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language, society and Culture
        Social Context
    Languages in contact
    Languages variation
     language & Gender

                Created by Joel Acosta

  June, 2012
is                              influenced

    A form
   of social                      Social
   identity                      factors

               Which indicates

           Membership of
Social       different                  Speech
groups                                communities
It’s a group of people who
    share a set of norms, rules
   and expectations regarding to
         the use of language

The study of              The science which
 language in                 studies and
social context          investigates language
Strong connection

Anthropology                    Sociology

     Investigation of     Crucial roles
      language and       that language
         culture             plays
Varieties of language used
               by groups

               Defined according to

Social class                          Gender

         Education                    Age
Upper class                    Lower class
 and more     are important
                factors to
                                and less
 educated       determine       educated
              social variety
                or dialect

Tend to use                       Tend to
   more                         simplify the
complicated   Differ in form
                                  way of
  forms            and           speaking
Are also factors that can
                     determine language variety or
    Age                         dialect

 Elders may                                              Gender
 speak a bit
different from                Male
  youngers                                            Tend to use
                  Female    speakers
                                                    simpler ways of
                 speakers                              speaking
                               Discuss their
                             personal feelings.    Prefer no- personal
        Tend to use more                          topics such as sports
          sophisticated          Mention                and news.
            language            personal
                                                     Respond giving
                                                    advice or solution
Different ethnic backgrounds                      Can provoke

           The frequent                  Differences in speech
       absence of the form
        of the verb to be:            AFRICAN-AMERICANS
            They mine
            You crazy
                                 Have a dialect called Black English
                          Is stigmatized as
       The use of         “BAD SPEECH”                     It is a
     double negative.                                   widespread
       “He don’t know                                  social dialect

      The speech of recent immigrants, and often of their children, will
                        contain identifying features
Spoken                                Written
language                              language

 Related to

     The situation
        of use

                                            Letters to
The term was                      Become common: in
 originated by:
                                   the 1960s introduced
Thomas Bertram
  Reid in 1956                         by a group of
                                   linguists who wanted
                                       to distinguish
                                   between variations in
                                   language according
                                      to the user and
             focus on the way
                                     according to use
           language is used in
           particular situations
Joos (1961) describes five styles in spoken English:

Frozen Printed unchanging language such as bible quotations; often contains

Formal One-way participation, no interruption. Technical vocabulary; "Fussy
semantics" or exact definitions are important. Includes introductions between

Consultative Two-way participation. Background information is provided —
prior knowledge is not assumed. "Backchannel behavior" such as "uh huh", "I
see", etc. is common. Interruptions allowed.
            Casual In-group friends and acquaintances. No background
            information provided. Ellipsis and slang common. Interruptions

             Intimate Non-public. Intonation more important than wording or
             grammar. Private vocabulary.
Halliday (1964) identifies three variables that
               determine register:

Field (the subject
  matter of the

                          Tenor (the
                       participants and
                     their relationships)

                                            Mode (the channel
                                            of communication,
                                              e.g. spoken or
Technical vocabulary associated
         with a specifically activity or group

                                          Engineering jargon
Medical jargon

     Legal jargon                         Baseball jargon
                    Computer jargon
Context is a notion used in the language
       sciences (linguistics, sociolinguistics,
     systemic functional linguistics, discourse
       analysis, pragmatics, semiotics, etc.)

   Verbal Context                   Social context

Refers to surrounding              Is defined in terms
  text or talk of an                of objective social
 expression (word,                  variables, such as
sentence, conversational              those of class,
 turn, speech act, etc.).
                                     gender or race.
occurs when two or more languages
               or varieties interact

            occurs in a variety of phenomena

    Creation of new                            Borrowing of
languages: Creolization                         vocabulary
 and mixed languages

                        Strata         Language
                      influence          shift
Borrowing of               A word from one language that has
    vocabulary                 been adapted for use in another

      The result of the contact of two languages
        can be the replacement of one by the                     Language shift
       other. This is most common when one
       language has a higher social position.

