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Nature is Music
Music is a Cross-Cultural Healing Tradition
The Psychedelic 60’s
The Age of Electronic Music
Active Listening
“Once you’ve taught yourself the tools to engage in active listening, you
can take those tools everywhere. Out into life. And the whole world
becomes music, the whole world becomes more beautiful. And that’s
absolutely part of my intent… You can take those habits of awareness
into the daily world and be more self-aware, more awake in your
waking time, instead of being a sleepwalker while awake.”
-Robert Rich interview with Mendel Kaelen
Listening to Music is
a Meditative Act
• Active/Deep Listening:
The overthinking, conditioned,
calculative “monkey-mind”
settles and enters a space of
pure curiosity, receptivity, and
• Practicing listening leads to
increased awareness of the
world around us – World
becomes more beautiful, but
also more painful, at least for
a while.
Everything Is Musical
• All sound is potentially musical, consisting
of a series of calls and responses (e.g.
ocean waves)
• Each session is potentially musical.
Responding to the call is important.
• Flow of session more important than
• Resonance –when two musical instruments
are held next to each other, one is played,
and they vibrate at same frequency.
Human beings also resonate.
• Our work as therapists is to listen, attune,
resonate, and harmonize.
Sound and
“I discovered that with
consciousness and using
sound, we can hear around
corners, we can hear
through the dark… Hearing
allowed me to relocate
consciousness, out into
space and away from this
cabin between the ears.”
–Robert Rich
Slow Time
• Under the influence of ketamine, perception
of time changes.
• Brain activity slows and enters alpha-theta
• Mind disengages from calculative mode and
let’s go of expectations and anticipation.
Predictive capacity is reduced. Access to
meditative mode is facilitated.
• Meditative mode allows us to listen to sound
“as it is” instead of listening “for” something
(e. g. your favorite part of a track).
• You are not going out to meet the song. The
song is coming to meet you.
Frisson /frēˈsôn/ (The Goosebumps, The Chills, The Feels)
Artist: Hans Walor
• “Aesthetic chills” or “goosebumps”
resulting from deep appreciation of
beauty or meaning in a piece of art or
• Resulting from the release of adrenaline
to counteract increased serotonin levels.
• The stimuli that produce this response
are specific to each individual.
• Enhanced by the temperature of the
environment. Cool listening rooms and
cinemas may enhance the experience.
• Enhanced by ketamine. “This is like
frisson turned up to 11!”and“The shaking
is my body telling me that this is a good
place to be.”
Artist: Michael Divine
The use of music,
in combination with
psychedelics and the
attunement of the facilitator,
to resonate with and uplift
the vibrational frequencies
of the journeyer.
Attention as Doorway
for Transformation
• What if we are able to literally attune
to and uplift our client’s vibrations
just by focusing our attention on
their experience and allowing the
music to move us?
• Tips: Keep room a little chilly –
important not to be TOO
comfortable. Have empty stomach.
Use music that you LIKE.
Timing of Interventions
• Healing is dramatic. Music is dramatic. Use
these features to optimize the impact of
your interventions.
• When you know the music well, you can
time interventions accordingly, to “prime”
the client.
• Example: Reminder - of when it is time to
swallow the lozenge - spoken between
tracks (instead of in the middle of a track).
• Example: Reciting back the client’s
intention just before the climax of a track.
Artist: Michael Divine
More Complex Timbre → Greater Euphoria?
• Timbre = Tone color or quality (distinct from pitch or frequency)
• Timbre is critical for “creating dynamic structure, tension and release
in a work to provide the conditions for a listener to be emotionally
moved in the manner intended by the composer.”*
• There is some evidence that timbre – or complex changes in timbre -
increases frisson or chill response.
• Electronic/digital music composition may have greater potential to
create rich timbre – or complex changes in timbre.
