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June / July 2015 Issue
(804) 282-4243 (church office) (804) 282-0352 (fax)
Post Office Box 18072
Richmond, Virginia 23226-8072
Organized 1911
Westhampton Baptist Church
Dimitri Durosseau
graduate - Douglas Freeman High School
Virginia Commonwealth University
Parents: Joseph Oriol & Claudette Durroseau
Scotty Orrock
graduate - J.R. Tucker High School
Lieutenant – Executive Officer)
He received the Military Officers Associate of America
JROTC Medal and the JROTC Sweeney Scholarship.
Parents: Jeff and Lynn Orrock
Molly Gardner
graduate – University of Delaware
BSN with honors
Will be working at the Massey Cancer Center
Bone Marrow Transplant Unit – Nurses Residency Program
Parents: Russell and Kaye Gardner
We will recognize our graduates on
Sunday, June 7 during Morning Worship
Pondering from the Pastor’s Desk
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! By the time you read this, we will have
moved to the Chapel at Derbyshire. What had been our future is now our present. And it's new... it's different, and it
hasn't come without it's fair share of mistakes and challenges. For my part, I want to apologize for things that I could
have done better. At the same time I also hope that we all understand that none of us have ever been through an
experience quite like this before when it comes to our church home. Oh sure, many of us have changed churches, or
moved to a new area. Some of you have even been a part of a church merger or a church closing. In fact, in the
United States since 1999, an average of 10-15 churches close their doors every month! At the same time one half of
all churches did not add even a single member to their rolls last year, and over 2 MILLION church-going members
leave church completely each year for the secular life.
Maybe you are thinking, “Oh great, Pastor Bill! Thanks for the pep talk! Here we are looking to re-birth
Westhampton Baptist and you are telling us that churches are CLOSING every day! Got any OTHER good news?”
Actually I do have some good news! According to George Barna who has been studying churches and their
membership trends for over 30 years, a major reason for the current exodus is that “the dominant catalyst (for
people leaving the church), is people's desperation for a genuine relationship with God.” In other words my
friends, people are not abandoning God, in fact the exact opposite is happening. They are “desperate for a genuine
relationship with GOD... not with the Church. OUR task moving forward then is very clear:
Each one of us must work to solidify our own relationship with God. Jesus said, “I am the vine, you are the
branches, If you remain in me, and I in you, you will bear much fruit, apart from me you can do nothing.” (John
15:5). We have to live like we are connected to the vine, not just to the Church.
We must live as Christians and work to be supportive of one another. “I appeal to you brothers and sisters, by the
name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be
united in the same mind and the same judgment.” (I Corinthians 1:10)
We must search for the ones who are “desperate for God”, and bring them into the fold as well. “Go out quickly into
the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind, and the lame... so that my house will
be full” (Luke 14 21-23, paraphrased).
Maintain the desire in yourself for the food of God's Word. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for
righteousness, for they shall be filled.” (Matthew 5:6.)
With these things in mind, our Life Verse for June will be Romans 8:18, “I consider that our present
sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” And our Life Verse for July will be
Matthew 28:19-20a, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have told you.”
Folks, this is new territory that we are working in. I would love to tell you that we have all of the bugs
worked out and everything is going to be smooth sailing. But I will not lie to you, this is truly a “work in progress”,
I do want you to know however, that Pastor Raymond and I have pledged to one another to work hand-in-hand and
to move quickly and decisively when situations and potential conflicts arise. We need your help, your input, your
positive suggestions and comments as we move forward to be the body of Christ in partnership with the people of
Derbyshire Baptist. May God grant His richest blessings on us all.
In Jesus' Shadow,
Pastor Bill
Mission Corner
Happy Summer
As the weather heats up so should our efforts to be the hands and feet of Christ. There are many different ways to
get involved. As we transition to the Chapel at Derbyshire we will continue to collect clothing, bags, shoes,
socks, T-Shirts and underwear for the homeless. We have another opportunity for you to help on July 30th.
at St. Paul’s Church downtown. Please see Sue if you are interested.
Please continue to collect pop tops for The Ronald McDonald House, it really does make a difference. Here are a
few tidbits about pop tops
Please visit the Ronald McDonald web site to learn more about why only tabs.
