SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Slide 4 – Choice of social media
Slide 5 – Twitter
 Purpose
 Content
 Home page
 Target User
 Revenue
 Legal and ethical issues
Slide 11 – Snapchat
 Purpose
 Content
 Home page
 Target User
 Revenue
 Legal and ethical issues
Slide 17 – Instagram
 Purpose
 Content
 Home page
 Target User
 Revenue
 Legal and ethical issues
Slide 22 -23 – Data protection act
Slide 24 – Commercial uses - advertising
Slide 25 - Viral Marketing
Slide 26 - Product reviews
Slide 27+28+29+30 - Commercial uses - Product
Slide 31 – Conclusion
Twitter was created in March 2006 by
Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone,
and Evan Williams and launched in
July of that year. The amount of users
it has is approximately 330 million
monthly users.
Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger are
the founders of Instagram. The date
that this was published in is just after
midnight on October 6, 2010.
Approximately 800 Million people use it
This as was created by Evan Spiegel,
Bobby Murphy, and Reggie Brown.
The date this was made in was in
September 2011. Approximately,
which has 150 million daily active
users globally.
Twitter is for people to express their opinions instantly to a social media with a
restriction of 280 characters this recently went up due to lots of complaints because of
its 140 character rule before. Twitters mission statement is to give everyone the
power to create and share ideas and information instantly, without barriers. Twitters
use of the word ‘power’ this could signify that when you join this social media you
automatically have power over someone's timeline as what you tweet goes onto their
phone/pc for example. The use of ‘without barriers’ is used to show that nowadays if
you want something to go public through television then it normally takes forever due
to them wanting to get everything perfect whereas twitter is literally instant after you
press publish or ‘tweet’.
Twitter content consists of tweets by active user that your profile would
choose to ‘follow’ this means that everything that they tweet will appear on
your timeline and you can choose whether to like it or retweet it if you
choose to retweet it then it will appear on your profile and will show on
peoples profiles who follow you. At the bottom of the page there is a side
bar that contains ‘home,search,notifcations and messages’ this is how you
work your way through twitter and how you can use it to its fullest. Then if
you look at the left of the website or scroll left on your phone then it shows
your profile in which you can see what you’ve been liking, retweeting and
tweeting to the public, once on this you can delete and customize your
profile. Twitter also consists of ‘hashtags’ this means that if your tweeting
about football then you can put ‘#football’ this then means if someone
wants to find out the latest news on football then all they have to do is go
onto twitter then go on the search bar and search football, this will then
take them to football news profiles but will show loads of tweets from
everyone who have used football in their tweets.
You click this button in
order to tweet
Your main
profile if you
click it
Tweets by profiles that
I follow, that’s why its
appearing on my
You can see by the
numbers to the side
of each logo that,
many people have
replied, retweeted
and liked this tweet.
As you can see, you don’t just
have to tweet words, you can add
videos, pictures, gifs to your tweet
to make it have a personality
This is the sidebar located at the
bottom of the page, this is where
the ‘search, notifications messages
and the home button’ and this is the
most used interaction on the app.
Target User
When making an account and signing up for the app, it is extremely easy, all you have to do is fill put your
personal information, choose what email you want to use, create a secure password and you are in and can
start using the social media site. There is no costs for using this app at all.
Twitter has been getting more and more popular over the years and now the amount of users has reached an
approximate 330 million monthly users.
Furthermore, 48% of twitter users are under 34 so this shows that there is still another half for the older
generation this is because they use it for subjects that are trending and most of the time its usually football
results of whats going on in politics. This could also stand out for the younger generation with football, but,
most of the young generation use it to look at what celebrities or their role models are doing such as Kim
kardashians has 57.6 million followers and Drake has 36.5 million followers.
I would say the socio-economic needs are from E-A because most of the pople that are on are students or
young adults who dont have much money, however mega rich famous people are on so therefore it appeal to
everyone as theres no price to own it.
Twitter at the moment has a revenue of $2.52 billion.
The ways in which twitter earn their money is by charge money for advertisement. They offer many different
selections on how you want to advertise your products, if you want to promote by tweeting then it will costs
around $2 but if you want to make an account that then you have to pay twitter $4 for every new follower that
you receive. The most expensive type of advertising is if you want to promote through trends. To be able to
have you own promoted hash tag then it will cost nearly $200,000 every day. With the use of so many high
users who are advertising on twitter, makes it an extremely wealthy brand.
Legal and Ethical issues
There are many advantages and disadvantages of social media apps. However, the positives for twitter is that
unlike any other social media, the minute you click that you want your profile to be private, it stops anyone who
doesn’t follow you from seeing anything you post, whereas apps like Facebook still let you browse through their
previous profile pictures etc. The negatives are that if you are a really famous person then it is very hard to
keep your profile private as you want to have a lot of followers in order to show your popularity. For example in
August 2016 Justin Bieber began to have a lot of cyber bullying going on in his twitter account. These were vile
comments about him that 1000’s were coming in every second. This caused him to delete his twitter account
because he couldn’t take the constant online harassment anymore. Twitter got into a lot of trouble with this as it
on seemed to be on twitter where he was
getting most of his hate, the way in which twitter responded to this is by putting several report settings on a
tweet so that if anyone and the tweeting doesn’t have to directed at them can still report the tweet if they feel it
is offensive. This has stopped a lot of cyber bullying occurring due to the fact that more and more people every
day have been reporting tweets causing online ‘trollers’ to have their accounts terminated or if really bad,
The co-founders (Bobby Murphy and Evan Spiegel) invented snapchat in 2011, Spiegel is now the CEO with
the extremely popular social media app. The pair of them met at university while Spiegel was studying
product design. Before snapchat became popular they attempted to make a similar type app called picaboo
however that didn't’t become well known, this is when they renamed the brand and snapchat was made.
Also, Facebook recently offered to buy the app for $3billion so it has obviously gained mass success.
Snapchat don’t really have a slogan, however, they do occasionally say ‘happy snapping’ . The use of the
word ‘happy’ suggests that the mood and emotions you are feeling when you are using the app is really
happy. The word ‘snapping’ could be used as its seems to be very quick and instant when talking to different
people who use the app. So the words together show that you can become happy when speaking to
someone instantly.
On the app, there is lots of different pages to look at, for example, there is a discovery page, your friends
stories, camera, your chat and your profile. The main colours they use are yellow, white and a sky blue, it also
has slight purple details. The reason they have used these colours is because of how eye catching they are but
also, there are no other social media pages that contain these colours, this means that when someone then
sees these colours then they are automatically going to see that it is snapchat because no other social media
companies have that colour choice. The stories page is probably the most used content on snapchat, this is
because you can see what your friends are getting up to. Also, other companies have used it for market
research an also for other companies to advertise on it.
By my ‘emoji’ there is lots of dots
around it, this is a code so that if
someone wants to add you on
snapchat and you are by them then
you can just take a picture of that
but and it adds them.
To the right of my username there is
a number, this is my score on how
much I snap a day.
Below my username there is your friends
sections, this is where you can see who’s added
you on snpachat but also below, you can add
friends by their username. At the bottom there is
‘my friends’ this is where all of your contacts are
so you can select who you want to send a
message too
When you click on settings you
can select how you want your
snapchat to look like, for example
you can select who you want to
see your story etc.
Target User
Snapchat is used mostly in in America with 55%, this could be because it was made in America. However,
Europe is second highest with 33% target users, this could be because it is quite a wealthy part of the world
and most people have technology so will use it. The age range is from 12 year olds too 28 year olds. The
reason more of the younger generation use the app is because the length of the snapchats and the fact that
they can disappear after 10 seconds showing that the conversations are quick and easy. Other popular
features is the ‘stories’ this is where one of your friends instead of sending a direct message to you, you can
send it to all of your friends by placing it on your story. The demographics of snapchat are firstly, many different
groups will use this app, for example; aspirers, mainstreamers, explorers and strugglers (Maslow) . This is
because many people will pout up photos on their story fro different things, this could be from taking photos at
parties to taking pictures at a football match. The people that use snapchat can vary from E – A groups because
you don’t have to be rich to use snapchat however looks of rich and famous people use it aswell as the poor.
Snapchat hasn’t been around for long, however, last year they earnt
$50million and our set to earn $200 million this year. Snapchat is
valued at the moment at $16billion. The reason for snapchat getting
this huge amount of revenue is because of their different filter for
your face, this is when people will instead of taking a selfie, their face
will change the way it looks, however brands have now realised their
own filter so that they get more recognition because it will be on
everyone's phone that has snapchat. These cost $450,000 for the
brands, however, if they want one to suit the seasonality, such as
one at Christmas then it will cost $750,000. Due to the app being so
popular then people are signing $10million commitments so that they
save money in the long run for people sponsorships on there.
Snapchat has recently updated the app so that there is now a place called ‘snapmaps’ which is
when you can see exactly where the person you are snapping is due to ‘mapbox’ which is a
software that uses a satellite to make images of every road in the world so that you can see
exactly where the person snapping you is from and exactly where they have sent there
message from. The positive for this is it is extremely helpful to find out where your friend is and
you can see what they are getting up to if they are on holiday etc. However the negative for this
is that the level of ‘cyber stalkers’ has now risen due to the fact that lots of people can now see
where people are on snapchat. Such as if a young girl adds someone they don’t know on
snapchat, instead of just speaking to them for some attention , the unknown person now knows
exactly where they are when the are sending messages making it easier to find that person.
However, you can now turn it onto ghost mode but the negative is snapchat have lost many
users to this as they feel like the social media has gone ‘too far’ as its left users feeling
paranoid when using the app. Police forces have now advised for children using the app to put
it on ‘ghost mode’ which means your profile doesn’t come up the map, meaning no on will know
where you are. In conclusion I feel snapchat have completely ignored the data protection act as
I feel like being able to find where someone is exactly on a satellite maps take away someone's
privacy as that is affecting peoples life as their personal data is now being found out.
Legal and Ethical
The main people in the creation of Instagram is Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger. They were both co-founders
of the brands, however, Kevin Systrom is the CEO whilst Mike Krieger is the technical lead. They differ on the
ideal of Instagram where Kevin wanted Instagram to be focused on simplicity and inspiring creativity, Which
has led everyone from celebrities to brands to share stories through visual aspects to the public. The
connotations behind Kevin to promote creativity could be him wanting a way for people to express themselves
visually. This makes healthy competition this makes healthy competition from their biggest competitors
Facebook which Is primarily word based not visual.
