “ Do you prefer photos
been taken outdoor or indoor”
the feedback I got from that was
people mostly liked pictures to be
taken outdoor rather than indoor
so in order to make my front
cover for my photography
magazine appeal to my audience I
put a landscape of the outdoors
on the front cover. I think this will
defiantly appeal to a lot of people
because that’s that feedback I
have got, I have only gone by my
results in order to make this
magazine good.
The text also appeals to my audience
because mostly females answered to
my questionnaire I asked about the
font they liked simple not to detailed
that’s why my font looks as it looks.
Because I have tried to appeal to my
target audience the title is bold and
simple which is what they wanted to
see, the text in little sentences is
girly but simple and not to fancy.
I have also made parts of it stand out
because they said in my
questionnaires they like information
to stand out from the background so
I have put pieces of text in red to
make that important bit of
information stand out. I have also
used yellow, yellow to make things
stand out for the audience too.
In my questionnaire I also asked
what the audience would like to
win and the majority said a
camera so at the top with a
yellow border behind I have
added a competition to win a
camera with a link for them to
In my questionnaire I also asked the question “ what colour schemes do you like” and
I gave examples the findings from this where that most people who answered the
questionnaire like bright colours so that’s why I have used reds and yellow and also
blue in my background image because there bright and stand out and I know my
audience would like it because they wanted to see this.
People also responded in my
questionnaire they didn’t like pointless
adverts so I have added a photography
advert because it is a photography
magazine, so they cant say they don’t
like this.
People also responded to my
questionnaire saying they like the
lighting best in a photo so I have tried
to edit the pictures brightening them
Audience AppealI have defiantly appealed to
my target audience because I
made an online questionnaire
asking questions like what
they want to see in a
photography magazine so
things they like and don’t like.
One of the questions asked
was “Do you prefer pictures
to be taken outdoor or
indoor” The answers I got
back from this where mostly
outdoor but some people did
say yes to indoor so on my
double page spread I have
decided to even it out and do
2 pictures taken indoor and 2
pictures taken outdoor.
Another question in my questionnaire I asked was
“Do you prefer simple text or fancy text” the
majority of people answered simple, so in order to
make my double page spread appeal to my
audience I have used simple fonts because I know
that they would read/buy my product because I am
using things they want to see. I have also used red
to make the important pieces of information stand
out. My audience like things to stand out that’s
why I have done that.
In my questionnaire I also asked “What do you like about a
picture” then I gave examples, lighting, the angle or the
composition, the one with the most answers too was the
lighting. To make this appeal to my audience I knew I had to
edit the pictures using some sort of lighting tool to I mostly
used the brightness and contrast tool sliders to make my
images brighter I also used the vibrancy tool to make
colours brighter and stand out more because I knew my
audience would like it based on the feedback I got from my
In my questionnaire I also asked “Do you prefer bright
colours or dark colours” most people said bright colours, so
in order to make this appeal to my target audience I added
bright colours for example the blue background its bright, I
also used red in some pieces of text to make them certain
pieces of information stand out and look bright.
My double page spread also appeals
to my audience because they liked
simple things so I chose to do a simple
and near layout, the text is all in line
the pictures are all inline and the
same size.
Audience AppealI have appealed to my target audience
I know this because I made an online
questionnaire, then I copied the link
and posted it online for people to
From these results I then knew what
my audience would like to see and
what they would not like to see and
what aspects they like within
magazines I also found out what kinds
of photos they like, how they like
them taken for example the angles,
lighting and editing techniques.
On my contents page the specific bits that appeal to my audience are the
picture because in my questionnaire I asked “what do you like best about a
picture?” the response I got was the composition and angle of the photo which
made me chose to use this photo because I think its great its on an angle and
the composition is great to because its what my audience wanted to see.
Another thing on my contents page that
defiantly relates to my audience is the “Don’t
forget to try and win a free camera” with a
picture of a camera on it because in my
questionnaire I asked “ do you like to see
adverts within a magazine?”
