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To: The dear Brothers and Sisters of New Stanton Church

                                                                 From: Pastor Steve

                                                             I am so excited to send out this newsletter. This newsletter officially
                                                             launches one of the biggest steps of faith our church has ever
                                                             undertaken to expand our ministries, unify our church family, and reach
                        T Widow's Mite happened here . . .
                                                             people with the good news of Jesus.

                                                             One day, in the not too distant future, we will reap the benefits of what
                                                             we are doing now. Being “Committed to the Journey” will pave the
New Stanton UMC

                                                             way for God’s blessing. I want to encourage you to read this
612 South Center Ave.

                                                             newsletter and all the material that will come your way. It will help
New Stanton, Pa 15672

                                                             keep you up to date and informed. I also ask you to pray for God’s
                                                             wisdom and direction at every step of this journey. Attend our services
                                                             and be part of this program. Be ready to take an exciting step of faith
                                                             and together God will find us faithful.

                                                             In the grip of God’s grace,

                                                             Pastor Steve†
“Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and
he will do this: He will make your righteousness
                                                                                                                                Wee             attendance is on the rise. We have
                                                                                                                                                need      to    build       because

                                                                                                                                                had steady growth and believe
                                                                                                                                                that it will continue. Our average
                                                                                                                                                                                       adults. Presently adult Sunday
                                                                                                                                                                                       school students must attend the
                                                                                                                                                                                       9:19 service.
                                                                                                                                                                                              One service would make
shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like                                                                                             attendance excluding summer            better use of the “Kids Church”
                                                                                                                                                is 300.                                staff. We would only need half as
                                                                                                                                                Church growth research tells us        many teachers and helpers on any
the noonday sun.”
    Psalm 37: 5 - 6                                                                                                                             that when a church sanctuary is        given Sunday with one service.
                                                                                                                                                75% full that visitors tend to leave   Alike, the Praise Team whose
                                                Our joining may have involved been entrusted with sharing, in the                               instead of trying to find a seat or    members now participate for two
What does “Committed to the Sunday school, Bible School and Christian's case, God's word with our                                               they avoid coming, especially if       services ever other week would not
                            numerous classes to learn the fellow Christians and those who may                                                   they are going to be late.             have to spend half of their Sunday
                                                                                                                                                       A new and larger worship        at the church, not that there's
Journey” mean to you?
      Each of us has travelled a           structure of the church and the          be     searching   for     something
different path in our faith journey.       reasons to become involved in the        meaningful in their lives.       By                         space would allow us to have           anything wrong with that.
For some this has been a long journey      Christian walk. We have become           committing to this journey we will                          one service on a Sunday morning              Space is at a premium during
meaning that the journey started           committed Christians who believe         grow in faith, increase our                                 and would unite the congregation.      the midweek. It currently takes
                                                                                                                            “God's work
when they were taken to church by          in the saving grace and a daily          understanding of God's word and                             There would be no more, “Who is        creative scheduling to make sure
their parents. Others recently started     walk with God. We are committed to       share with other people. Commit                             that person? I've never seen her       that each group who wish to meet is
                                                                                                                           done in God's

that journey as an adult when they         the journey.                             your way to the Lord.                                       before.” New Sunday school             able to find a room.
                                                                                                                           way will not
found that something was missing                 The dictionary tells us that to          We will be committed to
                                                                                                                                                classes could be offered for
in their life. Some even came as a         commit means to put in charge or to      raising a large sum of money. Can
                                                                                                                           lack God's

guest when they were invited to            entrust. Therefore, when we say we       we afford to take this step? Can we
                                                                                                                           blessing. With
attend the Youth Fellowship or a           are committed to something we have       afford not to?                         God all things
'Bring a Friend to Church Sunday.'         been given the charge or we have                                                are possible!”
  “And my God will meet all your needs                                                                                          ~Pastor Steve

  according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
  To our God and Father be glory for ever and                                                                                 “”When a church sanctuary
  ever. Amen.”
                                  ~Philippians 4:19                                                                             is 75% full, it is too full
                                                                                                                                     for visitors.”
                                                                                                                                    ~quote from church surveyor
  God will meet all your needs.
      The economy has not been the         another church or 3) disbanding.
best that we have seen, but if we          Aren't we glad that God saw fit for us
believe that “our God will meet all        to continue witness as for the past
our needs according to his glorious        133 years.
riches in Christ Jesus,” we know that            Pastor Steve's words: If
we have nothing to fear. God knows         everyone is “Committed to the
of our plan and is not at all concerned    Journey” God is calling us to as a
about what happens on Wall Street.         body, God will provide all the
He has seen NSUMC through tighter          resources we need. God's work done
spots in their journey.                    in God's way will not lack God's
      At an earlier time in its journey,   blessing. With God all things are
NSUMC was pushed into making a             possible! He has all the resources we
decision about the future of the           need to accomplish His work.
church. The choices were 1) building             We cannot forget to give God
a new church, 2) combining with            the glory. Amen

