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                                                                                 G ood      news from

                         a Pril 2010

in     this      i ssue                           Pastor’s r eflections
                                  bY r ev. a ndrew fosTer c onnors
PasTor’s r eflecTions 1 
                                     I was visiting recently with a colleague of mine, a minister who has recently
Musical noTes ......... 2         retired. He and his partner told me they were happily “church shopping.”
                                  “What’s it like?” I asked, hardly hiding my voyeurism. “It’s great,” he said.
euTaw-M arshburn                                 “I’ve watched people do this my entire life and now it’s fun to
needs You ................ 2                     see it from the other side.” We spoke for awhile about first
                                                 impressions, what a difference it makes when people introduce
                                                 themselves to you, and worship. Somehow the topic of Easter
a sk   The   PasTor ........ 3
                                  came up. “Wherever we settle down,” he said, “I will make sure that I worship
                                  on Easter Sunday in a church with a lot of music. I can’t stand it when a
share foundaTion                  preacher messes it up by trying to explain the Resurrection.” We laughed it
news ........................ 4   off, but the rest of the afternoon I pondered what he said. Here’s a preacher
                                  who is aware of all of the critical “problems” of the Resurrection – that the
a walk Through                    primary event of the Christian faith is alleged to be an historical one on the
balTiMore’s h isTorY        5     one hand, but impossible according to everything that we know about life
                                  and death on the other. That the power of the Resurrection, on the one hand,
a farewell                        comes from the testimony of the disciples, but that if this event happened only
To d on sTroud .......... 5
                                  in their memory, the very nature of God, active in history, is called into
                                  question on the other. This retired pastor knew all of these critical issues and
                                  probably has some strong opinions about them, yet on the most important day
RENEW:                            of the Christian year, he was clear that what he needs to hear, smell, taste,
The Green VBS ..... 6             touch, and see is the promise of that story.
                                     His words reminded me of the work of the French philosopher Paul Ricoeur.
TrusTees’ uPdaTe ..... 6          Ricoeur understood the unlikelihood of the rational mind embracing the
                                  “original belief” that stands behind most religious symbols. What is needed,
a Pril r esPonsibiliTY            he argued, is a “second naïveté in and through criticism.” This kind of
schedule ................. 7      re-interpretative criticism, he argued, happens in community, in acts of
                                  willing and honest reflection on sacred symbols and narratives. In this way, he
bMPa To offer                     said, we “hear again.”
                                     That’s what we’re aiming for on Easter Sunday: a worship experience that
Mid-week bible sTudY. 7
                                  neither ignores the critical questions raised by the Resurrection narrative nor
                                  is held captive by them, a day when we declare together “he is risen indeed”
birThdaYs................. 8      in a willing act of communal re-imagination. It is possible that this communal
                                  act will send us out into the world, eager to confront the darkest places in our
i n M eMoriaM                     world and the dimmest places in our lives with tremendous courage; courage
of bMPa M eMbers .. 8             born of the hope that for every dead-end, God has a new beginning. It is
                                  possible that we will catch a glimpse of what it must feel like not to fear
a Pril 2010                       anything, not even death. It is possible that our lives will be transformed all
aT bMPa ................. 9       because of this story that still burdens us with critical questions and
                                  challenges. The only way to find out what is possible is to come and hear
                                  it again.
musical notes
  This month, following the intense musical demands             part of the ministry of music that John Walker reminds
of Lent and Easter, I have asked a member of the                us about frequently. Where else can one reiterate the
              Chancel Choir to respond to the                   Minister’s message and/or the highlighted Scripture
              following questions: “What prompts                passages each Sunday? Where else can one be a part of
              your commitment of time and energy                a unit that focuses upon singing our best to an
              every week to participate in the Chancel          audience made solely of God?
              Choir? How does singing in the Chancel              Our choir requires a commitment to learning, not
Choir relate to your spiritual life and growth?”                just notes, but the historical and Biblical meanings
                                          – John Walker         of the words we sing. Recently, we sang “Come Thou

           chancel choir
                                                                Fount of Every Blessing.” A member of the choir
                                                                asked, “What is an ‘Ebenezer’?” Of course, John (son
           = commitment                                         of a Minister) had the answer. Our dedication means
                                                                that we attend and participate in rehearsals from 7 to
bY e llen carTer c ooPer                                        8:45 p.m. on Thursdays and from 9:45 to 10:30 a.m.
  They start arriving at 6:30 p.m. on most Thursdays –          on Sundays. Additionally, we learn to sing in French,
the active and retired physicians, nurse, public school         Spanish, Latin, German, Chinese, and various African
teachers, Peabody students, college professors,                 languages. Our repertoire consists of classical,
attorney, author, mortgage broker, State Department             spiritual, folk, and contemporary music.
official, Baltimore City government official,                     Each time that we sing, our faith is bolstered and
composers, and choir directors. Some are                        fortified. When the choir sings the words of persons
accomplished trained performers; others only sang               who speak languages other than English, we
in their school and church choirs. One thread that              understand what the late Carl Taylor said we must do,
probably unites them is a firm belief in Friedrich              “be a Christian in the world,” [not only just at Brown
Nietzsche’s statement, “Without music, life would be            Memorial] I shudder to think what life and the church
a mistake.”                                                     would be without music. My gratitude is extended to
  Brown Memorial’s choir is a faith community. I am             each member of the choir who consistently makes “a
a member of the choir because it allows me to be a              joyful noise.”

                          eutaw-m arshburn needs You
  Be a weekly reader or be a volunteer for a day. If you ever   style. Half an hour per class
wanted to know what is happening in the inner city public       seems like nothing, but you’d
elementary schools this is your chance and by the way fall in   besurprised how often the
love with a child.                                              kids will stop us in the hall
readinG ProGram                                                 to say, “You’re my reader”,
 We have 11 wonderful readers volunteering at Eutaw             “I liked the story about the
Marshburn. Won’t you join us? We hear over and over again       ducklings” or “When are you
                           how grateful the teachers are        coming back to read?”
                           for this enrichment hour once          Thank you! Lynda Burton,
                           a week. Every minute of the          Rev. Marion Bascom, Carol
                           day is assigned to teaching in       Graves, Beth Gregory,
                           preparation for the Maryland         Sandra Fink, Chrystie
                           State Tests. Our reading is one      Adams, Cheryl Finney,
                           of the only times in the week        Bernhard Zinkgraf, Karen
                           the children don’t have any          Nelson, Barbara Clippinger,       Photos courtesy of Susan Saudek
                           demands on them. It is their         Susan Saudek.
                           time for listening, for letting      maY festival maY 29th
                           their imaginations go and              A Day of fun for All. Crafts, Sports, Moon bounces, face
                           for sharing insights. Each of        painting, visits by the Fire and Police Department with their
                           the readers brings their own         trucks and cars, crafts, food and music. We need volunteers!
                           books and their own engaging         Get in touch with Sandra Fink or Susan Saudek.

