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Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media
Unit 15:
Print Based Advertising
St. Andrew’s Catholic School –
Unit 15 Overview
Candidate Name – Morgan Rhyann Pearson
Candidate Number - 2110
• Slide 3 - Aims and Objectives
• Slide 4 – Sponsorship
• Slide 5 - Target Audience –
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
• Slide 6 - Target Audience – Katz
Uses and Gratification theory
• Slide 7 - Target Audience –
Hartley's Seven Subjectivities
• Slide 8 - Target Audience – Socio-
Economic needs
• Slide 9 - Target Audience –
Spending Power
• Slide 10 - Target Audience –
• Slide 11 – Representation
• Slide 12 - Representation Theories
• Slide 13 - Campaign message –
Unique Selling Point
• Slide 14 - Campaign message
• Slide 15 - Print-based
• Slide 16 - Print Based
Advertisements used in the
• Slide 17 - Copyright and
intellectual property
• Slide 18 - Legal and ethical issues
need to be considered by
• Slide 19 - Poster Legal and ethical
• Slide 20 - Intellectual Property
• Slide 21 – Libel
• Slide 22 – Royalties
• Slide 23 - Public Interest
• Slide 24 - Violence and Offensive
• Slide 25 - Regulatory bodies
• Slide 26 – Ofcom
• Slide 27 - Advertising Standards
Authority (ASA)
• Slide 28 - CAP Guidelines
• Slide 29 – Method
• Slide 30 - Audio-Visual
• Slide 31 - Target Audience –
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
• Slide 32 - Target Audience – Katz
Uses and Gratification theory
• Slide 33 - Target Audience –
Hartley's Seven Subjectivities
• Slide 34 - Target Audience – Socio-
Economic needs
• Slide 35 - Target Audience –
• Slide 36 - Target Audience –
Spending Power
• Slide 37 – Representation
• Slide 38 - Campaign Message
• Slide 39 - Legal and Ethical Issues
• Slide 40 - Model Release form
• Slide 41 - Advertising Standards
Authority (ASA)
• Slide 42 – Ofcom
• Slide 43 – Method
• Slide 44 - (M1) Similarities
between UMF’s Poster and Audio-
visual advert
• Slide 45 - (M1) Differences
between UMF’s Poster and Audio-
Visual advert
• Slide 46 - Conclusion
Aims and Objectives
What is the aim?
This is a advert campaign of Ultra music Festival. It is to create
awareness and promote the popular music festival on the 27th-29th of
March in Miami. There are also multiple festivals around the globe
going on around the spring and summer dates.
Advertising their festival will increase interest of the event and
knowledge of its existence. This could lead those interested in it to go
to the festival which would increase sales of the event. By advertising
this it will also increase brand awareness for Ultra. As there is a new
festival every year with a new line up of artists, the advertising
campaign will want to raise awareness to the new festival dates and
release. The campaign is mainly to create awareness about the
festival as on most advertisement there are no prices shown but
mostly the line up and atmosphere is shown.
The advertising campaign also includes the next UMF festival which
happens once a year and may be forgotten when the dates are by
some people. It reminds people of the festival and makes it look
different and better than last years.
Ultra is partnered with lots of popular products
such as; Miami Music Week, 7UP and Red Bull.
Target Audience – Maslow’s Hierarchy of
It could be argued that the target
audience according to Maslow would be
‘Social Climbers’. By going to this event it
will increase their social status as they are
able to say they have been to the world
famous Ultra music festival and they have
also seen multiple famous artists perform.
They will also have experienced going to a
3 day long festival which the average
youth of society will not having
experienced thus improving their status.
The audience can also be seen as
‘Explores’ as they are driven by social
change which could happen at a festivals
where new trends are created which
could go viral as festivals at the time are
the biggest events for this genre of music.
Target Audience – Katz Uses and
Gratification theory
Ultra music festival can be classed as a
‘Diversion’ for the target audience as the
audience can escape from reality and
immerse themselves in the festival and
music. As this is a three day event
participants can fully immerse themselves in
the party atmosphere and can constantly
experience the party like mood.
Furthermore, as this is happening over 3 days
they can distance themselves from reality
and enough themselves without thinking of
the ‘outside world’ to enjoy a break.
They are also able to build a ‘Personal
Relationship’ as they can form a close bond
with the artists as they have seen them
perform thus the experience together forms
a bond.
Target Audience – Hartley's Seven
The age range of this festival is for young adults
around 18-25. The clubbing and dance music is
popular with this age range. Also as the
audience has to stay over night it is unlikely
there will be under 18s. This poster is quite
basic so it may appeal to a older audiences as
there isn’t lots of bright colours. The Gender is
split evenly between male and females. This
may be because that the poster is both pink
and blue which shows that there is split
between the genders which Ultra aim for.
However, there is mostly blue which could
suggest that the aim is mostly towards males.
As this event is world wide there is a wide
variety of classes and ethnicities which attend
but stereotypically it is usually white middle
class people who attend. This is because that
White males usually listen to this particular
music and want to attend this tours and also,
from previous events this is the main type of
person who would attend this even.
Target Audience – Socio-Economic needs
The average attendee of this
festival will be between the C2, D
and E category. This is because the
festival is mostly in a student age
range or younger people. The
categories above (A,B and C1) are
usually for older adults who have
developed a career which takes
time so they are older.
The lifestyle these people have are
very student like where they like to
go clubbing and partying. They like
to socialize and trying new
experiences due to them becoming
mature adults.
Target Audience – Spending Power
As the audience is lower in the
demographic range (E,D,C2) and more
student like the spending power is likely
to be very low as students are known for
not having a lot of money. Although,
this festival is expensive as it is likely
that despite the audiences low spending
power they will send a long time saving
money to attend this festival. UMF have
to reduced their ticket price due to their
audience complaining that they couldn’t
afford it and they were also losing the
amount of people buying tickets. This
made them reduce their prices as a
Target Audience – Psychographics
Most people who attend Ultra music
festival can be sectioned into multiple
psychographics for example ‘Aspirers’.
These are people who seek status. They
can be described as being materialistic,
orientated about their image
appearance and persona. These are
qualities of lots of younger people.
They can also be described as
‘Explorers’ because by going to the
festival they want to discover
something new. They have lots of
energy, individualistic and value
differences. This psychographic is seen
in students and that is a large section of
the audience which go to this event.
Definition: Media representations are the ways in which the media
portrays particular groups, communities, experiences, ideas, or topics from
a particular ideological or value perspective.
The Ultra music festival poster appeals to a adventurous social group which
want to experience something new and may want to gain social status.
