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UNIT 9: Shopping for Clothes
Overall Time allotment: 8 hours
Objective: Talk about shopping for clothes
Day 1
Introduction and Integration
Time allotment: 2 hours
Day one in all of the courses will be devoted to creating a space for students and the teacher to
know each other and start fostering a healthy and friendly learning environment. This also
includes setting the rules of the course, giving special recommendations, and asking students to
get the necessary material for the course – i.e. dictionary. Then, you are expected to give an
explanation of the topics as explained in the document “Consideraciones generales para el
primer día de clase”:
• General description of our program’s principles
• Additional services
• News for the semester
• Training on the new book and the Get to know your World pages 0 and 1and do give
students an over
Please, follow the agenda we have designed for this day, which tells you how to tackle the
topics above. You will receive it in advance.
Day 2
Unit Opener and Lesson A
Time allotment: 2 hours Pages to cover: 98, 99, 100 and 101
GOAL 1 Target Language Vocabulary Strategies
Make comparisons –
Compare your clothes
with a partner’s choice
• Comparative
adjectives (new)
Focus on the
pronunciation of
clothing items.
• Clothes (review
and expansion)
Although we expect
teachers to focus on
the vocabulary on
page 100, they can
decide to what extent
they can expand.
Grouping -
Managing social
interaction -
Following patterns-
• I don’t know /
Mmm, I’m not
sure: to show
uncertainty or
• Perfect! To show
Workbook assignment: Page 55
Websites / Software suggested:
World English 1 companion website
Quiz for clothes
Weather and clothes game
Comparative adjectives: explanations
Comparative adjectives: Quiz
Suggested task:
Teachers can use annex #1: Comparing clothes for this task. Follow the instructions:
Your partner and you are going shopping for some gifts for family and friends. First, work
individually. Take a look at the following items and choose the one you like the most for one of
your relatives or friends. Prepare a short explanation of your choice as in the example. Then,
join a partner and compare choices. Find differences and similarities among your choices.
Teachers should encourage students to expand conversations and ask follow-up
questions. Teachers can adapt the conversation model on page 101 and propose it for
students to guide their conversations.
Day 3
Lesson B
Time allotment: 2 hours Pages to cover: 102 and 103
GOAL 2 Target Language Vocabulary Strategies
What things do
you prefer to buy
online? What
things do you
prefer to buy in a
store? Share your
ideas with a
•Comparative adjectives
(review and listening
Rising and falling
intonation (page 102)
• Clothes (review
and expansion)
Grouping - Practice
Managing social
interaction -
Following patterns-
Suggested task:
Divide the whole class into two groups: A and B. Students A will read the first article (See annex
2 at the end of this document) for advantages of online shopping and students B will read the
second article on disadvantages of online shopping. As they read their articles, they need to
take notes and prepare to defend that position (for or against of this type of shopping). Then,
they will get in groups of 4: 2 students A and 2 students B and start a debate to finally come to a
conclusion: Is online shopping definitely better than going to a store in person? Is going to a
store better than online shopping? Does it depend? On what? Ask students to feel free to add
ideas different from the ones in the article, to expand and exemplify their points and to use
expressions for debates like the ones we have in the conversation gambits. For instance:
a. Yes, but ...
b. Yes, but don’t forget
c.That would be grat, except...
d. That’s a good idea
Counter – arguments
a. Even so,
b. Even if that is so,
c.That may be so, but...
d. That’s probably true, but ...
e. Possibly, but ...
Workbook assignment: Page 56
Websites / Software suggested:
World English 1 companion website
Additional listening practice on shopping situations
Men and shopping: More listening practice
Online shopping: Interesting reading and pronunciation exercise
Shopping for warm-weather clothes
Shopping for a hat
Buying Men’s shirt
Shopping for underwear
Day 4
Lesson C
Time allotment: 2 hours Pages to cover: 104 and 105
GOAL 3 Target Language (New) Vocabulary Strategies
Talk about
materials. Talk
with a partner.
Which is your
favorite material?
•Superlative forms of
Practice rising and falling
intonation by means of
the conversation model
on page 105.
• Clothing
Although we expect
teachers to focus on the
vocabulary on page
104, they can decide to
what extent they can
expand. They can add
the following materials:
Nylon, polyester,
spandex, rayon,
rubber, plastic, denim,
fleece, linen.
Grouping -
Managing social
interaction -
Following patterns-
• Certainly, Sir
/Madam: Very
polite way to
agree with or to
show willingness
to help a client, a
boss or the like.
• I’m afraid so:
Polite way to
confirm a bad
piece of news or
information that is
not expected.
Suggested Task: Shopping Role Play
For this task you will need as many flashcards for different clothing items and accessories as
you can. Make sure to choose and reserve this material in advance.
After practicing with the conversation model on page 105, ask students to work in pairs. Each
group will create a different clothing store. They need to think of a store name and choose the
clothes they are going to sell –i.e. flashcards. Also, they need to prepare a short description of
each item including prices. Give them a model and encourage them to use superlatives - E.g.
This sweater is made of the warmest material: Wool. It costs $50.oo / This blouse is made of
the finest silk in the world. It’s $500.oo These are the most beautiful shoes we have in the store.
You can take them for only $40.oo
As soon as they are ready, ask half of the groups to visit the other ones as shoppers. Sellers will
have to convince shoppers to buy their products. After some minutes, change roles. At the end,
the class will choose the group that sold the most items. You can use fake money for this
Workbook assignment: Page 57
Special assignment: Ask students to do some online research in English for next class: Assign
each student a type of material from the ones you talked about in class today. Ask them to find
out and bring printed info about the process that must be followed to produce these materials.
Ask them to summarize and paraphrase as much as possible.
Websites / Software suggested:
World English 1 companion website
Comparative and Superlative adjectives: explanations and fun exercises
More on comparative and superlatives
Comparative / superlative quiz
Day 5
Lessons D and E
Time allotment: 2 hours Pages to cover:106, 107, 108 and 109
GOAL 4 Follow the reading lesson instructions as suggested by the teacher’s manual.
Include instruction of reading strategies such as: Pre-viewing (Picture
exploitation), scanning to answer the questions in Exercise B and inferring
meaning from the context, as students read and find new vocabulary.
and describe
a process.
Work with a
Describe the
process for
making silk.
Mini-task for reading activity:
Follow the suggestion given by goal 4, but students can use the information they found as
assignment from the previous class. They can work in small groups explaining to each other the
process of making the material they were in charge of. The outcome can be to identify the most
difficult process.
Video lesson
Follow the instructions suggested in the teachers’ manual.
Mini-task for video activity:
Ask students to do the activity suggested by After you Watch with questions 2 and 3. Give
students some minutes before the pair work to prepare their answers and the necessary
vocabulary. At the end of the exchange, they should come up with a list of jobs for men and one
for women and reasons to support their choices. Choose a couple of groups to share their
answers at the end.
Workbook assignment: Pages 58, 59 and 60
Websites / Software suggested:
World English 1 companion website
The Process of Making Leather
The Process of Making Cotton
How Wool is Made
Annex 1: Comparing clothes
Your partner and you are going shopping for some gifts for family and friends. First, work
individually. Take a look at the following items and choose the one you like the most for one of your
relatives or friends. Prepare a short explanation of your choice as in the example. Then, join a
partner and compare choices. Find differences and similarities among your choices.
A) B)
Explain: I prefer sweater A because it’s warmer than sweater B. It’s perfect for my aunt who
lives in Bogotá.