                           Language that influences, or is influenced by another through
                      Substratum is a language which has lower power or than another.
Strata influence      Superstratum is the language that has higher power.
                      Adstratum refers to a language that is in contact with another
                      language in a neighbor population without having identifiably higher
                      or lower prestige.
                Language contact can also lead to the
             development of new languages when people
             without a common language interact closely,              Creation of new
              developing a pidgin, which may eventually                 languages
            become a full-fledged Creole language through
                     the process of Creolization.
Is a simplified language that develops as a means
      of communication between two or more groups that
               do not have a language in common

    May be built from                           Allow people to
words, sounds, or body                      communicate with each
language from multiple                        other without having
  other languages and                          any similarities in
         cultures                           language and does not
                                                 have any rules
                         Has low prestige
                          with respect to
                         other languages
Use of reduplication
    to represent plurals,      A lack of
                                                         clausal structure
      superlatives, and     morphophonemic
                                                       (e.g., no embedded
   other parts of speech       variation
                                                           clauses, etc.)
     that represent the
        concept being

 Use of separate                                                 Reduction or
 words to indicate                                              elimination of
  tense, usually                                                syllable codas
preceding the verb

                                                            Reduction of
            No tones, such as
           those found in West
                                                              clusters or
            African and Asian
                                                           breaking them
                                                           with epenthesis
                                 Basic vowels, such
                                  as [a, e, i, o, u]
Prolonged, regular
                                     An absence of a widespread,
contact between the
                                       accessible interlanguage
 different language

                        A need to
                      between them
Regional, social, or contextual
           differences in the ways that a
            particular language is used

              Some important terminologies

               Dialect         Language
Refers to the property of languages of having
different ways of expressing the same meaning

      E.g.:   lorry- truck
A regional or social variety of a language
      distinguished by pronunciation, grammar, or
   vocabulary, especially a variety of speech differing
     from the standard literary language or speech
         pattern of the culture in which it exists:
             Cockney is a dialect of English.

  Every person speaks a A variety of language that with
dialect of his or her native other varieties constitutes a
 language.(Dialectology)      single language of which no
                             single variety is standard: the
                               dialects of Ancient Greek.
The language peculiar to the members of a
group, especially in an occupation; jargon: the
             dialect of science.

               A language considered as part of a larger family
                   of languages or a linguistic branch. Not in
               scientific use: Spanish and French are Romance
Personal dialect of each
                                    individual speaker of a

  Nobody speak a                     It differs in some details
 perfect language,
everybody speak an
                             Voice quality
                             Physical state
                             Social factors
                     These contribute to the identifying
                     features in an individual`s speech
is recognized as a relationship between languages in
  which speakers of different but related languages can
readily understand each other without intentional study or
                   extraordinary effort.

          E.g. In china                E.g. A person from
          Mandarin vs.                 New York speaking
      Cantonese (they are              with a person from
      considered different                   Texas.
      dialects of the same
Means a large geographical area, where the
   spoken language differs only slightly from
  village to village, but over a longer distance
the differences become that huge, that mutual
           intelligibility is not possible.

               E.g.: Dutch vs. German

 Goedemorgen                            Guten Morgen
Standard Varieties                Non-standard Varieties

   Are selected and                     Non-standard
  promoted by either                     varieties are
quasi-legal authorities                learned as first
    or other social                  language at home,
 institutions, such as                through intensive
  schools or media,                  everyday contacts.
    they are more
   prestigious than       Linguistically speaking, no one dialect or
         others.          language is better , more correct, or more
                                    logical than any other
an extensive                 Standard American English,
              formal literature               Standard British English,
             that employs that                Standard Indian English,
              dialect in prose,             Standard Australian English,
                poetry, non-                   and Standard Philippine
                 fiction, etc.              English may all be said to be
    published                              standard dialects of the English
   grammars,                                         language
dictionaries, and
 textbooks that
   set forth a                                               A dialect that
"correct" spoken                                              is supported
and written form                                             by institutions

                       Presentation as
                     being the "correct"
                                            Such institutional support
                     form of a language
                                             may include government
                         in schools
                                            recognition or designation
Has a complete
  Associated with the
                                    grammar, and
 language of the lower
socioeconomic classes.          syntax, but is not the
                                    beneficiary of
                                 institutional support

                 Bad=improper      An example of a
                                 nonstandard English
                                  dialect is Southern
E.g.: 'Hillbilly English'
from the Appalachians                       Is not a
    in the USA and                          distinct
     'Geordie' from                       language
 Newcastle upon Tyne
        in the UK

