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Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in
Unit 13:
Planning and Pitching a Print based Media
P1 Evidence
Name: Harry Fennemore
Candidate Number: 3044
Center Name: St. Andrew’s Catholic School
Center Number: 64135
Set Brief - Print
Project/Brief –
Music Magazine & Promotion
-My second magazine
-Purpose and Meaning
-Contents page
-Deconstruction of dps
-Market position
-Front cover deconstruction
-Form and style
-Website Deconstruction
-Technological Convergence
-Production process
-Production process Cont
-Target Audience
-Audience Theories (physiographic)
-Lo1 Conclusion
5 - Purpose and meaning
6 - Content
7 - Contents Page
8 - Genre
9 - Deconstruct a front
10 - Deconstructing a dps
11 - Target audience
12 - Audience theories
13 –
14 - Content page analysis
-Technological Convergence
-Market position
-Retail outlets
-Form and style
-Production process
Purpose and meaning
The purpose of this magazine is shown in
the strap line ‘The 10 most exciting people
in music right now’ by the artist Jay Z being
a close up shot on front of the magazine
signifies that more people will want to buy
the magazine as he is a very successful.
Inside the music magazine it consists of
exclusive interviews, amazing photography
that are made into a4 posters, it also
includes the latest information of all of the
artists within the genre of the magazine
which is pop/rock. Their strapline is
‘discover great music’ , this connotations
behind this strapline is that Q magazine
contains all the best information of the
best genre of music. This signifies that Q
magazine will be the most popular
magazine because it contains everyone's
favourites magazine.
Includes interviews and latest music updates from the genre pop/rock. It also
shows posters and group photos of the selected bands for the genre either pop or
rock. The magazine doesn't’t just cover the artist their is on the front page but it
covers a lot more artist within which is visible of the magazines cover line. The
magazines also includes various competitions and where the best place to buy
concert tickets from, it also covers new singles, albums and upcoming tour dates.
Q magazine also uses social media links to show what they have in their magazine
which will hopefully been seen by others making them a potential customer, they
also put what's in the next issue so that people knows what they are buying.
The magazine throughout has the same layout and house styles, this is important
because it looks professional which its being read. They also use the same image
as on the front cover when talking about the artist as this signifies the
importance of that artist. Elsewhere, the house style and layout is simple so this
means the customer can recognise the ‘Q’.
Contents Page
Masthead; The masthead is
bold and simple which
makes the red and White ‘Q’
sign stand out which should
also boost sales in shops.
Content of magazine; Sub-
headings and sublines The
page number and titles are
down the left side of the
page. Each title has a brief
description of what occurs
on the page.
Small Image; the big image
at the top of the page
signifies to the reader with a
number, with this number
they can see what page their
favourite artist is on.
Main Image;
The main on the contents page is
what the reader will see first and
it and takes up most of the page.
This straight away gives the
reader an idea about what the
magazine consists of. The image
then has a number to the bottom
left of it, that is a page number
and if you go to the page you can
see the article
Issue Number; This
number is what issue of
the magazine that it is or
what week the magazine
is on. Subline
The genre for Q magazine is pop/rock music, the images below illustrate a famous pop
musician/artist (Adele) and on the right highlights a rock musician/artist (Dave Grohl) on the front
page. This shows the Q magazine can vary in what genre it puts in its magazine every issue made
This connotes that Q magazine covers a range amount of genres as
shown from this review on yahoo answers. It also shows that the
articles within the magazine are in-depth and have their own style
of what the put inside the magazine.
Deconstruct a front cover
This is the slogan underneath the masthead, Q’s
slogan is usually ‘discover great music’ however for
this front page it is ‘special awards edition’. The
word special highlight that there will be exclusive,
behind the scene content within this issue.
Artists Picture.
This is a mid-shot photo of the successful artist
Ed Sheeran, the photograph shows him looking
up, this could metaphorically mean that Ed is
showing Q magazine is at the top of the scales.
The white writing on the black background
signifies that he is different to every else and
metaphorically sticks out from all the other
Cover Line.
The cover lines signify (De Saussure)
what the magazine covers in that issue.
It has the artist in big so it catches the
audiences eye to see if they are
interested in that artist.
The letter ‘Q’ is in a
classy/modern font which
makes it look smart and
different to other magazines.
The colour red connotes that
Q are passionate about giving
audience great up to date,
music information
Main Headline.
The front cover is a picture of Ed
Sheeran who is an extremely successful
artist looking up at something. This
matches the heading ‘Stories of the year.
By those who made them’ the picture
matches because Ed Sheeran is looking
up (almost like he is thinking about his
stories and dreams he’s told Q). The red
writing which stands out hugely on the
black background , this could
metaphorically mean that the artist ‘Ed
sheeran’ stands out to all of the rest of
the music artist because of how talented
he is in music.
Deconstruction of DPS
Just the face of Jay Z connotes how important
he is and gives an experience to the reader that
the articles like have a 1 to 1 chat with artist. It
also shows hugely that just using his face to
take up half of the double page spread is of
The huge use of red
with the contrast of the
yellow and white
writing ‘Rap Rader’
connotes to the
audience that this artist
(Jay Z) is important.
The big red J signifies (De Saussure) to
the reader how big the artist is and how
linking back to the front page how its
‘The biggest stories of the year’
Pull Quote.