Instagram cooperate slogan is ‘ capture and share the world ‘ , connotations behind you have the ability to
share your experiences with the world. Previous to Instagram Kevin assisted with twitter when it was called
odeo and has also worked with Google. Whereas Mike worked for meebo and was the designer and therefore
wanted to make Instagram as creative as possible and accessible as possible.
Instagram has a colour scheme of black and white but with a multi
coloured logo. The page, compared to twitter, is so much more
easier and simple to use as there are only 3 things to do when
scrolling down the home page. For example, if you are scrolling
down the page and there is a photo you want to interact with then
you can either; 1. Like it 2. Leave a Comment 3. Save it.
However, when you go to upload a photo there is loads of different
things to do, this is conventions like giving your photo a filter to
make it look better, you can also add a location then a caption
where you can choose to have a hash tag if you want to receive
more likes etc. Instagram have also began to add a ‘stories’ part
on the app, this is because they have seen how popular snapchat
became from the ‘stories’ convention, this allows the user to show
their followers what they are doing, where they are and promotes
their lifestyle.
Target User
The app has been around since October 2010, in the past 7 years there is now 800 million monthly active users
what is 200 million more than last year, there is also 3.5 billion likes everyday, with over 800 million photos being
posted daily. Also, when Facebook bought Instagram for $1 billion in 2012 they have now made it so that when
you then log into Facebook, you can choose to show some of your Instagram photos on your Facebook
timeline. The average age for different users on Instagram ranges from 15 – 34, these would be people that are
aspirers (Maslow) because they use the social media site to show off their life and their materialistic things.
Linking to the (Katz) theory, Instagram has been made to entertain us as when people are bored nowadays they
will take out their phone and look at their social media pages. The socio-economic needs of Instagram ranges
from C1 to E as a lot of students and young adults use the app as it has really attracted the older generation as
they don't see the point in it and times were a lot different when they were young. Also, no matter how rich you
are it can still attract to them as super rich celebrities will still get the app to show their fans what they are
getting up to.
Instagram altogether how around $62 million in and revenue, this is
expected to reach up to $2.39 billion by the end of 2017 through revenue.
It is extremely hard to find information as instagram doesn’t give much
information out about the advertising costs but it has been said before that
at one point advertising could range from $350,000 to $1 Million a month
which is extremely expensive. The increase in instagram is meaning they
are making huge levels of money on a yearly basis such as it’s an
estimate that by 2020 they could have a revenue of $5.8 billion. This will
be alot more than other companies as because instagram have now also
starting advertising with other big products, such as; Facebook.
Legal and Ethical issues
There is a lot of pro’s and con’s with Instagram, but that is like any other social media app. Such as positives
would be that you can set your account on Instagram to private so it means that no strangers can see your
profile until you click a green tick which will make them follow you and they are then able to see everything you
have put into the app. However, Instagram would’ve known about the data protection act when making the app
and its to make sure that all information is ‘used fairly and lawfully’, ‘kept safe and secure’ and also ‘kept for no
longer than necessary’. However Instagram didn’t follow these rules and the owner (Mark Zuckerberg) who also
owns Facebook began to sell everyone's personal information and earn more money through it. This eventually
got caught and now he is finding his way into many court days where he could eventually find himself in jail,
however, he’s got enough money to stay out.
Social Media products need to follow this act as if they don’t then it is against the law. When the social media
company has to process any personal information then the act will not apply, in the section of 36 it states that
‘personal data processed by an individual only for the purposes of that individual’s personal, family or
household affairs are exempt from data protection principles and the provisions of parts 1 and 2.
For twitter, if you live in the states, then they will control all of your information on the app, if you live elsewhere
then it will be part of the international company. Things like your name and username will be shared publically and
its your decision if you want to include your phone number as well, however, not many people i know do this
because its abit too much information to give out publicly.
Instagram’s privacy policy, they have a section in place where they show what information they will use, this
means you know exactly what is being used. However, they do let you know if they use any of your information
and you can either agree or disagree with the terms.
Snapchats new update isn’t the most popular decision they have made recently, due to the fact that if you scroll
out of your contacts then you can see where about people are on a map which once zoomed in, you can see
exactly where they are through satellite. I think this is extremely bad because it means no one has any privacy
Pay-per-click advertising
This type of advertising is use through search engines such as google, this means they get charged whenever people click on
the link that lead to their website. You get charged every time someone clicks on the links, for example if some clicks on it
5000 times and its 5p ever click then it will cost the company 250
Sponsored Advertising
This is used because of how times have changed in which people don’t look at advertisement that is placed down the side of
a web page, they actually try to avoid whereas if you put advertisement within an article then people are more likely to read it.
Personal Recommendations
A lot of people prefer this method of advertisement as 85% said that it’s the best source due to how trustworthy it is.
Therefore, the more trust you get on your website then the more people will spread the word, therefore the company wont
have to spend money on advertising but will still have a large quantity of customers.
Out of all 3 of the social networking sites, I feel
snapchat had the best advert as I couldn’t find an
advert for Instagram and the advert for twitter didn’t
rreally have anything to do with twitter and more so
about the world cup. In this advert it is showing a new
feature to app which is called memories, this is when if
you take a picture and save it on the app then it will
store it in ‘memories’ this is then where they will make
a montage of all of the photos you have saved. Such
as; if you went on a holiday, all of the photos you took
in that location will all merge together into a ‘memory’.
Snapchat have now followed twitter and instagram and have added adverts
into their app’s as a way of making more revenue and reaching a wider
audience. Instagram and twitter allow brands to advertise to the general
audience with no specific criteria. They use Richard dyer ‘star appeal’ as a
commodity with celebrities to promote their brands, however, new
legislation is being bought in to make it clear to the audience that this an
advertisement. The account who is adverting has too clearly state it is by
adding either the #ad or #spon within the description or within the image
itself. This also includes any collaborations between a brand and a
This comes after new data released by Watchdog showing a high rise in
complaints about adverts posted on social media. This is reviewed by the
Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) who found it a breach of the CAP
code for non-broadcast advertisments as it is not clear that it is an advert.
This is because social media is the biggest source of information to the
younger generation , therefore, there is more popularity within ‘influencers’
who get paid tens of thousands for one post publicising products.
Social Medias Instagram and Facebook have now combined, so users can upload the
same thing all in one go on the same site, this benefits Instagram as Facebook has
been around the longest therefore it already has a large audience that Instagram has
access too. Snapchat similarly created this with YouTube so they can advertise and
promote the products and its uses in video form. Twitter is connected to Facebook as
well for the same reason as Instagram so any tweets and retweets can appear on
your wall. You can change the privacy settings to determine who sees this
information, this benefits all social medias as the more audience that sees the logos,
the more brand recognition and sub-conscience advertising happens.
Twitter promotes themselves as being easy to use and
inform and educate (Katz) the audience on what is
happening around the world, without reading the news,
however, this can detrimental. There has been talk that the
audience want more uses and services for the account
users and Facebook and linked-in are also useful. Also,
twitter asks for your phone number which bring up issues
of privacy but does allow you to change your settings so
only your followers can see your content. Twitter has
mature content this means young teens shouldn't’t be
using this social media as the word maturity ’signifies’ (De
Saussure) that only adults should see this information as
young people wouldn’t understand it.
Snapchat is unique social media and was created as a new way to communicate with
people, recently its had negative press because parents have said that you cant be
aware of what your children are sending and seeing. The app was supposed to be a
way to see images in a short space of time in a controlled environment however, with
technology you can now screenshot which opens the door on sexual and violent
content being saved by strangers. This is why the brand has been known as a sexting
The response to Instagram is generally positive this is because the opinion is it is
safer than other social medias as you can adjust your privacy settings to suit your
needs. If your child is on Instagram you can make sure they only follow friends and
family, not strangers. Like other social medias you get mature and inappropriate
content, however, you can report it. There is also an advised age of who should be
using Instagram as it indicates the type of content posted.
To conclude I have chosen multiple popular social media sites and have shown what
their purpose, layout and how they advertise. Furthermore, it is important to look at
the negatives aswell as the positives of the app. This is important for my work as I can
see what people like and what people don’t like when I go to make my own social
media page. Lastly, knowing what hope of target audience they have I can get a fair
understanding of what mine are going to be like and know a good way to advertise in
different ways.
There will synergy with other
social media’s such as; Ebay
Colour Scheme
Black, gold, white
This will be competing with
Depop as it will be a
selling site for clothes
This will be a phone app,
that will have images,
writing, comments and
Homepage Features
There will be a feed of
all the clothing brands
you follow.
‘Search and Find’
Target Audience
Mainly young people but can be
suitable for any ages as everyone
wears clothesConvergence
This will be a phone app that
has videos, pictures,
comments and likes with a
timeline Colour Scheme
Blue, Red, white
The synergy with this app
will be; Twitter, Facebook,
‘Chat, Love, Live, Laugh.’
This app will be competitng with
apps such as; Instagram, facebook
Homepage Features
There will be a love feed of all
the people that you are friends
or following.
Target Audience
This will be perfect for over 25’s as it’s a way in
which they can meet up with the people that they
have lost and want to reunite with.
This app will be competing with
apps such as; Spotify, Soundcloud,
Apple Music, Tidal etc.Slogan
‘Every artist needs a
This will be an iphone app but
will also be available on pc.
The homepage will have a live
feed of all music your profile has
‘followed’ has released which
you can then be listened to.
Colour Scheme
White, sky blue and dark
Target Audience
The people that will be using this
social media will vary from young
adults to over 50’s as everyone
likes music so therefore it will
never go out of ‘trend’
The app will be in
synergy with apps
such as;
and shazam
These are my hand drawn drafts for my music app idea called ‘808WAVE’. The home page layout will be
very simple so that it is easy to use and not complicated that will demotivate someone to not wanting to
make an account or signing up etc.
These are the hand drawn drafts for my home page of the app. As you can see it has a very simple look to
it because I feel the more minimal and neat an app looks the better it is to use, therefore this may attract a
lot of user as it isn't complicated to us.
My two final ideas are ‘808WAVE’ and ‘REUP’.
REUP’S purpose is to be a way In which people can show off their outfits in which they can interact with other people and speak
about the latest trends etc. You can also then have an option where you can sell your outfit to the people that are interested in it.
