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Social Action and Community
Existing Product Research
Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)
To raise awareness. This poster raises awareness about a
charity which encourages people with disabilities to join in
with athletics with their equipment. It also raises awareness
of the fact there is a charity that does sporting equipment for
disabled people.
To create and strengthen community ties. The poster
encourages disabled people to not be held back and that
anything is possible if they put they’re mind to it. It also
suggests to people that just because someone is disabled
they should think less of them for physical activities.
To build relationships with subjects. It promotes to
disabled people that by using this charity, they can achieve a
lot more in their life.
To create access to media production for non-traditional
groups. Whizz Kidz helps disabled children to do more with
their life by giving them the proper mobility equipment. So if
the poster encourages them to become athletes then why
can’t it encourage them to reach for their goals and maybe
become an editor for a magazine?
To challenge dominant representations and agendas.
The poster challenges the idea that disabled people can’t
really do much because they are less able. The poster shows
that if they want to do something with their life, they can
through this charity.
The aim of this campaign is to get people to donate money to
the charity so that disabled people can achieve higher goals
in life.
It also promotes the charity more. This is achieved by using a
famous person that many people may idolise and look up to.
Either way, people will recognise the person and think that is
important to fund the charity so that there can be more
people to influence the next generation.
2Creative Media Production 2012
Image(s): The image used is of a Para-Olympic double gold medal winner at the end
of one of her races. It shows her victory moment after winning a race in the 2012
Para-Olympics, inspiring many different people across the world. When people see
this image they will be drawn to it because they will recognise the person it shows. It
will also inspire them to donate so we can create more successful Para-Olympic
athletes in the future.
Colour scheme: There isn’t really a specific colour scheme used because the
picture takes up all the background. Because of this, the copy displayed on the
image is in white because that’s what the most visible colour throughout the entire
image so that people will be able to see it.
Copy: There is a quote at the very top which is the most visible piece of text and
stands out. It is the first thing you see/read and straight away it promotes the charity
that is campaigning. On the rest of the poster there is just information about the
charity (including the charity name and logo) and information about who is featured
on the poster.
Fonts: The main font used is a san serif font in white. It is clear and easy to read
against the picture/background. The only different font used is the one that makes up
the logo. This font is original and interesting and will appeal to a younger audience
which is good because the charity is aimed at children.
Tone: The tone of the poster is inspiring and light hearted. It encourages people to
not be held back by their disability as well as encouraging everyone to give money to
this charity to help disabled people get more out of life.
3Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)
Impact: Whizz-Kidz has many kids including Nathan and Megan.
Nathan’s story: Hello, my name is Nathan. I am a 14 year old boy who likes watching and playing sport,
especially football, as well as playing computer games. The only difference is that my legs and arms don’t
work as well as other children. That’s why I needed the help and support of Whizz-Kidz.
I have a powered wheelchair. This is really great.
As I cannot self propel a manual wheelchair, my powered wheelchair allows me to go where I want to go.
This means that at school, I can get around by myself, which is really important to me because I don’t like
having others push me around where they want to go.
I can also make my seat go up so I can see over groups and I don’t have to keep on looking up to people.
These wheelchairs are really expensive. As I can walk a short distance with my walking frame, the NHS
would not fund it, so I am very grateful to Whizz-Kidz that they have bought this chair for me.
I know that I am one of the lucky ones because there are lots of other children who need a chair like mine
and will have to wait a long time.
Megan’s story: Megan is a lively twelve year old from Edinburgh who loves drawing, holidaying in Florida,
socialising with her friends and collecting toy fairies. She has Spina Bifida which means that she has no
lower body mobility at all.
Megan’s local NHS wheelchair service provided her with a bulky, heavy manual wheelchair which Megan
found extremely difficult to self propel and left her feeling very tired. For Megan this was very frustrating as
she couldn’t keep up with her friends and had to rely on other people to push her around.
Her family applied to Whizz-Kidz for a lighter wheelchair that would give Megan much more freedom.
Whizz-Kidz provided a lightweight manual wheelchair made of titanium so it was much easier for Megan to
maneuver and, because it is so light, she can now self propel for much longer periods without getting tired.
4Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: (Whizz Kidz)
Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)
To raise awareness. The poster raises awareness about lung
cancer and a symptom of it that you should look out for. It also
informs you of what you should do if you experience the
symptom that the poster advertises.
To provide information. The poster provides information
about a symptom of lung cancer and what you should do if
you are experiencing/experienced the symptoms.
To bring about local, national and global change. The
campaign is all about changing the fatality statistics of lung
cancer. It does this by raising awareness of a symptom and
telling people to see their doctor about it. It also is trying to
change attitudes about seeing your doctor about something
that seems as minor as a cough, as it could be something
To change attitudes. The main attitude that this campaign is
trying to change is that of going to see your doctor about
minor problems. This is because they could be something a lot
more dangerous behind it.
To build a relationship with subjects. This campaign
creates a relationship with everyone because everyone is at a
possibility of developing lung cancer. Campaigning this way is
a good way to make everyone aware.
The aim of this campaign is to raise awareness about lung
cancer symptoms and what action should be taken towards it.
This is so that the disease can be caught early and treated.
