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                                                                                           G ood          news from

                          June 2010

in     this      i ssue                              Pastor’s r eflections
                                 by r ev. a ndrew fosTer c onnors
PasTor’s r eflecTions 1
                                   The rain is falling outside my church study window and I’m grateful for a roof over our
choir closes wiTh                heads. The trustees have worked hard over the last several months to make sometimes difficult
r ecording P rojecT .... 2       decisions about how to take care of our facilities. Most of us do not see the hours of
                                 conversations, meetings, phone calls, and sacred arguing that sometimes occurs behind the
i n celebraTion of The                             scenes, all with the goal of doing what is right and what is best for the church.
Music M inisTries of                                 The roof work reminds me that it takes money to run a church. The church,
chrysTie a daMs and                                of course, is not a building – it is the gathered community of disciples. Yet this
M ary r andall ......... 2                         gathered community has been blessed with staff, programs, and a marvelous
                                 building – all means to carrying out our ministry together. This is partly why the church, or at
a sk   The   PasTor ........ 3   least a Presbyterian church, functions on a pledge system. We ask each other to give what we
                                 can, as a response to what God has given to us. We trust that when we share this way, there
new MeMbers                      will be enough to carry out our ministry. This trust is a core act of our communal faith.
welcoMed ................ 3        While this primary motivation is spiritual, I’m under no illusions that money is also a
                                 primary communicator of trust in communities of faith. Ours is no exception. If you feel
build announceMenT               connected to the church, and trust its ability to make good decisions, you will be more inclined
froM The M ayor ........ 4       to make a pledge and to see your pledge as a true act of faith. If you do not feel connected
                                 or do not share that trust, you will be less inclined to make a pledge that truly represents a
diversiTy coMMiTTee              spiritual act of gratitude. Our representative governance, in my view, puts the responsibility of
uPdaTe ..................... 4   cultivating that kind of community of trust on many of us, though leadership certainly sets
                                 the tone.
gay P ride f esTival .. 4          At last month’s Session, we discussed our financial giving at some length. If I had to
                                 summarize the conversation, I would emphasize two areas. The first is a real desire that every
news    froM   M bengwi . 5      member of our community take their financial support of the church seriously. The second is
                                 that no member of our community be made to feel guilty, or somehow less valued because of
RENEW: VBS                       their own financial circumstances.
Wish List ................ 5       I appreciated the balance of the Session conversation and would suggest that any faithful
                                 talk of gift-giving, financial or otherwise, must include both. Practically speaking, what this
a True P eriPaTeTic ... 6        means from my perspective is that we all ask each other together to make a commitment to
                                 our church that truly serves as a token of our gratitude to God for the gifts we have been given.
june r esPonsibiliTy             Though we can develop concrete methods of approximating that gratitude, there is no human
schedule ................. 7     being who is in a position to judge the quantity of that gift. Further, we cannot always predict
                                 our circumstances. A job loss, an illness, or other unexpected event sometimes happens. It is
The faMily Tree                  precisely those times that we remind each other that the community is stronger that any one of
faMily f un fair ....... 7       us as individuals. If you find yourself in a position when you cannot fulfill your pledge, I ask
                                 simply that you communicate with a member of the stewardship committee, or with a
birThdays................. 8     member of the pastoral staff your circumstance. My hope is to deepen our trust together in
                                 every circumstance, not just pleasant or favorable ones.
june 2010                          I am profoundly grateful for the gifts that God has brought into our life together. I trust that
aT bMPa ................. 9      God has given us enough to carry out our ministry together. I pray always that we make
                                 wise decisions about how to best use those gifts together for God’s purposes in our city and
                                 our world.
choir closes                         with           r ecordinG P roJect
by john walker, M inisTer of Music                               settings of eight hymns. John Walker and Joe Kneer shared the
  On Thursday, May 20, the Chancel Choir held a                  role of conductor; John Walker was organ accompanist; and
recording session at Brown Memorial Church for the               the full choir with soloists participated in this major project.
radio program Sacred Classics. James Howes, a                    Earlier on the same day, John Walker recorded seven organ
               frequent member of the bass section in            compositions on our church’s historic and revered Skinner
               the choir, is the producer of this weekly         Organ. We are grateful for this opportunity to share this
               radio show for WBVM, 90.5 FM                      sample of the music ministry at Brown Memorial Church with
               broadcasting station in St. Petersburg,           the wide listening audience of Sacred Classics, now in its 30th
               Florida. By means of live-streaming audio         year of weekly broadcasting. The recording will air on
on the Internet, this program is heard around the world          November 13-14, 2010.
four times every weekend.                                          With several new members since Easter, the choir
  For the broadcast, the Chancel Choir recorded many             roster has now grown to 40 members! The most recent
anthems which they have shared in services of                    member of the choir is David Miller, a first tenor! A
worship during the past year: “Let This Mind Be in You”          most hearty welcome to David and sincere gratitude to
(Beach); “Let All the World in Every Corner Sing”                every member of the choir for their steady
(Phillips); “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” (arr.                    commitment to this ministry throughout the past year!
Carter); “My Shepherd Will Supply My Need”                       The choir is now on a well-deserved summer vacation
(Thomson); “Salmo 150” (Aguiar); “All That Hath Life             to rest their voices and rekindle their spirits in
and Breath, Praise Ye the Lord! (Clausen); “Little               preparation to resume this ministry following Labor
Innocent Lamb” (Bartholomew); and the “Alto                      Day. Soloists are providing musical leadership in
Rhapsody” (Brahms). The choir also recorded festival             worship during the summer months.

        i n celebration of the music m inistries                                                                   of
             chrystie a dams and m ary r andall
  On September 1, Doug and Chrystie Adams will move to           Presbyterian Church, and in holy wedlock. Following more
Oglala, South Dakota, where they will become Site                than three decades of faithful ministry through music as a
Coordinators for the new Multipurpose Center of the Makasan      member of the Chancel Choir, Mary expects to join the
Presbyterian Church, located on the Pine Ridge Reservation.      congregation in worship next autumn. We celebrate and
Chrystie has been a member of the Chancel Choir for 39 years,    express gratitude for Mary’s many years of devoted
joining in 1971 following her graduation from Gettysburg         membership in the choir, and we look forward to seeing her
College, where she had studied with Brown’s director of music    steadily next year in church!
Eugene Belt. Chrystie sang each week in the choirs both at the
Woodbrook and Park Avenue Churches. Also in 1971,
Chrystie became a teacher of music in the Baltimore City
Public Schools. In 1973, she formed a Children’s Choir at
Brown Memorial Park Avenue, soon thereafter doing the same
thing at Woodbrook. She led a teenage girls’ choir during the
                                                                       Don’t Forget!
1980’s at Brown Memorial Park Avenue. In 1975, Chrystie
developed and led a handbell choir at the Woodbrook Church,
which subsequently continued at the Park Avenue Church. We
salute Chrystie Adams and thank her for her long dedication
to the musical ministries of Brown Memorial Presbyterian
Church and we pray for God’s guidance and blessing upon the
new ministry to which she and Doug have been called.
  At the close of this season, Mary Randall will have been a
member of the Chancel Choir for 32 years. In 1978, Mary and
Hilton Randall joined the Chancel Choir, Brown Memorial

