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Internet History and Growth
What Is the Internet?
• A network of networks, joining many government,
  university and private computers together and
  providing an infrastructure for the use of E-mail,
  bulletin boards, file archives, hypertext documents,
  databases and other computational resources
• The vast collection of computer networks which
  form and act as a single huge network for transport
  of data and messages across distances which can be
  anywhere from the same office to anywhere in the

Written by William F. Slater, III
President of the Chicago Chapter of the Internet Society
What is the Internet?

• The largest network of networks in the
• Uses TCP/IP protocols and packet switching .
• Runs on any communications substrate.

      From Dr. Vinton Cerf,
      Co-Creator of TCP/IP
• In 1968, the Defense Department began
  developing ARPANET
         ARPA – Advanced Research Projects Agency
      • WAN (wide area network) designed to
        connect DoD researchers and university
      • Development of WANS, routers and the
        Internet Protocols
      • used packet-switching
– ARPANET went on line in 1969 connecting 4
  computers in California and Utah
   • In 1972, Email was invented
   • In 1973, APRANET went international with
     sites in England and Norway
   • The ARPRANET grew rapidly in the 1980s:
       – By 1981: 213 computers
       – By 1984: 1000 computers
       – By 1987: 10000 computers

• In 1982, the military portion of the
  ARPANET was separated into MILNET
• Supervision of ARPANET was passed to
  the NSF (the National Science
• In 1983, the new TCP/IP protocol was

• By 1990, the original ARPANET
  backbone was decommissioned in favor
  of newer long-distance data
  transmission networks
  – The collection of NSF-sponsored
    backbones and the regional sites it
    connected together became the Internet
From Internet to WWW
• By the early 1990s, the Internet was primarily
  used to connect Universities together
   – Other commercial WANs began to connect to
     the Internet
      • Genie, CompuServe, Prodigy, etc
   – Popular applications were Email, FTP
From Internet to WWW

– In 1994, a graphical Internet browser was
  developed to allow easy access to materials
  stored on the Internet
   • the first web browser was called Mosaic

– This gave birth to the World Wide Web, the
  collection of interlinked files on the Internet
   • which has led to full-scale exploitation of the
     Internet for global communications
Commercialization of the
• Before 1995 commercial traffic was
  forbidden on the taxpayer-funded NSF
• In 1995 when NSF eliminated all
  Internet subsidies commercial Internet
  development took off.

Areas of the world and
The number of computers

      Part of the Internet
Who Controls the Internet?
• No one
• The Internet is made up of privately owned
  computers and networks, all of which agree
  to implement the Internet protocols.
Who Controls the Internet?
• Some organizations control certain aspects
  of the Internet
  – W3C, World Wide Web Consortium issues
    standards related to all aspects of the Web.
• The Internet is everywhere and yet it is not
  in any one location.
  – In fact, the Internet was designed to survive a
    nuclear war
Brief History of the Internet
• 1968 - DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)
  contracts with BBN (Bolt, Beranek & Newman) to create
• 1970 - First five nodes:
   –   UCLA
   –   Stanford
   –   UC Santa Barbara
   –   U of Utah, and
• 1974 - TCP specification by Vint Cerf
• 1984 – On January 1, the Internet with its 1000 hosts
  converts en masse to using TCP/IP for its messaging
*** Internet History ***
A Brief Summary of the
                       Evolution of the Internet                                                        Mosaic
                                                                                                                    Age of
                                                                                                WWW     Created      1995
                                                                                       Internet Created  1993
                                                                                       Named     1989
                                                                             TCP/IP     TCP/IP
                                                                             Created     1984
                                                                     ARPANET  1972
                                               Packet      1965
                                First Vast    Invented
                                Computer        1964
                        Silicon Envisioned
               A         Chip      1962
          Mathematical 1958
            Theory of
 Memex    Communication
Conceived     1948

    1945                                                                                                   1995
From Simple, But Significant Ideas Bigger Ones Grow
                       1940s to 1969
                             We will prove that packet switching
                                     works over a WAN.

