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3: Engineering Cost and Estimation
Dr. Mohsin Siddique
Assistant Professor
Ext: 29431
Date: 23/09/2014
Engineering Economics
University of Sharjah
Dept. of Civil and Env. Engg.
Part I
Outcome of Today’s Lecture
After completing this lecture…
The students should be able to:
Define various cost concepts
Provide specific examples of how and why these engineering
cost concepts are important
Engineering Costs
Fixed Cost: These constant or unchanging regardless of the level
of output or activity.
Example: In production environment, costs for factory floor space and
equipment remains the same regardless of production quantity, number of
employee and level of work in progress.
Variable Costs: These are not constant and depends in level of out
or activity.
Example: Labor costs are variable cost because it depend on number of
employees and number of hours they work
Marginal Costs: It is the variable cost for one more unit.
Average Costs: It is total cost divided by number of units
Engineering Costs
Let’s take example of two student enrolled in engineering one is full time
while other is a part time. student A full time student can enroll in 12-18
credit hours for a fixed fee of $1800. Overload credits are charged at
Part-time student: It is case of variable cost. He has to pay according to
number of credits he choose.
Full-time student: It is the case of fixed cost, regardless of number of
credit hours he has to pay tuition fee.
Fixed cost: $1800 per semester for 12-18 credits
Avg. cost if student chooses 12 credits: 1800/12= $150/credit
Avg. cost if student chooses 18 credits: 1800/18= $ 100/credit
Variable cost: It will cost of addition credit beyond 18 and if the student
chooses to enroll in 21 credits.
Variable cost for addition credit beyond17: $0
Variable cost for addition credit beyond18: $120
Example 2-1
Example 2-1
Total Cost= Total Fixed cost + TotalVariable cost
Engineering Costs
Profit-loss breakeven chart. It
is plot of revenue against costs for
various level of outputs (activity).
It allows to understand breakpoint
and region of profit and loss.
Break-even point: the level of
activity at which total cost of
product/goods/services equals to
Profit region: values of variable x
greater than break point where
total revenue is greater than total
Loss region:Values of variable x
less than breakpoint where total
revenue is less than total cost
Profit loss breakeven
chart figure here
Engineering Costs (Example 2-1 continued)
Profit-loss breakeven chart. It
is plot of revenue against costs for
various level of outputs (activity).
It allows to understand breakpoint
and region of profit and loss.
Breakeven point: 15 students
Profit region: for more than 15,
FSSe will be in profit
Loss region: For less than 15, FSSe
will be in loss
Engineering Costs
Linear and non-linear cost
For example:
Employees are often paid 150% of
their hourly rate for overtime. In
this case fixed cost is €3000 while
variable cost
Up to 10 units is €200 per unit
For 5 more units €300 per unit
Avg. cost at 5 units = (3000+200x5)/5= € 800
Avg. cost at 10 units = (3000+200x )/10=
Avg. cost at 12 units = (3000+200x10+300x2)/12= € 467
Avg. cost at 15 units = (3000+200x10+300x5)/15=
Total Cost= Total Fixed cost +
TotalVariable cost
Engineering Costs
A private owned summer camp for youngsters has the following data for a
12 week session:
Charges per camper: $120 per week
Fixed costs: $48000
Variable cost per camper: $80 per week
Capacity: 200 campers
(a). Develop the mathematical relationship for total cost and total revenue
(b).What is the total number of campers that will allow the camp to just
break even
(c).What is profit or loss for the 12 week session if the camp operates at
80% capacity.
Engineering Costs
x = number of campers
(a) Total Cost = Fixed Cost +Variable Cost
= $48,000 + $80 (12) x
Total Revenue = $120 (12) x
(b) Break-even when Total Cost = Total Revenue
$48,000 + $960 x = $1,440 x
$4,800 = $480 x
x = 100 campers to break-even
(c) capacity is 200 campers
80% of capacity is 160 campers
@ 160 campers x = 160
Total Cost = $48,000 + $80 (12) (160) = $201,600
Total Revenue = $120 (12) (160) = $230,400
Profit = Revenue – Cost = $230,400 - $201,600 = $28,800
Engineering Costs
Sunk Cost:
A sunk cost is money already spent as a
result of past decision.
e.g., (i) If 5 students signed up for the
engineering course than in example 2-1,
the advertising cost would be sunk cost
(ii). Price of two years old pc purchase
at $2000 is sunk cost which has no
influence on current market value of
$400 of pc
(iii). _________________________
Engineering Costs
Opportunity cost: An opportunity cost is associated with using a
resource in one activity instead of another.
