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Unit 15
By Harry
Advertising Campaign
I have decided to analyse the Rolling Loud festival for print and audio visual based
advertisement. This is because the types of artists that are performing at this festival are
the people who I enjoy listening too. Rolling Loud was first made in 2015 so it’s a very
new and modern festival.
Print Advertisement
The festival has a different look to its festival line up poster. Such as
they have used a different choice of colours and they have put a
picture of Miami because that is where the festival is being hosted.
Target Audience
As you can see on the poster of the festival, it says that it is open to ages,
however, I feel like the average age for the people to attend would be the
majority the male) gender (Hartley) at 16-25 years old as this is
considered a young adult, this is because the artists that are performing
will be the same age as them and therefore they will want to listen to that
type of music more than the older generation who may stereotypically
want to listen to songs that are more of their generation. On the social
demographic scale I would say that the audience would vary from the
socio-economic needs of D to A as it doesn’t really matter what class you
are when it comes to what music you listen to. Also the tickets for the
festival are $200 which from working class to high middle class isn’t a lot
of money to spend for a 3 day event. As for Katz the name ‘rolling loud’ is
firstly an American colloquialism for going somewhere but is used by
stereotypically the ‘cool’ people in America, this is understandable as the
genre of music the festival has is mostly listened to by the ‘cool’ people in
America. The word ‘loud’ also has a double meaning as it could suggest
that the people that are ‘rolling’ to the festival are loud, this means that
they could be in bold outfits that would be called weird by others but fits
the culture of the music. The word loud also suggests the drugs that
maybe used at the festival as that is another American colloquialism for
marijuana but could also show that the music at the festival is going to be
loud and everyone is going to know about it. People who look at these
festival posters and want to go these type festivals would be quite a
unique set of people (Maslow).
The people that would stereotypically go to this festival
would be of black ethnicity that just want a chilled time
to relax and listen to music but you could also get quite
loud people who have come to love the music. For a lot
of people it is a place to show of their fashion and find
others who are into the same type of interests.
However, some of the issues with going to festivals like
this is drug use is very high which could either mean
violence or emergencies. There is also problems with
mosh pits as people get too excited and could end up
hurting someone by accident. This festival links with
‘female gaze’ (Diana Saco) and ‘male gaze’ (Laura
Mulvey) theories because men may possibly look at the
women at a festival and the same with females will be
looking at the men. It also links because they may find
one of the music artists attractive and they may dress to
impress them but will attract others as well.
Rolling loud don’t have an print based media to even advertise on so therefore
sponsorship doesn’t exist. However, rolling loud put all of their sponsors onto the back of
their tickets but also have a website. On the website there is very subtle sponsorships, its
only when you click on certain things where a sponsor will come up for example; the tab
for hotels, once clicked, will then take you to all of the ‘del may hotels’ that are located
near where the festival is based. Also, for the merchandise part of the website, as well as
rolling loud selling their own merch there is other brands that have decided to tag along
and make their own versions of the rolling loud merch however its seen as a ‘collab’
because it is exclusive to the rolling loud and is only available to purchase at the festival.
Also, just before you go to enter the rolling loud site there is their 3 social media icons
which is ‘twitter, Instagram and Facebook’ if you click on each of the icons then it will take
you straight to their page in which you can then see reviews from previous customers etc.
Aims and Objectives
What is the aim of the campaign
This the the advertising campaign for the ‘Rolling loud
festival’. It was created to show awareness for the festival
that is on May 5 – May 7 (Bayfront Park) Miami, Florida.
It is promoting a trap/rap festival that is happening this
spring in May.
This is a brand new festival that was only made in 2015
which features a lot of relevant rappers from the year, this
caused extreme hype because this was mainly the first time
that any of these people performed in front of a massive
This poster has been created to increase the sales because it
can have an increased brand awareness as its seen by many
people all over the internet due to social media etc. If this
poster was not created then not many people would turn up
to the festival are they wouldn’t know where it is or who’s
performing there.
Target Audience
The target audience for rolling loud is different depending on what artist is playing such as
stereotypically if there was woman singing then there would be more women than men.
However, the majority of the people that go to the rolling loud festival are 16-25 years olds
with black ethnicity. Similar to the print based advertising I would say that the audience
would vary from the socio-economic needs of D to A as it doesn’t really matter what class
you are when it comes to what music you listen to. Also the tickets for the festival are $200
which from working class to high middle class isn’t a lot of money to spend for a 3 day
event. As for Katz the name ‘rolling loud’ is firstly an American colloquialism for going
somewhere but is used by stereotypically the ‘cool’ people in America, this is
understandable as the genre of music the festival has is mostly listened to by the ‘cool’
people in America. The word ‘loud’ also has a double meaning as it could suggest that the
people that are ‘rolling’ to the festival are loud, this means that they could be in bold outfits
that would be called weird by others but fits the culture of the music. The word loud also
suggests the drugs that maybe used at the festival as that is another American colloquialism
for marijuana but could also show that the music at the festival is going to be loud and
everyone is going to know about it. People who look at these festival posters and want to
go these type festivals would be quite a unique set of people (Maslow).
Normally at festivals you will stereotypically see groups of very chilled out young
adults or either groups that are extremely excited and loud. Also los of boys would go
to this festival to show of their fashion as its seen as ‘streetwear’ and that’s seems to
be the culture of young adults that follow rap/hip hop music nowadays. Furthermore,
you’ll generally see the majority of the people at the festival are of the black ethnicity
which is because more people of that ethnicity will listen to that genre of music. The
negative about festivals is because a lot of people will bring alcohol or drugs to have a
good time, however, this can result in some casualties and injuries because some
people have too much and end up doing simpleminded things, also, even the people
that aren't under the influence of drugs can still end up injuring people due to the
quantity of people that are attending the festival and when an artist is on mosh pits
become present and you can end up get hurting inside them because of how excited
some people are. Furthermore, in regards of
Campaign Message
The message that this festivals seems to convey is by using the slogan ‘Rain or shine’ it shows that no
matter what the weather is in the location that they are based at for that year then they are still going
to go ahead with it. It also shows on the website that all ages are allowed, this is good because they
want everyone to just go and have a good time, it is also showing that the festival is going to be very
safe as if kids can go there then its mainly because there is no violence/crime etc. The festival also
seems to convey a relaxed and chilled out place it becomes but with the name of the festival you
would think differently. Maybe because the name has the word ‘loud’ in it.
When advertising through audio visual advertising, you need to put the most amount of persuasion so
that the public will think that if they don’t go to the rolling loud festival then they are missing out.
Normally because of the hype of a certain event the people will buy a ticket just to feel like they are
part of something. Furthermore, by producing these adverts so far in advance then it gives the
consumer time to think whether or not they want to go to the festival or not. By having a lot of popular
artist spread over the two day festival the people are more likely to buy a weekend ticket then just a
one day because they want to see all of the artists perform. Lastly, through the adverts don’t seem to
have a slogan, it just a huge recap on the last year and is trying to make you buy a ticket for this year.
When looking at the advert it seems to show a lot of people c hilling out and having a good time while
listen to the music that they love, this then persuades people to buy a ticket because they think that
when they are there they can stop thinking about life and just have a good time with friends.
Audio visual advertisement
Rolling loud used YouTube and other social networks a lot to advertise their festival. Such as
they put all of their acts onto YouTube so you can watch them at home and wish you were
there, this helps because it will make people want to go and they might end up buying a
ticket. They also use twitter to advertise their festival by retweeting all of the artists that
are promoting the festival so you can see who's going to the attend the festival. They also
show photos that were taken by people that went to the festival and they retweet them to
show everyone who is following them
Legal and Ethical
When making an advert, you have to check the ASA to see if you the things you put within it
are of rules. Such as, if you are going to use children In your advert then you have to make
sure that they are fine and grant permission for you to use them in a photo. There is also
things that misleading advertising which is things like if I put a false price on the advert of
my festival, then when people go to buy it, it’s a completely different price. Asa is very
important because if asa don’t agree with what you are advertising then you can be given
serious consequences. Rolling Loud also need to be careful about copyright because if you
look at some of the lineup posters made for rolling loud, they look like they have taken along
time to make, they will then have to trademark this design so that no one can copy it and
use it for themselves, because all of their hard work will just get copied by other people and
they be breaking the law if they don’t have any copyright issues.
