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Restoration Anglican Church – Vestry Candidates

Cameron Doolittle                                                                    Elizabeth Boesen
Carolyn and I finally realized what you have realized,                               In my mid-30s, after much spiritual searching, I was
“We are home.” Restoration’s authentic community                                     invited to The Falls Church, where I heard teaching
and vibrant godliness grip us and draw us closer to                                  that stirred my heart, felt loved by an
Jesus.                                                                               intergenerational community, and began poring over
                                                                                     God’s Word. It soon became clear that I could not
I grew up – and found Jesus – in an Oregon church                                    save myself, and I begged my Maker to forgive me
plant. Early on, God ignited a passion for the lost,                                 for trying to do so for so long. My prayer since then
leading me to Wheaton College and Stanford, where                                    has been that the Lord would show me how to live
He brought twenty men in my fraternity into His                                      abundantly and to rest in Him, and in so many ways
family. I landed in DC as a Hill staffer and met Carolyn in 2000. I ostensibly       He has answered that prayer!
went to UC-Berkeley for my JD/MBA, but really I was following Carolyn! We
now have four children: Grace (4), Christiana (3), Hewson (1), and Sandhana          As Alpha was central to my conversion, I then led several Alpha small
(in theaters October 28).                                                            groups. Later, I spent three years as a CS Lewis Institute Fellow and
                                                                                     underwent an extended period of soaking prayer, which led to deep healing
Professionally, God made my mind for business. I’ve launched two new                 that continues.
businesses at my company and am now turning around a struggling business
unit.                                                                                The spiritual disciplines have helped me to know Jesus better, as have
                                                                                     listening to what He says about marriage and parenting, walking in
Since 2007, I have served on the board of Every Generation Ministries,               transparency with other believers, and spending time in nature.
which focuses on training Sunday School teachers around the world.
                                                                                     I would bring to the vestry a passion for outreach and discipleship, as well as
My hope for Restoration starts in our own home. Carolyn and I are building a         (I am told) gifting in teaching, prayer, and hospitality. As a parent, I care
home in Falls Church that we hope will become your family room – a place             deeply about Restoration’s youth. I also have 19 years of strategy and
where you feel comfortable stopping by for dinner, where your face is                communications experience in non-profits, much of which has been with
familiar, and where your prayers are on our prayer list. I believe three             “start-up” organizations.
opportunities will define Restoration’s next season:
         > Maintaining Intimacy as We Grow.                                          I pray that Restoration becomes an ever-more vibrant witness for the radical
         > Supporting Our Pastor and Staff.                                          parts of the gospel, that we would be a prayerful beacon of generosity,
         > Turning Our Community Outward.                                            diversity, and gospel hope for the community around us.
I am excited to navigate these opportunities with you, whether a member of
our vestry or not!
                                                                                     Contact Info:
Contact Info:                                                                                                                         703.546.8280 (home)
202.701.451                                                                          703.965.7971 (mobile)
1815 N Quincy St, Arlington, VA 22207 – - 10/24/09                                                                    1
Restoration Anglican Church – Vestry Candidates

Christine Jones                                                                      Cindy Darnell
I moved to Falls Church in 2006 with my                                              My search for truth began about 13 years ago, at
husband Andrew and three kids. We                                                    which time I began going to church. After about five
came to Restoration on Easter Sunday                                                 years I found that somewhere along the way I came
and have been worshipping here ever                                                  to believe in Christ as my Savior and was baptized in
since! I absolutely love my part-time job                                            2002. Since that time, I have grown in my faith
at The Falls Church coordinating their                                               primarily through relationships built in small groups,
ESOL ministry.                                                                       mission teams, inductive Bible study, and the CS
                                                                                     Lewis Institute Fellows program. The Word of God
I didn’t grow up in a Christian home. God                                            in partnership with others’ sharing their
first found me (ironically) on a 7th grade                                           understanding and experience has been essential to
Unitarian field trip to an Episcopal church! He then patiently pursued me            my growth in the faith.
through divine appointments with people (including Andrew!) who challenged
me to grow in my faith. I now crave time with the Lord, through bible study,         In looking at Titus 1 and 1 Timothy 3, I am keenly aware I fall short of living
prayer, music, and teaching Sunday school.                                           these verses out perfectly and I’m humbled to have been nominated to serve
                                                                                     Restoration in this way. My key strengths relevant to vestry service are
In standing for the vestry, the bar set in Timothy & Titus is high! Am I ''above     administration and process improvement. Additionally I have a heart for
reproach''? Don’t ask my kids if I am always “self-controlled”! It's clear I'm a     people, especially going deeper than the surface, and a passion for missions,
sinner saved by grace, striving to be a humble servant.                              prayer, small groups, and leadership (particularly encouraging and
Through my upbringing, cross-cultural work locally and overseas, and gifts of        supporting leaders).
hospitality and encouragement, God has enabled me to bond with people of
diverse backgrounds, seekers and believers alike. At TFC, I love bringing            My dream for Restoration is that we maintain the warmth and openness I
volunteers and ESOL students together. I enjoy building programs and the             experience here on a weekly basis and that we represent the diversity in our
structures to sustain them.                                                          surrounding community. I want us to be a community that encourages one
                                                                                     another to courageously pursue the path that God has for each of us and
My dream for Restoration is that it would continue to be a welcoming,                holds each other accountable in removing roadblocks along that path. I
transparent place where everyone feels they can let their guard down and             believe the result will be a Christ-like love for others in our community and
have a voice and where newcomers more and more clearly and tangibly “will            the world.
see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living” (Ps. 27:13).

