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Ecological Literacy
  A Foundation for Sustainability

The Visual Communication of Ecological Literacy
                                                                              Jody Joanna Boehnert - MPhil - School of Architecture and Design

Why? Context                                                                                                                                     Levels of Learning & Engagement
Presently humanity’s ecological footprint exceeds its regenerative
capacity by 30%. This global overshoot is growing and ecosystems are                                                                             1st: Education ABOUT Sustainability
being run down as wastes (including greenhouse gases) accumulate in                                                                              Content and/or skills emphasis. Easily accommodated
the air, land, and water. Climate change, resource depletion, pollution,                                                                         into existing system. Learning ABOUT change.
loss of biodiversity, and other systemic environmental problems                                                                                  ACCOMMODATIVE RESPONSE - maintenance.
threaten to destroy the natural support systems on which we depend.

                                                                                                                                                 2nd: Education FOR Sustainability
What? Systems, Networks, Values
                                                                                                                                                 Additional values emphasis. Greening of institutions.
Problems cannot be understood in isolation but must be seen as
                                                                                                                                                 Deeper questioning and reform of purpose, policy and practice.
interconnected and interdependent. We must learn to engage with
                                                                                                                                                 Learning FOR change. REFORMATIVE RESPONSE - adaptive.
complexity and think in terms of systems to address current
ecological, social and economic problems. Images can be useful
tools to help with this learning process.                                                                                                        3rd: SUSTAINABLE Education
                                                                                                                                                 Capacity building and action emphasis.
How? Transformational Learning                                                                                                                   Experiential curriculum. Institutions as learning communities.
                                                                                                                                                 Learning AS change. TRANSFORMATIVE RESPONSE - enactment.
The value / action gap permeates education for sustainability and is
obvious in environmental coverage in the media. The gap between
                                                                                                                                                 Stephen Sterling, 2009
our ideas about what we value and what we are actually doing to
address the problem is the notorious value / action gap. This project
uses transformational learning to move from values to action. This
approach is integrated into cycles of action research and practice
based design work.


                                                    DESIGN                                                    Ideas / Theories
                                   ECONOMIC                          SOCIAL
                                                                                                           Norms / Assumptions

                                                                                                              Beliefs / Values

                                                                                                           Paradigm / Worldview

                                                                                                          Metaphysics / Cosmology

                                                                                              Transformational Learning

                                                                                   Values, Knowledge, Skills
                                                                                               A: SEEING (Perception )
                                                                                         An expanded ethical sensibility or consciousness
                                                                                                                                                 The world is a complex, interconnected, finite, ecological-social-
                                                                                             B: KNOWING (Conception)                             psychological-economic system. We treat it as if it were not, as
Ecological literacy - the understanding of the principles of organization                       A critical understanding of pattern,             if it were divisible, separable, simple, and infinite. Our persistent,
that ecosystems have evolved to sustain the web of life - is the first                             consequence and connectivity                   intractable, global problems arise directly from this mismatch.
step on the road to sustainability. The second step is the move                                                                                                                                  Donella Meadows, 1982
towards ecodesign. We need to apply our ecological knowledge to                                    C: DOING (Action)
the fundamental redesign of our technologies and social institutions,                        The ability to design and act relationally,
so as to bridge the current gap between human design and the                                         integratively and wisely.                   References
                                                                                                                                                 Fritjof Capra. The Hidden Connections. London: Flamingo. 2003
                                                                                                                                                 Stephen Sterling. Whole Systems Thinking as a Basis for Paradigm Change in Education. University of Bath. 2003
ecological sustainable systems of nature.                                                                                                        Stephen Sterling. Transformational Learning. Researching Transformational Learning. University of Gloucestershire. 2009
                                                      Fritjof Capra, 2003                               Stephen Sterling, 2009
                                                                                                                                                 This poster can be downloaded on this website:         

     ECONOMIC                  SOCIAL

We have to learn to see the world anew.
The world is a complex, interconnected,
finite, ecological-social-psychological-
economic system. We treat it as if it were
not, as if it were divisible, separable, simple,
and infinite. Our persistent, intractable,
global problems arise directly from this

                       Donella Meadows, 1982
We live in a profoundly relational world, but
our perceptual, intellectual and learning
tools are inadequate to properly see and
appreciate this reality, and to develop an
appropriate ‘systemic wisdom’.

