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Thesis Title Ideas For College
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Thesis Introduction Outline - Thesis Title Ideas For College Thesis Introduction Outline - Thesis Title Ideas For
The Writing Style Of Ernest Hemingway s Writing
Writing Hemingway s Style People aspire to be as great a writer as Ernest Hemingway. Hemingway s
dramatic life starting as a small journalist, and ending as a veteran from the US army. He continued to
write even through the hardships which led him to create some of the world s most known stories.
Hemingway had word choices, fluidity, and a unique technique in all of his books. The Old Man and
the Sea, Very Short Story, and The Sun also Rises, are just some of the greatest and most renowned
works of Ernest Hemingway. His smooth words and style never lets a reader walk away from a
reading feeling anything less than amazed. Ernest Hemingway was raised by his mother and father,
with his five siblings. His father was a doctor and an outdoorsman. His life with his family was
depicted in his writings, but the turning point in Hemingway s life was being recruited into the war.
He was an ambulance driver through the war and was wounded, which lead to a heart wrenching
romance that was depicted in his writing, which in turn created very realistic read. Hemingway s
fiction usually focuses on people living essential, dangerous lives soldiers, fishermen, athletes,
bullfighters who meet the pain and difficulty of their existence with stoic courage (
Hemingway wrote about things to which readers could connect, giving feelings to readers that they
never had before. During the war Hemingway met and fell in love with a woman, when he was
released from the war
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Essay on Making a Tissue Box Cover
Adding decorative elements to a home can be done in many ways. One interesting option is to create a
cover for any dull looking tissue box in a living room, kitchen, or other room. The cover for a standard
tissue box can be made from many types of materials. One option is to use construction paper or fabric
which needs to be sewn. However, the cover will need to fold up on each side of the box which is then
fastened at the top. Review a few steps to make a simple tissue box cover.
Fabric Tissue Box Cover
Multiply the height of the tissue box by the width after adding one quarter inch for the seams. Measure
the top of your box and obtain the width and the height. Add one quarter inch to each measurement
and then multiple them together. ... Show more content on ...
Add one quarter inch to each measurement. The top also needs to be measured for the width and
Transfer the measurements for the tissue box to sheets of pieces of one quarter inch foam board. Use a
a ruler and utility knife to cut each piece. Trim one eighth of an inch from two side pieces. Cut an oval
shape out of the top section for the tissue.
Apply tacky glue to each edge of the side pieces and glue them together to form a square. The glue
will likely be dry in a couple of minutes. Apply tacky glue around the top and press the top piece in
Determine the color for your tissue box cover and purchase the necessary construction paper. You
have the option for black paper or another color for the base if accessories are being added.
Measure each side of the tissue box to obtain the width and height. Transfer the measurements over
the the paper and cut out five sheets. Attach double sided tape to the back of each black sheet. Place
all the sheets on the sides of the tissue box. The next step is to measure the width and length of the top
of your tissue box. Cut a piece of construction paper and tape it to the top of the tissue box. A pair of
scissors is needed to cut the hole for the tissue.
Decorate the sides of the tissue box by using different piece of colored construction paper. Trace out
an object or different shapes and cut then out with the scissors. Apply small pieces of tape or craft glue
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Marx Objectification Of Labor Analysis
Caleb Czyzyk
November 6, 2017
History of Economic Thought
Dr. Hamed
Primary 4 Marx begins his assertions by noting the commodities produced by a worker. A commodity
is simply anything used for exchange value. He argues that a worker s labor is a commodity, and that
it is the ugliest commodity available to the capitalist property owners. On page 323, Marx states, The
worker becomes an even cheaper commodity the more commodities he produces. This leads into how
capitalism alienates a worker from his own labor. There are essentially two commodities at work; the
workman s labor and the product. Marx denotes this as objectification of labor. It is when someone
puts hard work into something and that manifests itself in a material good. Under the efficiency of
capitalism, that worker takes little pride in the production of that commodity because he has no
connection to it. For example, under capitalism a man no longer puts his labor into making a chair and
then can see the product of his hands. Instead, the man now operates a machine that carves four holes
in the chair. He does this thousands of times a week. He can no longer manifest this objectification or
satisfaction of labor. The more commodities a man produces, the less he will be able to afford himself.
The surplus value of his labor is only a benefit to the capitalists. The product has complete control
over the individual. This is how a worker becomes alienated from his labor. He no longer has this
attachment and sense of purpose from the object he has created. If the more objects he creates in the
assembly line only causes the bourgeois to get richer and in turn causes him to lose commodities, he
becomes estranged. Marx breaks down even further the estrangement that occurs. He dives deeper into
objectification by saying that the alienation occurs in two fold. First, a worker accesses the natural
material world and makes something. This gives him what Marx calls the means of life. The means of
life has two deviations. There is the means of life that is more spiritual. It gives a worker a sense of
purpose and pride in their work. This has already been discussed, and how a worker loses this passion
when they become a cog in a machine. Secondly, Marx says
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Dylan Monologue
Since I m driving, Chloe looks at my phone for me, Ew. Why is Dylan calling you? More importantly,
why do you still have his number? Dylan is one of my infamous exes; we dated for a year and a half
back when I was in the height of my hit it and quit it phase. He shared my philosophy on relationships,
and we were extremely public and extremely volatile; the media ate us up. We were basically a
(slightly) classier version of Britney and Kevin Federline. Dylan was one of the only hearts I didn t
break; in fact, he broke up with cheating on me with a stripper. He s a class act for sure.
Despite the fact that he s a skeezy womanizer that annoys the ever living daylights out of me 98
percent of the time, I can t let him go. Dylan understands ... Show more content on ...
You. Guys. Stole. A. Car. Chloe is breathing hard and she punctuates every word of her sentence. I
was so proud of you. You didn t mention Dylan once in ten whole months, and the second he calls you
slip right back to him. I ve watched you go back and forth between other guys and him for three years
now; it isn t healthy. I know I told you to get a boyfriend, but I didn t mean it. You ve become such an
awesome person these past few months...not that you weren t in the past, that s not what I m
saying...but you ve gotten extra awesome ever since you stopped focusing on being eater...and
started focusing on you. Man eater, Chloe? Really? Look, I can t cancel on Dylan now. You know how
I hate telling people no. But if it makes you feel better, I won t let him stay past 10 and I ll call you
when he leaves so you can make sure he s gone. Chloe is being overbearing, but it s just because she
cares about me. As my best friend, it s her duty to protect me from myself; she has her work cut out
for her. Even though she still looks indignant, Chloe lets the Dylan conversation go and we talk about
Chris release party until we reach the Baker Tea. When I pull into the strip mall where the restaurant it
located, I notice a swarm of paparazzi surrounding its front
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Aesop’s Fables
Aesop s Fables Introduction: I already know a good amount about the Aesop s fables before doing any
real research. Almost everyone as a child was introduced to the stories such as the boy who cried wolf
or the tortoise and the hare . As a child many adults would read these stories to me because they have
a very strong moral. It can guide children to do the right thing when they are in doubts. I have a very
personal experience with the tortoise and the hare because since I am a tennis player, my coaches
would always mention these stories in regarding to practice and how we should be playing. This
actually taught me a lot and made me the player I am today. I know that all fables are made up so that
they can teach a life lesson/moral to ... Show more content on ...
These are both stories that have animals as characters and convey a moral for the characters action.
For example, the tortoise and the hare is the story of a hare that was way too cocky and thought he
could run really fast then take a nap and run fast again while the tortoise was a humble animal and just
went at a slow pace to the finish line. The tortoise ended up winning because while the hare was
sleeping, he was going at his slow pace but did not stop until he finished. This is a typical type of fable
because it is short and sweet, has animals as characters, and shows a moral that comes out of the
characters actions. Many fables have good and bad animal characters to convey the good things that
come from good actions, and the bad things from bad actions. The majority of the fables you will read
will have characters that show what happens to the good animal and what happens to the bad one.
Stories like, the tortoise and the hare, the bat and the birds, the dog and the wolf, and the fox and the
goat are just a few to name. In all of them however we see the good that comes from being someone
good and the bad for the bad character. This is what conveys the moral and shows the reader how you
want to be. These animals help show the moral because as animals we feel for them and it shows us
what happens when you re good or bad. And it is also easier for kids to relate to animals rather than
anything else because they get attached to them and since fables
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Invictus Figurative Language
The poem Invictus written in 1888 by William Ernest Henley is a powerful scripture to individuals to
relate to in instances of overcoming some form of hardships. Upon doing ample research William
Ernest Henley was endowed with the ability to write poetry. In fact while writing Invictus that is when
everyone believes his artistic motif came about when it came to poetry as he was fighting tuberculosis.
Invictus was a poem labeled in the late victorian era of poetry that contains many instances of
figurative language. Powerful tone setting words such as How charged with punishments and In the
fell clutch of circumstance . Henley s diction proves to impress and brings ... Show more content on ...
That he will stand unwavering to his hardships of sickness and lead on his life like he believes it
should be led. Throughout Invictus many examples of personal strength are shown despite what it may
feel like to be beat down by circumstance. Henley s writing expresses his sheer will to not quit on life
and is inspiring to any outlook on life despite certain circumstances, to remind everyone to be the
master of fate.
A major theme displayed in invictus is having an Unwavering confidence and will power to overcome
circumstances that try to keep one down in life. Whether it be a sickness such as cancer or tuberculosis
such as Henley. Even if life throws hardships and makes an individual a victim of circumstance. To
overcome and to control is the literary message Henley is trying to convey through his own
experiences of being a patient within the hospital. Within the poem Henley powerfully emitted this
strong central theme throughout the poem and it sends a strong message to anyone who may be
undergoing a
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Computer Worm Known As Code Red
This report mainly focuses on the computer worm known as Code Red . The crisis with this worm
began with the exploitation of Buffer overflow vulnerability discovered in Microsoft IIS web server
which could make the. ida ISAPI filter predisposed to buffer overflow attacks allowing attackers to
gain full system level access to the web server remotely and perform any action which may include
Execution of programs, manipulation of web server databases, change files and web pages leading to a
full system level compromise . On June 18, 2001, an advisory was released by eEye Digital Security
which notified the users that a remote buffer overflow vulnerability is existing in Microsoft IIS
webserver software and advised them to download a patch made available in order to address this
system vulnerability.
Code Red (Computer worm)
Code Red was initially discovered in the year 2001. It has exploited the system vulnerability present in
Microsoft IIS webserver enabling the attacker to run buffer overflow attack mechanism and take full
control by infecting the host system and then executing an arbitrary code. This worm was released on
July 13, 2001 infecting more than 20000 systems within just ten minutes of release and by July 19,
2001 it has infected around 359,000 hosts causing damage in billions of dollars. Code Red worm
basically spreads through the port 80 TCP/IP transmissions. There are three different versions of Code
Red computer worms severely affecting the security of
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How Does Tea Cake Affect Janie s Life
Tea Cake is Janie s soulmate and the first person to truly understand her. Tea Cake cared for and loved
Janie, teaching her things and showing her a love she had never experienced before. Their relationship
was intimate and loving, which Janie lacked in her first two marriages. While Janie grows and finds
herself throughout the story, Tea Cake effects her the most. After meeting Tea Cake, Janie experiences
the most growth and finds herself truly happy, thanks to the love he shows her. Ever since Janie was a
young girl, she longed for love and intimacy. While lying under the pear tree, she would often think
about her future and the love she would experience, the thousand sister calyxes arch to meet the love
embrace and the ecstatic ... Show more content on ...
Somebody wanted her to play. Somebody thought it natural for her to play (Hurston 96.) When Tea
Cake and Janie move to the Everglades, Tea Cake allows Janie to work, which Janie s first husband
never allowed her to do. Tea Cake see s Janie as equal and makes her feel loved and appreciated. Even
after Tea Cake s death, he still affects Janie and still has an impact on her. After Joe died, Janie had to
pretend to grieve, when she was actually very happy. Joe s death had no effect on her and she never
thought about him after that. Janie mourns Tea Cake s death and spends a lot of money making his
funeral special, Tea Cake was the son of Evening Sun, and nothing was too good. The Undertaker did
a handsome job and Tea Cake slept royally on his white silken couch among the roses she had bought
(Hurston 189.) Janie see s Tea Cake after his death, Of course he wasn t dead. He could never be dead
until she herself had finished feeling and thinking (Hurston 193.) Janie knows that Tea Cake will
never truly be dead until she herself has passed. Tea Cake will live forever in Janie because he
changed her life and saved her from the darkness. Before Tea Cake s death, Janie told him, Ah jus
know dat God snatched me out de fire
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General Motors Case Study-2005
Case Analysis General Motors 2005 Course Instructor: Prof Dr Ali Askari Date: October 29th, 2010
Group # 5 Niveen Qadri (29) Muzna Ahmed (28) Maryam Khan (21) Sidra Tun Nisa (37) General
Motors I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Mission: General Motors is committed to be a leader in
providing transportation products and services of such quality that its customers will receive superior
value, its employees and business partners will share their success and their shareholders will receive
a sustained return on their investment. From 1908 to 1976, it had grown rapidly. But today its market
share has fallen and together with challenges posed by economic conditions, in the form of rising
healthcare costs and ... Show more content on ...
II. CURRENT SITUATION a. Current Performance From 1908 to 1976, it had grown rapidly. But
today its market share has fallen from 47 percent to 26 percent and together with challenges posed by
economic conditions and stiff completion GM is facing a tough time in sustaining its profits. GM is
deriving its 100% profits from its financing division and not from the sales of vehicles. b. Strategic
Posture i. Mission General Motors is committed to be a leader in providing transportation products
and services of such quality that its customers will receive superior value, its employees and business
partners will share their success and their shareholders will receive a sustained return on their
investment. Vision: GM s vision is to be the world leader in transportation products and related
services. It will earn its customers enthusiasm through continuous improvement driven by the
integrity, teamwork and innovation of GM people. Becoming the best is an unending journey, a
constantly changing destination. But that s where we re determined to drive one car, one truck, one
customer at a time. ii. Strategies Bond offering to cover pension costs Market Development Sustaining
growth of 37 per cent in China market Product Development Launch of hybrid cars III. STRATEGIC
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Beaumont Independent School County Case Report
We are the attorneys for the Beaumont Independent School District ( BISD or the District ) and will
represent the District in any matter related to the above referenced case. Please add the below names,
addresses, emails, and fax numbers to TEA s proof of service regarding this case. BISD hereby files
its Notice of Insufficiency and Plea to the Jurisdiction/Motion to Dismiss the Complaint in the instant
matter. PETITIONER S COMPLAINT IS INSUFFICIENT The IDEA regulations require a due
process complaint to contain a description of the nature of the problem resulting in the complaint,
including facts relating to the problem. A party may not have a hearing until the party files a due
process complaint that meets these requirements at 34 ... Show more content on ...
A due process complaint must contain, inter alia, a description of the nature of the problem of the
child relating to such proposed initiation or change, including facts relating to such problem, 20
U.S.C. Section 1415 (b)(7)(A)(ii)(III) and 34 C.F.R. Part 300.508 and a proposed resolution of the
problem to the extent known and available to the party at the time. (20 U.S.C. Section 1415 (b) (7) (A)
(ii) (IV).) [A] party may not have a due process hearing until the party, or the attorney representing the
party, files a notice that meets the requirements of [20 U.S.C. Section 1415 (b)(7)(A)(ii)]. (20 U.S.C.
