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Tates Creek
January 2016
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Tates Creek Christian
3150 Tates Creek Road
Lexington, KY 40502
(859) 266-1621
Visit Online
Traditional - 9:30 am
The Vine - 11:00 am
Sunday School -
	 9:30, 11:00 am
Evening - 6:30 pm
Oasis Classes - 6:30 pm
Tommy Simpson
Kim Beckwith
Don Seevers
Mike Allen
Brad Haggard
Matt Lee
Lesley Tipton
David Eversole
Billy Bishop
Office Staff
Kim Jones
Jenni Gregg
Rhoda Rolfes
Vicki Wesley
Feature Article
	10-11	 “What Does God have in Store
		 for 2016 ”	
In Every Issue
	 3-7	 Minister Articles
	 12	 Prayer Ministry
	 12	 Guided Prayer Topics
	 13	 Elder/Deacon Serving Schedule
18-21	 Devotional thoughts each week
	 22	 September Statistics
	 23	 New Members
	24	 Calendar
Ministry News		
	 14	 Operation Christmas Child Report
	 15	 Missions Moment
	 8	 Winter Oasis	
	 9	 January Events	
16-17	 January Events
Tates Creek Christian Church exists
to win people to Christ (evangelism),
build up believers in faith, knowledge, and
service (encouragement), to help those in need
(benevolence), and to stand up for Christian
values in the community (witness).
There is no greater book than the Bible! Picking a favorite
book of the Bible would be very difficult for me. The stories
of the Old Testament increase my faith! I appreciate the
comfort and encouragement of the Psalms and the wisdom
proddings of the Proverbs! The conviction and courage of
the prophets inspire me. The biographies about Jesus warm my heart
every time. The record of the start and growth of the early church in
Acts really excites me!!! The letters of Paul, Peter, John, Jude, James, and
Apollos provide practical principles for Christian living.
The Book of Revelation strengthens me to be faithful.
So, picking a favorite book of the Bible would be very
difficult for me. However, ranking really close to the
top is the Book of Romans, and especially Romans
chapter 8! The Bible is the greatest book written.
Our theme for 2016 is Greater! What comes to our minds when we
think of the word,‘greater’? Maybe we think of Graeter’s ice cream.
Seriously, what do we think of when we think of the word,‘greater?’ We
may think of I John 4:4 that says, “Greater is He Who is in you than he who is
in the world.” Hopefully, we think of Jesus.
How would we fill in the blank? “Jesus is greater than ________.” Is
our relationship with Jesus greater than any other relationship, such as
mate, children, parents, grandparents, friends? Is our relationship with
Jesus greater than our favorite hobby, such as fishing, golf, needlepoint,
crocheting, watching sports? Is our relationship with Jesus greater
than our television time, cell phone time, or social media time? Is our
relationship with Jesus greater than our job?
Starting Sunday, January 10, 2016, we will launch a new sermon series
entitled,“Oh! What a Savior!” This sermon series will be taken from the
first eight chapters of the Book of Romans. We will examine how Jesus is
greater! I am really excited about this sermon series!!!
I hope that as 2016 unfolds we will allow Jesus to be greater in our
lives. One way to reach for that goal is by reading/studying Scripture
every day. Please avail yourselves to a Bible reading plan for 2016. Copies
of one such plan are available in the brochure rack located beside the
information center. Hope you and your family have a great
	 Jesus is greater!		 ~ Tommy
Jesus is Greater
Lexington, KY 40502
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Greater Is He That Is in Me
There is a song once considered“contemporary”but now
is old enough to be in our hymnal with the title above. It
was composed by Lanny Wolfe in 1973. Most of us know the
refrain (chorus) that is in our hymnal and have
sung it before, but unfortunately texts to the
stanzas were omitted from our hymnal. The song actually
refers to the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives which is
understood more clearly by seeing these words:
Satan’s like a roaring lion roaming to and fro
Seeking whom he may devour, The Bible tells us so.
Many souls have been his prey to fall in some weak hour.
But God has promised us today, His overcoming power.
On the day of Pentecost, a rushing mighty wind
Blew into the upper room and baptized all of them
With a power greater than any earthly foe.
And I’m so glad I’ve got it too, I’ll let the whole world know.
(Chorus) Greater is He that is in me, greater is He that is in me
Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.
As we approach this new year and focus on the theme that God, His
Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit are greater than the power of Satan,
we need to understand that we all, as Christians, have received the gift of
the Holy Spirit. So what will do with this gift?
As Christians, we can easily become discouraged with so much going
on in our world...especially right now as I write this article. It seems
overwhelming. We throw up our hands and say,“what can I do?”
Perhaps we feel as though we are failing. But that is when we need
to sing this song and know we have the power, given to us by God, to
overcome anything that we face.
People around us are looking for hope. They are looking for answers.
We have those answers. We have the promises. Who can we influence
in 2016? Many times it comes with a simple invitation to worship.
Remember the promise of this song based on the passage below:
“The One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.“
~ I John 4:4
					~ Don
“I have no greater joy than to hear that my
children are walking in the truth.”
3 John 1:4
I have learned that one of the great joys of parenting
happens when one of my daughters does the right thing without any
prompting. When they show kindness to each other, reach out to friends,
give their best effort in school, or lift up their heart in worship, it wells up
a pride in me that I didn’t know I had. It makes it easier to sacrifice and
discipline when you are able to see it take root. I suspect that pride will
only grow as they grow in Christ.
As a youth minister, I get to see this all the
time. When students who have considered
baptism for years finally make the decision
on their own to commit to Jesus and walk
through the waters, it not only encourages
their parents, but it lifts up all the students
in the group. Further on, it’s amazing to see
students grow into leaders throughout their
time in the ministry. When seniors graduate
and you can be confident they will be Christian leaders for the rest of
their lives, there isn’t much that could bring more joy to a youth minister.
So, let’s make that our commitment as a church, to see that our children
will walk in the truth. It is not a small sacrifice, nor is it a steady road, but
my prayer for us as a church this year would be that we would find our joy
in leading people to the truth. No matter what trials and uncertainty the
next year brings, we can know, as a church, that we will find no greater
joy as a family than to welcome in new children.
					~ Brad
Lexington, KY 40502
No Greater Joy
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Critterland has
certainly been an
exciting place over
the past few years,
and coming this
January we are looking to venture
out into even more intriguing
territory! We will, of course, be
going over our Bible Stories,
beginning with Jesus and moving
through the New Testament.
The Pre-K group will continue
to be involved with many of the
Uptown and Family events, and
I look forward to having some
play dates at different places in
Lexington. Also, we are looking at
making some positive changes to
the décor of the area, and creating
a more welcoming check-in! More
details to follow throughout the
year, but I can’t wait to see what
God has planned for our littlest
	 ~ Lesley
Ministry Articles
The New Year is
now upon us and
with it comes new
opportunities and
privileges to enjoy
the blessings the Lord
has afforded us. But with this comes
the need to have a new resolve
to recognize those blessings and
opportunities, and to have thankful
hearts and minds. I, for one, am
striving to wake up each new day
and have a heart of thanksgiving for
all I have been blessed with.
As we look forward to this New
Year, I want to mention one specific
blessing and opportunity we have
awaiting us. That is a Valentine
banquet and program for all our
senior adults, both those who are
still couples and those who have lost
their life’s love. We will also have a
place for those who never married as
well because we want everyone to
feel a part of God’s love. This will be
a very special night where the love
the Lord blessed you with and the
love the Lord has for each of us will
be honored, and a rich fellowship will
be enjoyed. We have a great banquet
planned as well as a very enjoyable
program so, I hope all our seniors
will plan on attending. The date is
Thursday, February 18, with the meal
starting at 5:30 and the program to
follow. Be watching for more details
and be mindful of all the blessings
God has promised for this
New Year.
	 ~ Bro. Kim
Lexington, KY 40502
Young Adult Ministry
Our college/young adult ministry here at Tates Creek has
some really exciting things going on these days! This past
June we changed our Sunday night format. In the past, we
met in homes around a meal, thanks to Zella Simpson, Anne
Branham, and Brenda Critchfield! Our group was getting too
large to meet in a home, so we decided we needed a change. Also, we
realized that it was kind of awkward for someone who was completely
new to be in the home of someone they didn’t know. We thought
meeting at the church would solve these two problems. We decided to
make the move.
Some of the most involved members of the
group met together and brainstormed ideas for
what our new format would look like. Each of
the people at that meeting volunteered to take
different leadership roles and responsibilities
within the ministry. We decided to call our group
YAM (Young Adult Ministry). Genius right?