Every time we use business resource in one activity we, we give up
the opportunity to use the same resource at that time in some
other activity.
“An opportunity cost is the benefit that is forgone by engaging a business
resource in a chosen activity instead of engaging that same resource in
the forgone activity”
Engineering Costs
Opportunity cost:
Suppose that friends invite a college student to travel through
Europe over the summer break.
Cost analysis: In considering the offer, student computes the total
cost of travel as $ 3000 for 10 weeks and after checking his bank
account he agrees to go with them.
However, true cost to the student includes not only his out-of pocket
cash costs but also opportunity costs. By taking the trip, the student
is giving up the opportunity to earn $ 5000 as a summer intern at a
local business.
Thus the student total cost will comprise the $3000 cash cost as
well as $5000 opportunity cost.
Example 2-2
Example 2-2
Engineering Costs
Recurring and Nonrecurring costs
Recurring costs refers to any expense that is know and anticipated
and that occurs at regular interval.
Nonrecurring costs are one-of-a-kind expenses that occur at irregular
intervals and thus are sometimes difficult to plan for or anticipate
from a budgeting perspective.
In engineering economics analysis, recurring costs are modeled as
cash flow that occur at regular interval. Nonrecurring costs can also
be handled if we are able to anticipate their timing and size.
Engineering Costs
Incremental costs
One of fundamental principle in engineering economics analysis is that in
choosing between competing alternatives, the focus is one difference
between those alternative.
For example:You may be interested in comparing two car lease
options. In both of the cases (say case A and case B) total car prices
after lease time are same.
What else would you like analyze to make a decision ??
Example 2-3
Engineering Costs
A cash cost is a cash transaction, or cash flow. If a company
purchases an asset, it realizes a cash cost.
A book cost is not a cash flow, but it is an accounting entry
that represents some change in value.
When a company records a depreciation charge of $4 million
in a tax year, no money changes hands. However, the company
is saying in effect that the market value of its physical,
depreciable assets has decreased by $4 million during the year.
Life-cycle costs refer to costs that occur over the various
phases of a product or service life cycle, from needs
assessment through design, production, and operation to
decline and retirement.
Part II
Date: 25/09/2014
Outcome of Today’s Lecture
After completing this lecture…
The students should be able to:
Define engineering estimating
Explain the three types of engineering estimates, as well as common
difficulties encountered in making engineering cost estimates
Use several common mathematical estimating models in cost estimating
Discuss the impact of learning curve on cost estimates
State the relationship between cost estimating and estimating project
Draw cash flow diagrams to show project costs and benefits
Cost Estimating
Engineering economic analysis focuses on future consequences of
present decisions and therefore one must estimate all cost related
Estimates for engineering economic analysis include purchase costs,
annual revenue, yearly maintenance, interest rates for investments,
annual labor and insurance costs and tax rates etc
Types of Estimates
1. Rough Estimate
2. Semi-detailed estimate
3. Detailed estimate
Cost Estimating
Types of Estimates
1. Rough Estimates: These are order of magnitude estimate used for
high level planning for determining project feasibility and in a project
initial planning and evaluation phase.
These estimates require minimum resources to develop and their
accuracy is -30 to 60%.
2. Semi-detailed estimates: These are used for budgeting purpose at
a project’s conceptual or preliminary design stage.These are more
detailed than rough but still require time and resources.
Their accuracy is generally -15 to 20%
3. Detailed estimates: These are used during project detailed design
and contract bidding phases.These involve most time and resources and
thus are much more accurate than rough estimates.
The accuracy is general -3 to 5%
Cost Estimating
Difficulties in Estimation
One of a kind estimates: The first time something is done, it is difficult
to estimate costs required to design, produce, and maintain a product over
its life cycle.
E.g., NASA first space mission, ___________________________
Time and effort available: Our ability to develop engineering estimates is
constrained by the time and man-power availability
Estimator Expertise:The past is our greatest teacher and knowledge is
The more experienced and knowledgeable this estimator is, the more
accurate the estimate will be.
Estimating Models
1. Per unit model
2. Segmenting model
3. Cost indexes
4. Power-sizing model
5. Triangulation
6. Improvement and learning curve
Estimating Models
1. Per-unit model: It is a simple but useful model in which a cost
estimate is made for a single unit, then the total cost estimate
results from multiplying the estimated cost per unit times the
number of units.
It is commonly used in construction industry.
Cost of $65 per square meter
Service cost per customer
Gasoline cost per km
Estimating Models
2. Segmenting model: It can be described as Divide and Conquer
It partitions the total estimation task into segments. Each segment is
estimated, then the segment estimates are combined for the total
cost estimate.