The verbal code of the pull quote
‘Everyone trying to do something new is
going to come up against a Noel
Gallagher figure in their life’ ‘signifies’
(De Saussure) the successful artist Jay Z’s
personal opinion, this make the reader
want to read on because he has said an
interesting point.
Drop Capital.
The Drop capital has been put in
place to highlight the reader where
to start reading. The font of the H
and the T being the same font
matches up with all the other fonts
throughout the magazine.
Target Audience
Hartley’s theory.
The age stereotypically for Q magazine is 15-30 years old this is because the music in the magazine reflects
their personality at their age. Because of the genre of this magazine the older generation wont be looking at
this because the older generation would not be listening to pop/rock.
The gender, more males would read Q than female because some men are more interested in pop/rock than
The peoples class who would want to buy this magazine is working class. The group of the consumers is 70%,
the other 30% could maybe be students because they might not have the money to spend on a magazine.
Katz’ Theory.
The theory is about how the use of media can be different for all different people and that the choices made
are their own and its what they want to do. When they do this, they are supposed to get gratification instead of
just watching a video or reading something. The Q magazine audience would be a variation of ‘inform and
educated’ as well as diverse reviews and other information that can make the audience learn something from
the magazine or they may be focused on what happens in the artist interviews.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs.
Readers of Q would be explorers because the magazine includes upcoming bands and stories about what is
happening at one point in time to do with specific bands or different artists and the reader would want to
know this because then they can become more interested in new bands and possibly might like rock more.
Audience theories
This is based on the status of the person in what group they are in
because of what job they are in. This means that the socio-economics
for XXL magazine is; A, B and C1 because they price of the magazine is
fairly high. This is proven as on the Bauer media website it says that
66% of the audience are from; A,B or C1.
This is based on how people come across and what they look and act
like stereotypically. The readers for Q magazine would be quite strange
and wear clothes that are beige and brown with ripped jeans and
Deconstruction of website
On the website it is different to the magazine
by the fact that it includes videos of latest
interviews with artists. This is different
because the magazine are unable to supply a
working video because its paper.
The layout for this website is extremely easy to
use. It also shows all over the website the ‘Q’
magazine logo to shows the reader that they are
on the biggest magazine of the years website.
Social Media Links.
The social media links used by Q for instagram,
Pinterest, YouTube and Facebook. This shows
that Q magazine is modern and are able to
advertise their website over the internet. This
is perfect because over 2 million people have
access to social media.
Content page analysis
The contents page of the magazine covers all the stories and interviews that
they have worked on. The contents page includes pictures of the bands so that if
the reader find the photo interesting they know what page to go to but also if
the reader already knows about the artist/band they will know what exact page
to go to because the photo will indicate where to go.
Q magazine uses lots of different social media, they use sites like; Facebook, twitter, YouTube. They use
this so that their readers know what kinds of things the magazine is going to talk about in their next issue
and this should then keep their readers intrigued.
You can also get the next issue online as they have an app on the app store where you can read it on your
phone/tablet. This then creates a bigger target market for Q magazine as potentially more customers
could occur.
Throughout the whole magazine they advertise all the latest gigs and albums that are coming out soon
with a link showing what shops they are available in.
123,467 likes128,800 followers 4,202 subscribers
Technological Convergence
The Q magazine has a website and publishes issues of their magazine monthly but it only shows
the old issues so that people cant exploit the system and get a free new magazine online.
As you can see from the screen shot The Q
magazine are in synergy with apple music,
facebook and twitter. The number of likes
underneath facebook signifies to the audience
that the magazine has a huge amount of positive
thoughts towards it.
Technological Convergence
The Q magazine also have a mobile app that can
be found on iTunes. This is a quick to use app
which you can purchase various issues of the
magazine at one time. The app also includes;
latest news, album reviews and exclusive
interviews which cannot be seen on the magazine.
The Q magazine also has a YouTube account that has
over 4,000 fans. This is a fairly low number
compared to the amount of readers Q gets annually.
This could be because the people that are
subscribed to the YouTube are die hard fans to Q
and want t find out more information from their
Market Position
Mens Magazines Specialist
Entertainment &
Bauer Media Magazines
The bar chart connotes all the genres of the magazines and the amount produces that Bauer Media have produced
throughout. This means that potentially the target audience for Bauer medias magazines are women as that is the most
[popular section of the chart. This is because specialist magazines and entertainment and music are unisex magazines.
Retail Outlets
Q magazine gets sold in the retail outlets od
Tesco's, WHSmiths and Sainsbury's, these a large
shops that are normally local for most people in
England meaning the magazine has more
chance to sell.
Form and Style
The form and style throughout the Q magazine maintains the same simple design. The
magazine the majority of the time will include a black background with white font or
sometimes the other way around, a red font for the use of the drop capitals so that it
keeps within the theme but does stand out between the usual basic colours of white and
black. The font in all of the Q magazines are always the same, its just a simple text. This
might appeal to the reader because one, they will find it easy to read and two, with the
basic text the other basic features but the red and white different designs also makes
the magazine atheistically pleasing. Additionally, the front covers of the magazine also
will normally have this design and will always have a page number and web address so
they can advertise more and keeps everything the same . This then makes it become
easy to recognise so potentially more customers may think about buying the Q
Production Process
I have emailed some of the head staff at Bauer Media and im now waiting for a
Production Process Continued..
Date of publication; First thing to do is to set up a date of publication. This is when the magazine will be published to the public.
