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CME 5th April 2017
Sinéad Taylor
 Anticholinergic Toxidrome
 Cholinergic Toxidrome
 Opiate Toxidrome
 Hypnosedative Toxidrome
 Sympathomimetic Toxidrome
 Serotonin Syndrome
 Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
Anticholinergic Toxidrome
 Anticholinergic drugs have
an affinity for the
acetylcholine receptor and
 The majority of blockade is at
muscarinic receptors, but at
high doses some blockade
occurs at nicotinic receptors
in the autonomic ganglia and
at the motor end plates.
Anticholinergic Toxidrome
 Muscarinic receptors:
 M1: Central and enteric nervous
 M2: Heart
 M3: Smooth muscle
 Increases exocrine gland
 Increases gut motility
 Miosis via pupillary sphincter
 Accommodation via ciliary
 Bronchoconstriction
 Bladder constriction
 Therefore muscarinic blockade will
give the classic anticholinergic “dry
as a bone, red as a beet, hot as a
hare, mad as a hatter, blind as a
Anticholinergic Toxidrome
 Central effects:
 Agitated delirium (mad as a hatter)
characterised by:
 Fluctuating mental status
 Confusion
 Restlessness and fidgeting
 Picking at objects in the air
 Mumbling slurred speech
 Disruptive behaviour
 Tremor
 Myoclonus
 Coma
 Seizure (rare)
 Peripheral effects:
 Mydriasis (blind as a bat)
 Tachycardia
 Dry mouth (dry as a bone)
 Dry skin
 Flushing (red as a beet)
 Hyperthermia (hot as a hare)
 Urinary retention
 Spares or absent bowel sounds
Anticholinergic Toxidrome
 Sources:
 Antiepileptics (carbamazepine)
 Antihistamines
 Anti-Parkinson medications:
Amantadine, benztropine
 Antipsychotics: Chlorpromazine,
clozapine, olanzapine, droperidol,
haloperidol, quetiapine
 Anti motion sickness agents:
 GI antispasmodics: e.g., hyoscyamine
 GU antispasmodics: e.g., oxybutynin,
 Plant sources: Belladonna, Brugmansia
(angel’s trumpets), datura (Jimson
Weed), Henbane (Stinking Nightshade),
 Skeletal muscle relaxants: dantrolene
 SSRIs: Paroxetine
 TCAs: Amitriptyline, clomipramine,
 Topical eyedrops: cyclopentolate,
homatropine, tropicamide
Anticholinergic Toxidrome
 Signs and symptoms are
variable. No particular pattern
can accurately or reliably
diagnose this toxidrome.
 Differential Dx:
 Encephalitis
 Hypoglycaemia
 Hyponatraemia
 Ictal phenomenon
 Neurotrauma
 Sepsis
 Serotonin syndrome
 Subarachnoid haemorrhage
 Wernicke’s encephalopathy
Anticholinergic Toxidrome
 Management: RRSIDEAD (as always!)