Section 1415(b) (7) (B).) The recipient of a due process complaint must notify the Hearing Officer and
all other parties if it believes the complaint has not met the requirements of §1415 (b) (7) (A) (ii)
within fifteen (15) days of receiving the complaint. (20 U.S.C. Sections 1415(c) (2) (A) and 1415(c)
(2) (C).) In accordance with (20 U.S.C. Section 1415(c) (2) (D) and 34 C.F.R. Part 300.508 the
Hearing Officer must notify the parties in writing of its determination as to the sufficiency of the
complaint within five (5) days of receiving the notice of insufficiency. Whether a complaint is
sufficient is a matter within the sound discretion of the Administrative Law Judge. (Assistance to
States for the Education of Children with Disabilities Preschool Grants for Children with Disabilities
(Aug. 14, 2006) 71 FR 46,540 46541,
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Aspirin Therapy For Vascular Disorders
Aspirin Therapy for Vascular Disorders
Physicians across the country agree that daily use of aspirin for prevention of vascular disorders is
controversial (Neale, 2014). Dr. J. Jaques Carter of Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel
Deaconess Medical Center in Boston admits that he used to recommend a daily aspirin to all of his
middle aged adult patients, regardless of vascular disease risk factors being present, as it was standard
procedure at the time (Neale, 2014). Dr. Len Horovitz of Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City
explains that the FDA guidelines regarding routine prescription of aspirin for men and women over
age 55 and 65 respectively have changed as studies have demonstrated the greater risk of GI bleeding
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This paper will explore the benefits and risks of routine use of aspirin therapy in the treatment of
vascular disease and prevention of its concurrent complications. According to Burchum Rosenthal
(2016) five major risk factors for heart disease are age, gender, cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and
smoking status . If you fit this profile, a daily aspirin might be recommended as you are at high risk
for having your first heart attack, may have had a heart attack or stroke in the past and as long as you
do not have a history of bleeding or clotting disorders (Mayo Clinic, 2016). The benefit of a daily
aspirin would be to prevent platelets from sticking together and forming a blockage where a vessel is
damaged due to disease or lifestyle or may be narrowed from fat deposits or atherosclerosis (Mayo
Clinic, 2016). VanWormer et al. (2012) proposed that aspirin therapy is actually under utilized by high
risk patients and over utilized by those at low risk for cardiovascular disease where the risk of
bleeding is greater than the possible benefits. Having limited data regarding the sociodemographic
variables of aspirin use, VanWormer et al. (2012) set about creating a study to evaluate these variables
among adults in Wisconsin without a history of cardiovascular disease. Using guidelines for aspirin
use established by the US Preventive Services
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How 5-HT modulates NMDA receptor activation is a key...
How 5 HT modulates NMDA receptor activation is a key question of interest. Despite being cation
channels, NMDA receptors have non linear, voltage dependent conductance (Mayer and Westbrook,
1987). This property results from the voltage dependent Mg2+ blockade of the receptor channels
(Mayer et al., 1984; Nowak et al., 1984) and thus leads to the negative slope conductance in the
current voltage relationship (i.e. I V curve; Nowak et al., 1984; Flatman et al., 1983; MacDonald et al.,
1982). Because of the voltage dependent conductance, NMDA receptor activation generates intrinsic
voltage oscillations in spinal neurons of rat (Hochman et al., 1994a; Hochman et al., 1994b) and
amphibian (Sillar and Simmers, 1994a; Sillar and Simmers, 1994b) ... Show more content on ...
In the cord preparations with TTX treatment, 5 HT application reintroduced the negative slope
conductance in the I V curve of healthy motoneurons failing to show the negative slope conductance
in the presence of NMDA alone (Schmidt and Jordan, 2000). Moreover, in other motoneurons
showing the negative slope conductance in the presence of NMDA alone, 5 HT caused the negative
slope conductance to shift toward the hyperpolarizing direction, which could be reversed by 5 HT
antagonist mianserin (Schmidt and Jordan, 2000). Reducing the bath concentration of Mg2+ also
mimicked the hyperpolarizing shift of the negative slope conductance by 5 HT (Schmidt and Jordan,
2000). Via 5 HT2 receptor activation, protein kinase C (PKC) can enhance the hyperpolarizing shift of
the negative slope conductance in the I V curve of NMDA receptors and also reduce Mg2+ blockade
of the receptor channels (Blank et al., 1996; Chen and Huang, 1992). Therefore, the effect of 5 HT on
the negative slope conductance of NMDA receptors may result from reduction of Mg2+ blockade of
the receptor channels. Even more interestingly, Li and Zhuo (1998) discovered that 5 HT can induce
the transformation of silent glutamatergic synapses into functional ones in some rat superficial dorsal
horn neurons (Li and Zhuo, 1998). They detected silent synapses, which are excitatory postsynaptic
currents mediated by NMDA receptors, by depolarizing the cells from 70 mV to +40 mV (Li and
Zhuo, 1998). However, 5 HT
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How Did Harriet Tubman Contribute
Harriet Tubman was a leader in the abolitionist movement, a spy during the Civil War, and a nurse.
She is one of the most famous women in history. Harriet Tubman s real name was Araminta Minty
Rose. She was born a slave on a plantation in Dorchester County, Maryland in 1820. Harriet s parents
were Harriet Greene and Ben Ross. Harriet s mother, Harriet Greene, was owned by Mary Pattison
Harriet Tubman s motivation was to help leads hundreds of slaves to freedom through the
Underground Railroad. She wanted to help slaves because she has been in their shoes and she knows
what its like to be enslaved. Harriet wanted to put an end in slavery. Physical violence was a part of
daily life for Tubman and her family. (Civil Rights Activist Biography) Harriet wanted to make a
different, she wanted to save slave s lives. She followed through, and committed to what she wanted
to do.
She was around twenty five and thirty years old when this was happening. Harriet Tubman escaped
from slavery in 1849 and went to Philadelphia. Her brothers had second thoughts and decided to go
back, but Harriet did not. Her plan was to go back to Maryland and help other slaves escape. ... Show
more content on ...
Harriet Tubman, widely known and well respected while she was alive, became an American icon in
the years after she died. A survey at the end of the 20th century named her as one of the most famous
civilians in American history before the Civil War. (Civil Rughts Activist Biography) The U.S.
Treasury Department is considering that Harriet Tubman will replace Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill.
When she died, Tubman was buried with military honors at Fort Hill Cemetery in Auburn. (Civil
Rights Activist Biography) Also, there were many schools that were named after her in her honor and
a Harriet Tubman musuem in
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The Contrast Between the Daily Mail and the Independent...
The Contrast Between the Daily Mail and the Independent Newspapers need to aim at a specific
corner of the market to be successful. The main reason for this is that if you have a readership
consisting of a specific class or type of people eg. Middle class business men. Then advertisers who
want to appeal to that specific audience will use that paper for their advert and the paper can obtain
large profits from adverts and the advertisers can sell lots of products. Therefore the paper needs to
know the readers status so it can tell the advertisers what kind of people they could reach by
advertising with them. Whereas the Mail doesn t put adverts on the front page (as there is limited
space), the ... Show more content on ...
It also uses the symbol of an eagle which conveys an image of class and elegance as well as wisdom
and authority as the eagle is the top of its food chain. The headlines of these two papers differ vastly
as they are trying to achieve different aims. The Mail s headline of THE BLAIR MUTINY was
designed to give a dramatic look to the page as it is in a huge, bold text. It is also a WOB (white on
black) which is only used when it is a serious and important issue. It uses the word Mutiny which adds
lots of stress to the headline as it is a powerful word that has a dramatic. The use of Blair Mutiny is
clever as it mimics The Cain Mutiny which was when the crew of Cain s ship mutinied, just like now
as Blair s crew , the cabinet are revolting. The Independents headline of Short faces the sack over act
of treachery is much less in your face as it is printed in a much smaller print than the Mail s and also it
isn t in bold. Unlike the Mail the independent haven t used WOB (white on black) which gives it a
lower profile. The use of the word treachery gives it more drama and emphasis. Although it is obvious
to see that this paper is not looking to attract readers by impact and dramatic looks, it is more aiming
at people that will read it for the
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The Painted Veil Film Analysis
The Painted Veil (2006) film in this assignment is going to tell the story of a young British couple who
came to China s rural life in the 1920s after they marriage. In this beautiful but dangerous country,
they experienced emotional waves that never imagined and experienced in their hometown of
England. In the film, it also strongly show the true meaning of love and dedication. This film was
adapted from a same name novel by British author W. Somerset Maugham in 1925.
The story revolves around the married life of Walter Fane that played by Edward Norton, is a famed
bacteriologist, and a raging socialite Kitty Garstin that is played by Naomi Watts. The story begins
with actress Kitty, and in order to escape London s dazzling but empty social circles in the 1920s and
to prevent her becoming an old girl from her family s mouth, Kitty accepts the petty doctor Walter
Fane s offer. The couple is married to each for different reasons with Walter falling in love, while
Kitty is seeking to escape the clutches of her mother. Walter is posted in Shanghai studying infectious
diseases and takes her with him to China. She quickly loses the charm of living a married life and has
an affair with a charming British married man, Charles Townsend. After Walter finds out about the
affair, he decides to punish Kitty and take her to a far village to help out with the cholera epidemic.
Kitty is extremely disappointed at this, as she needs to live in complete squalor.
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Apology On Apology Of Socrates
Saru Maharjan
Professor Nathan Poage
Philosophy 1301
March 2, 2017
Apology of Socrates Socrates was a Greek philosopher and the founder of western philosophy. Plato
was the student of Socrates who was very motivated by the life and teaching of Socrates. Plato was
also one of the greatest Philosopher of ancient Greece. Apology is the actual recorded speech of
Socrates by Plato, which was delivered at the trail to defend himself. Many people did not agree with
Socrates, so they made several charges against him, which is recorded in the Apology. Some of the
accusations made against him were studying the things in the sky and below the earth, corrupting the
young, making a worse argument into a strong argument and not believing in the gods ... Show more
content on ...
But Socrates never charged the people for listening to him. Even though Gorgias doesn t fulfill the
need of philosophy, they were not charged. Socrates compares himself with Gorgias, Prodicus, and
Hippias and he proved that the false rumors about him were not true.
Another charge made against Socrates was corrupting the young, which Meletus claims he was guilty
of. He says I am guilt of corrupting the young, but I say that Meletus is guilty of dealing frivolously
with serious matters, of irresponsibly bringing people into court. (Cooper 28) Meletus blamed that
Socrates was guilty of corrupting a young man. He again asked logical questions to the Meletus to
defend himself. He says Meletus was not concerned about the young man, he himself was concerned
about and knows about the law. Law is the only thing that was improving the young man. He again
asked Meletus how he was corrupting the young man. He was improving the young man, which
everybody was doing. The members of the council, audience, and members of the assembly
everybody was making a good man. As per Socrates, Meletus thinks everybody doing the same work
was making good men but Socrates was corrupting a young man by doing the same work
Socrates was also charged for not believing on the gods. I think he contradict himself in the affidavit,
as if said Socrates is guilty of not believing in gods
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The Color Green In The Scarlet Letter Essay
When you see the color green, there are many things you could think of. You might think of a stop
sign and how green means go. You might think of how green is the color of life and growth. Then
again, you might think of the green shirt of your favorite video game character. Or you might think of
Slytherin, because Slytherin s house colors are green and silver. The color green has many different
meanings depending on who you are. Anything can be a symbol of multiple things, prompting you to
think of many contrasting ideas. In The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Pearl is a character
who is viewed many different ways by readers. Some think of her purely as a symbol, some think she
is a normal child, and some are convinced that she ... Show more content on ...
She just so happened to be invited just minutes after the Governor had been trying to come up with an
excuse to take Pearl away from her. Hester says, Had they taken her from me, I would willingly have
gone with thee into the forest, and signed my name in the Black Man s book too, and that with mine
own blood!
(page 115) Without Pearl, Hester would be far gone. Luckily, the Governor was unable to come up
with a good enough reason to take Pearl away, and he never did try again. Pearl gives Hester a reason
to live correctly and a reason to hope. Because she was brought into the world in an act of adultery,
the sight of her constantly reminds her mother of the sins of her past, which reminds her to do right.
Not only is Pearl a symbol of salvation, at least of Hester s salvation, she is a sign of hope and the
better things in life.
The themes in the Scarlet Letter are strongly shown through Pearl. One of the strongest themes is love,
and Pearl is the best place to find examples of love. Her very existence is a result of the love between
Hester and Arthur, and even though this is a partially sinful love, it is pure and it is
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Base Jumping
Extreme sports are becoming a bigger and bigger hobby for people all around the world everyday.
Kids are being brought into these sports at young ages where they can barely walk. It becomes a part
of their lives and something they go to for when they are bored. There is an adrenaline rush that keeps
people coming back for more and more. The sports become a thrill for them and they continue to want
to do bigger and better things within their sports. Extreme sports can have their negatives such as the
expenses that they bring forth, and the injuries that are possible. As I have grown up always wanting
to do something of extreme nature, I have seen injuries happen. I have witnessed people total out a
several thousand dollar ATV while simply ... Show more content on ...
Currently the main crowd that is being drawn into these extreme sports includes males fro the age of
12 to 24 according to the latest demographics from ESPN (Ruibal). Many people lives for the rush
that comes with these extreme sports and that is why they chose to continue to participate in them.
Kids today are putting everything into their extreme sports, in some cases they might try and find any
extra work to make a little bit of extra money so that they can save up for a new part or even a
completely new set up for their sport. They live for the rush that they get from the sport and they are
becoming a part of the
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The Disadvantages Of Small Farming In The United States
Food that are high in sugar and fat are, in many ways addictive Nadine Burke. Framers depend on the
outcome of the products because that s what helps them provide for their families. There are many
disadvantage of the small farms decreasing in the United States in our modern time.
Small farms has difficulty selling their products to bigger food companies. For example, supermarket
chain like Whole Foods or Walmart are not set up to do business with dozen of small family owned
farms (41). In other words, small farms are loosing money because their product are not getting sold.
Unlike larger farms they get contracted because it doesn t cost as much than a small family owned
farm. In fact, this is a reason why small farms moves to the city because they produce their products
and make more money. ... Show more content on ...
For example, Bigger tractors and machines, chemical weed killers, and artificial fertilizer made it
easier for one farmer to handle (39). This makes it easier for farmers to work with less people and
have less expenses to make money. Another example is, It only takes a few weeks of work over a year
to raise five hundred acres of industrial corn. So the farms have gotten bigger, but fewer people live in
them (39). In other words, this helps farmers produce their product faster and with the help of fewer
people, which means farmers don t have to worry about feeding more people. Although, this might
help them, but the government still has subsidized the corn price and the products
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Characteristics Of Eleanor Roosevelt
The quote significant figures in history always have flaws rings true for several historical figures,
however, in regards to Eleanor Roosevelt, it can be argued that her achievements far outweigh her
flaws. Eleanor s contradictory policies and causes created confusion and inspired critics, although her
compassionate attitude inspired several positive changes despite this. At the time, a lot of her actions
were considered to be controversial; however, as society has evolved a lot of people can view her as
being forward thinking and just. Her attitude towards her role as a First Lady was also quite
presumptuous, however, some may view this as a positive trait rather than a flaw. Despite Eleanor
Roosevelt s flaws as a politician and public figure, she was highly influential and changed the path of
history and minority groups throughout America. In many documents describing Eleanor Roosevelt,
she is explained as being either one of two oppositional extremes an amazing humanitarian, or a stoic
business woman. These kind of contradictions penalise Eleanor, creating confusion amongst
Americans. Some causes of hers were also contradictory for example, she was a strong believer in
liberal women, yet rejected the Equal Rights Amendment. Eleanor believed that the Equal Rights
Amendment would jeopardise the laws she had fought to put into place for women such as minimum
wage laws and exclusion from dangerous jobs. However, Eleanor was and remains to be an influential
figure for strong women worldwide. She stated in Redbook Magazine, Women must learn to play the
game as men do. She worked hard to ensure women were involved in politics, by emphasising that
women speak their minds on the issues they face. Being such an active and outspoken First Lady was
revolutionary and extremely important for the country to see. In this way, Eleanor s contradictions can
be overlooked as the causes she worked for inspired many generations of socially aware Americans.
