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History and foundation of Microbiology
What is Microbiology?
 Microbiology is the Science that studies
 Microorganisms, roughly, are those living things
that are too small to be seen with the naked eye.
 Microorganisms cannot be distinguished
Phylogenetically from “Macroorganisms”
 For example, many fungi are microorganisms,
as well as all bacteria, all viruses, and most
 Microbiology is more a collection of techniques:
• Aseptic technique
• Pure culture technique
• Microscopic observation of whole organisms
What is Microbiology?
Decompose organic waste
Are producers in the ecosystem by
Produce industrial chemicals such as
ethyl alcohol and acetone
Produce fermented foods such as vinegar,
cheese, and bread
The Microbial World and You
What is Microbiology?
The Microbial World and You
What is Microbiology?
Knowledge of Microbes allows humans to
Prevent food spoilage
Prevent disease occurrence
Led to aseptic techniques to prevent
contamination in medicine and in
microbiology laboratories.
The Microbial World and You
History of Microbiology
Ancestors of bacteria were the first life on Earth.
The Triumph of Death by Pieter Brueghel the Elder. The picture, painted in the mid-sixteenth century, a time when outbreaks of plagu
common in many parts of Europe, dramatizes the swiftness and inescapability of death for people of all social and economic classes. (P
Brueghel the Elder (1528–1569), Flemish, Trionfolo della Morte, Painting, Prado, Madrid, Spain/Scala/ Art Resource, NY)
Ossuary (done display) at the Sidlee Monastery, located near
Prague. Most of the bones are from victims of the
plague outbreak of 1347–1351, in which over 30,000 people
died. (Photo by J. Frisco Arenas Ramirez)
The Microbial World and You
History of Microbiology
1590, Zacharias Janssen - enlarge
the image of a specimen three and
nine times the specimen’s actual
In 1665, Robert Hooke (Englishman)
reported that living things were
composed of little boxes or cells.
- Cell Theory
History of Microbiology
1625 and 1630 – bees observed by Francesco
Stelluti Microscope supplied by Galileo
History of Microbiology
1673-1723, Antonie van
Leeuwenhoek (Dutch) described live
microorganisms that he observed in
teeth scrapings, rainwater, and
peppercorn infusions.
- Animalcules
Chapter 1 The Microbial World and You
History of Microbiology
So now there are two hypotheses:
The hypothesis that living organisms arise
from nonliving matter is called spontaneous
generation. According to spontaneous
generation, a “vital force’ Forms life.
The Alternative hypothesis, that the living
organisms arise from preexisting life, is
called biogenesis.
Chapter 1 The Microbial World and You
History of Microbiology
Rudolf Virchow (German) presented
-living cells can arise only from preexisting
History of Microbiology
Many believed spontaneous generation:
life can arise from non-living matter
In 1668, the Italian physician Francesco
Redi performed an experiment to disprove
spontaneous generation.
Based on his study-theory of spontaneous
Redi’s Experiment
History of Microbiology
Conditions Results
3 jars covered with
fine net
No maggots
3 open jars Maggots appeared
From where did the maggots come?
What was the purpose of the sealed jars?
Spontaneous generation or biogenesis?
Redi filled six jars with decaying meat.
John Needham (1713–1781) reported the results of his
experiments on spontaneous generation in 1978.
Conducted experiments with boiled mutton.
Tiny organisms arose spontaneously
Lazzaro Spallanzani (1729–1799) (Italian priest and
naturalist) improved on Needham’s experimental design by
first sealing glass flasks that contained water and seeds.
Proposed that air carried germs to the culture medium, but
also commented that the external air might be required for
growth of animals already in the medium
Theodore Schwann (1810–1882) allowed air to enter a
flask containing a sterile nutrient solution after the air
had passed through a red-hot tube.
The flask remained sterile.
Georg Friedrich Schroder &Theodor von Dusch allowed
air to enter a flask of heat-sterilized medium after it had
passed through sterile cotton wool.
No growth occurred in the medium even though the
air had not been heated.
French naturalist Felix Pouchet claimed in 1859 to have
carried out experiments conclusively proving that
microbial growth could occur without air contamination.