                                                                                     Contact Info:
Contact Info:                                                                                                                         703.627.4098
703.462.8426 (Home)
703.332.9671 (Mobile)

1815 N Quincy St, Arlington, VA 22207 – - 10/24/09                                                                   2
Restoration Anglican Church – Vestry Candidates

Anne Cregger Patterson                                                               Ramsey Wilson
My journey with God didn’t start until I was 31. I’d                                 Although I invited Jesus into my heart as a
been searching for him for years, half-heartedly. I had                              kindergartener, I remained nominally Christian,
grown up in a “Christian home,” but didn’t know Him                                  at best, until age 32. God then grabbed hold
and just prayed there was more. I finally struck gold.                               of me, making clear that all I possess − time,
Or that’s what I thought. The truth is, of course, God                               talent, money, and even life − is a gift, which I
was the pursuer, I was the sadly misguided prize. He                                 am to steward and He is to own. My
turned my world upside down and went to work. I’ve                                   relationship with God shapes essentially every
never, ever wanted to return. How do I nurture this                                  decision I make: where to live (we moved
relationship? Yearning, talking, serving, listening,                                 back to DC), how to make a living (I left the
yearning, worshiping, yearning, discussing, reading,                                 practice of law to be a homemaker), with
and mostly yearning.                                                                 whom to live (we now live with extended family
I’m married to George Patterson and the mother of four grown sons who                and friends), what to read, what to consume,
grew up at The Falls Church. It was my privilege to learn and serve there in         and so on.
different capacities: early leadership in Women’s Ministry; Director for for first
7 years of the Falls Church Fellows program. Probably my most exciting               Educated as an accountant and experienced as an attorney, my vocation
service was as a vestry member during the years leading up to and including          now involves leading a discipleship ministry for next-generation Christian
our movement back towards the orthodox expression of Anglicanism. The                leaders. The nonprofit that Christine and I founded helps participants live in
packet of the lawsuit naming me as a defendant is a precious possession, a           the world (they receive financial support) while resisting the temptation to be
treasure representing my imperfect love for God’s perfect Word and His work          of the world (I guide them in a year-long study of worldview issues, with an
in our time.                                                                         emphasis on stewardship). In addition, I recently concluded a three-year
My dream for Restoration is that we become established as a body who                 term as a board member and treasurer of a ministry to children in Southeast
loves God and holds his Word as the final authority; that we demonstrate true        DC.
and real love for Him, for each other, and all in our sphere of influence,
connecting them to the triune God and to each other.                                 My primary hope for Restoration is that sold-out discipleship to Jesus would
                                                                                     be the norm, not the exception. I hope also that our church missions and
Contact Info:                                                                        business would be characterized by Christian thinking, not just Christian                                                                 ethics and spirituality. Christian attitudes are indispensable but insufficient if
703.929.6967                                                                         our chosen actions do not reflect a biblical understanding of how the world

                                                                                     Contact Info:

1815 N Quincy St, Arlington, VA 22207 – - 10/24/09                                                                       3
Restoration Anglican Church – Vestry Candidates

