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Demystifying Mineral Medicines
RasaSastra and Homeopathy
By Dr Santhosh.H
Brought to you by Arogyam Natural
• Demystifying the Minerals in Ayurveda-Rasa sastra and
• How it works, what to buy
• Minerals that cures and it’s availability in Ayurveda and
• Understand the common minerals across Ayurveda and
Demystifying Mineral Medicines
Homeopathy-metallic Ayurveda-Rasa sastra
Rasa Sastra
“There is no better medicine than mercury,
no greater god than Mahadeva,
no better friend than the physician, and
no better deed than a gift.”
–B. Mukherji
Stoking the alchemical fire
• The metals and minerals are given in detailed in a separate branch
in Ayurveda as Rasasastra (Indian alchemy).
• The Rasasastra, is composed of two words i.e.
• Rasa and Sastra,
• It is dealing with the knowledge of
• Rasa (is used to denote Mercury or metals or minerals) and its
• properties,
• purification methods.
• Understanding the purification and preparation of minerals and
poisonous herbs and substances in Rasa Shastra
Rasa Sastra History
• The Science of mercury is known as
– Rasa Vidya or Rasa Shastra in Ayurveda.
• Rasa Shastra literally means the
– “science of mercury”
• Various minerals, some like
– mercury considered toxic,
– by proper procedures be made into medicines.
• In the Vedas, gold and silver had a ritualistic use, the
– uses of bhasma (prepared minerals) came after the vedic period.
– Alchemy- turning mercury into gold, and
– Rasayana- rejuvenation of the mind-body-spirit.
It is said in the rasa texts that metallurgy is a science which was
taught by Shiva (God) Himself.
• The Buddhist sage,
– Nagarjuna, is considered the first to use mercury[3] and to have done much in the propagation of rasa shastra.
Pancha Lavana
Pancha Lavana
Pancha Lavana
1. Maintain optimum alkalinity for optimum health
2. Provide easily absorbed and usable calcium
3. Cleanse the kidneys, intestines and liver
4. Maintain stronger bones and healthier teeth
5. Alleviate insomnia, depression
6. Keeps rhythmic heart beating
7. Keeps arrhythmias and minerals balance
8. Help metabolize iron in body
9. Aid nervous system
10. Breakdown heavy metals and drug residues in body
11. Neutralize harmful acids that lead to illness
12. Achieve a healthy alkaline level by neutralizing acid
13. Protect body from free radical damage.[9]
BHASMA Metallica Names
Rasa Mercury therapeutic
• Ras - Ratnakar about the properties of processed Mercury
• “Hatohanti jaravyadhir murchito vyadhivaatkeh, Baddah khechratam dhatee ko anyam
– It means that the processed mercury (Bhasma) eliminates all sorrow of eldery age and diseases of
body and mind. The bonding of mercury with certain herbs and sulfur provides khechari – gati (able to
fly). There is none material as kind in the universe as aforesaid mercury is for human race!
• Sharanghdhar - Samhita and processed Mercury:
• “Paradah sarvroganaam jeta pushtikarah smritah, Sugyane saadhitah kuryatsansiddhim
– It means that mercury processed by a scholarly Rasa-Vaidya may eliminate all diseases, simultaneously
strengthen and stabilize body and mind of people.
• Rasendra - Saar about the supremacy of processed Mercury:
“Alpamatraapyogitwadsacherprasangatah, shipramarogyadayeitva bhehdjebhyo rasoadhik”
– Parad (mercury) is best among all medicines as that is effective in low dose and fast acting in the
eradication of disease without causing anorexia or other side effects.
Rasa Mercury therapeutic
• The science of working with minerals is named after rasa (mercury).
This is because it is considered such a powerful medicine.
• It is said that when mercury is properly prepared,
– it balances all three doshas, has a soothing effect on the body,
– prevents disease and old age.
– It nourishes all the vital parts of the body and increases the strength of the eyes.
– It is vrisya (aphrodisiac), balya (tonic), snigdha (anointing), rasayana
(rejuvenative), vrana sodhana and ropana (wound cleaner and healer), and
krimighna (antimicrobial) [11].
– When it is compounded with any herb it heightens the medicinal properties.
– Mercury is said to give a firm physique, a stable mind, and to be the
– best destroyer of disease [12].
– It is considered holy because it is the semen of Lord Shiva.
Therapeutic examples
• Gold Tin
– Charaka says that no poison can be sustained in the body of
people who have ingested gold because the presence of gold
destroys the effects of all types of poisons especially
– It is said that people who ingest tin preparations never get
sukraksaya even during dreams[6]. Lapis lazuli produces
feelings of well being while expelling all doshas from the body.
Silver therapeutic
• Silver is
– kasaya (astringent) and amla (sour), snigdha and sara, sita in virya,
madhura in vipak.
• Its actions are
– vayasthapana, lekhana, vrisya, balya, rucya, vatapitta hara, it gives
strength to the brain, heart and stomache.
• It is indicated for bhrama (vertigo) and unmade
(insanity), palpitations, pre-ejaculation, and mada
Therapeutic examples
• iron chalcopyrite
– Pyrite
– In Sanskrit as suwarnamakshika (looks like gold).
– It is used as a rasayana, for brain disorders, and to increase
Therapeutic examples
• Purified Iron oxide – Fe2 O3 (Mandura)
– Tuberculosis (Sosha/Rajayakshma),
– Oedema (Sotha),
– Splenomegaly (Pleha vrudhi)
• Zinc (Yasada)
– eye diseases (Netra roga),
– Diabetis (Prameha),
– Anaemia (Pandu),
– Cough (Kasa) etc [9] .
Therapeutic examples hybrid
– Kutaki (Picrolize kurro)
• liver herb that removes obstructions in the bile duct, and increases fat
metabolism. It is very bitter in taste. Alone a patient needs to 2tsp 3x a day
for jaundice or hepatitis. Its shelf life is six months.
– Arogyavardini is a rasa kalpa that has
• kutaki as the first ingredient with
• kajjoli (mercury and sulfur) to boast metabolic effect.
• The patient now only needs 450ml. The shelf life of arogyavardini is 3-4
Rasa sastra alchemy
Rasa sastra alchemy
• There is also a large amount of spiritual teachings around rasa shastra and the use of mercury.
• For those who make rasa kalpa it is said they should have an
– image of the Shiva lingam made of mercury and gold in the laboratory.
– This is called a Rasalingam and is very auspicious to look at, touch and worship.
• It is said that “eating, touching, giving, meditating upon, and adoring of mercury are the five different ways of
worshiping it –all of which tend to destroy great vices.
• The man who succeeds in subsuming even the minutest particle of mica, acquires the merit arising from
performing one hundred sacrifices.
• This is what Shiva Himself has said. The man who vilifies mercury, which is the strength of Shiva Himself, and is
the greatest of all things, rests in hell eternally.
• The man who gives patients mercury, duly purified and duly prepared over fire, attains for ever merits derived
from the performance of Tuladana (a ceremony in which the performer gives away to the poor his own weight in
gold) and Ashwamedha (a ceremony in which a horse is worshiped and sacrificed).
• The man who dies with mercury still in his stomach is freed from great sins, and attains emancipation.”
Rasa sastra alchemy
• Mercury Rasa – capable to absorb all Maha-rasa (Mica etc) and
metals (gold etc.).
• Rasendra – Being supreme to all Maha-rasa.
• Parada – to be able to pull out people from the sludge of diseases.
• Lord Shiva in Hindu mythology can be used for Mercury.
• It is described in Rasa text books that
– Mercury is the semen of Lord Shiva and
– Sulfur is menses of Goddess Parwati (wife of Shiva).
• Therefore, the compact union of Mercury and sulfur is always
Rasa Mercury
• Mercury is known to contain all six tastes.
• The body has 13 agnis within it.
• The jatharagni is the gross digestive fire.
• Then there are subtle agni, seven dhatu agni and five bhutagni.
• A problem with meda is related to medagni, as a disease of asthi dhatu is due to a
problem with asthiagni [13].
• Each dhatu has five bhutagni in a different proportion which gives it differentiation.
• So, for example, if one was treating a calcanial spur, one would look for an herb that
works on both asthi agni and prthviagni (earth element agni) because it is the earth
element of the asthi that is imbalanced.
• The action of an herb on the bhutagni is determined by the rasa (taste) of the herb
as well as the plant appearance and the location it grows.
Rasa Mercury
• In China and Tibet, mercury use was thought to prolong life, heal
fractures, and maintain generally good health, although it is now
known that exposure to mercury leads to serious adverse health
• One of the China's emperors, Qín Shǐ Huáng Dì — allegedly buried in
a tomb that contained rivers of flowing mercury, on a model of the
land he ruled, representative of the rivers of China — was killed by
drinking a mercury and powdered jade mixture formulated by Qin
alchemists (causing liver failure, mercury poisoning, and brain death)
who intended to give him eternal life.
• The ancient Greeks used mercury in ointments; the ancient Egyptians
and the Romans used it in cosmetics which sometimes deformed the
face. In Lamanai, once a major city of the Maya civilization, a pool of
mercury was found under a marker in a Mesoamerican ballcourt.
Rasa Mercury
• Mercury (Parada) is the most important drug (extolled as
the king of Rasas), has a special importance in Rasashastra
than other components.
• It has the ability and power to assimilate all the drugs (such
as Dhatu, Upadhatu, etc).
• It works very effective and increases its potency when it
processed and purified with special procedures (Samskara).
Rasa Mercury
• Mercury is given this name because of its ability to swallow
every metal.
• To explain swallow,
– it can be seen that vegetables are unstable, they decompose. If a
vegetable is boiled in lead it would be subsumed in the lead. Lead
is subsumed in tin, which can be subsumed in copper. Copper is
subsumed in silver, silver into gold, and gold is swallowed by
mercury. It is believed that all metals can be swallowed by
mercury. Just as individual souls attain the supreme by merging
with Shiva, all metals are absorbed into mercury. [16] This is
believed to make mercury competent to destroy the body of
disease and prepare it for liberation.
Rasa sastra alchemy- Tarangini
• Rasa - Manas regarding the importance of treatment with
“Bhaishajyam trividham proktam devam manushmasuram,
rasachurnaksharyogeidevarbhehvaram smritam”
– There are three types of treatment;
– Devi - chikitsa (devine treatment),
– Manushi - chikitsa (human treatment) and
– Asur - chikitsa (devil treatment).