Regulatory bodies
This is content that is covered by copyright. This is content is protected by law and stops anyone who will try to copy it.
It also can be referred to ‘Intellectual property’ and means it is divided into two different types; industrial property and
copyright. Intellectual property means that if any photographs or written work you have taken cannot be copied onto
your work. There is also a digital watermark available which will help protect your work from getting copied because
there will be a watermark in the way with your name on and therefore the person who is looking at the work can see
that it is not their work and can see that it is yours because of the watermarked name. However there are some
negatives to this such as when protecting your IP you will have to pay a certain amount of fees like a seven thousand
pounds bill and it can take over 5 years to get and be able to get used. Q magazine also state on their website for
anyone to use their work they have to be able to show a licence which means they can use it and that means that they
have copyrights on all of their work that Bauer media and Q magazine have to offer.
Data Protection Act
This act is very important to have protected but the data protection act protects any information that is personal held
within the business. The rules of data protection are that it is used fair and completely, this is extremely important for
the company to be kept in a safe place because someone's life can affect Bauer Media and Q magazine and all the
workers that are included in the business should have their own privacy within the company. Also, a point that should
be made clear to everyone is health and safety as everyone within the business needs to make sure that they know how
to use all of the equipment correctly so there is less chance of any harmful acts happening to them.
Audio Visual Advertisements
Aims and Objectives
The main aim of having an audio visual advert is to show the people performing at the
festival live in action and it may persuade the people watching to buy a ticket and
attend the festival next time. Furthermore, to have an advert on all the main
headlines, it is going to create awareness for the artists and all their fans to come and
see them.
By having an advert on YouTube there is a good marketing idea because lots of young
adults use YouTube all of the time. Also the advert is about 1:15 long which allows
time to preview all of the artists.
For rolling loud, they used normal posters and put them all around America so that the
people nearby and in other states can see that the festival is happening. This is a good way
of advertising it because you can start putting them in places that the people who would
listen to the genre of music would go to. For example putting it in a shop that sells
‘streetwear’ fashion because that’s what people who listen to that music wear.
Rolling Loud also using social networking sites to promote the festival. For example they
used twitter to put the line-up poster on. This is a good thing to do because they have over
30,000 followers and the line up-up for the latest festivals has 112,000 retweets so that
means lots of new people have found out about the festival due to social networking site
Similarities and Differences
After looking at all of the information available from Rolling Loud, I’d say the similarities is the
cartoon illustrations of where the festival is going to be hosted and the use of bright colours that
contrast with the black background. They also use the same layout when telling the audience who
is headlining the festival, they make it look like a pyramid with big bold writing.
On the lineup they will occasionally change the colour of the illustration of the skyline if the
location that they are basing the festival at is sunny weather. Other than that they seem to follow
the same basic design on everything.
In conclusion, the actual message of the lineup poster by the basic illustrations and font they use
it makes the festival look like a place where you can relax and have a good time with friends while
listening to your favorites music artists live.
Advert of inspiration
The Logo
I like the logo because it looks very
informal, showing that the festival is very
laid back and you don’t have to worry
about anything, just chill out and enjoy
the festival.
The way the headliners I
presented I really like because the
well known artists are in a bigger
font. Whereas, the ones that not
many people will know about are
very small. I also like it because of
the way they are laid out, this is
because it gives of abit of a
pyramid effect and the rolling
loud is the whole thing.
The use of plane as the banner for
when the dates of the festival gives a
trendy and ‘cool’ look to the poster. I
could also connote that being there
feels like your in a whole other
The photo is an illustration of Miami which is
where the festival is based, I love this
because it give it a modern look. It could also
show that because its cartoon it fits in with
the kids that are going to attend the festival
but also the purple could resemble a drug
that many rap artists drink called codeine and
it’s a purple liquid which the sea gives off this
Website link.
I really like what they have done
with this because they have made it
really bold and in a bright blue
colour so that people who have
seen the line-up poster will see that
the most and will remember it so
that they can buy their tickets
Other details.
The use of the clouds at the top of the line-
up poster could show that its so high up in
festivals that it is ‘touching the clouds’
showing its above all of the other festivals.
Print based
Target Audience.
The target audience that my festival is going to appeal to the peole that get motivated
through listening to music (maslow) this is because they are the type of people to listen to
this genre of music. Also they would want to go to be entertained (katz) because it would be a
form of escapism from normal life. Furthermore, due to the age of young adults being there,
the age will go from 16-30 and stereotypically more males than females that’s because more
males like this genre of music (Hartley). Also the socio-economic needs will be C2-A because
the price of the festival will be £150 which is what they can afford. Lastly, psychographics,
they would be ‘mainstreamers’ and ‘strugglers’ this is because they will want to go to the
festival to get out of normal life and juts have a good time with friend while listening to the
music they love.
Logo names.
My festival will be sponsored by 808 mag
and jolly ranchers so it will be bright
bold colours and everything will be over
the top and fun.
‘All day, all night’ I have used this because it
shows that the festival is a fun and
entertaining time no matter what time of the
day it is. It is also going to be a festival that
runs 20 hours everyday. Main artists
throughout the day and dj sets at night until 4
o’clock and then back on a 8 o’clock.
Frequency of release.
So that my target audience is fully informed and
have time to find out from others who wants to
go and whether or not they want to go and once
they have done all this to then buy all the
equipment they will need to take to the festival.
I will first advertising the festival in January
because it will be cold in England and people will
be looking forward to summer so will see the
video of what my festival is going to look like and
it will motivate them more to buy a ticket.
Colour scheme.
For my colour scheme of the
festival will be bold bright colours
that make them festival look like a
giant b=packet of jolly ranchers.
This will make it eye catching and
will motivate people to want to be
at this festival
The type of marketing I am going to use
for my festival is a print based
advertisement. This is because when
these get put in public then people will
walk past them and will stop to read them
because of the bright colours catching
their eyesight
Moodboard 1
Moodboard 2
Draft Layout
These are my hand drawn drafts for my print be advertisement (poster).
As you can see these are a very detailed version of my poster but this
was just a way in which I could give myself and vision and a platform to
then add ideas to when I make the final product. However, i prefer the
hand drawn draft that is on the left because it is most likely to my
magazine of inspiration.
Draft layout (continued)
This is my draft but this time I have used a computer to give it a more professional
look. This gives me an idea on what I want to do on the actual poster and where I can
add more ideas that will make it look more stylish and realistic.
Logo Design
As my festival is sponsored by the 808
magazine. I will be using the magazines logo
on my poster. However I am going to change
the font on the word festival so that is suits
the rest of my poster, I also want to do this
because it will then make the 808 sign stand
out on the whole of the poster. The world
festival will be in big bold writing so that it
catches the public eye when people walk past
House Style
For my house style I will be using bright colour in areas of the poster but will run with a
space themed background just like my advert of inspiration ‘rolling loud’. I will then use
white writing so you are able to see it clearly on the background, this is also an
advantage cos it means it ill stand to when the public will stop to read it. Furthermore
because the festival is going to take place in summer time there will be less clouds in the
sky and therefore the sky will be clear of a night meaning you'll be able to see the stars
so with the background of my poster being space themed it will suit the festival
completely. Also a lot of festivals using basic primary colours how ever I will be using
bright unique colours which will make it stand out when put in between all of the other
festivals that take place in the summer. The font I will be using will be the music artist
logos for the main headline acts but for the other basic acts I will put a bold white font
that can easily be read. For the information and terms and condition I will put a very
neat font that gives the festival poster a very professional look.