PaGe 2       t he t idinGs                                                                                      a Pril 2010
a sk       the      Pastor
bY r ev. e MilY rose M arTin                                 Garden of Gethsemane, his arrest, and the disciples’                                      flight in fear. In the gospel of John, these events begin
  Q: What is the difference between the Tenebrae Service     with the pronouncement, “And it was night,” which
and the Seven Last Words of Christ Service? Which one do     we enact by symbolically extinguishing the candles
we celebrate and why?                                        throughout the service. Some congregations conclude
  A: The liturgical celebration of what has come to be       their Maundy Thursday service, which may also include
known as “Holy Week” began as a one- or two-day fast         a foot washing ceremony, communion, and a stripping
leading up to Easter dawn. By the fourth century,            of the sanctuary, with the descent into darkness that is
               churches in Jerusalem were using liturgies    typical of Tenebrae services. Others, such as Brown

               specific to each day of Holy Week. In the     Memorial Park Avenue, separate the Maundy Thursday
               16th century, the Reformers moved away        and the Tenebrae Service, celebrating the latter on
               from many of the liturgical feast days that   Friday evening. In spite of the somber tone of the
               have been adopted by the Roman Catholic       Tenebrae Service or perhaps because of the way that it
Church over the centuries, retaining only those “holy        invites us into deep contemplation of God’s love for us
days” that had to do with the life of Christ, which they     in the person of Jesus Christ, many of our congregants
called “evangelical feasts.” According to the Second         report that this is one of their favorite services of
Helvetic Confession (5.226): “If in Christian Liberty the    the year.
churches religiously celebrate the memory of the Lord’s         At Brown Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian
nativity, circumcision, passion, resurrection and his        Church, we also remember the events of Good Friday in
ascension into heaven, and the sending of the Holy Spirit    ecumenical settings at a 9 a.m. service and at a longer
upon his disciples, we approve it highly.”                   service that takes place from noon to 3 p.m.,
  While Calvin agreed with this interpretation, in an        traditionally the time of Christ’s crucifixion. The “Seven
attempt to address biblical illiteracy in his                Last Words of Christ” are taken from multiple gospels
congregations, he abandoned the use of the medieval          and are the subject of the preaching at the noon-time
lectionary that corresponded with the liturgical calendar,   service at Sharp Street United Methodist Church. The
and instead preached sequentially through entire books       congregation consists of persons who attend churches in
of the Bible. Over time, many Reformed Churches, in          West Baltimore. Traditionally, the pastor of Brown
contrast to Lutherans who kept the lectionary, lost their    Memorial preaches on one of the words.
connection with the liturgical year and its                     Whether it is a remembrance of Christ’s last words
“evangelical feast days.” Both a Tenebrae Service and        which call us to humility, forgiveness, obedience and
a Seven Last Words Service are about Christ’s passion,       reconciliation or a Friday evening service that draws
and thus appropriate occasions for a special worship         us deep into the contemplation of the darkness within
service for Reformed Christians, such as Presbyterians.      ourselves and all around us, Christ invites us to enter
  Liturgically speaking, services on Maundy Thursday,        with him. It is important that Christians find some way
Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Morning make          to engage deeply and in community with the mystery of
up one unit. Just as we do not speak of Christ’s death       our faith: Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will
independent of his resurrection (and vice versa), we do      come again.
not think of the Passion Week worship services apart            Sources: Reformed Worship by Howard Rice and
from the Easter morning service. Our confidence in the       James C. Huffstutler (Geneva Press, 2001); For
resurrection and our hope for the redemption of the          Everything, A Season: A Study of the Liturgical
world is what makes it possible to endure the darkness       Calendar by Kathleen Long Bostrom (2005-2006
of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.                          Horizons Bible Study for Presbyterian Women); Praise
  The word “Tenebrae” comes from the Latin word for          God: Worship Through the Year by Mary Faith Carson
“darkness,” “gloom,” or “shadows,” and this service          and Arlo D. Duba (a companion piece to the 2005-2006
grew out of a monastic liturgy in the Middle Ages,           Horizons Bible Study for Presbyterian Women).
during which fifteen candles were extinguished one by
one over the course of Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday         * “Ask the Pastor” is a new feature of The Tidings.
evenings. This service is often somber as it leads           You may submit a liturgical or scriptural question to be
participants into reflection on the events that followed     answered by one of the Pastors to Ellen Carter Cooper
the “Last Supper” of Christ with his disciples: Christ’s     at The deadline for
betrayal by Judas Iscariot, his agonized prayer in the       questions is the 15th of every month.

a Pril 2010                                                                                t he t idinGs       PaGe 3
share foundation news
                 March 2010

 Dear Friends,

  We are writing today to provide an update on the Hurricane Ida reconstruction efforts. Your expressions of solidarity
and your generosity have made it possible for great progress to be made since those first sad and uncertain days in early
November. On behalf of our colleagues and the communities in El Salvador, we thank you!
                 Since November, SHARE has worked continuously and in collaboration with partner organizations
               across the United States to raise funds for emergency relief efforts. The president of SHARE’s Board of
               Directors, Nicolas Avelar, raised more than $7,000 to support aid efforts in the town of Aguilares,
               El Salvador.
  Our compañeros y compañeras with CARECEN in San Francisco reached out to the Bay Area community
collecting donations over the course of several days in churches, farmers markets and other community events. The
funds they raised (more than $9,000) went directly to SHARE.
  A nongovernmental cooperative in Spain channeled €5,000 euros ($6,824) through SHARE for relief efforts focused
on water sanitation and latrines. Additionally, many of SHARE’s sister parishes – who already invest significantly to
support partnerships and development in El Salvador – redoubled their efforts to raise relief funds. The parishes of
Faith Weaver’s of St. Mary in Michigan, Good Shepherd in Kansas and in Wisconsin, St. Patrick’s in Seattle and Brown
Memorial Presbyterian in Baltimore have collectively sent nearly $11,000 in aid.
  We have been overjoyed and humbled by the assistance from partner organizations, faith communities and hundreds
of individual donors. These contributions to the Hurricane Ida relief efforts are serving 10 communities.
  From the beginning, SHARE committed to responding to the crisis of Hurricane Ida in two phases. During the first
phase we sent nearly $42,000 in order the supply the most immediate needs of food packages, portable water and
temporary sheltersupplies. The second phase of recovery has begun. Our staff in El Salvador is now compiling reports
from our counterparts and is in discussions about what will be involved. The focus will be on the sustainable
reconstruction of homes and replanting of crops. We want to thank our El Salvador staff, Marina, Tedde, Carmelina,
Laura, Danielle and Cristian for their tremendous work during the emergency!
  Lastly, we want to share with you that SHARE is a part of an international coalition, ESFERA, which provides
emergency disaster preparedness trainings and information. The fact that Chile experienced much less damage than
Haiti did, even though the magnitude of the quake was much greater, demonstrates that the time and energy put into
natural disaster preparedness truly pays off. SHARE will continue to work with our partner organization and
communities to increase capacity for emergency response and preparedness in the future.
  SHARE is looking forward to an exciting and productive 2010. In just two short weeks we will be in El Salvador to
join the delegation of pilgrims celebrating the legacy of Archbishop Oscar Romero. We are excited for what will surely
be an incredible demonstration of solidarity (and also for some tropical sun)! In December, SHARE will also host a
delegation to celebrate the lives of the 4 U.S. Churchwomen killed in 1980. Please join us on this delegation, which will
take place November 28th to Dec 5th 2010.
  As always, we thank you for walking in solidarity with our Salvadoran brothers and sisters, for your continued
support, and we look forward to staying in touch with you as the year progresses. Please check out our website www. and your mail boxes in the coming months for pictures and recaps of the Romero delegation and

  Thank you for all you do.


