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The simplest,	proven	way	
to build your business.
Welcome !
Class will start at 9:00 CET ; 12:30 IST
You can download the slides for today :
Say hello in the chat… Write a word for today
“Mine is “ Grateful
The simplest,	proven	way	
to build your business.
Course Introduction
Building a
business is
hard work…
In this class, a new, simplified way to
increase	Speed
while reducing	Risks
And	how	to	do	it	better	remotely
1. Please put your video on
(if	connection	issues	turn	
2. Please ask	questions	using	
chat	…	or	raise	hand
Course Objectives
To give you the skills	you
need to work effectively on
remote	innovation	projects.
We want to make you a “sprinter”
that could add value to the
thousands of innovation sprints
being run around the world.
We also hope to change the way you think about
building	and	growing	ideas. In the program you will
find what separates winners from losers over the
long-term is the ability	to	GROW	ideas	step	by	step.
A simple learning process
Learn Apply
(and learn more)
1	per	day
by Doing
I will not give you the answers
But if you look (and do the readings)
you will find many
Tools that might help
Most importantly, you’ll learn from
each other
There is also learning yourself
Course	Readings	/	Videos	
1,8 GB
• Articles
• Chapters
• Video
Download Link
The Same for each Day
About 1 hour required reading s
5 Days means we are going to
need to move faster
A chef … not just someone that
can follow a recipe
Chef’s	know	what	to	do	
when	things	go	wrong
2 Big Challenges
How	to	keep	the	speed	up
A daily process to follow
Key roles: Facilitator, Note Taker, Decision Maker
You’re going to need to give up perfection
And a belief in democracy
What before how
How	to	do	things	remotely
Tools: Slack / Gotomeeting / Mural
Agreement on a daily process
Working apart together
What before how
Your	work	after	this	class	will	be
 Decide on roles and agree DAILY decision makers
 Understand the “what of your project better
 Agree Routines/timings for your group
Helping companies bring bigger ideas to market
faster, while reducing risks
3 Beliefs
Anyone	can	innovate
Bad	systems	will	beat	good	people	over	time
Good	systems	can		make	average	people	great
What I see…
(at companies
of all sizes)
1. An incredible focus on the positive
2. A continual search for silver bullets
3. Scared to ask for help
4. If they ask, too much done internally
5. What they want to do lacks clarity /
6. Lack of systems / Lack of urgency
7. Avoid tough decisions and stay in a
business too long
Lacking Systems
Scared of Negative
Not Making Decisions
Good versus great
If you have real product market fit and momentum
you can (but probably won’t) succeed without
systems and processes.
The reality is most successful companies have hit the wall many
times and pivoted their way to success. Processes / systems
increase your odds of getting the pivots right and on time
A test… Who are these
companies today?
Personal podcasting
and sharing audio
You need to
adapt and change
But this takes
time and focus People	are	working
2,5	hours	per	day
And	monkey	brain	rules
The rise of Sprints
Many companies are coming to understand the power
of deep work, time blocking. A popular solution is
short, 4-5-day design sprints using global talent.
Sprints are a great way	to	get	ideas	started	or	moving	
forward	faster. They work because they offer an easy
process to follow that is focused and time-boxed
Short sprints can achieve a great deal quickly but they do not always deliver the long‐term 
results you need. Using the design sprint method as a foundation, we have built something 
even better; SprintZ
Our program offers everything you will find in a traditional sprint, but we also provide a 
trained team selected from a global talent pool, a process, tools and a training program.
Our pilot programs have been successful in education, product development, non‐profit and 
the creation of new start‐ups. We are helping managers and companies do more and learn 
more than they ever thought possible by working 10‐15 hours per week for five weeks.
Sprints are
Accelerated Lean
How many of
my clients
interpret this:
Build, measure, learn
Build, measure, learn
Build, measure, learn
Pivot	to	a	Miracle.
I believe miracles seldom
happen, ideas are built over
time “Step by Step”.
