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Since our last publication much has hap-
pened at Faith. The summer months and
early fall saw many interactions between
the members and friends of the congre-
gation, as well as between us and the
community, as we made the most of the
opportunities our calendar offered to get
together for Biblical teaching, mission
outreach and fellowship. This not only
took place on our church grounds but
saw us heading off in small groups to
different locations. At the end of it all,
those who participated are left with clos-
er bonds of fellowship and a longing for
the next such occasion. The months gone
by are a sure indication that our congre-
gation is active and alive even though
there is much we still need to do to
achieve our full potential.
Two of our main areas of focus since
September have been Evangelism and
Stewardship. Although both are given
effort throughout the year, in these
months we produce events that are
geared towards growth in our congrega-
tion. The success of these activities in no
way determines the success of our con-
gregation’s ministry overall. We must
however be willing to learn - refocus
where necessary or build upon, as the
opportunities present themselves. The
Evangelism Committee has shown its
ability to do this - as the Annual Health
Fair continues to offer more to the com-
munity each year. We still have much to
learn, however as we seek ways to better
engage the community in which we are
located as well as our own church com-
munity. It is noteworthy that there are
always a large group of members who
volunteer for the Health Fair, many of
whom are not involved in other areas of
The lack of commitment of many members
of our congregation to the Evangelism pro-
grams of the church is also reflected in a
lack of commitment to the Stewardship
ministry as well as a complete lack of com-
mitment to the mission of the congrega-
tion. What is our mission? As a congrega-
tion, we declare that in response to God’s
love in our lives we (congregation and in-
dividuals) will commit to spread the gos-
pel, serve others, and nurture all of God’s
people as representatives of Christ. The
importance of the Stewardship and Evan-
gelism programs to this mission is that
while Stewardship seeks to equip us with
training and finances for the mission,
Evangelism seeks to provide the opportuni-
ties to fulfill this God given imperative.
The question for you then is where do you
fit in? To not do one or the other, or even
both, is to be disobedient to the call of Je-
sus in the scriptures. May this season of
Stewardship Focus; challenge us to be so
thankful for God’s loving action in our
lives that we rise to the building up of His
Kingdom among humanity, pledging our
full support to the mission of our congrega-
tion and of our faith.
Matthew 6:33 ‘But seek ye first the king-
dom of God, and his righteousness; and all
these things shall be added unto you.’
Till next time. Be blessed!
T H I S I S S U E :
Highlights &
Highlights &
STEPS OF FAITHN O V E M B E R 1 1 , 2 0 1 6V O L U M E 3 , I S S U E 2
Faith Moravian Church,
responding to God’s love
has been called to:
⇒ Spread the gospel
⇒ Serve Others
⇒ Nurture all God’s
people with love,
respect, trust and
forgiveness after the
example of Christ.
Watch word for the
‘I will sing to the Lord
because He has dealt
bountifully with me.’
Psalm 13:6
P A G E 2
As we think back on these three words: ‘Grace, Gratitude and Generosity’ they remind us of how
good God is, and always will be to us. With Grace– it’s unearned favors we receive from God
that we don’t deserve. He supplies all our needs without counting the costs. Gratitude is thankful-
ness to God in all circumstances. Generosity is giving, sharing and not being selfish. As God has
blessed us , we should cheerfully and willingly share with others.
So brothers and sisters as we continue to focus on “Stewardship” both in the life of our congrega-
tion and the wider community our emphasis should be on doing our best in moving forward.
Good stewards should dedicate themselves to doing God’s work whole heartedly. This means
doing His will with willing hearts, giving of your best in time, talent, finances and all it takes to
show the world we are faithful and dedicated stewards. “We are Obligated!”
Deuteronomy 8:18 reminds us that the lord our God gives us the knowledge and strength to cre-
ate all things including wealth. As good stewards we have the responsibility to share our God-
given talents with others who are less fortunate. Lord, thank you for your grace and mercy, as
you continue to direct our path as we do our best at being good stewards.