PaGe 2       t he t idinGs                                                                                          June 2010
a sk         the       Pastor
by r ev. e Mily rose M arTin                                         what that means in layperson terms, please let me know!                                                 John Calvin writes about sin in relation to Adam’s “fall”
                                                                     (Genesis 3) – the first instance of faithlessness, of showing
  Q: “What is the difference between sin and evil?”                  contempt for God’s Word, that led to pride, ambition and then
                                                                     disobedience. For Calvin, faithlessness (the contempt for God’s
   A: Well, it depends on who you ask, and even then, it is not      Word) is the root of all sin. On the other hand, he tends to
entirely clear to me. Many theologians will define one or the        describe evil, as a personal being (Satan) that lies about God,
other terms but not both, or they will claim there is a              but is nevertheless created by God and subject to God’s will.
difference and then proceed to use the terms interchangeably.        Adam and Eve’s sin could also be described as their believing
Argh! Daniel Migliore, a modern day theologian, defines both         Satan’s lies instead of God’s Word. The result of their (and our)
                  sin and evil as that which opposes and             sin was (and is) estrangement from God, which is itself sin and

                  contravenes the will of God.                       brings us back to Tillich.
                    The Bible talks about sin in a way that             In the end, this is one of those semantic riddles that depends
                  highlights its complexity: an external force       on how you define sin and evil, and no two theologians define
                  (Gen. 4:7), disobedience/rebellion (Ex. 20:20,     them in exactly the same way. The important thing to keep in
1 Sam 15:23), idolatry (Ex 23:33, Ex 32), stain/blot (Psalm 51,      mind is that sin has a human face. The origin of evil in a world
Num. 19), harming neighbor (Mt 18:21), blindness/darkness            which was good when it was created by God is somewhat of
(John 9), going astray (Rom 3:9), turning away from God,             a mystery and a contradiction. Neither sin nor evil has the last
falsehood/self-deception (1 Jn 1:8, Gen 3:8-13, 2 Sam 12:1-7).       word in a world where the God revealed to us in Jesus Christ
It is full of paradoxes. Sin is an act and a condition, personal     reigns supreme.
and social, something that enslaves us but that we choose. It           Sources: Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book
is something we must confess, rather than explain. It is what        II, Tillich’s Systematic Theology, Vol. II, Migliore’s Faith
keeps us from being in right relationship with God and one           Seeking Understanding, Guthrie’s Christian Doctrine, and
another, and it is what God, through Christ’s life, death, and       Harvey’s A Handbook of Theological Terms.
resurrection, sets us free from.
   Evil too takes on a variety of forms: both personal, such as        * “Ask the Pastor” is a new feature of The Tidings. You may
a deceiving serpent (Gen 3), the adversary or prosecutor (Job),      submit a liturgical or scriptural question to be answered by
the tempter devil (Luke 4), and unclean spirits and demons           one of the Pastors to Ellen Carter Cooper at
that possess individuals (Mark 1:23, 32); and as transpersonal, The deadline for questions is the
as cosmic and spiritual powers of darkness (Eph 6:12) or             15th of every month.
possibly as forces of futility and decay that bind all of creation
(Rom. 8:20-21). Evil is powerful and real, but also a lie that is
ultimately destroyed by the Truth of God’s Word in
Jesus Christ.
   There does seem to be agreement among most of the                     New Members Welcomed
theologians I read that when we refer to sin, we are talking
about human activity and the human condition. Evil can either                April 11, 2010
be discussed as larger than sin and inclusive of it (evil includes
“the dark side of creation” as well as the sinful things that              The following persons joined Brown
humans do”) or as the result of our sinful condition (evil is          Memorial on April 11, 2010. We welcome them!
what results from the condition of sin and sinful deeds).
   Paul Tillich lays out both these options and then says that he                       David (Dave) N. Miller
prefers the latter, narrower definition of evil. Sin is both the
human condition of estrangement, as well as the actions
                                                                                           David J. Nyweide
(thoughts and deeds) that cause or worsen that estrangement or
are born of it. God permits sin because it is necessary to give
human beings freedom, and evil is the result of our freely                             Andrea L. Schanbacher
chosen sin, which has now become a great chasm that
separates us from God, each other, and our true selves. Evil,                             Adrienne Williams
for Tillich, is the “structure of self-destruction which is
implicit in the nature of universal estrangement.” If you know

June 2010                                                                                              t he t idinGs         PaGe 3
m ayor r awlinGs -blake and build
  stand toGether in suPPort of comPrehensive
  P lan to balance city budGet, r estore P ublic
          safety and e ssential services
 Mayor also announced plans to form Recreation Center Task Force
                BALTIMORE, MD. (May 19, 2010)                  Plan, which will restore funding for public safety and
                — Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake               essential services. Councilwoman Mary Pat Clarke and
                was joined by members of                       Councilman Carl Stokes also attended the
                Baltimoreans United in Leadership              news conference.
                Development (BUILD) and the                      “I want to thank BUILD for endorsing my
                Baltimore Interfaith Alliance for a            Comprehensive Plan to balance the City’s budget,” said
                news conference in support of the              Mayor Rawlings-Blake. “They understand that this
                Mayor’s Comprehensive Plan to balance          year, fixing the budget is about more than balancing the
                the city’s $121 million budget deficit.        books. It is about our ability to deliver essential
                BUILD and its members joined with              services to the citizens of Baltimore, 24 hours a day,
the Mayor to urge City Council members to support the          7 days a week, 365 days a year.”

                         d iversity committee uPdate
 The Diversity Committee has had a fruitful spring and         accessible for the first time. Besides its practical use, it
is looking forward to future initiatives. In March, we         will be a symbol of the importance our church places
hosted a series of four Wednesday Night@Brown                  on inclusiveness and welcome for all. We are grateful to
                sessions focused on “Exploring our             Andy Imparato, who spearheaded this effort.
                “isms”. Led by Joanne Egan and Emily             Recently, the Diversity Committee welcomed two
                Martin, the participants                       new members: Andrea Schanbacher, an advocate for
                focused on various barriers that still exist   children with disabilities, particularly autism; and Katie
among people who differ by race, gender, ability, sexual       Rhodes, who works at Kennedy Krieger Institute with
preference, age and class. Ways to remove or diminish          children who are disabled. Their enthusiasm and energy
those barriers in our lives and to ensure inclusivity in       will help our committee to continue to advocate for full
our congregation were discussed, also.                         inclusion for all.