This will then hopefully decrease lung cancer death rates.
There are many different posters for the’ Be Clear On Cancer’
campaign. Each of them have a different symptom advertised
on the page for different types of cancer along with the fact the
you should tell your doctor. Some of them even say ‘even if it’s
just the once’ meaning that you shouldn’t even take risks
when it comes to cancer. These campaigns have had a big
impact on reducing cancer over the past 10 years. 5Creative Media Production 2012
Image(s): The only image shown on this poster is of a doctor, who is
resting on the message that the poster is giving. He is in grey and white
so that he is not the main focus but rather just something to fill the space.
The doctor looks quite friendly and welcoming to make people feel okay
about going to see their doctor about cancer since it’s a very important
thing to get checked on.
Colour scheme: It is a simple colour scheme that features on the poster,
consisting of white, grey and green. The part that is in green is the bit with
the important information in so the audiences eyes are drawn
immediately to the campaign information.
Copy: The copy that appears on the poster is short and simple so that it
sticks in your head since it’s a very important piece of information. At the
bottom right hand corner there is the campaign logo so you know what
organisation it is.
Fonts: The main style of font that they have used is a san-serif. This
makes it look less formal but inviting so that people don’t get intimidated
by it. This would maybe encourage them to go see their doctor actually
about the cancer symptom that they are experiencing.
Tone: The tone given off by the advert is short and snappy because it’s
important and they need the message to stick in people’s heads. They
get straight to the point and it gives off a message that they haven’t
messed around with words, you shouldn’t mess around with cancer.
6Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)
Impact: Be Clear On Cancer campaigns have made people less afraid to
visit their doctor if they experience a symptom.
Shirley’s story: Shirley received chemotherapy and radiotherapy to treat
her lung cancer. Three years later, she is in remission and living life to the
full, playing an active role in the lives of her five grandchildren and
enjoying days out in London.
Geoff’s story: Thirteen years after surgery, chemotherapy and
radiotherapy for lung cancer, Geoff still plays an active role in his local
community as a councilor. He also chairs his local choral society, where he
continues to be in fine voice.
Ann’s story: Ann was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2003 and can still do
all the things she did before her treatment, like long walks, swimming, and
spending time with her family.
7Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: (NHS Be Clear On Cancer)
Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)
To bring about local, national and global change. The
campaign is about getting people to turn to vegetarianism
because of the way animals are treated and reared when
going through the process of becoming meat. It raises the
issue by Oli telling the story of why he became a vegetarian
in hopes to inspire people to go vegetarian.
To change attitudes. The poster hopes to change people’s
opinion of eating meat using the technique of quoting Oli on
why he became a vegetarian. It uses powerful words such as
‘torture’ and ‘cruelty’ to persuade people to go vegetarian.
To raise awareness. The campaign poster raises
awareness about how animals are treated when they are
being reared for meat. The vocabulary used is strong and
makes you visualise the process of the killing of animals.
To challenge dominant representations and agendas.
The posters that PETA did that included many band
members challenged the stereotype of vegetarians and
animal rights activists. It shows that they are not all hippies or
that they do not all just focus on animal rights. However, it
shows that everyone can be for animal rights but not devote
every moment of their life to gaining animals a better way of
being treated. It shows that they can do what they want and
support PETA and animal rights in their own way.
To infiltrate mainstream media.By using a band member,
PETA have managed to campaign to the audience of this
band and/or the magazines that they feature in. For example,
in a past issue of rock music magazine Kerrang, they did a
poster special of PETA campaign posters that included
The aim of this campaign is to tell people about why they
should be vegetarian and hopefully to convert them to
vegetarianism. This particular campaign poster’s aim is to
appeal to a younger audience and tell them about the way
animals are treated in the meat rearing process. 8Creative Media Production 2012
Image(s): The only image used is of Bring Me The Horizon's front man Oli Sykes. By
using him on a poster, PETA have appealed to many young people all over the
globe, making them go vegetarian, just like their idol. There is nothing really special
about the image to promote vegetarianism, it just looks like they have got an image
of him so they can appeal to young people.
Colour scheme: The main colours used in this campaign poster are grey and pink.
The pink is used to highlight the main words and phrase that PETA want people to
focus on. The rest is grey, apart from the image of Oli. This is so that the information
is still given but it makes keywords and the key image become the main focus.
Copy: On this particular company’s adverts, they use a lot more copy but write most
of it in a smaller, less noticeable print so that it doesn’t take away from the actual
focus of the campaign. The bigger text is used to get the message across quicker
and easier if people don’t have the time to read it.
Font: The font used in this advert is very popular throughout campaign posters
because it’s clear, easy to read (even from afar) and is very effective on any
campaign. However, they all also seem to match their font to their logo font. The
important bits of the copy used are highlighted in a different colour to get the
message of the campaign across even quicker than just reading the larger font.
Tone: The tone of this campaign is quite friendly and informal so that it appeals to
younger people (teenagers and young adults) and gets them to consider what PETA
are campaigning about. If it was formal and serious then it would have been harder
for them to appeal to their audience.
9Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)
Impact: The fur industry has been hurt by the ongoing and very visible
anti-fur campaign by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).
