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                                                                                G ood       news from

                       January 2011

in    this       i ssue                           Pastor’s r eflections
                                   By r ev. a ndrew fosTer c onnors
PasTor’s r eflecTions ..1
                                     T he candlelight service is over, the Christmas presents have been opened,
ask The PasTor ...........2        and some Christmas tree owners are almost ready to take down their trees.
                                   Still, the Christmas season has just begun. That’s a strange thing to say
Musical e choes of
chrisTMas PasT ........... 3
                                                 when the big box stores have returned to regular store hours,
                                                 the sales have ended, and the malls have emptied. It’s a strange
January BirThdays .....3                         thing to say when the lists have been checked off, and we look
                                                 toward a return to normalcy. It’s a strange thing to say when
a TrusTed careTaker. .4            the Pageant is over, the candles from Christmas Eve have been
                                   extinguished, and the Christmas dinner won’t come around again for
chrisTian educaTion                another year.
news. .........................4     Yet for those of us in the church, the birth of Jesus does not mark an
                                   ending but a beginning. It marks the inauguration of God’s choice to come
January r esPonsiBiliTy            and live beside us, to intrude upon our world and our lives with
schedule ..................... 5   surprising grace and challenging call: grace that is persistently
                                   transforming our world, like that great moral arc of the universe that bends
January 2011
                                   toward justice. The challenge for us all is to let the Christian season
aT BMPa .....................6
                                   reawaken our perception, so that we might recognize the many ways that
                                   God continues to break into our world.
                                     It happens all the time if, as Jesus said, “We have eyes to see.” It
                                   happened to me last week when Kate and I ran into a perfect stranger
                                   whose name we recognized from the church’s prayer list. We made the
                                   connection, and suddenly complete strangers became friends. It happened
                                   to me when a diverse group of Baltimoreans gathered together in BUILD
                                   to worship together and we could see a glimpse of the future together. It
                                   happened to me when I heard about some choir members going to sing to
                                   one of our homebound members, the youth group sharing themselves with
                                   families transitioning out of homelessness, the Bible study taking a field
                                   trip to a member who is no longer able to get to church.
                                     God breaks into our world with surprising regularity if we are paying
                                   attention. So let the several weeks of Christmas stay with you for awhile,
                                   long enough to lift the veil that descends on people who become weary
                                   with the chatter of the news. Let the season have its way with us so that we
                                   might have our vision expanded wide enough to notice God in our midst.
                                   Let Christmas last at least as long as the liturgical season prescribes, so
                                   that the joy of life and love and community might be noticed and shared
                                   by all.
a sk       the      Pastor
By r ev. e Mily rose P rocTor                                baptize both infants and adults speaks to two                                       inseparable truths about what it means to be a
                                                             Christian. As our Directory for Worship states, the
   Q: “Can someone not believe that Jesus was the only son   “baptism of children witnesses to the truth that
of God, or not believe in the immaculate conception and      God’s love claims people before they are able to
still be a Christian? Can someone not believe that Jesus     respond in faith;” while the “baptism of those who
was raised from the dead and still be a Christian?”          enter the covenant upon their own profession of faith
                                                             witnesses to the truth that God’s gift of grace calls
  A: It sounds like the heart of your question is this:      for fulfillment in a response of faithfulness.” While
“Are there ‘essential tenets’ of the Christian faith,        I don’t want to de-value the importance of wrestling
               and if so, what are they?” This is a          with scripture and theology, the life and words of

               question that many Christians have            Jesus lead me to believe that trusting in God’s love
               wrestled with over the centuries,             revealed to us in Christ and seeking to love God and
               including Presbyterians. For example,         one another in that same way is more important than
               in 1910, the United Presbyterian Church       assenting to particular doctrines.
of the USA (also known as “the Northern Church”                I have to admit that I’m not sure what you mean by
after the Presbyterian Church split over the issue           Christ not being the “only” Son of God. If you don’t
of slavery), adopted five essential doctrines of the         think Christians are the only ones who are
Reformed faith for those seeking ordination. These           promised eternal life, I’m right there with you. If you
included belief in the inerrancy of scripture, the           see divine truth and light in the prophets and leaders
virgin birth, sacrificial atonement, bodily                  of other faiths, I am with you. If God revealed to all
resurrection, and Christ’s miracles. After years of          of us tomorrow that the immaculate conception was
controversy, the church finally recanted, declaring in       based on a mistranslation or an editorial, it would
1927 that “The General Assembly does not have the            not shake my faith one bit. But the resurrection…. it
constitutional power to give binding definition to the       is how I understand that Christ was revealed to be
church’s essential faith.” While we seek unity on the        God incarnate to the first believers, and I see it as
essentials of the Christian faith, all attempts to list      essential to God’s demonstration of love’s ultimate
or define those have so far been unsuccessful.               triumph over violence and death. Do I understand it,
  Of particular help to me is our belief that Christ         logically? No way. But for me, it’s at the heart of my
alone is the head of the Church, meaning that                faith. Now, does that mean that I will call
ultimately Christ alone has the authority to decide          anyone who doubts the resurrection a heretic and
who is or is not a Christian or whether that is a            non-Christian? No. My prayer is often that of the
category that even matters. The Presbyterian Book            man in Mark 9:24: “I believe – help my unbelief!”
