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Mar$na	Spisiakova,	Knowledge	Management	Coordinator	
			Asia	Pacific	Associa$on	of	Agricultural	Research	Ins$tu$ons	(APAARI)	
			17	August	2020 	
			The	Role	of	Knowledge	Management	in	Agricultural	
Innova$on	Systems	(AIS)
Content of this Presentation
•  Introduc1on	
•  Key	KM	Concepts	
•  Research-prac1ce	gap:	Key	issues	
•  KM	in	Agricultural	Innova1on	System	(AIS)	perspec1ve		
•  Capacity	Development	for	Agricultural	Innova1on	System	(CD	for	AIS)	
•  KM	for	strengthened	AIS	–	Key	principles
Why share knowledge? Why innovate?
•  Globaliza1on,	climate	change,	environmental	degrada1on,	migra1on,	
spread	of	diseases	and	pandemics,	conflict		
•  Good	prac1ces	are	quickly	becoming	obsolete	
•  Making	sustainable	impact	on	the	agri-food	sector	and	poverty	
reduc1on	requires	the	capacity	to	implement	proven	prac1ces	and	
respond	to	new	challenges	and	opportuni1es	–	ABILITY	TO	INNOVATE	
•  The	complexity	and	diversity	of	agri-food	systems	call	for	improved	
solu1ons	to	problems	to	achieve	the	SDGs
Introduction: KM and Innovation
•  KM	and	innova1on	are	two	mutually	suppor$ng	processes		
•  KM	processes	are	the	channels	for	capturing,	documen1ng,	dissemina1ng,	adop1on,	
replica1ng	and	scaling	up	of	innova1on	and	its	integra1on	into	policies	
•  KM	is	a	key	ingredient	of	innova$on	as	it	feeds	ideas	into	the	innova1on	processes	
•  KM	focuses	on	learning	from	good	prac1ces,	research/science,	experiences	
•  Innova$on	focuses	on	experimenta$on	and	crea$on	of	the	good	prac1ces	of	tomorrow	
•  Innova1on	oRen	a	higher-risk,	but	KM	encourages	harmoniza$on	around	proven	
•  KM	thrives	on	communi1es	marked	by	commonali1es,	but	innova1on	thrives	on	
diversity,	crossing	boundaries	and	ques1oning	established	knowledge	
•  INTEGRATION	OF	BOTH	IS	CRITICAL	so	that	they	feed	into	each	other
Main concepts: Data
•  Qualitative and quantitative
collection of numbers, characters,
images or other outputs
•  The lowest level of abstraction
from which information and then
knowledge are derived
Main Concepts: Information
•  Facts provided or learned about something or someone: a
vital piece of information (The Oxford Dictionary of English)
•  Used to generate knowledge…
About 89 percent of the total Iranian agricultural products in the
last 5 years have come from the irrigated land
(FAO, country profile or Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Main concepts – Knowledge
•  Knowledge is what you know…
•  Experience, insights, skills, concepts, ideas, ways of thinking
and working
•  Intangible – difficult to measure
Despite increasing water scarcity in Iran and advanced
technology use, irrigation water use is still inefficient.
Why? What can be done to address it?
Iceberg Metaphor taken from
Main concepts –
Tacit versus explicit knowledge
Main	Concepts	–	KM	Defini$on
•  An	integrated,	systema1c	approach	to	
iden1fying,	managing	and	sharing	an	
organiza1on's	knowledge,	and	
enabling	groups	of	people	to	create	
new	knowledge	collec1vely	in	order	to	
achieve	the	objec1ves	of	the	
organiza1on	(UN)	
•  The	crea1on,	organisa1on,	sharing	and	
use	of	knowledge	for	development	
results	(UNDP)
KM	Defini$on	by	Peter	Senge	
Author	of	the	book:	The	FiRh	Discipline:	The	Art	and	Prac1ce	of	the	Learning	Organiza1on
Main concepts –
KM Cycle and its Main Pillars
•  KM Processes
•  KM Tools
•  KM Infrastructure
•  KM Strategy
•  KM Culture
Knowledge	Management	Cycle	
Dalkir, 2005
Main concepts –
Agricultural innovation is the process whereby individuals or
organizations bring new or existing products, processes or
ways of organization into use for the first time in a specific
context, to increase effectiveness, competitiveness and
resilience with the goal of solving a problem.
