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Title: The framework of viewing and
representing skills for the engagement with digital
Kay Yong, Khoo
Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong

                          CITE Research Symposium 2012
                          (June 15th )
Literature Review

 CITE Research Symposium,2012   2
The meaning of literacy in
the    21st   century    has
changed markedly with
emerging and now dominant
technologies: that is, the
move away from writing to
the new digital text mode,
and from the medium of the
books to that of the
computer            screens(
Kress, 2010).

                  CITE Research Symposium,2012   3
The need to redefine notions of reading, speaking,
listening and writing as the basic skills in language learning
is critical, as these skills are not adequate to address
digital multimodal literacy.

                     CITE Research Symposium,2012            4
Young people are frequently described as digital
natives as a result of their extensive experience of
digital computer technology (Buckingham & Willett,
2006; Prensky, 2001).

                  CITE Research Symposium,2012         5
In “Growing Up Digital”, Tapscott (1998) states that
technology is changing the practices and
preferences of young people in a series of areas –
namely, cognition, play, learning and etc.

                  CITE Research Symposium,2012         6
There are skills to be derived from children’s
intuitive understandings arising from their natural
interactions with digital text.

                  CITE Research Symposium,2012        7
There is an acknowledgement that the English Curriculum has to
        evolve according to the changing world to prepare children for the
        opportunities and challenges of life in the 21st century.

                            Ministry of Education       Australia has a long
MOE Singapore has           (2006) of Ontario,          history of incorporating    In the UK, a new
also introduced new         Canada,              has    multimodal texts into       primary curriculum is
English         Language    incorporated                the context of English      being reviewed and this
Curriculum in 2010 for      multimodal texts into       learning     (Curriculum    will be implemented in
primary and secondary       the curriculum for          Corporation., 1994; New     2011.     “Viewing”,    is
schools       to       be   young children as early     South Wales Board of        defined    as    a    skill
implemented from 2010.      as at stage one (p. 45).    Studies, 1998). In the      necessary              for
In the new curriculum,      Multimodal texts are        recent           outlined   understanding         and
viewing and representing    referred to as media        Australia        National   responding              to
skills are introduced as    texts in the curriculum,    English      Curriculum,    information,          and
receptive and productive    and are introduced in       systematic exploration      “broadcasting”          is
skills to incorporate a     the English Curriculum      and     production     of   identified as one of the
wide range of literacy      guide as one of four        multimodal texts have       key skills required to
information/functional      strands:             oral   been          introduced    present      ideas    and
texts (Singapore, 2010)     communication,              throughout the school       opinions.     (Department
                            reading, writing and        years           (National   for Children schools and
                            media literacy.             Curriculum         Board,   families UK, 2009).

                                        CITE Research Symposium,2012                                      8
However, in Hong Kong, the government-
mandated primary school’s curriculum of English
Language has not incorporated digital text as an
integral aspect of Language learning (
Education and Manpower Bureau HK, July 2004).

               CITE Research Symposium,2012        9
There is an emerging gap between children’s out-
of-school digital practices and practices in the
primary school English Language classroom in
Hong Kong (which remain focused on linguistic

               CITE Research Symposium,2012        10
The literature suggests four areas of digital
       practices that impact the engagement on screens:

Mode                       Contextual Links            Navigation             Multi-modes
Affordances              The ability to link           The     ability  to    The      ability   to
The ability to apply the elements of information       navigate on screens    recognize and create
affordances of modes     in   different    modes       (Leeuwen, 2005;        elements in different
in meaning making (      contextually in spatial or                           modes (Jewitt, 2006;
                                                       Martinec & Leeuwen, 2009
Jewitt, 2006;            temporal     layouts     (    ).                     Len Unsworth, 2008);
Kress, 2003;             Kress, 2010;
Martinec & Leeuwen, 2009 Leeuwen, 2005);

                                    CITE Research Symposium,2012                              11

CITE Research Symposium,2012   12
Cognitive theory of multimedia learning

Selecting relevant                            Organizing the
words from the                                selected words
presented text or                             into a coherent
narration                                     verbal

                                              Organizing        Integrating the
 Selecting relevant                           selected images   pictorial and
 images from the                              into a coherent   verbal
 presented                                    pictorial         representations
 illustrations                                representation    and prior

                              CITE Research Symposium,2012                        13

CITE Research Symposium,2012   14
With the new digital text practices that are found in
literature, the gaps of knowledge that need to be filled. The
gaps lead to three research questions:

1:    What digital literacy practices emerge from the participating
      children’s out-of-school technology use?