Submitted by: Sis. Pearline Ennis
May: The youth fellow travelled to New Jer-
sey for the Memorial Day Picnic at Camp
Hope. It was day of food, fun and fellowship
with fellow Moravians in the Eastern District.
June: We celebrated Father’s Day with the
Youth recognizing four fathers. Special thanks
to Sis. Annisse for her tribute and the Wom-
en’s Fellowship who provided a sumptuous
July: The youth group had a wonderful
night out at the Baltimore Harbor. We also
journeyed to Egypt through Vacation Bible
School. Thanks to all the persons who contrib-
uted in-kind and with their time. The Young-
sters also participated in Summer Camps held
at Camp Hope during the months of July and
September: Youth Fellowship resumed as
youth rally preparations continue.
October: Faith hosted the 2016 Youth Ral-
ly on October 7th -9th. It was a wonderful and
blessed event.
The members of the Youth Fellowship and its
leadership are appreciative to all our Faith fam-
ily and friends. We look forward to your con-
tinued assistance and support wherever needed.
Submitted by: Sis. Kerrian Simpson
The year 2016 is quickly coming to a close
and the Trustees have some mandatory assign-
ments to complete. The church sign is here at
the church and will be erected in the coming
weeks. The landscape of Riggs Rd will not be
the same. We hope our surrounding communi-
ty will want to come visit and then not want to
The Trustees are continuing to reduce expens-
es wherever it is possible and improve our
financial wellbeing. The refinancing of the
church mortgage is of primary focus.
As we bring our church into current times, we
hope E-giving will become a part of our
church financial improvement.
The Faith Moravian church now shares its
space with two tenants. The Way of the Cross
church rents the Fellowship Hall and we now
have an Educational Center in the lower level.
We look forward to a long and blessed associ-
ation with our tenants.
The Trustees will continue to sponsor fund-
raising events that will assist in keeping our
building comfortable and beautiful. Together
we will continue to work as a church family to
make our church prosperous.
P A G E 3V O L U M E 3 , I S S U E 2
Interested in learning more
about the basics of Christian-
ity in the Moravian Church?
Are you an adult who has
been visiting Faith but not a
member? If yes, then this is
a one or two session class
designed to answer your
questions about membership
and prepare you for recep-
tion/ confirmation. Speak to
Pastor or an Elder.
for Fall!
Do you have a youngster who is
ready to explore his/her relation-
ship with God and discuss some
of life’s big questions? Eg. Are
prayers answered? Why do bad
things happen to good people?
Confirmation offers answers and
guidelines to daily Christian liv-
ing. Encourage your children in
joining the class . It’ s a lifetime
gift they will be receiving. Speak
to Pastor or an Elder.
Are you retired? At home during
the days? If yes, then this is for
you. This is a once monthly meet-
ing with senior citizens of the con-
gregation and community. It will
involve Bible Study, a meal and a
fun activity or informative presenta-
tion. We will meet the last Thurs-
day of each month from 11 am to 2
A look back into our recent past brings us fond memo-
ries of one dynamic group that brought so much vitali-
ty, pride and unmistakable joy to the entire community.
That was “Pans of Faith Youth Steel Orchestra”. Sadly
the group slowly dissolved as the youth grew up and
moved on to College and the rest of their lives.
The good news is that a new group was formed in the
Spring of 2016 to not only to replace the void that was
left , but to blaze their own trail and set their own stand-
ard of musical excellence and unrelenting zeal. The
group was spearheaded by four former members of the
Pans of Faith. They are : Deonte Carter-Bass; Janelle
Hodgson - Tenor; Kinderell Hodgson - Double Tenor
and David Benjamin Bass. It was their talent, dedica-
tion and tenacity that gave birth to this new group.
We were blessed in finding a father and son team to
teach and lead the group. They are Mr. Robert Twaithes
- Instructor and a seasoned and talented Pannist along
with his son Sheldon Twaithes - Arraigner/Instructor
and a talented and pragmatic Berklee University Music
Graduate . They have provided the hard work and nur-
turing environment to bring about an amazing transfor-
mation in such a short time. The group has had two per-
formances recently and has displayed the poise, talent
and focused delivery that it takes many years of practice
to achieve.