      N o t       e q u a l          g i f t s ,          b u t      e q u a l          s a c r i f i c e
more of God in our lives we       knew that prayer always had to be         doing- Matthew 28:19 says “Go
                                                                                                                                       began seeing what great          our number one priority!                  therefore and make disciples of all
                                                                                                                                       things He can do through               To be able to give more money,      the nations, baptising them in the
                                                                                                                                      people who are willing to         Bill decided to make some wood            name of the Father, and of the Son,
                                                                                                                                         surrender all to Him, even     projects to sell over Christmas, which    and of the Holy Spirit, teaching
                                                                                                                                           their finances.              proceeds would go to the building         them to observe all things that I
                                                                                                                                                     It became a joy    fund. He also helped with the             have commanded you; and lo, I am
                                                                                                                                               to give to Him!          construction every Saturday and           with you always, even to the end of
                                                                                                                                                     Then came the      some night through the week.              the age.”
                                                                                                                                                 time we had to                I wasn’t as talented as he, so I         This is God’s Plan for His
                                                                                                                                                 leave our church       did my own little baking project over     church here. It is the reason for 133
                                                                                                                                                 building, as it was    the holidays. Giving the proceeds to      years of winning souls to Christ. He
                                                                                                                                                declared     unsafe.    the church helped ease the pain of my     has always had a people here, and He
                                                                                                                                                                        wrists from rolling out 175 dozen of      always will as long as our focus is
                                                                                  anyone else I could. I always gave              It became a joy                       nut and apricot rolls!                    not taken off of Him! Trust Him, and
                                                                                  money on Sunday, but never realized                                                         God is so good! I’ve seen Him       be
                                                                                  what it meant to give sacrificially.            to give to Him!                       do the impossible here, so this
                                                                                        With building a home and                                                        building project that we are              “Committed
                                                                                  raising a family, we had little left over   Those were heartbreaking days, as         approaching now doesn’t scare me.
By Bonnie King                          in this congregation.                     for God- until one day a new minister       many people I grew up with in the         For you see, when it’s God’s Will, we
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       to the
                                               To truly sacrifice, you must       came to our church. After a while he        church left because they didn’t feel      can’t stop it!
       As I look back over the years truly love! My parents taught me to
                                                                                  started preaching on stewardship.           we had the money to build. And they             He keeps bringing new people
that I’ve been here at the NSUMC, I love God as a child, and even though          Reading from Malachi, he talked             were right- we didn’t. But thank God      in every week and we need to be
never cease to be amazed at what we were poor growing up, my sisters              about robbing from God what is              we also had people here who knew          prepared for those who aren’t
God has done for those who have and I saw Mom and Dad sacrificially               already His.                                God could do much more than we            here yet.
been “Committed to the Journey”- giving in those church envelopes                                                             can, and prayerfully decided to put              Seeing new lives touched by
my great-grandparents who helped every Sunday. That was important to                                                          our faith and trust in Him to get this    Him is the most blessed thing I see
with the first church building back in them. Even though I never heard
                                                                                      We were paying
                                                                                                                              building      built.    They      were    happening here.
1875, my grandparents who helped tithing preached from the pulpit, I                  everyone what was                       “Committed to the Journey”. They                And this is what we are to be
build additions over the years, and knew everything we had came from                                                          had a vision of “a light on the hill”.
my parents and my husband, who Him, including our finances.                                                                         One of the men in our
                                                                                      due them, except Him.
                                                                                                                                                                               We need to
helped with the church we’re in                Finances are hard to talk about,                                               congregation, Amos Baird, lent us the
today. And many other saints who especially if we lack confidence in                    What a blessing that was to Bill      money (without interest) to buy this             be prepared
have      prayed       and                       our God.                         and I for it changed our thinking           land years before we had to move out
sacrificed to help in the                                I was at one time        completely! We were so thankful for         of our building. So we had the land to
                                                                                                                                                                               for those who
building      of     God’s
                               To truly
                                                 offended by stewardship          all God’s blessings- our home, our          build already!
Kingdom in the lives of sacrifice, sermons when I finally                         children, our health, our church. Yet             Then the CMA church
                                                                                                                                                                               aren’t here yet.
people here. How they                            started hearing them after I     we were robbing Him of our tithes!          sacrificed time out of their Sunday
must smile at what’s         you must was married. I believe that                 We were paying everyone what was            morning to allow us to worship there
going on here today!                             was because I had never          due them, except Him.                       before their service.
       I believe this has    truly love! learned to budget my                           We prayerfully decided to step              The       Bank        of      the
all happened because of                          finances well, and I felt        up our giving (to one day be tithing)       Commonwealth of New Stanton
this “remnant of God’s People” who guilty about that.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   N o t Equal gi fts,
                                                                                  even though we weren’t sure how this        offered us their big meeting room for
prayed and sought more of Him in               When I began my first job at       would work. But our desire to do what       special events.                                                                      but equa l s acri fice
their lives, and who loved Him so the age of sixteen, I spent my pay as           His Word says we should do was                    Many of our people opened
much that they were willing to fast as I could get it. I wasn’t stingy            greater than our doubts!                    their homes for Sunday School
sacrifice daily for the cause of Christ with it; I helped my parents a lot and          As we continued to pray for           classes and prayer meetings. We
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    “From Him the whole body, joined and held
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      together by every supporting ligament,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  grows and builds itself up in love, as each part
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  does it’s work.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Ephesians 4:16

