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                                                                                     g ood        news from

                  July-august 2010

in    this        i ssue                           Pastor’s r eflections
                                  BY r ev. e milY rose m arTin
PasTor’s r eflecTions . 1
                                     When I arrived at Brown, there was no active Adult Education Committee, other
Two soloisTs To sing              than Henry Taylor, who was serving as the liaison to Session. In more recent months,
aT Tanglewood ............ 2
                                  the Session has begun a process to clarify and rethink the ways that staff, lay
                                  leadership, committees, and the Session work together in ministry at Brown. Henry
news   from   BUild ..... 2
                                                  and I are excited to hear the Session’s recommendations on this matter.
in memoriam                                       In the meantime, as part of our process of planning for Adult Education
of K aTherine sharP ..... 2                       this year, Henry Taylor and I are getting input from the congregation in
                                                  four different ways: 1) we used an adult forum series to explore and
m eeT an                          brainstorm, 2) we turned those ideas into an interest-gauging survey for the
organizaTional JUnKie . 3         congregation, 3) we gathered a small and diverse group of adults to reflect on the
                                  survey results and some ideas for next year, and 4) we are engaging the Session in
a ThanK YoU noTe from             an extended visioning/planning time during its July meeting.
r achel cUnningham ... 4             In leading the “Thinking outside the Box Series,” one thing that stood out to me
                                  was a meditation exercise, in which 18 of you responded to the question, “What are
highlighTs from                   you hungry for?” Most of the responses were some variation on 1) connection/
RENEW VBS 2010 ...4               community or 2) spiritual growth/honest exploration of faith. A number of new
                                  efforts in the past year have tried to respond to these hungers, including a new
JUlY and aUgUsT                   monthly gathering of young adults for food and fellowship; the sharing of prayer
r esPonsiBiliTY                   concerns in small groups at the Adult Forum and midweek Bible study; increased
schedUles .................. 5
                                  intentionality about connecting each Adult Forum session to faith; a layperson-led,
JUlY and aUgUsT                   Saturday morning Bible study, prayer, and fellowship group; an “Ask the Pastor”
BirThdaYs................... 6    feature of the Tidings; using Twitter and Facebook to invite daily spiritual
                                  reflection during Lent; an ongoing lectionary-based midweek Bible study led by
JUlY 2010    aT   BmPa .... 7     clergy; and an invitation to read The Shack, by William P. Young for a summer-time
                                  discussion of this intriguing theological reflection on forgiveness and the Trinity (my
aUgUsT 2010                       interpretation). I was greatly inspired by our Book of Order’s reflections on Christian
aT BmPa ..................... 8   Nurture (another way of talking about Christian Education), and its implications for
                                  our community. For these and other insights from this series on our website – go to
                        , and click on “About” at the top, then “Adults” on the left
                                  hand side, and scroll down to “Thinking Outside the Box”).
                                     The survey results from January have been analyzed recently; you can view a
                                  summary on our website (See the instructions above.). The idea that generated the
                                  most interest overall was an educational series on Islam and Christianity. I hope that
                                  we can also coordinate such a series with a visit to a mosque by our
                                  confirmands and other interested congregation members. This topic may be one that
                                  is ripe for our next book discussion, also. Other ideas that generated considerable
                                  interest include 1) monthly fellowship groups 2) an educational series drawing on the
                                  perspectives of congregants involved in mission (An Adult Forum and Wednesday
                                  Night at Brown series explored this topic during the spring.); 3) a series on faith and
                                  healing; 4) a series on evangelism; and 5) an intergenerational camping trip.
                                                                                                       continued on page 3
t wo choir s oloists                                     to    sing         at      tanglewood
BY John walKer, m inisTer        of   mUsic                         Canteloube (French songs from the Auvergne Region).
                                                                    On July 23 Sarah will participate in Mozart’s
  During these summer months, two soloists from the                 Abduction from the Seraglio, with singers from the
Brown Memorial Chancel Choir will attend the                        Metropolitan Opera performing the lead roles.
high-profile music conference at Tanglewood, located                  On July 6, Andrew Sauvageau will sing Gustav
in Lenox, Massachusetts. Andrew Sauvageau, current                  Mahler’s Des Knaben Wunderhorn; and on July 31, he
               baritone soloist, and Sarah Davis, former            will perform Samuel Barber’s Dover Beach. On
               soprano soloist, will both spend the                 August 17, Andrew will also appear in the opera Where
               summer at Tanglewood, participating in               the Wild Things Are, based upon the book by Maurice
               many public performances with stellar                Sendak. Andrew will be cast in the role of “The Wild
conductors and vocal coaches.                                       Thing with Horns”.
  Earlier this summer, on June 5, Sarah Davis made                    Next year Andrew will travel to New York City to
her debut performance with the Cleveland Orchestra at               repeat the performance of Where the Wild Things Are
Severance Hall, singing With Lilies White, by Matthias              with the New York City Opera at Lincoln Center on
Pincher, with the composer conducting. On August 16,                April 9. The performance will be preceded by outreach
under the baton of composer-conductor Oliver                        programs to area schools on April 5 and 6.
Knussen, Sarah Davis will sing the American premiere                  We are thrilled to witness the success which Sarah
of Elliott Carter’s What Are the Years. Her other                   and Andrew are achieving in their developing careers.
performances on July 18, 28, and August 11 will feature             We wish them every joy and blessing, and we are
songs by Mahler, Robert Schumann, and Joseph                        grateful to know them as friends and colleagues.