(Source: FAO)
Key	KM/Innova$on	challenges	
1.  Availability	of	skilled	human	resources	and	
exper$se	(e.g.	ICT,	KM	generally)		
2.  Lack	of	coordina$on	between	research,	
educa$on	and	extension	
3.  Understanding	target	group	for	KM	ac1vi1es		
4.  Capturing	and	dissemina$ng	lessons	learned	
and	good	prac$ces		
5.  Collec$on,	compila$on,	and	analysis	of	data	in	
real	$me	to	generate	knowledge	
6.  Documenta$on	of	research	findings	
7.  Insufficient	funding	for	effec1ve	infrastructure	
(internet	services,	KM	soRware	and	tools)	
8.  Unavailability	of	fast	band	width	and	access	to	
ICT	among	farmers	and	fishers	
9.  Insufficient	funding	for	KM	
10.  Lack	of	centralized	ins1tu1onal	repository	for	
file	sharing	
11.  Ins$tu$onal	support	for	KM	
12.  Embedded	org.	culture	and	prac$ces	
13.  Poor	response	by	collabora1ng	partners		
14.  Lack	of	$me	for	appropriate	review,	edi$ng	
and	produc$on	of	knowledge	products	
15.  Keeping	abreast	with	fast	emerging	systems	
16.  Collec$ng	right	informa$on	
17.  Insufficient	$me	for	KM/overlapping	
18.  Understanding	which	communica$on	
channels	are	most	effec$ve
Research-Practice Gap – Key Issues
•  The	linear	technology	transfer	process	
(generated	by	research	and	passed	on	to	the	
extension	system	for	adop1on	by	farmers)	has	
failed	in	tackling	contemporary	agricultural	
development	problems	and	complexity	
•  The lack of a close working relationship
between national agricultural research and
extension organizations, and with different
farmers and farm organizations, is one of the
most difficult institutional problems confronting
many developing nations
Source:	h*ps://
•  Focus	on	the	technical	aspects	for	
genera1ng	useful	technologies.	
•  Complain	prac11oners	ignore	them.	
•  Claim	that	even	if	research	is	used,	
prac11oners	do	it	wrong!	
•  Speak	technical	language.	
Development	Prac$$oners:	
•  Focus	on	the	acceptance	&	adop1on	of	those	
technologies	by	users.		
•  Complain	research	is	irrelevant	&	imprac1cal.	
•  Claim	that	even	if	relevant,	research	is	not	in	
any	form	that	can	be	readily	translated	into	
•  Speak	simple	language.	
Research-Practice Gap – Key Issues
•  Technical	training,	technologies	–	VERY	
•  FARMERS	are	responsible	for	implementa1on	of	
produc1on	changes	and	accountable	for	their	
•  ORen,	highly	technical	projects	and	training	are	
“missing	out”	on	the	human	aspects	that	speed	up	
technology	applica1on		
•  These	human	aspects	are	measured	in	sod	skills	–	
func$onal	capaci$es	
•  Sod-skill	training	that	matches	industry	needs	–	a	
major	determinant	of	project/ins1tu1onal	success	 16	
Research-Practice Gap – Key Issues
Agricultural	Innova$on	System	(AIS)	
•  Tropical	Agriculture	Plagorm	(TAP)	hosted	by	FAO	
•  Agricultural	innova$on	system	is	a	complex	network	of	actors	
(individuals,	organiza$ons	and	enterprises),	together	suppor$ng	
ins$tu$ons	and	policies	that	bring	exis$ng	or	new	agricultural	
products,	processes	and	prac$ces	into	social	and	economic	use.	
Source:	Tropical	Agriculture	PlaJorm	(TAP)	–	Common	Framework	on	Capacity				
Development	for	Agricultural	Innova<on	Systems	(CD	for	AIS)
KM in the context of AIS: System thinking
Source:	Common	Framework	on	Capacity	Development	for	Agricultural	Innova<on	Systems	–	Conceptual	background,	CABI
KM in the context of AIS –
Conceptual diagram
Source:	Common	Framework	on	Capacity	Development	for	Agricultural	Innova<on	Systems	–	Conceptual	background,	CABI
An	integrated	framework	of	behavioural	factors	affec$ng	farmers’	adop$on	
of	environmentally	sustainable	prac$ces	
20	Source:
Analysis	of	farmers’	behaviour,	based	on	two	case	studies	in	Bolivia	shows	that:	
•  KM	modali$es	affect	innova$on	behaviour	among	small	farmers	
•  Schemes,	which	involve	mul$ple	agents,	can	influence	farmers’	ajtudes	
towards	innova$on	and	adop$on	
•  The	extent	to	which	farmers	adopt	innova$ons	is	determined	by	the	degree	to	
which	they	are	embedded	in	social	networks		
•  Farmers	evaluate	poten1al	benefits	and	costs	of	innova1ons	on	the	basis	of	
opinions	of	other	farmers,	and	agents	offering	knowledge	about	innova1on	
•  Technology	adop1on	amongst	smallholders	in	developing	countries,	requires	
developing	farmers’	capabili1es	and	communica1ng	the	learning	process	to	a	
variety	of	actors		
(Source:	h*ps://		
KM for agricultural innovation: lessons from
networking efforts in the Bolivian Agricultural
Technology System
TAP	Common	Framework	on		
Capacity	Development		
for	Agricultural	Innova$on	Systems	(AIS)
•  Focus	on	func$onal	capaci$es	(sod	or	
people	skills)	–	ajtudes,	communica1on,	
crea1ve	and	cri1cal	thinking,	work	ethic,	
teamwork,	networking,	decision	making,	
mo1va1on,	flexibility,	problem	solving	–	
akributes	one	needs	to	achieve	their	goals	
and	effec1vely	put	technical	skills	in	use
The	Common	Framework	iden1fies	4	+	1	key	capaci$es	for	AIS	to	perform	effec1vely.	