After more than three years of urging from PETA, Madigan Army Medical
Center replaced its cruel use of ferrets for pediatric intubation training with
modern simulators. PETA's campaign prompted Madigan to undertake an
internal review that ultimately confirmed that lifelike infant-patient
simulators can be used exclusively to teach intubation skills. Madigan is
the third military facility that PETA has convinced to make this switch in as
many years.
We received a complaint that a preteen was illegally selling turtles smaller
than 4 inches via Facebook. The complainant had attempted to report this
case to the police, but his efforts were going nowhere. We immediately
alerted the Department of Conservation, and an officer visited the turtle-
selling boy and his family, set them straight on the laws, and forced the
boy to return all the wild-caught turtles to the local reservoir (where they'd
initially been captured) and remove his online posts.
10Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: (PETA)
Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)
To bring about local, national or global change. The
poster claims that every nine days a baby dies from cot
death in Scotland so the campaign is aiming to lower
that number to stop cot death in Scotland all together.
To raise awareness. The campaign raises awareness
that cot death is still a big issue in places but it can be
prevented. It gives you a website that you can donate
money on to help further research into how to prevent
cot death so the figures go down even more.
To provide information. The poster states that a baby
dies every nine days in Scotland from cot death. Many
people might not have known this until this campaign
poster came out. This provides statistic information to
motivate people to donate towards the cause and it also
provides information of where you can donate to this
charity. However this is at the bottom on the page so it
is not as important to get across as the fact at the top.
To infiltrate mainstream media. Because cot death
isn’t thought to be as big as it used to be it has kind of
been forgotten about but it is still happening. This advert
is designed to bring awareness back to cot death and
help stop it once and for all in Scotland.
The trust's aims are to fund research into possible
causes of cot death, to support families that have been
bereaved as a result of cot death and to educate
parents and professionals in how to reduce the risks of
cot death.
11Creative Media Production 2012
Image(s): The only image used is a teddy bear in the corner of what appears to be a
cot, covering it’s eyes, suggesting that a cot death has occurred. This is simple but
effective as it doesn’t go to extremes to show what has happened. There appears to
be a spotlight on the teddy, making it the main thing that you look at after the
statistical fact.
Colour scheme: There isn’t particularly a colour scheme to focus on as the
background is an image made up of many different colours and shades. If I had to
decide on a colour scheme for this poster I would say it was white, black and blue as
these are the main colours featured. The white could suggest the innocence and
purity of a baby. The black is to make the text stand out and the blue is for the logo,
also making it stand out.
Copy: The copy used is simple and factual. This is effective at motivating people to
donate because it is such a shocking fact that is straight to the point. It is the first
thing that you see/read on the poster. It is not as bold as some campaigns but if you
read it the copy is certainly effective.
Font: The font is simple and plain so it isn’t hard to read and it is taken seriously. All
the font used is the same as the font appearing in the logo linking it together and not
just a random font that doesn’t fit in.
Tone: The tone used in this campaign advert is very factual and serious because it’s
a campaign about an unpleasant topic that needs to be done with once and for all
since it is very tragic to experience such a thing. Because the main focus is a statistic
it does feel that they’re just pointing it out. That is until you read the bottom of the
poster where it tells you where to donate.
12Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)
Impact: When the trust was formed, in 1985, there were 153 cot deaths a
year. In the 25 years since the trust began, there has been a significant
reduction in the annual number of cot deaths which now stands at
currently 40 cases of cot death per year. This is a reduction of more that
three quarters in 25 years.
The trust is trying to make people more aware of the causes of cot death
to try and reduce the risk even further.
The causes of cot death are:
•Placing your baby on their chest to sleep
•Smoking in the same room as your baby
•Bacterial and viral infections
•Unknown genetic conditions
•Problems in the area of the brain that controls breathing
•An irregular heartbeat
•Accidental suffocation
13Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: (Scottish Cot Death Trust)
Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)
To infiltrate mainstream media. There isn’t many homosexual
figures shown on television or even many well known campaigns
against homophobia, suddenly this Stonewall campaign was spread
everywhere! It was on buses, billboards and more. It definitely
helped spread the message.
To change attitudes. This is the campaigns main aim. To change
attitudes towards homosexuals. The hard hitting message was quite
crude but very effective however it did cause some outrage amongst
devout Christian groups.
To raise awareness. The poster raised awareness that
homophobia is still an extremely common thing that is not as
commonly thought about as other social problems such as racism
and sexism.
To bring about local, national and global change. The campaign
wants to change attitudes towards homosexuals to stop
homophobia all across the world. It was very well promoted and the
message was spread across social networking sites such as Tumblr
and Twitter with people massively supporting the campaign.
To create or strengthen community ties. The poster is trying to
create and strengthen relationships within the community by
stopping homophobia and making people see homosexuality as a
more acceptable thing, especially now that homosexual couples can
now get married.
To campaign. The poster range that was created is to campaign for
gay rights to be equal to everyone else’s. It was also to campaign
for people to be more acceptable of homosexuals and to stop
homophobia once and for all.