*Auricchio N. (2017) Natural Highs: Timbre and Chills in Electronic Dance Music. In: Merrill J. (eds) Popular
Music Studies Today. Systematische Musikwissenschaft. Springer VS, Wiesbaden.
Overtone-Based Music Better than Classical?
• Researchers analyzed the effects of the musical genre played during sessions of a
psilocybin study for tobacco smoking cessation.
• Participants (N = 10) received psilocybin (20−30 mg/70 kg) in two sessions, each
with a different musical genre (Western classical versus overtone-based).
• Mystical experiences scores tended to be higher in overtone-based sessions than
in Western classical sessions.
• Researchers founds slight preference for overtone-based playlist
• Findings call into question whether Western classical music typically played in
psychedelic sessions holds unique benefit.*
*Source: Strickland, J., Garcia-Romeu, A., and Johnson, M. (2021). Set and Setting: A Randomized
Study of Different Musical Genres in Supporting Psychedelic Therapy. ACS Pharmacology &
Translational Science 4 (2), 472-478. DOI: 10.1021/acsptsci.0c00187
Two Approaches to Making Playlists
• “Preset” Approach: Having predetermined playlist for journey
• Pros:
• Therapist does not have to think about “managing” the music
• Therapist knows the music.
• (In research) Greater control over a potentially confounding variable (i.e.
the music)
• “Live” Approach: Creating playlist as you go, adapting to each client’s
personal process
• Pros:
• Therapist able to change music to respond to in-the-moment, evolving
emotional landscape
• Greater resonance/acceptance by client (?)
From: Barrett, F.S., Preller, K.H. and Kaelen, M. (2018). Psychedelics and music: neuroscience and
therapeutic implications. International Review of Psychiatry, 30(4), pp.350-362.
Critiques of Live Approach
• May distract therapist’s attention from the therapeutic process
• Does not require familiarity with the playlist
• Technology, like Wavepaths, that create personalized, adaptive music
to optimize therapeutic outcomes is still in development
• “Research is yet to fully comprehend the specific parameters of
music that dictate positive therapeutic results.” (M. Kaelen)
• Positive therapeutic outcomes from hundreds of sessions using preset
playlists don’t lie!
Critiques of Preset Approach
• An individual’s journey on a given day is not going to necessary
conform to a predetermined arc
• Doesn’t make room to respond organically to the spontaneous
call-and-response of the journey
• Over-attachment to “pet” playlists may prime the field with certain
expectations and lead to explicit/implicit judgment of client or client’s
• May lead to less resonance with the material
Research into Resistance
• Three factors to consider in assessing resistance to selected music:
• The type of music (like/dislike)
• Match to their process (resonance/lack of resonance)
• The material that the music is eliciting (openness/resistance)*
• Resistance may reflect power and control dynamics, or transference or
countertransference dynamics
• How resistance will be managed should be made explicit during intake
• Therapist should track - and potentially explore - resistance but avoid
overanalyzing client’s process
• Therapist should be flexible to adjusting/changing music as needed
*Kaelen, M., Giribaldi, B., Raine, J., Evans, L., Timmerman, C., Rodriguez, N., Roseman, L., Feilding, A., Nutt,
D., & Carhart-Harris, R. (2018). The hidden therapist: evidence for a central role of music in psychedelic
therapy. Psychopharmacology, 235(2), 505–519.
Artist: Peter Westermann
Music as a Support and
Guide for the Experience
• Dr. Stanislav Grof describes
the role of music as creating
“…a continuous carrier wave
that helps patients to
overcome difficult parts of
the sessions and move
through impasses” (Grof,
LSD Psychotherapy, 2008)
Artist: Joshua Levin
Playlists Essentials
• Flow: Playlists take people on a
journey through inner world.