My homepage features will consist of your profile icon in the corner and a feed which will consist off the uploads of the people
that you have followed. Therefore you can then buy that outfit off of them, at the bottom it will have the legal and ethical/ terms
and conditions, such as; what happens to scammers or how your covered with insurance etc. I have chosen the name ‘Reup’
due to the fact that it is slang for buying clothing, for example ‘I need to reup with some tshirts’ this can also be used as a slogan.
This app will be made to compete with apps such as Depop, Ebay, its more in competition with depop as depop is moistly
clothes whereas ebay branches out as much as possible. The social aspect with this app is you can message other people that
you follow about things such as’ where di you get that top from?’ or message your friend on the app about what time of outfit you
want to wear. For my app I have chosen the best bits of each app and changes given my spin on it so that there is no copyright
issues, this will then make the best app between the two. For convergences, I want to keep the app really simple and easy to
use as sometimes being minimal is being the best as people wont delete the app as its too complicated to use. The target
audience that will be using this app we be mainly for the younger generation as it will be showing the latest trends which they will
want to follow whereas the older generation find their own clothes from a store as they don’t usually care about the the latest
trends. For socio-economic needs it would be C1 – E, this is because young adults won’t have a lot of money, however, high end
designers will be sold on their as that will be a latest trend.
My other idea was 808WAVE
The purpose of 808WAVE is an app that you can send beats too upcoming artists, they can then; sing, rap for
example over the beat, then they release the track to 808Wave which then members of the public can then
listen to the song. The homepage features of the app will be a live feed of what has just released from the
artists/producers that you follow, there will also be your own profile where you can show off your playlists to
other people that follow your page. The connotations behind the name ‘808wave’ is because 808 is the sound
that would be used in many beats of todays music, ‘wave’ is then used as music comes in soundwaves so I
thought it would make sense. This app was made to compete with apps like; spotify, soundcloud. The slogan
will be ‘The first to hear it’ as you are literally watching a song be made as the producer could post the beat,
you can then see the interaction between the artist and the producer, then the artist will [post the full song onto
their page in order to see if they make it into the ‘808WAVE top 10 songs of the week’. The layout, like my other
idea will be extremely minimal because I have released that not many people like in-depth complicated to use
apps as they get turned away from them because they don’t know what they are doing, where if you get a self
explanatory app that is very minimal the ore people are going to use it as its easy.
My colour scheme will be white black and blue writing. The reason I have chose these colours as I believe this
colourway will look professional and modern. I have also chose the colours because none of my competition
apps have got these colours on, therefore mine will stand out compared to both of them which will hopefully
generate more downloads/users.
I will also add gold on some tracks if they have made it into the top 10 of the week so therefore they can stand
out and hopefully get more plays.
The purpose of my product is that I will showing people new music on a daily, similar to how soundcloud is like, however, mine will
be in all different genres of music so that people can see what new music suits them. Also, on spotify they have a global top 100 of
all of the popular artists that have been releasing music, whereas, mine is for the upcoming artists that are trying to get popular.
However if the app becomes successful then I may actually make a version for for all artists so that I can earn the business more
Other features of the app will be that you can message people privately on their to show them a new beat or song that you found
and also exchange messages to set up a new song etc. I will also set up a setting that will mean when someone goes to upload a
track, they also have to upload an non explicit version of the songs for the people that using the app that are under the age of 16,
this is only because I don’t want the app to get backlash for having 14 year olds listening to music that has a lot of swearing in it.
I will also have a video part of the app which will mean the artists can make a music video for it and can upload it for everyone to
Furthermore the app will always be the slogan ‘the future for music’ as it’s a complete new way in which music is made and
usually music by artists is completely controlled by industries or record labels that will release the music when they believe it will
earn the most money, which will sometimes cause a fallout with the artists as they want to show their fans as much music as
possible. With 808WAVE the fans can watch the song come together and the artists will receive 65% of the money earnt with
other 30% going to the producer and 5% going to 808WAVE, we will also get money through the adverts that will be on the app.
This is perfect for the app as the more people that will use the app to listen to a new song over and over which will mean more
people will see the adverts, furthermore meaning I will get more money off the adverts in order to profit but also use the money to
make the app better.
The reason I chose the name ‘808WAVE’ for my app is because firstly an 808 is a type of drum that occurs in many of
the music of todays music that is trending at the moment this could be from popular artists now like; Drake, Migos,
Travis Scott, they will always have 808’s that occur in their beats as its literally the most important part of the beat as it
will give the beat rhythm. The reason I have then put ‘wave’ is because music comes in different sound waves but also
in todays culture the slang word ‘wave’ means something is doing really well such as ‘that artist has jumped on the
wave’ which will mean the artists is being really successful at that moment. This is the type of slang made by the type
of people that will listen to the type of music that is popular at the moment.
However, I'm planning to add many different genres to the app to widen the target audience for the users of the app
so you may have to change the app but at the money I think it will be popular and successful at the moment as if just
starting up and I'm not even sure it will be successful yet.
The type of font I will use for my app will be bold straight writing so that is looks very minimal and wont turn a user
away fro looking too unprofessional etc. However, my logo for the app will be in a graffiti type of font due to that’s what
suits the type of music that I will by promoting first.
My unique selling point is the fact that I'm creating a whole new way in which music is going to be made. There is no
other app on the market that is like my app.
I will be going into synergy with other social medias such as; Facebook and twitter. The reason I have chose this is
because I will be able to attract the users of Facebook and twitter to my app. Also not many people like filling out and
making a whole new user as it is time consuming, whereas, if they already have profiles on Facebook and twitter
then they will able to just sign in using the details of the apps meaning they will have a new user on 808wave with the
same details as Facebook and twitter. I will also use their profiles to see what artists they like and who they follow to
then already have them followed on my app so they can see the latest music released.
My target audience will consist on mainly young adults as they care more about the latest trends etc. Furthermore
the ages will vary from 17 to 25 years old with unisex users as your gender doesn't’t really change the type of music
you listen to. With socio-economic needs, it will vary from E-A as the type of music you listen to doesn’t really
depend on the amount of money you have. However, most users will be E as mostly students will be using the app.
My target audience would be explorers as they will always be wanting to find out the latest news about an artist no
matter where they are in the world. Lastly, there will be users for surveillance and diversion because they will want to
escape the reality of the world and find out what other people are doing with their lives.
808WAVE Home Upload Profile Search Bar Messages Other
Who to
About us
Sign Out
Choose a
file to upload
Login Page
Sign In
Log in Try it for free Log in using
Log in using
Log in using
Email Address
For the body text of my app I will be using a font named ‘razing’. The reason I have used this font is
because I feel it meets the target audience and the genre being promoted on my app which is rap, grime.
The use of bold graffiti makes it look modern and unique, it is also very easy to read as it’s a simple font.
The use of graffiti is part of the culture of the music. For my logo I have used the font ‘doctorglitch’ this is
because the influence of my app is to be like a distorted record mixed with waves that’s why the app looks
really glitch. I like this idea because its different and isn't like other apps which will give it a unique selling
point. Furthermore, I feel the colours of my website is perfect because there are no other apps that use
these colours which will mean mine will stand out which will hopefully mean more users will choose to
download this app instead of the other music apps in my competition.
Terms and Conditions
With my terms and conditions, I think it is important to state the general terms of the rules of my app and what
will happen if you violate the ethical and copyright issues. In addition I will also need to add any information on
IP and any government law because it is important that the user of my app knows what's happening to its
information. For example there will be prosecutions if you take someone's work on the app and copy it then
post it on your account, this is plagiarism and will be banned.
Privacy Policy
My app will have its privacy policy clear on the website/app so there is no confusion for anyone wanting to find
out. I will show them exactly what details I will have off of the user and where they go. This is so they feel safe
when using the app that their details aren't being passed around and sold. At 808WAVE all information will be
for useful purposes only and wont do anything against the law with the details. Also, if there was a policy
change then it will pop up as a notification before they go onto the app and they can see whether or not they
want to use the app anymore, however I will never make anything that will be a drastic change.
05/7/18 -
Tuesday –
Wednesday –
Thursday –
Friday –
Saturday –
Sunday –
Get the graphic
designers to
start making the
Keep working,
start getting
artists to give
some new
music that can
help promote
the new app
Get all the
music together
and have it
ready to post in
the right genre
Have the music
journalists have
stories about
different artists
Have all the
workers carry
on with their
Day Off Day Off
12/7/18 -
Tuesday –
Wednesday –
Thursday –
Friday –
Saturday –
Sunday –
Select the best
songs and
stories that can
be posted first
onto the app
Begin to find
people to
advertise onto
the app
Insert photos
onto the
website and
begin to see the
app come alive
Add all music,
stories, adverts
to the app and
do the more
checks on the
Give final
checks again
and get ready
to launch the
app at midnight
Control the
website and
see the
responses on
how to make
the app better.
Day Off
My launch date will be 17th July. The reason I have selected it to drop in July is because that is in the middle of
the summer, this is when I feel music is listened to the most because loads of people are outside listening to
music soaking in the atmosphere of the weather being really happy. I feel this will boost my sales because more
people will want to get a music streaming app so they can listen to music wherever they are.
I gave my team 2 weeks to make the app/website, I felt like this was a perfect period of time because its not a
really big project that will need lots work. As long as all my workers are working at a constant quick pace then I
feel 2 weeks is a perfect period of time in which my app can be ready.
The teams of workers I need for this app is music journalists, graphic designer, editors, marketing director,
writers. I will also need plenty of the best resources in order to make my app look extremely professional and
modern. For this I will buy apple macs and download the software Adobe Photoshop so that the work looks
However, to save money on my budget, I will give people that don’t need Photoshop just a normal cheap pc so
they can use it will be
To make my app/website, I will need we professional and quality members of staff. However, because of how
good they are going to be they will want a wage that will help make them join my project. For this I have
decided to look up on internet the average wager for all of these job roles and I have decided to give them a
slight increase just so I can win them over and make sure they join my company.
Job Role Salary
Music journalist £33,000
Graphic designer £28,000
Editor £40,000
Marketing director £50,000
Writers £24,500
I also need to look at the expenses for the tool they will need. An average apple mac is £1,049 so I will have to
think about that when coming to what members of staff will need one compared to the staff that don’t, for
example the graphic designer for the app will have to have an apple mac because that is what most of their
work will be on, whereas, the marketing director might not have to have an mac because they should be out
thinking of better innovative ideas for the app.