Colours used
in poster
Main Headliners
The magazine 808 which is sponsoring the festival basis its genre of rap, trap and hip-
hop, there is also going to be grime and that will be the type of music the festival will
be playing. The types of artists which will attend the festival will be; A$AP Rocky, Frank
Ocean, Drake, 21 Savage, Rich the Kid, Famous Dex, A$AP Mob, Playboi Carti, Lil uzi
vert, smokepurpp, lil pump, Flatbush zombies, AJ tracey , Dave, Smooky Margiela etc.
The reason I have chose these artists is that they are very well known by a lot of
people so a lot of people will want to go lots of them artists live and will therefore buy
a ticket.
Week Beginning
05/12/16 -
Tuesday –
Wednesday -
Thursday –
Friday - 09/12/16 Saturday -
Sunday –
A discussion to
be put in place in
which who my
main headliners
will be at the
Design a layout
and announce
the first three
headliners to the
Produce the
whole poster and
put it around
London to create
word of mouth
Produce the
print based
Sendoff the first
copy of the poser
to a printing
Day Off Day Off
Week Beginning
12/12/16 -
Tuesday –
Wednesday -
Thursday –
Friday - 16/12/16 Saturday -
Sunday –
Posters having
been printed
over the
weekend will
then be released
with the first 3
main headliners
being announced
on social media
Finalize and start
to produce the
second poster
for the next
group of
Continuing with
the production
of posters
Posters then sent
to printing
company to then
be available on
Staff meeting in
which we have
an overview on
what's going on
so far
Day Off Day Off
Production Plan
Week Beginning
12/12/16 -
Tuesday –
Wednesday -
Thursday –
Friday - 16/12/16 Saturday -
Sunday –
Second poster will
then be released
with final
headliners and
therefore a layout
for each of the
artists showing
what time they
are on and where
Produce the
official poster and
be ready to send
off to the printing
Final checks and
send off to the
printing team.
Posters being
Release the final
poster into the
streets of London
so that it causes
word of mouth
Release the poster
on social media
sites so that
everyone can see
the festival
Day Off
Here is the production plan for how my poster is going to made and in all of
these slots are certain days which have tasks on everyday. Then every day the
team get closer to the release date which is 14th December. The reason I have
put them out in the winter is because it will then give people time to think
about whether or not they are going and its also has another time to build up
hype towards the weekend. I have also done it in this time is because the
people that are going to turn up to my festival can sort out time off of work
Budget Summary
For my print based advertising line up poster I will be advertising it in social media sites
such as; Facebook and twitter. To advertise on Facebook it will cost 30p for every person
that clicks on the advert, I'm hoping for maybe 10,000 clicks and reposts so more people
will be able to see it and buy their ticket. This means it will cost £3000 to advertise.
However, advertising on twitter is free if you just make an account, but, you can also
sponsor a tweet which means it will appear on someone's timeline even if they dont
follow the account. This would count as a promoted trend which will appear on everyone's
timeline, this bad thing is its £200,000 which is out of the price zone we wanted to keep in.
Budget Summary cont.
Job Role Salary
Editors £20,000
Designers £23,000
Photographers £22,000
Marketing £21,000
Finance £20,000
Human Resources £18,000
For the salaries I have given them is just a little bit more than the normal wage that
they would give this certain role in a job. This mean it should attract the best people
because they will see they can earn more money if they join my festival company.
Equipment Cost
Office Space £215,610
Apple MacBook Pro
Adobe CS6 Master
Cameras (x3) £1225
Legal and Ethical constraints
There are a little amount of legal and ethical issue that I will have to abide by when
making the print based advert. Such as, I will need to make sure that all my products are
copyrighted so that no one can copy the ideas I've made and when I use the artists logos I
will need to gain permission so that I'm not cutting any rules. These regulations could
effect my campaign message because any consumer could complain about if anything
was misleading, an example for this is the dates and who is going to attend. I will also
need to not promote younger people to go because it could be extremely dangerous for
them and I wont want any of them to get seriously hurt if they go. Lastly, when I use one
of the artists logos then I will have to pay royalties because I'm using their work, I also
need to think about not stereotyping the festival so that anyone will want to attend.
In this unit I have showed the different areas that go together in
order to make a print based advertisement (poster). This is
important because it shows the name, target audience and the
slogan I will be using in order for my festival to look professional
and successful. Also, I have shown the similarities and difference
in what I could change to make my festival stand out for the rest
of them
Hand drawn drafts
These are my hand drawn drafts for my print based advertisement
(poster). As you can see these are a very detailed version of my poster
but this was just a way in which I could give myself and vision and a
platform to then add ideas to when I make the final product. However, i
prefer the hand drawn draft that is on the left because it is most likely
to my magazine of inspiration.
Graphic layouts
This is my draft but this time I have used a computer to give it a more professional
look. This gives me an idea on what I want to do on the actual poster and where I can
add more ideas that will make it look more stylish and realistic.
Moodboard 1
Campaign Message
When advertising through audio visual advertising, you need to put the most amount of persuasion so that the public
will think that if they don’t go to the rolling loud festival then they are missing out. Normally because of the hype of a
certain event the people will buy a ticket just to feel like they are part of something. Furthermore, by producing these
adverts so far in advance then it gives the consumer time to think whether or not they want to go to the festival or
not. By having a lot of popular artist spread over the two day festival the people are more likely to buy a weekend
ticket then just a one day because they want to see all of the artists perform. Lastly, through the adverts don’t seem
to have a slogan, it just a huge recap on the last year and is trying to make you buy a ticket for this year. When looking
at the advert it seems to show a lot of people chilling out and having a good time while listen to the music that they
love, this then persuades people to buy a ticket because they think that when they are there they can stop thinking
about life and just have a good time with friends.
House Style
For my house style I will be using bright colour in areas of the poster but will run with a
space themed background just like my advert of inspiration ‘rolling loud’. I will then use
white writing so you are able to see it clearly on the background, this is also an
advantage cos it means it ill stand to when the public will stop to read it. Furthermore
because the festival is going to take place in summer time there will be less clouds in the
sky and therefore the sky will be clear of a night meaning you'll be able to see the stars
so with the background of my poster being space themed it will suit the festival
completely. Also a lot of festivals using basic primary colours how ever I will be using
bright unique colours which will make it stand out when put in between all of the other
festivals that take place in the summer. The font I will be using will be the music artist
logos for the main headline acts but for the other basic acts I will put a bold white font
that can easily be read. For the information and terms and condition I will put a very
neat font that gives the festival poster a very professional look.
Colours used
in poster
Week Beginning
05/12/16 -
Tuesday –
Wednesday -
Thursday –
Friday - 09/12/16 Saturday -
Sunday –
A discussion to
be put in place in
which who my
main headliners
will be at the
Design a layout
and announce
the first three
headliners to the
Produce the
whole poster and
put it around
London to create
word of mouth
Produce the
print based
Sendoff the first
copy of the poser
to a printing
Day Off Day Off
Week Beginning
12/12/16 -
Tuesday –
Wednesday -
Thursday –
Friday - 16/12/16 Saturday -
Sunday –
Posters having
been printed
over the
weekend will
then be released
with the first 3
main headliners
being announced
on social media
Finalize and start
to produce the
second poster
for the next
group of
Continuing with
the production
of posters
Posters then sent
to printing
company to then
be available on
Staff meeting in
which we have
an overview on
what's going on
so far
Day Off Day Off
Production Plan
Week Beginning
12/12/16 -
Tuesday –
Wednesday -
Thursday –
Friday - 16/12/16 Saturday -
Sunday –
Second poster
will then be
released with
final headliners
and therefore a
layout for each
of the artists
showing what
time they are on
and where etc.
Produce the
official poster
and be ready to
send off to the
Final checks and
send off to the
printing team.
Posters being
Release the final
poster into the
streets of
London so that it
causes word of
Release the
poster on social
media sites so
that everyone
can see the
Day Off
Budget Summary
For my print based advertising line up poster I will be advertising it in social media sites
such as; Facebook and twitter. To advertise on Facebook it will cost 30p for every person
that clicks on the advert, I'm hoping for maybe 10,000 clicks and reposts so more people
will be able to see it and buy their ticket. This means it will cost £3000 to advertise.
