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Name of the Teacher : REMYA SREE R STD : VIII
Name of the School: Govt HSS Puthoor Divi:A
Subject : Social Science Strength : 47/47
Unit : `ua-c-l-ky-§Ä tXSn Duration : 40
Topic : `qan-bpsS DÅd Date : 21.07.2015
NÀ¨, nco-£-Ww, A]-{K-Yw XpS-§nb {]hÀ¯--§-fn-eqsS {]iv-§-sf-]än Nn´-
IÄ hnI-kn-¸n¨v ]cn-lmcw nÀt±-in-¡p-¶Xp hgn ]pXnb ]T-m-i-b-§Ä cq]o-I-
cn¨v qX Ah-k-c-§-fn {]tbm-Kn-¡p-Ibpw Ap-Iqe atm-`mhw hnI-kn-¸n-¡p-
Ibpw sN¿p-¶p.
TERMS : `qhev¡w, amânÂ, Im¼v, knbmÂ, knam, ]pd-¡m-¼v,
AI-¡m-¼v, t^mkn-ep-IÄ, inem-a-WvU-ew, AkvX-tm-^n-bÀ
FACTS : `qan-bpsS Xmc-X-tay tÀ¯ ]pd-t´m-SmWv `qh-ev¡w.
GI-tZiw 40 Iw
`qh-ev¡-¯np Xmsg-bmbn 2900 hsc ØnXn sN¿p¶]mfn-
bmWv amânÂ. D]-cn-amânepw At[m-amânepw F¶o c­v
`mK-§Ä D­v.
`qan-bpsS tI{µ-`m-K-amWv Im¼v. 2900 XpS§o 6371
hsc ØnXn sN¿p-¶p.
knen-¡, Aep-an F¶o [mXp-¡Ä AS-§n-bn-cn-¡p¶ h³Ic
`qh¡s¯ knbm F¶p hnf-n¡p-¶p.
knen¡, aáojyw F¶o [m¯p-¡Ä AS-§n-bn-cn-¡p¶ kap-{Z-
`q-h¡s¯ koam F´v hnfn-¡p-¶p.
]ZmÀ°-§Ä Dcp-In-bm-h-Ø-bn Im¼n-cp-ÅnÂs¸-Sp-¶-XmWv
AI-¡m¼v Jcm-h-Ø-bn-emWv ImW-s¸-Sp-¶-Xv. `qan-bpsS tI{µ-
`m-K¯v Ap-`-h-s¸-Sp¶ DbÀ¶ aÀ±-amWv CXn-p-Im-c-Ww.
{]mNo--Im-e¯v `qap-J-¯p-­m-bn-cp¶ Poh-Pm-e-§-fpsS Ah-in-
jvS-§Ä Ah-km-Z-inem ]mfn-IÄ¡n-S-bn ImW-s¸-Sm-dp-­v.
Chsb t^mkn-ep-IÄ F¶p hnfn-¡p-¶p.
`qh-ev¡-s¯bpw amân-ensâ D]-cn-`m-K-s¯bpw tNÀ¯v
inem-a-WvUew F¶p hnfn-¡p-¶p.
inem-a-WvU-e-¯np Xmsg-bmbn inem-]-ZmÀ°-§Â Dcp-Inb AcvU-²-{Z-hm-h-Ø-
bn ImW-s¸-Sp¶ `mK-amWv AkvX-tm-kv^n-bÀ.
CONCEPT : `qanbpsS D]-cn-X-e-¯n n¶pw DÅn-te¡v IS-¡p-t¼mÄ hfsc henb
amä-§-fmWv ImWm³ km[n-¡p-¶-Xv. `qan-bpsS DÅd AÛp-X-§-fpsS Hcp Ie-h-d-
bm-Wv. `qh¡w, amânÂ, ]pd-¡m-¼v, AI-¡m¼v F¶nh tNÀ¶-XmWv `qan-bpsS
1. Ip«n-IÄ¡v ta¸-dª ]Z-§Ä, Bi-b-§Ä, hkvXp-X-IÄ F¶n-h-sb-¡p-dn¨v
Adnhv e`n-¨p,
a. `qan-sb-¡p-dn¨pw AXnsâ DÅ-d-sb-¡p-dn-¨p-apÅ Bi-b-§Ä NÀ¨ sNbvXp.