– Rasa is Devi, Churna (powder) is Manushi and Kshar (alkaloids)
are Aasuri type of treatment.
Rasa sastra alchemy- Tarangini
• Rasa- Tarangini about the importance of the processing of
Mercury with Sulphur (Gandhak) and its therapeutic
“Vasuvidhvidhisanskritopi sootou rasavibudhairih hingulothtou va,
rasaguna balijarnavihino gadganvaarnataam naiti noonam”
– Even if Mercury has been purified by carrying Ashta-Sanskar
(eight steps of purification) or has been extracted from Hingul
(Cinnabar), but has not undergone six times processing
(absorption) with Sulphur, then, it will never be completely
therapeutically potent.
– Therefore, it is a must to do six times absorption of Sulphur into
Mercury to make it therapeutically potent.
Rasa sastra alchemy- Tarangini
“Sametu gandhake jeerne samanygadnaashnah, Dwigune tu visheshena
maharog vidhunnah. 5 Trigune tu vishesheshenakshyyapunsatva prakashanah,
chaturgune mahoutsahamedhasmiritivivardhnah. Tatha
panchgunasheshgadsantapnashnah, raseshwarah shadgune to
– The mercury that has absorbed equal amount of Sulphur will treat all general
types of diseases.
– The Mercury that has absorbed two times Sulphur in it could eliminate major
– When sulphur is absorbed thrice by the mercury then that will have special
properties of enhancing fertility and reversal of aging process.
– The four times processed mercury with Sulphur will increase energy, enthusiasm,
intelligence and memory.
– The five times Sulphur absorbed mercury can treat remaining disorder and the
mercury that has absorbed
– six times Sulphur will do many types wonders!
Rasa sastra alchemy- kajoli
• Mercury plays its role here by being shatras, which means it contains
– all six tastes.
– The potency of any herb is increased with mercury because of its ability to help the herb work
on all bhutagnis of a particular dhatu or organ system [14].
– Whenever there is mercury there is always sulfur.
– Mercury is considered the seed of Shiva and sulfur is the secretion of Parvati, the Goddess.
– When they are mixed together through a long process they are called kajoli.
– Many drug labels will not list mercury and sulphur but will refer to them as kajoli.
– There is much mysticism surrounding the use of mercury and its relation to Shiva, this is often
attributed to its healing powers.
• Some synonyms of mercury are
– Parada, Rasaraja, Maharasa, Mishraka, Shivaviryam, Suta, and all names which apply to
Shiva Himself. [15]
• The name Rasa comes from the root ‘ras’ which means to eat.
Rasa sastra
Rasa sastra purification
• Mercury and other minerals have to go through
– shodana (purification) before they can be made into medicine.
– The procedures are called samskaras (works or procedures) for purification and assimilation.
• For mercury, there are 18 samskaras in the extreme method.
– Shodana removes the harmful substances or impurities present minerals or drugs that would
cause toxic effects or diseases in the body.
– Listed in rasa literature are disorders associated with impurities in each substance.
– For example, “unpurified and not properly purified incinerated silver if used internally may
cause sariratapa (burning sensation in the body), vidbandhata (constipation), sukranasa (loos
of semen), ayunasa, balanasa (loss of strength and longevity), destroys sariapusti (growth of
body tissues), and produces many diseases”[7].
– Improperly purified shilajit gives rise to inflammation, hysteric fits, giddiness, loss ofappetite,
hemorrhage, and constipation[8].There are generally remedial measures for taking impure
rasa kalpas.
– For example, to remove the effects of taking impure shilajit, ¼ tola a day of maricha (black
pepper) in ghee for seven days is administered.
Rasa sastra Processing
method of processes of metals and minerals are purification (Sodhana),
conversion to non-toxic fine powder (Marana),
preparation of intermediate mixture (Mardana),
reactions at high temperature (Putapaka) etc.
Some specific equipment (Yantras), Crucibles (Musa) etc. are used for purification from the
metals and minerals.
Crucibles are used to remove impurities, extraction of core metal content (Satva) from metals
and minerals.
Different type of Furnace- heating device (Kosti) used for extraction of metallic contents (Satva)
from minerals and for the purification (Shodana).
Heating schedules (Puta) expresses the different degree (quantum) of heat required for proper
conversion of metal or mineral in to suitable basma form, so that it is made highly absorbable.
Generally Cow dung cakes (Vanotphala) are used for generating and maintaining heat
Rasa sastra Processing
• Basically, four methods are elaborated which can be used alone or in
combination as per the need.
I. Shodhan- Detoxification from physiological viewpoint
II.Bhasmikaran – incineration
III.Satvapatan- extraction
IV.Druti nirman- change of state from solid to liquid.
Rasa sastra Preparation
• Most substances are used only after they are made into
bhasma or pishti forms, this process is called marana.
• Marana processes make the substances into
– fine particles so they can be properly digested and absorbed easily into
the system and mix with the dhatus.
Proper assimilation allows for their desired effect to take place without any
harmful side effects.
Improper digestion and assimilation would lead to ama.
Marana processes are also used to increase the natural property of the
drugs and some times new properties are introduced to the mineral
Rasa sastra Processing Nirindriya & saindriya
• Rasa kalpa (substances) are mixed with herbs because they are considered nirindriya.
• Metals have no senses, so by preparing them with herbs they are converted to saindriya (with senses)[10].
• An example of how this is done can be illustrated with iron chacopyrite, more commonly called pyrite and
known in Sanskrit as suwarnamakshika (looks like gold).
• It is used as a rasayana, for brain disorders, and to increase hemoglobin.
• First it is powdered. It’s shodana (purification) is in two parts, the first is called limbooswarasa, where it is
heated for 3 days, 8 hours a day in castor oil, it then changes color. Then is nimboswarasa, where it is heated with
citrus (lemon) for three days.
• Next is marana where it is put in a grinder for 8 hours a day with aloe (the whole plant inside and out). It is then
dried in the Sun and marana is done again for a total of 20 times. The aloe is the Maharana, the herb you grind
the mineral with, which is determined by the reason it is being prepared.
• In this way a mineral can be given senses with which it will affect different places in the body.
• As another example, if a rasa preparation is made with kutaki (arogyavardini) it will affect the liver, if it is made
with brahmi (smritisagaras) it will affect the brain.
• In relation to the herb the mineral is then a yogavahi (catalytic carrier), it carries the herbs more potently.
Rasa sastra Processing
Stoking the alchemical fire
• What should determine whether you can use a rasa kalpa?
– First, one must look at the power of the disease and its stage, is it chronic or
– Two, the power of the patient’s agni. Three, the patient’s economic situation.
• There are some cautions to remember.
– Minerals shouldn’t be used with children, they are too powerful.
– Children don’t require hard drugs.[19] Generally minerals are not given to those
under age 9 or over 80 years of age.[20]
– Minerals are considered hard to digest so one must consider the strength of the
agni as well as the strength of other important points like marmas and organs.
Minerals are like weapons; herbs are like wooden sticks, minerals are like guns.
– Make sure they are being used correctly or they can harm. There is less chance
of harm with herbs alone.
Rasa Sastra classifications
Rasa Sastra classifications
• 1 Rasa
• 2 Mahaarasa
• 3 Uparasa
• 4Sadharana Rasa
• 5 Dhatu
• 6 Upadhatu
• 7 Ratna
• 8 Uparatna
• 9 Visa and Upavisa
I Maharasa Mica, Tourmaline, Chalcopyrite, Iron pyrite, Shilajit, Copper sulphate, Bismuth, Zinc
II Uparasa Sulfur, Iron oxide, Ferrous sulfate, Potash alum, Arsenic trisulphide, Arsenic
disulphide, Corrylium, Kankushtha.
III Sadharan Rasa Kampillaka, Arsenic oxide, Cowrie, Ammonium chloride, Ambergris, Red oxide of
mercury, Mercury sulphide, Lead oxide
IV Dhatoovarga Gold, Silver, Copper, Iron, Lead, Tin, Zinc, Brass, Bronze, white metal.
V Ratnavarga Ruby, Pearl, Coral, Emerald, Topaz, Diamond, Sapphire, Cinnamon, Cat’s eye.
VI Upratnavarga Tourmaline, Sun stone, Moon stone, Lapis lazuli, Turquoise, Quartz, Jade, Amber,
Rock crystal, Serpentine
VII Sudhavarga Pearl, Coral, Oyster shell/ mother of pearl, Conch shell, Cowrie, Cuttlefish bone,
Lime stone, Calcium phosphate, Lime silicate, Dear Horn, Bones of Sheep, Chalk.etc
VIII Ksharavarga Borax, Barley alkali, Sajjikshar
IX Lavanvarga Common salt, Rock salt, Artificial salt prepared from, plant, Salt from lake etc.
X Vishopvishavarg Out of 18 types of poisons 8 should be used in medicine, which are Vatsanabha
(Aconitum ferox), Mustaka, saktuka etc.
Rasa Sastra classifications
• Rasa
– Mercury (Paarada)
• 2 Mahaarasa
– Mica (Abhraka), Tourmaline (Waikraanta), Copper, Pyrite
(Maakshika), Iron Pyrite (Vimala), Asphalt (shilaajit), Blue
Vitriol (Sasyaka), Bismuth (Capala),Calamine - Zinc ore
• 3 Uparasa
– Sulphur (Gandhaka), Haematite (Gairika), Green Vitriol
(Kaasis), Alum (Kaankshi), Orpiment (Haritala), Realgar
(Manasila), Stibnite's (Anjana), Kamkusta (Gum exudates of
Garcinia cambogia (Gaertn.) Desr)
• 4Sadharana Rasa
– Glands and hairs of Mallotus philippinensis (Kampillaka),
Arsenic (Somala), Ammonium Chloride (Navasagara), Cowri
(Kapardika), Amber (Agnijaara), Red Oxide of Mercury
(Girisindoora), Cinnabar (Hingula), Litharge
• 5 Dhatu
– Gold (Suvarna), Silver (Raupya), Copper (Taamra), Iron (Loha),
Lead (Naaga), Tin (Vanga), Zinc(Yashada)
• 6 Upadhatu
– Copper Pyrite (Suvarna Maakshika), Iron Pyrite (Raupya
Maakshika), Blue Vitriol (Sasyaka), Iron Slag (Mandura), Red
Lead Oxide (Sindura), Calamine (Rasaka), Gum exudates of
Gambose tree (Kamkusta)
• 7 Ratna
– Ruby (Maanikya), Pearl (Muktaa), Coral (Prawaala), Emerald
(Taarkshya), Topaz (Pusparaaga), Diamond (Heeraka),
Sapphire (Neela), Zircon (Gomeda), Cat’s Eye (Waidurya).