of Order doesn’t attempt to define what makes a              Part of joining the community of faith is that
“Christian;” it limits itself to defining active             sometimes, the community believes on your behalf –
membership in the church. If pressed for my                  and that’s okay. Faith, too, is a gift. Doubt, especially
definition, I would say a Christian is someone who           when it is in the midst of faithful living in commu-
places her trust in the God revealed to us in Jesus          nity, is its own kind of faithfulness.
Christ and desires to follow Christ in all that he             * “Ask the Pastor” is a new feature of The
does as part of a community of faith. Baptism for the        Tidings. You may submit a liturgical or scriptural
Church remains the visible sign of that trust and            question to be answered by one of the Pastors to
desire and of one’s becoming part of the Body of             Ellen Carter Cooper at
Christ; it is also a way for us to know God’s grace          The deadline for questions is the 15th of
and claim on our lives more deeply. The fact that we         every month.

PaGe 2      t he t idinGs                                                                             January 2011
musical e choes                            of   christmas Past
By John walker, M inisTer of Music                           program on its archives, where it continues to be                                       available to everyone with internet access. Listeners
   More than any other season, the Christmas                 around the world may thereby continue to hear music
celebration is deeply connected with music in most           from Brown Memorial Presbyterian Church.
countries throughout the world. Here at Brown                Please invite your family and friends to go to
               Memorial Church, our Chancel, Children and then to click on Archives,
               and Handbell Choirs all participated in       where they will be able to hear this program which was
               leading the service of Lessons and            recorded last May in our sanctuary. Many thanks to
               Carols on Christmas Eve. Members of           Jim Howes, producer of Sacred Classics and a frequent
               these choirs spent many weeks of              member of our choir!
rehearsal in preparation to offer this service for the         Among many reasons for gratitude when I recall the
worshippers who attended that evening. Each choir            past year, I am grateful for God’s gift of music.
member dedicated time and energy as their gift to God        Frequently I ponder Friedrich Nietzsche’s statement that
and to the congregation. In this ongoing joyful act,         “without music, life would be a mistake.” Through the
everyone experienced once again the reality that “it is      gift of music we are able to sense a deeper truth beyond
more blessed to give than to receive.” What a simple         perceived reality. When we participate together in
and direct route to happiness: the gift of being able        making music, we forge a strong and unique common
to give!                                                     bond; and our sung prayer to God brings us closely into
   On behalf of the entire congregation I express            the beauty of God’s holiness. The noted author Kurt
gratitude to the countless persons who have offered          Vonnegut once wrote: “If I should ever die, God forbid,
their gifts to worship throughout the past year:             let this be my epitaph: THE ONLY PROOF HE
liturgists, members of the Worship Committee,                NEEDED FOR THE EXISTANCE OF GOD WAS
dancers, singers, instrumentalists, greeters, ushers,        MUSIC.” As we enter this new year, let us respond to
acolytes, communion stewards, banner makers and all          Eric Routley’s poetic invitation, “New songs of
those I have failed to mention! I know that they all join    celebration render to God who has great wonders
me in gratitude for the opportunity to share their gifts     done….Trumpets and organs, set in motion such
to enhance the worship of the entire church family.          sounds as make the heavens ring; all things that
   Sacred Classics, which featured our choir and organ       live in earth and ocean, sound forth the song, your
in a special broadcast last autumn, has now placed that      praises bring.”