 Avoid treating agitation with
anticholinergic drugs (e.g., droperidol,
 Antidote: Physostigmine
 Reversible acetylcholinesterase inhibitor
 Indications:
 Agitated delirium not controlled by
benzodiazepine sedation
 Isolated anticholinergic poisoning
 Contraindications:
 Bradyarrhythmias
 Intraventricular block (QRS >100ms)
 AV block
 Bronchospasm
 Duration of action shorter than delirium,
however repeat doses may not be
Cholinergic Toxidrome
 Result of increased
acetylcholine activity at both
central and peripheral
nicotinic and muscarinic
 Can arise from either:
 Cholinesterase inhibitors
(e.g., organophosphate and
 Cholinomimetics - have
direct agonist action at
muscarinic or nicotinic sites
(e.g., pilocarpine, muscarine)
Cholinergic Toxidrome
Central nervous system:
• Agitation
• Central resp depression
• Coma
• Confusion
• Lethargy
• Seizures
Parasympathetic muscarinic
• Abdo cramps
• Bradycardia
• Bronchoconstriction
• Bronchorrhoea
• Diarrhoea
• Lacrimation
• Miosis
• Salivation
• Urinary incontinence
• Vomiting
• Fasciculation
• Muscle weakness
Sympathetic nicotinic effects:
• Hypertension
• Mydriasis
• Sweating
• Tachycardia
Cholinergic Toxidrome
 Killer B’s: bronchorrhoea,
 Salivation
 Lacrimation
 Urination
 Diarrhoea
 Gastrointestinal distress
 Emesis
 Diarrhoea
 Urination
 Miosis
 Bradycardia
 Emesis
 Lacrimation
 Lethargy
 Salivation
Cholinergic Toxidrome
 Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors:
 Organophosphates
 Carbamate insecticides
 Chemical warfare nerve agents (e.g.,
 Agents used in dementia: Donepezil,
galantamine, rivastigmine, tacrine
 Agents used in myasthenia gravis:
edrophonium, neostigmine,
physostigmine, pyridostigmine
 Acetylcholine agonists:
 Muscarinic agents: Acetylcholine,
carbachol, pilocarpine
 Nicotinic agents: Nicotine
 Mushrooms (muscarine)
“Today around 7:30am, about 125 injuries arrived to
our hospital. Twenty five of them were already dead,
70 per cent to 80 per cent of the wounded people
were kids and women.
“The symptoms were pale skin, sweating, narrow or
pin-eye pupils, very intense respiratory detachments.”
Cholinergic Toxidrome
 Differential diagnosis
 Causes of weakness (Guillain-
Barré, myasthenia gravis,
 Cardiotropic intoxication resulting
in bradycardia and vomiting
(digoxin, oleander, β-blockers,
 Gastroenteritis and abdo
 Ictal phenomena
 Mushroom ingestion
 Respiratory disorders (asthma,
 Salicylate intoxication
 Serotonin syndrome
 Sympatomimetic syndrome
 Theophylline intoxication
Cholinergic Toxidrome
 Management
 Atropine: If signs of muscarinic
excess. Keep giving it until
drying of secretions is
 Seizure control with benzos
 Decontamination, but don’t let
it delay resus
 Organophosphate/carbamate/
nerve agent poisoning:
 Initial bolus: 2g pralidoxime
in 100ml 0.9% NaCl over
15 minutes
 Infusion: 500mg/hr (6g in
500ml 0.9% NaCl at
Opiate Toxidrome
 Due to narcotics and narcotic
derivatives, binding to opiate
receptors in CNS and bowel.
 Classical presentation:
 CNS depression
 Respiratory depression
 Miosis
 Other/complications
 Tachycardia (response to
hypoxia, hypercarbia)
 Decreased bowel sounds
 Peripheral vasodilation with
hypothermia, hypotension
 Resp depression and
subsequent coma can be fatal
Opiate Toxidrome
 Special cases:
 Dextropropoxyphene
(Darvon): 20mg/kg may
cause CNS depression,
seizures, cardiac
dysrhythmias (fast Na
channel blocking effect)
 Pethidine: Repeated
therapeutic doses associated
with seizures
 Implicated in serotonin
Opiate Toxidrome
 Management
 Sodium bicarbonate if
poisoning leading to
ventricular arrhythmias
 Naloxone for CNS
Opiate Toxidrome
 Naloxone:
 Competitive opioid
antagonist at mu, kappa, and
delta receptors
 Treatment dose:
 Initial bolus 100microg IV
(or 400microg IM/subcut)
 Then give repeated
100microg boluses every
30-60 seconds until
adequate spontaneous
 If necessary, infusion:
 2/3 of the initial dose
required to wake the
patient up, per hour.