                      Stephen Sterling, 2009
     1. Context
     2. Concept
     3. Key ideas
     4. History
     5. Development
     6. Practice
     7. Learning
The volume of education has increased and
continues to increase, yet so do pollution,
exhaustion of resources, and the dangers
of ecological catastrophe. If still more
education is to save us, it would have to be
education of a different kind: education that
takes us into the depth of things.

                            Schumacher, 1974
1. Context

             Springer-Verlag. The New Scientist.
Living Planet Report 2008. WWF
Living Planet Report 2006. WWF
Earth’s Natural Wealth: an Audit. The New Scientist
The Oil Age. Information design by Dave Menninger. 2006
Global production of oil and gas
                                Non-con Gas
       billion Gboe/a

Production, barrels

                                Polar Oil
                        30      Deep Water
                        20      Regular


                         1930     1950        1970   1990   2010      2030    2050
                                                                       Source: ASPO

                                                                                      The Oil Crunch
                                                                                      Securing the UK’s energy future
                                                                                      First report of the UK Industry Taskforce on Peak Oil & Energy Security (ITPOES)

                                                                                                                                                                                         The Oil Crunch.
                                                                                                                                                                              The UK Industry Taskforce
                                                                                                                                                                         on Peak Oil and Energy Security.
2. Concept

                        ECONOMIC                SOCIAL

    The interlocking global crises of unsustainability
    requires a far more fundamental social learning
    and educational response than environ-mental
    education, as a largely marginalized and contained
    body of thought and practice, has yet been able to
                                                         Sterling, 2005
The development of ecological understanding
is not simply another subject to be learnt but
a fundamental change in the way we see the

                                     John Lyle, 1994
Ecological Literacy
      postmodern ecological worldview

shift from mechanistic metaphor and paradigm
towards an ecological metaphor and paradigm
The first step in our endeavor to build sustainable
communities must be to become ‘ecologically literate’,
i.e. to understand of the principles of organization,
common to all living systems, that ecosystems have
evolved to sustain the web of life…

                                Fritjof Capra, 2002
This systemic understanding of life allows us
to formulate a set of principles of organization
that may be identified as the basic principles
of ecology and used as guidelines for building
sustainable human communities...
We need to apply our ecological knowledge to
the fundamental redesign of our technologies
and social institutions, so as to bridge the current
gap between human design and the ecological
sustainable systems of nature.

                                         Fritjof Capra, 2002
3. Key Ideas
     Systems thinking asserts that valid knowledge
     and meaningful understanding comes from
     building up whole pictures of phenomenon, not
     by breaking them into parts.
•	 shift thinking from objects to processes
•	 shift thinking about relationships from
 hierarchies to networks
Whole Systems Thinking
 = systemism + ecologism
 = systems thinking + ecological thought

 •	extension	of	perception
 •	connection	in	conceptual	thinking
 •	integration	of	planning	and	action
•	Not all systems thinking is ecological.
•	Not all ecological thinking is aware of systems

                                            Stephen Sterling

    Thomas Kuhn
    The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 1962

A basic way of perceiving, thinking, valuing and
doing associated with a particular vision of reality.

A constellation of concepts, values, perceptions,
and practices shared by a community, which forms
a particuliar vision of reality that is the basis of the
whole the community organizes itself.

                                           Capra, 1986
Implicit in the notion of paradigm is the relative
unawareness of deep assumptions.