                                     January Birthdays
               01/01	 Fred	Lazarus                           01/17	   	     Elena	Kirkpatrick
               01/02	 Pauline	Piper                          01/19	   	     Elizabeth	Wagner	Cavallon
               01/03	 John	Warmath                           01/20	   	     Michael	Hughes
               01/04	 Emily	Burton                           01/21	   	     Kristi	Satterlee
01/05	   	      Elden	Schneider                              01/22	   	     Chrystie	Adams
01/09	   	      Yari	Armand                                  01/22	   	     Jane	Swope
01/09	   	      Rebecca	Thomson                              01/24	   	     Charles	McManus
01/10	   	      Brad	Bradford                                01/25	   	     Shayna	Blinkoff
01/12	   	      Elizabeth	“Lizzie”	Mills                     01/26	   	     Sean	Artes
01/12	   	      Meredith	“Nellie”	Mills                      01/27	   	     Rebecca	Adams
01/13	   	      Emily	Bishai                                 01/28	   	     Charles	Joseph	Reichelt,	II
01/13	   	      Richard	Cook
01/13	   	      Hadicha	Murat-bekova                         Note:	If you wish to have your birthday listed in
                                                             The Tidings, please contact Sharon Holley, church
01/14	   	      Taylor	Branch                                secretary, at 410-523-1542, or via e-mail at
01/16	   	      Kathy	Smith                        

January 2011                                                                               t he t idinGs     PaGe 3
a t rusted caretaker
By e llen carTer c ooPer                                                 Bill was hired by the Daily Record newspaper in Baltimore.
   Do you know who is well acquainted with the slates on the             Meanwhile, he was involved in another interest, “rehabbing” old
roofs of the church house and the church? Have you heard who             houses. While “rehabbing” a house in South Baltimore, Bill met
is the “go-to guy” for problems with the church’s heating and air        his future wife, Laura. After their marriage, they chose to live
conditioning? Have you wondered who negotiates the leases with           where there are numerous old houses, Bolton Hill.
the church’s tenants? There has to be someone who takes the lead            Once they were ensconced in the neighborhood, the
in such matters. For the past few years, that someone has been           McConnell’s narrowed their church selection down to three
the chairperson of the Trustee Board, William (Bill) McConnell.          churches. One of those churches was Brown Memorial. Bill said
   Bill’s soft-spoken persistence developed early in life. He was        that they felt so “at home” when they attended BMPA that they
born in Oak Ridge, Tennessee where his father was a physicist at         never attended the other two churches. He was drawn to the
the nuclear center. The family moved several times during Bill’s         church because of the theology and the commitment to the city.
early years. In fact, he attended five schools before second                In typical Brown Memorial fashion, Bill was directed
grade because the family moved from Oak Ridge to Knoxville,              immediately to an interest area. Roger Gench asked him to be
and then, when his father became an air traffic controller,              the liaison to BUILD. Later on, he served as an Elder on
to Memphis.                                                              Session, for one term only because commuting from
   From the ages of seven to eleven, Bill lived in Memphis, but at       Washington, D.C. presented challenges for him. He then
the age of eleven, he had to make another adjustment. His father         expressed an interest in becoming a trustee, and was selected to
                                                  elected to switch      serve in that capacity.
                                                  job locations and         As the chairperson of the Trustee Board, he applauds the
                                                  moved the family       trustees for assuming the primary responsibility for
                                                  to Hawaii, where       overseeing Brown Memorial’s physical plant. Bill views the
                                                  they resided for       position as often being a “balancing act between whether to
                                                  Bill’s middle          spend money on the building or on the church’s missions and
                                                  school years. His      programs.” He credits the board members with:
                                                  father’s work took          • overhauling the sanctuary’s furnace
                                                  Bill back to                • roof repairs
                                                  Memphis                     • addressing accessibility issues
                                                  where this                Bill still commutes from his job as Washington Bureau Chief
                                                  peripatetic young      for The Deal, but he is taking a sabbatical from the Trustee
                                                  man enrolled           Board (no longer the chairperson but is available if the trustees or
                                                  in high school.        anyone else wants his advice on projects). He plans to take guitar
                                                  During this time,      lessons with his son, Liam and to go on camping trips with the
                                                  another job            family. This BMPA leader believes, “Leadership requires a
                                                  opportunity            significant time commitment, but one should step back after a
                                                  presented itself for   term to refresh, renew, and then come back to assist.”
                                                  the elder
                                                  McConnell to               christian e ducation
                                                  move to St. Louis,
                                                  but Bill and his                  news
                                                  younger brother          Vacation Bible School (VBS) is not just for kids! This year
Bill	tearing	out	old	carpet	in	his	Bolton	 rebelled and                  we’re inviting everyone, young and old, to join us at a new date
Hill	home	in	2009.                                refused to go.         and time to explore the topics of book, bath, table & time.* We
                                                     Bill’s rebellion                     will gather each Wednesday evening in July for
against living in another city did not extend to his field of study                       dinner at 5:30 p.m. followed by fellowship and
when he entered the University of Tennessee. He was inspired by                           learning from 6-7 p.m.
his father’s interest in public affairs and government to major in                        We’ll conclude the evening with songs around
journalism. After graduation he was hired for the summer by the          the “campfire” from 7-7:30 p.m. More information and
New York Times Washington Bureau. This move enabled him to               registration forms will be coming soon. Save	the	dates	–
be closer to his mother’s relatives who lived in Arlington,              July	6th,	13th,	20th,	and	27th	–	5:30-7:30	p.m.