• 8 Uparatna
– Tourmaline (Vaikraant), Aventurian Feldspar, Sun stone
(Suryakaant), Moon stone (Candrakaant), Lapis Lazuli
(Raajaawarta), Garnet (Laala), Turquoise (Perojaa) etc.
• 9 Visa and Upavisa
– Vatsanaabha (Aconite), Arka (Calatropis procera), Snuhi
(Euphorbia neriifolia) , Datura (Datura stramonium), Langali
(Gloriosa superba), Karaveera (Neerium indicum Gunjaa (Abrus
precatorioius), Ahiphena etc.
Metals (Dhatu)
• Ancient chemists metals (Dhatus) were
also used in medicines. Which prevents
the ageing, hair fall, greying of hair etc
when it is consumed [7] .
• Dathus are classified in to three groups
– Sudha loha (Pure metals) (Gold,
Silver, Copper, Iron),
– Puti Loha (Lead (Naaga), Tin
– Misra Loha (Alloy)-(Kamsya,
Pitala, Varta) .
• these seven drugs are called as Upadhatu. They all are the ores,
from which the metals are extracted.
• Swarna Makshika (Pyrite),
• Tutha (Blue Vitriol),
• Abhraka (Mica),
• Nilaanjana (Antimony),
• Manashila (Arsenic disulphide),
• Haritala (Orpiment),
• Rasaka (Zinc Ore or Calamine
maha (superior) rasa
• These eight drugs are called as Maharasa which is used for
the potentiating the Rasa (Mercury) [3] .
Upa (subsidiary) rasa,
Sadhrana rasa
• Rasacharya have mentioned these eight drugs as the drugs,
which are used in Rasakarma. As per Sages like Nagarjuna
these drugs are believed to help us in attaining rasasidhi
• Ratnavarga group include Gems or precious stones and
materials obtained from animals. These gems are used in
medicines after process.
• drugs are the compound of
– Silica (Si2), Magnesium (Mg2) and Water (H2O).
– Dugdhapaashana (Magnesium Silicate),
– Kausheyashma (Silicate of Magnesium),
– Naagapaashana (Ophite / Serpentine)
– Badarashma (Silicate of Lime)
Rasa Sastra Medicines
some general directions for taking rasa bhasma
• There are some general directions for taking mercury, mixed or unmixed with other
– A proper anupanna should be used according to the desired want of the practitioner.
– Just before one takes a drug they should pray to God in the form most appealing to one’s own mind.
– A sattvic and dosha specific diet should be followed as well as general dietary rules to make sure thatagni is
– Exposure to the sun should be limited in the hot time of year because of its ability to poison the blood with
– Rasa medicine should be taken on an empty stomach except by the old or weak who should take it with
– Rasa medicine should not be taken when thirsty, weakened by fasting, or immediately after taking food.[21]
– Signs that the medicine is not being fully assimilated into the system are exhaustion, burning sensation,
indigestion, fainting fit, head disease, uneasiness, and weakness. Improper digestion and assimilation of
mineral preparations give rise to new diseases. If impure mercury is used the negative effects are removed
by using correctly purified sulphur.
– There are also other herbs listed in the rasa texts if sulphur is not appropriate for the situation.
– Triphala or another mild laxative should be used if there is slight constipation from rasa kalpa, but flushing
the system is to be avoided, the body should be made to assimilate the mineral preparation.
Sea and Shells
• Shankha Bhasma
(purified conch shell oxide)
– Shankha Bhasma is the white powder of conch
shell oxide. Used in diarrhea, duodenal ulcer
and acidity. Externally used as a plaster for
• Samudraphenam
(sea foam / Sepia species)
– Samudraphenam is the Sanskrit name for the
cuttlefish bone that is found floating on sea-
water (thus called sea foam), then collected
and dried into a layered natural product. It is
astringent in taste, and reduces Kapha dosha.
For its drying effect, it is used as a powder in
otorrhea, and in pastes for skin diseases,
psoriasis etc. For the same reason it is a major
ingredient in external formulas for certain eye
• Shukti Bhasma
(oyster shell ash /Ostrea gigas)
– Shukti Bhasma is alkaline in taste. The shell is
purified and burnt into ash before use. It is
used for gastritis, duodenal ulcer, splenitis,
hepatitis, stomach acidity, and kidney stones.
It is often added to hypertension formulas. It is
diuretic and has medicinal value in the
treatment of some types of blurred vision.
Used externally as a plaster for erysipelas and
• Sauvarchalam
(black salt)
– Black salt is made by combining mineral salt
(saindhavam) and sodium bicarbonate
(sarjikshara). It is good for heart disease,
indigestion, bloated stomach, tumors, and
colic pain.
Mercury and sulphur
• Gandhaka Bhasma
(purified sulfur oxide)-
– Unpurified sulfur can cause hot sensations, blood
defects and mental disorders. Gandhaka Bhasma is
used for skin diseases, blood defects, lead poisoning,
and mercury poisoning. Use only 12.5 milligrams to 1
gram per dose.
• Kajjali
(mercury powder ground with pure sulphur for
– Kajjali is mercury powder ground with pure sulphur
until a black powder forms. The mercury is almost
completely inert in this form, but still has potential for
misuse and must be prescribed by a trained Ayurvedic
doctor. It is a restorative useful for all three Doshas
(Vata, Pitta and Kapha), and is especially good for
increasing shukradhatu (semen).
• Rasakarpura
(white crystal of mercury sulphide / mineral camphore)
– Rasakarpura is made by taking mercury and sulphur
and burning in fire. The resultant combination is
mixed with mineral salt then heated in a bottle with
hot sand until camphor-like white crystals form in the
neck of the bottle. It is toxic, and only qualified
Vaidyas can prescribe it, and even then only in minute
doses. It is illegal to use in many countries. Used for
skin diseases, blood defects and worms.
Iron Lauha
• Lauha Bhasma
(purified iron oxide)
– Unpurified and unoxidized iron
can be the cause of heart disease,
leprosy, colic, impotence,
constipation and gallbladder,
bladder and kidney stones.
Purified and oxidized Lauha
Bhasma is used in anemia,
hepatitis, liver disease, and edema.
• Mandura Bhasma
(purified iron ore oxide)
– Mandura Bhasma is astringent and
bitter-like in taste, and cooling in
action. It is used in splenitis,
enlarged spleen (Plihabriddhi),
enlarged liver (Yakritvriddhi),
hepatitis (Kamala), anemia
(Pandu), edema (Sotha), blood loss
(Raktaksaya) and itching (Kandu).
It is usually given with honey or
Triphala decoction (three fruits
compound). For swelling, it is
given with Punarnava decoction
(Boerhavia difusa).
• Haritala Bhasma
(orpiment / purified yellow arsenic trisulphide)
– Unpurified orpiment can cause heat, skin diseases,
and death. Purified orpiment is used in skin diseases,
gout, and blood defects, and also as a Rasayana.
• Hingulu Bhasma
(cinnabar / purified red cinnabar sulphide)
– Unpurified cinnabar can cause urinary diseases,
delusions and mental disorders. Cinnabar Bhasma is
good for mentality and strongly promotes good blood
circulation. It is a Rasayana. It is used in rheumatism,
fevers, urinary diseases, and liver and spleen diseases.
• Manashila Bhasma
(purified realgar)
– Realgar is a natural mineral product. Unpurified
realgar can cause arsenic poisoning, constipation,
dysurea, and skin diseases. Purified realgar is used as
a strong anti-toxin and anti-poison, especially used in
skin diseases, asthma cough, and chronic fever. It is
widely used as an external application for eye diseases
for the same reasons.
• Sauvira Bhasma
(purified antimony sulfide)
– Sauvira is a mineral product found in the form of
heavy black rock. It has two varieties, sauviranjan and
srotoja-anjan. Both are used similarly. It is astringent
in taste with a cooling effect. Purified antimony made
into a microfine powder is used in hemorrhage,
menorrhagia, hiccup, and vomiting. Unpurified, it
causes lead poisoning, colic, arthritis, skin diseases,
paralysis, tumors and nerve defects. A collyrium made
of the purified powder is used to prevent cataract
• Sphutikarika
(purified alum)
– Sphutikarika is a natural product
extracted from Saurastra clay in the
form of a crystal. It is astringent
and acidic in taste. In general, it is
used in the form of a honey paste
for gargling or washing, for the
purpose of stopping bleeding, or to
treat tonsillitis, stomatitis, and
prolapses of the anus or uterus. In
the case of conjunctivitis, eye drops
made of purified alum are very
effective. Alum is also used in
scabies, ringworm, eczema,
erysipelas and freckles.
• Yavakshara alkaline ash (barley
plant / Hordeum vulgare)
– Yavakshara is a diuretic medicine
made of barley plant ash. It is used
for dysuria, painful urination,
kidney stones, and cystitis and to
flush the kidneys. It is always used
with plenty of water to drink. Due
to its power, it is used in minute
quantities. Overdose can cause
• Tamra Bhasma
(purified copper oxide)
– Unpurified and unoxidized copper can be
a cause of vomiting, dizziness, fainting
and diarrhea. Tamra Bhasma is used for
vomiting, dizziness, fainting and
diarrhea. In general, it reduces Pitta. It
can also be used for any cranial disease.
• Vanga Bhasma
(purified tin oxide)
– Vanga Bhasma is the white powder of tin
oxide. Unpurified tin oxide causes
leprosy, tumors, urinary diseases, anemia,
and blood defects. Purified Vanga is salt-
like, bitter and astringent in taste, and
good for fatty defects, urinary diseases
and anemia. It is also a Rasayana and
brain restorative.
• Yashada Bhasma
(purified zinc oxide)
– Unpurified and unoxidized zinc can be
the cause of tumors, urinary diseases, and
debility and skin diseases. Purified and
oxidized zinc is used for urinary diseases,
especially urinary frequency, for
menorrhagia and for Vata imbalance. It
has a very constrictory effect on the
mucous membranes.