Estimating Models
3. Cost indexes: It can be used to account for historical changes in
costs.The widely reported Consumer Price Index (CPI) is an
Cost index data are available from a variety of sources.
Suppose A is a time point in the past and B is the current time. Let
IVA denote the index value at time A and IVB denote the current
index value for the cost estimate of interest.To estimate the current
cost based on the cost at time A, use the equation:
(Cost at time B)/ (Cost at time A) = (IVB / IVA)
Cost at time B = (Cost at time A) (IVB / IVA)
Example 2-7
Miriam is interested in estimating the annual labor and material
costs for a new production facility. She was able to obtain the
following labor and material cost data:
Labor costs:
Labor cost index value was at 124 ten years ago and is 188 today
Annual labor costs for a similar facility were $575,500 ten years ago
Material Costs
Material cost index value was at 544 three years ago and is 715 today
Annual material costs for a similar facility were $ 2,455,000 three year ago
Example 2-7
Solution: Miriam will use cost index equation for cost estimates for
annual labor and material cost
755005cost todayAnnual
agoyears10eIndex valu
todayeIndex valu
agoyears10costAnnualcost todayAnnual
agoyears10eIndex valu
todayeIndex valu
cost todayAnnual
2455000cost todayAnnual
agoyears3eIndex valu
todayeIndex valu
cost todayAnnual
Estimating Models
4. Power-sizing model: It accounts explicitly for economies of
For example, the cost of constructing a six-story building will
typically be less than double the construction cost of a comparable
three-story building.
To estimate the cost of B based on the cost of comparable item A,
use the equation
Cost of B = (Cost of A) [ ("Size" of B) / ("Size" of A) ] x
where x is the appropriate power-sizing exponent, available from a
variety of sources.
An economy of scale is indicated by an exponent less than 1.0.An
exponent of 1.0 indicates no economy of scale, and an exponent
greater than 1.0 indicates a diseconomy of scale.
"Size" is used here in a general sense to indicate physical size,
capacity, or some other appropriate comparison unit.
Example 2-8
Based on her work in example 2-7, Miriam has been asked to estimate the
today’s cost of a 2500ft2 heat exchange system for the new plant being
analyzed. She has the following data
Her company paid $50000 for a 1000ft2 heat exchanger 5 years ago
Heat exchangers within this range of capacity has a power sizing
exponent (x) of 0.55
Five years ago the Heat Exchanger Cost Index (HECI) was 1306; it is
1487 today
Miriam will use the following equation of power sizing model;
Cost of 2500ft2 = (Cost of 1000ft2) [ ("Size" of 2500ft2) / ("Size" of 1000ft2) ] x
where x =0.55
Example 2-8
Cost of 2500ft2 equipment = (50000) [ (2500) / (1000) ] 0.55
Cost of 2500ft2 equipment =$82,800
Miriam knows that the $82,800 reflects only the scaling up of the
cost of the 1000 ft2 model to 2500 ft2 model. Now she will use
following equation of cost index model to determine the today’s
cost of equipment
82800cost todayAnnual
agoyears5eIndex valu
todayeIndex valu
cost todayEquipment
Padre works for a trade magazine that publishes lists of Power-Sizing
Exponent (PSE) that reflects economies of scale for developing engineering
estimates of various types of equipment. Padre has been unable to find any
published data on theVMIC machine and wants to list its PSE value in his
next issue. Given the following data calculate the PSE that Padre should
Cost ofVMIC-200 today= $100,000
Cost ofVMIC-100 10 years ago=$45,000
VMIC equipment index today= 856
VMIC equipment index 10 years ago=604
Using Cost Index Model
Cost ofVMIC – 50 today = 45,000 (856/604) = $63,775
Using Power Sizing Model:
(63,775/100,000) = (50/100)x
log (0.63775) = x log (0.50)
x = 0.65
Estimating Models
5.Triangulation is used in engineering surveying. In this technique
surveyor is able to map points by using three fixed points and
horizontal distances.
Triangulation in cost estimating might involve using different sources
of data or using different quantitative models to arrive at the value
being estimated.
As decision makers we should approach our economic estimate
from different perspectives because such varied perspectives add
richness, confidence, and quality to the estimate.
Estimating Models
6. Improvement and the learning curve
One common phenomenon observed, regardless of the task being
performed, is that as the number of repetitions increases, performance
becomes faster and more accurate.This is the concept of learning and
improvement in the activities that people perform.