                        Hypertext can be used to allow
                           rapid access to text data

                 Packet switching can be used to
                   send digitized data though
                       computer networks
        We can accomplish a lot by having a
        vast network of computers to use for
     accessing information and exchanging ideas

      We can do it cheaply by using
     Digital circuits etched in silicon.

  We do it reliably with “bits”,
   sending and receiving data

     We can access
   information using
 electronic computers

1945                                                               1969
From Simple, But Significant Ideas Bigger Ones Grow
                        1970s to 1995

               Great efficiencies can be accomplished if we use
          The Internet and the World Wide Web to conduct business.

  The World Wide Web is easier to use if we have a browser that
To browser web pages, running in a graphical user interface context.

  Computers connected via the Internet can be used
 more easily if hypertext links are enabled using HTML
        and URLs: it’s called World Wide Web
     The ARPANET needs to convert to
   a standard protocol and be renamed to
                The Internet
 We need a protocol for Efficient
  and Reliable transmission of
  Packets over a WAN: TCP/IP

      Ideas from
     1940s to 1969

1970                                                                   1995
The Creation of the Internet

• The creation of the Internet solved the following
   – Basically inventing digital networking as we know it
   – Survivability of an infrastructure to send / receive high-speed
     electronic messages
   – Reliability of computer messaging

IP – Internet Protocol

• an IP address is a 32-bit number
     • NKU‟s web server has the IP

• routers throughout the Internet relay
  messages from one location to another using
  the IP address of the intended recipient
Internet Addresses and Aliases

• Its hard to remember these long numbers
• We give our machines “aliases” instead
  – NKU‟s web server is known as (or
• We use aliases for convenience, it is
  necessary to convert from an alias to an IP
  address when sending a datagram
  – Domain Name Servers (DNS) are tables stored on
    various computers on the Internet that do this
    conversion for us
The World Wide Web

• Many refer to the Internet today as the Web,
  or the world wide web (www)
  – In fact, the WWW is an application that runs on
    the Internet
    • It has a collection of files stored on certain computers
      on the Internet known as web servers
  – What makes it a web?
    • Links
The World Wide Web

– In a Web page, there are links to other files
  • Links are commands that tell a computer to go out
    and retrieve another file over the Internet
  • But unlike older Internet technologies where the user
    had to know the IP address, the link contains the
    address so there is nothing to memorize

  • Click on a link  your computer sends a message
    across the Internet requesting the specified document
    (web page) referenced in the link
     – the receiving computer sends the page back and your
       computer loads it and displays it in your browser
• A link includes the location of the document being
  – These links are called URLs
     • Uniform Resource Locators
  – URLs have four parts:
     • Protocol (http, ftp) : //
         – the protocol determines what will be done with the document
           when it is received, http: display in a browser, ftp: save to disk
     • Server - the web server storing the document you want
     • Path - the directory where the document is stored
     • Document (file) name
         – Example:
  – NOTE: just because there is a link, doesn‟t mean it has
    the right address – the address may be old, the file may
    be gone, this leads to broken links (or dead links)
Web Browsers and Web Servers
• Web servers
  – Computers that store web pages and allow client
    computers to access them
• Web browsers
  – allow clients to access web server
     • If you have web pages on your computer but no web
       server, no one can see those pages (outside of you)
• A web site is a collection of web documents
  available on a computer running the web
  server software
  – The home page (or index page) is the main page,
    the first one retrieved
Accessing a Web Page
                 3. Your request   NATIONAL   4. Your request
                 goes to a                    goes to a national
                 network access               backbone network.
                 point (NAP).

