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Stabnikov Viktor, PhD
1. Пирог Т.П. Загальна мікробіологія. К.: НУХТ, 2004. – 471 с.
2. Ситник І.О., Климнюк С.І., Творчо М.С. Мікробіологія,
вірусологія, імунологія. – Тернопіль: Укрмедкнига, 1998. – 390с.
3. Шлегель Г. Общая микробиология. - М.: Мир,1987. – 500 с.
4. Грегірчак Н.М. Мікробіологія харчових виробництв. Лабораторний
практикум. – К.: НУХТ, - 2009. – 302 с.
1.. Мудрецова-Висс К.А., Кудряшова А.А., Дедюхина В.П. Микробиология,
санитария и гигиена. – М.: 2001. - 375с.
2. Санитарная микробиология /Н.В. Билетова, Р.П. Корнелаева, Л.Г.
Кострикина и др./ Под редакцией С.Я. Любащенко. М.: Пищевая
промышленность, 1980. - 352с.
3. Градова Н.Б., Бабусенко Е.С., Горнова И.Б. Лабораторный практикум по
общей микробиологии. – М.: ДеЛипринт, 2001. – 130с.
4. Сметанин В.И. Защита окружающей среды от отходов производства и
потребления: учебник для вузов. – М.: Колос, 2000. – 232 с.
7. Санітарні норми та правила в Україні. - К.: КНТ, 2004 - 460 с.
1. Scope and target of microbiology
Microbiology is one of the fundamental biological
sciences, which studies cell structure, function,
microbial growth, microbial metabolism, life
conditions, and uses of microorganisms. Term
«microbiology» is coming from Greek words: micros -
small, bios - life, logos – study, so it is science about
small forms of life.
Microbiology studies organisms that are too small to see without the use of a
microscope. For their small sizes, these organisms are called microorganisms or
microbes. Their sizes are so small that in the drop of any liquid there could be
millions of microorganisms. It was calculated that the total number if microbial cells
on the earth are around 5  1030 cells. There are more microorganisms on each
person that there are people living on earth.
Microorganisms include bacteria, microscopic fungi, yeasts, and algae. Most of them
are unicellular organisms, but there are multicellular organisms also.
There is no such place in biosphere where
will be impossible to find microorganisms.
Everywhere, where there are any sources
of energy, carbon and nitrogen, you can
find microorganisms.
Microorganisms are widely distributed in the ground, water and air in all climatic zones.
Microorganisms consumes different substrates, easily adapted to changeable life
conditions: heat, cold, lack of water. They reproduce very quickly.
Microorganisms can live in extraordinary conditions, for example, bacteria are found:
in water on a depth 10462 m;
at pressure 60 MPa (in seas);
termperature 104 °С (in thermal springs);
in the salted reservoirs, for example in water of the
Dead sea with the concentration of salts 33 %.
2. Microorganisms in human life
Microorganisms are widely used у житті людини:
in the food industry, housekeeping
• yeasts are used at a production of bread, beer, alcohol
• lactic acid bacteria are used at a production of kefir, yoghurt, pickles.
Penicillium chrysogenum , міцеліальний гриб , що виробляє пеніцилін.
Medical drugs, particular, antibiotics – penicillin, streptomycin,
Microorganisms are used for production of vaccine for prevention of infectious
Genetically modified bacteria are used in the production of insulin.
Microorganisms are used for the production of:
biofuel from plant raw material;
• biogas during anaerobic digestion of organic substances from different wastes.
Microorganisms are a great importance for sustainable use of natural recourses:
• bacteria are used for recovery of metals such as iron, zinc, uranium;
Cupper bioleaching plant, Uganda
• bioremediation - biological utilization
of organic wastes and neutralization
of pollutants
Activity of microorganisms is a base for composting of organic wastes and their
transformation into a fertiliser:
Microorganisms are used for the treatment of waste water:
Infecting agents:
Staphylococcus Bacillus
Streptococcus Clostridium
Meanwhile, a lot of microorganisms play a negative role of human’s life. They
can caused infectious diseases of human, animals and plants; spoilage of foods;
destroy of different materials.