Please start collecting for our Shoe Box ministry it would be great to have them done and ready during the
Summer. That way many hands make little work. Plus it gives us the opportunity to get even more boxes done
before the hustle and bustle of the fall and winter.
I am quite sure that we will continue to make those beautiful baby hats and we will be able to help all of those
beautiful children.
For June we are responsible for two $25.00 gas gift cards for the Center Van and we are responsible for 25
Homeless Food Bags that need to be at OHBC by June 4th
. For the food bags if you would be able to bring cans
of pasta, individual fruit cups, crackers, canned tuna or chicken, juice boxes, pudding cups (canned goods should
have “pull tabs). Anything that is nonperishable would be great. If you can have items to the Chapel at
Derbyshire by May 31st
we can get the bags ready to be delivered by June 4th
For July we will be collecting School Supplies. Here is a list of common supplies so if you are out and about this
summer just toss a pack in your basket.
Pencils, notebook paper, spiral notebooks, pens, scissors, glue sticks, crayons, colored pencils, backpacks, rulers.
What an exciting time in the life of our church, new opportunities for all of us to give back.
My hope and prayer is that as we transition to our temporary home that you will continue to show God’s Love to
all the people you may meet and invite them to come and join us on our exciting journey.
Summer Bible Study
Many of you have asked me if we are going to have a Summer Bible Study, and my answer is "YES!" I will
once again offer a daytime (11:00am) and an evening study (6:30pm), as long as we have enough people for
both (3 or more, please). We will begin on Wednesday July 8th and continue through Wednesday August 26th.
We will take these 8 weeks and study the relationship between the Old Testament prophecies and Jesus
fulfillment of them in the New Testament. I look forward to this time of deeper understanding of God's Word.
Pastor Bill
June 2015
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat
31 1 2
Trustee Meeting
DBC, Room 215
Please check church bulletin for
evening activities
4 5 6
9:45am - Sunday School
11:00am - Morning Worship
in “The Chapel” DBC
Holy Communion
Graduation Sunday
Deacon Meeting
DBC, Room 215
9 10
Please check church bulletin for
evening activities
11 12 13
Summer Kick Off Party
home & community pool
9:45am - Sunday School
11:00am - Morning Worship
in “The Chapel” DBC
Church Council Meeting
DBC, Room 215
16 17
Finance Committee
Meeting, Room 215
Please check church bulletin for
evening activities
18 19 20
9:45am - Sunday School
11:00am - Morning Worship
in “The Chapel” DBC
Father’s Day
22 23
Youth Life of Richmond
12:30pm - 5:30pm
Please check church bulletin for
evening activities
Youth Hang Out
Virginia Beach Day
26 27
9:45am - Sunday School
11:00am - Morning Worship
in “The Chapel” DBC
29 30
Youth Life of Richmond
12:30pm - 5:30pm
1 2 3 4
Wes Nuckols - 6/1
Robby Turner - 6/3
Sue Duganne - 6/4
Deborah Jones - 6/5
Barbara Martin - 6/6
Johnny Butler - 6/7
Tom Yeaman Jr. - 6/10
Diane Schnupp - 6/10
Karin Wood-Bradley - 6/11
Michael Jones - 6/11
Andrea Hagood - 6/11
Elise Rancour - 6/11
Nathan Story - 6/21
Jeff Nuckols - 6/22
Colin Wood-Bradley - 6/25
Bob Turner - 6/26
Melissa McLamb - 6/26
Frances Hix - 6/28
We wish our members and friends, a Happy Birthday
June 2015
Hello WBC,
Wow, where did Spring go? It's already in the upper 80s and add Richmond's infamous humidity and simply
stated, it's HOT! Here are a few summer tips to stay healthy. My dermatologist says that her favorite sunscreen is
the one that you use consistently and re-apply every 2 hours. Sunscreen typically has short shelf life meaning buy
new each summer. I did some research and here are some highly suggested screens: LaRoche 60, Equate from
Wal-Mart, Coppertone Babies & Banana Boat 50. There are also facial and lip applications that are higher SPF
and less greasy. The sprays are not first line of defense and are not recommended in children due to possible
inhalation of spray. But you can spray into hands and apply that way. Don't forget other modes of protection:
hats, t-shirts, swim shirts, sunglasses and umbrellas. Skin cancer still ranks the highest of cancers. Another
reminder is to hydrate and hydrate some more; be creative and add fruits to water and stay away from sugary
sodas. Popsicles are refreshing and fun for all ages. If you feel lethargic, simply get out of the sun, find shade or
AC and drink something and rest.
