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                                                                                    G ood        news from

                      January 2010

in     this       i ssue                          Pastor’s r eflections
                                 BY e milY rose m arTin
PasTor’s r eflecTions 1
c lerk’s c orner ....... 2         I have never been one for New Year’s resolutions. The Enneagram describes my
                                 personality as a “reformer” or “perfectionist,” so I am pretty much on a constant
“h e Wears The rose              self-improvement regimen. Honestly, I often wonder about the way that these
of YouTh uPon h im ” 2                           running “to do (more)” and “to be (better)” lists create more anxiety
                                                 than they do quality of life, and feed into that old heresy that we need
a sk   The   PasTor ........ 3                   to earn our salvation. So I’ve been thinking about two very different
                                                 ways to think of ushering in this new year.
a noTe of Thanks ..... 3                           One is based on the practice of “Examen” that the youth do every
                                 Sunday, and that the adults gave a try this past month during the Wednesday Nights
Build and The Bec                at Brown series on Gratitude. The suggestion is this: sometime this month, take
P roTecT school                  some time for yourself – on your couch, at your breakfast table, at a local coffee
funding.................... 4    shop, with your partner – and think back on the past year. For what in the past year
                                 are you most grateful? Make a list, then see if you can prioritize your top three
a r eminder: sign uP             things. Then ask yourself, for what in the past year were you least grateful? Then,
conTinues for The                finally, ask yourself, “What am I hungry for?” Take some time to meditate on your
neW BmPa P icToral               answers to these three questions. Lift them up to God in prayer and ask God for
direcTorY ................ 5     guidance as you think about the year to come. What should your priorities be? How
                                 might the Spirit be using your gratitude, ingratitude, and hunger to get your
a “Thank You ” from              attention or nudge you down a particular path? Let these questions and your
The m emBershiP                  reflections on them tumble around in your heart and head, and in conversation with
c ommiTTee ............... 5     friends and loved ones, until you hear the Spirit speaking (perhaps gently, perhaps
                                 surprisingly, perhaps in a way that knocks you flat)…however long that takes.
BirThdaYs................. 5       The other way to think about the New Year is as a chance to be a new parent.
                                 When I think about how that first Christmas must have changed the lives of Mary
BmPa communiTY                   and Joseph, I think about the changes that occur for every couple newly blessed
a nnouncemenTs/                  with a child. It’s not that you create a new list of things you’d like to do now that
commiTTee c hairs .... 6         you have a new child. Everything about your life changes – from your schedule to
                                 your budget! They have to change, and so do you. Your priorities shift. So does the
JanuarY 2010                     way you see the world. I invite you to wonder with me how our lives would shift if
aT BmPa ................. 7      we thought of Christ as a newborn that has suddenly taken center stage in our lives.
                                 How would our priorities shift? How would we rethink the way we spent our time
                                 and our money? What about our present reality would we be willing to sacrifice in
                                 light of this new person, so demanding of our time and energy, and yet such a source
                                 of meaning and joy? If you are part of a couple, how do your perspectives of this
                                 seismic shift in your lives compare? If you are a “single parent,” with whom will you
                                 share your new joys, fears, responsibilities, and dreams of the future?
                                   No matter how you think about the new year, my hope is the Brown Memorial
                                 Park Avenue Presbyterian Church will be a place where you find inspiration
                                 and support in prayer, in worship, and in fellowship for whatever comes your
                                 way in 2010.
clerk’s corner
BY carol g evecker g raves                                        for consideration by the entire Presbyterian Church                                              (U.S.A.) in July 2010.
                                                                    In December, we spent practically the entire session
  A lot happened in November. We welcomed a large                 meeting going over the proposed budget for 2010. Luke
class of new members, the second largest group in the             Clippinger worked hard putting together requests from
past eight months.                                                all sectors of the church. John Tucker and his
                  We held a congregational meeting and            stewardship committee worked hard on obtaining
               accomplished two items of business.                pledges. Both deserve our sincere thanks. Do you
               We elected Andy Imparato and Andy                  realize/appreciate the size of the budget? Our annual
               Johnston as elders, Barbara Christen and           income is projected to be over $570,000 (including
Hanna Loring-Davis as deacons, and Willard Graves as              $160,000 from the endowment). Our expenses are
trustee. We also approved a loan from the Presbyterian            projected to be $610,000. You can do the math. Any
Loan Program for $100,000 to repair both the church               deficit also comes out of the endowment.
and church house roofs. The church house will get a                 I view the Clerk’s Corner as a means to inform you
white, eco-friendly roof which we hope will save us               of news you might miss if you are not in church every
money in the long run.                                            week. I go through session minutes to prepare these
  In response to flooding in El Salvador, we took up a            notes, and I know they are more business than
special collection and sent over $500 to SHARE for                inspiration. But please know that, while the session
emergency relief.                                                 goes about the business of Brown Memorial, we try
  The Baltimore Presbytery met and passed the Govans              hard to keep in mind the lessons from the Bible and to
Overture changing the Book of Order to define                     follow Jesus’ path.
marriage as between two people. We concurred with                   The elders (members of the session) wish you the
this overture. It now goes to the General Assembly                Peace of Christ in the New Year.