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Newsletter 1

  • 1. To: The dear Brothers and Sisters of New Stanton Church From: Pastor Steve I am so excited to send out this newsletter. This newsletter officially launches one of the biggest steps of faith our church has ever undertaken to expand our ministries, unify our church family, and reach T Widow's Mite happened here . . . he people with the good news of Jesus. One day, in the not too distant future, we will reap the benefits of what we are doing now. Being “Committed to the Journey” will pave the New Stanton UMC way for God’s blessing. I want to encourage you to read this 612 South Center Ave. newsletter and all the material that will come your way. It will help New Stanton, Pa 15672 keep you up to date and informed. I also ask you to pray for God’s wisdom and direction at every step of this journey. Attend our services and be part of this program. Be ready to take an exciting step of faith and together God will find us faithful. In the grip of God’s grace, Address Pastor Steve†
  • 2. “Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteousness Wee attendance is on the rise. We have need to build because had steady growth and believe that it will continue. Our average adults. Presently adult Sunday school students must attend the 9:19 service. One service would make shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like attendance excluding summer better use of the “Kids Church” is 300. staff. We would only need half as Church growth research tells us many teachers and helpers on any the noonday sun.” Psalm 37: 5 - 6 that when a church sanctuary is given Sunday with one service. 75% full that visitors tend to leave Alike, the Praise Team whose Our joining may have involved been entrusted with sharing, in the instead of trying to find a seat or members now participate for two What does “Committed to the Sunday school, Bible School and Christian's case, God's word with our they avoid coming, especially if services ever other week would not numerous classes to learn the fellow Christians and those who may they are going to be late. have to spend half of their Sunday A new and larger worship at the church, not that there's Journey” mean to you? Each of us has travelled a structure of the church and the be searching for something different path in our faith journey. reasons to become involved in the meaningful in their lives. By space would allow us to have anything wrong with that. For some this has been a long journey Christian walk. We have become committing to this journey we will one service on a Sunday morning Space is at a premium during meaning that the journey started committed Christians who believe grow in faith, increase our and would unite the congregation. the midweek. It currently takes “God's work when they were taken to church by in the saving grace and a daily understanding of God's word and There would be no more, “Who is creative scheduling to make sure their parents. Others recently started walk with God. We are committed to share with other people. Commit that person? I've never seen her that each group who wish to meet is done in God's that journey as an adult when they the journey. your way to the Lord. before.” New Sunday school able to find a room. way will not found that something was missing The dictionary tells us that to We will be committed to classes could be offered for in their life. Some even came as a commit means to put in charge or to raising a large sum of money. Can lack God's guest when they were invited to entrust. Therefore, when we say we we afford to take this step? Can we blessing. With attend the Youth Fellowship or a are committed to something we have afford not to? God all things 'Bring a Friend to Church Sunday.' been given the charge or we have are possible!” “And my God will meet all your needs ~Pastor Steve according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. To our God and Father be glory for ever and “”When a church sanctuary ever. Amen.” ~Philippians 4:19 is 75% full, it is too full for visitors.” ~quote from church surveyor God will meet all your needs. The economy has not been the another church or 3) disbanding. best that we have seen, but if we Aren't we glad that God saw fit for us believe that “our God will meet all to continue witness as for the past our needs according to his glorious 133 years. riches in Christ Jesus,” we know that Pastor Steve's words: If we have nothing to fear. God knows everyone is “Committed to the of our plan and is not at all concerned Journey” God is calling us to as a about what happens on Wall Street. body, God will provide all the He has seen NSUMC through tighter resources we need. God's work done spots in their journey. in God's way will not lack God's At an earlier time in its journey, blessing. With God all things are NSUMC was pushed into making a possible! He has all the resources we decision about the future of the need to accomplish His work. church. The choices were 1) building We cannot forget to give God a new church, 2) combining with the glory. Amen N o t e q u a l g i f t s , b u t e q u a l s a c r i f i c e