Don't forget about your pets; they are susceptible to the heat too. Don't leave dogs or children in a hot car even
for a few minutes; temperatures can reach over 100 degrees in minutes. There are new baby car seat alarms to
prevent horrific accidents (leaving baby in hot car by mistake).
Pool and water safety reminders: Teach children & teens to jump into water opposed to diving. Neck injuries can
be life altering, let's just jump instead! Remember those inflatable arm wings? They keep your arms afloat but not
your head...they are not Red Cross approved. Enroll preschoolers in swim classes; the YMCA or other accredited
swim programs. Boating and Sea-doos have their own big safety issues. New laws are in place that require
permits and educational classes (like a driver's permit). Everyone needs to wear a life jacket and a dose of
common sense goes a long way.
Happy and safe summer to all!
Love in Christ,
Your Parish Nurse, Diane
Virginia Roper - 6/12
Rev. Bill Duganne - 6/14
Gavin Story - 6/15
Steve Hagood - 6/20
Bevin Armistead - 6/20
Gladys Woodburn - 6/21
July 2015
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat
28 29 30 1
Morning Bible Study,
Room 215
Please check church bulletin for
evening activities
Youth Hang Out
Church Office
Is closed
Fourth of July
9:45am - Sunday School
11:00am - Morning Worship
in “The Chapel” DBC
Holy Communion
6 7
Check out
the church bulletin for
“Youth Activities”
Morning Bible Study,
Room 215
Please check church bulletin for
evening activities
Youth Hang Out
Finance Committee
Meeting, Room 215
10 11
9:45am - Sunday School
11:00am - Morning Worship
in “The Chapel” DBC
Deacon Meeting
DBC, Room 215
Check out
the church bulletin for
“Youth Activities”
Morning Bible Study,
Room 215
Quarterly Business
Meeting at 7:00pm
Youth Hang Out
17 18
9:45am - Sunday School
11:00am - Morning Worship
in “The Chapel” DBC
Church Council Meeting
This month
Check out
the church bulletin for
“Youth Activities”
Morning Bible Study,
Room 215
(Alternate Date) - Quarterly Business Meeting
Youth Hang Out
24 25
9:45am - Sunday School
11:00am - Morning Worship
in “The Chapel” DBC
27 28
Check out
the church bulletin for
“Youth Activities”
Morning Bible Study,
Room 215
Please check church bulletin for
evening activities
Youth Hang Out
31 1
July 13 - 17, 2015 - Eagle Eyrie Music Camp
We wish our members and friends, a Happy Birthday
July 2015
From the Finance Ministry
As we are now entering the summer, when vacations take our minds off our regular offerings, we want to
ask all members and friends to continue to contribute toward our budget for on-going current expenses.
Although we estimate the current level of contributions will cover our expenses after we complete our
move to the Chapel at Derbyshire, please understand that during the transition, not only are our expenses
continuing at normal levels, but we are experiencing a variety of move-related expenses that were not
included in our budget.
For the first four months of 2015, not only were contributions for current expenses well below actual expenses,
but they were only about 92% of the contributions for the first four months of 2014. For the first four months of
the year, we have a considerable deficit as you can see below.
As of April 30, 2015
Contributions YTD for Current Expenses $54,924.45
Disbursements YTD for Current Expenses $63,715.96
Total YTD < $ 8,791.51 >
Please prayerfully consider what Westhampton Baptist Church and its ministries mean to you and continue to
support our church through your gifts and offerings. Thank you for your continued support for ministry at
Westhampton Baptist Church.
