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Toward Disentanglement
through Understanding ELBO (Part I)
Viscovery: Algorithm Team
February 17, 2019
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1 Background Knowledge
Information Quantities
Rate Distortion Theory and Information Bottleneck
Variational Inference
2 Build up Frameworks for Disentangle Representations
3 Isolating Sources of Disentanglement
ELBO Surgery
Evaluate Disentanglement
4 Conclusion
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Before we start ...
What is disentanglement?
Disentangled Representation = Fatorized + Interpretable
Reuse and generalize knowledge
Extrapolate beyond training data distribution
Questions will be answered in series of discussion
(Part I) Why VAE is the main framework to realize disentanglement?
[Chen, 2018]
(Part II) Why there is a trade-off between reconstruction and
disentanglement? [Alemi, 2018]
(Part II) Is disentanglement a task or principal? [Achille, 2018]
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Background Knowledge
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Quick Review
Consider beta decay process, we observe N electrons
↑↑↓↓↑ ... ↑
Number of the possible states of N spins
(pN)!((1 − p)N)!
(pN)pN((1 − p)N)(1−p)N
ppN(1 − p)(1−p)N
= 2NS
where S is called Shannon Entropy per spin
S = −p log p − (1 − p) log(1 − p)
Number of bits of information one gains in actually observe such state is
NS. [?]
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Quick Review
In general case:
(p1N)p1N(p2N)p2N...(pkN)pk N
i=1(pi N)pi N
= 2NS
Such that
S = −
pi log pi
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Quick Review
We have a theory that predicts a probability distribution Q for the final
state, however, the correct probability distribution is P, then after
observing N decays, we will see outcome i approximately pi N times.
P =
qpi N
j (pj N)!
We already calculated N!
j (pj N)! ∼ 2−N i pi log pi ,
P ∼ 2−N i pi (log pi −log qi )
The quantity, we called, relative entropy or Kullback-Liebler divergence
DKL(p||q) =
pi (log pi − log qi )
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Quick Review
Entropy: Sx = − x p(x) log p(x), information we don’t know.
Relative Entropy, KL-Divergence:
DKL(p(x)||q(x)) = x p(x) log p(x) − log q(x)
Mutual Information:
I(x; y) = Sx − Sx|y = Sy − Sy|x = Sx,y − Sx|y − Sy|x
I(x; y) = DKL p(x, y)||p(x)p(y)
Symmetric between x and y
Extreme Cases: Independence, Deterministic Relation
Chain rule: p(x, y) = p(x|y)p(y)
Bayesian: p(y|x) = p(x|y)p(y)
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Information Theory
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Information System
Sending a signal from Alice to Bob: X → ˜X
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Rate-Distortion Theory
What makes good encoding? Low rate, low distortion.
I(X; ˜X) s.t d(X, ˜X) < D
Theorem (Rate Distortion, Shannon and Kolmogorov)
Define the function as the minimum achievable rate under distortion
constraint D.
R(D) = min
p(˜x|x) s.t d(x,˜x)<D
I(X; ˜X)
Then an encoding that achieves this rate is
p(˜x|x) =
Z(x, β)
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Rate-Distortion: RD-Curve
Figure: Trade-off between transmission rate and distortion
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Information System
Sending a signal from Alice to Bob: X → ˜X, where Y the relevant
information about X.
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Information Bottleneck Theory
What makes good encoding? Low rate, high relevance.
I( ˜X; X) s.t I( ˜X, Y ) > L
Theorem (Information Bottleneck, Tishby, Pereira, and Bialek)
Define the function as the minimum achievable rate while preserving L bits
of mutual information.
R(L) = min
p(˜x|x) s.t I(˜x;y)≥L
I(X; ˜X)
Then an encoding that achieves this rate is
p(˜x|x) =
Z(x, β)
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What makes good encoding?: Low
Rate, Low Distortion
p(˜x|x) =
Z(x, β)
What makes good code?: Low
Rate, High Relevance
p(˜x|x) =
Z(x, β)
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Structure of the Solution
On the structure of solution
L[p(˜x|x)] = I(X; ˜X) − βI( ˜X; Y )
The Lagrangian multiplier operates as the trade-off parameter between
complexity of representation and preserved relevant information.