Virginia. When this job ended, Bill enrolled in American
University where he merged his interest in economics with his            *Book, Bath, Table & Time is a book written by Fred P. Edie
old love, journalism.                                                    that explores the concept of Christian worship as an
   Soon another move was in the works. It was a significant one.         alternative model for Christian nurture.
PaGe 4         t he t idinGs                                                                                             January 2011
January r esPonsiBility s chedule
                          11 a. m. worshiP service
  If you have a conflict with this schedule – please call others on the list to make a swap. Then inform the church office of these
changes at 410-523-1542 or
  acolytes                                                                   communion servers
  2nd evan cunninGham &                                                      2nd carol Graves
         charlie mcmanus                                                           andy imParato
  9th sam enGlish &                                                                andy Johnston
         ruskin nohe-moren                                                         carol newill
  16th Blythe Petit & ella may
  23rd warner Brockman &                                                     Greeters
         Peter lulJak                                                        2nd t.B.d.
  30th katie eGan & Julia lulJak                                             9th t.B.d.
                                                                             16th t.B.d.
  audio enGineer                                                             23rd t.B.d.
  2nd t.B.d.                                                                 30th t.B.d.
  9th t.B.d.
  16th t.B.d.                                                                liturGist
  23rd t.B.d.                                                                2nd Graham richardson
  30th t.B.d.                                                                9th karen nelson
                                                                             16th susan schindler
  children’s church volunteer                                                23rd BarBara christen
  2nd ken mills & elena kirkPatrick                                          30th tom stewart
  9th Grace PenG & mehran armand
  16th elizaBeth & charles reichelt                                          offertory acolytes
  23rd linnea cheseldine &                                                   2nd James cunninGham &
         marya howell                                                              Jack mcmanus
  30th Jim & Joanne eGan                                                     9th elizaBeth cavallon &
                                                                                   JosePhine finney
  coffee hour hosts                                                          16th samuel todd & Jihar williams
  2nd court & sally roBinson                                                 23rd James cavallon & eva mcnaBney
  9th t.B.d.                                                                 30th olivia lianG & emily reed
  16th Jenny williams &
         Jonathan Barnes                                                     offertory counters
  23rd BarBara francis                                                       ken mills & andy ross
  30th t.B.d.
  communion PreParation                                                      ushers
  2nd BarBara christen &                                                     charlie oBrecht, PeGGy oBrecht,
  sandra fink                                                                Jenny williams & John warmath

                                                          Published monthly for members and friends of Brown
                                                          Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian Church by the
                                                          Membership Committee. Andrew Foster Connors, Pastor.
                                                          Emily Rose Proctor, Associate Pastor. 1316 Park Avenue,
                                                          Baltimore, MD 21217. 410.523.1542.
                      G ood       news from      Send contributions by
                                                          the	15th	of	each	month to Ellen Carter Cooper, editor
                                                          ( or to Sharon Holley,
                                                          church secretary (

January 2011                                                                                                t he t idinGs         PaGe 5
January 2011                            at      BmPa

                                                                                                                                                                                                January 2011
    S unday                         M onday                TueSday             WedneSday                       ThurSday                      Friday                    S aTurday
26 d eceMber                    27                     28                     29                           30                        31                            1 January
No Education Hour or            Church Office Closed   Church Office Closed   Church Office Closed         Church Office Closed      Church Office Closed            2011
Choir Warm-Up
Service of Worship 11 a.m.                                                                                                                                         h appy n eW
                                                                                                                                                                      year !
2   Education Hour
    9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m.        3                      4                      5    Midweek Bible Study
                                                                                   10:30 a.m-11:30 a.m.
                                                                                                           6                         7                             8
Service of Worship 11 a.m.                                                                                 Chancel Choir Rehearsal
                                                                                                           7 p.m.-8:45 p.m.
9   Education Hour,
    Choir Warm-Up               10                     11                     12    Midweek Bible Study
                                                                                    10:30 a.m-11:30 a.m.   13                        14                            15
    9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m.
Service of Worship 11 a.m.                             Session Meeting        WN@B                         Chancel Choir Rehearsal   Youth Night Out on the Town
                                                       6:30 p.m.              5:30 p.m-7:30 p.m.           7 p.m.-8:45 p.m.
Youth Mission Sunday
- Marion House 3 p.m.
Handbell Choir Rehearsal
12:15 p.m.-1:15 p.m.
16    Education Hour,
      Choir Warm-Up             17                     18                     19    Midweek Bible Study    20                        21                            22
                                                                                    10:30 a.m-11:30 a.m.
      9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m.