Playlist should have beginning,
middle, and end (or opening,
active, and closing)
• Uplifting: Ultimate goal should
be to uplift the spirit and open
the heart
• Broad expressive range:
As the totality of one’s life and
memories contain the full range
of emotions, the playlist should
mirror this, helping the client to
reconnect with old memories
and deep emotions of sadness,
grief, surrender, joy, and love
Artist: Adam Scott Miller
Playlists Essentials
• Shadow: Use it!
“One of the things that creates
depth or layering of experience in an
artwork is that willingness to go into
shadows. I think that the
fundamental difference between
something that’s merely pretty and
something beautiful or deeply
moving is that for something to be
beautiful it needs to contain the
thanatotic. It needs to contain the
shadows, the death within it, as well
as the urge to life.”
–Robert Rich
Artist: Adam Scott Miller
Ketamine +
Ambient Music =
• Ambient tracks create
atmospheres that are rich in
timbre, texture, spaciousness
• Ethereal sounds – subtle,
light, airy, immaterial,
weightless – enhance
expansive states
• Tension and release
With Ketamine,
Ambient Music is Best,
• Prominent beat/rhythm can help
move someone through the
• Can be TOO Ambient (e. g. singing
bowls or gongs for 20 minutes) –
does not carry the experience.
• You don’t have to sacrifice
melody! Even though melodies
are dependent to some degree on
predictive capacity, which is
compromised with ketamine,
beautiful melodies at the right
time can be incredibly powerful!
Track Selection and
• Match tracks to the arc of
the medicine effects
• e. g. PEAK period is 15 - 45
minutes after taking
• Unfamiliar music is better-
Lessened engagement of
predictive mapping
• Lyrics can be distracting
and should be used
sparingly (but not
Artist: Bernart Amygdalah
Track Selection and Arrangement Continued
• Have playlist vetted (BY YOU) and picked out before hand.
Ideally, you won’t have to worry (and spend attention)
managing the playlist.
• Have several playlists available that you also know well that
you can use if needed to adapt or change music style
• Having another colleague or group of colleagues (on a
listserv for example) that you can share playlists with and get
feedback is nice.
Track Selection and Arrangement Continued
• Track selection should be informed – but not dictated – by an
understanding of the client’s history.
• Certain content should be avoided. Explore client’s
relationship with music during intake to identify triggers.
• Ultimate selection of music is purview of therapist. Grof: “It
is useful to discuss the subject’s tastes before the session
and get an idea of his or her preferences, idiosyncrasies, and
general level of musical sophistication. The actual selection
usually reflects more the sitters’ understanding of the
process than the experient’s choice.”*
Timing of Music Arrangement to Match
Medicine Effects: Lozenge Sessions
Phase Duration (120 min total) Quality of music
Opening Minute 0 – 10 (10 minutes) Slow, spacious, nature sounds
Onset and
Minute 10 – 20 (20 minutes) Building, stirring, still ambient
but introduce rhythm/beat
Peak Minute 20 – 45 (25 minutes) Still rhythmic but atemporal
periods to accentuate
expansive state
Long tail Minute 45 – 90 (45 minutes) Deep, spacious, emotional,
Re-entry and
Minute 90 – 120 (30 minutes) Timeless, flowing, meditative,
heart-centered, spiritual, vocal
tracks can be nice at end
Timing of Music Arrangement to Match
Medicine Effects: IM Sessions
Phase Duration (90 min total) Quality of music
Opening Minute 0 – 5 (5 minutes) Slow, spacious, nature sounds
Onset and
Minute 5 – 15 (10 minutes) Building, stirring, still ambient
but introduce rhythm/beat
Peak Minute 15 – 30 (15 minutes) Still rhythmic but atemporal
periods to accentuate
expansive state
Long tail Minute 30 – 60 (30 minutes) Deep, spacious, emotional,
Re-entry and
Minute 60 – 90 (30 minutes) Timeless, flowing, meditative,
heart-centered, spiritual,
vocal tracks can be nice at end
Examples of Phase-specific Tracks on Spotify
Some Suggested Artists for Each Phase
• Opening: Ishq, Future Sounds of London, Alucidnation, East
Forest, Ulrich Schnauss, Aphex Twin, Chicane
• Onset and Building: Solar Fields, Carbon Based Lifeforms, Benn
Jordan, Cell, El Buho, Tom Day, Port Blue
• Peak: Solar Fields, El Buho, Kilowatts, Tycho, Alucidnation,
Desert Dwellers, IHF, Voyage, Kick Bong, Zero Cult
• Long Tail: Jonsi, Hammock, Patrick O’Hearn, The Fires of Ork,
Carbon Based Lifeforms, Shpongle, Scann-Tec, Aphex Twin,