         “h e wears                     the        rose           of    youth              uPon          h im” *
BY e llen carTer c ooPer                                          of the church. Gareth said the church helps him to display
  You have seen him moving in and out of the Church House         the “accepting and positive form of Christianity that I can
and the Sanctuary. He has grown taller and more hirsute.          exhibit to my peers”. If he could deliver a sermon to the
This junior at Baltimore City College High School was born                                             congregation, this wise
in Washington, D.C. He moved to Baltimore at the age of                                                young man would exhort
one. His parents, Betsy Nix and Andy Imparato, brought him                                             the hearers to discuss and
to Brown Memorial when he was five years old. Since then,                                              demonstrate the diverse
Gareth has been a fixture here. He is a very active member of                                          and varied aspects of
the Youth Group and has appeared in the Brown Memorial                                                 Christianity because the
Christmas Pageant. His most recent public gesture was                                                  world too often only sees a
serving as a reader for the annual Lessons and Carols service                                          very narrow view of
on Christmas Eve.                                                                                      our religion.
  Gareth is equally visible at City College. He participates in                                          Whatever path Gareth
the speech and debate club, mock trials team, and the student                                          decides to create and
congress. As a member of the drama club, he has appeared                                               follow for himself and
in The Visit and William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. Not                                              others, expect to learn of
surprisingly, his academic interests include the humanities and                                        his contributions in the
philosophy. Looking to the future when he is graduated from                                            years to come. He
                                                                  Gareth Imparato
City, Gareth is considering, among several options,                                                   remembers that there is
matriculation at Yale University (the Alma Mater of both          another Imparato, his younger brother, Nicholas, who is
his parents).                                                     watching from his middle school perch as he starts his journey.
  “A fantastic place to grow up in” is the phrase Gareth would
use to describe Brown Memorial. He likes the “community”            * William Shakespeare, Antony and Cleopatra

PaGe 2       t he t idinGs                                                                                      January 2010
a sk        the       Pastor
BY a ndreW fosTer c onnors                                         them, as well as understanding the gravity of their situations,                                           clapping was truly an act of grateful response to God. In the
                                                                   same way, I recall a spontaneous outburst of applause (did
  Q: Is it okay to clap in worship?
                                                                   this really happen or only in my imagination?) following
  A: Some of you might be surprised to know how often this
                                                                   the choir’s triumphant Easter declaration that death does not
question arises. I have heard it said here that clapping in
                                                                   have the last word. I was not applauding a performance
                  worship is “the way white people say ‘amen.’”
                                                                   but signaling that the choir’s hopeful prayer and their

                  The blanket statement isn’t true across the
                                                                   determined affirmation was indeed my own.
                  board, of course, but it does raise the issue
                                                                     On the other hand, I wonder about the clapping that has
                  of the way culture affects worship style and
                                                                   now become a part of what follows the postlude. I challenge
                  substance. Comparatively speaking, our own
                                                                   those of you who listen during the postlude to examine the
congregation tends to be somewhat reserved in congregational
                                                                   motivation behind the response. There are many Sundays,
expression in worship. I was reminded of this at the City
                                                                   when the joy of the postlude expresses our gratitude and
Temple Baptist Church during the BUILD Advent Service
                                                                   clapping is indeed our prayer of thanks. But when we enter
as those of us in the pulpit area swayed, raised our hands,
                                                                   Lent, for example, and John Walker’s postlude selections
clapped, and shouted out at different points in the worship
                                                                   turn pensive, penitent, and sometimes pleading, the
service. The worship was every bit as focused on worshiping
                                                                   clapping feels out of step to me, more like applause for a
God as is our own worship experience. The cultural manner in
                                                                   mini concert than a response to God. On these Sundays, I
which that worship was expressed was different.
                                                                   wonder if a different kind of expression, perhaps a spoken
  Of course, as soon as one starts making generalizations,
                                                                   “amen,” an authentic posture of prayer, or the embrace of a
countless exceptions have to be made. I recall, in particular, a
                                                                   fellow worshiper might be a more meaningful response.
newspaper article that quoted Rev. Marion C. Bascom,
                                                                     Ultimately the best judge of how to respond most
pastor emeritus of the Douglas Memorial Community
                                                                   authentically to our encounter of God in worship is the
Church (and friend of BMPA), criticizing the shift in many
                                                                   worshipers themselves. The challenge is to be aware of our
African American churches toward “shake and bake”
                                                                   own preferences, be they guided by cultural background
worship. If my memory serves me correctly, his critique was
                                                                   or contemporary choice, so that we make room for the full
that some African-American churches were sacrificing
                                                                   expression of diversity in our congregation.
substance for a new form of entertainment, heavy on style
                                                                     * “Ask the Pastor” is a new feature of The Tidings. You
and light on theological integrity. It seems to me that a
                                                                   may submit a liturgical or scriptural question to be
similar kind of critique could be made of other churches not
                                                                   answered by one of the Pastors to Ellen Carter Cooper at
considered part of the black church. All of this leads me to
                                                          The deadline for questions is
believe that while it is helpful to recognize that cultural
                                                                   the 15th? of every month.
backgrounds affect assumptions about worship and
expressions that grow out of those assumptions, we need not
be limited by them either. I firmly believe that God is calling                A Note of Thanks
us to a wvision of the reign of God that is much larger than
                                                                       Dear Brown Memorial Park Avenue
our racial or cultural backgrounds, or any other distinction
                                                                       Presbyterian Church,
for that matter.
  So back to the question at hand: is it okay to clap in
                                                                       On behalf of the Midtown Academy community, I
worship? The Directory for Worship in our Presbyterian
                                                                     would like to thank you for allowing our Food for Life
Book of Order gives an emphatic yes:
                                                                     Program to use your space on Friday afternoons. We
  “In the Old and New Testaments and through the ages, the
                                                                     believe that strength within a community creates great
people of God expressed prayer through actions as well as
                                                                     places for students to live and go to school. By providing
speech and song. So in worship today it is appropriate:
                                                                     the space for our program, you have made it possible for
  • to kneel, to bow, to stand, to lift hands in prayer,
                                                                     us to offer our students the opportunity to learn and to
  • to dance, to clap, to embrace in joy and praise,
                                                                     begin living with healthy eating habits! Thank you for
  • to anoint and to lay hands in intercession and
                                                                     your generosity and community spirit.
supplication, commissioning and ordination.” (W-2.1005)
  The context is important. Clapping is included as an act of
prayer. It felt like prayer to me this past week when
spontaneous clapping broke out celebrating the healing
                                                                       Suzanne Bell
wrought in the lives of Bonnie Schneider, Deb Milcarek,
                                                                       Assistant Principal
and Sally Robinson. Having spent time in prayer for each of