Hypnosedative Toxidrome
 Hypnosedatives: Modulate
activity of GABA
neutrotrasmitter complex
 Include:
 Benzodiazepines
 Barbiturates
 Zolpidem, zopliclone
 Baclofen
 Gamma-hydroxybutyrate
 Chloral hydrate
 Paraldehyde
Hypnosedative Toxidrome
 Presentation - Think ETOH!
 Respiratory depression
 Bradycardia
 Hypotension
 Poor coordination
 Slurred speech
 Ataxia
 Lethargy
 Disinhibition
 Decreased muscle tone
 Nystagmus
 Neurological depression
 Stupor
 Coma
 Treatment: supportive therapy
(caution with Flumazenil!)
Hypnosedative Toxidrome
 Baclofen
 Being increasingly used as a
drug of abuse because it
induces euphoria at higher
doses (only small intrathecal
doses needed for therapeutic
 Severe OD can mimic brain
death, nearly result in organ
harvesting in some cases!
Sympathomimetic Toxidrome
 Sympathomimetics: drugs that
have an activating effect on the
sympathetic nervous system
through the direct or indirect effect
on catecholamines.
 Direct acting: alpha-agonists,
dopaminergic agents
 Indirect acting agents: cause
increased catecholamine release,
inhibition of enzymatic breakdown,
or delayed reuptake (e.g.,
pseudoephedrine, amphetamines,
 Cross-reactivity:
 Cocaine can affect dopamine
 MDMA can contribute to serotonin
Sympathomimetic Toxidrome
 Classic presentation:
 Tachycardia
 Hypertension
 Hyperthermia
 Hyperreflexia
 Mydriasis
 Diaphoresis
 Normal bowel sounds
 Other associated Sx
 Pressured speech
 Flight of ideas
 Paranoia
 Bruxism
 Tremors
 Chest pain
 Rhabdomyolysis
Sympathomimetic Toxidrome
 Treatment:
 Hypertension and tachycardia:
 Titrated benzos first
 Phentolamine 1mg IV repeated every 5
 Titrated vasodilator infusion (e.g., GTN)
 NEVER give β-blockers (can lead to
unopposed alpha stimulation and
 Seizures: IV diazepam (second line: barbiturates)
 Agitation: Benzos (second line: droperidol,
 Hyperthermia
 >38.5: continuous core temp monitoring, benzo
sedation, fluid resus
 >39.5: rapid external cooling. May need
paralysis, intubation, ventilation.
 Hyponatraemia: If profound (<120mmol) + altered
mental state/seizures, give hypertonic saline
 3% NaCl 4ml/kg over 30 mins. Keep repeating
to maintain Na >120mmol)
Sympathomimetic Toxidrome
 Cocaine
 Blockade of presynaptic catecholamine
uptake (sympathomimetic).
 Also has calcium channel blockade,
which may lead to ventricular
 Treat with sodium bicarb. If
refractory to sodium bicarb and defib
 lignocaine 1.5mg/kg IV
Serotonin Syndrome
 Clinical manifestation of
excessive stimulation of
serotonin receptors in the
 Life threatening toxicity rare
following single SSRI
 Is more common with combo
of MAOI and SSRIs.
Serotonin Syndrome
 Causative agents:
 Analgesics and antitussives –
dextromethorphan, fentanyl,
pethidine, tramadol
 Antidepressants
 TCAs
 Drugs of abuse –
amphetamines, MDMA,
 Herbal preparations (St John’s
 Tryptophan, lithium
Serotonin Syndrome
 Presentation: the classical
1. Autonomic stimulation:
diarrhoea, flushing,
hyperthermia, mydriasis,
sweating, tachycardia
2. Neuromuscular excitation:
clonus, hyperreflexia,
increased tone, myoclonus,
rigidity, tremor
3. Mental state changes:
anxiety, agitation,
psychomotor acceleration,
delirium, confusion
Serotonin Syndrome
 Diagnosis: Hunter Criteria
 Differentials:
 NMS (has a slower onset,
development of acute
parkinsonism with
bradykinesia and lead-pipe
rigidity, and an absence of
neuromuscular excitation)
 Anticholinergic toxidrome
 Malignant hyperthermia:
Does not produce
neuromuscular excitation,
and requires a history of
volatile anaesthetic
Serotonin Syndrome
 Management (RRSIDEAD)
 Supportive care
 May need intubation +
ventilation +/- paralysis if
coma, recurrent seizures,
hyperthermia >39.5C
 Antidote: cyproheptadine 8mg
(serotonin antagonist).