Managing the schedule; An extremely important step when it comes to the production. This is the schedule in which your magazine will be
Editorial and budgetary decision; This involves the magazines editorial team assembling and deciding what topics will be covered in the next
issue of the magazine.
Content Acquisition; Important because without content there cannot be a magazine. This is the stage in which artwork and graphics are
worked on. These are the graphics that are used for the pictures and images that are designed with a computer program.
Sub-Editing; Focuses on quality control, firstly it checks the accuracy of all facts in the articles, then it makes sure that words are properly
spelled and that the grammar and punctuation are used correctly. Lastly, they make sure that all articles follow the house style and they begin
working on the page layout.
Page Layout; Normally , there is a special team that are responsible for the page layouts. Their job is to type set and layout all the pages that
come together in the magazine
Proofreading; Spotting for any mistakes that have been made, any mistake that is spotted is quickly corrected on the DTP file.
File emailed to printer; Before the printing company prints hundreds or thousands of copies requested by the publication, the company first
prints a few copies and sends them to the publications editor for checking once again.
Distribution; This is the final stage of the process and it is when the printing company have finished with the printing of the magazine and they
will package them neatly and send them to the warehouse. From the warehouse, the magazines are then distributed and then sold to the
My second Magazine
Purpose and meaning
The purpose of this magazine (XXL) is to show the
audience what the latest news is on hip hop artists
is. The purpose of this issue is it is the 150th issue
special with hip hop star Drake on the front page.
To the side of the magazine cover it has a quote
saying ‘hip hop on a higher level’ this shows to the
reader that when they pick up the issue of the
magazine they know that the information within
XXL will be the best information they can get. It
also shows that it covers everything to do with hip
hop and does it at a higher standard making it one
of the most successful magazines in the UK.
The content of this magazine includes; exclusive interviews, new
posters, latest news on the hip hop culture. This magazine is
released every month, it reviews a huge variety of artists,
Contents Page
Main Image.
This is a photo of a very
recognisable music artist (Lil
Wayne) that the audience would
know and therefore will want to
read about this rap artist. By XXL
using this rapper as a photo on
their contents page connotes
that this is the genre of music
that they have information on
throughout the magazine. Also,
with the use of Lil Wayne's
bright green sunglasses and
bright orange watch suggest
that he has parts of him that
stand out with the grey
The background used by
XXL is a light grey
background. They have
used this because it makes
the rapper (Lil Wayne) stick
out because he has a
darker grey top on making
the reader see the rapper
before they start reading.
Sub Headings
The sub heading that
shows where Lil Wayne’s
section is in the magazine
is a lot more bigger than
the rest of the information
that is throughout the
magazine. This is because
most of the readers
would've bought the
magazine because of the
rapper that is on the
Contents title
The use of words ‘ The a-side’
suggest that these artists are
the best of best and nothing is
above them because they are in
the ‘A class’ which means the
Deconstruction of DPS
Main image
The image is of a very
successful rapper (Wiz
Khalifa) who is taking drugs
in the picture suggesting that
XXL is for the older
generation rather than the
younger as they wouldn't’t
show this in a magazine for
the young generation as they
wouldn't’t want to prevent
drugs. Also the picture takes
over 1 page, this connotes
his importance as he's got a
whole double page spread
and one page is just a picture
of him.
The use of the black
background and wiz khalifas
hat which is yellow
connotes his most popular
single which was named
‘black and yellow’ which he
is most known for because
of the success.
Stand first
This speaks about Wiz Khalifas
rise to fame and how he's got
there. It also gives information on
his track ‘black and yellow’ and
how that helped his success.
Drop Capital
This connotes to the reader
where to start reading from. Also
the use of the colour yellow for
the font suggest it stands out
from the white background.
Market position
XXL magazine which owned by Town Square media is a hugely successful and
recognisable magazine around the world. This is proven through their
circulation figures which were higher than their competitors Q magazine at an
estimated 135,000. The magazine is more popular for males than it is females
this is because the audience for XXL magazine is 70% males and 30% females
and the average ages is 25-27. Throughout the Uk XXL is the biggest profit
making magazine, XXL globally is also the most successful as it has overtaken
the rolling stone magazine by selling 106,217 copies of the magazine.
Front Cover deconstruction
The Strapline.
‘Hip-Hop on a Higher Level’
signifies to the audience what
the genre of the magazine is
before they buy it from a shop.
It also signifies that XXL has the
best information on the hip hop
genre and over rules all of its
competitors with its high quality
The picture of Jay Z being the same
size as the empire state building
shows how big and important he is
in the music business and this
signifies just how big XXL magazine
Cover Lines.
The lines connotes all of the important
subjects that are going to be included in the
magazine. By XXL using these cover lines they
will attract more customers because
The use of the red
contrasting with the
white writing
signifies that it stands
out to the reader that
they are picking up
an XXL Magazine and
none other. The
masthead also stands
out because it is put
in front of a grey
Main image.
The main image is of the
successful rapper jay z. The
use of him being as tall as
the empire state building is
a metaphor showing how
big he is in the music
culture. The use of him
wearing all black on a grey
background shows that he
stands out from the rest.
XXL magazines genre is based hugely on Hip-Hop but they occasionally
have issues that feature a Rap artist. For example some of the hip hop
artists they have included are; A$AP Rocky, Soulja Boy, Dr.Dre,Jay Z and
50 cent. All of the artists shown are known across the world which
signifies how huge XXL magazine is for the genre they produce.