                                         news             from         Build
BY david nYweide                                                      These were powerful responses. In a place where my
   I was unsure what to expect from my first BUILD                  expectations were uncertain at best, I was unprepared for the
neighborhood walk. I lived in the neighborhood on the other         effect that the BUILD walk had on my neighbors. There was a
side of Eutaw Place, the one with a reputation of being cleaner     shared thirst among them to learn about the recreation center
                    and safer. I never had a reason to venture      and the camp for their children and to be part of a movement
                    across Eutaw, so at a minimum, the walk         that labored for a better community. The effect on me was
                    afforded me the opportunity to get to know      probably just as powerful.
                    my less-immediate neighbors.
                       Emily Martin and I joined Angela, a local
                    resident, in our group of about ten children.                In Memoriam
                    As two white people in a predominantly
                    black neighborhood, Emily and I would not                 of a BMPA Member
                    have had the credibility to walk around with                      Katherine sharP
                    clipboards in our hands without Angela — or                novemBer 14, 1910 – June 20, 2010
the children. She guided us through the streets while the                In 1935, she graduated from the Johns Hopkins
children laughed and chased each other, knocking on all the            School of Nursing where she specialized in
doors they could find. We must have been a curious group to
                                                                       psychiatric nursing. During WWII she
anyone who opened a door: a klatch of boisterous kids and
                                                                       volunteered at the Cornell Medical Center and
three adults all clad in turquoise T-shirts. The attention we
stirred may have had something to do with the high level of            at the Light House School for the Blind in New
responsiveness I noticed from most of the people with whom             York. In Baltimore, she volunteered for Meals on
we spoke. Almost everyone with a child instantly recognized            Wheels until forced to give up driving at the age
the importance of the recreation center and didn’t hesitate to         of 90. A celebration of her life will be held on
write down contact information on the clipboards. One man              Sunday August 15, 2010, at 10:00 a.m. at Roland
said he grew up going to that recreation center and wanted to          Park Place; 830 W. 40th Street, Baltimore,
make sure his child went to the camp. A woman who                      Maryland 21211. A guest registry is available at
Emily and I encountered started weeping when she realized    
how beneficial the camp would be for her two children by
keeping them off the streets.
Page 2       t he t idings                                                                                  July-august 2010
m eet          an      o rganizational JunKie
BY e llen carTer c ooPer                                      by the International Mentoring Association. His office
  His family’s roots began in North Dakota. His               sought to increase the graduation and retention rates of
parents were born there. His father’s grandfather was         international students by securing mentors for them.
a Presbyterian Minister. Uncle Jack was an elder and a          Since 1993, following the death of his wife, Bill has
research officer for what is now Ecolab. His father and       been drawn to Brown Memorial Church. At first, he
Aunt Bertha were elders and his mother was a deacon.          was fascinated by the architecture of BMPA. He was
  Since his father traveled extensively for his work, Bill    impressed by the welcoming atmosphere of the church,
Wilson, Jr. was born not in North Dakota, but in              also. Peggy Obrecht, the Robinson family, and Jane
Shreveport, Louisiana. In this area of the country, the       Swope were especially gracious to him.
elder Bill worked on an alternative to oil production           Bill describes himself as “an organizational junkie”
which involved extracting oil from shale. An early            who frequently is elected or selected as the secretary
fascination with books was sparked by Bill’s paternal         of the group. He is currently the vice president (former
aunt who was employed by the Veteran’s                        president) of the Maryland Conservation Council. He
Administration as a librarian. His main interest was          holds membership in the Maryland Library
reading books about architecture.                             Association, and in the Citizens for Maryland
                                            At Louisiana      Libraries. Additionally, Bill belongs to sixteen
                                         State University,    environmental organizations.
                                         Bill’s fascination     Another task Bill has on his plate is to organize the
                                         with the written     graduate library alumni for the 50th class reunion in
                                         word continued,      October 2010, at the University of Michigan. Although
                                         but he pursued       books have been his companions most of his life, Bill
                                         and was awarded      always seeks human connections. Indeed, this
                                         a degree in          “organizational junkie” has also been described by
                                         economics.           those who know him as a “collector of broken winged
                                         Ensuring that        friends, a helper to people who need a friend.”
                                         he would always
                                         have access to          Pastor’s r eflections
                                         libraries, Bill      continued from page 1
                                         was awarded a          Since the surveys were collected, leadership and ideas
Bill Wilson, Jr.                         graduate degree      have continued to emerge, and you can look forward to
                                       in library science     some exciting opportunities in the coming year,
from the University of Michigan.                              including a number of offerings by the Diversity
  Beloit College handed Bill his first job, but he             Committee around the issue of Mental Illness. During
journeyed to and worked in Illinois and Arizona.              the fall, the Wednesday Night at Brown Committee has
Somehow, the lure of the East Coast brought him to            planned series around Faith and Humor, Stewardship,
Enoch Pratt Library’s Central Branch, to the University       and Food. I recently became aware of a kind of
of Maryland at College Park, and to a lady who became          introduction to “Progressive Christianity” DVD and
his wife.                                                     discussion series, called Living the Questions. It features
  Bill’s late wife, Jane Bromley, settled in Baltimore.       such commentators as Walter Brueggemann, Amy
They purchased a “rehabbed” house in Barre Circle in          Jill-Levine, Brian McClaren, Hans Kung John
the southern part of the city. Jane, too, was a lover of      Dominic Crossan, Helen Prejean, and John Bell. In
the printed word. She wrote The Very Quiet Baltimore,         addition to providing stimulating conversation among our
a book about cemeteries in the city. It was Jane who          members, Rev. Foster Connors and I wonder if a series
first established a connection with Brown Memorial            like this would be ripe for some targeted outreach and
through Peggy Parks, a member of the congregation.            evangelism to the broader community.
  At the University of Maryland, Bill taught in the             It is truly a gift to serve as your associate pastor. I
College of Information Studies for thirty years. He was       continue to be inspired by the gifts, interests, and
enticed from retirement to be the university’s Diversity      dedication of the members here. If you did not fill out the
Officer. After retiring from that position, once again he     survey in January, but would like to provide leadership
returned to head the Mentoring Program. The program           for a small group, educational series, or fellowship event,
grew out of the diversity effort and was undergirded          please let me know.