However, advertising on twitter is free if you just make an account, but, you can also
sponsor a tweet which means it will appear on someone's timeline even if they dont
follow the account. This would count as a promoted trend which will appear on everyone's
timeline, this bad thing is its £200,000 which is out of the price zone we wanted to keep in.
Budget Summary cont.
Job Role Salary
Editors £20,000
Designers £23,000
Photographers £22,000
Marketing £21,000
Finance £20,000
Human Resources £18,000
For the salaries I have given them is just a little bit more than the normal wage that
they would give this certain role in a job. This mean it should attract the best people
because they will see they can earn more money if they join my festival company.
Equipment Cost
Office Space £215,610
Apple MacBook Pro
Adobe CS6 Master
Cameras (x3) £1225
Print and design cost
If I buy these posters off of a site called
then I can get 10 A2 size posters for £126.54 which is fairly
expensive but when I looked at all of the other websites,
this website was the cheapest option.
I will then post my festival posters throughout London but
in other places that are on the edge of the London radius
so that means more people can see it and buy a ticket.
Software risk Assessment
The first risk is when you go to resize an image on Photoshop you have to hold the
shift key otherwise the image will end up being blurry and looking unprofessional.
The second risk is when changing the colour you have to use the drop tool because
that keeps the colours consistent throughout, once again, if you don’t do this then
your poster will look extremely unprofessional.
The third risk is you have to make sure all of your layers are in order, also if you
name your layers then it makes using Photoshop easier as you not spending more
time trying to find the layer.
The forth risk is once you’ve done a task on Photoshop you will need to click the
the arrow in the top corner, this is because one you clock the arrow (move tool) it
finishes the task you were doing.
Legal and Ethical
When making an advert, you have to check the ASA to see if you the things you put within it
are of rules. Such as, if you are going to use children In your advert then you have to make
sure that they are fine and grant permission for you to use them in a photo. There is also
things that misleading advertising which is things like if I put a false price on the advert of
my festival, then when people go to buy it, it’s a completely different price. Asa is very
important because if asa don’t agree with what you are advertising then you can be given
serious consequences. Rolling Loud also need to be careful about copyright because if you
look at some of the lineup posters made for rolling loud, they look like they have taken along
time to make, they will then have to trademark this design so that no one can copy it and
use it for themselves, because all of their hard work will just get copied by other people and
they be breaking the law if they don’t have any copyright issues.
Plan for the images (Photoshoot
I have took this photo off of the internet through Google Images. I will plan to
change this through using a different contrast and a different use of colour. I will
be changing the colour of the boat to purple as I will need to make it my
creation and not someone else's. I will also change the colour of the bridge to a
darker shade of brown because then I am not copying someone else's work. I
will need to change everything with this photo because its not my work, the
reason for this is because I have got this off of google images and it wasn’t
created by me, therefore I need to change it myself and add my own styles to it
in order to make it my own.
Environment of Presentation
In my pitch, I was in front of my class, to help me I used a
slide changer to change the slides from far away so I could
engage with the audience more. I also used a camera
which was placed in front of me on a tripod placed a head
height so that I can be evaluated on my pitch, I also used
the main mac to load up my Microsoft PowerPoint, I used
this because it was connected to the projector and my
PowerPoint could be projected bigger so that my class
could see my PowerPoint clearer in order to fill out my
survey monkey effectively.
Evidence of pitch
The evidence of my pitch is provided through screenshots gathered from my video
that was taken by a camera on a tri-pod.
Witness statement
Plan for the images (Photoshoot
I have took this photo off of the internet through Google Images. I will plan to
change this through using a different contrast and a different use of colour. I will
be changing the colour of the boat to purple as I will need to make it my
creation and not someone else's. I will also change the colour of the bridge to a
darker shade of brown because then I am not copying someone else's work. I
will need to change everything with this photo because its not my work, the
reason for this is because I have got this off of google images and it wasn’t
created by me, therefore I need to change it myself and add my own styles to it
in order to make it my own.
Changes made
In my witness statement my teacher said that I needed to add a date otherwise people
wont see when my festival is going to be taking place. Therefore I went onto Photoshop
and added the right date at the top of my line-up photo.
Legal and Ethical
When making an advert, you have to check the ASA to see if you the things you put within it
are of rules. Such as, if you are going to use children In your advert then you have to make
sure that they are fine and grant permission for you to use them in a photo. There is also
things that misleading advertising which is things like if I put a false price on the advert of
my festival, then when people go to buy it, it’s a completely different price. Asa is very
important because if asa don’t agree with what you are advertising then you can be given
serious consequences. Rolling Loud also need to be careful about copyright because if you
look at some of the lineup posters made for rolling loud, they look like they have taken along
time to make, they will then have to trademark this design so that no one can copy it and
use it for themselves, because all of their hard work will just get copied by other people and
they be breaking the law if they don’t have any copyright issues.
Poster comparison
Poster comparison
The festival line-up I took as my inspiration was the rolling loud festival line-up that
took place on 5th may 2017.
The places that really influenced me to use this line-up poster was firstly, the portrait
of Miami skyline as that’s where the festival was taking place. So what I done was I
searched up for London skyline in cartoon. This is because I wanted my line-up poster
to look cartoon as I wanted my customers to feel like kids again when they came. I
then searched in google images and found a cartoon version of the London bridge so I
decided to use that as my festival was taking place in London. Obviously I couldn’t use
the exact version that I found on google images as that would be copyright. So I got
the photo and put it into Photoshop and began to change the image to how I wanted
Furthermore I also really liked the way rolling loud put their line-up so that it is
starting from the top and working its way down the page. This is so you see the big
names performing first then the not so famous artists small across the bottom. I
decided to copy this because I felt it helped the way in which my line-up poster would
look as I could follow the colours that were all were on my poster throughout.
Lastly, the really liked the fact rolling loud use the contrast of a really dark background
with extremely light colours so that it brings out the character of the poster. In
comparison to my poster I then chose a really light background to then put a contrast
of a really dark colour for the writing, this was so it looked clear and made the line-up
poster stand out compared to the rest.
Budget Summary
For my print based advertising line up poster I will be advertising it in social media sites
such as; Facebook and twitter. To advertise on Facebook it will cost 30p for every person
that clicks on the advert, I'm hoping for maybe 10,000 clicks and reposts so more people
will be able to see it and buy their ticket. This means it will cost £3000 to advertise.
However, advertising on twitter is free if you just make an account, but, you can also
sponsor a tweet which means it will appear on someone's timeline even if they don't
follow the account. This would count as a promoted trend which will appear on everyone's
timeline, this bad thing is its £200,000 which is out of the price zone we wanted to keep in.
Costs of the festival
Job Role Salary
Editors £20,000
Designers £23,000
Photographers £22,000
Marketing £21,000
Finance £20,000
Human Resources £18,000
For the salaries I have given them is just a little bit more than the normal wage that
they would give this certain role in a job. This mean it should attract the best people
because they will see they can earn more money if they join my festival company.
Equipment Cost
Office Space £215,610
Apple MacBook Pro
Adobe CS6 Master
Cameras (x3) £1225
Print and design cost
If I buy these posters off of a site called
then I can get 10 A2 size posters for £126.54 which is fairly
expensive but when I looked at all of the other websites,
this website was the cheapest option.
I will then post my festival posters throughout London but
in other places that are on the edge of the London radius
so that means more people can see it and buy a ticket.
Software risk Assessment
The first risk is when you go to resize an image on Photoshop you have to hold the
shift key otherwise the image will end up being blurry and looking unprofessional.
The second risk is when changing the colour you have to use the drop tool because
that keeps the colours consistent throughout, once again, if you don’t do this then
your poster will look extremely unprofessional.
The third risk is you have to make sure all of your layers are in order, also if you
name your layers then it makes using Photoshop easier as you not spending more
time trying to find the layer.
The forth risk is once you’ve done a task on Photoshop you will need to click the
the arrow in the top corner, this is because one you clock the arrow (move tool) it
finishes the task you were doing.