Brewing was an early
microbiological process
Egyptian wooden model of beer making
in ancient Egypt, Egyptian Museum
Cultures such as those in Mesopotamia, Egypt,
and India developed the process of brewing
beer. It was done by using malted grains
(containing enzymes) to convert starch from
grains into sugar and then adding specific
yeasts to produce beer.
In this process the carbohydrates in the grains
were broken down into alcohols such as ethanol.
3. History of microbiology
Microbiology was arisen at the end XVII century due to the discovery
made by Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (1632 -1723). Commonly known as
the father of microbiology and considered the first microbiologist, van
Leeuwenhoek was the first scientist to observe and describe
Microscope of Leeuwenhoek
He built a simple microscope
during 1671 and started
observing different substances.
He experimented to calculate
the number of microorganisms
in water and examined other
objects like skin, hair and
blood. He also studied physical
structure of ivory and
discovered parasites in flea
using more powerful
Accumulation of knowledge about microorganisms lasted long enough,
approximately 100 years. This period is considered as depictive
Works of Louis Pasteur became very important for development of
microbiology. He demonstrated in 1857, that fermentation is caused by
the growth of microorganisms.
Pasteur exposed boiled broths to air
in vessels with air being admitted
via a long tortuous tube that would
not allow dust particles to pass.
Nothing grew in the broths unless
the flasks were broken open.
Therefore, the living organisms that grew in such broths came from
outside, as spores on dust, rather than spontaneously generated
within the broth. This was one of the last and most important
experiments disproving the theory of spontaneous generation.
Pasteur created the science of
immunology, showing that certain
diseases could be prevented by what he
called vaccination:
He found that he could make a weak
form of a disease that would cause
people to become immune to the
stronger form of the disease. He called
this weak form a "vaccine."
Pasteur in his laboratory, 1885
Everybody knows term «pasteurization».
It comes from works of Pasteur. Pasteur
showed that microorganisms can cause
spoilage of wine, beer, and milk. This
spoilage could be prevented by heating
the beverages to about 57оС for a few
He first discovered this by working with cattle on the disease anthrax. The
first vaccine he gave to a human was the rabies vaccine. He administered it
to a nine year old boy name Joseph Meister in 1885.
German microbiologist Robert Koch, who is considered
the founder of modern bacteriology, proposed the
method for the cultivation and isolation of bacteria in
pure culture on a solid nutrient medium (gelatin).
Isolation of bacteriaKoch discovered in1882 Mycobacterium
tuberculosis, the bacterium that causes
Colony of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Scanning electron microscopy images
of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Ilya Mechnikov was our compatriot, he was born in 1845
in village neat Kharkoff, but from 1888 he worked in
Paris in Pasteur Institute.
Works of Ilya Mechnikov had a great impact on the
development of microbiology and
immunology. Mechnikov had discovered phagocytes and
phagocytosis as the basis of natural cellular
immunity. For his works he received the Nobel Prize in
Mechnikov recognized the role of phagocytes,
which are one type of leukocytes, or white blood
cells, in the elimination of pathogens. He showed
that leukocytes destroyed invading
microorganisms (the humoral theory of
Cellular elements of blood (scanning electron
microscope image). Biconcave red corpuscles and
spherical white leucocytes with a rough surface are
Nikolay Fyodorovich Gamaleya (1859-1949) was an
Ukrainian scientist who played a pioneering role in
microbiology, immunology, and vaccine research. He introduced
vaccines for prevention of such infection diseases as rabies,
plague, and cholera, created the principals of studies about a
Gamaleya worked in Louis Pasteur’s laboratory in France
in 1886. After his return to Odessa, he altogether with I.