Paradigms have a normative aspect – they
tell people what is important, legitimate and

Patton, 1990
Paradigms are the lens through which we look a
the world and it therefore determines what we
perceive. A paradigm is a set of beliefs or as-
sumptions we make about the world, normally
beneath the level of awareness and therefore
mostly never questioned.

                                      Stacey, 1996
Three components of a paradigm

 ethos - belief, imaginal, dimension - epistemology

  eidos - dimension of ideas / concepts - ontology

praxis - reflective intention and action - methodology

                  Stephen Sterling

                       Ideas / Theories

                    Norms / Assumptions

                       Beliefs / Values

                    Paradigm / Worldview

                   Metaphysics / Cosmology

       Transformational Learning

Values, Knowledge, Skills
        A: SEEING (Perception )
  An expanded ethical sensibility or consciousness

      B: KNOWING (Conception)
         A critical understanding of pattern,
           consequence and connectivity

            C: DOING (Actio n)
      The ability to design and act relationally,
              integratively and wisely.

                 Stephen Sterling, 2009
The study of the nature of knowledge,
its origins, structure and validity.

- ‘how we know’
- epistemic learning = transformative learning
Challenge of unsustainability requires a deep
learning response, which may be termed
transformative or epistemic learning
4. History
     Gregory Bateson suggested we suffer from
     ‘a fundamental epistemological error’
     in Steps to an Ecology of Mind (1972).
Scientific revolution (17th century)
Radical change in epistemological position / paradigm

A: Shift away from Medieval Christianity
- end of the idea of a sacred world

B: Copernicus, Galileo & Issac Newton
- geocentric view of the world displaced by astronomy
C: Scientific method:
    - Francis Bacon & Rene Descartes
    - empiricism
    - reductive thinking
    - dualism:
        subject & object
        mind & body,
        people & nature
- the whole was no more than the sum of the parts
- mechanical world- world as a machine metaphor
- facts and values are unrelated
- vision of the material world as a great machine.
- reductionism tries to gain understanding of a
phenomenon by breaking it into the component
parts. This works for study of computers and cars
but not natural systems.
Reductionist science the root of the
growing ecological crisis, because it entails
a transformation of nature such that the
processes, regularities and regenerative capacity
of nature are destroyed.

                             Vandana Shiva, 1988
and reductivist
Clash of paradigms
Dominant worldview as flawed, dysfunctional
Mechanism       Ecological

Objectivist     Participative

Reductionist,   Holistic,
dualistic       integrative

Reductive       Systemic
                              Stephen Sterling, 2009
Crises of Perception
                                         value driven




Seeing differently
Put simply, the case against the dominant
Western worldview is that it is no longer
constitutes an adequate model of reality -
particularly ecological reality. The map is wrong,
and moreover, we commonly confuse the map
(worldview) for the territory (reality).
                                  Sterling, 1993
5. Development

    70s - Meadows, Bateson
    80s - Capra, Harman, Clark
    90s - Orr, Laszlo, Hawkins, Kortean, Berman+
    00s - Sterling, 100s+
Problems as symptoms of systemic failure,
 rather than random errors requiring fixes.






Stephen Sterling on transition from beliefs to actions: ‘Levels of Knowing’, 2009
What we already ‘know’ frames what we see,
and what we see frames what we understand.

The things we make are an extension of the
manner in which we think.
6. Practice
     footprinting        theory
     lifecyle analysis   wicked problems
     cradle to cradle    tipping points
     One Planet Living   resilience
     biomimicry          technology lock-in
     embodied energy     carrying capacity
     rebound effect      dematerialisation
     energy descent      ecosystem services
     general systems     externality costs
Values lead to what we design
& designers subconsiously embed values in to
what we make.

But our value system presently does not
acknowledge our dependence on ecological
support systems.
Some lessons from ecological systems for
design of human systems.

       1.   Diversity
       2.   Feedbacks
       3.   Resilience
       4.   Non-linear thresholds
       5.   Emergence
7. Learning

     How? Transformational Learning
     The value / action gap permeates education for sustainability and is
     obvious in environmental coverage in the media. The gap between
     our ideas about what we value and what we are actually doing to
     address the problem is the notorious value / action gap. This project
     uses transformational learning to move from values to action. This
     approach is integrated into cycles of action research and practice
     based design work.