Logan Breed                                                                          Tom Downie
Things you should know about me: I have the best                                     Tom was born and raised in
wife in the world and four incredible children. I                                    Syracuse, NY. After graduating with
strive (sometimes failing miserably) to honor the                                    a degree in engineering he started a
Lord as a husband, a parent, and an attorney. I                                      small business in New England. It
cherish deep community, authentic worship, and                                       was through the pressures of the
bacon.                                                                               business that he decided to make
                                                                                     Jesus Lord of his life and sold his
My story: After years of building deep relationships                                 business interests and went back to
at the Falls Church, I never thought we would                                        Columbia Graduate School of Bible
leave. Starting a church plant was definitely not on                                 and Missions for a year of study and
my radar screen. But we felt an inexorable pull to                                   spiritual growth. For the next two
be part of what God was doing in Arlington, and we                                   years he acted as the Stewardship Director for Africa Evangelical Fellowship
have been blessed beyond what we could have asked for or imagined by                 (AEF), the mission that was originally started by Andrew Murray as Cape
Restoration. l love the fact that Restoration is a place where people know           General Mission.
and are known by each other, where we serve and are served, celebrate and
are celebrated. Plus I’ve had the opportunity to do everything from                  In 1981, he moved to Washington, DC, and met and married his wife, Patty.
negotiating my first church lease to leading a small group to showing off my          He formed a Washington commercial real estate business with his brother,
goofy dance moves in front of 100 people at our first-ever retreat. It has           which they operated for 11 years.
been quite a year. I love this church.
                                                                                     Over the years, Tom has served as an elder and deacon in a church and
Things that get me really excited: Being part of a strong community of open,         taught primary age children in Sunday school. He began attending The Falls
real, we-don’t-think-we’ve-got-it-all-figured-out-already followers of Christ        Church in 2007. In 2008, he became a member of the Servant Team that
who believe that the gospel changes everything and who are working                   helped David start Restoration Anglican Church. Being able to serve others
together to determine how we can serve the Lord faithfully in 21st century           gives Tom great joy. Tom and Patty live in Arlington and have four children:
Arlington. Seeing our families, friends, and neighborhoods transformed by            Heather, Scott, Jeff, and Christine. Running, biking, skiing, and playing golf
the gospel. Working to meet the needs of vulnerable people in Arlington and          are leisure activities that Tom enjoys. Currently, he is a consultant to the
around the world to the glory of God.                                                federal government in information security.

Contact Info:                                                                        Contact Info:                                                          

1815 N Quincy St, Arlington, VA 22207 – - 10/24/09                                                                   4
Restoration Anglican Church – Vestry Candidates

Anthony Swisher                                                                      Corrin Chambers
I am deeply humbled to be nominated to                                               I was raised in a Christian home with parents who
serve on Restoration’s first vestry. At                                              did their best to ground their children in biblical
David’s suggestion I have been reflecting                                            principles and to show us the love of Christ. They
on Titus 1 and 1 Timothy 3. Those                                                    introduced me to God as Savior, but it wasn't until
passages set a high standard that I will                                             my experience at Youth With a Mission’s
always strive to meet, ever mindful of my                                            Discipleship Training School right out of high school
need for grace. I would bring to the vestry                                          when my heart and soul were captured by the
all the gifts God has given me and would                                             sovereignty of God and an authentic desire was
be honored to serve with the dedicated                                               born to make Him Lord of my life. By daily
men and women who pour themselves into                                               submitting to Christ's rule in my life, I find my
this church.                                                                         identity in Him and in this I have found great
Restoration is a special place where God is using relationships and                  freedom, peace, and joy.
community to draw people to Himself. In my own walk, God has always
been faithful to give me relationships to teach me what it can look like to be       I have been honored to be a part of a church that is eager to share life
Christ’s man in the world. My aspiration is to be whole and consistent: whole        together. It is my hope that Restoration be a community that furthers the
in Christ, and the same person – God’s person – at church, at home, and at           kingdom of God right here in Arlington. I pray that through Christ, being
work. My hope for the church is that through our relationships we would              rooted and established in love that surpasses knowledge, we would bring the
show our friends and neighbors the love of Christ and strengthen each other          changing power of the gospel to our friends, neighbors, and coworkers and
in our walks with the Lord. As I look at all of the current and soon-to-be           that we would be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
middle schoolers with whom we are blessed, I particularly pray for a vibrant
youth ministry to serve them at a critical time in their lives.
This is an exciting time for our church. I am so grateful for the wonderful          Contact Info:
people God has drawn here, and I am excited to see what He has in store    
next.                                                                                571.289.5337

Contact Info:

1815 N Quincy St, Arlington, VA 22207 – - 10/24/09                                                                5
Restoration Anglican Church – Vestry Candidates