2:    How have these practices been extended to school activities?

                       CITE Research Symposium,2012                   15

CITE Research Symposium,2012   16
The study explored four cases of primary school-aged
children. The methodology of the study was qualitative
(Gay, Mills, & Airasian, 2006; Merriam, 1988, 1998a,
1998b, 2009; Yin, 1994).

                    CITE Research Symposium,2012         17
CITE Research Symposium,2012   18

CITE Research Symposium,2012   19
Results: The digital skills developed by the participants

Participant One: Angel, a multi-mode representing practitioner

Three digital artifacts were selected from Angel’s messages
listed in her Facebook. The researcher found that she had
acquired the following abilities:
She was competent in both          To apply affordances of          To link elements of             To navigate information
recognizing and creating           modes in meaning making.         different             modes     on       screens      with
messages with elements of          Images is to provide             meaningfully in layouts.        hypertexts. They afford
different modes -, i.e. video,     depictive         information    The       links     integrate   readers interaction with
verbal narrations, images          (Kress, 2010).                   elements of information in      text in a manner that is
and printed texts. Angel’s         Writing      affords      the    different             modes     meaningful to them (
three     selected      digital    description of ideas (Kress,     contextually in spatial or      Jonassen, 1986;
artifacts, the messages            2010).                           temporal        layouts     (   Leeuwen, 2005;
consisted of elements in           Videos provide information       Kress,2010;                     Martinec & Leeuwen, 2009
different    modes:         i.e.   that demand changes of           Leeuwen, 2005);                 ). Angel could quickly
images,     sound,      verbal     time     or     space,     or                                    adapt to the navigation
narrations,    video       and     information       that      is                                   potential      and     the
writing.                           perceived through sight and                                      processing of digital
                                   hearing (emotion, attitudes,                                     texts of different modes.
                                   and etc.).

                                               CITE Research Symposium,2012                                             20
Affordances of Images           Affordances of Writing                        Contextual Linking

     Angel applied a newspaper       Angel urged readers of her                    Angel     demonstrated    her
     cutting to show the authentic   message to tell more people (as               understanding to elaborate on
     aspect of the message as in     in Figure 2) about the news she               the title (writing) with the
     Figure 2.                       had read that live puppies were               newspaper cutting (an image)
                                     used as shark bait.                           as in Figure 2.

                                               Please help to disseminate…
                                               It was very cruel and inhumane…Do you notice that
                                               the dog is crying? Please disseminate this message!

                                                 The title of the newspaper cutting: “Live
                                                 puppies are used as shark bait”( 活小狗慘變
                                                 餌釣鯊魚 )

Figure 2. Angel's digital artifact with the title “Puppies
As Fishing Bait.”
                                      CITE Research Symposium,2012                                                 21
Affordances of Images                Affordances of Writing                      Contextual Linking

 In Figure 3, she used her            She determined to change the                Angel demonstrated her to
 serious look photo to reflect        image she was projecting of                 complement        the      body
 her friends’ perception of her.      herself by using smiley faces to            message (writing) with a photo
                                      get to know more friends (as in             (an image) as in Figure 3.
                                      Figure 3).

                               The title: “Your first impression for friends of
                               different gender (for girls only).“ 妳給異性的
                               第一印象 ( 女生玩 )”

                               The body message stated: “AC has completed
                               a psychological test. The test showed that she
                               felt she always needed to insert a smiley face
                               so that she is viewed as approachable by
                               friends of different gender.”