1. You request       R
a Web page.          E
                     L                  5. Your request
                 2. Your request        reaches the Web
YOU ARE                                 site’s server and the
                 goes to your
HERE             ISP’s point of         Web page is sent
                 presence (POP).        back to you in
Internet      Computer in scramento
                   Requests information from
Communications:     A computer in Savannah
                  1)   Message packaged
  A Variety of    2)
                       Message sent by MODEM
                       To Internet POP
  Technologies    4)   To another component of
                       the Internet backbone via
                  5)   To satellite
                  6)   To receiving station in NY
                  7)   By microwave to another
                       station in Atlanta
                  8)   By phone to Georgia State
                  9)   Where the message is
                       received by destination
Configuring Your Computer
• What you need to get to the Internet:
  – TCP/IP (which is available in the OSs)
  – Communications equipment to connect your computer
    to a network:
• A physical connection to the Internet
  – Dialup access : modem
  – DSL, Cable or Satellite access
     • Access the Internet through your signal provider using a special
       modem over the line to your house (coaxial, satellite dish or
       DSL line)
  – LAN access
     • such as from NKU – access via LAN is usually much better than
       through an ISP because of the use of T1 or better connections
     • Network card
• The Internet is made up of many different
   – Types of computers (IBM PC, Mac, mainframes, Unix
     workstations, etc)
   – OSs (windows, Mac OS, Unix, Linux, VMX)
   – LANs (Ethernets, Appletalk networks, etc)
• This makes the Internet a cross-platform network
• All of these computers must be Interoperable
   – they must speak the “same language”
   – in this case, the language is the TCP/IP protocol
       • Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
   – IP protocol dictates how addresses and routers work
   – TCP: reliable delivery, congestion control, service requested
Internet: Packet Switching Network
Messages are divided
into units called

Each packet is given
a copy of the
destination address
and sent on its way

Each packet finds its
way independently
across the network

Upon receipt, the
receiving computer
assembles the
packets in order
before displaying
the message to the user
Packet Switching Continued
• Because of the success of TCP/IP, many networks are
  being configured today to use TCP/IP
   – But rather than being a part of the Internet, they only
     connect local computers together
   – Thus, the organization has the same abilities as Internet
     users (email, ftp, messaging, etc) but communication
     remains local
       • A firewall might be placed between a company‟s Intranet and
         the Internet so that critical information can not be sent out and
         viruses and other harmful attacks can not make their way in
       • The firewall is special software running on a computer that acts
         as the point of contact (or connection) to the Internet
 – An Extranet is an Intranet
   that is open to certain pre-
   specified users, so in a way,
   its like opening up your
   network to only a portion of
   the Internet but where you
   dictate who gains access
Who Do You Trust?
• The Web is a great source of information. One
  problem is that there are no rules about what
  people can say on their web sites
  – Inaccurate information
  – Irrelevant information
  – Out-of-date information
• In examining information, keep in mind
  –   who the author is
  –   whose server it is
  –   who the author‟s source is
  –   keep in mind accuracy and currency (date) of data
       • the web is littered with web pages that haven‟t been updated
         in years!
The Future of the Internet
• A billion Internet users by 2010?
  – Can the IP protocol support this? No
      • There are about 4 billion unique IP addresses
        available but there will not be enough to go around
   Class     Network     Machine
             Addresses   Addresses    There are not enough Class B addresses
                                      for all of the networks and many networks
   Class A   127         16 million
                                      that currently exist are outgrowing their
   Class B   16,000      65,000       Class C addresses
   Class C   2 million   254

      • A newer version of IP addresses is being considered
        called IPv6 – 128 bit address
Future of the Internet

   – We will also have a problem supporting the need
     for super-fast connections to transfer large data
      • such as music and movies
• I2 (Internet 2)
   – a project for developing gigaPop
   – gigaPop: a gigiabit per second point of presence
   – access to a backbone service capable of
     transferring in excess of 1 Gbps.
Internet Growth Trends
Internet Growth Trends
•   1977: 111 hosts on Internet
•   1981: 213 hosts
•   1983: 562 hosts
•   1984: 1,000 hosts
•   1986: 5,000 hosts
•   1987: 10,000 hosts
•   1989: 100,000 hosts
•   1992: 1,000,000 hosts
•   2001: 150 – 175 million hosts
•   2002: over 200 million hosts
•   By 2010, about 80% of the planet will be on the Internet
No. of Participating Hosts
   Oct. „90 - Apr. „98
Having Internet Connectivity