Specifically the poster is very colourful and dark. The Background is blue
and purple with hints of pink and orange in the corners where there is a 3D
circle which is split up. The deep dark blue connotes the night sky which is
when the main festival takes place after dark. The background image has
lines which sweep across the page. These connote lights and lasers which
are on the main stage when a DJ is performing. The circles on the top right
and bottom left can also denote this as being flashing lights which appear
on the stage. Around the ultra logo it is light blue which illuminates the
logo and shows its importance and gather the attention which is one of the
main purposes. The white text is bright against the dark background which
makes it stand out well.
The parts of the poster which are purple and pink may aim itself at as its at
females due to it being more related to their gender. Yet, is also blue which
connote males. They use the two main stereotypical colour to attract both
genders. The white text for the artists are gender neutral as the artist are
liked equally by each gender.
The Ultra logo looks like an on/off button. This can connote that the Ultra
festivals are the best to be as that is when the house and clubbing music
festival is turned on. It can also connote the power with the festival turning
the house and clubbing music on.
Representation Theories
Diana Saco (Female Gaze):
This theory is based around gaze
from a female audience. For this
poster lots of the artists are
male and Carl Coxs being
featured implies that the poster
is aimed towards females.
Campaign message – Unique Selling Point
Ultra music festivals’ slogan is ‘Music brings us together’. This creates a sense of
community with the people who want to and do attend UMF. Thus encourages people to
go and be part of something big being connected with music.
The Unique Selling Point of Ultra is the experience which people are able to take part in.
The artists/DJs which are performing there are one of the biggest/most important factor
about attending. However, due to the mass amount the of people and for the festival going
over a 3 days with staying overnight; the experience is the most important and unique
point of UMF and is why it is vastly popular with the audience. The USP on the poster is
the are the 3D balls in two corners as they represent a 3D version of the UMF logo which is
exclusive to the UMF festivals. This may appeal to a more sophisticated audience which can
better appreciate the effort to make the poster and logo. Another feature which could be
appealing are the different font styles for each artist and band. They represent what each
artist style of music is like.
UMF represent this to their audience via their advertisement through their poster and
audio-visual advert.
The media outlet which they have chosen is broadcast mostly over the web. As this festival
is popular globally and attendees come from all over the world. Broadcast media is the
best way to advertise reaching most their target audience. However, there are also
billboards printed around Miami which advertises the festival in the up-coming weeks to it.
But this is the only print based media which I spread as everything else is broadcasted
which is mostly online. UMF also have merchandise which is clothing and accessories with
their logo on it.
The campaign is aimed at younger people as most
people who attendee and like this genre of music
are young adults and students. They are usually
sold on the experience of the party like festival and
atmosphere. They also show this as an un
forgettable experience which is very appealing to
students. However, they are also interested in the
artist performing which will grab their attention as
they are recognize the Djs names and the
popularity they have, which makes it more
appealing to go.
Campaign message Continued
Print-based advertisements
This is a flyer from the ultra Miami in 2015. This is good as it is the same as there online
poster but a physical copy which can be handed out in Miami. This can also be mass
produced so that they are very popular and a common site in public which boosts how
many people know about the festival. They are able to be mass produced as they are very
cheap to print. This has their online website on for people to buy the tickets and find out
more which is also on their billboard. Both also show the dates which the event is on for
and Ultra’s logo.
There is most likely to be adverts on the Radio in Miami which broadcasts the same genre
of music which states when UMF festival is happening and where it is. There are probably
adverts in the local news papers and articles written in local newspapers as this is a very
big event which happens yearly and most of the local people know about it as thousands
of tourists will go to the festival.
Ultra music festival have there own website where they are able to advertise all their
tickets and other events. This is a way that they advertise themselves and are the top
result on a good search for tickets and most information. They also have their own
separate website where they sell merchandise. These covers men and women's clothing
as well as other accessories.
The adverts are similar as they all have the same logo. They also have the same colour
scheme which further reinforces their brand and the colour may be associated with UMF.
Print Based Advertisements used in
the campaign
UMF also advertise multiple festivals through their social media accounts such as; Facebook and Twitter.
On Facebook they upload photos which advertise the dates of the festivals, they also upload videos
advertising their festivals. They also post regular pictures of the events which they have had and the
artist which have performed. UMF also on Facebook share links to their website where people can buy
tickets and find out more information about it.
They also use Twitter to advertise their festivals. They post very similar content to what they post on
Facebook. They post pictures showing what the dates and location is. They also share videos of adverts
to festivals and links to their own website. They also like Facebook have normal photos of previous
festival and artists which have performed on stage.
Copyright and intellectual property
UMF’s Intellectual property text, designs, graphics, logos, page headers, button icons, scripts, service names, technical
documents, product information, sounds, music, videos and streaming content will owned UMF and protected by
copyright patent and trademark laws.
You cannot directly or through other devices remove, alter, bypass, avoid or interfere with they copyright trademark or
other proprietary notice marks on ultras live Streams or DRM mechanisms.
Their copyright rules with Users content on Communication Services will not contain material to websites that infringe
or violate of any third party copyright patent or trademarks.
They enforce their rights to intellectual property rights to the fullest extent permitted by the law as stated on their
website. Any unauthorized attempt to copy or modify their content or to circumvent or defeat any of the security
features designed to protect their content is strictly prohibited.
It is ultra music festivals policy to block or remove any User Content and other materials on their Sites and/or made
available on or through the Services that they believe in good faith infringes the intellectual property rights of others.
Legal and ethical issues need to be
considered by advertisers
Legally a advertisers will need to consider if the content which they are using isn’t
owned by someone else, especially if it is legally protected as they could mean that
they are breaking the law as they are stealing a third parties material. For an
advertiser it if they are going to use other content which they haven't made they
should contact the owner and ask for permission or buy the content from the owner
so that they legally own the content. For Ultra if they are using photos from an event
which they would need to ask for permission from the owner before publishing it in an
advert for an example. These images may be found on the internet and twitter so
legally they will need permission.
Also, when distributing information advertisers need to be sure that everything they
say is true as they can legally break the law. This is common when quoting people who
may not have said something. For example, if Ultra was going to get an artist to
promote their festivals they would need to make sure that what they said was true
and not fake. Otherwise, they would get into legal trouble.
Ethically, Ultra will have to make sure that what they are advertising wasn’t going to
upset anyone as they are representing Ultra. They will need to make sure that any
photos or videos aren’t offensive. This means that there can’t be any inappropriate
images or videos. For example no one drunk or taking drugs.