  José Artiga                   Jillian Leslie
  Executive Director            Operations Assistant

PaGe 4         t he t idinGs                                                                                a Pril 2010
a walk t hrouGh baltimore’s h istorY
bY e llen carTer c ooPer                                   Church. Her second book,
  Talking with her is similar to walking a road with       Your Mother is a Witch,
many detours. She embarks upon various paths because       was printed in 2004. It
she remembers so much about navigating the                 presents the thoughts of
thoroughfares of life in segregated Baltimore. Madora      her mother (Viola
Henson entered life on one of the “colored” wards at       Anderson) about the
Johns Hopkins Hospital.                                    presence of spirits and
  Madora learned to read at age two. Her grandmother       God. Currently, this lady of
taught her with a linen alphabet book and a primary        diverse interests is working
reader. She attended Henry Highland Garnet                 on a book about
Elementary School #103. Rev. Garnet was an African         conversations with God and     Madora Henson
American abolitionist, born into slavery in New Market,    a book of jokes.
Maryland, who was esteemed in the Black community.           During her childhood, Madora was introduced to Brown
After escaping to New York, Rev. Garnet later attended     Memorial Church in an unusual way. She used to sit in
the Oneida Institute of Theology, was ordained as a        Jenkins Alley and listen to Virgil Fox play the organ.
Presbyterian minister, and pastored the Fifteenth Street     Twenty years ago, drawn by the friendliness of the
Presbyterian Church in Washington, D.C.                    members and the delicious brownies, she became a
  As a child, Madora lived at 1129 Park Avenue. She        member of the church. These days, she is particularly
often wondered why she could not attend the school in      attracted to the Adult Forum and the music at BMPA.
her neighborhood. School #103 was racially segregated      Additionally, Madora is available as a stand-up
as were the other two public schools located on the west   comedienne who tells clean jokes only.
side in Baltimore: Booker T. Washington Junior High
School and Frederick Douglass Senior High School.
Madora’s teachers (legally prohibited from enrolling in
                                                                a farewell                    to     d on
the graduate schools in Maryland) provided her with an     A Celebration and Farewell Dinner for
excellent education they acquired from Columbia
University, Harvard, NYU, Princeton, Yale, and
                                                                the Rev. Donald E. Stroud
even Oxford.                                                 The Board of Directors of That All May Freely Serve:
  Everyone in Madora’s family was taught to play the       Baltimore will hold a dinner on Saturday, April 24, 2010,
piano. She was exposed to classical music early in life    6:30 p.m. in Sharp Hall at Govans Presbyterian Church
as she enjoyed the playing of the Colored Symphony         to celebrate the eleven years of service of the Rev.
Orchestra. One of her aunts was the first chair            Donald E. Stroud as its Minister of Outreach and
violinist for the group. When Marian Anderson and          Reconciliation. Sadly, due to financial constraints, the
Roland Hayes sang here, she was privileged to hear         Board has found it necessary to terminate Don’s
them. This feisty lady has used her own talent and         position with TAMFS:B at the end of July 2010.
skills as a pianist to play at United Methodist, Seventh     In order to make sure that Don is able to continue
Day Adventist, Baptist, African Methodist Episcopal        our important advocacy work on LGBT business at the
(A.M.E.), and Pentecostal churches. Her son, Robert,       219th General Assembly of the PC (U.S.A.) in July, it is
(a Peabody Institute graduate) is an accomplished          vital that funds be raised to meet our responsibilities to
organist, as well.                                         Don. The April 24th dinner is a fundraiser as well as a
  There were many educators in Madora’s family, also.      celebration and an opportunity will be given to receive
She, herself, earned degrees from Coppin College and       donations to TAMFS:B. If you are a regular
later, Loyola College. She remembers that Coppin began     contributor, please continue your financial support
as Coppin Normal School and it was located on the          through this final year.
third floor of School #132. Before she retired, Madora       Join us on April 24th to thank Don, to celebrate what
toiled many years as a reading specialist for the          has been accomplished during his time in the Baltimore
Baltimore City Public Schools.                             area, and to help raise money to fund his final months
  Reading is still an important part of life for Madora,   with us as well as to provide him with an appropriate
but she supplies the literature for others. In 2000, she   severance package. Save the date April 24th on your
published 180 Days of Madness and Merriment which          calendar. To make dinner reservations ($25/ticket) by
was dedicated to her son, Robert, and to Lillie Ross,      April 15, 2010 and for more information contact Charles
a longtime member of Madison Avenue Presbyterian           Forbes at 410-667-4241.

a Pril 2010                                                                              t he t idinGs       PaGe 5
Grow in Faith!
Have Fun!
Change the
 Calling all children between
the ages 3 and 10 who want to
ReNew! Let’s grow in faith, and
change the world! ReNew Vacation
Bible School invites children to learn about Jesus, help build our community, and grow as they become
stewards of God’s creation.
 At ReNew: The Green VBS children will:
 • Explore God’s Word through Jesus’ Parable of the Sower
 • Learn about God’s creation and what we can do to care for it.
 • Make new friends and have a great time! We hope to see you at ReNew: The Green VBS! Let’s work
together to care for creation!
         Who: Children ages 3-10 (Note: Children must turn 3 by January 1, 2010)
         Where: Brown Memorial Park Avenue Church
         When: June 21 – 25, 2010
         What Time: 9am – Noon
         Cost: $50 per child (Need-based Scholarships Available Upon Request)
 To register, visit our website at where you can download a registration form.
Questions? Contact Rachel Cunningham (410)523-1542, Ext. 14 or

                                       t rustees’ uPdate
bY willard (bud) g raves                                      area is slate but not as steep. The roof over the Church
  I suggested, and the Trustees agreed, that the              House is a flat composite residential roof. The church
congregation needs to be kept up-to-date on large projects    roof dates back to the early 1900s and was probably
such as the Church House third floor renovations in 2008      updated when the Chancel was added. Repairs have
and the roof repair going on today or any other project       been made, but missing and rusting nails have allowed
that will result in major change to the church property       water leakage as can be seen on both the Labyrinth and
and/or cost large amounts. It is the plan to continue these   Columbarium side (near the ceiling where the gold ribs
updates until a project is completed. Upcoming projects       form the valley).
will be general church security and fire protection and the     Marathon is removing six tiers of slate at a time,
Northeast tower repair.                                       inspecting the deck, and replacing the underlayment
  In November, the congregation approved a $100,000           with snow and ice guard covered with tar paper. So far,
loan from the Presbyterian Church Loan Program to             they have replaced 700 slates.
finance the roof repairs.We will be repaying this loan          The heavy snow caused approximately $50,000
over ten years at an annual rate of five percent.             damage to the gutters and to some of the snow guards
  On Monday, March 8th, I talked with Dan, Marathon           (now in the memorial garden on the North side of the church).
Roofing’s foreman on the church’s main roof, the roof         Insurance is expected to pay for this additional work. The
over the assembly room area, and the Church House             church is fortunate that Marathon was onsite with scaffolding
roof. The main roof over the sanctuary is a steep slate       in place. The snow damage is costly to repair, but not as costly
shingle roof while the roof over the assembly room            as if we had to erect scaffolding just for the snow repairs.