The responses I got where, the audience don’t
like pointless adverts that have nothing to do
with the magazine but they would like
winning free things so in order to relate this to
my audience I have added in an advert that
advertises to win something to win a free
camera , I know they would like this because
winning a camera advert is on the same topic
as the magazine because it’s a photography
I also I asked in my questionnaire
“what kind of text fonts do you like?”
The answers I got where simple, easy
to read and clear.
I then knew from this my audience
didn’t like fancy fonts they liked
simple fonts that are easy to red so in
order to appeal my photography
magazine contents page to my
audience I used simple fonts I did use
capitals in some sentences to make
certain words stand out because their
buss words and my audience would
be able to tell that.
Again I have used another advert in my contents page I did this to fill up
space I had but I know my audience wouldn’t mind this advert because it
relates to the magazine and its trying to save money of these magazines
everyone wants money off things. I know this because of the responses I
got back from my questionnaire they only likes adverts that are good and
have something to do with the magazine which I think this does.
Audience AppealI have appealed to my target
audience I know this because
I made an online
questionnaire , and I got
people to fill it in by posting
the link onto online websites
for people to fill in for me in
order to get answers and
responses to know what
people would like to see
within the magazine I was
making I found out the age
group whether they are male
or female I found out loads
of things which has helped
me to create this magazine.
The specific bits of content on my back cover
that would appeal to my audience is defiantly
the camera because in my questionnaire I
asked “Do you like to win freebies” the
majority of the answers I got where they do
like to win free things and they would like to
win a camera if anything.
The text also appeals to
my target audience
because the font I have
used its simple easy to
read and not all fancy
which is what they
wanted to see, I know this
because in my
questionnaire I also asked
the question “ what types
of fonts do you like?” the
responses I got from this
question was that my
audience prefer simple
fonts that are easy to
Feedback 1
• What did you like about the product?
– I like this product because all the pages go well together
– A good range of colours has been used to make things stand out
• What improvements could have been made to the product?
– You could have kept the same colours throughout the magazine pages
Feedback 2
• What did you like about the product?
– I like this product because the photography theme has been
continuous throughout the pages.
– The colours used to make things stand out are good
• What improvements could have been made to the product?
– You could have added more pages
– You could have maybe kept the same colours used for all the pages
Feedback 3
• What did you like about the product?
– I like the images been used
– I also like how the layout is formal
– There is text to go with pictures which is good
• What improvements could have been made to the product?
– Added more pages
– Used a wider range of photos
Peer Feedback Summary
• What do you agree with from your peer feedback?
• I agree with the fact it needs to have used a wider range of
• I also agree with that I could have added more pages but
with the time limit I wasn't able to I maybe would have
done if I knew I had more time to do it in.
• I also agree with that my product is good because it has
used a range of colors to make things stand out.
• What do you disagree with from your peer feedback?
• I disagree with that I could have used the same color
themes throughout the magazine because each page is
different and makes things stand out in there own way.
• The changes I would make to my product based on peer
feedback would be that I would use the same range of colors
for each page because its all the same magazine, I think would
make it look better and neater.
• I would also give my self more production time in order to add
more pages to my photography magazine product I have
Peer Feedback Summary
Improvements madeBefore
I have gone back and looked at my work with the time I had left.
I had noticed some spelling mistakes which I have now sorted out.
I have changed my title I have made it bolder and bigger because I didn’t
think it look good it wasn't big enough but now it looks better and bigger, I
think now the audience would prefer this version to the other version
because the title is in a better place the magazine looks more approachable.
I have lined everything up better I have left a gap in both edges of the page
to make it all look neater and better, I have made sure the masthead and
text is all in line by using guidelines then after I took the guide lines out.
Because I made the title bigger I then had to move the picture of the
camera because it couldn’t fit because of the title.