• Soraka
(potassium chloride)
– Soraka is used as a diuretic and for
Rock Minerals
• Shilajita
– Shilajita is “ejected” out of rocks during hot weather in the
Himalayas. It is bitter and slightly pungent in taste, and mildly
warming in action. It has the distinct odor of cow urine. Shilajita
strengthens immunity, reduces fatigue, slows aging, tonifies the
brain, cleanses the blood, and strengthens the liver and kidneys. It
is a Rasayana and an aphrodisiac, given to people suffering from
chronic bronchitis, digestive disease, diseases of the nerves, and
fractures. Shilajita is a brain restorative, and is used to purify the
urinary tract, kidneys and the genitals. It is anti-fatigue and anti-
diabetic, used in diabetes, anemia, aging, bronchitis, skin diseases,
liver disease, constipation, dyspepsia, and all urinary diseases. It
strengthens the effects of other herbs (yogavaha).
Rasa Mercury- Kajjali
• Besides, all synonyms used for
Lord Shiva in Hindu
mythology can be used for
• It is described in Rasa text
books that
– Mercury is the semen of Lord
Shiva and
– Sulfur is menses of Goddess
Parwati (wife of Shiva).
• Therefore, the compact union
of Mercury and sulfur is
always creative.
• Realgar, α-As4S4,
– arsenic sulfide
– ruby Sulphur
– "ruby of arsenic".
– It is a soft, sectile mineral
occurring in monoclinic
crystals, or in granular,
compact, or powdery form,
often in association with the
related mineral, orpiment
Rasa sastra highest potential
• mercury (Parada, Rasaraja,
Maharasa, Mishraka,
Shivaviryam, Suta)
• Kajoli (mercury mixed with
sulfur )
Not for edible use
Arogyavardhini containing
various herbs along with
mercury (Kajjali),
Lauh bhasma (processed
Iron), Abhrak Bhasma
(Calcined mica)
Tamra Bhasma (Processed
• Ingredients:
– Shuddha Parad,
– Shuddha Gandhak,
– Loha Bhasma,
– Vanga Bhasma,
– Tamra Bhasma, Kansya Bhasma,
– Hartal Bhasma, Nila Thotha Bhasma, Shankh Bhasma,
– Kapardak (Kapardika) Bhasma,
– Sonth (Dried Ginger) – Zingiber Officinale,
– Black Pepper, Long Pepper,
– Haritaki – Terminalia Chebula,
– Amalaki – Emblica Officinalis,
– Chavya, Kachur, Vaividang, Vidha ke Beej, Pipalamool, Patha,
– Vacha (Sweet Flag) – Acorus Calamus, Elaichi, Deodara,
Sumudar Namak,
– Sendha Namak, Sambhar Namak,
– Vida Namak, Kala Namak, Haritaki Decoction
Lilavilas Ras
• Kajjali, - Mercury and sulphur
• Abhrak Bhasma - Mica
• Tamra Bhasma- copper
• Lauh Bhasma. - Iron
• Indication: Alterative and
• Used in hyperacidity and its
complications, liver tonic,
burning micturations.
Baidyanath Chandrakala Ras Tablet
• Chandrakala Ras is a combination of
• Kajjali, Tamra Bhasma, Moti pishti, Abhak bhasma,
• Giloy, kutki, Pitpapara,Khus, Choti pippal,
Vanshlochan, svet chandan, Anantmool,
Nagarmotha, Meetha, Anar, Milk, Kewda, Kamal,
Shatavari and Munakka.
• It is an herbal tablet used in Ayurvedic treatment of
diabetes and its complications such as neuropathy.
• Chandrakala Ras is used in Ayurvedic treatment of
bleeding disorders, diabetes and its complications.
Besides this it is also used in leucorrhea (white
discharge), menorrhagia (heavy menstruation),
haemorrhages, haemoptysis (blood in cough),
haematuria (blood in urine), dysuria (painful
urination), burning sensation during urination and
burning sensation of palms and soles.
• Parpati (means brittle) which disintegrates and gets
absorbed in small intestine region and not in stomach.
• These medicines are used to treat grahni related problems
and low appetite.
– Panchamrut Parpati
– Shwet Parpati
Panchamrit Parpati
• Regarding the ingredients of every Parpati Kalpana,
– Mercury and Sulphur are the primary ingredients.
– Later on Iron, Copper, Tin, Zinc, Lead, Silver and Gold have been added
out of the metals from time to time in different preparations.
– In addition precious stones and Jewels i.e. Diamond, Pearl, Ruby, Neelam
etc. have been also included as ingredients of the Parpati.
• A large number of herbs have been also used as ingredients in
the preparation of different Parpatis having special
indication.Most commonly used herbals are
– Trikatu, Bhringraja, Shigru, Nirgundi, Chitraka, Zeeraka, Dhatura,
Bakuchi, Vacha, Kupilu SwaRasa or docoction.
Rasa Parpati
• Type-1. Based upon use of Kajjali and other ingredients
– Parpati containing only Kajjali (Parada and
Gandhaka)- Ex. Rasa Parpati
– Parpati containing Kajjali with one or more loha /
dhatu. - Ex. Tamra Parpati, Panchamrita Parpati, Loha
Parpati, Vijaya Parpati etc
– Parpati containing Kajjali and one or more
Kasthaushadhi. - Ex: Pranada Parpati, Bola Parpati
• Type-2. Based on procedure and ingredients used
– Sagandha Parpati: Containing Parada and Gandhaka-
ex: Rasa Parpati, Tamra Parpati, Loha Parpati, Bola
Parpati, Panchamrita Parpati etc.
– Nirgandha Parpati: Without Parada and Gandhaka-
ex: Shweta Parpati, Malla Parpati etc.,
Panchamrut Parpati
• Parpati (means brittle) which
disintegrates and gets absorbed
in small intestine region and not
in stomach.
• These medicines are used to
treat grahni related problems
and low appetite.
• Panchamrut Parpati
• Parad and Gandhak mixture
(mostly Kajjali or the black
sulphide of mercury) along with
• Lauh, abhrak and Tamra
Shwet Parpati
• Shwet Parpati increases
blood flow in kidneys and
urine output. It has diuretic,
alterative, analgesic, anti-
inflammatory and urinary
supportive action
• Ingredients of Shwet
ParpatiKalami Shora
(Potassium nitrate)Phitkari(
Potash Alum)Navsadar (
Ammonium chloride)
Tansukh Swet Parpati
• Treatment and management of
painful urination. The churna serves
as a diuretic and makes it easy to
• Key Ingredients:
Surya Kshara
• Sphatika
• Navasadara
“Only that which can bring about a cure is a correct
medicine. And it is only he who can relieve his patients of
their ailments who is the best physician.”
- Charak
Sidda RasaSastra
• Rasavatham ரசவாதம்
• In Tamil Siddha Medicine system Rasavatham ரசவாதம் means
– Rasa denotes mercury and
– vatham means preparation of gold from mercury or other metals.
Alchemy is called by different names in Siddha System, as
Vagaara viththai வகார வித்தத,
Yema viththai ஏமவித்தத,
Rasavatham ரசவாதம்,
Thanga viththai தங்க வித்தத etc…
Alchemy of Metals in siddha.
• The base metals are converted in gold or of high grade pure
metals or oxides for preparation of medicines.
• Mercury இரசம் , Sulfur கந்தகம், Salt (Muppu) குரு
மருந்து were used.
• Siddhars were adept in this type of alchemy and different
versions were innovated
Homeopathy Metallicum
Rasa Sastra Index
• Abharak- mica
• Akik pishti- agate processed
• Anjana- collyrium
• Audbhida lavana- reha salt
• Ayaskantam- magnetic iron ore
• Capala- bismuth
• Dugdha pasanam- talc/ soft stone
• Gairik- hematite
• Gandhaka- sulpher
• Gauri Pasanah- white arsenic
• Gomed- zircon or Hessonite (depending on text)
• Jasat Bhasma- processed calx of zinc
• Haritalo- orpiment, As2S3
• Hingula- cinnabar, HgS
• Hirraka- diamond
• Kaharuba- amber
• Kajjali- black sulphide mercury
• Kanksi- aluminum
• Karketena- chrysoberyl, crysolite
• Kasisa Godanti bhasma- ferrous sulphate and
gypsum calx. Hematinic, tonic, astringent. [[1]]
• Kauseyasma- asbestos
• Khaiska- chalk
• Krishna abharak- biotite mica (black mica)
• Ksharas- alkalis
• Kshara parpati- dehydrated homogenous blend
of ammonium chloride, potash alum, and
potassium nitrate. Diuretic, lithotropic,
febrifuge, anti-flatulent. Used in disuria,
olyguria, colic, urinary infections, urinary calculi,
and hyperacidity.