Mars Lazar, Ray Lynch, 36, Jon Hopkins, Tony Anderson
• Re-Entry and Return: Olafur Arnalds, East Forest, Alucidnation
Audio Hardware Options
• Immersive
• Portable
• Noise canceling option to filter out background noise
• Can make it difficult for the client to hear the therapist
• Open back headphones help
• I have used Zoom and a second device to pipe audio into the
headphones which works nicely
• Practice with a friend to dial it in
• A second audio device is needed for the therapist to be
able to track the playlist and time their interventions
Audio Hardware Options
Bluetooth Speakers
•More affordable than high quality surround sound
•More than sufficient for most folks
•Can be distorted at higher volumes
•Not as immersive as headphones or surround sound
•Lower end notes like bass lines are either quiet or
Audio Hardware Options
Surround Sound Speakers with Subwoofer
•Fills the room with sound, immersive for both client
and therapist.
•Music often has movement in space that can only be
captured with 5.1 systems and up.
•Provides a richer range than bluetooth speakers
•Difficult in most settings to play loudly enough to be
as immersive as headphones
•This is my ideal setup
• Can be used on most devices (Desktop, Laptop, tablets, phone)
• User friendly
Audition, Traktor, Ableton, Garageband
• Needs more computing power to run (Desktop, Laptop)
• Enables custom playlist mixes that transition smoothly and
have some overlapping sounds or repeated themes.
• Gives more of a sense of a sonic tapestry rather than a playlist
of individual songs
• Steeper learning curve
• Endless options
• Settings:
• Purchase a premium account
• No advertising in medicine space!!
• Download the playlist
• Crossfade - On (8 – 12 seconds)
• Auto-Play - Off
• Normalize Volume – On
• Download Quality – Very High
• Shuffle - Off
General Principles and Tips
• Test it before the session to ensure everything is properly
powered/charged, connected, adjusted, etc.
• Be able to adjust the volume, change the track, know where you are
in the playlist, etc without getting up
• Optimize sound setup as heard from the position of the client
• Equipment should be minimally distracting and should not inhibit the
clients movements
• All alarms, notifications and other interpreting noises turned OFF!!
Spotify Settings Tutorial
Spotify Playlist Basics
The Mighty Spotify Queue
Playlist Resources
• Polaris Insight Center’s Spotify ketamine playlists KAP Group and
Wilbur Weekend
• GentleBeard on Spotify – Ryan’s KAP playlists
• Hearts of Space – Nice, spacey, ambient pre-made mixes
• Nod to Spotify profiles we like:
• Roots To Thrive (RTT-KAT),
• Healing Realms
• Angela Ward
• Marisa Radha Weppner
Other Resources
• Chacruna Article High Holy Strangeness by Matt Baldwin, reviewing
one of Eric’s ketamine playlists
• Wavepaths Articles on music for psychedelic sessions
• Mendel Kaelan’s presentation Psychological and Neurophysiological
Effects of Music in Combination with Psychedelics
• Matt Baldwin’s presentation The Art of Creating Musical Playlists for
Psychedelic Work (for longer psychedelic sessions)
• Ilsa Jerome’s article A Journey in Sound: Music in Psychedelic Assisted
Polaris Insight Center
4255 18th St.,
San Francisco, CA 94114

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Set and settingSet and setting
Set and setting
Polaris Insight Center
KAP Phoenix 2019
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KAP Phoenix 2019
Polaris Insight Center

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KAP Phoenix 2019
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The Embrace of Space - Music for Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy

  • 4. Music is a Cross-Cultural Healing Tradition
  • 6. The Age of Electronic Music
  • 7. Active Listening “Once you’ve taught yourself the tools to engage in active listening, you can take those tools everywhere. Out into life. And the whole world becomes music, the whole world becomes more beautiful. And that’s absolutely part of my intent… You can take those habits of awareness into the daily world and be more self-aware, more awake in your waking time, instead of being a sleepwalker while awake.” -Robert Rich interview with Mendel Kaelen
  • 8. Listening to Music is a Meditative Act • Active/Deep Listening: The overthinking, conditioned, calculative “monkey-mind” settles and enters a space of pure curiosity, receptivity, and wonder. • Practicing listening leads to increased awareness of the world around us – World becomes more beautiful, but also more painful, at least for a while.