Chapter 1 The Microbial World and You
History of Microbiology
1861: Louis Pasteur demonstrated that
microorganisms are present in the air.
Conditions Results
Nutrient broth placed
in flask, heated, not
Microbial growth
Nutrient broth placed
in flask, heated, then
No microbial growth
Spontaneous generation or biogenesis?
History of Microbiology
Next experiment, Pasteur’s S-shaped flask kept
microbes out but let air in. These experiments
form the basis of aseptic technique
John Tyndall (1820–1893) (English physicist ) dealt a
final blow to spontaneous generation in 1877 by
demonstrating that dust did indeed carry germs and that
if dust was absent, broth remained sterile even if directly
exposed to air.
During the course of his studies, J. Tyndall provided
evidence for the existence of exceptionally heat-resistant
forms of bacteria.
Ferdinand Cohn (1828–1898) (German botanist)
discovered the existence of heat-resistant bacterial
History of Microbiology
The Golden Age of Microbiology
Beginning with Pasteur’s work, discoveries
included the relationship between microbes
and disease, immunity, and antimicrobial
Alexander Fleming. Fleming discovered the
antibacterial properties of penicillin.
Chapter 1 The Microbial World and You
History of Microbiology
Pasteur showed that microbes are
responsible for fermentation.
Fermentation is the conversation of sugar to
alcohol to make beer and wine.
Microbial growth is also responsible for
spoilage of food.
Bacteria that use alcohol and produce acetic
acid spoil wine by turning it to vinegar (acetic
Pasteur demonstrated that
these spoilage bacteria
could be killed by heat that
was not hot enough to
evaporate the alcohol in
wine. This application of a
high heat for a short time is
called pasteurization.
The Germ Theory of Disease
Importance of Hand Washing
Wash, wash, wash your
Play our handy game.
Rub and scrub, scrub and
Germs go down the
Chapter 1 The Microbial World and You
The Germ Theory of Disease
1835: Agostino Bassi showed a silkworm
disease was caused by a fungus.
1865: Pasteur believed that another silkworm
disease was caused by a protozoan.
1840s: Ignaz Semmelwise advocated
handwashing to prevent transmission of
puerperal fever from one OB patient to
Chapter 1 The Microbial World and You
The Germ Theory of Disease
1835: Agostino Bassi showed a silkworm
disease was caused by a fungus.
1865: Pasteur believed that another silkworm
disease was caused by a protozoan.
1840s: Ignaz Semmelwise advocated
handwashing to prevent transmission of
puerperal fever from one OB patient to
Chapter 1 The Microbial World and You
History of Microbiology
The Germ Theory of Disease
• 1860s: Joseph Lister used a chemical
disinfectant to prevent surgical wound
infections after looking at Pasteur’s work
showing microbes are in the air, can spoil
food, and cause animal diseases.
Chapter 1 The Microbial World and You
History of Microbiology
The Germ Theory of Disease
1876: Robert Koch provided proof that a
bacterium causes anthrax and provided the
experimental steps, Koch’s postulates, used
to prove that a specific microbe causes a
specific disease.
Koch was a physician and Pasteur’s young
• The microorganism must be found in abundance in all
organisms suffering from the disease, but should not
be found in healthy animals.
• The microorganism must be isolated from a diseased
organism and grown in pure culture.
• The cultured microorganism should cause disease
when introduced into a healthy organism.
• The microorganism must be reisolated from the
inoculated, diseased experimental host and identified
as being identical to the original specific causative
Koch’s postulates
Chapter 1 The Microbial World and You
History of Microbiology
Koch's Postulates
are used to
prove the cause
of an infectious
Chapter 1 The Microbial World and You
History of Microbiology
Koch's Postulates
are a sequence
of experimental
steps to relate a
specific microbe
to a specific
Meet the Microbe!
Organism: Streptococcus
Streptococcal Infections
Streptococcus is a Gram + cocci-shaped genus of
bacteria, which produce toxins that contributes to its
Some diseases caused by this bacterium include:
Puerperal fever
Strep Throat
Streptococcal Pneumonia
Scarlet fever
Necrotizing fasciitis (flesh-eating bacteria)
Images: Scarlet fever strawberry tongue Public Health Image
Library (PHIL) # 5120; Streptococcus pyogenes, PHIL #2110;
Necrotizing fasciitis, Smuszkiewicz, Trojanowska & Tomczak. From the Virtual Microbiology Classroom on
Germ Theory of Disease
Dr. John Snow & the Investigation of Cholera
 Played key role in setting standards for good
public hygiene and preventing spread of
infectious disease.