Figure 3. The digital artifact by Angel with
         the title: A Psychological Test

                                             CITE Research Symposium,2012                                           22
Affordances of Videos

Angel applied a video clip that showed a series of images with different narration for each, “The Handsome Guys
and The Ugly Guys (”. The narrations with illustrations compared
how people perceived handsome and ugly boys performing a series of heterogeneous actions. For example: when a
handsome boy reads a book, people would praise him as “a decent boy”, but an ugly boy reading a book would be
termed a “bookworm”.

                                           CITE Research Symposium,2012                                           23
On top of the four digital practices that have been noted from the literature,
two additional practices emerged specifically from the Stage One study.
Angel had also acquired the following abilities:

       To assimilate digital functionalities in as a part of engagement.

Some clear patterns emerged from Angel’s viewing engagement with these elements.
There were two macro processes in Angel’s self-regulated engagement with these
elements, she selected elements and she integrated them with different links to form a
semantic path of engagement.

                                CITE Research Symposium,2012                       24
Table 2.
 Viewing and representing skills developed from children’s out-of-school digital

   Skill           Area                                                 Skill
    One    Multi-mode              The skill to recognize or to create elements of various modes.
   Two     Affordances of mode     The skill to apply or to engage with the affordances of various modes.
   Three   Contextual Link         The skill to interpret and create contextual links (in spatial/temporal layouts)
                                   between elements.
   Four    Navigation              The skill to move around a screen to engage with information.
   Five    Digital functionality   The skill to assimilate digital functionalities in one’s engagement on screens.

In this study, five viewing and representing skills are identified (as in Table 2)
in response to the first research question. Four of these skills - skills 1,2,3 and
4 - were derived from practices identified in the literature review before the
data collection (Jewitt, 2006;        Kress, 2010; Kress & Leeuwen, 2007;
Leeuwen, 2005; Martinec & Leeuwen, 2009). An additional skill emerged from
the study.

                                        CITE Research Symposium,2012                                            25
The different processes were identified when Angel engaged with digital
 text by using the five skills. Analysing these processes can lead to the
 development of the conceptual overview to frame the other five skills (as
 i Table 3).

Table 3.
The framework of viewing and representing skills
Macro Process                Element Selection                                  Element Integration
                                  Multi-mode                                        Contextual Link

                The skill to recognize and create elements of     The skill to interpret and create contextual links (in
                different modes to form information.              spatial/temporal layouts) with different elements to
                                                                  form information.
    Skills                   Affordances of mode                                        Navigation

                The skill to apply and engage with the The skill to move around a screen to integrate
                affordances of different modes in elements to different elements to form information.
                form information.
                                                        Digital functionality

                The skill to assimilate digital functionalities   The skill to assimilate digital functionalities to
                in elements to form information.                  integrate elements to form information.

                                          CITE Research Symposium,2012                                                     26
of results and the research’s

        CITE Research Symposium,2012   27
A pedagogical implication arises from this research. Each participant
had different preferences in relation to the ways in which they engaged
with digital texts.

    •   Multimodal practitioner
    •   Multimodal written text representing
    •   practitioner Digital savvy practitioner
    •   Viewing practitioner

This finding implies that education should adopt more individualized
approaches to allow learners to design their own style and practice in

                        CITE Research Symposium,2012                      28
The researcher found that skills
                                 1,4 5 & 6 were utilized, while
                                 skills 2 & 3 were not in
                                 evidence. The second research
                                 question will be answered
                                 based on these findings.

                               Although skill one (multi-mode) is
                               extended as images in formal
                               learning, the affordances of
                               images (skill two) and the
                               contextual links between images
                               and writing mode (skill three)
                               were not utilized. The result is
                               consistent with the findings of
                               other studies where images were
                               found    to    be   not utilized
                               meaningfully     in  learning    (
                               Daly & Unsworth, 2011;
                               Len Unsworth, 2008).

                                 The children extended skills
                                 4,5 & 6 intuitively into their
                                 formal learning on screens.
                                 Furthermore, feedback from
                                 the teachers indicated the fact
                                 that they were also aware of
                                 the skills.