To build a relationship with subjects. The campaign tried to help
build a relationship between homosexuals and people who are less
tolerant of homosexuals. It was trying to make people realise that
it’s okay to be gay and that nothing would happen if gay people got
The aim of this campaign poster is to put an end to homophobia and
gain equal rights for homosexual couples so that they can get
married and live like any other couple would do. It also got people to
realise the homophobia is still a major problem in society and it
needs to be stopped. Homophobia is just as bad as racism and
sexism but yet no one seems to make a big deal out of it.
14Creative Media Production 2012
Image(s): There are no images used in this campaign poster, there are only words.
However, this may be effective because it will stand out more against other campaign
posters. I feel like there isn’t really a good place to put an image on this poster as it would
just be too much so it wouldn’t work as well. It wouldn’t be as hard hitting and people
wouldn’t take it seriously.
Colour scheme: The colour scheme used is very bold and just as hard hitting as the slogan
used. It is simple but the bright red of the background immediately draws the audience in.
The text is split into two different colours (black and white) so that the sentence is separated
out and seems to form two different sentence but could be used as one sentence too.
Copy: The copy consists of a hard hitting phrase that spares no thoughts or feelings, it just
gets straight to the point of the campaign. The only other bit of text on the poster is the name
of the company that released the poster/campaign in the bottom right hand corner. The copy
used is pointing to the aim of the campaign so the company have made it the only thing to
focus on.
Font: The font used is big and bold so that the message is taken seriously. If the copy was
written in a font such as Chalkduster then the message wouldn’t be as striking as what it is.
This would make the campaign quite unsuccessful as no one would take it seriously. The
same font is the only one used on the poster and it is even the same font as the company’s
name which features in their logo at the bottom right hand corner of the poster.
Tone: The tone used in the posters copy is very hard hitting. It spares no thoughts or
feelings to anyone, it’s just simple and clear that the company just wants to get the point of
their campaign across. It comes across that the person who has written the copy and
designed the poster is very annoyed and just wants an end to discrimination towards
15Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)
Impact: Thanks to the campaign lesbian, gay and bisexual couples in
England and Wales will be able to marry next spring, after the House of
Lords gave Third Reading to the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill.
Subject to consideration of amendments in the House of Commons, a
technicality, as the Bill made it through the Lords without any material
amendments. The Bill will now receive Royal Assent and become law.
Stonewall’s campaign to end homophobic bullying in Britain’s schools has
taken a new turn, as the charity’s iconic ‘Some People Are Gay. Get Over
It!’ posters were translated into Hebrew for use as a modern language
resource in Jewish faith schools. Stonewall worked with Keshet UK, the
Jewish lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality charity, to translate
the posters, which were used for the first time at the Jewish Community
Secondary School in north London.
16Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: (Stonewall)
Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)
To bring about local, national or global change.
This campaign poster is to bring a change to the
way that England is run by encouraging people to
vote for the conservatives to get the change they
To change attitudes. The poster makes people
think that they government they have at the
moment is failing them. This would make people
feel like if they change who’s in charge then the
country would not be failing and people would be
To campaign. This election poster campaigns for a
change of government. It campaigns for this
because it is an opposing parties poster to get the
current leader out of the lead position so that
someone else can rule and bring change to the
To change voting behaviour. The first thing that
the audience sees is a bold statement saying that
the current government isn’t working and that
someone else needs to lead the country. At the
bottom it states that Britain is better of with the
conservatives, persuading people to vote for them
The aim of this campaign poster is to bring change
to the British government since the country is seen
as failing so the change in government can get the
country can get back on it’s feet and working again.
17Creative Media Production 2012
Image(s): Unlike more modern posters, the image featured on this poster is drawn
on. However, this didn’t stop it being the most successful poster of the 20th century.
The image shows thousands of people, stood in a queue which trails off into the
distance, waiting to get into the unemployment office, which is shown by the banner
in the bottom left corner.
Colour scheme: The only real colour on the poster is from the people’s clothes so
that they are all separate people and not just one thing, even off towards the
distance. The only other bit of colour in this poster is the words on the banner. This is
so that the message the poster is giving out is very clear and plain to see.
Copy: There is very little text on this poster, however, it was still super effective and
hard hitting. The main thing your eye is drawn to, is the big, bold letters at the top.
This instantly gives of the message of the poster. The last thing you see is who the
poster is made for which is written smaller but can still be noticed. It tells people who
they should vote for instead and why.
Font: The font used is all the same, there is just one bit in a different colour to make
it stand out a bit more. Apart from that, it seems like the designers of the poster (the
Saatchi brothers) were more concentrating on getting the point across to people and
not whether the font looked nice or not. It just needed to be hard hitting and effective,
which it was.
Tone: The tone used doesn’t mess around. It’s straight to the point and telling you
who you should be voting for and why. It has a very serious edge to it, telling you
straight what needs to happen to the country and who needs to have control over it.
18Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)
Impact: This campaign poster (created by the Saatchi brothers) as
claimed by Lord Thorneycroft, ‘won the conservatives the 1979 election’
with Margaret Thatcher, kicking Labour out of the leading seat. The
conservatives had a winning rein for 18 years with that election setting
them off.
It also got voted as the best campaign poster of the 20th century by trade
magazine Campaign.