 Snow skeptic of the then-dominant “miasma
theory” (disease caused by bad air).
 Believed cholera transmitted by water
contaminated with waste of other cholera
 Mapped occurrence of cholera cases during
epidemic in London and found cases centered
around a specific public water supply.
1813 - 1858
CholeraDisease, Please!
• Infectious gastroenteritis caused by the Gram
- bacterium Vibrio cholerae.
• Transmission occurs through ingesting
contaminated water or food.
• Action on mucosal epithelium lining of the small
intestine responsible for the characteristic
massive diarrhea.
• One of the most rapidly fatal illnesses known.
• Can progress from first liquid
stool to shock in 4 to 12 hours,
with death quickly following
without rehydration treatment.
Germ Theory of Disease
John Tyndall and the Discovery of Endospores
 Discovered that some bacteria existed in two forms:
1. heat-stable form (endospore)
2. heat-sensitive form (vegetative cell)
 Need prolonged or intermittent heating to destroy
the heat-stable endospores.
 His research resulted in a method of sterilizing
liquid by heating it to boiling point on successive
days, referred to as Tyndallization.
 Tyndallization is useful for sterilization of growth
media in science classes and other situations where
autoclaves not available for pressure sterilization.
1820 - 1893
Variations in
endospore morphology:
(1, 4) central
endospore; (2, 3, 5)
terminal endospore;
(6) lateral endospore
Bacterial Genus : Clostridium
Obligate anaerobes
endospore producer
 The members of this genus have a couple of bacterial
“superpowers” that make them particularly tough
 All have a strictly fermentative mode of metabolism
(Don’t’ use oxygen).
 Vegetative cells are obligate anaerobes killed by
exposure to O2, but their endospores are able to
survive long periods of exposure to air.
 Known to produce a variety of toxins, some of which are
- Clostridium tetani = agent of tetanus
- C. botulinum = agent of botulism
- C. perfringens = one of the agents of gas gangrene
- C. difficile = part of natural intestinal flora, but resistant
strains can proliferate and cause pseudomembranous colitis.
Germ Theory of Disease
Robert Koch
 Experimented with medium to grow
bacteria on.
 He tried gelatin, but it did not work.
 Wife of colleague recommended agar (a
gelatin-like product derived from
 Didn’t melt, and bacteria couldn’t digest it.
 He could also add various nutrients
necessary to grow certain organisms.
 Koch (pronounced Coke) originated use of a two
part dish for growing bacteria (Petri dish
named after Julius Petri, a German
bacteriologist), and a technique for
isolating pure bacterial colonies.
1843 - 1910
Gram + bacteria
Bacillus anthracis
 An endospore-producing bacterium.
(Genera Bacillus & Clostridium examples of
endospore producing bacteria.)
 Bacillus anthracis first bacterium
proven to be the cause of a disease.
 Anthrax was a disease killing European livestock. Farm animals,
apparently healthy in the morning, might die by the end of the day,
blood turned black.
 Humans interacting with the animals were also at risk of becoming
 In 1877, Robert Koch grew Bacillus anthracis in pure culture,
demonstrated its ability to form endospores, and produced
experimental anthrax by injecting it into animals.
 These experiments resulted in Koch formulating guidelines, called
Koch’s Postulates, for linking specific organisms with specific
Robert Koch's original micrographs of the anthrax bacillus.
Germ Theory of Disease
Gram Stain
 First of Koch’s postulates demands that the suspected agent must be found in every case of a
given disease.
 That means the tiny microbes must be seen and identified. However, in most cases, microbes are
colorless and difficult to see.
 Christian Gram (1850-1938) developed a technique, the Gram stain, that is still widely used today.
 Differential stain that involves the application of a series of dyes.
 Leaves some microbes purple and others pink.
 Microbes that stain purple, Gram-positive, and those that stain pink, Gram-negative.