During the time of Franklin Roosevelt s presidency, and Eleanor Roosevelt s time of being a First
Lady, many of her actions were considered unladylike and controversial. The way Eleanor spoke out
with unapologetic candor was unheard of for a woman in her
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How To Make Sports Safer Essay
Making Sports Safer
For years sports have been a major part of American culture. Sports, like most things, are making
changes to rules and regulations almost yearly. Contact sports get really rough so injuries are almost
expected to happen. With minor improvements sports can be aggressive and fun while being safe.
Maybe not injury free but definitely a lot safer. Professional sports associations such as the NFL,
NHL, MLB, NBA, and NASCAR, should take steps toward changing rules, regulations, and
redisigning epuiptment to better protect players from injuries, specifically concussions.
There are now more rules in place regaurding tackling or hits in the NFL on defenseless players or
players in defenseless positions . For example if youre trying to tackle someone making a pass they
are in a defenseless position and therefore as a defender you cant plop down on top of him with all or
even most of your weigfht or throw the passer you can however wrap up said passer with your ...
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The definition of a concussion according to the understanding the disscussion part of this article is A
common form of of traumatic brain injury characterized by structural injury due to the brain and or
disruption of brain function from blunt trauma or acceleration or deceleration forces. Concussions are
all too common in contact sports not only at the professional level but at an amatuer level too. The
updated guideline recommends athletes with suspected concussion be immediately taken out of the
game and not returned until assessed by a licensed health care professional trained in concussion,
return to play slowly and only after all acute symptoms are gone. Athletes of high school age and
younger with a concussion should be managed more conservatively in regard to return to play, as
evidence shows that they take longer to recover than college
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The Pianist By Szpilman
The Pianist follows the story of Szpilman, a Jewish pianist, during the Holocaust in WWII. As a result
of being Jewish, Szpilman experienced the discrimination typical of the time period. In the beginning,
the steps taken to discriminate against the Jews were simplistic like banning them from restaurants.
But banning Jews from public places only marked the beginning of the escalating tragedies to ensue.
The Jews were forced to endure being made a spectacle. They were required to wear an armband with
the Star of David in order to mark them as different. Making the Jews stand out was not enough to
satisfy the German s so they separated the Jews from the rest of society. These Ghettos the Germans
provided had hard living conditions which the Jews had to struggle to survive in. Szpilman and his
family were among those subjected to live in the Warsaw Ghetto. On top of these degrading
regulations, the Germans physically harmed and embarrassed the Jews. The German s actions took
various forms that included forcing ... Show more content on ...
Surely the transition back to their previous lives was hard. Especially without the presence of loved
ones. I imagine that after experiencing such hardships it was hard to have to accept that many of your
loved ones had died. I wondered if Szpilman was able to move back to his original home or if that
home was destroyed. Whereas the most satisfying conclusion was that his life was able to return to
how it previously was. Szpilman was able to experience his connection and love for music by actually,
physically playing piano in a concert hall. This image of him playing piano really drives home that life
has meaning after horrible things have past. He truly looked happy back in his element. His happiness
reminds me that we can return to a state of happiness even after horrible experiences and that we
should not let horrible things like the Holocaust leave us with a forever negative
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Pecans Benefits
Marvelous Benefits of Pecans
Pecans are the marvel in marvelous. Who would ve thought these marvelous morsels are bulging with
nutrients and afford powerful healing capabilities? Chances are people can t see pecans for the pie!
So, what secrets do these tiny store houses hold?
Mining for Daily Value of Minerals
Manganese is necessary for correct digestion and utilization of food; helps eliminate fatigue; improves
memory. 245% DV
Copper aids in effective iron absorption; essential for utilization of Vitamin C. 65% DV
Magnesium and Zinc are tied at 33% DV. Both support healthy immune systems. Zinc is essential for
DNA and protein synthesis; and accelerates wound healing. Magnesium is known as the anti stress
mineral and promotes a
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The Classical Hollywood Style By American Cinema
American cinema seemingly dominates the movie industry globally and has developed a structure of
its own that has influence visual storying telling every where, however, one can find a variation of this
structure or even no structure at all when taking a closer look at certain foreign films and how they
decide to tell a story. When viewing the critically acclaimed Three Colors: Red, a french movie that is
apart of a larger anthology, I noticed that the film did not strictly follow the structure of the Classical
Hollywood Style, but instead was seemingly influenced by American cinema provided that it achieved
similar results typically seen with the use of Classical Hollywood Style such as having a change in the
characters and having the ... Show more content on ...
The momentum of a movie is also driven by a series of events that typically, as in the Classical
Hollywood Style, displays the normal life of the characters, or an equilibrium, that subsequently gets
turned upside down or thrown off by an event, or disrupted, and sends the protagonist and other
characters on a journey that leads them to a new equilibrium; this paradigm is seen within the movie
and is what leads the characters to change. The opening of the movie not only introduces the audience
to the theme of being connected to one another by visually traveling through telephone wires to meet
our protagonist Valentine, but also establishes our main characters and the lives they lead. The
audience discovers in the first ten minutes that Valentine juggles a long distance relationship, ballet
lessons, and a career as a model. Additionally, the audience is introduced to Auguste who is a student
studying crime to become a judge and who is a boyfriend to a supportive woman named Karen.
Furthermore, Kern is introduced to the audience when Valentine hits his dog with her car subsequently
after the movie establishes the normal life of these characters. The pregnant dog becomes the catalyst
to the story as it
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Julian Thomas Humanism
In the comparison of Julian Thomas chapter Archaeology s Humanism and the Materiality of the Body
, and Joanna R. Sofaer s chapter The Body as an Archeological Resource it was found that individuals
are characterized by cultural identities. In Thomas chapter there was an emphasis on how individuals
view themselves, particularly in regards to associated cultural stigmas. Sofaer claims that the body is
the major archeological source with cultural characteristics.
In Archaeology s Humanism and the Materiality of the Body , the major idea that was highlighted was
the modern era the main philosophy is that of humanism, which led to the idea of post processual
archaeology . Philosophical humanism incorporates the idea of reason and man to ... Show more
content on ...
However The Body as an Archeological Resource , seemed to be more focused on the archeological
aspects of how bodies are understood and analyzed in archeology for the bigger picture. Archaeology
s Humanism and the Materiality of the Body was more a philosophical debate about how people
perceive archeology and seemed to be very negative and cynical. The second reading tied more into
the overall significance of the class as it highlights how people are understood in the global and
overall context. The first reading, which began by emphasizing that cultural identifiers should be
removed when analyzing humans, did not make sense to me. Our personalities are shaped by who we
are in society and how we have made a change. If the cultural associations were removed from
Alexander the Great, he would no longer be known as the great divine ruler. Furthermore, the
Holocausts was not just caused by a man who wanted power, rather a man who did not like a specific
culture caused it. I personally disagree with Osteoarchaeologists, as different social barriers created
history and the overall importance of archeology is to understand history and past cultures.
Archeology is the study of understanding humans, cultures and the past, not just focusing on the
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Middle School Students Participating In Competitive Sports
Middle school students competing in competitive sports is a highly debated issue.If I had to choose, I
believe that competitive sports are important to the daily lives of people. Some people believe that
competitive sports is a good way to bring forth your full effort into both sports and many other things.
While others believe that kids shouldn t jeopardize themselves just because of a practice or a game.
Overall, students should be able to compete in competitive sports. One reason that competitive sports
are extremely healthy for kids is that study shows that sports teach kids to be leaders, learn to play by
the rules and also that it s okay to make mistakes. For example, when someone starts to play
basketball but is totally inexperienced while others are totally experienced, it will teach them to bring
their full effort to not fall behind on his/her team. Also in sports it teaches them life lessons that they
are going to be using every single day, like how to control emotions, being healthy is important, and
many more. ... Show more content on ...
21 Life Lessons Kids Learn Through Youth Sports. Basketball For Coaches. N.p., 07 Nov. 2015. Web.
12 Apr. 2017.) Another reason is that since everyone wants to be at the top or the best in other words,
they want to practice to get better. For example Michael Jordan practiced and practiced in order to be
the best but he went through a lot like when he was in highschool he was kicked off his basketball
team and went home and cried in his room the whole day. He was only able to be the the best because
he was determined to be in the varsity league and he was embarrassed that he didn t make and because
of his passion for playing on the
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Explain What It Means To Be An American
In this essay I m going to talk about what it means to be an American. while explaining what it means
to truly be an American. One thing about being American is being able to choose anything you want to
pursue say you want to become a basketball player, musician, janitor, and many other opportunities in
America an American has, being American is a lot easier then many people think but it is also hard
there are challenges that come with the life of an average American just as well as there are rewards
that come with it. Something nice about being American is that you can choose wherever you want to
attend school as long as you live in the school borders and meet the requirement for that school. This
comes in handy for an American family that
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Beowulf Anglo Saxon Values
In the epic Beowulf translated by Burton Raffel, Beowulf exemplifies values that embody the ideals of
the Anglo Saxon culture. Some of these ideals are expressed through actions and words, while others
can be expressed through the characters thoughts and appearance. The anglo saxon culture respects
bravery and they also value strength. Beowulf shows these attributes throughout the story and there
are many examples of his character.
Beowulf said, I battled and bound five beasts, raided a troll nest and in the night sea, slaughtered
brutes. I have suffered extremes and avenged the Geats (their enemies brought it upon themselves, I
devastated them). Now I mean to be a match for Grendel. From this quote, we can assume that
Beowulf speaks with authority and is extremely confident. He uses elaborate speech to describe his
own power and skill and we can tell that he is a great warrior because of what he said he has done. ...
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Beowulf fights and he has more heart than any other warrior and that i is why he is a leader. Beowulf
has the ability to defeat monsters by himself with his bare hands. This quote shows what because
Beowulf is capable of. But so massive that no ordinary man could lift its carved and decorated
length...And then, savage, now angry and desperate, lifted it high over his head and struck with all he
had left, caught her in the
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The Market Crash of 2008
The stock market is what one would know as a collective group of buyers/sellers that trade stocks,
also known as shares on a stock exchange. These securities are listed on the exchange itself and trade
freely each and every day. On the exchange, stocks move hands day in and day out. Companies are
able to get their stock listed on the exchange at any time that they want. There are other stocks,
too...known as OTC stocks or over the counter stocks that go through a specific dealer. Larger
companies tend to have their stocks listed on exchanges all throughout the world. Participants in the
market can be anyone from your grandma, to retail investors, day traders, institutional investors, and
so forth. One notable exchange is the NYSE; also known as The New York Stock Exchange. Moving
forward, a stock market crash is when a decline of stock prices takes place throughout the stock
market that results in a catastrophic loss of wealth via paper. The crashes are driven strictly by panic 9
times out of 10 a crash takes place. As a crash is happening, panic occurs; the panic keeps evolving
and ends up like the snowball effect before you know it. A crash occurs when economic events take
place. These events are always bad news... The behavior of traders follows, which leads to a crash
when panic ensues. Crashes normally occur of a seven day period and may extend even further.
Crashes happen in bear markets as the market is already weak to begin with. Once traders see a drop
in prices,
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Comparing The Cultures Of Cinderella Stories
From cultures all over the world. Each culture has a Cinderella story. Each one is different but has the
same moral to the story. The wicked stepmother (India) and the little red fish and the golden clog
(Iraqi) are two different stories from two different cultures having the same morals as the Cinderella
stories. Both stories have the daughter who was beautiful and kind, evil stepmother, stepsister(s) and
the godmother . But yet have different stories. The mother of the children did not wait for her husband
as she promised. And was turned into a goat for her punishment. One day the Brahman abjured his
wife not to eat anything without him or she would be turned into a goat . Along time passed by and
neither of them broke their word, until one day the wife while giving food to her children and took a
little taste and her husband was not present and the moment she was turned into a goat. The mother
was told not to eat without her husband or she will be turned into a goat and she did just as she was
told not to do. But even though she was a goat she still took care of her children and her husband still
loved her very much. ... Show more content on ...
She feed them and played with them. But her husband after sometime remarried to a wicked/evil lady.
The evil stepmother had a one eyed daughter couple years after she remarries and when the daughter
grew up she asked her to go spy on the other children to see how they getting food. Her mother sent to
pay with the, the girl promised to do so and saw all that happened. When the girl told her mother the
kids were getting the food from the goat, she got mad and ordered the goat to be butchered and feed to
her while she pretend to be sick. The children cry their mother but the mother said do not weep, it is
better for to die then live such life as this, you will be provided food, do as I say and you will have
food the children did as they were told and it was
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Agatha Christie Enduring Appeal
Specific principles determine whether or not an essay is effective, those being the organization,
development and the focus. In my opinion, the Enduring Appeal of Agatha Christie was an effective
essay because it followed the rules of the three basic principles. Firstly, essays are organized by the
introduction, body and conclusion. During this essay, it follows this organization and also uses the
triangle concept. The triangle concept is when the key ideas are expressed from general to most
specific. The introduction started with a successful hook to grab readers attention, who does not enjoy
a good mystery . It proceeded to use the triangle concept by starting out with the more general
concept, which explains how mystery novels are widely enjoyed by people. The ... Show more content
on ...
However, the triangle concept for the conclusion is backwards compared to the introductory triangle
concept; it starts out listing key ideas from most specific to most general. In this essay, the beginning
of the conclusion states the fact that you can buy Agatha Christies books anywhere, at any bookshop,
airport or train station . The conclusion ends with the idea of the restoration of order giving modern
reader s comfort. The enduring appeal of Christie Agatha essay has a strong development; the order of
the arguments in each paragraph of the body follows the order in the thesis. In addition, each argument
is supported by the point, proof, comment rule which aids in the development. Lastly, effective essays
focus on proving the thesis, which occurred in this essay. Not only did she prove the thesis, she also
succeeded in not driving away attention from the thesis.Overall, the Enduring Appeal of Agatha
Christie was an effective essay because it followed the basic principles and was genuinely well
written. She successfully organized the essay, developed it correctly and focused on the
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Compare And Contrast The Utility Theory Of Value And The...
Compare and contrast the utility theory of value and the labor theory of value
Ignė Martutaitytė
ISM University of Management and economics
Compare and contrast the utility theory of value and the labor theory of value
Many economists tried to explain the source of value of goods and services and find the best way to
measure it. Along with other theories two most popular ones were created. First of them is the labour
theory of value mainly known from the writings of Adam Smith, David Ricardo and Karl Marx.
Despite the fact that their views on value had minor differences, their main idea was that with few
exceptions the quantity of labour employed on commodities determines the rate at which they will
exchange for each other ... Show more content on ...
Probably the most commonly used and basic economic method to determine prices of a commodity is
the supply and demand method. While this method states that both demand and supply are equally
important and it is their intersection that determines the price of a good, both theories of value
emphasize only one function of this model. As the advocates of labour theory cared mostly about the
inputs of production, they mainly focused on the supply side. For example, Ricardo mentioned in his
letter to Malthus it is supply which regulates value and supply is itself controlled by comparative cost
of production. (Ricardo, 1951, 279). In contrast the theory of marginal utility states that it is not the
supply but demand that is the main factor in the supply demand model. This theory emphasizes the
importance of the consumer attitude towards the good and what kind of value does it provide for him.
Its supporters pointed out that despite how much labour is used to provide certain good or service
without demand it will be worthless. The supporters of the utility theory of value such as Jevons and
Menger sometimes ignored supply and based their theories exclusively on the demand and made
assumptions supposing that the rate of supply was given rather than changing (Landreth Colander,
2001). Thus, while labor theory suggest that usually supply determines the value of a good, the theory
of utility emphasize the importance of
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Atlantic Charter Definition
The British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and our President Franklin D. Roosevelt Met in August
of 1941 to draft the Atlantic Charter. The two met on the U.S.S Augusta in Placentia Bay,
Newfoundland to talk about World War Two and there respective war aims to international postwar
System. The Atlantic Charter they both created included some common principles that Great Britain
and the United States when be committed to support after the war. Both leaders agreed not to seek the
liberalization of international trade, seek new territorial expansion, and to establish freedom of
international labor, welfare standards, freedom of economic growth, and freedom of seas. Most
importantly both countries committed to supporting new restoration for
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The Significance of the Gunpowder Plot for Catholics...