• To have complete Internet connectivity you
  must be able to reach all destinations on the
• Your packets have to get delivered to every
  destination. This is easy (default routes).
• Packets from everywhere else have to “find
  you”. This is done by having your ISP(s)
  advertise routes for you.
Internet service provider
         (ISP or IAP)
ISP is a business or organization that
provides consumers or businesses access to
the Internet and related services. In the
past, most ISPs were run by the phone
companies. Now, ISPs can be started by just
about any individual or group with sufficient
money and expertise. In addition to Internet
access via various technologies such as dial-
up and DSL, they may provide a combination
of services including Internet transit, domain
name registration and hosting, web hosting.
ISP connection options

Typical home user connection
• Dial-up
• Broadband wireless access
• Cable modem
ISP connection options

Typical business connection
• Ethernet technologies
DSL - Digital Subscriber Line

DSL is one of the most prevalent forms
of Internet connection. DSL provides
high-speed networking over ordinary
phone lines using digital modems. DSL
connection sharing can be easily
achieved with either wired or wireless
broadband routers.
Cable - Cable Modem Internet

Cable modem is a form of broadband
Internet connection. Cable Internet
uses neighborhood cable television
conduits rather than telephone lines,
but the same broadband routers that
share DSL Internet connections also
work with cable.
Dial Up Internet
Dial up uses ordinary telephone lines
but, unlike DSL, dial up connections
take over the wire, preventing
simultaneous voice calls. Dial up
routers are difficult to find, expensive,
and generally do not perform well
given such a slow Internet pipe. Dial up
is most commonly utilized in lightly
populated areas where cable and DSL
Internet services are unavailable
ISDN - Integrated Services
      Digital Network
ISDN works over telephone lines and
like DSL, supports simultaneous voice
and data traffic. Additionally, ISDN
provides 2 to 3 times the performance
of most dial up connections. Home
networking with ISDN works similarly to
networking with dial up.
Satellite Internet

Enterprises like Starband, Direcway
and Wildblue offer satellite Internet
service. With an exterior-mounted
mini-dish and a proprietary digital
modem inside the home, Internet
connections can be established over a
satellite link similar to satellite
television services.
POP(Point of presence)
An Internet point of presence is an access point
to the Internet. It is a physical location that
houses servers, routers, ATM switches and
digital/analog call aggregators. It may be either
part of the facilities of a telecommunications
provider that the Internet service provider (ISP)
rents or a location separate from the
telecommunications provider. ISPs typically have
multiple POPs, sometimes numbering in the
thousands. POPs are also located in Internet
exchange points and collocation centres.
Internet POP Design
• Point of Presence (POP)
  – An access point to the Internet
  – A router is required to interface with the
    service provider
  – Demarcation point is where the ISP company
    ends and the private network of the
    customer begins.

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02 internet history and growth (re-upload)