Chapter 1 The Microbial World and You
History of Microbiology
A young milkmaid informed the physician
Edward Jenner that she could not get
smallpox because she had already been
sick from cowpox.
1796: Edward Jenner inoculated a person
with cowpox virus. The person was then
protected from smallpox.
Called vaccination from vacca for cow
The protection is called immunity
Chapter 1 The Microbial World and You
History of Microbiology
produced from avirulent microbial strains
produced from live viruses
produced from viral particles
Chapter 1 The Microbial World and You
Birth of Modern Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy – treatment with chemicals
• Chemotherapeutic agents used to treat
infectious disease can be synthetic drugs
or antibiotics.
• Antibiotics are chemicals produced by
bacteria and fungi that inhibit or kill other
• Quinine from tree bark was long used to
treat malaria.
• 1910: Paul Ehrlich developed a synthetic
arsenic drug, salvarsan, to treat syphilis.
• 1930s: Sulfonamides were synthesized.
After World War II, the antibiotics were introduced to
medicine. The incidence of pneumonia, tuberculosis,
meningitis, syphilis, and many other diseases declined with
the use of antibiotics.
Chapter 1 The Microbial World and You
History of Microbiology
1928: Alexander
Fleming discovered
the first antibiotic.
He observed that
Penicillium fungus
made an antibiotic,
penicillin, that killed
S. aureus.
1940s: Penicillin was
tested clinically and
mass produced.
Chapter 1 The Microbial World and You
Modern Developments
• Bacteriology is the study of bacteria.
• Mycology is the study of fungi.
• Parasitology is the study of protozoa and
parasitic worms.
• Recent advances in genomics, the study of
an organism’s genes, have provided new
tools for classifying microorganisms.
Immunology is the study of
immunity. Vaccines and
interferons are being investigated
to prevent and cure viral diseases.
The use of immunology to identify
some bacteria according to
serotypes (variants within a
species) was proposed by Rebecca
Lancefield in 1933.
Modern Developments in Microbiology
• Work with viruses could not be effectively
performed until instruments were developed to help
scientists see these disease agents.
• In the 1940s, the electron microscope was
developed and perfected.
• In that decade, cultivation methods for viruses were
also introduced, and the knowledge of viruses
developed rapidly.
• With the development of vaccines in the 1950s and
1960s, such viral diseases as polio, measles,
mumps, and rubella came under control.
Modern Developments in Microbiology
Virology is the study of viruses.
Recombinant DNA is DNA made from two different
sources. In the 1960s, Paul Berg inserted animal DNA
into bacterial DNA and the bacteria produced an
animal protein.
Recombinant DNA technology or genetic engineering
involves microbial genetics and molecular biology.
Modern Developments in Microbiology
 George Beadle and Edward Tatum showed that genes
encode a cell’s enzymes (1942)
 Salvadore Luria and Max Delbruck (1943) used bacterial
 Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod, and Maclyn McCarty showed
that DNA was the hereditary material (1944).
 Francois Jacob and Jacques Monod discovered the role of
mRNA in protein synthesis (1961).
 Russell Vreeland (2003) isolated a spore forming Bacillus
sp. (250 years old sample of salt crystal found below
ground (1850 ft.) in New Mexico. The bacterium seems to
be similar to Bacillus marismortui. Earlier, there were
reports of oldest living creatures of 254-40 million years.
Modern Developments in Microbiology
Winogradsky and Beijerinck also discovered that
(i) soil bacteria oxidize Iron, Sulphur and Ammonia to obtain
(ii) isolated anaerobic N2 fixers and
(iii) studied the decomposition of cellulosic organic matter.
* The first Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
Selected Noble Prizes in Physiology or Medicine
1901* von Behring Diphtheria antitoxin
1902 Ross Malaria transmission
1905 Koch TB bacterium
1908 Metchnikoff Phagocytes
1945 Fleming, Chain, Florey Penicillin
1952 Waksman Streptomycin
1969 Delbrück, Hershey, Luria Viral replication
1987 Tonegawa Antibody genetics
1997 Prusiner Prions

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Mbp 01 history microbiology

  • 2. History and foundation of Microbiology
  • 3. What is Microbiology?  Microbiology is the Science that studies Microorganisms.  Microorganisms, roughly, are those living things that are too small to be seen with the naked eye.  Microorganisms cannot be distinguished Phylogenetically from “Macroorganisms”  For example, many fungi are microorganisms, as well as all bacteria, all viruses, and most protists.  Microbiology is more a collection of techniques: • Aseptic technique • Pure culture technique • Microscopic observation of whole organisms
  • 4.