July-august 2010                                                                             t he t idings       Page 3
A ThANk You NoTE from rAchEl cuNNiNghAm
  As I reflect back on another great Vacation Bible            It would be impossible to pull off Vacation Bible
School, there is much for which to be grateful.             School without the many volunteers who gave their
Thirty-five children, ages 3-11, spent the week             time and talents to make this week possible. Special
               learning about God’s beautiful creation      thanks to: Erika Brockman, Barbara Christen, Rachel
               and how we can take care of it for future    Clark, James Cunningham, Maya Deane-Polyak, Erin
               generations. We studied the Parable of the   Emerick, Andrew and Kate Foster Connors, Bud and
               Sower and learned that we are all seeds      Carol Graves, Julie Hanks, Linda Holfelder, Nicholas
planted by God. We talked about how God’s seed takes        Imparato, Emily Martin, Laurie May, Laura McConnell,
root in us and grows and how sometimes that seed is         Jack McManus, Micheline McManus, Nicole
challenged, but when we face those challenges together      Mitchell, Karen Nelson, Betsy Nix, Tim Nohe,
with God we can live in harmony.                            Elizabeth Reichelt, Graham Richardson, Lauren
  We sang songs (some of which made up the music for        Richardson, Elden Schneider, Rob Tracy, John Tucker,
worship on June 27th), played games, created art, and       John Warmath and all those who donated items from our
shared snacks all the while being in community with         wish list. I am grateful for your ministry to our children.
one another. Vacation Bible School is a wonderful time
to come together to play and learn in the sacred beauty                                     Blessings,
of our church and community.                                                                Rachel Cunningham

