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Program Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of basic Science concepts and processes in an integrative way to solve problems critically,
think innovatively/creatively and make informed decisions to enhance the integrity and wellness of the human person, protect the environment and
conserve resources in order to sustain quality life.

           General Standard                      General Standard                     General Standard                     General Standard
               Grade 7                               Grade 8                              Grade 9                              Grade 10
          Integrated Science                    Integrative Biology                Integrative Chemistry                  Integrative Physics
The learner demonstrates              The learner demonstrates             The learner demonstrates             The learner demonstrates
understanding of fundamental          understanding of basic concepts      understanding of basic concepts      understanding of basic concepts
concepts and processes in             and processes in Biology as          and processes in Chemistry as        and processes in Physics as
Chemistry, Physics, Space             deepened by other disciplines to     deepened by other disciplines to     deepened by other disciplines to
Science and Ecology in an             analyze/solve problems critically,   analyze/solve problems critically,   analyze/solve problems critically,
integrative way to analyze/solve      think innovatively/creatively, and   think innovatively/creatively, and   think innovatively/creatively, and
problems critically, think            make informed decisions to           make informed decisions to           make informed decisions to
innovatively/creatively, and make     enhance the integrity and wellness   enhance the integrity and wellness   enhance the integrity and wellness
informed decisions to enhance the     of the human person, protect the     of the human person, protect the     of the human person, protect the
integrity and wellness of the human   environment and conserve             environment and conserve             environment and conserve
person, protect the environment,      resources in order to sustain        resources in order to sustain        resources in order to sustain
and conserve resources in order to    quality life.                        quality life.                        quality life.
sustain quality life.

General Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and processes in Biology as deepened by other disciplines, to
analyze/solve problems critically, think innovatively/creatively, and make informed decisions to enhance the integrity and wellness of the human person,
protect the environment and conserve resources in order to sustain quality life.

                                                                   Quarter 1A – Balance of Nature

                            Stage 1: Results/Outcomes                                                               Stage 2: Assessment
                    Standard                                 Essential                   Product /               Level of Understanding          Level of Performance
Content                       Performance        Understanding      Question          Performance
The learner                   Learners,          Understanding      Why is there   Active            Explanation                                 Performance
demonstrates                  individually or in of balance of      a need to      involvement in                                                assessment of
understanding of Balance groups,                 nature             understand     community-        Show how understanding of the               involvement in
of Nature to conserve         participate        contributes to     balance of     initiated         interrelationships among living things      community-initiated
local biodiversity.           actively in        conservation of    nature?        resource          contribute to balance of nature.            resource management
                              community-         local biodiversity                management                                                    activities based on the
I. Changes in Ecosystem initiated                                                                    Criteria:
                                                 through active                    activities to                                                 following criteria:
                              resource           involvement in                    conserve local    a. Thorough (explaining clearly that
   A. Ecological                                                                                                                                 1. Active Involvement
                              management to community-                             biodiversity         interrelationships among living things
                              conserve local     initiated                                              contribute to balance of nature)          • Teamwork
   B. Ecological              biodiversity.      resource                                                                                           (members work
      backlashes                                 management                                          b. Clear (expressing with clarity the          together; each
                                                 activities.                                            scientific thought in oral or written       member performs
II. Philippine Biodiversity                                                                             form)                                       a specific task)
                                                                                                                                                  • Communication
III. Biodiversity                                                                                    c. Justifiable ( providing depth and           (members
     Conservation                                                                                       breadth of scientific reasoning)            communicate
     Initiatives                                                                                                                                    thought processes
                                                                                                     INTERPRETATION                                 and strategies by
IV. Philippine and                                                                                                                                  asking questions,
    International                                                                                    Evaluate how understanding of balance          discussing ideas,
    Biodiversity Laws                                                                                of nature through community-initiated          offering
                                                                                                     activities benefits local biodiversity.        constructive
                                                                                                                                                    criticisms, and

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes                                                    Stage 2: Assessment
          Standard                             Essential          Product /                Level of Understanding           Level of Performance
Content            Performance       Understanding    Question   Performance
                                                                               Criteria:                                        summarizing
                                                                                                                                discoveries as a
                                                                               a. Meaningful (giving importance of              result of the
                                                                               balance of nature using one’s                    group’s
                                                                               immediate context)                               involvement in
                                                                               b.Illustrative (discussing clearly how           initiated resource
                                                                               balance of nature is valuable in                 management
                                                                               conserving local biodiversity)
                                                                                                                            2. Manifestation of
                                                                               APPLICATION                                     understanding of
                                                                                                                               balance of nature
                                                                               Propose plan of action on how balance
                                                                               of nature can be achieved in local           3. Conservation of
                                                                               setting.                                        local biodiversity


                                                                               a. Appropriate (proposing ways on how
                                                                               plan of action can be utilized to achieve
                                                                               balance of nature)

                                                                               b. Practical (suggesting how this plan of
                                                                               action can be done easily)

                                                                               c. Efficient (expounding how the plan of
                                                                               action will employ the productive use of
                                                                               time and resources)

                                                                               d. Effective (achieving the desired result
                                                                               in using plan of action)

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes                                                    Stage 2: Assessment
          Standard                             Essential          Product /                Level of Understanding          Level of Performance
Content            Performance       Understanding    Question   Performance

                                                                               Analyze the best strategy or approach
                                                                               in achieving balance of nature done at
                                                                               the community level.


                                                                               a. Insightful ( developing one’s view
                                                                                  after considering the best strategy or
                                                                                  approach in achieving balance of

                                                                               b. Credible (citing authoritative sources
                                                                                  of information in selecting the

                                                                               c. Reflective of critical thinking
                                                                                  (combining research, knowledge of
                                                                                  historical context, and balanced
                                                                                  judgment to choose the best strategy
                                                                                  or approach based on objectivity and
                                                                                  discretion to disregard personal
                                                                                  biases/ prejudices)


                                                                               Assume the role of an SK member who
                                                                               will initiate community activities in
                                                                               relation to balance of nature.

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes                                                   Stage 2: Assessment
          Standard                             Essential          Product /               Level of Understanding             Level of Performance
Content            Performance       Understanding    Question   Performance
                                                                               a. Perceptive (recognizing the task of
                                                                                  initiating community management
                                                                                  activities that contribute to balance of

                                                                               b. Receptive (accepting the task readily/

                                                                               c. Responsive (exhibiting the task of
                                                                                  initiating community management


                                                                               Realize one’s contribution to promote
                                                                               and sustain balance of nature.