However, if the election had not have been delayed then it may have been
a different story as the poster was already created but wasn’t as effective
until the Saatchi brothers brought out a second version.
19Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: (Conservative Election 1979)

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Task 1 Charity Campaign Poster Analysis

  • 1. Social Action and Community Media Existing Product Research
  • 2. Case Study: (campaign/organisation name) Purpose: To raise awareness. This poster raises awareness about a charity which encourages people with disabilities to join in with athletics with their equipment. It also raises awareness of the fact there is a charity that does sporting equipment for disabled people. To create and strengthen community ties. The poster encourages disabled people to not be held back and that anything is possible if they put they’re mind to it. It also suggests to people that just because someone is disabled they should think less of them for physical activities. To build relationships with subjects. It promotes to disabled people that by using this charity, they can achieve a lot more in their life. To create access to media production for non-traditional groups. Whizz Kidz helps disabled children to do more with their life by giving them the proper mobility equipment. So if the poster encourages them to become athletes then why can’t it encourage them to reach for their goals and maybe become an editor for a magazine? To challenge dominant representations and agendas. The poster challenges the idea that disabled people can’t really do much because they are less able. The poster shows that if they want to do something with their life, they can through this charity. Aims: The aim of this campaign is to get people to donate money to the charity so that disabled people can achieve higher goals in life. It also promotes the charity more. This is achieved by using a famous person that many people may idolise and look up to. Either way, people will recognise the person and think that is important to fund the charity so that there can be more people to influence the next generation. 2Creative Media Production 2012
  • 3. Techniques: Image(s): The image used is of a Para-Olympic double gold medal winner at the end of one of her races. It shows her victory moment after winning a race in the 2012 Para-Olympics, inspiring many different people across the world. When people see this image they will be drawn to it because they will recognise the person it shows. It will also inspire them to donate so we can create more successful Para-Olympic athletes in the future. Colour scheme: There isn’t really a specific colour scheme used because the picture takes up all the background. Because of this, the copy displayed on the image is in white because that’s what the most visible colour throughout the entire image so that people will be able to see it. Copy: There is a quote at the very top which is the most visible piece of text and stands out. It is the first thing you see/read and straight away it promotes the charity that is campaigning. On the rest of the poster there is just information about the charity (including the charity name and logo) and information about who is featured on the poster. Fonts: The main font used is a san serif font in white. It is clear and easy to read against the picture/background. The only different font used is the one that makes up the logo. This font is original and interesting and will appeal to a younger audience which is good because the charity is aimed at children. Tone: The tone of the poster is inspiring and light hearted. It encourages people to not be held back by their disability as well as encouraging everyone to give money to this charity to help disabled people get more out of life. 3Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)
  • 4. Impact: Whizz-Kidz has many kids including Nathan and Megan. Nathan’s story: Hello, my name is Nathan. I am a 14 year old boy who likes watching and playing sport, especially football, as well as playing computer games. The only difference is that my legs and arms don’t work as well as other children. That’s why I needed the help and support of Whizz-Kidz. I have a powered wheelchair. This is really great. As I cannot self propel a manual wheelchair, my powered wheelchair allows me to go where I want to go. This means that at school, I can get around by myself, which is really important to me because I don’t like having others push me around where they want to go. I can also make my seat go up so I can see over groups and I don’t have to keep on looking up to people. These wheelchairs are really expensive. As I can walk a short distance with my walking frame, the NHS would not fund it, so I am very grateful to Whizz-Kidz that they have bought this chair for me. I know that I am one of the lucky ones because there are lots of other children who need a chair like mine and will have to wait a long time. Megan’s story: Megan is a lively twelve year old from Edinburgh who loves drawing, holidaying in Florida, socialising with her friends and collecting toy fairies. She has Spina Bifida which means that she has no lower body mobility at all. Megan’s local NHS wheelchair service provided her with a bulky, heavy manual wheelchair which Megan found extremely difficult to self propel and left her feeling very tired. For Megan this was very frustrating as she couldn’t keep up with her friends and had to rely on other people to push her around. Her family applied to Whizz-Kidz for a lighter wheelchair that would give Megan much more freedom. Whizz-Kidz provided a lightweight manual wheelchair made of titanium so it was much easier for Megan to maneuver and, because it is so light, she can now self propel for much longer periods without getting tired. 4Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: (Whizz Kidz)
  • 5. Case Study: (campaign/organisation name) Purpose: To raise awareness. The poster raises awareness about lung cancer and a symptom of it that you should look out for. It also informs you of what you should do if you experience the symptom that the poster advertises. To provide information. The poster provides information about a symptom of lung cancer and what you should do if you are experiencing/experienced the symptoms. To bring about local, national and global change. The campaign is all about changing the fatality statistics of lung cancer. It does this by raising awareness of a symptom and telling people to see their doctor about it. It also is trying to change attitudes about seeing your doctor about something that seems as minor as a cough, as it could be something more. To change attitudes. The main attitude that this campaign is trying to change is that of going to see your doctor about minor problems. This is because they could be something a lot more dangerous behind it. To build a relationship with subjects. This campaign creates a relationship with everyone because everyone is at a possibility of developing lung cancer. Campaigning this way is a good way to make everyone aware. Aims: The aim of this campaign is to raise awareness about lung cancer symptoms and what action should be taken towards it. This is so that the disease can be caught early and treated. This will then hopefully decrease lung cancer death rates. There are many different posters for the’ Be Clear On Cancer’ campaign. Each of them have a different symptom advertised on the page for different types of cancer along with the fact the you should tell your doctor. Some of them even say ‘even if it’s just the once’ meaning that you shouldn’t even take risks when it comes to cancer. These campaigns have had a big impact on reducing cancer over the past 10 years. 5Creative Media Production 2012