Graham Henshaw                                                                       Erica Chapman
Spending my childhood in Saudi Arabia with                                           My spiritual journey has been rich,
parents who let me figure out most things on my                                      unpredictable, and filled with God's
own meant that my earliest exposure to faith were                                    favor. Although my decision to follow
daily calls to prayer amplified from mosques in our                                  Christ came at a very young age, my
neighborhood. In high school, I began                                                identity in Christ was solidified
investigating faith for myself through Young Life.                                   through my high school discipleship
Only after the devastation of an ended relationship                                  group. The truth that Christ calls us
that was “supposed” to grow into marriage did I                                      friends (John 15:15) resonated with
realize my priorities had been misaligned and                                        me; in turn the privileges and
make a full commitment to pursue a real                                              responsibilities of that label also
relationship with Christ. Since then, I’ve made it a                                 became a reality for me. The Lord
priority to surround myself with authentic Christian community – friends and         continually shows Himself trustworthy in the midst of life circumstances. My
mentors who have shared in my great joys and incredibly difficult                    trust in God’s sovereignty has been tested, but the result has been a
circumstances, who have encouraged and challenged me to grow as a                    deepening of my faith.
believer, husband, father, friend, and leader.                                       I find peace in my relationships and day to day struggles when the Lord
                                                                                     reminds me that I am merely a participant in His work. He has simply called
At our previous church, I had the privilege to lead alongside, pray with and         me to be obedient to His word. I pray that at Restoration, our relationship
learn from godly, wise believers as we started a ministry for young couples. I       with the Lord would be one of constant discovery and that we would
also had the opportunity to be part of the first class of deacons before             continuously rely on the truth of scripture so we can live in light of its direction
stepping down to move to DC. My wife, Laurel, and I love sharing our lives           each day.
with those around us and enjoy being a family with an open door and                  Time passes so quickly, and my heart’s conviction is that time is short for
listening ears. We have a heart for God’s people and desire to love and              both the believer and unbeliever alike—for the lost to hear the Truth and
serve our global neighbors.                                                          respond and the believer to serve the Lord well. I am passionate about
                                                                                     learning and sitting under sound teaching, that I may "present [myself] to
My prayer for Restoration is that as a community we would be a living,               God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and
breathing, acting example of God’s truth. I pray that Christ would be                who correctly handles the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15)
reflected in our relationships, vocations, priorities, and service.

Contact Info:                                                                        Contact Info:                                                   
312.933.9126                                                                         703.987.0657

1815 N Quincy St, Arlington, VA 22207 – - 10/24/09                                                                       6
Restoration Anglican Church – Vestry Candidates

Mary Vinson                                                                          Jon Terry
Born in Roanoke, VA, I was fortunate to be raised                                    My relationship with Jesus helps me establish
in a Christian home, so I can never remember a                                       priorities for my life. I nurture my relationship with
time when I did not believe in Jesus. I married                                      Jesus through Sunday worship, celebrating the
fellow believer Ken in 1979, and we moved to                                         Eucharist, hearing and reading the Scriptures,
Virginia Beach, where I worked for Bell Atlantic.                                    individual and group prayer and ongoing fellowship
We had two kids while living there, Kat, 23, and                                     with believers. Every day I ask God to help me
Braxton, 20.                                                                         remember that my relationship with Him and others
                                                                                     are more important than anything else.
In 1993 we moved to Richmond where I took a
Director’s position at Bell Atlantic. While there we                                 I am eager to serve others. I am open and
both attended a weekend retreat called “Walk to                                      accessible and understanding of others who have
Emmaus” where I made a recommitment to Christ. Shortly after, we moved               different opinions. I want to learn from others and help them learn about the
to Hawaii for 8 years. There I worked as a Technical Director for a start-up         unique grace of Jesus. I want to strengthen others and be strengthened in
wireless company, which later became part of Sprint. While working for               my faith.
Sprint, I felt the Lord’s call to leave corporate America and work in full time
ministry. I’m still Executive Director for Hawaiian Islands Ministries; I just do    I would like to help RAC make the successful transition into a free-standing
it virtually from Arlington. I also consult with the Christian Leadership            church. We will need to hire additional staff, take on new financial
Alliance.                                                                            responsibilities and make decisions about our facility, number of services and
                                                                                     outreach. It is my hope that we can remain committed to our role in the
Before The Falls Church and Restoration, I was a lifelong attendee and an            building of God’s Kingdom and also retain the chemistry and character that
Elder in the Presbyterian Church. I have a BS in Public Administration and           makes RAC special.
an MA degree in HR. My spiritual gifts are administration and hospitality. I
have been on the Servant team since October of 2008, and have been                   I would love for RAC to continue to encourage and provide opportunities for
handling all personnel matters for Restoration with the help of a great team. I      people to be real and personal with each other. We should strengthen each
also recently coordinated our first retreat. My hope for Restoration is that we      other with power through His spirit.
are a loving community who welcomes all who seek Christ.
                                                                                     I’d like RAC to be a place where all adults play a role in nurturing and
Contact Info:                                                                        supporting the young people in our congregation. The responsibility of caring
                                                                                     for and loving our youth is not limited to the volunteers running Children’s                                                                Church.
703.534.432 (Home)
808-371-9500 (Mobile)                                                                Contact Info:

1815 N Quincy St, Arlington, VA 22207 – - 10/24/09                                                                   7

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Restoration Vestry Candidates

  • 1. Restoration Anglican Church – Vestry Candidates Cameron Doolittle Elizabeth Boesen Carolyn and I finally realized what you have realized, In my mid-30s, after much spiritual searching, I was “We are home.” Restoration’s authentic community invited to The Falls Church, where I heard teaching and vibrant godliness grip us and draw us closer to that stirred my heart, felt loved by an Jesus. intergenerational community, and began poring over God’s Word. It soon became clear that I could not I grew up – and found Jesus – in an Oregon church save myself, and I begged my Maker to forgive me plant. Early on, God ignited a passion for the lost, for trying to do so for so long. My prayer since then leading me to Wheaton College and Stanford, where has been that the Lord would show me how to live He brought twenty men in my fraternity into His abundantly and to rest in Him, and in so many ways family. I landed in DC as a Hill staffer and met Carolyn in 2000. I ostensibly He has answered that prayer! went to UC-Berkeley for my JD/MBA, but really I was following Carolyn! We now have four children: Grace (4), Christiana (3), Hewson (1), and Sandhana As Alpha was central to my conversion, I then led several Alpha small (in theaters October 28). groups. Later, I spent three years as a CS Lewis Institute Fellow and underwent an extended period of soaking prayer, which led to deep healing Professionally, God made my mind for business. I’ve launched two new that continues. businesses at my company and am now turning around a struggling business unit. The spiritual disciplines have helped me to know Jesus better, as have listening to what He says about marriage and parenting, walking in Since 2007, I have served on the board of Every Generation Ministries, transparency with other believers, and spending time in nature. which focuses on training Sunday School teachers around the world. I would bring to the vestry a passion for outreach and discipleship, as well as My hope for Restoration starts in our own home. Carolyn and I are building a (I am told) gifting in teaching, prayer, and hospitality. As a parent, I care home in Falls Church that we hope will become your family room – a place deeply about Restoration’s youth. I also have 19 years of strategy and where you feel comfortable stopping by for dinner, where your face is communications experience in non-profits, much of which has been with familiar, and where your prayers are on our prayer list. I believe three “start-up” organizations. opportunities will define Restoration’s next season: > Maintaining Intimacy as We Grow. I pray that Restoration becomes an ever-more vibrant witness for the radical > Supporting Our Pastor and Staff. parts of the gospel, that we would be a prayerful beacon of generosity, > Turning Our Community Outward. diversity, and gospel hope for the community around us. I am excited to navigate these opportunities with you, whether a member of our vestry or not! Contact Info: Contact Info: 703.546.8280 (home) 202.701.451 703.965.7971 (mobile) 1815 N Quincy St, Arlington, VA 22207 – - 10/24/09 1
  • 2. Restoration Anglican Church – Vestry Candidates Christine Jones Cindy Darnell I moved to Falls Church in 2006 with my My search for truth began about 13 years ago, at husband Andrew and three kids. We which time I began going to church. After about five came to Restoration on Easter Sunday years I found that somewhere along the way I came and have been worshipping here ever to believe in Christ as my Savior and was baptized in since! I absolutely love my part-time job 2002. Since that time, I have grown in my faith at The Falls Church coordinating their primarily through relationships built in small groups, ESOL ministry. mission teams, inductive Bible study, and the CS Lewis Institute Fellows program. The Word of God I didn’t grow up in a Christian home. God in partnership with others’ sharing their first found me (ironically) on a 7th grade understanding and experience has been essential to Unitarian field trip to an Episcopal church! He then patiently pursued me my growth in the faith. through divine appointments with people (including Andrew!) who challenged me to grow in my faith. I now crave time with the Lord, through bible study, In looking at Titus 1 and 1 Timothy 3, I am keenly aware I fall short of living prayer, music, and teaching Sunday school. these verses out perfectly and I’m humbled to have been nominated to serve Restoration in this way. My key strengths relevant to vestry service are In standing for the vestry, the bar set in Timothy & Titus is high! Am I ''above administration and process improvement. Additionally I have a heart for reproach''? Don’t ask my kids if I am always “self-controlled”! It's clear I'm a people, especially going deeper than the surface, and a passion for missions, sinner saved by grace, striving to be a humble servant. prayer, small groups, and leadership (particularly encouraging and Through my upbringing, cross-cultural work locally and overseas, and gifts of