                highlighTS from RENEW VBS 2010

Page 4      t he t idings                                                                        July-august 2010
r esPonsiBility schedule 10 a. m. worshiP service
  If you have a conflict with this schedule – please call others on the list to make a swap. Then inform the church office of these changes
at (410)523-1542 or
                            J   uly                                          15th Elizabeth Cavallon & Josephine Finney
                                                                             22nd Katie Egan & Annie Schindler
                                                                             29th James Cunningham & Nicholas Imparato
  4th Peter Coulson & Erin Emerick
  11th Warner & Peter Luljak
                                                                             audio engineer
  18th Trevor Bishai & Jake Schindler
                                                                             1st J.D. Robinson
  25th Samuel Todd & Jihar Williams
                                                                             8th Don Peeples
                                                                             15th Brantley Davis
  audio engineer
                                                                             22nd Bud Graves
  4th Don Peeples
                                                                             29th Adrienne Williams
  11th Doug Adams
  18th Adrienne Williams
                                                                             children’s church volunteers
  25th Brantley Davis
                                                                             1st Andy & Michelle Zabel
                                                                             8th Linnea Cheseldine
  children’s church volunteers
                                                                             15th Brantley Davis
  4th Grace Peng & Mehran Armand
                                                                             22nd Jim & Joanne Egan
  11th Elizabeth & Charles Reichelt
                                                                             29th Kate Foster Connors
  18th Rachel & Daryl Smith
  25th Jim & Theresa Veatch
                                                                             coffee hour hosts
                                                                             1st Court & Sally Robinson
  coffee hour hosts
                                                                             8th Rose Glorioso & Donna Senft
  4th Jenny Williams & Jonathon Barnes
                                                                             15th Beth Gregory and Hugh Calkins
  11th Rachel, James & Evan Cunningham
                                                                             22nd Cheryl and Steward Finney
  18th Will & Erika Brockman
                                                                             29th Soulful Revue Spouses
  25th Brad & Nancy Bradford
                                                                          communion P reParation
  communion P reParation
                                                                          1st Barbara Cates
  4th Barbara Christen
                                                                          communion servers
  communion servers
                                                                          1st Ellen Carter Cooper
  4th Ellen Carter Cooper
                                                                              Hilbert Byers
      Hilbert Byers
                                                                              John Tucker
      John Tucker
                                                                          1st Liz Bowie & Will Fesperman
  4th Rachel, James & Evan Cunningham
                                                                          8th Bill & Laura McConnell
  11th Cheryl & Stewart Finney
                                                                          15th Kathy Graning & Katie Rhodes
  18th Ian Brown & Stephanie Lopez
                                                                          22nd Nancy Bandiere & Monica Rakowski
  25th Barbara Clippinger & Luke Clippinger
                                                                          29th Taylor Branch & Christy Macy
  4th John Tucker
                                                                          1st Brantley Davis
  11th Annie Bishai
                                                                          8th Jenny Williams
  18th Graham Richardson
                                                                          15th Deborah Milcarek
  25th Karen Nelson
                                                                          22nd Shirley Parry
                                                                          29th Betsey Todd
  offertory counters
  Ken Mills & Andy Ross
                                                                          offertory counters
                                                                          Page Campbell & Bill McConnell
  Monica Rakowski, David Rollison, John Warmath, &
  Jenny Williams
                                                                          Sarah Buikema, Anne Heuisler, David Mock, Betsy
                          august                                          Nix, Charlie Obrecht & Peggy Obrecht
  1st Graham Bishai & James Cavallon
  8th Mather English & Grace Todd
July-august 2010                                                                                           t he t idings          Page 5
July Birthdays                           08/01
                                                                  Malinda Peeples
                                                                  William McConnell IV (Bill)
            07/01 Elizabeth Bishai                08/04           Neal Naff
            07/01 Phyllis Conner                  08/05           Chuck Holland
            07/03 John Howard De Hoff             08/09           Donald McPherson
            07/03 Peter Hoffberger                08/11           Mehran Armand
07/03       Andree Molling                        08/11           Judy Coho
07/03       Lehn Robinson                         08/11           Lynne Jackson
07/03       Tom Waldron                           08/11           Emily Rose Martin
07/05       Will Fesperman                        08/12           Gilly Babb
07/05       Frederick Lazarus V                   08/13           David Todd
07/06       Hannah Milcarek                       08/14           George Brown
07/06       J. D. Robinson                        08/15           Cecelia Reichelt
07/09       Charlie Obrecht                       08/15           Sallie Robinson
07/12       Anna Connors                          08/17           Elizabeth Williams
07/12       Rose Glorioso                         08/20           Jack McManus
07/13       Andrew Babb                           08/20           Betsey Todd
07/13       Benita Low                            08/21           James Egan
07/15       Franklin Branch                       08/21           Anna Lazarus
07/16       Liam Stanton Abernethy                08/24           Carol Graves
07/18       Rachel Emerick                        08/24           Terry Lorch
07/19       Rachel E. Clark                       08/24           Laura McConnell
07/21       Hilbert Byers                         08/26           Evan Cunningham
07/22       Wells Obrecht                         08/27           W. Courtland Robinson
07/24       Doug Adams                            08/28           Andy Imparato
07/25       Gerald Shields                        08/29           Anna Hughes
07/26       Ed Nicol                              08/29           Oliver Schmickel
07/27       Ellen B. Williams                     08/31           Gareth Imparato
07/31       Valerie Hinkle                        08/31           Henry Waldron
07/31       Aidan Lorch-Liebel

        august Birthdays                          Note: If you wish to have your birthday listed in The
                                                  Tidings, please contact Sharon Holley, church secretary, at
08/01       Deb Milcarek                          410-523-1542, or via e-mail at

                                        Published monthly for members and friends of Brown
                                        Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian Church by the
                                        Membership Committee. Andrew Foster Connors, Pastor.
                                        Emily Rose Martin, Associate Pastor. 1316 Park Avenue,
                                        Baltimore, MD 21217. 410.523.1542.
               g ood      news from Send contributions by
                                        the 15th of each month to Ellen Carter Cooper, editor
                                        ( or to Sharon Holley,
                                        church secrectary (

Page 6    t he t idings                                                                July-august 2010
July 2010                             BmPa

                                                                                                                                                                                    Page 7
      s undAy                     M ondAy                tuesdAy             WednesdAy                   thursdAy                    FridAy               s AturdAy

                                                                                                                                                                                    t he t idings
                                                                                                    1                        2                       3
                                                                                                                                                     Saturday Morning Bible Study
                                                                                                                                                     8:30 a.m.-10 a.m.
4                            5                      6                      7                        8                        9                       10
Service of Worship 10 a.m.   Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon   Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon    Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon    Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon     Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon    Saturday Morning Bible Study
                                                                                                                                                     8:30 a.m.-10 a.m.
                                                                            Midweek Bible Study
                                                                            2 p.m-3 p.m.            Global Mission Meeting
                                                                                                    7 p.m.
11                           12                     13                     14                       15                       16                      17
Service of Worship 10 a.m.                          Session Meeting        Midweek Bible Study      Dessert and Discussion
                                                    6:30 p.m.              2 p.m-3 p.m.             of “The Shack” 7 p.m.
18                           19                     20                     21                       22                       23                      24
                                                                           Midweek Bible Study
Service of Worship 10 a.m.                                                 2 p.m-3 p.m.
CFM Team Meeting
12:15 p.m.-1:30 p.m.
25                           26                     27                     28                       29                       30                      31
Service of Worship 10 a.m.                                                 Midweek Bible Study                               Wedding and Reception
                                                                           2 p.m-3 p.m.                                      4 p.m-11 p.m.