PaGe 6       t he t idinGs                                                                                     a Pril 2010
a Pril r esonsibilitY s chedule
                           11 a. m. worshiP service
  If you have a conflict with this schedule – please call     liturGist
others on the list to make a swap. Then inform the church     4th    Barbara Cates
office of these changes at (410)523-1542 or                   11th   Taylor Branch                                     18th   Elden Schneider
                                                              25th   W. Courtland Robinson
 4th    Mather English & Josephine Finney                     offertorY counters
 11th   Elizabeth Cavallon & Grace Todd                       Ken Mills & Andy Ross
 18th   Katie Egan & Annie Schindler
 25th   Sam English & Jack Mitchell                           ushers
                                                             Bill Bishai, Anne Heuisler, Monica Rakowski,
 audio enGineer                                             David Rollison, John Warmath, Jenny Williams
 4th    Don Peeples
 11th   J.D. Robinson
 18th   Bud Graves                                                  bmPa to o ffer
 25th   Don Peeples
                                                                 m id -week bible studY
 children’s church volunteers                                   From April 8 to May 20, Brown Memorial will be
 4th    None                                                  offering a mid-week Bible Study based on the
 11th   TBD                                                   lectionary for the following Sunday in the Speers Room
 18th   Jim & Theresa Veatch                                  of the Church House on Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 11
 25th   Andy & Michelle Zabel                                 a.m. The discussion will be led by clergy and is a great
                                                              way for the community to participate in the process
 coffee hour hosts                                            that culminates each week in the proclamation of the
 4th    Cunningham Family                                     Word. There are no fees or materials to purchase, but
 11th   Volunteer Needed                                      we would appreciate it if you let the church office know
 18th   Karen & Ken Nelson                                    ahead of time if you plan to attend. Also, please let the
 25th   The Egan Family                                       church office know if you would like to attend but need
                                                              transportation assistance.
 communion PreParation
 4th    Sandra Fink, Hannah Loring-Davis
                                                                              take note
 communion servers
                                                            g o Green wiTh Your coPY of THE TIDINGS!
 4th    Gilly Babb
                                                            Now that our new website is complete and we have a direct
        Sarah Buikema
                                                            link to the most recent Tidings publication help us go
        Carol Graves
                                                            GREEN by receiving your copy online. Receiving email
        Julie Hanks                                         notification of when the latest Tidings is available for
        Andy Imparato                                       reading will help us cut down on the environmental and
        Andy Johnston                                       financial costs of printing and mailing paper copies. If you
        Carol Newill                                        would like to receive e-mail notification of when the latest
        Chris Saudek                                        Tidings is available, please send Sharon Holley an email at
                                                   She will need your name
 Greeters                                                   and email address. Also, check our website
 4th    Lisa Hoffberger & David Mock                        directly for updates at
 11th   Sandra & Roger Fink                                 php?s=newsletter to download the latest Tidings. Thanks
 18th   Peggy & Charlie Obrecht                             for helping us to be better stewards of God’s
 25th   Patti Flowers-Coulson & Mark Coulson                magnificent creation.

a Pril 2010                                                                                 t he t idinGs        PaGe 7
a Pril birthdaYs                            04/29
                                                                      Sue Saudek
                                                                      Jean Savina
            04/03 Andrew (Drew) Clay Johnston, Jr.   04/29            David Schmickel
            04/03 Kathryn (Kitty) Ward               04/30            Katherine Egan
            04/06 Angela Jones                       04/30            Lisa Polyak
            04/06 Devi Deane-Polyak
04/06       James Schuman                            Note: If you wish to have your birthday listed in The
                                                     Tidings, please contact Sharon Holley, church secretary, at
04/07       Liz Bowie Fesperman
                                                     410-523-1542, or via e-mail at
04/07       Jacob Schindler
04/07       Xandr Zabel
04/08       Rachel Aaron                                           In Memoriam
04/08       Larry Fletcher-Hill
04/10       Frederick C. Petrich                                of BMPA Members
04/11       Sarah Egan                                               robin d. coblentz
04/11       William Egan                                     o ctober 23, 1931 – JanuarY 2, 2010
04/12       Ernest Imhoff                                Robin chaired the co-education committee that resulted
04/12       Grace Todd                                 in the first woman being admitted to the McDonogh
04/15       Annika Brockman                            School in 1975. She also served as McDonogh’s first
04/13       James Wagner Cavallon                      female admissions director; a position she held from 1977
04/15       Karoon Peng Armand                         until retiring in 1988. During her retirement, she was co-
04/17       Kathy Graning                              editor of the presidential papers of Dwight D. Eisenhower.
04/18       Dever Cunningham
04/19       Barbara Cates                                               carl e. taYlor
04/19       Johanna Schindler                                  JulY 26, 1916 – f ebruarY 4, 2010
04/20       Mary Mashburn                                Carl founded Johns Hopkins’ international health
04/22       Greta Finney                               program and worked to improve medicine in Third World
                                                       countries. Carl was China Representative for UNICEF
04/22       Elijah Simpson-Sundell
                                                       from 1984 to 1987. From 1992 until his death he was
04/24       Ben Waldron
                                                       Senior Advisor to Future Generations and more recently
04/24       Irene Wright
                                                       Future Generations Graduate School (where a
04/25       Reddy Finney                               professorship is endowed in his name).
04/25       Amy Schmickel
04/26       Chloe Linnea Cheseldine                                d ouGlas warner, Jr.
04/26       Audrey De Hoff                                   sePtember 22, 1925 – m arch 2, 2010
04/26       Kenna Emerick                               An outdoorsman and a nature preservationist,
04/27       Andrew Foster Connors                      Douglas was one of the founders of the Chesapeake
04/29       Muriel Callaman                            Bay Foundation.
04/29       Fredericka (Freddie) Courpas

                                           Published monthly for members and friends of Brown
                                           Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian Church by the
                                           Membership Committee. Andrew Foster Connors, Pastor.
                                           Emily Rose Martin, Associate Pastor. 1316 Park Avenue,
                                           Baltimore, MD 21217. 410.523.1542.
               G ood      news from Send contributions by
                                           the 15th of each month to Ellen Carter Cooper, editor
                                           ( or to Sharon Holley,
                                           church secrectary (

PaGe 8    t he t idinGs                                                                              a Pril 2010
a Pril 2010                 bmPa

                                                                                                                                                                             PaGe 9
      S unday                      M onday        TueSday     WedneSday             ThurSday                         Friday                       S aTurday