This essay will discuss the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 when a group of catholic noblemen plotted to
blow up the English House of Parliament; the target of the plot was King James VI of Scotland and I
of England. This essay will focus on how the event impacted Catholics and their treatment in society
and law after the event. Primary sources including letters, Parliamentary documents and their insight
into how the event impacted Catholics in the years after the event will be used to provide evidence and
Secondary sources to provide different historians views on the treatment of Catholics.
The gunpowder plot had a significant effect on the catholic community ... Show more content on ...
From 1678 to 1681 the idea of The Popish Plot took over conversation and became an obsession in the
country. The Plot, which this time was entirely fictional, was created to scare the country into
believing that Catholics where conspiring to dethrone Charles II like they had done in 1605 with the
gunpowder plot. The cartoon shows parliament under one archway in session and Guy Fawkes in the
other with the gunpowder to blow up parliament. This false plot was designed to create fear amongst
the protestant community, it replicates the gunpowder plot of 1605, this print and the idea of a second
plot increased the division in society for Catholics, a significant impact on the treatment of Catholics
after the plot as even 80 years later the puritans still printed propaganda, the cartoon also implies the
shunning off know Catholics in society. This occurrence was one of many replications of the plot,
causing severe repercussions for Catholics.
Social division after the plot included Catholics going against each other; those connected with the
plot where at times out casted by other Catholics, this increasing divide in community and at times
affected the sentencing of other Catholics who were included in the plot or in few cases only knowing
the conspirators. Social figures such as Anne Vaux who supported conspirators like the Jesuit priest
Father Henry Garnet, Jesuits being an order of
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No Denial Of Medical Care
4. No Denial of Medical Care In order to state a constitutional claim under the Eighth Amendment for
lack of proper medical care, a prisoner must meet a three fold test. First, the actions or inactions of
prison authorities must correspond to a deliberate indifference standard. Estelle v. Gamble, 429 U.S.
97 (1976). Secondly, that deliberate indifference must be directed to [a] serious medical need [ ] . Id.
In order to state an Eight Amendment claim for denial of medical care, a plaintiff must demonstrate
that the actions of the defendants or their failure to act amounted to deliberate indifference to a serious
medical need. Id. at 106. Additionally, there must be some personal involvement on the part of prison
officials. West v. Atkins, 815 F.2d 993 (4th Cir. 1987), rev d. on other grounds, 487 U.S. 42, 106 S.Ct.
2250 (1988). Deliberate indifference to a serious medical need requires proof that, objectively, the
prisoner plaintiff was suffering from a serious medical need and that, subjectively, the prison staff
were aware of the need for medical attention but failed to either provide it or ensure the needed care
was available. Blackwell v. Webb, et al., Civil Action No. RDB 13 1947, at 10. In Miltier v. Beorn,
896 F.2d 848 (4th Cir. 1990), the Court of Appeals reviewed the standard to be applied when
considering an inmate s claim that he was subjected to cruel and unusual punishment as a result of
deliberate indifference by prison personnel to an inmate s
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Factors, Causes And Effects Of Atomic Bombs
As America came down from the fear and atom madness that gripped the nation in 1945, the Lemay
Subcommittee proposed Operation Crossroads to President Harry Truman in December that same
year. The plan proposed to drop several atomic bombs on naval ships to test the damages and effects
in a controlled setting. Truman approved the plan on January 10, 1946, and preparations began
immediately. The Subcommittee prepared for detonations above and around the island of Bikini, an
isolated, sparsely populated, American controlled territory with naval and air force capacity in the
south Pacific. On March 7, 1946, the 167 Bikini natives moved to a neighboring atoll and Joint Task
Force One (JTFO) praised them for having given up their ancestral home in trust that the American
bomb tests will be of benefit to mankind. This statement by Vice Admiral W. H. P. Blandy, who
oversaw Operation Crossroads, supplements his and other military officers , general wish that no
human lives will be sacrificed to the atom, now or ever again. Despite protests from Manhattan
Project scientists, the first Bikini test was scheduled for July 1, 1946. The operation was shrouded in
defense strategies and the pursuit of science. With the exception of atomic scientists, experts of all
ologies flocked to Bikini to study potential mutations, causes of radiation poisoning, and to witness
the spectacle. The Official Report of Operation Crossroads describes the operation as, Perhaps the
most elaborate
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`` Gulliver s Travels `` By Jonathan Swift
By definition, dystopian texts are texts which take place in a futuristic, imagined universe in which
oppressive societal control and the illusion of a perfect society are maintained through corporate,
bureaucratic, technological, moral, or totalitarian control. Throughout the last two to three hundred
years, dystopian themes have been present in major, widely circulated texts, with the earliest listed
dystopian text, Jonathan Swift s Gulliver s Travels , dating back to 1726. And, while the 1800 s saw a
good influx of dystopian texts, the first to catch my eye, and really grab hold of my attention wasn t
published until 1949: George Orwell s Nineteen Eighty Four . Since the publication of George Orwell
s Nineteen Eighty Four near two ... Show more content on ...
This was a main theme from George Orwell s Nineteen Eighty Four , in which the main character,
Winston (and presumably, all other inhabitants of Oceania), lives in a home equipped with a telescreen
(what we, today, would liken a television or computer monitor, equipped with a webcam). Through the
telescreen, messages could be displayed to the resident, but everything happening inside the home
could also be seen and heard by Big Brother . To someone for whom the concept of Big Brother is
foreign (as is the case with the Big Brother housemates or with Winston in the book Nineteen Eighty
Four), having this telescreen or any other source through which you can be monitored without your
knowledge or consent, can be very unsettling.
The novel Nineteen Eighty Four really gave people something to think about. What might the world
turn into, if dictators or tyrannical governments rose up and took hold of society? Could it ever be
possible that the government might have such a hold on their citizens that thoughts could be
controlled, and lies could be twisted into believeable truths? These are all questions that Orwell s
Nineteen Eighty Four raised.
The impact that Orwell s Nineteen Eighty Four has had on the literary genre of dystopian texts is
undoubtable. The novel paved the way for many other s like it. As a text, Orwell s Nineteen Eighty
Four followed a set of rules for what a dystopian text needed to be. It included an
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Elizabethan Era Women
The English Elizabethan Era is one of the most interesting periods in the England s History. The
Elizabethan Era is named after one of the greatest Queens of England Queen Elizabeth I. The
Elizabethan Era is not only famous for the Virgin Queen but also for the era itself featuring great
explorers such as Sir Francis Drake and Walter Raleigh. Also, the era of the very first Theatres in
England William Shakespeare, the globe Theatre and Christopher Marlowe. Comparing Elizabethan
Era to the 21st century, a lot of customs in society have remarkably changed. Some are similar, as
well. Marriage and the role of women have progressed a lot compared to the Elizabethan Era. In many
countries today, women can do anything from ruling the nation to ... Show more content on ...
This must have caused dismay due to the fanaticism of the followers of the Catholic and Protestant
religions. It must have been extremely difficult to keep changing Elizabethan Education with the
religion of the times and being dangerous if you did not follow. Elizabethan Education was generally
for boys of the Upper and Middle Classes. However, Upper Class girls, often members of the Nobility
were also given.The school s curriculum during the Elizabethan Era and the Elizabethan education of
children was dictated by the ruling monarch of the time, which would also reflect the religion of that
particular King or Queen. This must have caused dismay due to the fanaticism of the followers of the
Catholic and Protestant religions. It must have been extremely difficult to keep changing Elizabethan
Education with the religion of the times and being dangerous if you did not follow. Elizabethan
Education was generally for boys of the Upper and Middle Classes. However, Upper Class girls, often
members of the Nobility were also given and education. The following link regarding the Education of
Queen Elizabeth describes the type of education offered to the Nobility who were invariably taught by
tutors. Most of the elementary level of education was conducted for boys aged
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The Effect Of Body Cameras On Use Of Force Incidents
Methods I wish to replicate the methodology utilized by Ariel, Farrer, and Sutherland (2015). These
researchers conducted a randomized controlled study with the Rialto Police Department in California.
The purpose of their study was to observe the effects of body worn cameras on the frequency of use of
force incidents as well as citizens complaints. In my research study, I will test only the effect of body
worn cameras on use of force incidents. I propose to study the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police
Department in Indianapolis, Indiana. This research setting is a lot larger than Ariel, Farrer, and
Sutherland s study. The Rialto Police Department covered an area of approximately 28.5 square miles,
and they served a population of approximately 100,000 residents. IMPD covers an area of
approximately 364.3 square miles, and serves approximately 824,000 residents. Rialto has 115 sworn
officers whereas IMPD has 1,080 sworn officers (IMPD n.d.). I propose to divide IMPD s six districts
in half. Three districts will be the treatment group while the other three districts will be the control
group. This should be approximately 540 total officers per group. The districts will be randomly
assigned to either by a treatment or a control group, and it will change weekly. For example, the North
District may be a treatment group one week and a control group the next week. I feel that if the
department is split up and randomly assigned a group each week that the data will be more
... Get more on ...
Incidents At Lot s House On Gays
It seems apparent that these weren t just angels who took on the mere appearance of men. They were
angels that either took on a substantive and tangible human likeness or were sanctioned by God to
possess human men for the specific task God had given them. When they arrive at Lot s house, it says
in 19:4 5, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, surrounded the house, both young and old, all the
people from every quarter; and they called to Lot and said to him, Where are the men who came to
you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may have relations with them There is no question that the
gay community is a seedbed of sexual immorality. This is especially true for gay men. This isn t hard
to imagine why. Many unredeemed men have no inhibitions when it comes to sex. This is true whether
they re gay or straight. It s usually (although not exclusively) the woman that has more restraint. Put
two guys together and you have a recipe for debauchery. Although the incident at Lot s house related
to intentions involving sodomy, I have a real problem with explaining away their motivations as
merely homosexual urges in nature. First off, the verse seems to clearly indicate that this was ALL the
men of the city, both young and old, from every quarter. Was every single male gay? There s no reason
to doubt that these two angels were beautiful men, especially if they were just taking on the form of
men. But to suddenly have ALL of the men of the city ready to break down the door to get
... Get more on ...
Lebron James And Klutch Sports Case Study
LeBron James and Klutch Sports Group
LeBron James is considered the best basketball player in the world. You could ask almost any one and
they would know who he is, but where did he get his start? LeBron James has been with a couple
agents in his career already but seems to have found the perfect fit with Rich Paul. Rich Paul is a long
time friend of LeBron they both grew up in Akron, Ohio together. Rich Paul started the agency Klutch
Sports Group, Paul only has a view other clients but when you have LeBron as the face of your
agency things are definitely going well.
The services that Klutch Sports for LeBron is definitely full service. LeBron is definitely a full service
client. When talking about the amount of income LeBron can produce any Agency will do what ever it
... Show more content on ...
That can come in many different ways from commercials, movies, endorsements, winning games,
winning championships, and winning awards. With a client like LeBron you have a very good chance
to be getting almost all of theses every year. Agencies also expect that their client do well off the court
as well. With the way media and technology is so commonly used today it is very important that
clients of the Agency do not do things to jeopardize the positive view of him or herself or the agency.
LeBron makes easily enough to have his deal be considered a fair deal. LeBron could definitely be
making a lot more money then he as at the moment, which might sound absolutely considering the
$70 million he makes annually. When you look at what LeBron has done in his career you can see
how he could definitely be making more money. He is the face of the NBA right now, he is also the
face of Cleveland, Ohio, and he is the face of Nike. The amount of recognition that he receives is
incredible. If LeBron were in a commercial you would most likely remember it more than if it was just
a random
... Get more on ...
Disadvantages Of Rule Of Law
The King himself ought not to be subject to man, but subject to God and the law, because the law
makes him King : Lord Chief Justice Coke quoting Bracton said in the case of Proclamations (1610)
77 ER 13521 Rule of law is classical principle of administrative law. As a matter of fact this principle
was one of the principles that acted as restriction for the development of Administrative Law
principles. The irony further is that the rule of law is now an important part of modern Administrative
Law. The concept of Rule of Law is the building block on which the modern democratic society is
founded. Laws are made for the welfare of the people to maintain harmony between the conflicting
forces in society. One of the prime objects of making ... Show more content on ...
The doctrine of rule of law proved to be effective and powerful weapon in keeping administrative
authorities within their limits . It served as a touchstone to test all administrative actions. The broad
principle of rule of law was accepted by almost all legal systems as a constitutional safeguard. The
first principle (Supremacy of law) recognizes a cardinal rule of democracy that every government
must be subject to law and not law subject to the government. It rightly opposed arbitrary and
unfettered discretion to the governmental authorities, which has tendency to interfere with rights of
citizens. The second principle (equality of law) is equally important in a system linked to democratic
polity. It is based on the well known maxim however high you may be, law is above you and all are
equal before the law The third principle puts emphasis on the role of judiciary in enforcing individual
rights and personal freedoms irrespective of their inclusion in a written constitution. Dicey feared that
mere declaration of such rights in any statute would be ineffective if they could not be enforced. He
was right when he said that a statute can be amended and fundamental rights can be abrogated. We
have witnessed such a situation during emergency in 1975 and realized that in absence of strong and
powerful judiciary, written constitution is
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Human Ecology And Its Effects On Society
The world we live in is a complex place full of networks and connections that are often veiled from
our immediate perspectives. The natural resources and, material culture stemming from that, made
available to humans directly affect the ways in which we are able to organize and conduct our lives.
The ways in which we organize the space around us is a clear indication of wealth, race, or ethnicity.
The minorities are often kept in isolation from the wealthier areas of society (be that economic wealth
or natural resource wealth) which directly affects the jobs the minorities are able to obtain and further
inhibits a lessening of racism by preventing a mixed association of races and different groups of
people. Without the understanding of other people, racism is allowed to continue through the simple
lack of social interaction.
It is things such as these that interests ecologists. Human ecology is a study that focuses on
relationships between different social lives and the implications of the connections between those and
the physical world around them. A vivid example of the altered relations through a shifting physical
environment is found within the creation of central heating. Before each room was able to be heated,
families would often gather together in a central room where there was warmth around a fireplace.
This setting promoted people to interact on a regular basis and thus encourage the familial
relationship. After the creation of central heating, those
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A Research Article On Hiv
Before reading this article, I must admit that I was not educated on the available options for men
living with HIV to conceive biological children. I always thought that they were limited to adoption
and the use of a sperm donors. I never though that an HIV positive person could have sex with an HIV
negative person without transferring the infection. I ve always known that a person s viral load played
a part in they re ability to transfer the virus, but I still wondered what person in their right mind would
take the chance of contracting such a horrible disease. I knew that condoms provided some protection
from contracting the disease, but again, who would take the chance of catching HIV. So, for me the
thought of an HIV discordant couple producing a biological child was unheard of, but after reading
this article, my opinion has been changed. Article Summary The main topic of this article focused on
HIV discordant couples that have a desire to conceive biological children. It focused on the fact that
limited clinic in North America offered or provided fertility treatment to HIV discordant couples
(Newmeyer, Tecimer, Jaworsky, Chihrin, Gough, Rachlis, Martin, Mohammed, and Loutfy, 2011).
This article summarized some of the discrimination and negative perceptions of HIV positive people,
it also discussed a study done in Ontario, Canada that followed 12 HIV discordant couples who
wanted to conceive biological children. In these 12 couples the men were the HIV positive
... Get more on ...
Comparing The Gospel Of Mark And The Gospel Of Mark
When comparing how the Gospel of Mark and the Gospel of Thomas view the kingdom of God, the
writings have some similarities, but have two opposing main views are how you get to the kingdom.
In the Gospel of Mark, it talks more about how one has to repent in order to enter the kingdom of God.