As we continue to develop our brand we seek the sup-
port of the Faith Community and the Blessing of our
Heavenly Farther. We hope to incorporate an Adult
Band in 2017 as we continue to “make a Joyful noise
unto the Lord.”
Sis. Audrey Waite - Director ;
Pans of Faith Steel Orchestra
Board of Elders
Greetings from the Board of Elders in the name of Jesus Christ our risen Lord and Savior! Happy New Year –
Church Year that is - to all members and friends of Faith Moravian! We are grateful to God for all His grace and
mercies that we experienced over the past year, both as individuals and a church family. Together we accom-
plished much! We can recall with pride and joy many programs that were successfully planned and implemented.
And so, we give God thanks for all the leaders of committees / ministries / programs and projects - no matter how
small it may seem.
As we enter this New Church Year, let us continue to pray for:
Each other as we seek to strengthen our faith; For patience and understanding to work together;
For that joy and peace, which come only from God and surpass all understanding; and finally we continue to pray
for our Pastor and his family for spiritual leadership, vision, and strength for the future.
P A G E 4
Youth rally 2016
Fun Day 2016
Health Fair
P A G E 5V O L U M E 3 , I S S U E 2
We continue to pray for: We continue to pray for: Sis Sandy Cash who is re-
covering at home from a surgery. Bro. Lester Smith who is undergoing medical
tests. Bro Carl Cash and Sis Karen Kerr were recently
hospitalized and are both recuperating at their homes. Bro
Edward Jackson who continues to recover from surgery
on his eyes, as well as prepare for further treatment/
surgery. Sis Janis Famous whose treatment continues.
Sis Jaden Gooding as she continues the road to full re-
covery. Continue to pray for Sis. Mernel Brumley, Sis.
Joy Morant, Sis. Marva Cash, Sis. Juta Benjamin &
Br Charles Campbell. Pray also for the continued re-
covery of Sis. Juta Lewis and Sis. Jackie Hodgson.
All Victims of Violence & Natural Disasters
World Peace & Nuclear Disarmament
Each year there are openings for three year
terms of service on the Board of Elders, and
Trustees. The Church Council will elect mem-
bers for the Joint board in January 2017. This
opportunity will allow you to become a part of
the leadership of the congregation. The Elders
oversee the overall ministry of the congregation
which includes worship, Christian Ed, member-
ship, outreach/mission, church calendar and vis-
itations. The Trustees are entrusted with the fi-
nancial concerns of the congregation which in-
cludes property, salaries, fundraisers and bills.
Board of Trustees meet 2nd Saturdays @ 10am.
Elders– 1st Saturdays @ 11am. Please prayer-
fully consider serving if you are approached.
Please remember to put your gloves,
scarves, hats and socks on the Christmas
tree in the Narthex. These will be donated
to those in need during the winter months.
It’s Thanksgiving season and a wonderful
time of reflection on our many blessings.
Please consider sharing your blessings
with those who are less fortunate. You can
do this by giving your donations to Sis.
Maisie Pringle as she prepares the
Thanksgiving baskets.
ANGEL TREE - It starts with a gift…
Angel Tree is a program of Prison Fellowship that
serves incarcerated parents by providing pathway for
strengthening and restoring their relationships with their
children and families. ‘Each year churches volunteer to
deliver gifts to children who have a parent in prison.
Their parents usually cannot afford Christmas gifts but
the desperately want their child to know that they love
them.’ This is a project that the Youth would love to
attempt so we are looking for your usual support in this
outreach event.
get ready to order
your Christmas cake/
black cake . This will
be in aid of funding
the kids in youth fel-
lowship to Ohio 2017.
Cost: $10 & $20.
Contact Sisters:
Grace, Jackie or Kim.
The poinsettias which will dec-
orate our sanctuary this year
during the Christmas Eve ser-
vices may be purchased as me-
morials for loved ones, to honor
someone special or for bless-
ings received. Please get ready
to place your order with Sis.
Jennifer Walker. Order forms
are available.