Form and Style
The form and style of the magazines is like every other music magazine to do with the
genre hip hop or rap would be. The logo ‘XXL’ is very similar to ‘VIBE’, the chosen
magazine signify that they are more serious about their issues and want their
magazine to have the best quality and be the best magazine in the world/ All the XXL
issues always have their lay out the same or very similar, this includes the mastheads
being behind the front page star, the masthead is usually the same size, also, the main
headline is always in the same place, the same goes to the barcode. The colours used
on the magazine are the same throughout the issue, it is usually a simple background
cover and the headlines used normally match the colour of the mastheads. The
language used throughout the magazine is the same as the type of language that
would be used by the artists themselves. This is proven when XXL used the slogan ‘the
dopest music’. This is very stereotypical as it shows the audience that the issues of the
magazine, music and artists that they come across uneducated.
Website Deconstruction
Strapline; This includes a simple,
plain and easy to use layout that
covers; News,
e and shops.
Social Media; As you can see
from the screen shot XXL
magazine are in synergy with
and Twitter.
Layout; The layout for this website is
very easy to use. It also has the XXL
magazine logo throughout the website
to show the reader that they are proud
to show that hip hop is on a high level
when looking at the detail of XXL.
Technological Convergence
XXL has a website and publishes issues of their
magazine monthly with occasional old issues to
show so that people can’t exploit the system
and get a free new magazine online.
As you can see from the screen shot XXL
magazine are in synergy with
Facebook,Instagram,Youtube and Twitter.
XXL occasionally post YouTube videos of
exclusive interviews. They also have an
option called ‘XXL Freshman's’ which is
when a group of successful music artist are
in one room and they sing all of their
popular songs.
I have emailed some of the head staff for the XXL magazine and im now waiting for
a response.
Production Process
Production Process Continued..
Date of publication; First thing to do is to set up a date of publication. This is when the magazine will be published to the public.
Managing the schedule; An extremely important step when it comes to the production. This is the schedule in which your magazine will be
Editorial and budgetary decision; This involves the magazines editorial team assembling and deciding what topics will be covered in the next
issue of the magazine.
Content Acquisition; Important because without content there cannot be a magazine. This is the stage in which artwork and graphics are
worked on. These are the graphics that are used for the pictures and images that are designed with a computer program.
Sub-Editing; Focuses on quality control, firstly it checks the accuracy of all facts in the articles, then it makes sure that words are properly
spelled and that the grammar and punctuation are used correctly. Lastly, they make sure that all articles follow the house style and they begin
working on the page layout.
Page Layout; Normally , there is a special team that are responsible for the page layouts. Their job is to type set and layout all the pages that
come together in the magazine
Proofreading; Spotting for any mistakes that have been made, any mistake that is spotted is quickly corrected on the DTP file.
File emailed to printer; Before the printing company prints hundreds or thousands of copies requested by the publication, the company first
prints a few copies and sends them to the publications editor for checking once again.
Distribution; This is the final stage of the process and it is when the printing company have finished with the printing of the magazine and they
will package them neatly and send them to the warehouse. From the warehouse, the magazines are then distributed and then sold to the
Target Audience
Hartley’s theory.
The age stereotypically for XXL magazine is 25-30 years old this is because the music
in the magazine reflects their personality at their age. Because of the genre of this
magazine the older generation wont be looking at this because the older generation
would not be listening to rap/hip-hop.
The gender, more males would read XXL than females because some men are more
interested in rap/hip-hop than women.
The peoples class who would want to buy this magazine is working class. The group
of the consumers is 70%, the other 30% could maybe be students because they
might not have the money to spend on a magazine because they have to worry
about other thing.
Katz’ Theory.
XXL magazine will “inform and educate” the audience on music artists through
interviews and articles. Furthermore, the audience will be able to “divert” away
from everyday life situations such as work by reading the magazine and being
updated on music information.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs.
Readers of XXL would be explorers because the magazine includes upcoming bands
and stories about what is happening at one point in time to do with specific bands
or different artists and the reader would want to know this because then they can
become more interested in new bands and possibly might like more.
Audience theories cont..
This is based on the status of the person in what group they
are in because of what job they are in. This means that the
socio-economics for q magazine is; A, B and C1 because they
price of the magazine is fairly high. This is proven as on the
Bauer media website it says that 66% of the audience are
from; A,B or C1.
This is based on how people come across and what they look
and act like stereotypically. The readers would be aspirers in
the psychographic table and would stereotypically be a man
with a black ethnicity with a hoodie on.
Townsquare Interactive business that specialises in digital marketing and
solution, it also specializes in creating an all round web presence that small
businesses need when making sure they reach their audience online so
potential customers will occur. When people choose Townsquare media
group, they choose a squad of experts that are leading the industry who can
work with them to develop and successfully make a comprehensive web
presence plan specifically for their little businesses. They have the
responsibility to decide everything about the products and services will best
meet their needs and services , whether the easy to use and edit website that
uses our innovative technology, or there social publishing.
L01 Conclusion
In this PowerPoint I have given information on
the magazines ‘Q’ and ‘XXL’. I have
deconstructed the contents, double page
spreads and the front covers of the magazines, I
have also included the more detailed
information on who their target audience is and
where they are in the market position.