Lean Start Up
What an amazing idea !!
The Real Story :
Build, Measure, Learn and improve
Started	as	an	ice	sculpture	event
A central unit was created called ARTic Hall. (60 M2)A
specialist survival group of the Swedish Armed Forces
spent the night . They	decided	to	put	in	a	bar
French Artist Jannot Derid
No	rooms	in	town,	so	they	stayed
ARTic Hall expanded to 250 M2. Rented	for	Corporate	get‐aways
Artists come and go and start making rooms
Still losing money, needing corporate support
Absolut	Vodka	got	interested	in corporate get-aways
“Cold,	but	cool”
“Someone	might	pay	for	this”
“Love	the	rooms”
“We’ve	got	an	ICE	Hotel”
The Reality…
Based on 4 years of
research with over
400 companies
There are companies that succeed
and companies that fail. The biggest
difference between winners and
losers is smart winners make good,
even mediocre, ideas great over time.
Of Ideas
Systems …
Every system is perfectly designed
to get the results it gets.
W.	Edwards	Deming
A simple idea…
Many forms
Design Thinking
Lean Start-up
The Demming Cycle
Everything is PDSA
The Common Feature
Cycles of learning
challenge	is	
how	to	make	
it	simpler.
My Goal
A simpler,	easier	to remember
formula with clear instructions
“how	to”.
Bad artists do it on their own
Good artists copy
Great artists steal
My New Book
A joint project with accelerators	/	Experts	around the world
The	ABCs	of	Innovation
B = Build
A = Alignment
S = Systems
How to build organizational
How to build better ideas quicker
C = Communicate / Check
How to clearly communicate and check
your ideas
How to set up the right systems to
lead and get better over time
The ABC’s of Innovation
Align = Plan
Build = Do
Commun/check = Study
Improve = Act
Alignment (what to build)
Communicate & Check
Systematically Improve
A new bit on alignment.
It is important to know what to build or design. And how to instructions for B, C and S
Case study
A Semantic Social
News Aggregator
SNARC, When you want to know more,
SNARC helps	discovering	content	by
highlighting what is meaningful in a quick,	
smart	and	personalized	manner.	
SNARC finds relevant content by learning	
from	the	content,	the	social	web	and	you!
3	people	with	PHDs	in	Semantic	Search	/		
2	start	up	experts	and	500K	to	build	
their	business
Reinventing content discovery
An “Oh so typical”
We	build	something	great,	
profits	will	follow.
80% product development
10% getting new users
5% finding a business model
5% other
 We	are	best	in	class
 We	have	15,000	downloads	this	
 Our	server	response	time	is	
down	to	.8	seconds
 We	were	listed	in	TechCrunch	
last	week
 Success	is	on	the	way
2 types of
Risk	takers	
(they like the
macho bit)
Risk	reducers	
(they like getting
house odds)
A risk reducing entrepreneur will
build a	strategy	that	increases	
odds	of	success	from
to 20%
to 50%
How… by asking
again and again
“If this business fails, why would it fail ?”
“If this business fails, why would it fail ?”
“If this business fails, why would it fail ?”
Then	finding	answers
80%	product	development
10%	getting	new	users
5%			finding	a	business	model
5%			other
We build something great,
profits will follow.
How will be make a
5%	product	development
10%	getting	new	users
80%			finding	a	business	model
5%			other
Working in your
Working on your
100% 100%
Break 5 Minutes
Think: how forward ?
Stop saying
everything is
It is time to stand naked in front of
your team and partners and tell	
them	the	truth…
“I need your help to
solve the following
Best practices
Ambitions	+	
Skill	+	What	
People	will	pay	
you	for
/	Barriers
you	can	share
5 Whys
We	need	ideas	for	things	we	can	sell
Personally, I find
nothing sadder than a
CEO with a big team
working alone on all
the big problems…
TRUE N.O.R.T.H = A way to ask for help..