The majority of the revenue will be earnt through the pro version of the app which will be a monthly payment
from the user but also the advertising present on the page will get me. I have researched how much Spotify
charge for adverts on their page and its valued at a minimum budget of £2000 meaning that is the minimum
you can put down for an advert on the app. If I can get many companies all doing adverts on the free version of
my app then I will be able to earn a lot of money back. It also means that if someone wants a 30 second advert
on my app then they will have to spend at least £3000 to £4000 on a 30 second advert. If they want an pop up
ad that has pictures on it etc then they will have to pay a lot more as there is more than just a voiceover. I will
also use the cpi method which means (cost per interaction) which means every time someone click on the
advert off of ,y app then the company who have advertised will have to give me money. I will use this for my
app but its not the best because if it’s a really unprofessional company advertising then its not going to get
much money, therefore I wont and I would've been better off getting the money upfront of another advert that
wants a voiceover advert, however, it can go positive and if its really popular brand advertising like that then I
could end up earning more money due to the level of clicks. In conclusion, I would rather earn as much revenue
as possible in the first year as much businesses start up year normally break even therefore I'm going to need
to earn as much money as possible.
When it comes to making an app, there is a lot of terms and conditions and inside information that (if broken) can lead to extreme lawsuits
The first legal issue that my app will need is the data protection act. This is because in order to make your user on the app I will need some
personal details such as; Full name, number, email address and also if they are buying the pro version then I will have their bank cards
saved etc. This means that when I receive this information I have to make sure it is ‘kept safe and secure’ and ‘kept for no longer than is
absolutely necessary’ . Lastly, I also have to make sure the information is only ‘used fairly and lawfully’ this means I cant do anything else
with their information as Facebook have recently been done with selling users details and making even more money off of their app.
Another legal issue that my app will need is copyright, as because the majority of the users of my app will be making their own work, they
wont want to be copied by another user, which then the other user could possibly profit off of work that isn’t theirs. There are 4 factors that
apply for copyright and they are; Purpose and nature of us, nature of the work, amount and sustainability of the portion used and lastly, the
effect of use upon market and value.
I also need to make sure that none of my work is being copyrighted and that I will have trademark all of my work. This is so if anyone goes to
copy my work I can then take them to court and can stop them from using it as I have already copyrighted the work. I can also trademark the
work so that if anyone goes to use anything off my app then I can receive a fee from them. In conclusion if I copyright and trademark all of
my work then there will be no problems later.
My target audience for the app is for young adults which is from ages 17 – 30. I feel my products reaches the
target audience because when you are a young adult you want to follow all the trends to show that you are up to
date. Also, when you are within this age gap you will still listen to upcoming songs and modern songs which is
why my app will suit them because my app will have the latest songs put up onto the social media in which you
are literally watching the producer of the beat post it and a popular rapper the making a song of it and posting it
onto 808wave for all the users to see. With socio-economic needs, it will vary from E-A as the type of music you
listen to doesn’t really depend on the amount of money you have. However, most users will be E as mostly
students will be using the app. The app will cost £7.99 a month so that it beats any of the competition who put
their prices at £10 a month, it is also a very sustainable price as many people will be able to afford that amount
every month. However, there is also a free version that students who are really poor can get however when they
go to listen to music after every 5 songs there will be a 30 seconds vocal advert. Also, with the free version you
will receive pop up ads when clicking on anything on the social media website/app, for every 5 clicks a pop up ad
will come up. Also, my target audience would be explorers as they will always be wanting to find out the latest
news about an artist no matter where they are in the world. Lastly, there will be users for surveillance and
diversion because they will want to escape the reality of the world and find out what other people are doing with
their lives.
Tool bar
These are my Photoshop drafts. I have made these on PowerPoint
through using the shape tool. This has helped me a lot because its
now given me a perspective on how I want my website to look. I
will then make these look a lot more modern and professional on
Photoshop. I will then get my graphic designer to finalize the look.
These are my hand drawn drafts for my music app idea called ‘808WAVE’. The home page layout will be
very simple so that it is easy to use and not complicated that will demotivate someone to not wanting to
make an account or signing up etc.
These are the hand drawn drafts for my home page of the app. As you can see it has a very simple look to
it because I feel the more minimal and neat an app looks the better it is to use, therefore this may attract a
lot of user as it isn't complicated to us.
This is my sign up page. Firstly, down the left hand side of my page there is advertisements, these will change
on a weekly bases which will hopefully make more users download the app. In the middle of the app there is
the sign up part of the app in which you can use your details from Facebook or twitter to log in, or, you can just
start from scratch by entering your email however some people don’t do this as they feel it is time consuming.
To the right of the page there is the log in button for users that regularly use the app and try it for free button is
for the users that have been using the free version of the app and want to be part of the 808WAVEpro which
doesn't have adverts etc.
This is my home page. As you can see the top of the page there is the navigation bar which will take you around the app. From this you can go back
to home page, upload your music, look at your profile, search for specific songs, message, etc. On the left there is a who to follow part of the app
which shows other users that have the same interest in the music you listen therefore you can come together and chat using the message part of the
app. In the middle of the page shows the song that you are listening to in which you can play and pause it, rewind and forward. Below that there is a
playlists section this is where you can shortlist you music into different playlists that will then play all of the songs you have put into it. Lastly, on the
right of the page is all of your ‘friends’ or the people that you follow, this is here you can see what they are listening to at that exact time and can then
chat to them about upcoming music that is coming out exclusively on 808WAVE.
All of my pages will follow the same look every time, this will mean the pages
consist of the same background as I have chosen for my website/app. This is
the look of distorted waves so it differs to the rest of my competition. I'm also
going to repeat the same font for all of my pages because I feel that if you don’t
keep using the same font then it can look really unprofessional and scruffy.
However, the font can be changed when there is a title as that is what you want
people to see; for example, if a rapper was going to release an album then it will
be in a big bold title on the side of the home page as I will want people to see
that because then that will make people want to click on it and be using my app.
Furthermore all of my pages will follow the same style of adverts being in the
same place which will be on the sides of the pages. The reason I chosen them
to be in the same place is because from use of many apps I find it really
annoying when I go to click on an interaction and an ad quickly pops up in front
causing you to click the advert, this will normally result in my closing down the
whole app. I don't want that to happen to mine as I want all of my users to be
active at any time so that it can stay popular and successful all year round.
I will get the Web Standards Agency (WaSP) to use my social
media/app because it will help reduce the costs of the development
of my app and they make the price a lot of more achievable. Also by
have WaSP you can add search engines to any software so if this is
added to me social media work then it means users can find more
information when using my app, which could help add more users to
make social media as if they just go to mine they can find out many
headlines whereas they would have to search for individual stories
My terms and conditions will be where all of users can go to find out
information on; Licenses, royalties and copyright, this will be located
at the bottom of my website if they want to find any of these out. I
will then have a page where then can see the privacy policy which I
will use Instagram's as an example and it will include the general
rights of a profile/user and what the general conditions are when
seeing what you can and cant take from someone's profile. For
example, you can repost an image that isn’t yours as that is
copyright and you will be prosecuted for it.
I will also have the web standards project (WaSP) to be part of my social media app. The
reason for this is because it helps make save money as they make it not really difficult to make
my website due to reduced costs and help make my budget attainable. In addition, it allows the
software to understand any documents that are off websites, so it would make it a lot easier to
add search engine into my social media and give it better results which will be extremely
helpful for my app as its to do with getting news about latest music, this means the user can
find out even more information when using my app, this could also attract more users as they
will be able to see every bit of news using my app instead of using several. It will also help to
have this because it will make my social media app/website more efficient through making the
design and development different.
The majority of the revenue will be earnt through the pro version of the app which will be a monthly payment
from the user but also the advertising present on the page will get me. I have researched how much Spotify
charge for adverts on their page and its valued at a minimum budget of £2000 meaning that is the minimum
you can put down for an advert on the app. If I can get many companies all doing adverts on the free version of
my app then I will be able to earn a lot of money back. It also means that if someone wants a 30 second advert
on my app then they will have to spend at least £3000 to £4000 on a 30 second advert. If they want an pop up
ad that has pictures on it etc then they will have to pay a lot more as there is more than just a voiceover. I will
also use the cpi method which means (cost per interaction) which means every time someone click on the
advert off of ,y app then the company who have advertised will have to give me money. I will use this for my
app but its not the best because if it’s a really unprofessional company advertising then its not going to get
much money, therefore I wont and I would've been better off getting the money upfront of another advert that
wants a voiceover advert, however, it can go positive and if its really popular brand advertising like that then I
could end up earning more money due to the level of clicks. In conclusion, I would rather earn as much revenue
as possible in the first year as much businesses start up year normally break even therefore I'm going to need
to earn as much money as possible.
Within this unit I have shown all of the drafts on how I have wanted the pages to look. I have also
described why I wanted the homepage and sign up page the way I have made it. I have then spoke
about the summary of each of my pages and what I have chose to repeat on each page. Lastly, I
then spoke about the guidelines and conditions of my social media app and why I have used the
web standards policy (WaSP)

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  • 2.
  • 3. CONTENTS Slide 4 – Choice of social media Slide 5 – Twitter  Purpose  Content  Home page  Target User  Revenue  Legal and ethical issues Slide 11 – Snapchat  Purpose  Content  Home page  Target User  Revenue  Legal and ethical issues Slide 17 – Instagram  Purpose  Content  Home page  Target User  Revenue  Legal and ethical issues Slide 22 -23 – Data protection act Slide 24 – Commercial uses - advertising Slide 25 - Viral Marketing Slide 26 - Product reviews Slide 27+28+29+30 - Commercial uses - Product review Slide 31 – Conclusion
  • 4. CHOICE OF SOCIAL MEDIA Twitter Twitter was created in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams and launched in July of that year. The amount of users it has is approximately 330 million monthly users. Instagram Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger are the founders of Instagram. The date that this was published in is just after midnight on October 6, 2010. Approximately 800 Million people use it monthly. Snapchat This as was created by Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy, and Reggie Brown. The date this was made in was in September 2011. Approximately, which has 150 million daily active users globally.