           Some regional dialects         A variety of a
              have been given           language spoken
          traditional names which         in a particular
          mark them out as being        area of a country
         significantly different from
         standard varieties spoken
             in the same place
'Singlish' spoken in Singapore is a variety        Sometimes members of a
  very different from standard English, and         particular minority ethnic
  there are many other varieties of English           group have their own
                 used in India                      variety which they use as
                                                      a marker of identity,
                                                       usually alongside a
                                                         standard variety
The differences from
the standard variety
   may be linked to
English proficiency,
 or may be part of a                                 E.g.: African American
  range of varieties                                Vernacular English in the
   used to express                                  USA, London Jamaican in
       identity                                      Britain, and Aboriginal
                                                      English in Australia

                       Indigenized variety

                  are spoken mainly as second languages in
                   ex-colonies with multilingual populations
It is the variety of                   E.g.: standard Italian is a
 language characteristic
                                                 dialect in that it is
of a social background or
            status                          particular to Tuscany; it
                                           is also a sociolect in that
                                                it carries a certain
                                            prestige from being the
                                           lingua franca throughout
                 A dialect which evolves      the country – both in
                  from regional speech         broadcasting, in the
                     may also have          press, and by people of
                       sociolectical             high social status
Overt Prestige                    Covert Prestige

     how people should      how people should speak
      speak in order to     in order to be considered
      gain status in the      member of a particular
      wider community              community
     (standard dialects).     (nonstandard dialects)
Many Isoglosses indicate
   that the speech of that            Language varieties
particular group is different         are defined in terms
 in a number of ways from               of geographical
       other around it.                 boundaries are
                                        called Regional

        The boundaries of a
         particular linguistic    The study of the
          area are called        regional dialects is
             Isoglosses.               called
LANGUAGE                                GENDER

                           Is a range of characteristics used to
  Is a tool of           distinguish between males and females,
communication          particularly in the cases of men and women
                        and the masculine and feminine attributes
                                      assigned to them.

      Is an area of study within sociolinguistics, applied
   linguistics, and related fields that investigates varieties
   of speech associated with a particular gender, or social
            norms for such gendered language use

                 LANGUAGE AND GENDER
POLITENESS                               MINIMAL

                   CHANGGING THE
                      TOPIC OF
Is one of the ways in which the
MINIMAL RESPONSE               communicative behavior of men
                                      and women differ.

       has response frequently
          when they have a
      conversation for example :
    paralinguistic features such
    as ‘mhmm’ and ‘yeah’, which
     is behavior associated with          has response less
    collaborative their language          than women when
                 use.                        they have a
                                           conversation for
                                         example: generally
                                           use ‘mhmm’ and
                                    Men and women differ in their use of
                                       questions in conversations.

Men's language is heard
as clearly their toughness,
as lack of affect, competitiveness,     Use questions more frequently. They
as independence,                    usually use questions tag to avoid making
as competence,                                               strong statements,
as hierarchy,                                    to reflect their conservatism,
as control.                                         to prestige consciousness,
                                                           to upward mobility,
                                                                   to insecurity,
                                                                 to deference,
                                                                 to nurturance,
                                                    to emotional expressivity,
                                                            to connectedness,
                                                        to sensitivity to others,
                                                                    to solidarity.

Gives rises to complex forms of interaction in relation to the more
                 regimented form of turn-taking.

Female linguistic behavior characteristically encompasses a
  desire to take turns in conversation with others, which is
opposed to men’s tendency towards centering on their own
 point or remaining silent when presented with such implicit
   offers of conversational turn-taking as are provided by
                hedges such as and "isn’t it".

     This difference may well be at the root
      of the conception that women chatter
    and talk too much, and may still sparker
    the same thinking in some males. In this
    way lowered estimation of women may

 Women’s topic :                Men’s Topic:

      Gossip                       Firm
        Men                        Sport
     Shopping                     Women
    Child-rearing                 Politic
Personal relationship              Cars
                           Is the process defined as telling others
                                       about the self.

Sharing their                            Male tendencies to
problems and                             non-self-disclosure
experiences with                      and professing advice
others, often to offer                 or offering a solution
sympathy.                             when confronted with
                                        another’s problems.
They usually asked                    Because man usually
their friend about their               solve their problems
problems.                                   by themselves.