  • 9. Everything Is Musical • All sound is potentially musical, consisting of a series of calls and responses (e.g. ocean waves) • Each session is potentially musical. Responding to the call is important. • Flow of session more important than content? • Resonance –when two musical instruments are held next to each other, one is played, and they vibrate at same frequency. Human beings also resonate. • Our work as therapists is to listen, attune, resonate, and harmonize.
  • 10. Sound and Consciousness “I discovered that with consciousness and using sound, we can hear around corners, we can hear through the dark… Hearing allowed me to relocate consciousness, out into space and away from this cabin between the ears.” –Robert Rich
  • 11. Slow Time • Under the influence of ketamine, perception of time changes. • Brain activity slows and enters alpha-theta state. • Mind disengages from calculative mode and let’s go of expectations and anticipation. Predictive capacity is reduced. Access to meditative mode is facilitated. • Meditative mode allows us to listen to sound “as it is” instead of listening “for” something (e. g. your favorite part of a track). • You are not going out to meet the song. The song is coming to meet you.
  • 12. Frisson /frēˈsôn/ (The Goosebumps, The Chills, The Feels) Artist: Hans Walor
  • 13. Frisson • “Aesthetic chills” or “goosebumps” resulting from deep appreciation of beauty or meaning in a piece of art or music. • Resulting from the release of adrenaline to counteract increased serotonin levels. • The stimuli that produce this response are specific to each individual. • Enhanced by the temperature of the environment. Cool listening rooms and cinemas may enhance the experience. • Enhanced by ketamine. “This is like frisson turned up to 11!”and“The shaking is my body telling me that this is a good place to be.” Artist: Michael Divine
  • 14. SONIC ALCHEMY The use of music, in combination with psychedelics and the attunement of the facilitator, to resonate with and uplift the vibrational frequencies of the journeyer.
  • 15. Attention as Doorway for Transformation • What if we are able to literally attune to and uplift our client’s vibrations just by focusing our attention on their experience and allowing the music to move us? • Tips: Keep room a little chilly – important not to be TOO comfortable. Have empty stomach. Use music that you LIKE.
  • 16. Timing of Interventions • Healing is dramatic. Music is dramatic. Use these features to optimize the impact of your interventions. • When you know the music well, you can time interventions accordingly, to “prime” the client. • Example: Reminder - of when it is time to swallow the lozenge - spoken between tracks (instead of in the middle of a track). • Example: Reciting back the client’s intention just before the climax of a track.
  • 18. More Complex Timbre → Greater Euphoria? • Timbre = Tone color or quality (distinct from pitch or frequency) • Timbre is critical for “creating dynamic structure, tension and release in a work to provide the conditions for a listener to be emotionally moved in the manner intended by the composer.”* • There is some evidence that timbre – or complex changes in timbre - increases frisson or chill response. • Electronic/digital music composition may have greater potential to create rich timbre – or complex changes in timbre. *Auricchio N. (2017) Natural Highs: Timbre and Chills in Electronic Dance Music. In: Merrill J. (eds) Popular Music Studies Today. Systematische Musikwissenschaft. Springer VS, Wiesbaden.