 Efficacy not yet proven
 Not indicated in severe SS
 May be useful in mild-mod
serotonin syndrome
refractory to
 Requires ICU admission if
severe. Sx likely resolve with
complete recovery within 24-
48 hours.
Neuroleptic Malignant
 Rare and potentially lethal,
due to the use of neuroleptic
 Controversial aetiology, may
be due to deficiency/blockade
of dopaminergic
neurotransmission in
nigrostriatal, mesolimbic, and
 Suspect if the patient presents
with the following toxidrome,
and has a history of ingestion
of one or more neuroleptic
Neuroleptic Malignant
 Clinical features:
 Central nervous system:
Confusion, delirium, stupor, coma
 Autonomic instability:
Hyperthermia, tachycardia,
hypertension, respiratory
irregularities, cardiac dysrhythmias
 Neuromuscular:
 Lead-pipe rigidity
 Generalised bradykinesia or
 Mutism and staring
 Dystonia and abnormal
 Abnormal involuntary
 Incontinence
Neuroleptic Malignant
 Management:
 Supportive
 May need intubation +
paralysis if temperature >39.5
 Role of benzos controversial
 ?may play a part in causing
 Use specific agents like
bromocriptine (dopamine
agonist) in moderate or
severe cases
 Dantrolene – severe muscle
 ECT – if refractory. May
increase central dopaminergic
Condition Obs Pupils Skin Bowel sounds Neuromuscular
Reflexes Mental status
Anticholinergic Tachycardia
Mydriasis Hot, dry, red Sparse or absent Normal Normal Agitated delirium
Cholinergic Muscarinic:
Miosis Diaphoretic Hyperactive Fasciculations
Muscle weakness
Normal Agitation,
Coma, seizures
Opiate toxicity Tachycardia
Miosis Peripheral
May be
hypothermic, cool
Decreased Normal Normal CNS depression.
Hypnosedative Bradycardia
Nystagmus Normal Normal Decreased
muscle tone
Normal Slurred speech,
disinhibition, CNS
depression, coma
Sympathomimetic Tachycardia
Mydriasis Diaphoresis Normal Neuromuscular
excitation, tremor
Hyperreflexia Agitation,
speech, flight of
ideas, paranoia
Mydriasis Diaphoresis Hyperactive Increased,
especially lower
Hyperreflexia and
progressing to
Mydriasis or
Sweaty but pale Normal Lead-pipe rigidity Bradyreflexia Mutism, staring,
 Murray L. Toxicology handbook. Sydney, N.S.W.: Churchill
Livingstone/Elsevier; 2011.
 Kloss B, Bruce T. Toxicology in a Box. 1st ed. McGraw Hill;
 The Hunter Serotonin Toxicity Criteria: simple and accurate
diagnostic decision rules for serotonin toxicity
 Isbister G, Bucket N, Whyte I. Serotonin toxicity: a practical
approach to diagnosis and treatment. The Medical Journal
of Australia. 2007;187(6):361-365.
 Katzung B, Masters S, Trevor A. Basic & clinical
pharmacology. New York: McGraw-Hill Medical; 2009.

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  • 1. Toxidromes CME 5th April 2017 Sinéad Taylor
  • 2. Outline  Anticholinergic Toxidrome  Cholinergic Toxidrome  Opiate Toxidrome  Hypnosedative Toxidrome  Sympathomimetic Toxidrome  Serotonin Syndrome  Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
  • 3. Anticholinergic Toxidrome  Anticholinergic drugs have an affinity for the acetylcholine receptor and antagonise muscarinic/nicotinic receptors.  The majority of blockade is at muscarinic receptors, but at high doses some blockade occurs at nicotinic receptors in the autonomic ganglia and at the motor end plates.