January 2010                                                                                        t he t idinGs         PaGe 3
Build              and the Baltimore e ducation                                             coalition
                      P rotect s chool f undinG
BY e lizaBeTh r eichelT
  The Baltimore Education Coalition (BEC) was founded last year by BUILD, Child First, the ACLU and several
other Baltimore organizations in response to Governor O’Malley’s proposed budget which would have cut
Baltimore City Schools funding by $32 million.
                           This year, BUILD and the BEC is already organizing in advance of the Governor’s
                         budget, which will be released the third week of January. With 40% of the state budget
                         going towards education, funding is sure to be a contentious issue. Baltimore City schools
                         have made great strides in key areas such as test scores, drop-out, and graduation rates. In
                         2008-09 three high schools exited “school improvement” status as calculated by Adequate
                         Yearly Progress (AYP) the federal student achievement standard required under No Child
                         Left Behind. Over the past two years, 931 fewer students dropped out than in 2006-07,
                         resulting in the schools’ lowest drop out rate on record. And last year, the first year that
                         students in Maryland were required to meet the High School Assessment (HSA)
                         requirement in order to graduate, 253 more students received diplomas. All of this great
                         progress is the result of a significant commitment to education funding over the past
                         several years.
  However, now is not the time to back off on funding for our schools. Too many children are still not getting the
opportunities they deserve. For example, more than half of Baltimore City’s thirty-eight schools did not make
AYP. Only 66% of seniors received diplomas and 6.2% of high school students dropped out of school.
  Several teams of parents and teachers have begun meeting with the Senators and Delegates that represent
Baltimore city. I joined Bebe Verdery of the ACLU, Karen DeCamp of Greater Homewood Community
Corporation and Kevin Brooks, a RPEMS parent, BCPSS principal and BUILD pastor in a meeting with
Delegate Maggie McIntosh. She gave us some valuable insight as to how we might approach the various members
of the City Delegation. Senator Joan Carter Conway, the chair of the Education, Health and Environmental
Affairs Committee pointed out during her meeting with BUILD and BEC that every year, she sees Dr. Alonso,
the CEO of Baltimore City Public Schools, down in Annapolis lobbying for the children. But she does not see
much of a presence from parents and the broader community. We aim to change that.
  I invite the Brown Memorial Park Avenue community to become engaged in this important issue. Now is the
time to write, call or e-mail Governor O’Malley to tell him we cannot afford to cut funding to Baltimore City
Public Schools. You can also call, write or email your state Senator and Delegates to let them you expect their full
support of protecting education funding during the legislative session. Also, plan to attend the BUILD and BEC
Action on Tuesday, January 26th from 5:30-7:30. This action will be a response to Governor O’Malley’s budget,
which will be released the week before. Once the location is determined, announcements will be placed in the
church bulletin and weekly emails.
  If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Elizabeth Reichelt at 410 435 6152 or

PaGe 4      t he t idinGs                                                                            January 2010
a r eminder: siGn uP continues for the new
            BmPa P ictoral d irectory
BY JennY Williams                                            • You can invite other family members and friends
                                                             to have portraits taken while we are photographing
 Photography dates are:                                      for our directory. They just need to sign up for an
   wednesday, January 13, 2010, from 3:00 P. m.              appointment slot.
   to 9:30 P. m.
   f riday, January 22, 2010, from 3:00 P. m. to            Please make a point of sitting for a photo for the
   9:30 P. m.                                             directory. It will not be complete without you!
   saturday, January 23, 2010, from 10:00 a. m.           Questions? Want to help? See Carol Graves or Jenny
   to 5:00 P. m.                                          Williams.

 Through January 10, we will be signing up
members after worship in the assembly room.
                                                                     a “t hank you”
                                                                  from the
 Here are some more important facts:
  • Every participating family/household that selects a     m emBershiP committee
  pose for the directory will receive a free              BY monica r akoWski
  directory and a complimentary Olan Mills 8x10
  Custom Natural Portrait.                                  The Membership Committee would like to extend a
  • You will come to the church only once for             huge “thank you” to Laura McConnell for her work
  photography and for portrait viewing.                   designing the new welcome brochures and prayer
  • This program is available at no cost to the church.   requests cards. Without Laura’s suggestions, design and
  • You will have the opportunity to order additional     efforts, our committee would more than likely still be
  portraits during your scheduled time, if you wish.      working on the layout. I hope each of you will join me
  These portraits come with Olan Mills’ 100%              in saying a very heartfelt “thank you” to Laura. Laura’s
  satisfaction guarantee.                                 professionalism and talents are greatly appreciated.

        January Birthdays                                 01/17           Elena Kirkpatrick
                                                          01/19           Elizabeth Wagner Cavallon
              01/01   Fred Lazarus
                                                          01/20           Michael Hughes
              01/02   Pauline Piper
                                                          01/21           Kristi Satterlee
              01/03   John Warmath
                                                          01/22           Chrystie Adams
01/04         Emily Burton
                                                          01/22           Jane Swope
01/05         Elden Schneider
                                                          01/24           Charles McManus
01/09         Yari Armand
                                                          01/25           Shayna Blinkoff
01/09         Rebecca Thomson
                                                          01/26           Sean Artes
01/10         Brad Bradford
                                                          01/27           Rebecca Adams
01/12         Elizabeth “Lizzie” Mills
                                                          01/28           Charles Joseph Reichelt, II
01/12         Meredith “Nellie” Mills
                                                          01/31           Moragan Happ
01/13         Emily Bishai
01/13         Richard Cook
                                                          Note: If you wish to have your birthday listed in The
01/14         Taylor Branch                               Tidings, please contact Sharon Holley, church secretary, at
01/16         Kathy Smith                                 410-523-1542, or via e-mail at