                                                                    Gay P ride f estival
  In May, the Trustees approved a ramp to be built
at the rear of the Church House, at the same time the
Church House porch floor is replaced. The work will
take place after the Church House roof is replaced               The Diversity Committee is looking for volunteers
and in coordination with the replacement of the mulch          who can help manage Brown Memorial’s booth at the
in the children’s play area. This is the culmination of        Gay Pride Festival in Druid Hill Park on Sunday,
months of effort on the part of the Diversity Committee        June 20. Anyone willing to help set up or take down
to get the project approved and funded. We are indebted        the booth or to staff it for an hour between 11 AM and
to the Session and to the Trustees for their support of        5 PM should contact Page Campbell 410-321-1976 or
this important effort to make the Church House       

PaGe 4       t he t idinGs                                                                                     June 2010
news            from            m benGwi
              Letter from Reverend Christina Tantoh, Pastor of the
                         Mbengwi Presbyterian Church
May 3, 2010

  Thank you very much! We are doing fine too. In fact, we have been struggling to get the Palm Sunday service in pictures to you
to no avail. We hope to send them by post. Last Sunday we extended your greetings to the congregation. They were happy to hear
from you. However, Easter season was very successful.
                     We are presently preparing for the Pentecost week as we intend to run a program ‘waiting for the Holy Spirit’.
                  We intend to have daily Morning Prayer sessions from Ascension Day until Pentecost Sunday. We want to observe
                  the Ten (10) days prayer time the disciples of Jesus had before the event of the Pentecost. We intend to take a retreat
                  within this period to study the works of the Holy Spirit! It would be an exciting event for us! Yesterday Sunday,
                  we had fund raising to continue with our church project after a Session Meeting, which took place last Friday. The
PNS and PS Mbengwi are preparing for graduation, end of year and end of course examinations.
  We intend to hold a partnership meeting this coming Friday to look into the matters of the PS and PNS Mbengwi. The School
Project is still not completed. In fact, I am to take off for Buea in an hour’s time to meet the Church authorities to see how I can get
some money to fit the doors of the four classrooms.
  We have lost quite a good number of Christians especially the aged. So funeral services have become very regular in the
congregation. We also have quite a good number that are sick but God is taking care. Personally, I have been quite busy with
congregational work and administration. Last month we had a meeting of all the 54 congregations of the Presbytery. I am
 presently preparing my report to the central church. We are also preparing to attend the staffing meeting, which takes place end of
this month. We have just induction new church leaders. Therefore, they may have to reshuffle the staff of the church to meet their
administrative needs.
  Rev. Tende David, the associate Pastor may be going on retirement by the end of June 2010. So the congregation may be left with
only one pastor! Just want I can give you for now!
  Mr Fokam and Mrs. Ambe Elizabeth may have more to give you. They do not find it easy to communicate due to low supply of
electricity and network problems. The Internet installation for the school is what I use, but it takes quite some luck to have the lines
go through!
  Accept and extend our warmest greetings to your family and the congregation. God bless you!

  Rev. Christina Tantoh

                                   RENEW: VBS Wish List
 Snack Donations                                                        • Magnifying glasses to borrow
 • Shelled sunflower seeds –1 large package                             • Empty cereal boxes – lots
 • Golden raisins – 2 large boxes                                       • Small rocks
 • Cascadian Farms plain granola – 2 boxes                              • Small container of dirt
 • Ginger snap cookies – enough for 40 kids                             • Poster board – 4 sheets
 • Baby carrots – 4 medium to large bags                                • Bandanas – 10-12
 • Grapes – 4 bags                                                      • Clean recyclables & trash
 • Cheese cubes – 4 large bags                                          • Stopwatch
 • Wheat Thin crackers – 4 family size boxes                            • Shoe boxes – 4
 • Popcorn – 1 box of microwave popcorn                                 • 20-30’ long heavy rope
 • Instant chocolate pudding 6 boxes                                    • Large world map
 • Milk – one quart                                                     • Large roll of tan rosin paper from someplace like
 • Oreo cookies – one package                                            Lowes or Home Depot

 Other Donations                                                        Contact Rachel Cunningham at 410-523-1542 or
 • Sunflower seeds in the shell                              if you can donate items.
 • Seed packets, various kinds
June 2010                                                                                                t he t idinGs          PaGe 5
a t rue P eriPatetic
by e llen carTer c ooPer
   When a little girl was born at a naval hospital in
Parris Island, South Carolina, she had no idea that a
life of travel and service awaited her. Because her
father was a member of the U.S. Marine Corps, the
family moved every three years. He was stationed in
Iwo Jima and she didn’t see him until she was two
years old. During her childhood, her father wrote
numerous letters to her and she treasures each one.
   Barbara Cook’s life has been a road marked with
detours and newly constructed lanes that cannot be
captured in one telling. She received her
undergraduate degree in music education from the
University of Richmond. After graduation, she married
Richard and they both participated in training for the
Peace Corps. Their first assignment was in Panama to         Barbara Cook (r) and her granddaughter, Beatriz Guzman
what Barbara described as an urban slum. She taught
family planning there. At the conservatory, Barbara          Miners’ Hospital. She implemented an outpatient
taught music and organized a children’s choir.               program and considerably upgraded the facility.
   When the two-year commitment ended, the                     For the next nine years, Barbara was in one place:
family settled in New York City. Richard attended Union      New Orleans, Louisiana. She was a family doctor at the
Theological Seminary. Barbara taught fifth grade. In         Ochsner Hospital and served as the first woman on the
addition to “mothering” the fifth graders, she gave birth    hospital’s board of governors, also. In 1995, she was
to two children. Richard’s first endeavor after graduation   recruited to be a family doctor for the Helix
was as a migrant minister in rural New Jersey.               Medical Group in Baltimore. In 2000, this energetic
   From New Jersey, the family moved across the              lady who had already achieved so many “firsts”
country to rural California. There Barbara worked            became the medical director of the Johns Hopkins
in Cesar Chavez’s campaign for the rights of migrant         Community Physicians. Barbara retired from this
farm workers. Later during that same year, they were         position in 2008. Presently, she is providing service for
reassigned to Arizona. Their task was to work to             underinsured and uninsured persons from the Johns
unseat the governor (John “Jack” Richard Williams)           Hopkins Hospital and Bayview Hospital areas.
who successfully lobbied the legislature to pass an            Barbara’s attention was directed to Brown
unfair law governing farm laborers.                          Memorial in 2007, when she read an article in the
   After spending two years in Arizona, the terrain of       Baltimore Sun which described Andrew’s arrest for
Barbara’s life’s road changed significantly again. The       protesting the war in Iraq. At BMPA, she has become
family moved to St. Louis where they lived communally        an enthusiastic member of the global mission
with grape and lettuce workers. A third child was born to    committee. As a member of the committee, Barbara
the family and Barbara seriously considered a career in      visited El Salvador last summer.
medicine. She applied to the community college’s nursing       At Brown Memorial, Barbara has used her musical
program, but was rejected. Undaunted, Barbara applied        talent in several areas. She has played the piano for the
to St. Louis State University and was accepted into the      choir and the Soulful Review, a group of BMPA men
medical practice program.                                    who sing modern folk songs. Additionally, Barbara is
   Four years later, medical degree in hand, Barbara and     a member of the soprano section of the chancel choir.
family arrived at San Francisco, California for her          She is effusive in her description of the choir.
internship with the University of California. She            Barbara explains that never has she sung in a choir like
worked at the county hospital in Salinas to gain more        Brown Memorial’s. This lady who has lived in so many
expertise in her field. This experience pointed her in       places has found a home at BMPA. She fully expects
the direction of the National Health Service Corps           to journey on her current path of singing, playing, and
Program. For two years, Barbara served with two              addressing the medical needs of those who need her in
amazing women doctors at the Welch, West Virginia            Baltimore and in El Salvador.