  • 19. Overtone-Based Music Better than Classical? • Researchers analyzed the effects of the musical genre played during sessions of a psilocybin study for tobacco smoking cessation. • Participants (N = 10) received psilocybin (20−30 mg/70 kg) in two sessions, each with a different musical genre (Western classical versus overtone-based). • Mystical experiences scores tended to be higher in overtone-based sessions than in Western classical sessions. • Researchers founds slight preference for overtone-based playlist • Findings call into question whether Western classical music typically played in psychedelic sessions holds unique benefit.* *Source: Strickland, J., Garcia-Romeu, A., and Johnson, M. (2021). Set and Setting: A Randomized Study of Different Musical Genres in Supporting Psychedelic Therapy. ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science 4 (2), 472-478. DOI: 10.1021/acsptsci.0c00187
  • 20. Two Approaches to Making Playlists • “Preset” Approach: Having predetermined playlist for journey • Pros: • Therapist does not have to think about “managing” the music • Therapist knows the music. • (In research) Greater control over a potentially confounding variable (i.e. the music) • “Live” Approach: Creating playlist as you go, adapting to each client’s personal process • Pros: • Therapist able to change music to respond to in-the-moment, evolving emotional landscape • Greater resonance/acceptance by client (?) From: Barrett, F.S., Preller, K.H. and Kaelen, M. (2018). Psychedelics and music: neuroscience and therapeutic implications. International Review of Psychiatry, 30(4), pp.350-362.
  • 21. Critiques of Live Approach • May distract therapist’s attention from the therapeutic process • Does not require familiarity with the playlist • Technology, like Wavepaths, that create personalized, adaptive music to optimize therapeutic outcomes is still in development • “Research is yet to fully comprehend the specific parameters of music that dictate positive therapeutic results.” (M. Kaelen) • Positive therapeutic outcomes from hundreds of sessions using preset playlists don’t lie!
  • 22. Critiques of Preset Approach • An individual’s journey on a given day is not going to necessary conform to a predetermined arc • Doesn’t make room to respond organically to the spontaneous call-and-response of the journey • Over-attachment to “pet” playlists may prime the field with certain expectations and lead to explicit/implicit judgment of client or client’s process.. • May lead to less resonance with the material
  • 23. Research into Resistance • Three factors to consider in assessing resistance to selected music: • The type of music (like/dislike) • Match to their process (resonance/lack of resonance) • The material that the music is eliciting (openness/resistance)* • Resistance may reflect power and control dynamics, or transference or countertransference dynamics • How resistance will be managed should be made explicit during intake • Therapist should track - and potentially explore - resistance but avoid overanalyzing client’s process • Therapist should be flexible to adjusting/changing music as needed *Kaelen, M., Giribaldi, B., Raine, J., Evans, L., Timmerman, C., Rodriguez, N., Roseman, L., Feilding, A., Nutt, D., & Carhart-Harris, R. (2018). The hidden therapist: evidence for a central role of music in psychedelic therapy. Psychopharmacology, 235(2), 505–519.