1. Shoes:
A) B)
1. Dress:
A) B)
2. Suit:
A) B)
3. Boots:
A) B)
4. Hat:
A) $300.000 B) $20.000
Annex2: Articles about online shopping
Advantages for Shopping Online
By georgelarson
Retrived from:, February 28th
Online shopping has changed the way we go 'window shopping' for items we use and need in our day to day
lives. Over 90 percent of individuals who use the Internet to buy items do so at least once a month, with some
in the habit to shop online several times a week. What is it about shopping on the web, versus going to the
shopping mall, that makes them keep going back to their computer to shop?
Advantages to go online shopping:
There are many people who have yet to shop online. They prefer to go to their 'brick and mortar' store to
shop. Everything you buy at the store is available online. It does not matter if you are looking for clothes,
groceries, furniture, shoes, or anything else you will find it on the web. Here are some of the benefits to
shopping online versus going to the store.
• The Internet is open 24/7/365.
• Saves money by not needing to use gas to find what you are looking for.
• You will not make a trip to the Mall just to find out what you want is out of stock.
• Avoid the crowded malls.
• Compare prices from many retailers easily by using services such as Google Product Search.
• There will not be a long wait in the checkout lanes.
• The receipt for your purchase is automatically emailed to you which provides convenience and saves
• Specify a different ship-to address and your purchase will be delivered to that destination without you
mailing it.
• Internet shoppers save time: According to the American ShopperScape 2008 report:
"More shoppers use online shopping to save time than to save money. Shoppers are gradually shifting
some shopping away from stores to Web sites, which may affect shopping patterns even more
dramatically in the future given rising gasoline prices and time scarcity."
• Online shopping is a alternative way to shop: When you cannot get to the store or just do not want to get
caught up in the mall experience, Web shopping is a great alternative.
Times to look at online stores include:
• Finding exclusive items. You want to buy an item that is rare. Since few stores carry such the item you
are looking for finding it on the Internet makes sense.
• Comparison shopping. When you are preparing to purchase something that is very expensive the
Internet provides a great way to efficiently comparison shop.
• Find options for what you want to buy. You are curious and want to know what options there are for the
product you want to buy. Going to several stores takes time and gas money. On the Internet you can
literally go from your front door to the other side of the world with just a click of your mouse. Sit back
and take your time. You will find the option that works for you.
• Privacy for your purchase. You want to make a purchase without anyone seeing you or knowing about
it. Think about how nice it would be to buy a gift for Birthdays or Christmas, have it delivered to your
work, and no one will ever suspect a thing.
• Cannot leave your house. There is a reason you cannot leave your house. When you are feeling ill,
taking care of someone who is sick, inclement weather, or lack of transportation or time.
Shopping online provides a convenient alternative for purchasing your items. Going to shop at
a store is what we grew up doing. Yet, today, the Internet has provided a second purchasing
Disadvantages of online shopping
Article Source: , February 28th, 2011
The craze of online shopping has picked up quite significantly in the last decade and online sellers are
expected to improve their share of purchases for years to come. There is no doubt that you can find great
deals on line and so many different brands which may not be even available in regular stores, even shopping
malls. If you have never shopped online or even if you are a regular online shopper, you should understand
that despite of all the hype, there are certain disadvantages of online shopping.
Normally when we shop from a regular store, we can see the item and at least visually inspect that it looks fine.
You can select a colour, size and can even speak to a sales person to clarify doubts regarding an item. I feel
the biggest disadvantage of online shopping is we do not physically see the item till it arrives. May be you have
seen it in the nearby mall but there is a possibility that the particular piece you have ordered may be defective.
Misinterpretation or misunderstanding of items bought online is a common problem. Usually the photo of items
you see online are much better than once you have the item in front of you.
Once you place you order the waiting game starts. You have to wait for a few days for the item to arrive which
can be quite frustrating. Most experts believe that we are most excited about your “buy” in the first few days, so
by the time your item arrives you will most likely be less excited about your “buy” in the first few days, so by the
time your item arrives you will most likely be less excited then getting the item on same day you made the
Only a few sites offer free shipping, some others will ship for free only if your total purchase price exceeds a
certain amount. Shipping fee is often a big discouragement for online shoppers.
Even if the seller agrees to take back the defective merchandise, you often have to pay the cost of shipping it
back. Additionally you have to call and convince the people regarding the reason of your return. Some good
sites do have excellent return policy, but not everyone.
Making payments online is usually safe but not always. There way be sites which are not secure or do not
encrypt your personal credit card data, so if a hacker breaks in their system, you personal data can be
Some people pretend selling items at a very cheap price and often send you a low quality, opened or
refurbished item, in other cases the site may shut down unexpectedly, leaving lot of customers who might have
already paid for the item but did not receive anything. Shopping online can also take you to phishing site which
want to defraud you.
Small items like pencil, eraser, socks, water bottles etc… are low priced items and shipping them will likely
double the cost. You will always have to depend on regular stores for them. Similarly items like milk, fruits and
vegetables are perishable items and cannot be ordered online.
Most good internet sites have taken adequate measures to overcome most of these disadvantages.
An intelligent online shopper knows a lot more than a novice. Both regular stores and online
shopping have advantages and disadvantages of their own.
Overall Time allotment: 7 hours
Day 6
Unit Opener and Lesson A
Time allotment: 2 hours Pages to cover: 110, 111, 112 and 113
GOAL 1 Target Language Vocabulary Strategies
Give advice on
healthy habits-
Take turns. Give
your partner
suggestions on
how to improve
his or her health.
• Modals (mostly new) –
could, ought to,
should, must, have to,
to give suggestions, give
advice or express
obligation. They have
already learned should
to give advice and
Focus on the correct
pronunciation of:
Could: /kʊd/
Ought to: /ɑt ̬ə/
Should: /ʃʊd/
Must: /mʌst/
Healthy / unhealthy
habits. (review and
Good shape
Work out
Junk food
Bad shape
To fit (clothes)
Balanced diet
To lose weight
To gain weight
Feel free to include more
related vocabulary. You
can use the word bank on
page 112 in the Teacher’s
Mapping -
Asking for
clarification and
help - presentation
• Like what? To
ask for an
• You mean…To
paraphrase or
another person
Workbook assignment: Page 61
Websites / Software suggested:
World English 1 companion website
Should: additional explanations, exercises and expansion
Expressing obligation: must and have to
Should and Could: explanations and exercises
Suggested task:
Ask students to work individually first. They will think of at least three different problems they have
related to eating habits, exercise, free time, feelings or school. Then, they will stand up and ask
different people around the classroom for advice. They need to take notes and make sure they
remember or write the name of the person who provides each recommendation. At the end, they will
choose the person who gave the best advice. Train and encourage students to use modals.
Day 7
Lesson B
Time allotment: 2 hours Pages to cover: 114-115
GOAL 2 Target Language (Review
and listening practice)
Vocabulary Strategies
Suggest ways
to improve bad
Ask two
partners about
their bad habits.
Give them
• Should and
shouldn’t to provide
Pronunciation: Identifying
the difference in
pronunciation between
should and shouldn’t.
• Review and
vocabulary for
good and bad
• Mapping
• Asking for
clarification and
help. Practice
• Access
Suggested task:
The communication activity on page 115 can be exploited as a task. Give them time to prepare the
description of each problem as well as an original and out-of the common suggestion individually,
first. Then, ask them to get in pairs of groups of three and share their suggestions. The class will
chose the most interesting one.