January 2010                                                                            t he t idinGs       PaGe 5
BmPa community                                                   committee chairs
         a nnouncements                                            Adult Education                   Henry Taylor
  local food Pantries have Bare shelves
   The need for non-perishable food items is crucial right now     BUILD Liaison                Elizabeth Reichelt
as the economy worsens. Many of the food banks that local
                                                                   Christian Education              Carol Newill
programs such as Memorial Episcopal’s Samaritan Community
go for resources simply don’t have any food to give out. Please    Diversity                        Hilbert Byers
consider bringing a non-perishable food item each week along                                  and Page Campbell
with your regular offering. We have food baskets to collect
                                                                   Eco-Stewardship Task Force     Luke Clippinger
items as you enter the sanctuary from Park Avenue. This is a
wonderful opportunity to involve your children in stewardship.     Finance                        Luke Clippinger
Children can participate in the selection of foods to be donated
and can help remember to bring them on Sunday mornings.
  m emBers h elPinG m emBers                                       Global Mission                    Christy Macy
  Our church has been looking for ways to help our members            • Cameroon (Mary Taylor Fund) Julie Hanks
in these times of economic uncertainty. We offer this space to
church members to let other members of our community know             • El Salvador                  Susan Saudek
about their particular concerns. Please contact them if you           • Dakota Partnership        Chrystie Adams
know of resources that might be useful. Please contact sharon@ if you would like to be added to the list.
     • Philip Aaron, Rachel Aaron Smith’s brother, is              Investment                        Hilbert Byers
     unemployed at the moment. He is a graphic artist, web                                      and John Warmath
     designer and does print work. He graduated from the Art
     Institute of York, PA with an Associates Degree in Digital    Membership                   Monica Rakowski
     Arts. If anyone has any leads, he will be happy to pursue
                                                                   Nominating                        Donna Senft
     them. His cell phone number is 410-336-3102.
     • Graham Richardson has been out of work for several          Personnel                         Donna Senft
     months and is seeking employment in education,
     construction, historic preservation, etc. (Graham is a real   Presbytery                        Donna Senft
     renaissance man!) At present he is doing odd jobs for         Stewardship                        John Tucker
     people around town and could do things for Brown
     Memorial Park Avenue, too. Please call Graham at
     443-618-5741 or e-mail him,         TAMFS:B                           Carol Graves
     • Daryl Smith, Rachel Aaron Smith’s husband, is a                                           and Donna Senft
     contractor, specializing in painting services, and is
     looking for jobs/projects to bid on, commercial or
     residential. His number is 410-419-5944; the company is       Tiffany Series                    Shirley Parry
     Blue Line Services.                                                                         and Chris Saudek

              WN@B  S eSSion iii
                                                                   Urban Mission

                                                                   Wednesday Nights @ Brown
                                                                                                   Tom Waldron
                                                                                             and Elden Schneider

                                                                                                     Carol Newill
    The third session of our Wednesday evening
  fellowship program begins January 6, 2010 and runs
  through February 10. We gather for a catered meal
                                                                   Worship                   Ellen Carter Cooper
  followed by educational programs for children and                                                and Betsy Nix
  adults. Dinner reservations are required.
    Contact Rachel Cunningham for more information,
  (410) 523-1542, Ext. 14, or

PaGe 6        t he t idinGs                                                                          January 2010
January 2010                                    at    BmPa

                                                                                                                                                                                                        PaGe 7
      S unday                        M onday        TueSday                    WedneSday                        ThurSday                       Friday                        S aTurday
27 d eceMber                    28             29                          30                              31                           1                               2
No Adult Forum                                                                                             Chancel Choir No Rehearsal   January, 2010                   Saturday Morning
or Sunday School                                                                                                                                                        Bible Study 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m.

                                                                                                                                                                                                        t he t idinGs
Service of Worship 11 a.m
3                               4              5                           6                               7                            8                               9
Sunday School,
Adult Forum,                                                               WN@B Session III                Chancel Choir                Midtown Academy Food for Life   Saturday Morning
                                                                           5:30-7:30 p.m.                  Rehearsal 7 p.m.-9 p.m.      Class 12 p.m.-3 p.m.            Bible Study 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m.
Choir Warm-Up
9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m.
Service of Worship 11 a.m.
Youth Group Meeting
12:15 p.m.
10    Sunday School,
      Adult Forum,
                                11             12                          13                              14                           15                              16
Choir Warm-Up                                                                                                                                                           Saturday Morning Bible Study
9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m.                           Session Meeting 6:30 p.m.   Directory Photos- Olan Mills    Chancel Choir                Midtown Academy Food for Life   8:30 a.m.-10 a.m.
Service of Worship 11 a.m.                                                 3:00 p.m.-9:30 p.m.             Rehearsal 7 p.m.-9 p.m.      Class 12 p.m.-3 p.m.
Teacher Roundtable                                                         WN@B Session III
Discussions 12:15 p.m.                                                     5:30-7:30 p.m.
Handbell Choir Rehearsal
12:15 p.m.- 1p.m.
       Sunday School,
17     Adult Forum,             18             19                          20                              21                           22                              23
Choir Warm-Up
                                                                                                                                                                        Saturday Morning
9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m.                                                       WN@B Session III                Chancel Choir                Midtown Academy Food for Life   Bible Study 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m.
Service of Worship 11 a.m.                                                 5:30-7:30 p.m.                  Rehearsal 7 p.m.-9 p.m.      Class 12 p.m.-3 p.m.
Youth Group Meeting
12:15 p.m.                                                                                                                              Directory Photos- Olan Mills    Directory Photos- Olan Mills
Handbell Choir Rehearsal                                                                                                                3:00 p.m.-9:30 p.m.             10:00 a.m.-5 p.m.
12:15 p.m.- 1p.m.
CFM Team Meeting 12:15 p.m.                                                                                                             Youth Group Dinners Out
-1:30 p.m.
24     Sunday School,
       Adult Forum,             25             26                          27                              28                           29                              30
 Choir Warm-Up                                                                                                                                                          Saturday Morning
 9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m.                                                      WN@B Session III                Chancel Choir                Midtown Academy Food for Life
                                                                                                           Rehearsal 7 p.m.-9 p.m.      Class 12 p.m.-3 p.m.            Bible Study 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m.
Service of Worship                                                         5:30-7:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                                        Youth Group Ski Trip
11 a.m.
Handbell Choir Rehearsal
12:15 p.m.- 1p.m.
Bowling Party TBD