  • 4. Anticholinergic Toxidrome  Muscarinic receptors:  M1: Central and enteric nervous systems  M2: Heart  M3: Smooth muscle  Increases exocrine gland secretion  Increases gut motility  Miosis via pupillary sphincter  Accommodation via ciliary muscles  Bronchoconstriction  Bladder constriction  Therefore muscarinic blockade will give the classic anticholinergic “dry as a bone, red as a beet, hot as a hare, mad as a hatter, blind as a bat”
  • 5. Anticholinergic Toxidrome  Central effects:  Agitated delirium (mad as a hatter) characterised by:  Fluctuating mental status  Confusion  Restlessness and fidgeting  Picking at objects in the air  Mumbling slurred speech  Disruptive behaviour  Tremor  Myoclonus  Coma  Seizure (rare)  Peripheral effects:  Mydriasis (blind as a bat)  Tachycardia  Dry mouth (dry as a bone)  Dry skin  Flushing (red as a beet)  Hyperthermia (hot as a hare)  Urinary retention  Spares or absent bowel sounds
  • 6. Anticholinergic Toxidrome  Sources:  ATROPINE  Antiepileptics (carbamazepine)  Antihistamines  Anti-Parkinson medications: Amantadine, benztropine  Antipsychotics: Chlorpromazine, clozapine, olanzapine, droperidol, haloperidol, quetiapine  Anti motion sickness agents: Scopolamine  GI antispasmodics: e.g., hyoscyamine  GU antispasmodics: e.g., oxybutynin, solifenacin  Plant sources: Belladonna, Brugmansia (angel’s trumpets), datura (Jimson Weed), Henbane (Stinking Nightshade), Mandrake  Skeletal muscle relaxants: dantrolene  SSRIs: Paroxetine  TCAs: Amitriptyline, clomipramine, nortriptyline  Topical eyedrops: cyclopentolate, homatropine, tropicamide
  • 7. Anticholinergic Toxidrome  Signs and symptoms are variable. No particular pattern can accurately or reliably diagnose this toxidrome.  Differential Dx:  Encephalitis  Hypoglycaemia  Hyponatraemia  Ictal phenomenon  NMS  Neurotrauma  Sepsis  Serotonin syndrome  Subarachnoid haemorrhage  Wernicke’s encephalopathy
  • 8. Anticholinergic Toxidrome  Management: RRSIDEAD (as always!)  Avoid treating agitation with anticholinergic drugs (e.g., droperidol, haloperidol)  Antidote: Physostigmine  Reversible acetylcholinesterase inhibitor  Indications:  Agitated delirium not controlled by benzodiazepine sedation  Isolated anticholinergic poisoning  Contraindications:  Bradyarrhythmias  Intraventricular block (QRS >100ms)  AV block  Bronchospasm  Duration of action shorter than delirium, however repeat doses may not be required
  • 9. Cholinergic Toxidrome  Result of increased acetylcholine activity at both central and peripheral nicotinic and muscarinic receptors.  Can arise from either:  Cholinesterase inhibitors (e.g., organophosphate and carbamates)  Cholinomimetics - have direct agonist action at muscarinic or nicotinic sites (e.g., pilocarpine, muscarine)
  • 10. Cholinergic Toxidrome Central nervous system: • Agitation • Central resp depression • Coma • Confusion • Lethargy • Seizures Parasympathetic muscarinic effects: • Abdo cramps • Bradycardia • Bronchoconstriction • Bronchorrhoea • Diarrhoea • Lacrimation • Miosis • Salivation • Urinary incontinence • Vomiting Neuromuscular: • Fasciculation • Muscle weakness Sympathetic nicotinic effects: • Hypertension • Mydriasis • Sweating • Tachycardia