  • 5. TWITTER Purpose Twitter is for people to express their opinions instantly to a social media with a restriction of 280 characters this recently went up due to lots of complaints because of its 140 character rule before. Twitters mission statement is to give everyone the power to create and share ideas and information instantly, without barriers. Twitters use of the word ‘power’ this could signify that when you join this social media you automatically have power over someone's timeline as what you tweet goes onto their phone/pc for example. The use of ‘without barriers’ is used to show that nowadays if you want something to go public through television then it normally takes forever due to them wanting to get everything perfect whereas twitter is literally instant after you press publish or ‘tweet’. p%5Esafari%7Ctwgr%5Eprofile
  • 6. TWITTERContent Twitter content consists of tweets by active user that your profile would choose to ‘follow’ this means that everything that they tweet will appear on your timeline and you can choose whether to like it or retweet it if you choose to retweet it then it will appear on your profile and will show on peoples profiles who follow you. At the bottom of the page there is a side bar that contains ‘home,search,notifcations and messages’ this is how you work your way through twitter and how you can use it to its fullest. Then if you look at the left of the website or scroll left on your phone then it shows your profile in which you can see what you’ve been liking, retweeting and tweeting to the public, once on this you can delete and customize your profile. Twitter also consists of ‘hashtags’ this means that if your tweeting about football then you can put ‘#football’ this then means if someone wants to find out the latest news on football then all they have to do is go onto twitter then go on the search bar and search football, this will then take them to football news profiles but will show loads of tweets from everyone who have used football in their tweets. tips-creating-engaging-content-every- day.html
  • 7. You click this button in order to tweet Your main profile if you click it Tweets by profiles that I follow, that’s why its appearing on my timeline You can see by the numbers to the side of each logo that, many people have replied, retweeted and liked this tweet. As you can see, you don’t just have to tweet words, you can add videos, pictures, gifs to your tweet to make it have a personality This is the sidebar located at the bottom of the page, this is where the ‘search, notifications messages and the home button’ and this is the most used interaction on the app. TWITTER
  • 8. TWITTER Target User When making an account and signing up for the app, it is extremely easy, all you have to do is fill put your personal information, choose what email you want to use, create a secure password and you are in and can start using the social media site. There is no costs for using this app at all. Twitter has been getting more and more popular over the years and now the amount of users has reached an approximate 330 million monthly users. Furthermore, 48% of twitter users are under 34 so this shows that there is still another half for the older generation this is because they use it for subjects that are trending and most of the time its usually football results of whats going on in politics. This could also stand out for the younger generation with football, but, most of the young generation use it to look at what celebrities or their role models are doing such as Kim kardashians has 57.6 million followers and Drake has 36.5 million followers. I would say the socio-economic needs are from E-A because most of the pople that are on are students or young adults who dont have much money, however mega rich famous people are on so therefore it appeal to everyone as theres no price to own it.
  • 9. TWITTER Revenue Twitter at the moment has a revenue of $2.52 billion. The ways in which twitter earn their money is by charge money for advertisement. They offer many different selections on how you want to advertise your products, if you want to promote by tweeting then it will costs around $2 but if you want to make an account that then you have to pay twitter $4 for every new follower that you receive. The most expensive type of advertising is if you want to promote through trends. To be able to have you own promoted hash tag then it will cost nearly $200,000 every day. With the use of so many high users who are advertising on twitter, makes it an extremely wealthy brand. earnings-revenue.html
  • 10. TWITTER Legal and Ethical issues There are many advantages and disadvantages of social media apps. However, the positives for twitter is that unlike any other social media, the minute you click that you want your profile to be private, it stops anyone who doesn’t follow you from seeing anything you post, whereas apps like Facebook still let you browse through their previous profile pictures etc. The negatives are that if you are a really famous person then it is very hard to keep your profile private as you want to have a lot of followers in order to show your popularity. For example in August 2016 Justin Bieber began to have a lot of cyber bullying going on in his twitter account. These were vile comments about him that 1000’s were coming in every second. This caused him to delete his twitter account because he couldn’t take the constant online harassment anymore. Twitter got into a lot of trouble with this as it on seemed to be on twitter where he was getting most of his hate, the way in which twitter responded to this is by putting several report settings on a tweet so that if anyone and the tweeting doesn’t have to directed at them can still report the tweet if they feel it is offensive. This has stopped a lot of cyber bullying occurring due to the fact that more and more people every day have been reporting tweets causing online ‘trollers’ to have their accounts terminated or if really bad, deleted. cyberbullying
  • 11. SNAPCHAT Purpose The co-founders (Bobby Murphy and Evan Spiegel) invented snapchat in 2011, Spiegel is now the CEO with the extremely popular social media app. The pair of them met at university while Spiegel was studying product design. Before snapchat became popular they attempted to make a similar type app called picaboo however that didn't’t become well known, this is when they renamed the brand and snapchat was made. Also, Facebook recently offered to buy the app for $3billion so it has obviously gained mass success. Snapchat don’t really have a slogan, however, they do occasionally say ‘happy snapping’ . The use of the word ‘happy’ suggests that the mood and emotions you are feeling when you are using the app is really happy. The word ‘snapping’ could be used as its seems to be very quick and instant when talking to different people who use the app. So the words together show that you can become happy when speaking to someone instantly.
  • 12. SNAPCHAT Content On the app, there is lots of different pages to look at, for example, there is a discovery page, your friends stories, camera, your chat and your profile. The main colours they use are yellow, white and a sky blue, it also has slight purple details. The reason they have used these colours is because of how eye catching they are but also, there are no other social media pages that contain these colours, this means that when someone then sees these colours then they are automatically going to see that it is snapchat because no other social media companies have that colour choice. The stories page is probably the most used content on snapchat, this is because you can see what your friends are getting up to. Also, other companies have used it for market research an also for other companies to advertise on it.
  • 13. SNAPCHAT Code By my ‘emoji’ there is lots of dots around it, this is a code so that if someone wants to add you on snapchat and you are by them then you can just take a picture of that but and it adds them. Score To the right of my username there is a number, this is my score on how much I snap a day. Add Below my username there is your friends sections, this is where you can see who’s added you on snpachat but also below, you can add friends by their username. At the bottom there is ‘my friends’ this is where all of your contacts are so you can select who you want to send a message too Settings When you click on settings you can select how you want your snapchat to look like, for example you can select who you want to see your story etc.
  • 14. SNAPCHAT Target User Snapchat is used mostly in in America with 55%, this could be because it was made in America. However, Europe is second highest with 33% target users, this could be because it is quite a wealthy part of the world and most people have technology so will use it. The age range is from 12 year olds too 28 year olds. The reason more of the younger generation use the app is because the length of the snapchats and the fact that they can disappear after 10 seconds showing that the conversations are quick and easy. Other popular features is the ‘stories’ this is where one of your friends instead of sending a direct message to you, you can send it to all of your friends by placing it on your story. The demographics of snapchat are firstly, many different groups will use this app, for example; aspirers, mainstreamers, explorers and strugglers (Maslow) . This is because many people will pout up photos on their story fro different things, this could be from taking photos at parties to taking pictures at a football match. The people that use snapchat can vary from E – A groups because you don’t have to be rich to use snapchat however looks of rich and famous people use it aswell as the poor. target-market-and-market-size-and-how- does-it-cater-to-that-market
  • 15. SNAPCHAT Revenue Snapchat hasn’t been around for long, however, last year they earnt $50million and our set to earn $200 million this year. Snapchat is valued at the moment at $16billion. The reason for snapchat getting this huge amount of revenue is because of their different filter for your face, this is when people will instead of taking a selfie, their face will change the way it looks, however brands have now realised their own filter so that they get more recognition because it will be on everyone's phone that has snapchat. These cost $450,000 for the brands, however, if they want one to suit the seasonality, such as one at Christmas then it will cost $750,000. Due to the app being so popular then people are signing $10million commitments so that they save money in the long run for people sponsorships on there.
  • 16. SNAPCHAT Snapchat has recently updated the app so that there is now a place called ‘snapmaps’ which is when you can see exactly where the person you are snapping is due to ‘mapbox’ which is a software that uses a satellite to make images of every road in the world so that you can see exactly where the person snapping you is from and exactly where they have sent there message from. The positive for this is it is extremely helpful to find out where your friend is and you can see what they are getting up to if they are on holiday etc. However the negative for this is that the level of ‘cyber stalkers’ has now risen due to the fact that lots of people can now see where people are on snapchat. Such as if a young girl adds someone they don’t know on snapchat, instead of just speaking to them for some attention , the unknown person now knows exactly where they are when the are sending messages making it easier to find that person. However, you can now turn it onto ghost mode but the negative is snapchat have lost many users to this as they feel like the social media has gone ‘too far’ as its left users feeling paranoid when using the app. Police forces have now advised for children using the app to put it on ‘ghost mode’ which means your profile doesn’t come up the map, meaning no on will know where you are. In conclusion I feel snapchat have completely ignored the data protection act as I feel like being able to find where someone is exactly on a satellite maps take away someone's privacy as that is affecting peoples life as their personal data is now being found out. 23/police-issue-child-safety-warning-snapchat- maps-update-reveals/ Legal and Ethical
  • 17. INSTAGRAM Purpose The main people in the creation of Instagram is Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger. They were both co-founders of the brands, however, Kevin Systrom is the CEO whilst Mike Krieger is the technical lead. They differ on the ideal of Instagram where Kevin wanted Instagram to be focused on simplicity and inspiring creativity, Which has led everyone from celebrities to brands to share stories through visual aspects to the public. The connotations behind Kevin to promote creativity could be him wanting a way for people to express themselves visually. This makes healthy competition this makes healthy competition from their biggest competitors Facebook which Is primarily word based not visual. Instagram cooperate slogan is ‘ capture and share the world ‘ , connotations behind you have the ability to share your experiences with the world. Previous to Instagram Kevin assisted with twitter when it was called odeo and has also worked with Google. Whereas Mike worked for meebo and was the designer and therefore wanted to make Instagram as creative as possible and accessible as possible.
  • 18. INSTAGRAM Content Instagram has a colour scheme of black and white but with a multi coloured logo. The page, compared to twitter, is so much more easier and simple to use as there are only 3 things to do when scrolling down the home page. For example, if you are scrolling down the page and there is a photo you want to interact with then you can either; 1. Like it 2. Leave a Comment 3. Save it. However, when you go to upload a photo there is loads of different things to do, this is conventions like giving your photo a filter to make it look better, you can also add a location then a caption where you can choose to have a hash tag if you want to receive more likes etc. Instagram have also began to add a ‘stories’ part on the app, this is because they have seen how popular snapchat became from the ‘stories’ convention, this allows the user to show their followers what they are doing, where they are and promotes their lifestyle.