                                                                                                                                                                                    July-august 2010
1 A ugust
Service of Worship 10 a.m.
august 2010                         BmPa

                                                                                                                                                            July-august 2010
      s undAy                     M ondAy        tuesdAy        WednesdAy                 thursdAy           FridAy              s AturdAy
1                            2              3                 4                      5                6                      7
Service of Worship 10 a.m.                                     Midweek Bible Study                                           Saturday Morning Bible Study
                                                               2 p.m-3 p.m.                                                  8:30 a.m.-10 a.m.
8                            9              10                11                     12              13                      14
Service of Worship 10 a.m.                  Session Meeting   Midweek Bible Study                                            Saturday Morning Bible Study
                                            6:30 p.m.         2 p.m-3 p.m.                                                   8:30 a.m.-10 a.m.
15                           16             17                18                     19              20                      21
Service of Worship 10 a.m.                                    Midweek Bible Study                                            Saturday Morning Bible Study
                                                              2 p.m-3 p.m.                                                   8:30 a.m.-10 a.m.
CFM Team Meeting
12:15 p.m.-1:30 p.m.
22                           23             24                25                     26              27                      28
                                                              Midweek Bible Study                    Middle School Lock-in   Middle School Lock-in
Service of Worship 10 a.m.                                    2 p.m-3 p.m.                           6:30 p.m-11:30 p.m.     12 a.m.-9 a.m.
                                                                                                                             Saturday Morning Bible Study
                                                                                                                             8:30 a.m.-10 a.m.
29                           30             31                1 s epteMber           2               3                       4
Service of Worship 10 a.m.                                    Midweek Bible Study                                            Saturday Morning Bible Study
                                                              2 p.m-3 p.m.                                                   8:30 a.m.-10 a.m.

                                                                                                                                                            t he t idings
                                                                                                                                                            Page 8