Poster Legal and ethical
For legal considerations UMF will have
to make sure that they have permission
to use the fonts which they have used in
this poster. There are lots of different
fonts which is third party content which
may be copyrighted. So, they need to
make sure that they either have
permission to use it or buy the rights to
There are no ethical issues with this
poster as it is just colour and text for
artist names so there are no ethical
considerations which could be violated.
If there was an extended amount of text
it must be relevant and not offensive to
Intellectual Property
The best way to protect your Intellectual Property
is to get a patent which is a legal document where
no one else can use your information/product for
their own profit. This means that the UMF poster
will be protected and no one else can copy it for
their own profit. If someone did want to use it
they would either have to pay a sum to use it with
permission from UMF or face legal actions against
them for unlawfully using their content to make
profit for themselves.
Libel means publishing a false statement that is damaging
to a person’s reputation, usually in written defamation.
For this festival UMF must make sure that nothing which
they print can be called as defamation against artists or
bands. Defamation is the action of damaging the good
reputation of someone. This means UMF must make sure
that they do not effect artists reputations negatively. They
must represent each artist equally and not be bias
between artists. This is not a criminal offence and there
are no laws against defaming people however, it is seen as
a civil wrong. This can make UMF look as if they are
attacking artists which may no longer want to perform for
them and the public might see it as an attack thus may
reduce UMFs reputation.
Royalties is a sum paid to a patentee for the use of their
content/product for each copy of their content or product
used. For a festival the music used must be considered
when being performed as all music by artist will have
legally protected through royalties. A way in which UMF
can get permission from artists to use at their festival is
through the PRS. UMF need to make sure that they have
the right license to stage their event. The PRS will contact
and obtain a the music details and will calculate how
much will be charged.
The logo will also be part of royalties as if UMF logo is
used then royalties will have to be paid to them as they
own this content.
Public Interest
The advertisements will need to appeal to the
publics interest and welfare. By doing this they
will improve their reputation with the public as
they will like what UMF are offering thus, they
will associate UMF with offering that they want
to see. By doing this through promotion and
adverts they will spread their positive image to
what the public is interested in.
Violence and Offensive Language
UMF shouldn’t use violent and offensive language
due to them using posters anyone can see this and
they can be offended. This includes children and it
would be inappropriate for them to read this
language. Also, anyone can be offended by this
language so it is better not to use it as if it isn’t used
then there is no chance of offending anyone. This is
despite the audience being 18+ as this would be a
more suitable age to show violent and aggressive
language, although some people may still be
Regulatory bodies
A regulatory agency is a public authority or government
agency responsible for exercising autonomous authority.
For regulating adverts there is the Advertising Standards
Authority and Ofcom.
The codes which are used in the UK applies to adverts
across multiple media platforms including newspapers,
magazines, billboards, posters, leaflets, mailing, e-mail,
texts and UK based websites
The impact which these regulatory agencies have is that if
an advert breaches the UK advertising codes it must be
withdrawn or amended and the advertisers must not use
the approach again. Each year the ASA consider over
30,000 complaints for 20,000 adverts.
Ofcom regulate TV, Radio, video, telecom, mobile and
postal forms of advertisement. They make sure that
people who live in the UK can get the best from their
communication service and they are protected from
scams while ensuring that competition can thrive. They
do this under multiple Acts of Parliament. These are set
by Parliament legislations.
Ultra use’s multiple of these types of adverts so they
need to be aware of these regulations however an advert
in my magazine will make it unlikely for ofcom to
investigate them.
Advertising Standards Authority (ASA)
The ASA are a organization where they have to responsibility
to regulate adverts and respond to complaints about them.
People will complain if they are offended and the ASA will
check to see if they break any codes.
This means that Ultra will have to make sure their adverts are
appropriate so that they won’t offend anyone and they are
able to be within the codes set by the ASA. In Ultra’s poster
advertisement they have to make sure that the images and
what is written is appropriate. This will also mean that the
advert is ethically sound meaning it shouldn’t offend anyone.
In the advert they need to make that it doesn’t ‘Glorify’ crime,
drinking alcohol, sexual activities or drug taking. At a festival it
is likely that these activities could happen however, in an
advert they mustn’t make this a selling point as it will be
breaking the ASA rules.
CAP Guidelines
The sales promotion outline some of the advertising rules
which are set up by the CAP. Rule 8.1 states – ‘promoters
are responsible for all aspects and all stages of their
promotions’ This means that anything wrong or any
complaints about an advert will be UMF’s problem and
they will need to make responsibility for it. Rule 8.2 also
states that promotions should be fair and equal with
participants, so promoters must avoid unnecessary
disappointment. This means when there are deals and
giveaway rewards there must be an equal chance for
everyone which UMF might decide to do a ticket
giveaway they must have this in mind. The rules also
cover the protection of customers safety and suitability,
Children and Availability.
Ultra’s advert is placed globally due to it being on the internet as it is
accessible everywhere. This is helped by the use of social media where
people are able to spread adverts and their own experiences. There is also
advertisement in the DJ magazine URB which is an online exclusive. They have
reported and advertised the Ultra Music Festivals. Also, in the Miami area
there are billboards closer to the time which the festival is being advertised.
Shock tactics – this is a method of advertising where they promote something
controversial and against social norms which is meant to be offensive. They
do not use this as they do not need to shock or offend their audience to get
their attention as some adverts may need to for example drink driving.
Audio-Visual Advertisement
Ultra have created an advert to promote their festival. The video shows what
it would be like if you were part of the crowd while attending the festival. It
shows off the different stages in the festival and it also shows all the types of
people which you would see while performing. It also shows what the
atmosphere is like with during the different times of the day. Towards the end
of the video it presents the artist names which will be appearing and then
continues onto the showing the different stages. Then it shows the text ‘Ultra
music Festival 2015’, with the crowds perception in the background, then
showing the people on the crowd. The background then fades out and the
text shows the UMF logo and it also has their website URL until the song has
finished playing.
Target Audience – Maslow’s Hierarchy
of Needs
The target audience could be either ‘Social
climbers’ or ‘Explorers’ for this audio-visual advert.
By going to the festival they will be able to improve
their social status as they have been to a world
popular music festival and see multiple famous
artist. By seeing them live will boost their status.
They can be classed as ‘Explorers’ as the audience
being driven by social change will want to know
who is the best at the festival and be able to join
social change if they become more popular as new
artists are featured alongside the big artists.
Target Audience – Katz Uses and
Gratification theory
For UMF’s audio-visual advert I think that the target audience
can be categorized into ‘Diversion’ as by going to this 3 day
event where the audience will be involved in listening to
music constantly would mean that they can scape reality and
are able to immerse themselves in the festival. The advert is
trying to show how immersed the audience is and how you
can escape reality for a weekend.