  • 25. Music as a Support and Guide for the Experience • Dr. Stanislav Grof describes the role of music as creating “…a continuous carrier wave that helps patients to overcome difficult parts of the sessions and move through impasses” (Grof, LSD Psychotherapy, 2008) Artist: Joshua Levin
  • 26. Playlists Essentials • Flow: Playlists take people on a journey through inner world. Playlist should have beginning, middle, and end (or opening, active, and closing) • Uplifting: Ultimate goal should be to uplift the spirit and open the heart • Broad expressive range: As the totality of one’s life and memories contain the full range of emotions, the playlist should mirror this, helping the client to reconnect with old memories and deep emotions of sadness, grief, surrender, joy, and love Artist: Adam Scott Miller
  • 27. Playlists Essentials • Shadow: Use it! “One of the things that creates depth or layering of experience in an artwork is that willingness to go into shadows. I think that the fundamental difference between something that’s merely pretty and something beautiful or deeply moving is that for something to be beautiful it needs to contain the thanatotic. It needs to contain the shadows, the death within it, as well as the urge to life.” –Robert Rich Artist: Adam Scott Miller
  • 28. Ketamine + Ambient Music = Synergy • Ambient tracks create atmospheres that are rich in timbre, texture, spaciousness • Ethereal sounds – subtle, light, airy, immaterial, weightless – enhance expansive states • Tension and release
  • 29. With Ketamine, Ambient Music is Best, AND… • Prominent beat/rhythm can help move someone through the experience. • Can be TOO Ambient (e. g. singing bowls or gongs for 20 minutes) – does not carry the experience. • You don’t have to sacrifice melody! Even though melodies are dependent to some degree on predictive capacity, which is compromised with ketamine, beautiful melodies at the right time can be incredibly powerful!
  • 30. Track Selection and Arrangement • Match tracks to the arc of the medicine effects • e. g. PEAK period is 15 - 45 minutes after taking • Unfamiliar music is better- Lessened engagement of predictive mapping • Lyrics can be distracting and should be used sparingly (but not prohibited!) Artist: Bernart Amygdalah
  • 31. Track Selection and Arrangement Continued • Have playlist vetted (BY YOU) and picked out before hand. Ideally, you won’t have to worry (and spend attention) managing the playlist. • Have several playlists available that you also know well that you can use if needed to adapt or change music style • Having another colleague or group of colleagues (on a listserv for example) that you can share playlists with and get feedback is nice.
  • 32. Track Selection and Arrangement Continued • Track selection should be informed – but not dictated – by an understanding of the client’s history. • Certain content should be avoided. Explore client’s relationship with music during intake to identify triggers. • Ultimate selection of music is purview of therapist. Grof: “It is useful to discuss the subject’s tastes before the session and get an idea of his or her preferences, idiosyncrasies, and general level of musical sophistication. The actual selection usually reflects more the sitters’ understanding of the process than the experient’s choice.”* *Source:
  • 33. Timing of Music Arrangement to Match Medicine Effects: Lozenge Sessions Phase Duration (120 min total) Quality of music Opening Minute 0 – 10 (10 minutes) Slow, spacious, nature sounds Onset and building Minute 10 – 20 (20 minutes) Building, stirring, still ambient but introduce rhythm/beat Peak Minute 20 – 45 (25 minutes) Still rhythmic but atemporal periods to accentuate expansive state Long tail Minute 45 – 90 (45 minutes) Deep, spacious, emotional, cinematic Re-entry and Return Minute 90 – 120 (30 minutes) Timeless, flowing, meditative, heart-centered, spiritual, vocal tracks can be nice at end
  • 34. Timing of Music Arrangement to Match Medicine Effects: IM Sessions Phase Duration (90 min total) Quality of music Opening Minute 0 – 5 (5 minutes) Slow, spacious, nature sounds Onset and building Minute 5 – 15 (10 minutes) Building, stirring, still ambient but introduce rhythm/beat Peak Minute 15 – 30 (15 minutes) Still rhythmic but atemporal periods to accentuate expansive state Long tail Minute 30 – 60 (30 minutes) Deep, spacious, emotional, cinematic Re-entry and Return Minute 60 – 90 (30 minutes) Timeless, flowing, meditative, heart-centered, spiritual, vocal tracks can be nice at end