                                                                                                                                                                                                        January 2010
         Sunday School,
 31      Adult Forum,
         Choir Warm-Up
9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m.
Service of Worship 11 a.m.
Annual Congregational Meeting
12:15 p.m.- 1: 30 p.m.
Handbell Choir Rehearsal
12:15 p.m.- 1p.m.
April Chisolm Cello Students
Recital 2:30 p.m.- 4 p.m.
non-ProfiT organizaTion
                                                                 u.s. PosTage
            G ood     news from                                      Paid
                                                                BalTimore, md
                                                                P ermiT no. 2610

1316 Park Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21217
Phone: 410.523.1542
Fax: 410.523.5501

       daTed m aTerial
  a ddress service r equesTed

      Published for members and friends of
 Brown Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian Church
         Andrew Foster Connors, Pastor
               1316 Park Avenue
              Baltimore, MD 21217

    Published monthly by the Membership Committee. Send
     contributions by January 15th to Ellen Carter Cooper
               ( or to
         Sharon Holley (

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Tidings Jan10

  • 1. The Tidings G ood news from January 2010 in this i ssue Pastor’s r eflections BY e milY rose m arTin PasTor’s r eflecTions 1 c lerk’s c orner ....... 2 I have never been one for New Year’s resolutions. The Enneagram describes my personality as a “reformer” or “perfectionist,” so I am pretty much on a constant “h e Wears The rose self-improvement regimen. Honestly, I often wonder about the way that these of YouTh uPon h im ” 2 running “to do (more)” and “to be (better)” lists create more anxiety than they do quality of life, and feed into that old heresy that we need a sk The PasTor ........ 3 to earn our salvation. So I’ve been thinking about two very different ways to think of ushering in this new year. a noTe of Thanks ..... 3 One is based on the practice of “Examen” that the youth do every Sunday, and that the adults gave a try this past month during the Wednesday Nights Build and The Bec at Brown series on Gratitude. The suggestion is this: sometime this month, take P roTecT school some time for yourself – on your couch, at your breakfast table, at a local coffee funding.................... 4 shop, with your partner – and think back on the past year. For what in the past year are you most grateful? Make a list, then see if you can prioritize your top three a r eminder: sign uP things. Then ask yourself, for what in the past year were you least grateful? Then, conTinues for The finally, ask yourself, “What am I hungry for?” Take some time to meditate on your neW BmPa P icToral answers to these three questions. Lift them up to God in prayer and ask God for direcTorY ................ 5 guidance as you think about the year to come. What should your priorities be? How might the Spirit be using your gratitude, ingratitude, and hunger to get your a “Thank You ” from attention or nudge you down a particular path? Let these questions and your The m emBershiP reflections on them tumble around in your heart and head, and in conversation with c ommiTTee ............... 5 friends and loved ones, until you hear the Spirit speaking (perhaps gently, perhaps surprisingly, perhaps in a way that knocks you flat)…however long that takes. BirThdaYs................. 5 The other way to think about the New Year is as a chance to be a new parent. When I think about how that first Christmas must have changed the lives of Mary BmPa communiTY and Joseph, I think about the changes that occur for every couple newly blessed a nnouncemenTs/ with a child. It’s not that you create a new list of things you’d like to do now that commiTTee c hairs .... 6 you have a new child. Everything about your life changes – from your schedule to your budget! They have to change, and so do you. Your priorities shift. So does the JanuarY 2010 way you see the world. I invite you to wonder with me how our lives would shift if aT BmPa ................. 7 we thought of Christ as a newborn that has suddenly taken center stage in our lives. How would our priorities shift? How would we rethink the way we spent our time and our money? What about our present reality would we be willing to sacrifice in light of this new person, so demanding of our time and energy, and yet such a source of meaning and joy? If you are part of a couple, how do your perspectives of this seismic shift in your lives compare? If you are a “single parent,” with whom will you share your new joys, fears, responsibilities, and dreams of the future? No matter how you think about the new year, my hope is the Brown Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian Church will be a place where you find inspiration and support in prayer, in worship, and in fellowship for whatever comes your way in 2010.
  • 2. clerk’s corner BY carol g evecker g raves for consideration by the entire Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in July 2010. In December, we spent practically the entire session A lot happened in November. We welcomed a large meeting going over the proposed budget for 2010. Luke class of new members, the second largest group in the Clippinger worked hard putting together requests from past eight months. all sectors of the church. John Tucker and his We held a congregational meeting and stewardship committee worked hard on obtaining accomplished two items of business. pledges. Both deserve our sincere thanks. Do you We elected Andy Imparato and Andy realize/appreciate the size of the budget? Our annual Johnston as elders, Barbara Christen and income is projected to be over $570,000 (including Hanna Loring-Davis as deacons, and Willard Graves as $160,000 from the endowment). Our expenses are trustee. We also approved a loan from the Presbyterian projected to be $610,000. You can do the math. Any Loan Program for $100,000 to repair both the church deficit also comes out of the endowment. and church house roofs. The church house will get a I view the Clerk’s Corner as a means to inform you white, eco-friendly roof which we hope will save us of news you might miss if you are not in church every money in the long run. week. I go through session minutes to prepare these In response to flooding in El Salvador, we took up a notes, and