Mechnikov opened bacteriological station for rabies vaccination
studies and research on combating cattle plague and cholera,
diagnostic sputum for tuberculosis, and preparing anthrax
Danilo Kirilovich Zabolotny (1866 –1929) was famous
Ukrainian microbiologists and epidemiologist . He studied
such infectious deseases as cholera, plague, diphteria, syphilis
and others. In 1893, studing cholera, D. Zabolorny conducted
on himself a dangerous experiment. To prove the effeciency of
vaccination, he did immunization in advance and then drunk
a living choleric culture.
Kyiv Institute of microbiology and virology carries his
Martinus Beijerinck (1851–1931) was a
Dutch microbiologist and botanist. He is
often considered one of the founders
of virology and environmental
microbiology. In 1891 he discovered
fixation of nitrogen from atmosphere by
bacterium Rhizobium, that live in
symbiosis with leguminous plants.
Nitrogen gas is converted by bacteria
into ammonium ions and becomes
available to plants.
Tobacco mosaic virus
Dmitri Ivanovsky, Russian microbiologist, in 1892 discovered
tobacco mosaic virus, what put the begining of a new science –
More that 500 kinds of viruses, whiсh threaten to human,
animals, and plants, are known now.
Martinus Beijerinck was the first who used term
“virus” (лат. virus — яд) to indicate its non-bacterial
nature in 1898.
Tobacco leaves, which are infected
with virus
Sergei Winogradsky (1856–1953), Ukrainian
microbiologist, was born in Kyiv. He discovered the
phenomenon of chemosynthesis the process by which
organisms derive energy from a number of
different inorganic compounds in 1892. Winogradsky
is a founder of agricultural microbiology. He isolated
the obligate anaerobe Clostridium pasterianum
capable to fix atmospheric nitrogen in 1895. He also
discovered that some microorganisms can fixes
carbon dioxide (CO2) to make organic compounds -
phenomena of autotrophy.
Omelyansky Vasily Leonidovich (1867 - 1928) discovered
anaerobic bacteria capable to decompose cellulose and
methane producing bacteria.
Scientific principles of biological treatment of wastewater have been
developed at the same time. Microorganisms play an important role
in the processes of wastewater treatment.
Microorganisms are producers of
enzymes - biological catalysts of different
Enzymology was created in that period
and methods of isolation and purification
of enzymes were proposed. Enzymes are
widely used both in food and in
pharmaceutical industry.
A structure of the enzyme
phenylalanine hydroxylase
Microbial productions of solvents such as acetone and butanol
(producer bacteria Clostridium acetobytiricus) were developed in 19-
40 years of the XX century.
Aсetone ButanolClostridium acetobutylicum
Penicillin inhibits
staphylococcus growth
Alexander Fleming was a Scottish physician-scientist who dicovared
In the Soviet Union Zinaida Ermol'eva and Tatyana Balezina isolated
penicillin in 1942.
The industrial production of this preparation began in 1943
In 1928, Fleming studied staphylococcal
bacteria. An uncovered Petri dish
contaminated with mold he noticed
something unusual. The zone
immediately around the mold—later
identified as a strain of Penicillium
notatum—was clear, as if the mold had
secreted something that inhibited
bacterial growth. Fleming found that his
"mold juice" was capable of killing a
wide range of harmful bacteria, such as
streptococcus, meningococcus and the
diphtheria bacillus. Fleming called this
substance “penicillin”.
After discovery of DNA structure,
scientists come to the conclusion, that it is
possible to take the segments of DNA -
gene, that take responsibility for the
synthesis of certain substance, and to
carry them into the cells of other
biological organisms.
The first genetically engineered product
approved for human use was human
insulin. The human insulin gene was
inserted into bacteria. Large-scale
production of genetically engineered
human insulin was carried out and
recombinant human insulin first
marketed to diabetics in 1982.
Escherichia coli
It was shown in 1980, that the genetically modified bacteria of genus
Pseudomonas, that is able to slit oil, can be used to control petroleum overflows.