Workbook assignment: Page 62
Websites / Software suggested:
World English 1 companion website
Additional listening exercises: Healthy habits
Additional listening practice: 10 Ways to Stay Healthy Naturally
Day 8
Lesson C
Time allotment: 2 hours Pages to cover: 116-117
GOAL 3 Target Language Vocabulary Strategies
Ask about
lifestyles. Ask a
partner about his
or her lifestyle.
• Questions with How :
Some of these questions
have been studied
before in an isolated
way. In this lesson, the
idea is to clarify their
meaning, differences
among them and
• Compound adjectives
(new): E.g.
• Mouth-watering
• Homemade
• Heart-warming
• Lifelong
• Stress-free
• Homegrown
• Overgrown
• Overworked
• Low-calorie
Although we expect teachers
to focus on the vocabulary on
page 116, they can decide to
what extent they can expand.
• Mapping
• Asking for
clarification and
• Access
Suggested Task:
The opinion survey on page T-203 can be used as the task for this lesson. First, students have to
read, mark their own answers and prepare to support them. Then they will work with a partner
exchanging their opinions. Encourage them to expand by elaborating and supporting their answers.
The outcome can be to come to an agreement on at least three items they both strongly agree with
and report to the class.
Workbook assignment: 63
Websites / Software suggested:
World English 1 companion website
Questions with How: explanations and exercises
Day 9
Lesson D
Time allotment: 1 hour
(Parents meeting second hour)
Pages to cover: 118, 119 (reading)
GOAL 4 Suggested task
Evaluate your
lifestyle. Take turns
Discuss with a partner
the good habits and
the bad habits in your
lifestyle. Give each
other advice.
Follow the reading lesson instructions as suggested by the teacher’s
manual. Include instruction of reading strategies such as:
Scanning to answer the question in exercise B.
Predicting to prepare ss for better comprehension of the text. Ask them to
predict what kind of lifestyle Italians and Japanese people have to live
longer than other peoples. Guide them to:
• Think about what they already know
• Establish their own expectations
• Check if their predictions are right
Mini task for the reading:
Follow the recommendation for goal 4. However, to guide the discussion,
ss can ask questions similar to the ones offered for the writing exercise on
page 119. Students can actually interact with different classmates by
mingling around the classroom getting and giving advice. Ss will chose
and report the best advice.
Workbook assignment: Video activity CD ROM Lesson E and workbook pages 64, 65 and 66
Websites / Software suggested:
World English 1 companion website
The secrets of longevity: Website
The secrets of longevity: Article
Overall Time Allotment: 8 hours (D courses) 7 hours (C courses)
Objective: Talk about personal, professional and scientific achievements.
Day 10
Unit Opener and Lesson A
Time allotment: 2 hours Pages to cover: 122, 123, 124 and 125.
Target Language
Vocabulary (new) Strategies
Talk about today’s
chores. Talk to a
partners about the
chores you have done
• Present perfect
tense for activities
that have just been
completed or an
action that happened
in the past but will
happen again in the
present or the future.
• Past participle form
of verbs.
Pronunciation of –ed
• Daily chores
Pay the bills
Buy groceries
Sweep the floor
Cut the grass
Walk the dog
Iron the clothes
Put away the clothes
Wash the dishes
Take out the garbage
Wash the floor
Do/ Run errands
Do the laundry
Clean the bathroom
Access information
ending in regular past
participle verbs:
Although we expect
teachers to focus on
the vocabulary on
page 124, they can
decide to what extent
they can expand.
-Of course: To show
something is obvious.
-Sorry, honey: To
apologize to
someone you love.
Suggested task:
Lisa and Chris have a lot of work at home!
Use annex 1 to have students complete the communication activity, using present perfect.
Students are expected to help Lisa and Chris check the chores they haven’t done yet.
Workbook assignment: Page 67
Additional assignment:
Students should review and study the past participle form of irregular verbs. See one of the
websites suggested below.
Websites / Software suggested:
WE Companion Website
Past participle form of irregular verbs
Present Perfect: explanations and practice
Additional listening practice: household chores
Household chores: Additional vocabulary practice
Saturday Chores: Listening Practice
Day 11
Lesson B
Time allotment: 1 hour (Second hour:
Parents Meeting for C courses)
D courses will have 2 hours.
Pages to cover:126 and 127
Interview for a
Think of a job.
What’s required?
Write notes.
Interview a
• Review of
present perfect
simple and past
participle form
of the verbs.
• Reduced forms
of have
• Skills and
qualifications for
Graduating from
Taking a driving test
Having a driver’s
Smart appearance
Traveling / living /
studying abroad
Having an interest in…
Access information
Suggested task:
The Job Interview
You manage the communication activity at the end of the lesson as a task. You may ask
students to think of different jobs from the ones suggested there. It could be about their ideal
jobs. The outcome would be to decide if the interviewee is really qualified for the job or not.
Workbook assignment: Page 68
Additional assignment:
Websites / Software suggested:
WE Companion Website
Additional explanations and exercises on Present Perfect
Job Interview: Video lesson
Day 12 Lesson C
Time allotment: 2 hours Pages to cover: 128 and 129.
Talk about
Talk to a
partner about
your lifetime
Target Language
(Review of these two
tenses. The
approach is new)
• Present perfect
tense Vs simple
past tense
• Pronunciation of
irregular verbs in
past participle:
• Lifetime
-graduate from high
-get a promotion
-win an award/ a trophy/a
medal, etc.
-travel abroad
-buy your own car
-pass an important test
-buy a house
-run a marathon
-get a credit card
Access information
Conversation Strategies
-I haven’t seen you for a
long time/Long time no
-Lots!: Short reply for
Long time no see.
-Will do: Short reply for an
Suggested Task
Ask students to think about goals they would like to have achieved in 20 years time and write
them down. You can create categories for this exercise: Studies, job, family, possessions,
travel, etc. Then, tell them to imagine it’s already 2035 and they can now talk about all their
achievements in the past. They will mingle around talking to different ex-classmates, sharing
their achievements, taking notes and following the model on page 129. They will choose the
most successful person in this class and support why.
Workbook Assignment: Page 69
Websites / Software suggested:
WE Companion Website
Present Perfect vs Simple Past: Explanations and Exercises
Present Perfect vs Simple Past: Quiz
Day 13
Lessons D and E
Time allotment: 2 hours Pages to cover: 130, 131, 132 and 133.
Reading Lesson (First hour)
GOAL 4 Follow the reading lesson instructions as suggested by the teacher’s
manual. Include instruction of reading strategies such as:
To analyze the pictures and title of the reading and make predictions
before having students read the article.
Restating/ Paraphrasing
Have students share understanding of the text by paraphrasing the
main ideas:
Restate or explain ideas in your own words while
retaining the meaning and ideas in the original
• Get all the main ideas with most of the supporting
• Put these facts into your own words
• Compact the text (Essential items / items to be
omitted ) orally or in written form
Mini task for the reading:
Ask students to work in pairs or groups of three. Ask them to discuss
different scientific/technological achievements. Which is the greatest
one and why exactly? How has it contributed to the development or
wellbeing of humankind? For example:
-The press
-The assembly line
-The X rays
-Structure of the human genome
Discuss scientific
achievements. Talk to
a partner about other
scientific achievements.
Websites / Software suggested:
WE Companion Website
Top 10 Scientific Achievements we are Waiting for: Article
The 7 Greatest Scientific Achievements of the Last 50 Years: Article
Video lesson (Second hour)
Follow the instructions suggested in the teachers’ manual.