Since our move to the church in June, we have had a lot more visitors.
It has allowed us to have plenty of room for growth as well. We have
the freedom to use the gym for recreational activities like volleyball (our
group really gets into volleyball!). We have incorporated worship as part
of our Sunday night meetings as well, which was not really an option
before. It has been really exciting to see new people start coming to our
Another exciting thing going on with the young adults at Tates Creek
is another young adult group that has been meeting on Sunday nights.
Tommy and Zella Simpson host a small group for young adult couples
in their home on Sunday evenings. There have been some great
relationships built in this group as well.
I am excited about our young adult ministry as a whole. It is really
a good thing that we are able to offer groups that meet the needs of
young people who are in very formative times in their lives. It is also
great to see these young adults take responsibility and leadership roles
within the church body. They all seem very eager to serve and make a
					~ Mike
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Winter Oasis
Oasis Winter Oasis classes
January 13 - March 23
“The Amazing Collection” Nahum - Malachi
Women’s Study Led by Phyllis Eversole
During this winter Oasis we will be finishing the Old
Testament, studying the books of Nahum to Malachi. This
study will help participants discover the overview, key players,
and timeless principles of each book. There is a suggested
donation of $10 for the workbook. If you have any questions,
please see or email Phyllis Eversole at
“Hands and Feet Ministry” Matthew 25:35-40
Led by Vickie Cole
What does it mean to be the hands and feet of Jesus? Each
week, participants will invest themselves in a choice of
community outreach ministries demonstrating their love for
God by pouring themselves into the lives of others. “Truly I tell
you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and
sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40
Led by Tommy Simpson
We will be studying the book of Romans as an extension of the
Sunday morning sermon series.
Class Registration
Register online at,
follow the link on our website at, or mark the class
of your choice on a Communication Card.
Be sure to register early so materials are available!
Lexington, KY 40502
January Events
New Service Times
Beginning January 3, 2016
Traditional ~ 9:30 am
The Vine ~ 11 am ~ Contemporary
Sunday School classes and Youth/Children’s activities will be
available during both hours.
Oh! What A Savior!
New Sermon Series
January 10 - March 27
January 10	 Wow! What Power! - Romans 1:1-17
January 17	 A Better Way - Romans 1:18-32
January 24 	 Look Within First - Romans 2
January 31	 Guilty as Charged - Romans 3
February 7 	 Righteousness Reckoned - Romans 4
February 14 	 Not Guilty - Romans 5:1-11
February 21 	 You are the Man - Romans 5:12-21
February 28 	 Dead to Sin - Romans 6
March 6 	 I Would if I Could, but I Can’t - Romans 7
March 13 	 Hope Secured - Romans 8:1-13
March 20 	 Hope in the Face of Suffering - Romans 8:14-30
March 27 	 The Last Word - Romans 8:31-39
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
There comes a time each year, typically after the holidays,
that we pause for a moment and give God thanks for the
past year. We thank him for the victories and the trials in our
lives. We thank him for the lives he allowed us to touch. For
some of us, the past year was one of the most difficult. We
moved to a new place, started a new phase of life, or said our final earthly
goodbyes to someone we loved. To others, the past year has been about
fresh beginnings and new starts. The birth of
a new baby, joining our lives together with the
one we fell in love with, a new job, or a new
opportunity that we never dreamed possible.
Before I look toward the excitement of 2016, I
think it’s important to pause and praise God for
2015. In 2015, our church family again served
more than 225 children with a new backpack
full of school supplies. A young family was
given a nice car to drive by another family in our
church. Several children made the decision to follow Jesus with their lives.
A few young couples were united in marriage. A young family group was
started, and was quickly supported by our Servants for Christ class to meet
the needs for childcare. New tutors joined the team to share Jesus’love
with at-risk children at Julius Marks Elementary. At least 2 opportunities
were given at the Egg Hunt and Party in the Park for our church to be a
light in the community. A team of people worked tirelessly to redecorate
the elementary space into a castle. Nearly 100 children attended our
first daytime Vacation Bible School along with so many incredible team
members. Together our church worshipped and fellowshipped as One
Church, One Body. Many new people joined the ministry teams in
Elementary and Preschool. Each week 18 preteen boys and 5 preteen
girls gather together to study God’s word and grow in their faith. In 2015,
God rescued several marriages from divorce. A new ministry was begun
through We Care to serve the needs of more families in our community.
Finally, many individuals and a few groups gave generously to support
an orphanage filled with 18 beautiful children for the past year. These are
only the things I know about. Life experiences I have witnessed first hand
alongside many of you. Beyond this list are probably thousands
of other ways we can stand in awe of how God has used our
church family for His Kingdom!
Each of the stories above came with opportunities to
What Does God Have in Store for 2016
Lexington, KY 40502
. . . in Store for 2016 continued
be a light, to love others, and to deepen our faith. These stories showed
us God in a bigger way, but they are only just the beginning. When I am
asked what I look forward to in 2016, I can’t really give a direct answer. I
know that our children’s ministry team is excited about new ideas to serve
young families and reach more children for Jesus. I know several volunteers
are excited about outreach immediately in January through Family Movie
Nights on January 8, 15, 22, and 29. I know that our Egg Hunt team is
looking forward to some new ideas to excite more Preschool kids. I know
that our VBS team will soon gear up for an exciting Day Time VBS, July
10-15! At the same time we will also be planning a redecoration of both
the elementary and preschool area to prepare for 2016-2017 school year.
We will also spend a summer with awesome
kids at Blue Grass Christian Camp for Day
Camps and 7/11! I know that our Psalm 82:3
Mission team is returning to Liberia, June
6-16, to serve the orphans of Liberia, to lead a
Vacation Bible School for a community filled
with children, and more! I know that the JME
team and Party in the Park team are excited to
serve our community through backpacks and
an evening of fun with food and inflatables. I know that a team of children’s
ministry leaders in Fayette County will lead the children’s team for the
International Conference on Missions and that they will soon be planning a
very exciting multi-cultural worship experience for many children to attend
next November. These are the things I know are on schedule to happen in
2016. The opportunities for you to serve widows, orphans, the community,
or our church family are endless. However, the most exciting thing in 2016
to me isn’t what is written down. It’s to look at a verse like Jeremiah 29:11
“For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you
and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.” In this verse, I am
reminded that God’s plans are always better than my plans. I hope and pray
that 2016 is a year our church will be fully dedicated to reaching young
families. I hope and pray that each of us dig deeper roots in our faith.
Ultimately, I hope, that at the end of 2016, we can look back on our year
and praise God for the opportunities he allowed us to be His hands and His
feet for His Kingdom to reach His lost children. I pray you see
the opportunities and allow yourself to be used by Him for His
	 				~ Matt
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
“I pray also for those who will believe
in me through their message, that all of
them may be one, Father, just as you are
in me and I am in you. May they also be
in us so that the world may believe that
you have sent me. I have given them the
glory that you gave me, that they may
be one as we are one— I in them and
you in me—so that they may be brought
to complete unity. Then the world will
know that you sent me and have loved
them even as you have loved me.
Father, I want those you have given me
to be with me where I am, and to see
my glory, the glory you have given me
because you loved me before the creation
of the world. Righteous Father, though
the world does not know you, I know
you, and they know that you have sent
me. I have made you known to them,
and will continue to make you known in
order that the love you have for me may
be in them and that I myself may be in
John 17:20-26
We hope you have a blessed 2016!
~ Prayer Team
PrayerDaily Guided
Prayer Topics
1	 Philippians 4:9
2	 Travis & Emily Weeks
3	 Vision & guidance for our
	 Elders in 2016
4	 Vicki Wesley
5	 CRU college campus
6	 Make daily “quiet time”
	 a priority
7	Terrorists
8	 Romans 1:1-17
9	 Adrian & Jennifer Fehl
10	 Vision & guidance for our
	 Deacons in 2016	
11	 Tommy Simpson
12	 Communion servers
13	 Spreading Jesus’ love
14	 The incarcerated
15	 Romans 1:18-32
16	 Tyler & Katie Selby
17	 Vision & guidance for our
	 SS leaders in 2016
18	 Kim Beckwith
19	 Physicians & Caregivers
20	 Ephesians 2:1-10
21	 Those living without 	
22	 Romans 2
23	 Steve & Doretha Limiero
24	 Vision & guidance for our
	 Small groups in 2016
25	 Don Seevers
26	 High School Seniors
27	 Thanking Jesus daily
28	 Those with no hope
29	 Romans 3
30	Judy Fish
31	 Vision & guidance for our
	 ministry teams in 2016
The mission of this ministry is to pray, motivate, and train others to
pray, and to provide prayer opportunities so that we might know our
Lord more intimately and serve Him more fervently.