UNITY PRAYER WATCH: Moravians have been
praying around the clock for a long time. This year we
have been assigned to be praying intentionally for the
world on December 14th
. Sign up on the sheet posted in
the Narthex.
Congratulations to Sis. Cheryl
Gooding on the birth of her
grandson Aiden weighing
7 lbs and measuring 18 inches.
Special congrats to Sis Jas-
mine and her husband from all
of us. Our prayers are with
them as they enjoy this new
journey of parenthood.
Jennifer Walker 11/23
Kinderel Hodgson 11/24
Michael Blackstone 11/25
Siera Sloan 11/25
Trudy McCormack 11/26
Zainab Garcia 11/26
Ivone Campbell 11/27
Noel Patron-Gonzalez 11/27
Jewel Thompson 11/30
Edward Jackson 12/4
Mernel Brumley 12/ 5
Denver Taylor 12/7
Aeisha Jackson-Strong 12/9
Cyndi Campbell 12/10
Becky Sloan 12/11
Evelyn Omeir 12/11
Gilmore Thompson Jr. 12/12
Margaret Robertson 12/13
Luchelle Jackson 12/14
Jamelia Thomas 12/14
Kaiya Nash 12/15
Ennis Hodgson 12/16
Julize Benjamin 12/16
Horace McCormack 12/18
Winston Taylor 12/20
Gilmore Thompson Sr. 12/21
George Omeir 12/22
Jureen Benjamin 12/22
Shaquanna Lopez 12/22
Howard Cowan 11/13
Tashika Garcia-Clouden 11/16
Maria Brebnor 11/16
Carl Cash 11/17
Lisa Ferdinand 11/17
Latisha Lopez 11/18
Edwin Campbell 11/18
Rochelle Cowan 11/21
Roy Williams 11/21
Adrian Wright 11/22
Isaiah Lopez 12/24
Hakeem Henry 12/25
Carolyn Morant 12/26
Michael McMiller 12/26
Enid Wright 12/27
Charles Campbell 12/28
Joyce Cunningham 12/29
Madeline Taylor 12/29
Phyllis Leath 12/30
Bevon White Jr. 12/31
Sarah Dixon-Hodgson 12/31
Livingston & Annablle Willis 4th
Dave & Lorena Hodgson 10th
Bevon & Cecile White 17th
Roswell & Phyllis Thomas 18th
Carlos & Christine Hunter 21st
Wayne & Jane Narcisso 21st
Samuel & Winsome Weathers 21
Dennis Sr. & Ivonne Campbell 29th
Winston & Rose Wilson 29th
In Essentials Unity,
In Non-Essentials Liberty
In all Things Love.
405 Riggs Road NE Washington DC 20011
Phone: 202-635-9012/ 202-635– 9013
Fax: 202-635-9014
Check out our website:
Like and join us on Facebook: Faith Moravian Church of the Nation’s
TRUSTEES: David Whittle (President); Audrey Waite (VP); Jacqueline Jackson
(Secretary); Yvonne Lyttle; Maxine Jackson-Strong; Delma Alexander; Lisa Ferdinand;
Garth Salmon (Comptroller); David Benjamin (Treasurer)
ELDERS: Rev. Bevon White (Chairman); Jennifer Walker (VC); Cheryl Gooding
(Secretary); Mernel Brumley; Bernice Lloyd; Pearline Ennis; Xenia Omeir; Alda Allen
CHURCH COUNCIL: Horace McCormack (President); Rudolph Panton (VP); Samantha
Omeir (Secretary)

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Steps of Faith | Volume 3 Issue 2

  • 1. Since our last publication much has hap- pened at Faith. The summer months and early fall saw many interactions between the members and friends of the congre- gation, as well as between us and the community, as we made the most of the opportunities our calendar offered to get together for Biblical teaching, mission outreach and fellowship. This not only took place on our church grounds but saw us heading off in small groups to different locations. At the end of it all, those who participated are left with clos- er bonds of fellowship and a longing for the next such occasion. The months gone by are a sure indication that our congre- gation is active and alive even though there is much we still need to do to achieve our full potential. Two of our main areas of focus since September have been Evangelism and Stewardship. Although both are given effort throughout the year, in these months we produce events that are geared towards growth in our congrega- tion. The success of these activities in no way determines the success of our con- gregation’s ministry overall. We must however be willing to learn - refocus where necessary or build upon, as the opportunities present themselves. The Evangelism Committee has shown its ability to do this - as the Annual Health Fair continues to offer more to the com- munity each year. We still have much to learn, however as we seek ways to better engage the community in which we are located as well as our own church com- munity. It is noteworthy that there are always a large group of members who volunteer for the Health Fair, many of whom are not involved in other areas of ministry. The lack of commitment of many members of our congregation to the Evangelism pro- grams of the church is also reflected in a lack of commitment to the Stewardship ministry as well as a complete lack of com- mitment to the mission of the congrega- tion. What is our