I then changed the colours of the text for example the black text I had was
quite difficult to read on the background so I changed it to white which
makes it a lot easier to read. I have also changed where the price is and how
much it was because I think photography magazines are really good so the
price has gone up.
I also added in a date for the magazine which I think makes it better for
audience because then they will know the date for the magazine. I have also
made the pictures at the bottom line up better so they are in the middle.
Before Improvements made
I have decided to add a coloured
background to my back page I did
this because on my peer feedback
they said I could have used the same
colours throughout the pages so I
changed it because I agreed with
I think it looks better with a bit of
colour gives it something more to
look a and will maybe appeal to my
target audience more.
Improvements made
I have gone back and looked through my work. I have thought to
my self that my double page spread needs improving in order to up
my grade. To make this better I have looked at my contents page
because I knew that was strong so I have taken the colours and
themes from my contents page and put it into my double page
I have changed the colour from blue to red because it fits in better
with my magazines theme of photography and because I've used a
lot of red already.
I have moved the pictures side by side instead of underneath
because I think this looks best because its neater and the text can
be more spaced out to make it look like there is less to read.
The pictures are now all the same size.

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7. evaluation

  • 3. Research • The strengths of my research where that I knew what sort of magazine I knew I wanted to do so I researched that genre which gave me a wide range of ideas in order to create my product. • My research has helped my product by making it secure to that particular genre I wanted to do which is a photography magazine. • The weaknesses of my research are that I just end up copying the ideas I get I copy which is why I don’t like to do too much research. • To improve my product I could have looked at other genre's, the effect this would have had on my product would be maybe a mixed genre for example one page could have been outdoor photography another page could have been indoor photography then another page could have been macro and so on.
  • 4. Planning • The strengths of my planning were I knew what I wanted my final product to turn out like so once I new that I could then get some ideas down which would have helped me in order to generate that idea. • Secondly its helped because I had ideas for my final product as I knew what my plans looked like so I could just move stuff around and change fonts and things. • My planning has defiantly helped my product a lot by having faint ideas on what I wanted to final outcome to be which would be a photography magazine. • The weaknesses of my planning are that when I’m planning I’m trying not to do what I want my final outcome to be m trying to go back steps and not create my final product. • What I could have done better to improve my product is maybe do more planning. • The effect that this could have had on my product is it would have had a better outcome.
  • 5. Time Management • I managed the time very well for this product. • I completed my product before the time limit which I am very impressed that I have managed it. • If I did have more time I could of maybe spent more time on my planning but don’t think I needed too because I have finished with a bit of time still left which game me chance to go through everything and make changes and add things in to make it more detailed in order to get a better mark. • Because I finished my product with time still left I managed to go back through and change bits I thought needed changing or added bits I thought needed adding.
  • 6. Target Audience Appeal • My target audience for my final product is Mostly females aged 16-30 • My audience are mostly belongers and achievers, my audience are either in education and have time to spend on magazines and live with there parents still or they are running a business and do not live with there parents. • I think my final product defiantly relates to my audience because I have used the colours they wanted from the feedback I got from my survey. • I have included in a competition to win a camera just like most of them wanted from the surveys I got back. • I have also included outdoor and indoor pictures because on my questionnaire I asked which the would prefer and it was an even result.