  • 2. What Is the Internet? • A network of networks, joining many government, university and private computers together and providing an infrastructure for the use of E-mail, bulletin boards, file archives, hypertext documents, databases and other computational resources • The vast collection of computer networks which form and act as a single huge network for transport of data and messages across distances which can be anywhere from the same office to anywhere in the world. Written by William F. Slater, III 1996 President of the Chicago Chapter of the Internet Society
  • 3. What is the Internet? • The largest network of networks in the world. • Uses TCP/IP protocols and packet switching . • Runs on any communications substrate. From Dr. Vinton Cerf, Co-Creator of TCP/IP
  • 4. ARPANET • In 1968, the Defense Department began developing ARPANET ARPA – Advanced Research Projects Agency • WAN (wide area network) designed to connect DoD researchers and university researchers • Development of WANS, routers and the Internet Protocols • used packet-switching
  • 5. ARPANET – ARPANET went on line in 1969 connecting 4 computers in California and Utah • In 1972, Email was invented • In 1973, APRANET went international with sites in England and Norway • The ARPRANET grew rapidly in the 1980s: – By 1981: 213 computers – By 1984: 1000 computers – By 1987: 10000 computers
  • 6. From APRANET to INTERNET • In 1982, the military portion of the ARPANET was separated into MILNET • Supervision of ARPANET was passed to the NSF (the National Science Foundation) • In 1983, the new TCP/IP protocol was added
  • 7. From APRANET to INTERNET • By 1990, the original ARPANET backbone was decommissioned in favor of newer long-distance data transmission networks – The collection of NSF-sponsored backbones and the regional sites it connected together became the Internet
  • 8. From Internet to WWW • By the early 1990s, the Internet was primarily used to connect Universities together – Other commercial WANs began to connect to the Internet • Genie, CompuServe, Prodigy, etc – Popular applications were Email, FTP
  • 9. From Internet to WWW – In 1994, a graphical Internet browser was developed to allow easy access to materials stored on the Internet • the first web browser was called Mosaic – This gave birth to the World Wide Web, the collection of interlinked files on the Internet • which has led to full-scale exploitation of the Internet for global communications
  • 10. Commercialization of the Internet • Before 1995 commercial traffic was forbidden on the taxpayer-funded NSF • In 1995 when NSF eliminated all Internet subsidies commercial Internet development took off.
  • 11. The Internet Today Areas of the world and The number of computers Part of the Internet backbone
  • 12. Who Controls the Internet? • No one • The Internet is made up of privately owned computers and networks, all of which agree to implement the Internet protocols.
  • 13. Who Controls the Internet? • Some organizations control certain aspects of the Internet – W3C, World Wide Web Consortium issues standards related to all aspects of the Web. • The Internet is everywhere and yet it is not in any one location. – In fact, the Internet was designed to survive a nuclear war
  • 14. Brief History of the Internet • 1968 - DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) contracts with BBN (Bolt, Beranek & Newman) to create ARPAnet • 1970 - First five nodes: – UCLA – Stanford – UC Santa Barbara – U of Utah, and • 1974 - TCP specification by Vint Cerf • 1984 – On January 1, the Internet with its 1000 hosts converts en masse to using TCP/IP for its messaging
  • 16. A Brief Summary of the Evolution of the Internet Mosaic Age of eCommerce Begins WWW Created 1995 Internet Created 1993 Named 1989 and Goes TCP/IP TCP/IP Created 1984 ARPANET 1972 1969 Hypertext Invented Packet 1965 Switching First Vast Invented Computer 1964 Network Silicon Envisioned A Chip 1962 Mathematical 1958 Theory of Memex Communication Conceived 1948 1945 1945 1995
  • 17. From Simple, But Significant Ideas Bigger Ones Grow 1940s to 1969 We will prove that packet switching works over a WAN. Hypertext can be used to allow rapid access to text data Packet switching can be used to send digitized data though computer networks We can accomplish a lot by having a vast network of computers to use for accessing information and exchanging ideas We can do it cheaply by using Digital circuits etched in silicon. We do it reliably with “bits”, sending and receiving data We can access information using electronic computers 1945 1969
  • 18. From Simple, But Significant Ideas Bigger Ones Grow 1970s to 1995 Great efficiencies can be accomplished if we use The Internet and the World Wide Web to conduct business. The World Wide Web is easier to use if we have a browser that To browser web pages, running in a graphical user interface context. Computers connected via the Internet can be used more easily if hypertext links are enabled using HTML and URLs: it’s called World Wide Web The ARPANET needs to convert to a standard protocol and be renamed to The Internet We need a protocol for Efficient and Reliable transmission of Packets over a WAN: TCP/IP Ideas from 1940s to 1969 1970 1995
  • 19. The Creation of the Internet • The creation of the Internet solved the following challenges: – Basically inventing digital networking as we know it – Survivability of an infrastructure to send / receive high-speed electronic messages – Reliability of computer messaging