Mini-task for the video
Do the communication activity suggested on page 133.
Workbook Assignment: Page 70, 71 and 72.
Websites / Software suggested:
WE Companion Website
Life in Space: Website for Kids with very Interesting Info for everybody
BBC: Extraterrestrial Life
Help Lisa and Chris check if they have completed the chores they were expected to do today. Here are the chores Lisa has done.
First, identify each one and label it:
Now, ask your partner if Chris has done these chores yet:
Example: Has Chris swept the floor yet?
1. Sweep the floor: _______________________
2. Walk the dog: _______________________
3. Dust: _______________________
4. Cut the grass: _______________________
5. Cleaned the bathroom: _______________________
6. Pay the bills: _______________________
Help Lisa and Chris check if they have completed the chores they were expected to do today. Here are the chores Chris has done.
First, identify each one and label it:
 
Now, ask your partner if Lisa has done these chores yet:
Example: Has Lisa done the dishes yet?
1. Do the dishes: _______________________
2. Do the laundry: _______________________
3. Vacuum: _______________________
4. Buy the groceries: _______________________
5. Iron the clothes: _______________________
6. Take out the garbage: _______________________
Overall Time allotment: 7 hours
Objective: Reflect upon and talk about how our present actions have consequences in our
personal lives, the environment and the people around us.
Day 14
Unit Opener and Lesson A
Time allotment: 2 hours Pages to cover: 134, 135, 136, 137
GOAL 1 Target Language
Strategies (review)
Talk about managing
your money. Work
with a partner. Talk
about how you manage
your money.
•Real conditionals (or
first conditionals)
•Vowel sound /I/ in if, will,
credit, savings, deposit,
withdraw, interest,
Credit card
Savings account
Checking account
Interest rate
You can use this
strategy to work on
the vocabulary of
the lesson.
• I see. To let the
speaker know we
are following the
• Is that it? To ask
for confirmation.
• You got it. To
answer when the
other understands
the message.
Workbook assignment: Page 73
Additional assignment: Check the suggested task for lesson B: Researching about three cities
in California.
Websites / Software suggested:
Vocabulary related to money: Glossary and pictures
First Conditional: Explanations
First Conditional: Explanations and Practice
First Conditional: Practice
Suggested task:
Financial Advice Office
Ask students to describe a financial problem they have. We strongly recommend creating a
bank of possible situations students may have. For instance they can say that their weekly
allowance is gone way too soon or that usually, by the time Christmas arrives, they don’t have
enough money to buy their family presents. Also, come up with ideas for possible solutions for
typical financial problems: saving from weekly allowance, getting a part-time job, asking sb to
lend them money, selling candy or other goods at school, etc. Present these ideas to students
and complement them with your students’ contributions. Next, divide the group into two: half of
them are going to be people looking for financial advice and the rest will be financial advisors.
People with problems will rotate in an organized way so that they get advice from different
experts and take notes. Train them on how to use the target grammar to share advice-e.g. If you
stop buying so much candy every day, you will save enough money by the end of the year to
buy presents. Then, they can change roles. The idea would be to select the most common
problem and the best solution.
Day 15
Lesson B
Time allotment: 2 hours Pages to cover: 138 and 139
GOAL 2 Target Language
(Review and
listening Practice)
(Review and expansion)
Make choices on •First Conditional Review vocabulary related Listening for
how to spend
your money. Join
another pair of
students and
explain to them
how you decided
to spend your
activity on page
Intonation in
to money. Expand:
Transport costs
Airport transfers
General and
Information: In
order to complete
exercise A, you can
train students on
listening for general
information (When,
where, what)
Then, for exercise B,
students will need
more specific
Managing social
interactions – Use
the target
expressions of the
lesson to train
students to manage
social interactions
likely to happen in a
Suggested task:
Planning your trip to California
Do the communication activity on page 139. To make this activity more challenging and
meaningful, you can ask your students to do some previous research about what tourists can do
in these three cities: Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco. They should look for
information about places of interest to visit, activities to do, typical food, etc. They can add it to
their descriptions. The idea would be to choose the most interesting but cheapest plan.
Workbook assignment: Page 74
Websites / Software suggested:
Planning a trip in NYC: Listening Practice
Spending Money: The Risks of Having a Credit Card: Listening Practice
Train Tickets: Listening Practice
Spending Money: Listening Practice
First Conditional: Song by Rod Steward: I don’t Wanna Talk about it.
Day 16
Lesson C
Time allotment: 2 hours Pages to cover: 140 and 141
GOAL 3 Target Language
(Review and
Talk about how
your actions can
have a positive
Work with a
partner. Choose
an important
problem or
• Real Conditionals
Explore this phenomenon
Animal Habitats
Coral reef
Grouping: Train
students on this
strategy in order to
classify animals that
live in different
issue. Make a list
of the things you
can do to help. Tell
your partner what
your actions will
with the conversation
model, especially with long
“I’m very worried about all
we hear and read about
habitat destruction”.
Wild animals
Mountain goat
Polar bear
Although we expect
teachers to focus on the
vocabulary on page
140, they can decide to
what extent they can
• Right? To
• Right! To show
Suggested Task:
Students can work in groups of three. Assign each group a different habitat. They are expected
to come up with a campaign to promote awareness among classmates about the importance of
taking care of the place, the animals and the vegetation (if any) in that habitat. Encourage and
exemplify the use of the target grammar – e.g. If we all save energy at home, global warming
will gradually decrease and the glaciers will stop melting at such irregular speed.
Workbook assignment: page 75
Websites / Software suggested:
Animal habitats: Vocabulary Exploration
Real Conditionals: Practice Quiz (Statements)
Real conditionals: Practice Quiz (Negations)
Real Conditional: Practice
Conditional Tutorial
Day 17
First Hour: Review
Second hour: Quiz 2
Day 18
First Hour: Reading or Video Lesson
Second Hour: Final Parents Meeting
ways to
Work with a
partner. Talk
about the
things you can
do to prevent
Reading Lesson
Follow the reading lesson instructions as suggested by the teacher’s manual.
Include instruction of reading strategies such as: Previewing, to explore the
pictures of the two animals in danger of extinction in exercise A, the maps and
pictures of two of the habitats the text is about. And Identifying meaning from
the context to explore the unknown vocabulary from the text.
Suggested mini-task:
Bring information about different endangered animals or species. Ask students
to work in pairs, read about them and then, join another group to share the info.
Ask them to come up with proposals to save those animals.
Video lesson
Follow the instructions suggested in the teachers’ manual. Ss. The communication activity at the
end of page 145 could be used as a mini-task for this lesson.