It s portrayed as more of a place one has to earn the right to enter through various doings. In the
Gospel of Thomas, it has written that the kingdom is inside and all around. It s not a specific place, but
rather the kingdom is present at all times. However, both Gospels describe the actual kingdom in such
a similar way, both comparing the kingdom to a mustard seed. In the Gospel of Mark, the first chapter
starts off by talking about the kingdom. Mark says, that Jesus said, The time has come...The kingdom
of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news! (Mark 1:15). Mark then talks later about the
kingdom being divided and one must go up against the devil, because one can t enter if they are
divided. They must be forgiven of their sins so they aren t guilty of eternal sin (Mark 3:23 29). All
throughout the Gospel of Mark, Jesus speaks through parables. He implies in chapter 4, verses 13 20,
that it takes everyone a different amount of time to finally understand the parables. However, one must
understand them in order to get rid of Satan s temptations. This is clear when Mark says, As soon as
they hear it, Satan comes and takes away the word that was sown into them (Mark
... Get more on ...

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Thesis Introduction Outline - Thesis Title Ideas For College

  • 1. Thesis Introduction Outline - Thesis Title Ideas For College 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Thesis Introduction Outline - Thesis Title Ideas For College Thesis Introduction Outline - Thesis Title Ideas For College
  • 2. The Writing Style Of Ernest Hemingway s Writing Writing Hemingway s Style People aspire to be as great a writer as Ernest Hemingway. Hemingway s dramatic life starting as a small journalist, and ending as a veteran from the US army. He continued to write even through the hardships which led him to create some of the world s most known stories. Hemingway had word choices, fluidity, and a unique technique in all of his books. The Old Man and the Sea, Very Short Story, and The Sun also Rises, are just some of the greatest and most renowned works of Ernest Hemingway. His smooth words and style never lets a reader walk away from a reading feeling anything less than amazed. Ernest Hemingway was raised by his mother and father, with his five siblings. His father was a doctor and an outdoorsman. His life with his family was depicted in his writings, but the turning point in Hemingway s life was being recruited into the war. He was an ambulance driver through the war and was wounded, which lead to a heart wrenching romance that was depicted in his writing, which in turn created very realistic read. Hemingway s fiction usually focuses on people living essential, dangerous lives soldiers, fishermen, athletes, bullfighters who meet the pain and difficulty of their existence with stoic courage ( Hemingway wrote about things to which readers could connect, giving feelings to readers that they never had before. During the war Hemingway met and fell in love with a woman, when he was released from the war ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Essay on Making a Tissue Box Cover Adding decorative elements to a home can be done in many ways. One interesting option is to create a cover for any dull looking tissue box in a living room, kitchen, or other room. The cover for a standard tissue box can be made from many types of materials. One option is to use construction paper or fabric which needs to be sewn. However, the cover will need to fold up on each side of the box which is then fastened at the top. Review a few steps to make a simple tissue box cover. Fabric Tissue Box Cover Multiply the height of the tissue box by the width after adding one quarter inch for the seams. Measure the top of your box and obtain the width and the height. Add one quarter inch to each measurement and then multiple them together. ... Show more content on ... Add one quarter inch to each measurement. The top also needs to be measured for the width and length. Transfer the measurements for the tissue box to sheets of pieces of one quarter inch foam board. Use a a ruler and utility knife to cut each piece. Trim one eighth of an inch from two side pieces. Cut an oval shape out of the top section for the tissue. Apply tacky glue to each edge of the side pieces and glue them together to form a square. The glue will likely be dry in a couple of minutes. Apply tacky glue around the top and press the top piece in place. Determine the color for your tissue box cover and purchase the necessary construction paper. You have the option for black paper or another color for the base if accessories are being added. Measure each side of the tissue box to obtain the width and height. Transfer the measurements over the the paper and cut out five sheets. Attach double sided tape to the back of each black sheet. Place all the sheets on the sides of the tissue box. The next step is to measure the width and length of the top of your tissue box. Cut a piece of construction paper and tape it to the top of the tissue box. A pair of scissors is needed to cut the hole for the tissue. Decorate the sides of the tissue box by using different piece of colored construction paper. Trace out an object or different shapes and cut then out with the scissors. Apply small pieces of tape or craft glue ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Marx Objectification Of Labor Analysis Caleb Czyzyk November 6, 2017 History of Economic Thought Dr. Hamed Primary 4 Marx begins his assertions by noting the commodities produced by a worker. A commodity is simply anything used for exchange value. He argues that a worker s labor is a commodity, and that it is the ugliest commodity available to the capitalist property owners. On page 323, Marx states, The worker becomes an even cheaper commodity the more commodities he produces. This leads into how capitalism alienates a worker from his own labor. There are essentially two commodities at work; the workman s labor and the product. Marx denotes this as objectification of labor. It is when someone puts hard work into something and that manifests itself in a material good. Under the efficiency of capitalism, that worker takes little pride in the production of that commodity because he has no connection to it. For example, under capitalism a man no longer puts his labor into making a chair and then can see the product of his hands. Instead, the man now operates a machine that carves four holes in the chair. He does this thousands of times a week. He can no longer manifest this objectification or satisfaction of labor. The more commodities a man produces, the less he will be able to afford himself. The surplus value of his labor is only a benefit to the capitalists. The product has complete control over the individual. This is how a worker becomes alienated from his labor. He no longer has this attachment and sense of purpose from the object he has created. If the more objects he creates in the assembly line only causes the bourgeois to get richer and in turn causes him to lose commodities, he becomes estranged. Marx breaks down even further the estrangement that occurs. He dives deeper into objectification by saying that the alienation occurs in two fold. First, a worker accesses the natural material world and makes something. This gives him what Marx calls the means of life. The means of life has two deviations. There is the means of life that is more spiritual. It gives a worker a sense of purpose and pride in their work. This has already been discussed, and how a worker loses this passion when they become a cog in a machine. Secondly, Marx says ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Dylan Monologue Since I m driving, Chloe looks at my phone for me, Ew. Why is Dylan calling you? More importantly, why do you still have his number? Dylan is one of my infamous exes; we dated for a year and a half back when I was in the height of my hit it and quit it phase. He shared my philosophy on relationships, and we were extremely public and extremely volatile; the media ate us up. We were basically a (slightly) classier version of Britney and Kevin Federline. Dylan was one of the only hearts I didn t break; in fact, he broke up with cheating on me with a stripper. He s a class act for sure. Despite the fact that he s a skeezy womanizer that annoys the ever living daylights out of me 98 percent of the time, I can t let him go. Dylan understands ... Show more content on ... You. Guys. Stole. A. Car. Chloe is breathing hard and she punctuates every word of her sentence. I was so proud of you. You didn t mention Dylan once in ten whole months, and the second he calls you slip right back to him. I ve watched you go back and forth between other guys and him for three years now; it isn t healthy. I know I told you to get a boyfriend, but I didn t mean it. You ve become such an awesome person these past few months...not that you weren t in the past, that s not what I m saying...but you ve gotten extra awesome ever since you stopped focusing on being eater...and started focusing on you. Man eater, Chloe? Really? Look, I can t cancel on Dylan now. You know how I hate telling people no. But if it makes you feel better, I won t let him stay past 10 and I ll call you when he leaves so you can make sure he s gone. Chloe is being overbearing, but it s just because she cares about me. As my best friend, it s her duty to protect me from myself; she has her work cut out for her. Even though she still looks indignant, Chloe lets the Dylan conversation go and we talk about Chris release party until we reach the Baker Tea. When I pull into the strip mall where the restaurant it located, I notice a swarm of paparazzi surrounding its front ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Aesop’s Fables Aesop s Fables Introduction: I already know a good amount about the Aesop s fables before doing any real research. Almost everyone as a child was introduced to the stories such as the boy who cried wolf or the tortoise and the hare . As a child many adults would read these stories to me because they have a very strong moral. It can guide children to do the right thing when they are in doubts. I have a very personal experience with the tortoise and the hare because since I am a tennis player, my coaches would always mention these stories in regarding to practice and how we should be playing. This actually taught me a lot and made me the player I am today. I know that all fables are made up so that they can teach a life lesson/moral to ... Show more content on ... These are both stories that have animals as characters and convey a moral for the characters action. For example, the tortoise and the hare is the story of a hare that was way too cocky and thought he could run really fast then take a nap and run fast again while the tortoise was a humble animal and just went at a slow pace to the finish line. The tortoise ended up winning because while the hare was sleeping, he was going at his slow pace but did not stop until he finished. This is a typical type of fable because it is short and sweet, has animals as characters, and shows a moral that comes out of the characters actions. Many fables have good and bad animal characters to convey the good things that come from good actions, and the bad things from bad actions. The majority of the fables you will read will have characters that show what happens to the good animal and what happens to the bad one. Stories like, the tortoise and the hare, the bat and the birds, the dog and the wolf, and the fox and the goat are just a few to name. In all of them however we see the good that comes from being someone good and the bad for the bad character. This is what conveys the moral and shows the reader how you want to be. These animals help show the moral because as animals we feel for them and it shows us what happens when you re good or bad. And it is also easier for kids to relate to animals rather than anything else because they get attached to them and since fables ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Invictus Figurative Language The poem Invictus written in 1888 by William Ernest Henley is a powerful scripture to individuals to relate to in instances of overcoming some form of hardships. Upon doing ample research William Ernest Henley was endowed with the ability to write poetry. In fact while writing Invictus that is when everyone believes his artistic motif came about when it came to poetry as he was fighting tuberculosis. Invictus was a poem labeled in the late victorian era of poetry that contains many instances of figurative language. Powerful tone setting words such as How charged with punishments and In the fell clutch of circumstance . Henley s diction proves to impress and brings ... Show more content on ... That he will stand unwavering to his hardships of sickness and lead on his life like he believes it should be led. Throughout Invictus many examples of personal strength are shown despite what it may feel like to be beat down by circumstance. Henley s writing expresses his sheer will to not quit on life and is inspiring to any outlook on life despite certain circumstances, to remind everyone to be the master of fate. A major theme displayed in invictus is having an Unwavering confidence and will power to overcome circumstances that try to keep one down in life. Whether it be a sickness such as cancer or tuberculosis such as Henley. Even if life throws hardships and makes an individual a victim of circumstance. To overcome and to control is the literary message Henley is trying to convey through his own experiences of being a patient within the hospital. Within the poem Henley powerfully emitted this strong central theme throughout the poem and it sends a strong message to anyone who may be undergoing a ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Computer Worm Known As Code Red This report mainly focuses on the computer worm known as Code Red . The crisis with this worm began with the exploitation of Buffer overflow vulnerability discovered in Microsoft IIS web server which could make the. ida ISAPI filter predisposed to buffer overflow attacks allowing attackers to gain full system level access to the web server remotely and perform any action which may include Execution of programs, manipulation of web server databases, change files and web pages leading to a full system level compromise . On June 18, 2001, an advisory was released by eEye Digital Security which notified the users that a remote buffer overflow vulnerability is existing in Microsoft IIS webserver software and advised them to download a patch made available in order to address this system vulnerability. Code Red (Computer worm) Code Red was initially discovered in the year 2001. It has exploited the system vulnerability present in Microsoft IIS webserver enabling the attacker to run buffer overflow attack mechanism and take full control by infecting the host system and then executing an arbitrary code. This worm was released on July 13, 2001 infecting more than 20000 systems within just ten minutes of release and by July 19, 2001 it has infected around 359,000 hosts causing damage in billions of dollars. Code Red worm basically spreads through the port 80 TCP/IP transmissions. There are three different versions of Code Red computer worms severely affecting the security of ... Get more on ...
  • 9. How Does Tea Cake Affect Janie s Life Tea Cake is Janie s soulmate and the first person to truly understand her. Tea Cake cared for and loved Janie, teaching her things and showing her a love she had never experienced before. Their relationship was intimate and loving, which Janie lacked in her first two marriages. While Janie grows and finds herself throughout the story, Tea Cake effects her the most. After meeting Tea Cake, Janie experiences the most growth and finds herself truly happy, thanks to the love he shows her. Ever since Janie was a young girl, she longed for love and intimacy. While lying under the pear tree, she would often think about her future and the love she would experience, the thousand sister calyxes arch to meet the love embrace and the ecstatic ... Show more content on ... Somebody wanted her to play. Somebody thought it natural for her to play (Hurston 96.) When Tea Cake and Janie move to the Everglades, Tea Cake allows Janie to work, which Janie s first husband never allowed her to do. Tea Cake see s Janie as equal and makes her feel loved and appreciated. Even after Tea Cake s death, he still affects Janie and still has an impact on her. After Joe died, Janie had to pretend to grieve, when she was actually very happy. Joe s death had no effect on her and she never thought about him after that. Janie mourns Tea Cake s death and spends a lot of money making his funeral special, Tea Cake was the son of Evening Sun, and nothing was too good. The Undertaker did a handsome job and Tea Cake slept royally on his white silken couch among the roses she had bought (Hurston 189.) Janie see s Tea Cake after his death, Of course he wasn t dead. He could never be dead until she herself had finished feeling and thinking (Hurston 193.) Janie knows that Tea Cake will never truly be dead until she herself has passed. Tea Cake will live forever in Janie because he changed her life and saved her from the darkness. Before Tea Cake s death, Janie told him, Ah jus know dat God snatched me out de fire ... Get more on ...
  • 10. General Motors Case Study-2005 Case Analysis General Motors 2005 Course Instructor: Prof Dr Ali Askari Date: October 29th, 2010 Group # 5 Niveen Qadri (29) Muzna Ahmed (28) Maryam Khan (21) Sidra Tun Nisa (37) General Motors I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Mission: General Motors is committed to be a leader in providing transportation products and services of such quality that its customers will receive superior value, its employees and business partners will share their success and their shareholders will receive a sustained return on their investment. From 1908 to 1976, it had grown rapidly. But today its market share has fallen and together with challenges posed by economic conditions, in the form of rising healthcare costs and ... Show more content on ... II. CURRENT SITUATION a. Current Performance From 1908 to 1976, it had grown rapidly. But today its market share has fallen from 47 percent to 26 percent and together with challenges posed by economic conditions and stiff completion GM is facing a tough time in sustaining its profits. GM is deriving its 100% profits from its financing division and not from the sales of vehicles. b. Strategic Posture i. Mission General Motors is committed to be a leader in providing transportation products and services of such quality that its customers will receive superior value, its employees and business partners will share their success and their shareholders will receive a sustained return on their investment. Vision: GM s vision is to be the world leader in transportation products and related services. It will earn its customers enthusiasm through continuous improvement driven by the integrity, teamwork and innovation of GM people. Becoming the best is an unending journey, a constantly changing destination. But that s where we re determined to drive one car, one truck, one customer at a time. ii. Strategies Bond offering to cover pension costs Market Development Sustaining growth of 37 per cent in China market Product Development Launch of hybrid cars III. STRATEGIC ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Beaumont Independent School County Case Report We are the attorneys for the Beaumont Independent School District ( BISD or the District ) and will represent the District in any matter related to the above referenced case. Please add the below names, addresses, emails, and fax numbers to TEA s proof of service regarding this case. BISD hereby files its Notice of Insufficiency and Plea to the Jurisdiction/Motion to Dismiss the Complaint in the instant matter. PETITIONER S COMPLAINT IS INSUFFICIENT The IDEA regulations require a due process complaint to contain a description of the nature of the problem resulting in the complaint, including facts relating to the problem. A party may not have a hearing until the party files a due process complaint that meets these requirements at 34 ... Show more content on ... A due process complaint must contain, inter alia, a description of the nature of the problem of the child relating to such proposed initiation or change, including facts relating to such problem, 20 U.S.C. Section 1415 (b)(7)(A)(ii)(III) and 34 C.F.R. Part 300.508 and a proposed resolution of the problem to the extent known and available to the party at the time. (20 U.S.C. Section 1415 (b) (7) (A) (ii) (IV).) [A] party may not have a due process hearing until the party, or the attorney representing the party, files a notice that meets the requirements of [20 U.S.C. Section 1415 (b)(7)(A)(ii)]. (20 U.S.C. Section 1415(b) (7) (B).) The recipient of a due process complaint must notify the Hearing Officer and all other parties if it believes the complaint has not met the requirements of §1415 (b) (7) (A) (ii) within fifteen (15) days of receiving the complaint. (20 U.S.C. Sections 1415(c) (2) (A) and 1415(c) (2) (C).) In accordance with (20 U.S.C. Section 1415(c) (2) (D) and 34 C.F.R. Part 300.508 the Hearing Officer must notify the parties in writing of its determination as to the sufficiency of the complaint within five (5) days of receiving the notice of insufficiency. Whether a complaint is sufficient is a matter within the sound discretion of the Administrative Law Judge. (Assistance to States for the Education of Children with Disabilities Preschool Grants for Children with Disabilities (Aug. 14, 2006) 71 FR 46,540 46541, ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Aspirin Therapy For Vascular Disorders Aspirin Therapy for Vascular Disorders Physicians across the country agree that daily use of aspirin for prevention of vascular disorders is controversial (Neale, 2014). Dr. J. Jaques Carter of Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston admits that he used to recommend a daily aspirin to all of his middle aged adult patients, regardless of vascular disease risk factors being present, as it was standard procedure at the time (Neale, 2014). Dr. Len Horovitz of Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City explains that the FDA guidelines regarding routine prescription of aspirin for men and women over age 55 and 65 respectively have changed as studies have demonstrated the greater risk of GI bleeding ... Show more content on ... This paper will explore the benefits and risks of routine use of aspirin therapy in the treatment of vascular disease and prevention of its concurrent complications. According to Burchum Rosenthal (2016) five major risk factors for heart disease are age, gender, cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and smoking status . If you fit this profile, a daily aspirin might be recommended as you are at high risk for having your first heart attack, may have had a heart attack or stroke in the past and as long as you do not have a history of bleeding or clotting disorders (Mayo Clinic, 2016). The benefit of a daily aspirin would be to prevent platelets from sticking together and forming a blockage where a vessel is damaged due to disease or lifestyle or may be narrowed from fat deposits or atherosclerosis (Mayo Clinic, 2016). VanWormer et al. (2012) proposed that aspirin therapy is actually under utilized by high risk patients and over utilized by those at low risk for cardiovascular disease where the risk of bleeding is greater than the possible benefits. Having limited data regarding the sociodemographic variables of aspirin use, VanWormer et al. (2012) set about creating a study to evaluate these variables among adults in Wisconsin without a history of cardiovascular disease. Using guidelines for aspirin use established by the US Preventive Services ... Get more on ...