I know they are more business than special collection and sent over $500 to SHARE for inspiration. But please know that, while the session emergency relief. goes about the business of Brown Memorial, we try The Baltimore Presbytery met and passed the Govans hard to keep in mind the lessons from the Bible and to Overture changing the Book of Order to define follow Jesus’ path. marriage as between two people. We concurred with The elders (members of the session) wish you the this overture. It now goes to the General Assembly Peace of Christ in the New Year. “h e wears the rose of youth uPon h im” * BY e llen carTer c ooPer of the church. Gareth said the church helps him to display You have seen him moving in and out of the Church House the “accepting and positive form of Christianity that I can and the Sanctuary. He has grown taller and more hirsute. exhibit to my peers”. If he could deliver a sermon to the This junior at Baltimore City College High School was born congregation, this wise in Washington, D.C. He moved to Baltimore at the age of young man would exhort one. His parents, Betsy Nix and Andy Imparato, brought him the hearers to discuss and to Brown Memorial when he was five years old. Since then, demonstrate the diverse Gareth has been a fixture here. He is a very active member of and varied aspects of the Youth Group and has appeared in the Brown Memorial Christianity because the Christmas Pageant. His most recent public gesture was world too often only sees a serving as a reader for the annual Lessons and Carols service very narrow view of on Christmas Eve. our religion. Gareth is equally visible at City College. He participates in Whatever path Gareth the speech and debate club, mock trials team, and the student decides to create and congress. As a member of the drama club, he has appeared follow for himself and in The Visit and William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. Not others, expect to learn of surprisingly, his academic interests include the humanities and his contributions in the philosophy. Looking to the future when he is graduated from years to come. He Gareth Imparato City, Gareth is considering, among several options, remembers that there is matriculation at Yale University (the Alma Mater of both another Imparato, his younger brother, Nicholas, who is his parents). watching from his middle school perch as he starts his journey. “A fantastic place to grow up in” is the phrase Gareth would use to describe Brown Memorial. He likes the “community” * William Shakespeare, Antony and Cleopatra PaGe 2 t he t idinGs January 2010
  • 3. a sk the Pastor BY a ndreW fosTer c onnors them, as well as understanding the gravity of their situations, clapping was truly an act of grateful response to God. In the same way, I recall a spontaneous outburst of applause (did Q: Is it okay to clap in worship? this really happen or only in my imagination?) following A: Some of you might be surprised to know how often this the choir’s triumphant Easter declaration that death does not question arises. I have heard it said here that clapping in have the last word. I was not applauding a performance worship is “the way white people say ‘amen.’” but signaling that the choir’s hopeful prayer and their ? The blanket statement isn’t true across the determined affirmation was indeed my own. board, of course, but it does raise the issue On the other hand, I wonder about the clapping that has of the way culture affects worship style and now become a part of what follows the postlude. I challenge substance. Comparatively speaking, our own those of you who listen during the postlude to examine the congregation tends to be somewhat reserved in congregational motivation behind the response. There are many Sundays, expression in worship. I was reminded of this at the City when the joy of the postlude expresses our gratitude and Temple Baptist Church during the BUILD Advent Service clapping is indeed our prayer of thanks. But when we enter as those of us in the pulpit area swayed, raised our hands, Lent, for example, and John Walker’s postlude selections clapped, and shouted out at different points in the worship turn pensive, penitent, and sometimes pleading, the service. The worship was every bit as focused on worshiping clapping feels out of step to me, more like applause for a God as is our own worship experience. The cultural manner in mini concert than a response to God. On these Sundays, I which that worship was expressed was different. wonder if a different kind of expression, perhaps a spoken Of course, as soon as one starts making generalizations, “amen,” an authentic posture of prayer, or the embrace of a countless exceptions have to be made. I recall, in particular, a fellow worshiper might be a more meaningful response. newspaper article that quoted Rev. Marion C. Bascom, Ultimately the best judge of how to respond most pastor emeritus of the Douglas Memorial Community authentically to our encounter of God in worship is the Church (and friend of BMPA), criticizing the shift in many worshipers themselves. The challenge is to be aware of our African American churches toward “shake and bake” own preferences, be they guided by cultural background worship. If my memory serves me correctly, his critique was or contemporary choice, so that we make room for the full that some African-American churches were sacrificing expression of diversity in our congregation. substance for a new form of entertainment, heavy on style * “Ask the Pastor” is a new feature of The Tidings. You and light on theological integrity. It seems to me that a may submit a liturgical or scriptural question to be similar kind of critique could be made of other churches not answered by one of the Pastors to Ellen Carter Cooper at considered part of the black church. All of this leads me to The deadline for questions is believe that while it is helpful to recognize that cultural the 15th? of every month. backgrounds affect assumptions about worship and expressions that grow out of those assumptions, we need not be limited by them either. I firmly believe that God is calling A Note of Thanks us to a wvision of the reign of God that is much larger than Dear Brown Memorial Park Avenue our racial or cultural backgrounds, or any other distinction Presbyterian Church, for that matter. So back to the question at hand: is it okay to clap in On behalf of the Midtown Academy community, I worship? The Directory for Worship in our Presbyterian would like to thank you for allowing our Food for Life Book of Order gives an emphatic yes: Program