2. Ip«n-I-fpsS {]hÀ¯--^-e-ambn nco-£-Ww, hÀ¤o-I-cWw XpS-§nb ss]pWy-
§-fn Ignhv tSp-¶p.
a. `qan-bpsS DÅ-d-bpsS hnhn[ ]mfn-I-sf-¡p-dn¨v nco-£n¨v hni-I-ew sN¿p-I.
b. `qan-bpsS Cu ]mfn-IÄ F{X-t¯mfw `qansb kwc-£n-¡p¶p F¶v NÀ¨ sN¿p-
3. Ip«n-IÄ Ap-tbm-Py-amb kµÀ`-§-fn Adnhv {]tbm-Kn-¡p-¶p.
ENTRY BEHAVIOUR : `qansb¡p-dn¨pw AXnsâ DÅ-d-sb-¡p-dn¨pw
Ip«n-IÄ¡v ap³[m-cW D­v.
LEARNING MATERIAL : NmÀ«v (`q-an-bpsS DÅd Nn{Xw)
ISSUE : AÛp-X-§-fpsS Ie-h-d-bmWv `qan F¶p
]d-bp-t¼mgpw B DÅd cl-ky-§-sf-¸än
tcn«v hnh-c-ti-J-cWw S-¯m³
ap-t¡sd ]cn-an-[n-IÄ D­v.
SUB ISSUE : `qhÂ-¡w apXÂ AI-Im¼v hsc-bpÅ
`qan-bpsS ]mfn-I-sf-¡p-dn¨v hyà-ambn
a-kn-em-¡m³ ap-¡n-Xp-hsc Ign-ªn-«n-Ã.
Classroom Intraction Procedure Expected Response
½Ä Hmtcm-cp-¯cpw Pohn-¡p-¶Xv {]Iy-Xn-bn BsW¶pw `qan-bnÂ
Fhn-sS-bmWv F¶pw hoSn-söpw Ip«n-IÄ D¯cw
`qan-bn-emWv Pohn-¡p-¶-sX-¦n `qan-bpsS DÅn Pe-ap­v
B `qan-bpsS DÅn-te¡v Fs´Ãmw Pohn-I-fp­v Fs¶ms¡ Ip«n-IÄ
ImgvN-IÄ ImWm³ Ignbpw adp-]Sn ]d-ªp.
Ip«n-IÄ ÂInb D¯-c-¯nÂ
n¶pw A[ym-]nI ]mT-`m-K-t¯¡p
`ua-c-l-ky-§-Ä tXSn (Main Heading)
`qanbpsS DÅd (Side Heading)
`qan-bpsS DÅd AÛp-X-§-fp-sS-sbmcp
Ie-h-d-bmWv. hnhn[ ]mfn-I-fmÂ
Am-h-cWw sNbvX-Xm-Wv ½psS `qan.
`qh¡w, amânÂ, Im¼v F¶n-h-bmWv
`qan-bpsS hyXy-kvX-]m-fn-IÄ
Activity - 1
`qan-bpsS DÅd cl-ky-§-sf-¸än tcn«v `qan-bpsS DÅd cl-ky-§Ä Adnbm
hnh-c-ti-J-cWw S-¯m³ ½p-t¡sd pÅ ap-jy-cpsS B{Klw Ipdªp
]cn-an-Xn-IÄ D­v. GsXm-s¡-bmtWm hcp-¶-XmWv Imc-W-sa¶v Ip«n-IÄ
]cn-an-Xn-IÄ? NÀ¨ sN¿p-I. ]d-ªp.
`qan F¶Xv sshhn-[y-§Ä nd-ª-XmWv
AXnsâ DÅd cl-ky-§Ä Is­-¯pI
F{X Ffp-¸-apÅ Imcy-a-Ã. ImcWw
`qan-bn Bgw IqSp-¶-Xn--p-k-cn¨v
Xm]hpw aÀ±hpw IqSp-¶p. apI-fn-es¯
]mfn-IÄ sNe-¯p¶ `mc-amWv Xmtg¡p
t]mIpw-tXm-dp-apÅ Cu aÀ²-hy-Xn-bm
¯np Imc-Ww. `qan-bpsS tI{µ-`m-K¯v
Ap-`-h-s¸-Sp¶ Xm]w GI-tZiw 50000
BWv. CXv `qan-]-T--¯nv ]cn-anXn
Activity 2
Fs´ms¡ amÀ¤-§-fn-eq-sS-bmWv `qI-¼-¯n-eqsS
`qan-bpsS DÅ-d-sb-¸än a-kn-em-¡p-¶Xv? {]Iy-Xn-am-ä-§-fn-eqsS
Fs¶m-s¡-sb¶v Ip«n-IÄ
D¯cw ÂIn.