The learning curve captures the relationship between task performance
and task repetition.
In general as output doubles the-unit production time will be reduced to some
fixed percentage, the learning curve percentage or learning curve rate.
For example: It may take 300 minutes to produce the third unit in first
production run involving a task with a 95% learning time curve. In this case
the sixth (2 x 3) unit during 2nd run will take 300(0.95) = 285 minutes to
Estimating Models
6. Improvement and the learning curve
The following expression can be used for time estimating in
repetitive tasks
Estimating Models
6. Improvement and the learning curve
When thousands or even millions
of units are being produced, the
learning curve effect is
ignored/vanished at a time/stage
called steady state.
Steady state is the time at which the
physical constraints of performing
the task prevent the achievement of
any more learning or improvement.
Number of units
Steady state
6. Calculate the time to required to produce the hundredth unit of a
production run if the first unit took 32 minute to produce and the
learning curve rate for production is 80%.
If 200 labor hours were required to produce the 1st unit in a production
run and 60 labor hours were required to produce the 7th unit, what was
the learning curve rate during production.
TN=Tintial Nb ==> T(7) = T(1) x 7b
60 = (200) x 7b
0.300 = 7b
log 0.30= b log (7)
b = log (0.30)/log (7) = -0.62
b is defined as log (learning curve rate)/ log 20
b = [log (learning curve rate)/lob 2.0] = -0.62
log (learning curve rate) = -0.187
learning curve rate = 10(-0.187) = .650 = 65%
Estimating benefits
Same concepts of cost can be applied to estimate benefits
Cash Flow: Estimation and Diagramming
Cash flow
Cash inflows are the receipts,
revenues, incomes and saving
generated by project and business
activity. A plus sign indicates a cash
Cash outflows are costs, operation
and maintenance costs, disbursements,
expenses and taxes caused by projects
and business activity. A negative or
minus sign indicates a cash outflow.
Cash Flow Diagram (CFD)
Cash flow diagrams visually represent income and expenses over some
time interval.
It is graphical representation of cash flows drawn on the y-axis and a time
scale along x-axis.
Cash Flow Diagram (CFD)
Categories of Cash Flows
The expenses and receipts due to engineering projects usually fall into one
of the following categories:
First cost: expense to build or to buy and install
Operations and maintenance (O&M): annual expense, such as electricity,
labor, and minor repairs
Salvage value: receipt at project termination for sale or transfer of the
equipment (can be a salvage cost)
Revenues: annual receipts due to sale of products or services
Overhaul: major capital expenditure that occurs during the asset’s life
Drawing a Cash Flow Diagram
A CFD is created by first drawing a segmented time-based
horizontal line, divided into appropriate time unit. Each time
when there is a cash flow, a vertical arrow is added − pointing
down for costs and up for revenues or benefits.The cost flows
are drawn to relative scale
Drawing a Cash Flow Diagram
In a cash flow diagram (CFD) the end of period t is the same as
the beginning of period (t+1)
Beginning of period cash flows are: rent, lease, and insurance
End-of-period cash flows are: O&M, salvages, revenues, overhauls
The choice of time 0 is arbitrary. It can be when a project is
analyzed, when funding is approved, or when construction begins
One person’s cash outflow (represented as a negative value) is
another person’s inflow (represented as a positive value)
It is better to show two or more cash flows occurring in the
same year individually so that there is a clear connection from
the problem statement to each cash flow in the diagram
Cash Flow Diagram
For example, consider a truck that is going to be purchased for $55,000. It
will cost $9,500 each year to operate including fuel and maintenance. It will
need to have its engine rebuilt in 6 years for a cost of $22,000 and it will be
sold at year 9 for $6,000. Here is the cash flow diagram:
Note that it is customary to take cash flows during a year at the end of the
year, or EOY (end-of-year).There are certain cash flows for which this is
not appropriate and must be handled differently.
Cash Flow Diagram
Example: A man borrowed $1,000 from a bank at 8% interest.Two
end-of-year payments: at the end of the first year, he will repay half of
the $1000 principal plus the interest that is due.At the end of the
second year, he will repay the remaining half plus the interest for the
second year.
Cash flow for this problem is:
End of year Cash flow
0 +$1000
1 -$580 (-$500 - $80)
2 -$540 (-$500 - $40)
1 2
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3. eng. cost and estimation

  • 1. 3: Engineering Cost and Estimation Dr. Mohsin Siddique Assistant Professor Ext: 29431 Date: 23/09/2014 Engineering Economics University of Sharjah Dept. of Civil and Env. Engg.