If you would like to share your prayer testimony to encourage
others, please contact Peggy Crawford at
Lexington, KY 40502
Communion Serving Schedule
January 3
Elders: R.W. Ellington, Bill Clem
Deacons: Bill Burke, Steve Mullins
Ashland Terrace: Steven Clem
Home Comm: David Straub, Keith Wertz,
		Stuart Kearns
Sat Comm Prep: Jim Everman
Clean-up after 1st Srv: Carolyn Nipper
Clean-up after 2nd Srv: John Combs
Prayer Room: Delores Salvatore, Laura Mullins
Ushers: Doug Ison, Bill Johnson,
	 Bill Burke, Cory Wilson
January 10
Elders: Larry Hitchner, R.W. Ellington
Deacons: Russell Brown, Cory Wilson
Ashland Terrace: Greg Kasten
Home Comm: Bill Johnson, Ken Banks,
		Jonathan Clifton	
Sat Comm Prep: Brian/Sontina Hogston
Clean-up after 1st Srv: Brad/Marty Byington
Clean-up after 2nd Srv: Brad/Marty Byington
Prayer Room: Dale Kistler, Bob/Violet Combs
Ushers: Stan Stack, Dennis Moore,
	 Larry Miller, David Feltner
January 17
Elders: Kent Mason, Larry Hitchner
Deacons: Lucas Moore, Ken Banks
Ashland Terrace: Russell Brown
Home Comm: Steven Clem, Terry Morrison,
		Charles Byers
Sat Comm Prep: David/Paula Rankin
Clean-up after 1st Srv: Fred/Emma Goode
Clean-up after 2nd Srv: Fred/Emma Goode
Prayer Room: Mary Adkins, Becky Child
Ushers: Boyd Johnson, Darrel Pettry,
	 David Smith, Stuart Kearns
January 24
Elders: Nick Wallen, Kent Mason
Deacons: Bill Johnson, Jonathan Clifton
Ashland Terrace: Ray Albensi
Home Comm: Bill Burke, Steve Mullins,
		Russell Brown
Sat Comm Prep: Mark/Gayle Fields
Clean-up 1st Srv: Craig/Jenny Fowler
Clean-up 2nd Srv: Craig/Jenny Fowler
Prayer Room: Beth Kessler, Kevin Hickey
Ushers: Jack White, David Martin,
	 Bill Burke, John Martin
January 31
Elders: Stan Stack, Nick Wallen
Deacons: David Straub, Keith Wertz
Ashland Terrace: Stuart Kearns
Home Comm: Ray Albensi, Greg Kasten,
		Lucas Moore
Sat Comm Prep: Boyd//Wanda Johnson
Clean-up 1st Srv: Rick/LeeAnn Layne
Clean-up 2nd Srv: Rick/LeeAnn Layne
Prayer Room: Mary Robey, Laura Mullins
Ushers: Dennis Moore, Bill Poor,
	 David Smith, Stuart Kearns
Isaiah 52:7  “How beautiful on the mountain are the feet that bring good news.”
Thanks to the leadership of Shelly Maxwell, TCCC has participated in the
ministry of Operation Christmas Child, a project of Samaritan’s Purse, for the
past 18 years.  This year as a congregation we prepared 226 shoe box gifts!
The journey of our boxes began as the Deborah Circle transported them to
the Bluegrass area collection center at Porter Memorial Baptist Church.  A
gentleman greeted us in the parking lot, helped us unload our gifts, and then
led us in a time of prayer.  We prayed for each box, for those who packed them,
and for the children that would be receiving them. His prayer reminded us that
God had a child in mind to receive our gift before we ever packed it.  Tractor
trailers sat ready at the center to transport crated boxes on the next leg of the
journey to one of nine OCC processing centers.
During Thanksgiving week, we had the adventure of following the boxes
and working for a day at the Atlanta processing center.  We worked alongside
volunteers from Georgia, Ohio, North Carolina, Florida, and another team from
Paducah, KY.  After a video greeting by Franklin Graham, orientation, and a
brief training, we walked out into an enormous warehouse full of cheerful
volunteers.  We were in awe of the enormity of the space, the volume of shoe
boxes processed daily, and the wonderful organization at work.  Our work was
interrupted periodically to pray collectively over the boxes and the children
who would receive them.  We were instructed to retain the integrity of each
box, so that the child would receive the box just as it was packed.  Our day
was spent inspecting and taping boxes designated for a“closed”country.  The
destination was not disclosed even to us in order to protect the individuals
willing to face persecution for accepting and delivering the packaged
boxes.  Again, we were standing in awe of God’s plan for each box.
Every shoe box delivered by Operation Christmas Child is a tangible
expression of God’s amazing love.  The box is just the beginning.  It presents
an opportunity for church partners in the receiving countries to invite children
into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.  This is possible by a 12-week Bible
study course guiding the children through what it means to faithfully follow
Jesus Christ.  It is an introduction to relationship building and a powerful tool
for evangelism and discipleship.  
By mid-December, boxes are ready to be shipped
out by air and sea to over 100 countries.  If you gave
a shipping donation online and used the special
label provided, you will receive notification of which
country received your box.  Your box may travel the
last of its journey by yak, elephant, jeep, or canoe to
be presented to the child you have blessed.  Thank
you TCCC for sharing your love for Jesus to children around the world!	
					 ~ Martha Bugg & Becky Child
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
“The Journey of a Shoe Box Gift”
Lexington, KY 40502
Cross-culture Missions has been a major emphasis in
the churches of our movement. Our family, Eric and Dee
Duggins, is now reaching 36 years in ministry working in
Cross-culture Church Planting (31 years in Mexico). That
kind of longevity is becoming rare on the mission field as
our American culture becomes“accelerated”and long-term
is now five years or less. Often it takes much more than five years to learn
a language, understand the basics of a cultural worldview and then to
explore the ways the Gospel can be proclaimed in that culture.
Danny is a good example. Dee met Liz (Danny’s wife) as she came
to the house to look for English classes in 1995. In the last 20 years we
have shared with them and proclaimed the Gospel. Then they moved
to northern Mexico and our visits and
traveling together became less often. But
we continued contact. Danny came back
to Pachuca for a year to work with Eric
on the Jubilee building as the supervisor
of the project. And again, there were
opportunities to share about Jesus. On
Monday, November 9, 2015, Danny was
baptized into Jesus.
In 20 years! There are now more than 1000 people meeting in Pachuca
in the churches planted as part of the project. The first church started in
1996 with 14 people in our home and now there are four congregations.
There is even a church in another State among an indigenous group that
was started by the first congregation. Long-term vision will bring long
term results!
Now our IMPACTO team is looking at the next 10 years! And praying for
Long-Term Results!
				 ~ Eric & Dee Duggins
			 TCCC missionaries and parents of our missionary, Holly Alvarado
Missions Moment
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
January Events
Prayer Service
“God’s Blessing and Hope”
January 13
7:30 pm, Room 200AB
Join us in this time of prayer
for our church and nation in
the New Year.
Lexington, KY 40502
January Events
Senior Adult Events
Adult Bible Study
Wednesdays ~ 10:30 am
Better With Age Club
Thursday, January 21 ~ 10:30 am
Bring side dishes, salad, or
dessert to share.
Program by Mary Colmer
from Weaver’s Bottom Craft Studio
in Berea, KY
Bluegrass Christian
Men’s Fellowship
January 18, 2016
Tates Creek Christian Church
Meal ~ 5:45 pm,
Program ~ 6:45 pm
This is TCCC’s new focused Mission
Statement. It carries the same ideas
as the Mission Statement that you can
always find on the inside cover of this
publication, but is shorter, uses familiar
words, and is easier to remember. As
you see promotional announcements
in our publications, you will begin to
see one of these four words, in order to
show how the advertised event relates
to our Mission. We want you to see
clearly how the things we do relate
back to our purpose and Mission:
Reaching, Teaching, Helping, and
Standing for Jesus!
Reaching Teaching
National Sanctity of Life Sunday
January 17
Churches around the United States use this day
to celebrate God’s gift of life, commemorate the
many lives lost to abortion and traumatized by
abortion, and commit themselves to protecting
human life at every stage.
Reaching, Teaching, Helping, and Standing for Jesus.
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Devotional Thought Week 1
WOW! WHAT POWER! - Romans 1:1-17
Take a look around you. Everything you see, from the ant to the star,
was made through the power of God. Even the marvels which we credit
to human creativity are but a child’s imitation of the work of a Master.