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Tidings Jul Aug10

  • 1. The Tidings g ood news from July-august 2010 in this i ssue Pastor’s r eflections BY r ev. e milY rose m arTin PasTor’s r eflecTions . 1 When I arrived at Brown, there was no active Adult Education Committee, other Two soloisTs To sing than Henry Taylor, who was serving as the liaison to Session. In more recent months, aT Tanglewood ............ 2 the Session has begun a process to clarify and rethink the ways that staff, lay leadership, committees, and the Session work together in ministry at Brown. Henry news from BUild ..... 2 and I are excited to hear the Session’s recommendations on this matter. in memoriam In the meantime, as part of our process of planning for Adult Education of K aTherine sharP ..... 2 this year, Henry Taylor and I are getting input from the congregation in four different ways: 1) we used an adult forum series to explore and m eeT an brainstorm, 2) we turned those ideas into an interest-gauging survey for the organizaTional JUnKie . 3 congregation, 3) we gathered a small and diverse group of adults to reflect on the survey results and some ideas for next year, and 4) we are engaging the Session in a ThanK YoU noTe from an extended visioning/planning time during its July meeting. r achel cUnningham ... 4 In leading the “Thinking outside the Box Series,” one thing that stood out to me was a meditation exercise, in which 18 of you responded to the question, “What are highlighTs from you hungry for?” Most of the responses were some variation on 1) connection/ RENEW VBS 2010 ...4 community or 2) spiritual growth/honest exploration of faith. A number of new efforts in the past year have tried to respond to these hungers, including a new JUlY and aUgUsT monthly gathering of young adults for food and fellowship; the sharing of prayer r esPonsiBiliTY concerns in small groups at the Adult Forum and midweek Bible study; increased schedUles .................. 5 intentionality about connecting each Adult Forum session to faith; a layperson-led, JUlY and aUgUsT Saturday morning Bible study, prayer, and fellowship group; an “Ask the Pastor” BirThdaYs................... 6 feature of the Tidings; using Twitter and Facebook to invite daily spiritual reflection during Lent; an ongoing lectionary-based midweek Bible study led by JUlY 2010 aT BmPa .... 7 clergy; and an invitation to read The Shack, by William P. Young for a summer-time discussion of this intriguing theological reflection on forgiveness and the Trinity (my aUgUsT 2010 interpretation). I was greatly inspired by our Book of Order’s reflections on Christian aT BmPa ..................... 8 Nurture (another way of talking about Christian Education), and its implications for our community. For these and other insights from this series on our website – go to, and click on “About” at the top, then “Adults” on the left hand side, and scroll down to “Thinking Outside the Box”). The survey results from January have been analyzed recently; you can view a summary on our website (See the instructions above.). The idea that generated the most interest overall was an educational series on Islam and Christianity. I hope that we can also coordinate such a series with a visit to a mosque by our confirmands and other interested congregation members. This topic may be one that is ripe for our next book discussion, also. Other ideas that generated considerable interest include 1) monthly fellowship groups 2) an educational series drawing on the perspectives of congregants involved in mission (An Adult Forum and Wednesday Night at Brown series explored this topic during the spring.); 3) a series on faith and healing; 4) a series on evangelism; and 5) an intergenerational camping trip. continued on page 3
  • 2. t wo choir s oloists to sing at tanglewood BY John walKer, m inisTer of mUsic Canteloube (French songs from the Auvergne Region). On July 23 Sarah will participate in Mozart’s During these summer months, two soloists from the Abduction from the Seraglio, with singers from the Brown Memorial Chancel Choir will attend the Metropolitan Opera performing the lead roles. high-profile music conference at Tanglewood, located On July 6, Andrew Sauvageau will sing Gustav in Lenox, Massachusetts. Andrew Sauvageau, current Mahler’s Des Knaben Wunderhorn; and on July 31, he baritone soloist, and Sarah Davis, former will perform Samuel Barber’s Dover Beach. On soprano soloist, will both spend the August 17, Andrew will also appear in the opera Where summer at Tanglewood, participating in the Wild Things Are, based upon the book by Maurice many public performances with stellar Sendak. Andrew will be cast in the role of “The Wild conductors and vocal coaches. Thing with Horns”. Earlier this summer, on June 5, Sarah Davis made Next year Andrew will travel to New York City to her debut performance with the Cleveland Orchestra at repeat the performance of Where the Wild Things Are Severance Hall, singing With Lilies White, by Matthias with the New York City Opera at Lincoln Center on Pincher, with the composer conducting. On August 16, April 9. The performance will be preceded by outreach under the baton of composer-conductor Oliver programs to area schools on April 5 and 6. Knussen, Sarah Davis will sing the American premiere We are thrilled to witness the success which Sarah of Elliott Carter’s What Are the Years. Her other and Andrew are achieving in their developing careers. performances on July 18, 28, and August 11 will feature We wish them every joy and blessing, and we are songs by Mahler, Robert Schumann, and Joseph grateful to know them as friends and colleagues. news from Build BY david nYweide These were powerful responses. In a place where my I was unsure what to expect from my first BUILD expectations were uncertain at best, I was unprepared for the neighborhood walk. I lived in the neighborhood on the other effect that the BUILD walk had on my neighbors. There was a side of Eutaw Place, the one with a reputation of being cleaner shared thirst among them to learn about the recreation center and safer. I never had a reason to venture and the camp for their children and to be part of a movement across Eutaw, so at a minimum, the walk that labored for a better community. The effect on me was afforded me the opportunity to get to know probably just as powerful. my less-immediate neighbors. Emily Martin and I joined Angela, a local resident, in our group of about ten children. In Memoriam As two white people in a predominantly black neighborhood, Emily and I would not of a BMPA Member have had the credibility to walk around with Katherine sharP clipboards in our hands without Angela — or novemBer 14, 1910 – June 20, 2010 the children. She guided us through the streets while the In 1935, she graduated from the Johns Hopkins children laughed and chased each