                                                                              WN@B                         Chancel Choir Rehearsal
Service of Worship 11 a.m.                                                                                 7 p.m.-8:45 p.m.
                                                                              5:30 p.m-7:30 p.m.
Handbell Choir Rehearsal
12:15 p.m.-1:15 p.m.
                                                                                    Midweek Bible Study
23    Education Hour,
      Choir Warm-Up             24                     25                     26    10:30 a.m-11:30 a.m.   27                        28                            29
      9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m.                                                                                 Chancel Choir Rehearsal
                                                                              WN@B                                                   High School Youth Ski Trip    High School Youth Ski Trip
Service of Worship 11 a.m.                                                                                 7 p.m.-8:45 p.m.
                                                                              5:30 p.m-7:30 p.m.

                                                                                                                                                                                                t he t idinGs
Handbell Choir Rehearsal
12:15 p.m.-1:15 p.m.
Sunday School Bowling at
Stoneleigh Lanes
30     Education Hour,
       Choir Warm-Up            31                     1 February             2   Midweek Bible Study
                                                                                  10:30 a.m-11:30 a.m.
                                                                                                           3                         4                             5
9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m.                                                                                       Chancel Choir Rehearsal
Service of Worship 11 a.m.                                                    WN@B
                                                                              5:30 p.m-7:30 p.m.           7 p.m.-8:45 p.m.
High School Youth Ski Trip

                                                                                                                                                                                                PaGe 6
Annual Congregational Meeting
12:15 p.m-1:30 p.m.

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Revision # 4 12.28.15
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March 2014 The Bridge FBC Franklinton
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Tidings Jan11

  • 1. The Tidings G ood news from January 2011 in this i ssue Pastor’s r eflections By r ev. a ndrew fosTer c onnors PasTor’s r eflecTions ..1 T he candlelight service is over, the Christmas presents have been opened, ask The PasTor ...........2 and some Christmas tree owners are almost ready to take down their trees. Still, the Christmas season has just begun. That’s a strange thing to say Musical e choes of chrisTMas PasT ........... 3 when the big box stores have returned to regular store hours, the sales have ended, and the malls have emptied. It’s a strange January BirThdays .....3 thing to say when the lists have been checked off, and we look toward a return to normalcy. It’s a strange thing to say when a TrusTed careTaker. .4 the Pageant is over, the candles from Christmas Eve have been extinguished, and the Christmas dinner won’t come around again for chrisTian educaTion another year. news. .........................4 Yet for those of us in the church, the birth of Jesus does not mark an ending but a beginning. It marks the inauguration of God’s choice to come January r esPonsiBiliTy and live beside us, to intrude upon our world and our lives with schedule ..................... 5 surprising grace and challenging call: grace that is persistently transforming our world, like that great moral arc of the universe that bends January 2011 toward justice. The challenge for us all is to let the Christian season aT BMPa .....................6 reawaken our perception, so that we might recognize the many ways that God continues to break into our world. It happens all the time if, as Jesus said, “We have eyes to see.” It happened to me last week when Kate and I ran into a perfect stranger whose name we recognized from the church’s prayer list. We made the connection, and suddenly complete strangers became friends. It happened to me when a diverse group of Baltimoreans gathered together in BUILD to worship together and we could see a glimpse of the future together. It happened to me when I heard about some choir members going to sing to one of our homebound members, the youth group sharing themselves with families transitioning out of homelessness, the Bible study taking a field trip to a member who is no longer able to get to church. God breaks into our world with surprising regularity if we are paying attention. So let the several weeks of Christmas stay with you for awhile, long enough to lift the veil that descends on people who become weary with the chatter of the news. Let the season have its way with us so that we might have our vision expanded wide enough to notice God in our midst. Let Christmas last at least as long as the liturgical season prescribes, so that the joy of life and love and community might be noticed and shared by all.