hn-I-fn n¶pw tiJ-cn-¡p¶
hnh-c-§-fpsS ASn-Øm--¯nÂ
Aán-]ÀÆX kvt^mS--§-fn-eqsS
`utam-]-cn-X-e-¯n F¯n-t¨-cp¶
hkvXp-¡-fn n¶v
`qI¼ ka-b-¯p-­m-Ip¶ Xcw-K-§-fpsS
New hni-I-ew sN¿p-¶-Xn-eqsS
Activity 3
`qI-¼-¯n-eqsS D­m-Ip¶ Xcw-K-§sf
hni-I-ew sNbvXn-Xnsâ ASn-Øm--¯n `qh¡w, amânÂ,-Im¼v
`qansb hyXykvX ]mfn-I-fmbn Xncn¡mw
GsXms¡? Nn{X-¯nsâ klmb-t¯msS
`qansb aq¶p-]m-fn-I-fmbn Xncn¡mw
`qh¡w þ h³Ic `qh¡w
kap{Z `qh¡w
amân þ D]-cn-amânÂ
Im¼v þ AI-Im¼v
Activity 4
`qh¡w, amânÂ, Im¼v `qh¡wþ `qan-bpsS BZy-]mfn
Ch Xmc-Xayw sNbvXv amân þ `qh¡-¯np Xmsg
Ipdn-s¸-gp-XpI ØnXn sN¿p-¶p.
(GroupActivity) Im¼v þ `qan-bpsS a[y-`mKw
Fs¶ms¡ Ip«n-IÄ Is­-¯p¶p
`qh¡w- þ `qan-bpsS Xmc-X-tay
tÀ¯-¸p-d-t´m-Sv, GI-tZiw 40 Iw , h³Ic `qh¡w
kap-{Z-`q-h¡w F¶o c­pw
`mK-§Ä. knen¡-, Aeqan
[mXp-¡Ä AS§nb h³¡c
`qh¡w knbm³ F¶pw
knen¡ aáojyw AS-§nb kap{Z
`qh¡w kna F¶p Adn-b-s¸-Sp-¶p.
amânÂ: `qh¡-¯np Xmsg-bmbn
ImWp-¶p. `qh¡-]m-fn¡p Xmsg
XpSp§n 2900
hsc D]-cn-amân (kn-en-¡¬
sIm­v nÀan-X-amb Jcm-hvk-Y-bnÂ,
At[m-amân (]-ZmÀ°-§Ä AÀ°
{Zmh-Im-h-Ø-bnÂ) F¶o c­p `mK-§Ä
Im¼v: `qan-bpsS tI{µ-`m-Kw, 2900 I.-aoÂ
XpS§n 6371 hsc ]pd-¡m¼v
(]-ZmÀ°w Dcp-Inbm
hØ-bnÂ), AI-¡m¼v (`q-an-bpsS
Ap-`-h-s¸-Sp¶ DbÀ¶ DuÀÖw aqew
AI-¡m¼v Jcm-h-Ø-bnÂ) F¶o
c­p `mK-§Ä
Activity 5
inem-a-WvUew F´mWv? ine-IÄsIm­v
`qh¡-s¯bpw amân-ensâ
D]-cn-`m-K-s¯bpw tNÀ¯v
inem-a-WvU-e-sa¶v hnfn-¡p-¶p.
inem-a-WvU-e-¯np Xmsg-bmbn
inem]ZmÀ°-§Ä DcpIn
AÀ²-{Zm-hm-h-Ø-bn ImWp-¶p.
Cu `mKw AkvX-tm-^nbÀ
`qan-bpsS Ct¸m-gs¯ Ah-Øbpw ]­p-Im-es¯ Ah-Øbpw Xmc-Xayw sNbvXv
`qan-bpsS hnhn[ ]mfn-Isf Ipdn¨v Fgp-Xp-I?