They can also build ‘Personal Relationship’ as by watching an
artist play live will build a closer relationship between the
artist and the audience. The advert shows the large crowds
and their enjoyment and interaction with the music which
encourages people to go.
Target Audience – Hartley's Seven
This advert is aimed for people 18+. This is shown by the
crowd being mostly 18 -25 and this genre of music is generally
aimed towards young adults. Also, the festival is 18+ so should
appeal more to people who can attend. However, it does
appeal to those under 18 and may attract their interest early
on so that they can go they will already know and want to
It is aimed about both sexes as the experience is mostly what
people want to go and the artist appeal to both genders.
Most of the attendees are middle class as the tickets are
expensive which is on top of overnight accommodation and
travel costs.
The ethnicity is mixed as people from all over the world
attend but as it is in Miami there are mostly white people
Target Audience – Socio-Economic
The target audience is E
and D as most attendees
are students or have first
jobs as the audience are
all young adults. This
genre of music is also
aimed at this age and this
is what the audio-visual
advert shows.
Target Audience – Psychographics
The target audience can be
Aspirers as most of the
audience are young. They
have a need to seek status
and materialistic
possessions. The audio-
visual advert shows big
artists and states its in
Miami where some young
people may aspire to live a
luxury life. The audience
will seek this kind of
exposure to a higher
Target Audience – Spending Power
Ultra tickets are between £250 to £325. For
students this is a lot of money. As the audience
is mostly middle class it could be possible that
parents and they are able to afford the event by
saving up as it is a once a year event. Also, this is
what students are most likely to spend their
money on. There is also merchandises which can
be bought at the event.
Definition: Media representations are the ways in which the media portrays particular
groups, communities, experiences, ideas, or topics from a particular ideological or
value perspective.
The audio-visual advert appeals to people who want to be involved or like those in the
crowd which the video shows. They are seen as fun and adventurous people who
know how to have a good time and they are living a happy life. They mostly show
attractive young women of all ethnicities which could appeal to the male audience
according to Laura Mulvey’s ‘Male Gaze’ as men will be more interested in going to
Ultra and they gaze will be upon the females featured on it. Furthermore, there are no
close up shots of males. This could suggest that the audio-visual advert is aimed
towards men despite the festival being aimed at both male and females. The ‘female
gaze’ developed by Diana Saco could be the images of the artists which are mostly
Campaign Message
Ultras unique selling point is the line up which they
have of artists which are going to perform. They are
all very well know in the genre and is the main
reason why people attend the event. However, it is
also for the experience of listening to them on stage
and being in the big crowd and dancing to the
music together. The audio-visual advert show well
who the artists are and the type of atmosphere in
the crowd. This is also a once in a year event and
the best way to see all of the best artist in one place
especially if you live locally and can’t afford to fly
Legal and Ethical Issues
There are some issues which Ultra will have to consider
when making and publishing a audio-visual advert. They
will need to make sure that the font and logos aren’t
copyrighted. Also, they will need permission to use these
so they don’t break any copyright or intellectual property
Also the images which they show despite being designed
for 18+ can’t be inappropriate as it could be seen by
anyone. If there is inappropriate content this is ethically
bad as they do not want to present themselves in such a
way which could offend people. This will mean that all
the content they use must be suitable and reviewed
before releasing.
Model Release form
When UMF are taking photos of models they must get their
permission stating that they are happy and have given their
consent for their photos to be taken. This protects them
legally if the person decides that they no longer want that
photo of them to be used.
However, with UMF they are taking pictures and videos of the
crowd and it is impossible to get all of their permission and
consent to use their faces in a video. A way to get around this
is to include in their terms and conditions when they are
inside the festival their photos may be taken and by agreeing
to the terms and conditions then they are giving their
consent. They can also be reminded when entering the
festival that a photo or video of them maybe made public. If a
person doesn’t wan to appear in a advert, photo or video then
they can file a complaint and ask it to be removed.
Advertising Standards Authority (ASA)
The ASA are a organization where they have to responsibility
to regulate adverts and respond to complaints about them.
People will complain if they are offended and the ASA will
check to see if they break any codes.
This means that Ultra will have to make sure their adverts are
appropriate so that they won’t offend anyone and they are
able to be within the codes set by the ASA. In Ultra’s audio-
visual advert they have made sure that the music and
experience is appropriate with the videos of the crowd are
ethically sound meaning it shouldn’t offend anyone. In the
advert they need to make that it doesn’t ‘Glorify’ crime,
drinking alcohol, sexual activities or drug taking. At a festival it
is likely that these activities could happen however, in an
advert they mustn’t make this a selling point as it will be
breaking the ASA rules.
Ofcom will be checking that their aren’t any
scam being advertised in the UK on TV, radio
and telecoms. Ultra will need to make sure that
they abide by these rules. These rules are
operated under a number of parliament acts.
This is done to protect people from bad
practices through different communication
The method which UMF are going to use to share their
audio-visual advert will be through social media. They can
post their video on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to
get their followers aware of the upcoming festival and
they can share this with their other social media friends.
UMF have also released their video on YouTube where
people can also share this but websites which may write
articles about the upcoming festival will be able to link
and embed the video on their website.
As this is a video they can also advertise this on TV where
a large number of people will be able to see it although,
they won’t all be part of their target audience and it is
(M1) Similarities between UMF’s
Poster and Audio-visual advert
They both make it clear what artists are performing and what the dates are. The
poster has all of the artist in the middle of the page and the audio-visual advert has all
the artist appear on the middle of the screen near the end of the video.
The colour schemes are both dark and have a contrast of bright lights. This years event
is is focused around the colours blue, purple, pink and black which is a consistent
colour scheme throughout both adverts. The UMF website also keeps the same colour
scheme with dark black colours which contrast with bright colours (purple, pink and
The adverts also share the similar font styles. They both only use white. It is also
higher and thinner font which is used consistently in the poster and the audio-visual
By having similarities UMF are able to build a consistent brand identity so that their
audience are able to link and recognize UMFs adverts which increase their knowledge
of the brand.
(M1) Differences between UMF’s
Poster and Audio-Visual advert
There are some differences between the audio-visual advert and the print based advert. The
audio-visual is more directed towards males through ‘Male Gaze’ whereas the posters have no
pictures so the male gaze theory doesn’t apply. This could meant that the audio-visual advert is
more directed to a male audience whereas the poster is more gender split.
The audio-visual focuses more on the atmosphere and the experience of the festival whereas
the poster concentrates on the what artists are going to be performing. The audio-visual advert
is mostly filmed in the crowd and looking onto the stage as their part of the crowd or on the
stage looking at the vast amount of people watching. The poster just shows the artists and the
dates of the event has has no images of the actual event.