CITE Research Symposium,2012                               29
The studies from the four cases
                               show that English language
                               learning at school focuses on
                               linguistic development (such as
                               grammar         and     reading
                               comprehension) as observed in
                               classroom observations and
                               the     interviews  with    the
                               The children extended skills 1,
                               2 & 3 into their independent
                               schoolwork. Besides creating
                               their messages meaningfully
                               with images and writing, they
                               were also skilled at creating
                               meaning with contextual links
                               with non-linear spatial layouts
                               (skill three).

                               However, Skills 4,5 & 6 were
                               not in evidence in their
                               independent schoolwork: There
                               was no teacher-led promotion
                               of schoolwork to be completed
                               on screens with digital texts;
                               the teachers requested that
                               independent schoolwork be
                               printed to hard copy.

CITE Research Symposium,2012                            30

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The framework of viewing and representing skills for engagement with digital texts

  • 1. Title: The framework of viewing and representing skills for the engagement with digital texts Kay Yong, Khoo Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong CITE Research Symposium 2012 (June 15th )
  • 2. Literature Review CITE Research Symposium,2012 2
  • 3. The meaning of literacy in the 21st century has changed markedly with emerging and now dominant technologies: that is, the move away from writing to the new digital text mode, and from the medium of the books to that of the computer screens( Kress, 2010). CITE Research Symposium,2012 3
  • 4. The need to redefine notions of reading, speaking, listening and writing as the basic skills in language learning is critical, as these skills are not adequate to address digital multimodal literacy. CITE Research Symposium,2012 4
  • 5. Young people are frequently described as digital natives as a result of their extensive experience of digital computer technology (Buckingham & Willett, 2006; Prensky, 2001). CITE Research Symposium,2012 5
  • 6. In “Growing Up Digital”, Tapscott (1998) states that technology is changing the practices and preferences of young people in a series of areas – namely, cognition, play, learning and etc. CITE Research Symposium,2012 6
  • 7. There are skills to be derived from children’s intuitive understandings arising from their natural interactions with digital text. CITE Research Symposium,2012 7
  • 8. There is an acknowledgement that the English Curriculum has to evolve according to the changing world to prepare children for the opportunities and challenges of life in the 21st century. Ministry of Education Australia has a long MOE Singapore has (2006) of Ontario, history of incorporating In the UK, a new also introduced new Canada, has multimodal texts into primary curriculum is English Language incorporated the context of English being reviewed and this Curriculum in 2010 for multimodal texts into learning (Curriculum will be implemented in primary and secondary the curriculum for Corporation., 1994; New 2011. “Viewing”, is schools to be young children as early South Wales Board of defined as a skill implemented from 2010. as at stage one (p. 45). Studies, 1998). In the necessary for In the new curriculum, Multimodal texts are recent outlined understanding and viewing and representing referred to as media Australia National responding to skills are introduced as texts in the curriculum, English Curriculum, information, and receptive and productive and are introduced in systematic exploration “broadcasting” is skills to incorporate a the English Curriculum and production of identified as one of the wide range of literacy guide as one of four multimodal texts have key skills required to information/functional strands: oral been introduced present ideas and texts (Singapore, 2010) communication, throughout the school opinions. (Department reading, writing and years (National for Children schools and media literacy. Curriculum Board, families UK, 2009). 2008). CITE Research Symposium,2012 8
  • 9. However, in Hong Kong, the government- mandated primary school’s curriculum of English Language has not incorporated digital text as an integral aspect of Language learning ( Education and Manpower Bureau HK, July 2004). CITE Research Symposium,2012 9