                       Ideas / Theories

                    Norms / Assumptions

                       Beliefs / Values

                    Paradigm / Worldview

                   Metaphysics / Cosmology

       Transformational Learning

Values, Knowledge, Skills
        A: SEEING (Perc eption )
  An expanded ethical sensibility or consciousness

      B: KNOWING (Conception)
         A critical understanding of pattern,
           consequence and connectivity

            C: DOING (Action)
      The ability to design and act relationally,
              integratively and wisely.

                 Stephen Sterling, 2009
A sufficient and whole learning response -
at personal, organisational and social levels -
requires shifts in the three interrelated areas of
human knowing and experience:

         perception (Seeing – affective dimension)
      conception (Knowing – cognitive dimension)
         action (Doing – intentional dimension)

                                       Stephen Sterling, 2009
10 Assumptions of Reductionist Thinking

1 ‘To every problem, there’s a solution’

2 ‘We can understand something by breaking it down into its component parts’

3 ‘The whole (of something) is no more than the sum of its parts’

4 ‘Most processes are linear’

5 ‘Most issues and events are can be understood by examining the components.

6 ‘It is acceptable to draw your circle of attention or concern quite tightly, as in ”that’s not my concern’

7 ‘We can define or value something by distinguishing it from what it is not, or from its opposite’

8 ‘Objectivity is both possible and necessary to understand issues‘

9 ‘We can understand things best through a rational response. Any other approach is irrational’

10 ‘If we know what the state of something is now, we can usually predict future outcomes’

                                                                                    Stephen Sterling 2009
10 Assumptions of Reductionist Thinking
         •	 problem-solving
         •	 analysis
         •	 reductionism
         •	 cause-effect
         •	 atomism
         •	 narrow boundaries
         •	 objectivism
         •	 dualism
         •	 rationalism
         •	 determinism
An emerging ecological (relational/systemic)
paradigm presents a sane and hopeful
evolutionary pathway, necessary to the
conditions we now face, with the power
to transcend the disintegrative effects of
modernism and the disempowering relativism of
deconstructive postmodernism.

                          Stephen Sterling, 2009
To simplify, two ways of thinking...
Problem-solving       Reframing /alleviation
Analysis              Synthesis
Reductionism          Holism
Closed cause-effect   Multiple influences
Atomism/segregative   Integrative
Narrow boundaries     Extension of boundaries
Objectivism           Critical subjectivity
Dualism               Pluralism / duality
Rationalism           Rational / non-rational
Determinism           Uncertainty, ambiguity
Key cultural worldviews
Metaphor       Mechanism       Ecology/living
Epistemology   Objectivist     Participative

               Reductionist,   Holistic,
               dualistic       integrative
Methodology    Reductive       Systemic
Educational paradigm
Educational     Positivist       Interpretivist;   Critical;        Poststructural   Participative
paradigm                         Constructivist    radical

Role of         Instruction      Facilitation      Critical         Deconstruct-     Mediation,
educator                                           pedagogy         ion              mentoring/
                                                   transformative                    ‘invitational’

Curriculum      Prescribed       Constructivist;   Issues based     Pluralist        Indicative,

Pedagogy        Delivery         Learner           Critical         Deconstructive   Co-inquiry
                                 centered          pedagogy

Cultural worldview/metaphor
Our machines, our value systems, our
educational systems will all have to be
informed by (the) switch, from the machine
age when we tried to design schools to be like
factories, to an ecological age, when we want
to design schools, and families and social
institutions in terms of maintaining the quality
of life not just for our species, but for the
whole planet.
                   Mary Catherine Bateson, 1997
Last thoughts...

‘It is better to do the right thing wrongly, than
the wrong thing better and better…’

                                     Russell Ackoff
We can’t solve problems by using the same
kind of thinking we used when we created them.