supporting leaders). hospitality and encouragement, God has enabled me to bond with people of diverse backgrounds, seekers and believers alike. At TFC, I love bringing My dream for Restoration is that we maintain the warmth and openness I volunteers and ESOL students together. I enjoy building programs and the experience here on a weekly basis and that we represent the diversity in our structures to sustain them. surrounding community. I want us to be a community that encourages one another to courageously pursue the path that God has for each of us and My dream for Restoration is that it would continue to be a welcoming, holds each other accountable in removing roadblocks along that path. I transparent place where everyone feels they can let their guard down and believe the result will be a Christ-like love for others in our community and have a voice and where newcomers more and more clearly and tangibly “will the world. see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living” (Ps. 27:13). Contact Info: Contact Info: 703.627.4098 703.462.8426 (Home) 703.332.9671 (Mobile) 1815 N Quincy St, Arlington, VA 22207 – - 10/24/09 2
  • 3. Restoration Anglican Church – Vestry Candidates Anne Cregger Patterson Ramsey Wilson My journey with God didn’t start until I was 31. I’d Although I invited Jesus into my heart as a been searching for him for years, half-heartedly. I had kindergartener, I remained nominally Christian, grown up in a “Christian home,” but didn’t know Him at best, until age 32. God then grabbed hold and just prayed there was more. I finally struck gold. of me, making clear that all I possess − time, Or that’s what I thought. The truth is, of course, God talent, money, and even life − is a gift, which I was the pursuer, I was the sadly misguided prize. He am to steward and He is to own. My turned my world upside down and went to work. I’ve relationship with God shapes essentially every never, ever wanted to return. How do I nurture this decision I make: where to live (we moved relationship? Yearning, talking, serving, listening, back to DC), how to make a living (I left the yearning, worshiping, yearning, discussing, reading, practice of law to be a homemaker), with and mostly yearning. whom to live (we now live with extended family I’m married to George Patterson and the mother of four grown sons who and friends), what to read, what to consume, grew up at The Falls Church. It was my privilege to learn and serve there in and so on. different capacities: early leadership in Women’s Ministry; Director for for first 7 years of the Falls Church Fellows program. Probably my most exciting Educated as an accountant and experienced as an attorney, my vocation service was as a vestry member during the years leading up to and including now involves leading a discipleship ministry for next-generation Christian our movement back towards the orthodox expression of Anglicanism. The leaders. The nonprofit that Christine and I founded helps participants live in packet of the lawsuit naming me as a defendant is a precious possession, a the world (they receive financial support) while resisting the temptation to be treasure representing my imperfect love for God’s perfect Word and His work of the world (I guide them in a year-long study of worldview issues, with an in our time. emphasis on stewardship). In addition, I recently concluded a three-year My dream for Restoration is that we become established as a body who term as a board member and treasurer of a ministry to children in Southeast loves God and holds his Word as the final authority; that we demonstrate true DC. and real love for Him, for each other, and all in our sphere of influence, connecting them to the triune God and to each other. My primary hope for Restoration is that sold-out discipleship to Jesus would be the norm, not the exception. I hope also that our church missions and Contact Info: business would be characterized by Christian thinking, not just Christian ethics and spirituality. Christian attitudes are indispensable but insufficient if 703.929.6967 our chosen actions do not reflect a biblical understanding of how the world works. Contact Info: 703.241.1443 1815 N Quincy St, Arlington, VA 22207 – - 10/24/09 3
  • 4. Restoration Anglican Church – Vestry Candidates Logan Breed Tom Downie Things you should know about me: I have the best Tom was born and raised in wife in the world and four incredible children. I Syracuse, NY. After graduating with strive (sometimes failing miserably) to honor the a degree in engineering he started a Lord as a husband, a parent, and an attorney. I small business in New England. It cherish deep community, authentic worship, and was through the pressures of the bacon. business that he decided to make Jesus Lord of his life and sold his My story: After years of building deep relationships business interests and went back to at the Falls Church, I never thought we would Columbia Graduate School of Bible leave. Starting a church plant was definitely not on and Missions for a year of study and my radar screen. But we felt an inexorable pull to spiritual growth. For the next two be part of what God was doing in Arlington, and we years he acted as the Stewardship Director