  • 2. a sk the Pastor By r ev. e Mily rose P rocTor baptize both infants and adults speaks to two inseparable truths about what it means to be a Christian. As our Directory for Worship states, the Q: “Can someone not believe that Jesus was the only son “baptism of children witnesses to the truth that of God, or not believe in the immaculate conception and God’s love claims people before they are able to still be a Christian? Can someone not believe that Jesus respond in faith;” while the “baptism of those who was raised from the dead and still be a Christian?” enter the covenant upon their own profession of faith witnesses to the truth that God’s gift of grace calls A: It sounds like the heart of your question is this: for fulfillment in a response of faithfulness.” While “Are there ‘essential tenets’ of the Christian faith, I don’t want to de-value the importance of wrestling and if so, what are they?” This is a with scripture and theology, the life and words of ? question that many Christians have Jesus lead me to believe that trusting in God’s love wrestled with over the centuries, revealed to us in Christ and seeking to love God and including Presbyterians. For example, one another in that same way is more important than in 1910, the United Presbyterian Church assenting to particular doctrines. of the USA (also known as “the Northern Church” I have to admit that I’m not sure what you mean by after the Presbyterian Church split over the issue Christ not being the “only” Son of God. If you don’t of slavery), adopted five essential doctrines of the think Christians are the only ones who are Reformed faith for those seeking ordination. These promised eternal life, I’m right there with you. If you included belief in the inerrancy of scripture, the see divine truth and light in the prophets and leaders virgin birth, sacrificial atonement, bodily of other faiths, I am with you. If God revealed to all resurrection, and Christ’s miracles. After years of of us tomorrow that the immaculate conception was controversy, the church finally recanted, declaring in based on a mistranslation or an editorial, it would 1927 that “The General Assembly does not have the not shake my faith one bit. But the resurrection…. it constitutional power to give binding definition to the is how I understand that Christ was revealed to be church’s essential faith.” While we seek unity on the God incarnate to the first believers, and I see it as essentials of the Christian faith, all attempts to list essential to God’s demonstration of love’s ultimate or define those have so far been unsuccessful. triumph over violence and death. Do I understand it, Of particular help to me is our belief that Christ logically? No way. But for me, it’s at the heart of my alone is the head of the Church, meaning that faith. Now, does that mean that I will call ultimately Christ alone has the authority to decide anyone who doubts the resurrection a heretic and who is or is not a Christian or whether that is a non-Christian? No. My prayer is often that of the category that even matters. The Presbyterian Book man in Mark 9:24: “I believe – help my unbelief!” of Order doesn’t attempt to define what makes a Part of joining the community of faith is that “Christian;” it limits itself to defining active sometimes, the community believes on your behalf – membership in the church. If pressed for my and that’s okay. Faith, too, is a gift. Doubt, especially definition, I would say a Christian is someone who when it is in the midst of faithful living in commu- places her trust in the God revealed to us in Jesus nity, is its own kind of faithfulness. Christ and desires to follow Christ in all that he * “Ask the Pastor” is a new feature of The does as part of a community of faith. Baptism for the Tidings. You may submit a liturgical or scriptural Church remains the visible sign of that trust and question to be answered by one of the Pastors to desire and of one’s becoming part of the Body of Ellen Carter Cooper at Christ; it is also a way for us to know God’s grace The deadline for questions is the 15th of and claim on our lives more deeply. The fact that we every month. § PaGe 2 t he t idinGs January 2011
  • 3. musical e choes of christmas Past By John walker, M inisTer of Music program on its archives, where it continues to be available to everyone with internet access. Listeners More than any other season, the Christmas around the world may thereby continue to hear music celebration is deeply connected with music in most from Brown Memorial Presbyterian Church. countries throughout the world. Here at Brown Please invite your family and friends to go to Memorial Church, our Chancel, Children and then to click on Archives, and Handbell Choirs all participated in where they will be able to hear this program which was leading the service of Lessons and recorded last May in our sanctuary. Many thanks to Carols on Christmas Eve. Members of Jim Howes, producer of Sacred Classics and a frequent these choirs spent many weeks of member of our choir! rehearsal in preparation to offer this service for the Among many reasons for gratitude when I recall the worshippers who attended that evening. Each choir past year, I am grateful for God’s gift of music. member dedicated time and energy as their gift to God Frequently I ponder Friedrich Nietzsche’s statement that and to the congregation. In this ongoing