mission? As a congrega- tion, we declare that in response to God’s love in our lives we (congregation and in- dividuals) will commit to spread the gos- pel, serve others, and nurture all of God’s people as representatives of Christ. The importance of the Stewardship and Evan- gelism programs to this mission is that while Stewardship seeks to equip us with training and finances for the mission, Evangelism seeks to provide the opportuni- ties to fulfill this God given imperative. The question for you then is where do you fit in? To not do one or the other, or even both, is to be disobedient to the call of Je- sus in the scriptures. May this season of Stewardship Focus; challenge us to be so thankful for God’s loving action in our lives that we rise to the building up of His Kingdom among humanity, pledging our full support to the mission of our congrega- tion and of our faith. Matthew 6:33 ‘But seek ye first the king- dom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.’ Till next time. Be blessed! FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E : Highlights & Updates 2 Highlights & Updates 3 Church Happenings 4 Announce- ments 5 F A I T H M O R A V I A N C H U R C H O F T H E N A T I O N S C A P I T A L STEPS OF FAITHN O V E M B E R 1 1 , 2 0 1 6V O L U M E 3 , I S S U E 2 OUR MISSION: Faith Moravian Church, responding to God’s love has been called to: ⇒ Spread the gospel ⇒ Serve Others ⇒ Nurture all God’s people with love, respect, trust and forgiveness after the example of Christ. Watch word for the Year: ‘I will sing to the Lord because He has dealt bountifully with me.’ Psalm 13:6
  • 2. P A G E 2 HHHH IIII GGGG HHHH LLLL IIII GGGG HHHH TTTT SSSS &&&& UUUU PPPP DDDD AAAA TTTT EEEE SSSS STEWARDSHIP CORNER As we think back on these three words: ‘Grace, Gratitude and Generosity’ they remind us of how good God is, and always will be to us. With Grace– it’s unearned favors we receive from God that we don’t deserve. He supplies all our needs without counting the costs. Gratitude is thankful- ness to God in all circumstances. Generosity is giving, sharing and not being selfish. As God has blessed us , we should cheerfully and willingly share with others. So brothers and sisters as we continue to focus on “Stewardship” both in the life of our congrega- tion and the wider community our emphasis should be on doing our best in moving forward. Good stewards should dedicate themselves to doing God’s work whole heartedly. This means doing His will with willing hearts, giving of your best in time, talent, finances and all it takes to show the world we are faithful and dedicated stewards. “We are Obligated!” Deuteronomy 8:18 reminds us that the lord our God gives us the knowledge and strength to cre- ate all things including wealth. As good stewards we have the responsibility to share our God- given talents with others who are less fortunate. Lord, thank you for your grace and mercy, as you continue to direct our path as we do our best at being good stewards. Submitted by: Sis. Pearline Ennis YOUTH CORNER May: The youth fellow travelled to New Jer- sey for the Memorial Day Picnic at Camp Hope. It was day of food, fun and fellowship with fellow Moravians in the Eastern District. June: We celebrated Father’s Day with the Youth recognizing four fathers. Special thanks to Sis. Annisse for her tribute and the Wom- en’s Fellowship who provided a sumptuous dinner. July: The youth group had a wonderful night out at the Baltimore Harbor. We also journeyed to Egypt through Vacation Bible School. Thanks to all the persons who contrib- uted in-kind and with their time. The Young- sters also participated in Summer Camps held at Camp Hope during the months of July and August. September: Youth Fellowship resumed as youth rally preparations continue. October: Faith hosted the 2016 Youth Ral- ly on October 7th -9th. It was a wonderful and blessed event. The members of the Youth Fellowship and its leadership are appreciative to all our Faith fam- ily and friends. We look forward to your con- tinued assistance and support wherever needed. Submitted by: Sis. Kerrian Simpson BOARD OF TRUSTEES The year 2016 is quickly coming to a close and the Trustees have some mandatory assign- ments to complete. The church sign is here at the church and will be erected in the coming weeks. The landscape of Riggs Rd will not be the same. We hope our surrounding communi- ty will want to come visit and then not want to leave. The Trustees are continuing to reduce expens- es wherever