• Loha- iron
• Makaradhvaja rasa- a gold containing red colored
mercury compound
• Makshik- ferri sulphuratum, iron pyrite
• Malla sindura rasa- arsenic containing mercury
• Manah Sila- realgar, As2S2
• Manduram- iron oxide, rusted iron
• Manikya- ruby
• Marakata- emerald
• Moti pishti- pearl processed
• Mukta- pearl
• Naga- lead
• Naga Pasana- serpentine
• Nila- saphire
• Palanka- onyx
• Parada- mercury
• Parpata ksara- ksara obtained from alkaline earth
• Perojaka- turquoise
• Pilu- Jade
• Pittala- brass
• Praval- coral
• Pushparapa- topaz
• Puspanjana- zinc oxide
• Puttika- Peridote
• Rasa- mercury
• Rasa sindura- a red sulphide of mercury
• Rasaka- zinc ore
• Rajata- silver
• Rajavarta- lapis lazuli
• Riti- brass
• Romaka lavana- common salt
• Roupya- silver, argentum
• Rudhiram- carnelian
• Saidhara lavana- rock salt
• Sambhara lavana- common salt
• Samudra lavana- sea salt
• Sange yasaba- jade
• Sapheda- white lead
• Sauvarcala lavana- black salt
• Sauviranjana- galena
• Sikata- sand
• Sindura- red oxide of lead
• Sisaka- lead
• Shouktik-oystrea edulis
• Shringa- cervus elephus
• Shrungha- deer horns
• Spatika- quartz
• Sudha- lime
• Sugandhikam- spinel
• Surma sapheda- calcite
• Surya ksarah- potassium nitrate
• Suvarna- gold
• Suvarna Makshika- chalcopyrite, copper pyrite
• Svarjika ksarah- Borax
• Talaka- orpiment
• Tamra- copper
• Tarksya- emerald
• Trinakanta- amber
• Turkhaja- Turquoise
• Upalam- chalcedony, opal, agate
• Vanga- SNO2, aluminum oxide, tin, stannum
• Vaidurya- aquamarine or cat’s eye (debatable)
• Vaikranta- tourmaline
• Vajra- diamond
• Varanga- antimony
• Vatsa-nabha- aconite
• Vida lavana- ammonium salt
• Yashoda- zinc
• Yavaksarah- potassium salt
• Yeshalo pishti- jade processed
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Webinar demystifying mineral medicines

  • 1. Demystifying Mineral Medicines RasaSastra and Homeopathy By Dr Santhosh.H Brought to you by Arogyam Natural
  • 2. Agenda • Demystifying the Minerals in Ayurveda-Rasa sastra and Homeopathy-metallic • How it works, what to buy • Minerals that cures and it’s availability in Ayurveda and Homeopathy • Understand the common minerals across Ayurveda and homeopathy
  • 4. Rasa Sastra “There is no better medicine than mercury, no greater god than Mahadeva, no better friend than the physician, and no better deed than a gift.” –B. Mukherji
  • 5. Stoking the alchemical fire • The metals and minerals are given in detailed in a separate branch in Ayurveda as Rasasastra (Indian alchemy). • The Rasasastra, is composed of two words i.e. • Rasa and Sastra, • It is dealing with the knowledge of • Rasa (is used to denote Mercury or metals or minerals) and its • properties, • purification methods. • Understanding the purification and preparation of minerals and poisonous herbs and substances in Rasa Shastra
  • 6. Rasa Sastra History • The Science of mercury is known as – Rasa Vidya or Rasa Shastra in Ayurveda. • Rasa Shastra literally means the – “science of mercury” • Various minerals, some like – mercury considered toxic, – by proper procedures be made into medicines. • In the Vedas, gold and silver had a ritualistic use, the – uses of bhasma (prepared minerals) came after the vedic period. – Alchemy- turning mercury into gold, and – Rasayana- rejuvenation of the mind-body-spirit. It is said in the rasa texts that metallurgy is a science which was taught by Shiva (God) Himself. • The Buddhist sage, – Nagarjuna, is considered the first to use mercury[3] and to have done much in the propagation of rasa shastra.
  • 12. IMPORTANCE OF BHASMA 1. Maintain optimum alkalinity for optimum health 2. Provide easily absorbed and usable calcium 3. Cleanse the kidneys, intestines and liver 4. Maintain stronger bones and healthier teeth 5. Alleviate insomnia, depression 6. Keeps rhythmic heart beating 7. Keeps arrhythmias and minerals balance 8. Help metabolize iron in body 9. Aid nervous system 10. Breakdown heavy metals and drug residues in body 11. Neutralize harmful acids that lead to illness 12. Achieve a healthy alkaline level by neutralizing acid 13. Protect body from free radical damage.[9]
  • 14. Rasa Mercury therapeutic • Ras - Ratnakar about the properties of processed Mercury • “Hatohanti jaravyadhir murchito vyadhivaatkeh, Baddah khechratam dhatee ko anyam sootaatkripakarah” – It means that the processed mercury (Bhasma) eliminates all sorrow of eldery age and diseases of body and mind. The bonding of mercury with certain herbs and sulfur provides khechari – gati (able to fly). There is none material as kind in the universe as aforesaid mercury is for human race! • Sharanghdhar - Samhita and processed Mercury: • “Paradah sarvroganaam jeta pushtikarah smritah, Sugyane saadhitah kuryatsansiddhim dehlohayo”. – It means that mercury processed by a scholarly Rasa-Vaidya may eliminate all diseases, simultaneously strengthen and stabilize body and mind of people. • Rasendra - Saar about the supremacy of processed Mercury: “Alpamatraapyogitwadsacherprasangatah, shipramarogyadayeitva bhehdjebhyo rasoadhik” – Parad (mercury) is best among all medicines as that is effective in low dose and fast acting in the eradication of disease without causing anorexia or other side effects.
  • 15. Rasa Mercury therapeutic • The science of working with minerals is named after rasa (mercury). This is because it is considered such a powerful medicine. • It is said that when mercury is properly prepared, – it balances all three doshas, has a soothing effect on the body, – prevents disease and old age. – It nourishes all the vital parts of the body and increases the strength of the eyes. – It is vrisya (aphrodisiac), balya (tonic), snigdha (anointing), rasayana (rejuvenative), vrana sodhana and ropana (wound cleaner and healer), and krimighna (antimicrobial) [11]. – When it is compounded with any herb it heightens the medicinal properties. – Mercury is said to give a firm physique, a stable mind, and to be the – best destroyer of disease [12]. – It is considered holy because it is the semen of Lord Shiva.
  • 16. Therapeutic examples • Gold Tin – Charaka says that no poison can be sustained in the body of people who have ingested gold because the presence of gold destroys the effects of all types of poisons especially Garavisa[5]. – It is said that people who ingest tin preparations never get sukraksaya even during dreams[6]. Lapis lazuli produces feelings of well being while expelling all doshas from the body.
  • 17. Silver therapeutic • Silver is – kasaya (astringent) and amla (sour), snigdha and sara, sita in virya, madhura in vipak. • Its actions are – vayasthapana, lekhana, vrisya, balya, rucya, vatapitta hara, it gives strength to the brain, heart and stomache. • It is indicated for bhrama (vertigo) and unmade (insanity), palpitations, pre-ejaculation, and mada (intoxication)[4].
  • 18. Therapeutic examples • iron chalcopyrite – Pyrite – In Sanskrit as suwarnamakshika (looks like gold). – It is used as a rasayana, for brain disorders, and to increase hemoglobin.
  • 19. Therapeutic examples • Purified Iron oxide – Fe2 O3 (Mandura) – Tuberculosis (Sosha/Rajayakshma), – Oedema (Sotha), – Splenomegaly (Pleha vrudhi) • Zinc (Yasada) – eye diseases (Netra roga), – Diabetis (Prameha), – Anaemia (Pandu), – Cough (Kasa) etc [9] .
  • 20. Therapeutic examples hybrid – Kutaki (Picrolize kurro) • liver herb that removes obstructions in the bile duct, and increases fat metabolism. It is very bitter in taste. Alone a patient needs to 2tsp 3x a day for jaundice or hepatitis. Its shelf life is six months. – Arogyavardini is a rasa kalpa that has • kutaki as the first ingredient with • kajjoli (mercury and sulfur) to boast metabolic effect. • The patient now only needs 450ml. The shelf life of arogyavardini is 3-4 years.
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  • 23. Rasa sastra alchemy • There is also a large amount of spiritual teachings around rasa shastra and the use of mercury. • For those who make rasa kalpa it is said they should have an – image of the Shiva lingam made of mercury and gold in the laboratory. – This is called a Rasalingam and is very auspicious to look at, touch and worship. • It is said that “eating, touching, giving, meditating upon, and adoring of mercury are the five different ways of worshiping it –all of which tend to destroy great vices. • The man who succeeds in subsuming even the minutest particle of mica, acquires the merit arising from performing one hundred sacrifices. • This is what Shiva Himself has said. The man who vilifies mercury, which is the strength of Shiva Himself, and is the greatest of all things, rests in hell eternally. • The man who gives patients mercury, duly purified and duly prepared over fire, attains for ever merits derived from the performance of Tuladana (a ceremony in which the performer gives away to the poor his own weight in gold) and Ashwamedha (a ceremony in which a horse is worshiped and sacrificed). • The man who dies with mercury still in his stomach is freed from great sins, and attains emancipation.” [17]
  • 24. Rasa sastra alchemy • Mercury Rasa – capable to absorb all Maha-rasa (Mica etc) and metals (gold etc.). • Rasendra – Being supreme to all Maha-rasa. • Parada – to be able to pull out people from the sludge of diseases. • Lord Shiva in Hindu mythology can be used for Mercury. • It is described in Rasa text books that – Mercury is the semen of Lord Shiva and – Sulfur is menses of Goddess Parwati (wife of Shiva). • Therefore, the compact union of Mercury and sulfur is always creative.
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  • 29. Rasa Mercury • Mercury is known to contain all six tastes. • The body has 13 agnis within it. • The jatharagni is the gross digestive fire. • Then there are subtle agni, seven dhatu agni and five bhutagni. • A problem with meda is related to medagni, as a disease of asthi dhatu is due to a problem with asthiagni [13]. • Each dhatu has five bhutagni in a different proportion which gives it differentiation. • So, for example, if one was treating a calcanial spur, one would look for an herb that works on both asthi agni and prthviagni (earth element agni) because it is the earth element of the asthi that is imbalanced. • The action of an herb on the bhutagni is determined by the rasa (taste) of the herb as well as the plant appearance and the location it grows.
  • 30. Rasa Mercury • In China and Tibet, mercury use was thought to prolong life, heal fractures, and maintain generally good health, although it is now known that exposure to mercury leads to serious adverse health effects. • One of the China's emperors, Qín Shǐ Huáng Dì — allegedly buried in a tomb that contained rivers of flowing mercury, on a model of the land he ruled, representative of the rivers of China — was killed by drinking a mercury and powdered jade mixture formulated by Qin alchemists (causing liver failure, mercury poisoning, and brain death) who intended to give him eternal life. • The ancient Greeks used mercury in ointments; the ancient Egyptians and the Romans used it in cosmetics which sometimes deformed the face. In Lamanai, once a major city of the Maya civilization, a pool of mercury was found under a marker in a Mesoamerican ballcourt.
  • 31. Rasa Mercury • Mercury (Parada) is the most important drug (extolled as the king of Rasas), has a special importance in Rasashastra than other components. • It has the ability and power to assimilate all the drugs (such as Dhatu, Upadhatu, etc). • It works very effective and increases its potency when it processed and purified with special procedures (Samskara).
  • 32. Rasa Mercury • Mercury is given this name because of its ability to swallow every metal. • To explain swallow, – it can be seen that vegetables are unstable, they decompose. If a vegetable is boiled in lead it would be subsumed in the lead. Lead is subsumed in tin, which can be subsumed in copper. Copper is subsumed in silver, silver into gold, and gold is swallowed by mercury. It is believed that all metals can be swallowed by mercury. Just as individual souls attain the supreme by merging with Shiva, all metals are absorbed into mercury. [16] This is believed to make mercury competent to destroy the body of disease and prepare it for liberation.