                                                                               a. Reflective (becoming aware of one’s
                                                                                  contribution to promote and sustain
                                                                                  balance of nature)

                                                                               b. Responsive (reacting positively as a
                                                                                  result of redirecting/ changing one’s
                                                                                  thought or view)

Quarter 1B – Cellular Structures and Functions

                          Stage 1: Results/Outcomes                                                               Stage 2: Assessment
                   Standard                               Essential                  Product /                 Level of Understanding             Level of Performance
Content                     Performance      Understanding       Question         Performance
The learner                 The learner      Understanding       How can        Development of     EXPLANATION
demonstrates                develops         of cellular         understandi    an innovative,
understanding of cellular innovative,        structures and      ng of          marketable,        Describe cellular structures and their         Performance
structures and functions marketable,         functions can be cellular          replicable and     functions.                                     assessment on the
used in the promotion of replicable and      used in             structures     cost-effective                                                    development of the
                                                                                                   Criteria:                                      product based on the
livelihood, food            cost-effective   promoting           and            products
production and health.      products         livelihood, food    functions be   resulting from     a. Thorough (discussing cell structures        following criteria:
                            resulting from   production and      used to        understanding of      and functions)
I. Cell Theory                                                                                                                                    • Innovativeness /
                            understanding    health.             improve        cellular                                                            creativity
                            of cellular                          life?          structures and     b. Justifiable (providing depth and
II. Cellular Structures                                                                                                                             - originality
                            structures and                                      functions.            breadth of scientific reasoning)
                                                                                                                                                    - critical thinking in
III. Cellular Functions     functions.                                                                                                              finding ways/means
                                                                                                   c. Clear (expressing with clarity scientific
                                                                                                      thoughts in written or oral form)             to produce the
   A. Transport of
      materials                                                                                    INTERPRETATION
   B. Cell division                                                                                                                               • Marketability
                                                                                                   Illustrate a creative story about how the        - quality
   C. ATP production                                                                               cell maintains its life.                         - aesthetic value
                                                                                                                                                    - usability
IV. Promotion of                                                                                   Criteria:
    Livelihood, Food                                                                               a. Meaningful (giving the significance of      • Replicability of the
    Production and                                                                                                                                  production
                                                                                                      its parts in keeping it alive)
    Health through                                                                                                                                  processes
    Cellular Activities                                                                            b. Illustrative (discussing accurate             - easy/simple
                                                                                                      data/information that show details of           production process
                                                                                                      the significance)                             - availability of

                                             • Cost- effectiveness
Make a project proposal in developing          - quality product at
product(s) based on the knowledge that           low cost
understanding of the cell can be used to       - availability of
improve life.                                    materials

a. Appropriate (proposing ways or            •   Benefits to one’s
   approaches on how the knowledge of
                                                 health and the
   cells can be used/adapted in relation
   to one’s life)                                environment

b. Practical (suggesting how these ways      - usability
   or approaches can be done easily)
                                             - practicality
c. Efficient (expounding how the
                                             - safety in using the
   proposed ways or approaches will
   employ the productive use of time and     product

d. Effective (achieving the desired result
   in using the knowledge of the cell)


Compare the benefits derived from
different commercially available products
developed from understanding of the


a. Insightful (providing comparison of the
   health benefits derived from the


b. Credible (citing authoritative sources
   of information)


Assume how one would feel about the
use of products (developed based on
understanding of the cell) to promote
livelihood, food production and health.


a. Perceptive (recognizing the dilemma
   or problem that one faces in using
   said products)

b. Responsive (exhibiting how one will
   react to this situation)


Reflect how one can promote livelihood,
food production and health based on
one’s understanding of cell structures
and functions.

a. Reflective (becoming aware of what
   one can do to promote livelihood, food
   production and health based on this
b. Responsive (reacting positively as a
   result of developing this awareness)

Quarter 2 – Life Energy Processes and Food Production
                           Stage 1: Results/Outcomes                                                            Stage 2: Assessment
                    Standard                                Essential                  Product /             Level of Understanding           Level of Performance
Content                     Performance         Understanding      Question          Performance
The learner                 Learners,           Life energy        Why are life   Use of certain     EXPLANATION
demonstrates                individually or in  processes can      energy         techniques or      Show the differences between
understanding of life       groups, use         be used in (a)     processes      practices to       photosynthesis and respiration           Performance
energy processes as         certain techniques using certain       valuable?      produce                                                     assessment of the
used in improving certain or practices to       techniques or                     innovative,        Criteria:                                production of
techniques or practices     produce             practices and (b)                 market viable,     a. clear (explaining clearly and         materials based on
and developing beneficial innovative, market developing                           dependable and        directly)                             the following criteria:
products.                   viable, dependable beneficial                         profitable         b. procedural (giving the details)
                            and profitable      products.                         materials based
I. From Light Energy to                                                                              INTERPRETATION
                            materials based                                       on                                                          • Innovativeness
  Chemical Energy of                                                                                 Illustrate how life energy processes
                            on their                                              understanding of                                              - uniqueness
  Food                                                                                               occur.
                            understanding                                         life energy                                                   - functionality
                            about life energy                                     processes.         Criteria:                                  -value
  A. Introduction: plant
     parts and functions    processes.                                                               a. meaningful (drawing inference or
                                                                                                        making justification on the           • Market Viability
                                                                                                        illustration presented)                 - quality
 B. Photosynthesis
                                                                                                     b. illustrative (discussing accurately     - aesthetic value
    1. Light-dependent                                                                                  and comprehensively the details of      - usability
       reactions                                                                                        information)
                                                                                                                                              • Dependability
    2. Light-independent                                                                             APPLICATION                                - good quality
       reactions                                                                                     Propose ways on how understanding            product
                                                                                                     of life energy processes can be used     • Profitability
 C. Glucose and                                                                                      in life.                                   - good selling price
    production of food                                                                                                                          - reasonable
    molecules                                                                                        Criteria                                     production cost
                                                                                                     a. Appropriate (proposing ways or           -availability of
 D. Plant reproduction                                                                                  approaches in regard to how the           materials for
                                                                                                        understanding of life energy