for Africa Evangelical Fellowship have been blessed beyond what we could have asked for or imagined by (AEF), the mission that was originally started by Andrew Murray as Cape Restoration. l love the fact that Restoration is a place where people know General Mission. and are known by each other, where we serve and are served, celebrate and are celebrated. Plus I’ve had the opportunity to do everything from In 1981, he moved to Washington, DC, and met and married his wife, Patty. negotiating my first church lease to leading a small group to showing off my He formed a Washington commercial real estate business with his brother, goofy dance moves in front of 100 people at our first-ever retreat. It has which they operated for 11 years. been quite a year. I love this church. Over the years, Tom has served as an elder and deacon in a church and Things that get me really excited: Being part of a strong community of open, taught primary age children in Sunday school. He began attending The Falls real, we-don’t-think-we’ve-got-it-all-figured-out-already followers of Christ Church in 2007. In 2008, he became a member of the Servant Team that who believe that the gospel changes everything and who are working helped David start Restoration Anglican Church. Being able to serve others together to determine how we can serve the Lord faithfully in 21st century gives Tom great joy. Tom and Patty live in Arlington and have four children: Arlington. Seeing our families, friends, and neighborhoods transformed by Heather, Scott, Jeff, and Christine. Running, biking, skiing, and playing golf the gospel. Working to meet the needs of vulnerable people in Arlington and are leisure activities that Tom enjoys. Currently, he is a consultant to the around the world to the glory of God. federal government in information security. Contact Info: Contact Info: 571.213.4840 1815 N Quincy St, Arlington, VA 22207 – - 10/24/09 4
  • 5. Restoration Anglican Church – Vestry Candidates Anthony Swisher Corrin Chambers I am deeply humbled to be nominated to I was raised in a Christian home with parents who serve on Restoration’s first vestry. At did their best to ground their children in biblical David’s suggestion I have been reflecting principles and to show us the love of Christ. They on Titus 1 and 1 Timothy 3. Those introduced me to God as Savior, but it wasn't until passages set a high standard that I will my experience at Youth With a Mission’s always strive to meet, ever mindful of my Discipleship Training School right out of high school need for grace. I would bring to the vestry when my heart and soul were captured by the all the gifts God has given me and would sovereignty of God and an authentic desire was be honored to serve with the dedicated born to make Him Lord of my life. By daily men and women who pour themselves into submitting to Christ's rule in my life, I find my this church. identity in Him and in this I have found great Restoration is a special place where God is using relationships and freedom, peace, and joy. community to draw people to Himself. In my own walk, God has always been faithful to give me relationships to teach me what it can look like to be I have been honored to be a part of a church that is eager to share life Christ’s man in the world. My aspiration is to be whole and consistent: whole together. It is my hope that Restoration be a community that furthers the in Christ, and the same person – God’s person – at church, at home, and at kingdom of God right here in Arlington. I pray that through Christ, being work. My hope for the church is that through our relationships we would rooted and established in love that surpasses knowledge, we would bring the show our friends and neighbors the love of Christ and strengthen each other changing power of the gospel to our friends, neighbors, and coworkers and in our walks with the Lord. As I look at all of the current and soon-to-be that we would be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. middle schoolers with whom we are blessed, I particularly pray for a vibrant youth ministry to serve them at a critical time in their lives. This is an exciting time for our church. I am so grateful for the wonderful Contact Info: people God has drawn here, and I am excited to see what He has in store next. 571.289.5337 Contact Info: 703.516.4086 1815 N Quincy St, Arlington, VA 22207 – - 10/24/09 5
  • 6. Restoration Anglican Church – Vestry Candidates Graham Henshaw Erica Chapman Spending my childhood in Saudi Arabia with My spiritual journey has been rich, parents who let me figure out most things on my unpredictable, and filled with God's own meant that my earliest exposure to faith were favor. Although my decision to follow daily calls to prayer amplified from mosques in our Christ came at a very young age, my neighborhood. In high school, I began identity in Christ was solidified investigating faith for myself through Young Life. through my high school discipleship Only after the devastation of an ended relationship group. The truth that Christ calls us that was “supposed” to grow into marriage did I friends (John 15:15) resonated with realize my priorities had been misaligned and me; in turn the privileges and make a full