TRUE Truly	Simple Let's get paid
Why	it	is	
(the	story)
If we can't find a way to get people to pay for our service,
we have no business regardless of how great our
technology is, how many people download our product or
how useful it is.
O Objective 3 ideas to make money that we can test
We	are	not	
interested	in
A fee for use of the plug-in
People will not pay
We have around 250 K to grow the business, so the
solutions need to be low cost. AND we need to work with
Here	is	the	
place	to	start
Look at areas where the of Information value is high and
searching takes time (eg Job applicants, News stories, etc°
Make	it	a	story
Be	honest
Be	specific
Ask	for	help
Building Ideas
Facts to Practice
7 Steps
yourself	with	
the	objectives	
and	challenge
the	problem	
brain	writing
Group	Work Re‐work
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7
MU =
Unique Ideas!
Drive out Fear
Explore Stimulus
Best practices
Define your
needs to build
direction and
remove fear
(already	done)
Make sure you
have a diverse
Get stimulus
Mix and
Value of Stimulus
Stimulus Feeds The
#	of	practical	
ideas	invented
Low Stimulus
Medium Stimulus
High Stimulus
Source:	Jump	Start	your	Business	Brain
Traditional Model
Individual Brainstorming
Source:	Jump	Start	your	Business	Brain
Before After
Suck	Method
Uses your brain like a library
Stimulus sets off a CHAIN Reaction!!!
Stimulus sets off a CHAIN
Brain Operating
Stimuli Idea #1
Idea #1
Idea #1
Idea #1
Source:	Jump	Start	your	Business	Brain
At their most
basic, IDEAS
are feats of
association and
You can use tools and
systems to force new
(there are hundreds of
666: Forced
 8	Min:	Random	
combinations	(look	for	
 2	Min:	Pick	top	ideas	and	
write	them	up..
The simplest way to write
up ideas
 Headline
 Problem
 Promise
 Proof
 Payoff
1/ 1 / 1
Apple = design and simplicity
Students love music
Substitute instead of showing the
internet, show things to buy
A	fancy	music	mix	trial	list	anytime	
someone	visits	a	music	site	with	an	
option	to	buy	on	Itunes
Let’s look for ideas.
& Check
Chances are …
your ideas are not as good
as you think …
Get	real	
Make	real	
Quick Test …
What is it ?
“Confusion is not a good
strategy for success.”
Make it simple
1 2 3 4 5
My	company:	
(	company	
name	)
Is	developing	
(	a	defined	
offering	)
To	help	(	a	
audience	)
(	solve	a	
problem	)
(	with	secret	
sauce	)
Dramatic difference
how is their life
different and better
Reason why should
they believe you and
dramatic difference
A	fancy	music	mix	trial	
list	anytime	someone	
visits	a	music	site	with	
an	option	to	buy	on	
Mom Test + standard questions
Why would it
Fail ?
2 Golden
If Clarity	<	7
 Write it again
If [(Meaningful * .6 )
+ (Unique * .4 )] <	6
 You probably got a loser
How to make brilliant ideas
Talk with
Really Ugly
Still Ugly
Speak at
Less Ugly
Good Enough
The most important thing
in this class
The most important thing
in this class
4 Characteristics of effective
system thinking
A	holistic	view	(The	whole	is	often	the	same	as	the	parts)
Thinking	in	loops	(What	causes	what)	
Focused	on	the	big	business	drivers
Sequential	not parallel	problem	solving
An example of world class …
A	new	business	/	business	model	in	12	weeks
A	weekly	learning	cycle	every	week	for	10	weeks
A	2	day	management	meeting	to	agree	«what	and	why»
Plus	basic	training:	How	to	build	ideas/	the	importance	of	systems	
Every	Monday…	what	are	we	going	to	do	this	week	
Every	Friday…	a	brain‐storming	session	(with	new	external	people)
Real‐time	research	
Build	ideas
External	experts	to	validate/	give	feedback	on	all	ideas
Identify	death	threats/	work	on	death	threats	
Kill	all	weak	ideas	where	death	threats	not	resolved	in	2	weeks
Every	Day		A	10	minute	standing meeting
2 weeks
10 weeks
Summary of the ABCs
Be Clear, be honest,
be open, be candid,
be inspirational
Build Ideas
Get people involved
(diversity) , get
& Check
Clarify the idea, so
anyone can understand
Then test the ideas
Build learning cycles
and get going (FAST !)