In this Learning objective I have look at Ultra
Music Festivals advertisement poster and audio-
visual advert. I have looked at their aims, target
audience, campaign message, print based
advertisement, intellectual property, copy right
information, legal and ethical issues, libel,
royalties, public interest, offensive language,
regulatory bodies and methods used.

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Unit 15 - LO1

  • 1. – Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media Unit 15: Print Based Advertising St. Andrew’s Catholic School – Unit 15 Overview Candidate Name – Morgan Rhyann Pearson Candidate Number - 2110
  • 2. Content • Slide 3 - Aims and Objectives • Slide 4 – Sponsorship • Slide 5 - Target Audience – Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs • Slide 6 - Target Audience – Katz Uses and Gratification theory • Slide 7 - Target Audience – Hartley's Seven Subjectivities • Slide 8 - Target Audience – Socio- Economic needs • Slide 9 - Target Audience – Spending Power • Slide 10 - Target Audience – Psychographics • Slide 11 – Representation • Slide 12 - Representation Theories • Slide 13 - Campaign message – Unique Selling Point • Slide 14 - Campaign message Continued • Slide 15 - Print-based advertisements • Slide 16 - Print Based Advertisements used in the campaign • Slide 17 - Copyright and intellectual property • Slide 18 - Legal and ethical issues need to be considered by advertisers • Slide 19 - Poster Legal and ethical • Slide 20 - Intellectual Property • Slide 21 – Libel • Slide 22 – Royalties • Slide 23 - Public Interest • Slide 24 - Violence and Offensive Language • Slide 25 - Regulatory bodies • Slide 26 – Ofcom • Slide 27 - Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) • Slide 28 - CAP Guidelines • Slide 29 – Method • Slide 30 - Audio-Visual Advertisement • Slide 31 - Target Audience – Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs • Slide 32 - Target Audience – Katz Uses and Gratification theory • Slide 33 - Target Audience – Hartley's Seven Subjectivities • Slide 34 - Target Audience – Socio- Economic needs • Slide 35 - Target Audience – Psychographics • Slide 36 - Target Audience – Spending Power • Slide 37 – Representation • Slide 38 - Campaign Message • Slide 39 - Legal and Ethical Issues • Slide 40 - Model Release form • Slide 41 - Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) • Slide 42 – Ofcom • Slide 43 – Method • Slide 44 - (M1) Similarities between UMF’s Poster and Audio- visual advert • Slide 45 - (M1) Differences between UMF’s Poster and Audio- Visual advert • Slide 46 - Conclusion
  • 3. Aims and Objectives What is the aim? This is a advert campaign of Ultra music Festival. It is to create awareness and promote the popular music festival on the 27th-29th of March in Miami. There are also multiple festivals around the globe going on around the spring and summer dates. Advertising their festival will increase interest of the event and knowledge of its existence. This could lead those interested in it to go to the festival which would increase sales of the event. By advertising this it will also increase brand awareness for Ultra. As there is a new festival every year with a new line up of artists, the advertising campaign will want to raise awareness to the new festival dates and release. The campaign is mainly to create awareness about the festival as on most advertisement there are no prices shown but mostly the line up and atmosphere is shown. The advertising campaign also includes the next UMF festival which happens once a year and may be forgotten when the dates are by some people. It reminds people of the festival and makes it look different and better than last years.
  • 4. Sponsorship Ultra is partnered with lots of popular products such as; Miami Music Week, 7UP and Red Bull.
  • 5. Target Audience – Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs It could be argued that the target audience according to Maslow would be ‘Social Climbers’. By going to this event it will increase their social status as they are able to say they have been to the world famous Ultra music festival and they have also seen multiple famous artists perform. They will also have experienced going to a 3 day long festival which the average youth of society will not having experienced thus improving their status. The audience can also be seen as ‘Explores’ as they are driven by social change which could happen at a festivals where new trends are created which could go viral as festivals at the time are the biggest events for this genre of music.
  • 6. Target Audience – Katz Uses and Gratification theory Ultra music festival can be classed as a ‘Diversion’ for the target audience as the audience can escape from reality and immerse themselves in the festival and music. As this is a three day event participants can fully immerse themselves in the party atmosphere and can constantly experience the party like mood. Furthermore, as this is happening over 3 days they can distance themselves from reality and enough themselves without thinking of the ‘outside world’ to enjoy a break. They are also able to build a ‘Personal Relationship’ as they can form a close bond with the artists as they have seen them perform thus the experience together forms a bond.
  • 7. Target Audience – Hartley's Seven Subjectivities The age range of this festival is for young adults around 18-25. The clubbing and dance music is popular with this age range. Also as the audience has to stay over night it is unlikely there will be under 18s. This poster is quite basic so it may appeal to a older audiences as there isn’t lots of bright colours. The Gender is split evenly between male and females. This may be because that the poster is both pink and blue which shows that there is split between the genders which Ultra aim for. However, there is mostly blue which could suggest that the aim is mostly towards males. As this event is world wide there is a wide variety of classes and ethnicities which attend but stereotypically it is usually white middle class people who attend. This is because that White males usually listen to this particular music and want to attend this tours and also, from previous events this is the main type of person who would attend this even.
  • 8. Target Audience – Socio-Economic needs The average attendee of this festival will be between the C2, D and E category. This is because the festival is mostly in a student age range or younger people. The categories above (A,B and C1) are usually for older adults who have developed a career which takes time so they are older. The lifestyle these people have are very student like where they like to go clubbing and partying. They like to socialize and trying new experiences due to them becoming mature adults.
  • 9. Target Audience – Spending Power As the audience is lower in the demographic range (E,D,C2) and more student like the spending power is likely to be very low as students are known for not having a lot of money. Although, this festival is expensive as it is likely that despite the audiences low spending power they will send a long time saving money to attend this festival. UMF have to reduced their ticket price due to their audience complaining that they couldn’t afford it and they were also losing the amount of people buying tickets. This made them reduce their prices as a result. 2015/
  • 10. Target Audience – Psychographics Most people who attend Ultra music festival can be sectioned into multiple psychographics for example ‘Aspirers’. These are people who seek status. They can be described as being materialistic, orientated about their image appearance and persona. These are qualities of lots of younger people. They can also be described as ‘Explorers’ because by going to the festival they want to discover something new. They have lots of energy, individualistic and value differences. This psychographic is seen in students and that is a large section of the audience which go to this event.