                                   Engage in kros, or
                                 "angry talk", which is
                                typically characterized
                                  by vituperative and
                                   brazen displays of
                                 insults and shouting.

Focused on the down play
   of conflict in order to
maintain - or at least give -
 the illusion of harmony.

                  Is best expressed as the practical
               application of good manners or etiquette

According to Lakoff (1975), he identified three forms of politeness:

    Is Goodwill and                                  Formal Politeness
 lighthearted rapport                               Generally accepted
   between friends;   Deference Politeness            formal standards
     comradeship.       Is the condition of            usually denote
                         submitting to the            professionalism,
                      espoused, legitimate               whereas the
                        influence of one's           absence or lack of
                      superior or superiors.        standards would be
                                                       seen as casual.
There are many differences between men’s

language and women’s language. We can see

that by minimal response side, Question side,

Turn taking side, Changing the topic of

conversation side, Self-disclosure side, Verbal

aggression side, Politeness side.
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Language & culture

  • 1. Sociolinguistics language, society and Culture Social Context Languages in contact Pidginization Languages variation language & Gender Created by Joel Acosta June, 2012
  • 2. is influenced A form of social Social identity factors Which indicates Membership of Social different Speech groups communities
  • 3. It’s a group of people who share a set of norms, rules and expectations regarding to the use of language The study of The science which language in studies and social context investigates language
  • 4. Strong connection Anthropology Sociology Investigation of Crucial roles language and that language culture plays
  • 5. Varieties of language used by groups Defined according to Social class Gender Education Age
  • 6. Upper class Lower class and more are important factors to and less educated determine educated social variety or dialect Tend to use Tend to more simplify the complicated Differ in form way of forms and speaking pronunciation
  • 7. Are also factors that can determine language variety or Age dialect Elders may Gender speak a bit different from Male youngers Tend to use Female speakers simpler ways of speakers speaking Discuss their personal feelings. Prefer no- personal Tend to use more topics such as sports sophisticated Mention and news. language personal Respond giving experiences advice or solution
  • 8. Different ethnic backgrounds Can provoke The frequent Differences in speech absence of the form of the verb to be: AFRICAN-AMERICANS  They mine  You crazy Have a dialect called Black English Vernacular Is stigmatized as The use of “BAD SPEECH” It is a double negative. widespread “He don’t know social dialect nothing” The speech of recent immigrants, and often of their children, will contain identifying features
  • 9. Spoken Written language language Related to Formal The situation of use Business letters Informal Letters to friends
  • 10. The term was Become common: in originated by: the 1960s introduced Thomas Bertram Reid in 1956 by a group of linguists who wanted to distinguish between variations in language according to the user and variations focus on the way according to use language is used in particular situations
  • 11. Joos (1961) describes five styles in spoken English: Frozen Printed unchanging language such as bible quotations; often contains archaisms. Formal One-way participation, no interruption. Technical vocabulary; "Fussy semantics" or exact definitions are important. Includes introductions between strangers. Consultative Two-way participation. Background information is provided — prior knowledge is not assumed. "Backchannel behavior" such as "uh huh", "I see", etc. is common. Interruptions allowed. Casual In-group friends and acquaintances. No background information provided. Ellipsis and slang common. Interruptions common. Intimate Non-public. Intonation more important than wording or grammar. Private vocabulary.
  • 12. Halliday (1964) identifies three variables that determine register: Field (the subject matter of the discourse) Tenor (the participants and their relationships) Mode (the channel of communication, e.g. spoken or written)
  • 13. Technical vocabulary associated with a specifically activity or group Engineering jargon Medical jargon Legal jargon Baseball jargon Computer jargon
  • 14. Context is a notion used in the language sciences (linguistics, sociolinguistics, systemic functional linguistics, discourse analysis, pragmatics, semiotics, etc.) Verbal Context Social context Refers to surrounding Is defined in terms text or talk of an of objective social expression (word, variables, such as sentence, conversational those of class, turn, speech act, etc.). gender or race.
  • 15. occurs when two or more languages or varieties interact occurs in a variety of phenomena Creation of new Borrowing of languages: Creolization vocabulary and mixed languages Strata Language influence shift