                                                                                                                                                                             t he t idinGs
                                                                               1                              2                              3
                                                                               Maunday Thursday Soup Supper   Good Friday Tenebrae Service   Saturday Morning
                                                                               5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.            7:30 p.m.                      Bible Study 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m.
                                                                               Chancel Choir Rehearsal
                                                                               7:30 p.m.-9 p.m.
4                             5              6              7                  8                              9                              10
Choir Warm-Up                                               WN@B Session IV    Chancel Choir
9:30 a.m.-10:45 a.m.                                                                                                                         Saturday Morning
                                                            5:30-7:30 p.m.     Rehearsal 7 p.m.-8:45 p.m.                                    Bible Study 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m.
Easter Service of Worship
11 a.m.
11    Sunday School,
      Adult Forum,            12             13             14                 15                             16                             17
Choir Warm-Up
9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m.                                        WN@B Session IV    Chancel Choir                                                 Saturday Morning Bible Study
Service of Worship 11 a.m.                                  5:30-7:30 p.m.     Rehearsal 7 p.m.-8:45 p.m.                                    8:30 a.m.-10 a.m.
       Sunday School,
18     Adult Forum,           19             20             21                 22                             23                             24
       9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m.
Service of Worship 11 a.m.                                  WN@B Session IV    Chancel Choir                                                 Saturday Morning
Youth Group Meeting                                         5:30-7:30 p.m.     Rehearsal 7 p.m.-8:45 p.m.                                    Bible Study 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m.
12:15 p.m.
CFM Team Meeting 12:15 p.m                                                                                                                   Celebretory Dinner for
-1:30 p.m.                                                                                                                                   Don Stroud’s Ministry
                                                                                                                                             with TAMFS:B 6 p.m.-10 p.m.
Sunday School
Service Project
      Sunday School,
      Adult Forum,            26             27             28                 29                             30                             1 M ay
      Choir Warm-Up                                         WN@B Session IV
9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m.                                                                                          Tiffany Window Tour            Saturday Morning
                                                            5:30-7:30 p.m.                                    9 a.m.-10 a.m.                 Bible Study 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m.
Service of Worship 11 a.m.

