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ASH EDU 382 Week 1 Assignment Parent
Meeting NEW
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EDU 382 Week 1 Assignment Parent Meeting
As a future educator, will you be charged with
effectively teaching all the students in your
classroom despite their differences. A one-size-
fits-all approach will not work, and parents will
ask you how you plan to support their child’s
needs. The answer is differentiation, but many
outside of the world of education will not know
what that means. Therefore, you have been
asked to address a diverse group of parents and
their concerns on the topic of differentiation in
the classroom.
In your assignment, cover each of the following
items to address parental concerns. Possible
parent questions follow the topics; ensure you
address each one:
a) Explain the history and theory behind
 Is it based on research, or it is it just another
“educational fad”?
 How does differentiated instruction look
different from traditional instruction
b) Discuss the characteristics of a diverse
 My child is a “regular” student–why do you say
he or she is diverse?
c) Discuss the benefits of differentiation in the
classroom for all students.
 Will my special-education student or gifted
student benefit from differentiation? How?
d) Analyze the negative outcomes of
e) Analyze the teacher mindset required for
differentiated instruction to work.
 It seems like so much work for the teacher to
differentiate–can you comment on this idea?
In the spirit of differentiation, you may choose
one of the following options to address the
parents’ concerns and
a) Prepare a two- to three-page newsletter
(excluding title and references pages) to address
parents’ concerns about the pros and cons of
differentiation in their children’s classroom. The
parents will then have avisual reference to
remind them of the purpose of differentiation.
Make the newsletter visually appealing with the
use of graphics and organize it clearly. Your
assignment must be formatted according to APA
style as outlined in the Ashford Writing center
(where applicable with regard to in-text
citations and references). You must utilize one
scholarly source in addition to the text to
support your assertions. Here are a list of
websites with templates and newsletter
examples that can be used in a Microsoft Word
document to get you started:
 Education World’s Newsletter Templates
 Word Draw’s Classroom Newsletter Template
b) Design a presentation to address parents’
concerns and questions. The presentation must
include a minimum of ten slides (excluding title
and references slides) and appropriate graphics.
Your assignment must be formatted according to
APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing
center (where applicable with regard to in-text
citations and references).
You must utilize one scholarly source in addition
to the text to support your assertions. Consider
using one of the following digital tools to make
your presentations:
 Microsoft PowerPoint
 Prezi
 Knovio (this digital tool allows you to attach
audio to your PPT slides)
You must include title and references pages or
slides regardless of which option you choose.
Reference the course text and at least one
additional scholarly source using the Ashford
University Library. For information regarding
APA formatting, visit the Ashford Writing Center,
located under the Learning Resources tab in the
left navigation of the online course.
ASH EDU 382 Week 1 Discussion 1 The
Importance of Neuroscience in Education NEW
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EDU 382 Week 1 Discussion 1 The Importance of
Neuroscience in Education NEW
The Importance of Neuroscience in Education
[CLOs: 1, 5].
In order to effectively differentiate, a teacher
must be familiar with how the brain prefers to
receive and process information and realize that
each student’s brain is uniquely organized.
Research suggests that a teacher’s knowledge of
brain function is instrumental in planning
differentiated instruction.
After reading Chapter 1 of our text, please:
 Examine the seven basic principles of how we
learn starting on page 13 of our text.
 Select three of these principles and describe
how you might specifically incorporate them into
your classroom instruction.
 Examine how these approaches will support
student learning needs based on brain research.
Be sure to use the text to support your response.
Guided Response: Consider the ideas shared in
several of your classmates’ posts and respond to
at least two. Provide additional ideas on how
they may incorporate the principles they
selected in their response to their classroom
instruction. Be sure to respond to any queries or
comments posted by your instructor.
ASH EDU 382 Week 1Discussion 2 Teacher and
Student Mindsets NEW
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EDU 382 Week 1Discussion 2 Teacher and
Student Mindsets NEW
Teacher and Student Mindsets [CLOs: 1, 4, 5]
According to Sousa and Tomlinson (2011),
“Brain studies suggest that a stimulating
learning environment may have a significant
impact on an individual’s brain development and
eventual level of intelligence” (p. 33). Creating a
stimulating learning environment is largely
dependent on teacher and student mindsets that
are influenced by beliefs, assumptions, and
Take a moment to reflect on your personal
educational experiences and answer the
following questions:
a) Describe a positive and negative classroom
experience you have had in your educational
experience and the mindset of the teacher in
both those situations.
 Did you feel that your teacher’s mindset in
both situations impacted your own mindset in
any way? How?
b) Using these educational experiences and
watching the video Building a Supportive
Community of Learners in a Differentiated
Classroom, describe at least three ways in which
you will create your own positive and stimulated
learning environment.
 How will you create an atmosphere where
students can take intellectual risks without fear
of ridicule?
 How will you manage inappropriate behavior,
avoid bullying and put-downs?
 What steps will you take to create an
atmosphere where students feel safe and
Be sure to use evidence from the text to support
your assertions.
Guided Response: As you read the responses of
your classmates, consider how their negative
educational experience could have been changed
to support student learning. Respond to at least
two of your classmates’ posts. Provide additional
suggestions for them in creating their own
positive, stimulating learning environment. Be
sure to respond to any queries or comments
posted by your instructor.