  • 7. Technical QualitiesI think my final product is similar to this existing product because, It has a banner at the top to win something or enter into a competition, however on the already existing one it’s a different colour to mine there's is blue mine is yellow I wanted mine yellow to stand out and drag the audience’s Attention. The colour of the font is black on mine they have used white. I think using black was better to stand out of the yellow background The title is similar on both of these magazine covers mine and the already existing one say the same thing but the differences are that there both different fonts and colours. I used red to make it stand out of the blue and they have used black to make there's standout from their background colour. The text on both mine and the already existing product is similar because its in little blocks and sort of scattered on the page but neatly the already existing product has more down the right hand side of their page. The differences are they have another bold headline ”control freak” my product just has one thing in bold and that’s the title “ photography”. They have also used different colours like mine to make things stand out to other things like I've used red and black they have used white and brown. I think my product and the already existing product are also similar but different because the background image that makes the magazine really stand out are both similar, there both landscapes, the difference is there not the same image the image on my product is the view from Oliver's Mount in Scarborough, their image is of some rocks in Australia they are both set in different countries, they have obviously used different font colour to me so it stands out their background a lot better where as I have chosen a font colour that stands of my background image. A big difference to these two products are that my product has a line of pictures at the bottom advertising people to sign up to be a wedding photographer with a yellow border around it to make it stand out, However there's does not have that there's doesn’t have any more pictures on it at all apart from the background image. Another difference is I have a price on mine but no bar code they have a barcode and no price.
  • 8. Technical QualitiesI think my product is similar to this already existing product because of the layout, their layout has just 4 pictures it looks like 1-2 pictures per text, however mine has 2 pictures per text to show edited and none edited. Another difference to the existing product compared to my product is that all of their images that have been used have all been take outside, where as I have used a range of images some taken outdoor and some taken indoor, I suppose that's what there target audience wanted to see which is why I have a mixture I got mixed results back from my questionnaire. Another difference is the background colour I have used blue but they have used white, I liked blue because my front cover is a landscape and has blue sky in it so I decided to do my double page spread blue. Another similarity and difference is the text, the texts on both these products theirs and mine are both set out in paragraphs I think the difference is that I have used red to make the important pieces of information stand out there's is all one colour they have made there's look a lot more formal than mine. I have also used different paragraphs for different text to go with another pair of pictures, on there's it looks like there text is referring to all the pictures maybe that’s because its supposed to be formal and for an older audience than I wanted for mine.
  • 9. Technical QualitiesI think my photography magazine contents page is similar to this contents page because they both have a title saying “CONTENTS” although the difference is that there at different sides of the page mine is on the left hand side however there's is on the right hand side. They are both in different colours and there’s is bolder than mine. Another similarity is that they have used headings for example “features” and have put a green background behind it. I have used a red background behind mine I did this to make it stand out. They have also used page numbers underneath headings like I have I did this to show the different set of page numbers that refer to certain things. I have used 3 headings o page numbers they have used 2, their text is also bolder and in lowercase I have used capital letters. I used capital letters to make certain pieces of text stand out. However there page numbers are in red and so are mine. There page is also angled mine is straight. Another similarity is that they have used a picture their picture that has been used seems to pop out more than mine because it is black. Where as the picture I have taken and used has used a range of colours. A difference is that they have used more pictures than me in there contents page to give an idea of what's on the pages within the magazine haven't done this because they will find out when they flick through the pages.On my contents page I have referred back to the front cover by using the win a camera advert for my magazine I have put it into the contents page to remind the audience of that opportunity to win a free camera. In the already existing product they have used an advert at the bottom advertising more page numbers. I have also used web links to say come and subscribe I don’t see that in theirs. I have used capital letters for these little advertisements because I wanted them to stand out. Another similarity is that in both of these magazine contents pages there is text to go with the main image on the page. The already existing product ha there text to go with their photo underneath the picture with a big page number at the side. I have put mine on the picture with a white box behind the text to make it stand out.
  • 10. Technical QualitiesI think my photography magazine back cover Is similar to this already existing product because they layout is very similar because their both about camera or lens. However a difference is that I have used Nikons logo they have just used text for Sigma's brand name. I think by using the products logo it will drag more attention in because they will know its an actual product that is supposed to be good rather than some fake palm of. I have also used Nikons slogan. On the already existing product they have only used the word “sigma” with no slogan its been typed in plain black which I think is a bit boring but they probably did it to match up with their target audience. Another difference is on the already existing product they have used a red banner going diagonally across the top right top advertise something whereas I haven’t put an advert in mine other than the back cover itself. I didn’t want to an advert because I have had some throughout the magazine ad I know my audience didn’t want a lot Another difference between my magazine back cover and theirs is the barcode, I have put a barcode on my product because the buyers will need to scan it to buy it. I think it looks more professional with a barcode on it whether they have theirs on the front I don’t know but if its not on the back there will be one somewhere There isn't really any similarities with these to other than the fact there both white both about cameras and have text in black the layout is similar because there is white gaps on both of these where nothing is there no text and no picture but there's still things on the page just not a lot. There is a lot more differences than similarities with these 2 products.