to use your space on Friday afternoons. We “In the Old and New Testaments and through the ages, the believe that strength within a community creates great people of God expressed prayer through actions as well as places for students to live and go to school. By providing speech and song. So in worship today it is appropriate: the space for our program, you have made it possible for • to kneel, to bow, to stand, to lift hands in prayer, us to offer our students the opportunity to learn and to • to dance, to clap, to embrace in joy and praise, begin living with healthy eating habits! Thank you for • to anoint and to lay hands in intercession and your generosity and community spirit. supplication, commissioning and ordination.” (W-2.1005) The context is important. Clapping is included as an act of Sincerely, prayer. It felt like prayer to me this past week when spontaneous clapping broke out celebrating the healing Suzanne Bell wrought in the lives of Bonnie Schneider, Deb Milcarek, Assistant Principal and Sally Robinson. Having spent time in prayer for each of January 2010 t he t idinGs PaGe 3
  • 4. Build and the Baltimore e ducation coalition P rotect s chool f undinG BY e lizaBeTh r eichelT The Baltimore Education Coalition (BEC) was founded last year by BUILD, Child First, the ACLU and several other Baltimore organizations in response to Governor O’Malley’s proposed budget which would have cut Baltimore City Schools funding by $32 million. This year, BUILD and the BEC is already organizing in advance of the Governor’s budget, which will be released the third week of January. With 40% of the state budget going towards education, funding is sure to be a contentious issue. Baltimore City schools have made great strides in key areas such as test scores, drop-out, and graduation rates. In 2008-09 three high schools exited “school improvement” status as calculated by Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) the federal student achievement standard required under No Child Left Behind. Over the past two years, 931 fewer students dropped out than in 2006-07, resulting in the schools’ lowest drop out rate on record. And last year, the first year that students in Maryland were required to meet the High School Assessment (HSA) requirement in order to graduate, 253 more students received diplomas. All of this great progress is the result of a significant commitment to education funding over the past several years. However, now is not the time to back off on funding for our schools. Too many children are still not getting the opportunities they deserve. For example, more than half of Baltimore City’s thirty-eight schools did not make AYP. Only 66% of seniors received diplomas and 6.2% of high school students dropped out of school. Several teams of parents and teachers have begun meeting with the Senators and Delegates that represent Baltimore city. I joined Bebe Verdery of the ACLU, Karen DeCamp of Greater Homewood Community Corporation and Kevin Brooks, a RPEMS parent, BCPSS principal and BUILD pastor in a meeting with Delegate Maggie McIntosh. She gave us some valuable insight as to how we might approach the various members of the City Delegation. Senator Joan Carter Conway, the chair of the Education, Health and Environmental Affairs Committee pointed out during her meeting with BUILD and BEC that every year, she sees Dr. Alonso, the CEO of Baltimore City Public Schools, down in Annapolis lobbying for the children. But she does not see much of a presence from parents and the broader community. We aim to change that. I invite the Brown Memorial Park Avenue community to become engaged in this important issue. Now is the time to write, call or e-mail Governor O’Malley to tell him we cannot afford to cut funding to Baltimore City Public Schools. You can also call, write or email your state Senator and Delegates to let them you expect their full support of protecting education funding during the legislative session. Also, plan to attend the BUILD and BEC Action on Tuesday, January 26th from 5:30-7:30. This action will be a response to Governor O’Malley’s budget, which will be released the week before. Once the location is determined, announcements will be placed in the church bulletin and weekly emails. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Elizabeth Reichelt at 410 435 6152 or § PaGe 4 t he t idinGs January 2010
  • 5. a r eminder: siGn uP continues for the new BmPa P ictoral d irectory BY JennY Williams • You can invite other family members and friends to have portraits taken while we are photographing Photography dates are: for our directory. They just need to sign up for an wednesday, January 13, 2010, from 3:00 P. m. appointment slot. to 9:30 P. m. f riday, January 22, 2010, from 3:00 P. m. to Please make a point of sitting for a photo for the 9:30 P. m. directory. It will not be complete without you! saturday, January 23, 2010, from 10:00 a. m. Questions? Want to help? See Carol Graves or Jenny to 5:00 P. m. Williams. Through January 10, we will be signing up members after worship in the assembly room. a “t hank you” from the Here are some more important facts: • Every participating family/household that selects a m emBershiP committee pose for the directory will receive a free BY monica r akoWski directory and a complimentary Olan Mills 8x10 Custom Natural Portrait. The Membership Committee would like to extend a • You will come to the church only once for huge “thank you” to Laura McConnell for her work photography and for portrait viewing. designing the new welcome brochures and prayer • This program is available at no cost to the church. requests cards. Without Laura’s suggestions, design and • You will have the opportunity to order additional efforts, our committee would more than likely still be portraits during your scheduled time, if you wish. working on the layout. I hope each of you will join me These portraits come with Olan Mills’ 100% in saying a very heartfelt “thank you” to Laura. Laura’s satisfaction guarantee. professionalism and talents are greatly appreciated. January Birthdays 01/17 Elena Kirkpatrick 01/19 Elizabeth Wagner Cavallon 01/01 Fred Lazarus 01/20 Michael Hughes 01/02 Pauline Piper 01/21 Kristi Satterlee 01/03 John Warmath 01/22 Chrystie Adams 01/04 Emily Burton 01/22 Jane Swope 01/05 Elden Schneider 01/24 Charles McManus 01/09 Yari Armand 01/25 Shayna Blinkoff 01/09 Rebecca Thomson 01/26 Sean Artes 01/10 Brad Bradford 01/27 Rebecca Adams 01/12 Elizabeth “Lizzie” Mills 01/28 Charles Joseph Reichelt, II 01/12 Meredith “Nellie” Mills 01/31 Moragan Happ 01/13 Emily Bishai 01/13 Richard Cook Note: If you wish to have your birthday listed in The 01/14 Taylor Branch Tidings, please contact Sharon Holley, church secretary, at 01/16 Kathy Smith 410-523-1542, or via e-mail at January 2010 t he t idinGs PaGe 5