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Unit 15 miss oliver new

  • 2. Advertising Campaign I have decided to analyse the Rolling Loud festival for print and audio visual based advertisement. This is because the types of artists that are performing at this festival are the people who I enjoy listening too. Rolling Loud was first made in 2015 so it’s a very new and modern festival.
  • 3. Print Advertisement The festival has a different look to its festival line up poster. Such as they have used a different choice of colours and they have put a picture of Miami because that is where the festival is being hosted.
  • 4. Target Audience As you can see on the poster of the festival, it says that it is open to ages, however, I feel like the average age for the people to attend would be the majority the male) gender (Hartley) at 16-25 years old as this is considered a young adult, this is because the artists that are performing will be the same age as them and therefore they will want to listen to that type of music more than the older generation who may stereotypically want to listen to songs that are more of their generation. On the social demographic scale I would say that the audience would vary from the socio-economic needs of D to A as it doesn’t really matter what class you are when it comes to what music you listen to. Also the tickets for the festival are $200 which from working class to high middle class isn’t a lot of money to spend for a 3 day event. As for Katz the name ‘rolling loud’ is firstly an American colloquialism for going somewhere but is used by stereotypically the ‘cool’ people in America, this is understandable as the genre of music the festival has is mostly listened to by the ‘cool’ people in America. The word ‘loud’ also has a double meaning as it could suggest that the people that are ‘rolling’ to the festival are loud, this means that they could be in bold outfits that would be called weird by others but fits the culture of the music. The word loud also suggests the drugs that maybe used at the festival as that is another American colloquialism for marijuana but could also show that the music at the festival is going to be loud and everyone is going to know about it. People who look at these festival posters and want to go these type festivals would be quite a unique set of people (Maslow). m/events/tickets/rolling-loud- festival-saturday-admission- 3229558
  • 5. Representation The people that would stereotypically go to this festival would be of black ethnicity that just want a chilled time to relax and listen to music but you could also get quite loud people who have come to love the music. For a lot of people it is a place to show of their fashion and find others who are into the same type of interests. However, some of the issues with going to festivals like this is drug use is very high which could either mean violence or emergencies. There is also problems with mosh pits as people get too excited and could end up hurting someone by accident. This festival links with ‘female gaze’ (Diana Saco) and ‘male gaze’ (Laura Mulvey) theories because men may possibly look at the women at a festival and the same with females will be looking at the men. It also links because they may find one of the music artists attractive and they may dress to impress them but will attract others as well.
  • 6. Sponsorship Rolling loud don’t have an print based media to even advertise on so therefore sponsorship doesn’t exist. However, rolling loud put all of their sponsors onto the back of their tickets but also have a website. On the website there is very subtle sponsorships, its only when you click on certain things where a sponsor will come up for example; the tab for hotels, once clicked, will then take you to all of the ‘del may hotels’ that are located near where the festival is based. Also, for the merchandise part of the website, as well as rolling loud selling their own merch there is other brands that have decided to tag along and make their own versions of the rolling loud merch however its seen as a ‘collab’ because it is exclusive to the rolling loud and is only available to purchase at the festival. Also, just before you go to enter the rolling loud site there is their 3 social media icons which is ‘twitter, Instagram and Facebook’ if you click on each of the icons then it will take you straight to their page in which you can then see reviews from previous customers etc.
  • 7. Aims and Objectives What is the aim of the campaign This the the advertising campaign for the ‘Rolling loud festival’. It was created to show awareness for the festival that is on May 5 – May 7 (Bayfront Park) Miami, Florida. It is promoting a trap/rap festival that is happening this spring in May. This is a brand new festival that was only made in 2015 which features a lot of relevant rappers from the year, this caused extreme hype because this was mainly the first time that any of these people performed in front of a massive audience This poster has been created to increase the sales because it can have an increased brand awareness as its seen by many people all over the internet due to social media etc. If this poster was not created then not many people would turn up to the festival are they wouldn’t know where it is or who’s performing there.
  • 8. Target Audience The target audience for rolling loud is different depending on what artist is playing such as stereotypically if there was woman singing then there would be more women than men. However, the majority of the people that go to the rolling loud festival are 16-25 years olds with black ethnicity. Similar to the print based advertising I would say that the audience would vary from the socio-economic needs of D to A as it doesn’t really matter what class you are when it comes to what music you listen to. Also the tickets for the festival are $200 which from working class to high middle class isn’t a lot of money to spend for a 3 day event. As for Katz the name ‘rolling loud’ is firstly an American colloquialism for going somewhere but is used by stereotypically the ‘cool’ people in America, this is understandable as the genre of music the festival has is mostly listened to by the ‘cool’ people in America. The word ‘loud’ also has a double meaning as it could suggest that the people that are ‘rolling’ to the festival are loud, this means that they could be in bold outfits that would be called weird by others but fits the culture of the music. The word loud also suggests the drugs that maybe used at the festival as that is another American colloquialism for marijuana but could also show that the music at the festival is going to be loud and everyone is going to know about it. People who look at these festival posters and want to go these type festivals would be quite a unique set of people (Maslow).
  • 9. Representation Normally at festivals you will stereotypically see groups of very chilled out young adults or either groups that are extremely excited and loud. Also los of boys would go to this festival to show of their fashion as its seen as ‘streetwear’ and that’s seems to be the culture of young adults that follow rap/hip hop music nowadays. Furthermore, you’ll generally see the majority of the people at the festival are of the black ethnicity which is because more people of that ethnicity will listen to that genre of music. The negative about festivals is because a lot of people will bring alcohol or drugs to have a good time, however, this can result in some casualties and injuries because some people have too much and end up doing simpleminded things, also, even the people that aren't under the influence of drugs can still end up injuring people due to the quantity of people that are attending the festival and when an artist is on mosh pits become present and you can end up get hurting inside them because of how excited some people are. Furthermore, in regards of
  • 10. Campaign Message The message that this festivals seems to convey is by using the slogan ‘Rain or shine’ it shows that no matter what the weather is in the location that they are based at for that year then they are still going to go ahead with it. It also shows on the website that all ages are allowed, this is good because they want everyone to just go and have a good time, it is also showing that the festival is going to be very safe as if kids can go there then its mainly because there is no violence/crime etc. The festival also seems to convey a relaxed and chilled out place it becomes but with the name of the festival you would think differently. Maybe because the name has the word ‘loud’ in it. When advertising through audio visual advertising, you need to put the most amount of persuasion so that the public will think that if they don’t go to the rolling loud festival then they are missing out. Normally because of the hype of a certain event the people will buy a ticket just to feel like they are part of something. Furthermore, by producing these adverts so far in advance then it gives the consumer time to think whether or not they want to go to the festival or not. By having a lot of popular artist spread over the two day festival the people are more likely to buy a weekend ticket then just a one day because they want to see all of the artists perform. Lastly, through the adverts don’t seem to have a slogan, it just a huge recap on the last year and is trying to make you buy a ticket for this year. When looking at the advert it seems to show a lot of people c hilling out and having a good time while listen to the music that they love, this then persuades people to buy a ticket because they think that when they are there they can stop thinking about life and just have a good time with friends.