I( ˜X; Y ) is the measure of performance
I(X; ˜X) as the regularization term
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Inference under Posterior
X: observation, input data
Z: latent variable, representation, embedding
likelihood of z
Due to p(x) is intractable, there are two parallel ways to solve
Variational Inference
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Variational Inference
Propose a simpler, tractable distribution q(z) to approximate posterior
DKL(q(z|x)||p(z|x)) = Eq(z|x) log(
p(x, z)
= Eq(z|x) log
p(x, z)
+ log p(x)
Swap the left and right hand-sides, we get
log p(x) = DKL(q(z|x)||p(z|x)) + Eq(z|x) log
p(x, z)
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Reduce KL Divergence to ELBO
Due to the positivity of divergence
log p(x) = DKL(q(z|x)||p(z|x)) + Eq(z|x)[log p(x|z)] − DKL[q(z|x)||p(z)]
Evidence Lower Bound, ELBO (per sample)
log p(x) ≤ Eq(z|x)
p(xn, z)
LELBO = Eq(z|x) log p(xn|z)
− DKL q(z|xn)||p(z)
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Implement ELBO using VAE
Figure: ELBO Structure in VAE
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Implement ELBO using VAE
Figure: Parameterization Trick for Back-propagation
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Build up Framework for Disentanglement
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Build up β-VAE framework
Suppose the data generation process are affected by two type of factors
p(x|z) ≈ p(x|v, w)
where v is conditionally independent; w is conditionally dependent factor.
Maximization data likelihood of observed data over the whole latent
distribution. Also, the aim of disentanglement is to ensure the inferred
latent capture the generative factors v in an independent manner.
Epθ(z)[pθ(x|z)] s.t DKL(q(z|x)||p(z)) <
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The objective function of β-VAE[Higgins, 2017] goes to
L = Eq(z|x)[log p(x|z)] − β DKL[q(z|x)||p(z)]
Understanding effect of β
Reconstruction quality is the poor indicator of learnt disentanglement
Good disentanglement often lead to blurry reconstruction
Disentangled representation lacks capability of latent channel
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Disentanglement of β-VAE
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ELBO Surgery
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ELBO Surgery
Conjecture two criteria may be important
MI between data variable and latent variable
Independence of latent variable
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ELBO Surgery
To further understand ELBO, we use the average encoding distribution as
the expression. [Hoffman, 2017] Identify each training example with
unique index {1, 2, 3, ...N}
Define q(z|n) = q(z|xn), q(z, n) = p(n)q(z|n) = 1
N q(z|n) where
p(n) = 1
N . The marginal distribution q(z) = Ep(n)[q(z|n)] and
q(z) = n q(z|n)p(n).
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TC Decomposition: Sources of Disentanglement in ELBO
Ep(n) DKL[q(z|n)||p(z)] (regularization term)
= Ep(n) Eq(z|n) log q(z|n) − log p(z)
+ log q(z) − log q(z) + log
q(zj ) − log
q(zj )
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TC Decomposition: Sources of Disentanglement in ELBO
Ep(n) DKL[q(z|n)||p(z)] (regularization term)
= Ep(n) Eq(z|n) log q(z|n) − log p(z)
+ log q(z) − log q(z) + log
q(zj ) − log
q(zj )
= DKL[q(z, n)||q(z)p(n))]
(1) Index-Code MI,Iq(z;n)
+ DKL[q(z)||
q(zj )]
(2) Total Correlation
DKL[q(zj )||p(zj )]
(3) Dim-wise KL
Index-Code MI: Mutual information between data and latent variable
Total Correlation: Generalization of MI between latent variables
Dim-wise KL: Marginal KL for prior distribution
Note that β-VAE penalizes three terms evenly.