Repeat	and	repeat	to	remove	risks	/	build	your	ideas
Benefits of the ABCs method
An incredible focus on the positive Embrace negatives to grow
A continual search for silver bullets
Scared to ask for help
If they ask, too much done internally
What they want to do lacks clarity / focus
Lack of systems / Lack of urgency
Avoid tough decisions..
Step by step
Open, Learning
Involved, Inter-connected
An evolving focus
Killing puppies
The	reality	is	the	
ABCs is	just	a	an	
easy	way	to	
remember	a	
process	…
The	choice of	a	
is	less	important	
than	having a	
process	that:
Increases Speed
Removes risk
More about this course …
Targets / Certification
 Ready to work on a company Sprint
 A certificate
 A personal recommendation
 Group work OK
 A simple multiple choice test
 A reflection document
No	one	will	pass	without	a	successful	
group	work
Mentor Meetings
Work Now in Groups
Before Mentor Talks
1. Personal Introductions
2. Review the True North
3. Decide on key roles
4. Any questions on the program
Later today
1. List and vote on key challenges
2. Map success – add to challenges
3. Update TRUE NORTH + sprint
You will need to talk to people Wednesday and Thursday
Now is the time to arrange meetings
1. Read in detail / add comments
2. Gather questions (vote on 3 to cover in
your talk. 30 minutes = time limit)
Role Discussion
1. Who will facilitate, take notes,
lead days 1,2,3,4 and 5
2. Update TRUE NORTH
3. Up to 3 targets for the Sprint
Up	to	3	“Sprint Questions”	for	the	Sprint
Target 1
Target 2
Target 3
A tool to make remote
collaboration easier…
A shared whiteboard
How it works
Why it works
Let’s Try it now
Be back at 14:00 CET

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1 Cycles Remote Innovation - introduction

  • 1. Cycles The simplest, proven way to build your business. Welcome ! Class will start at 9:00 CET ; 12:30 IST You can download the slides for today : Say hello in the chat… Write a word for today “Mine is “ Grateful
  • 2. Cycles The simplest, proven way to build your business. Course Introduction
  • 3. Building a business is hard work… In this class, a new, simplified way to increase Speed while reducing Risks And how to do it better remotely
  • 4. Welcome 1. Please put your video on (if connection issues turn off) 2. Please ask questions using chat … or raise hand
  • 5. Course Objectives To give you the skills you need to work effectively on remote innovation projects. We want to make you a “sprinter” that could add value to the thousands of innovation sprints being run around the world. We also hope to change the way you think about building and growing ideas. In the program you will find what separates winners from losers over the long-term is the ability to GROW ideas step by step.
  • 6. A simple learning process Learn Apply (and learn more) Deliver 1 per day
  • 7. Learning by Doing I will not give you the answers But if you look (and do the readings) you will find many Tools that might help Most importantly, you’ll learn from each other
  • 8. There is also learning yourself Course Readings / Videos 1,8 GB • Articles • Chapters • Video Download Link The Same for each Day About 1 hour required reading s
  • 9. 5 Days means we are going to need to move faster
  • 10.