  • 11. Aesthetic QualitiesI think my front cover for a photography magazine looks good because it refers to what my target audience wanted. When got the results back from m online questionnaire I was then able to make my photography magazine better, how the audience wanted to see it, which is why I think this looks good. My front cover is creative because I have based it on a local area were most of my audience are, they will recognise the front covers picture of Scarborough they will know where it’s the image has been taken from which will make them want to read the magazine. The aspects of my photography magazine front cover that I like would have to be the background image because it’s a landscape and it looks pretty and it makes you want to read the magazine to see what it’s about especially when it’s a local magazine my audience would defiantly want to read this because it’s a picture of there home town that’s making up the front cover. I also like the pictures at the bottom advertising people to sign up to be a wedding photographer it stands out and makes people want to read the magazine because there are chances in it to become some sort of photographer. To improve my product I would have maybe added more text with pictures on the front cover to make it appeal to my audience that little bit more. I could have also made my title “photography” bigger. To also improve my final product I could of edited the front cover picture to make it brighter because it looks dull compared to the yellow and red I have used to make things stand out. If I was to do this again I would defiantly think about editing the main picture and making the title bigger. The strengths and weaknesses I had while making my photography magazine where, using photo shop was a strength I knew where the tools where that I needed to use a weakness was finding the right place to take a photo for my magazine background image. I wanted to make sure the photo was taken on a clear day and with having a time schedule to stick to it was hard to wait for a day to get a good picture.
  • 12. Aesthetic Qualities I think my photography magazine double page spread looks good because it refers to what my target audience wanted from the results I got back from my questionnaires I did online. I have managed to make a product they would like to see so I am very pleased with this and I think it looks very good because of that reason. Also because I have used the types of images in the results I got back that they wanted to see. My double page spread is creative because I have taken my audiences results from the questionnaire results I got in order to make a product for them to buy and read for example the types of photos that are on the page. The aspects of my double page spread that I like would be the pictures because of the before and after, there the same image but one has been edited I think it looks good and most importantly its good because there is text to go with every picture, everyone likes text to go with a picture. I also like that I have done the page background colour blue because my front cover is of Scarborough taken from a high view with a blue sky in the image, I wanted to follow on and use colours that have been used to show this double page spread goes with that magazine front page. To improve my magazine double page spread I could have put a more detailed background in maybe some patterns or something because its just plain blue I could have even put faint white clouds in because I wanted it blue because of the front cover magazine page. I don’t think I would improve this a lot because this is how I wanted it to be. I think the layout looks good with the pictures and text there isn't massive amounts of text which is good because most people don’t read it all, its good because there is pictures to go with the text. The strengths and weaknesses while making my final double page spread where, keeping everything in line I had to use loads of guide lines to keep the text in line with the pictures. I also struggled to fit everything on the page I had to keep going down in font sizes until it all fit on the page, then I would have to make my pictures smaller but I didn’t want them to small because big pictures look good.
