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                                                                                    G ood        news from

                      f ebruary 2010

in     this      i ssue                            Pastor’s r eflections
                                  BY a ndreW fosTer c onnors
PasTor’s r eflecTions 1 
                                    Reading Patricia Polacco’s children’s book, Thank you, Mr. Falker, for the
Bringing communion 2              second time last night, I cried again. “It’s okay, daddy,” my daughter said snuggling
                                  up to provide a little comfort. The story is of a child named Trisha who is bullied
m eeT   a   d eacon ........ 2                   because she cannot read. So clever is she at disguising her
                                                 disability that even her teachers do not catch on until the 5th grade
a sk   The   PasTor ........ 3                   when a special teacher, Mr. Falker, notices and responds. I’m not sure
                                                 why I cried for the second time, but I think it had something to do
a leTTer from                                    with the cries of children that have been heard from Haiti all the way
cameroon ................. 4      to Baltimore. So devastating is the recent earthquake that even reporters,
                                  usually dispassionate in their delivery, have broken down in the middle of their
                                  stories documenting children crying for help with not enough relief workers to
Your h earT’s desire
                                  answer their cries.
and The World’s
                                    Though I am a long way from the fresh terror of this kind of immediate need,
greaT need .............. 5       there are times when I believe I can relate to the frantic desperation of these aid
                                  workers. The prayer list grows in our own church with needs that are varied and
BroWn communiTY                   deep. Children in our city cry out for help and there is not enough relief to go
a nnouncemenTs ........ 5         around. Children in El Salvador and the Dakotas and Cameroon all come to mind
                                  and cries of just one of those children almost paralyze me with the knowledge of
Bridging      The   gaP ..... 6   need that is overwhelming. I am forced to admit that there is more need that I can
                                  meet, there is more work than I can accomplish; and every wound that I see can be
confronTing evil:                 not be tended to.
BaPTism, r ePenTance                Ministry sometimes feels like triage and not just for me. Our congregation has
and e xorcism ........... 7       turned down supporting many worthy projects, many worthy partnerships, many
                                  worthy people with sadness and regret because we simply do not have more energy,
BirThdaYs................. 7      or more money, or more time to go around. “Without adequate boundaries,” I heard
                                  a pastor say one time, “we become nothing more than quivering masses
                                  of availability.”
f eBruarY 2010
                                    When something like the tragedy in Haiti happens, I feel torn again. Are we
aT BmPa ................. 8       forced to ignore the cries in one place (Haiti) in order to stay focused on the people
                                  and the needs we have committed ourselves to in Baltimore and in specific
                                  partnerships around the globe? Because our congregation is a part of a great cloud
                                  of witnesses larger than ourselves, I am confident that the answer is no. I do feel
                                  fairly certain that we will not start a new partnership in Haiti in the wake of this
                                  earthquake. To do so would be turning our attention away from brothers and sisters
                                  in places where we have made commitments to stand with them in poverty,
                                  violence, and injustice. But we need not neglect fresh cries from other parts of the
                                  world either. We are part of a global church that even now is sending fresh food and
                                  water, medical supplies, doctors, and aid workers as quickly and as efficiently as
                                  humanly possible. The church is there standing alongside other faiths and people of
                                                                                                    continued on page 2
Pastor’s r eflections
continued from page 1                                           call to be sent there to give all that they can to alleviate
no faith and we have a small part through our prayers           the need. I pray for more like them who are needed to
and our financial gifts of lending a hand.                      touch wounds here and around the globe. Finally, I pray
  During times like these, I feel most comfortable with         for our congregation that we may continue to grow to
the evangelistic impulse of our faith. Jesus couldn’t           meet needs that sometimes overwhelm.
meet the need all by Himself – there were too many                At the end of Polacco’s book, we learn that the story
hurting, too many grieving, and too many crying out.            is autobiographical. She closes with an unexpected
He surrounded himself with others who wanted to                 encounter between the real Mr. Falker and Polocco
love God by serving their neighbors in need. “Many              herself whose future was transformed because her cries
hands make light work”, the proverb says. So I pray for         were heard. They meet many years later by accident
the people of Haiti especially for the cries of children        at a wedding. “He asked me what I do for a living and
whose bodies and whose innocence are broken.                    I said, ‘Why Mr. Falker, I write books for children.
Additionally, I pray for all those who have answered a          Thank you, Mr. Falker. Thank you.’”

                                    brinGinG communion
BY sandra f ink                                                 of the morning service, i.e. the prayers or the words of a
                                                                chosen hymn. The bread and the cup are offered (They
   The staff is pleasant and welcoming when we arrive at        have been consecrated at the church’s service.) and
the facility where our special friend lives. Her eyes light     accepted. We pray together and end with the
up when she sees us. We come on communion Sunday,               Lord’s Prayer.
after church, to share the heavenly meal with her.                Our visit is usually about an hour. Reminding her that
   We find out from each other what has happened since          she is very much a part of our congregation and that
we last visited together. She has a keen sense of humor         one of us will be visiting soon again, we take our leave.
and enjoys the “news”. We talk about the day’s worship          As we depart, our conversation centers around the
experience, and, as a music lover and musician, she             remarkable courage it takes to have left everything
appreciates particularly the recounting of the day’s            familiar and “home” to adjust to yet another
musical aspects of worship.                                     environment, staff and atmosphere. We are grateful for
   She watches as the small votive candle is lit and            her example to us and for our opportunity to include her
listens attentively as we begin the service. We use part        in our lives.

                                           m eet           a    d eacon
  Barbara Christen has been a member of Brown                   history of campus
Memorial for more than three years and sings in the             planning. She lives with
chancel choir. She is an architectural historian who received   her husband, David
her Ph.D. from the City University of New York / Graduate       Luljak, and children, Peter
Center where she studied late 19th and early 20th century       and Julia Christen Luljak,
American architecture and urbanism. Her first interest in       in Oakenshawe. Barbara
these matters, however, was sparked at Williams College         asserts that she felt called
as an undergraduate and then subsequently in Japan, where       to be a deacon because
she taught English for a year. Having written and lectured      she enjoys visiting with
widely about the work of Cass Gilbert (1859-1934), she          people connected with the
enjoys considering the impact of late 19th-century American     congregation and
architects on urban life. In past years, she has worked for     listening to what that
several non-profit organizations and museums in New York        association means            Barbara Christen
and Washington, and currently serves as a consultant on the     to them.

PaGe 2      t he t idinGs                                                                                 f ebruary 2010
a sk         the       Pastor
BY e milY rose m arTin                                                important message to us about who God is, who we are, and                                               how we should be living came in both the person and the
   Q: What should the liturgists say before the reading of            message of Jesus Christ. Thus you will sometime hear the
scripture? Should it be “Listen now to the word of God”               phrases: the Word of God written, the Word of God
instead of “Listen now to a word from God”?                           proclaimed, and the Word of God incarnate (or made flesh).
   A: It seems on the surface like a question of semantics –“of”      Those three phrases cover the various levels of meaning, and
vs. “from” or “the” vs. “a.” The meaning is changed slightly          at different times, Christians have emphasized one more or
                 with “the” and “of.” But there are much larger       less. In the Westminster Confession of Faith (17th

                 theological issues at stake, such as, “What is the   century England), the emphasis is on the Word of God written.
                 Word of God?Is the Word of God different from        For those Christians (and many of their spiritual ancestors,
                 the words of God? How exactly does God               Presbyterians included), “The authority of Holy Scripture, for
                 communicate through scripture?”                      which it ought to be believed and obeyed, dependeth not upon
   Part of the confusion stems from the multiple layers of            the testimony of any man or church, but wholly upon God
meaning that have evolved in the Christian tradition around           (who is truth itself), the author thereof; and therefore it is to
what was originally the Greek word “logos”. According to my           be received because it is the Word of God” (WCF 6.004, The
Harper Collins Bible Dictionary, the word “logos” began as a          Book of Confessions of the PCUSA). By this definition, the
technical philosophical term employed by Heraclitus in the 6th        Word of God is scripture – and should be read as the literal
century BCE, but became an important concept for the Stoics           words of God. But even the Westminster Divines agreed that
in the third century BCE and later. For that philosophy, the logo     the Word of God written is not self-explanatory and requires
was “the principle and pattern that gave the world or cosmos its      the work of the Holy Spirit to be properly understood. The
character and coherence.” Philo, a Jewish                             Second Helvetic Confession (16th century Switzerland) makes
theologian and philosopher in Alexandria, tried to reconcile the      the bold claim that “The preaching of the Word of God is the
Stoic understanding of logos with the Jewish                          Word of God” (2HC 5.004). The Theological Declaration of
understanding of God speaking creation into being. “God’s             Barmen (Germany, 1934) emphasizes that “Jesus Christ, as
logos became a clearly identifiable entity, mediating between         he is attested for us in Holy Scripture, is the one Word of God
God and the world, the mode of the divine creativity and              which we have to hear and which we have to trust and obey in
revelation.” In other words, God’s logos began to take on a life      life and in death” (TDB 8.11).
of its own – it became a living, creative, revealing, relational         So depending on how you hear it, “The Word of God” could
Word, powered by God’s own breath or spirit (Ruah, in                 refer to the scripture being read, the message being preached
Hebrew; pneuma in Greek).                                             (or played or sung or represented visually – see the Book of
   When the Hebrew Bible was translated into Greek, logos is          Common Worship, p. 37) or the One revealed in the scripture
used to refer to God’s speech, and in the early New                   and preaching: God in Jesus Christ. Being something of a
Testament writings, Jesus is said to preach God’s logos. In other     poet, I like the multiple layers of meaning and interpretation,
words, God’s message to us – a message that we have received          and prefer to introduce Scripture in a way that allows for all
both in writing through scripture and in proclamation through         of those meanings: “Listen now for the Word of God.” To me
preachers and prophets – is God’s word. Then, the Gospel of           “listen for” implies a distinction between the literal words and
John begins with the famous passage: “In the                          the message revealed by them. Given the many translations
beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and                of our sacred texts by fallible human beings, I think that it is
the Word was God. 2He was in the beginning with God. 3All             important to make that distinction. “The Word” implies that
things came into being through him, and without him not one           all words are not created equally, and that we should expect a
thing came into being. What has come into being 4in him was           special kind of revelation from the words we are about to hear,
life, and the life was the light of all people “... And the Word      and it reminds me that God’s revelation in Christ is central to
became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory,          my interpretation of what I am about to hear. In sum, “Listen
the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth.” And    now for the Word of God” spurs me both to listen for God’s
the Word, of course, is Jesus. That was a big claim for those         message to me and to my community and to do so longing for
familiar with the Stoic and even Jewish discourses on logos.          an encounter with the God revealed to us in Jesus Christ.
From then until now, Christians have referred to Jesus as the
Word made Flesh—the Word, capital “W”. Jesus, Christians                * “Ask the Pastor” is a new feature of The Tidings. You
agreed that as the eternal logos, the early Jesus must also have      may submit a liturgical or scriptural question to be
had a mediating role in creation (1 Corinthians 8:6, Colossians       answered by one of the Pastors to Ellen Carter Cooper at
1:15-17, Hebrews 1:2).                                       The deadline for questions is
   As Christians, we believe that God’s clearest and most             the 15th of every month.

f ebruary 2010                                                                                         t he t idinGs          PaGe 3
a letter f rom cameroon
  December 1, 2009                                                   universities operate under the auspices of churches. Thus,
                                                                     individual and corporate worship are at the epicenter
  Dear Partners in mission,                                          of education.
                                                                        The first Sunday after reopening was the celebration of
  Greetings once again from Cameroon!                                the Lord’s Supper with preparatory service the prior
                                                                     evening. Soon thereafter, the newly recruited and
   It is hard to believe that in three short weeks the first term    returning staff members were dedicated and rededicated,
of study will end. It seems like a few days ago that school          respectively, to the ministry of teaching and caring for
reopened amidst students’ screams of excitement, haphazard           students. This was a reminder of the task entrusted to us, the
                  chatter of catching up, energetic hugs of joy      commitment needed to carry out this task, and the gifts that
                  at meeting one another again and in good           have been freely bestowed upon us by God.
                  health, and the mad rush to welcome mates             Then, Harvest Thanksgiving: a time of joyous
                  by carrying their luggage. At one moment, I        celebration when the staff, students, and some members of
                  closed my eyes and was certain I was on the        their families gathered in group (and “sub-groups”)
campus of any typical American boarding high school or               according to
college, with the exception, for sure, of the English accent, the    year of study,
French speaking, and scores of mother tongues: Meta, Bafut,          school, dorm,
Bayangie, Ngyie, Bassa, Bayangie, Awing, Ngemba, Lamnso,             region, gender,
Moghamo and Tikari, just to name a few.                              family, choir
   Another difference was the students’ modes of arrival:            association, laity
packed tightly in small                                              group, friends,
hatchback taxis – seven                                              and every other
plus the driver! – with cargo                                        group you can
loaded on the roof, hanging                                          imagine in order
from the hood and in the                                             to give thanks
opened hatchback. Or riding                                          for the
                                                                                          Student teachers celebrating their religion
up to two passengers per                                             uncountable          during Harvest Thanksgiving.
motorcycle with the luggage                                          blessings                    Photos courtesy of Leisa Tonie Wagstaff
roped to the tail end.                                               showered upon
   Each year, the difference                                         the community. All of those assembled danced forward
                                   A secondary student arriving on
that humbles me the most,          reopening day.                    singing in their respective groups with their humble offers
however, is the amount of                                            of praise and thanksgiving: money, pencils and pens, soap,
luggage brought by these students. Unlike the “mountains and         harvested maize, yams and sugarcane, cooked food, and so
mountains of things” American students cannot live without,          on. (Except for the money, all the items were
each student’s sole trunk bore his/her needs for the term and        later auctioned.)
even for the school year: a set of white bed sheets; a pillow           The PC(USA)/American delegation was led by yours
and blanket; one or two official, daily, and prep (study hall)       truly (the only PC(USA) representative and the only
uniforms; a few pairs of underwear and white socks; textbooks        American present) and was supported financially, morally,
from the previous years of study and writing materials;              spiritually, and physically by almost all of the 250 plus in
toiletries and a bathing bucket; a hand broom and work tools;        attendance – a sign of the fellowship with their Christian
two additional sets of clothing; a bush kerosene lamp or             brothers and sisters, especially the PC(USA), and the hope
flashlight; some snacks; and a plate, cup, and set of eating         and prayer to be truly onein Christ.
utensils.                                                               As part of this community, I also danced forward (on two
   Not surprisingly, at the top of these compulsory items and        left feet) and supported the more than 30 groups as your
alongside a foam mattress, are the Holy Bible and the church’s       representative, your mission co-worker, and the
hymnal and Book of Divine Services. Without these three              embodiment of your desire to share the good news of Jesus
items, a student is not considered prepared for successful           Christ in every corner of the earth. Thank you so much for
study, since each weekday and Saturday begins with worship           this transforming opportunity.
at 6:45 a.m. and ends with 9:00 p.m. prayers.
   As in Cameroon and many countries throughout Africa,                                           In service,
primary, secondary, and even colleges and                                                         Leisa Tonie Wagstaff

PaGe 4        t he t idinGs                                                                                        f ebruary 2010
your h eart’s d esire
                       and the world’s G reat need
BY c hrYsTie a dams                                            • Makasan Elementary Camp – July 23 – 31
                                                                 – Rising 10th graders and older, 20 staff
   “Hau Kola” or “Hau Koda!” (Those would be
                                                               • Makasan Pre-School Camp – July 31
greetings of “Hello Friend!” in Lakota and Dakota.)
                                                                 – August 7 – Rising 10th graders and older,
   Do you remember what Pastor Andrew charges new
                                                                 10 – 12 staff
members of Brown when they join our family? He tells
                them to “find a place where your heart’s
                                                                  brown community
                                                                   a nnouncements
                desire meets the world’s great need”?
                I think on those words a lot and am so
                thankful to God that I have found such
                a place. There are many of us over the       local food Pantries have bare shelves
past many years who have found just such a place. The        The need for non-perishable food items is crucial right
Brown Memorial folks and folks from other churches         now as the economy is slow to recover. Many of the food
in the Presbytery of Baltimore who have signed up to       banks that local programs such as Memorial
be a staff member for one of the Hau Kola or Hau Koda      Episcopal’s Samaritan Community go for resources
Learning Camps (HKLC) have found a place where             simply don’t have any food to give out. Please consider
their heart’s desire does meet the world’s great need.     bringing a non-perishable food item each week along
   I hope that many folks from Brown will consider         with your regular offering. We have food baskets to
joining one of the week-long Hau Kola or Hau Koda          collect items as you enter the sanctuary from Park
Learning Camps this summer. You will find a place of       Avenue. This is a wonderful opportunity to involve your
fellowship and spiritual renewal and an experience of      children in stewardship. Children can participate in the
new relationships and hard work that will feel good to     selection of foods to be donated and can help remember
your very core – a “good tired”. You will be in            to bring them on Sunday mornings.
situations that will cause you to rethink what is really     m embers h elPinG m embers
important in your life and will return home with a new       Our church has been looking for ways to help our members
sense of God’s presence in the world. Being on a camp      in these times of economic uncertainty. We offer this space to
staff will be an experience that will allow you to share   church members to let other members of our community know
a life changing experience with fellow Brown               about their particular concerns. Please contact them if you
Memorial folks and folks from other Presbytery of          know of resources that might be useful. Please contact sharon@
Baltimore churches. The amazing common goal of    if you would like to be added to the list.
being together in relationship with our Dakota                  • Philip Aaron, Rachel Aaron Smith’s brother, is
Presbytery brothers and sisters helps us all to reach a         unemployed at the moment. He is a graphic artist, web
common understanding even when we may not see eye               designer and does print work. He graduated from the
to eye back home!                                               Art Institute of York, PA with an Associates Degree in
   The HKLC application went on line on January 20th            Digital Arts. If anyone has any leads, he will be happy
and is due by March 20th. Check out the website for the         to pursue them. His cell phone number is 410-336-3102.
list of camps, interview dates and costs involved in            • Graham Richardson has been out of work for
joining one or more of the HKLC staffs.                         several months and is seeking employment in
(                                  education, construction, historic preservation, etc.
   Here is a list for your quick information as you pray        (Graham is a real renaissance man!) At present he is
about joining us this summer!                                   doing odd jobs for people around town and could do
     • Porcupine Camp – Dates TBA – College and                 things for Brown Memorial Park Avenue, too. Please
       older, education background, 10 – 12 staff               call Graham at 443-618-5741 or e-mail him,
     • Sisseton Camp – June 25 – July 3 – Rising 10th 
       graders and older , 16 – 20 staff                        • Daryl Smith, Rachel Aaron Smith’s husband, is a
     • Pine Ridge Camp – July 17 – 24 – Rising 11th             contractor, specializing in painting services, and is
       graders and older, 18 staff                              looking for jobs/projects to bid on, commercial or
     • Makasan Teen Camp – July 16 – 23 – Rising                residential. His number is 410-419-5944; the company
       10th graders and older, 12 – 14 staff                    is Blue Line Services.

f ebruary 2010                                                                              t he t idinGs        PaGe 5
bridGinG              the      GaP
BY e llen carTer c ooPer                                     through the spiritual and justice needs of the community.
  She is a rarity, a native-born Baltimorean. The fifth of   Martha explains that being a Christian means she has
six children, Martha Bishai attended the Calvert School,     “chosen Jesus to be the link to spirituality. It is not the
Roland Park Country School, and Brown University. At         only way”. She feels “comfortable being a Christian”.
Brown, she majored in history, but completed several         Bill and their four children: Annie, Emily, Graham,
music courses. After her undergraduate days at Brown,        and Trevor, and she are involved in various activities at
Harvard University School of Law was her next venture.       BMPA. The BMPA Chancel Choir premiered one of her
Harvard awarded her a law degree.                            compositions during worship on Mothers’ Day, 2008.
  After her days at Brown and before enrolling at              Martha’s dream throughout her adult life has been to
Harvard, Martha spent four years in China. This              start a nonprofit for disadvantaged youngsters in this
experience continues to impact her life. Inspired by         country. The dream began taking shape when she was
an English professor at Brown, she decided to teach          employed at the Child Abuse Center as a grant writer.
English in Taipei. Of course, she learned Mandarin           Martha’s knowledge of nonprofits developed as she
Chinese, also. She began a business and visited Russia       worked at the center and volunteered as a tutor and
and various cities in Europe.                                member of the BMPA Tutorial Board.
  In China, as one would expect, Martha encountered             In 2005, Martha sponsored two young boys from the
a very different culture. This knowledge led her to the      Baltimore’s inner city community to attend the summer
realization that everyone does not view the world as         program at the Genesee Valley Outdoor Center located
Americans see it. She witnessed what turmoil                 in Monkton, Maryland. After a rocky beginning, she
political oppression causes, especially in terms of          watched them evolve into resourceful fellows who were
separating members of families. Martha became more           accepted fully by the other campers. This experience
appreciative of the freedom in this country. As a result,    provided the seed for the birth of her dream, the
she began to believe that “We don’t have all the             Compass Foundation.
answers, but we can see from others’ perspectives”.            During the first month of 2007, Martha realized that
  Her Chinese language proficiency and cultural              the time was right for the birth of the Compass
competency enabled Martha to travel as a translator for      Foundation. Since her life was comfortable, she felt that
then-Mayor William Donald Schaefer. With the colorful        she needed to help others. This decision was bolstered
and unpredictable Mr. Schaefer, she toured hospitals and     by the impact of reading A Hope in the Unseen, a book
businesses. She assisted in the founding of the Baltimore    about a young man from Washington, D.C. who
sister-city relationship with the city of Xiamen.            attended Brown University, also. His lack of social and
  The most far-reaching impact of Martha’s China             recreational experiences often set him apart from the
 encounter was her altered perception of religion.           other students.
During her first Christmas in China, her two friends           Martha decided that her organization’s main
and she saw no evidence of the celebration of the holy       purpose would be to expand inner city children’s ho-
day which was so important to them. It was just              rizons. The Compass Foundation provides low-income
another business day. She recognized that persons “have      middle school students with weekend outings and
cultural ways and other religions that inform their lives    summer camp participation accompanied by dedicated
just as fully as Christianity.” Martha determined            adults at the Genesee Valley Outdoor Center. Activities
that “Religion is a language that you develop as a           include snow tubing, hiking, and canoeing. She wants
relationship to God”.                                        each child to “realize that they have a lot to offer and
  After her post-college education in China, Martha          they have a place in the world”.
returned to Harvard to another momentous event. While          One of the requirements for the Compass participants is
she was studying law, she met Bill Bishai. Bill was a        to maintain a journal. One male wrote in his
student at Harvard’s School of Medicine. They were           reflective section, “I’ve come into contact with other
both tutors. This time when Martha returned to Taiwan,       people. I’ve learned some of my assumptions [about them]
she was reluctant to leave the U.S.A., but Bill visited      were wrong”. Currently, there are 12 middle school
her there. He had a chance to see what had so                adolescents in the program who attend Mount Royal
profoundly influenced his future bride.                      Elementary-Middle School. Martha is evaluating in which
   In 1991, Martha and Bill relocated to Baltimore to be     direction she wants to continue with the foundation. In
near their families. Because of Martha’s Asian               the near future, she will be launching a website,
experiences, she elected to attend Brown Memorial   Watch for it so you can see
because it is a place of love and inclusion that navigates   how Martha Bishai once again will be “bridging the gap.”

PaGe 6      t he t idinGs                                                                            f ebruary 2010
f ebruary birthdays                          02/23           Jake Dominic Cheseldine

                                                     02/24           Carolyn C. Smith
            02/01   Willem Errens
                                                     02/25           Susan Rogers
            02/01   Herbert Ward
                                                     02/26           Blythe Petit
            02/03   Sarah B. Buikema
                                                     02/26           Steve St. Angelo
02/03       Cameron Lorch-Liebel

02/04       June Fletcher-Hill                       Note: If you wish to have your birthday listed in The
                                                     Tidings, please contact Sharon Holley, church secretary, at
02/05       Annie Bishai
                                                     410-523-1542, or via e-mail at
02/05       Emily Brown

02/07       Benjamin Hand

02/07       Jonna Lazarus                                     Confronting Evil:
02/08       Barbara Christen                                 Baptism, Repentance,
02/11       Robert Smith                                        and Exorcism
02/12       Bob Babb                                     Brown Memorial members and Bolton Hill
                                                       residents are invited to join Rev. Rich Bozzelli of
02/13       Tom Hall                                   Corpus Christi Roman Catholic Church,
02/14       Wallace Anderson                           Rev. Martha Macgill of Memorial Episcopal Church,
                                                       and Rev. Andrew Foster Connors of Brown Memorial
02/14       Allan Riorda                               as they share the distinctive approaches of our three
                                                       traditions toward the problem of evil. A light meal will
02/16       Tom Liebel                                 be shared at 6:30 p.m. followed by the one and a half
                                                       hour program beginning at 7 p.m. Reservations are
02/17       Charles Joseph Reichelt, III
                                                       not necessary. This is an opportunity to celebrate our
02/18       Patrick Francis                            inclusive communities of faith and the relationships
                                                       among our parishes as we learn from and challenge
02/18       Christy Macy                               each other in a spirit of cooperation and goodwill.
                                                       The sessions will meet in the Assembly Room at
02/19       Kensington Veatch
                                                       Brown Memorial on Tuesdays, February 23rd,
02/22       Kathryn Wagner                             March 2nd, and March 9th.

                                           Published monthly for members and friends of Brown
                                           Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian Church by the
                                           Membership Committee. Andrew Foster Connors, Pastor.
                                           Emily Rose Martin, Associate Pastor. 1316 Park Avenue,
                                           Baltimore, MD 21217. 410.523.1542.
                 G ood   news from Send contributions by
                                           the 15th of each month to Ellen Carter Cooper, editor
                                           ( or to Sharon Holley,
                                           church secrectary (

f ebruary 2010                                                                      t he t idinGs       PaGe 7
f ebruary 2010                                            bmPa

                                                                                                                                                                                                    f ebruary 2010
      S unday                        M onday        TueSday                      WedneSday                     ThurSday                    Friday                       S aTurday
31     Sunday School,
       Adult Forum,             1              2                               3                          4                         5                               6
 Choir Warm-Up
 9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m.
 Service of Worship 11 a.m.
                                February                                       WN@B Session III
                                                                               5:30-7:30 p.m.
                                                                                                          Chancel Choir
                                                                                                          Rehearsal 7 p.m.-9 p.m.
                                                                                                                                    Midtown Academy Food for Life
                                                                                                                                    Class 12 p.m.-3 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                                    Saturday Morning
                                                                                                                                                                    Bible Study 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m.
Annual Congregational Meeting                                                                                                       Christian Living                Christian Living
12:15 p.m.- 1: 30 p.m.                                                                                                              Parent’s Retreat                Parent’s Retreat
7                               8              9                               10                         11                        12                              13
Sunday School,
Adult Forum,                                                                   WN@B Session III           Chancel Choir             Midtown Academy Food for Life   Saturday Morning
Choir Warm-Up                                                                  5:30-7:30 p.m.             Rehearsal 7 p.m.-9 p.m.   Class 12 p.m.-3 p.m.            Bible Study 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m.
9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m.
Service of Worship 11 a.m.
Youth Group Meeting
12:15 p.m.
14                              15             16                              17                         18                        19                              20
Sunday School,
                                               5:30-7:30 p.m. Shrove Tuesday   Tri-Church Ash Wednesday   Chancel Choir             Midtown Academy Food for Life   Saturday Morning Bible Study
Adult Forum,
                                               Pancake Supper                  Service of Worship         Rehearsal 7 p.m.-9 p.m.   Class 12 p.m.-3 p.m.            8:30 a.m.-10 a.m.
Choir Warm-Up
9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m.
Service of Worship 11 a.m.
Handbell Choir Rehearsal
12:15 p.m.- 1p.m.
      Sunday School,
21    Adult Forum,              22             23                              24                         25                        26                              27
9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m.
Service of Worship 11 a.m.                     Tri-Church Education                                       Chancel Choir             Midtown Academy Food for Life   Saturday Morning
Youth Sunday                                   6:30-8:30 p.m.                                             Rehearsal 7 p.m.-9 p.m.   Class 12 p.m.-3 p.m.            Bible Study 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m.
Handbell Choir Rehearsal
12:15 p.m.- 1p.m.
CFM Team Meeting 12:15 p.m.
-1:30 p.m.

                                                                                                                                                                                                    t he t idinGs
28    Sunday School,
      Adult Forum,
Choir Warm-Up
9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m.
Service of Worship 11 a.m.
Handbell Choir Rehearsal
12:15 p.m.- 1p.m.

                                                                                                                                                                                                    PaGe 8
Sunday School
Service Project

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Tidings Feb10

  • 1. The Tidings G ood news from f ebruary 2010 in this i ssue Pastor’s r eflections BY a ndreW fosTer c onnors PasTor’s r eflecTions 1 Reading Patricia Polacco’s children’s book, Thank you, Mr. Falker, for the Bringing communion 2 second time last night, I cried again. “It’s okay, daddy,” my daughter said snuggling up to provide a little comfort. The story is of a child named Trisha who is bullied m eeT a d eacon ........ 2 because she cannot read. So clever is she at disguising her disability that even her teachers do not catch on until the 5th grade a sk The PasTor ........ 3 when a special teacher, Mr. Falker, notices and responds. I’m not sure why I cried for the second time, but I think it had something to do a leTTer from with the cries of children that have been heard from Haiti all the way cameroon ................. 4 to Baltimore. So devastating is the recent earthquake that even reporters, usually dispassionate in their delivery, have broken down in the middle of their stories documenting children crying for help with not enough relief workers to Your h earT’s desire answer their cries. and The World’s Though I am a long way from the fresh terror of this kind of immediate need, greaT need .............. 5 there are times when I believe I can relate to the frantic desperation of these aid workers. The prayer list grows in our own church with needs that are varied and BroWn communiTY deep. Children in our city cry out for help and there is not enough relief to go a nnouncemenTs ........ 5 around. Children in El Salvador and the Dakotas and Cameroon all come to mind and cries of just one of those children almost paralyze me with the knowledge of Bridging The gaP ..... 6 need that is overwhelming. I am forced to admit that there is more need that I can meet, there is more work than I can accomplish; and every wound that I see can be confronTing evil: not be tended to. BaPTism, r ePenTance Ministry sometimes feels like triage and not just for me. Our congregation has and e xorcism ........... 7 turned down supporting many worthy projects, many worthy partnerships, many worthy people with sadness and regret because we simply do not have more energy, BirThdaYs................. 7 or more money, or more time to go around. “Without adequate boundaries,” I heard a pastor say one time, “we become nothing more than quivering masses of availability.” f eBruarY 2010 When something like the tragedy in Haiti happens, I feel torn again. Are we aT BmPa ................. 8 forced to ignore the cries in one place (Haiti) in order to stay focused on the people and the needs we have committed ourselves to in Baltimore and in specific partnerships around the globe? Because our congregation is a part of a great cloud of witnesses larger than ourselves, I am confident that the answer is no. I do feel fairly certain that we will not start a new partnership in Haiti in the wake of this earthquake. To do so would be turning our attention away from brothers and sisters in places where we have made commitments to stand with them in poverty, violence, and injustice. But we need not neglect fresh cries from other parts of the world either. We are part of a global church that even now is sending fresh food and water, medical supplies, doctors, and aid workers as quickly and as efficiently as humanly possible. The church is there standing alongside other faiths and people of continued on page 2
  • 2. Pastor’s r eflections continued from page 1 call to be sent there to give all that they can to alleviate no faith and we have a small part through our prayers the need. I pray for more like them who are needed to and our financial gifts of lending a hand. touch wounds here and around the globe. Finally, I pray During times like these, I feel most comfortable with for our congregation that we may continue to grow to the evangelistic impulse of our faith. Jesus couldn’t meet needs that sometimes overwhelm. meet the need all by Himself – there were too many At the end of Polacco’s book, we learn that the story hurting, too many grieving, and too many crying out. is autobiographical. She closes with an unexpected He surrounded himself with others who wanted to encounter between the real Mr. Falker and Polocco love God by serving their neighbors in need. “Many herself whose future was transformed because her cries hands make light work”, the proverb says. So I pray for were heard. They meet many years later by accident the people of Haiti especially for the cries of children at a wedding. “He asked me what I do for a living and whose bodies and whose innocence are broken. I said, ‘Why Mr. Falker, I write books for children. Additionally, I pray for all those who have answered a Thank you, Mr. Falker. Thank you.’” brinGinG communion BY sandra f ink of the morning service, i.e. the prayers or the words of a chosen hymn. The bread and the cup are offered (They The staff is pleasant and welcoming when we arrive at have been consecrated at the church’s service.) and the facility where our special friend lives. Her eyes light accepted. We pray together and end with the up when she sees us. We come on communion Sunday, Lord’s Prayer. after church, to share the heavenly meal with her. Our visit is usually about an hour. Reminding her that We find out from each other what has happened since she is very much a part of our congregation and that we last visited together. She has a keen sense of humor one of us will be visiting soon again, we take our leave. and enjoys the “news”. We talk about the day’s worship As we depart, our conversation centers around the experience, and, as a music lover and musician, she remarkable courage it takes to have left everything appreciates particularly the recounting of the day’s familiar and “home” to adjust to yet another musical aspects of worship. environment, staff and atmosphere. We are grateful for She watches as the small votive candle is lit and her example to us and for our opportunity to include her listens attentively as we begin the service. We use part in our lives. m eet a d eacon Barbara Christen has been a member of Brown history of campus Memorial for more than three years and sings in the planning. She lives with chancel choir. She is an architectural historian who received her husband, David her Ph.D. from the City University of New York / Graduate Luljak, and children, Peter Center where she studied late 19th and early 20th century and Julia Christen Luljak, American architecture and urbanism. Her first interest in in Oakenshawe. Barbara these matters, however, was sparked at Williams College asserts that she felt called as an undergraduate and then subsequently in Japan, where to be a deacon because she taught English for a year. Having written and lectured she enjoys visiting with widely about the work of Cass Gilbert (1859-1934), she people connected with the enjoys considering the impact of late 19th-century American congregation and architects on urban life. In past years, she has worked for listening to what that several non-profit organizations and museums in New York association means Barbara Christen and Washington, and currently serves as a consultant on the to them. PaGe 2 t he t idinGs f ebruary 2010
  • 3. a sk the Pastor BY e milY rose m arTin important message to us about who God is, who we are, and how we should be living came in both the person and the Q: What should the liturgists say before the reading of message of Jesus Christ. Thus you will sometime hear the scripture? Should it be “Listen now to the word of God” phrases: the Word of God written, the Word of God instead of “Listen now to a word from God”? proclaimed, and the Word of God incarnate (or made flesh). A: It seems on the surface like a question of semantics –“of” Those three phrases cover the various levels of meaning, and vs. “from” or “the” vs. “a.” The meaning is changed slightly at different times, Christians have emphasized one more or with “the” and “of.” But there are much larger less. In the Westminster Confession of Faith (17th ? theological issues at stake, such as, “What is the century England), the emphasis is on the Word of God written. Word of God?Is the Word of God different from For those Christians (and many of their spiritual ancestors, the words of God? How exactly does God Presbyterians included), “The authority of Holy Scripture, for communicate through scripture?” which it ought to be believed and obeyed, dependeth not upon Part of the confusion stems from the multiple layers of the testimony of any man or church, but wholly upon God meaning that have evolved in the Christian tradition around (who is truth itself), the author thereof; and therefore it is to what was originally the Greek word “logos”. According to my be received because it is the Word of God” (WCF 6.004, The Harper Collins Bible Dictionary, the word “logos” began as a Book of Confessions of the PCUSA). By this definition, the technical philosophical term employed by Heraclitus in the 6th Word of God is scripture – and should be read as the literal century BCE, but became an important concept for the Stoics words of God. But even the Westminster Divines agreed that in the third century BCE and later. For that philosophy, the logo the Word of God written is not self-explanatory and requires was “the principle and pattern that gave the world or cosmos its the work of the Holy Spirit to be properly understood. The character and coherence.” Philo, a Jewish Second Helvetic Confession (16th century Switzerland) makes theologian and philosopher in Alexandria, tried to reconcile the the bold claim that “The preaching of the Word of God is the Stoic understanding of logos with the Jewish Word of God” (2HC 5.004). The Theological Declaration of understanding of God speaking creation into being. “God’s Barmen (Germany, 1934) emphasizes that “Jesus Christ, as logos became a clearly identifiable entity, mediating between he is attested for us in Holy Scripture, is the one Word of God God and the world, the mode of the divine creativity and which we have to hear and which we have to trust and obey in revelation.” In other words, God’s logos began to take on a life life and in death” (TDB 8.11). of its own – it became a living, creative, revealing, relational So depending on how you hear it, “The Word of God” could Word, powered by God’s own breath or spirit (Ruah, in refer to the scripture being read, the message being preached Hebrew; pneuma in Greek). (or played or sung or represented visually – see the Book of When the Hebrew Bible was translated into Greek, logos is Common Worship, p. 37) or the One revealed in the scripture used to refer to God’s speech, and in the early New and preaching: God in Jesus Christ. Being something of a Testament writings, Jesus is said to preach God’s logos. In other poet, I like the multiple layers of meaning and interpretation, words, God’s message to us – a message that we have received and prefer to introduce Scripture in a way that allows for all both in writing through scripture and in proclamation through of those meanings: “Listen now for the Word of God.” To me preachers and prophets – is God’s word. Then, the Gospel of “listen for” implies a distinction between the literal words and John begins with the famous passage: “In the the message revealed by them. Given the many translations beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and of our sacred texts by fallible human beings, I think that it is the Word was God. 2He was in the beginning with God. 3All important to make that distinction. “The Word” implies that things came into being through him, and without him not one all words are not created equally, and that we should expect a thing came into being. What has come into being 4in him was special kind of revelation from the words we are about to hear, life, and the life was the light of all people “... And the Word and it reminds me that God’s revelation in Christ is central to became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, my interpretation of what I am about to hear. In sum, “Listen the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth.” And now for the Word of God” spurs me both to listen for God’s the Word, of course, is Jesus. That was a big claim for those message to me and to my community and to do so longing for familiar with the Stoic and even Jewish discourses on logos. an encounter with the God revealed to us in Jesus Christ. From then until now, Christians have referred to Jesus as the Word made Flesh—the Word, capital “W”. Jesus, Christians * “Ask the Pastor” is a new feature of The Tidings. You agreed that as the eternal logos, the early Jesus must also have may submit a liturgical or scriptural question to be had a mediating role in creation (1 Corinthians 8:6, Colossians answered by one of the Pastors to Ellen Carter Cooper at 1:15-17, Hebrews 1:2). The deadline for questions is As Christians, we believe that God’s clearest and most the 15th of every month. f ebruary 2010 t he t idinGs PaGe 3
  • 4. a letter f rom cameroon December 1, 2009 universities operate under the auspices of churches. Thus, individual and corporate worship are at the epicenter Dear Partners in mission, of education. The first Sunday after reopening was the celebration of Greetings once again from Cameroon! the Lord’s Supper with preparatory service the prior evening. Soon thereafter, the newly recruited and It is hard to believe that in three short weeks the first term returning staff members were dedicated and rededicated, of study will end. It seems like a few days ago that school respectively, to the ministry of teaching and caring for reopened amidst students’ screams of excitement, haphazard students. This was a reminder of the task entrusted to us, the chatter of catching up, energetic hugs of joy commitment needed to carry out this task, and the gifts that at meeting one another again and in good have been freely bestowed upon us by God. health, and the mad rush to welcome mates Then, Harvest Thanksgiving: a time of joyous by carrying their luggage. At one moment, I celebration when the staff, students, and some members of closed my eyes and was certain I was on the their families gathered in group (and “sub-groups”) campus of any typical American boarding high school or according to college, with the exception, for sure, of the English accent, the year of study, French speaking, and scores of mother tongues: Meta, Bafut, school, dorm, Bayangie, Ngyie, Bassa, Bayangie, Awing, Ngemba, Lamnso, region, gender, Moghamo and Tikari, just to name a few. family, choir Another difference was the students’ modes of arrival: association, laity packed tightly in small group, friends, hatchback taxis – seven and every other plus the driver! – with cargo group you can loaded on the roof, hanging imagine in order from the hood and in the to give thanks opened hatchback. Or riding for the Student teachers celebrating their religion up to two passengers per uncountable during Harvest Thanksgiving. motorcycle with the luggage blessings Photos courtesy of Leisa Tonie Wagstaff roped to the tail end. showered upon Each year, the difference the community. All of those assembled danced forward A secondary student arriving on that humbles me the most, reopening day. singing in their respective groups with their humble offers however, is the amount of of praise and thanksgiving: money, pencils and pens, soap, luggage brought by these students. Unlike the “mountains and harvested maize, yams and sugarcane, cooked food, and so mountains of things” American students cannot live without, on. (Except for the money, all the items were each student’s sole trunk bore his/her needs for the term and later auctioned.) even for the school year: a set of white bed sheets; a pillow The PC(USA)/American delegation was led by yours and blanket; one or two official, daily, and prep (study hall) truly (the only PC(USA) representative and the only uniforms; a few pairs of underwear and white socks; textbooks American present) and was supported financially, morally, from the previous years of study and writing materials; spiritually, and physically by almost all of the 250 plus in toiletries and a bathing bucket; a hand broom and work tools; attendance – a sign of the fellowship with their Christian two additional sets of clothing; a bush kerosene lamp or brothers and sisters, especially the PC(USA), and the hope flashlight; some snacks; and a plate, cup, and set of eating and prayer to be truly onein Christ. utensils. As part of this community, I also danced forward (on two Not surprisingly, at the top of these compulsory items and left feet) and supported the more than 30 groups as your alongside a foam mattress, are the Holy Bible and the church’s representative, your mission co-worker, and the hymnal and Book of Divine Services. Without these three embodiment of your desire to share the good news of Jesus items, a student is not considered prepared for successful Christ in every corner of the earth. Thank you so much for study, since each weekday and Saturday begins with worship this transforming opportunity. at 6:45 a.m. and ends with 9:00 p.m. prayers. As in Cameroon and many countries throughout Africa, In service, primary, secondary, and even colleges and Leisa Tonie Wagstaff PaGe 4 t he t idinGs f ebruary 2010
  • 5. your h eart’s d esire and the world’s G reat need BY c hrYsTie a dams • Makasan Elementary Camp – July 23 – 31 – Rising 10th graders and older, 20 staff “Hau Kola” or “Hau Koda!” (Those would be • Makasan Pre-School Camp – July 31 greetings of “Hello Friend!” in Lakota and Dakota.) – August 7 – Rising 10th graders and older, Do you remember what Pastor Andrew charges new 10 – 12 staff members of Brown when they join our family? He tells them to “find a place where your heart’s brown community a nnouncements desire meets the world’s great need”? I think on those words a lot and am so thankful to God that I have found such a place. There are many of us over the local food Pantries have bare shelves past many years who have found just such a place. The The need for non-perishable food items is crucial right Brown Memorial folks and folks from other churches now as the economy is slow to recover. Many of the food in the Presbytery of Baltimore who have signed up to banks that local programs such as Memorial be a staff member for one of the Hau Kola or Hau Koda Episcopal’s Samaritan Community go for resources Learning Camps (HKLC) have found a place where simply don’t have any food to give out. Please consider their heart’s desire does meet the world’s great need. bringing a non-perishable food item each week along I hope that many folks from Brown will consider with your regular offering. We have food baskets to joining one of the week-long Hau Kola or Hau Koda collect items as you enter the sanctuary from Park Learning Camps this summer. You will find a place of Avenue. This is a wonderful opportunity to involve your fellowship and spiritual renewal and an experience of children in stewardship. Children can participate in the new relationships and hard work that will feel good to selection of foods to be donated and can help remember your very core – a “good tired”. You will be in to bring them on Sunday mornings. situations that will cause you to rethink what is really m embers h elPinG m embers important in your life and will return home with a new Our church has been looking for ways to help our members sense of God’s presence in the world. Being on a camp in these times of economic uncertainty. We offer this space to staff will be an experience that will allow you to share church members to let other members of our community know a life changing experience with fellow Brown about their particular concerns. Please contact them if you Memorial folks and folks from other Presbytery of know of resources that might be useful. Please contact sharon@ Baltimore churches. The amazing common goal of if you would like to be added to the list. being together in relationship with our Dakota • Philip Aaron, Rachel Aaron Smith’s brother, is Presbytery brothers and sisters helps us all to reach a unemployed at the moment. He is a graphic artist, web common understanding even when we may not see eye designer and does print work. He graduated from the to eye back home! Art Institute of York, PA with an Associates Degree in The HKLC application went on line on January 20th Digital Arts. If anyone has any leads, he will be happy and is due by March 20th. Check out the website for the to pursue them. His cell phone number is 410-336-3102. list of camps, interview dates and costs involved in • Graham Richardson has been out of work for joining one or more of the HKLC staffs. several months and is seeking employment in ( education, construction, historic preservation, etc. Here is a list for your quick information as you pray (Graham is a real renaissance man!) At present he is about joining us this summer! doing odd jobs for people around town and could do • Porcupine Camp – Dates TBA – College and things for Brown Memorial Park Avenue, too. Please older, education background, 10 – 12 staff call Graham at 443-618-5741 or e-mail him, • Sisseton Camp – June 25 – July 3 – Rising 10th graders and older , 16 – 20 staff • Daryl Smith, Rachel Aaron Smith’s husband, is a • Pine Ridge Camp – July 17 – 24 – Rising 11th contractor, specializing in painting services, and is graders and older, 18 staff looking for jobs/projects to bid on, commercial or • Makasan Teen Camp – July 16 – 23 – Rising residential. His number is 410-419-5944; the company 10th graders and older, 12 – 14 staff is Blue Line Services. f ebruary 2010 t he t idinGs PaGe 5
  • 6. bridGinG the GaP BY e llen carTer c ooPer through the spiritual and justice needs of the community. She is a rarity, a native-born Baltimorean. The fifth of Martha explains that being a Christian means she has six children, Martha Bishai attended the Calvert School, “chosen Jesus to be the link to spirituality. It is not the Roland Park Country School, and Brown University. At only way”. She feels “comfortable being a Christian”. Brown, she majored in history, but completed several Bill and their four children: Annie, Emily, Graham, music courses. After her undergraduate days at Brown, and Trevor, and she are involved in various activities at Harvard University School of Law was her next venture. BMPA. The BMPA Chancel Choir premiered one of her Harvard awarded her a law degree. compositions during worship on Mothers’ Day, 2008. After her days at Brown and before enrolling at Martha’s dream throughout her adult life has been to Harvard, Martha spent four years in China. This start a nonprofit for disadvantaged youngsters in this experience continues to impact her life. Inspired by country. The dream began taking shape when she was an English professor at Brown, she decided to teach employed at the Child Abuse Center as a grant writer. English in Taipei. Of course, she learned Mandarin Martha’s knowledge of nonprofits developed as she Chinese, also. She began a business and visited Russia worked at the center and volunteered as a tutor and and various cities in Europe. member of the BMPA Tutorial Board. In China, as one would expect, Martha encountered In 2005, Martha sponsored two young boys from the a very different culture. This knowledge led her to the Baltimore’s inner city community to attend the summer realization that everyone does not view the world as program at the Genesee Valley Outdoor Center located Americans see it. She witnessed what turmoil in Monkton, Maryland. After a rocky beginning, she political oppression causes, especially in terms of watched them evolve into resourceful fellows who were separating members of families. Martha became more accepted fully by the other campers. This experience appreciative of the freedom in this country. As a result, provided the seed for the birth of her dream, the she began to believe that “We don’t have all the Compass Foundation. answers, but we can see from others’ perspectives”. During the first month of 2007, Martha realized that Her Chinese language proficiency and cultural the time was right for the birth of the Compass competency enabled Martha to travel as a translator for Foundation. Since her life was comfortable, she felt that then-Mayor William Donald Schaefer. With the colorful she needed to help others. This decision was bolstered and unpredictable Mr. Schaefer, she toured hospitals and by the impact of reading A Hope in the Unseen, a book businesses. She assisted in the founding of the Baltimore about a young man from Washington, D.C. who sister-city relationship with the city of Xiamen. attended Brown University, also. His lack of social and The most far-reaching impact of Martha’s China recreational experiences often set him apart from the encounter was her altered perception of religion. other students. During her first Christmas in China, her two friends Martha decided that her organization’s main and she saw no evidence of the celebration of the holy purpose would be to expand inner city children’s ho- day which was so important to them. It was just rizons. The Compass Foundation provides low-income another business day. She recognized that persons “have middle school students with weekend outings and cultural ways and other religions that inform their lives summer camp participation accompanied by dedicated just as fully as Christianity.” Martha determined adults at the Genesee Valley Outdoor Center. Activities that “Religion is a language that you develop as a include snow tubing, hiking, and canoeing. She wants relationship to God”. each child to “realize that they have a lot to offer and After her post-college education in China, Martha they have a place in the world”. returned to Harvard to another momentous event. While One of the requirements for the Compass participants is she was studying law, she met Bill Bishai. Bill was a to maintain a journal. One male wrote in his student at Harvard’s School of Medicine. They were reflective section, “I’ve come into contact with other both tutors. This time when Martha returned to Taiwan, people. I’ve learned some of my assumptions [about them] she was reluctant to leave the U.S.A., but Bill visited were wrong”. Currently, there are 12 middle school her there. He had a chance to see what had so adolescents in the program who attend Mount Royal profoundly influenced his future bride. Elementary-Middle School. Martha is evaluating in which In 1991, Martha and Bill relocated to Baltimore to be direction she wants to continue with the foundation. In near their families. Because of Martha’s Asian the near future, she will be launching a website, experiences, she elected to attend Brown Memorial Watch for it so you can see because it is a place of love and inclusion that navigates how Martha Bishai once again will be “bridging the gap.” PaGe 6 t he t idinGs f ebruary 2010
  • 7. f ebruary birthdays 02/23 Jake Dominic Cheseldine 02/24 Carolyn C. Smith 02/01 Willem Errens 02/25 Susan Rogers 02/01 Herbert Ward 02/26 Blythe Petit 02/03 Sarah B. Buikema 02/26 Steve St. Angelo 02/03 Cameron Lorch-Liebel 02/04 June Fletcher-Hill Note: If you wish to have your birthday listed in The Tidings, please contact Sharon Holley, church secretary, at 02/05 Annie Bishai 410-523-1542, or via e-mail at 02/05 Emily Brown 02/07 Benjamin Hand 02/07 Jonna Lazarus Confronting Evil: 02/08 Barbara Christen Baptism, Repentance, 02/11 Robert Smith and Exorcism 02/12 Bob Babb Brown Memorial members and Bolton Hill residents are invited to join Rev. Rich Bozzelli of 02/13 Tom Hall Corpus Christi Roman Catholic Church, 02/14 Wallace Anderson Rev. Martha Macgill of Memorial Episcopal Church, and Rev. Andrew Foster Connors of Brown Memorial 02/14 Allan Riorda as they share the distinctive approaches of our three traditions toward the problem of evil. A light meal will 02/16 Tom Liebel be shared at 6:30 p.m. followed by the one and a half hour program beginning at 7 p.m. Reservations are 02/17 Charles Joseph Reichelt, III not necessary. This is an opportunity to celebrate our 02/18 Patrick Francis inclusive communities of faith and the relationships among our parishes as we learn from and challenge 02/18 Christy Macy each other in a spirit of cooperation and goodwill. The sessions will meet in the Assembly Room at 02/19 Kensington Veatch Brown Memorial on Tuesdays, February 23rd, 02/22 Kathryn Wagner March 2nd, and March 9th. The Tidings Published monthly for members and friends of Brown Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian Church by the Membership Committee. Andrew Foster Connors, Pastor. Emily Rose Martin, Associate Pastor. 1316 Park Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21217. 410.523.1542. G ood news from Send contributions by the 15th of each month to Ellen Carter Cooper, editor ( or to Sharon Holley, church secrectary ( f ebruary 2010 t he t idinGs PaGe 7
  • 8. f ebruary 2010 bmPa f ebruary 2010 at S unday M onday TueSday WedneSday ThurSday Friday S aTurday 31 Sunday School, Adult Forum, 1 2 3 4 5 6 Choir Warm-Up 9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m. Service of Worship 11 a.m. February WN@B Session III 5:30-7:30 p.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Midtown Academy Food for Life Class 12 p.m.-3 p.m. Saturday Morning Bible Study 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m. Annual Congregational Meeting Christian Living Christian Living 12:15 p.m.- 1: 30 p.m. Parent’s Retreat Parent’s Retreat 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Sunday School, Adult Forum, WN@B Session III Chancel Choir Midtown Academy Food for Life Saturday Morning Choir Warm-Up 5:30-7:30 p.m. Rehearsal 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Class 12 p.m.-3 p.m. Bible Study 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m. 9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m. Service of Worship 11 a.m. Youth Group Meeting 12:15 p.m. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Sunday School, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Shrove Tuesday Tri-Church Ash Wednesday Chancel Choir Midtown Academy Food for Life Saturday Morning Bible Study Adult Forum, Pancake Supper Service of Worship Rehearsal 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Class 12 p.m.-3 p.m. 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m. Choir Warm-Up 9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m. Service of Worship 11 a.m. Handbell Choir Rehearsal 12:15 p.m.- 1p.m. Sunday School, 21 Adult Forum, 22 23 24 25 26 27 9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m. Service of Worship 11 a.m. Tri-Church Education Chancel Choir Midtown Academy Food for Life Saturday Morning Youth Sunday 6:30-8:30 p.m. Rehearsal 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Class 12 p.m.-3 p.m. Bible Study 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m. Handbell Choir Rehearsal 12:15 p.m.- 1p.m. CFM Team Meeting 12:15 p.m. -1:30 p.m. t he t idinGs 28 Sunday School, Adult Forum, Choir Warm-Up 9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m. Service of Worship 11 a.m. Handbell Choir Rehearsal 12:15 p.m.- 1p.m. PaGe 8 Sunday School Service Project