  • 33. Rasa sastra alchemy- Tarangini • Rasa - Manas regarding the importance of treatment with Mercury: “Bhaishajyam trividham proktam devam manushmasuram, rasachurnaksharyogeidevarbhehvaram smritam” – There are three types of treatment; – Devi - chikitsa (devine treatment), – Manushi - chikitsa (human treatment) and – Asur - chikitsa (devil treatment). – Rasa is Devi, Churna (powder) is Manushi and Kshar (alkaloids) are Aasuri type of treatment.
  • 34. Rasa sastra alchemy- Tarangini • Rasa- Tarangini about the importance of the processing of Mercury with Sulphur (Gandhak) and its therapeutic characteristics: “Vasuvidhvidhisanskritopi sootou rasavibudhairih hingulothtou va, rasaguna balijarnavihino gadganvaarnataam naiti noonam” – Even if Mercury has been purified by carrying Ashta-Sanskar (eight steps of purification) or has been extracted from Hingul (Cinnabar), but has not undergone six times processing (absorption) with Sulphur, then, it will never be completely therapeutically potent. – Therefore, it is a must to do six times absorption of Sulphur into Mercury to make it therapeutically potent.
  • 35. Rasa sastra alchemy- Tarangini “Sametu gandhake jeerne samanygadnaashnah, Dwigune tu visheshena maharog vidhunnah. 5 Trigune tu vishesheshenakshyyapunsatva prakashanah, chaturgune mahoutsahamedhasmiritivivardhnah. Tatha panchgunasheshgadsantapnashnah, raseshwarah shadgune to vividhaadbhutkaryakrit.” – The mercury that has absorbed equal amount of Sulphur will treat all general types of diseases. – The Mercury that has absorbed two times Sulphur in it could eliminate major disorders. – When sulphur is absorbed thrice by the mercury then that will have special properties of enhancing fertility and reversal of aging process. – The four times processed mercury with Sulphur will increase energy, enthusiasm, intelligence and memory. – The five times Sulphur absorbed mercury can treat remaining disorder and the mercury that has absorbed – six times Sulphur will do many types wonders!
  • 36. Rasa sastra alchemy- kajoli • Mercury plays its role here by being shatras, which means it contains – all six tastes. – The potency of any herb is increased with mercury because of its ability to help the herb work on all bhutagnis of a particular dhatu or organ system [14]. – Whenever there is mercury there is always sulfur. – Mercury is considered the seed of Shiva and sulfur is the secretion of Parvati, the Goddess. – When they are mixed together through a long process they are called kajoli. – Many drug labels will not list mercury and sulphur but will refer to them as kajoli. – There is much mysticism surrounding the use of mercury and its relation to Shiva, this is often attributed to its healing powers. • Some synonyms of mercury are – Parada, Rasaraja, Maharasa, Mishraka, Shivaviryam, Suta, and all names which apply to Shiva Himself. [15] • The name Rasa comes from the root ‘ras’ which means to eat.
  • 38. Rasa sastra purification • Mercury and other minerals have to go through – shodana (purification) before they can be made into medicine. – The procedures are called samskaras (works or procedures) for purification and assimilation. • For mercury, there are 18 samskaras in the extreme method. – Shodana removes the harmful substances or impurities present minerals or drugs that would cause toxic effects or diseases in the body. – Listed in rasa literature are disorders associated with impurities in each substance. – For example, “unpurified and not properly purified incinerated silver if used internally may cause sariratapa (burning sensation in the body), vidbandhata (constipation), sukranasa (loos of semen), ayunasa, balanasa (loss of strength and longevity), destroys sariapusti (growth of body tissues), and produces many diseases”[7]. – Improperly purified shilajit gives rise to inflammation, hysteric fits, giddiness, loss ofappetite, hemorrhage, and constipation[8].There are generally remedial measures for taking impure rasa kalpas. – For example, to remove the effects of taking impure shilajit, ¼ tola a day of maricha (black pepper) in ghee for seven days is administered.
  • 39. Rasa sastra Processing method of processes of metals and minerals are purification (Sodhana), conversion to non-toxic fine powder (Marana), preparation of intermediate mixture (Mardana), reactions at high temperature (Putapaka) etc. Some specific equipment (Yantras), Crucibles (Musa) etc. are used for purification from the metals and minerals. Crucibles are used to remove impurities, extraction of core metal content (Satva) from metals and minerals. Different type of Furnace- heating device (Kosti) used for extraction of metallic contents (Satva) from minerals and for the purification (Shodana). Heating schedules (Puta) expresses the different degree (quantum) of heat required for proper conversion of metal or mineral in to suitable basma form, so that it is made highly absorbable. Generally Cow dung cakes (Vanotphala) are used for generating and maintaining heat
  • 40. Rasa sastra Processing • Basically, four methods are elaborated which can be used alone or in combination as per the need. I. Shodhan- Detoxification from physiological viewpoint II.Bhasmikaran – incineration III.Satvapatan- extraction IV.Druti nirman- change of state from solid to liquid.
  • 41. Rasa sastra Preparation • Most substances are used only after they are made into bhasma or pishti forms, this process is called marana. • Marana processes make the substances into – fine particles so they can be properly digested and absorbed easily into the system and mix with the dhatus. Proper assimilation allows for their desired effect to take place without any harmful side effects. Improper digestion and assimilation would lead to ama. Marana processes are also used to increase the natural property of the drugs and some times new properties are introduced to the mineral compound.[9]
  • 42. Rasa sastra Processing Nirindriya & saindriya • Rasa kalpa (substances) are mixed with herbs because they are considered nirindriya. • Metals have no senses, so by preparing them with herbs they are converted to saindriya (with senses)[10]. • An example of how this is done can be illustrated with iron chacopyrite, more commonly called pyrite and known in Sanskrit as suwarnamakshika (looks like gold). • It is used as a rasayana, for brain disorders, and to increase hemoglobin. • First it is powdered. It’s shodana (purification) is in two parts, the first is called limbooswarasa, where it is heated for 3 days, 8 hours a day in castor oil, it then changes color. Then is nimboswarasa, where it is heated with citrus (lemon) for three days. • Next is marana where it is put in a grinder for 8 hours a day with aloe (the whole plant inside and out). It is then dried in the Sun and marana is done again for a total of 20 times. The aloe is the Maharana, the herb you grind the mineral with, which is determined by the reason it is being prepared. • In this way a mineral can be given senses with which it will affect different places in the body. • As another example, if a rasa preparation is made with kutaki (arogyavardini) it will affect the liver, if it is made with brahmi (smritisagaras) it will affect the brain. • In relation to the herb the mineral is then a yogavahi (catalytic carrier), it carries the herbs more potently.
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  • 45. Stoking the alchemical fire • What should determine whether you can use a rasa kalpa? – First, one must look at the power of the disease and its stage, is it chronic or acute. – Two, the power of the patient’s agni. Three, the patient’s economic situation. • There are some cautions to remember. – Minerals shouldn’t be used with children, they are too powerful. – Children don’t require hard drugs.[19] Generally minerals are not given to those under age 9 or over 80 years of age.[20] – Minerals are considered hard to digest so one must consider the strength of the agni as well as the strength of other important points like marmas and organs. Minerals are like weapons; herbs are like wooden sticks, minerals are like guns. – Make sure they are being used correctly or they can harm. There is less chance of harm with herbs alone.
  • 47. Rasa Sastra classifications • 1 Rasa • 2 Mahaarasa • 3 Uparasa • 4Sadharana Rasa • 5 Dhatu • 6 Upadhatu • 7 Ratna • 8 Uparatna • 9 Visa and Upavisa
  • 48. CATEGORY METALS AND MINERALS I Maharasa Mica, Tourmaline, Chalcopyrite, Iron pyrite, Shilajit, Copper sulphate, Bismuth, Zinc oxide. II Uparasa Sulfur, Iron oxide, Ferrous sulfate, Potash alum, Arsenic trisulphide, Arsenic disulphide, Corrylium, Kankushtha. III Sadharan Rasa Kampillaka, Arsenic oxide, Cowrie, Ammonium chloride, Ambergris, Red oxide of mercury, Mercury sulphide, Lead oxide IV Dhatoovarga Gold, Silver, Copper, Iron, Lead, Tin, Zinc, Brass, Bronze, white metal. V Ratnavarga Ruby, Pearl, Coral, Emerald, Topaz, Diamond, Sapphire, Cinnamon, Cat’s eye. VI Upratnavarga Tourmaline, Sun stone, Moon stone, Lapis lazuli, Turquoise, Quartz, Jade, Amber, Rock crystal, Serpentine VII Sudhavarga Pearl, Coral, Oyster shell/ mother of pearl, Conch shell, Cowrie, Cuttlefish bone, Lime stone, Calcium phosphate, Lime silicate, Dear Horn, Bones of Sheep, Chalk.etc VIII Ksharavarga Borax, Barley alkali, Sajjikshar IX Lavanvarga Common salt, Rock salt, Artificial salt prepared from, plant, Salt from lake etc. X Vishopvishavarg Out of 18 types of poisons 8 should be used in medicine, which are Vatsanabha (Aconitum ferox), Mustaka, saktuka etc.
  • 49. Rasa Sastra classifications • Rasa – Mercury (Paarada) • 2 Mahaarasa – Mica (Abhraka), Tourmaline (Waikraanta), Copper, Pyrite (Maakshika), Iron Pyrite (Vimala), Asphalt (shilaajit), Blue Vitriol (Sasyaka), Bismuth (Capala),Calamine - Zinc ore (Rasaka) • 3 Uparasa – Sulphur (Gandhaka), Haematite (Gairika), Green Vitriol (Kaasis), Alum (Kaankshi), Orpiment (Haritala), Realgar (Manasila), Stibnite's (Anjana), Kamkusta (Gum exudates of Garcinia cambogia (Gaertn.) Desr) • 4Sadharana Rasa – Glands and hairs of Mallotus philippinensis (Kampillaka), Arsenic (Somala), Ammonium Chloride (Navasagara), Cowri (Kapardika), Amber (Agnijaara), Red Oxide of Mercury (Girisindoora), Cinnabar (Hingula), Litharge (Muddaarashringa) • 5 Dhatu – Gold (Suvarna), Silver (Raupya), Copper (Taamra), Iron (Loha), Lead (Naaga), Tin (Vanga), Zinc(Yashada) • 6 Upadhatu – Copper Pyrite (Suvarna Maakshika), Iron Pyrite (Raupya Maakshika), Blue Vitriol (Sasyaka), Iron Slag (Mandura), Red Lead Oxide (Sindura), Calamine (Rasaka), Gum exudates of Gambose tree (Kamkusta) • 7 Ratna – Ruby (Maanikya), Pearl (Muktaa), Coral (Prawaala), Emerald (Taarkshya), Topaz (Pusparaaga), Diamond (Heeraka), Sapphire (Neela), Zircon (Gomeda), Cat’s Eye (Waidurya). • 8 Uparatna – Tourmaline (Vaikraant), Aventurian Feldspar, Sun stone (Suryakaant), Moon stone (Candrakaant), Lapis Lazuli (Raajaawarta), Garnet (Laala), Turquoise (Perojaa) etc. • 9 Visa and Upavisa – Vatsanaabha (Aconite), Arka (Calatropis procera), Snuhi (Euphorbia neriifolia) , Datura (Datura stramonium), Langali (Gloriosa superba), Karaveera (Neerium indicum Gunjaa (Abrus precatorioius), Ahiphena etc.