ASH EDU 382 Week 2 Assignment Examination of
Curriculum and Assessment NEW
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EDU 382 Week 2 Assignment Examination of
Curriculum and Assessment NEW
ASH EDU 382 Week 2 Discussion 1 Curriculum
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EDU 382 Week 2 Discussion 1 Curriculum NEW
Curriculum [CLO: 3]
An effective educator understands the
distinction between curriculum and instruction,
as they are not synonymous. Curriculum is what
we teach (the planning) and instruction is how
we teach (the implementation). Differentiation
begins with a quality curriculum.
After reading Chapter 3, identify the five
characteristics of a quality curriculum and
explain in your own words why these elements
are considered important. How do they support
student learning?
An important feature of any quality curriculum
is that the content is meaningful to students and
relatable to authentic personal experiences.
Choose ONE of the three unit topics:
a) The Life Cycle of a Frog
b) Two Dimensional Shapes
c) The Civil War
Then answer the following questions about your
selected topic:
 How could you relate the unit topic you
selected to the real world?
 What meaningful question could you ask your
students as you begin your unit to engage and
motivate students to want to learn more about
the topic?
 Create a brief learning activity where students
are creators of knowledge based on the topic you
selected as opposed to the consumers of
knowledge. This would involve the students
making discoveries of their own with regards to
the content. How does this activity engage
students in developing problem solving skills
and help them to make meaning of what they are
trying to learn? Consider how it extends
understandings, builds neural networks, and
creates different pathways to common goals.
Be sure to support your response with evidence
from the text.
Guided Response: Review several of your
classmates’ posts. Critique or enhance their
discussion by suggesting possible modifications
or alternative activities to make the learning
experience more meaningful. Please respond to
at least two of your classmates. Be sure to
respond to any queries or comments posted by
your instructor.
ASH EDU 382 Week 2 Discussion 2 Classroom
Assessment NEW
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EDU 382 Week 2 Discussion 2 Classroom
Assessment NEW
Classroom Assessment [CLO: 3]
As a result of the standardized reform
movement, assessment data has been used to
influence rewards and punishment rather than
to drive teacher instruction. If differentiated
instruction is going to work, a teacher must also
differentiate his or her assessments.
Before reading Chapter 4, reflect on your
educational experiences with assessments and
answer the following questions:
 When you think about assessments, what do
they remind you of?
 How did they make you feel?
 Were you ever given options to show what you
had learned? Explain.
Now read Chapter 4 and the following video
titled What is Differentiated Assessment?(
Based on your reading and the video,
 What should be the purpose of assessments?
Explain diagnostic/pre-assessment, formative
assessment, and summative assessment in your
own words.
 How do these three types of assessments work
together to improve student learning? Give an
example of how you might use all three to teach a
unit on a particular subject.
 Explain the difference between grading and
assessment. When is it appropriate for
assessments to be graded and when is it not?
Provide evidence to support your opinion.
Be sure to use the text to support your opinions.
Guided Response: Review several of your
classmates’ posts. Compare and contrast your
personal reflections on assessments. Discuss
how your views of assessment have changed
based on this week’s readings and how you
might use assessments in your own classroom.
Please respond to at least two of your
classmates. Be sure to respond to any queries or
comments posted by your instructor
ASH EDU 382 Week 2 Journal Meaningful
Learning NEW
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EDU 382 Week 2 Journal Meaningful Learning
Reflect on a time when a lesson was meaningful.
Consider how the lesson relates to the five
important characteristics of a quality
curriculum. Then reflect on times when you
were assessed on your knowledge.
What types of assessments stressed you out the
most and why? Which ones did you feel were
least threatening and why?
Why do you think it is important that teachers
should consider multiple approaches to
How do you think your learning would improve
if you were given options? Utilize the text and
any additional resources to support your
response when applicable.
ASH EDU 382 Week 3 Assignment Differentiating
for Student Readiness and Interest NEW
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EDU 382 Week 3 Assignment Differentiating for
Student Readiness and Interest NEW
For this assignment, you will be given a scenario
that describes two very different students that
you may have in your classroom. Based on the
information, you will develop appropriate ways
to differentiate content, process, and product
based on student readiness and interest.
You are a fifth grade teacher and are preparing
to teach the students a unit on matter. In this
particular lesson, you will introduce to the
students the structure of an atom, which
includes protons, electrons, and neutrons.
You already conducted a pre-assessment and
you found that most students were familiar with
the word atom, but were not particularly strong
in knowing the parts of an atom. Mary loves
science and was the only student who shows that
she already has a good understanding regarding
the structure of an atom. You also know that
Davion is an average student who is very capable
of learning the content, but it is a struggle to
motivate him when teaching science because he
does not care for the subject and thinks it is
boring. In conducting an interest survey in the
beginning of the year, you know that Davion is
really interested in comics.
In reviewing this scenario, you will determine
how to effectively differentiate for content,
process, and product based on student readiness
and student interest for Mary and Davion. Your
assignment should include the following:
a) Based on what Mary knows about the atom,
explain how might you differentiate for student
readiness based on content, process, and
product? Think about what you want Mary to
learn and how you plan to teach it (content), the
activities she will engage in (process), and how
she might show what she has learned in a
different way (product). See Chapter 5 of your
text for support and ideas.
b) Considering Davion’s interest in comics,
explain how you might differentiate for student
interest based on content, process, and product.
Think about how you might differentiate the way
you teach atoms to Davion (content), the
activities you may engage him in to help him
make sense of the content (process), and the
options he has to show he has mastered the
objective (product). See Chapter 6 of your text
for support and ideas.
c) Explain your rationale of your differentiated
approach for each student and how it will
support these two students in your classroom for
learning about the structure of an atom.