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Unit 13 - LO1

  • 1. OCR – Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media Unit 13: Planning and Pitching a Print based Media Product P1 Evidence Name: Harry Fennemore Candidate Number: 3044 Center Name: St. Andrew’s Catholic School Center Number: 64135 Set Brief - Print Project/Brief – Music Magazine & Promotion
  • 2.
  • 3. Contents -My second magazine -Purpose and Meaning -Content -Contents page -Deconstruction of dps -Market position -Front cover deconstruction -Genre -Form and style -Website Deconstruction -Technological Convergence -Production process -Production process Cont -Target Audience -Audience Theories (physiographic) -Publisher -Lo1 Conclusion 5 - Purpose and meaning 6 - Content 7 - Contents Page 8 - Genre 9 - Deconstruct a front cover 10 - Deconstructing a dps 11 - Target audience 12 - Audience theories 13 – 14 - Content page analysis -Synergy -Technological Convergence -Market position -Retail outlets -Form and style -Production process
  • 4.
  • 5. Purpose and meaning The purpose of this magazine is shown in the strap line ‘The 10 most exciting people in music right now’ by the artist Jay Z being a close up shot on front of the magazine signifies that more people will want to buy the magazine as he is a very successful. Inside the music magazine it consists of exclusive interviews, amazing photography that are made into a4 posters, it also includes the latest information of all of the artists within the genre of the magazine which is pop/rock. Their strapline is ‘discover great music’ , this connotations behind this strapline is that Q magazine contains all the best information of the best genre of music. This signifies that Q magazine will be the most popular magazine because it contains everyone's favourites magazine.
  • 6. Content Includes interviews and latest music updates from the genre pop/rock. It also shows posters and group photos of the selected bands for the genre either pop or rock. The magazine doesn't’t just cover the artist their is on the front page but it covers a lot more artist within which is visible of the magazines cover line. The magazines also includes various competitions and where the best place to buy concert tickets from, it also covers new singles, albums and upcoming tour dates. Q magazine also uses social media links to show what they have in their magazine which will hopefully been seen by others making them a potential customer, they also put what's in the next issue so that people knows what they are buying. The magazine throughout has the same layout and house styles, this is important because it looks professional which its being read. They also use the same image as on the front cover when talking about the artist as this signifies the importance of that artist. Elsewhere, the house style and layout is simple so this means the customer can recognise the ‘Q’.
  • 7. Contents Page Masthead; The masthead is bold and simple which makes the red and White ‘Q’ sign stand out which should also boost sales in shops. Content of magazine; Sub- headings and sublines The page number and titles are down the left side of the page. Each title has a brief description of what occurs on the page. Small Image; the big image at the top of the page signifies to the reader with a number, with this number they can see what page their favourite artist is on. Main Image; The main on the contents page is what the reader will see first and it and takes up most of the page. This straight away gives the reader an idea about what the magazine consists of. The image then has a number to the bottom left of it, that is a page number and if you go to the page you can see the article Issue Number; This number is what issue of the magazine that it is or what week the magazine is on. Subline
  • 8. Genre The genre for Q magazine is pop/rock music, the images below illustrate a famous pop musician/artist (Adele) and on the right highlights a rock musician/artist (Dave Grohl) on the front page. This shows the Q magazine can vary in what genre it puts in its magazine every issue made This connotes that Q magazine covers a range amount of genres as shown from this review on yahoo answers. It also shows that the articles within the magazine are in-depth and have their own style of what the put inside the magazine. 110503001900AA0WwSm
  • 9. Deconstruct a front cover Strapline. This is the slogan underneath the masthead, Q’s slogan is usually ‘discover great music’ however for this front page it is ‘special awards edition’. The word special highlight that there will be exclusive, behind the scene content within this issue. Artists Picture. This is a mid-shot photo of the successful artist Ed Sheeran, the photograph shows him looking up, this could metaphorically mean that Ed is showing Q magazine is at the top of the scales. Writing. The white writing on the black background signifies that he is different to every else and metaphorically sticks out from all the other artists. Cover Line. The cover lines signify (De Saussure) what the magazine covers in that issue. It has the artist in big so it catches the audiences eye to see if they are interested in that artist. Masthead. The letter ‘Q’ is in a classy/modern font which makes it look smart and different to other magazines. The colour red connotes that Q are passionate about giving audience great up to date, music information Main Headline. The front cover is a picture of Ed Sheeran who is an extremely successful artist looking up at something. This matches the heading ‘Stories of the year. By those who made them’ the picture matches because Ed Sheeran is looking up (almost like he is thinking about his stories and dreams he’s told Q). The red writing which stands out hugely on the black background , this could metaphorically mean that the artist ‘Ed sheeran’ stands out to all of the rest of the music artist because of how talented he is in music.
  • 10. Deconstruction of DPS Picture. Just the face of Jay Z connotes how important he is and gives an experience to the reader that the articles like have a 1 to 1 chat with artist. It also shows hugely that just using his face to take up half of the double page spread is of himself. Colour. The huge use of red with the contrast of the yellow and white writing ‘Rap Rader’ connotes to the audience that this artist (Jay Z) is important. Article. The big red J signifies (De Saussure) to the reader how big the artist is and how linking back to the front page how its ‘The biggest stories of the year’ Pull Quote. The verbal code of the pull quote ‘Everyone trying to do something new is going to come up against a Noel Gallagher figure in their life’ ‘signifies’ (De Saussure) the successful artist Jay Z’s personal opinion, this make the reader want to read on because he has said an interesting point. Drop Capital. The Drop capital has been put in place to highlight the reader where to start reading. The font of the H and the T being the same font matches up with all the other fonts throughout the magazine.