  • 11. Cholinergic Toxidrome  Killer B’s: bronchorrhoea, bronchospasm  SLUDGE  Salivation  Lacrimation  Urination  Diarrhoea  Gastrointestinal distress  Emesis  DUMBELLS  Diarrhoea  Urination  Miosis  Bradycardia  Emesis  Lacrimation  Lethargy  Salivation
  • 12. Cholinergic Toxidrome Sources:  Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors:  Organophosphates  Carbamate insecticides  Chemical warfare nerve agents (e.g., sarin)  Agents used in dementia: Donepezil, galantamine, rivastigmine, tacrine  Agents used in myasthenia gravis: edrophonium, neostigmine, physostigmine, pyridostigmine  Acetylcholine agonists:  Muscarinic agents: Acetylcholine, carbachol, pilocarpine  Nicotinic agents: Nicotine  Mushrooms (muscarine)
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15. east/world-horrified-after-suspected-gas- attack-leaves-dozens-dead-in-syria/news- story/c84778dec4cb259c3a87e83deaf36d0 5 “Today around 7:30am, about 125 injuries arrived to our hospital. Twenty five of them were already dead, 70 per cent to 80 per cent of the wounded people were kids and women. “The symptoms were pale skin, sweating, narrow or pin-eye pupils, very intense respiratory detachments.”
  • 16. Cholinergic Toxidrome  Differential diagnosis  Causes of weakness (Guillain- Barré, myasthenia gravis, botulism)  Cardiotropic intoxication resulting in bradycardia and vomiting (digoxin, oleander, β-blockers, CCBs,  Gastroenteritis and abdo emergencies  Ictal phenomena  Mushroom ingestion  Respiratory disorders (asthma, CCF)  Salicylate intoxication  Serotonin syndrome  Sympatomimetic syndrome  Theophylline intoxication
  • 17. Cholinergic Toxidrome  Management  RRSIDEAD  Atropine: If signs of muscarinic excess. Keep giving it until drying of secretions is achieved  Seizure control with benzos  Decontamination, but don’t let it delay resus  Organophosphate/carbamate/ nerve agent poisoning: Pralidoxime.  Initial bolus: 2g pralidoxime in 100ml 0.9% NaCl over 15 minutes  Infusion: 500mg/hr (6g in 500ml 0.9% NaCl at 42ml/hr)
  • 18. Opiate Toxidrome  Due to narcotics and narcotic derivatives, binding to opiate receptors in CNS and bowel.  Classical presentation:  CNS depression  Respiratory depression  Miosis  Other/complications  Tachycardia (response to hypoxia, hypercarbia)  Decreased bowel sounds  Peripheral vasodilation with hypothermia, hypotension  Resp depression and subsequent coma can be fatal
  • 19. Opiate Toxidrome  Special cases:  Dextropropoxyphene (Darvon): 20mg/kg may cause CNS depression, seizures, cardiac dysrhythmias (fast Na channel blocking effect)  Pethidine: Repeated therapeutic doses associated with seizures  Implicated in serotonin syndrome
  • 20. Opiate Toxidrome  Management  RRSIDEAD  Sodium bicarbonate if dextropropoxyphene poisoning leading to ventricular arrhythmias  Naloxone for CNS depression
  • 21. Opiate Toxidrome  Naloxone:  Competitive opioid antagonist at mu, kappa, and delta receptors  Treatment dose:  Initial bolus 100microg IV (or 400microg IM/subcut)  Then give repeated 100microg boluses every 30-60 seconds until adequate spontaneous respiration  If necessary, infusion:  2/3 of the initial dose required to wake the patient up, per hour.