  • 11. Representation Definition: Media representations are the ways in which the media portrays particular groups, communities, experiences, ideas, or topics from a particular ideological or value perspective. The Ultra music festival poster appeals to a adventurous social group which want to experience something new and may want to gain social status. Specifically the poster is very colourful and dark. The Background is blue and purple with hints of pink and orange in the corners where there is a 3D circle which is split up. The deep dark blue connotes the night sky which is when the main festival takes place after dark. The background image has lines which sweep across the page. These connote lights and lasers which are on the main stage when a DJ is performing. The circles on the top right and bottom left can also denote this as being flashing lights which appear on the stage. Around the ultra logo it is light blue which illuminates the logo and shows its importance and gather the attention which is one of the main purposes. The white text is bright against the dark background which makes it stand out well. The parts of the poster which are purple and pink may aim itself at as its at females due to it being more related to their gender. Yet, is also blue which connote males. They use the two main stereotypical colour to attract both genders. The white text for the artists are gender neutral as the artist are liked equally by each gender. The Ultra logo looks like an on/off button. This can connote that the Ultra festivals are the best to be as that is when the house and clubbing music festival is turned on. It can also connote the power with the festival turning the house and clubbing music on.
  • 12. Representation Theories Diana Saco (Female Gaze): This theory is based around gaze from a female audience. For this poster lots of the artists are male and Carl Coxs being featured implies that the poster is aimed towards females.
  • 13. Campaign message – Unique Selling Point Ultra music festivals’ slogan is ‘Music brings us together’. This creates a sense of community with the people who want to and do attend UMF. Thus encourages people to go and be part of something big being connected with music. The Unique Selling Point of Ultra is the experience which people are able to take part in. The artists/DJs which are performing there are one of the biggest/most important factor about attending. However, due to the mass amount the of people and for the festival going over a 3 days with staying overnight; the experience is the most important and unique point of UMF and is why it is vastly popular with the audience. The USP on the poster is the are the 3D balls in two corners as they represent a 3D version of the UMF logo which is exclusive to the UMF festivals. This may appeal to a more sophisticated audience which can better appreciate the effort to make the poster and logo. Another feature which could be appealing are the different font styles for each artist and band. They represent what each artist style of music is like. UMF represent this to their audience via their advertisement through their poster and audio-visual advert. The media outlet which they have chosen is broadcast mostly over the web. As this festival is popular globally and attendees come from all over the world. Broadcast media is the best way to advertise reaching most their target audience. However, there are also billboards printed around Miami which advertises the festival in the up-coming weeks to it. But this is the only print based media which I spread as everything else is broadcasted which is mostly online. UMF also have merchandise which is clothing and accessories with their logo on it.
  • 14. The campaign is aimed at younger people as most people who attendee and like this genre of music are young adults and students. They are usually sold on the experience of the party like festival and atmosphere. They also show this as an un forgettable experience which is very appealing to students. However, they are also interested in the artist performing which will grab their attention as they are recognize the Djs names and the popularity they have, which makes it more appealing to go. Campaign message Continued
  • 15. Print-based advertisements This is a flyer from the ultra Miami in 2015. This is good as it is the same as there online poster but a physical copy which can be handed out in Miami. This can also be mass produced so that they are very popular and a common site in public which boosts how many people know about the festival. They are able to be mass produced as they are very cheap to print. This has their online website on for people to buy the tickets and find out more which is also on their billboard. Both also show the dates which the event is on for and Ultra’s logo. There is most likely to be adverts on the Radio in Miami which broadcasts the same genre of music which states when UMF festival is happening and where it is. There are probably adverts in the local news papers and articles written in local newspapers as this is a very big event which happens yearly and most of the local people know about it as thousands of tourists will go to the festival. Ultra music festival have there own website where they are able to advertise all their tickets and other events. This is a way that they advertise themselves and are the top result on a good search for tickets and most information. They also have their own separate website where they sell merchandise. These covers men and women's clothing as well as other accessories. The adverts are similar as they all have the same logo. They also have the same colour scheme which further reinforces their brand and the colour may be associated with UMF.
  • 16. Print Based Advertisements used in the campaign UMF also advertise multiple festivals through their social media accounts such as; Facebook and Twitter. On Facebook they upload photos which advertise the dates of the festivals, they also upload videos advertising their festivals. They also post regular pictures of the events which they have had and the artist which have performed. UMF also on Facebook share links to their website where people can buy tickets and find out more information about it. They also use Twitter to advertise their festivals. They post very similar content to what they post on Facebook. They post pictures showing what the dates and location is. They also share videos of adverts to festivals and links to their own website. They also like Facebook have normal photos of previous festival and artists which have performed on stage.
  • 17. Copyright and intellectual property UMF’s Intellectual property text, designs, graphics, logos, page headers, button icons, scripts, service names, technical documents, product information, sounds, music, videos and streaming content will owned UMF and protected by copyright patent and trademark laws. You cannot directly or through other devices remove, alter, bypass, avoid or interfere with they copyright trademark or other proprietary notice marks on ultras live Streams or DRM mechanisms. Their copyright rules with Users content on Communication Services will not contain material to websites that infringe or violate of any third party copyright patent or trademarks. They enforce their rights to intellectual property rights to the fullest extent permitted by the law as stated on their website. Any unauthorized attempt to copy or modify their content or to circumvent or defeat any of the security features designed to protect their content is strictly prohibited. It is ultra music festivals policy to block or remove any User Content and other materials on their Sites and/or made available on or through the Services that they believe in good faith infringes the intellectual property rights of others.
  • 18. Legal and ethical issues need to be considered by advertisers Legally a advertisers will need to consider if the content which they are using isn’t owned by someone else, especially if it is legally protected as they could mean that they are breaking the law as they are stealing a third parties material. For an advertiser it if they are going to use other content which they haven't made they should contact the owner and ask for permission or buy the content from the owner so that they legally own the content. For Ultra if they are using photos from an event which they would need to ask for permission from the owner before publishing it in an advert for an example. These images may be found on the internet and twitter so legally they will need permission. Also, when distributing information advertisers need to be sure that everything they say is true as they can legally break the law. This is common when quoting people who may not have said something. For example, if Ultra was going to get an artist to promote their festivals they would need to make sure that what they said was true and not fake. Otherwise, they would get into legal trouble. Ethically, Ultra will have to make sure that what they are advertising wasn’t going to upset anyone as they are representing Ultra. They will need to make sure that any photos or videos aren’t offensive. This means that there can’t be any inappropriate images or videos. For example no one drunk or taking drugs.
  • 19. Poster Legal and ethical For legal considerations UMF will have to make sure that they have permission to use the fonts which they have used in this poster. There are lots of different fonts which is third party content which may be copyrighted. So, they need to make sure that they either have permission to use it or buy the rights to it. There are no ethical issues with this poster as it is just colour and text for artist names so there are no ethical considerations which could be violated. If there was an extended amount of text it must be relevant and not offensive to anyone.