Consider how your selection in content, process,
and product for Mary and Davion differ for the
rest of your class. How do the options you
provide for Mary and Davion align with their
readiness level and interest? Be sure to use
evidence to support your ideas.
You have three options in completing this task:
a) Write a two- to three-page paper (not
including the title and references pages).
b) Develop an eight- to ten-slide PowerPoint
presentation (not including the title and
references slides).
c) Use a combination of the above.
You must reference the course text and at least
one additional scholarly source using the
Ashford University Library. You must include
title and references pages or slides regardless of
which option you choose. For information
regarding APA formatting, visit the Ashford
Writing Center, located under the Learning
Resources tab in the left navigation of the online
ASH EDU 382 Week 3 Discussion 1 Student
Readiness NEW
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EDU 382 Week 3 Discussion 1 Student Readiness
ASH EDU 382 Week 3 Discussion 2 Student
Interest NEW
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EDU 382 Week 3 Discussion 2 Student Interest
Student Interest [CLOs: 1, 2, 3]
“Do I have to leave?” “I can’t wait to learn more!!”
These are the things we want to hear our
students say when they are in our classroom. It is
a given that if students are interested in the
content, they will be more motivated to learn it.
We want our students to be excited about what
they are learning. Sousa and Tomlinson (2011)
state that “Attending to student interest in a
classroom suggests a desire on the teacher’s part
to capitalize on those things a student cares
about in order to facilitate learning” (p. 113).
Imagine it is the beginning of the school year and
you want to get to know the interests of your
students. Using SurveyMonkey (be sure to
register for a free account), design a survey with
10 questions to gather knowledge about student
interest. Post the link to the survey and then
respond to the following questions:
 How might you use the survey results to
differentiate your instruction based on student
 What if a student on a survey stated that they
did not like mathematics, but they loved
football? How might you draw upon their
football interest to motivate the student during
math instruction?
 Reflect on a time when you were given an
assignment that you had no interest in
completing. Consider how that teacher might
have differentiated the activity based a personal
interest and describe how this relates to one of
the seven themes of addressing student interest
in the classroom found on page 116 of our text.
Use the text to support your opinions.
Guided Response: Review a number of your
classmates’ posts and respond to at least two
surveys. Consider contributing additional
questions that your classmate could add to the
survey that may have not been included and
provide your rationale. How might the additional
questions you suggest support student learning
based on interest? Be sure to respond to any
queries or comments posted by your instructor.
ASH EDU 382 Week 4 Discussion 1 Learning Style
Debate NEW
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EDU 382 Week 4 Discussion 1 Learning Style
Debate NEW
Learning Style Debate [CLOs: 1, 2, 3]
A learning profile is defined as the way in which
“people ‘come at’ learning” and includes learning
style, intelligence preferences, culture, and
gender (Sousa & Tomlinson, 2012, p. 137).
Consider for a moment how you like to learn
best. Do you feel like you learn better in a
learning environment that caters to your specific
learning profile? After reflecting on this
question, you will participate in a debate
regarding learning styles (a component of one’s
learning profile), which is a highly controversial
topic among respected researchers and
After reading Chapter 7, the following article,
“Are learning styles invalid? (Hint:No),” and the
following video Learning Styles Don't Exist
rningStyles/LS-critVAK.html), you will debate
the following topic.
Is it important for educators to know the
learning style of their students?
For this debate, you will be assigned to a
particular debate group based on the first letter
of your last name.
 Last Names A-M: Learning styles are important
 Last Names N-Z: Learning styles are not
Debate Process:
Using the information in the course text, from
the additional sources provided, and your own
research utilizing the Ashford Online Library,
develop an argument that supports your
assigned side and post it in the discussion. Your
argument must be supported by the literature to
give validity and evidence for your argument. Be
sure to explain why learning styles are or are not
important for use in the classroom.
Then respond to at least one peer from the
opposite group with a critical evaluation of his or
her argument. Propose one or more counter-
examples to highlight weaknesses of the
disputed argument, or ask for additional
evidence to support your viewpoint.
Finally, post your own (personal) opinion based
on the arguments, research, and your own
experience(s). Explain what you believe is the
best way to differentiate for learning styles. How
have your initial thoughts on this debate
changed based on the research and dialogue you
have had for this discussion question?
ASH EDU 382 Week 4 Discussion 2 DQ 2 Culture
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EDU 382 Week 4 Discussion 2 DQ 2 Culture NEW
Although culture can influence how a student
comes to acquire or process knowledge, it is
important not to generalize these characteristics
as they may not be indicative of every student.
Since culture is part of one’s learning profile, it is
important for educators to be aware of how it
can influence student learning based on
particular preferences.
Take a moment to reflect on how your own
culture influences your learning. How do you
like to learn and how might culture influence
this learning preference? Take a look at Figure
7.1 and share where you fall on the six continua
of cultural tendencies and beliefs. Based on your
results, how might it influence the way you
Now read Chapter 9 of Owning It: Proven
Strategies for Success in ALL of Your Roles as a
Teacher Today and answer the following
In Chapter 9, Kajitani (2013) describes three
different ways to begin introducing a culturally
relevant curriculum into your classroom.
Examine and describe these three different steps
in your own words and consider how these steps
can support your understanding of the various
cultural backgrounds of your students.
Give a specific example of how you might
differentiate content based on one’s culturally
Why is it especially important not to generalize
learning style preferences among cultures?
Be sure to utilize the course text and Owning It:
Provide Strategies in ALL of your Roles as a
Teacher Today to support your response.