Since then genetically modified bacteria began to use for the synthesis of
medicinal drugs that other living organisms can not product.
All history of microbiology can be divided into three periods:
1. Beginning: Discovery, medical and general microbiology 1687 – 1895.
2. Times of molecular biology/ of general microbiology 1895 – 1986.
3. Molecular microbiology and genome researches.
300 years of microbiology: 1684 - 2000
Year Scientists Discovery
1684 Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Discovery of bacteria
1798 Edward Jenner Vaccination against smallpox
1857 Louis Pasteur Microbiology of lactic fermentation
1869 Louis Pasteur Function of yeasts in alcohol fermentation
1867 Joseph Lister Aseptic technique in surgery
1876 Ferdinand Cohn Discovery of endospores
1882 Robert Koch Pure microbial cultures
1882 Robert Koch Bacterium that causes tuberculosis
1882 Ilya Mechnikov Phagocytosis
1884 Christian Gram Development of the Gram stain
1885 Louis Pasteur Vaccine against the rabies
1889 Sergei Winogradsky Discovery of chemosynthesis
1889 Martinus Beijerinck Induction of the term “virus”
1890 Emil von Behring and
A diphtheria antitoxin
1890 Sergei Winogradsky Discovery of autotrophy
1901 Martinus Beijerinck Method of enrichment culture
1901 Karl Landsteiner Discovery of the blood groups
Year Scientists Discovery
1911 Francis Rous Discovery of the first sarcoma virus
Frederik Twort/Félix d'Hérelle Discovery of bacteriophages (viruses of
1929 Alexander Fleming Discovery of penicillin
1943 Max Delbruck and Salvador
Discoveries on the replication mechanism and
the genetic structure of viruses
1944 Selman Waksman and Albert
Discovery of streptomycin
1953 James Watson and Francis Crick Structure of DNA
1966 Marshall Nirenberg and
Gobind Khorana
Interpretation of the genetic code and its
function in protein synthesis
1967 Thomas Brock Discovery of hyperthermophiles living in hot
1975 Jean Köhler and César Milstein Technique for producing monoclonal antibodies
1977 Frederick Sanger DNA sequencing method
1985 Mullis Kary Invention of the polymerase chain reaction
1995 Hamilton Smith and Craig Venter Whole genome sequencing of bacteria

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тема 5 технологічні принципи біотехнологічних виробництв. стерилізація та під...
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тема 5 технологічні принципи біотехнологічних виробництв. стерилізація та під...
тема 4 безперервне культивування
тема 4 безперервне культивуваннятема 4 безперервне культивування
тема 4 безперервне культивування
тема 3 переодичне культивування
тема 3 переодичне культивуваннятема 3 переодичне культивування
тема 3 переодичне культивування
тема 2 вступ до технології
тема 2 вступ до технологіїтема 2 вступ до технології
тема 2 вступ до технології
тема 1 вступ
тема 1 вступтема 1 вступ
тема 1 вступ
Topic 3 fungi. yeasts
Topic 3 fungi. yeastsTopic 3 fungi. yeasts
Topic 3 fungi. yeasts
Topic 2 bacteria
Topic 2 bacteriaTopic 2 bacteria
Topic 2 bacteria
Topic 15 microorganisms in wastewater treatment
Topic 15 microorganisms in wastewater treatmentTopic 15 microorganisms in wastewater treatment
Topic 15 microorganisms in wastewater treatment
Topic 14 microorganisms for rational use of natural resources
Topic 14 microorganisms for  rational use of natural resourcesTopic 14 microorganisms for  rational use of natural resources
Topic 14 microorganisms for rational use of natural resources
Topic 13 bioremediation
Topic 13 bioremediationTopic 13 bioremediation
Topic 13 bioremediation
Topic 12 genetics of microorganisms
Topic 12 genetics of microorganismsTopic 12 genetics of microorganisms
Topic 12 genetics of microorganisms
Topic 11 microorganisms of soil, water and air
Topic 11 microorganisms of soil, water and airTopic 11 microorganisms of soil, water and air
Topic 11 microorganisms of soil, water and air
Topic 9 influence of environmental factors on microorganisms
Topic 9 influence of environmental factors on microorganismsTopic 9 influence of environmental factors on microorganisms
Topic 9 influence of environmental factors on microorganisms
Topic 10 pathogenic microorganisms. immunoresistance.