  • 13. Aesthetic QualitiesI think my contents page looks good because I have looked at already existing products to get an idea of what's already out there so I knew what I was doing in order to make my work look good and not random. Another reason why my product looks good is because I have looked back at my results from my online questionnaire and seen what my audience would like to see in a magazine so in order to make my work good I referred to that questionnaire to see their answers so I got an idea of what they liked and what to put in my magazine. My contents page is creative because it is my own idea and I have related to my target audience by looking back at my questionnaire results in order to create a product they want to see/read or buy. The bit that relates mostly to my targeted audience is the picture of the camera telling you not to forget to try and win one because in the questionnaire they answered camera to the freebies question I put in. The aspects of my contents page that I like are the layout because it looks neat and tidy everything's in line and easy to read. I like the range of colours I have used because some things stand out more than other which is how I wanted it to be I also like the picture with the page number on because it’s a sneak peak and will make the audience want to read more but I think overall I am really pleased with the layout. To improve my product I would have taken a much better picture to use. I could have maybe used pictures to go with the sneak peaks page numbers section in order to make it more interesting to the audience. The strengths of making my contents page where I knew what I wanted to make so I knew how the layout would be, making things stand out was easy however I did come across some struggles and weaknesses which where choosing the right photograph to go on the page and text I didn’t know really what I wanted the text to say I struggled in Photoshop with some tools I struggled with the guide lines and making everything neat I couldn’t get them even on both sides of the page but I did manage in the end.
  • 14. Aesthetic QualitiesI think my work looks good because I have related it to my target audience I know this because I made an online questionnaire and posted a link on a few websites which I then got response’s from and with those responses I was able to add up the totals from each question so how many people would prefer adverts and with that question the replies I got where that my audience doesn’t like pointless adverts that have nothing to do with the magazine so I decided to use a camera advert advertising a Nikon camera I know they will like this because they have to be interested in photography to buy the magazine and I also know that they like cameras. This was creative because its an idea no one else has done already I know there is camera adverts but mine relates to my magazine. I continuously put cameras into my magazine to show its about photography and cameras. The aspects of my photography magazine back cover that I like are the layout because its formal, clear and easy to read. I also like the fact I have used Nikons actual logo and slogan rather than making my own because the audience will recognise this and hopefully buy/read this magazine. To improve my photography magazines back cover I could have used a bit of colour to the background maybe used an image I took of a landscape or something for the background because it is a photography magazine, I could have also added some more pictures to advertise the product better The strengths and weaknesses during the making of this back cover where struggling to find an example and the strength is that the layout was really simple so it was easy to do in Photoshop I haven't used any editing techniques so it was really easy and straight forward to do.
  • 15. Audience Appeal I have appealed to my target audience. I know this because I made an online questionnaire for people to fill in and one of the questions where “ Do you prefer photos been taken outdoor or indoor” the feedback I got from that was people mostly liked pictures to be taken outdoor rather than indoor so in order to make my front cover for my photography magazine appeal to my audience I put a landscape of the outdoors on the front cover. I think this will defiantly appeal to a lot of people because that’s that feedback I have got, I have only gone by my results in order to make this magazine good. The text also appeals to my audience because mostly females answered to my questionnaire I asked about the font they liked simple not to detailed that’s why my font looks as it looks. Because I have tried to appeal to my target audience the title is bold and simple which is what they wanted to see, the text in little sentences is girly but simple and not to fancy. I have also made parts of it stand out because they said in my questionnaires they like information to stand out from the background so I have put pieces of text in red to make that important bit of information stand out. I have also used yellow, yellow to make things stand out for the audience too. In my questionnaire I also asked what the audience would like to win and the majority said a camera so at the top with a yellow border behind I have added a competition to win a camera with a link for them to follow. In my questionnaire I also asked the question “ what colour schemes do you like” and I gave examples the findings from this where that most people who answered the questionnaire like bright colours so that’s why I have used reds and yellow and also blue in my background image because there bright and stand out and I know my audience would like it because they wanted to see this. People also responded in my questionnaire they didn’t like pointless adverts so I have added a photography advert because it is a photography magazine, so they cant say they don’t like this. People also responded to my questionnaire saying they like the lighting best in a photo so I have tried to edit the pictures brightening them up.