Guided Response:Respond to at least two of your
classmates posts and examine your cultural
differences. Based upon the response of your
peer, propose some ways you might differentiate
for learning profile his or her culture. Explain
how your suggested differentiated instructional
approach would benefit his or her learning. Be
sure to respond to any queries or comments
posted by your instructor.
ASH EDU 382 Week 4 Journal Intellectual
Strengthsv NEW
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EDU 382 Week 4 Journal Intellectual Strengthsv
Take the following Multiple Intelligences
/findyourstrengths.html). Once you have
determined your intelligence preference, share
your results and design the ideal learning
environment that would best match your
intellectual preferences. Provide a rationale for
how this ideal learning environment would best
support your learning needs.
ASH EDU 382 Week 5 Discussion 1 Managing a
Differentiated Classroom NEW
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EDU 382 Week 5 Discussion 1 Managing a
Differentiated Classroom NEW
Managing a Differentiated Classroom [CLO: 4].
Differentiated instruction will require students
doing different things at one time. In order to
effectively differentiate your instruction, the
classroom must be orderly and flexible. This
means that students are aware of your
expectations and structure, but they have the
freedom to work according to their individual
learning needs.
Take a moment to review the following video on
a third grade teacher differentiating her
instruction for a science lesson: Content
Differentiation in 3rd Grade Science
After reviewing the video, answer the following
 How does this teacher lead students and
effectively manage her classroom? In what ways
was her instruction differentiated? Be specific.
 On page 168, decide which of the four
classroom environments this teacher exhibits
based on teacher management beliefs and styles
(dysfunctional, adequate, orderly-restrictive, or
orderly-flexible). Provide a rationale for your
opinion with evidence from the text.
 How does this teacher adhere to and
implement the seven basic principles of leading
students? Give examples to support your
Be sure to utilize the text to support your
Guided Response: Review several of your
classmates’ posts and respond to at least two.
Ask students to share their thoughts about what
area they may struggle with most with regard to
managing a differentiated classroom. Be sure to
respond to any queries or comments posted by
your instructor.
ASH EDU 382 Week 5 Discussion 2 One Strategy
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EDU 382 Week 5 Discussion 2 One Strategy NEW
Effectively meeting the needs of all students can
seem daunting, whether one is a new or veteran
teacher. Differentiated instruction is what makes
it possible, but the important thing to remember
is that it takes time to become skilled in the area
of differentiation. Sousa and Tomlinson (2012)
suggest starting small by selecting just one
strategy that you may use consistently over the
course of a marking period, for example, and
utilizing your colleagues in helping to support
your plans for creating a brain-friendly learning
Based on your learning over the five weeks of
this course, decide what is the one strategy you
will try to implement in your differentiated
classroom as a classroom teacher? How will you
implement this strategy in your classroom and
how will it support your students learning
needs? Watch the video Teachers support
differentiated learning through professional
development and collaboration,and describe
how you will use the support of your
colleagues/resource specialists to make
differentiation a success.
Be sure to utilize the text to support your
Guided Response:Review several of your
classmates posts and respond to at least two.
Provide additional ways not mentioned on how
they could effectively use the resource
specialists to support their efforts in creating a
differentiated classroom. Be sure to respond to
any queries or comments posted by your
ASH EDU 382 Week 5 Final Paper Lesson Plan
Revision and Analysis NEW
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EDU 382 Week 5 Final Paper Lesson Plan
Revision and Analysis NEW
For the Final Research Paper, you will select
among one of three lesson plans where you will
differentiate the given lesson plan based on
student readiness, student interest, and student
learning profile for content, process, and
product. You will then evaluate the way you have
differentiated the lesson plan to meet the needs
of your students through an analysis that gives
evidence for your approach. Review the
following template for further guidance.
Final Paper Template
Assignment Instructions
To complete the Lesson Plan Revision and
Analysis, follow these steps:
Choose one of the three lesson plans to
 Elementary School Math Lesson Plan: Bundles
of Beans: A Place Value Lesson
 Middle School Literature Lesson Plan:
Superman: Modern Mythology
 High School Science Lesson Plan: Elements of
Chemistry: Atoms: The Building Blocks of Matter
Once you have selected your lesson plan, you will
then differentiate your lesson plan based on
student readiness, student interest, and student
learning profile for content, process, and
product. Using Chapters 5 through 7, you will
develop three ways to differentiate content,
three ways to differentiate process, and three
ways to differentiate product for student
readiness, student interest, and student learning
profile. You must provide evidence from the text
or other scholarly sources to support your
reasoning for differentiation by explaining how
it might support the various students in your
Once you have developed ways to differentiate
your selected lesson plan, you will then describe
what an administrator would see if he or she
came to observe your classroom. Explain what
the students would be doing, the elements of
differentiation that they would see, and how the
classroom is effectively managed to support
differentiation as described in Chapter 8. Be sure
to provide evidence to back up your assertions
and analysis.
The Final Research Paper
Must be formatted according to APA style as
outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include an APA formatted title page with
the following:
 Title of paper
 Student’s name
 Course name and number  Instructor’s name
 Date submitted
Must begin with an introductory paragraph that
has a succinct thesis statement.
Must address the topic with critical thought and
adhere to the assignment instructions.
Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your
ASH EDU 382 Week 5 Journal End of Course
Reflection NEW
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EDU 382 Week 5 Journal End of Course
Reflection NEW

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EDU 382 Entire Course NEW

  • 1. ASH EDU 382 Week 1 Assignment Parent Meeting NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at ash/edu-382-week-1-assignment-parent- meeting-recent For more classes visit EDU 382 Week 1 Assignment Parent Meeting NEW As a future educator, will you be charged with effectively teaching all the students in your classroom despite their differences. A one-size- fits-all approach will not work, and parents will ask you how you plan to support their child’s needs. The answer is differentiation, but many outside of the world of education will not know what that means. Therefore, you have been asked to address a diverse group of parents and their concerns on the topic of differentiation in the classroom. In your assignment, cover each of the following items to address parental concerns. Possible parent questions follow the topics; ensure you address each one:
  • 2. a) Explain the history and theory behind differentiation.  Is it based on research, or it is it just another “educational fad”?  How does differentiated instruction look different from traditional instruction approaches? b) Discuss the characteristics of a diverse student.  My child is a “regular” student–why do you say he or she is diverse? c) Discuss the benefits of differentiation in the classroom for all students.  Will my special-education student or gifted student benefit from differentiation? How? d) Analyze the negative outcomes of differentiation. e) Analyze the teacher mindset required for differentiated instruction to work.  It seems like so much work for the teacher to differentiate–can you comment on this idea? In the spirit of differentiation, you may choose one of the following options to address the parents’ concerns and questions:
  • 3. a) Prepare a two- to three-page newsletter (excluding title and references pages) to address parents’ concerns about the pros and cons of differentiation in their children’s classroom. The parents will then have avisual reference to remind them of the purpose of differentiation. Make the newsletter visually appealing with the use of graphics and organize it clearly. Your assignment must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing center (where applicable with regard to in-text citations and references). You must utilize one scholarly source in addition to the text to support your assertions. Here are a list of websites with templates and newsletter examples that can be used in a Microsoft Word document to get you started:  Education World’s Newsletter Templates  Word Draw’s Classroom Newsletter Template b) Design a presentation to address parents’ concerns and questions. The presentation must include a minimum of ten slides (excluding title and references slides) and appropriate graphics. Your assignment must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing center (where applicable with regard to in-text citations and references). You must utilize one scholarly source in addition
  • 4. to the text to support your assertions. Consider using one of the following digital tools to make your presentations:  Microsoft PowerPoint  Prezi  Knovio (this digital tool allows you to attach audio to your PPT slides) You must include title and references pages or slides regardless of which option you choose. Reference the course text and at least one additional scholarly source using the Ashford University Library. For information regarding APA formatting, visit the Ashford Writing Center, located under the Learning Resources tab in the left navigation of the online course.
  • 5. ASH EDU 382 Week 1 Discussion 1 The Importance of Neuroscience in Education NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at ash/edu-382-week-1-discussion-1-the- importance-of-neuroscience-in-education- recent For more classes visit EDU 382 Week 1 Discussion 1 The Importance of Neuroscience in Education NEW The Importance of Neuroscience in Education [CLOs: 1, 5]. In order to effectively differentiate, a teacher must be familiar with how the brain prefers to receive and process information and realize that each student’s brain is uniquely organized. Research suggests that a teacher’s knowledge of brain function is instrumental in planning differentiated instruction. After reading Chapter 1 of our text, please:  Examine the seven basic principles of how we learn starting on page 13 of our text.
  • 6.  Select three of these principles and describe how you might specifically incorporate them into your classroom instruction.  Examine how these approaches will support student learning needs based on brain research. Be sure to use the text to support your response. Guided Response: Consider the ideas shared in several of your classmates’ posts and respond to at least two. Provide additional ideas on how they may incorporate the principles they selected in their response to their classroom instruction. Be sure to respond to any queries or comments posted by your instructor.
  • 7. ASH EDU 382 Week 1Discussion 2 Teacher and Student Mindsets NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at ash/edu-382-week-1discussion-2-teacher- and-student-mindsets-recent For more classes visit EDU 382 Week 1Discussion 2 Teacher and Student Mindsets NEW Teacher and Student Mindsets [CLOs: 1, 4, 5] According to Sousa and Tomlinson (2011), “Brain studies suggest that a stimulating learning environment may have a significant impact on an individual’s brain development and eventual level of intelligence” (p. 33). Creating a stimulating learning environment is largely dependent on teacher and student mindsets that are influenced by beliefs, assumptions, and expectations. Take a moment to reflect on your personal educational experiences and answer the following questions:
  • 8. a) Describe a positive and negative classroom experience you have had in your educational experience and the mindset of the teacher in both those situations.  Did you feel that your teacher’s mindset in both situations impacted your own mindset in any way? How? b) Using these educational experiences and watching the video Building a Supportive Community of Learners in a Differentiated Classroom, describe at least three ways in which you will create your own positive and stimulated learning environment.  How will you create an atmosphere where students can take intellectual risks without fear of ridicule?  How will you manage inappropriate behavior, avoid bullying and put-downs?  What steps will you take to create an atmosphere where students feel safe and included? Be sure to use evidence from the text to support your assertions. Guided Response: As you read the responses of your classmates, consider how their negative
  • 9. educational experience could have been changed to support student learning. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts. Provide additional suggestions for them in creating their own positive, stimulating learning environment. Be sure to respond to any queries or comments posted by your instructor.
  • 10. ASH EDU 382 Week 2 Assignment Examination of Curriculum and Assessment NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at ash/edu-382-week-2-assignment- examination-of-curriculum-and-assessment- recent For more classes visit EDU 382 Week 2 Assignment Examination of Curriculum and Assessment NEW
  • 11. ASH EDU 382 Week 2 Discussion 1 Curriculum NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at ash/edu-382-week-2-discussion-1- curriculum-recent For more classes visit EDU 382 Week 2 Discussion 1 Curriculum NEW Curriculum [CLO: 3] An effective educator understands the distinction between curriculum and instruction, as they are not synonymous. Curriculum is what we teach (the planning) and instruction is how we teach (the implementation). Differentiation begins with a quality curriculum. After reading Chapter 3, identify the five characteristics of a quality curriculum and explain in your own words why these elements are considered important. How do they support student learning? An important feature of any quality curriculum is that the content is meaningful to students and relatable to authentic personal experiences.