  • 20. IPAddresses IP – Internet Protocol • an IP address is a 32-bit number • NKU‟s web server has the IP • routers throughout the Internet relay messages from one location to another using the IP address of the intended recipient
  • 21. Internet Addresses and Aliases • Its hard to remember these long numbers • We give our machines “aliases” instead – NKU‟s web server is known as (or • We use aliases for convenience, it is necessary to convert from an alias to an IP address when sending a datagram – Domain Name Servers (DNS) are tables stored on various computers on the Internet that do this conversion for us
  • 22. The World Wide Web • Many refer to the Internet today as the Web, or the world wide web (www) – In fact, the WWW is an application that runs on the Internet • It has a collection of files stored on certain computers on the Internet known as web servers – What makes it a web? • Links
  • 23. The World Wide Web – In a Web page, there are links to other files • Links are commands that tell a computer to go out and retrieve another file over the Internet • But unlike older Internet technologies where the user had to know the IP address, the link contains the address so there is nothing to memorize • Click on a link  your computer sends a message across the Internet requesting the specified document (web page) referenced in the link – the receiving computer sends the page back and your computer loads it and displays it in your browser
  • 24. URLs • A link includes the location of the document being referenced – These links are called URLs • Uniform Resource Locators – URLs have four parts: • Protocol (http, ftp) : // – the protocol determines what will be done with the document when it is received, http: display in a browser, ftp: save to disk • Server - the web server storing the document you want • Path - the directory where the document is stored • Document (file) name – Example: – NOTE: just because there is a link, doesn‟t mean it has the right address – the address may be old, the file may be gone, this leads to broken links (or dead links)
  • 25. Web Browsers and Web Servers • Web servers – Computers that store web pages and allow client computers to access them • Web browsers – allow clients to access web server • If you have web pages on your computer but no web server, no one can see those pages (outside of you) • A web site is a collection of web documents available on a computer running the web server software – The home page (or index page) is the main page, the first one retrieved
  • 26. Accessing a Web Page 3. Your request NATIONAL 4. Your request goes to a goes to a national network access backbone network. point (NAP). 1. You request R a Web page. E G I O N A L 5. Your request 2. Your request reaches the Web YOU ARE site’s server and the goes to your HERE ISP’s point of Web page is sent presence (POP). back to you in packets.
  • 27. Internet Computer in scramento Requests information from Communications: A computer in Savannah 1) Message packaged A Variety of 2) 3) Message sent by MODEM To Internet POP Technologies 4) To another component of the Internet backbone via microwave 5) To satellite 6) To receiving station in NY 7) By microwave to another station in Atlanta 8) By phone to Georgia State 9) Where the message is received by destination machine
  • 28. Configuring Your Computer • What you need to get to the Internet: – TCP/IP (which is available in the OSs) – Communications equipment to connect your computer to a network: • A physical connection to the Internet – Dialup access : modem – DSL, Cable or Satellite access • Access the Internet through your signal provider using a special modem over the line to your house (coaxial, satellite dish or DSL line) – LAN access • such as from NKU – access via LAN is usually much better than through an ISP because of the use of T1 or better connections • Network card
  • 29. Interoperability • The Internet is made up of many different – Types of computers (IBM PC, Mac, mainframes, Unix workstations, etc) – OSs (windows, Mac OS, Unix, Linux, VMX) – LANs (Ethernets, Appletalk networks, etc) • This makes the Internet a cross-platform network • All of these computers must be Interoperable – they must speak the “same language” – in this case, the language is the TCP/IP protocol • Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol – IP protocol dictates how addresses and routers work – TCP: reliable delivery, congestion control, service requested
  • 30. Internet: Packet Switching Network Messages are divided into units called packets Each packet is given a copy of the destination address and sent on its way Each packet finds its way independently across the network Upon receipt, the receiving computer assembles the packets in order before displaying the message to the user
  • 32. Intranets • Because of the success of TCP/IP, many networks are being configured today to use TCP/IP – But rather than being a part of the Internet, they only connect local computers together – Thus, the organization has the same abilities as Internet users (email, ftp, messaging, etc) but communication remains local • A firewall might be placed between a company‟s Intranet and the Internet so that critical information can not be sent out and viruses and other harmful attacks can not make their way in • The firewall is special software running on a computer that acts as the point of contact (or connection) to the Internet – An Extranet is an Intranet that is open to certain pre- specified users, so in a way, its like opening up your network to only a portion of the Internet but where you dictate who gains access