  • 35. Examples of Phase-specific Tracks on Spotify • OPENING • BUILDING • PEAK • LONG TAIL • CLOSING
  • 36. Some Suggested Artists for Each Phase • Opening: Ishq, Future Sounds of London, Alucidnation, East Forest, Ulrich Schnauss, Aphex Twin, Chicane • Onset and Building: Solar Fields, Carbon Based Lifeforms, Benn Jordan, Cell, El Buho, Tom Day, Port Blue • Peak: Solar Fields, El Buho, Kilowatts, Tycho, Alucidnation, Desert Dwellers, IHF, Voyage, Kick Bong, Zero Cult • Long Tail: Jonsi, Hammock, Patrick O’Hearn, The Fires of Ork, Carbon Based Lifeforms, Shpongle, Scann-Tec, Aphex Twin, Mars Lazar, Ray Lynch, 36, Jon Hopkins, Tony Anderson • Re-Entry and Return: Olafur Arnalds, East Forest, Alucidnation
  • 37. Audio Hardware Options Headphones • Immersive • Portable • Noise canceling option to filter out background noise • Can make it difficult for the client to hear the therapist • Open back headphones help • I have used Zoom and a second device to pipe audio into the headphones which works nicely • Practice with a friend to dial it in • A second audio device is needed for the therapist to be able to track the playlist and time their interventions
  • 38. Audio Hardware Options Bluetooth Speakers •More affordable than high quality surround sound speakers •Portable •More than sufficient for most folks •Can be distorted at higher volumes •Not as immersive as headphones or surround sound •Lower end notes like bass lines are either quiet or missing
  • 39. Audio Hardware Options Surround Sound Speakers with Subwoofer •Fills the room with sound, immersive for both client and therapist. •Music often has movement in space that can only be captured with 5.1 systems and up. •Provides a richer range than bluetooth speakers •Difficult in most settings to play loudly enough to be as immersive as headphones •This is my ideal setup
  • 40. Software Spotify • Can be used on most devices (Desktop, Laptop, tablets, phone) • User friendly Audition, Traktor, Ableton, Garageband • Needs more computing power to run (Desktop, Laptop) • Enables custom playlist mixes that transition smoothly and have some overlapping sounds or repeated themes. • Gives more of a sense of a sonic tapestry rather than a playlist of individual songs • Steeper learning curve • Endless options
  • 41. Software Spotify • Settings: • Purchase a premium account • No advertising in medicine space!! • Download the playlist • Crossfade - On (8 – 12 seconds) • Auto-Play - Off • Normalize Volume – On • Download Quality – Very High • Shuffle - Off
  • 42. General Principles and Tips • Test it before the session to ensure everything is properly powered/charged, connected, adjusted, etc. • Be able to adjust the volume, change the track, know where you are in the playlist, etc without getting up • Optimize sound setup as heard from the position of the client • Equipment should be minimally distracting and should not inhibit the clients movements • All alarms, notifications and other interpreting noises turned OFF!!
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  • 65. Playlist Resources • Polaris Insight Center’s Spotify ketamine playlists KAP Group and Wilbur Weekend • GentleBeard on Spotify – Ryan’s KAP playlists • Hearts of Space – Nice, spacey, ambient pre-made mixes • Nod to Spotify profiles we like: • Roots To Thrive (RTT-KAT), • Healing Realms • Angela Ward • Marisa Radha Weppner
  • 66. Other Resources • Chacruna Article High Holy Strangeness by Matt Baldwin, reviewing one of Eric’s ketamine playlists • Wavepaths Articles on music for psychedelic sessions • Mendel Kaelan’s presentation Psychological and Neurophysiological Effects of Music in Combination with Psychedelics • Matt Baldwin’s presentation The Art of Creating Musical Playlists for Psychedelic Work (for longer psychedelic sessions) • Ilsa Jerome’s article A Journey in Sound: Music in Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy
  • 67. THANK YOU! Polaris Insight Center 4255 18th St., San Francisco, CA 94114 415-800-7083