  • 12. Choose ONE of the three unit topics: a) The Life Cycle of a Frog b) Two Dimensional Shapes c) The Civil War Then answer the following questions about your selected topic:  How could you relate the unit topic you selected to the real world?  What meaningful question could you ask your students as you begin your unit to engage and motivate students to want to learn more about the topic?  Create a brief learning activity where students are creators of knowledge based on the topic you selected as opposed to the consumers of knowledge. This would involve the students making discoveries of their own with regards to the content. How does this activity engage students in developing problem solving skills and help them to make meaning of what they are trying to learn? Consider how it extends understandings, builds neural networks, and creates different pathways to common goals.
  • 13. Be sure to support your response with evidence from the text. Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ posts. Critique or enhance their discussion by suggesting possible modifications or alternative activities to make the learning experience more meaningful. Please respond to at least two of your classmates. Be sure to respond to any queries or comments posted by your instructor.
  • 14. ASH EDU 382 Week 2 Discussion 2 Classroom Assessment NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at ash/edu-382-week-2-discussion-2- classroom-assessment-recent For more classes visit EDU 382 Week 2 Discussion 2 Classroom Assessment NEW Classroom Assessment [CLO: 3] As a result of the standardized reform movement, assessment data has been used to influence rewards and punishment rather than to drive teacher instruction. If differentiated instruction is going to work, a teacher must also differentiate his or her assessments. Before reading Chapter 4, reflect on your educational experiences with assessments and answer the following questions:  When you think about assessments, what do they remind you of?  How did they make you feel?
  • 15.  Were you ever given options to show what you had learned? Explain. Now read Chapter 4 and the following video titled What is Differentiated Assessment?( U). Based on your reading and the video,  What should be the purpose of assessments? Explain diagnostic/pre-assessment, formative assessment, and summative assessment in your own words.  How do these three types of assessments work together to improve student learning? Give an example of how you might use all three to teach a unit on a particular subject.  Explain the difference between grading and assessment. When is it appropriate for assessments to be graded and when is it not? Provide evidence to support your opinion. Be sure to use the text to support your opinions. Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ posts. Compare and contrast your personal reflections on assessments. Discuss how your views of assessment have changed based on this week’s readings and how you
  • 16. might use assessments in your own classroom. Please respond to at least two of your classmates. Be sure to respond to any queries or comments posted by your instructor
  • 17. ASH EDU 382 Week 2 Journal Meaningful Learning NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at ash/edu-382-week-2-journal-meaningful- learning-recent For more classes visit EDU 382 Week 2 Journal Meaningful Learning NEW Reflect on a time when a lesson was meaningful. Consider how the lesson relates to the five important characteristics of a quality curriculum. Then reflect on times when you were assessed on your knowledge. What types of assessments stressed you out the most and why? Which ones did you feel were least threatening and why? Why do you think it is important that teachers should consider multiple approaches to assessments? How do you think your learning would improve if you were given options? Utilize the text and
  • 18. any additional resources to support your response when applicable.
  • 19. ASH EDU 382 Week 3 Assignment Differentiating for Student Readiness and Interest NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at ash/edu-382-week-3-assignment- differentiating-for-student-readiness-and- interest-recent For more classes visit EDU 382 Week 3 Assignment Differentiating for Student Readiness and Interest NEW For this assignment, you will be given a scenario that describes two very different students that you may have in your classroom. Based on the information, you will develop appropriate ways to differentiate content, process, and product based on student readiness and interest. Scenario: You are a fifth grade teacher and are preparing to teach the students a unit on matter. In this particular lesson, you will introduce to the students the structure of an atom, which includes protons, electrons, and neutrons. You already conducted a pre-assessment and you found that most students were familiar with
  • 20. the word atom, but were not particularly strong in knowing the parts of an atom. Mary loves science and was the only student who shows that she already has a good understanding regarding the structure of an atom. You also know that Davion is an average student who is very capable of learning the content, but it is a struggle to motivate him when teaching science because he does not care for the subject and thinks it is boring. In conducting an interest survey in the beginning of the year, you know that Davion is really interested in comics. In reviewing this scenario, you will determine how to effectively differentiate for content, process, and product based on student readiness and student interest for Mary and Davion. Your assignment should include the following: a) Based on what Mary knows about the atom, explain how might you differentiate for student readiness based on content, process, and product? Think about what you want Mary to learn and how you plan to teach it (content), the activities she will engage in (process), and how she might show what she has learned in a different way (product). See Chapter 5 of your text for support and ideas.
  • 21. b) Considering Davion’s interest in comics, explain how you might differentiate for student interest based on content, process, and product. Think about how you might differentiate the way you teach atoms to Davion (content), the activities you may engage him in to help him make sense of the content (process), and the options he has to show he has mastered the objective (product). See Chapter 6 of your text for support and ideas. c) Explain your rationale of your differentiated approach for each student and how it will support these two students in your classroom for learning about the structure of an atom. Consider how your selection in content, process, and product for Mary and Davion differ for the rest of your class. How do the options you provide for Mary and Davion align with their readiness level and interest? Be sure to use evidence to support your ideas. You have three options in completing this task: a) Write a two- to three-page paper (not including the title and references pages). b) Develop an eight- to ten-slide PowerPoint presentation (not including the title and references slides). c) Use a combination of the above.