  • 3. Outcome of Today’s Lecture 3 After completing this lecture… The students should be able to: Define various cost concepts Provide specific examples of how and why these engineering cost concepts are important
  • 4. Engineering Costs 4 Fixed Cost: These constant or unchanging regardless of the level of output or activity. Example: In production environment, costs for factory floor space and equipment remains the same regardless of production quantity, number of employee and level of work in progress. Variable Costs: These are not constant and depends in level of out or activity. Example: Labor costs are variable cost because it depend on number of employees and number of hours they work Marginal Costs: It is the variable cost for one more unit. Average Costs: It is total cost divided by number of units
  • 5. Engineering Costs 5 Let’s take example of two student enrolled in engineering one is full time while other is a part time. student A full time student can enroll in 12-18 credit hours for a fixed fee of $1800. Overload credits are charged at $120/credit Part-time student: It is case of variable cost. He has to pay according to number of credits he choose. Full-time student: It is the case of fixed cost, regardless of number of credit hours he has to pay tuition fee. Fixed cost: $1800 per semester for 12-18 credits Avg. cost if student chooses 12 credits: 1800/12= $150/credit Avg. cost if student chooses 18 credits: 1800/18= $ 100/credit Variable cost: It will cost of addition credit beyond 18 and if the student chooses to enroll in 21 credits. Variable cost for addition credit beyond17: $0 Variable cost for addition credit beyond18: $120
  • 7. Example 2-1 7 Total Cost= Total Fixed cost + TotalVariable cost
  • 8. Engineering Costs 8 Profit-loss breakeven chart. It is plot of revenue against costs for various level of outputs (activity). It allows to understand breakpoint and region of profit and loss. Terminologies: Break-even point: the level of activity at which total cost of product/goods/services equals to revenue Profit region: values of variable x greater than break point where total revenue is greater than total cost Loss region:Values of variable x less than breakpoint where total revenue is less than total cost Profit loss breakeven chart figure here
  • 9. Engineering Costs (Example 2-1 continued) 9 Profit-loss breakeven chart. It is plot of revenue against costs for various level of outputs (activity). It allows to understand breakpoint and region of profit and loss. Terminologies: Breakeven point: 15 students Profit region: for more than 15, FSSe will be in profit Loss region: For less than 15, FSSe will be in loss
  • 10. Engineering Costs 10 Linear and non-linear cost relation For example: Employees are often paid 150% of their hourly rate for overtime. In this case fixed cost is €3000 while variable cost Up to 10 units is €200 per unit and For 5 more units €300 per unit Avg. cost at 5 units = (3000+200x5)/5= € 800 Avg. cost at 10 units = (3000+200x )/10= Avg. cost at 12 units = (3000+200x10+300x2)/12= € 467 Avg. cost at 15 units = (3000+200x10+300x5)/15= Total Cost= Total Fixed cost + TotalVariable cost
  • 11. Engineering Costs 11 Problem: A private owned summer camp for youngsters has the following data for a 12 week session: Charges per camper: $120 per week Fixed costs: $48000 Variable cost per camper: $80 per week Capacity: 200 campers (a). Develop the mathematical relationship for total cost and total revenue (b).What is the total number of campers that will allow the camp to just break even (c).What is profit or loss for the 12 week session if the camp operates at 80% capacity.
  • 12. Engineering Costs 12 x = number of campers (a) Total Cost = Fixed Cost +Variable Cost = $48,000 + $80 (12) x Total Revenue = $120 (12) x (b) Break-even when Total Cost = Total Revenue $48,000 + $960 x = $1,440 x $4,800 = $480 x x = 100 campers to break-even (c) capacity is 200 campers 80% of capacity is 160 campers @ 160 campers x = 160 Total Cost = $48,000 + $80 (12) (160) = $201,600 Total Revenue = $120 (12) (160) = $230,400 Profit = Revenue – Cost = $230,400 - $201,600 = $28,800
  • 13. Engineering Costs 13 Sunk Cost: A sunk cost is money already spent as a result of past decision. e.g., (i) If 5 students signed up for the engineering course than in example 2-1, the advertising cost would be sunk cost (ii). Price of two years old pc purchase at $2000 is sunk cost which has no influence on current market value of $400 of pc (iii). _________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________
  • 14. Engineering Costs 14 Opportunity cost: An opportunity cost is associated with using a resource in one activity instead of another. Every time we use business resource in one activity we, we give up the opportunity to use the same resource at that time in some other activity. “An opportunity cost is the benefit that is forgone by engaging a business resource in a chosen activity instead of engaging that same resource in the forgone activity” Example
  • 15. Engineering Costs 15 Opportunity cost: Examples: Suppose that friends invite a college student to travel through Europe over the summer break. Cost analysis: In considering the offer, student computes the total cost of travel as $ 3000 for 10 weeks and after checking his bank account he agrees to go with them. However, true cost to the student includes not only his out-of pocket cash costs but also opportunity costs. By taking the trip, the student is giving up the opportunity to earn $ 5000 as a summer intern at a local business. Thus the student total cost will comprise the $3000 cash cost as well as $5000 opportunity cost.