                                Albert Einstein

                                                                                     ECONOMIC                    SOCIAL


Further Reading:
Capra, Fritjof. 2002. The Hidden Connections. London: Flamingo, 2003.
Orr, David. Ecological Literacy. Albany: State of New York Press, 1992.
Stephen Sterling. Whole Systems Thinking as a Basis for Paradigm Change in Education. University of Bath. 2003

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Ecological Literacy - A Foundation for Sustainability

  • 1. Ecological Literacy A Foundation for Sustainability
  • 2. The Visual Communication of Ecological Literacy Jody Joanna Boehnert - MPhil - School of Architecture and Design Why? Context Levels of Learning & Engagement Presently humanity’s ecological footprint exceeds its regenerative capacity by 30%. This global overshoot is growing and ecosystems are 1st: Education ABOUT Sustainability being run down as wastes (including greenhouse gases) accumulate in Content and/or skills emphasis. Easily accommodated the air, land, and water. Climate change, resource depletion, pollution, into existing system. Learning ABOUT change. loss of biodiversity, and other systemic environmental problems ACCOMMODATIVE RESPONSE - maintenance. threaten to destroy the natural support systems on which we depend. 2nd: Education FOR Sustainability What? Systems, Networks, Values Additional values emphasis. Greening of institutions. Problems cannot be understood in isolation but must be seen as Deeper questioning and reform of purpose, policy and practice. interconnected and interdependent. We must learn to engage with Learning FOR change. REFORMATIVE RESPONSE - adaptive. complexity and think in terms of systems to address current ecological, social and economic problems. Images can be useful tools to help with this learning process. 3rd: SUSTAINABLE Education Capacity building and action emphasis. How? Transformational Learning Experiential curriculum. Institutions as learning communities. Learning AS change. TRANSFORMATIVE RESPONSE - enactment. The value / action gap permeates education for sustainability and is obvious in environmental coverage in the media. The gap between Stephen Sterling, 2009 our ideas about what we value and what we are actually doing to address the problem is the notorious value / action gap. This project uses transformational learning to move from values to action. This approach is integrated into cycles of action research and practice based design work. ECOLOGICAL Actions GOOD DESIGN Ideas / Theories ECONOMIC SOCIAL Norms / Assumptions Beliefs / Values Paradigm / Worldview Metaphysics / Cosmology Transformational Learning Values, Knowledge, Skills A: SEEING (Perception ) An expanded ethical sensibility or consciousness The world is a complex, interconnected, finite, ecological-social- B: KNOWING (Conception) psychological-economic system. We treat it as if it were not, as Ecological literacy - the understanding of the principles of organization A critical understanding of pattern, if it were divisible, separable, simple, and infinite. Our persistent, that ecosystems have evolved to sustain the web of life - is the first consequence and connectivity intractable, global problems arise directly from this mismatch. step on the road to sustainability. The second step is the move Donella Meadows, 1982 towards ecodesign. We need to apply our ecological knowledge to C: DOING (Action) the fundamental redesign of our technologies and social institutions, The ability to design and act relationally, so as to bridge the current gap between human design and the integratively and wisely. References Fritjof Capra. The Hidden Connections. London: Flamingo. 2003 Stephen Sterling. Whole Systems Thinking as a Basis for Paradigm Change in Education. University of Bath. 2003 ecological sustainable systems of nature. Stephen Sterling. Transformational Learning. Researching Transformational Learning. University of Gloucestershire. 2009 Fritjof Capra, 2003 Stephen Sterling, 2009 | This poster can be downloaded on this website:
  • 3. ECOLOGICAL ECONOMIC SOCIAL We have to learn to see the world anew. Einstein