it is possible and improve our financial wellbeing. The refinancing of the church mortgage is of primary focus. As we bring our church into current times, we hope E-giving will become a part of our church financial improvement. The Faith Moravian church now shares its space with two tenants. The Way of the Cross church rents the Fellowship Hall and we now have an Educational Center in the lower level. We look forward to a long and blessed associ- ation with our tenants. The Trustees will continue to sponsor fund- raising events that will assist in keeping our building comfortable and beautiful. Together we will continue to work as a church family to make our church prosperous. S T E P S O F F A I T H
  • 3. HIGHLIGHTS & UPDATES CONT’D P A G E 3V O L U M E 3 , I S S U E 2 ENQUIRERS’ CLASS Interested in learning more about the basics of Christian- ity in the Moravian Church? Are you an adult who has been visiting Faith but not a member? If yes, then this is a one or two session class designed to answer your questions about membership and prepare you for recep- tion/ confirmation. Speak to Pastor or an Elder. CONFIRMATION– Enroll Now for Fall! Do you have a youngster who is ready to explore his/her relation- ship with God and discuss some of life’s big questions? Eg. Are prayers answered? Why do bad things happen to good people? Confirmation offers answers and guidelines to daily Christian liv- ing. Encourage your children in joining the class . It’ s a lifetime gift they will be receiving. Speak to Pastor or an Elder. SENIOR CITIZENS FELLOWSHIP Are you retired? At home during the days? If yes, then this is for you. This is a once monthly meet- ing with senior citizens of the con- gregation and community. It will involve Bible Study, a meal and a fun activity or informative presenta- tion. We will meet the last Thurs- day of each month from 11 am to 2 pm. RENEWED PANS OF FAITH YOUTH STEEL ORCHESTRA A look back into our recent past brings us fond memo- ries of one dynamic group that brought so much vitali- ty, pride and unmistakable joy to the entire community. That was “Pans of Faith Youth Steel Orchestra”. Sadly the group slowly dissolved as the youth grew up and moved on to College and the rest of their lives. The good news is that a new group was formed in the Spring of 2016 to not only to replace the void that was left , but to blaze their own trail and set their own stand- ard of musical excellence and unrelenting zeal. The group was spearheaded by four former members of the Pans of Faith. They are : Deonte Carter-Bass; Janelle Hodgson - Tenor; Kinderell Hodgson - Double Tenor and David Benjamin Bass. It was their talent, dedica- tion and tenacity that gave birth to this new group. We were blessed in finding a father and son team to teach and lead the group. They are Mr. Robert Twaithes - Instructor and a seasoned and talented Pannist along with his son Sheldon Twaithes - Arraigner/Instructor and a talented and pragmatic Berklee University Music Graduate . They have provided the hard work and nur- turing environment to bring about an amazing transfor- mation in such a short time. The group has had two per- formances recently and has displayed the poise, talent and focused delivery that it takes many years of practice to achieve. As we continue to develop our brand we seek the sup- port of the Faith Community and the Blessing of our Heavenly Farther. We hope to incorporate an Adult Band in 2017 as we continue to “make a Joyful noise unto the Lord.” Sis. Audrey Waite - Director ; Pans of Faith Steel Orchestra Board of Elders Greetings from the Board of Elders in the name of Jesus Christ our risen Lord and Savior! Happy New Year – Church Year that is - to all members and friends of Faith Moravian! We are grateful to God for all His grace and mercies that we experienced over the past year, both as individuals and a church family. Together we accom- plished much! We can recall with pride and joy many programs that were successfully planned and implemented. And so, we give God thanks for all the leaders of committees / ministries / programs and projects - no matter how small it may seem. As we enter this New Church Year, let us continue to pray for: Each other as we seek to strengthen our faith; For patience and understanding to work together; For that joy and peace, which come only from God and surpass all understanding; and finally we continue to pray for our Pastor and his family for spiritual leadership, vision, and strength for the future.