  • 16. Borrowing of A word from one language that has vocabulary been adapted for use in another The result of the contact of two languages can be the replacement of one by the Language shift other. This is most common when one language has a higher social position. Language that influences, or is influenced by another through contact. Substratum is a language which has lower power or than another. Strata influence Superstratum is the language that has higher power. Adstratum refers to a language that is in contact with another language in a neighbor population without having identifiably higher or lower prestige. Language contact can also lead to the development of new languages when people without a common language interact closely, Creation of new developing a pidgin, which may eventually languages become a full-fledged Creole language through the process of Creolization.
  • 17. Is a simplified language that develops as a means of communication between two or more groups that do not have a language in common May be built from Allow people to words, sounds, or body communicate with each language from multiple other without having other languages and any similarities in cultures language and does not have any rules Has low prestige with respect to other languages
  • 18.
  • 19. Use of reduplication Uncomplicated to represent plurals, A lack of clausal structure superlatives, and morphophonemic (e.g., no embedded other parts of speech variation clauses, etc.) that represent the concept being increased Use of separate Reduction or words to indicate elimination of tense, usually syllable codas preceding the verb Reduction of No tones, such as consonant those found in West clusters or African and Asian breaking them languages with epenthesis Basic vowels, such as [a, e, i, o, u]
  • 20. Prolonged, regular An absence of a widespread, contact between the accessible interlanguage different language communities A need to communicate between them
  • 21. Regional, social, or contextual differences in the ways that a particular language is used Some important terminologies Internal Idiolect Variation Dialect Language Variety
  • 22. Refers to the property of languages of having different ways of expressing the same meaning E.g.: lorry- truck underground-subway flat-apartment.
  • 23. A regional or social variety of a language distinguished by pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary, especially a variety of speech differing from the standard literary language or speech pattern of the culture in which it exists: Cockney is a dialect of English. Every person speaks a A variety of language that with dialect of his or her native other varieties constitutes a language.(Dialectology) single language of which no single variety is standard: the dialects of Ancient Greek.
  • 24. The language peculiar to the members of a group, especially in an occupation; jargon: the dialect of science. A language considered as part of a larger family of languages or a linguistic branch. Not in scientific use: Spanish and French are Romance dialects.
  • 25. Personal dialect of each individual speaker of a language. Nobody speak a It differs in some details perfect language, everybody speak an idiolect. Factors: Voice quality Physical state Social factors These contribute to the identifying features in an individual`s speech
  • 26. is recognized as a relationship between languages in which speakers of different but related languages can readily understand each other without intentional study or extraordinary effort. E.g. In china E.g. A person from Mandarin vs. New York speaking Cantonese (they are with a person from considered different Texas. dialects of the same language).
  • 27. Means a large geographical area, where the spoken language differs only slightly from village to village, but over a longer distance the differences become that huge, that mutual intelligibility is not possible. E.g.: Dutch vs. German Goedemorgen Guten Morgen
  • 28. Standard Varieties Non-standard Varieties Are selected and Non-standard promoted by either varieties are quasi-legal authorities learned as first or other social language at home, institutions, such as through intensive schools or media, everyday contacts. they are more prestigious than Linguistically speaking, no one dialect or others. language is better , more correct, or more logical than any other
  • 29. an extensive Standard American English, formal literature Standard British English, that employs that Standard Indian English, dialect in prose, Standard Australian English, poetry, non- and Standard Philippine fiction, etc. English may all be said to be published standard dialects of the English grammars, language dictionaries, and textbooks that set forth a A dialect that "correct" spoken is supported and written form by institutions Presentation as being the "correct" Such institutional support form of a language may include government in schools recognition or designation
  • 30. Has a complete vocabulary, Associated with the grammar, and language of the lower socioeconomic classes. syntax, but is not the beneficiary of institutional support Bad=improper An example of a nonstandard English dialect is Southern English
  • 31. E.g.: 'Hillbilly English' from the Appalachians Is not a in the USA and distinct 'Geordie' from language Newcastle upon Tyne in the UK Some regional dialects A variety of a have been given language spoken traditional names which in a particular mark them out as being area of a country significantly different from standard varieties spoken in the same place