David Taylor - 7/3
Richard Hagood - 7/3
Diane McLamb - 7/4
Lynn Orrock - 7/5
Dave Vaught - 7/8
Suzanne Fadool - 7/9
Maxine Owens - 7/17
Steve Overberg - 7/18
Sam Preddy - 7/20
Anna Barnum - 7/21
Brooke Preddy - 7/21
Martha Higgs - 7/24
Shep Shepperson - 7/10
Woody Story Jr - 7/10
Tom Drinkard - 7/11
Hazel Stanley - 7/12
Sandi Bassett - 7/12
R. Glenn Robertson - 7/16
Moses Rivers - 7/30
Laura Rancour - 7/31
Colin Wood-Bradley -
Bob Turner - 6/26
Melissa McLamb - 6/26
Frances Hix - 6/28
If you find a favorite book or books in the church library, please take them
home with you.
A donation can be made to Westhampton Baptist Church.
Any questions may be directed to Barbara Richards.
Church Staff
Pastor - Reverend William J. Duganne
Minister of Music - Carol G. Turner
Organist - Darryl Emerson
Church Secretary - Teresa Crawley Brooks
The church office will remain located at 6112 Three Chopt Road until further notice.
Congratulations to all our youth for finishing another school
year and a special congratulations to our High School graduates;
Dimitri and Scotty! Summer has arrived and we are ready to
have some "joint" fun with Derbyshire Youth!
The calendar is packed with lots of ways to join in the fun, fellowship, and serving! June 7th is our
Graduate Sunday so please come out and support our graduates. June 13th DBC is hosting a Summer
kickoff party at the Brawley's home and community pool, details to follow on Facebook. June 23rd kicks
off our summer mission opportunity at Youth Life Foundation of Richmond Camp, plan on meeting after
lunch at DBC and getting home around 5:30pm every Tuesday from June 23rd-July 28th. Also every
Thursday will be "hangout" days starting June 25th-July 30th details will follow on our Facebook page.
Also in the summer the youth will be meeting Sunday evening starting June 28th- July 26th at a parent's
home for fun and fellowship; place and time will be announced but plan to eat a good meal. Also June
25th will be Virginia Beach Day, so mark your calendars and bring your sunscreen for some fun in the
sun! Please let the Butler or Wood-Bradley family know if anyone needs a ride to any of these special
events. As always thank you for your prayers and continued support of Westhampton Baptist youth!
Get all the latest news and updates . . . Group
Music and Worship Arts Camp at Eagle Eyrie
July 13 - 17
Grades 4 - 12
Keep a song in your heart, Carol

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The candle june july

  • 1. The Candle June / July 2015 Issue (804) 282-4243 (church office) (804) 282-0352 (fax) Post Office Box 18072 Richmond, Virginia 23226-8072 Email: Organized 1911 Westhampton Baptist Church Dimitri Durosseau graduate - Douglas Freeman High School Virginia Commonwealth University Parents: Joseph Oriol & Claudette Durroseau Scotty Orrock graduate - J.R. Tucker High School (1st Lieutenant – Executive Officer) He received the Military Officers Associate of America JROTC Medal and the JROTC Sweeney Scholarship. Parents: Jeff and Lynn Orrock Molly Gardner graduate – University of Delaware BSN with honors Will be working at the Massey Cancer Center Bone Marrow Transplant Unit – Nurses Residency Program Parents: Russell and Kaye Gardner We will recognize our graduates on Sunday, June 7 during Morning Worship
  • 2. Pondering from the Pastor’s Desk Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! By the time you read this, we will have moved to the Chapel at Derbyshire. What had been our future is now our present. And it's new... it's different, and it hasn't come without it's fair share of mistakes and challenges. For my part, I want to apologize for things that I could have done better. At the same time I also hope that we all understand that none of us have ever been through an experience quite like this before when it comes to our church home. Oh sure, many of us have changed churches, or moved to a new area. Some of you have even been a part of a church merger or a church closing. In fact, in the United States since 1999, an average of 10-15 churches close their doors every month! At the same time one half of all churches did not add even a single member to their rolls last year, and over 2 MILLION church-going members leave church completely each year for the secular life. Maybe you are thinking, “Oh great, Pastor Bill! Thanks for the pep talk! Here we are looking to re-birth Westhampton Baptist and you are telling us that churches are CLOSING every day! Got any OTHER good news?” Actually I do have some good news! According to George Barna who has been studying churches and their membership trends for over 30 years, a major reason for the current exodus is that “the dominant catalyst (for people leaving the church), is people's desperation for a genuine relationship with God.” In other words my friends, people are not abandoning God, in fact the exact opposite is happening. They are “desperate for a genuine relationship with GOD... not with the Church. OUR task moving forward then is very clear: Each one of us must work to solidify our own relationship with God. Jesus said, “I am the vine, you are the branches, If you remain in me, and I in you, you will bear much fruit, apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5). We have to live like we are connected to the vine, not just to the Church. We must live as Christians and work to be supportive of one another. “I appeal to you brothers and sisters, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment.” (I Corinthians 1:10) We must search for the ones who are “desperate for God”, and bring them into the fold as well. “Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind, and the lame... so that my house will be full” (Luke 14 21-23, paraphrased). Maintain the desire in yourself for the food of God's Word. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.” (Matthew 5:6.) With these things in mind, our Life Verse for June will be Romans 8:18, “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” And our Life Verse for July will be Matthew 28:19-20a, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have told you.” Folks, this is new territory that we are working in. I would love to tell you that we have all of the bugs worked out and everything is going to be smooth sailing. But I will not lie to you, this is truly a “work in progress”, I do want you to know however, that Pastor Raymond and I have pledged to one another to work hand-in-hand and to move quickly and decisively when situations and potential conflicts arise. We need your help, your input, your positive suggestions and comments as we move forward to be the body of Christ in partnership with the people of Derbyshire Baptist. May God grant His richest blessings on us all. In Jesus' Shadow, Pastor Bill
  • 3. Mission Corner Happy Summer As the weather heats up so should our efforts to be the hands and feet of Christ. There are many different ways to get involved. As we transition to the Chapel at Derbyshire we will continue to collect clothing, bags, shoes, socks, T-Shirts and underwear for the homeless. We have another opportunity for you to help on July 30th. at St. Paul’s Church downtown. Please see Sue if you are interested. Please continue to collect pop tops for The Ronald McDonald House, it really does make a difference. Here are a few tidbits about pop tops Please visit the Ronald McDonald web site to learn more about why only tabs. Please start collecting for our Shoe Box ministry it would be great to have them done and ready during the Summer. That way many hands make little work. Plus it gives us the opportunity to get even more boxes done before the hustle and bustle of the fall and winter. I am quite sure that we will continue to make those beautiful baby hats and we will be able to help all of those beautiful children. For June we are responsible for two $25.00 gas gift cards for the Center Van and we are responsible for 25 Homeless Food Bags that need to be at OHBC by June 4th . For the food bags if you would be able to bring cans of pasta, individual fruit cups, crackers, canned tuna or chicken, juice boxes, pudding cups (canned goods should have “pull tabs). Anything that is nonperishable would be great. If you can have items to the Chapel at Derbyshire by May 31st we can get the bags ready to be delivered by June 4th . For July we will be collecting School Supplies. Here is a list of common supplies so if you are out and about this summer just toss a pack in your basket. Pencils, notebook paper, spiral notebooks, pens, scissors, glue sticks, crayons, colored pencils, backpacks, rulers. What an exciting time in the life of our church, new opportunities for all of us to give back. My hope and prayer is that as we transition to our temporary home that you will continue to show God’s Love to all the people you may meet and invite them to come and join us on our exciting journey. Blessings Sue Summer Bible Study Many of you have asked me if we are going to have a Summer Bible Study, and my answer is "YES!" I will once again offer a daytime (11:00am) and an evening study (6:30pm), as long as we have enough people for both (3 or more, please). We will begin on Wednesday July 8th and continue through Wednesday August 26th. We will take these 8 weeks and study the relationship between the Old Testament prophecies and Jesus fulfillment of them in the New Testament. I look forward to this time of deeper understanding of God's Word. Pastor Bill
  • 4. June 2015 Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 31 1 2 Trustee Meeting 6:00p DBC, Room 215 3 Please check church bulletin for evening activities 4 5 6 7 9:45am - Sunday School 11:00am - Morning Worship in “The Chapel” DBC Holy Communion Graduation Sunday 8 Deacon Meeting 7:30p DBC, Room 215 9 10 Please check church bulletin for evening activities 11 12 13 Summer Kick Off Party DBC Brawley’s home & community pool 14 9:45am - Sunday School 11:00am - Morning Worship in “The Chapel” DBC 15 Church Council Meeting 7:30p DBC, Room 215 16 17 Finance Committee Meeting, Room 215 7:00pm Please check church bulletin for evening activities 18 19 20 21 9:45am - Sunday School 11:00am - Morning Worship in “The Chapel” DBC Father’s Day 22 23 Youth Life of Richmond 12:30pm - 5:30pm 24 Please check church bulletin for evening activities 25 Youth Hang Out Virginia Beach Day 26 27 28 9:45am - Sunday School 11:00am - Morning Worship in “The Chapel” DBC 29 30 Youth Life of Richmond 12:30pm - 5:30pm 1 2 3 4
  • 5. Wes Nuckols - 6/1 Robby Turner - 6/3 Sue Duganne - 6/4 Deborah Jones - 6/5 Barbara Martin - 6/6 Johnny Butler - 6/7 Tom Yeaman Jr. - 6/10 Diane Schnupp - 6/10 Karin Wood-Bradley - 6/11 Michael Jones - 6/11 Andrea Hagood - 6/11 Elise Rancour - 6/11 Nathan Story - 6/21 Jeff Nuckols - 6/22 Colin Wood-Bradley - 6/25 Bob Turner - 6/26 Melissa McLamb - 6/26 Frances Hix - 6/28 We wish our members and friends, a Happy Birthday June 2015 Hello WBC, Wow, where did Spring go? It's already in the upper 80s and add Richmond's infamous humidity and simply stated, it's HOT! Here are a few summer tips to stay healthy. My dermatologist says that her favorite sunscreen is the one that you use consistently and re-apply every 2 hours. Sunscreen typically has short shelf life meaning buy new each summer. I did some research and here are some highly suggested screens: LaRoche 60, Equate from Wal-Mart, Coppertone Babies & Banana Boat 50. There are also facial and lip applications that are higher SPF and less greasy. The sprays are not first line of defense and are not recommended in children due to possible inhalation of spray. But you can spray into hands and apply that way. Don't forget other modes of protection: hats, t-shirts, swim shirts, sunglasses and umbrellas. Skin cancer still ranks the highest of cancers. Another reminder is to hydrate and hydrate some more; be creative and add fruits to water and stay away from sugary sodas. Popsicles are refreshing and fun for all ages. If you feel lethargic, simply get out of the sun, find shade or AC and drink something and rest. Don't forget about your pets; they are susceptible to the heat too. Don't leave dogs or children in a hot car even for a few minutes; temperatures can reach over 100 degrees in minutes. There are new baby car seat alarms to prevent horrific accidents (leaving baby in hot car by mistake). Pool and water safety reminders: Teach children & teens to jump into water opposed to diving. Neck injuries can be life altering, let's just jump instead! Remember those inflatable arm wings? They keep your arms afloat but not your head...they are not Red Cross approved. Enroll preschoolers in swim classes; the YMCA or other accredited swim programs. Boating and Sea-doos have their own big safety issues. New laws are in place that require permits and educational classes (like a driver's permit). Everyone needs to wear a life jacket and a dose of common sense goes a long way. Happy and safe summer to all! Love in Christ, Your Parish Nurse, Diane Virginia Roper - 6/12 Rev. Bill Duganne - 6/14 Gavin Story - 6/15 Steve Hagood - 6/20 Bevin Armistead - 6/20 Gladys Woodburn - 6/21
  • 6. July 2015 Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 28 29 30 1 Morning Bible Study, Room 215 Please check church bulletin for evening activities 2 Youth Hang Out 3 Church Office Is closed 4 Fourth of July 5 9:45am - Sunday School 11:00am - Morning Worship in “The Chapel” DBC Holy Communion 6 7 Check out the church bulletin for “Youth Activities” 8 Morning Bible Study, Room 215 Please check church bulletin for evening activities 9 Youth Hang Out Finance Committee Meeting, Room 215 7:00pm 10 11 12 9:45am - Sunday School 11:00am - Morning Worship in “The Chapel” DBC 13 Deacon Meeting 7:30p DBC, Room 215 14 Check out the church bulletin for “Youth Activities” 15 Morning Bible Study, Room 215 Quarterly Business Meeting at 7:00pm 16 Youth Hang Out 17 18 19 9:45am - Sunday School 11:00am - Morning Worship in “The Chapel” DBC 20 No Church Council Meeting This month 21 Check out the church bulletin for “Youth Activities” 22 Morning Bible Study, Room 215 (Alternate Date) - Quarterly Business Meeting 23 Youth Hang Out 24 25 26 9:45am - Sunday School 11:00am - Morning Worship in “The Chapel” DBC 27 28 Check out the church bulletin for “Youth Activities” 29 Morning Bible Study, Room 215 Please check church bulletin for evening activities 30 Youth Hang Out 31 1 July 13 - 17, 2015 - Eagle Eyrie Music Camp
  • 7. We wish our members and friends, a Happy Birthday July 2015 From the Finance Ministry As we are now entering the summer, when vacations take our minds off our regular offerings, we want to ask all members and friends to continue to contribute toward our budget for on-going current expenses. Although we estimate the current level of contributions will cover our expenses after we complete our move to the Chapel at Derbyshire, please understand that during the transition, not only are our expenses continuing at normal levels, but we are experiencing a variety of move-related expenses that were not included in our budget. For the first four months of 2015, not only were contributions for current expenses well below actual expenses, but they were only about 92% of the contributions for the first four months of 2014. For the first four months of the year, we have a considerable deficit as you can see below. As of April 30, 2015 Contributions YTD for Current Expenses $54,924.45 Disbursements YTD for Current Expenses $63,715.96 Total YTD < $ 8,791.51 > Please prayerfully consider what Westhampton Baptist Church and its ministries mean to you and continue to support our church through your gifts and offerings. Thank you for your continued support for ministry at Westhampton Baptist Church. David Taylor - 7/3 Richard Hagood - 7/3 Diane McLamb - 7/4 Lynn Orrock - 7/5 Dave Vaught - 7/8 Suzanne Fadool - 7/9 Maxine Owens - 7/17 Steve Overberg - 7/18 Sam Preddy - 7/20 Anna Barnum - 7/21 Brooke Preddy - 7/21 Martha Higgs - 7/24 Shep Shepperson - 7/10 Woody Story Jr - 7/10 Tom Drinkard - 7/11 Hazel Stanley - 7/12 Sandi Bassett - 7/12 R. Glenn Robertson - 7/16 Moses Rivers - 7/30 Laura Rancour - 7/31 Colin Wood-Bradley - 6/25 Bob Turner - 6/26 Melissa McLamb - 6/26 Frances Hix - 6/28 If you find a favorite book or books in the church library, please take them home with you. A donation can be made to Westhampton Baptist Church. Any questions may be directed to Barbara Richards.
  • 8. Church Staff Pastor - Reverend William J. Duganne Minister of Music - Carol G. Turner Organist - Darryl Emerson Church Secretary - Teresa Crawley Brooks The church office will remain located at 6112 Three Chopt Road until further notice. Congratulations to all our youth for finishing another school year and a special congratulations to our High School graduates; Dimitri and Scotty! Summer has arrived and we are ready to have some "joint" fun with Derbyshire Youth! The calendar is packed with lots of ways to join in the fun, fellowship, and serving! June 7th is our Graduate Sunday so please come out and support our graduates. June 13th DBC is hosting a Summer kickoff party at the Brawley's home and community pool, details to follow on Facebook. June 23rd kicks off our summer mission opportunity at Youth Life Foundation of Richmond Camp, plan on meeting after lunch at DBC and getting home around 5:30pm every Tuesday from June 23rd-July 28th. Also every Thursday will be "hangout" days starting June 25th-July 30th details will follow on our Facebook page. Also in the summer the youth will be meeting Sunday evening starting June 28th- July 26th at a parent's home for fun and fellowship; place and time will be announced but plan to eat a good meal. Also June 25th will be Virginia Beach Day, so mark your calendars and bring your sunscreen for some fun in the sun! Please let the Butler or Wood-Bradley family know if anyone needs a ride to any of these special events. As always thank you for your prayers and continued support of Westhampton Baptist youth! Get all the latest news and updates . . . Group Music and Worship Arts Camp at Eagle Eyrie July 13 - 17 Grades 4 - 12 Keep a song in your heart, Carol