PaGe 6      t he t idinGs                                                                                      June 2010
June r esPonsibility s chedule
                          10 a. m. worshiP service
  If you have a conflict with this schedule – please call   13th Barbara Christen
others on the list to make a swap. Then inform the church   20th Kathy Graning
office of these changes at (410)523-1542 or                 27th Grace Peng
                                                            offertory counters
 acolytes                                                   Darin Crew & Bud Graves
 6th    Sam English & Charlie McManus
 13th   Aaron & Adam McNabney                               ushers
 20th   Annika Brockman & Eva McNabney                      Sarah Buikema, Anne Heuisler, David Mock, Betsy
 27th   Anna Connors & Julia Luljak                         Nix, Don Peeples, & David Rollison

 audio enGineer
 6th    Adrienne Williams
 13th   Brantley Davis
 20th   J.D. Robinson
 27th   Doug Adams

 children’s church volunteers
 6th    Bill McConnell
 13th   Tom & Micheline McManus
 20th   Nicole Mitchell
 27th   Elena Kirkpatrick & Ken Mills

 coffee hour hosts
 6th    Rachel & Daryl Smith
 13th   Nancy Bandiere & Monica Rakowski
 27th   Barbara Hull Francis

 communion PreParation
 6th    David Todd

 communion servers
 6th    Ellen Carter Cooper
        Hilbert Byers
        John Tucker

 6th    Rachel Smith
 13th   Nicole & Keiffer Mitchell
 20th   Elden & Bonnie Schneider
 27th   VBS Participants

 6th    Anne Heuisler

June 2010                                                                             t he t idinGs   PaGe 7
June birthdays                          06/22
                                                                 Nancy Bandiere
                                                                 Peter Coulson
           06/02   Billy Clippinger              06/22           Rebecca Crew
           06/02   Maya Deane-Polyak             06/22           Taylor Jackson
           06/04   Will Brockman                 06/22           Jihar Williams
           06/04   Sarah Reiman                  06/24           Louis Carr
06/05      Ethel Galvin                          06/24           Patti Flowers-Coulson
06/07      Lydia Beasley                         06/26           Graham Bishai
06/07      Bryan McMillan                        06/26           Madora Henson
06/10      Erika Brockman                        06/27           John M. Davis
06/10      Cal Riorda                            06/28           Keiffer (Jack) Jackson Mitchell, III
06/10      Adrienne Williams                     06/28           Margaret (Maggie) Dupre Johnston
06/11      Loretta Byers                         06/28           Nancy Warner
06/11      Caleb Brennan Taylor                  06/30           Paul Newill-Schamp
06/12      Erin Emerick
06/12      Peggy Obrecht                         Note: If you wish to have your birthday listed in The
                                                 Tidings, please contact Sharon Holley, church secretary, at
06/12      Mary Obrecht
                                                 410-523-1542, or via e-mail at
06/13      Will Coulson
06/13      Robert Marshall                                         take note
06/14      Fado Yoon (JaYoung Yoon)              g o Green wiTh your coPy of THE TIDINGS!
06/15      Justin Garcia-Bunuel                  Now that our new website is complete and we have a direct
06/15      Noah Todd                             link to the most recent Tidings publication help us go
                                                 GREEN by receiving your copy online. Receiving email
06/16      Nicholas McMillan                     notification of when the latest Tidings is available for
06/17      Linnet Jones                          reading will help us cut down on the environmental and
06/17      William Rogers                        financial costs of printing and mailing paper copies. If you
                                                 would like to receive e-mail notification of when the latest
06/18      Madison Riorda
                                                 Tidings is available, please send Sharon Holley an email at
06/19      Rain Hall                    She will need your name
06/19      Trevor Hoffberger                     and email address. Also, check our website
                                                 directly for updates at
06/21      Lily Bradford
                                                 php?s=newsletter to download the latest Tidings. Thanks
06/21      Andrea Schanbacher                    for helping us to be better stewards of God’s
06/21      Joe Schindler                         magnificent creation.

                                       Published monthly for members and friends of Brown
                                       Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian Church by the
                                       Membership Committee. Andrew Foster Connors, Pastor.
                                       Emily Rose Martin, Associate Pastor. 1316 Park Avenue,
                                       Baltimore, MD 21217. 410.523.1542.
              G ood        news from Send contributions by
                                       the 15th of each month to Ellen Carter Cooper, editor
                                       ( or to Sharon Holley,
                                       church secrectary (

PaGe 8   t he t idinGs                                                                           June 2010
June 2010                                    bmPa

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     PaGe 9
      S unday                     M onday                       TueSday                    WedneSday                         ThurSday                         Friday                     S aTurday