joyful act, “without music, life would be a mistake.” Through the everyone experienced once again the reality that “it is gift of music we are able to sense a deeper truth beyond more blessed to give than to receive.” What a simple perceived reality. When we participate together in and direct route to happiness: the gift of being able making music, we forge a strong and unique common to give! bond; and our sung prayer to God brings us closely into On behalf of the entire congregation I express the beauty of God’s holiness. The noted author Kurt gratitude to the countless persons who have offered Vonnegut once wrote: “If I should ever die, God forbid, their gifts to worship throughout the past year: let this be my epitaph: THE ONLY PROOF HE liturgists, members of the Worship Committee, NEEDED FOR THE EXISTANCE OF GOD WAS dancers, singers, instrumentalists, greeters, ushers, MUSIC.” As we enter this new year, let us respond to acolytes, communion stewards, banner makers and all Eric Routley’s poetic invitation, “New songs of those I have failed to mention! I know that they all join celebration render to God who has great wonders me in gratitude for the opportunity to share their gifts done….Trumpets and organs, set in motion such to enhance the worship of the entire church family. sounds as make the heavens ring; all things that Sacred Classics, which featured our choir and organ live in earth and ocean, sound forth the song, your in a special broadcast last autumn, has now placed that praises bring.” January Birthdays 01/01 Fred Lazarus 01/17 Elena Kirkpatrick 01/02 Pauline Piper 01/19 Elizabeth Wagner Cavallon 01/03 John Warmath 01/20 Michael Hughes 01/04 Emily Burton 01/21 Kristi Satterlee 01/05 Elden Schneider 01/22 Chrystie Adams 01/09 Yari Armand 01/22 Jane Swope 01/09 Rebecca Thomson 01/24 Charles McManus 01/10 Brad Bradford 01/25 Shayna Blinkoff 01/12 Elizabeth “Lizzie” Mills 01/26 Sean Artes 01/12 Meredith “Nellie” Mills 01/27 Rebecca Adams 01/13 Emily Bishai 01/28 Charles Joseph Reichelt, II 01/13 Richard Cook 01/13 Hadicha Murat-bekova Note: If you wish to have your birthday listed in The Tidings, please contact Sharon Holley, church 01/14 Taylor Branch secretary, at 410-523-1542, or via e-mail at 01/16 Kathy Smith January 2011 t he t idinGs PaGe 3
  • 4. a t rusted caretaker By e llen carTer c ooPer Bill was hired by the Daily Record newspaper in Baltimore. Do you know who is well acquainted with the slates on the Meanwhile, he was involved in another interest, “rehabbing” old roofs of the church house and the church? Have you heard who houses. While “rehabbing” a house in South Baltimore, Bill met is the “go-to guy” for problems with the church’s heating and air his future wife, Laura. After their marriage, they chose to live conditioning? Have you wondered who negotiates the leases with where there are numerous old houses, Bolton Hill. the church’s tenants? There has to be someone who takes the lead Once they were ensconced in the neighborhood, the in such matters. For the past few years, that someone has been McConnell’s narrowed their church selection down to three the chairperson of the Trustee Board, William (Bill) McConnell. churches. One of those churches was Brown Memorial. Bill said Bill’s soft-spoken persistence developed early in life. He was that they felt so “at home” when they attended BMPA that they born in Oak Ridge, Tennessee where his father was a physicist at never attended the other two churches. He was drawn to the the nuclear center. The family moved several times during Bill’s church because of the theology and the commitment to the city. early years. In fact, he attended five schools before second In typical Brown Memorial fashion, Bill was directed grade because the family moved from Oak Ridge to Knoxville, immediately to an interest area. Roger Gench asked him to be and then, when his father became an air traffic controller, the liaison to BUILD. Later on, he served as an Elder on to Memphis. Session, for one term only because commuting from From the ages of seven to eleven, Bill lived in Memphis, but at Washington, D.C. presented challenges for him. He then the age of eleven, he had to make another adjustment. His father expressed an interest in becoming a trustee, and was selected to elected to switch serve in that capacity. job locations and As the chairperson of the Trustee Board, he applauds the moved the family trustees for assuming the primary responsibility for to Hawaii, where overseeing Brown Memorial’s physical plant. Bill views the they resided for position as often being a “balancing act between whether to Bill’s middle spend money on the building or on the church’s missions and school years. His programs.” He credits the board members with: father’s work took • overhauling the sanctuary’s furnace Bill back to • roof repairs Memphis • addressing accessibility issues where this Bill still commutes from his job as Washington Bureau Chief peripatetic young for The Deal, but he is taking a sabbatical from the Trustee man enrolled Board (no longer the chairperson but is available if the trustees or in high school. anyone else wants his advice on projects). He plans to take guitar During this time, lessons with his son, Liam and to go on camping trips with the another job family. This BMPA leader believes, “Leadership requires a opportunity significant time commitment, but one should step back after a presented itself for term to refresh, renew, and then come back to assist.” the elder McConnell to christian e ducation move to St. Louis, but Bill and his news younger brother Vacation Bible School (VBS) is not just for kids! This year Bill tearing out old carpet in his Bolton rebelled and we’re inviting everyone, young and old, to join us at a new date Hill home in 2009. refused to go. and time to explore the topics of book, bath, table & time.