                                                                                                                                                                             a Pril 2010

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Tidings Apr10

  • 1. The Tidings G ood news from a Pril 2010 in this i ssue Pastor’s r eflections bY r ev. a ndrew fosTer c onnors PasTor’s r eflecTions 1 I was visiting recently with a colleague of mine, a minister who has recently Musical noTes ......... 2 retired. He and his partner told me they were happily “church shopping.” “What’s it like?” I asked, hardly hiding my voyeurism. “It’s great,” he said. euTaw-M arshburn “I’ve watched people do this my entire life and now it’s fun to needs You ................ 2 see it from the other side.” We spoke for awhile about first impressions, what a difference it makes when people introduce themselves to you, and worship. Somehow the topic of Easter a sk The PasTor ........ 3 came up. “Wherever we settle down,” he said, “I will make sure that I worship on Easter Sunday in a church with a lot of music. I can’t stand it when a share foundaTion preacher messes it up by trying to explain the Resurrection.” We laughed it news ........................ 4 off, but the rest of the afternoon I pondered what he said. Here’s a preacher who is aware of all of the critical “problems” of the Resurrection – that the a walk Through primary event of the Christian faith is alleged to be an historical one on the balTiMore’s h isTorY 5 one hand, but impossible according to everything that we know about life and death on the other. That the power of the Resurrection, on the one hand, a farewell comes from the testimony of the disciples, but that if this event happened only To d on sTroud .......... 5 in their memory, the very nature of God, active in history, is called into question on the other. This retired pastor knew all of these critical issues and probably has some strong opinions about them, yet on the most important day RENEW: of the Christian year, he was clear that what he needs to hear, smell, taste, The Green VBS ..... 6 touch, and see is the promise of that story. His words reminded me of the work of the French philosopher Paul Ricoeur. TrusTees’ uPdaTe ..... 6 Ricoeur understood the unlikelihood of the rational mind embracing the “original belief” that stands behind most religious symbols. What is needed, a Pril r esPonsibiliTY he argued, is a “second naïveté in and through criticism.” This kind of schedule ................. 7 re-interpretative criticism, he argued, happens in community, in acts of willing and honest reflection on sacred symbols and narratives. In this way, he bMPa To offer said, we “hear again.” That’s what we’re aiming for on Easter Sunday: a worship experience that Mid-week bible sTudY. 7 neither ignores the critical questions raised by the Resurrection narrative nor is held captive by them, a day when we declare together “he is risen indeed” birThdaYs................. 8 in a willing act of communal re-imagination. It is possible that this communal act will send us out into the world, eager to confront the darkest places in our i n M eMoriaM world and the dimmest places in our lives with tremendous courage; courage of bMPa M eMbers .. 8 born of the hope that for every dead-end, God has a new beginning. It is possible that we will catch a glimpse of what it must feel like not to fear a Pril 2010 anything, not even death. It is possible that our lives will be transformed all aT bMPa ................. 9 because of this story that still burdens us with critical questions and challenges. The only way to find out what is possible is to come and hear it again.
  • 2. musical notes This month, following the intense musical demands part of the ministry of music that John Walker reminds of Lent and Easter, I have asked a member of the us about frequently. Where else can one reiterate the Chancel Choir to respond to the Minister’s message and/or the highlighted Scripture following questions: “What prompts passages each Sunday? Where else can one be a part of your commitment of time and energy a unit that focuses upon singing our best to an every week to participate in the Chancel audience made solely of God? Choir? How does singing in the Chancel Our choir requires a commitment to learning, not Choir relate to your spiritual life and growth?” just notes, but the historical and Biblical meanings – John Walker of the words we sing. Recently, we sang “Come Thou chancel choir Fount of Every Blessing.” A member of the choir asked, “What is an ‘Ebenezer’?” Of course, John (son = commitment of a Minister) had the answer. Our dedication means that we attend and participate in rehearsals from 7 to bY e llen carTer c ooPer 8:45 p.m. on Thursdays and from 9:45 to 10:30 a.m. They start arriving at 6:30 p.m. on most Thursdays – on Sundays. Additionally, we learn to sing in French, the active and retired physicians, nurse, public school Spanish, Latin, German, Chinese, and various African teachers, Peabody students, college professors, languages. Our repertoire consists of classical, attorney, author, mortgage broker, State Department spiritual, folk, and contemporary music. official, Baltimore City government official, Each time that we sing, our faith is bolstered and composers, and choir directors. Some are fortified. When the choir sings the words of persons accomplished trained performers; others only sang who speak languages other than English, we in their school and church choirs. One thread that understand what the late Carl Taylor said we must do, probably unites them is a firm belief in Friedrich “be a Christian in the world,” [not only just at Brown Nietzsche’s statement, “Without music, life would be Memorial] I shudder to think what life and the church a mistake.” would be without music. My gratitude is extended to Brown Memorial’s choir is a faith community. I am each member of the choir who consistently makes “a a member of the choir because it allows me to be a joyful noise.” eutaw-m arshburn needs You Be a weekly reader or be a volunteer for a day. If you ever style. Half an hour per class wanted to know what is happening in the inner city public seems like nothing, but you’d elementary schools this is your chance and by the way fall in besurprised how often the love with a child. kids will stop us in the hall readinG ProGram to say, “You’re my reader”, We have 11 wonderful readers volunteering at Eutaw “I liked the story about the Marshburn. Won’t you join us? We hear over and over again ducklings” or “When are you how grateful the teachers are coming back to read?” for this enrichment hour once Thank you! Lynda Burton, a week. Every minute of the Rev. Marion Bascom, Carol day is assigned to teaching in Graves, Beth Gregory, preparation for the Maryland Sandra Fink, Chrystie State Tests. Our reading is one Adams, Cheryl Finney, of the only times in the week Bernhard Zinkgraf, Karen the children don’t have any Nelson, Barbara Clippinger, Photos courtesy of Susan Saudek demands on them. It is their Susan Saudek. time for listening, for letting maY festival maY 29th their imaginations go and A Day of fun for All. Crafts, Sports, Moon bounces, face for sharing insights. Each of painting, visits by the Fire and Police Department with their the readers brings their own trucks and cars, crafts, food and music. We need volunteers! books and their own engaging Get in touch with Sandra Fink or Susan Saudek. PaGe 2 t he t idinGs a Pril 2010
  • 3. a sk the Pastor bY r ev. e MilY rose M arTin Garden of Gethsemane, his arrest, and the disciples’ flight in fear. In the gospel of John, these events begin Q: What is the difference between the Tenebrae Service with the pronouncement, “And it was night,” which and the Seven Last Words of Christ Service? Which one do we enact by symbolically extinguishing the candles we celebrate and why? throughout the service. Some congregations conclude A: The liturgical celebration of what has come to be their Maundy Thursday service, which may also include known as “Holy Week” began as a one- or two-day fast a foot washing ceremony, communion, and a stripping leading up to Easter dawn. By the fourth century, of the sanctuary, with the descent into darkness that is churches in Jerusalem were using liturgies typical of Tenebrae services. Others, such as Brown ? specific to each day of Holy Week. In the Memorial Park Avenue, separate the Maundy Thursday 16th century, the Reformers moved away and the Tenebrae Service, celebrating the latter on from many of the liturgical feast days that Friday evening. In spite of the somber tone of the have been adopted by the Roman Catholic Tenebrae Service or perhaps because of the way that it Church over the centuries, retaining only those “holy invites us into deep contemplation of God’s love for us days” that had to do with the life of Christ, which they in the person of Jesus Christ, many of our congregants called “evangelical feasts.” According to the Second report that this is one of their favorite services of Helvetic Confession (5.226): “If in Christian Liberty the the year. churches religiously celebrate the memory of the Lord’s At Brown Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian nativity, circumcision, passion, resurrection and his Church, we also remember the events of Good Friday in ascension into heaven, and the sending of the Holy Spirit ecumenical settings at a 9 a.m. service and at a longer upon his disciples, we approve it highly.” service that takes place from noon to 3 p.m., While Calvin agreed with this interpretation, in an traditionally the time of Christ’s crucifixion. The “Seven attempt to address biblical illiteracy in his Last Words of Christ” are taken from multiple gospels congregations, he abandoned the use of the medieval and are the subject of the preaching at the noon-time lectionary that corresponded with the liturgical calendar, service at Sharp Street United Methodist Church. The and instead preached sequentially through entire books congregation consists of persons who attend churches in of the Bible. Over time, many Reformed Churches, in West Baltimore. Traditionally, the pastor of Brown contrast to Lutherans who kept the lectionary, lost their Memorial preaches on one of the words. connection with the liturgical