E. Plant propagation          processes can be used/adapted in            production
                               relation to one’s life)                 • Use of certain
 F. Techniques or           b. Practical (suggesting how these           techniques or
    practices for              ways or approaches can be done            practices
    production                 easily)
    (sustainable farming,   c. Efficient (expounding how the           • Manifestation of
                               proposed ways or approaches will          understanding of life
    urban gardening,
                               employ the productive use of time         energy processes
    hydroponics, vertical      and resources)
    farming, bonsai-        d. Effective (achieving the desired
    making)                    result in using the understanding of
                               life energy processes)
II. From Chemical
    Energy of Food to       PERSPECTIVE
    Chemical Energy of      Relate traditional and modern farming
    ATP                     practices in increasing food
                            production with life energy processes.
  A. Aerobic respiration
  B. Anaerobic              a. Insightful (providing information
     respiration               about the pros and cons of both
                               traditional and modern farming
  C. Food production           practices)
                            b. Credible (giving a realistic point of
III. Energy Flow in the        view about farming practices)
     Ecosystem              c. Reflective of critical thinking
                               (distinguishing between irrelevant
   A. One-way flow of          and relevant or inaccurate and
      energy in the            accurate information about farming
      biosphere (deriving      practices)
      food from the
      lowest trophic        EMPATHY
      level)                Role playing a farmer’s feeling when
                            there is less production due to some
                            conditions affecting life energy

B. Food pyramid      processes such as El Niño and La
                     Niña phenomena, pests, and other
C. Increasing food   interventions.
                     a. Perceptive (recognizing the
                        problem a farmer faces)
                     b. Receptive (accepting readily/
                        willingly a farmer’s feeling about the
                        less yield of products due to some
                        conditions such as El Nino and La
                        Nina phenomena, pests, and other
                     c. Sensitive (demonstrating how a
                        farmer reacts to this situation)

                     Realizing how understanding of life
                     energy processes affects one’s view
                     on certain techniques or practices in
                     developing beneficial products.


                     a. Reflective (becoming aware how
                        one’s view on certain techniques or
                        practices is affected by the
                        understanding of life energy
                     b. Responsive (reacting positively as
                        a result of redirecting / changing
                        one’s thought or view)

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes                                                            Stage 2: Assessment
                   Standard                                     Essential              Product /              Level of Understanding            Level of Performance
Content                       Performance          Understanding       Question      Performance
The learner demonstrates      Learners,            Understanding       Why do we   Active             EXPLANATION                               Performance
understanding of human        individually or in   of human organ study            engagement in                                                assessment of
organ systems which           groups, engage       systems             human       activities that    Describe the coordinated functions of     learners in conducting
                                                                                                      human organ systems.                      certain activities
promotes proper nutrition     actively in          encourages one organ            promote proper
                                                                                                                                                based on the following
and overall wellness.         activities that      to engage in        systems?    nutrition and      Criteria:                                 criteria:
                              promote proper       activities that                 overall wellness
I.   Human Organ              nutrition and        promote proper                  to show            a. Thorough (investigating how body          1. Active
     Systems and Nutrition    overall wellness     nutrition and                   understanding of      systems work together)                       engagement
II. Types, Prevention,        to manifest          overall wellness.               human organ
                              understanding of                                     systems            b. Clear (expressing the concepts            2. Promotion of
    Detection and                                                                                        with clarity how do the organ                proper nutrition
    Treatment (traditional    human organ
                                                                                                         systems work together)                       and overall
    and alternative) of       systems.                                                                                                                wellness
    Diseases in Each                                                                                  c. Justified (demonstrating the
    Organ System                                                                                         coordinated functions of the organ        3. Showing
                                                                                                         systems)                                     understanding
III. Contemporary Health                                                                                                                              of human
                                                                                                      INTERPRETATION                                  organ systems.
     Issues that Promote
     Proper Nutrition and                                                                             Create one or several models
     Overall Wellness                                                                                 showing coordinated functions of
                                                                                                      organ systems.
IV. Technologies Related
    to Human Organ                                                                                    Criteria:
                                                                                                      a. Meaningful (specific relevant
                                                                                                         situations are shown)

                                                                                                      b. Illustrative (coordination among
                                                                                                         organ systems are clearly reflected)


Design an experiment that will test
the coordinated functioning of the
organ systems.


a. Appropriate (the proposed
   experiment focuses on the
   coordinated function of organ
b. Practical (the steps are brief and
   easy to follow)


Infer the effects of certain
technologies involving organ systems.


a. Insightful (providing pros and cons
   of applying these technologies in
   organ systems)

b. Credible (using authoritative
   sources of information while
   listing/citing the pros and cons of
   applying certain technology)

c. Reflective of critical thinking
   (combining research and
   knowledge of historical context)

Assume the role of a patient suffering
from malfunction of organ system/s
that needs to undergo a costly
medical treatment but has no
assurance of being relieved from such


a. Receptive (accepting the situation
   when failure in any system
   occurred; accepting
   readily/willingly that there is already
   an advancement in technology that
   will cure illness or prolong life)

b. Sensitive (becoming aware of
   consequences that may occur
   should the treatment fail)

Reflect on health practices that should
be improved to promote wellness and
ensure proper functioning of one’s
organ systems.


a. Reflective (becoming aware of
   healthy lifestyles and total

b. Responsive (taking appropriate
   actions based on the result of this

Quarter 3A – Human Organ Systems

                                                                     Quarter 3B - Reproduction
                            Stage 1: Results/Outcomes                                                             Stage 2: Assessment
                     Standard                                 Essential                  Product /             Level of Understanding            Level of Performance
          Content                 Performance       Understanding       Question       Performance
The learner demonstrates The learner makes To the human              How must       Making informed     EXPLANATION                              Performance
understanding of              informed choices    society,           reproduction   decisions on                                                 assessment of the
reproduction and its          or decisions        reproduction       be viewed      reproduction that   Explain how reproduction becomes a       learner’s decision on
                                                                                                        societal issue.
corresponding health,         relative to         must be viewed     by the         consider not just                                            matters pertaining to
social and ethical issues.    reproduction        as more than a     human          its biological      INTERPRETATION                           reproduction based on
                              issues with due     biological         society?       function but as                                              the following criteria:
I. Reproduction as a          consideration to    function, but one                 well as health,     Document how the reproductive
    Biological Function       health, social and  that concerns                     social and          system is affected by certain            a. Informed
   A. Mitosis and asexual ethical issues.         health, social                    ethical issues.                                              b. Inclusive of health,
      reproduction                                and ethical                                                                                       social and ethical
   B. Meiosis and sexual                                                                                Propose how understanding of
      reproduction                                                                                      reproduction can be used as basis in
                                                                                                        developing advocacy materials.
  C. Human reproduction

                                                                                                        Cite how recent technologies promote
II. Reproduction and                                                                                    and improve the existing knowledge
    Health Issues                                                                                       on reproduction.