  • 13. How 5-HT modulates NMDA receptor activation is a key... How 5 HT modulates NMDA receptor activation is a key question of interest. Despite being cation channels, NMDA receptors have non linear, voltage dependent conductance (Mayer and Westbrook, 1987). This property results from the voltage dependent Mg2+ blockade of the receptor channels (Mayer et al., 1984; Nowak et al., 1984) and thus leads to the negative slope conductance in the current voltage relationship (i.e. I V curve; Nowak et al., 1984; Flatman et al., 1983; MacDonald et al., 1982). Because of the voltage dependent conductance, NMDA receptor activation generates intrinsic voltage oscillations in spinal neurons of rat (Hochman et al., 1994a; Hochman et al., 1994b) and amphibian (Sillar and Simmers, 1994a; Sillar and Simmers, 1994b) ... Show more content on ... In the cord preparations with TTX treatment, 5 HT application reintroduced the negative slope conductance in the I V curve of healthy motoneurons failing to show the negative slope conductance in the presence of NMDA alone (Schmidt and Jordan, 2000). Moreover, in other motoneurons showing the negative slope conductance in the presence of NMDA alone, 5 HT caused the negative slope conductance to shift toward the hyperpolarizing direction, which could be reversed by 5 HT antagonist mianserin (Schmidt and Jordan, 2000). Reducing the bath concentration of Mg2+ also mimicked the hyperpolarizing shift of the negative slope conductance by 5 HT (Schmidt and Jordan, 2000). Via 5 HT2 receptor activation, protein kinase C (PKC) can enhance the hyperpolarizing shift of the negative slope conductance in the I V curve of NMDA receptors and also reduce Mg2+ blockade of the receptor channels (Blank et al., 1996; Chen and Huang, 1992). Therefore, the effect of 5 HT on the negative slope conductance of NMDA receptors may result from reduction of Mg2+ blockade of the receptor channels. Even more interestingly, Li and Zhuo (1998) discovered that 5 HT can induce the transformation of silent glutamatergic synapses into functional ones in some rat superficial dorsal horn neurons (Li and Zhuo, 1998). They detected silent synapses, which are excitatory postsynaptic currents mediated by NMDA receptors, by depolarizing the cells from 70 mV to +40 mV (Li and Zhuo, 1998). However, 5 HT ... Get more on ...
  • 14. How Did Harriet Tubman Contribute Harriet Tubman was a leader in the abolitionist movement, a spy during the Civil War, and a nurse. She is one of the most famous women in history. Harriet Tubman s real name was Araminta Minty Rose. She was born a slave on a plantation in Dorchester County, Maryland in 1820. Harriet s parents were Harriet Greene and Ben Ross. Harriet s mother, Harriet Greene, was owned by Mary Pattison Brodess. Harriet Tubman s motivation was to help leads hundreds of slaves to freedom through the Underground Railroad. She wanted to help slaves because she has been in their shoes and she knows what its like to be enslaved. Harriet wanted to put an end in slavery. Physical violence was a part of daily life for Tubman and her family. (Civil Rights Activist Biography) Harriet wanted to make a different, she wanted to save slave s lives. She followed through, and committed to what she wanted to do. She was around twenty five and thirty years old when this was happening. Harriet Tubman escaped from slavery in 1849 and went to Philadelphia. Her brothers had second thoughts and decided to go back, but Harriet did not. Her plan was to go back to Maryland and help other slaves escape. ... Show more content on ... Harriet Tubman, widely known and well respected while she was alive, became an American icon in the years after she died. A survey at the end of the 20th century named her as one of the most famous civilians in American history before the Civil War. (Civil Rughts Activist Biography) The U.S. Treasury Department is considering that Harriet Tubman will replace Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill. When she died, Tubman was buried with military honors at Fort Hill Cemetery in Auburn. (Civil Rights Activist Biography) Also, there were many schools that were named after her in her honor and a Harriet Tubman musuem in ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Contrast Between the Daily Mail and the Independent... The Contrast Between the Daily Mail and the Independent Newspapers need to aim at a specific corner of the market to be successful. The main reason for this is that if you have a readership consisting of a specific class or type of people eg. Middle class business men. Then advertisers who want to appeal to that specific audience will use that paper for their advert and the paper can obtain large profits from adverts and the advertisers can sell lots of products. Therefore the paper needs to know the readers status so it can tell the advertisers what kind of people they could reach by advertising with them. Whereas the Mail doesn t put adverts on the front page (as there is limited space), the ... Show more content on ... It also uses the symbol of an eagle which conveys an image of class and elegance as well as wisdom and authority as the eagle is the top of its food chain. The headlines of these two papers differ vastly as they are trying to achieve different aims. The Mail s headline of THE BLAIR MUTINY was designed to give a dramatic look to the page as it is in a huge, bold text. It is also a WOB (white on black) which is only used when it is a serious and important issue. It uses the word Mutiny which adds lots of stress to the headline as it is a powerful word that has a dramatic. The use of Blair Mutiny is clever as it mimics The Cain Mutiny which was when the crew of Cain s ship mutinied, just like now as Blair s crew , the cabinet are revolting. The Independents headline of Short faces the sack over act of treachery is much less in your face as it is printed in a much smaller print than the Mail s and also it isn t in bold. Unlike the Mail the independent haven t used WOB (white on black) which gives it a lower profile. The use of the word treachery gives it more drama and emphasis. Although it is obvious to see that this paper is not looking to attract readers by impact and dramatic looks, it is more aiming at people that will read it for the ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Painted Veil Film Analysis Introduction The Painted Veil (2006) film in this assignment is going to tell the story of a young British couple who came to China s rural life in the 1920s after they marriage. In this beautiful but dangerous country, they experienced emotional waves that never imagined and experienced in their hometown of England. In the film, it also strongly show the true meaning of love and dedication. This film was adapted from a same name novel by British author W. Somerset Maugham in 1925. Synopsis The story revolves around the married life of Walter Fane that played by Edward Norton, is a famed bacteriologist, and a raging socialite Kitty Garstin that is played by Naomi Watts. The story begins with actress Kitty, and in order to escape London s dazzling but empty social circles in the 1920s and to prevent her becoming an old girl from her family s mouth, Kitty accepts the petty doctor Walter Fane s offer. The couple is married to each for different reasons with Walter falling in love, while Kitty is seeking to escape the clutches of her mother. Walter is posted in Shanghai studying infectious diseases and takes her with him to China. She quickly loses the charm of living a married life and has an affair with a charming British married man, Charles Townsend. After Walter finds out about the affair, he decides to punish Kitty and take her to a far village to help out with the cholera epidemic. Kitty is extremely disappointed at this, as she needs to live in complete squalor. ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Apology On Apology Of Socrates Saru Maharjan Professor Nathan Poage Philosophy 1301 March 2, 2017 Apology of Socrates Socrates was a Greek philosopher and the founder of western philosophy. Plato was the student of Socrates who was very motivated by the life and teaching of Socrates. Plato was also one of the greatest Philosopher of ancient Greece. Apology is the actual recorded speech of Socrates by Plato, which was delivered at the trail to defend himself. Many people did not agree with Socrates, so they made several charges against him, which is recorded in the Apology. Some of the accusations made against him were studying the things in the sky and below the earth, corrupting the young, making a worse argument into a strong argument and not believing in the gods ... Show more content on ... But Socrates never charged the people for listening to him. Even though Gorgias doesn t fulfill the need of philosophy, they were not charged. Socrates compares himself with Gorgias, Prodicus, and Hippias and he proved that the false rumors about him were not true. Another charge made against Socrates was corrupting the young, which Meletus claims he was guilty of. He says I am guilt of corrupting the young, but I say that Meletus is guilty of dealing frivolously with serious matters, of irresponsibly bringing people into court. (Cooper 28) Meletus blamed that Socrates was guilty of corrupting a young man. He again asked logical questions to the Meletus to defend himself. He says Meletus was not concerned about the young man, he himself was concerned about and knows about the law. Law is the only thing that was improving the young man. He again asked Meletus how he was corrupting the young man. He was improving the young man, which everybody was doing. The members of the council, audience, and members of the assembly everybody was making a good man. As per Socrates, Meletus thinks everybody doing the same work was making good men but Socrates was corrupting a young man by doing the same work Socrates was also charged for not believing on the gods. I think he contradict himself in the affidavit, as if said Socrates is guilty of not believing in gods ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Color Green In The Scarlet Letter Essay When you see the color green, there are many things you could think of. You might think of a stop sign and how green means go. You might think of how green is the color of life and growth. Then again, you might think of the green shirt of your favorite video game character. Or you might think of Slytherin, because Slytherin s house colors are green and silver. The color green has many different meanings depending on who you are. Anything can be a symbol of multiple things, prompting you to think of many contrasting ideas. In The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Pearl is a character who is viewed many different ways by readers. Some think of her purely as a symbol, some think she is a normal child, and some are convinced that she ... Show more content on ... She just so happened to be invited just minutes after the Governor had been trying to come up with an excuse to take Pearl away from her. Hester says, Had they taken her from me, I would willingly have gone with thee into the forest, and signed my name in the Black Man s book too, and that with mine own blood! (page 115) Without Pearl, Hester would be far gone. Luckily, the Governor was unable to come up with a good enough reason to take Pearl away, and he never did try again. Pearl gives Hester a reason to live correctly and a reason to hope. Because she was brought into the world in an act of adultery, the sight of her constantly reminds her mother of the sins of her past, which reminds her to do right. Not only is Pearl a symbol of salvation, at least of Hester s salvation, she is a sign of hope and the better things in life. The themes in the Scarlet Letter are strongly shown through Pearl. One of the strongest themes is love, and Pearl is the best place to find examples of love. Her very existence is a result of the love between Hester and Arthur, and even though this is a partially sinful love, it is pure and it is ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Base Jumping Extreme sports are becoming a bigger and bigger hobby for people all around the world everyday. Kids are being brought into these sports at young ages where they can barely walk. It becomes a part of their lives and something they go to for when they are bored. There is an adrenaline rush that keeps people coming back for more and more. The sports become a thrill for them and they continue to want to do bigger and better things within their sports. Extreme sports can have their negatives such as the expenses that they bring forth, and the injuries that are possible. As I have grown up always wanting to do something of extreme nature, I have seen injuries happen. I have witnessed people total out a several thousand dollar ATV while simply ... Show more content on ... Currently the main crowd that is being drawn into these extreme sports includes males fro the age of 12 to 24 according to the latest demographics from ESPN (Ruibal). Many people lives for the rush that comes with these extreme sports and that is why they chose to continue to participate in them. Kids today are putting everything into their extreme sports, in some cases they might try and find any extra work to make a little bit of extra money so that they can save up for a new part or even a completely new set up for their sport. They live for the rush that they get from the sport and they are becoming a part of the ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Disadvantages Of Small Farming In The United States Food that are high in sugar and fat are, in many ways addictive Nadine Burke. Framers depend on the outcome of the products because that s what helps them provide for their families. There are many disadvantage of the small farms decreasing in the United States in our modern time. Small farms has difficulty selling their products to bigger food companies. For example, supermarket chain like Whole Foods or Walmart are not set up to do business with dozen of small family owned farms (41). In other words, small farms are loosing money because their product are not getting sold. Unlike larger farms they get contracted because it doesn t cost as much than a small family owned farm. In fact, this is a reason why small farms moves to the city because they produce their products and make more money. ... Show more content on ... For example, Bigger tractors and machines, chemical weed killers, and artificial fertilizer made it easier for one farmer to handle (39). This makes it easier for farmers to work with less people and have less expenses to make money. Another example is, It only takes a few weeks of work over a year to raise five hundred acres of industrial corn. So the farms have gotten bigger, but fewer people live in them (39). In other words, this helps farmers produce their product faster and with the help of fewer people, which means farmers don t have to worry about feeding more people. Although, this might help them, but the government still has subsidized the corn price and the products ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Characteristics Of Eleanor Roosevelt The quote significant figures in history always have flaws rings true for several historical figures, however, in regards to Eleanor Roosevelt, it can be argued that her achievements far outweigh her flaws. Eleanor s contradictory policies and causes created confusion and inspired critics, although her compassionate attitude inspired several positive changes despite this. At the time, a lot of her actions were considered to be controversial; however, as society has evolved a lot of people can view her as being forward thinking and just. Her attitude towards her role as a First Lady was also quite presumptuous, however, some may view this as a positive trait rather than a flaw. Despite Eleanor Roosevelt s flaws as a politician and public figure, she was highly influential and changed the path of history and minority groups throughout America. In many documents describing Eleanor Roosevelt, she is explained as being either one of two oppositional extremes an amazing humanitarian, or a stoic business woman. These kind of contradictions penalise Eleanor, creating confusion amongst Americans. Some causes of hers were also contradictory for example, she was a strong believer in liberal women, yet rejected the Equal Rights Amendment. Eleanor believed that the Equal Rights Amendment would jeopardise the laws she had fought to put into place for women such as minimum wage laws and exclusion from dangerous jobs. However, Eleanor was and remains to be an influential figure for strong women worldwide. She stated in Redbook Magazine, Women must learn to play the game as men do. She worked hard to ensure women were involved in politics, by emphasising that women speak their minds on the issues they face. Being such an active and outspoken First Lady was revolutionary and extremely important for the country to see. In this way, Eleanor s contradictions can be overlooked as the causes she worked for inspired many generations of socially aware Americans. During the time of Franklin Roosevelt s presidency, and Eleanor Roosevelt s time of being a First Lady, many of her actions were considered unladylike and controversial. The way Eleanor spoke out with unapologetic candor was unheard of for a woman in her ... Get more on ...