  • 11. A chef … not just someone that can follow a recipe Chef’s know what to do when things go wrong
  • 12. 2 Big Challenges How to keep the speed up A daily process to follow Key roles: Facilitator, Note Taker, Decision Maker You’re going to need to give up perfection And a belief in democracy What before how How to do things remotely Tools: Slack / Gotomeeting / Mural Agreement on a daily process Working apart together What before how Your work after this class will be  Decide on roles and agree DAILY decision makers  Understand the “what of your project better  Agree Routines/timings for your group
  • 13. Bryan Cassady Helping companies bring bigger ideas to market faster, while reducing risks 3 Beliefs Anyone can innovate Bad systems will beat good people over time Good systems can make average people great
  • 15. What I see… (at companies of all sizes) 1. An incredible focus on the positive 2. A continual search for silver bullets 3. Scared to ask for help 4. If they ask, too much done internally 5. What they want to do lacks clarity / focus 6. Lack of systems / Lack of urgency 7. Avoid tough decisions and stay in a business too long Deluded Lacking Systems Scared of Negative Alone Unclear Not Making Decisions
  • 16. Good versus great Entrepreneurs If you have real product market fit and momentum you can (but probably won’t) succeed without systems and processes. The reality is most successful companies have hit the wall many times and pivoted their way to success. Processes / systems increase your odds of getting the pivots right and on time
  • 17. A test… Who are these companies today? Personal podcasting and sharing audio content
  • 18.
  • 19. You need to adapt and change But this takes time and focus People are working 2,5 hours per day And monkey brain rules
  • 20. The rise of Sprints Many companies are coming to understand the power of deep work, time blocking. A popular solution is short, 4-5-day design sprints using global talent. Sprints are a great way to get ideas started or moving forward faster. They work because they offer an easy process to follow that is focused and time-boxed
  • 21. SPRINTZ ARE THE NEXT STEP Short sprints can achieve a great deal quickly but they do not always deliver the long‐term  results you need. Using the design sprint method as a foundation, we have built something  even better; SprintZ Our program offers everything you will find in a traditional sprint, but we also provide a  trained team selected from a global talent pool, a process, tools and a training program. Our pilot programs have been successful in education, product development, non‐profit and  the creation of new start‐ups. We are helping managers and companies do more and learn  more than they ever thought possible by working 10‐15 hours per week for five weeks.
  • 23. How many of my clients interpret this: Build, measure, learn Build, measure, learn Build, measure, learn Pivot to a Miracle. I believe miracles seldom happen, ideas are built over time “Step by Step”. Lean Start Up
  • 24. What an amazing idea !!
  • 25. The Real Story : Build, Measure, Learn and improve 1988 Started as an ice sculpture event 1989 A central unit was created called ARTic Hall. (60 M2)A specialist survival group of the Swedish Armed Forces spent the night . They decided to put in a bar 1990 French Artist Jannot Derid No rooms in town, so they stayed 91‐93 ARTic Hall expanded to 250 M2. Rented for Corporate get‐aways Artists come and go and start making rooms 1993 Still losing money, needing corporate support Absolut Vodka got interested in corporate get-aways “Cold, but cool” “Someone might pay for this” “Love the rooms” “We’ve got an ICE Hotel”
  • 26. The Reality… Based on 4 years of research with over 400 companies There are companies that succeed and companies that fail. The biggest difference between winners and losers is smart winners make good, even mediocre, ideas great over time. Quality Of Ideas Time Start Learning Cycles No Changes Bad Cycles Smart Winners Lucky Winners Losers Losers
  • 27. Systems … Every system is perfectly designed to get the results it gets. W. Edwards Deming
  • 28. A simple idea… Many forms Design Thinking Lean Start-up Scrum The Demming Cycle
  • 30. The Common Feature Cycles of learning The challenge is how to make it simpler.
  • 31. My Goal A simpler, easier to remember formula with clear instructions “how to”.