  • 22. Hypnosedative Toxidrome  Hypnosedatives: Modulate activity of GABA neutrotrasmitter complex  Include:  Benzodiazepines  Barbiturates  Zolpidem, zopliclone  Baclofen  Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB)  Chloral hydrate  Paraldehyde
  • 23. Hypnosedative Toxidrome  Presentation - Think ETOH!  Respiratory depression  Bradycardia  Hypotension  Poor coordination  Slurred speech  Ataxia  Lethargy  Disinhibition  Decreased muscle tone  Nystagmus  Neurological depression  Stupor  Coma  Treatment: supportive therapy (caution with Flumazenil!)
  • 24. Hypnosedative Toxidrome  Baclofen  Being increasingly used as a drug of abuse because it induces euphoria at higher doses (only small intrathecal doses needed for therapeutic effect)  Severe OD can mimic brain death, nearly result in organ harvesting in some cases!
  • 25. Sympathomimetic Toxidrome  Sympathomimetics: drugs that have an activating effect on the sympathetic nervous system through the direct or indirect effect on catecholamines.  Direct acting: alpha-agonists, dopaminergic agents  Indirect acting agents: cause increased catecholamine release, inhibition of enzymatic breakdown, or delayed reuptake (e.g., pseudoephedrine, amphetamines, cocaine).  Cross-reactivity:  Cocaine can affect dopamine  MDMA can contribute to serotonin syndrome
  • 26. Sympathomimetic Toxidrome  Classic presentation:  Tachycardia  Hypertension  Hyperthermia  Hyperreflexia  Mydriasis  Diaphoresis  Normal bowel sounds  Other associated Sx  Pressured speech  Flight of ideas  Paranoia  Bruxism  Tremors  Chest pain  Rhabdomyolysis
  • 27. Sympathomimetic Toxidrome  Treatment:  Hypertension and tachycardia:  Titrated benzos first  Phentolamine 1mg IV repeated every 5 minutes  Titrated vasodilator infusion (e.g., GTN)  NEVER give β-blockers (can lead to unopposed alpha stimulation and vasoconstriction)  Seizures: IV diazepam (second line: barbiturates)  Agitation: Benzos (second line: droperidol, olanzapine)  Hyperthermia  >38.5: continuous core temp monitoring, benzo sedation, fluid resus  >39.5: rapid external cooling. May need paralysis, intubation, ventilation.  Hyponatraemia: If profound (<120mmol) + altered mental state/seizures, give hypertonic saline  3% NaCl 4ml/kg over 30 mins. Keep repeating to maintain Na >120mmol)
  • 28. Sympathomimetic Toxidrome  Cocaine  Blockade of presynaptic catecholamine uptake (sympathomimetic).  Also has calcium channel blockade, which may lead to ventricular dysrhythmia.  Treat with sodium bicarb. If refractory to sodium bicarb and defib  lignocaine 1.5mg/kg IV
  • 29. Serotonin Syndrome  Clinical manifestation of excessive stimulation of serotonin receptors in the CNS  Life threatening toxicity rare following single SSRI ingestion.  Is more common with combo of MAOI and SSRIs.
  • 30. Serotonin Syndrome  Causative agents:  Analgesics and antitussives – dextromethorphan, fentanyl, pethidine, tramadol  Antidepressants  SSRIs  SNRIs  TCAs  MAOIs  Drugs of abuse – amphetamines, MDMA, ectsasy  Herbal preparations (St John’s Wort)  Tryptophan, lithium
  • 31. Serotonin Syndrome  Presentation: the classical triad 1. Autonomic stimulation: diarrhoea, flushing, hyperthermia, mydriasis, sweating, tachycardia 2. Neuromuscular excitation: clonus, hyperreflexia, increased tone, myoclonus, rigidity, tremor 3. Mental state changes: anxiety, agitation, psychomotor acceleration, delirium, confusion
  • 32. Serotonin Syndrome  Diagnosis: Hunter Criteria  Differentials:  NMS (has a slower onset, development of acute parkinsonism with bradykinesia and lead-pipe rigidity, and an absence of neuromuscular excitation)  Anticholinergic toxidrome  Malignant hyperthermia: Does not produce neuromuscular excitation, and requires a history of volatile anaesthetic exposure.