  • 10. There is an emerging gap between children’s out- of-school digital practices and practices in the primary school English Language classroom in Hong Kong (which remain focused on linguistic learning). CITE Research Symposium,2012 10
  • 11. The literature suggests four areas of digital practices that impact the engagement on screens: Mode Contextual Links Navigation Multi-modes Affordances The ability to link The ability to The ability to The ability to apply the elements of information navigate on screens recognize and create affordances of modes in different modes (Leeuwen, 2005; elements in different in meaning making ( contextually in spatial or modes (Jewitt, 2006; Martinec & Leeuwen, 2009 Jewitt, 2006; temporal layouts ( ). Len Unsworth, 2008); Kress, 2003; Kress, 2010; Martinec & Leeuwen, 2009 Leeuwen, 2005); ); CITE Research Symposium,2012 11
  • 13. Cognitive theory of multimedia learning Selecting relevant Organizing the words from the selected words presented text or into a coherent narration verbal representation Organizing Integrating the Selecting relevant selected images pictorial and images from the into a coherent verbal presented pictorial representations illustrations representation and prior knowledge CITE Research Symposium,2012 13
  • 14. Research Questions CITE Research Symposium,2012 14
  • 15. With the new digital text practices that are found in literature, the gaps of knowledge that need to be filled. The gaps lead to three research questions: 1: What digital literacy practices emerge from the participating children’s out-of-school technology use? 2: How have these practices been extended to school activities? CITE Research Symposium,2012 15
  • 17. The study explored four cases of primary school-aged children. The methodology of the study was qualitative (Gay, Mills, & Airasian, 2006; Merriam, 1988, 1998a, 1998b, 2009; Yin, 1994). CITE Research Symposium,2012 17
  • 20. Results: The digital skills developed by the participants Participant One: Angel, a multi-mode representing practitioner Three digital artifacts were selected from Angel’s messages listed in her Facebook. The researcher found that she had acquired the following abilities: She was competent in both To apply affordances of To link elements of To navigate information recognizing and creating modes in meaning making. different modes on screens with messages with elements of Images is to provide meaningfully in layouts. hypertexts. They afford different modes -, i.e. video, depictive information The links integrate readers interaction with verbal narrations, images (Kress, 2010). elements of information in text in a manner that is and printed texts. Angel’s Writing affords the different modes meaningful to them ( three selected digital description of ideas (Kress, contextually in spatial or Jonassen, 1986; artifacts, the messages 2010). temporal layouts ( Leeuwen, 2005; consisted of elements in Videos provide information Kress,2010; Martinec & Leeuwen, 2009 different modes: i.e. that demand changes of Leeuwen, 2005); ). Angel could quickly images, sound, verbal time or space, or adapt to the navigation narrations, video and information that is potential and the writing. perceived through sight and processing of digital hearing (emotion, attitudes, texts of different modes. and etc.). CITE Research Symposium,2012 20
  • 21. Affordances of Images Affordances of Writing Contextual Linking Angel applied a newspaper Angel urged readers of her Angel demonstrated her cutting to show the authentic message to tell more people (as understanding to elaborate on aspect of the message as in in Figure 2) about the news she the title (writing) with the Figure 2. had read that live puppies were newspaper cutting (an image) used as shark bait. as in Figure 2. Please help to disseminate… It was very cruel and inhumane…Do you notice that the dog is crying? Please disseminate this message! The title of the newspaper cutting: “Live puppies are used as shark bait”( 活小狗慘變 餌釣鯊魚 ) Figure 2. Angel's digital artifact with the title “Puppies As Fishing Bait.” CITE Research Symposium,2012 21
  • 22. Affordances of Images Affordances of Writing Contextual Linking In Figure 3, she used her She determined to change the Angel demonstrated her to serious look photo to reflect image she was projecting of complement the body her friends’ perception of her. herself by using smiley faces to message (writing) with a photo get to know more friends (as in (an image) as in Figure 3. Figure 3). The title: “Your first impression for friends of different gender (for girls only).“ 妳給異性的 第一印象 ( 女生玩 )” The body message stated: “AC has completed a psychological test. The test showed that she felt she always needed to insert a smiley face so that she is viewed as approachable by friends of different gender.” Figure 3. The digital artifact by Angel with the title: A Psychological Test CITE Research Symposium,2012 22