  • 11. Audio visual advertisement Rolling loud used YouTube and other social networks a lot to advertise their festival. Such as they put all of their acts onto YouTube so you can watch them at home and wish you were there, this helps because it will make people want to go and they might end up buying a ticket. They also use twitter to advertise their festival by retweeting all of the artists that are promoting the festival so you can see who's going to the attend the festival. They also show photos that were taken by people that went to the festival and they retweet them to show everyone who is following them m/watch?v=k8fsLAtlzC4
  • 12. Legal and Ethical When making an advert, you have to check the ASA to see if you the things you put within it are of rules. Such as, if you are going to use children In your advert then you have to make sure that they are fine and grant permission for you to use them in a photo. There is also things that misleading advertising which is things like if I put a false price on the advert of my festival, then when people go to buy it, it’s a completely different price. Asa is very important because if asa don’t agree with what you are advertising then you can be given serious consequences. Rolling Loud also need to be careful about copyright because if you look at some of the lineup posters made for rolling loud, they look like they have taken along time to make, they will then have to trademark this design so that no one can copy it and use it for themselves, because all of their hard work will just get copied by other people and they be breaking the law if they don’t have any copyright issues. /codes-and-rulings.html
  • 13. Regulatory bodies This is content that is covered by copyright. This is content is protected by law and stops anyone who will try to copy it. It also can be referred to ‘Intellectual property’ and means it is divided into two different types; industrial property and copyright. Intellectual property means that if any photographs or written work you have taken cannot be copied onto your work. There is also a digital watermark available which will help protect your work from getting copied because there will be a watermark in the way with your name on and therefore the person who is looking at the work can see that it is not their work and can see that it is yours because of the watermarked name. However there are some negatives to this such as when protecting your IP you will have to pay a certain amount of fees like a seven thousand pounds bill and it can take over 5 years to get and be able to get used. Q magazine also state on their website for anyone to use their work they have to be able to show a licence which means they can use it and that means that they have copyrights on all of their work that Bauer media and Q magazine have to offer. Data Protection Act This act is very important to have protected but the data protection act protects any information that is personal held within the business. The rules of data protection are that it is used fair and completely, this is extremely important for the company to be kept in a safe place because someone's life can affect Bauer Media and Q magazine and all the workers that are included in the business should have their own privacy within the company. Also, a point that should be made clear to everyone is health and safety as everyone within the business needs to make sure that they know how to use all of the equipment correctly so there is less chance of any harmful acts happening to them.
  • 14. Audio Visual Advertisements Aims and Objectives The main aim of having an audio visual advert is to show the people performing at the festival live in action and it may persuade the people watching to buy a ticket and attend the festival next time. Furthermore, to have an advert on all the main headlines, it is going to create awareness for the artists and all their fans to come and see them. Methods By having an advert on YouTube there is a good marketing idea because lots of young adults use YouTube all of the time. Also the advert is about 1:15 long which allows time to preview all of the artists.
  • 15. Method For rolling loud, they used normal posters and put them all around America so that the people nearby and in other states can see that the festival is happening. This is a good way of advertising it because you can start putting them in places that the people who would listen to the genre of music would go to. For example putting it in a shop that sells ‘streetwear’ fashion because that’s what people who listen to that music wear. Rolling Loud also using social networking sites to promote the festival. For example they used twitter to put the line-up poster on. This is a good thing to do because they have over 30,000 followers and the line up-up for the latest festivals has 112,000 retweets so that means lots of new people have found out about the festival due to social networking site twitter.
  • 16. Similarities and Differences Similarities After looking at all of the information available from Rolling Loud, I’d say the similarities is the cartoon illustrations of where the festival is going to be hosted and the use of bright colours that contrast with the black background. They also use the same layout when telling the audience who is headlining the festival, they make it look like a pyramid with big bold writing. Differences On the lineup they will occasionally change the colour of the illustration of the skyline if the location that they are basing the festival at is sunny weather. Other than that they seem to follow the same basic design on everything. In conclusion, the actual message of the lineup poster by the basic illustrations and font they use it makes the festival look like a place where you can relax and have a good time with friends while listening to your favorites music artists live.
  • 17.
  • 18. Advert of inspiration The Logo I like the logo because it looks very informal, showing that the festival is very laid back and you don’t have to worry about anything, just chill out and enjoy the festival. Headliners. The way the headliners I presented I really like because the well known artists are in a bigger font. Whereas, the ones that not many people will know about are very small. I also like it because of the way they are laid out, this is because it gives of abit of a pyramid effect and the rolling loud is the whole thing. Date. The use of plane as the banner for when the dates of the festival gives a trendy and ‘cool’ look to the poster. I could also connote that being there feels like your in a whole other location. Pictures. The photo is an illustration of Miami which is where the festival is based, I love this because it give it a modern look. It could also show that because its cartoon it fits in with the kids that are going to attend the festival but also the purple could resemble a drug that many rap artists drink called codeine and it’s a purple liquid which the sea gives off this effect Website link. I really like what they have done with this because they have made it really bold and in a bright blue colour so that people who have seen the line-up poster will see that the most and will remember it so that they can buy their tickets Other details. The use of the clouds at the top of the line- up poster could show that its so high up in festivals that it is ‘touching the clouds’ showing its above all of the other festivals.
  • 20. Print based advertisement Target Audience. The target audience that my festival is going to appeal to the peole that get motivated through listening to music (maslow) this is because they are the type of people to listen to this genre of music. Also they would want to go to be entertained (katz) because it would be a form of escapism from normal life. Furthermore, due to the age of young adults being there, the age will go from 16-30 and stereotypically more males than females that’s because more males like this genre of music (Hartley). Also the socio-economic needs will be C2-A because the price of the festival will be £150 which is what they can afford. Lastly, psychographics, they would be ‘mainstreamers’ and ‘strugglers’ this is because they will want to go to the festival to get out of normal life and juts have a good time with friend while listening to the music they love. Logo names. My festival will be sponsored by 808 mag and jolly ranchers so it will be bright bold colours and everything will be over the top and fun. Slogans. ‘All day, all night’ I have used this because it shows that the festival is a fun and entertaining time no matter what time of the day it is. It is also going to be a festival that runs 20 hours everyday. Main artists throughout the day and dj sets at night until 4 o’clock and then back on a 8 o’clock. Frequency of release. So that my target audience is fully informed and have time to find out from others who wants to go and whether or not they want to go and once they have done all this to then buy all the equipment they will need to take to the festival. I will first advertising the festival in January because it will be cold in England and people will be looking forward to summer so will see the video of what my festival is going to look like and it will motivate them more to buy a ticket. Colour scheme. For my colour scheme of the festival will be bold bright colours that make them festival look like a giant b=packet of jolly ranchers. This will make it eye catching and will motivate people to want to be at this festival Marketing. The type of marketing I am going to use for my festival is a print based advertisement. This is because when these get put in public then people will walk past them and will stop to read them because of the bright colours catching their eyesight
  • 23. Draft Layout These are my hand drawn drafts for my print be advertisement (poster). As you can see these are a very detailed version of my poster but this was just a way in which I could give myself and vision and a platform to then add ideas to when I make the final product. However, i prefer the hand drawn draft that is on the left because it is most likely to my magazine of inspiration.
  • 24. Draft layout (continued) This is my draft but this time I have used a computer to give it a more professional look. This gives me an idea on what I want to do on the actual poster and where I can add more ideas that will make it look more stylish and realistic.
  • 25. Logo Design As my festival is sponsored by the 808 magazine. I will be using the magazines logo on my poster. However I am going to change the font on the word festival so that is suits the rest of my poster, I also want to do this because it will then make the 808 sign stand out on the whole of the poster. The world festival will be in big bold writing so that it catches the public eye when people walk past it.
  • 26. House Style For my house style I will be using bright colour in areas of the poster but will run with a space themed background just like my advert of inspiration ‘rolling loud’. I will then use white writing so you are able to see it clearly on the background, this is also an advantage cos it means it ill stand to when the public will stop to read it. Furthermore because the festival is going to take place in summer time there will be less clouds in the sky and therefore the sky will be clear of a night meaning you'll be able to see the stars so with the background of my poster being space themed it will suit the festival completely. Also a lot of festivals using basic primary colours how ever I will be using bright unique colours which will make it stand out when put in between all of the other festivals that take place in the summer. The font I will be using will be the music artist logos for the main headline acts but for the other basic acts I will put a bold white font that can easily be read. For the information and terms and condition I will put a very neat font that gives the festival poster a very professional look. Colours used in poster
  • 27. Main Headliners The magazine 808 which is sponsoring the festival basis its genre of rap, trap and hip- hop, there is also going to be grime and that will be the type of music the festival will be playing. The types of artists which will attend the festival will be; A$AP Rocky, Frank Ocean, Drake, 21 Savage, Rich the Kid, Famous Dex, A$AP Mob, Playboi Carti, Lil uzi vert, smokepurpp, lil pump, Flatbush zombies, AJ tracey , Dave, Smooky Margiela etc. The reason I have chose these artists is that they are very well known by a lot of people so a lot of people will want to go lots of them artists live and will therefore buy a ticket.