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     t he t idinGs
30 M ay                      31                            1 J une                       2                              3                             4                             5
Summer Worship                                                                                                                                                                      Saturday Morning Bible Study
Schedule Begins                                                                                                                                                                     8:30 a.m.-10 a.m.
Service of Worship 10 a.m.
6                            7                             8                             9                              10                            11                            12
Service of Worship 10 a.m.   Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon          Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon          Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon            Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon         Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon          Saturday Morning Bible Study
                                                                                                                                                                                    8:30 a.m.-10 a.m.
BMPA Goes to the Ballpark                                                                El Salvador
O’s vs. Red Sox 1:35 p.m.                                                                Congregational Dinner 6:00 p.m.                                                            Choir Cabaret Fundraiser for
                                                                                                                                                                                    Chrystie and Doug Adams 7 p.m.
13                           14                            15                            16                             17                            18                            19
Service of Worship 10 a.m.   Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon          Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon          Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon           Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon          Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon          Saturday Morning Bible Study
                                                                                                                                                                                    8:30 a.m.-10 a.m.
20                           21                            22                            23                             24                            25                            26
                                                                                                                                                                                    Saturday Morning Bible Study
Service of Worship 10 a.m.   RENEW Vacation Bible School   RENEW Vacation Bible School   RENEW Vacation Bible School    RENEW Vacation Bible School   RENEW Vacation Bible School   8:30 a.m.-10 a.m.
                             9 a.m.-Noon                   9 a.m.-Noon                   9 a.m.-Noon                    9 a.m.-Noon                   9 a.m.-Noon
27                           28                            29                            30                             1 J uly                       2                             3
                                                                                                                                                                                    Saturday Morning Bible Study
Service of Worship 10 a.m.   Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon          Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon           Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon           Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon         Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon          8:30 a.m.-10 a.m.
Service of Worship 10 a.m.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     June 2010