other, knocking on all the School of Nursing where she specialized in doors they could find. We must have been a curious group to psychiatric nursing. During WWII she anyone who opened a door: a klatch of boisterous kids and volunteered at the Cornell Medical Center and three adults all clad in turquoise T-shirts. The attention we stirred may have had something to do with the high level of at the Light House School for the Blind in New responsiveness I noticed from most of the people with whom York. In Baltimore, she volunteered for Meals on we spoke. Almost everyone with a child instantly recognized Wheels until forced to give up driving at the age the importance of the recreation center and didn’t hesitate to of 90. A celebration of her life will be held on write down contact information on the clipboards. One man Sunday August 15, 2010, at 10:00 a.m. at Roland said he grew up going to that recreation center and wanted to Park Place; 830 W. 40th Street, Baltimore, make sure his child went to the camp. A woman who Maryland 21211. A guest registry is available at Emily and I encountered started weeping when she realized how beneficial the camp would be for her two children by keeping them off the streets. Page 2 t he t idings July-august 2010
  • 3. m eet an o rganizational JunKie BY e llen carTer c ooPer by the International Mentoring Association. His office His family’s roots began in North Dakota. His sought to increase the graduation and retention rates of parents were born there. His father’s grandfather was international students by securing mentors for them. a Presbyterian Minister. Uncle Jack was an elder and a Since 1993, following the death of his wife, Bill has research officer for what is now Ecolab. His father and been drawn to Brown Memorial Church. At first, he Aunt Bertha were elders and his mother was a deacon. was fascinated by the architecture of BMPA. He was Since his father traveled extensively for his work, Bill impressed by the welcoming atmosphere of the church, Wilson, Jr. was born not in North Dakota, but in also. Peggy Obrecht, the Robinson family, and Jane Shreveport, Louisiana. In this area of the country, the Swope were especially gracious to him. elder Bill worked on an alternative to oil production Bill describes himself as “an organizational junkie” which involved extracting oil from shale. An early who frequently is elected or selected as the secretary fascination with books was sparked by Bill’s paternal of the group. He is currently the vice president (former aunt who was employed by the Veteran’s president) of the Maryland Conservation Council. He Administration as a librarian. His main interest was holds membership in the Maryland Library reading books about architecture. Association, and in the Citizens for Maryland At Louisiana Libraries. Additionally, Bill belongs to sixteen State University, environmental organizations. Bill’s fascination Another task Bill has on his plate is to organize the with the written graduate library alumni for the 50th class reunion in word continued, October 2010, at the University of Michigan. Although but he pursued books have been his companions most of his life, Bill and was awarded always seeks human connections. Indeed, this a degree in “organizational junkie” has also been described by economics. those who know him as a “collector of broken winged Ensuring that friends, a helper to people who need a friend.” he would always have access to Pastor’s r eflections libraries, Bill continued from page 1 was awarded a Since the surveys were collected, leadership and ideas Bill Wilson, Jr. graduate degree have continued to emerge, and you can look forward to in library science some exciting opportunities in the coming year, from the University of Michigan. including a number of offerings by the Diversity Beloit College handed Bill his first job, but he Committee around the issue of Mental Illness. During journeyed to and worked in Illinois and Arizona. the fall, the Wednesday Night at Brown Committee has Somehow, the lure of the East Coast brought him to planned series around Faith and Humor, Stewardship, Enoch Pratt Library’s Central Branch, to the University and Food. I recently became aware of a kind of of Maryland at College Park, and to a lady who became introduction to “Progressive Christianity” DVD and his wife. discussion series, called Living the Questions. It features Bill’s late wife, Jane Bromley, settled in Baltimore. such commentators as Walter Brueggemann, Amy They purchased a “rehabbed” house in Barre Circle in Jill-Levine, Brian McClaren, Hans Kung John the southern part of the city. Jane, too, was a lover of Dominic Crossan, Helen Prejean, and John Bell. In the printed word. She wrote The Very Quiet Baltimore, addition to providing stimulating conversation among our a book about cemeteries in the city. It was Jane who members, Rev. Foster Connors and I wonder if a series first established a connection with Brown Memorial like this would be ripe for some targeted outreach and through Peggy Parks, a member of the congregation. evangelism to the broader community. At the University of Maryland, Bill taught in the It is truly a gift to serve as your associate pastor. I College of Information Studies for thirty years. He was continue to be inspired by the gifts, interests, and enticed from retirement to be the university’s Diversity dedication of the members here. If you did not fill out the Officer. After retiring from that position, once again he survey in January, but would like to provide leadership returned to head the Mentoring Program. The program for a small group, educational series, or fellowship event, grew out of the diversity effort and was undergirded please let me know. July-august 2010 t he t idings Page 3
  • 4. A ThANk You NoTE from rAchEl cuNNiNghAm As I reflect back on another great Vacation Bible It would be impossible to pull off Vacation Bible School, there is much for which to be grateful. School without the many volunteers who gave their Thirty-five children, ages 3-11, spent the week time and talents to make this week possible. Special learning about God’s beautiful creation thanks to: Erika Brockman, Barbara Christen, Rachel and how we can take care of it for future Clark, James Cunningham, Maya Deane-Polyak, Erin generations. We studied the Parable of the Emerick, Andrew and Kate Foster Connors, Bud and Sower and learned that we are all seeds Carol Graves, Julie Hanks, Linda Holfelder, Nicholas planted by God. We talked about how God’s seed takes Imparato, Emily Martin, Laurie May, Laura McConnell, root in us and grows and how sometimes that seed is Jack McManus, Micheline McManus, Nicole challenged, but when we face those challenges together Mitchell, Karen Nelson, Betsy Nix, Tim Nohe, with God we can live in harmony. Elizabeth Reichelt, Graham Richardson, Lauren We sang songs (some of which made up the music for Richardson, Elden Schneider, Rob Tracy, John Tucker, worship on June 27th), played games, created art, and John Warmath and all those who donated items from our shared snacks all the while being in community with wish list. I am grateful for your ministry to our children. one another. Vacation Bible School is a wonderful time to come together to play and learn in the sacred beauty Blessings, of our church and community. Rachel Cunningham highlighTS from RENEW VBS 2010 Page 4 t he t idings July-august 2010