Topic 10  pathogenic microorganisms. immunoresistance.Topic 10  pathogenic microorganisms. immunoresistance.
Topic 10 pathogenic microorganisms. immunoresistance.
Topic 8 role of microorganisms in substance's cycle in nature
Topic 8 role of microorganisms in substance's cycle in natureTopic 8 role of microorganisms in substance's cycle in nature
Topic 8 role of microorganisms in substance's cycle in nature
Topic 7 growth and reproduction of microorganisms
Topic 7 growth and reproduction of microorganismsTopic 7 growth and reproduction of microorganisms
Topic 7 growth and reproduction of microorganisms
Topic 6 physiology of microorganisms
Topic 6 physiology of microorganismsTopic 6 physiology of microorganisms
Topic 6 physiology of microorganisms
Topic 5 viruses and phages
Topic 5 viruses and phagesTopic 5 viruses and phages
Topic 5 viruses and phages
Topic 4 yeasts
Topic 4 yeastsTopic 4 yeasts
Topic 4 yeasts

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Topic 1 introduction

  • 1. Microbiology Specialty 241 “Hotel and Restaurant Business” Topic 1. GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY INTRODUCTION Stabnikov Viktor, PhD NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF FOOD TECHNOLOGIES
  • 2. Literature Main: 1. Пирог Т.П. Загальна мікробіологія. К.: НУХТ, 2004. – 471 с. 2. Ситник І.О., Климнюк С.І., Творчо М.С. Мікробіологія, вірусологія, імунологія. – Тернопіль: Укрмедкнига, 1998. – 390с. 3. Шлегель Г. Общая микробиология. - М.: Мир,1987. – 500 с. 4. Грегірчак Н.М. Мікробіологія харчових виробництв. Лабораторний практикум. – К.: НУХТ, - 2009. – 302 с.
  • 3. Additional: 1.. Мудрецова-Висс К.А., Кудряшова А.А., Дедюхина В.П. Микробиология, санитария и гигиена. – М.: 2001. - 375с. 2. Санитарная микробиология /Н.В. Билетова, Р.П. Корнелаева, Л.Г. Кострикина и др./ Под редакцией С.Я. Любащенко. М.: Пищевая промышленность, 1980. - 352с. 3. Градова Н.Б., Бабусенко Е.С., Горнова И.Б. Лабораторный практикум по общей микробиологии. – М.: ДеЛипринт, 2001. – 130с. 4. Сметанин В.И. Защита окружающей среды от отходов производства и потребления: учебник для вузов. – М.: Колос, 2000. – 232 с. 7. Санітарні норми та правила в Україні. - К.: КНТ, 2004 - 460 с.
  • 4. 1. Scope and target of microbiology Microbiology is one of the fundamental biological sciences, which studies cell structure, function, microbial growth, microbial metabolism, life conditions, and uses of microorganisms. Term «microbiology» is coming from Greek words: micros - small, bios - life, logos – study, so it is science about small forms of life. Microbiology studies organisms that are too small to see without the use of a microscope. For their small sizes, these organisms are called microorganisms or microbes. Their sizes are so small that in the drop of any liquid there could be millions of microorganisms. It was calculated that the total number if microbial cells on the earth are around 5  1030 cells. There are more microorganisms on each person that there are people living on earth. Microorganisms include bacteria, microscopic fungi, yeasts, and algae. Most of them are unicellular organisms, but there are multicellular organisms also.