  • 4. P A G E 4 CHURCH HAPPENINGS S T E P S O F F A I T H Youth rally 2016 Fun Day 2016 Picnic Health Fair VBS
  • 5. P A G E 5V O L U M E 3 , I S S U E 2 OUR MINISTRY OF PRAYER We continue to pray for: We continue to pray for: Sis Sandy Cash who is re- covering at home from a surgery. Bro. Lester Smith who is undergoing medical tests. Bro Carl Cash and Sis Karen Kerr were recently hospitalized and are both recuperating at their homes. Bro Edward Jackson who continues to recover from surgery on his eyes, as well as prepare for further treatment/ surgery. Sis Janis Famous whose treatment continues. Sis Jaden Gooding as she continues the road to full re- covery. Continue to pray for Sis. Mernel Brumley, Sis. Joy Morant, Sis. Marva Cash, Sis. Juta Benjamin & Br Charles Campbell. Pray also for the continued re- covery of Sis. Juta Lewis and Sis. Jackie Hodgson. All Victims of Violence & Natural Disasters World Peace & Nuclear Disarmament OFFICER NOMINATIONS Each year there are openings for three year terms of service on the Board of Elders, and Trustees. The Church Council will elect mem- bers for the Joint board in January 2017. This opportunity will allow you to become a part of the leadership of the congregation. The Elders oversee the overall ministry of the congregation which includes worship, Christian Ed, member- ship, outreach/mission, church calendar and vis- itations. The Trustees are entrusted with the fi- nancial concerns of the congregation which in- cludes property, salaries, fundraisers and bills. Board of Trustees meet 2nd Saturdays @ 10am. Elders– 1st Saturdays @ 11am. Please prayer- fully consider serving if you are approached. COLD WEATHER ACCESSORIES Please remember to put your gloves, scarves, hats and socks on the Christmas tree in the Narthex. These will be donated to those in need during the winter months. THANKSGIVING BASKETS It’s Thanksgiving season and a wonderful time of reflection on our many blessings. Please consider sharing your blessings with those who are less fortunate. You can do this by giving your donations to Sis. Maisie Pringle as she prepares the Thanksgiving baskets. ANGEL TREE - It starts with a gift… Angel Tree is a program of Prison Fellowship that serves incarcerated parents by providing pathway for strengthening and restoring their relationships with their children and families. ‘Each year churches volunteer to deliver gifts to children who have a parent in prison. Their parents usually cannot afford Christmas gifts but the desperately want their child to know that they love them.’ This is a project that the Youth would love to attempt so we are looking for your usual support in this outreach event. BAKE SALE: Please get ready to order your Christmas cake/ black cake . This will be in aid of funding the kids in youth fel- lowship to Ohio 2017. Cost: $10 & $20. Contact Sisters: Grace, Jackie or Kim. CHRISTMAS POINSETTIAS The poinsettias which will dec- orate our sanctuary this year during the Christmas Eve ser- vices may be purchased as me- morials for loved ones, to honor someone special or for bless- ings received. Please get ready to place your order with Sis. Jennifer Walker. Order forms are available. UNITY PRAYER WATCH: Moravians have been praying around the clock for a long time. This year we have been assigned to be praying intentionally for the world on December 14th . Sign up on the sheet posted in the Narthex. CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Sis. Cheryl Gooding on the birth of her grandson Aiden weighing 7 lbs and measuring 18 inches. Special congrats to Sis Jas- mine and her husband from all of us. Our prayers are with them as they enjoy this new journey of parenthood.