Paul told the Roman church that creation itself is a profound witness to
the power of God.
Throughout history, God has manifested that power in many ways
ranging from changing the forces of nature to the humbling of mighty
armies to the conquest of death itself. However awed we are by these
accounts, the more amazing is His restraint in using it. God could
have made a world where humans never sinned or where humans
never existed at all, but He didn’t. He could have responded to the
emergence of sin by forcing humans to His will, but He didn’t. God’s
choice was not to dominate, but to place Himself in a
vulnerable position. He entered a universe too small
to contain His glory and was cradled in an animal’s
feeding trough. The God of the universe had become
an infant who depended on others to feed and clothe
Him. He grew up in a world where He suffered pain,
disappointment, and even death. His miraculous
power was demonstrated, but only enough to prove His incarnation to
those who were looking for Him. Even the greatest wonder He worked,
the resurrection, was witnessed directly by a comparative few. The
obvious question is why this is so.
God has chosen to draw people to Himself rather than to drive them
away from evil. His is not the way of fear, but of love. Overwhelming
force He has left to those with lesser power; He has far greater ways
of accomplishing His will. Only God would choose incarnation as a
means of defeating death. Only God would seek the love of the ones
who have wronged Him by placing Himself beneath them. So it is that
the greatest display of power is the willingness to set it aside, to attract
rather than to compel. In this time between Christmas and Easter, it
is proper to reflect on this sort of power and how we might imitate its
					~ Kevin Kennedy
					Focus Class Teacher
Lexington, KY 40502
Devotional Thought Week 2
A BETTER WAY - Romans 1:18-32
“Everybody’s Doing It”
As a teen, the above phrase was always my feeble defense when my
parents disapproved of my misguided plans. Mom would respond
with the classic“If everyone was jumping off a cliff, would you?” Dad,
however, would repeat his favorite quote:“Right is right if nobody does
it and wrong is wrong if everybody does it.” After that philosophical
beating, I would accept defeat and move on to my next crisis.
The Apostle Paul could have applied my dad’s pointed quote in his
Roman letter as he addressed the pagan practices and the“everybody’s
doing it”mentality that pervaded the Roman culture. His detailed
description of the deviant behaviors surely repulsed the believers there
but I’m confident they were equally shocked by his declaration that
they were also sinful in their ways and desparately in need of the saving
grace of his Good News message.
I love Paul’s opening statement of 1 Corinthians 13, where he
declares “And now I will show you a better way.” His message required
the Jewish people to adjust centuries of tradition and
acknowledge that sin is sin, all are guilty of sin, and
that salvation is available to all.
My children would tell you that I used the same
statements of reasoning on them that my parents
used on me and, surprisingly enough, it was just
as effective. Battling the crowd mentality to
show people the“better way”is a barrier that has
transcended the generations since Paul’s day. Now,
more than ever, God’s people must be equipped to
break through and overcome evil with good!
					~ Mary Brown
					Faith Class Teacher
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
2016? Already? Where did 2015 go? I know that the older I get, the
faster time flies. As we enter the New Year we may have mixed feelings.
If 2015 was a year of physical, emotional, or spiritual hardship, then we
are very eager to put that behind us and move on. If 2015 was a great
year for us, we may be tempted to dwell in the past.
None of us know how many more days we will be given. I was very
blessed that I did not have a heart attack 6 months ago and was able to
get some needed cardiac intervention in the
form of a stent. Psalm 90:12 states “Teach us
to number our days aright, that we may gain a
heart of wisdom”. Numbering our days aright
is our challenge from God to face each new
day that God gives us from God’s perspective.
Romans 2:6-8 tells us “God will give to each
person according to what he has done. To those
who by persistence in doing good seek glory,
honor and immortality, he will give eternal
life. But for those who are self seeking and who
reject the truth and follow evil, there will be
wrath and anger”.
God loves us enough to give us free will.
We can choose each day to follow and serve
Him by doing what is good and right or we can choose to be selfish
and reject God’s leading in our life. We have to look inside our hearts
each day and offer Him the throne and crucify self. I challenge all of us
to share Paul’s testimony in Galatians 2:20 “I have been crucified with
Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I
live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”
					~ Craig Martin
Devotional thought Week 3
Lexington, KY 40502
“Guilty!” We have seen or heard this word many times throughout our lives,
in TV law dramas or reading newspaper articles. It is a jarring word. It is a
life altering word. When this word is directed toward you, it is an admission
that you have failed to uphold a standard. In growing up at Tates Creek I
have never really dealt with that word. I always (but quite incorrectly) was
considered a“good kid,”and in accepting that conclusion missed the entire
purpose of grace.
I would be a perfect fit if you dropped me into the Roman time described in
Chapter 3. The apostle Paul is trying to explain to the Jewish population that
even though they have kept the law they still need the redeeming power of
Jesus Christ. How odd this must have been? You live a life as best you can,
you keep the laws and commandments, you are a“good”person and here
is someone saying it means nothing without taking an additional step of
accepting Jesus Christ into your life.
Paul knows and understands this and begins to chip away at this narrative
in verses 10-18. There is no one who is good enough, the tongue that has
spoken lies and gossip, the hands that have done nothing, the feet which
have stood by and watched. Thankfully Paul reverses this idea and proclaims
in verse 20 “Therefore no one will be declared righteous in God’s sight by the
works of the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of our sin.”
Moving on, Paul explains a revolutionary idea that we should boast that
our faith in God is our redemption, not what we have done in our works. I
thought I would share a section of lyrics to a song my wife, Lindsey, and I sang
a few years ago by Sandra McCracken that seems a perfect fit.
Rock of Ages, “It is done!” you cried.
The curtain’s torn and I see justice satisfied,
Now write your mercy on my heart and hands,
Rock of Ages, in faith I stand.
Rock of Ages, my great hope secure,
Your promise holds just like an anchor to my soul,
Bind your children with cords of love and grace,
Rock of Ages, we give you praise.
Is there anything more confounding and beautiful than the picture of Christ
stepping in front of us in order to take the charge of being guilty? It has the
power to change our lives and shape this new kingdom by sharing
with others this grace that has been given.
					~ Steven Clem
Devotional thought Week 4
Sunday School
Average Attendance
November 2015
Infants	7
Walkers	11
2 - 5 Year Old	 14
Elementary	47
Middle & High School	 43
Christians in Action	 24
Crusaders	54
Early Bird 	 5
Faith	15
Fellowship of Believers	 12
Generations of Faith	 23
Good News	 26
Grace & Truth	 63
Grass Roots	 19
Heaven Bound	 12
In The Word	 20
Open Bible	 60
Reach	12
Seekers	 10
Servants for Christ	 24
Upper Room	 12
Willing Workers	 31
Young Adult Class	 8
Ashland Terrace	 7
Miscellaneous	7
Officers	 2
Total	 579
November Worship
Attendance & Giving
		Total	 	 General Fund	
1st	 714	 $28,905.
8th	 659	 $28,225.
15th	 755	 $28,501.
22nd	 726	 $21,353.
29th	690	 $24,829.
Mortgage Balance, Nov. 30	 $751,718.
Monthly Payment (Dec. 1)	 $27,888.
Principal	 $10,825.
Interest	 $2,063.
Add’l Principal	 $15,000.
To give online anytime or setup
a recurring online gift, visit our
website at
and click on“Donate”. You may
also simply scan the QR code.
% of Dollars Given Online
General Fund Report
2015 Budgeted Need per week	 $31,440.
2015 Average per week	 $28,527.
Nov. Total Income	 $131,813.
Nov. Total Expenses	 $126,503.
Moved to Savings	 $10,129.
Net Shortfall	 ($4,820.)
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Funds Totals for Nov.
Deacons’Fund 	 $2,528.
“What If...” 	 $32,512.
Victory for Life	 $759.