Workbook assignment: 76, 77 and 78
Websites / Software suggested:
Information on Endangered Species
Earth’s Endangered Creatures
Video on Endangered Species

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238056086 t6-g6

  • 1. Get Homework/Assignment Done Homework Help Research Paper help Online Tutoring click here for freelancing tutoring sites CENTRO COLOMBO AMERICANO SATURDAY PROGRAM T6-G6 WORLD ENGLISH 1 UNITS 9 TO 12 UNIT 9: Shopping for Clothes Overall Time allotment: 8 hours Objective: Talk about shopping for clothes Day 1 Introduction and Integration Time allotment: 2 hours Day one in all of the courses will be devoted to creating a space for students and the teacher to know each other and start fostering a healthy and friendly learning environment. This also includes setting the rules of the course, giving special recommendations, and asking students to
  • 2. get the necessary material for the course – i.e. dictionary. Then, you are expected to give an explanation of the topics as explained in the document “Consideraciones generales para el primer día de clase”: • General description of our program’s principles • Additional services • News for the semester • Training on the new book and the Get to know your World pages 0 and 1and do give students an over Please, follow the agenda we have designed for this day, which tells you how to tackle the topics above. You will receive it in advance. Day 2 Unit Opener and Lesson A Time allotment: 2 hours Pages to cover: 98, 99, 100 and 101 GOAL 1 Target Language Vocabulary Strategies Make comparisons – Compare your clothes with a partner’s choice • Comparative adjectives (new) Pronunciation: Focus on the pronunciation of clothing items. • Clothes (review and expansion) Although we expect teachers to focus on the vocabulary on page 100, they can decide to what extent they can expand. Grouping - presentation Managing social interaction - presentation Following patterns- presentation Conversation strategies: • I don’t know / Mmm, I’m not sure: to show uncertainty or disagreement politely. • Perfect! To show agreement Workbook assignment: Page 55 Websites / Software suggested: World English 1 companion website Quiz for clothes Weather and clothes game Comparative adjectives: explanations Comparative adjectives: Quiz Suggested task: Teachers can use annex #1: Comparing clothes for this task. Follow the instructions: Your partner and you are going shopping for some gifts for family and friends. First, work individually. Take a look at the following items and choose the one you like the most for one of your relatives or friends. Prepare a short explanation of your choice as in the example. Then, join a partner and compare choices. Find differences and similarities among your choices.
  • 3. Teachers should encourage students to expand conversations and ask follow-up questions. Teachers can adapt the conversation model on page 101 and propose it for students to guide their conversations. Day 3 Lesson B Time allotment: 2 hours Pages to cover: 102 and 103 GOAL 2 Target Language Vocabulary Strategies Explain preferences. What things do you prefer to buy online? What things do you prefer to buy in a store? Share your ideas with a partner. •Comparative adjectives (review and listening practice) Pronunciation: Rising and falling intonation (page 102) • Clothes (review and expansion) Grouping - Practice Managing social interaction - Practice Following patterns- Practice Suggested task: Divide the whole class into two groups: A and B. Students A will read the first article (See annex 2 at the end of this document) for advantages of online shopping and students B will read the second article on disadvantages of online shopping. As they read their articles, they need to take notes and prepare to defend that position (for or against of this type of shopping). Then, they will get in groups of 4: 2 students A and 2 students B and start a debate to finally come to a conclusion: Is online shopping definitely better than going to a store in person? Is going to a store better than online shopping? Does it depend? On what? Ask students to feel free to add ideas different from the ones in the article, to expand and exemplify their points and to use expressions for debates like the ones we have in the conversation gambits. For instance: ARGUMENTS AND COUNTER-ARGUMENTS Reservation a. Yes, but ... b. Yes, but don’t forget c.That would be grat, except... d. That’s a good idea Counter – arguments a. Even so, b. Even if that is so, c.That may be so, but... d. That’s probably true, but ... e. Possibly, but ... Workbook assignment: Page 56 Websites / Software suggested: World English 1 companion website Additional listening practice on shopping situations Men and shopping: More listening practice Online shopping: Interesting reading and pronunciation exercise PODCASTS:
  • 4. Shopping for warm-weather clothes Shopping for a hat Buying Men’s shirt Shopping for underwear Day 4 Lesson C Time allotment: 2 hours Pages to cover: 104 and 105 GOAL 3 Target Language (New) Vocabulary Strategies Talk about clothing materials. Talk with a partner. Which is your favorite material? Why? •Superlative forms of adjectives Pronunciation: Practice rising and falling intonation by means of the conversation model on page 105. • Clothing materials. Although we expect teachers to focus on the vocabulary on page 104, they can decide to what extent they can expand. They can add the following materials: Nylon, polyester, spandex, rayon, rubber, plastic, denim, fleece, linen. Grouping - Consolidation Managing social interaction - Consolidation Following patterns- Consolidation Conversation strategies: • Certainly, Sir /Madam: Very polite way to agree with or to show willingness to help a client, a boss or the like. • I’m afraid so: Polite way to confirm a bad piece of news or information that is not expected. Suggested Task: Shopping Role Play For this task you will need as many flashcards for different clothing items and accessories as you can. Make sure to choose and reserve this material in advance. After practicing with the conversation model on page 105, ask students to work in pairs. Each group will create a different clothing store. They need to think of a store name and choose the clothes they are going to sell –i.e. flashcards. Also, they need to prepare a short description of each item including prices. Give them a model and encourage them to use superlatives - E.g. This sweater is made of the warmest material: Wool. It costs $50.oo / This blouse is made of the finest silk in the world. It’s $500.oo These are the most beautiful shoes we have in the store. You can take them for only $40.oo As soon as they are ready, ask half of the groups to visit the other ones as shoppers. Sellers will have to convince shoppers to buy their products. After some minutes, change roles. At the end, the class will choose the group that sold the most items. You can use fake money for this purpose. Workbook assignment: Page 57 Special assignment: Ask students to do some online research in English for next class: Assign
  • 5. each student a type of material from the ones you talked about in class today. Ask them to find out and bring printed info about the process that must be followed to produce these materials. Ask them to summarize and paraphrase as much as possible. Websites / Software suggested: World English 1 companion website Comparative and Superlative adjectives: explanations and fun exercises More on comparative and superlatives Comparative / superlative quiz Day 5 Lessons D and E Time allotment: 2 hours Pages to cover:106, 107, 108 and 109 GOAL 4 Follow the reading lesson instructions as suggested by the teacher’s manual. Include instruction of reading strategies such as: Pre-viewing (Picture exploitation), scanning to answer the questions in Exercise B and inferring meaning from the context, as students read and find new vocabulary. Understand and describe a process. Work with a partner. Describe the process for making silk. Mini-task for reading activity: Follow the suggestion given by goal 4, but students can use the information they found as assignment from the previous class. They can work in small groups explaining to each other the process of making the material they were in charge of. The outcome can be to identify the most difficult process. Video lesson Follow the instructions suggested in the teachers’ manual. Mini-task for video activity: Ask students to do the activity suggested by After you Watch with questions 2 and 3. Give students some minutes before the pair work to prepare their answers and the necessary vocabulary. At the end of the exchange, they should come up with a list of jobs for men and one for women and reasons to support their choices. Choose a couple of groups to share their answers at the end. Workbook assignment: Pages 58, 59 and 60 Websites / Software suggested: World English 1 companion website The Process of Making Leather The Process of Making Cotton How Wool is Made
  • 6. Annex 1: Comparing clothes Your partner and you are going shopping for some gifts for family and friends. First, work individually. Take a look at the following items and choose the one you like the most for one of your relatives or friends. Prepare a short explanation of your choice as in the example. Then, join a partner and compare choices. Find differences and similarities among your choices. Example: Sweater: A) B)