These	apply	to	all	three	dimensions	of	CD..		
Capacity Development for AIS:
Functional capacities
Source:	h*ps://<es
Capacity Development:
Focus on Facilitation of Engagement
•  All	KM	as	part	of	a	larger	KM/learning	strategy	of	an	organiza1on	
•  The	KM	processes/approaches	need	to	consider	characteris1cs	of	how	
adults	learn	best	– guiding	par1cipants	to	their	own	knowledge	rather	
than	supplying	them	with	facts;	connec1ng	learning	to	par1cipants’	
experience	and	knowledge	base;	providing	opportuni1es	for	everyone	to	
interact;	using	methods	that	support	knowledge	sharing		
•  All	KM	ini1a1ves	should	also	aim	at	strengthening	rela$onships	and	
networks	as	it	helps	get	things	done,	get	right	informa1on,	learn	about	a	
new	way	to	tackle	a	challenge,	link	with	the	person	who	has	the	know-
how;	understand	where	the	linkages	are	strong	or	weak	to	help	focus	
knowledge-sharing	efforts	
KM	for	Strengthened	AIS	–	Key	Principles
KM	strategy	needs	to	integrate:	
•  capturing	and	dissemina$on	of	knowledge	to	learn	from	lessons	and	good	
prac1ces;	replicate	and	ins1tu1onalize	innova1ve	prac1ces;	and	avoid	
duplica1ng	past	mistakes	
•  genera$on	and	sharing	of	knowledge	to	document	successful	prac1ces	and	
lessons	learned	to	improve	future	ac1vi1es;	facilitate	beker	processes	of	
reflec1on,	which	can	draw	out	tacit	knowledge	and	generate	new	knowledge	
•  explora$on	of	a	problem	and	iden$fica$on	of	op$ons	to	solve	it	–	many	
issues,	including,	many	stakeholders	
•  strengthening	and	sustaining	KM	by	integra1ng	KM	in	organiza1ons’	
business	processes,	promo1ng	a	culture	of	knowledge	sharing	
KM	for	Strengthened	AIS	–Key	Principles
•  Development	of	KM	and	learning	systems	in	a	way	that	become	part	of	the	
“way	of	doing	business”	–	integra1ng	KM	processes	to	every	stage	of	the	
project	cycle,	training	and	ac1vity,	administra1on	and	management	level	
•  Different	ways	of	working,	rather	than	add	on!	
•  More	focus	on	cri$cal	reflec$on	and	collec$ve	learning	that	leads	to	learning	
how	to	innovate	and	adapt	in	response	to	changing	social	and	environmental	
•  Ques$oning	and	analysing	experiences,	observa1ons,	theories,	beliefs,	
assump1ons,	things	that	are	normally	taken	for	granted	–	What	did	not	work	or	
is	not	working?	Why?	What	are	the	implica1ons?	What	do	we	do	next?	
•  System	analysis	–	a	problem-solving	methodology	to	iden1fy	linkage	problems	
KM	for	Strengthened	AIS:	Key	Principles
KM	for	Strengthened	AIS:	Key	Principles	
•  Crucial	role	of	KM:	facilita1on,	reflec1on,	learning,	documenta1on,	
enabling	agricultural	innova1on		
•  Facilita$on:	Beyond	‘conven1onal’	facilita1on	tasks	(one-way	
communica1on	with	trainees	and	other	stakeholders,	informa1on	sharing,	
PPTs,	and/or	managing	logis1cs)	to	bring	more	interac1on,	par1cipa1on	
and	engagement	
•  Fostering	synergies	that	link	people	and	resources,	enhancing	their	ability	
to	make	collec1ve	decision,	ensure	strong	implementa1on,	and	influence	
•  All	actors	become	poten1al	sources	of	knowledge	and	change
i)  Scale	up	and	out	of	successful	agricultural	prac1ces	
and	innova1ons	to	improve	produc1vity,	
environment,	food	security	and	reduce	poverty	
ii) Akract	investment	in	key	areas	of	agri-food	research	
and	innova1on	systems	
iii) Build	trust	that	empower	policy/decision	makers	to	
design	improved	policies,	and	other	stakeholders	to	
take	collec1on	ac1on	
iv) Avoid	duplica1on	of	efforts	speeding	up	learning	and	
knowledge	transfer	to	benefit	the	society	
Why	KM	for	AIS?
•  Fundamentals	of	Knowledge	Management	(self-
study	course):	
•  KM	Toolkit:	hkp://		
•  Introducing	Knowledge	Sharing	Methods	and	Tools	
–	a	facilitator’s	guide	
•  TAP	Common	Framework	on	Capacity	Development	
for	Agricultural	Innova$on	Systems	
				KM	resources

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