  A. Infertility and other                                                                              EMPATHY
     abnormalities in
     reproductive                                                                                       Assume the role of a mother talking to
     systems                                                                                            her adolescent child about
                                                                                                        reproductive health.

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes                                                   Stage 2: Assessment
                   Standard                              Essential             Product /           Level of Understanding           Level of Performance
         Content              Performance       Understanding      Question   Performance
  B. Sexually transmitted
     infections (STIs)                                                                      SELF-KNOWLEDGE

III. Reproduction and                                                                       Realize how one is influenced by the
     Social Issues                                                                          broader understanding of reproduction
                                                                                            which covers not only biological
  A. Cloning                                                                                function but also health, social and
                                                                                            ethical issues.
  B. Rapid population

  C. Use of fertility drugs
     and multiple births

IV. Reproduction and
    Ethical Issues

  A. In vitro fertilization
    as used beyond
    health reasons

  B. Artificial
    insemination and
    motherhood as
    applied to humans.

  C. Abortion, early and

Quarter 4A – Genetics

                             Stage 1: Results/Outcomes                                                             Stage 2: Assessment
                   Standard                                    Essential                     Product /            Level of Understanding                  Level of
Content                   Performance           Understanding        Question              Performance                                                 Performance
The learner               The learner makes     Understanding of     When does         Using one’s          EXPLANATION                            Performance
demonstrates              informed decisions    genetics is          genetics become   understanding of                                            assessment of the
understanding of          based on his/her      important when       valuable?         genetics in making    Explain how genetics can be used      of the learner’s
Genetics to make          knowledge of          making informed                        informed             to determine the characteristics of    decision based on
informed decisions        genetics to develop   decisions about                        decisions in life    an organism.                           the following
about promoting good      one’s potentials,     promoting good                         situations such as   Criteria                               criteria:
health, improving         promote good          health, improving                      on matters
livelihood, and making    health, improve       livelihood and                         pertaining to        a. Thorough (explaining how traits     1. informed
future choices.           livelihood, and       making future                          promotion of good       are transmitted from parents to
                                                                                                                                                   2.reflective of the
                          make sound            choices.                               health,                 offspring using concepts in
                                                                                                               genetics)                           usefulness of
                          choices.                                                     improvement of                                              genetics
                                                                                                            b. Clear (expressing one’s
                                                                                       livelihood, and
I.   Mendelian and Non-                                                                                        thoughts with clarity in oral or    considering the
                                                                                       making sound            written form)
     Mendelian Laws of                                                                                                                             following:
     Heredity                                                                          choices.             c. Justifiable ( providing different
                                                                                                               examples and concrete               a. development of
II. Sex-Related                                                                                                situations)                         one’s potentials
                                                                                                            INTERPRETATION                         b. promotion of
III. Molecular Genetics                                                                                                                            good health
                                                                                                            Make sense of the importance of
IV. Usefulness of                                                                                           understanding genetics in              c. improvement of
    Genetics                                                                                                controlling certain characteristics    livelihood
                                                                                                            of organisms.
                                                                                                                                                   d. use of
                                                                                                            Criteria                               technology

                                                                                                            Meaningful (giving brief yet           e. making future

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes                                            Stage 2: Assessment
          Standard                               Essential         Product /           Level of Understanding                 Level of
Content          Performance       Understanding       Question   Performance                                              Performance
                                                                                substantial discussion of the           choices
                                                                                importance of how genetic
                                                                                information are transmitted from
                                                                                parents to offspring and how
                                                                                individuals differ from one another).


                                                                                 Propose how genetics can be
                                                                                applied in addressing certain
                                                                                situations or solving some
                                                                                problems (e.g., crimes).


                                                                                a. Appropriate (using concept/s in
                                                                                   genetics in addressing certain
                                                                                   situations or solving problems)

                                                                                b. Practical (discussing how the
                                                                                   proposed solution can be done
                                                                                   with ease)


                                                                                Infer the cost-effectiveness of
                                                                                applying genetics in improving


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes                                           Stage 2: Assessment
          Standard                               Essential         Product /          Level of Understanding              Level of
Content          Performance       Understanding       Question   Performance                                           Performance
                                                                                a. Insightful (drawing lessons or
                                                                                   insights deduced from the
                                                                                   application of genetics in
                                                                                   improving industries)

                                                                                b. Credible (using authoritative
                                                                                   sources of information on

                                                                                c. Reflective of critical thinking
                                                                                   (combining research,
                                                                                   understanding of historical
                                                                                   context; developing higher order
                                                                                   thinking skills while making an

                                                                                Assume the role of a geneticist who
                                                                                applies genetics in studies or
                                                                                experiments while upholding
                                                                                respect for life and high ethical

                                                                                a. Perceptive (accepting that
                                                                                   geneticists may be prone to
                                                                                   biases as they apply genetics in
                                                                                   their studies or experiments)

                                                                                b. Receptive (accepting readily/
                                                                                   willingly that a geneticist should
                                                                                   uphold the value of respect for

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes                                           Stage 2: Assessment
          Standard                               Essential         Product /          Level of Understanding             Level of
Content          Performance       Understanding       Question   Performance                                          Performance
                                                                                  life and high ethical standards
                                                                                  while applying genetics in
                                                                                  studies or experiments)


                                                                                Be aware that one is capable of
                                                                                making his/her life better by making
                                                                                good use of his/her inherited traits
                                                                                or potentials based on
                                                                                understanding of genetics.


                                                                                a. Reflective (becoming aware of
                                                                                   one’s inherited traits/potentials
                                                                                   based on understanding of
                                                                                b. Responsive (reacting positively
                                                                                   as a result of recognizing how to
                                                                                   make good use of these traits or