  • 3. more of God in our lives we knew that prayer always had to be doing- Matthew 28:19 says “Go began seeing what great our number one priority! therefore and make disciples of all things He can do through To be able to give more money, the nations, baptising them in the people who are willing to Bill decided to make some wood name of the Father, and of the Son, surrender all to Him, even projects to sell over Christmas, which and of the Holy Spirit, teaching their finances. proceeds would go to the building them to observe all things that I It became a joy fund. He also helped with the have commanded you; and lo, I am to give to Him! construction every Saturday and with you always, even to the end of Then came the some night through the week. the age.” time we had to I wasn’t as talented as he, so I This is God’s Plan for His leave our church did my own little baking project over church here. It is the reason for 133 building, as it was the holidays. Giving the proceeds to years of winning souls to Christ. He declared unsafe. the church helped ease the pain of my has always had a people here, and He wrists from rolling out 175 dozen of always will as long as our focus is anyone else I could. I always gave It became a joy nut and apricot rolls! not taken off of Him! Trust Him, and money on Sunday, but never realized God is so good! I’ve seen Him be what it meant to give sacrificially. to give to Him! do the impossible here, so this With building a home and building project that we are “Committed raising a family, we had little left over Those were heartbreaking days, as approaching now doesn’t scare me. By Bonnie King in this congregation. for God- until one day a new minister many people I grew up with in the For you see, when it’s God’s Will, we to the To truly sacrifice, you must came to our church. After a while he church left because they didn’t feel can’t stop it! As I look back over the years truly love! My parents taught me to Journey”. started preaching on stewardship. we had the money to build. And they He keeps bringing new people that I’ve been here at the NSUMC, I love God as a child, and even though Reading from Malachi, he talked were right- we didn’t. But thank God in every week and we need to be never cease to be amazed at what we were poor growing up, my sisters about robbing from God what is we also had people here who knew prepared for those who aren’t God has done for those who have and I saw Mom and Dad sacrificially already His. God could do much more than we here yet. been “Committed to the Journey”- giving in those church envelopes can, and prayerfully decided to put Seeing new lives touched by my great-grandparents who helped every Sunday. That was important to our faith and trust in Him to get this Him is the most blessed thing I see with the first church building back in them. Even though I never heard We were paying building built. They were happening here. 1875, my grandparents who helped tithing preached from the pulpit, I everyone what was “Committed to the Journey”. They And this is what we are to be build additions over the years, and knew everything we had came from had a vision of “a light on the hill”. my parents and my husband, who Him, including our finances. One of the men in our due them, except Him. We need to helped with the church we’re in Finances are hard to talk about, congregation, Amos Baird, lent us the today. And many other saints who especially if we lack confidence in What a blessing that was to Bill money (without interest) to buy this be prepared have prayed and our God. and I for it changed our thinking land years before we had to move out sacrificed to help in the I was at one time completely! We were so thankful for of our building. So we had the land to for those who building of God’s To truly offended by stewardship all God’s blessings- our home, our build already! Kingdom in the lives of sacrifice, sermons when I finally children, our health, our church. Yet Then the CMA church aren’t here yet. people here. How they started hearing them after I we were robbing Him of our tithes! sacrificed time out of their Sunday must smile at what’s you must was married. I believe that We were paying everyone what was morning to allow us to worship there going on here today! was because I had never due them, except Him. before their service. I believe this has truly love! learned to budget my We prayerfully decided to step The Bank of the all happened because of finances well, and I felt up our giving (to one day be tithing) Commonwealth of New Stanton this “remnant of God’s People” who guilty about that. N o t Equal gi fts, even though we weren’t sure how this offered us their big meeting room for prayed and sought more of Him in When I began my first job at would work. But our desire to do what special events. but equa l s acri fice their lives, and who loved Him so the age of sixteen, I spent my pay as His Word says we should do was Many of our people opened much that they were willing to fast as I could get it. I wasn’t stingy greater than our doubts! their homes for Sunday School sacrifice daily for the cause of Christ with it; I helped my parents a lot and As we continued to pray for classes and prayer meetings. We “From Him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does it’s work.” Ephesians 4:16