  • 19. INSTAGRAM Target User The app has been around since October 2010, in the past 7 years there is now 800 million monthly active users what is 200 million more than last year, there is also 3.5 billion likes everyday, with over 800 million photos being posted daily. Also, when Facebook bought Instagram for $1 billion in 2012 they have now made it so that when you then log into Facebook, you can choose to show some of your Instagram photos on your Facebook timeline. The average age for different users on Instagram ranges from 15 – 34, these would be people that are aspirers (Maslow) because they use the social media site to show off their life and their materialistic things. Linking to the (Katz) theory, Instagram has been made to entertain us as when people are bored nowadays they will take out their phone and look at their social media pages. The socio-economic needs of Instagram ranges from C1 to E as a lot of students and young adults use the app as it has really attracted the older generation as they don't see the point in it and times were a lot different when they were young. Also, no matter how rich you are it can still attract to them as super rich celebrities will still get the app to show their fans what they are getting up to. of-monthly-active-instagram-users/
  • 20. INSTAGRAM Revenue Instagram altogether how around $62 million in and revenue, this is expected to reach up to $2.39 billion by the end of 2017 through revenue. It is extremely hard to find information as instagram doesn’t give much information out about the advertising costs but it has been said before that at one point advertising could range from $350,000 to $1 Million a month which is extremely expensive. The increase in instagram is meaning they are making huge levels of money on a yearly basis such as it’s an estimate that by 2020 they could have a revenue of $5.8 billion. This will be alot more than other companies as because instagram have now also starting advertising with other big products, such as; Facebook. Instagram-Mobile-Ad-Revenues- Reach-281-Billion-Worldwide- 2017/1012774
  • 21. INSTAGRAM Legal and Ethical issues There is a lot of pro’s and con’s with Instagram, but that is like any other social media app. Such as positives would be that you can set your account on Instagram to private so it means that no strangers can see your profile until you click a green tick which will make them follow you and they are then able to see everything you have put into the app. However, Instagram would’ve known about the data protection act when making the app and its to make sure that all information is ‘used fairly and lawfully’, ‘kept safe and secure’ and also ‘kept for no longer than necessary’. However Instagram didn’t follow these rules and the owner (Mark Zuckerberg) who also owns Facebook began to sell everyone's personal information and earn more money through it. This eventually got caught and now he is finding his way into many court days where he could eventually find himself in jail, however, he’s got enough money to stay out. sold-to-cambridge-analytica-11326718
  • 22. DATA PROTECTION ACT (1998) Social Media products need to follow this act as if they don’t then it is against the law. When the social media company has to process any personal information then the act will not apply, in the section of 36 it states that ‘personal data processed by an individual only for the purposes of that individual’s personal, family or household affairs are exempt from data protection principles and the provisions of parts 1 and 2.
  • 23. DATA PROTECTION ACT (1998) For twitter, if you live in the states, then they will control all of your information on the app, if you live elsewhere then it will be part of the international company. Things like your name and username will be shared publically and its your decision if you want to include your phone number as well, however, not many people i know do this because its abit too much information to give out publicly. Instagram’s privacy policy, they have a section in place where they show what information they will use, this means you know exactly what is being used. However, they do let you know if they use any of your information and you can either agree or disagree with the terms. Snapchats new update isn’t the most popular decision they have made recently, due to the fact that if you scroll out of your contacts then you can see where about people are on a map which once zoomed in, you can see exactly where they are through satellite. I think this is extremely bad because it means no one has any privacy anymore.
  • 24. COMMERCIAL USES - ADVERTISING Pay-per-click advertising This type of advertising is use through search engines such as google, this means they get charged whenever people click on the link that lead to their website. You get charged every time someone clicks on the links, for example if some clicks on it 5000 times and its 5p ever click then it will cost the company 250 Sponsored Advertising This is used because of how times have changed in which people don’t look at advertisement that is placed down the side of a web page, they actually try to avoid whereas if you put advertisement within an article then people are more likely to read it. Personal Recommendations A lot of people prefer this method of advertisement as 85% said that it’s the best source due to how trustworthy it is. Therefore, the more trust you get on your website then the more people will spread the word, therefore the company wont have to spend money on advertising but will still have a large quantity of customers.
  • 25. VIRAL MARKETING Out of all 3 of the social networking sites, I feel snapchat had the best advert as I couldn’t find an advert for Instagram and the advert for twitter didn’t rreally have anything to do with twitter and more so about the world cup. In this advert it is showing a new feature to app which is called memories, this is when if you take a picture and save it on the app then it will store it in ‘memories’ this is then where they will make a montage of all of the photos you have saved. Such as; if you went on a holiday, all of the photos you took in that location will all merge together into a ‘memory’.
  • 26. PRODUCT REVIEWS Snapchat have now followed twitter and instagram and have added adverts into their app’s as a way of making more revenue and reaching a wider audience. Instagram and twitter allow brands to advertise to the general audience with no specific criteria. They use Richard dyer ‘star appeal’ as a commodity with celebrities to promote their brands, however, new legislation is being bought in to make it clear to the audience that this an advertisement. The account who is adverting has too clearly state it is by adding either the #ad or #spon within the description or within the image itself. This also includes any collaborations between a brand and a celebrity. This comes after new data released by Watchdog showing a high rise in complaints about adverts posted on social media. This is reviewed by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) who found it a breach of the CAP code for non-broadcast advertisments as it is not clear that it is an advert. This is because social media is the biggest source of information to the younger generation , therefore, there is more popularity within ‘influencers’ who get paid tens of thousands for one post publicising products. media-stars-breaching-rules-on-promoting-brands- watchdog-says-instagram-twitter
  • 27. COMMERCIAL USES (PRODUCT REVIEWS) Social Medias Instagram and Facebook have now combined, so users can upload the same thing all in one go on the same site, this benefits Instagram as Facebook has been around the longest therefore it already has a large audience that Instagram has access too. Snapchat similarly created this with YouTube so they can advertise and promote the products and its uses in video form. Twitter is connected to Facebook as well for the same reason as Instagram so any tweets and retweets can appear on your wall. You can change the privacy settings to determine who sees this information, this benefits all social medias as the more audience that sees the logos, the more brand recognition and sub-conscience advertising happens. instagram-for-1-billion/
  • 28. COMMERCIAL USES (PRODUCT REVIEWS) Twitter promotes themselves as being easy to use and inform and educate (Katz) the audience on what is happening around the world, without reading the news, however, this can detrimental. There has been talk that the audience want more uses and services for the account users and Facebook and linked-in are also useful. Also, twitter asks for your phone number which bring up issues of privacy but does allow you to change your settings so only your followers can see your content. Twitter has mature content this means young teens shouldn't’t be using this social media as the word maturity ’signifies’ (De Saussure) that only adults should see this information as young people wouldn’t understand it.
  • 29. COMMERCIAL USES – PRODUCT REVIEWS Snapchat is unique social media and was created as a new way to communicate with people, recently its had negative press because parents have said that you cant be aware of what your children are sending and seeing. The app was supposed to be a way to see images in a short space of time in a controlled environment however, with technology you can now screenshot which opens the door on sexual and violent content being saved by strangers. This is why the brand has been known as a sexting platform.
  • 30. COMMERCIAL USES – PRODUCTS REVIEWS The response to Instagram is generally positive this is because the opinion is it is safer than other social medias as you can adjust your privacy settings to suit your needs. If your child is on Instagram you can make sure they only follow friends and family, not strangers. Like other social medias you get mature and inappropriate content, however, you can report it. There is also an advised age of who should be using Instagram as it indicates the type of content posted.
  • 31. CONCLUSION To conclude I have chosen multiple popular social media sites and have shown what their purpose, layout and how they advertise. Furthermore, it is important to look at the negatives aswell as the positives of the app. This is important for my work as I can see what people like and what people don’t like when I go to make my own social media page. Lastly, knowing what hope of target audience they have I can get a fair understanding of what mine are going to be like and know a good way to advertise in different ways.
  • 32.
  • 33. Ideas 808WAVE REUP Communiti Synergy There will synergy with other social media’s such as; Ebay Colour Scheme Black, gold, white Compete This will be competing with Depop as it will be a selling site for clothes Convergence This will be a phone app, that will have images, writing, comments and likes. Homepage Features There will be a feed of all the clothing brands you follow. Slogan ‘Search and Find’ Target Audience Mainly young people but can be suitable for any ages as everyone wears clothesConvergence This will be a phone app that has videos, pictures, comments and likes with a timeline Colour Scheme Blue, Red, white Synergy The synergy with this app will be; Twitter, Facebook, linkedin Slogan ‘Chat, Love, Live, Laugh.’ Compete This app will be competitng with apps such as; Instagram, facebook etc. Homepage Features There will be a love feed of all the people that you are friends or following. Target Audience This will be perfect for over 25’s as it’s a way in which they can meet up with the people that they have lost and want to reunite with. Compete This app will be competing with apps such as; Spotify, Soundcloud, Apple Music, Tidal etc.Slogan ‘Every artist needs a beat’ Convergence This will be an iphone app but will also be available on pc. Homepage The homepage will have a live feed of all music your profile has ‘followed’ has released which you can then be listened to. Colour Scheme White, sky blue and dark blue Target Audience The people that will be using this social media will vary from young adults to over 50’s as everyone likes music so therefore it will never go out of ‘trend’ Synergy The app will be in synergy with apps such as; and shazam
  • 34. HAND DRAWN DRAFTS These are my hand drawn drafts for my music app idea called ‘808WAVE’. The home page layout will be very simple so that it is easy to use and not complicated that will demotivate someone to not wanting to make an account or signing up etc.
  • 35. HAND DRAWN DRAFTS (HOMEPAGE) These are the hand drawn drafts for my home page of the app. As you can see it has a very simple look to it because I feel the more minimal and neat an app looks the better it is to use, therefore this may attract a lot of user as it isn't complicated to us.