  • 50. Metals (Dhatu) • Ancient chemists metals (Dhatus) were also used in medicines. Which prevents the ageing, hair fall, greying of hair etc when it is consumed [7] . • Dathus are classified in to three groups – Sudha loha (Pure metals) (Gold, Silver, Copper, Iron), – Puti Loha (Lead (Naaga), Tin (Vanga) – Misra Loha (Alloy)-(Kamsya, Pitala, Varta) .
  • 51. Upadhatu • these seven drugs are called as Upadhatu. They all are the ores, from which the metals are extracted. • Swarna Makshika (Pyrite), • Tutha (Blue Vitriol), • Abhraka (Mica), • Nilaanjana (Antimony), • Manashila (Arsenic disulphide), • Haritala (Orpiment), • Rasaka (Zinc Ore or Calamine
  • 52. maha (superior) rasa • These eight drugs are called as Maharasa which is used for the potentiating the Rasa (Mercury) [3] .
  • 54. Sadhrana rasa • Rasacharya have mentioned these eight drugs as the drugs, which are used in Rasakarma. As per Sages like Nagarjuna these drugs are believed to help us in attaining rasasidhi
  • 55. Ratnavarga • Ratnavarga group include Gems or precious stones and materials obtained from animals. These gems are used in medicines after process.
  • 57. Sikatavarga • drugs are the compound of – Silica (Si2), Magnesium (Mg2) and Water (H2O). – Dugdhapaashana (Magnesium Silicate), – Kausheyashma (Silicate of Magnesium), – Naagapaashana (Ophite / Serpentine) – Badarashma (Silicate of Lime)
  • 59. some general directions for taking rasa bhasma • There are some general directions for taking mercury, mixed or unmixed with other substances. – A proper anupanna should be used according to the desired want of the practitioner. – Just before one takes a drug they should pray to God in the form most appealing to one’s own mind. – A sattvic and dosha specific diet should be followed as well as general dietary rules to make sure thatagni is strong. – Exposure to the sun should be limited in the hot time of year because of its ability to poison the blood with pitta. – Rasa medicine should be taken on an empty stomach except by the old or weak who should take it with food. – Rasa medicine should not be taken when thirsty, weakened by fasting, or immediately after taking food.[21] – Signs that the medicine is not being fully assimilated into the system are exhaustion, burning sensation, indigestion, fainting fit, head disease, uneasiness, and weakness. Improper digestion and assimilation of mineral preparations give rise to new diseases. If impure mercury is used the negative effects are removed by using correctly purified sulphur. – There are also other herbs listed in the rasa texts if sulphur is not appropriate for the situation. – Triphala or another mild laxative should be used if there is slight constipation from rasa kalpa, but flushing the system is to be avoided, the body should be made to assimilate the mineral preparation.
  • 60. Sea and Shells • Shankha Bhasma (purified conch shell oxide) – Shankha Bhasma is the white powder of conch shell oxide. Used in diarrhea, duodenal ulcer and acidity. Externally used as a plaster for acne. • Samudraphenam (sea foam / Sepia species) – Samudraphenam is the Sanskrit name for the cuttlefish bone that is found floating on sea- water (thus called sea foam), then collected and dried into a layered natural product. It is astringent in taste, and reduces Kapha dosha. For its drying effect, it is used as a powder in otorrhea, and in pastes for skin diseases, psoriasis etc. For the same reason it is a major ingredient in external formulas for certain eye diseases. • Shukti Bhasma (oyster shell ash /Ostrea gigas) – Shukti Bhasma is alkaline in taste. The shell is purified and burnt into ash before use. It is used for gastritis, duodenal ulcer, splenitis, hepatitis, stomach acidity, and kidney stones. It is often added to hypertension formulas. It is diuretic and has medicinal value in the treatment of some types of blurred vision. Used externally as a plaster for erysipelas and blisters. • Sauvarchalam (black salt) – Black salt is made by combining mineral salt (saindhavam) and sodium bicarbonate (sarjikshara). It is good for heart disease, indigestion, bloated stomach, tumors, and colic pain.
  • 61. Mercury and sulphur • Gandhaka Bhasma (purified sulfur oxide)- – Unpurified sulfur can cause hot sensations, blood defects and mental disorders. Gandhaka Bhasma is used for skin diseases, blood defects, lead poisoning, and mercury poisoning. Use only 12.5 milligrams to 1 gram per dose. • Kajjali (mercury powder ground with pure sulphur for purification) – Kajjali is mercury powder ground with pure sulphur until a black powder forms. The mercury is almost completely inert in this form, but still has potential for misuse and must be prescribed by a trained Ayurvedic doctor. It is a restorative useful for all three Doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha), and is especially good for increasing shukradhatu (semen). • Rasakarpura (white crystal of mercury sulphide / mineral camphore) – Rasakarpura is made by taking mercury and sulphur and burning in fire. The resultant combination is mixed with mineral salt then heated in a bottle with hot sand until camphor-like white crystals form in the neck of the bottle. It is toxic, and only qualified Vaidyas can prescribe it, and even then only in minute doses. It is illegal to use in many countries. Used for skin diseases, blood defects and worms.
  • 62. Iron Lauha • Lauha Bhasma (purified iron oxide) – Unpurified and unoxidized iron can be the cause of heart disease, leprosy, colic, impotence, constipation and gallbladder, bladder and kidney stones. Purified and oxidized Lauha Bhasma is used in anemia, hepatitis, liver disease, and edema. • Mandura Bhasma (purified iron ore oxide) – Mandura Bhasma is astringent and bitter-like in taste, and cooling in action. It is used in splenitis, enlarged spleen (Plihabriddhi), enlarged liver (Yakritvriddhi), hepatitis (Kamala), anemia (Pandu), edema (Sotha), blood loss (Raktaksaya) and itching (Kandu). It is usually given with honey or Triphala decoction (three fruits compound). For swelling, it is given with Punarnava decoction (Boerhavia difusa).
  • 63. sulphide • Haritala Bhasma (orpiment / purified yellow arsenic trisulphide) – Unpurified orpiment can cause heat, skin diseases, and death. Purified orpiment is used in skin diseases, gout, and blood defects, and also as a Rasayana. • Hingulu Bhasma (cinnabar / purified red cinnabar sulphide) – Unpurified cinnabar can cause urinary diseases, delusions and mental disorders. Cinnabar Bhasma is good for mentality and strongly promotes good blood circulation. It is a Rasayana. It is used in rheumatism, fevers, urinary diseases, and liver and spleen diseases. • Manashila Bhasma (purified realgar) – Realgar is a natural mineral product. Unpurified realgar can cause arsenic poisoning, constipation, dysurea, and skin diseases. Purified realgar is used as a strong anti-toxin and anti-poison, especially used in skin diseases, asthma cough, and chronic fever. It is widely used as an external application for eye diseases for the same reasons. • Sauvira Bhasma (purified antimony sulfide) – Sauvira is a mineral product found in the form of heavy black rock. It has two varieties, sauviranjan and srotoja-anjan. Both are used similarly. It is astringent in taste with a cooling effect. Purified antimony made into a microfine powder is used in hemorrhage, menorrhagia, hiccup, and vomiting. Unpurified, it causes lead poisoning, colic, arthritis, skin diseases, paralysis, tumors and nerve defects. A collyrium made of the purified powder is used to prevent cataract formation.
  • 64. Medicine • Sphutikarika (purified alum) – Sphutikarika is a natural product extracted from Saurastra clay in the form of a crystal. It is astringent and acidic in taste. In general, it is used in the form of a honey paste for gargling or washing, for the purpose of stopping bleeding, or to treat tonsillitis, stomatitis, and prolapses of the anus or uterus. In the case of conjunctivitis, eye drops made of purified alum are very effective. Alum is also used in scabies, ringworm, eczema, erysipelas and freckles. • Yavakshara alkaline ash (barley plant / Hordeum vulgare) – Yavakshara is a diuretic medicine made of barley plant ash. It is used for dysuria, painful urination, kidney stones, and cystitis and to flush the kidneys. It is always used with plenty of water to drink. Due to its power, it is used in minute quantities. Overdose can cause nausea.
  • 65. Metals • Tamra Bhasma (purified copper oxide) – Unpurified and unoxidized copper can be a cause of vomiting, dizziness, fainting and diarrhea. Tamra Bhasma is used for vomiting, dizziness, fainting and diarrhea. In general, it reduces Pitta. It can also be used for any cranial disease. • Vanga Bhasma (purified tin oxide) – Vanga Bhasma is the white powder of tin oxide. Unpurified tin oxide causes leprosy, tumors, urinary diseases, anemia, and blood defects. Purified Vanga is salt- like, bitter and astringent in taste, and good for fatty defects, urinary diseases and anemia. It is also a Rasayana and brain restorative. • Yashada Bhasma (purified zinc oxide) – Unpurified and unoxidized zinc can be the cause of tumors, urinary diseases, and debility and skin diseases. Purified and oxidized zinc is used for urinary diseases, especially urinary frequency, for menorrhagia and for Vata imbalance. It has a very constrictory effect on the mucous membranes. • Soraka (potassium chloride) – Soraka is used as a diuretic and for edema.