  • 11. Target Audience Hartley’s theory. The age stereotypically for Q magazine is 15-30 years old this is because the music in the magazine reflects their personality at their age. Because of the genre of this magazine the older generation wont be looking at this because the older generation would not be listening to pop/rock. The gender, more males would read Q than female because some men are more interested in pop/rock than women. The peoples class who would want to buy this magazine is working class. The group of the consumers is 70%, the other 30% could maybe be students because they might not have the money to spend on a magazine. Katz’ Theory. The theory is about how the use of media can be different for all different people and that the choices made are their own and its what they want to do. When they do this, they are supposed to get gratification instead of just watching a video or reading something. The Q magazine audience would be a variation of ‘inform and educated’ as well as diverse reviews and other information that can make the audience learn something from the magazine or they may be focused on what happens in the artist interviews. Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs. Readers of Q would be explorers because the magazine includes upcoming bands and stories about what is happening at one point in time to do with specific bands or different artists and the reader would want to know this because then they can become more interested in new bands and possibly might like rock more.
  • 12. Audience theories Socio-economics This is based on the status of the person in what group they are in because of what job they are in. This means that the socio-economics for XXL magazine is; A, B and C1 because they price of the magazine is fairly high. This is proven as on the Bauer media website it says that 66% of the audience are from; A,B or C1. Psychographics This is based on how people come across and what they look and act like stereotypically. The readers for Q magazine would be quite strange and wear clothes that are beige and brown with ripped jeans and boots.
  • 13. Deconstruction of website Content. On the website it is different to the magazine by the fact that it includes videos of latest interviews with artists. This is different because the magazine are unable to supply a working video because its paper. Layout. The layout for this website is extremely easy to use. It also shows all over the website the ‘Q’ magazine logo to shows the reader that they are on the biggest magazine of the years website. Social Media Links. The social media links used by Q for instagram, Pinterest, YouTube and Facebook. This shows that Q magazine is modern and are able to advertise their website over the internet. This is perfect because over 2 million people have access to social media.
  • 14. Content page analysis The contents page of the magazine covers all the stories and interviews that they have worked on. The contents page includes pictures of the bands so that if the reader find the photo interesting they know what page to go to but also if the reader already knows about the artist/band they will know what exact page to go to because the photo will indicate where to go.
  • 15. Synergy Q magazine uses lots of different social media, they use sites like; Facebook, twitter, YouTube. They use this so that their readers know what kinds of things the magazine is going to talk about in their next issue and this should then keep their readers intrigued. You can also get the next issue online as they have an app on the app store where you can read it on your phone/tablet. This then creates a bigger target market for Q magazine as potentially more customers could occur. Throughout the whole magazine they advertise all the latest gigs and albums that are coming out soon with a link showing what shops they are available in. 123,467 likes128,800 followers 4,202 subscribers
  • 16. Technological Convergence The Q magazine has a website and publishes issues of their magazine monthly but it only shows the old issues so that people cant exploit the system and get a free new magazine online. As you can see from the screen shot The Q magazine are in synergy with apple music, facebook and twitter. The number of likes underneath facebook signifies to the audience that the magazine has a huge amount of positive thoughts towards it.
  • 17. Technological Convergence Cont.. The Q magazine also have a mobile app that can be found on iTunes. This is a quick to use app which you can purchase various issues of the magazine at one time. The app also includes; latest news, album reviews and exclusive interviews which cannot be seen on the magazine. music-magazine-news- album/id550103031?mt=8 The Q magazine also has a YouTube account that has over 4,000 fans. This is a fairly low number compared to the amount of readers Q gets annually. This could be because the people that are subscribed to the YouTube are die hard fans to Q and want t find out more information from their articles. eos?view=0&flow=grid&sort=p
  • 18. Market Position 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Womens Magazines Mens Magazines Specialist Magazines Entertainment & Music Bauer Media Magazines The bar chart connotes all the genres of the magazines and the amount produces that Bauer Media have produced throughout. This means that potentially the target audience for Bauer medias magazines are women as that is the most [popular section of the chart. This is because specialist magazines and entertainment and music are unisex magazines. https://www.bauermedia. Numberofmagazines producedfromthatgenre
  • 19. Retail Outlets Q magazine gets sold in the retail outlets od Tesco's, WHSmiths and Sainsbury's, these a large shops that are normally local for most people in England meaning the magazine has more chance to sell.
  • 20. Form and Style The form and style throughout the Q magazine maintains the same simple design. The magazine the majority of the time will include a black background with white font or sometimes the other way around, a red font for the use of the drop capitals so that it keeps within the theme but does stand out between the usual basic colours of white and black. The font in all of the Q magazines are always the same, its just a simple text. This might appeal to the reader because one, they will find it easy to read and two, with the basic text the other basic features but the red and white different designs also makes the magazine atheistically pleasing. Additionally, the front covers of the magazine also will normally have this design and will always have a page number and web address so they can advertise more and keeps everything the same . This then makes it become easy to recognise so potentially more customers may think about buying the Q magazine.
  • 21. Production Process I have emailed some of the head staff at Bauer Media and im now waiting for a response.