  • 4. The world is a complex, interconnected, finite, ecological-social-psychological- economic system. We treat it as if it were not, as if it were divisible, separable, simple, and infinite. Our persistent, intractable, global problems arise directly from this mismatch. Donella Meadows, 1982
  • 5. We live in a profoundly relational world, but our perceptual, intellectual and learning tools are inadequate to properly see and appreciate this reality, and to develop an appropriate ‘systemic wisdom’. Stephen Sterling, 2009
  • 6. Content 1. Context 2. Concept 3. Key ideas 4. History 5. Development 6. Practice 7. Learning
  • 7. The volume of education has increased and continues to increase, yet so do pollution, exhaustion of resources, and the dangers of ecological catastrophe. If still more education is to save us, it would have to be education of a different kind: education that takes us into the depth of things. Schumacher, 1974
  • 8. 1. Context Springer-Verlag. The New Scientist.
  • 10. Living Planet Report 2006. WWF
  • 11. Earth’s Natural Wealth: an Audit. The New Scientist
  • 12. The Oil Age. Information design by Dave Menninger. 2006
  • 13. Global production of oil and gas 50 Non-con Gas Gas billion Gboe/a 40 NGLs Production, barrels Polar Oil 30 Deep Water Heavy 20 Regular 10 0 1930 1950 1970 1990 2010 2030 2050 Source: ASPO The Oil Crunch Securing the UK’s energy future First report of the UK Industry Taskforce on Peak Oil & Energy Security (ITPOES) The Oil Crunch. The UK Industry Taskforce on Peak Oil and Energy Security.
  • 14. 2. Concept ECOLOGICAL ECONOMIC SOCIAL The interlocking global crises of unsustainability requires a far more fundamental social learning and educational response than environ-mental education, as a largely marginalized and contained body of thought and practice, has yet been able to effect. Sterling, 2005
  • 15. The development of ecological understanding is not simply another subject to be learnt but a fundamental change in the way we see the world. John Lyle, 1994
  • 16. Ecological Literacy postmodern ecological worldview shift from mechanistic metaphor and paradigm towards an ecological metaphor and paradigm
  • 17. The first step in our endeavor to build sustainable communities must be to become ‘ecologically literate’, i.e. to understand of the principles of organization, common to all living systems, that ecosystems have evolved to sustain the web of life… Fritjof Capra, 2002
  • 18. This systemic understanding of life allows us to formulate a set of principles of organization that may be identified as the basic principles of ecology and used as guidelines for building sustainable human communities...
  • 19. We need to apply our ecological knowledge to the fundamental redesign of our technologies and social institutions, so as to bridge the current gap between human design and the ecological sustainable systems of nature. Fritjof Capra, 2002
  • 20. 3. Key Ideas Systems thinking asserts that valid knowledge and meaningful understanding comes from building up whole pictures of phenomenon, not by breaking them into parts.
  • 21. • shift thinking from objects to processes • shift thinking about relationships from hierarchies to networks
  • 22. Whole Systems Thinking = systemism + ecologism = systems thinking + ecological thought • extension of perception • connection in conceptual thinking • integration of planning and action
  • 23. • Not all systems thinking is ecological. • Not all ecological thinking is aware of systems thinking. Stephen Sterling
  • 24. Paradigm Thomas Kuhn The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 1962 A basic way of perceiving, thinking, valuing and doing associated with a particular vision of reality.
  • 25. Paradigm A constellation of concepts, values, perceptions, and practices shared by a community, which forms a particuliar vision of reality that is the basis of the whole the community organizes itself. Capra, 1986
  • 26. Implicit in the notion of paradigm is the relative unawareness of deep assumptions. Paradigms have a normative aspect – they tell people what is important, legitimate and reasonable. Patton, 1990
  • 27. Paradigms are the lens through which we look a the world and it therefore determines what we perceive. A paradigm is a set of beliefs or as- sumptions we make about the world, normally beneath the level of awareness and therefore mostly never questioned. Stacey, 1996