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ELBO TC-Decomposition
Modified ELBO =
Eq(z,n)[log p(n|z)] +
− α Iq(z; n)
Index-Code MI
−β DKL[q(z)||Πj q(zj )]
Total Correlation
DKL[q(zj )||p(zj )]
Dim-wise KL
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ELBO TC-Decomposition
Modified ELBO =
Eq(z,n)[log p(n|z)] +
− α Iq(z; n)
Index-Code MI
−β DKL[q(z)||Πj q(zj )]
Total Correlation
DKL[q(zj )||p(zj )]
Dim-wise KL
Index-Code MI: DKL[q(z, n)||q(z)p(n))] = Iq(z; n)
Drop the penalty to improve disentanglement
Keep this term to improve disentanglement according to IB
Dataset dependent
Total Correlation: DKL[q(z)||Πj q(zj )]
Heavier penalty on this term induces disentanglement
TC forces model to find statistically independent factors
Dim-wise KL: j DKL[q(zj )||p(zj )]
Prevent latent space deviating from corresponding prior
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Minibatch Sampling: Stochastic Estimation of log q(z)
The evaluation of density q(z) requires sampling the whole dataset.
Random chosen n will lead to q(z|n) close to zero. Inspired by importance
sampling, for given batch of samples {n1, n2, ...nM}, we can use the
estimator re-utilize the batch
Eq(z|x)[log q(z)] = Eq(z|x) log En ∼p(n )[q(z|n )]
q(z(ni )|nj )
where z(ni ) is a sample from q(z|ni ). Treat q(z) as mixture of
distribution, where the data index n indicates the mixture components.
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Special case: β-TCVAE
With MBS, it is available to assign different weights (α, β, γ) to terms
Lβ−TC = Eq(z|n)p(n)[log p(n|z)]
− αIq(z; n) − β DKL(q(z)||
q(zj )) − γ
DKL(q(zj )||p(zj ))
Proposed β-TCVAE uses α = γ = 1, and set β as hyper-parameter.
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Pseudo Code: VAE
Using Tensorflow Probability
latent_prior = make_mixture_prior() # p(z)
approx_posterior = encoder(features) # q(z|x)
# z ~ q(z|x)
approx_posterior_sample = approx_posterior.sample()
# p(x|z)
decoder_likelihood = decoder(approx_posterior_sample)
# log(p(x|z))
rate = decoder_likelihood.log_prob(features)
log_qz_x = approx_posterior.log_prob(approx_posterior_sample
log_pz = latent_prior.log_prob(approx_posterior_sample)
kl_div = log_qz_x - log_pz # D_kl(q(z|x) || p(z))
elbo = tf.reduce_sum(rate - kl_div)
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Pseudo Code: β-TCVAE
Lβ−TC = Eq(z|n)p(n)[log p(n|z)]
− αIq(z; n) − β DKL(q(z)||
q(zj )) − γ
DKL(q(zj )||p(zj ))
log_qz = tf.logsumexp(tf.reduce_sum(log_qz_x, 1), 0)
-tf.log(M * N)
log_qz_factorized =
tf.reduce_sum(tf.logsumexp(log_qz_x)-tf.log(M * N), 1)
Iq = log_qz_x - log_qz
TC = log_qz - log_qz_factorized
Dim_kl = log_qz_factorized - latent_prior
modified_elbo = rate - Iq - TC - Dim_kl
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Evaluate Disentanglement: Mutual Information Gap
Suppose we have some groundtruth factor {vk}K
k=1 Define joint
distribution q(zj , vk) = N
n=1 p(vk)p(n|vk)q(zj |n)
In(zj ; vk) = Eq(zj ,vk ) log q(zj |n)p(n|vk) + S(zj )
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Feature Factor and Latent Variable
Figure: Correlation between factors and latent space
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Evaluate Disentanglement: Mutual Information Gap
Mutual Information Gap
I(zj(k) ; vk) − maxj=j(k) I(zj ; vk)
where j(k)
= arg max
I(zj ; vk)
where 0 ≤ I(zj ; vk) = S(vk) − S(vk|zj ) ≤ S(vk) naturally serve as the
normalization condition. Benefits of this metric
Compactness of representation
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Experiments and Conclusion
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Figure: Specs of Datasets
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Experiments: Performance of β-TCVAE
Figure: Left: fully connected; Right: convolution
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Experiments: Performance of β-TCVAE
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Experiments: Trade-off
ELBO-Disentanglement Trade-off
Figure: DSprites
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Experiments: Trade-off
ELBO-Disentanglement Trade-off
Figure: 3D Faces
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Experiments: TC versus MIG
How Independence relates to Disentanglement?