  • 7. Explain: I prefer sweater A because it’s warmer than sweater B. It’s perfect for my aunt who lives in Bogotá. 1. Shoes: A) B) Explain:___________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Dress: A) B) Explain:___________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Suit: A) B)
  • 8. Explain:_______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Boots: A) B) Explain:_______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Hat: A) $300.000 B) $20.000 Explain:_______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Annex2: Articles about online shopping Advantages for Shopping Online By georgelarson Retrived from:, February 28th 2011 Online shopping has changed the way we go 'window shopping' for items we use and need in our day to day lives. Over 90 percent of individuals who use the Internet to buy items do so at least once a month, with some in the habit to shop online several times a week. What is it about shopping on the web, versus going to the shopping mall, that makes them keep going back to their computer to shop? Advantages to go online shopping:
  • 9. There are many people who have yet to shop online. They prefer to go to their 'brick and mortar' store to shop. Everything you buy at the store is available online. It does not matter if you are looking for clothes, groceries, furniture, shoes, or anything else you will find it on the web. Here are some of the benefits to shopping online versus going to the store. • The Internet is open 24/7/365. • Saves money by not needing to use gas to find what you are looking for. • You will not make a trip to the Mall just to find out what you want is out of stock. • Avoid the crowded malls. • Compare prices from many retailers easily by using services such as Google Product Search. • There will not be a long wait in the checkout lanes. • The receipt for your purchase is automatically emailed to you which provides convenience and saves paper. • Specify a different ship-to address and your purchase will be delivered to that destination without you mailing it. • Internet shoppers save time: According to the American ShopperScape 2008 report: "More shoppers use online shopping to save time than to save money. Shoppers are gradually shifting some shopping away from stores to Web sites, which may affect shopping patterns even more dramatically in the future given rising gasoline prices and time scarcity." • Online shopping is a alternative way to shop: When you cannot get to the store or just do not want to get caught up in the mall experience, Web shopping is a great alternative. Times to look at online stores include: • Finding exclusive items. You want to buy an item that is rare. Since few stores carry such the item you are looking for finding it on the Internet makes sense. • Comparison shopping. When you are preparing to purchase something that is very expensive the Internet provides a great way to efficiently comparison shop. • Find options for what you want to buy. You are curious and want to know what options there are for the product you want to buy. Going to several stores takes time and gas money. On the Internet you can literally go from your front door to the other side of the world with just a click of your mouse. Sit back and take your time. You will find the option that works for you. • Privacy for your purchase. You want to make a purchase without anyone seeing you or knowing about it. Think about how nice it would be to buy a gift for Birthdays or Christmas, have it delivered to your work, and no one will ever suspect a thing. • Cannot leave your house. There is a reason you cannot leave your house. When you are feeling ill, taking care of someone who is sick, inclement weather, or lack of transportation or time. Shopping online provides a convenient alternative for purchasing your items. Going to shop at a store is what we grew up doing. Yet, today, the Internet has provided a second purchasing option. Disadvantages of online shopping Article Source: , February 28th, 2011 The craze of online shopping has picked up quite significantly in the last decade and online sellers are expected to improve their share of purchases for years to come. There is no doubt that you can find great deals on line and so many different brands which may not be even available in regular stores, even shopping malls. If you have never shopped online or even if you are a regular online shopper, you should understand that despite of all the hype, there are certain disadvantages of online shopping.
  • 10. 1. YOU DO NOT PHYSICALLY SEE THE ITEMS: Normally when we shop from a regular store, we can see the item and at least visually inspect that it looks fine. You can select a colour, size and can even speak to a sales person to clarify doubts regarding an item. I feel the biggest disadvantage of online shopping is we do not physically see the item till it arrives. May be you have seen it in the nearby mall but there is a possibility that the particular piece you have ordered may be defective. Misinterpretation or misunderstanding of items bought online is a common problem. Usually the photo of items you see online are much better than once you have the item in front of you. 2. WAIT FOR THE ITEMS TO ARRIVE: Once you place you order the waiting game starts. You have to wait for a few days for the item to arrive which can be quite frustrating. Most experts believe that we are most excited about your “buy” in the first few days, so by the time your item arrives you will most likely be less excited about your “buy” in the first few days, so by the time your item arrives you will most likely be less excited then getting the item on same day you made the payment. 3. SHIPPING CHARGES: Only a few sites offer free shipping, some others will ship for free only if your total purchase price exceeds a certain amount. Shipping fee is often a big discouragement for online shoppers. 4. RETURNING MERCHANDISE: Even if the seller agrees to take back the defective merchandise, you often have to pay the cost of shipping it back. Additionally you have to call and convince the people regarding the reason of your return. Some good sites do have excellent return policy, but not everyone. 5. ONLINE SECURITY: Making payments online is usually safe but not always. There way be sites which are not secure or do not encrypt your personal credit card data, so if a hacker breaks in their system, you personal data can be compromised. 6. RISK OF ONLINE FRAUD: Some people pretend selling items at a very cheap price and often send you a low quality, opened or refurbished item, in other cases the site may shut down unexpectedly, leaving lot of customers who might have already paid for the item but did not receive anything. Shopping online can also take you to phishing site which want to defraud you. 7. YOU CANNOT BUY LOW PRICED OR PERISHABLE ITEMS ON THE WEB: Small items like pencil, eraser, socks, water bottles etc… are low priced items and shipping them will likely double the cost. You will always have to depend on regular stores for them. Similarly items like milk, fruits and vegetables are perishable items and cannot be ordered online. Most good internet sites have taken adequate measures to overcome most of these disadvantages. An intelligent online shopper knows a lot more than a novice. Both regular stores and online shopping have advantages and disadvantages of their own. UNIT 10: LIFESTYLES Overall Time allotment: 7 hours Objective: Day 6 Unit Opener and Lesson A Time allotment: 2 hours Pages to cover: 110, 111, 112 and 113 GOAL 1 Target Language Vocabulary Strategies
  • 11. Give advice on healthy habits- Take turns. Give your partner suggestions on how to improve his or her health. • Modals (mostly new) – could, ought to, should, must, have to, to give suggestions, give advice or express obligation. They have already learned should to give advice and recommendations. Pronunciation: Focus on the correct pronunciation of: Could: /kʊd/ Ought to: /ɑt ̬ə/ Should: /ʃʊd/ Must: /mʌst/ Healthy / unhealthy habits. (review and expansion) E.g: Healthy Good shape Work out Lifestyle Unfit Junk food Bad shape To fit (clothes) Sunbathing Balanced diet Weight To lose weight To gain weight Feel free to include more related vocabulary. You can use the word bank on page 112 in the Teacher’s book. Mapping - presentation Asking for clarification and help - presentation Accessing information sources- presentation Conversation strategies: • Like what? To ask for an example. • You mean…To confirm, paraphrase or interpret something another person said. Workbook assignment: Page 61 Websites / Software suggested: World English 1 companion website Should: additional explanations, exercises and expansion Expressing obligation: must and have to Should and Could: explanations and exercises Suggested task: Ask students to work individually first. They will think of at least three different problems they have related to eating habits, exercise, free time, feelings or school. Then, they will stand up and ask different people around the classroom for advice. They need to take notes and make sure they remember or write the name of the person who provides each recommendation. At the end, they will choose the person who gave the best advice. Train and encourage students to use modals. Day 7 Lesson B Time allotment: 2 hours Pages to cover: 114-115 GOAL 2 Target Language (Review and listening practice) Vocabulary Strategies Suggest ways to improve bad habits. Ask two partners about their bad habits. Give them advice. • Should and shouldn’t to provide suggestions. Pronunciation: Identifying the difference in pronunciation between should and shouldn’t. • Review and expand vocabulary for good and bad habits. • Mapping practice • Asking for clarification and help. Practice • Access information sources. Practice