  • 33. Serotonin Syndrome  Management (RRSIDEAD)  Supportive care  May need intubation + ventilation +/- paralysis if coma, recurrent seizures, hyperthermia >39.5C  Antidote: cyproheptadine 8mg (serotonin antagonist).  Efficacy not yet proven  Not indicated in severe SS  May be useful in mild-mod serotonin syndrome refractory to benzodiazepines.  Requires ICU admission if severe. Sx likely resolve with complete recovery within 24- 48 hours.
  • 34. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome  Rare and potentially lethal, due to the use of neuroleptic medications.  Controversial aetiology, may be due to deficiency/blockade of dopaminergic neurotransmission in nigrostriatal, mesolimbic, and hypothalamic-pituitary pathways.  Suspect if the patient presents with the following toxidrome, and has a history of ingestion of one or more neuroleptic agents.
  • 35. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome  Clinical features:  Central nervous system: Confusion, delirium, stupor, coma  Autonomic instability: Hyperthermia, tachycardia, hypertension, respiratory irregularities, cardiac dysrhythmias  Neuromuscular:  Lead-pipe rigidity  Generalised bradykinesia or akinesia  Mutism and staring  Dystonia and abnormal postures  Abnormal involuntary movements  Incontinence
  • 36. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome  Management:  Supportive  May need intubation + paralysis if temperature >39.5  Role of benzos controversial  ?may play a part in causing NMS  Use specific agents like bromocriptine (dopamine agonist) in moderate or severe cases  Dantrolene – severe muscle rigidity  ECT – if refractory. May increase central dopaminergic activity.
  • 37. Condition Obs Pupils Skin Bowel sounds Neuromuscular tone Reflexes Mental status Anticholinergic Tachycardia Hyperthermia Mydriasis Hot, dry, red Sparse or absent Normal Normal Agitated delirium Cholinergic Muscarinic: Bradycardia Nicotinic: Tachycardia and hypotension Miosis Diaphoretic Hyperactive Fasciculations Muscle weakness Normal Agitation, confusion Coma, seizures Opiate toxicity Tachycardia Bradypnoea Hypotension Hypothermia Miosis Peripheral vasodilation May be hypothermic, cool Decreased Normal Normal CNS depression. Coma Hypnosedative Bradycardia Bradypnoea Hypotension Hypothermia Nystagmus Normal Normal Decreased muscle tone Ataxia Normal Slurred speech, stupor, disinhibition, CNS depression, coma Sympathomimetic Tachycardia Tachypnoea Hypertension Hyperthermia Mydriasis Diaphoresis Normal Neuromuscular excitation, tremor Hyperreflexia Agitation, pressured speech, flight of ideas, paranoia Serotonin syndrome Tachycardia Tachypnoea Hypertension Hyperthermia Mydriasis Diaphoresis Hyperactive Increased, especially lower limbs Hyperreflexia and clonus Agitation progressing to coma Neuroleptic malignant syndrome Tachycardia Hypertension Tachypnoea Hyperthermia Mydriasis or normal Sweaty but pale Normal Lead-pipe rigidity Bradyreflexia Mutism, staring, bradykinesia, coma
  • 38. References  Murray L. Toxicology handbook. Sydney, N.S.W.: Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier; 2011.  Kloss B, Bruce T. Toxicology in a Box. 1st ed. McGraw Hill; 2014.  The Hunter Serotonin Toxicity Criteria: simple and accurate diagnostic decision rules for serotonin toxicity  Isbister G, Bucket N, Whyte I. Serotonin toxicity: a practical approach to diagnosis and treatment. The Medical Journal of Australia. 2007;187(6):361-365.  Katzung B, Masters S, Trevor A. Basic & clinical pharmacology. New York: McGraw-Hill Medical; 2009.

Editor's Notes

  1. Cholinergic/anticholinesterase
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  6. Cholinergic/anticholinesterase