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Lesson plan.pmd

  • 1. Name of the Teacher : REMYA SREE R STD : VIII Name of the School: Govt HSS Puthoor Divi:A Subject : Social Science Strength : 47/47 Unit : `ua-c-l-ky-§Ä tXSn Duration : 40 Topic : `qan-bpsS DÅd Date : 21.07.2015 CURRICULAM STATEMENT NÀ¨, nco-£-Ww, A]-{K-Yw XpS-§nb {]hÀ¯--§-fn-eqsS {]iv-§-sf-]än Nn´- IÄ hnI-kn-¸n¨v ]cn-lmcw nÀt±-in-¡p-¶Xp hgn ]pXnb ]T-m-i-b-§Ä cq]o-I- cn¨v qX Ah-k-c-§-fn {]tbm-Kn-¡p-Ibpw Ap-Iqe atm-`mhw hnI-kn-¸n-¡p- Ibpw sN¿p-¶p. CONTENT ANALYSIS TERMS : `qhev¡w, amânÂ, Im¼v, knbmÂ, knam, ]pd-¡m-¼v, AI-¡m-¼v, t^mkn-ep-IÄ, inem-a-WvU-ew, AkvX-tm-^n-bÀ FACTS : `qan-bpsS Xmc-X-tay tÀ¯ ]pd-t´m-SmWv `qh-ev¡w. GI-tZiw 40 Iw `qh-ev¡-¯np Xmsg-bmbn 2900 hsc ØnXn sN¿p¶]mfn- bmWv amânÂ. D]-cn-amânepw At[m-amânepw F¶o c­v `mK-§Ä D­v. `qan-bpsS tI{µ-`m-K-amWv Im¼v. 2900 XpS§o 6371 hsc ØnXn sN¿p-¶p. knen-¡, Aep-an F¶o [mXp-¡Ä AS-§n-bn-cn-¡p¶ h³Ic `qh¡s¯ knbm F¶p hnf-n¡p-¶p. knen¡, aáojyw F¶o [m¯p-¡Ä AS-§n-bn-cn-¡p¶ kap-{Z- `q-h¡s¯ koam F´v hnfn-¡p-¶p. ]ZmÀ°-§Ä Dcp-In-bm-h-Ø-bn Im¼n-cp-ÅnÂs¸-Sp-¶-XmWv ]pd-Im¼v AI-¡m¼v Jcm-h-Ø-bn-emWv ImW-s¸-Sp-¶-Xv. `qan-bpsS tI{µ- `m-K¯v Ap-`-h-s¸-Sp¶ DbÀ¶ aÀ±-amWv CXn-p-Im-c-Ww. {]mNo--Im-e¯v `qap-J-¯p-­m-bn-cp¶ Poh-Pm-e-§-fpsS Ah-in- jvS-§Ä Ah-km-Z-inem ]mfn-IÄ¡n-S-bn ImW-s¸-Sm-dp-­v. Chsb t^mkn-ep-IÄ F¶p hnfn-¡p-¶p. `qh-ev¡-s¯bpw amân-ensâ D]-cn-`m-K-s¯bpw tNÀ¯v inem-a-WvUew F¶p hnfn-¡p-¶p.
  • 2. inem-a-WvU-e-¯np Xmsg-bmbn inem-]-ZmÀ°-§Â Dcp-Inb AcvU-²-{Z-hm-h-Ø- bn ImW-s¸-Sp¶ `mK-amWv AkvX-tm-kv^n-bÀ. CONCEPT : `qanbpsS D]-cn-X-e-¯n n¶pw DÅn-te¡v IS-¡p-t¼mÄ hfsc henb amä-§-fmWv ImWm³ km[n-¡p-¶-Xv. `qan-bpsS DÅd AÛp-X-§-fpsS Hcp Ie-h-d- bm-Wv. `qh¡w, amânÂ, ]pd-¡m-¼v, AI-¡m¼v F¶nh tNÀ¶-XmWv `qan-bpsS DÅd. CURRICULAR OBJECTIVE AND BEHAVIOURAL OUTCOME 1. Ip«n-IÄ¡v ta¸-dª ]Z-§Ä, Bi-b-§Ä, hkvXp-X-IÄ F¶n-h-sb-¡p-dn¨v Adnhv e`n-¨p, a. `qan-sb-¡p-dn¨pw AXnsâ DÅ-d-sb-¡p-dn-¨p-apÅ Bi-b-§Ä NÀ¨ sNbvXp. 