  • 28. Three components of a paradigm ethos - belief, imaginal, dimension - epistemology eidos - dimension of ideas / concepts - ontology praxis - reflective intention and action - methodology Stephen Sterling
  • 29. Actions Ideas / Theories Norms / Assumptions Beliefs / Values Paradigm / Worldview Metaphysics / Cosmology Transformational Learning Values, Knowledge, Skills A: SEEING (Perception ) An expanded ethical sensibility or consciousness B: KNOWING (Conception) A critical understanding of pattern, consequence and connectivity C: DOING (Actio n) The ability to design and act relationally, integratively and wisely. Stephen Sterling, 2009
  • 30. Epistemology The study of the nature of knowledge, its origins, structure and validity. - ‘how we know’ - epistemic learning = transformative learning
  • 31. Challenge of unsustainability requires a deep learning response, which may be termed transformative or epistemic learning
  • 32. 4. History Gregory Bateson suggested we suffer from ‘a fundamental epistemological error’ in Steps to an Ecology of Mind (1972).
  • 33. Scientific revolution (17th century) Radical change in epistemological position / paradigm A: Shift away from Medieval Christianity - end of the idea of a sacred world B: Copernicus, Galileo & Issac Newton - geocentric view of the world displaced by astronomy
  • 34. C: Scientific method: - Francis Bacon & Rene Descartes - empiricism - reductive thinking - dualism: subject & object mind & body, people & nature
  • 35. - the whole was no more than the sum of the parts - mechanical world- world as a machine metaphor - facts and values are unrelated - vision of the material world as a great machine. - reductionism tries to gain understanding of a phenomenon by breaking it into the component parts. This works for study of computers and cars but not natural systems.
  • 36. Reductionist science the root of the growing ecological crisis, because it entails a transformation of nature such that the processes, regularities and regenerative capacity of nature are destroyed. Vandana Shiva, 1988
  • 37. mechanistic, dualistic, rationalist, objectivist, and reductivist
  • 38. Clash of paradigms Dominant worldview as flawed, dysfunctional
  • 39. Mechanism Ecological Objectivist Participative Reductionist, Holistic, dualistic integrative Reductive Systemic Stephen Sterling, 2009
  • 40. Crises of Perception value driven participatory ecological wholistic systemic transdisciplinary empirical objective reductionist mechanical
  • 42. Put simply, the case against the dominant Western worldview is that it is no longer constitutes an adequate model of reality - particularly ecological reality. The map is wrong, and moreover, we commonly confuse the map (worldview) for the territory (reality). Sterling, 1993
  • 43. 5. Development 70s - Meadows, Bateson 80s - Capra, Harman, Clark 90s - Orr, Laszlo, Hawkins, Kortean, Berman+ 00s - Sterling, 100s+
  • 44. Problems as symptoms of systemic failure, rather than random errors requiring fixes.
  • 45.
  • 46.
  • 47. Actions Ideas/theories Norms/assumptions Beliefs/values Paradigm/worldview Metaphysics/cosmology Stephen Sterling on transition from beliefs to actions: ‘Levels of Knowing’, 2009
  • 48. What we already ‘know’ frames what we see, and what we see frames what we understand. The things we make are an extension of the manner in which we think.
  • 49. 6. Practice footprinting theory lifecyle analysis wicked problems cradle to cradle tipping points One Planet Living resilience biomimicry technology lock-in embodied energy carrying capacity rebound effect dematerialisation energy descent ecosystem services general systems externality costs
  • 50. Values lead to what we design & designers subconsiously embed values in to what we make. But our value system presently does not acknowledge our dependence on ecological support systems.
  • 51.
  • 52. Some lessons from ecological systems for design of human systems. 1. Diversity 2. Feedbacks 3. Resilience 4. Non-linear thresholds 5. Emergence
  • 53. 7. Learning How? Transformational Learning The value / action gap permeates education for sustainability and is obvious in environmental coverage in the media. The gap between our ideas about what we value and what we are actually doing to address the problem is the notorious value / action gap. This project uses transformational learning to move from values to action. This approach is integrated into cycles of action research and practice based design work.