  • 20. Intellectual Property The best way to protect your Intellectual Property is to get a patent which is a legal document where no one else can use your information/product for their own profit. This means that the UMF poster will be protected and no one else can copy it for their own profit. If someone did want to use it they would either have to pay a sum to use it with permission from UMF or face legal actions against them for unlawfully using their content to make profit for themselves.
  • 21. Libel Libel means publishing a false statement that is damaging to a person’s reputation, usually in written defamation. For this festival UMF must make sure that nothing which they print can be called as defamation against artists or bands. Defamation is the action of damaging the good reputation of someone. This means UMF must make sure that they do not effect artists reputations negatively. They must represent each artist equally and not be bias between artists. This is not a criminal offence and there are no laws against defaming people however, it is seen as a civil wrong. This can make UMF look as if they are attacking artists which may no longer want to perform for them and the public might see it as an attack thus may reduce UMFs reputation.
  • 22. Royalties Royalties is a sum paid to a patentee for the use of their content/product for each copy of their content or product used. For a festival the music used must be considered when being performed as all music by artist will have legally protected through royalties. A way in which UMF can get permission from artists to use at their festival is through the PRS. UMF need to make sure that they have the right license to stage their event. The PRS will contact and obtain a the music details and will calculate how much will be charged. The logo will also be part of royalties as if UMF logo is used then royalties will have to be paid to them as they own this content. estivals.aspx
  • 23. Public Interest The advertisements will need to appeal to the publics interest and welfare. By doing this they will improve their reputation with the public as they will like what UMF are offering thus, they will associate UMF with offering that they want to see. By doing this through promotion and adverts they will spread their positive image to what the public is interested in.
  • 24. Violence and Offensive Language UMF shouldn’t use violent and offensive language due to them using posters anyone can see this and they can be offended. This includes children and it would be inappropriate for them to read this language. Also, anyone can be offended by this language so it is better not to use it as if it isn’t used then there is no chance of offending anyone. This is despite the audience being 18+ as this would be a more suitable age to show violent and aggressive language, although some people may still be offended.
  • 25. Regulatory bodies A regulatory agency is a public authority or government agency responsible for exercising autonomous authority. For regulating adverts there is the Advertising Standards Authority and Ofcom. The codes which are used in the UK applies to adverts across multiple media platforms including newspapers, magazines, billboards, posters, leaflets, mailing, e-mail, texts and UK based websites The impact which these regulatory agencies have is that if an advert breaches the UK advertising codes it must be withdrawn or amended and the advertisers must not use the approach again. Each year the ASA consider over 30,000 complaints for 20,000 adverts.
  • 26. Ofcom Ofcom regulate TV, Radio, video, telecom, mobile and postal forms of advertisement. They make sure that people who live in the UK can get the best from their communication service and they are protected from scams while ensuring that competition can thrive. They do this under multiple Acts of Parliament. These are set by Parliament legislations. Ultra use’s multiple of these types of adverts so they need to be aware of these regulations however an advert in my magazine will make it unlikely for ofcom to investigate them.
  • 27. Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) The ASA are a organization where they have to responsibility to regulate adverts and respond to complaints about them. People will complain if they are offended and the ASA will check to see if they break any codes. This means that Ultra will have to make sure their adverts are appropriate so that they won’t offend anyone and they are able to be within the codes set by the ASA. In Ultra’s poster advertisement they have to make sure that the images and what is written is appropriate. This will also mean that the advert is ethically sound meaning it shouldn’t offend anyone. In the advert they need to make that it doesn’t ‘Glorify’ crime, drinking alcohol, sexual activities or drug taking. At a festival it is likely that these activities could happen however, in an advert they mustn’t make this a selling point as it will be breaking the ASA rules.
  • 28. CAP Guidelines The sales promotion outline some of the advertising rules which are set up by the CAP. Rule 8.1 states – ‘promoters are responsible for all aspects and all stages of their promotions’ This means that anything wrong or any complaints about an advert will be UMF’s problem and they will need to make responsibility for it. Rule 8.2 also states that promotions should be fair and equal with participants, so promoters must avoid unnecessary disappointment. This means when there are deals and giveaway rewards there must be an equal chance for everyone which UMF might decide to do a ticket giveaway they must have this in mind. The rules also cover the protection of customers safety and suitability, Children and Availability. Broadcast/CodeItem.aspx?cscid=%7B9417c73e-fec7-4212-8b26-
  • 29. Method Ultra’s advert is placed globally due to it being on the internet as it is accessible everywhere. This is helped by the use of social media where people are able to spread adverts and their own experiences. There is also advertisement in the DJ magazine URB which is an online exclusive. They have reported and advertised the Ultra Music Festivals. Also, in the Miami area there are billboards closer to the time which the festival is being advertised. Shock tactics – this is a method of advertising where they promote something controversial and against social norms which is meant to be offensive. They do not use this as they do not need to shock or offend their audience to get their attention as some adverts may need to for example drink driving.
  • 30. Audio-Visual Advertisement Ultra have created an advert to promote their festival. The video shows what it would be like if you were part of the crowd while attending the festival. It shows off the different stages in the festival and it also shows all the types of people which you would see while performing. It also shows what the atmosphere is like with during the different times of the day. Towards the end of the video it presents the artist names which will be appearing and then continues onto the showing the different stages. Then it shows the text ‘Ultra music Festival 2015’, with the crowds perception in the background, then showing the people on the crowd. The background then fades out and the text shows the UMF logo and it also has their website URL until the song has finished playing.
  • 31. Target Audience – Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs The target audience could be either ‘Social climbers’ or ‘Explorers’ for this audio-visual advert. By going to the festival they will be able to improve their social status as they have been to a world popular music festival and see multiple famous artist. By seeing them live will boost their status. They can be classed as ‘Explorers’ as the audience being driven by social change will want to know who is the best at the festival and be able to join social change if they become more popular as new artists are featured alongside the big artists.
  • 32. Target Audience – Katz Uses and Gratification theory For UMF’s audio-visual advert I think that the target audience can be categorized into ‘Diversion’ as by going to this 3 day event where the audience will be involved in listening to music constantly would mean that they can scape reality and are able to immerse themselves in the festival. The advert is trying to show how immersed the audience is and how you can escape reality for a weekend. They can also build ‘Personal Relationship’ as by watching an artist play live will build a closer relationship between the artist and the audience. The advert shows the large crowds and their enjoyment and interaction with the music which encourages people to go.