  • 22. You must reference the course text and at least one additional scholarly source using the Ashford University Library. You must include title and references pages or slides regardless of which option you choose. For information regarding APA formatting, visit the Ashford Writing Center, located under the Learning Resources tab in the left navigation of the online course.
  • 23. ASH EDU 382 Week 3 Discussion 1 Student Readiness NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at ash/edu-382-week-3-discussion-1-student- readiness-recent For more classes visit EDU 382 Week 3 Discussion 1 Student Readiness NEW
  • 24. ASH EDU 382 Week 3 Discussion 2 Student Interest NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at ash/edu-382-week-3-discussion-2-student- interest-recent For more classes visit EDU 382 Week 3 Discussion 2 Student Interest NEW Student Interest [CLOs: 1, 2, 3] “Do I have to leave?” “I can’t wait to learn more!!” These are the things we want to hear our students say when they are in our classroom. It is a given that if students are interested in the content, they will be more motivated to learn it. We want our students to be excited about what they are learning. Sousa and Tomlinson (2011) state that “Attending to student interest in a classroom suggests a desire on the teacher’s part to capitalize on those things a student cares about in order to facilitate learning” (p. 113). Imagine it is the beginning of the school year and you want to get to know the interests of your students. Using SurveyMonkey (be sure to
  • 25. register for a free account), design a survey with 10 questions to gather knowledge about student interest. Post the link to the survey and then respond to the following questions:  How might you use the survey results to differentiate your instruction based on student interest?  What if a student on a survey stated that they did not like mathematics, but they loved football? How might you draw upon their football interest to motivate the student during math instruction?  Reflect on a time when you were given an assignment that you had no interest in completing. Consider how that teacher might have differentiated the activity based a personal interest and describe how this relates to one of the seven themes of addressing student interest in the classroom found on page 116 of our text. Use the text to support your opinions. Guided Response: Review a number of your classmates’ posts and respond to at least two surveys. Consider contributing additional questions that your classmate could add to the survey that may have not been included and provide your rationale. How might the additional
  • 26. questions you suggest support student learning based on interest? Be sure to respond to any queries or comments posted by your instructor.
  • 27. ASH EDU 382 Week 4 Discussion 1 Learning Style Debate NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at ash/edu-382-week-4-discussion-1-learning- style-debate-recent For more classes visit EDU 382 Week 4 Discussion 1 Learning Style Debate NEW Learning Style Debate [CLOs: 1, 2, 3] A learning profile is defined as the way in which “people ‘come at’ learning” and includes learning style, intelligence preferences, culture, and gender (Sousa & Tomlinson, 2012, p. 137). Consider for a moment how you like to learn best. Do you feel like you learn better in a learning environment that caters to your specific learning profile? After reflecting on this question, you will participate in a debate regarding learning styles (a component of one’s learning profile), which is a highly controversial topic among respected researchers and psychologists. After reading Chapter 7, the following article, “Are learning styles invalid? (Hint:No),” and the
  • 28. following video Learning Styles Don't Exist ( rningStyles/LS-critVAK.html), you will debate the following topic. Is it important for educators to know the learning style of their students? For this debate, you will be assigned to a particular debate group based on the first letter of your last name.  Last Names A-M: Learning styles are important  Last Names N-Z: Learning styles are not important Debate Process: Using the information in the course text, from the additional sources provided, and your own research utilizing the Ashford Online Library, develop an argument that supports your assigned side and post it in the discussion. Your argument must be supported by the literature to give validity and evidence for your argument. Be sure to explain why learning styles are or are not important for use in the classroom. Then respond to at least one peer from the opposite group with a critical evaluation of his or her argument. Propose one or more counter-
  • 29. examples to highlight weaknesses of the disputed argument, or ask for additional evidence to support your viewpoint. Finally, post your own (personal) opinion based on the arguments, research, and your own experience(s). Explain what you believe is the best way to differentiate for learning styles. How have your initial thoughts on this debate changed based on the research and dialogue you have had for this discussion question?
  • 30. ASH EDU 382 Week 4 Discussion 2 DQ 2 Culture NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at ash/edu-382-week-4-discussion-2-dq-2- culture-recent For more classes visit EDU 382 Week 4 Discussion 2 DQ 2 Culture NEW Although culture can influence how a student comes to acquire or process knowledge, it is important not to generalize these characteristics as they may not be indicative of every student. Since culture is part of one’s learning profile, it is important for educators to be aware of how it can influence student learning based on particular preferences. Take a moment to reflect on how your own culture influences your learning. How do you like to learn and how might culture influence this learning preference? Take a look at Figure 7.1 and share where you fall on the six continua of cultural tendencies and beliefs. Based on your results, how might it influence the way you teach?
  • 31. Now read Chapter 9 of Owning It: Proven Strategies for Success in ALL of Your Roles as a Teacher Today and answer the following questions: In Chapter 9, Kajitani (2013) describes three different ways to begin introducing a culturally relevant curriculum into your classroom. Examine and describe these three different steps in your own words and consider how these steps can support your understanding of the various cultural backgrounds of your students. Give a specific example of how you might differentiate content based on one’s culturally background. Why is it especially important not to generalize learning style preferences among cultures? Be sure to utilize the course text and Owning It: Provide Strategies in ALL of your Roles as a Teacher Today to support your response. Guided Response:Respond to at least two of your classmates posts and examine your cultural differences. Based upon the response of your peer, propose some ways you might differentiate for learning profile his or her culture. Explain how your suggested differentiated instructional
  • 32. approach would benefit his or her learning. Be sure to respond to any queries or comments posted by your instructor.