2. Ip«n-I-fpsS {]hÀ¯--^-e-ambn nco-£-Ww, hÀ¤o-I-cWw XpS-§nb ss]pWy- §-fn Ignhv tSp-¶p. a. `qan-bpsS DÅ-d-bpsS hnhn[ ]mfn-I-sf-¡p-dn¨v nco-£n¨v hni-I-ew sN¿p-I. b. `qan-bpsS Cu ]mfn-IÄ F{X-t¯mfw `qansb kwc-£n-¡p¶p F¶v NÀ¨ sN¿p- ¶p. 3. Ip«n-IÄ Ap-tbm-Py-amb kµÀ`-§-fn Adnhv {]tbm-Kn-¡p-¶p. ENTRY BEHAVIOUR : `qansb¡p-dn¨pw AXnsâ DÅ-d-sb-¡p-dn¨pw Ip«n-IÄ¡v ap³[m-cW D­v. LEARNING MATERIAL : NmÀ«v (`q-an-bpsS DÅd Nn{Xw) LEARNING STRATEGY : kwL-NÀ¨ hni-I-ew ISSUE : AÛp-X-§-fpsS Ie-h-d-bmWv `qan F¶p ]d-bp-t¼mgpw B DÅd cl-ky-§-sf-¸än tcn«v hnh-c-ti-J-cWw S-¯m³ ap-t¡sd ]cn-an-[n-IÄ D­v. SUB ISSUE : `qhÂ-¡w apX AI-Im¼v hsc-bpÅ `qan-bpsS ]mfn-I-sf-¡p-dn¨v hyà-ambn a-kn-em-¡m³ ap-¡n-Xp-hsc Ign-ªn-«n-Ã.
  • 3. Classroom Intraction Procedure Expected Response ½Ä Hmtcm-cp-¯cpw Pohn-¡p-¶Xv {]Iy-Xn-bn BsW¶pw `qan-bn Fhn-sS-bmWv F¶pw hoSn-söpw Ip«n-IÄ D¯cw ÂIn `qan-bn-emWv Pohn-¡p-¶-sX-¦n `qan-bpsS DÅn Pe-ap­v B `qan-bpsS DÅn-te¡v Fs´Ãmw Pohn-I-fp­v Fs¶ms¡ Ip«n-IÄ ImgvN-IÄ ImWm³ Ignbpw adp-]Sn ]d-ªp. Ip«n-IÄ ÂInb D¯-c-¯n n¶pw A[ym-]nI ]mT-`m-K-t¯¡p IS-¡p¶p `ua-c-l-ky-§-Ä tXSn (Main Heading) `qanbpsS DÅd (Side Heading) Consolidation `qan-bpsS DÅd AÛp-X-§-fp-sS-sbmcp Ie-h-d-bmWv. hnhn[ ]mfn-I-fm Am-h-cWw sNbvX-Xm-Wv ½psS `qan. `qh¡w, amânÂ, Im¼v F¶n-h-bmWv `qan-bpsS hyXy-kvX-]m-fn-IÄ Activity - 1 `qan-bpsS DÅd cl-ky-§-sf-¸än tcn«v `qan-bpsS DÅd cl-ky-§Ä Adnbm hnh-c-ti-J-cWw S-¯m³ ½p-t¡sd pÅ ap-jy-cpsS B{Klw Ipdªp ]cn-an-Xn-IÄ D­v. GsXm-s¡-bmtWm hcp-¶-XmWv Imc-W-sa¶v Ip«n-IÄ ]cn-an-Xn-IÄ? NÀ¨ sN¿p-I. ]d-ªp. Consolidation `qan F¶Xv sshhn-[y-§Ä nd-ª-XmWv AXnsâ DÅd cl-ky-§Ä Is­-¯pI F{X Ffp-¸-apÅ Imcy-a-Ã. ImcWw `qan-bn Bgw IqSp-¶-Xn--p-k-cn¨v
  • 4. Xm]hpw aÀ±hpw IqSp-¶p. apI-fn-es¯ ]mfn-IÄ sNe-¯p¶ `mc-amWv Xmtg¡p t]mIpw-tXm-dp-apÅ Cu aÀ²-hy-Xn-bm ¯np Imc-Ww. `qan-bpsS tI{µ-`m-K¯v Ap-`-h-s¸-Sp¶ Xm]w GI-tZiw 50000 c BWv. CXv `qan-]-T--¯nv ]cn-anXn Iev¸n-¡p-¶p. Activity 2 Fs´ms¡ amÀ¤-§-fn-eq-sS-bmWv `qI-¼-¯n-eqsS `qan-bpsS DÅ-d-sb-¸än a-kn-em-¡p-¶Xv? {]Iy-Xn-am-ä-§-fn-eqsS Fs¶m-s¡-sb¶v Ip«n-IÄ D¯cw ÂIn. Consolidation hn-I-fn n¶pw tiJ-cn-¡p¶ hnh-c-§-fpsS ASn-Øm--¯n Aán-]ÀÆX kvt^mS--§-fn-eqsS `utam-]-cn-X-e-¯n F¯n-t¨-cp¶ hkvXp-¡-fn n¶v `qI¼ ka-b-¯p-­m-Ip¶ Xcw-K-§-fpsS New hni-I-ew sN¿p-¶-Xn-eqsS Activity 3 `qI-¼-¯n-eqsS D­m-Ip¶ Xcw-K-§sf hni-I-ew sNbvXn-Xnsâ ASn-Øm--¯n `qh¡w, amânÂ,-Im¼v `qansb hyXykvX ]mfn-I-fmbn Xncn¡mw GsXms¡? Nn{X-¯nsâ klmb-t¯msS hyà-am-¡p-I.