  • 6. BmPa community committee chairs a nnouncements Adult Education Henry Taylor local food Pantries have Bare shelves The need for non-perishable food items is crucial right now BUILD Liaison Elizabeth Reichelt as the economy worsens. Many of the food banks that local Christian Education Carol Newill programs such as Memorial Episcopal’s Samaritan Community go for resources simply don’t have any food to give out. Please Diversity Hilbert Byers consider bringing a non-perishable food item each week along and Page Campbell with your regular offering. We have food baskets to collect Eco-Stewardship Task Force Luke Clippinger items as you enter the sanctuary from Park Avenue. This is a wonderful opportunity to involve your children in stewardship. Finance Luke Clippinger Children can participate in the selection of foods to be donated and can help remember to bring them on Sunday mornings. m emBers h elPinG m emBers Global Mission Christy Macy Our church has been looking for ways to help our members • Cameroon (Mary Taylor Fund) Julie Hanks in these times of economic uncertainty. We offer this space to church members to let other members of our community know • El Salvador Susan Saudek about their particular concerns. Please contact them if you • Dakota Partnership Chrystie Adams know of resources that might be useful. Please contact sharon@ if you would like to be added to the list. • Philip Aaron, Rachel Aaron Smith’s brother, is Investment Hilbert Byers unemployed at the moment. He is a graphic artist, web and John Warmath designer and does print work. He graduated from the Art Institute of York, PA with an Associates Degree in Digital Membership Monica Rakowski Arts. If anyone has any leads, he will be happy to pursue Nominating Donna Senft them. His cell phone number is 410-336-3102. • Graham Richardson has been out of work for several Personnel Donna Senft months and is seeking employment in education, construction, historic preservation, etc. (Graham is a real Presbytery Donna Senft renaissance man!) At present he is doing odd jobs for Stewardship John Tucker people around town and could do things for Brown Memorial Park Avenue, too. Please call Graham at 443-618-5741 or e-mail him, TAMFS:B Carol Graves • Daryl Smith, Rachel Aaron Smith’s husband, is a and Donna Senft contractor, specializing in painting services, and is looking for jobs/projects to bid on, commercial or residential. His number is 410-419-5944; the company is Tiffany Series Shirley Parry Blue Line Services. and Chris Saudek WN@B S eSSion iii Urban Mission Wednesday Nights @ Brown Tom Waldron and Elden Schneider Carol Newill The third session of our Wednesday evening fellowship program begins January 6, 2010 and runs through February 10. We gather for a catered meal Worship Ellen Carter Cooper followed by educational programs for children and and Betsy Nix adults. Dinner reservations are required. Contact Rachel Cunningham for more information, (410) 523-1542, Ext. 14, or PaGe 6 t he t idinGs January 2010
  • 7. January 2010 at BmPa PaGe 7 S unday M onday TueSday WedneSday ThurSday Friday S aTurday 27 d eceMber 28 29 30 31 1 2 No Adult Forum Chancel Choir No Rehearsal January, 2010 Saturday Morning or Sunday School Bible Study 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m. t he t idinGs Service of Worship 11 a.m 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sunday School, Adult Forum, WN@B Session III Chancel Choir Midtown Academy Food for Life Saturday Morning 5:30-7:30 p.m. Rehearsal 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Class 12 p.m.-3 p.m. Bible Study 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m. Choir Warm-Up 9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m. Service of Worship 11 a.m. Youth Group Meeting 12:15 p.m. 10 Sunday School, Adult Forum, 11 12 13 14 15 16 Choir Warm-Up Saturday Morning Bible Study 9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m. Session Meeting 6:30 p.m. Directory Photos- Olan Mills Chancel Choir Midtown Academy Food for Life 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m. Service of Worship 11 a.m. 3:00 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Rehearsal 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Class 12 p.m.-3 p.m. Teacher Roundtable WN@B Session III Discussions 12:15 p.m. 5:30-7:30 p.m. Handbell Choir Rehearsal 12:15 p.m.- 1p.m. Sunday School, 17 Adult Forum, 18 19 20 21 22 23 Choir Warm-Up Saturday Morning 9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m. WN@B Session III Chancel Choir Midtown Academy Food for Life Bible Study 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m. Service of Worship 11 a.m. 5:30-7:30 p.m. Rehearsal 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Class 12 p.m.-3 p.m. Youth Group Meeting 12:15 p.m. Directory Photos- Olan Mills Directory Photos- Olan Mills Handbell Choir Rehearsal 3:00 p.m.-9:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m.-5 p.m. 12:15 p.m.- 1p.m. CFM Team Meeting 12:15 p.m. Youth Group Dinners Out -1:30 p.m. 24 Sunday School, Adult Forum, 25 26 27 28 29 30 Choir Warm-Up Saturday Morning 9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m. WN@B Session III Chancel Choir Midtown Academy Food for Life Rehearsal 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Class 12 p.m.-3 p.m. Bible Study 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m. Service of Worship 5:30-7:30 p.m. Youth Group Ski Trip 11 a.m. Handbell Choir Rehearsal 12:15 p.m.- 1p.m. Bowling Party TBD January 2010 Sunday School, 31 Adult Forum, Choir Warm-Up 9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m. Service of Worship 11 a.m. Annual Congregational Meeting 12:15 p.m.- 1: 30 p.m. Handbell Choir Rehearsal 12:15 p.m.- 1p.m. April Chisolm Cello Students Recital 2:30 p.m.- 4 p.m.
  • 8. non-ProfiT organizaTion u.s. PosTage G ood news from Paid BalTimore, md P ermiT no. 2610 1316 Park Avenue Baltimore, MD 21217 Phone: 410.523.1542 Fax: 410.523.5501 The Tidings daTed m aTerial a ddress service r equesTed The Tidings Published for members and friends of Brown Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian Church Andrew Foster Connors, Pastor 1316 Park Avenue Baltimore, MD 21217 410.523.1542 Published monthly by the Membership Committee. Send contributions by January 15th to Ellen Carter Cooper ( or to Sharon Holley (