  • 5. There is no such place in biosphere where will be impossible to find microorganisms. Everywhere, where there are any sources of energy, carbon and nitrogen, you can find microorganisms. Microorganisms are widely distributed in the ground, water and air in all climatic zones. Microorganisms consumes different substrates, easily adapted to changeable life conditions: heat, cold, lack of water. They reproduce very quickly. Microorganisms can live in extraordinary conditions, for example, bacteria are found: in water on a depth 10462 m; at pressure 60 MPa (in seas); termperature 104 °С (in thermal springs); in the salted reservoirs, for example in water of the Dead sea with the concentration of salts 33 %.
  • 6. 2. Microorganisms in human life Microorganisms are widely used у житті людини: in the food industry, housekeeping • yeasts are used at a production of bread, beer, alcohol
  • 7. • lactic acid bacteria are used at a production of kefir, yoghurt, pickles.
  • 8. Penicillium chrysogenum , міцеліальний гриб , що виробляє пеніцилін. Medical drugs, particular, antibiotics – penicillin, streptomycin, gramicidin.
  • 9. Microorganisms are used for production of vaccine for prevention of infectious diseases. Genetically modified bacteria are used in the production of insulin.
  • 10. Microorganisms are used for the production of: biofuel from plant raw material; • biogas during anaerobic digestion of organic substances from different wastes.
  • 11. Microorganisms are a great importance for sustainable use of natural recourses: • bacteria are used for recovery of metals such as iron, zinc, uranium; Cupper bioleaching plant, Uganda • bioremediation - biological utilization of organic wastes and neutralization of pollutants
  • 12. Activity of microorganisms is a base for composting of organic wastes and their transformation into a fertiliser: Microorganisms are used for the treatment of waste water:
  • 13. Infecting agents: Staphylococcus Bacillus Streptococcus Clostridium Meanwhile, a lot of microorganisms play a negative role of human’s life. They can caused infectious diseases of human, animals and plants; spoilage of foods; destroy of different materials.
  • 14. Brewing was an early microbiological process Egyptian wooden model of beer making in ancient Egypt, Egyptian Museum Cultures such as those in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and India developed the process of brewing beer. It was done by using malted grains (containing enzymes) to convert starch from grains into sugar and then adding specific yeasts to produce beer. In this process the carbohydrates in the grains were broken down into alcohols such as ethanol. 3. History of microbiology
  • 15. Microbiology was arisen at the end XVII century due to the discovery made by Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (1632 -1723). Commonly known as the father of microbiology and considered the first microbiologist, van Leeuwenhoek was the first scientist to observe and describe microorganisms. Microscope of Leeuwenhoek He built a simple microscope during 1671 and started observing different substances. He experimented to calculate the number of microorganisms in water and examined other objects like skin, hair and blood. He also studied physical structure of ivory and discovered parasites in flea using more powerful microscopes.
  • 16.
  • 17. Accumulation of knowledge about microorganisms lasted long enough, approximately 100 years. This period is considered as depictive (morphological). Works of Louis Pasteur became very important for development of microbiology. He demonstrated in 1857, that fermentation is caused by the growth of microorganisms. Pasteur exposed boiled broths to air in vessels with air being admitted via a long tortuous tube that would not allow dust particles to pass. Nothing grew in the broths unless the flasks were broken open. Therefore, the living organisms that grew in such broths came from outside, as spores on dust, rather than spontaneously generated within the broth. This was one of the last and most important experiments disproving the theory of spontaneous generation.
  • 18. Pasteur created the science of immunology, showing that certain diseases could be prevented by what he called vaccination: He found that he could make a weak form of a disease that would cause people to become immune to the stronger form of the disease. He called this weak form a "vaccine." Pasteur in his laboratory, 1885 Everybody knows term «pasteurization». It comes from works of Pasteur. Pasteur showed that microorganisms can cause spoilage of wine, beer, and milk. This spoilage could be prevented by heating the beverages to about 57оС for a few minutes. He first discovered this by working with cattle on the disease anthrax. The first vaccine he gave to a human was the rabies vaccine. He administered it to a nine year old boy name Joseph Meister in 1885.