Figure: DSprites
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Experiments: TC versus MIG
How Independence relates to Disentanglement?
Figure: 3D Faces
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Extra Experiments
Removing Index-Code MI
Batch-size Effect
make no significant difference.
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In this paper
Regularization term in ELBO contains various factors which naturally
encourage disentangling
Total correlation (independence of latent variable) is the major factor
force machine to learn statistically independent reprensentation
New information-theoretic metric quantity
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Chen, T.Q., and etc,
Isolating Sources of Disentanglement in Variational Autoencoders. NIPS. 2018
Tishby, Naftali, and etc.
The information bottleneck method. physics/0004057 (2000).
Hoffman, Matthew D., and Matthew J. Johnson.
Elbo surgery: yet another way to carve up the variational evidence lower bound.
NIPS. 2016.
Higgins and etc.
beta-vae: Learning basic visual concepts with a constrained variational framework.
ICLR 2017
Burgess and ect.
Understanding disentangling in beta-VAE. arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.03599.
Achille, Alessandro, and etc.
Emergence of invariance and disentanglement in deep representations.
Alemi, Alexander, et al.
Fixing a broken ELBO. International Conference on Machine Learning. 2018.
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Toward Disentanglement through Understand ELBO

  • 1. Toward Disentanglement through Understanding ELBO (Part I) kv Viscovery: Algorithm Team February 17, 2019 kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 1 / 53
  • 2. Overview 1 Background Knowledge Information Quantities Rate Distortion Theory and Information Bottleneck Variational Inference 2 Build up Frameworks for Disentangle Representations 3 Isolating Sources of Disentanglement ELBO Surgery Evaluate Disentanglement Experiments 4 Conclusion kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 2 / 53
  • 3. Before we start ... What is disentanglement? Disentangled Representation = Fatorized + Interpretable Reuse and generalize knowledge Extrapolate beyond training data distribution Questions will be answered in series of discussion (Part I) Why VAE is the main framework to realize disentanglement? [Chen, 2018] (Part II) Why there is a trade-off between reconstruction and disentanglement? [Alemi, 2018] (Part II) Is disentanglement a task or principal? [Achille, 2018] kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 3 / 53
  • 4. Background Knowledge kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 4 / 53
  • 5. Quick Review Consider beta decay process, we observe N electrons ↑↑↓↓↑ ... ↑ Number of the possible states of N spins N! (pN)!((1 − p)N)! ∼ NN (pN)pN((1 − p)N)(1−p)N = 1 ppN(1 − p)(1−p)N = 2NS where S is called Shannon Entropy per spin S = −p log p − (1 − p) log(1 − p) Number of bits of information one gains in actually observe such state is NS. [?] kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 5 / 53
  • 6. Quick Review In general case: N! (p1N)p1N(p2N)p2N...(pkN)pk N ∼ NN k i=1(pi N)pi N = 2NS Such that S = − i pi log pi kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 6 / 53
  • 7. Quick Review We have a theory that predicts a probability distribution Q for the final state, however, the correct probability distribution is P, then after observing N decays, we will see outcome i approximately pi N times. P = N i qpi N i N! j (pj N)! We already calculated N! j (pj N)! ∼ 2−N i pi log pi , so P ∼ 2−N i pi (log pi −log qi ) The quantity, we called, relative entropy or Kullback-Liebler divergence DKL(p||q) = i pi (log pi − log qi ) kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 7 / 53