  • 5. What is Microbiology? Microbes: Decompose organic waste Are producers in the ecosystem by photosynthesis Produce industrial chemicals such as ethyl alcohol and acetone Produce fermented foods such as vinegar, cheese, and bread
  • 6. The Microbial World and You What is Microbiology?
  • 7. The Microbial World and You What is Microbiology? Knowledge of Microbes allows humans to Prevent food spoilage Prevent disease occurrence Led to aseptic techniques to prevent contamination in medicine and in microbiology laboratories.
  • 8. The Microbial World and You History of Microbiology Ancestors of bacteria were the first life on Earth.
  • 9. The Triumph of Death by Pieter Brueghel the Elder. The picture, painted in the mid-sixteenth century, a time when outbreaks of plagu common in many parts of Europe, dramatizes the swiftness and inescapability of death for people of all social and economic classes. (P Brueghel the Elder (1528–1569), Flemish, Trionfolo della Morte, Painting, Prado, Madrid, Spain/Scala/ Art Resource, NY)
  • 10. Ossuary (done display) at the Sidlee Monastery, located near Prague. Most of the bones are from victims of the plague outbreak of 1347–1351, in which over 30,000 people died. (Photo by J. Frisco Arenas Ramirez)
  • 11. The Microbial World and You History of Microbiology 1590, Zacharias Janssen - enlarge the image of a specimen three and nine times the specimen’s actual size. In 1665, Robert Hooke (Englishman) reported that living things were composed of little boxes or cells. Micrographia. - Cell Theory
  • 12. History of Microbiology 1625 and 1630 – bees observed by Francesco Stelluti Microscope supplied by Galileo
  • 13. History of Microbiology 1673-1723, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (Dutch) described live microorganisms that he observed in teeth scrapings, rainwater, and peppercorn infusions.
  • 15.
  • 16. Chapter 1 The Microbial World and You History of Microbiology So now there are two hypotheses: The hypothesis that living organisms arise from nonliving matter is called spontaneous generation. According to spontaneous generation, a “vital force’ Forms life. The Alternative hypothesis, that the living organisms arise from preexisting life, is called biogenesis.
  • 17. Chapter 1 The Microbial World and You History of Microbiology Rudolf Virchow (German) presented biogenesis: -living cells can arise only from preexisting cells.
  • 18. History of Microbiology Many believed spontaneous generation: life can arise from non-living matter In 1668, the Italian physician Francesco Redi performed an experiment to disprove spontaneous generation. Based on his study-theory of spontaneous generation
  • 20. History of Microbiology Conditions Results 3 jars covered with fine net No maggots 3 open jars Maggots appeared From where did the maggots come? What was the purpose of the sealed jars? Spontaneous generation or biogenesis? Redi filled six jars with decaying meat.
  • 21. John Needham (1713–1781) reported the results of his experiments on spontaneous generation in 1978. Conducted experiments with boiled mutton. Tiny organisms arose spontaneously
  • 22. Lazzaro Spallanzani (1729–1799) (Italian priest and naturalist) improved on Needham’s experimental design by first sealing glass flasks that contained water and seeds. Proposed that air carried germs to the culture medium, but also commented that the external air might be required for growth of animals already in the medium
  • 23. Theodore Schwann (1810–1882) allowed air to enter a flask containing a sterile nutrient solution after the air had passed through a red-hot tube. The flask remained sterile. Georg Friedrich Schroder &Theodor von Dusch allowed air to enter a flask of heat-sterilized medium after it had passed through sterile cotton wool. No growth occurred in the medium even though the air had not been heated. French naturalist Felix Pouchet claimed in 1859 to have carried out experiments conclusively proving that microbial growth could occur without air contamination.