  • 18. Engineering Costs 18 Recurring and Nonrecurring costs Recurring costs refers to any expense that is know and anticipated and that occurs at regular interval. Nonrecurring costs are one-of-a-kind expenses that occur at irregular intervals and thus are sometimes difficult to plan for or anticipate from a budgeting perspective. ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ In engineering economics analysis, recurring costs are modeled as cash flow that occur at regular interval. Nonrecurring costs can also be handled if we are able to anticipate their timing and size.
  • 19. Engineering Costs 19 Incremental costs One of fundamental principle in engineering economics analysis is that in choosing between competing alternatives, the focus is one difference between those alternative. For example:You may be interested in comparing two car lease options. In both of the cases (say case A and case B) total car prices after lease time are same. What else would you like analyze to make a decision ?? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
  • 21. Engineering Costs 21 A cash cost is a cash transaction, or cash flow. If a company purchases an asset, it realizes a cash cost. A book cost is not a cash flow, but it is an accounting entry that represents some change in value. When a company records a depreciation charge of $4 million in a tax year, no money changes hands. However, the company is saying in effect that the market value of its physical, depreciable assets has decreased by $4 million during the year. Life-cycle costs refer to costs that occur over the various phases of a product or service life cycle, from needs assessment through design, production, and operation to decline and retirement.
  • 23. Outcome of Today’s Lecture 23 After completing this lecture… The students should be able to: Define engineering estimating Explain the three types of engineering estimates, as well as common difficulties encountered in making engineering cost estimates Use several common mathematical estimating models in cost estimating Discuss the impact of learning curve on cost estimates State the relationship between cost estimating and estimating project benefits Draw cash flow diagrams to show project costs and benefits
  • 24. Cost Estimating 24 Engineering economic analysis focuses on future consequences of present decisions and therefore one must estimate all cost related variables Estimates for engineering economic analysis include purchase costs, annual revenue, yearly maintenance, interest rates for investments, annual labor and insurance costs and tax rates etc Types of Estimates 1. Rough Estimate 2. Semi-detailed estimate 3. Detailed estimate
  • 25. Cost Estimating 25 Types of Estimates 1. Rough Estimates: These are order of magnitude estimate used for high level planning for determining project feasibility and in a project initial planning and evaluation phase. These estimates require minimum resources to develop and their accuracy is -30 to 60%. 2. Semi-detailed estimates: These are used for budgeting purpose at a project’s conceptual or preliminary design stage.These are more detailed than rough but still require time and resources. Their accuracy is generally -15 to 20% 3. Detailed estimates: These are used during project detailed design and contract bidding phases.These involve most time and resources and thus are much more accurate than rough estimates. The accuracy is general -3 to 5%
  • 26. Cost Estimating 26 Difficulties in Estimation One of a kind estimates: The first time something is done, it is difficult to estimate costs required to design, produce, and maintain a product over its life cycle. E.g., NASA first space mission, ___________________________ __________________________________________________ Time and effort available: Our ability to develop engineering estimates is constrained by the time and man-power availability Estimator Expertise:The past is our greatest teacher and knowledge is power. The more experienced and knowledgeable this estimator is, the more accurate the estimate will be.
  • 27. Estimating Models 27 1. Per unit model 2. Segmenting model 3. Cost indexes 4. Power-sizing model 5. Triangulation 6. Improvement and learning curve
  • 28. Estimating Models 28 1. Per-unit model: It is a simple but useful model in which a cost estimate is made for a single unit, then the total cost estimate results from multiplying the estimated cost per unit times the number of units. It is commonly used in construction industry. Example: Cost of $65 per square meter Service cost per customer Gasoline cost per km ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
  • 29. Estimating Models 29 2. Segmenting model: It can be described as Divide and Conquer It partitions the total estimation task into segments. Each segment is estimated, then the segment estimates are combined for the total cost estimate.