* We Bill’s rebellion will gather each Wednesday evening in July for against living in another city did not extend to his field of study dinner at 5:30 p.m. followed by fellowship and when he entered the University of Tennessee. He was inspired by learning from 6-7 p.m. his father’s interest in public affairs and government to major in We’ll conclude the evening with songs around journalism. After graduation he was hired for the summer by the the “campfire” from 7-7:30 p.m. More information and New York Times Washington Bureau. This move enabled him to registration forms will be coming soon. Save the dates – be closer to his mother’s relatives who lived in Arlington, July 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th – 5:30-7:30 p.m. Virginia. When this job ended, Bill enrolled in American University where he merged his interest in economics with his *Book, Bath, Table & Time is a book written by Fred P. Edie old love, journalism. that explores the concept of Christian worship as an Soon another move was in the works. It was a significant one. alternative model for Christian nurture. PaGe 4 t he t idinGs January 2011
  • 5. January r esPonsiBility s chedule 11 a. m. worshiP service If you have a conflict with this schedule – please call others on the list to make a swap. Then inform the church office of these changes at 410-523-1542 or acolytes communion servers 2nd evan cunninGham & 2nd carol Graves charlie mcmanus andy imParato 9th sam enGlish & andy Johnston ruskin nohe-moren carol newill 16th Blythe Petit & ella may 23rd warner Brockman & Greeters Peter lulJak 2nd t.B.d. 30th katie eGan & Julia lulJak 9th t.B.d. 16th t.B.d. audio enGineer 23rd t.B.d. 2nd t.B.d. 30th t.B.d. 9th t.B.d. 16th t.B.d. liturGist 23rd t.B.d. 2nd Graham richardson 30th t.B.d. 9th karen nelson 16th susan schindler children’s church volunteer 23rd BarBara christen 2nd ken mills & elena kirkPatrick 30th tom stewart 9th Grace PenG & mehran armand 16th elizaBeth & charles reichelt offertory acolytes 23rd linnea cheseldine & 2nd James cunninGham & marya howell Jack mcmanus 30th Jim & Joanne eGan 9th elizaBeth cavallon & JosePhine finney coffee hour hosts 16th samuel todd & Jihar williams 2nd court & sally roBinson 23rd James cavallon & eva mcnaBney 9th t.B.d. 30th olivia lianG & emily reed 16th Jenny williams & Jonathan Barnes offertory counters 23rd BarBara francis ken mills & andy ross 30th t.B.d. communion PreParation ushers 2nd BarBara christen & charlie oBrecht, PeGGy oBrecht, sandra fink Jenny williams & John warmath The Tidings Published monthly for members and friends of Brown Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian Church by the Membership Committee. Andrew Foster Connors, Pastor. Emily Rose Proctor, Associate Pastor. 1316 Park Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21217. 410.523.1542. G ood news from Send contributions by the 15th of each month to Ellen Carter Cooper, editor ( or to Sharon Holley, church secretary ( January 2011 t he t idinGs PaGe 5
  • 6. January 2011 at BmPa January 2011 S unday M onday TueSday WedneSday ThurSday Friday S aTurday 26 d eceMber 27 28 29 30 31 1 January No Education Hour or Church Office Closed Church Office Closed Church Office Closed Church Office Closed Church Office Closed 2011 Choir Warm-Up Service of Worship 11 a.m. h appy n eW year ! 2 Education Hour 9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m. 3 4 5 Midweek Bible Study 10:30 a.m-11:30 a.m. 6 7 8 Service of Worship 11 a.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal 7 p.m.-8:45 p.m. 9 Education Hour, Choir Warm-Up 10 11 12 Midweek Bible Study 10:30 a.m-11:30 a.m. 13 14 15 9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m. Service of Worship 11 a.m. Session Meeting WN@B Chancel Choir Rehearsal Youth Night Out on the Town 6:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m-7:30 p.m. 7 p.m.-8:45 p.m. Youth Mission Sunday - Marion House 3 p.m. Handbell Choir Rehearsal 12:15 p.m.-1:15 p.m. 16 Education Hour, Choir Warm-Up 17 18 19 Midweek Bible Study 20 21 22 10:30 a.m-11:30 a.m. 9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m. WN@B Chancel Choir Rehearsal Service of Worship 11 a.m. 7 p.m.-8:45 p.m. 5:30 p.m-7:30 p.m. Handbell Choir Rehearsal 12:15 p.m.-1:15 p.m. Midweek Bible Study 23 Education Hour, Choir Warm-Up 24 25 26 10:30 a.m-11:30 a.m. 27 28 29 9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal WN@B High School Youth Ski Trip High School Youth Ski Trip Service of Worship 11 a.m. 7 p.m.-8:45 p.m. 5:30 p.m-7:30 p.m. t he t idinGs Handbell Choir Rehearsal 12:15 p.m.-1:15 p.m. Sunday School Bowling at Stoneleigh Lanes 30 Education Hour, Choir Warm-Up 31 1 February 2 Midweek Bible Study 10:30 a.m-11:30 a.m. 3 4 5 9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal Service of Worship 11 a.m. WN@B 5:30 p.m-7:30 p.m. 7 p.m.-8:45 p.m. High School Youth Ski Trip PaGe 6 Annual Congregational Meeting 12:15 p.m-1:30 p.m.