  • 12. Suggested task: The communication activity on page 115 can be exploited as a task. Give them time to prepare the description of each problem as well as an original and out-of the common suggestion individually, first. Then, ask them to get in pairs of groups of three and share their suggestions. The class will chose the most interesting one. Workbook assignment: Page 62 Websites / Software suggested: World English 1 companion website Additional listening exercises: Healthy habits Additional listening practice: 10 Ways to Stay Healthy Naturally Day 8 Lesson C Time allotment: 2 hours Pages to cover: 116-117 GOAL 3 Target Language Vocabulary Strategies Ask about lifestyles. Ask a partner about his or her lifestyle. • Questions with How : Some of these questions have been studied before in an isolated way. In this lesson, the idea is to clarify their meaning, differences among them and patterns. • Compound adjectives (new): E.g. • Mouth-watering • Homemade • Heart-warming • Lifelong • Stress-free • Homegrown • Overgrown • Overworked • Low-calorie Although we expect teachers to focus on the vocabulary on page 116, they can decide to what extent they can expand. • Mapping consolidation • Asking for clarification and help. consolidation • Access information sources. consolidation Suggested Task: The opinion survey on page T-203 can be used as the task for this lesson. First, students have to read, mark their own answers and prepare to support them. Then they will work with a partner exchanging their opinions. Encourage them to expand by elaborating and supporting their answers. The outcome can be to come to an agreement on at least three items they both strongly agree with and report to the class. Workbook assignment: 63 Websites / Software suggested: World English 1 companion website Questions with How: explanations and exercises Day 9 Lesson D Time allotment: 1 hour (Parents meeting second hour) Pages to cover: 118, 119 (reading) GOAL 4 Suggested task
  • 13. Evaluate your lifestyle. Take turns Discuss with a partner the good habits and the bad habits in your lifestyle. Give each other advice. Follow the reading lesson instructions as suggested by the teacher’s manual. Include instruction of reading strategies such as: Scanning to answer the question in exercise B. Predicting to prepare ss for better comprehension of the text. Ask them to predict what kind of lifestyle Italians and Japanese people have to live longer than other peoples. Guide them to: • Think about what they already know • Establish their own expectations • Check if their predictions are right Mini task for the reading: Follow the recommendation for goal 4. However, to guide the discussion, ss can ask questions similar to the ones offered for the writing exercise on page 119. Students can actually interact with different classmates by mingling around the classroom getting and giving advice. Ss will chose and report the best advice. Workbook assignment: Video activity CD ROM Lesson E and workbook pages 64, 65 and 66 Websites / Software suggested: World English 1 companion website The secrets of longevity: Website The secrets of longevity: Article UNIT 11: ACHIEVEMENTS Overall Time Allotment: 8 hours (D courses) 7 hours (C courses) Objective: Talk about personal, professional and scientific achievements. Day 10 Unit Opener and Lesson A Time allotment: 2 hours Pages to cover: 122, 123, 124 and 125. GOAL 1 Target Language (New) Vocabulary (new) Strategies Talk about today’s chores. Talk to a partners about the chores you have done today. • Present perfect tense for activities that have just been completed or an action that happened in the past but will happen again in the present or the future. • Past participle form of verbs. Pronunciation: Pronunciation of –ed • Daily chores Pay the bills Buy groceries Sweep the floor Cut the grass Walk the dog Vacuum Iron the clothes Put away the clothes Wash the dishes Take out the garbage Wash the floor Dust Do/ Run errands Do the laundry Cook Clean the bathroom Imagery presentation. Circumlocution presentation. Access information Sources presentation Conversation Strategies
  • 14. ending in regular past participle verbs: /d/ Ironed Traveled /t/ Cooked Finished /Id/ Graduated visited Although we expect teachers to focus on the vocabulary on page 124, they can decide to what extent they can expand. -Of course: To show something is obvious. -Sorry, honey: To apologize to someone you love. Suggested task: Lisa and Chris have a lot of work at home! Use annex 1 to have students complete the communication activity, using present perfect. Students are expected to help Lisa and Chris check the chores they haven’t done yet. Workbook assignment: Page 67 Additional assignment: Students should review and study the past participle form of irregular verbs. See one of the websites suggested below. Websites / Software suggested: WE Companion Website Past participle form of irregular verbs Present Perfect: explanations and practice Additional listening practice: household chores Household chores: Additional vocabulary practice Saturday Chores: Listening Practice Day 11 Lesson B Time allotment: 1 hour (Second hour: Parents Meeting for C courses) D courses will have 2 hours. Pages to cover:126 and 127 GOAL 2 Target Language (Review) Vocabulary (new) Strategies Interview for a job. Think of a job. What’s required? Write notes. Interview a partner. • Review of present perfect simple and past participle form of the verbs. • • Pronunciation: • Reduced forms of have • Skills and qualifications for jobs Graduating from college Taking a driving test Having a driver’s license Smart appearance Experience Traveling / living / studying abroad Having an interest in… Imagery Practice. Circumlocution Practice Access information Sources Practice.
  • 15. Suggested task: The Job Interview You manage the communication activity at the end of the lesson as a task. You may ask students to think of different jobs from the ones suggested there. It could be about their ideal jobs. The outcome would be to decide if the interviewee is really qualified for the job or not. Workbook assignment: Page 68 Additional assignment: Websites / Software suggested: WE Companion Website Additional explanations and exercises on Present Perfect Job Interview: Video lesson Day 12 Lesson C Time allotment: 2 hours Pages to cover: 128 and 129. GOAL 3 Talk about lifetime achievements. Talk to a partner about your lifetime achievements Target Language (Review of these two tenses. The comparative approach is new) • Present perfect tense Vs simple past tense Pronunciation • Pronunciation of irregular verbs in past participle: Been Gotten given Taken Bought Taught Run Won Vocabulary (New) • Lifetime achievements: -graduate from high school/college -get a promotion -win an award/ a trophy/a medal, etc. -travel abroad -buy your own car -pass an important test -buy a house -run a marathon -get a credit card . Strategies Imagery Consolidation. Circumlocution Consolidation Access information Sources Consolidation Conversation Strategies -I haven’t seen you for a long time/Long time no see! -Lots!: Short reply for Long time no see. -Will do: Short reply for an invitation. Suggested Task Ask students to think about goals they would like to have achieved in 20 years time and write them down. You can create categories for this exercise: Studies, job, family, possessions, travel, etc. Then, tell them to imagine it’s already 2035 and they can now talk about all their achievements in the past. They will mingle around talking to different ex-classmates, sharing their achievements, taking notes and following the model on page 129. They will choose the most successful person in this class and support why. Workbook Assignment: Page 69 Websites / Software suggested: WE Companion Website Present Perfect vs Simple Past: Explanations and Exercises Present Perfect vs Simple Past: Quiz