  • 6. Techniques: Image(s): The only image shown on this poster is of a doctor, who is resting on the message that the poster is giving. He is in grey and white so that he is not the main focus but rather just something to fill the space. The doctor looks quite friendly and welcoming to make people feel okay about going to see their doctor about cancer since it’s a very important thing to get checked on. Colour scheme: It is a simple colour scheme that features on the poster, consisting of white, grey and green. The part that is in green is the bit with the important information in so the audiences eyes are drawn immediately to the campaign information. Copy: The copy that appears on the poster is short and simple so that it sticks in your head since it’s a very important piece of information. At the bottom right hand corner there is the campaign logo so you know what organisation it is. Fonts: The main style of font that they have used is a san-serif. This makes it look less formal but inviting so that people don’t get intimidated by it. This would maybe encourage them to go see their doctor actually about the cancer symptom that they are experiencing. Tone: The tone given off by the advert is short and snappy because it’s important and they need the message to stick in people’s heads. They get straight to the point and it gives off a message that they haven’t messed around with words, you shouldn’t mess around with cancer. 6Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)
  • 7. Impact: Be Clear On Cancer campaigns have made people less afraid to visit their doctor if they experience a symptom. Shirley’s story: Shirley received chemotherapy and radiotherapy to treat her lung cancer. Three years later, she is in remission and living life to the full, playing an active role in the lives of her five grandchildren and enjoying days out in London. Geoff’s story: Thirteen years after surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy for lung cancer, Geoff still plays an active role in his local community as a councilor. He also chairs his local choral society, where he continues to be in fine voice. Ann’s story: Ann was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2003 and can still do all the things she did before her treatment, like long walks, swimming, and spending time with her family. 7Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: (NHS Be Clear On Cancer)
  • 8. Case Study: (campaign/organisation name) Purpose: To bring about local, national and global change. The campaign is about getting people to turn to vegetarianism because of the way animals are treated and reared when going through the process of becoming meat. It raises the issue by Oli telling the story of why he became a vegetarian in hopes to inspire people to go vegetarian. To change attitudes. The poster hopes to change people’s opinion of eating meat using the technique of quoting Oli on why he became a vegetarian. It uses powerful words such as ‘torture’ and ‘cruelty’ to persuade people to go vegetarian. To raise awareness. The campaign poster raises awareness about how animals are treated when they are being reared for meat. The vocabulary used is strong and makes you visualise the process of the killing of animals. To challenge dominant representations and agendas. The posters that PETA did that included many band members challenged the stereotype of vegetarians and animal rights activists. It shows that they are not all hippies or that they do not all just focus on animal rights. However, it shows that everyone can be for animal rights but not devote every moment of their life to gaining animals a better way of being treated. It shows that they can do what they want and support PETA and animal rights in their own way. To infiltrate mainstream media.By using a band member, PETA have managed to campaign to the audience of this band and/or the magazines that they feature in. For example, in a past issue of rock music magazine Kerrang, they did a poster special of PETA campaign posters that included bands. Aims: The aim of this campaign is to tell people about why they should be vegetarian and hopefully to convert them to vegetarianism. This particular campaign poster’s aim is to appeal to a younger audience and tell them about the way animals are treated in the meat rearing process. 8Creative Media Production 2012
  • 9. Techniques: Image(s): The only image used is of Bring Me The Horizon's front man Oli Sykes. By using him on a poster, PETA have appealed to many young people all over the globe, making them go vegetarian, just like their idol. There is nothing really special about the image to promote vegetarianism, it just looks like they have got an image of him so they can appeal to young people. Colour scheme: The main colours used in this campaign poster are grey and pink. The pink is used to highlight the main words and phrase that PETA want people to focus on. The rest is grey, apart from the image of Oli. This is so that the information is still given but it makes keywords and the key image become the main focus. Copy: On this particular company’s adverts, they use a lot more copy but write most of it in a smaller, less noticeable print so that it doesn’t take away from the actual focus of the campaign. The bigger text is used to get the message across quicker and easier if people don’t have the time to read it. Font: The font used in this advert is very popular throughout campaign posters because it’s clear, easy to read (even from afar) and is very effective on any campaign. However, they all also seem to match their font to their logo font. The important bits of the copy used are highlighted in a different colour to get the message of the campaign across even quicker than just reading the larger font. Tone: The tone of this campaign is quite friendly and informal so that it appeals to younger people (teenagers and young adults) and gets them to consider what PETA are campaigning about. If it was formal and serious then it would have been harder for them to appeal to their audience. 9Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)