  • 32. 'Singlish' spoken in Singapore is a variety Sometimes members of a very different from standard English, and particular minority ethnic there are many other varieties of English group have their own used in India variety which they use as a marker of identity, usually alongside a standard variety The differences from the standard variety may be linked to English proficiency, or may be part of a E.g.: African American range of varieties Vernacular English in the used to express USA, London Jamaican in identity Britain, and Aboriginal English in Australia Indigenized variety are spoken mainly as second languages in ex-colonies with multilingual populations
  • 33. It is the variety of E.g.: standard Italian is a language characteristic dialect in that it is of a social background or status particular to Tuscany; it is also a sociolect in that it carries a certain prestige from being the lingua franca throughout A dialect which evolves the country – both in from regional speech broadcasting, in the may also have press, and by people of sociolectical high social status implications
  • 34. Overt Prestige Covert Prestige how people should how people should speak speak in order to in order to be considered gain status in the member of a particular wider community community (standard dialects). (nonstandard dialects)
  • 35. Many Isoglosses indicate that the speech of that Language varieties particular group is different are defined in terms in a number of ways from of geographical other around it. boundaries are called Regional Dialects. The boundaries of a particular linguistic The study of the area are called regional dialects is Isoglosses. called dialectology.
  • 36. LANGUAGE GENDER Is a range of characteristics used to Is a tool of distinguish between males and females, communication particularly in the cases of men and women and the masculine and feminine attributes assigned to them. Is an area of study within sociolinguistics, applied linguistics, and related fields that investigates varieties of speech associated with a particular gender, or social norms for such gendered language use LANGUAGE AND GENDER
  • 38. Is one of the ways in which the MINIMAL RESPONSE communicative behavior of men and women differ. has response frequently when they have a conversation for example : paralinguistic features such as ‘mhmm’ and ‘yeah’, which is behavior associated with has response less collaborative their language than women when use. they have a conversation for example: generally use ‘mhmm’ and ‘yeah’less frequently
  • 39. QUESTION Men and women differ in their use of questions in conversations. Men's language is heard as clearly their toughness, as lack of affect, competitiveness, Use questions more frequently. They as independence, usually use questions tag to avoid making as competence, strong statements, as hierarchy, to reflect their conservatism, as control. to prestige consciousness, to upward mobility, to insecurity, to deference, to nurturance, to emotional expressivity, to connectedness, to sensitivity to others, to solidarity.
  • 40. TURN-TAKING Gives rises to complex forms of interaction in relation to the more regimented form of turn-taking. Female linguistic behavior characteristically encompasses a desire to take turns in conversation with others, which is opposed to men’s tendency towards centering on their own point or remaining silent when presented with such implicit offers of conversational turn-taking as are provided by hedges such as and "isn’t it".
  • 41. CHANGING THE TOPIC OF CONVERSATION This difference may well be at the root of the conception that women chatter and talk too much, and may still sparker the same thinking in some males. In this way lowered estimation of women may arise. Women’s topic : Men’s Topic: Gossip Firm Men Sport Shopping Women Child-rearing Politic Personal relationship Cars
  • 42. SELF-DISCLOSURE Is the process defined as telling others about the self. Sharing their Male tendencies to problems and non-self-disclosure experiences with and professing advice others, often to offer or offering a solution sympathy. when confronted with another’s problems. They usually asked Because man usually their friend about their solve their problems problems. by themselves.
  • 43. VERBAL AGRESSION Engage in kros, or "angry talk", which is typically characterized by vituperative and brazen displays of insults and shouting. Focused on the down play of conflict in order to maintain - or at least give - the illusion of harmony.
  • 44. POLITENESS Is best expressed as the practical application of good manners or etiquette According to Lakoff (1975), he identified three forms of politeness: Camaraderie Is Goodwill and Formal Politeness lighthearted rapport Generally accepted between friends; Deference Politeness formal standards comradeship. Is the condition of usually denote submitting to the professionalism, espoused, legitimate whereas the influence of one's absence or lack of superior or superiors. standards would be seen as casual.
  • 45. There are many differences between men’s language and women’s language. We can see that by minimal response side, Question side, Turn taking side, Changing the topic of conversation side, Self-disclosure side, Verbal aggression side, Politeness side.