  • 22. Production Process Continued.. Date of publication; First thing to do is to set up a date of publication. This is when the magazine will be published to the public. Managing the schedule; An extremely important step when it comes to the production. This is the schedule in which your magazine will be published. Editorial and budgetary decision; This involves the magazines editorial team assembling and deciding what topics will be covered in the next issue of the magazine. Content Acquisition; Important because without content there cannot be a magazine. This is the stage in which artwork and graphics are worked on. These are the graphics that are used for the pictures and images that are designed with a computer program. Sub-Editing; Focuses on quality control, firstly it checks the accuracy of all facts in the articles, then it makes sure that words are properly spelled and that the grammar and punctuation are used correctly. Lastly, they make sure that all articles follow the house style and they begin working on the page layout. Page Layout; Normally , there is a special team that are responsible for the page layouts. Their job is to type set and layout all the pages that come together in the magazine Proofreading; Spotting for any mistakes that have been made, any mistake that is spotted is quickly corrected on the DTP file. File emailed to printer; Before the printing company prints hundreds or thousands of copies requested by the publication, the company first prints a few copies and sends them to the publications editor for checking once again. Distribution; This is the final stage of the process and it is when the printing company have finished with the printing of the magazine and they will package them neatly and send them to the warehouse. From the warehouse, the magazines are then distributed and then sold to the public. magazine-production-process/
  • 24. Purpose and meaning The purpose of this magazine (XXL) is to show the audience what the latest news is on hip hop artists is. The purpose of this issue is it is the 150th issue special with hip hop star Drake on the front page. To the side of the magazine cover it has a quote saying ‘hip hop on a higher level’ this shows to the reader that when they pick up the issue of the magazine they know that the information within XXL will be the best information they can get. It also shows that it covers everything to do with hip hop and does it at a higher standard making it one of the most successful magazines in the UK.
  • 25. Content The content of this magazine includes; exclusive interviews, new posters, latest news on the hip hop culture. This magazine is released every month, it reviews a huge variety of artists,
  • 26. Contents Page Main Image. This is a photo of a very recognisable music artist (Lil Wayne) that the audience would know and therefore will want to read about this rap artist. By XXL using this rapper as a photo on their contents page connotes that this is the genre of music that they have information on throughout the magazine. Also, with the use of Lil Wayne's bright green sunglasses and bright orange watch suggest that he has parts of him that stand out with the grey background. Background. The background used by XXL is a light grey background. They have used this because it makes the rapper (Lil Wayne) stick out because he has a darker grey top on making the reader see the rapper before they start reading. Sub Headings The sub heading that shows where Lil Wayne’s section is in the magazine is a lot more bigger than the rest of the information that is throughout the magazine. This is because most of the readers would've bought the magazine because of the rapper that is on the magazine. Contents title The use of words ‘ The a-side’ suggest that these artists are the best of best and nothing is above them because they are in the ‘A class’ which means the best.
  • 27. Deconstruction of DPS Main image The image is of a very successful rapper (Wiz Khalifa) who is taking drugs in the picture suggesting that XXL is for the older generation rather than the younger as they wouldn't’t show this in a magazine for the young generation as they wouldn't’t want to prevent drugs. Also the picture takes over 1 page, this connotes his importance as he's got a whole double page spread and one page is just a picture of him. Background The use of the black background and wiz khalifas hat which is yellow connotes his most popular single which was named ‘black and yellow’ which he is most known for because of the success. Stand first This speaks about Wiz Khalifas rise to fame and how he's got there. It also gives information on his track ‘black and yellow’ and how that helped his success. Drop Capital This connotes to the reader where to start reading from. Also the use of the colour yellow for the font suggest it stands out from the white background.
  • 28. Market position XXL magazine which owned by Town Square media is a hugely successful and recognisable magazine around the world. This is proven through their circulation figures which were higher than their competitors Q magazine at an estimated 135,000. The magazine is more popular for males than it is females this is because the audience for XXL magazine is 70% males and 30% females and the average ages is 25-27. Throughout the Uk XXL is the biggest profit making magazine, XXL globally is also the most successful as it has overtaken the rolling stone magazine by selling 106,217 copies of the magazine. http://www.americas XXL%20MediaKit.pdf
  • 29. Front Cover deconstruction The Strapline. ‘Hip-Hop on a Higher Level’ signifies to the audience what the genre of the magazine is before they buy it from a shop. It also signifies that XXL has the best information on the hip hop genre and over rules all of its competitors with its high quality information. Picture. The picture of Jay Z being the same size as the empire state building shows how big and important he is in the music business and this signifies just how big XXL magazine is. Cover Lines. The lines connotes all of the important subjects that are going to be included in the magazine. By XXL using these cover lines they will attract more customers because Masthead. The use of the red contrasting with the white writing signifies that it stands out to the reader that they are picking up an XXL Magazine and none other. The masthead also stands out because it is put in front of a grey background. Main image. The main image is of the successful rapper jay z. The use of him being as tall as the empire state building is a metaphor showing how big he is in the music culture. The use of him wearing all black on a grey background shows that he stands out from the rest.
  • 30. Genre XXL magazines genre is based hugely on Hip-Hop but they occasionally have issues that feature a Rap artist. For example some of the hip hop artists they have included are; A$AP Rocky, Soulja Boy, Dr.Dre,Jay Z and 50 cent. All of the artists shown are known across the world which signifies how huge XXL magazine is for the genre they produce.