  • 33. Who Do You Trust? • The Web is a great source of information. One problem is that there are no rules about what people can say on their web sites – Inaccurate information – Irrelevant information – Out-of-date information • In examining information, keep in mind – who the author is – whose server it is – who the author‟s source is – keep in mind accuracy and currency (date) of data • the web is littered with web pages that haven‟t been updated in years!
  • 34. The Future of the Internet • A billion Internet users by 2010? – Can the IP protocol support this? No • There are about 4 billion unique IP addresses available but there will not be enough to go around Class Network Machine Addresses Addresses There are not enough Class B addresses for all of the networks and many networks Class A 127 16 million that currently exist are outgrowing their Class B 16,000 65,000 Class C addresses Class C 2 million 254 • A newer version of IP addresses is being considered called IPv6 – 128 bit address
  • 35. Future of the Internet – We will also have a problem supporting the need for super-fast connections to transfer large data files • such as music and movies • I2 (Internet 2) – a project for developing gigaPop – gigaPop: a gigiabit per second point of presence – access to a backbone service capable of transferring in excess of 1 Gbps.
  • 37. Internet Growth Trends • 1977: 111 hosts on Internet • 1981: 213 hosts • 1983: 562 hosts • 1984: 1,000 hosts • 1986: 5,000 hosts • 1987: 10,000 hosts • 1989: 100,000 hosts • 1992: 1,000,000 hosts • 2001: 150 – 175 million hosts • 2002: over 200 million hosts • By 2010, about 80% of the planet will be on the Internet
  • 38. No. of Participating Hosts Oct. „90 - Apr. „98
  • 39. Having Internet Connectivity • To have complete Internet connectivity you must be able to reach all destinations on the net. • Your packets have to get delivered to every destination. This is easy (default routes). • Packets from everywhere else have to “find you”. This is done by having your ISP(s) advertise routes for you.
  • 40. Internet service provider (ISP or IAP) ISP is a business or organization that provides consumers or businesses access to the Internet and related services. In the past, most ISPs were run by the phone companies. Now, ISPs can be started by just about any individual or group with sufficient money and expertise. In addition to Internet access via various technologies such as dial- up and DSL, they may provide a combination of services including Internet transit, domain name registration and hosting, web hosting.
  • 41. ISP connection options Typical home user connection • Dial-up • DSL • Broadband wireless access • Cable modem • ISDN
  • 42. ISP connection options Typical business connection • DSL • SHDSL • Ethernet technologies
  • 43. DSL - Digital Subscriber Line DSL is one of the most prevalent forms of Internet connection. DSL provides high-speed networking over ordinary phone lines using digital modems. DSL connection sharing can be easily achieved with either wired or wireless broadband routers.
  • 44. Cable - Cable Modem Internet Cable modem is a form of broadband Internet connection. Cable Internet uses neighborhood cable television conduits rather than telephone lines, but the same broadband routers that share DSL Internet connections also work with cable.
  • 45. Dial Up Internet Dial up uses ordinary telephone lines but, unlike DSL, dial up connections take over the wire, preventing simultaneous voice calls. Dial up routers are difficult to find, expensive, and generally do not perform well given such a slow Internet pipe. Dial up is most commonly utilized in lightly populated areas where cable and DSL Internet services are unavailable
  • 46. ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network ISDN works over telephone lines and like DSL, supports simultaneous voice and data traffic. Additionally, ISDN provides 2 to 3 times the performance of most dial up connections. Home networking with ISDN works similarly to networking with dial up.
  • 47. Satellite Internet Enterprises like Starband, Direcway and Wildblue offer satellite Internet service. With an exterior-mounted mini-dish and a proprietary digital modem inside the home, Internet connections can be established over a satellite link similar to satellite television services.
  • 48.
  • 49. POP(Point of presence) An Internet point of presence is an access point to the Internet. It is a physical location that houses servers, routers, ATM switches and digital/analog call aggregators. It may be either part of the facilities of a telecommunications provider that the Internet service provider (ISP) rents or a location separate from the telecommunications provider. ISPs typically have multiple POPs, sometimes numbering in the thousands. POPs are also located in Internet exchange points and collocation centres.
  • 50. Internet POP Design • Point of Presence (POP) – An access point to the Internet – A router is required to interface with the service provider – Demarcation point is where the ISP company ends and the private network of the customer begins.