commitment to pursue a real responsibilities of that label also relationship with Christ. Since then, I’ve made it a became a reality for me. The Lord priority to surround myself with authentic Christian community – friends and continually shows Himself trustworthy in the midst of life circumstances. My mentors who have shared in my great joys and incredibly difficult trust in God’s sovereignty has been tested, but the result has been a circumstances, who have encouraged and challenged me to grow as a deepening of my faith. believer, husband, father, friend, and leader. I find peace in my relationships and day to day struggles when the Lord reminds me that I am merely a participant in His work. He has simply called At our previous church, I had the privilege to lead alongside, pray with and me to be obedient to His word. I pray that at Restoration, our relationship learn from godly, wise believers as we started a ministry for young couples. I with the Lord would be one of constant discovery and that we would also had the opportunity to be part of the first class of deacons before continuously rely on the truth of scripture so we can live in light of its direction stepping down to move to DC. My wife, Laurel, and I love sharing our lives each day. with those around us and enjoy being a family with an open door and Time passes so quickly, and my heart’s conviction is that time is short for listening ears. We have a heart for God’s people and desire to love and both the believer and unbeliever alike—for the lost to hear the Truth and serve our global neighbors. respond and the believer to serve the Lord well. I am passionate about learning and sitting under sound teaching, that I may "present [myself] to My prayer for Restoration is that as a community we would be a living, God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and breathing, acting example of God’s truth. I pray that Christ would be who correctly handles the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15) reflected in our relationships, vocations, priorities, and service. Contact Info: Contact Info: 312.933.9126 703.987.0657 1815 N Quincy St, Arlington, VA 22207 – - 10/24/09 6
  • 7. Restoration Anglican Church – Vestry Candidates Mary Vinson Jon Terry Born in Roanoke, VA, I was fortunate to be raised My relationship with Jesus helps me establish in a Christian home, so I can never remember a priorities for my life. I nurture my relationship with time when I did not believe in Jesus. I married Jesus through Sunday worship, celebrating the fellow believer Ken in 1979, and we moved to Eucharist, hearing and reading the Scriptures, Virginia Beach, where I worked for Bell Atlantic. individual and group prayer and ongoing fellowship We had two kids while living there, Kat, 23, and with believers. Every day I ask God to help me Braxton, 20. remember that my relationship with Him and others are more important than anything else. In 1993 we moved to Richmond where I took a Director’s position at Bell Atlantic. While there we I am eager to serve others. I am open and both attended a weekend retreat called “Walk to accessible and understanding of others who have Emmaus” where I made a recommitment to Christ. Shortly after, we moved different opinions. I want to learn from others and help them learn about the to Hawaii for 8 years. There I worked as a Technical Director for a start-up unique grace of Jesus. I want to strengthen others and be strengthened in wireless company, which later became part of Sprint. While working for my faith. Sprint, I felt the Lord’s call to leave corporate America and work in full time ministry. I’m still Executive Director for Hawaiian Islands Ministries; I just do I would like to help RAC make the successful transition into a free-standing it virtually from Arlington. I also consult with the Christian Leadership church. We will need to hire additional staff, take on new financial Alliance. responsibilities and make decisions about our facility, number of services and outreach. It is my hope that we can remain committed to our role in the Before The Falls Church and Restoration, I was a lifelong attendee and an building of God’s Kingdom and also retain the chemistry and character that Elder in the Presbyterian Church. I have a BS in Public Administration and makes RAC special. an MA degree in HR. My spiritual gifts are administration and hospitality. I have been on the Servant team since October of 2008, and have been I would love for RAC to continue to encourage and provide opportunities for handling all personnel matters for Restoration with the help of a great team. I people to be real and personal with each other. We should strengthen each also recently coordinated our first retreat. My hope for Restoration is that we other with power through His spirit. are a loving community who welcomes all who seek Christ. I’d like RAC to be a place where all adults play a role in nurturing and Contact Info: supporting the young people in our congregation. The responsibility of caring for and loving our youth is not limited to the volunteers running Children’s Church. 703.534.432 (Home) 808-371-9500 (Mobile) Contact Info: 202.841.5302 1815 N Quincy St, Arlington, VA 22207 – - 10/24/09 7