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Tidings Jun10

  • 1. The Tidings G ood news from June 2010 in this i ssue Pastor’s r eflections by r ev. a ndrew fosTer c onnors PasTor’s r eflecTions 1 The rain is falling outside my church study window and I’m grateful for a roof over our choir closes wiTh heads. The trustees have worked hard over the last several months to make sometimes difficult r ecording P rojecT .... 2 decisions about how to take care of our facilities. Most of us do not see the hours of conversations, meetings, phone calls, and sacred arguing that sometimes occurs behind the i n celebraTion of The scenes, all with the goal of doing what is right and what is best for the church. Music M inisTries of The roof work reminds me that it takes money to run a church. The church, chrysTie a daMs and of course, is not a building – it is the gathered community of disciples. Yet this M ary r andall ......... 2 gathered community has been blessed with staff, programs, and a marvelous building – all means to carrying out our ministry together. This is partly why the church, or at a sk The PasTor ........ 3 least a Presbyterian church, functions on a pledge system. We ask each other to give what we can, as a response to what God has given to us. We trust that when we share this way, there new MeMbers will be enough to carry out our ministry. This trust is a core act of our communal faith. welcoMed ................ 3 While this primary motivation is spiritual, I’m under no illusions that money is also a primary communicator of trust in communities of faith. Ours is no exception. If you feel build announceMenT connected to the church, and trust its ability to make good decisions, you will be more inclined froM The M ayor ........ 4 to make a pledge and to see your pledge as a true act of faith. If you do not feel connected or do not share that trust, you will be less inclined to make a pledge that truly represents a diversiTy coMMiTTee spiritual act of gratitude. Our representative governance, in my view, puts the responsibility of uPdaTe ..................... 4 cultivating that kind of community of trust on many of us, though leadership certainly sets the tone. gay P ride f esTival .. 4 At last month’s Session, we discussed our financial giving at some length. If I had to summarize the conversation, I would emphasize two areas. The first is a real desire that every news froM M bengwi . 5 member of our community take their financial support of the church seriously. The second is that no member of our community be made to feel guilty, or somehow less valued because of RENEW: VBS their own financial circumstances. Wish List ................ 5 I appreciated the balance of the Session conversation and would suggest that any faithful talk of gift-giving, financial or otherwise, must include both. Practically speaking, what this a True P eriPaTeTic ... 6 means from my perspective is that we all ask each other together to make a commitment to our church that truly serves as a token of our gratitude to God for the gifts we have been given. june r esPonsibiliTy Though we can develop concrete methods of approximating that gratitude, there is no human schedule ................. 7 being who is in a position to judge the quantity of that gift. Further, we cannot always predict our circumstances. A job loss, an illness, or other unexpected event sometimes happens. It is The faMily Tree precisely those times that we remind each other that the community is stronger that any one of faMily f un fair ....... 7 us as individuals. If you find yourself in a position when you cannot fulfill your pledge, I ask simply that you communicate with a member of the stewardship committee, or with a birThdays................. 8 member of the pastoral staff your circumstance. My hope is to deepen our trust together in every circumstance, not just pleasant or favorable ones. june 2010 I am profoundly grateful for the gifts that God has brought into our life together. I trust that aT bMPa ................. 9 God has given us enough to carry out our ministry together. I pray always that we make wise decisions about how to best use those gifts together for God’s purposes in our city and our world.
  • 2. choir closes with r ecordinG P roJect by john walker, M inisTer of Music settings of eight hymns. John Walker and Joe Kneer shared the On Thursday, May 20, the Chancel Choir held a role of conductor; John Walker was organ accompanist; and recording session at Brown Memorial Church for the the full choir with soloists participated in this major project. radio program Sacred Classics. James Howes, a Earlier on the same day, John Walker recorded seven organ frequent member of the bass section in compositions on our church’s historic and revered Skinner the choir, is the producer of this weekly Organ. We are grateful for this opportunity to share this radio show for WBVM, 90.5 FM sample of the music ministry at Brown Memorial Church with broadcasting station in St. Petersburg, the wide listening audience of Sacred Classics, now in its 30th Florida. By means of live-streaming audio year of weekly broadcasting. The recording will air on on the Internet, this program is heard around the world November 13-14, 2010. four times every weekend. With several new members since Easter, the choir For the broadcast, the Chancel Choir recorded many roster has now grown to 40 members! The most recent anthems which they have shared in services of member of the choir is David Miller, a first tenor! A worship during the past year: “Let This Mind Be in You” most hearty welcome to David and sincere gratitude to (Beach); “Let All the World in Every Corner Sing” every member of the choir for their steady (Phillips); “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” (arr. commitment to this ministry throughout the past year! Carter); “My Shepherd Will Supply My Need” The choir is now on a well-deserved summer vacation (Thomson); “Salmo 150” (Aguiar); “All That Hath Life to rest their voices and rekindle their spirits in and Breath, Praise Ye the Lord! (Clausen); “Little preparation to resume this ministry following Labor Innocent Lamb” (Bartholomew); and the “Alto Day. Soloists are providing musical leadership in Rhapsody” (Brahms). The choir also recorded festival worship during the summer months. i n celebration of the music m inistries of chrystie a dams and m ary r andall On September 1, Doug and Chrystie Adams will move to Presbyterian Church, and in holy wedlock. Following more Oglala, South Dakota, where they will become Site than three decades of faithful ministry through music as a Coordinators for the new Multipurpose Center of the Makasan member of the Chancel Choir, Mary expects to join the Presbyterian Church, located on the Pine Ridge Reservation. congregation in worship next autumn. We celebrate and Chrystie has been a member of the Chancel Choir for 39 years, express gratitude for Mary’s many years of devoted joining in 1971 following her graduation from Gettysburg membership in the choir, and we look forward to seeing her College, where she had studied with Brown’s director of music steadily next year in church! Eugene Belt. Chrystie sang each week in the choirs both at the Woodbrook and Park Avenue Churches. Also in 1971, Chrystie became a teacher of music in the Baltimore City Public Schools. In 1973, she formed a Children’s Choir at Brown Memorial Park Avenue, soon thereafter doing the same thing at Woodbrook. She led a teenage girls’ choir during the Don’t Forget! 1980’s at Brown Memorial Park Avenue. In 1975, Chrystie developed and led a handbell choir at the Woodbrook Church, which subsequently continued at the Park Avenue Church. We salute Chrystie Adams and thank her for her long dedication to the musical ministries of Brown Memorial Presbyterian Church and we pray for God’s guidance and blessing upon the new ministry to which she and Doug have been called. At the close of this season, Mary Randall will have been a member of the Chancel Choir for 32 years. In 1978, Mary and Hilton Randall joined the Chancel Choir, Brown Memorial PaGe 2 t he t idinGs June 2010