year and its Whether it is a remembrance of Christ’s last words “evangelical feast days.” Both a Tenebrae Service and which call us to humility, forgiveness, obedience and a Seven Last Words Service are about Christ’s passion, reconciliation or a Friday evening service that draws and thus appropriate occasions for a special worship us deep into the contemplation of the darkness within service for Reformed Christians, such as Presbyterians. ourselves and all around us, Christ invites us to enter Liturgically speaking, services on Maundy Thursday, with him. It is important that Christians find some way Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Morning make to engage deeply and in community with the mystery of up one unit. Just as we do not speak of Christ’s death our faith: Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will independent of his resurrection (and vice versa), we do come again. not think of the Passion Week worship services apart Sources: Reformed Worship by Howard Rice and from the Easter morning service. Our confidence in the James C. Huffstutler (Geneva Press, 2001); For resurrection and our hope for the redemption of the Everything, A Season: A Study of the Liturgical world is what makes it possible to endure the darkness Calendar by Kathleen Long Bostrom (2005-2006 of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Horizons Bible Study for Presbyterian Women); Praise The word “Tenebrae” comes from the Latin word for God: Worship Through the Year by Mary Faith Carson “darkness,” “gloom,” or “shadows,” and this service and Arlo D. Duba (a companion piece to the 2005-2006 grew out of a monastic liturgy in the Middle Ages, Horizons Bible Study for Presbyterian Women). during which fifteen candles were extinguished one by one over the course of Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday * “Ask the Pastor” is a new feature of The Tidings. evenings. This service is often somber as it leads You may submit a liturgical or scriptural question to be participants into reflection on the events that followed answered by one of the Pastors to Ellen Carter Cooper the “Last Supper” of Christ with his disciples: Christ’s at The deadline for betrayal by Judas Iscariot, his agonized prayer in the questions is the 15th of every month. a Pril 2010 t he t idinGs PaGe 3
  • 4. share foundation news March 2010 Dear Friends, We are writing today to provide an update on the Hurricane Ida reconstruction efforts. Your expressions of solidarity and your generosity have made it possible for great progress to be made since those first sad and uncertain days in early November. On behalf of our colleagues and the communities in El Salvador, we thank you! Since November, SHARE has worked continuously and in collaboration with partner organizations across the United States to raise funds for emergency relief efforts. The president of SHARE’s Board of Directors, Nicolas Avelar, raised more than $7,000 to support aid efforts in the town of Aguilares, El Salvador. Our compañeros y compañeras with CARECEN in San Francisco reached out to the Bay Area community collecting donations over the course of several days in churches, farmers markets and other community events. The funds they raised (more than $9,000) went directly to SHARE. A nongovernmental cooperative in Spain channeled €5,000 euros ($6,824) through SHARE for relief efforts focused on water sanitation and latrines. Additionally, many of SHARE’s sister parishes – who already invest significantly to support partnerships and development in El Salvador – redoubled their efforts to raise relief funds. The parishes of Faith Weaver’s of St. Mary in Michigan, Good Shepherd in Kansas and in Wisconsin, St. Patrick’s in Seattle and Brown Memorial Presbyterian in Baltimore have collectively sent nearly $11,000 in aid. We have been overjoyed and humbled by the assistance from partner organizations, faith communities and hundreds of individual donors. These contributions to the Hurricane Ida relief efforts are serving 10 communities. THANK YOU!! From the beginning, SHARE committed to responding to the crisis of Hurricane Ida in two phases. During the first phase we sent nearly $42,000 in order the supply the most immediate needs of food packages, portable water and temporary sheltersupplies. The second phase of recovery has begun. Our staff in El Salvador is now compiling reports from our counterparts and is in discussions about what will be involved. The focus will be on the sustainable reconstruction of homes and replanting of crops. We want to thank our El Salvador staff, Marina, Tedde, Carmelina, Laura, Danielle and Cristian for their tremendous work during the emergency! Lastly, we want to share with you that SHARE is a part of an international coalition, ESFERA, which provides emergency disaster preparedness trainings and information. The fact that Chile experienced much less damage than Haiti did, even though the magnitude of the quake was much greater, demonstrates that the time and energy put into natural disaster preparedness truly pays off. SHARE will continue to work with our partner organization and communities to increase capacity for emergency response and preparedness in the future. SHARE is looking forward to an exciting and productive 2010. In just two short weeks we will be in El Salvador to join the delegation of pilgrims celebrating the legacy of Archbishop Oscar Romero. We are excited for what will surely be an incredible demonstration of solidarity (and also for some tropical sun)! In December, SHARE will also host a delegation to celebrate the lives of the 4 U.S. Churchwomen killed in 1980. Please join us on this delegation, which will take place November 28th to Dec 5th 2010. As always, we thank you for walking in solidarity with our Salvadoran brothers and sisters, for your continued support, and we look forward to staying in touch with you as the year progresses. Please check out our website www. and your mail boxes in the coming months for pictures and recaps of the Romero delegation and festivities. Thank you for all you do. Sincerely, José Artiga Jillian Leslie Executive Director Operations Assistant PaGe 4 t he t idinGs a Pril 2010
  • 5. a walk t hrouGh baltimore’s h istorY bY e llen carTer c ooPer Church. Her second book, Talking with her is similar to walking a road with Your Mother is a Witch, many detours. She embarks upon various paths because was printed in 2004. It she remembers so much about navigating the presents the thoughts of thoroughfares of life in segregated Baltimore. Madora her mother (Viola Henson entered life on one of the “colored” wards at Anderson) about the Johns Hopkins Hospital. presence of spirits and Madora learned to read at age two. Her grandmother God. Currently, this lady of taught her with a linen alphabet book and a primary diverse interests is working reader. She attended Henry Highland Garnet on a book about Elementary School #103. Rev. Garnet was an African conversations with God and Madora Henson American abolitionist, born into slavery in New Market, a book of jokes. Maryland, who was esteemed in the Black community. During her childhood, Madora was introduced to Brown After escaping to New York, Rev. Garnet later attended Memorial Church in an unusual way. She used to sit in the Oneida Institute of Theology, was ordained as a Jenkins Alley and listen to Virgil Fox play the organ. Presbyterian minister, and pastored the Fifteenth Street Twenty years ago, drawn by the friendliness of the Presbyterian Church in Washington, D.C. members and the delicious brownies, she became a As a child, Madora lived at 1129 Park Avenue. She member of the church. These days, she is particularly often wondered why she could not attend the school in attracted to the Adult Forum and the music at BMPA. her neighborhood. School #103 was racially segregated Additionally, Madora is available as a stand-up as were the other two public schools located on the west comedienne who tells clean jokes only. side in Baltimore: Booker T. Washington Junior High School and Frederick Douglass Senior High School. Madora’s teachers (legally prohibited from enrolling in a farewell to d on the graduate schools in Maryland) provided her with an A Celebration and Farewell Dinner for excellent education they acquired from Columbia University, Harvard, NYU, Princeton, Yale, and the Rev. Donald E. Stroud even Oxford. The Board of Directors of That All May Freely Serve: Everyone in Madora’s family was taught to play the Baltimore will hold a dinner on Saturday, April 24, 2010, piano. She was exposed to classical music early in life 6:30 p.m. in Sharp Hall at Govans Presbyterian Church as she enjoyed the playing of the Colored Symphony to celebrate the eleven years of service of the Rev. Orchestra. One of her aunts was the first chair Donald E. Stroud as its Minister of Outreach and violinist for the group. When Marian Anderson and Reconciliation. Sadly, due to financial constraints, the Roland Hayes sang here, she was privileged to hear Board has found it necessary to terminate Don’s them. This feisty lady has used her own talent and position with TAMFS:B at the end of July 2010. skills as a pianist to play at United Methodist, Seventh In order to make sure that Don is able to continue Day Adventist, Baptist, African Methodist Episcopal our important advocacy work on LGBT business at the (A.M.E.), and Pentecostal churches. Her son, Robert, 219th General Assembly of the PC (U.S.A.) in July, it is (a Peabody Institute graduate) is an accomplished vital that funds be raised to meet our responsibilities to organist, as well. Don. The April 24th dinner is a fundraiser as well as a There were many educators in Madora’s family, also. celebration and an opportunity will be given to receive She, herself, earned degrees from Coppin College and donations to TAMFS:B. If you are a regular later, Loyola College. She remembers that Coppin began contributor, please continue your financial support as Coppin Normal School and it was located on the through this final year. third floor of School #132. Before she retired, Madora Join us on April 24th to thank Don, to celebrate what toiled many years as a reading specialist for the has been accomplished during his time in the Baltimore Baltimore City Public Schools. area, and to help raise money to fund his final months Reading is still an important part of life for Madora, with us as well as to provide him with an appropriate but she supplies the literature for others. In 2000, she severance package. Save the date April 24th on your published 180 Days of Madness and Merriment which calendar. To make dinner reservations ($25/ticket) by was dedicated to her son, Robert, and to Lillie Ross, April 15, 2010 and for more information contact Charles a longtime member of Madison Avenue Presbyterian Forbes at 410-667-4241. a Pril 2010 t he t idinGs PaGe 5
  • 6. Grow in Faith! Have Fun! Change the World! Calling all children between the ages 3 and 10 who want to ReNew! Let’s grow in faith, and change the world! ReNew Vacation Bible School invites children to learn about Jesus, help build our community, and grow as they become stewards of God’s creation. At ReNew: The Green VBS children will: • Explore God’s Word through Jesus’ Parable of the Sower • Learn about God’s creation and what we can do to care for it. • Make new friends and have a great time! We hope to see you at ReNew: The Green VBS! Let’s work together to care for creation! Who: Children ages 3-10 (Note: Children must turn 3 by January 1, 2010) Where: Brown Memorial Park Avenue Church When: June 21 – 25, 2010 What Time: 9am – Noon Cost: $50 per child (Need-based Scholarships Available Upon Request) To register, visit our website at where you can download a registration form. Questions? Contact Rachel Cunningham (410)523-1542, Ext. 14 or t rustees’ uPdate bY willard (bud) g raves area is slate but not as steep. The roof over the Church I suggested, and the Trustees agreed, that the House is a flat composite residential roof. The church congregation needs to be kept up-to-date on large projects roof dates back to the early 1900s and was probably such as the Church House third floor renovations in 2008 updated when the Chancel was added. Repairs have and the roof repair going on today or any other project been made, but missing and rusting nails have allowed that will result in major change to the church property water leakage as can be seen on both the Labyrinth and and/or cost large amounts. It is the plan to continue these Columbarium side (near the ceiling where the gold ribs updates until a project is completed. Upcoming projects form the valley). will be general church security and fire protection and the Marathon is removing six tiers of slate at a time, Northeast tower repair. inspecting the deck, and replacing the underlayment In November, the congregation approved a $100,000 with snow and ice guard covered with tar paper. So far, loan from the Presbyterian Church Loan Program to they have replaced 700 slates. finance the roof repairs.We will be repaying this loan The heavy snow caused approximately $50,000 over ten years at an annual rate of five percent. damage to the gutters and to some of the snow guards On Monday, March 8th, I talked with Dan, Marathon (now in the memorial garden on the North side of the church). Roofing’s foreman on the church’s main roof, the roof Insurance is expected to pay for this additional work. The over the assembly room area, and the Church House church is fortunate that Marathon was onsite with scaffolding roof. The main roof over the sanctuary is a steep slate in place. The snow damage is costly to repair, but not as costly shingle roof while the roof over the assembly room as if we had to erect scaffolding just for the snow repairs. PaGe 6 t he t idinGs a Pril 2010
  • 7. a Pril r esonsibilitY s chedule 11 a. m. worshiP service If you have a conflict with this schedule – please call liturGist others on the list to make a swap. Then inform the church 4th Barbara Cates office of these changes at (410)523-1542 or 11th Taylor Branch 18th Elden Schneider 25th W. Courtland Robinson acolYtes 4th Mather English & Josephine Finney offertorY counters 11th Elizabeth Cavallon & Grace Todd Ken Mills & Andy Ross 18th Katie Egan & Annie Schindler 25th Sam English & Jack Mitchell ushers Bill Bishai, Anne Heuisler, Monica Rakowski, audio enGineer David Rollison, John Warmath, Jenny Williams 4th Don Peeples 11th J.D. Robinson 18th Bud Graves bmPa to o ffer 25th Don Peeples m id -week bible studY children’s church volunteers From April 8 to May 20, Brown Memorial will be 4th None offering a mid-week Bible Study based on the 11th TBD lectionary for the following Sunday in the Speers Room 18th Jim & Theresa Veatch of the Church House on Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 11 25th Andy & Michelle Zabel a.m. The discussion will be led by clergy and is a great way for the community to participate in the process coffee hour hosts that culminates each week in the proclamation of the 4th Cunningham Family Word. There are no fees or materials to purchase, but 11th Volunteer Needed we would appreciate it if you let the church office know 18th Karen & Ken Nelson ahead of time if you plan to attend. Also, please let the 25th The Egan Family church office know if you would like to attend but need transportation assistance. communion PreParation 4th Sandra Fink, Hannah Loring-Davis take note communion servers g o Green wiTh Your coPY of THE TIDINGS! 4th Gilly Babb Now that our new website is complete and we have a direct Sarah Buikema link to the most recent Tidings publication help us go Carol Graves GREEN by receiving your copy online. Receiving email Julie Hanks notification of when the latest Tidings is available for Andy Imparato reading will help us cut down on the environmental and Andy Johnston financial costs of printing and mailing paper copies. If you Carol Newill would like to receive e-mail notification of when the latest Chris Saudek Tidings is available, please send Sharon Holley an email at She will need your name Greeters and email address. Also, check our website 4th Lisa Hoffberger & David Mock directly for updates at 11th Sandra & Roger Fink php?s=newsletter to download the latest Tidings. Thanks 18th Peggy & Charlie Obrecht for helping us to be better stewards of God’s 25th Patti Flowers-Coulson & Mark Coulson magnificent creation. a Pril 2010 t he t idinGs PaGe 7
  • 8. a Pril birthdaYs 04/29 04/29 Sue Saudek Jean Savina 04/03 Andrew (Drew) Clay Johnston, Jr. 04/29 David Schmickel 04/03 Kathryn (Kitty) Ward 04/30 Katherine Egan 04/06 Angela Jones 04/30 Lisa Polyak 04/06 Devi Deane-Polyak 04/06 James Schuman Note: If you wish to have your birthday listed in The Tidings, please contact Sharon Holley, church secretary, at 04/07 Liz Bowie Fesperman 410-523-1542, or via e-mail at 04/07 Jacob Schindler 04/07 Xandr Zabel 04/08 Rachel Aaron In Memoriam 04/08 Larry Fletcher-Hill 04/10 Frederick C. Petrich of BMPA Members 04/11 Sarah Egan robin d. coblentz 04/11 William Egan o ctober 23, 1931 – JanuarY 2, 2010 04/12 Ernest Imhoff Robin chaired the co-education committee that resulted 04/12 Grace Todd in the first woman being admitted to the McDonogh 04/15 Annika Brockman School in 1975. She also served as McDonogh’s first 04/13 James Wagner Cavallon female admissions director; a position she held from 1977 04/15 Karoon Peng Armand until retiring in 1988. During her retirement, she was co- 04/17 Kathy Graning editor of the presidential papers of Dwight D. Eisenhower. 04/18 Dever Cunningham 04/19 Barbara Cates carl e. taYlor 04/19 Johanna Schindler JulY 26, 1916 – f ebruarY 4, 2010 04/20 Mary Mashburn Carl founded Johns Hopkins’ international health 04/22 Greta Finney program and worked to improve medicine in Third World countries. Carl was China Representative for UNICEF 04/22 Elijah Simpson-Sundell from 1984 to 1987. From 1992 until his death he was 04/24 Ben Waldron Senior Advisor to Future Generations and more recently 04/24 Irene Wright Future Generations Graduate School (where a 04/25 Reddy Finney professorship is endowed in his name). 04/25 Amy Schmickel 04/26 Chloe Linnea Cheseldine d ouGlas warner, Jr. 04/26 Audrey De Hoff sePtember 22, 1925 – m arch 2, 2010 04/26 Kenna Emerick An outdoorsman and a nature preservationist, 04/27 Andrew Foster Connors Douglas was one of the founders of the Chesapeake 04/29 Muriel Callaman Bay Foundation. 04/29 Fredericka (Freddie) Courpas The Tidings Published monthly for members and friends of Brown Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian Church by the Membership Committee. Andrew Foster Connors, Pastor. Emily Rose Martin, Associate Pastor. 1316 Park Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21217. 410.523.1542. G ood news from Send contributions by the 15th of each month to Ellen Carter Cooper, editor ( or to Sharon Holley, church secrectary ( PaGe 8 t he t idinGs a Pril 2010
  • 9. a Pril 2010 bmPa PaGe 9 at S unday M onday TueSday WedneSday ThurSday Friday S aTurday t he t idinGs 1 2 3 Maunday Thursday Soup Supper Good Friday Tenebrae Service Saturday Morning 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Bible Study 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal 7:30 p.m.-9 p.m. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Choir Warm-Up WN@B Session IV Chancel Choir 9:30 a.m.-10:45 a.m. Saturday Morning 5:30-7:30 p.m. Rehearsal 7 p.m.-8:45 p.m. Bible Study 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m. Easter Service of Worship 11 a.m. 11 Sunday School, Adult Forum, 12 13 14 15 16 17 Choir Warm-Up 9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m. WN@B Session IV Chancel Choir Saturday Morning Bible Study Service of Worship 11 a.m. 5:30-7:30 p.m. Rehearsal 7 p.m.-8:45 p.m. 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m. Sunday School, 18 Adult Forum, 19 20 21 22 23 24 9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m. Service of Worship 11 a.m. WN@B Session IV Chancel Choir Saturday Morning Youth Group Meeting 5:30-7:30 p.m. Rehearsal 7 p.m.-8:45 p.m. Bible Study 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m. 12:15 p.m. CFM Team Meeting 12:15 p.m Celebretory Dinner for -1:30 p.m. Don Stroud’s Ministry with TAMFS:B 6 p.m.-10 p.m. Sunday School Service Project 25 Sunday School, Adult Forum, 26 27 28 29 30 1 M ay Choir Warm-Up WN@B Session IV 9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m. Tiffany Window Tour Saturday Morning 5:30-7:30 p.m. 9 a.m.-10 a.m. Bible Study 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m. Service of Worship 11 a.m. a Pril 2010