  • 36. FINAL TWO IDEAS My two final ideas are ‘808WAVE’ and ‘REUP’. REUP’S purpose is to be a way In which people can show off their outfits in which they can interact with other people and speak about the latest trends etc. You can also then have an option where you can sell your outfit to the people that are interested in it. My homepage features will consist of your profile icon in the corner and a feed which will consist off the uploads of the people that you have followed. Therefore you can then buy that outfit off of them, at the bottom it will have the legal and ethical/ terms and conditions, such as; what happens to scammers or how your covered with insurance etc. I have chosen the name ‘Reup’ due to the fact that it is slang for buying clothing, for example ‘I need to reup with some tshirts’ this can also be used as a slogan. This app will be made to compete with apps such as Depop, Ebay, its more in competition with depop as depop is moistly clothes whereas ebay branches out as much as possible. The social aspect with this app is you can message other people that you follow about things such as’ where di you get that top from?’ or message your friend on the app about what time of outfit you want to wear. For my app I have chosen the best bits of each app and changes given my spin on it so that there is no copyright issues, this will then make the best app between the two. For convergences, I want to keep the app really simple and easy to use as sometimes being minimal is being the best as people wont delete the app as its too complicated to use. The target audience that will be using this app we be mainly for the younger generation as it will be showing the latest trends which they will want to follow whereas the older generation find their own clothes from a store as they don’t usually care about the the latest trends. For socio-economic needs it would be C1 – E, this is because young adults won’t have a lot of money, however, high end designers will be sold on their as that will be a latest trend.
  • 37. FINAL TWO IDEAS My other idea was 808WAVE The purpose of 808WAVE is an app that you can send beats too upcoming artists, they can then; sing, rap for example over the beat, then they release the track to 808Wave which then members of the public can then listen to the song. The homepage features of the app will be a live feed of what has just released from the artists/producers that you follow, there will also be your own profile where you can show off your playlists to other people that follow your page. The connotations behind the name ‘808wave’ is because 808 is the sound that would be used in many beats of todays music, ‘wave’ is then used as music comes in soundwaves so I thought it would make sense. This app was made to compete with apps like; spotify, soundcloud. The slogan will be ‘The first to hear it’ as you are literally watching a song be made as the producer could post the beat, you can then see the interaction between the artist and the producer, then the artist will [post the full song onto their page in order to see if they make it into the ‘808WAVE top 10 songs of the week’. The layout, like my other idea will be extremely minimal because I have released that not many people like in-depth complicated to use apps as they get turned away from them because they don’t know what they are doing, where if you get a self explanatory app that is very minimal the ore people are going to use it as its easy.
  • 38. COLOUR SCHEME My colour scheme will be white black and blue writing. The reason I have chose these colours as I believe this colourway will look professional and modern. I have also chose the colours because none of my competition apps have got these colours on, therefore mine will stand out compared to both of them which will hopefully generate more downloads/users. I will also add gold on some tracks if they have made it into the top 10 of the week so therefore they can stand out and hopefully get more plays.
  • 39.
  • 40. ABOUT MY PRODUCT The purpose of my product is that I will showing people new music on a daily, similar to how soundcloud is like, however, mine will be in all different genres of music so that people can see what new music suits them. Also, on spotify they have a global top 100 of all of the popular artists that have been releasing music, whereas, mine is for the upcoming artists that are trying to get popular. However if the app becomes successful then I may actually make a version for for all artists so that I can earn the business more revenue. Other features of the app will be that you can message people privately on their to show them a new beat or song that you found and also exchange messages to set up a new song etc. I will also set up a setting that will mean when someone goes to upload a track, they also have to upload an non explicit version of the songs for the people that using the app that are under the age of 16, this is only because I don’t want the app to get backlash for having 14 year olds listening to music that has a lot of swearing in it. I will also have a video part of the app which will mean the artists can make a music video for it and can upload it for everyone to see. Furthermore the app will always be the slogan ‘the future for music’ as it’s a complete new way in which music is made and usually music by artists is completely controlled by industries or record labels that will release the music when they believe it will earn the most money, which will sometimes cause a fallout with the artists as they want to show their fans as much music as possible. With 808WAVE the fans can watch the song come together and the artists will receive 65% of the money earnt with other 30% going to the producer and 5% going to 808WAVE, we will also get money through the adverts that will be on the app. This is perfect for the app as the more people that will use the app to listen to a new song over and over which will mean more people will see the adverts, furthermore meaning I will get more money off the adverts in order to profit but also use the money to make the app better.
  • 41. ABOUT THE PRODUCT The reason I chose the name ‘808WAVE’ for my app is because firstly an 808 is a type of drum that occurs in many of the music of todays music that is trending at the moment this could be from popular artists now like; Drake, Migos, Travis Scott, they will always have 808’s that occur in their beats as its literally the most important part of the beat as it will give the beat rhythm. The reason I have then put ‘wave’ is because music comes in different sound waves but also in todays culture the slang word ‘wave’ means something is doing really well such as ‘that artist has jumped on the wave’ which will mean the artists is being really successful at that moment. This is the type of slang made by the type of people that will listen to the type of music that is popular at the moment. However, I'm planning to add many different genres to the app to widen the target audience for the users of the app so you may have to change the app but at the money I think it will be popular and successful at the moment as if just starting up and I'm not even sure it will be successful yet. The type of font I will use for my app will be bold straight writing so that is looks very minimal and wont turn a user away fro looking too unprofessional etc. However, my logo for the app will be in a graffiti type of font due to that’s what suits the type of music that I will by promoting first. My unique selling point is the fact that I'm creating a whole new way in which music is going to be made. There is no other app on the market that is like my app.
  • 42. ABOUT MY PRODUCT I will be going into synergy with other social medias such as; Facebook and twitter. The reason I have chose this is because I will be able to attract the users of Facebook and twitter to my app. Also not many people like filling out and making a whole new user as it is time consuming, whereas, if they already have profiles on Facebook and twitter then they will able to just sign in using the details of the apps meaning they will have a new user on 808wave with the same details as Facebook and twitter. I will also use their profiles to see what artists they like and who they follow to then already have them followed on my app so they can see the latest music released. My target audience will consist on mainly young adults as they care more about the latest trends etc. Furthermore the ages will vary from 17 to 25 years old with unisex users as your gender doesn't’t really change the type of music you listen to. With socio-economic needs, it will vary from E-A as the type of music you listen to doesn’t really depend on the amount of money you have. However, most users will be E as mostly students will be using the app. My target audience would be explorers as they will always be wanting to find out the latest news about an artist no matter where they are in the world. Lastly, there will be users for surveillance and diversion because they will want to escape the reality of the world and find out what other people are doing with their lives.
  • 43. WEBSITE FUNCTIONALITY 808WAVE Home Upload Profile Search Bar Messages Other Likes Playlists Stations Following Who to follow About us Legal Copyright Sign Out Settings Choose a file to upload Login Page
  • 44. WEBSITE FUNCTIONALITY Sign In Log in Try it for free Log in using Facebook Log in using twitter Log in using Email Address
  • 45. WEBSITE FUNCTIONALITY For the body text of my app I will be using a font named ‘razing’. The reason I have used this font is because I feel it meets the target audience and the genre being promoted on my app which is rap, grime. The use of bold graffiti makes it look modern and unique, it is also very easy to read as it’s a simple font. The use of graffiti is part of the culture of the music. For my logo I have used the font ‘doctorglitch’ this is because the influence of my app is to be like a distorted record mixed with waves that’s why the app looks really glitch. I like this idea because its different and isn't like other apps which will give it a unique selling point. Furthermore, I feel the colours of my website is perfect because there are no other apps that use these colours which will mean mine will stand out which will hopefully mean more users will choose to download this app instead of the other music apps in my competition.
  • 46. WEBSITE FUCTIONALITY Terms and Conditions With my terms and conditions, I think it is important to state the general terms of the rules of my app and what will happen if you violate the ethical and copyright issues. In addition I will also need to add any information on IP and any government law because it is important that the user of my app knows what's happening to its information. For example there will be prosecutions if you take someone's work on the app and copy it then post it on your account, this is plagiarism and will be banned. Privacy Policy My app will have its privacy policy clear on the website/app so there is no confusion for anyone wanting to find out. I will show them exactly what details I will have off of the user and where they go. This is so they feel safe when using the app that their details aren't being passed around and sold. At 808WAVE all information will be for useful purposes only and wont do anything against the law with the details. Also, if there was a policy change then it will pop up as a notification before they go onto the app and they can see whether or not they want to use the app anymore, however I will never make anything that will be a drastic change.
  • 47. PRODUCTION PLAN Week Beginning 05/7/18 - Monday Tuesday – 06/7/18 Wednesday – 07/7/18 Thursday – 08/7/18 Friday – 09/7/18 Saturday – 10/7/18 Sunday – 11/7/18 Get the graphic designers to start making the website/app Keep working, start getting artists to give some new music that can help promote the new app Get all the music together and have it ready to post in the right genre Have the music journalists have stories about different artists Have all the workers carry on with their work Day Off Day Off Week Beginning 12/7/18 - Monday Tuesday – 13/7/18 Wednesday – 14/7/18 Thursday – 15/7/18 Friday – 16/7/18 Saturday – 17/7/18 Sunday – 18/7/18 Select the best songs and stories that can be posted first onto the app Begin to find people to advertise onto the app Insert photos onto the website and begin to see the app come alive Add all music, stories, adverts to the app and do the more checks on the website Give final checks again and get ready to launch the app at midnight Control the website and see the responses on how to make the app better. Day Off
  • 48. PRODUCTION PLAN (CONTINUED) My launch date will be 17th July. The reason I have selected it to drop in July is because that is in the middle of the summer, this is when I feel music is listened to the most because loads of people are outside listening to music soaking in the atmosphere of the weather being really happy. I feel this will boost my sales because more people will want to get a music streaming app so they can listen to music wherever they are. I gave my team 2 weeks to make the app/website, I felt like this was a perfect period of time because its not a really big project that will need lots work. As long as all my workers are working at a constant quick pace then I feel 2 weeks is a perfect period of time in which my app can be ready. The teams of workers I need for this app is music journalists, graphic designer, editors, marketing director, writers. I will also need plenty of the best resources in order to make my app look extremely professional and modern. For this I will buy apple macs and download the software Adobe Photoshop so that the work looks perfect. However, to save money on my budget, I will give people that don’t need Photoshop just a normal cheap pc so they can use it will be
  • 49. BUDGET To make my app/website, I will need we professional and quality members of staff. However, because of how good they are going to be they will want a wage that will help make them join my project. For this I have decided to look up on internet the average wager for all of these job roles and I have decided to give them a slight increase just so I can win them over and make sure they join my company. Job Role Salary Music journalist £33,000 Graphic designer £28,000 Editor £40,000 Marketing director £50,000 Writers £24,500 I also need to look at the expenses for the tool they will need. An average apple mac is £1,049 so I will have to think about that when coming to what members of staff will need one compared to the staff that don’t, for example the graphic designer for the app will have to have an apple mac because that is what most of their work will be on, whereas, the marketing director might not have to have an mac because they should be out thinking of better innovative ideas for the app.