  • 33. Target Audience – Hartley's Seven Subjectivities This advert is aimed for people 18+. This is shown by the crowd being mostly 18 -25 and this genre of music is generally aimed towards young adults. Also, the festival is 18+ so should appeal more to people who can attend. However, it does appeal to those under 18 and may attract their interest early on so that they can go they will already know and want to attend. It is aimed about both sexes as the experience is mostly what people want to go and the artist appeal to both genders. Most of the attendees are middle class as the tickets are expensive which is on top of overnight accommodation and travel costs. The ethnicity is mixed as people from all over the world attend but as it is in Miami there are mostly white people attending.
  • 34. Target Audience – Socio-Economic needs The target audience is E and D as most attendees are students or have first jobs as the audience are all young adults. This genre of music is also aimed at this age and this is what the audio-visual advert shows.
  • 35. Target Audience – Psychographics The target audience can be Aspirers as most of the audience are young. They have a need to seek status and materialistic possessions. The audio- visual advert shows big artists and states its in Miami where some young people may aspire to live a luxury life. The audience will seek this kind of exposure to a higher status.
  • 36. Target Audience – Spending Power Ultra tickets are between £250 to £325. For students this is a lot of money. As the audience is mostly middle class it could be possible that parents and they are able to afford the event by saving up as it is a once a year event. Also, this is what students are most likely to spend their money on. There is also merchandises which can be bought at the event. 32495-7582001
  • 37. Representation Definition: Media representations are the ways in which the media portrays particular groups, communities, experiences, ideas, or topics from a particular ideological or value perspective. The audio-visual advert appeals to people who want to be involved or like those in the crowd which the video shows. They are seen as fun and adventurous people who know how to have a good time and they are living a happy life. They mostly show attractive young women of all ethnicities which could appeal to the male audience according to Laura Mulvey’s ‘Male Gaze’ as men will be more interested in going to Ultra and they gaze will be upon the females featured on it. Furthermore, there are no close up shots of males. This could suggest that the audio-visual advert is aimed towards men despite the festival being aimed at both male and females. The ‘female gaze’ developed by Diana Saco could be the images of the artists which are mostly male.
  • 38. Campaign Message Ultras unique selling point is the line up which they have of artists which are going to perform. They are all very well know in the genre and is the main reason why people attend the event. However, it is also for the experience of listening to them on stage and being in the big crowd and dancing to the music together. The audio-visual advert show well who the artists are and the type of atmosphere in the crowd. This is also a once in a year event and the best way to see all of the best artist in one place especially if you live locally and can’t afford to fly abroad.
  • 39. Legal and Ethical Issues There are some issues which Ultra will have to consider when making and publishing a audio-visual advert. They will need to make sure that the font and logos aren’t copyrighted. Also, they will need permission to use these so they don’t break any copyright or intellectual property laws. Also the images which they show despite being designed for 18+ can’t be inappropriate as it could be seen by anyone. If there is inappropriate content this is ethically bad as they do not want to present themselves in such a way which could offend people. This will mean that all the content they use must be suitable and reviewed before releasing.
  • 40. Model Release form When UMF are taking photos of models they must get their permission stating that they are happy and have given their consent for their photos to be taken. This protects them legally if the person decides that they no longer want that photo of them to be used. However, with UMF they are taking pictures and videos of the crowd and it is impossible to get all of their permission and consent to use their faces in a video. A way to get around this is to include in their terms and conditions when they are inside the festival their photos may be taken and by agreeing to the terms and conditions then they are giving their consent. They can also be reminded when entering the festival that a photo or video of them maybe made public. If a person doesn’t wan to appear in a advert, photo or video then they can file a complaint and ask it to be removed.
  • 41. Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) The ASA are a organization where they have to responsibility to regulate adverts and respond to complaints about them. People will complain if they are offended and the ASA will check to see if they break any codes. This means that Ultra will have to make sure their adverts are appropriate so that they won’t offend anyone and they are able to be within the codes set by the ASA. In Ultra’s audio- visual advert they have made sure that the music and experience is appropriate with the videos of the crowd are ethically sound meaning it shouldn’t offend anyone. In the advert they need to make that it doesn’t ‘Glorify’ crime, drinking alcohol, sexual activities or drug taking. At a festival it is likely that these activities could happen however, in an advert they mustn’t make this a selling point as it will be breaking the ASA rules.
  • 42. Ofcom Ofcom will be checking that their aren’t any scam being advertised in the UK on TV, radio and telecoms. Ultra will need to make sure that they abide by these rules. These rules are operated under a number of parliament acts. This is done to protect people from bad practices through different communication services.
  • 43. Method The method which UMF are going to use to share their audio-visual advert will be through social media. They can post their video on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to get their followers aware of the upcoming festival and they can share this with their other social media friends. UMF have also released their video on YouTube where people can also share this but websites which may write articles about the upcoming festival will be able to link and embed the video on their website. As this is a video they can also advertise this on TV where a large number of people will be able to see it although, they won’t all be part of their target audience and it is expensive.
  • 44. (M1) Similarities between UMF’s Poster and Audio-visual advert They both make it clear what artists are performing and what the dates are. The poster has all of the artist in the middle of the page and the audio-visual advert has all the artist appear on the middle of the screen near the end of the video. The colour schemes are both dark and have a contrast of bright lights. This years event is is focused around the colours blue, purple, pink and black which is a consistent colour scheme throughout both adverts. The UMF website also keeps the same colour scheme with dark black colours which contrast with bright colours (purple, pink and blue) The adverts also share the similar font styles. They both only use white. It is also higher and thinner font which is used consistently in the poster and the audio-visual advert. By having similarities UMF are able to build a consistent brand identity so that their audience are able to link and recognize UMFs adverts which increase their knowledge of the brand.
  • 45. (M1) Differences between UMF’s Poster and Audio-Visual advert There are some differences between the audio-visual advert and the print based advert. The audio-visual is more directed towards males through ‘Male Gaze’ whereas the posters have no pictures so the male gaze theory doesn’t apply. This could meant that the audio-visual advert is more directed to a male audience whereas the poster is more gender split. The audio-visual focuses more on the atmosphere and the experience of the festival whereas the poster concentrates on the what artists are going to be performing. The audio-visual advert is mostly filmed in the crowd and looking onto the stage as their part of the crowd or on the stage looking at the vast amount of people watching. The poster just shows the artists and the dates of the event has has no images of the actual event.
  • 46. Conclusion In this Learning objective I have look at Ultra Music Festivals advertisement poster and audio- visual advert. I have looked at their aims, target audience, campaign message, print based advertisement, intellectual property, copy right information, legal and ethical issues, libel, royalties, public interest, offensive language, regulatory bodies and methods used.