Lexington, KY 40502
New Members
Kiara Hughes
Baptized November 22
Christian Stack
Baptized November 22
Anthony Middleton
Baptized November 22
TatesCreekChristianChurch	Office:(859)266-1621
Calendar ~ January 2016
1	 Happy New Year, office closed
2 & 16 	 Card Ministry, 8:30 am, 102
3	 Monthly Ministry meetings
4	 Elders’Meeting, 6 pm, 200D
7	 Deborah Circle, 6:30 pm
8	 Family Friday, 6:30 pm, FH
10	 Women’s Ministry w/circle chairs,
	 4 pm, 200D
11	 Faith Circle, 6:30 pm, 104
11	 J.O.Y. Circle, 6:30 pm, Fh
12	 Tabitha Circle, 7 pm
13	 Oasis Begins, 6:30 pm
13	 Prayer Service, 7:30 pm, 200AB
14 & 28	 Room in the Inn, 5 pm, FH
15	 Family Friday, 6:30 pm, FH
18	 BCMF, 5:45 pm, Tates Creek CC
21	 BWAC, 10:30 am, FH
22	 Family Friday, 6:30 pm, FH
29	 Family Friday, 6:30 pm, FH
Weekly Activities
Rejoicing Ringers rehearsal, 4:30 pm
Evening Worship, 6:30 pm, WC
Adult Small Groups, various times 		
	 and locations
Orchestra rehearsal, 6 pm, WC
We Care Store, 1:30 & 4 pm
Pit Crew, 3 pm, Uptown
Victory for Life, 6 pm, FH
Adult Bible Study, 10:30 am, 200AB
Worship Choir, 6:30 pm, WC
Oasis Classes, 6:30 pm
Youth Activities, 6:30 pm
We Care Store, 1:30 pm

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Tates Creek Christian Church Current for January 2016

  • 2. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 2 Contact Tates Creek Christian 3150 Tates Creek Road Lexington, KY 40502 (859) 266-1621 Visit Online Worship Sunday Traditional - 9:30 am The Vine - 11:00 am Sunday School - 9:30, 11:00 am Evening - 6:30 pm Wednesday Oasis Classes - 6:30 pm Staff Tommy Simpson Kim Beckwith Don Seevers Mike Allen Brad Haggard Matt Lee Lesley Tipton David Eversole Billy Bishop Office Staff Kim Jones Jenni Gregg Rhoda Rolfes Vicki Wesley Contents Feature Article 10-11 “What Does God have in Store for 2016 ” In Every Issue 3-7 Minister Articles 12 Prayer Ministry 12 Guided Prayer Topics 13 Elder/Deacon Serving Schedule 18-21 Devotional thoughts each week 22 September Statistics 23 New Members 24 Calendar Ministry News 14 Operation Christmas Child Report 15 Missions Moment Events 8 Winter Oasis 9 January Events 16-17 January Events Mission Tates Creek Christian Church exists to win people to Christ (evangelism), build up believers in faith, knowledge, and service (encouragement), to help those in need (benevolence), and to stand up for Christian values in the community (witness).
  • 3. There is no greater book than the Bible! Picking a favorite book of the Bible would be very difficult for me. The stories of the Old Testament increase my faith! I appreciate the comfort and encouragement of the Psalms and the wisdom proddings of the Proverbs! The conviction and courage of the prophets inspire me. The biographies about Jesus warm my heart every time. The record of the start and growth of the early church in Acts really excites me!!! The letters of Paul, Peter, John, Jude, James, and Apollos provide practical principles for Christian living. The Book of Revelation strengthens me to be faithful. So, picking a favorite book of the Bible would be very difficult for me. However, ranking really close to the top is the Book of Romans, and especially Romans chapter 8! The Bible is the greatest book written. Our theme for 2016 is Greater! What comes to our minds when we think of the word,‘greater’? Maybe we think of Graeter’s ice cream. Seriously, what do we think of when we think of the word,‘greater?’ We may think of I John 4:4 that says, “Greater is He Who is in you than he who is in the world.” Hopefully, we think of Jesus. How would we fill in the blank? “Jesus is greater than ________.” Is our relationship with Jesus greater than any other relationship, such as mate, children, parents, grandparents, friends? Is our relationship with Jesus greater than our favorite hobby, such as fishing, golf, needlepoint, crocheting, watching sports? Is our relationship with Jesus greater than our television time, cell phone time, or social media time? Is our relationship with Jesus greater than our job? Starting Sunday, January 10, 2016, we will launch a new sermon series entitled,“Oh! What a Savior!” This sermon series will be taken from the first eight chapters of the Book of Romans. We will examine how Jesus is greater! I am really excited about this sermon series!!! I hope that as 2016 unfolds we will allow Jesus to be greater in our lives. One way to reach for that goal is by reading/studying Scripture every day. Please avail yourselves to a Bible reading plan for 2016. Copies of one such plan are available in the brochure rack located beside the information center. Hope you and your family have a great 2016! Jesus is greater! ~ Tommy Jesus is Greater 3 Lexington, KY 40502
  • 4. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 4 Greater Is He That Is in Me There is a song once considered“contemporary”but now is old enough to be in our hymnal with the title above. It was composed by Lanny Wolfe in 1973. Most of us know the refrain (chorus) that is in our hymnal and have sung it before, but unfortunately texts to the stanzas were omitted from our hymnal. The song actually refers to the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives which is understood more clearly by seeing these words: Satan’s like a roaring lion roaming to and fro Seeking whom he may devour, The Bible tells us so. Many souls have been his prey to fall in some weak hour. But God has promised us today, His overcoming power. On the day of Pentecost, a rushing mighty wind Blew into the upper room and baptized all of them With a power greater than any earthly foe. And I’m so glad I’ve got it too, I’ll let the whole world know. (Chorus) Greater is He that is in me, greater is He that is in me Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. As we approach this new year and focus on the theme that God, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit are greater than the power of Satan, we need to understand that we all, as Christians, have received the gift of the Holy Spirit. So what will do with this gift? As Christians, we can easily become discouraged with so much going on in our world...especially right now as I write this article. It seems overwhelming. We throw up our hands and say,“what can I do?” Perhaps we feel as though we are failing. But that is when we need to sing this song and know we have the power, given to us by God, to overcome anything that we face. People around us are looking for hope. They are looking for answers. We have those answers. We have the promises. Who can we influence in 2016? Many times it comes with a simple invitation to worship. Remember the promise of this song based on the passage below: “The One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.“ ~ I John 4:4 ~ Don
  • 5. “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” 3 John 1:4 I have learned that one of the great joys of parenting happens when one of my daughters does the right thing without any prompting. When they show kindness to each other, reach out to friends, give their best effort in school, or lift up their heart in worship, it wells up a pride in me that I didn’t know I had. It makes it easier to sacrifice and discipline when you are able to see it take root. I suspect that pride will only grow as they grow in Christ. As a youth minister, I get to see this all the time. When students who have considered baptism for years finally make the decision on their own to commit to Jesus and walk through the waters, it not only encourages their parents, but it lifts up all the students in the group. Further on, it’s amazing to see students grow into leaders throughout their time in the ministry. When seniors graduate and you can be confident they will be Christian leaders for the rest of their lives, there isn’t much that could bring more joy to a youth minister. So, let’s make that our commitment as a church, to see that our children will walk in the truth. It is not a small sacrifice, nor is it a steady road, but my prayer for us as a church this year would be that we would find our joy in leading people to the truth. No matter what trials and uncertainty the next year brings, we can know, as a church, that we will find no greater joy as a family than to welcome in new children. ~ Brad 5 Lexington, KY 40502 No Greater Joy