  • 50. REVENUE The majority of the revenue will be earnt through the pro version of the app which will be a monthly payment from the user but also the advertising present on the page will get me. I have researched how much Spotify charge for adverts on their page and its valued at a minimum budget of £2000 meaning that is the minimum you can put down for an advert on the app. If I can get many companies all doing adverts on the free version of my app then I will be able to earn a lot of money back. It also means that if someone wants a 30 second advert on my app then they will have to spend at least £3000 to £4000 on a 30 second advert. If they want an pop up ad that has pictures on it etc then they will have to pay a lot more as there is more than just a voiceover. I will also use the cpi method which means (cost per interaction) which means every time someone click on the advert off of ,y app then the company who have advertised will have to give me money. I will use this for my app but its not the best because if it’s a really unprofessional company advertising then its not going to get much money, therefore I wont and I would've been better off getting the money upfront of another advert that wants a voiceover advert, however, it can go positive and if its really popular brand advertising like that then I could end up earning more money due to the level of clicks. In conclusion, I would rather earn as much revenue as possible in the first year as much businesses start up year normally break even therefore I'm going to need to earn as much money as possible.
  • 51. LEGAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES When it comes to making an app, there is a lot of terms and conditions and inside information that (if broken) can lead to extreme lawsuits etc. The first legal issue that my app will need is the data protection act. This is because in order to make your user on the app I will need some personal details such as; Full name, number, email address and also if they are buying the pro version then I will have their bank cards saved etc. This means that when I receive this information I have to make sure it is ‘kept safe and secure’ and ‘kept for no longer than is absolutely necessary’ . Lastly, I also have to make sure the information is only ‘used fairly and lawfully’ this means I cant do anything else with their information as Facebook have recently been done with selling users details and making even more money off of their app. Another legal issue that my app will need is copyright, as because the majority of the users of my app will be making their own work, they wont want to be copied by another user, which then the other user could possibly profit off of work that isn’t theirs. There are 4 factors that apply for copyright and they are; Purpose and nature of us, nature of the work, amount and sustainability of the portion used and lastly, the effect of use upon market and value. I also need to make sure that none of my work is being copyrighted and that I will have trademark all of my work. This is so if anyone goes to copy my work I can then take them to court and can stop them from using it as I have already copyrighted the work. I can also trademark the work so that if anyone goes to use anything off my app then I can receive a fee from them. In conclusion if I copyright and trademark all of my work then there will be no problems later.
  • 52. HOW YOUR PRODUCT MEETS THE TARGET AUDIENCE My target audience for the app is for young adults which is from ages 17 – 30. I feel my products reaches the target audience because when you are a young adult you want to follow all the trends to show that you are up to date. Also, when you are within this age gap you will still listen to upcoming songs and modern songs which is why my app will suit them because my app will have the latest songs put up onto the social media in which you are literally watching the producer of the beat post it and a popular rapper the making a song of it and posting it onto 808wave for all the users to see. With socio-economic needs, it will vary from E-A as the type of music you listen to doesn’t really depend on the amount of money you have. However, most users will be E as mostly students will be using the app. The app will cost £7.99 a month so that it beats any of the competition who put their prices at £10 a month, it is also a very sustainable price as many people will be able to afford that amount every month. However, there is also a free version that students who are really poor can get however when they go to listen to music after every 5 songs there will be a 30 seconds vocal advert. Also, with the free version you will receive pop up ads when clicking on anything on the social media website/app, for every 5 clicks a pop up ad will come up. Also, my target audience would be explorers as they will always be wanting to find out the latest news about an artist no matter where they are in the world. Lastly, there will be users for surveillance and diversion because they will want to escape the reality of the world and find out what other people are doing with their lives.
  • 53.
  • 54. PHOTOSHOP DRAFTS Song Song Song Song Advertisement Advertisement Song Song Song Song Tool bar Advertisement Advertisement These are my Photoshop drafts. I have made these on PowerPoint through using the shape tool. This has helped me a lot because its now given me a perspective on how I want my website to look. I will then make these look a lot more modern and professional on Photoshop. I will then get my graphic designer to finalize the look. Song
  • 55. HAND DRAWN DRAFTS These are my hand drawn drafts for my music app idea called ‘808WAVE’. The home page layout will be very simple so that it is easy to use and not complicated that will demotivate someone to not wanting to make an account or signing up etc.
  • 56. HAND DRAWN DRAFTS (HOMEPAGE) These are the hand drawn drafts for my home page of the app. As you can see it has a very simple look to it because I feel the more minimal and neat an app looks the better it is to use, therefore this may attract a lot of user as it isn't complicated to us.
  • 57. This is my sign up page. Firstly, down the left hand side of my page there is advertisements, these will change on a weekly bases which will hopefully make more users download the app. In the middle of the app there is the sign up part of the app in which you can use your details from Facebook or twitter to log in, or, you can just start from scratch by entering your email however some people don’t do this as they feel it is time consuming. To the right of the page there is the log in button for users that regularly use the app and try it for free button is for the users that have been using the free version of the app and want to be part of the 808WAVEpro which doesn't have adverts etc. SIGN UP PAGE
  • 58. This is my home page. As you can see the top of the page there is the navigation bar which will take you around the app. From this you can go back to home page, upload your music, look at your profile, search for specific songs, message, etc. On the left there is a who to follow part of the app which shows other users that have the same interest in the music you listen therefore you can come together and chat using the message part of the app. In the middle of the page shows the song that you are listening to in which you can play and pause it, rewind and forward. Below that there is a playlists section this is where you can shortlist you music into different playlists that will then play all of the songs you have put into it. Lastly, on the right of the page is all of your ‘friends’ or the people that you follow, this is here you can see what they are listening to at that exact time and can then chat to them about upcoming music that is coming out exclusively on 808WAVE. HOME PAGE
  • 59. PAGES SUMMARY All of my pages will follow the same look every time, this will mean the pages consist of the same background as I have chosen for my website/app. This is the look of distorted waves so it differs to the rest of my competition. I'm also going to repeat the same font for all of my pages because I feel that if you don’t keep using the same font then it can look really unprofessional and scruffy. However, the font can be changed when there is a title as that is what you want people to see; for example, if a rapper was going to release an album then it will be in a big bold title on the side of the home page as I will want people to see that because then that will make people want to click on it and be using my app. Furthermore all of my pages will follow the same style of adverts being in the same place which will be on the sides of the pages. The reason I chosen them to be in the same place is because from use of many apps I find it really annoying when I go to click on an interaction and an ad quickly pops up in front causing you to click the advert, this will normally result in my closing down the whole app. I don't want that to happen to mine as I want all of my users to be active at any time so that it can stay popular and successful all year round.
  • 60. GUIDELINES AND CONDITIONS I will get the Web Standards Agency (WaSP) to use my social media/app because it will help reduce the costs of the development of my app and they make the price a lot of more achievable. Also by have WaSP you can add search engines to any software so if this is added to me social media work then it means users can find more information when using my app, which could help add more users to make social media as if they just go to mine they can find out many headlines whereas they would have to search for individual stories otherwise. My terms and conditions will be where all of users can go to find out information on; Licenses, royalties and copyright, this will be located at the bottom of my website if they want to find any of these out. I will then have a page where then can see the privacy policy which I will use Instagram's as an example and it will include the general rights of a profile/user and what the general conditions are when seeing what you can and cant take from someone's profile. For example, you can repost an image that isn’t yours as that is copyright and you will be prosecuted for it.
  • 61. WASP WEB STANDARDS I will also have the web standards project (WaSP) to be part of my social media app. The reason for this is because it helps make save money as they make it not really difficult to make my website due to reduced costs and help make my budget attainable. In addition, it allows the software to understand any documents that are off websites, so it would make it a lot easier to add search engine into my social media and give it better results which will be extremely helpful for my app as its to do with getting news about latest music, this means the user can find out even more information when using my app, this could also attract more users as they will be able to see every bit of news using my app instead of using several. It will also help to have this because it will make my social media app/website more efficient through making the design and development different.
  • 62. REVENUE The majority of the revenue will be earnt through the pro version of the app which will be a monthly payment from the user but also the advertising present on the page will get me. I have researched how much Spotify charge for adverts on their page and its valued at a minimum budget of £2000 meaning that is the minimum you can put down for an advert on the app. If I can get many companies all doing adverts on the free version of my app then I will be able to earn a lot of money back. It also means that if someone wants a 30 second advert on my app then they will have to spend at least £3000 to £4000 on a 30 second advert. If they want an pop up ad that has pictures on it etc then they will have to pay a lot more as there is more than just a voiceover. I will also use the cpi method which means (cost per interaction) which means every time someone click on the advert off of ,y app then the company who have advertised will have to give me money. I will use this for my app but its not the best because if it’s a really unprofessional company advertising then its not going to get much money, therefore I wont and I would've been better off getting the money upfront of another advert that wants a voiceover advert, however, it can go positive and if its really popular brand advertising like that then I could end up earning more money due to the level of clicks. In conclusion, I would rather earn as much revenue as possible in the first year as much businesses start up year normally break even therefore I'm going to need to earn as much money as possible.
  • 63. CONCLUSION Within this unit I have shown all of the drafts on how I have wanted the pages to look. I have also described why I wanted the homepage and sign up page the way I have made it. I have then spoke about the summary of each of my pages and what I have chose to repeat on each page. Lastly, I then spoke about the guidelines and conditions of my social media app and why I have used the web standards policy (WaSP)

Editor's Notes

  1. Next to each – Who set it up, when it was set up? And approx how many users TWITTER , INSTAGRAM, SNAPCHAT