  • 5. r esPonsiBility schedule 10 a. m. worshiP service If you have a conflict with this schedule – please call others on the list to make a swap. Then inform the church office of these changes at (410)523-1542 or J uly 15th Elizabeth Cavallon & Josephine Finney 22nd Katie Egan & Annie Schindler acolytes 29th James Cunningham & Nicholas Imparato 4th Peter Coulson & Erin Emerick 11th Warner & Peter Luljak audio engineer 18th Trevor Bishai & Jake Schindler 1st J.D. Robinson 25th Samuel Todd & Jihar Williams 8th Don Peeples 15th Brantley Davis audio engineer 22nd Bud Graves 4th Don Peeples 29th Adrienne Williams 11th Doug Adams 18th Adrienne Williams children’s church volunteers 25th Brantley Davis 1st Andy & Michelle Zabel 8th Linnea Cheseldine children’s church volunteers 15th Brantley Davis 4th Grace Peng & Mehran Armand 22nd Jim & Joanne Egan 11th Elizabeth & Charles Reichelt 29th Kate Foster Connors 18th Rachel & Daryl Smith 25th Jim & Theresa Veatch coffee hour hosts 1st Court & Sally Robinson coffee hour hosts 8th Rose Glorioso & Donna Senft 4th Jenny Williams & Jonathon Barnes 15th Beth Gregory and Hugh Calkins 11th Rachel, James & Evan Cunningham 22nd Cheryl and Steward Finney 18th Will & Erika Brockman 29th Soulful Revue Spouses 25th Brad & Nancy Bradford communion P reParation communion P reParation 1st Barbara Cates 4th Barbara Christen communion servers communion servers 1st Ellen Carter Cooper 4th Ellen Carter Cooper Hilbert Byers Hilbert Byers John Tucker John Tucker greeters greeters 1st Liz Bowie & Will Fesperman 4th Rachel, James & Evan Cunningham 8th Bill & Laura McConnell 11th Cheryl & Stewart Finney 15th Kathy Graning & Katie Rhodes 18th Ian Brown & Stephanie Lopez 22nd Nancy Bandiere & Monica Rakowski 25th Barbara Clippinger & Luke Clippinger 29th Taylor Branch & Christy Macy liturgist liturgist 4th John Tucker 1st Brantley Davis 11th Annie Bishai 8th Jenny Williams 18th Graham Richardson 15th Deborah Milcarek 25th Karen Nelson 22nd Shirley Parry 29th Betsey Todd offertory counters Ken Mills & Andy Ross offertory counters Page Campbell & Bill McConnell ushers Monica Rakowski, David Rollison, John Warmath, & ushers Jenny Williams Sarah Buikema, Anne Heuisler, David Mock, Betsy august Nix, Charlie Obrecht & Peggy Obrecht acolytes 1st Graham Bishai & James Cavallon 8th Mather English & Grace Todd July-august 2010 t he t idings Page 5
  • 6. July Birthdays 08/01 08/04 Malinda Peeples William McConnell IV (Bill) 07/01 Elizabeth Bishai 08/04 Neal Naff 07/01 Phyllis Conner 08/05 Chuck Holland 07/03 John Howard De Hoff 08/09 Donald McPherson 07/03 Peter Hoffberger 08/11 Mehran Armand 07/03 Andree Molling 08/11 Judy Coho 07/03 Lehn Robinson 08/11 Lynne Jackson 07/03 Tom Waldron 08/11 Emily Rose Martin 07/05 Will Fesperman 08/12 Gilly Babb 07/05 Frederick Lazarus V 08/13 David Todd 07/06 Hannah Milcarek 08/14 George Brown 07/06 J. D. Robinson 08/15 Cecelia Reichelt 07/09 Charlie Obrecht 08/15 Sallie Robinson 07/12 Anna Connors 08/17 Elizabeth Williams 07/12 Rose Glorioso 08/20 Jack McManus 07/13 Andrew Babb 08/20 Betsey Todd 07/13 Benita Low 08/21 James Egan 07/15 Franklin Branch 08/21 Anna Lazarus 07/16 Liam Stanton Abernethy 08/24 Carol Graves 07/18 Rachel Emerick 08/24 Terry Lorch 07/19 Rachel E. Clark 08/24 Laura McConnell 07/21 Hilbert Byers 08/26 Evan Cunningham 07/22 Wells Obrecht 08/27 W. Courtland Robinson 07/24 Doug Adams 08/28 Andy Imparato 07/25 Gerald Shields 08/29 Anna Hughes 07/26 Ed Nicol 08/29 Oliver Schmickel 07/27 Ellen B. Williams 08/31 Gareth Imparato 07/31 Valerie Hinkle 08/31 Henry Waldron 07/31 Aidan Lorch-Liebel august Birthdays Note: If you wish to have your birthday listed in The Tidings, please contact Sharon Holley, church secretary, at 08/01 Deb Milcarek 410-523-1542, or via e-mail at The Tidings Published monthly for members and friends of Brown Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian Church by the Membership Committee. Andrew Foster Connors, Pastor. Emily Rose Martin, Associate Pastor. 1316 Park Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21217. 410.523.1542. g ood news from Send contributions by the 15th of each month to Ellen Carter Cooper, editor ( or to Sharon Holley, church secrectary ( Page 6 t he t idings July-august 2010
  • 7. July 2010 BmPa Page 7 at s undAy M ondAy tuesdAy WednesdAy thursdAy FridAy s AturdAy t he t idings 1 2 3 Saturday Morning Bible Study 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Service of Worship 10 a.m. Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon Saturday Morning Bible Study 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m. Midweek Bible Study 2 p.m-3 p.m. Global Mission Meeting 7 p.m. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Service of Worship 10 a.m. Session Meeting Midweek Bible Study Dessert and Discussion 6:30 p.m. 2 p.m-3 p.m. of “The Shack” 7 p.m. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Midweek Bible Study Service of Worship 10 a.m. 2 p.m-3 p.m. CFM Team Meeting 12:15 p.m.-1:30 p.m. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Service of Worship 10 a.m. Midweek Bible Study Wedding and Reception 2 p.m-3 p.m. 4 p.m-11 p.m. July-august 2010 1 A ugust Service of Worship 10 a.m.
  • 8. august 2010 BmPa July-august 2010 at s undAy M ondAy tuesdAy WednesdAy thursdAy FridAy s AturdAy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Service of Worship 10 a.m. Midweek Bible Study Saturday Morning Bible Study 2 p.m-3 p.m. 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Service of Worship 10 a.m. Session Meeting Midweek Bible Study Saturday Morning Bible Study 6:30 p.m. 2 p.m-3 p.m. 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Service of Worship 10 a.m. Midweek Bible Study Saturday Morning Bible Study 2 p.m-3 p.m. 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m. CFM Team Meeting 12:15 p.m.-1:30 p.m. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Midweek Bible Study Middle School Lock-in Middle School Lock-in Service of Worship 10 a.m. 2 p.m-3 p.m. 6:30 p.m-11:30 p.m. 12 a.m.-9 a.m. Saturday Morning Bible Study 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m. 29 30 31 1 s epteMber 2 3 4 Service of Worship 10 a.m. Midweek Bible Study Saturday Morning Bible Study 2 p.m-3 p.m. 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m. t he t idings Page 8