  • 33. ASH EDU 382 Week 4 Journal Intellectual Strengthsv NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at ash/edu-382-week-4-journal-intellectual- strengthsv-recent For more classes visit EDU 382 Week 4 Journal Intellectual Strengthsv NEW Take the following Multiple Intelligences test( /findyourstrengths.html). Once you have determined your intelligence preference, share your results and design the ideal learning environment that would best match your intellectual preferences. Provide a rationale for how this ideal learning environment would best support your learning needs.
  • 34. ASH EDU 382 Week 5 Discussion 1 Managing a Differentiated Classroom NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at ash/edu-382-week-5-discussion-1- managing-a-differentiated-classroom-recent For more classes visit EDU 382 Week 5 Discussion 1 Managing a Differentiated Classroom NEW Managing a Differentiated Classroom [CLO: 4]. Differentiated instruction will require students doing different things at one time. In order to effectively differentiate your instruction, the classroom must be orderly and flexible. This means that students are aware of your expectations and structure, but they have the freedom to work according to their individual learning needs. Take a moment to review the following video on a third grade teacher differentiating her instruction for a science lesson: Content Differentiation in 3rd Grade Science ( ent-differentiation-science)
  • 35. After reviewing the video, answer the following questions:  How does this teacher lead students and effectively manage her classroom? In what ways was her instruction differentiated? Be specific.  On page 168, decide which of the four classroom environments this teacher exhibits based on teacher management beliefs and styles (dysfunctional, adequate, orderly-restrictive, or orderly-flexible). Provide a rationale for your opinion with evidence from the text.  How does this teacher adhere to and implement the seven basic principles of leading students? Give examples to support your opinion. Be sure to utilize the text to support your assertions. Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ posts and respond to at least two. Ask students to share their thoughts about what area they may struggle with most with regard to managing a differentiated classroom. Be sure to respond to any queries or comments posted by your instructor.
  • 36. ASH EDU 382 Week 5 Discussion 2 One Strategy NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at ash/edu-382-week-5-discussion-2-one- strategy-recent For more classes visit EDU 382 Week 5 Discussion 2 One Strategy NEW Effectively meeting the needs of all students can seem daunting, whether one is a new or veteran teacher. Differentiated instruction is what makes it possible, but the important thing to remember is that it takes time to become skilled in the area of differentiation. Sousa and Tomlinson (2012) suggest starting small by selecting just one strategy that you may use consistently over the course of a marking period, for example, and utilizing your colleagues in helping to support your plans for creating a brain-friendly learning environment. Based on your learning over the five weeks of this course, decide what is the one strategy you will try to implement in your differentiated classroom as a classroom teacher? How will you
  • 37. implement this strategy in your classroom and how will it support your students learning needs? Watch the video Teachers support differentiated learning through professional development and collaboration,and describe how you will use the support of your colleagues/resource specialists to make differentiation a success. Be sure to utilize the text to support your opinions. Guided Response:Review several of your classmates posts and respond to at least two. Provide additional ways not mentioned on how they could effectively use the resource specialists to support their efforts in creating a differentiated classroom. Be sure to respond to any queries or comments posted by your instructor.
  • 38. ASH EDU 382 Week 5 Final Paper Lesson Plan Revision and Analysis NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at ash/edu-382-week-5-final-paper-lesson- plan-revision-and-analysis-recent For more classes visit EDU 382 Week 5 Final Paper Lesson Plan Revision and Analysis NEW For the Final Research Paper, you will select among one of three lesson plans where you will differentiate the given lesson plan based on student readiness, student interest, and student learning profile for content, process, and product. You will then evaluate the way you have differentiated the lesson plan to meet the needs of your students through an analysis that gives evidence for your approach. Review the following template for further guidance. Final Paper Template Assignment Instructions To complete the Lesson Plan Revision and Analysis, follow these steps:
  • 39. Choose one of the three lesson plans to differentiate:  Elementary School Math Lesson Plan: Bundles of Beans: A Place Value Lesson  Middle School Literature Lesson Plan: Superman: Modern Mythology  High School Science Lesson Plan: Elements of Chemistry: Atoms: The Building Blocks of Matter Once you have selected your lesson plan, you will then differentiate your lesson plan based on student readiness, student interest, and student learning profile for content, process, and product. Using Chapters 5 through 7, you will develop three ways to differentiate content, three ways to differentiate process, and three ways to differentiate product for student readiness, student interest, and student learning profile. You must provide evidence from the text or other scholarly sources to support your reasoning for differentiation by explaining how it might support the various students in your classroom. Once you have developed ways to differentiate your selected lesson plan, you will then describe what an administrator would see if he or she came to observe your classroom. Explain what the students would be doing, the elements of
  • 40. differentiation that they would see, and how the classroom is effectively managed to support differentiation as described in Chapter 8. Be sure to provide evidence to back up your assertions and analysis. The Final Research Paper Must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Must include an APA formatted title page with the following:  Title of paper  Student’s name  Course name and number  Instructor’s name  Date submitted Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement. Must address the topic with critical thought and adhere to the assignment instructions. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
  • 41. ASH EDU 382 Week 5 Journal End of Course Reflection NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at ash/edu-382-week-5-journal-end-of-course- reflection-recent For more classes visit EDU 382 Week 5 Journal End of Course Reflection NEW