  • 10. Impact: The fur industry has been hurt by the ongoing and very visible anti-fur campaign by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). After more than three years of urging from PETA, Madigan Army Medical Center replaced its cruel use of ferrets for pediatric intubation training with modern simulators. PETA's campaign prompted Madigan to undertake an internal review that ultimately confirmed that lifelike infant-patient simulators can be used exclusively to teach intubation skills. Madigan is the third military facility that PETA has convinced to make this switch in as many years. We received a complaint that a preteen was illegally selling turtles smaller than 4 inches via Facebook. The complainant had attempted to report this case to the police, but his efforts were going nowhere. We immediately alerted the Department of Conservation, and an officer visited the turtle- selling boy and his family, set them straight on the laws, and forced the boy to return all the wild-caught turtles to the local reservoir (where they'd initially been captured) and remove his online posts. 10Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: (PETA)
  • 11. Case Study: (campaign/organisation name) Purpose: To bring about local, national or global change. The poster claims that every nine days a baby dies from cot death in Scotland so the campaign is aiming to lower that number to stop cot death in Scotland all together. To raise awareness. The campaign raises awareness that cot death is still a big issue in places but it can be prevented. It gives you a website that you can donate money on to help further research into how to prevent cot death so the figures go down even more. To provide information. The poster states that a baby dies every nine days in Scotland from cot death. Many people might not have known this until this campaign poster came out. This provides statistic information to motivate people to donate towards the cause and it also provides information of where you can donate to this charity. However this is at the bottom on the page so it is not as important to get across as the fact at the top. To infiltrate mainstream media. Because cot death isn’t thought to be as big as it used to be it has kind of been forgotten about but it is still happening. This advert is designed to bring awareness back to cot death and help stop it once and for all in Scotland. Aims: The trust's aims are to fund research into possible causes of cot death, to support families that have been bereaved as a result of cot death and to educate parents and professionals in how to reduce the risks of cot death. 11Creative Media Production 2012
  • 12. Techniques: Image(s): The only image used is a teddy bear in the corner of what appears to be a cot, covering it’s eyes, suggesting that a cot death has occurred. This is simple but effective as it doesn’t go to extremes to show what has happened. There appears to be a spotlight on the teddy, making it the main thing that you look at after the statistical fact. Colour scheme: There isn’t particularly a colour scheme to focus on as the background is an image made up of many different colours and shades. If I had to decide on a colour scheme for this poster I would say it was white, black and blue as these are the main colours featured. The white could suggest the innocence and purity of a baby. The black is to make the text stand out and the blue is for the logo, also making it stand out. Copy: The copy used is simple and factual. This is effective at motivating people to donate because it is such a shocking fact that is straight to the point. It is the first thing that you see/read on the poster. It is not as bold as some campaigns but if you read it the copy is certainly effective. Font: The font is simple and plain so it isn’t hard to read and it is taken seriously. All the font used is the same as the font appearing in the logo linking it together and not just a random font that doesn’t fit in. Tone: The tone used in this campaign advert is very factual and serious because it’s a campaign about an unpleasant topic that needs to be done with once and for all since it is very tragic to experience such a thing. Because the main focus is a statistic it does feel that they’re just pointing it out. That is until you read the bottom of the poster where it tells you where to donate. 12Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)
  • 13. Impact: When the trust was formed, in 1985, there were 153 cot deaths a year. In the 25 years since the trust began, there has been a significant reduction in the annual number of cot deaths which now stands at currently 40 cases of cot death per year. This is a reduction of more that three quarters in 25 years. The trust is trying to make people more aware of the causes of cot death to try and reduce the risk even further. The causes of cot death are: •Placing your baby on their chest to sleep •Smoking in the same room as your baby •Allergies •Bacterial and viral infections •Unknown genetic conditions •Problems in the area of the brain that controls breathing •An irregular heartbeat •Accidental suffocation •Overheating 13Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: (Scottish Cot Death Trust)
  • 14. Case Study: (campaign/organisation name) Purpose: To infiltrate mainstream media. There isn’t many homosexual figures shown on television or even many well known campaigns against homophobia, suddenly this Stonewall campaign was spread everywhere! It was on buses, billboards and more. It definitely helped spread the message. To change attitudes. This is the campaigns main aim. To change attitudes towards homosexuals. The hard hitting message was quite crude but very effective however it did cause some outrage amongst devout Christian groups. To raise awareness. The poster raised awareness that homophobia is still an extremely common thing that is not as commonly thought about as other social problems such as racism and sexism. To bring about local, national and global change. The campaign wants to change attitudes towards homosexuals to stop homophobia all across the world. It was very well promoted and the message was spread across social networking sites such as Tumblr and Twitter with people massively supporting the campaign. To create or strengthen community ties. The poster is trying to create and strengthen relationships within the community by stopping homophobia and making people see homosexuality as a more acceptable thing, especially now that homosexual couples can now get married. To campaign. The poster range that was created is to campaign for gay rights to be equal to everyone else’s. It was also to campaign for people to be more acceptable of homosexuals and to stop homophobia once and for all. To build a relationship with subjects. The campaign tried to help build a relationship between homosexuals and people who are less tolerant of homosexuals. It was trying to make people realise that it’s okay to be gay and that nothing would happen if gay people got married. Aims: The aim of this campaign poster is to put an end to homophobia and gain equal rights for homosexual couples so that they can get married and live like any other couple would do. It also got people to realise the homophobia is still a major problem in society and it needs to be stopped. Homophobia is just as bad as racism and sexism but yet no one seems to make a big deal out of it. 14Creative Media Production 2012