  • 32. Bad artists do it on their own Good artists copy Great artists steal
  • 33. My New Book A joint project with accelerators / Experts around the world The ABCs of Innovation B = Build A = Alignment S = Systems How to build organizational alignment How to build better ideas quicker C = Communicate / Check How to clearly communicate and check your ideas How to set up the right systems to lead and get better over time
  • 34. The ABC’s of Innovation Align = Plan Build = Do Commun/check = Study Systematically Improve = Act
  • 35. HOW CYCLES CONTRIBUTES TO THE STATE OF THE ART C Y C L E S Alignment (what to build) Build Communicate & Check Systematically Improve CYCLES OF LEARNING L E A N S TA R T- U P  Build Measure Learn VALIDATED LEARNING S T R A T E G Y Z E R  Design Test Execute VALIDATED BUSINESS MODELS A new bit on alignment. It is important to know what to build or design. And how to instructions for B, C and S
  • 37. SNARC A Semantic Social News Aggregator SNARC, When you want to know more, SNARC helps discovering content by highlighting what is meaningful in a quick, smart and personalized manner. SNARC finds relevant content by learning from the content, the social web and you! 3 people with PHDs in Semantic Search / 2 start up experts and 500K to build their business
  • 40. An “Oh so typical” scale-up We build something great, profits will follow. 80% product development 10% getting new users 5% finding a business model 5% other ________________________ 100%  We are best in class  We have 15,000 downloads this week  Our server response time is down to .8 seconds  We were listed in TechCrunch last week  Success is on the way
  • 41. 2 types of entrepreneurs Risk takers (they like the macho bit) Risk reducers (they like getting house odds)
  • 42. A risk reducing entrepreneur will build a strategy that increases odds of success from 10% to 20% to 50%
  • 43. How… by asking again and again “If this business fails, why would it fail ?” “If this business fails, why would it fail ?” “If this business fails, why would it fail ?” Then finding answers
  • 44. 80% product development 10% getting new users 5% finding a business model 5% other We build something great, profits will follow. How will be make a business 5% product development 10% getting new users 80% finding a business model 5% other Working in your business Working on your business 100% 100%
  • 45. Break 5 Minutes Think: how forward ?
  • 47.
  • 48. Stop saying everything is fine! It is time to stand naked in front of your team and partners and tell them the truth… “I need your help to solve the following issues”
  • 51. Personally, I find nothing sadder than a CEO with a big team working alone on all the big problems…
  • 52. TRUE N.O.R.T.H = A way to ask for help.. TRUE Truly Simple Let's get paid N Narrative. Why it is important (the story) If we can't find a way to get people to pay for our service, we have no business regardless of how great our technology is, how many people download our product or how useful it is. O Objective 3 ideas to make money that we can test R Restrictions: We are not interested in A fee for use of the plug-in People will not pay T Tactical Constraints: We have around 250 K to grow the business, so the solutions need to be low cost. AND we need to work with partners H Here is the place to start Look at areas where the of Information value is high and searching takes time (eg Job applicants, News stories, etc° Make it a story Be honest Be specific Ask for help
  • 54. Facts to Practice 7 Steps Familiarize yourself with the objectives and challenge Challenge the problem definition Effectuation Stimulus Mining Individual brain writing Group Work Re‐work Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7
  • 56. Best practices Define your needs to build direction and remove fear (already done) Make sure you have a diverse team(Probably OK) Get stimulus (Stimulus mining) Mix and match (Association)
  • 57. Value of Stimulus Stimulus Feeds The Brain Stimulus Available # of practical ideas invented Low Stimulus Medium Stimulus High Stimulus 22 38 47 Source: Jump Start your Business Brain
  • 59. Stimulus sets off a CHAIN Reaction!!!
  • 60. Stimulus sets off a CHAIN Reaction!!! Stimuli Brain Operating System Stimuli Stimuli Stimuli Idea #1 Idea #1 Idea #1 Idea #1 Source: Jump Start your Business Brain
  • 61. At their most basic, IDEAS are feats of association and constraints
  • 62. You can use tools and systems to force new associations (there are hundreds of tools)
  • 63. 666: Forced Associations  8 Min: Random combinations (look for ideas)  2 Min: Pick top ideas and write them up.. The simplest way to write up ideas  Headline  Problem  Promise  Proof  Payoff
  • 64. 1/ 1 / 1 Apple = design and simplicity Students love music Substitute instead of showing the internet, show things to buy A fancy music mix trial list anytime someone visits a music site with an option to buy on Itunes
  • 65.