Quarter 4B – Diversity of Life
                               Stage 1: Results/Outcomes                                                            Stage 2: Assessment
                     Standard                                      Essential                    Product /        Level of Understanding        Level of Performance
Content                     Performance           Understanding         Question             Performance
The learner                 Learners conduct      Understanding of      Why do we need   Conduct of             EXPLANATION                  Performance assessment
demonstrates                comprehensive,        diverse life-forms    to understand    comprehensive,                                      of the conduct of
understanding of the        community-based       is key to             diverse life-    community-based        Describe how living          advocacy based on the
                                                  respecting and                                                things differ from one
diversity of life in        and innovative                              forms?           and innovative                                      following criteria:
                                                  protecting other                                              another.
appreciating other          advocacy projects     organisms and                          advocacy projects
organisms and their         or activities to                                             or activities to                                       •   Community-based
                                                  appreciating their                                            Criteria:
value or usefulness.        promote respect for   value or                               respect and protect                                        projects or
                            and protection of     usefulness through                     other organisms        a. Thorough (providing              activities
I. Evolution                other organisms.      the conduct of                         and appreciate            depth and breadth of
                                                  advocacy projects                                                the description)             •   Comprehensive-
  A. Evidence of                                                                         their origin and
                                                  or activities.                                                b. Clear (expressing the            ness
     change (geological                                                                  value or usefulness.
                                                                                                                   scientific thought with
     evidence: age of                                                                                              clarity thought in oral      •   Innovativeness
     the earth and fossil                                                                                          or written form)
                                                                                                                c. Justifiable (providing       •   Manifestation of
     record; anatomical
                                                                                                                   adequate evidence)               appreciation to
                                                                                                                INTERPRETATION                      other organisms
                                                                                                                                                    and their value or
     analogous                                                                                                  Illustrate the
     structures, and                                                                                            interdependence of
     vestigial organs;                                                                                          diverse organisms
     embryological                                                                                              through analogies.
     evidence; and
     biochemical                                                                                                Criteria:
                                                                                                                a. Meaningful (giving
  B. Mechanism of                                                                                                  brief yet substantial
     change (scientific                                                                                            discussion)
                                                                                                                b. Complete (using

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes                                        Stage 2: Assessment
                     Standard                                Essential        Product /     Level of Understanding        Level of Performance
Content                     Performance        Understanding      Question   Performance
     evidence and/or                                                                         adequate analogies to
     inferences dealing                                                                      illustrate
     with artificial                                                                         interdependence)
     selection, natural
     selection,                                                                            Create a presentation to
     speciation and                                                                        showcase how diversity
     genetic variation)                                                                    of life exists in one’s
                                                                                           immediate community.
II. Biological
    Classification                                                                         Criterion
  A. Usefulness of                                                                         Appropriate (developing a
     classification                                                                        presentation that suits
     system                                                                                one’s context or
  B. Characteristics of
     organisms under                                                                       PERSPECTIVE
     existing kingdom-
     systems                                                                               Compare different
                                                                                           initiatives that promote
III. Value or Usefulness                                                                   understanding of diversity
     of Certain                                                                            of life.
  A. Ecological,
     medical,                                                                              a. Insightful (getting
                                                                                              insight from similarities
     technological and
                                                                                              and differences
     economic uses of                                                                         between or among
     certain organisms                                                                        these initiatives);

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes                                        Stage 2: Assessment
          Standard                                 Essential        Product /     Level of Understanding       Level of Performance
Content          Performance         Understanding      Question   Performance
                                                                                 b. Credible (using at least
                                                                                    one authoritative
                                                                                    source of information
                                                                                    while expounding
                                                                                    similarities and

                                                                                 c. Reflective of critical
                                                                                 thinking (distinguishing
                                                                                 between irrelevant and
                                                                                 relevant or inaccurate
                                                                                 and accurate


                                                                                 Role play human
                                                                                 activities that either
                                                                                 reduce, maintain or
                                                                                 enrich diverse life-forms.


                                                                                 a. Perceptive
                                                                                    (recognizing that
                                                                                    human activities either
                                                                                    reduce, maintain or
                                                                                    enrich diverse life-

                                                                                 b. Responsive (exhibiting
                                                                                    how said activities

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes                                        Stage 2: Assessment
          Standard                                 Essential        Product /     Level of Understanding       Level of Performance
Content          Performance         Understanding      Question   Performance
                                                                                   affect varied


                                                                                 Recognize what one can
                                                                                 do based on
                                                                                 understanding of diversity
                                                                                 of life.


                                                                                 a. Reflective (becoming
                                                                                    aware that this
                                                                                    understanding can
                                                                                    influence a person’s
                                                                                    way of thinking, belief,
                                                                                    attitude or behavior)
                                                                                 b. Responsive (showing
                                                                                    positive reaction based
                                                                                    on this understanding)