  • 16. Day 13 Lessons D and E Time allotment: 2 hours Pages to cover: 130, 131, 132 and 133. Reading Lesson (First hour) GOAL 4 Follow the reading lesson instructions as suggested by the teacher’s manual. Include instruction of reading strategies such as: Previewing To analyze the pictures and title of the reading and make predictions before having students read the article. Restating/ Paraphrasing Have students share understanding of the text by paraphrasing the main ideas: Restate or explain ideas in your own words while retaining the meaning and ideas in the original selection HOW • Get all the main ideas with most of the supporting details • Put these facts into your own words • Compact the text (Essential items / items to be omitted ) orally or in written form Mini task for the reading: Ask students to work in pairs or groups of three. Ask them to discuss different scientific/technological achievements. Which is the greatest one and why exactly? How has it contributed to the development or wellbeing of humankind? For example: -The press -The assembly line -The X rays -Structure of the human genome Discuss scientific achievements. Talk to a partner about other scientific achievements. Websites / Software suggested: WE Companion Website Top 10 Scientific Achievements we are Waiting for: Article The 7 Greatest Scientific Achievements of the Last 50 Years: Article Video lesson (Second hour) Spacewalk Follow the instructions suggested in the teachers’ manual. Mini-task for the video Do the communication activity suggested on page 133. Workbook Assignment: Page 70, 71 and 72. Websites / Software suggested: WE Companion Website Life in Space: Website for Kids with very Interesting Info for everybody BBC: Extraterrestrial Life
  • 17. LISA AND CHRIS’S BUSY DAY AT HOME Help Lisa and Chris check if they have completed the chores they were expected to do today. Here are the chores Lisa has done. First, identify each one and label it: Now, ask your partner if Chris has done these chores yet: Example: Has Chris swept the floor yet? ANSWERS 1. Sweep the floor: _______________________ 2. Walk the dog: _______________________ 3. Dust: _______________________ 4. Cut the grass: _______________________ 5. Cleaned the bathroom: _______________________ 6. Pay the bills: _______________________ LISA AND CHRIS’S BUSY DAY AT HOME Help Lisa and Chris check if they have completed the chores they were expected to do today. Here are the chores Chris has done. First, identify each one and label it: X X X   X  
  • 18. Now, ask your partner if Lisa has done these chores yet: Example: Has Lisa done the dishes yet? ANSWERS 1. Do the dishes: _______________________ 2. Do the laundry: _______________________ 3. Vacuum: _______________________ 4. Buy the groceries: _______________________ 5. Iron the clothes: _______________________ 6. Take out the garbage: _______________________ UNIT 12: CONSEQUENCES Overall Time allotment: 7 hours Objective: Reflect upon and talk about how our present actions have consequences in our personal lives, the environment and the people around us. Day 14 Unit Opener and Lesson A Time allotment: 2 hours Pages to cover: 134, 135, 136, 137 GOAL 1 Target Language (new) Vocabulary (new) Strategies (review) X X 
  • 19. Talk about managing your money. Work with a partner. Talk about how you manage your money. •Real conditionals (or first conditionals) Pronunciation: •Vowel sound /I/ in if, will, credit, savings, deposit, withdraw, interest, income. Money Spend Overspend Borrow Lend Save Budget Expenses Bank Credit card Savings account Checking account Deposit Withdraw Interest rate Loan Income Allowance Imagery You can use this strategy to work on the vocabulary of the lesson. Conversation strategies: • I see. To let the speaker know we are following the conversation • Is that it? To ask for confirmation. • You got it. To answer when the other understands the message. Workbook assignment: Page 73 Additional assignment: Check the suggested task for lesson B: Researching about three cities in California. Websites / Software suggested: Vocabulary related to money: Glossary and pictures First Conditional: Explanations First Conditional: Explanations and Practice First Conditional: Practice Suggested task: Financial Advice Office Ask students to describe a financial problem they have. We strongly recommend creating a bank of possible situations students may have. For instance they can say that their weekly allowance is gone way too soon or that usually, by the time Christmas arrives, they don’t have enough money to buy their family presents. Also, come up with ideas for possible solutions for typical financial problems: saving from weekly allowance, getting a part-time job, asking sb to lend them money, selling candy or other goods at school, etc. Present these ideas to students and complement them with your students’ contributions. Next, divide the group into two: half of them are going to be people looking for financial advice and the rest will be financial advisors. People with problems will rotate in an organized way so that they get advice from different experts and take notes. Train them on how to use the target grammar to share advice-e.g. If you stop buying so much candy every day, you will save enough money by the end of the year to buy presents. Then, they can change roles. The idea would be to select the most common problem and the best solution. Day 15 Lesson B Time allotment: 2 hours Pages to cover: 138 and 139 GOAL 2 Target Language (Review and listening Practice) Vocabulary (Review and expansion) Strategies Make choices on •First Conditional Review vocabulary related Listening for
  • 20. how to spend your money. Join another pair of students and explain to them how you decided to spend your transportation money (Communication activity on page 139) Pronunciation Intonation in conditional sentences. to money. Expand: Repay Itinerary Transport costs Airport transfers General and Specific Information: In order to complete exercise A, you can train students on listening for general information (When, where, what) Then, for exercise B, students will need more specific information. Managing social interactions – Use the target expressions of the lesson to train students to manage social interactions likely to happen in a restaurant. Suggested task: Planning your trip to California Do the communication activity on page 139. To make this activity more challenging and meaningful, you can ask your students to do some previous research about what tourists can do in these three cities: Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco. They should look for information about places of interest to visit, activities to do, typical food, etc. They can add it to their descriptions. The idea would be to choose the most interesting but cheapest plan. Workbook assignment: Page 74 Websites / Software suggested: Planning a trip in NYC: Listening Practice Spending Money: The Risks of Having a Credit Card: Listening Practice Train Tickets: Listening Practice Spending Money: Listening Practice First Conditional: Song by Rod Steward: I don’t Wanna Talk about it. Day 16 Lesson C Time allotment: 2 hours Pages to cover: 140 and 141 GOAL 3 Target Language (Review) Vocabulary (Review and expansion) Strategies Talk about how your actions can have a positive consequence. Work with a partner. Choose an important problem or • Real Conditionals Pronunciation: Word-linking Explore this phenomenon Animal Habitats Desert Mountains Grasslands Rainforest Coral reef Jungle River Grouping: Train students on this strategy in order to classify animals that live in different habitats. Conversation
  • 21. environmental issue. Make a list of the things you can do to help. Tell your partner what positive consequences your actions will have. with the conversation model, especially with long sentences: “I’m very worried about all we hear and read about habitat destruction”. Ocean Wetlands Glaciers/poles Wild animals Orangutan Camel Shark Mountain goat Polar bear Although we expect teachers to focus on the vocabulary on page 140, they can decide to what extent they can expand. strategies: • Right? To check/confirm information • Right! To show agreement Suggested Task: Students can work in groups of three. Assign each group a different habitat. They are expected to come up with a campaign to promote awareness among classmates about the importance of taking care of the place, the animals and the vegetation (if any) in that habitat. Encourage and exemplify the use of the target grammar – e.g. If we all save energy at home, global warming will gradually decrease and the glaciers will stop melting at such irregular speed. Workbook assignment: page 75 Websites / Software suggested: Animal habitats: Vocabulary Exploration Real Conditionals: Practice Quiz (Statements) Real conditionals: Practice Quiz (Negations) Real Conditional: Practice Conditional Tutorial Day 17 First Hour: Review Second hour: Quiz 2 Day 18 First Hour: Reading or Video Lesson Second Hour: Final Parents Meeting Discuss ways to prevent habitat destruction. Work with a partner. Talk about the things you can do to prevent habitat destruction. Reading Lesson Follow the reading lesson instructions as suggested by the teacher’s manual. Include instruction of reading strategies such as: Previewing, to explore the pictures of the two animals in danger of extinction in exercise A, the maps and pictures of two of the habitats the text is about. And Identifying meaning from the context to explore the unknown vocabulary from the text. Suggested mini-task: Bring information about different endangered animals or species. Ask students to work in pairs, read about them and then, join another group to share the info. Ask them to come up with proposals to save those animals.
  • 22. Video lesson Follow the instructions suggested in the teachers’ manual. Ss. The communication activity at the end of page 145 could be used as a mini-task for this lesson. Workbook assignment: 76, 77 and 78 Websites / Software suggested: Information on Endangered Species Earth’s Endangered Creatures Video on Endangered Species