  • 19. German microbiologist Robert Koch, who is considered the founder of modern bacteriology, proposed the method for the cultivation and isolation of bacteria in pure culture on a solid nutrient medium (gelatin). Isolation of bacteriaKoch discovered in1882 Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacterium that causes tuberculosis. Colony of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Scanning electron microscopy images of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  • 20. Ilya Mechnikov was our compatriot, he was born in 1845 in village neat Kharkoff, but from 1888 he worked in Paris in Pasteur Institute. Works of Ilya Mechnikov had a great impact on the development of microbiology and immunology. Mechnikov had discovered phagocytes and phagocytosis as the basis of natural cellular immunity. For his works he received the Nobel Prize in 1908. Mechnikov recognized the role of phagocytes, which are one type of leukocytes, or white blood cells, in the elimination of pathogens. He showed that leukocytes destroyed invading microorganisms (the humoral theory of immunity). Cellular elements of blood (scanning electron microscope image). Biconcave red corpuscles and spherical white leucocytes with a rough surface are visible..
  • 21. Nikolay Fyodorovich Gamaleya (1859-1949) was an Ukrainian scientist who played a pioneering role in microbiology, immunology, and vaccine research. He introduced vaccines for prevention of such infection diseases as rabies, plague, and cholera, created the principals of studies about a bacteriophage. Gamaleya worked in Louis Pasteur’s laboratory in France in 1886. After his return to Odessa, he altogether with I. Mechnikov opened bacteriological station for rabies vaccination studies and research on combating cattle plague and cholera, diagnostic sputum for tuberculosis, and preparing anthrax vaccines. Danilo Kirilovich Zabolotny (1866 –1929) was famous Ukrainian microbiologists and epidemiologist . He studied such infectious deseases as cholera, plague, diphteria, syphilis and others. In 1893, studing cholera, D. Zabolorny conducted on himself a dangerous experiment. To prove the effeciency of vaccination, he did immunization in advance and then drunk a living choleric culture. Kyiv Institute of microbiology and virology carries his name.
  • 22. Martinus Beijerinck (1851–1931) was a Dutch microbiologist and botanist. He is often considered one of the founders of virology and environmental microbiology. In 1891 he discovered fixation of nitrogen from atmosphere by bacterium Rhizobium, that live in symbiosis with leguminous plants. Nitrogen gas is converted by bacteria into ammonium ions and becomes available to plants.
  • 23. Tobacco mosaic virus Dmitri Ivanovsky, Russian microbiologist, in 1892 discovered tobacco mosaic virus, what put the begining of a new science – virology. More that 500 kinds of viruses, whiсh threaten to human, animals, and plants, are known now. Martinus Beijerinck was the first who used term “virus” (лат. virus — яд) to indicate its non-bacterial nature in 1898. Tobacco leaves, which are infected with virus
  • 24. Sergei Winogradsky (1856–1953), Ukrainian microbiologist, was born in Kyiv. He discovered the phenomenon of chemosynthesis the process by which organisms derive energy from a number of different inorganic compounds in 1892. Winogradsky is a founder of agricultural microbiology. He isolated the obligate anaerobe Clostridium pasterianum capable to fix atmospheric nitrogen in 1895. He also discovered that some microorganisms can fixes carbon dioxide (CO2) to make organic compounds - phenomena of autotrophy. Omelyansky Vasily Leonidovich (1867 - 1928) discovered anaerobic bacteria capable to decompose cellulose and methane producing bacteria.
  • 25. Scientific principles of biological treatment of wastewater have been developed at the same time. Microorganisms play an important role in the processes of wastewater treatment.