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  • 1. 2010 SECONDARY EDUCATION CURRICULUM SCIENCE Program Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of basic Science concepts and processes in an integrative way to solve problems critically, think innovatively/creatively and make informed decisions to enhance the integrity and wellness of the human person, protect the environment and conserve resources in order to sustain quality life. General Standard General Standard General Standard General Standard Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Integrated Science Integrative Biology Integrative Chemistry Integrative Physics The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates understanding of fundamental understanding of basic concepts understanding of basic concepts understanding of basic concepts concepts and processes in and processes in Biology as and processes in Chemistry as and processes in Physics as Chemistry, Physics, Space deepened by other disciplines to deepened by other disciplines to deepened by other disciplines to Science and Ecology in an analyze/solve problems critically, analyze/solve problems critically, analyze/solve problems critically, integrative way to analyze/solve think innovatively/creatively, and think innovatively/creatively, and think innovatively/creatively, and problems critically, think make informed decisions to make informed decisions to make informed decisions to innovatively/creatively, and make enhance the integrity and wellness enhance the integrity and wellness enhance the integrity and wellness informed decisions to enhance the of the human person, protect the of the human person, protect the of the human person, protect the integrity and wellness of the human environment and conserve environment and conserve environment and conserve person, protect the environment, resources in order to sustain resources in order to sustain resources in order to sustain and conserve resources in order to quality life. quality life. quality life. sustain quality life. 1
  • 2. General Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and processes in Biology as deepened by other disciplines, to analyze/solve problems critically, think innovatively/creatively, and make informed decisions to enhance the integrity and wellness of the human person, protect the environment and conserve resources in order to sustain quality life. Quarter 1A – Balance of Nature Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Stage 2: Assessment Standard Essential Product / Level of Understanding Level of Performance Content Performance Understanding Question Performance The learner Learners, Understanding Why is there Active Explanation Performance demonstrates individually or in of balance of a need to involvement in assessment of understanding of Balance groups, nature understand community- Show how understanding of the involvement in of Nature to conserve participate contributes to balance of initiated interrelationships among living things community-initiated local biodiversity. actively in conservation of nature? resource contribute to balance of nature. resource management community- local biodiversity management activities based on the I. Changes in Ecosystem initiated Criteria: through active activities to following criteria: resource involvement in conserve local a. Thorough (explaining clearly that A. Ecological 1. Active Involvement management to community- biodiversity interrelationships among living things succession conserve local initiated contribute to balance of nature) • Teamwork B. Ecological biodiversity. resource (members work backlashes management b. Clear (expressing with clarity the together; each activities. scientific thought in oral or written member performs II. Philippine Biodiversity form) a specific task) • Communication III. Biodiversity c. Justifiable ( providing depth and (members Conservation breadth of scientific reasoning) communicate Initiatives thought processes INTERPRETATION and strategies by IV. Philippine and asking questions, International Evaluate how understanding of balance discussing ideas, Biodiversity Laws of nature through community-initiated offering activities benefits local biodiversity. constructive criticisms, and 2
  • 3. Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Stage 2: Assessment Standard Essential Product / Level of Understanding Level of Performance Content Performance Understanding Question Performance Criteria: summarizing discoveries as a a. Meaningful (giving importance of result of the balance of nature using one’s group’s immediate context) involvement in community- b.Illustrative (discussing clearly how initiated resource balance of nature is valuable in management activities) conserving local biodiversity) 2. Manifestation of APPLICATION understanding of balance of nature Propose plan of action on how balance of nature can be achieved in local 3. Conservation of setting. local biodiversity Criteria: a. Appropriate (proposing ways on how plan of action can be utilized to achieve balance of nature) b. Practical (suggesting how this plan of action can be done easily) c. Efficient (expounding how the plan of action will employ the productive use of time and resources) d. Effective (achieving the desired result in using plan of action) 3
  • 4. Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Stage 2: Assessment Standard Essential Product / Level of Understanding Level of Performance Content Performance Understanding Question Performance PERSPECTIVE Analyze the best strategy or approach in achieving balance of nature done at the community level. Criteria: a. Insightful ( developing one’s view after considering the best strategy or approach in achieving balance of nature) b. Credible (citing authoritative sources of information in selecting the strategy) c. Reflective of critical thinking (combining research, knowledge of historical context, and balanced judgment to choose the best strategy or approach based on objectivity and discretion to disregard personal biases/ prejudices) EMPATHY Assume the role of an SK member who will initiate community activities in relation to balance of nature. 4
  • 5. Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Stage 2: Assessment Standard Essential Product / Level of Understanding Level of Performance Content Performance Understanding Question Performance Criteria: a. Perceptive (recognizing the task of initiating community management activities that contribute to balance of nature) b. Receptive (accepting the task readily/ willingly) c. Responsive (exhibiting the task of initiating community management activities) SELF-KNOWLEDGE Realize one’s contribution to promote and sustain balance of nature. Criteria a. Reflective (becoming aware of one’s contribution to promote and sustain balance of nature) b. Responsive (reacting positively as a result of redirecting/ changing one’s thought or view) 5
  • 6. Quarter 1B – Cellular Structures and Functions Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Stage 2: Assessment Standard Essential Product / Level of Understanding Level of Performance Content Performance Understanding Question Performance The learner The learner Understanding How can Development of EXPLANATION demonstrates develops of cellular understandi an innovative, understanding of cellular innovative, structures and ng of marketable, Describe cellular structures and their Performance structures and functions marketable, functions can be cellular replicable and functions. assessment on the used in the promotion of replicable and used in structures cost-effective development of the Criteria: product based on the livelihood, food cost-effective promoting and products production and health. products livelihood, food functions be resulting from a. Thorough (discussing cell structures following criteria: resulting from production and used to understanding of and functions) I. Cell Theory • Innovativeness / understanding health. improve cellular creativity of cellular life? structures and b. Justifiable (providing depth and II. Cellular Structures - originality structures and functions. breadth of scientific reasoning) - critical thinking in III. Cellular Functions functions. finding ways/means c. Clear (expressing with clarity scientific thoughts in written or oral form) to produce the A. Transport of product materials INTERPRETATION B. Cell division • Marketability Illustrate a creative story about how the - quality C. ATP production cell maintains its life. - aesthetic value - usability IV. Promotion of Criteria: Livelihood, Food a. Meaningful (giving the significance of • Replicability of the Production and production its parts in keeping it alive) Health through processes Cellular Activities b. Illustrative (discussing accurate - easy/simple data/information that show details of production process the significance) - availability of materials 6
  • 7. APPLICATION • Cost- effectiveness Make a project proposal in developing - quality product at product(s) based on the knowledge that low cost understanding of the cell can be used to - availability of improve life. materials Criteria: a. Appropriate (proposing ways or • Benefits to one’s approaches on how the knowledge of health and the cells can be used/adapted in relation to one’s life) environment b. Practical (suggesting how these ways - usability or approaches can be done easily) - practicality c. Efficient (expounding how the - safety in using the proposed ways or approaches will employ the productive use of time and product resources) d. Effective (achieving the desired result in using the knowledge of the cell) PERSPECTIVE Compare the benefits derived from different commercially available products developed from understanding of the cell. Criteria a. Insightful (providing comparison of the health benefits derived from the 7
  • 8. products) b. Credible (citing authoritative sources of information) EMPATHY Assume how one would feel about the use of products (developed based on understanding of the cell) to promote livelihood, food production and health. Criteria a. Perceptive (recognizing the dilemma or problem that one faces in using said products) b. Responsive (exhibiting how one will react to this situation) SELF-KNOWLEDGE Reflect how one can promote livelihood, food production and health based on one’s understanding of cell structures and functions. Criteria: a. Reflective (becoming aware of what one can do to promote livelihood, food production and health based on this understanding) b. Responsive (reacting positively as a result of developing this awareness) 8
  • 9. Quarter 2 – Life Energy Processes and Food Production Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Stage 2: Assessment Standard Essential Product / Level of Understanding Level of Performance Content Performance Understanding Question Performance The learner Learners, Life energy Why are life Use of certain EXPLANATION demonstrates individually or in processes can energy techniques or Show the differences between understanding of life groups, use be used in (a) processes practices to photosynthesis and respiration Performance energy processes as certain techniques using certain valuable? produce assessment of the used in improving certain or practices to techniques or innovative, Criteria: production of techniques or practices produce practices and (b) market viable, a. clear (explaining clearly and materials based on and developing beneficial innovative, market developing dependable and directly) the following criteria: products. viable, dependable beneficial profitable b. procedural (giving the details) and profitable products. materials based I. From Light Energy to INTERPRETATION materials based on • Innovativeness Chemical Energy of Illustrate how life energy processes on their understanding of - uniqueness Food occur. understanding life energy - functionality about life energy processes. Criteria: -value A. Introduction: plant parts and functions processes. a. meaningful (drawing inference or making justification on the • Market Viability illustration presented) - quality B. Photosynthesis b. illustrative (discussing accurately - aesthetic value 1. Light-dependent and comprehensively the details of - usability reactions information) • Dependability 2. Light-independent APPLICATION - good quality reactions Propose ways on how understanding product of life energy processes can be used • Profitability C. Glucose and in life. - good selling price production of food - reasonable molecules Criteria production cost a. Appropriate (proposing ways or -availability of D. Plant reproduction approaches in regard to how the materials for understanding of life energy 9
  • 10. E. Plant propagation processes can be used/adapted in production relation to one’s life) • Use of certain F. Techniques or b. Practical (suggesting how these techniques or practices for ways or approaches can be done practices production easily) (sustainable farming, c. Efficient (expounding how the • Manifestation of proposed ways or approaches will understanding of life urban gardening, employ the productive use of time energy processes hydroponics, vertical and resources) farming, bonsai- d. Effective (achieving the desired making) result in using the understanding of life energy processes) II. From Chemical Energy of Food to PERSPECTIVE Chemical Energy of Relate traditional and modern farming ATP practices in increasing food production with life energy processes. A. Aerobic respiration Criteria: B. Anaerobic a. Insightful (providing information respiration about the pros and cons of both traditional and modern farming C. Food production practices) b. Credible (giving a realistic point of III. Energy Flow in the view about farming practices) Ecosystem c. Reflective of critical thinking (distinguishing between irrelevant A. One-way flow of and relevant or inaccurate and energy in the accurate information about farming biosphere (deriving practices) food from the lowest trophic EMPATHY level) Role playing a farmer’s feeling when there is less production due to some conditions affecting life energy 10
  • 11. B. Food pyramid processes such as El Niño and La Niña phenomena, pests, and other C. Increasing food interventions. production Criteria: a. Perceptive (recognizing the problem a farmer faces) b. Receptive (accepting readily/ willingly a farmer’s feeling about the less yield of products due to some conditions such as El Nino and La Nina phenomena, pests, and other interventions) c. Sensitive (demonstrating how a farmer reacts to this situation) SELF-KNOWLEDGE Realizing how understanding of life energy processes affects one’s view on certain techniques or practices in developing beneficial products. Criteria: a. Reflective (becoming aware how one’s view on certain techniques or practices is affected by the understanding of life energy processes) b. Responsive (reacting positively as a result of redirecting / changing one’s thought or view) 11
  • 12. Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Stage 2: Assessment Standard Essential Product / Level of Understanding Level of Performance Content Performance Understanding Question Performance The learner demonstrates Learners, Understanding Why do we Active EXPLANATION Performance understanding of human individually or in of human organ study engagement in assessment of organ systems which groups, engage systems human activities that Describe the coordinated functions of learners in conducting human organ systems. certain activities promotes proper nutrition actively in encourages one organ promote proper based on the following and overall wellness. activities that to engage in systems? nutrition and Criteria: criteria: promote proper activities that overall wellness I. Human Organ nutrition and promote proper to show a. Thorough (investigating how body 1. Active Systems and Nutrition overall wellness nutrition and understanding of systems work together) engagement II. Types, Prevention, to manifest overall wellness. human organ understanding of systems b. Clear (expressing the concepts 2. Promotion of Detection and with clarity how do the organ proper nutrition Treatment (traditional human organ systems work together) and overall and alternative) of systems. wellness Diseases in Each c. Justified (demonstrating the Organ System coordinated functions of the organ 3. Showing systems) understanding III. Contemporary Health of human INTERPRETATION organ systems. Issues that Promote Proper Nutrition and Create one or several models Overall Wellness showing coordinated functions of organ systems. IV. Technologies Related to Human Organ Criteria: Systems a. Meaningful (specific relevant situations are shown) b. Illustrative (coordination among organ systems are clearly reflected) 12
  • 13. APPLICATION Design an experiment that will test the coordinated functioning of the organ systems. Criteria: a. Appropriate (the proposed experiment focuses on the coordinated function of organ systems) b. Practical (the steps are brief and easy to follow) PERSPECTIVE Infer the effects of certain technologies involving organ systems. Criteria: a. Insightful (providing pros and cons of applying these technologies in organ systems) b. Credible (using authoritative sources of information while listing/citing the pros and cons of applying certain technology) c. Reflective of critical thinking (combining research and knowledge of historical context) 13
  • 14. EMPATHY Assume the role of a patient suffering from malfunction of organ system/s that needs to undergo a costly medical treatment but has no assurance of being relieved from such condition. Criteria: a. Receptive (accepting the situation when failure in any system occurred; accepting readily/willingly that there is already an advancement in technology that will cure illness or prolong life) b. Sensitive (becoming aware of consequences that may occur should the treatment fail) SELF-KNOWLEDGE Reflect on health practices that should be improved to promote wellness and ensure proper functioning of one’s organ systems. Criteria: a. Reflective (becoming aware of healthy lifestyles and total wellness) b. Responsive (taking appropriate actions based on the result of this reflection) 14
  • 15. Quarter 3A – Human Organ Systems Quarter 3B - Reproduction Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Stage 2: Assessment Standard Essential Product / Level of Understanding Level of Performance Content Performance Understanding Question Performance The learner demonstrates The learner makes To the human How must Making informed EXPLANATION Performance understanding of informed choices society, reproduction decisions on assessment of the reproduction and its or decisions reproduction be viewed reproduction that Explain how reproduction becomes a learner’s decision on societal issue. corresponding health, relative to must be viewed by the consider not just matters pertaining to social and ethical issues. reproduction as more than a human its biological INTERPRETATION reproduction based on issues with due biological society? function but as the following criteria: I. Reproduction as a consideration to function, but one well as health, Document how the reproductive Biological Function health, social and that concerns social and system is affected by certain a. Informed abnormalities. A. Mitosis and asexual ethical issues. health, social ethical issues. b. Inclusive of health, reproduction and ethical social and ethical APPLICATION issues. issues B. Meiosis and sexual Propose how understanding of reproduction reproduction can be used as basis in developing advocacy materials. C. Human reproduction PERSPECTIVE Cite how recent technologies promote II. Reproduction and and improve the existing knowledge Health Issues on reproduction. A. Infertility and other EMPATHY abnormalities in reproductive Assume the role of a mother talking to systems her adolescent child about reproductive health. 15
  • 16. Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Stage 2: Assessment Standard Essential Product / Level of Understanding Level of Performance Content Performance Understanding Question Performance B. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) SELF-KNOWLEDGE III. Reproduction and Realize how one is influenced by the Social Issues broader understanding of reproduction which covers not only biological A. Cloning function but also health, social and ethical issues. B. Rapid population growth C. Use of fertility drugs and multiple births IV. Reproduction and Ethical Issues A. In vitro fertilization as used beyond health reasons B. Artificial insemination and surrogate motherhood as applied to humans. C. Abortion, early and unwanted pregnancy 16
  • 17. Quarter 4A – Genetics Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Stage 2: Assessment Standard Essential Product / Level of Understanding Level of Content Performance Understanding Question Performance Performance The learner The learner makes Understanding of When does Using one’s EXPLANATION Performance demonstrates informed decisions genetics is genetics become understanding of assessment of the understanding of based on his/her important when valuable? genetics in making Explain how genetics can be used of the learner’s Genetics to make knowledge of making informed informed to determine the characteristics of decision based on informed decisions genetics to develop decisions about decisions in life an organism. the following about promoting good one’s potentials, promoting good situations such as Criteria criteria: health, improving promote good health, improving on matters livelihood, and making health, improve livelihood and pertaining to a. Thorough (explaining how traits 1. informed future choices. livelihood, and making future promotion of good are transmitted from parents to 2.reflective of the make sound choices. health, offspring using concepts in genetics) usefulness of choices. improvement of genetics b. Clear (expressing one’s livelihood, and I. Mendelian and Non- thoughts with clarity in oral or considering the making sound written form) Mendelian Laws of following: Heredity choices. c. Justifiable ( providing different examples and concrete a. development of II. Sex-Related situations) one’s potentials Inheritance INTERPRETATION b. promotion of III. Molecular Genetics good health Make sense of the importance of IV. Usefulness of understanding genetics in c. improvement of Genetics controlling certain characteristics livelihood of organisms. d. use of Criteria technology Meaningful (giving brief yet e. making future 17
  • 18. Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Stage 2: Assessment Standard Essential Product / Level of Understanding Level of Content Performance Understanding Question Performance Performance substantial discussion of the choices importance of how genetic information are transmitted from parents to offspring and how individuals differ from one another). APPLICATION Propose how genetics can be applied in addressing certain situations or solving some problems (e.g., crimes). Criteria: a. Appropriate (using concept/s in genetics in addressing certain situations or solving problems) b. Practical (discussing how the proposed solution can be done with ease) PERSPECTIVE Infer the cost-effectiveness of applying genetics in improving industries. Criteria: 18
  • 19. Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Stage 2: Assessment Standard Essential Product / Level of Understanding Level of Content Performance Understanding Question Performance Performance a. Insightful (drawing lessons or insights deduced from the application of genetics in improving industries) b. Credible (using authoritative sources of information on genetics) c. Reflective of critical thinking (combining research, understanding of historical context; developing higher order thinking skills while making an inference) EMPATHY Assume the role of a geneticist who applies genetics in studies or experiments while upholding respect for life and high ethical standards. Criteria: a. Perceptive (accepting that geneticists may be prone to biases as they apply genetics in their studies or experiments) b. Receptive (accepting readily/ willingly that a geneticist should uphold the value of respect for 19
  • 20. Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Stage 2: Assessment Standard Essential Product / Level of Understanding Level of Content Performance Understanding Question Performance Performance life and high ethical standards while applying genetics in studies or experiments) SELF-KNOWLEDGE Be aware that one is capable of making his/her life better by making good use of his/her inherited traits or potentials based on understanding of genetics. Criteria a. Reflective (becoming aware of one’s inherited traits/potentials based on understanding of genetics) b. Responsive (reacting positively as a result of recognizing how to make good use of these traits or potentials) 20
  • 21. Quarter 4B – Diversity of Life Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Stage 2: Assessment Standard Essential Product / Level of Understanding Level of Performance Content Performance Understanding Question Performance The learner Learners conduct Understanding of Why do we need Conduct of EXPLANATION Performance assessment demonstrates comprehensive, diverse life-forms to understand comprehensive, of the conduct of understanding of the community-based is key to diverse life- community-based Describe how living advocacy based on the respecting and things differ from one diversity of life in and innovative forms? and innovative following criteria: protecting other another. appreciating other advocacy projects organisms and advocacy projects organisms and their or activities to or activities to • Community-based appreciating their Criteria: value or usefulness. promote respect for value or respect and protect projects or and protection of usefulness through other organisms a. Thorough (providing activities I. Evolution other organisms. the conduct of and appreciate depth and breadth of advocacy projects the description) • Comprehensive- A. Evidence of their origin and or activities. b. Clear (expressing the ness change (geological value or usefulness. scientific thought with evidence: age of clarity thought in oral • Innovativeness the earth and fossil or written form) c. Justifiable (providing • Manifestation of record; anatomical adequate evidence) appreciation to evidence: INTERPRETATION other organisms homologous, and their value or analogous Illustrate the usefulness. structures, and interdependence of vestigial organs; diverse organisms embryological through analogies. evidence; and biochemical Criteria: evidence) a. Meaningful (giving B. Mechanism of brief yet substantial change (scientific discussion) b. Complete (using 21
  • 22. Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Stage 2: Assessment Standard Essential Product / Level of Understanding Level of Performance Content Performance Understanding Question Performance evidence and/or adequate analogies to inferences dealing illustrate with artificial interdependence) APPLICATION selection, natural selection, Create a presentation to speciation and showcase how diversity genetic variation) of life exists in one’s immediate community. II. Biological Classification Criterion A. Usefulness of Appropriate (developing a classification presentation that suits system one’s context or community) B. Characteristics of organisms under PERSPECTIVE existing kingdom- systems Compare different initiatives that promote III. Value or Usefulness understanding of diversity of Certain of life. Organisms Criteria A. Ecological, medical, a. Insightful (getting insight from similarities technological and and differences economic uses of between or among certain organisms these initiatives); 22
  • 23. Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Stage 2: Assessment Standard Essential Product / Level of Understanding Level of Performance Content Performance Understanding Question Performance b. Credible (using at least one authoritative source of information while expounding similarities and differences); c. Reflective of critical thinking (distinguishing between irrelevant and relevant or inaccurate and accurate information). EMPATHY Role play human activities that either reduce, maintain or enrich diverse life-forms. Criteria: a. Perceptive (recognizing that human activities either reduce, maintain or enrich diverse life- forms) b. Responsive (exhibiting how said activities 23
  • 24. Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Stage 2: Assessment Standard Essential Product / Level of Understanding Level of Performance Content Performance Understanding Question Performance affect varied organisms) SELF-KNOWLEDGE Recognize what one can do based on understanding of diversity of life. Criteria: a. Reflective (becoming aware that this understanding can influence a person’s way of thinking, belief, attitude or behavior) b. Responsive (showing positive reaction based on this understanding) 24