  • 30. Estimating Models 30 3. Cost indexes: It can be used to account for historical changes in costs.The widely reported Consumer Price Index (CPI) is an example. Cost index data are available from a variety of sources. Suppose A is a time point in the past and B is the current time. Let IVA denote the index value at time A and IVB denote the current index value for the cost estimate of interest.To estimate the current cost based on the cost at time A, use the equation: (Cost at time B)/ (Cost at time A) = (IVB / IVA) Cost at time B = (Cost at time A) (IVB / IVA)
  • 31. Example 2-7 31 Miriam is interested in estimating the annual labor and material costs for a new production facility. She was able to obtain the following labor and material cost data: Labor costs: Labor cost index value was at 124 ten years ago and is 188 today Annual labor costs for a similar facility were $575,500 ten years ago Material Costs Material cost index value was at 544 three years ago and is 715 today Annual material costs for a similar facility were $ 2,455,000 three year ago
  • 32. Example 2-7 32 Solution: Miriam will use cost index equation for cost estimates for annual labor and material cost 871800$ 124 188 755005cost todayAnnual agoyears10eIndex valu todayeIndex valu agoyears10costAnnualcost todayAnnual agoyears10eIndex valu todayeIndex valu agoyears10costAnnual cost todayAnnual == = = 3227000$ 544 715 2455000cost todayAnnual agoyears3eIndex valu todayeIndex valu agoyears3costAnnual cost todayAnnual == = Annual Labor Cost Annual Material Cost
  • 33. Estimating Models 33 4. Power-sizing model: It accounts explicitly for economies of scale. For example, the cost of constructing a six-story building will typically be less than double the construction cost of a comparable three-story building. To estimate the cost of B based on the cost of comparable item A, use the equation Cost of B = (Cost of A) [ ("Size" of B) / ("Size" of A) ] x where x is the appropriate power-sizing exponent, available from a variety of sources. An economy of scale is indicated by an exponent less than 1.0.An exponent of 1.0 indicates no economy of scale, and an exponent greater than 1.0 indicates a diseconomy of scale. "Size" is used here in a general sense to indicate physical size, capacity, or some other appropriate comparison unit.
  • 34. Example 2-8 34 Based on her work in example 2-7, Miriam has been asked to estimate the today’s cost of a 2500ft2 heat exchange system for the new plant being analyzed. She has the following data Her company paid $50000 for a 1000ft2 heat exchanger 5 years ago Heat exchangers within this range of capacity has a power sizing exponent (x) of 0.55 Five years ago the Heat Exchanger Cost Index (HECI) was 1306; it is 1487 today Solution: Miriam will use the following equation of power sizing model; Cost of 2500ft2 = (Cost of 1000ft2) [ ("Size" of 2500ft2) / ("Size" of 1000ft2) ] x where x =0.55
  • 35. Example 2-8 35 Cost of 2500ft2 equipment = (50000) [ (2500) / (1000) ] 0.55 Cost of 2500ft2 equipment =$82,800 Miriam knows that the $82,800 reflects only the scaling up of the cost of the 1000 ft2 model to 2500 ft2 model. Now she will use following equation of cost index model to determine the today’s cost of equipment 300,94$ 1306 1487 82800cost todayAnnual agoyears5eIndex valu todayeIndex valu agoyears5costEquipment cost todayEquipment == =
  • 36. Problem 36 Padre works for a trade magazine that publishes lists of Power-Sizing Exponent (PSE) that reflects economies of scale for developing engineering estimates of various types of equipment. Padre has been unable to find any published data on theVMIC machine and wants to list its PSE value in his next issue. Given the following data calculate the PSE that Padre should publish. Cost ofVMIC-200 today= $100,000 Cost ofVMIC-100 10 years ago=$45,000 VMIC equipment index today= 856 VMIC equipment index 10 years ago=604
  • 37. Problem 37 Solution: Using Cost Index Model Cost ofVMIC – 50 today = 45,000 (856/604) = $63,775 Using Power Sizing Model: (63,775/100,000) = (50/100)x log (0.63775) = x log (0.50) x = 0.65
  • 38. Estimating Models 38 5.Triangulation is used in engineering surveying. In this technique surveyor is able to map points by using three fixed points and horizontal distances. Triangulation in cost estimating might involve using different sources of data or using different quantitative models to arrive at the value being estimated. As decision makers we should approach our economic estimate from different perspectives because such varied perspectives add richness, confidence, and quality to the estimate.