  • 15. Techniques: Image(s): There are no images used in this campaign poster, there are only words. However, this may be effective because it will stand out more against other campaign posters. I feel like there isn’t really a good place to put an image on this poster as it would just be too much so it wouldn’t work as well. It wouldn’t be as hard hitting and people wouldn’t take it seriously. Colour scheme: The colour scheme used is very bold and just as hard hitting as the slogan used. It is simple but the bright red of the background immediately draws the audience in. The text is split into two different colours (black and white) so that the sentence is separated out and seems to form two different sentence but could be used as one sentence too. Copy: The copy consists of a hard hitting phrase that spares no thoughts or feelings, it just gets straight to the point of the campaign. The only other bit of text on the poster is the name of the company that released the poster/campaign in the bottom right hand corner. The copy used is pointing to the aim of the campaign so the company have made it the only thing to focus on. Font: The font used is big and bold so that the message is taken seriously. If the copy was written in a font such as Chalkduster then the message wouldn’t be as striking as what it is. This would make the campaign quite unsuccessful as no one would take it seriously. The same font is the only one used on the poster and it is even the same font as the company’s name which features in their logo at the bottom right hand corner of the poster. Tone: The tone used in the posters copy is very hard hitting. It spares no thoughts or feelings to anyone, it’s just simple and clear that the company just wants to get the point of their campaign across. It comes across that the person who has written the copy and designed the poster is very annoyed and just wants an end to discrimination towards homosexuals. 15Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)
  • 16. Impact: Thanks to the campaign lesbian, gay and bisexual couples in England and Wales will be able to marry next spring, after the House of Lords gave Third Reading to the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill. Subject to consideration of amendments in the House of Commons, a technicality, as the Bill made it through the Lords without any material amendments. The Bill will now receive Royal Assent and become law. Stonewall’s campaign to end homophobic bullying in Britain’s schools has taken a new turn, as the charity’s iconic ‘Some People Are Gay. Get Over It!’ posters were translated into Hebrew for use as a modern language resource in Jewish faith schools. Stonewall worked with Keshet UK, the Jewish lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality charity, to translate the posters, which were used for the first time at the Jewish Community Secondary School in north London. 16Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: (Stonewall)
  • 17. Case Study: (campaign/organisation name) Purpose: To bring about local, national or global change. This campaign poster is to bring a change to the way that England is run by encouraging people to vote for the conservatives to get the change they needed. To change attitudes. The poster makes people think that they government they have at the moment is failing them. This would make people feel like if they change who’s in charge then the country would not be failing and people would be employed. To campaign. This election poster campaigns for a change of government. It campaigns for this because it is an opposing parties poster to get the current leader out of the lead position so that someone else can rule and bring change to the country. To change voting behaviour. The first thing that the audience sees is a bold statement saying that the current government isn’t working and that someone else needs to lead the country. At the bottom it states that Britain is better of with the conservatives, persuading people to vote for them instead. Aims: The aim of this campaign poster is to bring change to the British government since the country is seen as failing so the change in government can get the country can get back on it’s feet and working again. 17Creative Media Production 2012
  • 18. Techniques: Image(s): Unlike more modern posters, the image featured on this poster is drawn on. However, this didn’t stop it being the most successful poster of the 20th century. The image shows thousands of people, stood in a queue which trails off into the distance, waiting to get into the unemployment office, which is shown by the banner in the bottom left corner. Colour scheme: The only real colour on the poster is from the people’s clothes so that they are all separate people and not just one thing, even off towards the distance. The only other bit of colour in this poster is the words on the banner. This is so that the message the poster is giving out is very clear and plain to see. Copy: There is very little text on this poster, however, it was still super effective and hard hitting. The main thing your eye is drawn to, is the big, bold letters at the top. This instantly gives of the message of the poster. The last thing you see is who the poster is made for which is written smaller but can still be noticed. It tells people who they should vote for instead and why. Font: The font used is all the same, there is just one bit in a different colour to make it stand out a bit more. Apart from that, it seems like the designers of the poster (the Saatchi brothers) were more concentrating on getting the point across to people and not whether the font looked nice or not. It just needed to be hard hitting and effective, which it was. Tone: The tone used doesn’t mess around. It’s straight to the point and telling you who you should be voting for and why. It has a very serious edge to it, telling you straight what needs to happen to the country and who needs to have control over it. 18Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)
  • 19. Impact: This campaign poster (created by the Saatchi brothers) as claimed by Lord Thorneycroft, ‘won the conservatives the 1979 election’ with Margaret Thatcher, kicking Labour out of the leading seat. The conservatives had a winning rein for 18 years with that election setting them off. It also got voted as the best campaign poster of the 20th century by trade magazine Campaign. However, if the election had not have been delayed then it may have been a different story as the poster was already created but wasn’t as effective until the Saatchi brothers brought out a second version. 19Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: (Conservative Election 1979)