  • 31. Form and Style The form and style of the magazines is like every other music magazine to do with the genre hip hop or rap would be. The logo ‘XXL’ is very similar to ‘VIBE’, the chosen magazine signify that they are more serious about their issues and want their magazine to have the best quality and be the best magazine in the world/ All the XXL issues always have their lay out the same or very similar, this includes the mastheads being behind the front page star, the masthead is usually the same size, also, the main headline is always in the same place, the same goes to the barcode. The colours used on the magazine are the same throughout the issue, it is usually a simple background cover and the headlines used normally match the colour of the mastheads. The language used throughout the magazine is the same as the type of language that would be used by the artists themselves. This is proven when XXL used the slogan ‘the dopest music’. This is very stereotypical as it shows the audience that the issues of the magazine, music and artists that they come across uneducated.
  • 32. Website Deconstruction Strapline; This includes a simple, plain and easy to use layout that covers; News, Music,Videos,Features,Lists,Lifestyl e and shops. Social Media; As you can see from the screen shot XXL magazine are in synergy with Facebook,Instagram,Youtube and Twitter. Layout; The layout for this website is very easy to use. It also has the XXL magazine logo throughout the website to show the reader that they are proud to show that hip hop is on a high level when looking at the detail of XXL.
  • 33. Technological Convergence XXL has a website and publishes issues of their magazine monthly with occasional old issues to show so that people can’t exploit the system and get a free new magazine online. As you can see from the screen shot XXL magazine are in synergy with Facebook,Instagram,Youtube and Twitter. XXL occasionally post YouTube videos of exclusive interviews. They also have an option called ‘XXL Freshman's’ which is when a group of successful music artist are in one room and they sing all of their popular songs.
  • 34. I have emailed some of the head staff for the XXL magazine and im now waiting for a response. Production Process
  • 35. Production Process Continued.. Date of publication; First thing to do is to set up a date of publication. This is when the magazine will be published to the public. Managing the schedule; An extremely important step when it comes to the production. This is the schedule in which your magazine will be published. Editorial and budgetary decision; This involves the magazines editorial team assembling and deciding what topics will be covered in the next issue of the magazine. Content Acquisition; Important because without content there cannot be a magazine. This is the stage in which artwork and graphics are worked on. These are the graphics that are used for the pictures and images that are designed with a computer program. Sub-Editing; Focuses on quality control, firstly it checks the accuracy of all facts in the articles, then it makes sure that words are properly spelled and that the grammar and punctuation are used correctly. Lastly, they make sure that all articles follow the house style and they begin working on the page layout. Page Layout; Normally , there is a special team that are responsible for the page layouts. Their job is to type set and layout all the pages that come together in the magazine Proofreading; Spotting for any mistakes that have been made, any mistake that is spotted is quickly corrected on the DTP file. File emailed to printer; Before the printing company prints hundreds or thousands of copies requested by the publication, the company first prints a few copies and sends them to the publications editor for checking once again. Distribution; This is the final stage of the process and it is when the printing company have finished with the printing of the magazine and they will package them neatly and send them to the warehouse. From the warehouse, the magazines are then distributed and then sold to the public. magazine-production-process/
  • 36. Target Audience Hartley’s theory. The age stereotypically for XXL magazine is 25-30 years old this is because the music in the magazine reflects their personality at their age. Because of the genre of this magazine the older generation wont be looking at this because the older generation would not be listening to rap/hip-hop. The gender, more males would read XXL than females because some men are more interested in rap/hip-hop than women. The peoples class who would want to buy this magazine is working class. The group of the consumers is 70%, the other 30% could maybe be students because they might not have the money to spend on a magazine because they have to worry about other thing. Katz’ Theory. XXL magazine will “inform and educate” the audience on music artists through interviews and articles. Furthermore, the audience will be able to “divert” away from everyday life situations such as work by reading the magazine and being updated on music information. Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs. Readers of XXL would be explorers because the magazine includes upcoming bands and stories about what is happening at one point in time to do with specific bands or different artists and the reader would want to know this because then they can become more interested in new bands and possibly might like more.
  • 37. Audience theories cont.. (Psychographics) Socio-economics This is based on the status of the person in what group they are in because of what job they are in. This means that the socio-economics for q magazine is; A, B and C1 because they price of the magazine is fairly high. This is proven as on the Bauer media website it says that 66% of the audience are from; A,B or C1. Psychographics This is based on how people come across and what they look and act like stereotypically. The readers would be aspirers in the psychographic table and would stereotypically be a man with a black ethnicity with a hoodie on.
  • 38. Publisher http://www.townsquaremedi services/overview Townsquare Interactive business that specialises in digital marketing and solution, it also specializes in creating an all round web presence that small businesses need when making sure they reach their audience online so potential customers will occur. When people choose Townsquare media group, they choose a squad of experts that are leading the industry who can work with them to develop and successfully make a comprehensive web presence plan specifically for their little businesses. They have the responsibility to decide everything about the products and services will best meet their needs and services , whether the easy to use and edit website that uses our innovative technology, or there social publishing.
  • 39. L01 Conclusion In this PowerPoint I have given information on the magazines ‘Q’ and ‘XXL’. I have deconstructed the contents, double page spreads and the front covers of the magazines, I have also included the more detailed information on who their target audience is and where they are in the market position.