  • 6. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 6 Critterland has certainly been an exciting place over the past few years, and coming this January we are looking to venture out into even more intriguing territory! We will, of course, be going over our Bible Stories, beginning with Jesus and moving through the New Testament. The Pre-K group will continue to be involved with many of the Uptown and Family events, and I look forward to having some play dates at different places in Lexington. Also, we are looking at making some positive changes to the décor of the area, and creating a more welcoming check-in! More details to follow throughout the year, but I can’t wait to see what God has planned for our littlest ones! ~ Lesley Ministry Articles The New Year is now upon us and with it comes new opportunities and privileges to enjoy the blessings the Lord has afforded us. But with this comes the need to have a new resolve to recognize those blessings and opportunities, and to have thankful hearts and minds. I, for one, am striving to wake up each new day and have a heart of thanksgiving for all I have been blessed with. As we look forward to this New Year, I want to mention one specific blessing and opportunity we have awaiting us. That is a Valentine banquet and program for all our senior adults, both those who are still couples and those who have lost their life’s love. We will also have a place for those who never married as well because we want everyone to feel a part of God’s love. This will be a very special night where the love the Lord blessed you with and the love the Lord has for each of us will be honored, and a rich fellowship will be enjoyed. We have a great banquet planned as well as a very enjoyable program so, I hope all our seniors will plan on attending. The date is Thursday, February 18, with the meal starting at 5:30 and the program to follow. Be watching for more details and be mindful of all the blessings God has promised for this New Year. ~ Bro. Kim
  • 7. Lexington, KY 40502 7 Young Adult Ministry Our college/young adult ministry here at Tates Creek has some really exciting things going on these days! This past June we changed our Sunday night format. In the past, we met in homes around a meal, thanks to Zella Simpson, Anne Branham, and Brenda Critchfield! Our group was getting too large to meet in a home, so we decided we needed a change. Also, we realized that it was kind of awkward for someone who was completely new to be in the home of someone they didn’t know. We thought meeting at the church would solve these two problems. We decided to make the move. Some of the most involved members of the group met together and brainstormed ideas for what our new format would look like. Each of the people at that meeting volunteered to take different leadership roles and responsibilities within the ministry. We decided to call our group YAM (Young Adult Ministry). Genius right? Since our move to the church in June, we have had a lot more visitors. It has allowed us to have plenty of room for growth as well. We have the freedom to use the gym for recreational activities like volleyball (our group really gets into volleyball!). We have incorporated worship as part of our Sunday night meetings as well, which was not really an option before. It has been really exciting to see new people start coming to our group! Another exciting thing going on with the young adults at Tates Creek is another young adult group that has been meeting on Sunday nights. Tommy and Zella Simpson host a small group for young adult couples in their home on Sunday evenings. There have been some great relationships built in this group as well. I am excited about our young adult ministry as a whole. It is really a good thing that we are able to offer groups that meet the needs of young people who are in very formative times in their lives. It is also great to see these young adults take responsibility and leadership roles within the church body. They all seem very eager to serve and make a difference! ~ Mike
  • 8. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road Winter Oasis Oasis Winter Oasis classes January 13 - March 23 “The Amazing Collection” Nahum - Malachi Women’s Study Led by Phyllis Eversole During this winter Oasis we will be finishing the Old Testament, studying the books of Nahum to Malachi. This study will help participants discover the overview, key players, and timeless principles of each book. There is a suggested donation of $10 for the workbook. If you have any questions, please see or email Phyllis Eversole at “Hands and Feet Ministry” Matthew 25:35-40 Led by Vickie Cole What does it mean to be the hands and feet of Jesus? Each week, participants will invest themselves in a choice of community outreach ministries demonstrating their love for God by pouring themselves into the lives of others. “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40 “Romans” Led by Tommy Simpson We will be studying the book of Romans as an extension of the Sunday morning sermon series. Class Registration Register online at, follow the link on our website at, or mark the class of your choice on a Communication Card. Be sure to register early so materials are available! Teaching
  • 9. 9 Lexington, KY 40502 January Events New Service Times Beginning January 3, 2016 Traditional ~ 9:30 am The Vine ~ 11 am ~ Contemporary Sunday School classes and Youth/Children’s activities will be available during both hours. Oh! What A Savior! New Sermon Series January 10 - March 27 January 10 Wow! What Power! - Romans 1:1-17 January 17 A Better Way - Romans 1:18-32 January 24 Look Within First - Romans 2 January 31 Guilty as Charged - Romans 3 February 7 Righteousness Reckoned - Romans 4 February 14 Not Guilty - Romans 5:1-11 February 21 You are the Man - Romans 5:12-21 February 28 Dead to Sin - Romans 6 March 6 I Would if I Could, but I Can’t - Romans 7 March 13 Hope Secured - Romans 8:1-13 March 20 Hope in the Face of Suffering - Romans 8:14-30 March 27 The Last Word - Romans 8:31-39 Reaching
  • 10. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 10 There comes a time each year, typically after the holidays, that we pause for a moment and give God thanks for the past year. We thank him for the victories and the trials in our lives. We thank him for the lives he allowed us to touch. For some of us, the past year was one of the most difficult. We moved to a new place, started a new phase of life, or said our final earthly goodbyes to someone we loved. To others, the past year has been about fresh beginnings and new starts. The birth of a new baby, joining our lives together with the one we fell in love with, a new job, or a new opportunity that we never dreamed possible. Before I look toward the excitement of 2016, I think it’s important to pause and praise God for 2015. In 2015, our church family again served more than 225 children with a new backpack full of school supplies. A young family was given a nice car to drive by another family in our church. Several children made the decision to follow Jesus with their lives. A few young couples were united in marriage. A young family group was started, and was quickly supported by our Servants for Christ class to meet the needs for childcare. New tutors joined the team to share Jesus’love with at-risk children at Julius Marks Elementary. At least 2 opportunities were given at the Egg Hunt and Party in the Park for our church to be a light in the community. A team of people worked tirelessly to redecorate the elementary space into a castle. Nearly 100 children attended our first daytime Vacation Bible School along with so many incredible team members. Together our church worshipped and fellowshipped as One Church, One Body. Many new people joined the ministry teams in Elementary and Preschool. Each week 18 preteen boys and 5 preteen girls gather together to study God’s word and grow in their faith. In 2015, God rescued several marriages from divorce. A new ministry was begun through We Care to serve the needs of more families in our community. Finally, many individuals and a few groups gave generously to support an orphanage filled with 18 beautiful children for the past year. These are only the things I know about. Life experiences I have witnessed first hand alongside many of you. Beyond this list are probably thousands of other ways we can stand in awe of how God has used our church family for His Kingdom! Each of the stories above came with opportunities to What Does God Have in Store for 2016
  • 11. Lexington, KY 40502 11 . . . in Store for 2016 continued be a light, to love others, and to deepen our faith. These stories showed us God in a bigger way, but they are only just the beginning. When I am asked what I look forward to in 2016, I can’t really give a direct answer. I know that our children’s ministry team is excited about new ideas to serve young families and reach more children for Jesus. I know several volunteers are excited about outreach immediately in January through Family Movie Nights on January 8, 15, 22, and 29. I know that our Egg Hunt team is looking forward to some new ideas to excite more Preschool kids. I know that our VBS team will soon gear up for an exciting Day Time VBS, July 10-15! At the same time we will also be planning a redecoration of both the elementary and preschool area to prepare for 2016-2017 school year. We will also spend a summer with awesome kids at Blue Grass Christian Camp for Day Camps and 7/11! I know that our Psalm 82:3 Mission team is returning to Liberia, June 6-16, to serve the orphans of Liberia, to lead a Vacation Bible School for a community filled with children, and more! I know that the JME team and Party in the Park team are excited to serve our community through backpacks and an evening of fun with food and inflatables. I know that a team of children’s ministry leaders in Fayette County will lead the children’s team for the International Conference on Missions and that they will soon be planning a very exciting multi-cultural worship experience for many children to attend next November. These are the things I know are on schedule to happen in 2016. The opportunities for you to serve widows, orphans, the community, or our church family are endless. However, the most exciting thing in 2016 to me isn’t what is written down. It’s to look at a verse like Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.” In this verse, I am reminded that God’s plans are always better than my plans. I hope and pray that 2016 is a year our church will be fully dedicated to reaching young families. I hope and pray that each of us dig deeper roots in our faith. Ultimately, I hope, that at the end of 2016, we can look back on our year and praise God for the opportunities he allowed us to be His hands and His feet for His Kingdom to reach His lost children. I pray you see the opportunities and allow yourself to be used by Him for His plans! ~ Matt