  • 54.
  • 55. Actions Ideas / Theories Norms / Assumptions Beliefs / Values Paradigm / Worldview Metaphysics / Cosmology Transformational Learning Values, Knowledge, Skills A: SEEING (Perc eption ) An expanded ethical sensibility or consciousness B: KNOWING (Conception) A critical understanding of pattern, consequence and connectivity C: DOING (Action) The ability to design and act relationally, integratively and wisely. Stephen Sterling, 2009
  • 56. A sufficient and whole learning response - at personal, organisational and social levels - requires shifts in the three interrelated areas of human knowing and experience: perception (Seeing – affective dimension) conception (Knowing – cognitive dimension) action (Doing – intentional dimension) Stephen Sterling, 2009
  • 57. 10 Assumptions of Reductionist Thinking 1 ‘To every problem, there’s a solution’ 2 ‘We can understand something by breaking it down into its component parts’ 3 ‘The whole (of something) is no more than the sum of its parts’ 4 ‘Most processes are linear’ 5 ‘Most issues and events are can be understood by examining the components. 6 ‘It is acceptable to draw your circle of attention or concern quite tightly, as in ”that’s not my concern’ 7 ‘We can define or value something by distinguishing it from what it is not, or from its opposite’ 8 ‘Objectivity is both possible and necessary to understand issues‘ 9 ‘We can understand things best through a rational response. Any other approach is irrational’ 10 ‘If we know what the state of something is now, we can usually predict future outcomes’ Stephen Sterling 2009
  • 58. 10 Assumptions of Reductionist Thinking • problem-solving • analysis • reductionism • cause-effect • atomism • narrow boundaries • objectivism • dualism • rationalism • determinism
  • 59. An emerging ecological (relational/systemic) paradigm presents a sane and hopeful evolutionary pathway, necessary to the conditions we now face, with the power to transcend the disintegrative effects of modernism and the disempowering relativism of deconstructive postmodernism. Stephen Sterling, 2009
  • 60. To simplify, two ways of thinking... Problem-solving Reframing /alleviation Analysis Synthesis Reductionism Holism Closed cause-effect Multiple influences Atomism/segregative Integrative Narrow boundaries Extension of boundaries Objectivism Critical subjectivity Dualism Pluralism / duality Rationalism Rational / non-rational Determinism Uncertainty, ambiguity
  • 61. Key cultural worldviews Metaphor Mechanism Ecology/living systems Epistemology Objectivist Participative Reductionist, Holistic, Ontology dualistic integrative Methodology Reductive Systemic
  • 62. Educational paradigm Educational Positivist Interpretivist; Critical; Poststructural Participative paradigm Constructivist radical Role of Instruction Facilitation Critical Deconstruct- Mediation, educator pedagogy ion mentoring/ transformative ‘invitational’ Curriculum Prescribed Constructivist; Issues based Pluralist Indicative, emergent Pedagogy Delivery Learner Critical Deconstructive Co-inquiry centered pedagogy Transactional Cultural worldview/metaphor Mechanistic..............modernist…………….Postmodern….........Ecological…
  • 63. Our machines, our value systems, our educational systems will all have to be informed by (the) switch, from the machine age when we tried to design schools to be like factories, to an ecological age, when we want to design schools, and families and social institutions in terms of maintaining the quality of life not just for our species, but for the whole planet. Mary Catherine Bateson, 1997
  • 64. Last thoughts... ‘It is better to do the right thing wrongly, than the wrong thing better and better…’ Russell Ackoff
  • 65. We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. Albert Einstein
  • 66.
  • 67. ECOLOGICAL ECONOMIC SOCIAL Further Reading: Capra, Fritjof. 2002. The Hidden Connections. London: Flamingo, 2003. Orr, David. Ecological Literacy. Albany: State of New York Press, 1992. Stephen Sterling. Whole Systems Thinking as a Basis for Paradigm Change in Education. University of Bath. 2003