  • 24. Chapter 1 The Microbial World and You History of Microbiology 1861: Louis Pasteur demonstrated that microorganisms are present in the air. Conditions Results Nutrient broth placed in flask, heated, not sealed Microbial growth Nutrient broth placed in flask, heated, then sealed No microbial growth Spontaneous generation or biogenesis?
  • 25.
  • 26. History of Microbiology Next experiment, Pasteur’s S-shaped flask kept microbes out but let air in. These experiments form the basis of aseptic technique
  • 27.
  • 28. John Tyndall (1820–1893) (English physicist ) dealt a final blow to spontaneous generation in 1877 by demonstrating that dust did indeed carry germs and that if dust was absent, broth remained sterile even if directly exposed to air. During the course of his studies, J. Tyndall provided evidence for the existence of exceptionally heat-resistant forms of bacteria. Ferdinand Cohn (1828–1898) (German botanist) discovered the existence of heat-resistant bacterial endospores.
  • 29.
  • 30. History of Microbiology The Golden Age of Microbiology 1857-1914 Beginning with Pasteur’s work, discoveries included the relationship between microbes and disease, immunity, and antimicrobial drugs
  • 31. Alexander Fleming. Fleming discovered the antibacterial properties of penicillin. (UPI/Bettmann/Corbis)
  • 32. Chapter 1 The Microbial World and You History of Microbiology Pasteur showed that microbes are responsible for fermentation. Fermentation is the conversation of sugar to alcohol to make beer and wine. Microbial growth is also responsible for spoilage of food. Bacteria that use alcohol and produce acetic acid spoil wine by turning it to vinegar (acetic acid).
  • 33. Pasteur demonstrated that these spoilage bacteria could be killed by heat that was not hot enough to evaporate the alcohol in wine. This application of a high heat for a short time is called pasteurization.
  • 34. The Germ Theory of Disease Importance of Hand Washing Wash, wash, wash your hands, Play our handy game. Rub and scrub, scrub and rub, Germs go down the drain.
  • 35. Chapter 1 The Microbial World and You The Germ Theory of Disease 1835: Agostino Bassi showed a silkworm disease was caused by a fungus. 1865: Pasteur believed that another silkworm disease was caused by a protozoan. 1840s: Ignaz Semmelwise advocated handwashing to prevent transmission of puerperal fever from one OB patient to another.
  • 36. Chapter 1 The Microbial World and You The Germ Theory of Disease 1835: Agostino Bassi showed a silkworm disease was caused by a fungus. 1865: Pasteur believed that another silkworm disease was caused by a protozoan. 1840s: Ignaz Semmelwise advocated handwashing to prevent transmission of puerperal fever from one OB patient to another.
  • 37. Chapter 1 The Microbial World and You History of Microbiology The Germ Theory of Disease • 1860s: Joseph Lister used a chemical disinfectant to prevent surgical wound infections after looking at Pasteur’s work showing microbes are in the air, can spoil food, and cause animal diseases.
  • 38. Chapter 1 The Microbial World and You History of Microbiology The Germ Theory of Disease 1876: Robert Koch provided proof that a bacterium causes anthrax and provided the experimental steps, Koch’s postulates, used to prove that a specific microbe causes a specific disease. Koch was a physician and Pasteur’s young rival
  • 39. • The microorganism must be found in abundance in all organisms suffering from the disease, but should not be found in healthy animals. • The microorganism must be isolated from a diseased organism and grown in pure culture. • The cultured microorganism should cause disease when introduced into a healthy organism. • The microorganism must be reisolated from the inoculated, diseased experimental host and identified as being identical to the original specific causative agent. Koch’s postulates
  • 40. Chapter 1 The Microbial World and You History of Microbiology Koch's Postulates are used to prove the cause of an infectious disease.
  • 41. Chapter 1 The Microbial World and You History of Microbiology Koch's Postulates are a sequence of experimental steps to relate a specific microbe to a specific disease.