  • 16. Audience AppealI have defiantly appealed to my target audience because I made an online questionnaire asking questions like what they want to see in a photography magazine so things they like and don’t like. One of the questions asked was “Do you prefer pictures to be taken outdoor or indoor” The answers I got back from this where mostly outdoor but some people did say yes to indoor so on my double page spread I have decided to even it out and do 2 pictures taken indoor and 2 pictures taken outdoor. Another question in my questionnaire I asked was “Do you prefer simple text or fancy text” the majority of people answered simple, so in order to make my double page spread appeal to my audience I have used simple fonts because I know that they would read/buy my product because I am using things they want to see. I have also used red to make the important pieces of information stand out. My audience like things to stand out that’s why I have done that. In my questionnaire I also asked “What do you like about a picture” then I gave examples, lighting, the angle or the composition, the one with the most answers too was the lighting. To make this appeal to my audience I knew I had to edit the pictures using some sort of lighting tool to I mostly used the brightness and contrast tool sliders to make my images brighter I also used the vibrancy tool to make colours brighter and stand out more because I knew my audience would like it based on the feedback I got from my questionnaire. In my questionnaire I also asked “Do you prefer bright colours or dark colours” most people said bright colours, so in order to make this appeal to my target audience I added bright colours for example the blue background its bright, I also used red in some pieces of text to make them certain pieces of information stand out and look bright. My double page spread also appeals to my audience because they liked simple things so I chose to do a simple and near layout, the text is all in line the pictures are all inline and the same size.
  • 17. Audience AppealI have appealed to my target audience I know this because I made an online questionnaire, then I copied the link and posted it online for people to answer. From these results I then knew what my audience would like to see and what they would not like to see and what aspects they like within magazines I also found out what kinds of photos they like, how they like them taken for example the angles, lighting and editing techniques. On my contents page the specific bits that appeal to my audience are the picture because in my questionnaire I asked “what do you like best about a picture?” the response I got was the composition and angle of the photo which made me chose to use this photo because I think its great its on an angle and the composition is great to because its what my audience wanted to see. Another thing on my contents page that defiantly relates to my audience is the “Don’t forget to try and win a free camera” with a picture of a camera on it because in my questionnaire I asked “ do you like to see adverts within a magazine?” The responses I got where, the audience don’t like pointless adverts that have nothing to do with the magazine but they would like winning free things so in order to relate this to my audience I have added in an advert that advertises to win something to win a free camera , I know they would like this because winning a camera advert is on the same topic as the magazine because it’s a photography magazine. I also I asked in my questionnaire “what kind of text fonts do you like?” The answers I got where simple, easy to read and clear. I then knew from this my audience didn’t like fancy fonts they liked simple fonts that are easy to red so in order to appeal my photography magazine contents page to my audience I used simple fonts I did use capitals in some sentences to make certain words stand out because their buss words and my audience would be able to tell that. Again I have used another advert in my contents page I did this to fill up space I had but I know my audience wouldn’t mind this advert because it relates to the magazine and its trying to save money of these magazines everyone wants money off things. I know this because of the responses I got back from my questionnaire they only likes adverts that are good and have something to do with the magazine which I think this does.
  • 18. Audience AppealI have appealed to my target audience I know this because I made an online questionnaire , and I got people to fill it in by posting the link onto online websites for people to fill in for me in order to get answers and responses to know what people would like to see within the magazine I was making I found out the age group whether they are male or female I found out loads of things which has helped me to create this magazine. The specific bits of content on my back cover that would appeal to my audience is defiantly the camera because in my questionnaire I asked “Do you like to win freebies” the majority of the answers I got where they do like to win free things and they would like to win a camera if anything. The text also appeals to my target audience because the font I have used its simple easy to read and not all fancy which is what they wanted to see, I know this because in my questionnaire I also asked the question “ what types of fonts do you like?” the responses I got from this question was that my audience prefer simple fonts that are easy to read.