  • 8. Quick Review Quantities: Entropy: Sx = − x p(x) log p(x), information we don’t know. Relative Entropy, KL-Divergence: DKL(p(x)||q(x)) = x p(x) log p(x) − log q(x) Mutual Information: I(x; y) = Sx − Sx|y = Sy − Sy|x = Sx,y − Sx|y − Sy|x I(x; y) = DKL p(x, y)||p(x)p(y) Symmetric between x and y Extreme Cases: Independence, Deterministic Relation Relation: Chain rule: p(x, y) = p(x|y)p(y) Bayesian: p(y|x) = p(x|y)p(y) p(x) kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 8 / 53
  • 9. Information Theory kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 9 / 53
  • 10. Information System Sending a signal from Alice to Bob: X → ˜X kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 10 / 53
  • 11. Rate-Distortion Theory What makes good encoding? Low rate, low distortion. min p(˜x)|p(x) I(X; ˜X) s.t d(X, ˜X) < D Theorem (Rate Distortion, Shannon and Kolmogorov) Define the function as the minimum achievable rate under distortion constraint D. R(D) = min p(˜x|x) s.t d(x,˜x)<D I(X; ˜X) Then an encoding that achieves this rate is p(˜x|x) = p(˜x) Z(x, β) e−βd(x,˜x) kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 11 / 53
  • 12. Rate-Distortion: RD-Curve Figure: Trade-off between transmission rate and distortion kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 12 / 53
  • 13. Information System Sending a signal from Alice to Bob: X → ˜X, where Y the relevant information about X. kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 13 / 53
  • 14. Information Bottleneck Theory What makes good encoding? Low rate, high relevance. min p(˜x)|p(x) I( ˜X; X) s.t I( ˜X, Y ) > L Theorem (Information Bottleneck, Tishby, Pereira, and Bialek) Define the function as the minimum achievable rate while preserving L bits of mutual information. R(L) = min p(˜x|x) s.t I(˜x;y)≥L I(X; ˜X) Then an encoding that achieves this rate is p(˜x|x) = p(˜x) Z(x, β) e−βDKL[p(y|x)||p(y|˜x)] kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 14 / 53
  • 15. Comparison What makes good encoding?: Low Rate, Low Distortion p(˜x|x) = p(˜x) Z(x, β) e−βd(x,˜x) What makes good code?: Low Rate, High Relevance p(˜x|x) = p(˜x) Z(x, β) e−βDKL[p(y|x)||p(y|˜x)] kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 15 / 53
  • 16. Structure of the Solution On the structure of solution L[p(˜x|x)] = I(X; ˜X) − βI( ˜X; Y ) The Lagrangian multiplier operates as the trade-off parameter between complexity of representation and preserved relevant information. I( ˜X; Y ) is the measure of performance I(X; ˜X) as the regularization term kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 16 / 53
  • 17. Inference kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 17 / 53
  • 18. Inference under Posterior X: observation, input data Z: latent variable, representation, embedding p(z|x) posterior = likelihood of z p(x|z) prior p(z) p(x) evidence Due to p(x) is intractable, there are two parallel ways to solve MCMC Variational Inference kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 18 / 53
  • 19. Variational Inference Propose a simpler, tractable distribution q(z) to approximate posterior p(z|x) DKL(q(z|x)||p(z|x)) = Eq(z|x) log( q(z|x)p(x) p(x, z) ) = Eq(z|x) log q(z|x) p(x, z) + log p(x) Swap the left and right hand-sides, we get log p(x) = DKL(q(z|x)||p(z|x)) + Eq(z|x) log p(x, z) q(z|x) kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 19 / 53
  • 20. Reduce KL Divergence to ELBO Due to the positivity of divergence log p(x) = DKL(q(z|x)||p(z|x)) + Eq(z|x)[log p(x|z)] − DKL[q(z|x)||p(z)] Evidence Lower Bound, ELBO (per sample) log p(x) ≤ Eq(z|x) p(xn, z) q(z|xn) ELBO LELBO = Eq(z|x) log p(xn|z) reconstruction − DKL q(z|xn)||p(z) regularization kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 20 / 53
  • 21. Implement ELBO using VAE Figure: ELBO Structure in VAE kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 21 / 53
  • 22. Implement ELBO using VAE Figure: Parameterization Trick for Back-propagation kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 22 / 53
  • 23. Build up Framework for Disentanglement kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 23 / 53