  • 12. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 12 “I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world. Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me. I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.” John 17:20-26 We hope you have a blessed 2016! ~ Prayer Team PrayerDaily Guided Prayer Topics January 1 Philippians 4:9 2 Travis & Emily Weeks 3 Vision & guidance for our Elders in 2016 4 Vicki Wesley 5 CRU college campus programs 6 Make daily “quiet time” a priority 7 Terrorists 8 Romans 1:1-17 9 Adrian & Jennifer Fehl 10 Vision & guidance for our Deacons in 2016 11 Tommy Simpson 12 Communion servers 13 Spreading Jesus’ love 14 The incarcerated 15 Romans 1:18-32 16 Tyler & Katie Selby 17 Vision & guidance for our SS leaders in 2016 18 Kim Beckwith 19 Physicians & Caregivers 20 Ephesians 2:1-10 21 Those living without Jesus 22 Romans 2 23 Steve & Doretha Limiero 24 Vision & guidance for our Small groups in 2016 25 Don Seevers 26 High School Seniors 27 Thanking Jesus daily 28 Those with no hope 29 Romans 3 30 Judy Fish 31 Vision & guidance for our ministry teams in 2016 The mission of this ministry is to pray, motivate, and train others to pray, and to provide prayer opportunities so that we might know our Lord more intimately and serve Him more fervently. If you would like to share your prayer testimony to encourage others, please contact Peggy Crawford at
  • 13. Lexington, KY 40502 Communion Serving Schedule January 3 Elders: R.W. Ellington, Bill Clem Deacons: Bill Burke, Steve Mullins Ashland Terrace: Steven Clem Home Comm: David Straub, Keith Wertz, Stuart Kearns Sat Comm Prep: Jim Everman Clean-up after 1st Srv: Carolyn Nipper Clean-up after 2nd Srv: John Combs Prayer Room: Delores Salvatore, Laura Mullins Ushers: Doug Ison, Bill Johnson, Bill Burke, Cory Wilson January 10 Elders: Larry Hitchner, R.W. Ellington Deacons: Russell Brown, Cory Wilson Ashland Terrace: Greg Kasten Home Comm: Bill Johnson, Ken Banks, Jonathan Clifton Sat Comm Prep: Brian/Sontina Hogston Clean-up after 1st Srv: Brad/Marty Byington Clean-up after 2nd Srv: Brad/Marty Byington Prayer Room: Dale Kistler, Bob/Violet Combs Ushers: Stan Stack, Dennis Moore, Larry Miller, David Feltner January 17 Elders: Kent Mason, Larry Hitchner Deacons: Lucas Moore, Ken Banks Ashland Terrace: Russell Brown Home Comm: Steven Clem, Terry Morrison, Charles Byers Sat Comm Prep: David/Paula Rankin Clean-up after 1st Srv: Fred/Emma Goode Clean-up after 2nd Srv: Fred/Emma Goode Prayer Room: Mary Adkins, Becky Child Ushers: Boyd Johnson, Darrel Pettry, David Smith, Stuart Kearns January 24 Elders: Nick Wallen, Kent Mason Deacons: Bill Johnson, Jonathan Clifton Ashland Terrace: Ray Albensi Home Comm: Bill Burke, Steve Mullins, Russell Brown Sat Comm Prep: Mark/Gayle Fields Clean-up 1st Srv: Craig/Jenny Fowler Clean-up 2nd Srv: Craig/Jenny Fowler Prayer Room: Beth Kessler, Kevin Hickey Ushers: Jack White, David Martin, Bill Burke, John Martin January 31 Elders: Stan Stack, Nick Wallen Deacons: David Straub, Keith Wertz Ashland Terrace: Stuart Kearns Home Comm: Ray Albensi, Greg Kasten, Lucas Moore Sat Comm Prep: Boyd//Wanda Johnson Clean-up 1st Srv: Rick/LeeAnn Layne Clean-up 2nd Srv: Rick/LeeAnn Layne Prayer Room: Mary Robey, Laura Mullins Ushers: Dennis Moore, Bill Poor, David Smith, Stuart Kearns 13
  • 14. Isaiah 52:7  “How beautiful on the mountain are the feet that bring good news.” Thanks to the leadership of Shelly Maxwell, TCCC has participated in the ministry of Operation Christmas Child, a project of Samaritan’s Purse, for the past 18 years.  This year as a congregation we prepared 226 shoe box gifts! The journey of our boxes began as the Deborah Circle transported them to the Bluegrass area collection center at Porter Memorial Baptist Church.  A gentleman greeted us in the parking lot, helped us unload our gifts, and then led us in a time of prayer.  We prayed for each box, for those who packed them, and for the children that would be receiving them. His prayer reminded us that God had a child in mind to receive our gift before we ever packed it.  Tractor trailers sat ready at the center to transport crated boxes on the next leg of the journey to one of nine OCC processing centers. During Thanksgiving week, we had the adventure of following the boxes and working for a day at the Atlanta processing center.  We worked alongside volunteers from Georgia, Ohio, North Carolina, Florida, and another team from Paducah, KY.  After a video greeting by Franklin Graham, orientation, and a brief training, we walked out into an enormous warehouse full of cheerful volunteers.  We were in awe of the enormity of the space, the volume of shoe boxes processed daily, and the wonderful organization at work.  Our work was interrupted periodically to pray collectively over the boxes and the children who would receive them.  We were instructed to retain the integrity of each box, so that the child would receive the box just as it was packed.  Our day was spent inspecting and taping boxes designated for a“closed”country.  The destination was not disclosed even to us in order to protect the individuals willing to face persecution for accepting and delivering the packaged boxes.  Again, we were standing in awe of God’s plan for each box. Every shoe box delivered by Operation Christmas Child is a tangible expression of God’s amazing love.  The box is just the beginning.  It presents an opportunity for church partners in the receiving countries to invite children into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.  This is possible by a 12-week Bible study course guiding the children through what it means to faithfully follow Jesus Christ.  It is an introduction to relationship building and a powerful tool for evangelism and discipleship.   By mid-December, boxes are ready to be shipped out by air and sea to over 100 countries.  If you gave a shipping donation online and used the special label provided, you will receive notification of which country received your box.  Your box may travel the last of its journey by yak, elephant, jeep, or canoe to be presented to the child you have blessed.  Thank you TCCC for sharing your love for Jesus to children around the world! ~ Martha Bugg & Becky Child Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 14 “The Journey of a Shoe Box Gift”
  • 15. 15 Lexington, KY 40502 LONG TERM COMMITMENT - LONG TERM RESULTS Cross-culture Missions has been a major emphasis in the churches of our movement. Our family, Eric and Dee Duggins, is now reaching 36 years in ministry working in Cross-culture Church Planting (31 years in Mexico). That kind of longevity is becoming rare on the mission field as our American culture becomes“accelerated”and long-term is now five years or less. Often it takes much more than five years to learn a language, understand the basics of a cultural worldview and then to explore the ways the Gospel can be proclaimed in that culture. Danny is a good example. Dee met Liz (Danny’s wife) as she came to the house to look for English classes in 1995. In the last 20 years we have shared with them and proclaimed the Gospel. Then they moved to northern Mexico and our visits and traveling together became less often. But we continued contact. Danny came back to Pachuca for a year to work with Eric on the Jubilee building as the supervisor of the project. And again, there were opportunities to share about Jesus. On Monday, November 9, 2015, Danny was baptized into Jesus. In 20 years! There are now more than 1000 people meeting in Pachuca in the churches planted as part of the project. The first church started in 1996 with 14 people in our home and now there are four congregations. There is even a church in another State among an indigenous group that was started by the first congregation. Long-term vision will bring long term results! Now our IMPACTO team is looking at the next 10 years! And praying for Long-Term Results! ~ Eric & Dee Duggins TCCC missionaries and parents of our missionary, Holly Alvarado Missions Moment
  • 16. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road January Events Standing Reaching 16 Prayer Service “God’s Blessing and Hope” January 13 7:30 pm, Room 200AB Join us in this time of prayer for our church and nation in the New Year.