  • 20. Feedback 1 • What did you like about the product? – I like this product because all the pages go well together – A good range of colours has been used to make things stand out • What improvements could have been made to the product? – You could have kept the same colours throughout the magazine pages
  • 21. Feedback 2 • What did you like about the product? – I like this product because the photography theme has been continuous throughout the pages. – The colours used to make things stand out are good • What improvements could have been made to the product? – You could have added more pages – You could have maybe kept the same colours used for all the pages
  • 22. Feedback 3 • What did you like about the product? – I like the images been used – I also like how the layout is formal – There is text to go with pictures which is good • What improvements could have been made to the product? – Added more pages – Used a wider range of photos
  • 23. Peer Feedback Summary • What do you agree with from your peer feedback? • I agree with the fact it needs to have used a wider range of photos • I also agree with that I could have added more pages but with the time limit I wasn't able to I maybe would have done if I knew I had more time to do it in. • I also agree with that my product is good because it has used a range of colors to make things stand out. • What do you disagree with from your peer feedback? • I disagree with that I could have used the same color themes throughout the magazine because each page is different and makes things stand out in there own way.
  • 24. • The changes I would make to my product based on peer feedback would be that I would use the same range of colors for each page because its all the same magazine, I think would make it look better and neater. • I would also give my self more production time in order to add more pages to my photography magazine product I have made. Peer Feedback Summary
  • 25. Improvements madeBefore After I have gone back and looked at my work with the time I had left. I had noticed some spelling mistakes which I have now sorted out. I have changed my title I have made it bolder and bigger because I didn’t think it look good it wasn't big enough but now it looks better and bigger, I think now the audience would prefer this version to the other version because the title is in a better place the magazine looks more approachable. I have lined everything up better I have left a gap in both edges of the page to make it all look neater and better, I have made sure the masthead and text is all in line by using guidelines then after I took the guide lines out. Because I made the title bigger I then had to move the picture of the camera because it couldn’t fit because of the title. I then changed the colours of the text for example the black text I had was quite difficult to read on the background so I changed it to white which makes it a lot easier to read. I have also changed where the price is and how much it was because I think photography magazines are really good so the price has gone up. I also added in a date for the magazine which I think makes it better for audience because then they will know the date for the magazine. I have also made the pictures at the bottom line up better so they are in the middle.
  • 26. Before Improvements made After I have decided to add a coloured background to my back page I did this because on my peer feedback they said I could have used the same colours throughout the pages so I changed it because I agreed with them. I think it looks better with a bit of colour gives it something more to look a and will maybe appeal to my target audience more.
  • 27. Improvements made Before After I have gone back and looked through my work. I have thought to my self that my double page spread needs improving in order to up my grade. To make this better I have looked at my contents page because I knew that was strong so I have taken the colours and themes from my contents page and put it into my double page spread. I have changed the colour from blue to red because it fits in better with my magazines theme of photography and because I've used a lot of red already. I have moved the pictures side by side instead of underneath because I think this looks best because its neater and the text can be more spaced out to make it look like there is less to read. The pictures are now all the same size.

Editor's Notes

  1. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  2. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  3. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  4. How does your final product appeal to your target audience? Reference specific content
  5. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page alongside an existing product Use text boxes and arrows
  6. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page alongside an existing product Use text boxes and arrows
  7. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page alongside an existing product Use text boxes and arrows
  8. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page alongside an existing product Use text boxes and arrows
  9. Does your work look good? Was it creative? What aspects of your game’s visuals do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows
  10. Does your work look good? Was it creative? What aspects of your game’s visuals do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows
  11. Does your work look good? Was it creative? What aspects of your game’s visuals do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows
  12. Does your work look good? Was it creative? What aspects of your game’s visuals do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows
  13. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience. Refer to your findings from your questionnaire. Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows
  14. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience. Refer to your findings from your questionnaire. Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows
  15. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience. Refer to your findings from your questionnaire. Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows
  16. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience. Refer to your findings from your questionnaire. Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows