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Tates Creek
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Tates Creek Christian
3150 Tates Creek Road
Lexington, KY 40502
(859) 266-1621
Visit Online
Traditional - 9:30 am
The Vine - 11:00 am
Sunday School -
8:30, 9:30, 11:00 am
Swahili Service - 3:00 pm
Evening - 6:30 pm
Oasis Classes - 6:30 pm
Tommy Simpson
Mike Allen
Kim Beckwith
Billy Bishop
John Davis
David Eversole
Geoff Lawson
Matt Lee
Don Seevers
Lesley Tipton
Office Staff
Jenni Gregg
Kim Jones
Jan Sproul (Monday)
Vicki Wesley (Friday)
Feature Article
	10-11	 “A Healthy Church”
In Every Issue
	 3-8	 Minister Articles
	 12	 Prayer Ministry
	 12	 Guided Prayer Topics
	 13	 Elder/Deacon Serving Schedule
18-21	 Devotional thoughts each week
	 22	 November Statistics
	 23	 New Members
	24	 Calendar
Ministry News		
	 14	 Church Under the Bridge
	 15	 Missions Moment
	 9	 Winter Oasis
	16-17	 January Events	
Tates Creek Christian Church exists
to win people to Christ (evangelism),
build up believers in faith, knowledge, and
service (encouragement), to help those in
need (benevolence), and to stand up for
Christian values in the community (witness).
In three years of ministry Jesus changed the world - but
not in the way most would expect. Yes, he healed many. Yes,
he performed miracles in front of thousands. Yes, he held
the attention of great crowds during some of his sermons.
But in the end he had a much smaller following than you
would expect for someone who would prove to start a revolution.
No, it wasn’t through the crowds that Jesus would change the world,
but through the twelve. For three years Jesus discipled twelve men. He
walked with them, ate with them, and slept with them. He taught them
how to pray, how to fast, and how to talk to unbelievers about God. He
taught them first-hand what the love of God looked
like in daily life. Jesus’three year relationship with
the twelve is the epitome of discipleship. It was
essentially spiritual mentoring or apprenticeship.
When I was a freshman in college, in the dorms at
UK an older, more mature Christian man asked me if I
would like for him to disciple me. I had no idea what
he meant. I also had no idea that this“discipling”
would change the course of my life. For the next two and a half years he
taught me everything he knew about following Christ - and I soaked it
up like a sponge. Then one day, about midway through my junior year,
he sat me down, gave me his old Bible as a gift, and said,“Now it’s your
turn. Go find other men to disciple.” And I’ve been doing that ever since.
Essentially he was saying,“Go multiply.”
Paul had a similar relationship with Timothy. In 2 Timothy he writes to
his son in the faith,
“and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust
to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.” (2 Timothy 2:2, ESV)
This is biblical multiplication. Discipleship. Spiritual mentoring. Passing
on your faith to others so they can in turn pass it on once again. This is
Jesus’plan for changing the world.
					~ John
Lexington, KY 40502
Multiplying through Discipleship
A couple of years ago, I was talking missions with a cousin.
Our conversation was definitely arranged by God because it
was exactly what I needed to hear. I was at a place with the
orphanage that I didn’t know what to do. God had placed
something heavy on my heart that I couldn’t just shrug away.
As we were talking, she told me a story about the organization she serves
with and a dream the founder had. In the dream she was driving down a very
busy road when a bus full of children drove off the road into the water. The bus
was slowing going under. In her mind the woman thought about diving in and
saving as many kids as she could. However, before she dove into the water she
realized the number of cars speeding by her. Without another thought, she
flagged down 5 other cars. These 5 cars flagged down others and soon nearly
a hundred people were jumping into the water to save the children.
After my cousin’s story, I had a new realization for what I needed to do. I
needed to tell everyone I knew about the need at the orphanage. The need
was greater than I could meet on my own with my abilities and skills. If
we were truly going to help the children it would take a team! Now a few
years later the team has grown to a size I can’t even count. More people are
connected to this orphanage than I would have ever imagined. Some are
prayer warriors and others are financial donors.
This lesson I continue to learn daily about multiplying and discipling
continues to be a method used in the children’s ministry. We are blessed to
have nearly 200 people serving on rotations, but to be honest there are still
more workers needed. There are more workers needed because there are still
families in our community that don’t know the message of Jesus and we have
to get to them before they slip away. There are families struggling to stay
afloat in their marriages and the devil is working overtime to drown them.
For some reason, in the American church, we still struggle to get the idea
of multiplying. Why? Is it because we don’t see the need of people slowly
drifting away from the church and into death? Are we too comfortable in our
pews and classes to look out the window toward the lost? Have we become
consumed and focused on figuring out why the lost are lost rather than just
going to rescue them, afraid they might reject us? Could it be that since we
don’t know the exact time Jesus is coming back that we don’t think there is
an urgency? Whatever the reason, it’s not an accident that our focus in 2017
is about multiplying. I believe the focus has been arranged by the
Creator of our churches’story!
						~ Matt
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Multiply and Disciple
Math was never one of my strong suits growing up. I was
never good at it and it only got harder for me as I progressed
through school. I always struggled to grasp the concepts
and it just never made sense to me. So obviously, I am
no mathematician. My high school math teachers would
laugh at the thought that I would have anything good to contribute
to a conversation about math. But maybe it takes a simple-minded,
mathematically-challenged Youth Pastor to see the more obvious.
Basic elementary math is made up of four different processes involving
numbers: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
division. Addition and Multiplication always increased
the sum while subtraction and division caused a
reduction. When it comes to the Kingdom of God we
want to increase, and the greatest increases come when
we multiply.
I once heard that addition is good, but multiplication
is better. Addition produces incremental growth, but
multiplication produces exponential growth.
When I look in scripture, I see that Paul gets to the
heart of this idea of multiplication. In a letter he writes to Timothy, he says,
“What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust
to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” (2 Timothy 2:2) I see
this as one of the key verses in the Bible pointing towards this idea of
God invites all of us to join in this mission to multiply. His expansion
plan for His people has always been accomplished through multiplication.
As you journey through scripture from the very beginning with Adam all
the way through the gospels and beyond, you will find this emphasis on
multiplication. Addition is never the strategy God uses to populate the
world with His followers. Multiplication is the tactical pattern the Spirit
flows through to reach the lost.
As we walk into 2017, it is my prayer that as a church we would embrace
the idea of Multiply. May we plow forward seeking to become Kingdom
Workers focused on the harvest, who desire to be high-impact multiplying
churches. I am excited that, as a church, we are striving to do this. Would
you join us on this journey?
				~ Geoff 
Lexington, KY 40502
The Power of Multiplication
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
. . . and a Happy New Year
These words conclude the familiar song we sing at the
Christmas season in a concert or when Christmas caroling. I
think we often place the emphasis on the lyrics,“We wish you
a Merry Christmas”and forget that sharing hope for the new
year is also important. We come to the start of another year and
those of us who are growing a bit older really do appreciate those“new”years
as they seem more precious.
Each new year provides the opportunity to evaluate our life and perhaps
make some needed changes. Now, we know we can do that at any time
and not wait on another calendar year to roll around, yet the new year does
provide time for reflection of the past and setting goals for the future.
As I think of the word“multiply”, I remember the words of the late Roy H.
Mays III, when he would often remind us as students at Cincinnati Christian
University, that we needed to“multiply our ministry.” This was one of his
favorite admonitions. Hearing it over and over again, it would start to sink
into the fertile minds of those of us who participated in the university’s music
ensemble or Come Alive programs.
Roy wanted to make sure we knew that he expected us to not just go and
sing or enjoy fellowship on our school trips, but rather to invest our lives into
the teens we visited in churches and camps. It really made us think about our
actions around those people. What would they remember about us after we
returned to Cincinnati?
As a music professor at CCU and later at Johnson University Florida, I
enjoyed investing myself into the lives of many students, but I also realized
that my time with these students was limited by time. I only had a certain
amount of time with them, then they would graduate. I learned that
ministering with people in the local church provided
a greater long-term involvement in their lives. It has
been enjoyable to look back over 40 years of ministry
and see those lives and the fruit they have produced
for the Kingdom of Christ.
Multiplying our ministry does take effort and
purpose. It does not come easy as it involves our time, patience, and love.
But, as I look back over many long-term friendships, that time, patience and
love was well worth the effort. We need to keep investing ourselves in others.
It is the Biblical plan!
					~ Don
Multiply certainly
seems a fitting title for
the Critterland hallway
going into 2017. Last
year we saw the birth
of more than 14 babies to members
and regular attenders in our church
(we usually average 4 a year). Most
were firstborn babies, some were
second children, and there are still
more expecting this year! We’ve also
seen quite a few additions to the
older classrooms with membership
transfers, and these children have
jumped right into our program and
taken off running! God has blessed
our congregation with these new
little ones, and every time I meet
one I just get more excited to see
them grow here at Tates Creek.
Because we have had such a boom
in our numbers, I would like to ask
a favor. I know you see‘Volunteers
needed’all the time in articles and
bulletins, but it is not just me asking
for help babysitting. I am asking for
your help investing in the newest
lives of our church. I am asking
that you come and help us teach
these children that they are loved,
they matter, and they are a part of
something absolutely breathtaking.
Would you like to be a part of our
	 ~ Lesley
Lexington, KY 40502
Ministry Updates
Our college age
small group has been
meeting since 2006.
Tommy and Zella saw
the need to start a small
group for college age students and
they answered that call by starting a
group in their home. In the last ten
years it has ministered to hundreds of
students. I have only been involved
with the college ministry for a few
years, but I have been very richly
blessed by the relationships that I
have built through the group.
As long as I have been involved
with the college ministry there
are two couples who have been
constant. Actually it would be three
had Tommy and Zella not started
the young married couples group
(I am so thankful they are meeting
this need). Anyway, Larry and
Brenda Critchfield and Danny and
Anne Branham have been making
investments in the young people of
this church for all those years. I am
so grateful to have their wisdom and
leadership as part of our ministry. I
am so thankful they understand the
importance of investing in the next
generation of Christians and church
leaders by sharing their lives with our
young people here at Tates Creek.
So if you see them sometime soon,
please encourage them and say
“thank you”!
		~ Mike
It is hard to imagine that a new year is now upon us, but
imagination is not reality. The reality is 2017 is upon us and
with it a host of activity. Some of these activities are new
and some of them are continuing from years past, but all of
them are our opportunities to live life together in the Lord.
First of all, our Pairs and Spares Banquet is just around the corner and
we are currently registering for this grand event. If you are new in our
midst, or didn’t participate last year, just
ask someone who did and I am certain
you will want to be part of it this year.
Seating is limited for this event which is
going to be held the evening of Friday,
February 10, so get your registration
in right away to secure your place.
Registration cut-off will be January 31,
don’t delay.
Another activity is our Senior Saints in the Smokies which is scheduled
for June 5-9. We always take a good group to this great program and we
will begin registering for this soon. Along with these special events our
monthly BWAC meeting continues as do our monthly day trips. As the
Apostle Paul requested when he said“make my joy complete by being
likeminded”so also we would like you to be like minded with us in seeing
that the best times in the Lord’s kingdom are the times spent together in
fellowship. For those who have reached those years often referred to as
“golden”, join us for our 2017 programs. The years might not be golden,
but the fellowship we enjoy certainly is!
					~ Bro. Kim
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Seniors Ministry
Lexington, KY 40502
Winter Oasis
January 11 - March 29
“Spiritual Disciplines: Habits for going Deeper with God”
Led by John Davis
Many Christians struggle with how to grow in their relationship
with God. They feel like they have hit a wall, or been stagnant for a
significant period of time. Learning about and implementing spiritual
disciplines into your regular rhythm of life is the key to growing
spiritually. While these practices certainly do not force or coerce God
to bless you more, they do place you at the foot of his throne ready and
willing to receive more of his grace.
“The Amazing Collection” Hebrews - Revelation
Women’s Study Led by Phyllis Eversole
The Amazing Collection women’s class will be studying the books of
Hebrews through Revelation during this session. The Pastoral Letters
will be covered during the Spring Oasis. The DVD teachings, workbook
lessons, and discussions will give you a bigger picture of God and His
word. There is a suggested donation of $10 for the workbook. If you
have any questions, please see or email Phyllis Eversole at
“Hands and Feet Ministry” Matthew 25:35-40
Led by Vickie Cole
What does it mean to be the hands and feet of Jesus? Each week,
participants will invest themselves in a choice of community outreach
ministries demonstrating their love for God by pouring themselves into
the lives of others. “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of
these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40
Class Registration!
Register online at,
mark the class of your choice on a Communication Card, or
through the connect card on the church app.
Be sure to register early so materials are available!
In elementary school and high school, math was one of my
favorite subjects. One aspect of math that fascinated me was
multiplication. Multiplication communicates growth. The same
principle is true with church growth. Jesus started with twelve
men. On the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2) that number grew to
three thousand. In Acts 5:14 the text says, “And more than ever believers
were added to the Lord, multitudes of both men and women” (NASB). The
early church grew explosively! Just a few years ago, someone asked me the
question,“Do you want to be the minister of a mega church?” I responded by
saying,“I would like to be part of a healthy church!”
What is a healthy church? How would we describe a healthy church? One
sign of a healthy church is unity; unity that stands together on the truth
found in the Word of God. Unity of purpose; bringing
people to Jesus and then helping them to grow closer in
their relationship with Jesus. Also unity of love; where the
members of the church care for one another.
One prominent sign of a healthy church is evangelism
where Christians are bringing people to Jesus. One of my
frequent prayers for Tates Creek requests the Lord to grow
His Church here at Tates Creek numerically. The prayer
request for numeric growth is not for numbers sake, but
because there are many more lost people who need Jesus Christ. Lost
people are all around us; family members; neighbors; co-workers; classmates;
grocery store clerks; bank clerks; waiters and waitresses. I pray we are
becoming more and more sensitive to the lost people around us and that we
are courageous to invite them to church or share our testimony for Jesus.
Another prayer request I pray for frequently is for spiritual growth; that
Tates Creek will be spiritually strong and stable and faithful to Jesus until
He returns. It would be absolutely awesome for the Tates Creek Church to
remain strong in the Lord until the second coming of Jesus Christ! Becoming
strong in the Lord is the result of studying the Word. There is no silver bullet
to becoming strong in the Lord other than learning and studying the Word of
God. In a healthy church the Word of God is preached, and the Word of God
is taught in Sunday school and small groups.
Equipping newer Christians to serve is another sign of a healthy church.
Equipping Christians begins with mature Christians who willingly teach, train,
and trust newer Christians to do the work. In a healthy church, Christians
who have been serving for a long time are always looking and identifying
newer Christians to serve. In an unhealthy church, Christians who have
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
A Healthy Church
been serving for a long time are usually reluctant and even unwilling to step
aside and train newer Christians to carry on the work. It seems as if their
identity and their self-worth is strongly tied to their service at church. If they
were to pass that service on to someone else, they would be lost with regard
to their identity. At some point, newer Christians at the church become
frustrated because they are not being included in the work of the church, and
then they leave. Mature Christians realize that the service and work of the
church is not about them; it is about developing newer Christians to carry on
the work. In a healthy church, mature Christians are
always stepping aside because they are training newer
Christians to serve.
Another essential element for a healthy church is
strong godly leadership. Churches rise and fall with
leadership. Families rise and fall with leadership.
Marriages rise and fall with leadership. Strong godly
leaders love the Lord, and they love His Church! Strong godly leaders are
grounded in the Word of God. They have a strong faith and are willing to take
bold risks. They know Jesus Christ, the devil, sin, forgiveness, and God’s grace.
They also have the attitude that they want to do what is best for the church;
not for their own personal agenda. They know commitment and are loyal to
each other. They are positive about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the change
the Gospel brings to people. They are positive about the church. They are
positive about each other and do not criticize other leaders or the church. A
negative, critical leader is the devil’s tool.
Another sign of a healthy church is generosity. Christians tithe ten percent
of their income and above because they love the Lord and they love His
Church. They give because they want to invest in the work of the Kingdom of
God. They give because they love people and want to provide for the needs
of people.
We could list other signs of a healthy church. Throughout 2017, we will
address many of these signs in the sermons. The overall word that describes a
healthy church is the word,‘multiply.’ We will begin 2017 with a sermon series
focused on the messages that Jesus sent to the seven churches in Revelation.
Jesus identifies the positive points about each church, and then He addresses
the things each church needs to change in order to be healthy. May Tates
Creek Christian become more and more healthy for Jesus Christ.
Happy New Year!
				~ Tommy
Lexington, KY 40502
A Healthy Church continued
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
New Beginnings with Prayer
January 2017
Put OnPut Off
If you are interested in knowing more about our team
or serving with us, please contact Peggy Crawford at, 859-269-5902, or any other team
1 John 4:7-8, 20, John 15:12
Matthew 7:1-3, John 8:7-11
Hebrews 12:15, Colossians 3:1
Matthew 18:35, Matthew 6:14
Proverbs 16:18, James
Philippians 2:21, John 12:24
1 Corinthians 4:7, Proverbs 27:2
1 Samuel 15:23, Romans 6:13
2 Timothy 3:6, Matthew 6:10
1 Samuel 15:23, Joel 2:12-13
1 Samuel 12:15, Hebrews 5:9
Romans 1:21, Ephesians 5:20
James 1:2-4, Colossians 1:11, 3:12
Philippians 4:11-13, Hebrews 13:5
Exodus 20:17, Colossians 3:5
Numbers 11:1, 1 Corinthians 10:10
John 6:43, Ephesians 5:21
Ephesians 6:4, Philippians 2:3-4
Proverbs 27:4, 1 Corinthians 13:4
Proverbs 16:32, Romans 5:3-4
Matthew 5:21-22, 1 Corinthians 13:3
1 Timothy 5:13, Romans 14:19
Ephesians 4:25, Zechariah 8:16
Ephesians 4:29, 1 Timothy 4:12
Matthew 12:36, Proverbs 21:23
Proverbs 24:8-9, Philippians 4:8
1 Samuel 16:7, Psalm 19:14
James 4:17, Colossians 3:23
Philippians 4:4, 1 Thessalonians 5:16
Matthew 6:25-32, 1 Peter 5:7
1 Thessalonians 5:24, Hebrews 11:1
Lack of Love
Unforgiving Spirit
Lack of Submission
Provoking Others
Losing Temper
Bad Language
Idle Words
Evil Thoughts
Bad Motives
Lack of Rejoicing
Worry (fear)
Doubt (unbelief)
Forgiving Spirit
Death of Self
Broken Will
Submitting to Jesus
Preferring to Love
Love or Kindness
Speaking with Praise
Speaking Truth
Purity in Speech
Tame the Tongue
“Think of These Things”
Meditation on God
“The Prayer Ministry shall provide opportunities to help equip others to grow more in
their prayer lives by promoting prayer studies and praying collectively together, causing
unity in prayer throughout our congregation and our Prayer ministry team. By our
prayers, we will serve, grow, and give excellence to our Lord”
Lexington, KY 40502
Communion Serving Schedule
January 1
Elders: George Heaton, Larry Hitchner
Deacons: David Straub, Allan Faber
Ashland Terrace: Ray Albensi
Home Comm: David Straub, Allan Faber,
		Lucas Moore
Sat Comm Prep: Jim Everman
Clean-up 1st Srv: Brad Byington
Clean-up 2nd Srv: Kristie Spencer
Prayer Room: Mona Vannatter, Kevin Hickey
Ushers: Doug I., Boyd J., David F.
January 8
Elders: Larry Hitchner, Ken Sharp
Deacons: Brian Hogston
Ashland Terrace: Brad Byington
Home Comm: David Feltner, Ken Banks,
		Brian Hogston	
Sat Comm Prep: Brian/Sontina Hogston
Clean-up 1st Srv: Fred/Emma Goode
Clean-up 2nd Srv: Zella S./Elizabeth B.
Prayer Room: Dale Kistler, Laura Mullins
Ushers: Stan S., Dennis M., Cory & Sarah W.
January 15
Elders: Ken Sharp, Larry Bugg
Deacons: Russell Brown, Ken Banks
Ashland Terrace: Allan Faber
Home Comm: Jonathan Clifton, Ed Hall,
		Keith Wertz
Sat Comm Prep: David Rankin
Clean-up 1st Srv: Craig/Jenny Fowler
Clean-up 2nd Srv: Vickie Cole
Prayer Room: Mary Adkins, Becky Child
Ushers: Jack W., David S., Stuart K.
January 22
Elders: Larry Bugg, Kent Mason
Deacons: Lucas Moore, Jonathan Clifton
Ashland Terrace: David Feltner
Home Comm: Ray Albensi, Steve Mullins,
		Terry Morrison	
Sat Comm Prep: Mark/Gayle Fields
Clean-up 1st Srv: Rick/LeeAnn Layne
Clean-up 2nd Srv: David/Joanne Shuman
Prayer Room: Beth Kessler, Kevin Hickey
Ushers: Darrel P., Boyd J., John M.
January 29
Elders: Kent Mason, Stan Stack
Deacons: Ed Hall, Keith Wertz
Ashland Terrace: Ken Banks
Home Comm: Greg Kasten, Brad Byington,
		David Straub
Sat Comm Prep: Boyd/Wanda Johnson
Clean-up 1st Srv: Marvis/Pam White
Clean-up 2nd Srv: Kristie Spencer
Prayer Room: Nathan Young, Laura Mullins
Ushers: Stan S., Dennis M., Gary C.
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Church Under the Bridge
In early November our small group, which is made up of young married
couples, hosted Church Under the Bridge at Broadway Christian Church
downtown. This included providing music, a devotional sermon, serving
dinner, and visiting. Church Under the Bridge is a church service provided
for the homeless and marginally homeless population in Lexington.
There are some dedicated individuals with Church Under the Bridge that
facilitate the service every Sunday year-round and were there to give us
direction and provide some supplies. At the service we hosted, there were
about 50 individuals and many of them regularly attend.
The service started out with music. The Church Under the Bridge has a
choir that is made up of some regular attendees. They sang beautifully
and their joy was obvious as they sang. The devotional was next in which
‘the armor of God’from Ephesians 6 was the topic. The attendees were
very attentive and interactive and their
appreciation was very apparent. After
the church service the meal was served
by our small group. At the time, I was
about 35 weeks pregnant so I chose a task
where I could sit most of the time (pouring
and serving drinks). I received many
well-wishes and even some hugs. One
gentleman even offered to take over for
me. We then cleaned up and some of the attendees stuck around to help.
Serving at this service was a humbling experience. Most of the folks
attending do not have much at all as far as possessions and money go.
However, many had joyous and thankful hearts that were apparent. Many
of their worries are far more concerning than mine, but they didn’t let
that stop them from worshipping the Lord. Their authenticity was quite
refreshing and renewing to me.
Serving at Church Under the Bridge was a wonderful experience but also
challenging for me as an introverted person. However, I would definitely
serve again and would recommend to anyone to take that opportunity as
					~ Randi Feltner
Lexington, KY 40502
Myanmar Christian Village
“I’ll be home for Christmas”. . . . . This popular Christmas song floods each
of us with memories of home at Christmas. The sad fact is that millions of
children around the world have no place to call home. TCCC partnering with
Hopeful Hearts Foundation is stepping up to change that for children in
Myanmar a primarily Buddhist country in central Asia.
In October 2015 the TCCC Missions Ministry Team made the decision to use
undesignated missions funds in the amount of $10,000 to build one of the
cottages at the Hopeful Hearts Children’s Village in Myanmar. This project
under the direction of Bob and Kathy Drane
from the Hopeful Hearts Foundation includes a
ten acre village comprised of 10 cottages. Each
home will provide a Christian home for 20--
25 children. A church for the village is under
construction and should be completed within a
month. There will be several agricultural projects including a piggery, a diary
and a mushroom farm. The goal is to teach the children how to become
sustainable by living in a healthy family environment immersed in Christian
The Village is Hopeful Hearts effort to make a difference in the lives of
orphans and children at risk, displaced by poverty, civil war, and devastating
natural disasters. Most of all it is an opportunity for children who have not
heard about the saving grace of Jesus Christ to come to know Him. The
Village provides a loving environment where children will not be persecuted
for their Christian faith. Myanmar is one of the most impoverished nations on
Hopeful Hearts’faithful partner, Samuel Thang, oversees the village, and
a local group of pastors assists him. Hopeful Hearts partners with the
management team and provides training and support. Additionally, Samuel
and his wife Mercy lovingly care for 94 children in their home located not far
from the Village.
Fast forward to January 2017—the cottage paid for by TCCC missions funds
has been built and is occupied. Possibilities are being explored to provide
TCCC individuals an opportunity to travel to Myanmar during 2017 to visit
and work in the village. More information--dates, costs, projects, etc.-- will be
announced if plans develop.
In addition to Myanmar, Hopeful Hearts now has orphanages in
Indonesia, Haiti, India, Sri Lanka, and Cuba.
Missions Moment
January Events
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Better With Age Club
Monthly on the third Thursday
January 19, 10:30 am
Fellowship Hall
Bring side dishes, salad, or dessert to
share. All Senior adults are welcome!
Adult Bible Study
Wednesdays, 10:30 am,
Room 200CD
Pairs and Spares Banquet
February 10, 5:45 pm
Paul Miller Interactive Comedy Show
Registration forms will be available at the information desk.
Seating is limited so register early.
Registration deadline is January 31.
From the Church Office
This year we will be offering the option to stop receiving the paper copy
of the Current newsletter. If you would like to be taken off the mailing
list (at an annual savings of approximately $6.50 per copy), please call
the church office or simply respond to this email at Everyone will continue receive the email version.
Lexington, KY 40502
January Events
Teaching Revelation 2 & 3
January 8 - Authentic
January 15 - Resilient
January 22 - Strong Leadership
January 29 - Pure
February 5 - Vibrant
February 12 - Steadfast
February 19 - Focused
New Sermon Series
January 8 -
February 19
Cost for this trip is $170 for double occupancy.
Registration forms for this conference are available at the
information desk. Please see Kim Beckwith with any questions.
For more infromation go to
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Devotional Thought Week 1
One definition of authentic from Merriam-Webster is: Conforming
to an original so as to reproduce essential features. This is a good
definition as it relates to how we are called to be authentic in Revelation
2:1-7. This passage was originally written to the Church in Ephesus, but
our church today has many of the same challenges that the Ephesians
faced and it definitely applies to us. Jesus starts off telling the church
the good things he has noticed them doing. One of those things is
their investigations into those who claim to be apostles. The church is
therefore authenticating those who claim to be apostles, and they find
some of them to be false. In other ways the early church shows their
authenticity by their‘deeds, your hard work and your perseverance.’
On the other hand there is a way that they were
not being authentic. Jesus describes it as having
‘forsaken your first love.’ Perhaps he is saying that
they no longer were showing the original love
they had for one another and Christ. If so, they
were not being authentic by definition; they were
not conforming to the original (Jesus) so as to
reproduce (his) essential features (love).
Verse 7 of this passage is a challenge to the church to hear what
the Spirit is telling us. Let us hear it now. May we not lose the good
practices of the Ephesian church, and may we heed the words of Christ
and not forsake‘our first love.’ If it is the desire of our hearts to be
authentic, let us pray to God that we will hear‘what the Spirit says to the
churches’so that we can‘eat from the tree of life.’
				~ David Feltner
Lexington, KY 40502
Devotional Thought Week 2
Jesus told John to write to Smyrna, in Revelation 2:8-11. John wrote
how Jesus knew of their good deeds, poverty (probably caused by the
Romans), and about lies being told about them. It is easy to think God
has forgotten us in times of trouble. But Jesus knows. He knew that
the Jews in Smyrna no longer followed God. They were told to not
fear the troubles that will come. God was allowing this attack so they
could be tested and their faith would be proven. Of the seven churches
mentioned in Revelation, only this one remains today. They would be
faithful unto death and receive a crown of life as did Peter.
When Peter was escaping from jail he came upon a big iron gate, but
God swung it open for the angel and the Apostle. When Peter arrived
at the house where the others were inside praying, the servant did
not allow him inside, and the others did not believe her. So I ask,“Do
people believe we are followers of Christ? Do we get upset when we
are going through troubles, being questioned as a Christian or when
we realize a chance to work within God’s plan
has been wasted?” God knows who claims to be
a Christian, but never reads His word at home,
much less follows, the word of God. We might
hear what people believe but that may not
actually be in the Bible and thus not what God
has told us. Where the Bible speaks we shall
speak and where it is silent we should be silent.
When the doctors told me that both of my knees had to be replaced,
I had to give up my love of racquetball and instead headed for the
pool for water aerobics. Having myself in as good of shape as possible
made for less pain and a quicker recovery. The same is true for all of
the trials that life brings our way. If you get in shape before the ordeal
and stay in shape afterwards, you will have less pain and a quicker
recovery. Praying, studying, and being around other Christians that can
encourage you, are all useful in seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
That way we can have faith and hope that someday that sweet chariot
will swing low and carry us home.
					~ Kent Mason
					Seekers Class Teacher
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
In order for a church to be healthy and vibrant, the church must have
strong leaders. So what are some of the characteristics of a strong
leader? First, a strong leader not only believes in Jesus Christ, he/she
must BELIEVE Jesus Christ. Read that statement again and let it sink
in. This is key to strong leadership; a true leader not only has to have
faith in who Jesus is, he/she must have faith in what Jesus tells us in His
Word and ACT on it. Secondly, a strong leader leads based upon God’s
ability and not man’s inability (Philippians 4:13). If we make leadership
decisions based upon what“WE”can do, then we
rob God of the opportunity to demonstrate His
power in our weakness. Thirdly, a strong leader
understands that the Church has been given a
sacred mission by the Head of the Church, Jesus
Christ, and is committed to fulfilling it. That sacred
mission is to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to
a lost and dying world and to bring as many as
possible into His saving Grace (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8). This mission
must be considered first and foremost in every decision we make. Next,
just as we must be committed to the mission of the Church, we must also
be committed to standing firm in proclaiming the TRUTH that is found
in the Bible (1 Peter 1:25). While we may need to change the methods
by which we proclaim the truth of the scriptures in order to reach a
new generation, we must never compromise or weaken the message of
the Word. Speaking of change, strong leaders are willing to make bold
decisions for changes in methodology when it comes to advancing the
Gospel and reaching new people (1 Corinthians 9:22). Finally, a strong
leader is one that leads in humility with a servant’s heart. Like the One
we serve, we must sacrifice ourselves daily and serve the ones we are
called to lead and to reach. Jesus was the ultimate humble servant
(Philippians 2:8) and we should strive every day to follow His example.
					~ Danny Branham
					Servants for Christ Teacher
Devotional thought Week 3
Lexington, KY 40502
As a young nursing student at Marshall University, one of the first
things I learned to do was to take a patient’s vital signs. That is because
vital signs are used to evaluate a person’s general physical condition
and are an important part of a nursing assessment. We were asked to
practice these on a regular basis so that we could become proficient
at doing them. In my current nursing job, I work with newborns and
their mothers. Vital signs are also measured on newborns. Most of the
newborns I see are normal and have strong vital signs, but from time
to time we have a mother who has used drugs during her pregnancy.
This can alter the infant’s vital signs and also their overall health.
Unfortunately, this“impurity”in the infant’s body can harm him/her.
Likewise, this is true for us in a spiritual way. When we put things
into our spiritual body that cause us to be“impure”then we can expect
it to alter our vital signs and our overall spiritual
health. In Revelation 2:18-29 the church at Thyatira
was commended for their love, faith, perseverance,
and doing more than they did at first. However,
Thyatira had also been doing things that caused
“impurity”. They were involved in compromise
and false teaching. This made an impact on the
spiritual health and vital signs of the church. The
immorality and unrepentant spirit of Thyatira
caused suffering not only for her but also for her
As a Christian, I want to do everything I can to live an upright and
“pure”life before my Heavenly Father. This includes putting into my
spiritual body those things that will strengthen me such as daily Bible
reading and study, prayer, and regular church attendance.
In Revelation 2:26-28, the overcomers and those who do the will of
the Father until the end, will be given authority over the nations and
also will be given the morning star. May this encourage all of us to live
				 ~ Carol Ann Martin
				Worship Prayer Team
Devotional thought Week 4
Sunday School
Average Attendance
November 2016
Infants	8
Walkers	9
3 - 5 Year Old	 10
Elementary	41
Middle School 	 18
High School	 22
Christians in Action	 23
Crusaders	56
Faith	16
Generations of Faith	 24
Good News	 28
Grace & Truth	 72
Grass Roots	 17
Heaven Bound	 14
In The Word	 24
Open Bible	 61
Seekers	 9
Servants for Christ	 24
Upper Room	 10
Willing Workers	 25
Young Adult Class	 14
Ashland Terrace	 4
Miscellaneous	3
Officers	 10
Total	 561
November Worship
Attendance & Giving
		Total	 	 General Fund	
6th		 764		 $34,799.
13th	 761	 $23,820.
20th	 763	 $37,178.
27th	695	 $18,080.
Mortgage Balance, Nov. 30	 $447,117.
Monthly Payment (December)	 $48,376.
Principal	 $10,665.
Interest	 $1,211.
Add’l Principal	 $36,500.
To give online anytime or setup
a recurring online gift, visit our
website at
and click on“Donate”. You may
also simply scan the QR code.
% of Dollars Given Online
General Fund Report
2016 Budgeted Need per week	 $31,440.
2016 Average per week	 $28,720.
November Total Income	 $113.877.
November Total Expenses	 $125,196.
Moved to Savings	 $5,517.
Net Below Expenses & Savings	 ($16,836.)
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Funds Totals for Nov.
Deacons’Fund 	 $2,164.
“What If...” 	 $21,079.
Victory for Life	 $883.
Lexington, KY 40502
New Members
Linda Potter
Transfer November 20
Juan & Marguerite
Transfer November 20
Victor Castro
Transfer December 11
Randy & Barb
Transfer December 4
Don & Effie
Transfer December 4
Picture not available
TatesCreekChristianChurch	Office:(859)266-1621
Calendar ~ January 2017
2	 New Year’s holiday, office closed
3	 Elders’Meeting, 6 pm, 200E
5	 Mary Circle, 10:30 am, Fh
5	 Deborah Circle, 6:30 pm
7	 Card Ministry, 8:30 am, 106
8	 Monthly Ministry meetings
9	 Faith Circle, 6:30 pm, 104
9	 J.O.Y. Circle, 6:30 pm, Fh
10	 Tabitha Circle, 6 pm
12	 Room in the Inn, 5 pm, FH
15	 Open Bible Lunch, 12 pm, FH
19	 BWAC, 10:30 am, FH
21	 Card Ministry, 8:30 am, 106
26	 Room in the Inn, 5 pm, FH
Weekly Activities
Swahili Worship, 3 pm, FH
Rejoicing Ringers, 4 pm, CR
High School Worship, 6-8 pm, 303
Adult Small Groups, various times 	
Orchestra rehearsal, 6 pm, WC
We Care Store, 1:30 & 4 pm
Victory for Life, 6 pm, FH
Adult Bible Study, 10:30 am, 200CD
Oasis Classes, 6:30 pm, various rooms
Worship Choir rehearsal, 6:30 pm
Elem. Truth Travelers, 6:30 pm, UP
Middle School Worship, 6:30 pm
We Care Store, 1:30 pm

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The Chakra System in our body - A Portal to Interdimensional Consciousness.pptx

Tates Creek Christian Church Current for January 2017

  • 2. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 2 Contact Tates Creek Christian 3150 Tates Creek Road Lexington, KY 40502 (859) 266-1621 Visit Online Worship Sunday Traditional - 9:30 am The Vine - 11:00 am Sunday School - 8:30, 9:30, 11:00 am Swahili Service - 3:00 pm Evening - 6:30 pm Wednesday Oasis Classes - 6:30 pm Staff Tommy Simpson Mike Allen Kim Beckwith Billy Bishop John Davis David Eversole Geoff Lawson Matt Lee Don Seevers Lesley Tipton Office Staff Jenni Gregg Kim Jones Jan Sproul (Monday) Vicki Wesley (Friday) Contents Feature Article 10-11 “A Healthy Church” In Every Issue 3-8 Minister Articles 12 Prayer Ministry 12 Guided Prayer Topics 13 Elder/Deacon Serving Schedule 18-21 Devotional thoughts each week 22 November Statistics 23 New Members 24 Calendar Ministry News 14 Church Under the Bridge 15 Missions Moment Events 9 Winter Oasis 16-17 January Events Mission Tates Creek Christian Church exists to win people to Christ (evangelism), build up believers in faith, knowledge, and service (encouragement), to help those in need (benevolence), and to stand up for Christian values in the community (witness).
  • 3. In three years of ministry Jesus changed the world - but not in the way most would expect. Yes, he healed many. Yes, he performed miracles in front of thousands. Yes, he held the attention of great crowds during some of his sermons. But in the end he had a much smaller following than you would expect for someone who would prove to start a revolution. No, it wasn’t through the crowds that Jesus would change the world, but through the twelve. For three years Jesus discipled twelve men. He walked with them, ate with them, and slept with them. He taught them how to pray, how to fast, and how to talk to unbelievers about God. He taught them first-hand what the love of God looked like in daily life. Jesus’three year relationship with the twelve is the epitome of discipleship. It was essentially spiritual mentoring or apprenticeship. When I was a freshman in college, in the dorms at UK an older, more mature Christian man asked me if I would like for him to disciple me. I had no idea what he meant. I also had no idea that this“discipling” would change the course of my life. For the next two and a half years he taught me everything he knew about following Christ - and I soaked it up like a sponge. Then one day, about midway through my junior year, he sat me down, gave me his old Bible as a gift, and said,“Now it’s your turn. Go find other men to disciple.” And I’ve been doing that ever since. Essentially he was saying,“Go multiply.” Paul had a similar relationship with Timothy. In 2 Timothy he writes to his son in the faith, “and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.” (2 Timothy 2:2, ESV) This is biblical multiplication. Discipleship. Spiritual mentoring. Passing on your faith to others so they can in turn pass it on once again. This is Jesus’plan for changing the world. ~ John 3 Lexington, KY 40502 Multiplying through Discipleship
  • 4. A couple of years ago, I was talking missions with a cousin. Our conversation was definitely arranged by God because it was exactly what I needed to hear. I was at a place with the orphanage that I didn’t know what to do. God had placed something heavy on my heart that I couldn’t just shrug away. As we were talking, she told me a story about the organization she serves with and a dream the founder had. In the dream she was driving down a very busy road when a bus full of children drove off the road into the water. The bus was slowing going under. In her mind the woman thought about diving in and saving as many kids as she could. However, before she dove into the water she realized the number of cars speeding by her. Without another thought, she flagged down 5 other cars. These 5 cars flagged down others and soon nearly a hundred people were jumping into the water to save the children. After my cousin’s story, I had a new realization for what I needed to do. I needed to tell everyone I knew about the need at the orphanage. The need was greater than I could meet on my own with my abilities and skills. If we were truly going to help the children it would take a team! Now a few years later the team has grown to a size I can’t even count. More people are connected to this orphanage than I would have ever imagined. Some are prayer warriors and others are financial donors. This lesson I continue to learn daily about multiplying and discipling continues to be a method used in the children’s ministry. We are blessed to have nearly 200 people serving on rotations, but to be honest there are still more workers needed. There are more workers needed because there are still families in our community that don’t know the message of Jesus and we have to get to them before they slip away. There are families struggling to stay afloat in their marriages and the devil is working overtime to drown them. For some reason, in the American church, we still struggle to get the idea of multiplying. Why? Is it because we don’t see the need of people slowly drifting away from the church and into death? Are we too comfortable in our pews and classes to look out the window toward the lost? Have we become consumed and focused on figuring out why the lost are lost rather than just going to rescue them, afraid they might reject us? Could it be that since we don’t know the exact time Jesus is coming back that we don’t think there is an urgency? Whatever the reason, it’s not an accident that our focus in 2017 is about multiplying. I believe the focus has been arranged by the Creator of our churches’story! ~ Matt Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 4 Multiply and Disciple
  • 5. Math was never one of my strong suits growing up. I was never good at it and it only got harder for me as I progressed through school. I always struggled to grasp the concepts and it just never made sense to me. So obviously, I am no mathematician. My high school math teachers would laugh at the thought that I would have anything good to contribute to a conversation about math. But maybe it takes a simple-minded, mathematically-challenged Youth Pastor to see the more obvious. Basic elementary math is made up of four different processes involving numbers: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Addition and Multiplication always increased the sum while subtraction and division caused a reduction. When it comes to the Kingdom of God we want to increase, and the greatest increases come when we multiply. I once heard that addition is good, but multiplication is better. Addition produces incremental growth, but multiplication produces exponential growth. When I look in scripture, I see that Paul gets to the heart of this idea of multiplication. In a letter he writes to Timothy, he says, “What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” (2 Timothy 2:2) I see this as one of the key verses in the Bible pointing towards this idea of multiplying. God invites all of us to join in this mission to multiply. His expansion plan for His people has always been accomplished through multiplication. As you journey through scripture from the very beginning with Adam all the way through the gospels and beyond, you will find this emphasis on multiplication. Addition is never the strategy God uses to populate the world with His followers. Multiplication is the tactical pattern the Spirit flows through to reach the lost. As we walk into 2017, it is my prayer that as a church we would embrace the idea of Multiply. May we plow forward seeking to become Kingdom Workers focused on the harvest, who desire to be high-impact multiplying churches. I am excited that, as a church, we are striving to do this. Would you join us on this journey? ~ Geoff 5 Lexington, KY 40502 The Power of Multiplication
  • 6. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 6 . . . and a Happy New Year These words conclude the familiar song we sing at the Christmas season in a concert or when Christmas caroling. I think we often place the emphasis on the lyrics,“We wish you a Merry Christmas”and forget that sharing hope for the new year is also important. We come to the start of another year and those of us who are growing a bit older really do appreciate those“new”years as they seem more precious. Each new year provides the opportunity to evaluate our life and perhaps make some needed changes. Now, we know we can do that at any time and not wait on another calendar year to roll around, yet the new year does provide time for reflection of the past and setting goals for the future. As I think of the word“multiply”, I remember the words of the late Roy H. Mays III, when he would often remind us as students at Cincinnati Christian University, that we needed to“multiply our ministry.” This was one of his favorite admonitions. Hearing it over and over again, it would start to sink into the fertile minds of those of us who participated in the university’s music ensemble or Come Alive programs. Roy wanted to make sure we knew that he expected us to not just go and sing or enjoy fellowship on our school trips, but rather to invest our lives into the teens we visited in churches and camps. It really made us think about our actions around those people. What would they remember about us after we returned to Cincinnati? As a music professor at CCU and later at Johnson University Florida, I enjoyed investing myself into the lives of many students, but I also realized that my time with these students was limited by time. I only had a certain amount of time with them, then they would graduate. I learned that ministering with people in the local church provided a greater long-term involvement in their lives. It has been enjoyable to look back over 40 years of ministry and see those lives and the fruit they have produced for the Kingdom of Christ. Multiplying our ministry does take effort and purpose. It does not come easy as it involves our time, patience, and love. But, as I look back over many long-term friendships, that time, patience and love was well worth the effort. We need to keep investing ourselves in others. It is the Biblical plan! ~ Don
  • 7. Multiply certainly seems a fitting title for the Critterland hallway going into 2017. Last year we saw the birth of more than 14 babies to members and regular attenders in our church (we usually average 4 a year). Most were firstborn babies, some were second children, and there are still more expecting this year! We’ve also seen quite a few additions to the older classrooms with membership transfers, and these children have jumped right into our program and taken off running! God has blessed our congregation with these new little ones, and every time I meet one I just get more excited to see them grow here at Tates Creek. Because we have had such a boom in our numbers, I would like to ask a favor. I know you see‘Volunteers needed’all the time in articles and bulletins, but it is not just me asking for help babysitting. I am asking for your help investing in the newest lives of our church. I am asking that you come and help us teach these children that they are loved, they matter, and they are a part of something absolutely breathtaking. Would you like to be a part of our team? ~ Lesley Lexington, KY 40502 7 Ministry Updates Our college age small group has been meeting since 2006. Tommy and Zella saw the need to start a small group for college age students and they answered that call by starting a group in their home. In the last ten years it has ministered to hundreds of students. I have only been involved with the college ministry for a few years, but I have been very richly blessed by the relationships that I have built through the group. As long as I have been involved with the college ministry there are two couples who have been constant. Actually it would be three had Tommy and Zella not started the young married couples group (I am so thankful they are meeting this need). Anyway, Larry and Brenda Critchfield and Danny and Anne Branham have been making investments in the young people of this church for all those years. I am so grateful to have their wisdom and leadership as part of our ministry. I am so thankful they understand the importance of investing in the next generation of Christians and church leaders by sharing their lives with our young people here at Tates Creek. So if you see them sometime soon, please encourage them and say “thank you”! ~ Mike
  • 8. It is hard to imagine that a new year is now upon us, but imagination is not reality. The reality is 2017 is upon us and with it a host of activity. Some of these activities are new and some of them are continuing from years past, but all of them are our opportunities to live life together in the Lord. First of all, our Pairs and Spares Banquet is just around the corner and we are currently registering for this grand event. If you are new in our midst, or didn’t participate last year, just ask someone who did and I am certain you will want to be part of it this year. Seating is limited for this event which is going to be held the evening of Friday, February 10, so get your registration in right away to secure your place. Registration cut-off will be January 31, don’t delay. Another activity is our Senior Saints in the Smokies which is scheduled for June 5-9. We always take a good group to this great program and we will begin registering for this soon. Along with these special events our monthly BWAC meeting continues as do our monthly day trips. As the Apostle Paul requested when he said“make my joy complete by being likeminded”so also we would like you to be like minded with us in seeing that the best times in the Lord’s kingdom are the times spent together in fellowship. For those who have reached those years often referred to as “golden”, join us for our 2017 programs. The years might not be golden, but the fellowship we enjoy certainly is! ~ Bro. Kim Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 8 Seniors Ministry
  • 9. Lexington, KY 40502 Teaching Winter Oasis January 11 - March 29 “Spiritual Disciplines: Habits for going Deeper with God” Led by John Davis Many Christians struggle with how to grow in their relationship with God. They feel like they have hit a wall, or been stagnant for a significant period of time. Learning about and implementing spiritual disciplines into your regular rhythm of life is the key to growing spiritually. While these practices certainly do not force or coerce God to bless you more, they do place you at the foot of his throne ready and willing to receive more of his grace. “The Amazing Collection” Hebrews - Revelation Women’s Study Led by Phyllis Eversole The Amazing Collection women’s class will be studying the books of Hebrews through Revelation during this session. The Pastoral Letters will be covered during the Spring Oasis. The DVD teachings, workbook lessons, and discussions will give you a bigger picture of God and His word. There is a suggested donation of $10 for the workbook. If you have any questions, please see or email Phyllis Eversole at “Hands and Feet Ministry” Matthew 25:35-40 Led by Vickie Cole What does it mean to be the hands and feet of Jesus? Each week, participants will invest themselves in a choice of community outreach ministries demonstrating their love for God by pouring themselves into the lives of others. “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40 Class Registration! Register online at, mark the class of your choice on a Communication Card, or through the connect card on the church app. Be sure to register early so materials are available! 9
  • 10. In elementary school and high school, math was one of my favorite subjects. One aspect of math that fascinated me was multiplication. Multiplication communicates growth. The same principle is true with church growth. Jesus started with twelve men. On the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2) that number grew to three thousand. In Acts 5:14 the text says, “And more than ever believers were added to the Lord, multitudes of both men and women” (NASB). The early church grew explosively! Just a few years ago, someone asked me the question,“Do you want to be the minister of a mega church?” I responded by saying,“I would like to be part of a healthy church!” What is a healthy church? How would we describe a healthy church? One sign of a healthy church is unity; unity that stands together on the truth found in the Word of God. Unity of purpose; bringing people to Jesus and then helping them to grow closer in their relationship with Jesus. Also unity of love; where the members of the church care for one another. One prominent sign of a healthy church is evangelism where Christians are bringing people to Jesus. One of my frequent prayers for Tates Creek requests the Lord to grow His Church here at Tates Creek numerically. The prayer request for numeric growth is not for numbers sake, but because there are many more lost people who need Jesus Christ. Lost people are all around us; family members; neighbors; co-workers; classmates; grocery store clerks; bank clerks; waiters and waitresses. I pray we are becoming more and more sensitive to the lost people around us and that we are courageous to invite them to church or share our testimony for Jesus. Another prayer request I pray for frequently is for spiritual growth; that Tates Creek will be spiritually strong and stable and faithful to Jesus until He returns. It would be absolutely awesome for the Tates Creek Church to remain strong in the Lord until the second coming of Jesus Christ! Becoming strong in the Lord is the result of studying the Word. There is no silver bullet to becoming strong in the Lord other than learning and studying the Word of God. In a healthy church the Word of God is preached, and the Word of God is taught in Sunday school and small groups. Equipping newer Christians to serve is another sign of a healthy church. Equipping Christians begins with mature Christians who willingly teach, train, and trust newer Christians to do the work. In a healthy church, Christians who have been serving for a long time are always looking and identifying newer Christians to serve. In an unhealthy church, Christians who have Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 10 A Healthy Church
  • 11. been serving for a long time are usually reluctant and even unwilling to step aside and train newer Christians to carry on the work. It seems as if their identity and their self-worth is strongly tied to their service at church. If they were to pass that service on to someone else, they would be lost with regard to their identity. At some point, newer Christians at the church become frustrated because they are not being included in the work of the church, and then they leave. Mature Christians realize that the service and work of the church is not about them; it is about developing newer Christians to carry on the work. In a healthy church, mature Christians are always stepping aside because they are training newer Christians to serve. Another essential element for a healthy church is strong godly leadership. Churches rise and fall with leadership. Families rise and fall with leadership. Marriages rise and fall with leadership. Strong godly leaders love the Lord, and they love His Church! Strong godly leaders are grounded in the Word of God. They have a strong faith and are willing to take bold risks. They know Jesus Christ, the devil, sin, forgiveness, and God’s grace. They also have the attitude that they want to do what is best for the church; not for their own personal agenda. They know commitment and are loyal to each other. They are positive about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the change the Gospel brings to people. They are positive about the church. They are positive about each other and do not criticize other leaders or the church. A negative, critical leader is the devil’s tool. Another sign of a healthy church is generosity. Christians tithe ten percent of their income and above because they love the Lord and they love His Church. They give because they want to invest in the work of the Kingdom of God. They give because they love people and want to provide for the needs of people. We could list other signs of a healthy church. Throughout 2017, we will address many of these signs in the sermons. The overall word that describes a healthy church is the word,‘multiply.’ We will begin 2017 with a sermon series focused on the messages that Jesus sent to the seven churches in Revelation. Jesus identifies the positive points about each church, and then He addresses the things each church needs to change in order to be healthy. May Tates Creek Christian become more and more healthy for Jesus Christ. Happy New Year! ~ Tommy Lexington, KY 40502 11 A Healthy Church continued
  • 12. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 12 New Beginnings with Prayer January 2017 Put OnPut Off If you are interested in knowing more about our team or serving with us, please contact Peggy Crawford at, 859-269-5902, or any other team member. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 John 4:7-8, 20, John 15:12 Matthew 7:1-3, John 8:7-11 Hebrews 12:15, Colossians 3:1 Matthew 18:35, Matthew 6:14 Proverbs 16:18, James Philippians 2:21, John 12:24 1 Corinthians 4:7, Proverbs 27:2 1 Samuel 15:23, Romans 6:13 2 Timothy 3:6, Matthew 6:10 1 Samuel 15:23, Joel 2:12-13 1 Samuel 12:15, Hebrews 5:9 Romans 1:21, Ephesians 5:20 James 1:2-4, Colossians 1:11, 3:12 Philippians 4:11-13, Hebrews 13:5 Exodus 20:17, Colossians 3:5 Numbers 11:1, 1 Corinthians 10:10 John 6:43, Ephesians 5:21 Ephesians 6:4, Philippians 2:3-4 Proverbs 27:4, 1 Corinthians 13:4 Proverbs 16:32, Romans 5:3-4 Matthew 5:21-22, 1 Corinthians 13:3 1 Timothy 5:13, Romans 14:19 Ephesians 4:25, Zechariah 8:16 Ephesians 4:29, 1 Timothy 4:12 Matthew 12:36, Proverbs 21:23 Proverbs 24:8-9, Philippians 4:8 1 Samuel 16:7, Psalm 19:14 James 4:17, Colossians 3:23 Philippians 4:4, 1 Thessalonians 5:16 Matthew 6:25-32, 1 Peter 5:7 1 Thessalonians 5:24, Hebrews 11:1 Lack of Love Judging Bitterness Unforgiving Spirit Pride Selfishness Boasting Stubbornness Lack of Submission Rebellion Disobedience Ungratefulness Impatience Discontent Covetousness Grumbling Disrespect Provoking Others Jealousy Losing Temper Hatred Gossip Lying Bad Language Idle Words Evil Thoughts Bad Motives Complacency Lack of Rejoicing Worry (fear) Doubt (unbelief) Love Self-examination Tenderhearted Forgiving Spirit Humility Death of Self Humility Submission Broken Will Submitting to Jesus Obedience Thankfulness Patience Satisfaction Contentment Gratefulness Respect Preferring to Love Trust Self-control Love or Kindness Speaking with Praise Speaking Truth Purity in Speech Tame the Tongue “Think of These Things” Meditation on God Diligence Rejoicing Trust Faith “The Prayer Ministry shall provide opportunities to help equip others to grow more in their prayer lives by promoting prayer studies and praying collectively together, causing unity in prayer throughout our congregation and our Prayer ministry team. By our prayers, we will serve, grow, and give excellence to our Lord”
  • 13. Lexington, KY 40502 Communion Serving Schedule January 1 Elders: George Heaton, Larry Hitchner Deacons: David Straub, Allan Faber Ashland Terrace: Ray Albensi Home Comm: David Straub, Allan Faber, Lucas Moore Sat Comm Prep: Jim Everman Clean-up 1st Srv: Brad Byington Clean-up 2nd Srv: Kristie Spencer Prayer Room: Mona Vannatter, Kevin Hickey Ushers: Doug I., Boyd J., David F. January 8 Elders: Larry Hitchner, Ken Sharp Deacons: Brian Hogston Ashland Terrace: Brad Byington Home Comm: David Feltner, Ken Banks, Brian Hogston Sat Comm Prep: Brian/Sontina Hogston Clean-up 1st Srv: Fred/Emma Goode Clean-up 2nd Srv: Zella S./Elizabeth B. Prayer Room: Dale Kistler, Laura Mullins Ushers: Stan S., Dennis M., Cory & Sarah W. January 15 Elders: Ken Sharp, Larry Bugg Deacons: Russell Brown, Ken Banks Ashland Terrace: Allan Faber Home Comm: Jonathan Clifton, Ed Hall, Keith Wertz Sat Comm Prep: David Rankin Clean-up 1st Srv: Craig/Jenny Fowler Clean-up 2nd Srv: Vickie Cole Prayer Room: Mary Adkins, Becky Child Ushers: Jack W., David S., Stuart K. January 22 Elders: Larry Bugg, Kent Mason Deacons: Lucas Moore, Jonathan Clifton Ashland Terrace: David Feltner Home Comm: Ray Albensi, Steve Mullins, Terry Morrison Sat Comm Prep: Mark/Gayle Fields Clean-up 1st Srv: Rick/LeeAnn Layne Clean-up 2nd Srv: David/Joanne Shuman Prayer Room: Beth Kessler, Kevin Hickey Ushers: Darrel P., Boyd J., John M. January 29 Elders: Kent Mason, Stan Stack Deacons: Ed Hall, Keith Wertz Ashland Terrace: Ken Banks Home Comm: Greg Kasten, Brad Byington, David Straub Sat Comm Prep: Boyd/Wanda Johnson Clean-up 1st Srv: Marvis/Pam White Clean-up 2nd Srv: Kristie Spencer Prayer Room: Nathan Young, Laura Mullins Ushers: Stan S., Dennis M., Gary C.
  • 14. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road Church Under the Bridge 14 In early November our small group, which is made up of young married couples, hosted Church Under the Bridge at Broadway Christian Church downtown. This included providing music, a devotional sermon, serving dinner, and visiting. Church Under the Bridge is a church service provided for the homeless and marginally homeless population in Lexington. There are some dedicated individuals with Church Under the Bridge that facilitate the service every Sunday year-round and were there to give us direction and provide some supplies. At the service we hosted, there were about 50 individuals and many of them regularly attend. The service started out with music. The Church Under the Bridge has a choir that is made up of some regular attendees. They sang beautifully and their joy was obvious as they sang. The devotional was next in which ‘the armor of God’from Ephesians 6 was the topic. The attendees were very attentive and interactive and their appreciation was very apparent. After the church service the meal was served by our small group. At the time, I was about 35 weeks pregnant so I chose a task where I could sit most of the time (pouring and serving drinks). I received many well-wishes and even some hugs. One gentleman even offered to take over for me. We then cleaned up and some of the attendees stuck around to help. Serving at this service was a humbling experience. Most of the folks attending do not have much at all as far as possessions and money go. However, many had joyous and thankful hearts that were apparent. Many of their worries are far more concerning than mine, but they didn’t let that stop them from worshipping the Lord. Their authenticity was quite refreshing and renewing to me. Serving at Church Under the Bridge was a wonderful experience but also challenging for me as an introverted person. However, I would definitely serve again and would recommend to anyone to take that opportunity as well. ~ Randi Feltner
  • 15. 15 Lexington, KY 40502 Myanmar Christian Village “I’ll be home for Christmas”. . . . . This popular Christmas song floods each of us with memories of home at Christmas. The sad fact is that millions of children around the world have no place to call home. TCCC partnering with Hopeful Hearts Foundation is stepping up to change that for children in Myanmar a primarily Buddhist country in central Asia. In October 2015 the TCCC Missions Ministry Team made the decision to use undesignated missions funds in the amount of $10,000 to build one of the cottages at the Hopeful Hearts Children’s Village in Myanmar. This project under the direction of Bob and Kathy Drane from the Hopeful Hearts Foundation includes a ten acre village comprised of 10 cottages. Each home will provide a Christian home for 20-- 25 children. A church for the village is under construction and should be completed within a month. There will be several agricultural projects including a piggery, a diary and a mushroom farm. The goal is to teach the children how to become sustainable by living in a healthy family environment immersed in Christian values. The Village is Hopeful Hearts effort to make a difference in the lives of orphans and children at risk, displaced by poverty, civil war, and devastating natural disasters. Most of all it is an opportunity for children who have not heard about the saving grace of Jesus Christ to come to know Him. The Village provides a loving environment where children will not be persecuted for their Christian faith. Myanmar is one of the most impoverished nations on earth. Hopeful Hearts’faithful partner, Samuel Thang, oversees the village, and a local group of pastors assists him. Hopeful Hearts partners with the management team and provides training and support. Additionally, Samuel and his wife Mercy lovingly care for 94 children in their home located not far from the Village. Fast forward to January 2017—the cottage paid for by TCCC missions funds has been built and is occupied. Possibilities are being explored to provide TCCC individuals an opportunity to travel to Myanmar during 2017 to visit and work in the village. More information--dates, costs, projects, etc.-- will be announced if plans develop. In addition to Myanmar, Hopeful Hearts now has orphanages in Indonesia, Haiti, India, Sri Lanka, and Cuba. Missions Moment
  • 16. January Events Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road Better With Age Club Monthly on the third Thursday January 19, 10:30 am Fellowship Hall Bring side dishes, salad, or dessert to share. All Senior adults are welcome! Adult Bible Study Wednesdays, 10:30 am, Room 200CD Pairs and Spares Banquet February 10, 5:45 pm Entertainment: Paul Miller Interactive Comedy Show Registration forms will be available at the information desk. Seating is limited so register early. Registration deadline is January 31. From the Church Office This year we will be offering the option to stop receiving the paper copy of the Current newsletter. If you would like to be taken off the mailing list (at an annual savings of approximately $6.50 per copy), please call the church office or simply respond to this email at Everyone will continue receive the email version.
  • 17. Lexington, KY 40502 January Events Teaching Revelation 2 & 3 January 8 - Authentic January 15 - Resilient January 22 - Strong Leadership January 29 - Pure February 5 - Vibrant February 12 - Steadfast February 19 - Focused New Sermon Series January 8 - February 19 17 Cost for this trip is $170 for double occupancy. Registration forms for this conference are available at the information desk. Please see Kim Beckwith with any questions. For more infromation go to Standing
  • 18. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 18 Devotional Thought Week 1 AUTHENTIC - REVELATION 2:1-7 One definition of authentic from Merriam-Webster is: Conforming to an original so as to reproduce essential features. This is a good definition as it relates to how we are called to be authentic in Revelation 2:1-7. This passage was originally written to the Church in Ephesus, but our church today has many of the same challenges that the Ephesians faced and it definitely applies to us. Jesus starts off telling the church the good things he has noticed them doing. One of those things is their investigations into those who claim to be apostles. The church is therefore authenticating those who claim to be apostles, and they find some of them to be false. In other ways the early church shows their authenticity by their‘deeds, your hard work and your perseverance.’ On the other hand there is a way that they were not being authentic. Jesus describes it as having ‘forsaken your first love.’ Perhaps he is saying that they no longer were showing the original love they had for one another and Christ. If so, they were not being authentic by definition; they were not conforming to the original (Jesus) so as to reproduce (his) essential features (love). Verse 7 of this passage is a challenge to the church to hear what the Spirit is telling us. Let us hear it now. May we not lose the good practices of the Ephesian church, and may we heed the words of Christ and not forsake‘our first love.’ If it is the desire of our hearts to be authentic, let us pray to God that we will hear‘what the Spirit says to the churches’so that we can‘eat from the tree of life.’ ~ David Feltner Deacon
  • 19. 19 Lexington, KY 40502 Devotional Thought Week 2 RESILIENT - REVELATION 2:8-11 Jesus told John to write to Smyrna, in Revelation 2:8-11. John wrote how Jesus knew of their good deeds, poverty (probably caused by the Romans), and about lies being told about them. It is easy to think God has forgotten us in times of trouble. But Jesus knows. He knew that the Jews in Smyrna no longer followed God. They were told to not fear the troubles that will come. God was allowing this attack so they could be tested and their faith would be proven. Of the seven churches mentioned in Revelation, only this one remains today. They would be faithful unto death and receive a crown of life as did Peter. When Peter was escaping from jail he came upon a big iron gate, but God swung it open for the angel and the Apostle. When Peter arrived at the house where the others were inside praying, the servant did not allow him inside, and the others did not believe her. So I ask,“Do people believe we are followers of Christ? Do we get upset when we are going through troubles, being questioned as a Christian or when we realize a chance to work within God’s plan has been wasted?” God knows who claims to be a Christian, but never reads His word at home, much less follows, the word of God. We might hear what people believe but that may not actually be in the Bible and thus not what God has told us. Where the Bible speaks we shall speak and where it is silent we should be silent. When the doctors told me that both of my knees had to be replaced, I had to give up my love of racquetball and instead headed for the pool for water aerobics. Having myself in as good of shape as possible made for less pain and a quicker recovery. The same is true for all of the trials that life brings our way. If you get in shape before the ordeal and stay in shape afterwards, you will have less pain and a quicker recovery. Praying, studying, and being around other Christians that can encourage you, are all useful in seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. That way we can have faith and hope that someday that sweet chariot will swing low and carry us home. ~ Kent Mason Elder Seekers Class Teacher
  • 20. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 20 STRONG LEADERSHIP - REVELATION 2:12-17 In order for a church to be healthy and vibrant, the church must have strong leaders. So what are some of the characteristics of a strong leader? First, a strong leader not only believes in Jesus Christ, he/she must BELIEVE Jesus Christ. Read that statement again and let it sink in. This is key to strong leadership; a true leader not only has to have faith in who Jesus is, he/she must have faith in what Jesus tells us in His Word and ACT on it. Secondly, a strong leader leads based upon God’s ability and not man’s inability (Philippians 4:13). If we make leadership decisions based upon what“WE”can do, then we rob God of the opportunity to demonstrate His power in our weakness. Thirdly, a strong leader understands that the Church has been given a sacred mission by the Head of the Church, Jesus Christ, and is committed to fulfilling it. That sacred mission is to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world and to bring as many as possible into His saving Grace (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8). This mission must be considered first and foremost in every decision we make. Next, just as we must be committed to the mission of the Church, we must also be committed to standing firm in proclaiming the TRUTH that is found in the Bible (1 Peter 1:25). While we may need to change the methods by which we proclaim the truth of the scriptures in order to reach a new generation, we must never compromise or weaken the message of the Word. Speaking of change, strong leaders are willing to make bold decisions for changes in methodology when it comes to advancing the Gospel and reaching new people (1 Corinthians 9:22). Finally, a strong leader is one that leads in humility with a servant’s heart. Like the One we serve, we must sacrifice ourselves daily and serve the ones we are called to lead and to reach. Jesus was the ultimate humble servant (Philippians 2:8) and we should strive every day to follow His example. ~ Danny Branham Elder Servants for Christ Teacher Devotional thought Week 3
  • 21. 21 Lexington, KY 40502 PURE - REVELATION 2:18-29 As a young nursing student at Marshall University, one of the first things I learned to do was to take a patient’s vital signs. That is because vital signs are used to evaluate a person’s general physical condition and are an important part of a nursing assessment. We were asked to practice these on a regular basis so that we could become proficient at doing them. In my current nursing job, I work with newborns and their mothers. Vital signs are also measured on newborns. Most of the newborns I see are normal and have strong vital signs, but from time to time we have a mother who has used drugs during her pregnancy. This can alter the infant’s vital signs and also their overall health. Unfortunately, this“impurity”in the infant’s body can harm him/her. Likewise, this is true for us in a spiritual way. When we put things into our spiritual body that cause us to be“impure”then we can expect it to alter our vital signs and our overall spiritual health. In Revelation 2:18-29 the church at Thyatira was commended for their love, faith, perseverance, and doing more than they did at first. However, Thyatira had also been doing things that caused “impurity”. They were involved in compromise and false teaching. This made an impact on the spiritual health and vital signs of the church. The immorality and unrepentant spirit of Thyatira caused suffering not only for her but also for her children. As a Christian, I want to do everything I can to live an upright and “pure”life before my Heavenly Father. This includes putting into my spiritual body those things that will strengthen me such as daily Bible reading and study, prayer, and regular church attendance. In Revelation 2:26-28, the overcomers and those who do the will of the Father until the end, will be given authority over the nations and also will be given the morning star. May this encourage all of us to live “pure”lives. ~ Carol Ann Martin Worship Prayer Team Devotional thought Week 4
  • 22. Sunday School Average Attendance November 2016 Youth Infants 8 Walkers 9 3 - 5 Year Old 10 Elementary 41 Middle School 18 High School 22 Adult Christians in Action 23 Crusaders 56 Faith 16 FOCUS 19 Generations of Faith 24 Good News 28 Grace & Truth 72 Grass Roots 17 Heaven Bound 14 In The Word 24 Open Bible 61 Seekers 9 Servants for Christ 24 Upper Room 10 Willing Workers 25 Young Adult Class 14 Ashland Terrace 4 Miscellaneous 3 Officers 10 Total 561 November Worship Attendance & Giving Total General Fund 6th 764 $34,799. 13th 761 $23,820. 20th 763 $37,178. 27th 695 $18,080. Indebtedness Mortgage Balance, Nov. 30 $447,117. Monthly Payment (December) $48,376. Principal $10,665. Interest $1,211. Add’l Principal $36,500. To give online anytime or setup a recurring online gift, visit our website at and click on“Donate”. You may also simply scan the QR code. % of Dollars Given Online 16% General Fund Report 2016 Budgeted Need per week $31,440. 2016 Average per week $28,720. November Total Income $113.877. November Total Expenses $125,196. Moved to Savings $5,517. Net Below Expenses & Savings ($16,836.) Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 22 Funds Totals for Nov. Deacons’Fund $2,164. “What If...” $21,079. Victory for Life $883.
  • 23. 23 Lexington, KY 40502 New Members Linda Potter Transfer November 20 Juan & Marguerite Castro Transfer November 20 Victor Castro Transfer December 11 Randy & Barb Wilson Transfer December 4 Don & Effie Dixon Transfer December 4 Picture not available
  • 24. TatesCreekCurrent TatesCreekChristianChurch Office:(859)266-1621 Lexington,KY40502 Calendar ~ January 2017 2 New Year’s holiday, office closed 3 Elders’Meeting, 6 pm, 200E 5 Mary Circle, 10:30 am, Fh 5 Deborah Circle, 6:30 pm 7 Card Ministry, 8:30 am, 106 8 Monthly Ministry meetings 9 Faith Circle, 6:30 pm, 104 9 J.O.Y. Circle, 6:30 pm, Fh 10 Tabitha Circle, 6 pm 12 Room in the Inn, 5 pm, FH 15 Open Bible Lunch, 12 pm, FH 19 BWAC, 10:30 am, FH 21 Card Ministry, 8:30 am, 106 26 Room in the Inn, 5 pm, FH Weekly Activities Sunday: Swahili Worship, 3 pm, FH Rejoicing Ringers, 4 pm, CR High School Worship, 6-8 pm, 303 Adult Small Groups, various times Monday: Orchestra rehearsal, 6 pm, WC Tuesday: We Care Store, 1:30 & 4 pm Victory for Life, 6 pm, FH Wednesday: Adult Bible Study, 10:30 am, 200CD Oasis Classes, 6:30 pm, various rooms Worship Choir rehearsal, 6:30 pm Elem. Truth Travelers, 6:30 pm, UP Middle School Worship, 6:30 pm Thursday: We Care Store, 1:30 pm Volume5No.1 CR-ChoirRoom/FH-FellowshipHall/Fh-FriendshipHall/HR-HearthRoom/MMC-MultiMinistryCenter/UP-Uptown/WC-WorshipCenter