  • 28. Week Beginning 05/12/16 - Monday Tuesday – 06/12/16 Wednesday - 07/12/16 Thursday – 08/12/16 Friday - 09/12/16 Saturday - 10/12/16 Sunday – 11/12/16 A discussion to be put in place in which who my main headliners will be at the festival Design a layout and announce the first three headliners to the public Produce the whole poster and put it around London to create word of mouth Produce the print based advertisement Sendoff the first copy of the poser to a printing company Day Off Day Off Week Beginning 12/12/16 - Monday Tuesday – 13/12/16 Wednesday - 14/12/16 Thursday – 15/12/16 Friday - 16/12/16 Saturday - 17/12/16 Sunday – 18/12/16 Posters having been printed over the weekend will then be released with the first 3 main headliners being announced on social media Finalize and start to produce the second poster for the next group of announcements Continuing with the production of posters Posters then sent to printing company to then be available on Monday Staff meeting in which we have an overview on what's going on so far Day Off Day Off Production Plan
  • 29. Week Beginning 12/12/16 - Monday Tuesday – 13/12/16 Wednesday - 14/12/16 Thursday – 15/12/16 Friday - 16/12/16 Saturday - 17/12/16 Sunday – 18/12/16 Second poster will then be released with final headliners and therefore a layout for each of the artists showing what time they are on and where etc. Produce the official poster and be ready to send off to the printing company Final checks and send off to the printing team. Posters being printed Release the final poster into the streets of London so that it causes word of mouth Release the poster on social media sites so that everyone can see the festival Day Off Here is the production plan for how my poster is going to made and in all of these slots are certain days which have tasks on everyday. Then every day the team get closer to the release date which is 14th December. The reason I have put them out in the winter is because it will then give people time to think about whether or not they are going and its also has another time to build up hype towards the weekend. I have also done it in this time is because the people that are going to turn up to my festival can sort out time off of work and
  • 30. Budget Summary For my print based advertising line up poster I will be advertising it in social media sites such as; Facebook and twitter. To advertise on Facebook it will cost 30p for every person that clicks on the advert, I'm hoping for maybe 10,000 clicks and reposts so more people will be able to see it and buy their ticket. This means it will cost £3000 to advertise. However, advertising on twitter is free if you just make an account, but, you can also sponsor a tweet which means it will appear on someone's timeline even if they dont follow the account. This would count as a promoted trend which will appear on everyone's timeline, this bad thing is its £200,000 which is out of the price zone we wanted to keep in.
  • 31. Budget Summary cont. Job Role Salary Editors £20,000 Designers £23,000 Photographers £22,000 Marketing £21,000 Finance £20,000 Human Resources £18,000 For the salaries I have given them is just a little bit more than the normal wage that they would give this certain role in a job. This mean it should attract the best people because they will see they can earn more money if they join my festival company. Equipment Cost Office Space £215,610 Apple MacBook Pro (x5) £6245 Adobe CS6 Master collection £9179 Cameras (x3) £1225
  • 32. Legal and Ethical constraints There are a little amount of legal and ethical issue that I will have to abide by when making the print based advert. Such as, I will need to make sure that all my products are copyrighted so that no one can copy the ideas I've made and when I use the artists logos I will need to gain permission so that I'm not cutting any rules. These regulations could effect my campaign message because any consumer could complain about if anything was misleading, an example for this is the dates and who is going to attend. I will also need to not promote younger people to go because it could be extremely dangerous for them and I wont want any of them to get seriously hurt if they go. Lastly, when I use one of the artists logos then I will have to pay royalties because I'm using their work, I also need to think about not stereotyping the festival so that anyone will want to attend.
  • 33. Conclusion In this unit I have showed the different areas that go together in order to make a print based advertisement (poster). This is important because it shows the name, target audience and the slogan I will be using in order for my festival to look professional and successful. Also, I have shown the similarities and difference in what I could change to make my festival stand out for the rest of them
  • 34.
  • 35. Hand drawn drafts These are my hand drawn drafts for my print based advertisement (poster). As you can see these are a very detailed version of my poster but this was just a way in which I could give myself and vision and a platform to then add ideas to when I make the final product. However, i prefer the hand drawn draft that is on the left because it is most likely to my magazine of inspiration.
  • 36. Graphic layouts This is my draft but this time I have used a computer to give it a more professional look. This gives me an idea on what I want to do on the actual poster and where I can add more ideas that will make it look more stylish and realistic.
  • 38. Campaign Message When advertising through audio visual advertising, you need to put the most amount of persuasion so that the public will think that if they don’t go to the rolling loud festival then they are missing out. Normally because of the hype of a certain event the people will buy a ticket just to feel like they are part of something. Furthermore, by producing these adverts so far in advance then it gives the consumer time to think whether or not they want to go to the festival or not. By having a lot of popular artist spread over the two day festival the people are more likely to buy a weekend ticket then just a one day because they want to see all of the artists perform. Lastly, through the adverts don’t seem to have a slogan, it just a huge recap on the last year and is trying to make you buy a ticket for this year. When looking at the advert it seems to show a lot of people chilling out and having a good time while listen to the music that they love, this then persuades people to buy a ticket because they think that when they are there they can stop thinking about life and just have a good time with friends.
  • 39. House Style For my house style I will be using bright colour in areas of the poster but will run with a space themed background just like my advert of inspiration ‘rolling loud’. I will then use white writing so you are able to see it clearly on the background, this is also an advantage cos it means it ill stand to when the public will stop to read it. Furthermore because the festival is going to take place in summer time there will be less clouds in the sky and therefore the sky will be clear of a night meaning you'll be able to see the stars so with the background of my poster being space themed it will suit the festival completely. Also a lot of festivals using basic primary colours how ever I will be using bright unique colours which will make it stand out when put in between all of the other festivals that take place in the summer. The font I will be using will be the music artist logos for the main headline acts but for the other basic acts I will put a bold white font that can easily be read. For the information and terms and condition I will put a very neat font that gives the festival poster a very professional look. Colours used in poster
  • 40. Week Beginning 05/12/16 - Monday Tuesday – 06/12/16 Wednesday - 07/12/16 Thursday – 08/12/16 Friday - 09/12/16 Saturday - 10/12/16 Sunday – 11/12/16 A discussion to be put in place in which who my main headliners will be at the festival Design a layout and announce the first three headliners to the public Produce the whole poster and put it around London to create word of mouth Produce the print based advertisement Sendoff the first copy of the poser to a printing company Day Off Day Off Week Beginning 12/12/16 - Monday Tuesday – 13/12/16 Wednesday - 14/12/16 Thursday – 15/12/16 Friday - 16/12/16 Saturday - 17/12/16 Sunday – 18/12/16 Posters having been printed over the weekend will then be released with the first 3 main headliners being announced on social media Finalize and start to produce the second poster for the next group of announcements Continuing with the production of posters Posters then sent to printing company to then be available on Monday Staff meeting in which we have an overview on what's going on so far Day Off Day Off Production Plan
  • 41. Week Beginning 12/12/16 - Monday Tuesday – 13/12/16 Wednesday - 14/12/16 Thursday – 15/12/16 Friday - 16/12/16 Saturday - 17/12/16 Sunday – 18/12/16 Second poster will then be released with final headliners and therefore a layout for each of the artists showing what time they are on and where etc. Produce the official poster and be ready to send off to the printing company Final checks and send off to the printing team. Posters being printed Release the final poster into the streets of London so that it causes word of mouth Release the poster on social media sites so that everyone can see the festival Day Off
  • 42. Budget Summary For my print based advertising line up poster I will be advertising it in social media sites such as; Facebook and twitter. To advertise on Facebook it will cost 30p for every person that clicks on the advert, I'm hoping for maybe 10,000 clicks and reposts so more people will be able to see it and buy their ticket. This means it will cost £3000 to advertise. However, advertising on twitter is free if you just make an account, but, you can also sponsor a tweet which means it will appear on someone's timeline even if they dont follow the account. This would count as a promoted trend which will appear on everyone's timeline, this bad thing is its £200,000 which is out of the price zone we wanted to keep in.