  • 3. a sk the Pastor by r ev. e Mily rose M arTin what that means in layperson terms, please let me know! John Calvin writes about sin in relation to Adam’s “fall” (Genesis 3) – the first instance of faithlessness, of showing Q: “What is the difference between sin and evil?” contempt for God’s Word, that led to pride, ambition and then disobedience. For Calvin, faithlessness (the contempt for God’s A: Well, it depends on who you ask, and even then, it is not Word) is the root of all sin. On the other hand, he tends to entirely clear to me. Many theologians will define one or the describe evil, as a personal being (Satan) that lies about God, other terms but not both, or they will claim there is a but is nevertheless created by God and subject to God’s will. difference and then proceed to use the terms interchangeably. Adam and Eve’s sin could also be described as their believing Argh! Daniel Migliore, a modern day theologian, defines both Satan’s lies instead of God’s Word. The result of their (and our) sin and evil as that which opposes and sin was (and is) estrangement from God, which is itself sin and ? contravenes the will of God. brings us back to Tillich. The Bible talks about sin in a way that In the end, this is one of those semantic riddles that depends highlights its complexity: an external force on how you define sin and evil, and no two theologians define (Gen. 4:7), disobedience/rebellion (Ex. 20:20, them in exactly the same way. The important thing to keep in 1 Sam 15:23), idolatry (Ex 23:33, Ex 32), stain/blot (Psalm 51, mind is that sin has a human face. The origin of evil in a world Num. 19), harming neighbor (Mt 18:21), blindness/darkness which was good when it was created by God is somewhat of (John 9), going astray (Rom 3:9), turning away from God, a mystery and a contradiction. Neither sin nor evil has the last falsehood/self-deception (1 Jn 1:8, Gen 3:8-13, 2 Sam 12:1-7). word in a world where the God revealed to us in Jesus Christ It is full of paradoxes. Sin is an act and a condition, personal reigns supreme. and social, something that enslaves us but that we choose. It Sources: Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book is something we must confess, rather than explain. It is what II, Tillich’s Systematic Theology, Vol. II, Migliore’s Faith keeps us from being in right relationship with God and one Seeking Understanding, Guthrie’s Christian Doctrine, and another, and it is what God, through Christ’s life, death, and Harvey’s A Handbook of Theological Terms. resurrection, sets us free from. Evil too takes on a variety of forms: both personal, such as * “Ask the Pastor” is a new feature of The Tidings. You may a deceiving serpent (Gen 3), the adversary or prosecutor (Job), submit a liturgical or scriptural question to be answered by the tempter devil (Luke 4), and unclean spirits and demons one of the Pastors to Ellen Carter Cooper at that possess individuals (Mark 1:23, 32); and as transpersonal, The deadline for questions is the as cosmic and spiritual powers of darkness (Eph 6:12) or 15th of every month. possibly as forces of futility and decay that bind all of creation (Rom. 8:20-21). Evil is powerful and real, but also a lie that is ultimately destroyed by the Truth of God’s Word in Jesus Christ. There does seem to be agreement among most of the New Members Welcomed theologians I read that when we refer to sin, we are talking about human activity and the human condition. Evil can either April 11, 2010 be discussed as larger than sin and inclusive of it (evil includes “the dark side of creation” as well as the sinful things that The following persons joined Brown humans do”) or as the result of our sinful condition (evil is Memorial on April 11, 2010. We welcome them! what results from the condition of sin and sinful deeds). Paul Tillich lays out both these options and then says that he David (Dave) N. Miller prefers the latter, narrower definition of evil. Sin is both the human condition of estrangement, as well as the actions David J. Nyweide (thoughts and deeds) that cause or worsen that estrangement or are born of it. God permits sin because it is necessary to give human beings freedom, and evil is the result of our freely Andrea L. Schanbacher chosen sin, which has now become a great chasm that separates us from God, each other, and our true selves. Evil, Adrienne Williams for Tillich, is the “structure of self-destruction which is implicit in the nature of universal estrangement.” If you know June 2010 t he t idinGs PaGe 3
  • 4. m ayor r awlinGs -blake and build stand toGether in suPPort of comPrehensive P lan to balance city budGet, r estore P ublic safety and e ssential services Mayor also announced plans to form Recreation Center Task Force BALTIMORE, MD. (May 19, 2010) Plan, which will restore funding for public safety and — Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake essential services. Councilwoman Mary Pat Clarke and was joined by members of Councilman Carl Stokes also attended the Baltimoreans United in Leadership news conference. Development (BUILD) and the “I want to thank BUILD for endorsing my Baltimore Interfaith Alliance for a Comprehensive Plan to balance the City’s budget,” said news conference in support of the Mayor Rawlings-Blake. “They understand that this Mayor’s Comprehensive Plan to balance year, fixing the budget is about more than balancing the the city’s $121 million budget deficit. books. It is about our ability to deliver essential BUILD and its members joined with services to the citizens of Baltimore, 24 hours a day, the Mayor to urge City Council members to support the 7 days a week, 365 days a year.” d iversity committee uPdate The Diversity Committee has had a fruitful spring and accessible for the first time. Besides its practical use, it is looking forward to future initiatives. In March, we will be a symbol of the importance our church places hosted a series of four Wednesday Night@Brown on inclusiveness and welcome for all. We are grateful to sessions focused on “Exploring our Andy Imparato, who spearheaded this effort. “isms”. Led by Joanne Egan and Emily Recently, the Diversity Committee welcomed two Martin, the participants new members: Andrea Schanbacher, an advocate for focused on various barriers that still exist children with disabilities, particularly autism; and Katie among people who differ by race, gender, ability, sexual Rhodes, who works at Kennedy Krieger Institute with preference, age and class. Ways to remove or diminish children who are disabled. Their enthusiasm and energy those barriers in our lives and to ensure inclusivity in will help our committee to continue to advocate for full our congregation were discussed, also. inclusion for all. Gay P ride f estival In May, the Trustees approved a ramp to be built at the rear of the Church House, at the same time the Church House porch floor is replaced. The work will take place after the Church House roof is replaced The Diversity Committee is looking for volunteers and in coordination with the replacement of the mulch who can help manage Brown Memorial’s booth at the in the children’s play area. This is the culmination of Gay Pride Festival in Druid Hill Park on Sunday, months of effort on the part of the Diversity Committee June 20. Anyone willing to help set up or take down to get the project approved and funded. We are indebted the booth or to staff it for an hour between 11 AM and to the Session and to the Trustees for their support of 5 PM should contact Page Campbell 410-321-1976 or this important effort to make the Church House § PaGe 4 t he t idinGs June 2010
  • 5. news from m benGwi Letter from Reverend Christina Tantoh, Pastor of the Mbengwi Presbyterian Church May 3, 2010 Thank you very much! We are doing fine too. In fact, we have been struggling to get the Palm Sunday service in pictures to you to no avail. We hope to send them by post. Last Sunday we extended your greetings to the congregation. They were happy to hear from you. However, Easter season was very successful. We are presently preparing for the Pentecost week as we intend to run a program ‘waiting for the Holy Spirit’. We intend to have daily Morning Prayer sessions from Ascension Day until Pentecost Sunday. We want to observe the Ten (10) days prayer time the disciples of Jesus had before the event of the Pentecost. We intend to take a retreat within this period to study the works of the Holy Spirit! It would be an exciting event for us! Yesterday Sunday, we had fund raising to continue with our church project after a Session Meeting, which took place last Friday. The PNS and PS Mbengwi are preparing for graduation, end of year and end of course examinations. We intend to hold a partnership meeting this coming Friday to look into the matters of the PS and PNS Mbengwi. The School Project is still not completed. In fact, I am to take off for Buea in an hour’s time to meet the Church authorities to see how I can get some money to fit the doors of the four classrooms. We have lost quite a good number of Christians especially the aged. So funeral services have become very regular in the congregation. We also have quite a good number that are sick but God is taking care. Personally, I have been quite busy with congregational work and administration. Last month we had a meeting of all the 54 congregations of the Presbytery. I am presently preparing my report to the central church. We are also preparing to attend the staffing meeting, which takes place end of this month. We have just induction new church leaders. Therefore, they may have to reshuffle the staff of the church to meet their administrative needs. Rev. Tende David, the associate Pastor may be going on retirement by the end of June 2010. So the congregation may be left with only one pastor! Just want I can give you for now! Mr Fokam and Mrs. Ambe Elizabeth may have more to give you. They do not find it easy to communicate due to low supply of electricity and network problems. The Internet installation for the school is what I use, but it takes quite some luck to have the lines go through! Accept and extend our warmest greetings to your family and the congregation. God bless you! Rev. Christina Tantoh RENEW: VBS Wish List Snack Donations • Magnifying glasses to borrow • Shelled sunflower seeds –1 large package • Empty cereal boxes – lots • Golden raisins – 2 large boxes • Small rocks • Cascadian Farms plain granola – 2 boxes • Small container of dirt • Ginger snap cookies – enough for 40 kids • Poster board – 4 sheets • Baby carrots – 4 medium to large bags • Bandanas – 10-12 • Grapes – 4 bags • Clean recyclables & trash • Cheese cubes – 4 large bags • Stopwatch • Wheat Thin crackers – 4 family size boxes • Shoe boxes – 4 • Popcorn – 1 box of microwave popcorn • 20-30’ long heavy rope • Instant chocolate pudding 6 boxes • Large world map • Milk – one quart • Large roll of tan rosin paper from someplace like • Oreo cookies – one package Lowes or Home Depot Other Donations Contact Rachel Cunningham at 410-523-1542 or • Sunflower seeds in the shell if you can donate items. • Seed packets, various kinds June 2010 t he t idinGs PaGe 5