  • 17. 17 Lexington, KY 40502 January Events Senior Adult Events Adult Bible Study Wednesdays ~ 10:30 am Better With Age Club Thursday, January 21 ~ 10:30 am Bring side dishes, salad, or dessert to share. Program by Mary Colmer from Weaver’s Bottom Craft Studio in Berea, KY Bluegrass Christian Men’s Fellowship January 18, 2016 Tates Creek Christian Church Meal ~ 5:45 pm, Program ~ 6:45 pm This is TCCC’s new focused Mission Statement. It carries the same ideas as the Mission Statement that you can always find on the inside cover of this publication, but is shorter, uses familiar words, and is easier to remember. As you see promotional announcements in our publications, you will begin to see one of these four words, in order to show how the advertised event relates to our Mission. We want you to see clearly how the things we do relate back to our purpose and Mission: Reaching, Teaching, Helping, and Standing for Jesus! StandingHelping Reaching Teaching TeachingTeaching National Sanctity of Life Sunday January 17 Churches around the United States use this day to celebrate God’s gift of life, commemorate the many lives lost to abortion and traumatized by abortion, and commit themselves to protecting human life at every stage. Reaching, Teaching, Helping, and Standing for Jesus. Standing
  • 18. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 18 Devotional Thought Week 1 WOW! WHAT POWER! - Romans 1:1-17 Take a look around you. Everything you see, from the ant to the star, was made through the power of God. Even the marvels which we credit to human creativity are but a child’s imitation of the work of a Master. Paul told the Roman church that creation itself is a profound witness to the power of God. Throughout history, God has manifested that power in many ways ranging from changing the forces of nature to the humbling of mighty armies to the conquest of death itself. However awed we are by these accounts, the more amazing is His restraint in using it. God could have made a world where humans never sinned or where humans never existed at all, but He didn’t. He could have responded to the emergence of sin by forcing humans to His will, but He didn’t. God’s choice was not to dominate, but to place Himself in a vulnerable position. He entered a universe too small to contain His glory and was cradled in an animal’s feeding trough. The God of the universe had become an infant who depended on others to feed and clothe Him. He grew up in a world where He suffered pain, disappointment, and even death. His miraculous power was demonstrated, but only enough to prove His incarnation to those who were looking for Him. Even the greatest wonder He worked, the resurrection, was witnessed directly by a comparative few. The obvious question is why this is so. God has chosen to draw people to Himself rather than to drive them away from evil. His is not the way of fear, but of love. Overwhelming force He has left to those with lesser power; He has far greater ways of accomplishing His will. Only God would choose incarnation as a means of defeating death. Only God would seek the love of the ones who have wronged Him by placing Himself beneath them. So it is that the greatest display of power is the willingness to set it aside, to attract rather than to compel. In this time between Christmas and Easter, it is proper to reflect on this sort of power and how we might imitate its wielder. ~ Kevin Kennedy Focus Class Teacher
  • 19. 19 Lexington, KY 40502 Devotional Thought Week 2 A BETTER WAY - Romans 1:18-32 “Everybody’s Doing It” As a teen, the above phrase was always my feeble defense when my parents disapproved of my misguided plans. Mom would respond with the classic“If everyone was jumping off a cliff, would you?” Dad, however, would repeat his favorite quote:“Right is right if nobody does it and wrong is wrong if everybody does it.” After that philosophical beating, I would accept defeat and move on to my next crisis. The Apostle Paul could have applied my dad’s pointed quote in his Roman letter as he addressed the pagan practices and the“everybody’s doing it”mentality that pervaded the Roman culture. His detailed description of the deviant behaviors surely repulsed the believers there but I’m confident they were equally shocked by his declaration that they were also sinful in their ways and desparately in need of the saving grace of his Good News message. I love Paul’s opening statement of 1 Corinthians 13, where he declares “And now I will show you a better way.” His message required the Jewish people to adjust centuries of tradition and acknowledge that sin is sin, all are guilty of sin, and that salvation is available to all. My children would tell you that I used the same statements of reasoning on them that my parents used on me and, surprisingly enough, it was just as effective. Battling the crowd mentality to show people the“better way”is a barrier that has transcended the generations since Paul’s day. Now, more than ever, God’s people must be equipped to break through and overcome evil with good! ~ Mary Brown Faith Class Teacher
  • 20. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 20 LOOK WITHIN FIRST - Romans 2 2016? Already? Where did 2015 go? I know that the older I get, the faster time flies. As we enter the New Year we may have mixed feelings. If 2015 was a year of physical, emotional, or spiritual hardship, then we are very eager to put that behind us and move on. If 2015 was a great year for us, we may be tempted to dwell in the past. None of us know how many more days we will be given. I was very blessed that I did not have a heart attack 6 months ago and was able to get some needed cardiac intervention in the form of a stent. Psalm 90:12 states “Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom”. Numbering our days aright is our challenge from God to face each new day that God gives us from God’s perspective. Romans 2:6-8 tells us “God will give to each person according to what he has done. To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life. But for those who are self seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger”. God loves us enough to give us free will. We can choose each day to follow and serve Him by doing what is good and right or we can choose to be selfish and reject God’s leading in our life. We have to look inside our hearts each day and offer Him the throne and crucify self. I challenge all of us to share Paul’s testimony in Galatians 2:20 “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” ~ Craig Martin Elder Devotional thought Week 3
  • 21. 21 Lexington, KY 40502 GUILTY AS CHARGED - Romans 3 “Guilty!” We have seen or heard this word many times throughout our lives, in TV law dramas or reading newspaper articles. It is a jarring word. It is a life altering word. When this word is directed toward you, it is an admission that you have failed to uphold a standard. In growing up at Tates Creek I have never really dealt with that word. I always (but quite incorrectly) was considered a“good kid,”and in accepting that conclusion missed the entire purpose of grace. I would be a perfect fit if you dropped me into the Roman time described in Chapter 3. The apostle Paul is trying to explain to the Jewish population that even though they have kept the law they still need the redeeming power of Jesus Christ. How odd this must have been? You live a life as best you can, you keep the laws and commandments, you are a“good”person and here is someone saying it means nothing without taking an additional step of accepting Jesus Christ into your life. Paul knows and understands this and begins to chip away at this narrative in verses 10-18. There is no one who is good enough, the tongue that has spoken lies and gossip, the hands that have done nothing, the feet which have stood by and watched. Thankfully Paul reverses this idea and proclaims in verse 20 “Therefore no one will be declared righteous in God’s sight by the works of the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of our sin.” Moving on, Paul explains a revolutionary idea that we should boast that our faith in God is our redemption, not what we have done in our works. I thought I would share a section of lyrics to a song my wife, Lindsey, and I sang a few years ago by Sandra McCracken that seems a perfect fit. Rock of Ages, “It is done!” you cried. The curtain’s torn and I see justice satisfied, Now write your mercy on my heart and hands, Rock of Ages, in faith I stand. Rock of Ages, my great hope secure, Your promise holds just like an anchor to my soul, Bind your children with cords of love and grace, Rock of Ages, we give you praise. Is there anything more confounding and beautiful than the picture of Christ stepping in front of us in order to take the charge of being guilty? It has the power to change our lives and shape this new kingdom by sharing with others this grace that has been given. ~ Steven Clem Deacon Devotional thought Week 4
  • 22. Sunday School Average Attendance November 2015 Youth Infants 7 Walkers 11 2 - 5 Year Old 14 Elementary 47 Middle & High School 43 Adult Christians in Action 24 Crusaders 54 Early Bird 5 Faith 15 Fellowship of Believers 12 FOCUS 20 Generations of Faith 23 Good News 26 Grace & Truth 63 Grass Roots 19 Heaven Bound 12 In The Word 20 Open Bible 60 Reach 12 Seekers 10 Servants for Christ 24 Upper Room 12 Willing Workers 31 Young Adult Class 8 Ashland Terrace 7 Miscellaneous 7 Officers 2 Total 579 November Worship Attendance & Giving Total General Fund 1st 714 $28,905. 8th 659 $28,225. 15th 755 $28,501. 22nd 726 $21,353. 29th 690 $24,829. Indebtedness Mortgage Balance, Nov. 30 $751,718. Monthly Payment (Dec. 1) $27,888. Principal $10,825. Interest $2,063. Add’l Principal $15,000. To give online anytime or setup a recurring online gift, visit our website at and click on“Donate”. You may also simply scan the QR code. % of Dollars Given Online 12% General Fund Report 2015 Budgeted Need per week $31,440. 2015 Average per week $28,527. Nov. Total Income $131,813. Nov. Total Expenses $126,503. Moved to Savings $10,129. Net Shortfall ($4,820.) Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 22 Funds Totals for Nov. Deacons’Fund $2,528. “What If...” $32,512. Victory for Life $759.
  • 23. 23 Lexington, KY 40502 New Members Kiara Hughes Baptized November 22 Christian Stack Baptized November 22 Anthony Middleton Baptized November 22
  • 24. TatesCreekCurrent TatesCreekChristianChurch Office:(859)266-1621 Lexington,KY40502 Calendar ~ January 2016 1 Happy New Year, office closed 2 & 16 Card Ministry, 8:30 am, 102 3 Monthly Ministry meetings 4 Elders’Meeting, 6 pm, 200D 7 Deborah Circle, 6:30 pm 8 Family Friday, 6:30 pm, FH 10 Women’s Ministry w/circle chairs, 4 pm, 200D 11 Faith Circle, 6:30 pm, 104 11 J.O.Y. Circle, 6:30 pm, Fh 12 Tabitha Circle, 7 pm 13 Oasis Begins, 6:30 pm 13 Prayer Service, 7:30 pm, 200AB 14 & 28 Room in the Inn, 5 pm, FH 15 Family Friday, 6:30 pm, FH 18 BCMF, 5:45 pm, Tates Creek CC 21 BWAC, 10:30 am, FH 22 Family Friday, 6:30 pm, FH 29 Family Friday, 6:30 pm, FH Weekly Activities Sunday: Rejoicing Ringers rehearsal, 4:30 pm Evening Worship, 6:30 pm, WC Adult Small Groups, various times and locations Monday: Orchestra rehearsal, 6 pm, WC Tuesday: We Care Store, 1:30 & 4 pm Pit Crew, 3 pm, Uptown Victory for Life, 6 pm, FH Wednesday: Adult Bible Study, 10:30 am, 200AB Worship Choir, 6:30 pm, WC Oasis Classes, 6:30 pm Youth Activities, 6:30 pm Thursday: We Care Store, 1:30 pm Volume4No.1 CR-ChoirRoom/FH-FellowshipHall/Fh-FriendshipHall/MMC-MultiMinistryCenter/UP-Uptown/WC-WorshipCenter