  • 66. Rock Minerals • Shilajita – Shilajita is “ejected” out of rocks during hot weather in the Himalayas. It is bitter and slightly pungent in taste, and mildly warming in action. It has the distinct odor of cow urine. Shilajita strengthens immunity, reduces fatigue, slows aging, tonifies the brain, cleanses the blood, and strengthens the liver and kidneys. It is a Rasayana and an aphrodisiac, given to people suffering from chronic bronchitis, digestive disease, diseases of the nerves, and fractures. Shilajita is a brain restorative, and is used to purify the urinary tract, kidneys and the genitals. It is anti-fatigue and anti- diabetic, used in diabetes, anemia, aging, bronchitis, skin diseases, liver disease, constipation, dyspepsia, and all urinary diseases. It strengthens the effects of other herbs (yogavaha).
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  • 69. Rasa Mercury- Kajjali • Besides, all synonyms used for Lord Shiva in Hindu mythology can be used for Mercury. • It is described in Rasa text books that – Mercury is the semen of Lord Shiva and – Sulfur is menses of Goddess Parwati (wife of Shiva). • Therefore, the compact union of Mercury and sulfur is always creative.
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  • 73. talaka-bhasmam • Realgar, α-As4S4, – arsenic sulfide – ruby Sulphur – "ruby of arsenic". – It is a soft, sectile mineral occurring in monoclinic crystals, or in granular, compact, or powdery form, often in association with the related mineral, orpiment (As2S3).
  • 76. Rasa sastra highest potential • mercury (Parada, Rasaraja, Maharasa, Mishraka, Shivaviryam, Suta) • Kajoli (mercury mixed with sulfur ) Not for edible use
  • 77. Arogyawardhini Arogyavardhini containing various herbs along with mercury (Kajjali), Lauh bhasma (processed Iron), Abhrak Bhasma (Calcined mica) Tamra Bhasma (Processed Copper)
  • 79. Arogyavardhini • Ingredients: – Shuddha Parad, – Shuddha Gandhak, – Loha Bhasma, – Vanga Bhasma, – Tamra Bhasma, Kansya Bhasma, – Hartal Bhasma, Nila Thotha Bhasma, Shankh Bhasma, – Kapardak (Kapardika) Bhasma, – Sonth (Dried Ginger) – Zingiber Officinale, – Black Pepper, Long Pepper, – Haritaki – Terminalia Chebula, – Amalaki – Emblica Officinalis, – Chavya, Kachur, Vaividang, Vidha ke Beej, Pipalamool, Patha, Hauber, – Vacha (Sweet Flag) – Acorus Calamus, Elaichi, Deodara, Sumudar Namak, – Sendha Namak, Sambhar Namak, – Vida Namak, Kala Namak, Haritaki Decoction
  • 80. Lilavilas Ras • Kajjali, - Mercury and sulphur • Abhrak Bhasma - Mica • Tamra Bhasma- copper • Lauh Bhasma. - Iron • Indication: Alterative and antacid. • Used in hyperacidity and its complications, liver tonic, burning micturations.
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  • 83. Baidyanath Chandrakala Ras Tablet • Chandrakala Ras is a combination of • Kajjali, Tamra Bhasma, Moti pishti, Abhak bhasma, • Giloy, kutki, Pitpapara,Khus, Choti pippal, Vanshlochan, svet chandan, Anantmool, Nagarmotha, Meetha, Anar, Milk, Kewda, Kamal, Shatavari and Munakka. • It is an herbal tablet used in Ayurvedic treatment of diabetes and its complications such as neuropathy. • Chandrakala Ras is used in Ayurvedic treatment of bleeding disorders, diabetes and its complications. Besides this it is also used in leucorrhea (white discharge), menorrhagia (heavy menstruation), haemorrhages, haemoptysis (blood in cough), haematuria (blood in urine), dysuria (painful urination), burning sensation during urination and burning sensation of palms and soles.
  • 85. Parpati • Parpati (means brittle) which disintegrates and gets absorbed in small intestine region and not in stomach. • These medicines are used to treat grahni related problems and low appetite. – Panchamrut Parpati – Shwet Parpati
  • 86. Panchamrit Parpati • Regarding the ingredients of every Parpati Kalpana, – Mercury and Sulphur are the primary ingredients. – Later on Iron, Copper, Tin, Zinc, Lead, Silver and Gold have been added out of the metals from time to time in different preparations. – In addition precious stones and Jewels i.e. Diamond, Pearl, Ruby, Neelam etc. have been also included as ingredients of the Parpati. • A large number of herbs have been also used as ingredients in the preparation of different Parpatis having special indication.Most commonly used herbals are – Trikatu, Bhringraja, Shigru, Nirgundi, Chitraka, Zeeraka, Dhatura, Bakuchi, Vacha, Kupilu SwaRasa or docoction.
  • 87. Rasa Parpati • Type-1. Based upon use of Kajjali and other ingredients – Parpati containing only Kajjali (Parada and Gandhaka)- Ex. Rasa Parpati – Parpati containing Kajjali with one or more loha / dhatu. - Ex. Tamra Parpati, Panchamrita Parpati, Loha Parpati, Vijaya Parpati etc – Parpati containing Kajjali and one or more Kasthaushadhi. - Ex: Pranada Parpati, Bola Parpati • Type-2. Based on procedure and ingredients used – Sagandha Parpati: Containing Parada and Gandhaka- ex: Rasa Parpati, Tamra Parpati, Loha Parpati, Bola Parpati, Panchamrita Parpati etc. – Nirgandha Parpati: Without Parada and Gandhaka- ex: Shweta Parpati, Malla Parpati etc.,
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  • 90. Panchamrut Parpati • Parpati (means brittle) which disintegrates and gets absorbed in small intestine region and not in stomach. • These medicines are used to treat grahni related problems and low appetite. • Panchamrut Parpati • Parad and Gandhak mixture (mostly Kajjali or the black sulphide of mercury) along with • Lauh, abhrak and Tamra Bhasma.
  • 91. Shwet Parpati • Shwet Parpati increases blood flow in kidneys and urine output. It has diuretic, alterative, analgesic, anti- inflammatory and urinary supportive action • Ingredients of Shwet ParpatiKalami Shora (Potassium nitrate)Phitkari( Potash Alum)Navsadar ( Ammonium chloride)
  • 92. Tansukh Swet Parpati • Treatment and management of painful urination. The churna serves as a diuretic and makes it easy to urinate. • Key Ingredients: Surya Kshara • Sphatika • Navasadara
  • 93. Credits “Only that which can bring about a cure is a correct medicine. And it is only he who can relieve his patients of their ailments who is the best physician.” - Charak
  • 94. Sidda RasaSastra • Rasavatham ரசவாதம் • In Tamil Siddha Medicine system Rasavatham ரசவாதம் means Alchemy. – Rasa denotes mercury and – vatham means preparation of gold from mercury or other metals. Alchemy is called by different names in Siddha System, as Vagaara viththai வகார வித்தத, Yema viththai ஏமவித்தத, Rasavatham ரசவாதம், Thanga viththai தங்க வித்தத etc…
  • 95. Alchemy of Metals in siddha. • The base metals are converted in gold or of high grade pure metals or oxides for preparation of medicines. • Mercury இரசம் , Sulfur கந்தகம், Salt (Muppu) குரு மருந்து were used. • Siddhars were adept in this type of alchemy and different versions were innovated
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  • 98. Q&A
  • 100. • Abharak- mica • Akik pishti- agate processed • Anjana- collyrium • Audbhida lavana- reha salt • Ayaskantam- magnetic iron ore • Capala- bismuth • Dugdha pasanam- talc/ soft stone • Gairik- hematite • Gandhaka- sulpher • Gauri Pasanah- white arsenic • Gomed- zircon or Hessonite (depending on text) • Jasat Bhasma- processed calx of zinc • Haritalo- orpiment, As2S3 • Hingula- cinnabar, HgS • Hirraka- diamond • Kaharuba- amber • Kajjali- black sulphide mercury • Kanksi- aluminum • Karketena- chrysoberyl, crysolite • Kasisa Godanti bhasma- ferrous sulphate and gypsum calx. Hematinic, tonic, astringent. [[1]] • Kauseyasma- asbestos • Khaiska- chalk • Krishna abharak- biotite mica (black mica) • Ksharas- alkalis • Kshara parpati- dehydrated homogenous blend of ammonium chloride, potash alum, and potassium nitrate. Diuretic, lithotropic, febrifuge, anti-flatulent. Used in disuria, olyguria, colic, urinary infections, urinary calculi, and hyperacidity.
  • 101. • Loha- iron • Makaradhvaja rasa- a gold containing red colored mercury compound • Makshik- ferri sulphuratum, iron pyrite • Malla sindura rasa- arsenic containing mercury compound • Manah Sila- realgar, As2S2 • Manduram- iron oxide, rusted iron • Manikya- ruby • Marakata- emerald • Moti pishti- pearl processed • Mukta- pearl • Naga- lead • Naga Pasana- serpentine • Nila- saphire • Palanka- onyx • Parada- mercury • Parpata ksara- ksara obtained from alkaline earth • Perojaka- turquoise • Pilu- Jade • Pittala- brass • Praval- coral • Pushparapa- topaz • Puspanjana- zinc oxide • Puttika- Peridote
  • 102. • Rasa- mercury • Rasa sindura- a red sulphide of mercury • Rasaka- zinc ore • Rajata- silver • Rajavarta- lapis lazuli • Riti- brass • Romaka lavana- common salt • Roupya- silver, argentum • Rudhiram- carnelian • Saidhara lavana- rock salt • Sambhara lavana- common salt • Samudra lavana- sea salt • Sange yasaba- jade • Sapheda- white lead • Sauvarcala lavana- black salt • Sauviranjana- galena • Sikata- sand • Sindura- red oxide of lead • Sisaka- lead • Shouktik-oystrea edulis • Shringa- cervus elephus • Shrungha- deer horns • Spatika- quartz • Sudha- lime • Sugandhikam- spinel • Surma sapheda- calcite • Surya ksarah- potassium nitrate • Suvarna- gold • Suvarna Makshika- chalcopyrite, copper pyrite • Svarjika ksarah- Borax
  • 103. • Talaka- orpiment • Tamra- copper • Tarksya- emerald • Trinakanta- amber • Turkhaja- Turquoise • Upalam- chalcedony, opal, agate • Vanga- SNO2, aluminum oxide, tin, stannum • Vaidurya- aquamarine or cat’s eye (debatable) • Vaikranta- tourmaline • Vajra- diamond • Varanga- antimony • Vatsa-nabha- aconite • Vida lavana- ammonium salt • Yashoda- zinc • Yavaksarah- potassium salt • Yeshalo pishti- jade processed