  • 6. Jennifer Walker 11/23 Kinderel Hodgson 11/24 Michael Blackstone 11/25 Siera Sloan 11/25 Trudy McCormack 11/26 Zainab Garcia 11/26 Ivone Campbell 11/27 Noel Patron-Gonzalez 11/27 Jewel Thompson 11/30 Edward Jackson 12/4 Mernel Brumley 12/ 5 Denver Taylor 12/7 Aeisha Jackson-Strong 12/9 Cyndi Campbell 12/10 Becky Sloan 12/11 Evelyn Omeir 12/11 Gilmore Thompson Jr. 12/12 Margaret Robertson 12/13 Luchelle Jackson 12/14 Jamelia Thomas 12/14 Kaiya Nash 12/15 Ennis Hodgson 12/16 Julize Benjamin 12/16 Horace McCormack 12/18 Winston Taylor 12/20 Gilmore Thompson Sr. 12/21 George Omeir 12/22 Jureen Benjamin 12/22 Shaquanna Lopez 12/22 OVER THE HORIZON NOV.19TH SHOPPING TRIP NOV. 20TH HARVEST THANKSGIVING SERVICE NOV.27TH FIRST SUNDAY IN ADVENT DEC. 3 RALLY OF THE HOMELANDS DEC.10 VESPERS – MORAVIAN COL- LEGE DEC.11 CHRISTMAS PRESENTATION – YOUTH DEC.24 CANDLELIGHT LOVE FEAST SERVICE DEC. 31ST WATCH NIGHT SERVICE BIRTHDAYS - NOV& DEC Howard Cowan 11/13 Tashika Garcia-Clouden 11/16 Maria Brebnor 11/16 Carl Cash 11/17 Lisa Ferdinand 11/17 Latisha Lopez 11/18 Edwin Campbell 11/18 Rochelle Cowan 11/21 Roy Williams 11/21 Adrian Wright 11/22 Isaiah Lopez 12/24 Hakeem Henry 12/25 Carolyn Morant 12/26 Michael McMiller 12/26 Enid Wright 12/27 Charles Campbell 12/28 Joyce Cunningham 12/29 Madeline Taylor 12/29 Phyllis Leath 12/30 Bevon White Jr. 12/31 Sarah Dixon-Hodgson 12/31 ANNIVERSARIES– DEC Livingston & Annablle Willis 4th Dave & Lorena Hodgson 10th Bevon & Cecile White 17th Roswell & Phyllis Thomas 18th Carlos & Christine Hunter 21st Wayne & Jane Narcisso 21st Samuel & Winsome Weathers 21 Dennis Sr. & Ivonne Campbell 29th Winston & Rose Wilson 29th In Essentials Unity, In Non-Essentials Liberty In all Things Love. FAITH MORAVIAN CHURCH OF THE NATION’S CAPITAL 405 Riggs Road NE Washington DC 20011 Phone: 202-635-9012/ 202-635– 9013 Fax: 202-635-9014 Email: Email: Email: Check out our website: Like and join us on Facebook: Faith Moravian Church of the Nation’s Capital TRUSTEES: David Whittle (President); Audrey Waite (VP); Jacqueline Jackson (Secretary); Yvonne Lyttle; Maxine Jackson-Strong; Delma Alexander; Lisa Ferdinand; Garth Salmon (Comptroller); David Benjamin (Treasurer) ELDERS: Rev. Bevon White (Chairman); Jennifer Walker (VC); Cheryl Gooding (Secretary); Mernel Brumley; Bernice Lloyd; Pearline Ennis; Xenia Omeir; Alda Allen CHURCH COUNCIL: Horace McCormack (President); Rudolph Panton (VP); Samantha Omeir (Secretary)