  • 68. Chances are … your ideas are not as good as you think …
  • 71. “Confusion is not a good strategy for success.”
  • 72. Make it simple 1 2 3 4 5 My company: ( company name ) Is developing ( a defined offering ) To help ( a target audience ) ( solve a problem ) ( with secret sauce )
  • 74. Payoff Dramatic difference how is their life different and better Proof Reason why should they believe you and dramatic difference A fancy music mix trial list anytime someone visits a music site with an option to buy on Itunes
  • 75. Mom Test + standard questions Clarity Unique Meaningful Why would it Fail ? 2 Golden rules If Clarity < 7  Write it again If [(Meaningful * .6 ) + (Unique * .4 )] < 6  You probably got a loser
  • 76.
  • 77. How to make brilliant ideas Talk with Friends Really Ugly Meetup Event Still Ugly Speak at Conference Less Ugly Investor Presentation Good Enough
  • 79. The most important thing in this class
  • 80. The most important thing in this class
  • 81. 4 Characteristics of effective system thinking 3 1 2 4 A holistic view (The whole is often the same as the parts) Thinking in loops (What causes what) Focused on the big business drivers Sequential not parallel problem solving
  • 82. An example of world class … A new business / business model in 12 weeks Objectives A weekly learning cycle every week for 10 weeks Process A 2 day management meeting to agree «what and why» Plus basic training: How to build ideas/ the importance of systems Alignment Every Monday… what are we going to do this week Alignment Every Friday… a brain‐storming session (with new external people) Real‐time research Build ideas External experts to validate/ give feedback on all ideas Communicate/Check Identify death threats/ work on death threats Kill all weak ideas where death threats not resolved in 2 weeks Every Day A 10 minute standing meeting Systems 2 weeks 10 weeks
  • 83. Summary of the ABCs Be Clear, be honest, be open, be candid, be inspirational Alignment Build Ideas Get people involved (diversity) , get stimulus Communicate & Check Clarify the idea, so anyone can understand Then test the ideas Systems Build learning cycles and get going (FAST !) Repeat and repeat to remove risks / build your ideas
  • 84. Benefits of the ABCs method An incredible focus on the positive Embrace negatives to grow A continual search for silver bullets Scared to ask for help If they ask, too much done internally What they want to do lacks clarity / focus Lack of systems / Lack of urgency Avoid tough decisions.. Step by step Open, Learning Involved, Inter-connected An evolving focus Speed Killing puppies
  • 86. More about this course …
  • 87. Targets / Certification Targets  Ready to work on a company Sprint  A certificate  A personal recommendation Certification  Group work OK  A simple multiple choice test  A reflection document No one will pass without a successful group work
  • 90. Work Now in Groups Before Mentor Talks 1. Personal Introductions 2. Review the True North 3. Decide on key roles 4. Any questions on the program Later today 1. List and vote on key challenges 2. Map success – add to challenges 3. Update TRUE NORTH + sprint targets You will need to talk to people Wednesday and Thursday Now is the time to arrange meetings
  • 93. Review TRUE NORTH 1. Read in detail / add comments 2. Gather questions (vote on 3 to cover in your talk. 30 minutes = time limit)
  • 95. Deliverables 1. Who will facilitate, take notes, lead days 1,2,3,4 and 5 2. Update TRUE NORTH 3. Up to 3 targets for the Sprint Up to 3 “Sprint Questions” for the Sprint Target 1 Target 2 Target 3
  • 96. A tool to make remote collaboration easier…
  • 97. A shared whiteboard How it works Why it works Let’s Try it now
  • 98. Be back at 14:00 CET