  • 6. a t rue P eriPatetic by e llen carTer c ooPer When a little girl was born at a naval hospital in Parris Island, South Carolina, she had no idea that a life of travel and service awaited her. Because her father was a member of the U.S. Marine Corps, the family moved every three years. He was stationed in Iwo Jima and she didn’t see him until she was two years old. During her childhood, her father wrote numerous letters to her and she treasures each one. Barbara Cook’s life has been a road marked with detours and newly constructed lanes that cannot be captured in one telling. She received her undergraduate degree in music education from the University of Richmond. After graduation, she married Richard and they both participated in training for the Peace Corps. Their first assignment was in Panama to Barbara Cook (r) and her granddaughter, Beatriz Guzman what Barbara described as an urban slum. She taught family planning there. At the conservatory, Barbara Miners’ Hospital. She implemented an outpatient taught music and organized a children’s choir. program and considerably upgraded the facility. When the two-year commitment ended, the For the next nine years, Barbara was in one place: family settled in New York City. Richard attended Union New Orleans, Louisiana. She was a family doctor at the Theological Seminary. Barbara taught fifth grade. In Ochsner Hospital and served as the first woman on the addition to “mothering” the fifth graders, she gave birth hospital’s board of governors, also. In 1995, she was to two children. Richard’s first endeavor after graduation recruited to be a family doctor for the Helix was as a migrant minister in rural New Jersey. Medical Group in Baltimore. In 2000, this energetic From New Jersey, the family moved across the lady who had already achieved so many “firsts” country to rural California. There Barbara worked became the medical director of the Johns Hopkins in Cesar Chavez’s campaign for the rights of migrant Community Physicians. Barbara retired from this farm workers. Later during that same year, they were position in 2008. Presently, she is providing service for reassigned to Arizona. Their task was to work to underinsured and uninsured persons from the Johns unseat the governor (John “Jack” Richard Williams) Hopkins Hospital and Bayview Hospital areas. who successfully lobbied the legislature to pass an Barbara’s attention was directed to Brown unfair law governing farm laborers. Memorial in 2007, when she read an article in the After spending two years in Arizona, the terrain of Baltimore Sun which described Andrew’s arrest for Barbara’s life’s road changed significantly again. The protesting the war in Iraq. At BMPA, she has become family moved to St. Louis where they lived communally an enthusiastic member of the global mission with grape and lettuce workers. A third child was born to committee. As a member of the committee, Barbara the family and Barbara seriously considered a career in visited El Salvador last summer. medicine. She applied to the community college’s nursing At Brown Memorial, Barbara has used her musical program, but was rejected. Undaunted, Barbara applied talent in several areas. She has played the piano for the to St. Louis State University and was accepted into the choir and the Soulful Review, a group of BMPA men medical practice program. who sing modern folk songs. Additionally, Barbara is Four years later, medical degree in hand, Barbara and a member of the soprano section of the chancel choir. family arrived at San Francisco, California for her She is effusive in her description of the choir. internship with the University of California. She Barbara explains that never has she sung in a choir like worked at the county hospital in Salinas to gain more Brown Memorial’s. This lady who has lived in so many expertise in her field. This experience pointed her in places has found a home at BMPA. She fully expects the direction of the National Health Service Corps to journey on her current path of singing, playing, and Program. For two years, Barbara served with two addressing the medical needs of those who need her in amazing women doctors at the Welch, West Virginia Baltimore and in El Salvador. PaGe 6 t he t idinGs June 2010
  • 7. June r esPonsibility s chedule 10 a. m. worshiP service If you have a conflict with this schedule – please call 13th Barbara Christen others on the list to make a swap. Then inform the church 20th Kathy Graning office of these changes at (410)523-1542 or 27th Grace Peng offertory counters acolytes Darin Crew & Bud Graves 6th Sam English & Charlie McManus 13th Aaron & Adam McNabney ushers 20th Annika Brockman & Eva McNabney Sarah Buikema, Anne Heuisler, David Mock, Betsy 27th Anna Connors & Julia Luljak Nix, Don Peeples, & David Rollison audio enGineer 6th Adrienne Williams 13th Brantley Davis 20th J.D. Robinson 27th Doug Adams children’s church volunteers 6th Bill McConnell 13th Tom & Micheline McManus 20th Nicole Mitchell 27th Elena Kirkpatrick & Ken Mills coffee hour hosts 6th Rachel & Daryl Smith 13th Nancy Bandiere & Monica Rakowski 20th NEED A VOLUNTEER 27th Barbara Hull Francis communion PreParation 6th David Todd communion servers 6th Ellen Carter Cooper Hilbert Byers John Tucker Greeters 6th Rachel Smith 13th Nicole & Keiffer Mitchell 20th Elden & Bonnie Schneider 27th VBS Participants liturGist 6th Anne Heuisler June 2010 t he t idinGs PaGe 7
  • 8. June birthdays 06/22 06/22 Nancy Bandiere Peter Coulson 06/02 Billy Clippinger 06/22 Rebecca Crew 06/02 Maya Deane-Polyak 06/22 Taylor Jackson 06/04 Will Brockman 06/22 Jihar Williams 06/04 Sarah Reiman 06/24 Louis Carr 06/05 Ethel Galvin 06/24 Patti Flowers-Coulson 06/07 Lydia Beasley 06/26 Graham Bishai 06/07 Bryan McMillan 06/26 Madora Henson 06/10 Erika Brockman 06/27 John M. Davis 06/10 Cal Riorda 06/28 Keiffer (Jack) Jackson Mitchell, III 06/10 Adrienne Williams 06/28 Margaret (Maggie) Dupre Johnston 06/11 Loretta Byers 06/28 Nancy Warner 06/11 Caleb Brennan Taylor 06/30 Paul Newill-Schamp 06/12 Erin Emerick 06/12 Peggy Obrecht Note: If you wish to have your birthday listed in The Tidings, please contact Sharon Holley, church secretary, at 06/12 Mary Obrecht 410-523-1542, or via e-mail at 06/13 Will Coulson 06/13 Robert Marshall take note 06/14 Fado Yoon (JaYoung Yoon) g o Green wiTh your coPy of THE TIDINGS! 06/15 Justin Garcia-Bunuel Now that our new website is complete and we have a direct 06/15 Noah Todd link to the most recent Tidings publication help us go GREEN by receiving your copy online. Receiving email 06/16 Nicholas McMillan notification of when the latest Tidings is available for 06/17 Linnet Jones reading will help us cut down on the environmental and 06/17 William Rogers financial costs of printing and mailing paper copies. If you would like to receive e-mail notification of when the latest 06/18 Madison Riorda Tidings is available, please send Sharon Holley an email at 06/19 Rain Hall She will need your name 06/19 Trevor Hoffberger and email address. Also, check our website directly for updates at 06/21 Lily Bradford php?s=newsletter to download the latest Tidings. Thanks 06/21 Andrea Schanbacher for helping us to be better stewards of God’s 06/21 Joe Schindler magnificent creation. The Tidings Published monthly for members and friends of Brown Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian Church by the Membership Committee. Andrew Foster Connors, Pastor. Emily Rose Martin, Associate Pastor. 1316 Park Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21217. 410.523.1542. G ood news from Send contributions by the 15th of each month to Ellen Carter Cooper, editor ( or to Sharon Holley, church secrectary ( PaGe 8 t he t idinGs June 2010
  • 9. June 2010 bmPa PaGe 9 at S unday M onday TueSday WedneSday ThurSday Friday S aTurday t he t idinGs 30 M ay 31 1 J une 2 3 4 5 Summer Worship Saturday Morning Bible Study Schedule Begins 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m. Service of Worship 10 a.m. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Service of Worship 10 a.m. Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon Saturday Morning Bible Study 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m. BMPA Goes to the Ballpark El Salvador O’s vs. Red Sox 1:35 p.m. Congregational Dinner 6:00 p.m. Choir Cabaret Fundraiser for Chrystie and Doug Adams 7 p.m. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Service of Worship 10 a.m. Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon Saturday Morning Bible Study 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Saturday Morning Bible Study Service of Worship 10 a.m. RENEW Vacation Bible School RENEW Vacation Bible School RENEW Vacation Bible School RENEW Vacation Bible School RENEW Vacation Bible School 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m. 9 a.m.-Noon 9 a.m.-Noon 9 a.m.-Noon 9 a.m.-Noon 9 a.m.-Noon 27 28 29 30 1 J uly 2 3 Saturday Morning Bible Study Service of Worship 10 a.m. Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon Art Camp 9 a.m.-Noon 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m. 4 Service of Worship 10 a.m. June 2010