  • 42. Meet the Microbe! Organism: Streptococcus pyogenes Streptococcal Infections Streptococcus is a Gram + cocci-shaped genus of bacteria, which produce toxins that contributes to its pathogenesis. Some diseases caused by this bacterium include: Puerperal fever Strep Throat Streptococcal Pneumonia Scarlet fever Necrotizing fasciitis (flesh-eating bacteria) Streptococcus Images: Scarlet fever strawberry tongue Public Health Image Library (PHIL) # 5120; Streptococcus pyogenes, PHIL #2110; Necrotizing fasciitis, Smuszkiewicz, Trojanowska & Tomczak. From the Virtual Microbiology Classroom on
  • 43. Germ Theory of Disease Dr. John Snow & the Investigation of Cholera  Played key role in setting standards for good public hygiene and preventing spread of infectious disease.  Snow skeptic of the then-dominant “miasma theory” (disease caused by bad air).  Believed cholera transmitted by water contaminated with waste of other cholera sufferers.  Mapped occurrence of cholera cases during epidemic in London and found cases centered around a specific public water supply. 1813 - 1858
  • 44. CholeraDisease, Please! • Infectious gastroenteritis caused by the Gram - bacterium Vibrio cholerae. • Transmission occurs through ingesting contaminated water or food. • Action on mucosal epithelium lining of the small intestine responsible for the characteristic massive diarrhea. • One of the most rapidly fatal illnesses known. • Can progress from first liquid stool to shock in 4 to 12 hours, with death quickly following without rehydration treatment.
  • 45. Germ Theory of Disease John Tyndall and the Discovery of Endospores  Discovered that some bacteria existed in two forms: 1. heat-stable form (endospore) 2. heat-sensitive form (vegetative cell)  Need prolonged or intermittent heating to destroy the heat-stable endospores.  His research resulted in a method of sterilizing liquid by heating it to boiling point on successive days, referred to as Tyndallization.  Tyndallization is useful for sterilization of growth media in science classes and other situations where autoclaves not available for pressure sterilization. 1820 - 1893 Variations in endospore morphology: (1, 4) central endospore; (2, 3, 5) terminal endospore; (6) lateral endospore
  • 46. Bacterial Genus : Clostridium GRAM-POSITIVE Obligate anaerobes bacillus-shaped endospore producer  The members of this genus have a couple of bacterial “superpowers” that make them particularly tough pathogens.  All have a strictly fermentative mode of metabolism (Don’t’ use oxygen).  Vegetative cells are obligate anaerobes killed by exposure to O2, but their endospores are able to survive long periods of exposure to air.  Known to produce a variety of toxins, some of which are fatal. - Clostridium tetani = agent of tetanus - C. botulinum = agent of botulism - C. perfringens = one of the agents of gas gangrene - C. difficile = part of natural intestinal flora, but resistant strains can proliferate and cause pseudomembranous colitis.
  • 47. Germ Theory of Disease Robert Koch  Experimented with medium to grow bacteria on.  He tried gelatin, but it did not work.  Wife of colleague recommended agar (a gelatin-like product derived from seaweed).  Didn’t melt, and bacteria couldn’t digest it.  He could also add various nutrients necessary to grow certain organisms.  Koch (pronounced Coke) originated use of a two part dish for growing bacteria (Petri dish named after Julius Petri, a German bacteriologist), and a technique for isolating pure bacterial colonies. 1843 - 1910
  • 48. Anthrax Gram + bacteria Bacillus anthracis  An endospore-producing bacterium. (Genera Bacillus & Clostridium examples of endospore producing bacteria.)  Bacillus anthracis first bacterium proven to be the cause of a disease.  Anthrax was a disease killing European livestock. Farm animals, apparently healthy in the morning, might die by the end of the day, blood turned black.  Humans interacting with the animals were also at risk of becoming ill.  In 1877, Robert Koch grew Bacillus anthracis in pure culture, demonstrated its ability to form endospores, and produced experimental anthrax by injecting it into animals.  These experiments resulted in Koch formulating guidelines, called Koch’s Postulates, for linking specific organisms with specific diseases. Robert Koch's original micrographs of the anthrax bacillus. Disease,
  • 49. Germ Theory of Disease Gram Stain  First of Koch’s postulates demands that the suspected agent must be found in every case of a given disease.  That means the tiny microbes must be seen and identified. However, in most cases, microbes are colorless and difficult to see.  Christian Gram (1850-1938) developed a technique, the Gram stain, that is still widely used today.  Differential stain that involves the application of a series of dyes.  Leaves some microbes purple and others pink.  Microbes that stain purple, Gram-positive, and those that stain pink, Gram-negative.