  • 43. Budget Summary cont. Job Role Salary Editors £20,000 Designers £23,000 Photographers £22,000 Marketing £21,000 Finance £20,000 Human Resources £18,000 For the salaries I have given them is just a little bit more than the normal wage that they would give this certain role in a job. This mean it should attract the best people because they will see they can earn more money if they join my festival company. Equipment Cost Office Space £215,610 Apple MacBook Pro (x5) £6245 Adobe CS6 Master collection £9179 Cameras (x3) £1225
  • 44. Print and design cost If I buy these posters off of a site called then I can get 10 A2 size posters for £126.54 which is fairly expensive but when I looked at all of the other websites, this website was the cheapest option. I will then post my festival posters throughout London but in other places that are on the edge of the London radius so that means more people can see it and buy a ticket.
  • 45. Software risk Assessment The first risk is when you go to resize an image on Photoshop you have to hold the shift key otherwise the image will end up being blurry and looking unprofessional. The second risk is when changing the colour you have to use the drop tool because that keeps the colours consistent throughout, once again, if you don’t do this then your poster will look extremely unprofessional. The third risk is you have to make sure all of your layers are in order, also if you name your layers then it makes using Photoshop easier as you not spending more time trying to find the layer. The forth risk is once you’ve done a task on Photoshop you will need to click the the arrow in the top corner, this is because one you clock the arrow (move tool) it finishes the task you were doing.
  • 46. Legal and Ethical When making an advert, you have to check the ASA to see if you the things you put within it are of rules. Such as, if you are going to use children In your advert then you have to make sure that they are fine and grant permission for you to use them in a photo. There is also things that misleading advertising which is things like if I put a false price on the advert of my festival, then when people go to buy it, it’s a completely different price. Asa is very important because if asa don’t agree with what you are advertising then you can be given serious consequences. Rolling Loud also need to be careful about copyright because if you look at some of the lineup posters made for rolling loud, they look like they have taken along time to make, they will then have to trademark this design so that no one can copy it and use it for themselves, because all of their hard work will just get copied by other people and they be breaking the law if they don’t have any copyright issues. /codes-and-rulings.html
  • 47. Plan for the images (Photoshoot Plan) I have took this photo off of the internet through Google Images. I will plan to change this through using a different contrast and a different use of colour. I will be changing the colour of the boat to purple as I will need to make it my creation and not someone else's. I will also change the colour of the bridge to a darker shade of brown because then I am not copying someone else's work. I will need to change everything with this photo because its not my work, the reason for this is because I have got this off of google images and it wasn’t created by me, therefore I need to change it myself and add my own styles to it in order to make it my own. BEFORE AFTER
  • 49.
  • 50. Environment of Presentation In my pitch, I was in front of my class, to help me I used a slide changer to change the slides from far away so I could engage with the audience more. I also used a camera which was placed in front of me on a tripod placed a head height so that I can be evaluated on my pitch, I also used the main mac to load up my Microsoft PowerPoint, I used this because it was connected to the projector and my PowerPoint could be projected bigger so that my class could see my PowerPoint clearer in order to fill out my survey monkey effectively.
  • 51. Evidence of pitch The evidence of my pitch is provided through screenshots gathered from my video that was taken by a camera on a tri-pod.
  • 53. Plan for the images (Photoshoot Plan) I have took this photo off of the internet through Google Images. I will plan to change this through using a different contrast and a different use of colour. I will be changing the colour of the boat to purple as I will need to make it my creation and not someone else's. I will also change the colour of the bridge to a darker shade of brown because then I am not copying someone else's work. I will need to change everything with this photo because its not my work, the reason for this is because I have got this off of google images and it wasn’t created by me, therefore I need to change it myself and add my own styles to it in order to make it my own. BEFORE AFTER
  • 55. Changes made In my witness statement my teacher said that I needed to add a date otherwise people wont see when my festival is going to be taking place. Therefore I went onto Photoshop and added the right date at the top of my line-up photo.
  • 56. Legal and Ethical When making an advert, you have to check the ASA to see if you the things you put within it are of rules. Such as, if you are going to use children In your advert then you have to make sure that they are fine and grant permission for you to use them in a photo. There is also things that misleading advertising which is things like if I put a false price on the advert of my festival, then when people go to buy it, it’s a completely different price. Asa is very important because if asa don’t agree with what you are advertising then you can be given serious consequences. Rolling Loud also need to be careful about copyright because if you look at some of the lineup posters made for rolling loud, they look like they have taken along time to make, they will then have to trademark this design so that no one can copy it and use it for themselves, because all of their hard work will just get copied by other people and they be breaking the law if they don’t have any copyright issues. /codes-and-rulings.html
  • 58. Poster comparison The festival line-up I took as my inspiration was the rolling loud festival line-up that took place on 5th may 2017. The places that really influenced me to use this line-up poster was firstly, the portrait of Miami skyline as that’s where the festival was taking place. So what I done was I searched up for London skyline in cartoon. This is because I wanted my line-up poster to look cartoon as I wanted my customers to feel like kids again when they came. I then searched in google images and found a cartoon version of the London bridge so I decided to use that as my festival was taking place in London. Obviously I couldn’t use the exact version that I found on google images as that would be copyright. So I got the photo and put it into Photoshop and began to change the image to how I wanted it. Furthermore I also really liked the way rolling loud put their line-up so that it is starting from the top and working its way down the page. This is so you see the big names performing first then the not so famous artists small across the bottom. I decided to copy this because I felt it helped the way in which my line-up poster would look as I could follow the colours that were all were on my poster throughout. Lastly, the really liked the fact rolling loud use the contrast of a really dark background with extremely light colours so that it brings out the character of the poster. In comparison to my poster I then chose a really light background to then put a contrast of a really dark colour for the writing, this was so it looked clear and made the line-up poster stand out compared to the rest.
  • 59. Budget Summary For my print based advertising line up poster I will be advertising it in social media sites such as; Facebook and twitter. To advertise on Facebook it will cost 30p for every person that clicks on the advert, I'm hoping for maybe 10,000 clicks and reposts so more people will be able to see it and buy their ticket. This means it will cost £3000 to advertise. However, advertising on twitter is free if you just make an account, but, you can also sponsor a tweet which means it will appear on someone's timeline even if they don't follow the account. This would count as a promoted trend which will appear on everyone's timeline, this bad thing is its £200,000 which is out of the price zone we wanted to keep in.
  • 60. Costs of the festival Job Role Salary Editors £20,000 Designers £23,000 Photographers £22,000 Marketing £21,000 Finance £20,000 Human Resources £18,000 For the salaries I have given them is just a little bit more than the normal wage that they would give this certain role in a job. This mean it should attract the best people because they will see they can earn more money if they join my festival company. Equipment Cost Office Space £215,610 Apple MacBook Pro (x5) £6245 Adobe CS6 Master collection £9179 Cameras (x3) £1225
  • 61. Print and design cost If I buy these posters off of a site called then I can get 10 A2 size posters for £126.54 which is fairly expensive but when I looked at all of the other websites, this website was the cheapest option. I will then post my festival posters throughout London but in other places that are on the edge of the London radius so that means more people can see it and buy a ticket.
  • 62. Software risk Assessment The first risk is when you go to resize an image on Photoshop you have to hold the shift key otherwise the image will end up being blurry and looking unprofessional. The second risk is when changing the colour you have to use the drop tool because that keeps the colours consistent throughout, once again, if you don’t do this then your poster will look extremely unprofessional. The third risk is you have to make sure all of your layers are in order, also if you name your layers then it makes using Photoshop easier as you not spending more time trying to find the layer. The forth risk is once you’ve done a task on Photoshop you will need to click the the arrow in the top corner, this is because one you clock the arrow (move tool) it finishes the task you were doing.