  • 5. Consolidation `qansb aq¶p-]m-fn-I-fmbn Xncn¡mw `qh¡w þ h³Ic `qh¡w kap{Z `qh¡w amân þ D]-cn-amân At[m-amân Im¼v þ AI-Im¼v ]pd-¡m¼v Activity 4 `qh¡w, amânÂ, Im¼v `qh¡wþ `qan-bpsS BZy-]mfn Ch Xmc-Xayw sNbvXv amân þ `qh¡-¯np Xmsg Ipdn-s¸-gp-XpI ØnXn sN¿p-¶p. (GroupActivity) Im¼v þ `qan-bpsS a[y-`mKw Fs¶ms¡ Ip«n-IÄ Is­-¯p¶p Consolidation `qh¡w- þ `qan-bpsS Xmc-X-tay tÀ¯-¸p-d-t´m-Sv, GI-tZiw 40 Iw , h³Ic `qh¡w kap-{Z-`q-h¡w F¶o c­pw `mK-§Ä. knen¡-, Aeqan [mXp-¡Ä AS§nb h³¡c `qh¡w knbm³ F¶pw knen¡ aáojyw AS-§nb kap{Z `qh¡w kna F¶p Adn-b-s¸-Sp-¶p. amânÂ: `qh¡-¯np Xmsg-bmbn ImWp-¶p. `qh¡-]m-fn¡p Xmsg XpSp§n 2900 hsc D]-cn-amân (kn-en-¡¬ kwbp-à-§Ä sIm­v nÀan-X-amb Jcm-hvk-Y-bnÂ, At[m-amân (]-ZmÀ°-§Ä AÀ° {Zmh-Im-h-Ø-bnÂ) F¶o c­p `mK-§Ä ImWp-¶p.
  • 6. Im¼v: `qan-bpsS tI{µ-`m-Kw, 2900 I.-ao XpS§n 6371 hsc ]pd-¡m¼v (]-ZmÀ°w Dcp-Inbm hØ-bnÂ), AI-¡m¼v (`q-an-bpsS tI{µ-`m-K¯v Ap-`-h-s¸-Sp¶ DbÀ¶ DuÀÖw aqew AI-¡m¼v Jcm-h-Ø-bnÂ) F¶o c­p `mK-§Ä Activity 5 inem-a-WvUew F´mWv? ine-IÄsIm­v nÀ½n-X-am-bXv CONSOLIDATION `qh¡-s¯bpw amân-ensâ D]-cn-`m-K-s¯bpw tNÀ¯v inem-a-WvU-e-sa¶v hnfn-¡p-¶p. inem-a-WvU-e-¯np Xmsg-bmbn inem]ZmÀ°-§Ä DcpIn AÀ²-{Zm-hm-h-Ø-bn ImWp-¶p. Cu `mKw AkvX-tm-^nbÀ F¶-dn-b-s¸-Sp-¶p. FORMATIUE EVALUATION `qan-bpsS Ct¸m-gs¯ Ah-Øbpw ]­p-Im-es¯ Ah-Øbpw Xmc-Xayw sNbvXv Ipdn-s¸-gp-XpI? ENRICHMENT ACTIVITY `qan-bpsS hnhn[ ]mfn-Isf Ipdn¨v Fgp-Xp-I?