  • 50. Chapter 1 The Microbial World and You History of Microbiology A young milkmaid informed the physician Edward Jenner that she could not get smallpox because she had already been sick from cowpox. 1796: Edward Jenner inoculated a person with cowpox virus. The person was then protected from smallpox. Called vaccination from vacca for cow The protection is called immunity
  • 51. Chapter 1 The Microbial World and You History of Microbiology Vaccinations produced from avirulent microbial strains produced from live viruses produced from viral particles
  • 52. Chapter 1 The Microbial World and You Birth of Modern Chemotherapy Chemotherapy – treatment with chemicals • Chemotherapeutic agents used to treat infectious disease can be synthetic drugs or antibiotics. • Antibiotics are chemicals produced by bacteria and fungi that inhibit or kill other microbes. • Quinine from tree bark was long used to treat malaria.
  • 53. • 1910: Paul Ehrlich developed a synthetic arsenic drug, salvarsan, to treat syphilis. • 1930s: Sulfonamides were synthesized.
  • 54. After World War II, the antibiotics were introduced to medicine. The incidence of pneumonia, tuberculosis, meningitis, syphilis, and many other diseases declined with the use of antibiotics.
  • 55. Chapter 1 The Microbial World and You History of Microbiology 1928: Alexander Fleming discovered the first antibiotic. He observed that Penicillium fungus made an antibiotic, penicillin, that killed S. aureus. 1940s: Penicillin was tested clinically and mass produced.
  • 56. Chapter 1 The Microbial World and You Modern Developments • Bacteriology is the study of bacteria. • Mycology is the study of fungi. • Parasitology is the study of protozoa and parasitic worms. • Recent advances in genomics, the study of an organism’s genes, have provided new tools for classifying microorganisms.
  • 57. Immunology is the study of immunity. Vaccines and interferons are being investigated to prevent and cure viral diseases. The use of immunology to identify some bacteria according to serotypes (variants within a species) was proposed by Rebecca Lancefield in 1933. Modern Developments in Microbiology
  • 58. • Work with viruses could not be effectively performed until instruments were developed to help scientists see these disease agents. • In the 1940s, the electron microscope was developed and perfected. • In that decade, cultivation methods for viruses were also introduced, and the knowledge of viruses developed rapidly. • With the development of vaccines in the 1950s and 1960s, such viral diseases as polio, measles, mumps, and rubella came under control. Modern Developments in Microbiology
  • 59. Virology is the study of viruses. Recombinant DNA is DNA made from two different sources. In the 1960s, Paul Berg inserted animal DNA into bacterial DNA and the bacteria produced an animal protein. Recombinant DNA technology or genetic engineering involves microbial genetics and molecular biology. Modern Developments in Microbiology
  • 60. 60  George Beadle and Edward Tatum showed that genes encode a cell’s enzymes (1942)  Salvadore Luria and Max Delbruck (1943) used bacterial mutants  Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod, and Maclyn McCarty showed that DNA was the hereditary material (1944).  Francois Jacob and Jacques Monod discovered the role of mRNA in protein synthesis (1961).  Russell Vreeland (2003) isolated a spore forming Bacillus sp. (250 years old sample of salt crystal found below ground (1850 ft.) in New Mexico. The bacterium seems to be similar to Bacillus marismortui. Earlier, there were reports of oldest living creatures of 254-40 million years. Modern Developments in Microbiology
  • 61. Winogradsky and Beijerinck also discovered that (i) soil bacteria oxidize Iron, Sulphur and Ammonia to obtain energy (ii) isolated anaerobic N2 fixers and (iii) studied the decomposition of cellulosic organic matter.
  • 62. 62 * The first Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Selected Noble Prizes in Physiology or Medicine 1901* von Behring Diphtheria antitoxin 1902 Ross Malaria transmission 1905 Koch TB bacterium 1908 Metchnikoff Phagocytes 1945 Fleming, Chain, Florey Penicillin 1952 Waksman Streptomycin 1969 Delbrück, Hershey, Luria Viral replication 1987 Tonegawa Antibody genetics 1997 Prusiner Prions