  • 26. Microorganisms are producers of enzymes - biological catalysts of different reactions. Enzymology was created in that period and methods of isolation and purification of enzymes were proposed. Enzymes are widely used both in food and in pharmaceutical industry. A structure of the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase
  • 27. Microbial productions of solvents such as acetone and butanol (producer bacteria Clostridium acetobytiricus) were developed in 19- 40 years of the XX century. Aсetone ButanolClostridium acetobutylicum
  • 28. Penicillin inhibits staphylococcus growth Alexander Fleming was a Scottish physician-scientist who dicovared penicillin. In the Soviet Union Zinaida Ermol'eva and Tatyana Balezina isolated penicillin in 1942. The industrial production of this preparation began in 1943 In 1928, Fleming studied staphylococcal bacteria. An uncovered Petri dish contaminated with mold he noticed something unusual. The zone immediately around the mold—later identified as a strain of Penicillium notatum—was clear, as if the mold had secreted something that inhibited bacterial growth. Fleming found that his "mold juice" was capable of killing a wide range of harmful bacteria, such as streptococcus, meningococcus and the diphtheria bacillus. Fleming called this substance “penicillin”.
  • 29. Insulin After discovery of DNA structure, scientists come to the conclusion, that it is possible to take the segments of DNA - gene, that take responsibility for the synthesis of certain substance, and to carry them into the cells of other biological organisms. The first genetically engineered product approved for human use was human insulin. The human insulin gene was inserted into bacteria. Large-scale production of genetically engineered human insulin was carried out and recombinant human insulin first marketed to diabetics in 1982. Escherichia coli It was shown in 1980, that the genetically modified bacteria of genus Pseudomonas, that is able to slit oil, can be used to control petroleum overflows. Since then genetically modified bacteria began to use for the synthesis of medicinal drugs that other living organisms can not product.
  • 30. SUMMARY All history of microbiology can be divided into three periods: 1. Beginning: Discovery, medical and general microbiology 1687 – 1895. 2. Times of molecular biology/ of general microbiology 1895 – 1986. 3. Molecular microbiology and genome researches.
  • 31. 300 years of microbiology: 1684 - 2000 Year Scientists Discovery 1684 Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Discovery of bacteria 1798 Edward Jenner Vaccination against smallpox 1857 Louis Pasteur Microbiology of lactic fermentation 1869 Louis Pasteur Function of yeasts in alcohol fermentation 1867 Joseph Lister Aseptic technique in surgery 1876 Ferdinand Cohn Discovery of endospores 1882 Robert Koch Pure microbial cultures 1882 Robert Koch Bacterium that causes tuberculosis 1882 Ilya Mechnikov Phagocytosis 1884 Christian Gram Development of the Gram stain 1885 Louis Pasteur Vaccine against the rabies 1889 Sergei Winogradsky Discovery of chemosynthesis 1889 Martinus Beijerinck Induction of the term “virus” 1890 Emil von Behring and Kitasato A diphtheria antitoxin 1890 Sergei Winogradsky Discovery of autotrophy 1901 Martinus Beijerinck Method of enrichment culture 1901 Karl Landsteiner Discovery of the blood groups
  • 32. Year Scientists Discovery 1911 Francis Rous Discovery of the first sarcoma virus 1915/ 1917 Frederik Twort/Félix d'Hérelle Discovery of bacteriophages (viruses of bacteria) 1929 Alexander Fleming Discovery of penicillin 1943 Max Delbruck and Salvador Luria Discoveries on the replication mechanism and the genetic structure of viruses 1944 Selman Waksman and Albert Schatz Discovery of streptomycin 1953 James Watson and Francis Crick Structure of DNA 1966 Marshall Nirenberg and Gobind Khorana Interpretation of the genetic code and its function in protein synthesis 1967 Thomas Brock Discovery of hyperthermophiles living in hot springs 1975 Jean Köhler and César Milstein Technique for producing monoclonal antibodies 1977 Frederick Sanger DNA sequencing method 1985 Mullis Kary Invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 1995 Hamilton Smith and Craig Venter Whole genome sequencing of bacteria