  • 22. How To Make Sports Safer Essay Making Sports Safer For years sports have been a major part of American culture. Sports, like most things, are making changes to rules and regulations almost yearly. Contact sports get really rough so injuries are almost expected to happen. With minor improvements sports can be aggressive and fun while being safe. Maybe not injury free but definitely a lot safer. Professional sports associations such as the NFL, NHL, MLB, NBA, and NASCAR, should take steps toward changing rules, regulations, and redisigning epuiptment to better protect players from injuries, specifically concussions. There are now more rules in place regaurding tackling or hits in the NFL on defenseless players or players in defenseless positions . For example if youre trying to tackle someone making a pass they are in a defenseless position and therefore as a defender you cant plop down on top of him with all or even most of your weigfht or throw the passer you can however wrap up said passer with your ... Show more content on ... The definition of a concussion according to the understanding the disscussion part of this article is A common form of of traumatic brain injury characterized by structural injury due to the brain and or disruption of brain function from blunt trauma or acceleration or deceleration forces. Concussions are all too common in contact sports not only at the professional level but at an amatuer level too. The updated guideline recommends athletes with suspected concussion be immediately taken out of the game and not returned until assessed by a licensed health care professional trained in concussion, return to play slowly and only after all acute symptoms are gone. Athletes of high school age and younger with a concussion should be managed more conservatively in regard to return to play, as evidence shows that they take longer to recover than college ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Pianist By Szpilman The Pianist follows the story of Szpilman, a Jewish pianist, during the Holocaust in WWII. As a result of being Jewish, Szpilman experienced the discrimination typical of the time period. In the beginning, the steps taken to discriminate against the Jews were simplistic like banning them from restaurants. But banning Jews from public places only marked the beginning of the escalating tragedies to ensue. The Jews were forced to endure being made a spectacle. They were required to wear an armband with the Star of David in order to mark them as different. Making the Jews stand out was not enough to satisfy the German s so they separated the Jews from the rest of society. These Ghettos the Germans provided had hard living conditions which the Jews had to struggle to survive in. Szpilman and his family were among those subjected to live in the Warsaw Ghetto. On top of these degrading regulations, the Germans physically harmed and embarrassed the Jews. The German s actions took various forms that included forcing ... Show more content on ... Surely the transition back to their previous lives was hard. Especially without the presence of loved ones. I imagine that after experiencing such hardships it was hard to have to accept that many of your loved ones had died. I wondered if Szpilman was able to move back to his original home or if that home was destroyed. Whereas the most satisfying conclusion was that his life was able to return to how it previously was. Szpilman was able to experience his connection and love for music by actually, physically playing piano in a concert hall. This image of him playing piano really drives home that life has meaning after horrible things have past. He truly looked happy back in his element. His happiness reminds me that we can return to a state of happiness even after horrible experiences and that we should not let horrible things like the Holocaust leave us with a forever negative ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Pecans Benefits Marvelous Benefits of Pecans Pecans are the marvel in marvelous. Who would ve thought these marvelous morsels are bulging with nutrients and afford powerful healing capabilities? Chances are people can t see pecans for the pie! So, what secrets do these tiny store houses hold? Mining for Daily Value of Minerals Manganese is necessary for correct digestion and utilization of food; helps eliminate fatigue; improves memory. 245% DV Copper aids in effective iron absorption; essential for utilization of Vitamin C. 65% DV Magnesium and Zinc are tied at 33% DV. Both support healthy immune systems. Zinc is essential for DNA and protein synthesis; and accelerates wound healing. Magnesium is known as the anti stress mineral and promotes a ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Classical Hollywood Style By American Cinema American cinema seemingly dominates the movie industry globally and has developed a structure of its own that has influence visual storying telling every where, however, one can find a variation of this structure or even no structure at all when taking a closer look at certain foreign films and how they decide to tell a story. When viewing the critically acclaimed Three Colors: Red, a french movie that is apart of a larger anthology, I noticed that the film did not strictly follow the structure of the Classical Hollywood Style, but instead was seemingly influenced by American cinema provided that it achieved similar results typically seen with the use of Classical Hollywood Style such as having a change in the characters and having the ... Show more content on ... The momentum of a movie is also driven by a series of events that typically, as in the Classical Hollywood Style, displays the normal life of the characters, or an equilibrium, that subsequently gets turned upside down or thrown off by an event, or disrupted, and sends the protagonist and other characters on a journey that leads them to a new equilibrium; this paradigm is seen within the movie and is what leads the characters to change. The opening of the movie not only introduces the audience to the theme of being connected to one another by visually traveling through telephone wires to meet our protagonist Valentine, but also establishes our main characters and the lives they lead. The audience discovers in the first ten minutes that Valentine juggles a long distance relationship, ballet lessons, and a career as a model. Additionally, the audience is introduced to Auguste who is a student studying crime to become a judge and who is a boyfriend to a supportive woman named Karen. Furthermore, Kern is introduced to the audience when Valentine hits his dog with her car subsequently after the movie establishes the normal life of these characters. The pregnant dog becomes the catalyst to the story as it ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Julian Thomas Humanism In the comparison of Julian Thomas chapter Archaeology s Humanism and the Materiality of the Body , and Joanna R. Sofaer s chapter The Body as an Archeological Resource it was found that individuals are characterized by cultural identities. In Thomas chapter there was an emphasis on how individuals view themselves, particularly in regards to associated cultural stigmas. Sofaer claims that the body is the major archeological source with cultural characteristics. In Archaeology s Humanism and the Materiality of the Body , the major idea that was highlighted was the modern era the main philosophy is that of humanism, which led to the idea of post processual archaeology . Philosophical humanism incorporates the idea of reason and man to ... Show more content on ... However The Body as an Archeological Resource , seemed to be more focused on the archeological aspects of how bodies are understood and analyzed in archeology for the bigger picture. Archaeology s Humanism and the Materiality of the Body was more a philosophical debate about how people perceive archeology and seemed to be very negative and cynical. The second reading tied more into the overall significance of the class as it highlights how people are understood in the global and overall context. The first reading, which began by emphasizing that cultural identifiers should be removed when analyzing humans, did not make sense to me. Our personalities are shaped by who we are in society and how we have made a change. If the cultural associations were removed from Alexander the Great, he would no longer be known as the great divine ruler. Furthermore, the Holocausts was not just caused by a man who wanted power, rather a man who did not like a specific culture caused it. I personally disagree with Osteoarchaeologists, as different social barriers created history and the overall importance of archeology is to understand history and past cultures. Archeology is the study of understanding humans, cultures and the past, not just focusing on the scientific ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Middle School Students Participating In Competitive Sports Middle school students competing in competitive sports is a highly debated issue.If I had to choose, I believe that competitive sports are important to the daily lives of people. Some people believe that competitive sports is a good way to bring forth your full effort into both sports and many other things. While others believe that kids shouldn t jeopardize themselves just because of a practice or a game. Overall, students should be able to compete in competitive sports. One reason that competitive sports are extremely healthy for kids is that study shows that sports teach kids to be leaders, learn to play by the rules and also that it s okay to make mistakes. For example, when someone starts to play basketball but is totally inexperienced while others are totally experienced, it will teach them to bring their full effort to not fall behind on his/her team. Also in sports it teaches them life lessons that they are going to be using every single day, like how to control emotions, being healthy is important, and many more. ... Show more content on ... 21 Life Lessons Kids Learn Through Youth Sports. Basketball For Coaches. N.p., 07 Nov. 2015. Web. 12 Apr. 2017.) Another reason is that since everyone wants to be at the top or the best in other words, they want to practice to get better. For example Michael Jordan practiced and practiced in order to be the best but he went through a lot like when he was in highschool he was kicked off his basketball team and went home and cried in his room the whole day. He was only able to be the the best because he was determined to be in the varsity league and he was embarrassed that he didn t make and because of his passion for playing on the ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Explain What It Means To Be An American In this essay I m going to talk about what it means to be an American. while explaining what it means to truly be an American. One thing about being American is being able to choose anything you want to pursue say you want to become a basketball player, musician, janitor, and many other opportunities in America an American has, being American is a lot easier then many people think but it is also hard there are challenges that come with the life of an average American just as well as there are rewards that come with it. Something nice about being American is that you can choose wherever you want to attend school as long as you live in the school borders and meet the requirement for that school. This comes in handy for an American family that ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Beowulf Anglo Saxon Values In the epic Beowulf translated by Burton Raffel, Beowulf exemplifies values that embody the ideals of the Anglo Saxon culture. Some of these ideals are expressed through actions and words, while others can be expressed through the characters thoughts and appearance. The anglo saxon culture respects bravery and they also value strength. Beowulf shows these attributes throughout the story and there are many examples of his character. Beowulf said, I battled and bound five beasts, raided a troll nest and in the night sea, slaughtered brutes. I have suffered extremes and avenged the Geats (their enemies brought it upon themselves, I devastated them). Now I mean to be a match for Grendel. From this quote, we can assume that Beowulf speaks with authority and is extremely confident. He uses elaborate speech to describe his own power and skill and we can tell that he is a great warrior because of what he said he has done. ... Show more content on ... Beowulf fights and he has more heart than any other warrior and that i is why he is a leader. Beowulf has the ability to defeat monsters by himself with his bare hands. This quote shows what because Beowulf is capable of. But so massive that no ordinary man could lift its carved and decorated length...And then, savage, now angry and desperate, lifted it high over his head and struck with all he had left, caught her in the ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Market Crash of 2008 The stock market is what one would know as a collective group of buyers/sellers that trade stocks, also known as shares on a stock exchange. These securities are listed on the exchange itself and trade freely each and every day. On the exchange, stocks move hands day in and day out. Companies are able to get their stock listed on the exchange at any time that they want. There are other stocks, too...known as OTC stocks or over the counter stocks that go through a specific dealer. Larger companies tend to have their stocks listed on exchanges all throughout the world. Participants in the market can be anyone from your grandma, to retail investors, day traders, institutional investors, and so forth. One notable exchange is the NYSE; also known as The New York Stock Exchange. Moving forward, a stock market crash is when a decline of stock prices takes place throughout the stock market that results in a catastrophic loss of wealth via paper. The crashes are driven strictly by panic 9 times out of 10 a crash takes place. As a crash is happening, panic occurs; the panic keeps evolving and ends up like the snowball effect before you know it. A crash occurs when economic events take place. These events are always bad news... The behavior of traders follows, which leads to a crash when panic ensues. Crashes normally occur of a seven day period and may extend even further. Crashes happen in bear markets as the market is already weak to begin with. Once traders see a drop in prices, ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Comparing The Cultures Of Cinderella Stories From cultures all over the world. Each culture has a Cinderella story. Each one is different but has the same moral to the story. The wicked stepmother (India) and the little red fish and the golden clog (Iraqi) are two different stories from two different cultures having the same morals as the Cinderella stories. Both stories have the daughter who was beautiful and kind, evil stepmother, stepsister(s) and the godmother . But yet have different stories. The mother of the children did not wait for her husband as she promised. And was turned into a goat for her punishment. One day the Brahman abjured his wife not to eat anything without him or she would be turned into a goat . Along time passed by and neither of them broke their word, until one day the wife while giving food to her children and took a little taste and her husband was not present and the moment she was turned into a goat. The mother was told not to eat without her husband or she will be turned into a goat and she did just as she was told not to do. But even though she was a goat she still took care of her children and her husband still loved her very much. ... Show more content on ... She feed them and played with them. But her husband after sometime remarried to a wicked/evil lady. The evil stepmother had a one eyed daughter couple years after she remarries and when the daughter grew up she asked her to go spy on the other children to see how they getting food. Her mother sent to pay with the, the girl promised to do so and saw all that happened. When the girl told her mother the kids were getting the food from the goat, she got mad and ordered the goat to be butchered and feed to her while she pretend to be sick. The children cry their mother but the mother said do not weep, it is better for to die then live such life as this, you will be provided food, do as I say and you will have food the children did as they were told and it was ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Agatha Christie Enduring Appeal Specific principles determine whether or not an essay is effective, those being the organization, development and the focus. In my opinion, the Enduring Appeal of Agatha Christie was an effective essay because it followed the rules of the three basic principles. Firstly, essays are organized by the introduction, body and conclusion. During this essay, it follows this organization and also uses the triangle concept. The triangle concept is when the key ideas are expressed from general to most specific. The introduction started with a successful hook to grab readers attention, who does not enjoy a good mystery . It proceeded to use the triangle concept by starting out with the more general concept, which explains how mystery novels are widely enjoyed by people. The ... Show more content on ... However, the triangle concept for the conclusion is backwards compared to the introductory triangle concept; it starts out listing key ideas from most specific to most general. In this essay, the beginning of the conclusion states the fact that you can buy Agatha Christies books anywhere, at any bookshop, airport or train station . The conclusion ends with the idea of the restoration of order giving modern reader s comfort. The enduring appeal of Christie Agatha essay has a strong development; the order of the arguments in each paragraph of the body follows the order in the thesis. In addition, each argument is supported by the point, proof, comment rule which aids in the development. Lastly, effective essays focus on proving the thesis, which occurred in this essay. Not only did she prove the thesis, she also succeeded in not driving away attention from the thesis.Overall, the Enduring Appeal of Agatha Christie was an effective essay because it followed the basic principles and was genuinely well written. She successfully organized the essay, developed it correctly and focused on the ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Compare And Contrast The Utility Theory Of Value And The... Compare and contrast the utility theory of value and the labor theory of value Ignė Martutaitytė ISM University of Management and economics Compare and contrast the utility theory of value and the labor theory of value Many economists tried to explain the source of value of goods and services and find the best way to measure it. Along with other theories two most popular ones were created. First of them is the labour theory of value mainly known from the writings of Adam Smith, David Ricardo and Karl Marx. Despite the fact that their views on value had minor differences, their main idea was that with few exceptions the quantity of labour employed on commodities determines the rate at which they will exchange for each other ... Show more content on ... Probably the most commonly used and basic economic method to determine prices of a commodity is the supply and demand method. While this method states that both demand and supply are equally important and it is their intersection that determines the price of a good, both theories of value emphasize only one function of this model. As the advocates of labour theory cared mostly about the inputs of production, they mainly focused on the supply side. For example, Ricardo mentioned in his letter to Malthus it is supply which regulates value and supply is itself controlled by comparative cost of production. (Ricardo, 1951, 279). In contrast the theory of marginal utility states that it is not the supply but demand that is the main factor in the supply demand model. This theory emphasizes the importance of the consumer attitude towards the good and what kind of value does it provide for him. Its supporters pointed out that despite how much labour is used to provide certain good or service without demand it will be worthless. The supporters of the utility theory of value such as Jevons and Menger sometimes ignored supply and based their theories exclusively on the demand and made assumptions supposing that the rate of supply was given rather than changing (Landreth Colander, 2001). Thus, while labor theory suggest that usually supply determines the value of a good, the theory of utility emphasize the importance of ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Atlantic Charter Definition The British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and our President Franklin D. Roosevelt Met in August of 1941 to draft the Atlantic Charter. The two met on the U.S.S Augusta in Placentia Bay, Newfoundland to talk about World War Two and there respective war aims to international postwar System. The Atlantic Charter they both created included some common principles that Great Britain and the United States when be committed to support after the war. Both leaders agreed not to seek the liberalization of international trade, seek new territorial expansion, and to establish freedom of international labor, welfare standards, freedom of economic growth, and freedom of seas. Most importantly both countries committed to supporting new restoration for ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Significance of the Gunpowder Plot for Catholics... WHAT IS THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE GUNPOWDER PLOT FOR CATHOLICS 1605 THROUGH TO 1620? This essay will discuss the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 when a group of catholic noblemen plotted to blow up the English House of Parliament; the target of the plot was King James VI of Scotland and I of England. This essay will focus on how the event impacted Catholics and their treatment in society and law after the event. Primary sources including letters, Parliamentary documents and their insight into how the event impacted Catholics in the years after the event will be used to provide evidence and Secondary sources to provide different historians views on the treatment of Catholics. The gunpowder plot had a significant effect on the catholic community ... Show more content on ... From 1678 to 1681 the idea of The Popish Plot took over conversation and became an obsession in the country. The Plot, which this time was entirely fictional, was created to scare the country into believing that Catholics where conspiring to dethrone Charles II like they had done in 1605 with the gunpowder plot. The cartoon shows parliament under one archway in session and Guy Fawkes in the other with the gunpowder to blow up parliament. This false plot was designed to create fear amongst the protestant community, it replicates the gunpowder plot of 1605, this print and the idea of a second plot increased the division in society for Catholics, a significant impact on the treatment of Catholics after the plot as even 80 years later the puritans still printed propaganda, the cartoon also implies the shunning off know Catholics in society. This occurrence was one of many replications of the plot, causing severe repercussions for Catholics. Social division after the plot included Catholics going against each other; those connected with the plot where at times out casted by other Catholics, this increasing divide in community and at times affected the sentencing of other Catholics who were included in the plot or in few cases only knowing the conspirators. Social figures such as Anne Vaux who supported conspirators like the Jesuit priest Father Henry Garnet, Jesuits being an order of ... Get more on ...