  • 24. Build up β-VAE framework Suppose the data generation process are affected by two type of factors p(x|z) ≈ p(x|v, w) where v is conditionally independent; w is conditionally dependent factor. Maximization data likelihood of observed data over the whole latent distribution. Also, the aim of disentanglement is to ensure the inferred latent capture the generative factors v in an independent manner. max θ Epθ(z)[pθ(x|z)] s.t DKL(q(z|x)||p(z)) < kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 24 / 53
  • 25. β-VAE The objective function of β-VAE[Higgins, 2017] goes to L = Eq(z|x)[log p(x|z)] − β DKL[q(z|x)||p(z)] Understanding effect of β Reconstruction quality is the poor indicator of learnt disentanglement Good disentanglement often lead to blurry reconstruction Disentangled representation lacks capability of latent channel kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 25 / 53
  • 26. Disentanglement of β-VAE kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 26 / 53
  • 27. ELBO Surgery kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 27 / 53
  • 28. ELBO Surgery Conjecture two criteria may be important MI between data variable and latent variable Independence of latent variable kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 28 / 53
  • 29. ELBO Surgery To further understand ELBO, we use the average encoding distribution as the expression. [Hoffman, 2017] Identify each training example with unique index {1, 2, 3, ...N} Define q(z|n) = q(z|xn), q(z, n) = p(n)q(z|n) = 1 N q(z|n) where p(n) = 1 N . The marginal distribution q(z) = Ep(n)[q(z|n)] and q(z) = n q(z|n)p(n). kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 29 / 53
  • 30. TC Decomposition: Sources of Disentanglement in ELBO Ep(n) DKL[q(z|n)||p(z)] (regularization term) = Ep(n) Eq(z|n) log q(z|n) − log p(z) + log q(z) − log q(z) + log j q(zj ) − log j q(zj ) kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 30 / 53
  • 31. TC Decomposition: Sources of Disentanglement in ELBO Ep(n) DKL[q(z|n)||p(z)] (regularization term) = Ep(n) Eq(z|n) log q(z|n) − log p(z) + log q(z) − log q(z) + log j q(zj ) − log j q(zj ) = DKL[q(z, n)||q(z)p(n))] (1) Index-Code MI,Iq(z;n) + DKL[q(z)|| j q(zj )] (2) Total Correlation + j DKL[q(zj )||p(zj )] (3) Dim-wise KL Index-Code MI: Mutual information between data and latent variable Total Correlation: Generalization of MI between latent variables Dim-wise KL: Marginal KL for prior distribution Note that β-VAE penalizes three terms evenly. kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 31 / 53
  • 32. ELBO TC-Decomposition Modified ELBO = Reconstruction Eq(z,n)[log p(n|z)] + − α Iq(z; n) Index-Code MI −β DKL[q(z)||Πj q(zj )] Total Correlation −γ j DKL[q(zj )||p(zj )] Dim-wise KL kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 32 / 53
  • 33. ELBO TC-Decomposition Modified ELBO = Reconstruction Eq(z,n)[log p(n|z)] + − α Iq(z; n) Index-Code MI −β DKL[q(z)||Πj q(zj )] Total Correlation −γ j DKL[q(zj )||p(zj )] Dim-wise KL Index-Code MI: DKL[q(z, n)||q(z)p(n))] = Iq(z; n) Drop the penalty to improve disentanglement Keep this term to improve disentanglement according to IB Dataset dependent Total Correlation: DKL[q(z)||Πj q(zj )] Heavier penalty on this term induces disentanglement TC forces model to find statistically independent factors Dim-wise KL: j DKL[q(zj )||p(zj )] Prevent latent space deviating from corresponding prior kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 33 / 53
  • 34. Minibatch Sampling: Stochastic Estimation of log q(z) The evaluation of density q(z) requires sampling the whole dataset. Random chosen n will lead to q(z|n) close to zero. Inspired by importance sampling, for given batch of samples {n1, n2, ...nM}, we can use the estimator re-utilize the batch Eq(z|x)[log q(z)] = Eq(z|x) log En ∼p(n )[q(z|n )] ≈ 1 M M i=1 log 1 MN M j=1 q(z(ni )|nj ) where z(ni ) is a sample from q(z|ni ). Treat q(z) as mixture of distribution, where the data index n indicates the mixture components. kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 34 / 53