  • 23. Affordances of Videos Angel applied a video clip that showed a series of images with different narration for each, “The Handsome Guys and The Ugly Guys (”. The narrations with illustrations compared how people perceived handsome and ugly boys performing a series of heterogeneous actions. For example: when a handsome boy reads a book, people would praise him as “a decent boy”, but an ugly boy reading a book would be termed a “bookworm”. CITE Research Symposium,2012 23
  • 24. On top of the four digital practices that have been noted from the literature, two additional practices emerged specifically from the Stage One study. Angel had also acquired the following abilities: To assimilate digital functionalities in as a part of engagement. and Some clear patterns emerged from Angel’s viewing engagement with these elements. There were two macro processes in Angel’s self-regulated engagement with these elements, she selected elements and she integrated them with different links to form a semantic path of engagement. CITE Research Symposium,2012 24
  • 25. Table 2. Viewing and representing skills developed from children’s out-of-school digital practices Skill Area Skill One Multi-mode The skill to recognize or to create elements of various modes. Two Affordances of mode The skill to apply or to engage with the affordances of various modes. Three Contextual Link The skill to interpret and create contextual links (in spatial/temporal layouts) between elements. Four Navigation The skill to move around a screen to engage with information. Five Digital functionality The skill to assimilate digital functionalities in one’s engagement on screens. In this study, five viewing and representing skills are identified (as in Table 2) in response to the first research question. Four of these skills - skills 1,2,3 and 4 - were derived from practices identified in the literature review before the data collection (Jewitt, 2006; Kress, 2010; Kress & Leeuwen, 2007; Leeuwen, 2005; Martinec & Leeuwen, 2009). An additional skill emerged from the study. CITE Research Symposium,2012 25
  • 26. The different processes were identified when Angel engaged with digital text by using the five skills. Analysing these processes can lead to the development of the conceptual overview to frame the other five skills (as in i Table 3). Table 3. The framework of viewing and representing skills Macro Process Element Selection Element Integration Multi-mode Contextual Link The skill to recognize and create elements of The skill to interpret and create contextual links (in different modes to form information. spatial/temporal layouts) with different elements to form information. Skills Affordances of mode Navigation The skill to apply and engage with the The skill to move around a screen to integrate affordances of different modes in elements to different elements to form information. form information. Digital functionality The skill to assimilate digital functionalities The skill to assimilate digital functionalities to in elements to form information. integrate elements to form information. CITE Research Symposium,2012 26
  • 27. Discussion of results and the research’s implication. CITE Research Symposium,2012 27
  • 28. A pedagogical implication arises from this research. Each participant had different preferences in relation to the ways in which they engaged with digital texts. • Multimodal practitioner • Multimodal written text representing • practitioner Digital savvy practitioner • Viewing practitioner This finding implies that education should adopt more individualized approaches to allow learners to design their own style and practice in learning. CITE Research Symposium,2012 28
  • 29. The researcher found that skills 1,4 5 & 6 were utilized, while skills 2 & 3 were not in evidence. The second research question will be answered based on these findings. Although skill one (multi-mode) is extended as images in formal learning, the affordances of images (skill two) and the contextual links between images and writing mode (skill three) were not utilized. The result is consistent with the findings of other studies where images were found to be not utilized meaningfully in learning ( Daly & Unsworth, 2011; Len Unsworth, 2008). The children extended skills 4,5 & 6 intuitively into their formal learning on screens. Furthermore, feedback from the teachers indicated the fact that they were also aware of the skills. CITE Research Symposium,2012 29
  • 30. The studies from the four cases show that English language learning at school focuses on linguistic development (such as grammar and reading comprehension) as observed in classroom observations and the interviews with the teachers. The children extended skills 1, 2 & 3 into their independent schoolwork. Besides creating their messages meaningfully with images and writing, they were also skilled at creating meaning with contextual links with non-linear spatial layouts (skill three). However, Skills 4,5 & 6 were not in evidence in their independent schoolwork: There was no teacher-led promotion of schoolwork to be completed on screens with digital texts; the teachers requested that independent schoolwork be printed to hard copy. CITE Research Symposium,2012 30