  • 36. No Denial Of Medical Care 4. No Denial of Medical Care In order to state a constitutional claim under the Eighth Amendment for lack of proper medical care, a prisoner must meet a three fold test. First, the actions or inactions of prison authorities must correspond to a deliberate indifference standard. Estelle v. Gamble, 429 U.S. 97 (1976). Secondly, that deliberate indifference must be directed to [a] serious medical need [ ] . Id. In order to state an Eight Amendment claim for denial of medical care, a plaintiff must demonstrate that the actions of the defendants or their failure to act amounted to deliberate indifference to a serious medical need. Id. at 106. Additionally, there must be some personal involvement on the part of prison officials. West v. Atkins, 815 F.2d 993 (4th Cir. 1987), rev d. on other grounds, 487 U.S. 42, 106 S.Ct. 2250 (1988). Deliberate indifference to a serious medical need requires proof that, objectively, the prisoner plaintiff was suffering from a serious medical need and that, subjectively, the prison staff were aware of the need for medical attention but failed to either provide it or ensure the needed care was available. Blackwell v. Webb, et al., Civil Action No. RDB 13 1947, at 10. In Miltier v. Beorn, 896 F.2d 848 (4th Cir. 1990), the Court of Appeals reviewed the standard to be applied when considering an inmate s claim that he was subjected to cruel and unusual punishment as a result of deliberate indifference by prison personnel to an inmate s ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Factors, Causes And Effects Of Atomic Bombs As America came down from the fear and atom madness that gripped the nation in 1945, the Lemay Subcommittee proposed Operation Crossroads to President Harry Truman in December that same year. The plan proposed to drop several atomic bombs on naval ships to test the damages and effects in a controlled setting. Truman approved the plan on January 10, 1946, and preparations began immediately. The Subcommittee prepared for detonations above and around the island of Bikini, an isolated, sparsely populated, American controlled territory with naval and air force capacity in the south Pacific. On March 7, 1946, the 167 Bikini natives moved to a neighboring atoll and Joint Task Force One (JTFO) praised them for having given up their ancestral home in trust that the American bomb tests will be of benefit to mankind. This statement by Vice Admiral W. H. P. Blandy, who oversaw Operation Crossroads, supplements his and other military officers , general wish that no human lives will be sacrificed to the atom, now or ever again. Despite protests from Manhattan Project scientists, the first Bikini test was scheduled for July 1, 1946. The operation was shrouded in defense strategies and the pursuit of science. With the exception of atomic scientists, experts of all ologies flocked to Bikini to study potential mutations, causes of radiation poisoning, and to witness the spectacle. The Official Report of Operation Crossroads describes the operation as, Perhaps the most elaborate ... Get more on ...
  • 38. `` Gulliver s Travels `` By Jonathan Swift By definition, dystopian texts are texts which take place in a futuristic, imagined universe in which oppressive societal control and the illusion of a perfect society are maintained through corporate, bureaucratic, technological, moral, or totalitarian control. Throughout the last two to three hundred years, dystopian themes have been present in major, widely circulated texts, with the earliest listed dystopian text, Jonathan Swift s Gulliver s Travels , dating back to 1726. And, while the 1800 s saw a good influx of dystopian texts, the first to catch my eye, and really grab hold of my attention wasn t published until 1949: George Orwell s Nineteen Eighty Four . Since the publication of George Orwell s Nineteen Eighty Four near two ... Show more content on ... This was a main theme from George Orwell s Nineteen Eighty Four , in which the main character, Winston (and presumably, all other inhabitants of Oceania), lives in a home equipped with a telescreen (what we, today, would liken a television or computer monitor, equipped with a webcam). Through the telescreen, messages could be displayed to the resident, but everything happening inside the home could also be seen and heard by Big Brother . To someone for whom the concept of Big Brother is foreign (as is the case with the Big Brother housemates or with Winston in the book Nineteen Eighty Four), having this telescreen or any other source through which you can be monitored without your knowledge or consent, can be very unsettling. The novel Nineteen Eighty Four really gave people something to think about. What might the world turn into, if dictators or tyrannical governments rose up and took hold of society? Could it ever be possible that the government might have such a hold on their citizens that thoughts could be controlled, and lies could be twisted into believeable truths? These are all questions that Orwell s Nineteen Eighty Four raised. The impact that Orwell s Nineteen Eighty Four has had on the literary genre of dystopian texts is undoubtable. The novel paved the way for many other s like it. As a text, Orwell s Nineteen Eighty Four followed a set of rules for what a dystopian text needed to be. It included an ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Elizabethan Era Women The English Elizabethan Era is one of the most interesting periods in the England s History. The Elizabethan Era is named after one of the greatest Queens of England Queen Elizabeth I. The Elizabethan Era is not only famous for the Virgin Queen but also for the era itself featuring great explorers such as Sir Francis Drake and Walter Raleigh. Also, the era of the very first Theatres in England William Shakespeare, the globe Theatre and Christopher Marlowe. Comparing Elizabethan Era to the 21st century, a lot of customs in society have remarkably changed. Some are similar, as well. Marriage and the role of women have progressed a lot compared to the Elizabethan Era. In many countries today, women can do anything from ruling the nation to ... Show more content on ... This must have caused dismay due to the fanaticism of the followers of the Catholic and Protestant religions. It must have been extremely difficult to keep changing Elizabethan Education with the religion of the times and being dangerous if you did not follow. Elizabethan Education was generally for boys of the Upper and Middle Classes. However, Upper Class girls, often members of the Nobility were also given.The school s curriculum during the Elizabethan Era and the Elizabethan education of children was dictated by the ruling monarch of the time, which would also reflect the religion of that particular King or Queen. This must have caused dismay due to the fanaticism of the followers of the Catholic and Protestant religions. It must have been extremely difficult to keep changing Elizabethan Education with the religion of the times and being dangerous if you did not follow. Elizabethan Education was generally for boys of the Upper and Middle Classes. However, Upper Class girls, often members of the Nobility were also given and education. The following link regarding the Education of Queen Elizabeth describes the type of education offered to the Nobility who were invariably taught by tutors. Most of the elementary level of education was conducted for boys aged ... Get more on ...
  • 40. The Effect Of Body Cameras On Use Of Force Incidents Methods I wish to replicate the methodology utilized by Ariel, Farrer, and Sutherland (2015). These researchers conducted a randomized controlled study with the Rialto Police Department in California. The purpose of their study was to observe the effects of body worn cameras on the frequency of use of force incidents as well as citizens complaints. In my research study, I will test only the effect of body worn cameras on use of force incidents. I propose to study the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department in Indianapolis, Indiana. This research setting is a lot larger than Ariel, Farrer, and Sutherland s study. The Rialto Police Department covered an area of approximately 28.5 square miles, and they served a population of approximately 100,000 residents. IMPD covers an area of approximately 364.3 square miles, and serves approximately 824,000 residents. Rialto has 115 sworn officers whereas IMPD has 1,080 sworn officers (IMPD n.d.). I propose to divide IMPD s six districts in half. Three districts will be the treatment group while the other three districts will be the control group. This should be approximately 540 total officers per group. The districts will be randomly assigned to either by a treatment or a control group, and it will change weekly. For example, the North District may be a treatment group one week and a control group the next week. I feel that if the department is split up and randomly assigned a group each week that the data will be more ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Incidents At Lot s House On Gays It seems apparent that these weren t just angels who took on the mere appearance of men. They were angels that either took on a substantive and tangible human likeness or were sanctioned by God to possess human men for the specific task God had given them. When they arrive at Lot s house, it says in 19:4 5, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, surrounded the house, both young and old, all the people from every quarter; and they called to Lot and said to him, Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may have relations with them There is no question that the gay community is a seedbed of sexual immorality. This is especially true for gay men. This isn t hard to imagine why. Many unredeemed men have no inhibitions when it comes to sex. This is true whether they re gay or straight. It s usually (although not exclusively) the woman that has more restraint. Put two guys together and you have a recipe for debauchery. Although the incident at Lot s house related to intentions involving sodomy, I have a real problem with explaining away their motivations as merely homosexual urges in nature. First off, the verse seems to clearly indicate that this was ALL the men of the city, both young and old, from every quarter. Was every single male gay? There s no reason to doubt that these two angels were beautiful men, especially if they were just taking on the form of men. But to suddenly have ALL of the men of the city ready to break down the door to get ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Lebron James And Klutch Sports Case Study LeBron James and Klutch Sports Group LeBron James is considered the best basketball player in the world. You could ask almost any one and they would know who he is, but where did he get his start? LeBron James has been with a couple agents in his career already but seems to have found the perfect fit with Rich Paul. Rich Paul is a long time friend of LeBron they both grew up in Akron, Ohio together. Rich Paul started the agency Klutch Sports Group, Paul only has a view other clients but when you have LeBron as the face of your agency things are definitely going well. The services that Klutch Sports for LeBron is definitely full service. LeBron is definitely a full service client. When talking about the amount of income LeBron can produce any Agency will do what ever it ... Show more content on ... That can come in many different ways from commercials, movies, endorsements, winning games, winning championships, and winning awards. With a client like LeBron you have a very good chance to be getting almost all of theses every year. Agencies also expect that their client do well off the court as well. With the way media and technology is so commonly used today it is very important that clients of the Agency do not do things to jeopardize the positive view of him or herself or the agency. LeBron makes easily enough to have his deal be considered a fair deal. LeBron could definitely be making a lot more money then he as at the moment, which might sound absolutely considering the $70 million he makes annually. When you look at what LeBron has done in his career you can see how he could definitely be making more money. He is the face of the NBA right now, he is also the face of Cleveland, Ohio, and he is the face of Nike. The amount of recognition that he receives is incredible. If LeBron were in a commercial you would most likely remember it more than if it was just a random ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Disadvantages Of Rule Of Law The King himself ought not to be subject to man, but subject to God and the law, because the law makes him King : Lord Chief Justice Coke quoting Bracton said in the case of Proclamations (1610) 77 ER 13521 Rule of law is classical principle of administrative law. As a matter of fact this principle was one of the principles that acted as restriction for the development of Administrative Law principles. The irony further is that the rule of law is now an important part of modern Administrative Law. The concept of Rule of Law is the building block on which the modern democratic society is founded. Laws are made for the welfare of the people to maintain harmony between the conflicting forces in society. One of the prime objects of making ... Show more content on ... The doctrine of rule of law proved to be effective and powerful weapon in keeping administrative authorities within their limits . It served as a touchstone to test all administrative actions. The broad principle of rule of law was accepted by almost all legal systems as a constitutional safeguard. The first principle (Supremacy of law) recognizes a cardinal rule of democracy that every government must be subject to law and not law subject to the government. It rightly opposed arbitrary and unfettered discretion to the governmental authorities, which has tendency to interfere with rights of citizens. The second principle (equality of law) is equally important in a system linked to democratic polity. It is based on the well known maxim however high you may be, law is above you and all are equal before the law The third principle puts emphasis on the role of judiciary in enforcing individual rights and personal freedoms irrespective of their inclusion in a written constitution. Dicey feared that mere declaration of such rights in any statute would be ineffective if they could not be enforced. He was right when he said that a statute can be amended and fundamental rights can be abrogated. We have witnessed such a situation during emergency in 1975 and realized that in absence of strong and powerful judiciary, written constitution is ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Human Ecology And Its Effects On Society The world we live in is a complex place full of networks and connections that are often veiled from our immediate perspectives. The natural resources and, material culture stemming from that, made available to humans directly affect the ways in which we are able to organize and conduct our lives. The ways in which we organize the space around us is a clear indication of wealth, race, or ethnicity. The minorities are often kept in isolation from the wealthier areas of society (be that economic wealth or natural resource wealth) which directly affects the jobs the minorities are able to obtain and further inhibits a lessening of racism by preventing a mixed association of races and different groups of people. Without the understanding of other people, racism is allowed to continue through the simple lack of social interaction. It is things such as these that interests ecologists. Human ecology is a study that focuses on relationships between different social lives and the implications of the connections between those and the physical world around them. A vivid example of the altered relations through a shifting physical environment is found within the creation of central heating. Before each room was able to be heated, families would often gather together in a central room where there was warmth around a fireplace. This setting promoted people to interact on a regular basis and thus encourage the familial relationship. After the creation of central heating, those ... Get more on ...
  • 45. A Research Article On Hiv Before reading this article, I must admit that I was not educated on the available options for men living with HIV to conceive biological children. I always thought that they were limited to adoption and the use of a sperm donors. I never though that an HIV positive person could have sex with an HIV negative person without transferring the infection. I ve always known that a person s viral load played a part in they re ability to transfer the virus, but I still wondered what person in their right mind would take the chance of contracting such a horrible disease. I knew that condoms provided some protection from contracting the disease, but again, who would take the chance of catching HIV. So, for me the thought of an HIV discordant couple producing a biological child was unheard of, but after reading this article, my opinion has been changed. Article Summary The main topic of this article focused on HIV discordant couples that have a desire to conceive biological children. It focused on the fact that limited clinic in North America offered or provided fertility treatment to HIV discordant couples (Newmeyer, Tecimer, Jaworsky, Chihrin, Gough, Rachlis, Martin, Mohammed, and Loutfy, 2011). This article summarized some of the discrimination and negative perceptions of HIV positive people, it also discussed a study done in Ontario, Canada that followed 12 HIV discordant couples who wanted to conceive biological children. In these 12 couples the men were the HIV positive ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Comparing The Gospel Of Mark And The Gospel Of Mark When comparing how the Gospel of Mark and the Gospel of Thomas view the kingdom of God, the writings have some similarities, but have two opposing main views are how you get to the kingdom. In the Gospel of Mark, it talks more about how one has to repent in order to enter the kingdom of God. It s portrayed as more of a place one has to earn the right to enter through various doings. In the Gospel of Thomas, it has written that the kingdom is inside and all around. It s not a specific place, but rather the kingdom is present at all times. However, both Gospels describe the actual kingdom in such a similar way, both comparing the kingdom to a mustard seed. In the Gospel of Mark, the first chapter starts off by talking about the kingdom. Mark says, that Jesus said, The time has come...The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news! (Mark 1:15). Mark then talks later about the kingdom being divided and one must go up against the devil, because one can t enter if they are divided. They must be forgiven of their sins so they aren t guilty of eternal sin (Mark 3:23 29). All throughout the Gospel of Mark, Jesus speaks through parables. He implies in chapter 4, verses 13 20, that it takes everyone a different amount of time to finally understand the parables. However, one must understand them in order to get rid of Satan s temptations. This is clear when Mark says, As soon as they hear it, Satan comes and takes away the word that was sown into them (Mark ... Get more on ...