  • 39. Estimating Models 39 6. Improvement and the learning curve One common phenomenon observed, regardless of the task being performed, is that as the number of repetitions increases, performance becomes faster and more accurate.This is the concept of learning and improvement in the activities that people perform. The learning curve captures the relationship between task performance and task repetition. In general as output doubles the-unit production time will be reduced to some fixed percentage, the learning curve percentage or learning curve rate. For example: It may take 300 minutes to produce the third unit in first production run involving a task with a 95% learning time curve. In this case the sixth (2 x 3) unit during 2nd run will take 300(0.95) = 285 minutes to produce.
  • 40. Estimating Models 40 6. Improvement and the learning curve The following expression can be used for time estimating in repetitive tasks
  • 41. Estimating Models 41 6. Improvement and the learning curve When thousands or even millions of units are being produced, the learning curve effect is ignored/vanished at a time/stage called steady state. Steady state is the time at which the physical constraints of performing the task prevent the achievement of any more learning or improvement. Number of units time Steady state
  • 42. Example 42 6. Calculate the time to required to produce the hundredth unit of a production run if the first unit took 32 minute to produce and the learning curve rate for production is 80%.
  • 43. Problem 43 If 200 labor hours were required to produce the 1st unit in a production run and 60 labor hours were required to produce the 7th unit, what was the learning curve rate during production. SOLUTION TN=Tintial Nb ==> T(7) = T(1) x 7b 60 = (200) x 7b 0.300 = 7b log 0.30= b log (7) b = log (0.30)/log (7) = -0.62 b is defined as log (learning curve rate)/ log 20 b = [log (learning curve rate)/lob 2.0] = -0.62 log (learning curve rate) = -0.187 learning curve rate = 10(-0.187) = .650 = 65%
  • 44. Estimating benefits 44 Same concepts of cost can be applied to estimate benefits
  • 45. Cash Flow: Estimation and Diagramming 45 Cash flow Cash inflows are the receipts, revenues, incomes and saving generated by project and business activity. A plus sign indicates a cash inflow Cash outflows are costs, operation and maintenance costs, disbursements, expenses and taxes caused by projects and business activity. A negative or minus sign indicates a cash outflow.
  • 46. Cash Flow Diagram (CFD) 46 Cash flow diagrams visually represent income and expenses over some time interval. It is graphical representation of cash flows drawn on the y-axis and a time scale along x-axis.
  • 47. Cash Flow Diagram (CFD) 47 Categories of Cash Flows The expenses and receipts due to engineering projects usually fall into one of the following categories: First cost: expense to build or to buy and install Operations and maintenance (O&M): annual expense, such as electricity, labor, and minor repairs Salvage value: receipt at project termination for sale or transfer of the equipment (can be a salvage cost) Revenues: annual receipts due to sale of products or services Overhaul: major capital expenditure that occurs during the asset’s life Revenue
  • 48. 48 Drawing a Cash Flow Diagram A CFD is created by first drawing a segmented time-based horizontal line, divided into appropriate time unit. Each time when there is a cash flow, a vertical arrow is added − pointing down for costs and up for revenues or benefits.The cost flows are drawn to relative scale
  • 49. 49 Drawing a Cash Flow Diagram In a cash flow diagram (CFD) the end of period t is the same as the beginning of period (t+1) Beginning of period cash flows are: rent, lease, and insurance payments End-of-period cash flows are: O&M, salvages, revenues, overhauls The choice of time 0 is arbitrary. It can be when a project is analyzed, when funding is approved, or when construction begins One person’s cash outflow (represented as a negative value) is another person’s inflow (represented as a positive value) It is better to show two or more cash flows occurring in the same year individually so that there is a clear connection from the problem statement to each cash flow in the diagram
  • 50. Cash Flow Diagram 50 For example, consider a truck that is going to be purchased for $55,000. It will cost $9,500 each year to operate including fuel and maintenance. It will need to have its engine rebuilt in 6 years for a cost of $22,000 and it will be sold at year 9 for $6,000. Here is the cash flow diagram: Note that it is customary to take cash flows during a year at the end of the year, or EOY (end-of-year).There are certain cash flows for which this is not appropriate and must be handled differently.
  • 51. 51 Cash Flow Diagram Example: A man borrowed $1,000 from a bank at 8% interest.Two end-of-year payments: at the end of the first year, he will repay half of the $1000 principal plus the interest that is due.At the end of the second year, he will repay the remaining half plus the interest for the second year. Cash flow for this problem is: End of year Cash flow 0 +$1000 1 -$580 (-$500 - $80) 2 -$540 (-$500 - $40) $1,000 0 1 2 $580 $540
  • 52. 52 ThankYou Feel Free to Contact Tel. +971 6 5050943 (Ext. 2943)