  • 35. Special case: β-TCVAE With MBS, it is available to assign different weights (α, β, γ) to terms Lβ−TC = Eq(z|n)p(n)[log p(n|z)] − αIq(z; n) − β DKL(q(z)|| j q(zj )) − γ j DKL(q(zj )||p(zj )) Proposed β-TCVAE uses α = γ = 1, and set β as hyper-parameter. kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 35 / 53
  • 36. Pseudo Code: VAE Using Tensorflow Probability latent_prior = make_mixture_prior() # p(z) approx_posterior = encoder(features) # q(z|x) # z ~ q(z|x) approx_posterior_sample = approx_posterior.sample() # p(x|z) decoder_likelihood = decoder(approx_posterior_sample) # log(p(x|z)) rate = decoder_likelihood.log_prob(features) log_qz_x = approx_posterior.log_prob(approx_posterior_sample log_pz = latent_prior.log_prob(approx_posterior_sample) kl_div = log_qz_x - log_pz # D_kl(q(z|x) || p(z)) elbo = tf.reduce_sum(rate - kl_div) kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 36 / 53
  • 37. Pseudo Code: β-TCVAE Lβ−TC = Eq(z|n)p(n)[log p(n|z)] − αIq(z; n) − β DKL(q(z)|| j q(zj )) − γ j DKL(q(zj )||p(zj )) log_qz = tf.logsumexp(tf.reduce_sum(log_qz_x, 1), 0) -tf.log(M * N) log_qz_factorized = tf.reduce_sum(tf.logsumexp(log_qz_x)-tf.log(M * N), 1) Iq = log_qz_x - log_qz TC = log_qz - log_qz_factorized Dim_kl = log_qz_factorized - latent_prior modified_elbo = rate - Iq - TC - Dim_kl kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 37 / 53
  • 38. Evaluate Disentanglement: Mutual Information Gap Suppose we have some groundtruth factor {vk}K k=1 Define joint distribution q(zj , vk) = N n=1 p(vk)p(n|vk)q(zj |n) In(zj ; vk) = Eq(zj ,vk ) log q(zj |n)p(n|vk) + S(zj ) kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 38 / 53
  • 39. Feature Factor and Latent Variable Figure: Correlation between factors and latent space kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 39 / 53
  • 40. Evaluate Disentanglement: Mutual Information Gap Mutual Information Gap MIG = 1 K K k=1 1 S(vk) I(zj(k) ; vk) − maxj=j(k) I(zj ; vk) where j(k) = arg max j I(zj ; vk) where 0 ≤ I(zj ; vk) = S(vk) − S(vk|zj ) ≤ S(vk) naturally serve as the normalization condition. Benefits of this metric Axis-alignment Compactness of representation kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 40 / 53
  • 41. Experiments and Conclusion kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 41 / 53
  • 42. Dataset Figure: Specs of Datasets kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 42 / 53
  • 43. Experiments: Performance of β-TCVAE Figure: Left: fully connected; Right: convolution kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 43 / 53
  • 44. Experiments: Performance of β-TCVAE kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 44 / 53
  • 45. Experiments: Trade-off ELBO-Disentanglement Trade-off Figure: DSprites kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 45 / 53
  • 46. Experiments: Trade-off ELBO-Disentanglement Trade-off Figure: 3D Faces kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 46 / 53
  • 47. Experiments: TC versus MIG How Independence relates to Disentanglement? Figure: DSprites kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 47 / 53
  • 48. Experiments: TC versus MIG How Independence relates to Disentanglement? Figure: 3D Faces kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 48 / 53
  • 49. Extra Experiments Removing Index-Code MI Batch-size Effect make no significant difference. kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 49 / 53
  • 50. Results kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 50 / 53
  • 51. Results kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 51 / 53
  • 52. Conclusion In this paper Regularization term in ELBO contains various factors which naturally encourage disentangling Total correlation (independence of latent variable) is the major factor force machine to learn statistically independent reprensentation New information-theoretic metric quantity kv (Viscovery) ELBO February 17, 2019 52 / 53
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