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Warren J. Blumenfeld Ed.D.
Dr. Warren J. Blumenfeld is available to come
to your campus or community organization.
 Other and Othering
“Othering” is something people
do – an action, a verb, not an
adjective or noun.
 “Otherness”: not static, intrinsic, immutable
characteristics or traits.
 “Other: From Noun to Verb,” Nathaniel Mackey, 1992.
Representations, 32, pp. 51-70.
Nathaniel Mackey
An action, a verb, not an adjective or noun.
The process of objectifying, subordinating,
marginalizing, dominating, controlling,
disenfranchising, violating “the Other”
Through the elements of
– Defining
– Stereotyping
– Scapegoating
– Tokenizing
“It takes a village
to raise a child.”
African proverb.
My Assumptions
What Causes Prejudice and Discrimination
Social Learning Theory and Role Modeling
Systems Oriented Approach
Strategies for Change
Bullying is a specific type of aggression in which
(1) the behavior is intended to harm or disturb,
(2) the behavior occurs repeatedly over time,
and (3) there is an imbalance of power, with a
more powerful person or group attacking a less
powerful one. This asymmetry of power may be
physical or psychological, and the aggressive
behavior may be verbal…, physical…, or
psychological (e.g. spreading rumors, engaging
in social exclusion, extortion, or intimidation).
Journal of the American Medical Association, 2001
DEFINITION: Harassment
Harassment is victimization based upon one’s real
or perceived race, color, national origin, religion,
disability, gender, sexual orientation, or marital
status, physical appearance, or personality
Iowa Department of Education, Sample Policy on Bullying and Harassment, 2007.
1. Crucial components of bullying prevention efforts often
missing: social and cultural contexts & engagement.
2. Bullying & harassment not simply youth problems &
3. Young people, through process of “social learning,” often
acquire bullying & harassing attitudes and behaviors.
4. They also often learn the “socially sanctioned” targets for
their aggressive behaviors.
5. Much of bullying behaviors based on social construction of
mandatory, yet truly unattainable hyper-masculinity.
Social Learning Theory
Individuals learn by
observing & associating
with others (modeling).
Modeling alone — free
from reinforcements —
can be enough for
people to incorporate and
act on their own beliefs
and behaviors.
Albert Bandura
Social Learning Theory
Society presents many
role models,
From very positive & to
very negative, biased,
aggressive, & destructive.
Modeling process is very
influential in beliefs and
actions of young people.
Albert Bandura
Social Learning Theory
Modeling is more than
concrete actions
(“response mimicry”).
Also abstract concepts
(“Abstract Modeling”):
following rules, taking on
values & beliefs, making
moral & ethical judgments.
Albert Bandura
1. Think back in your life to any role models
you may have. Who were they?
2. How did they serve as role models?
3. What skills, knowledge, behaviors, views,
perspectives, outlooks, feelings, etc. did you
gain from them?
4. How have they impacted the course of your
Some of My Role Models
My Maternal
Simon & Eva Mahler
Love, compassion,
identity, survival,
hope, sense of
family, sense of
history and identity
Some of My Role Models
Frederick Douglass
Abolitionist who escaped
from slavery
Vision of a greater nation,
a reconciler, a survivor.
“No person can place a chain
about the ankles of another
person without at last finding the
chain around their own neck”
Some of My Role Models
Harriet Tubman
Abolitionist who escaped from
Visionary of a greater nation,
a reconciler, a survivor.
“If you hear the dogs, keep going.
If you see the torches in the woods,
keep going. If there’s shouting
after you, keep going. Don’t ever
stop. Keep going. If you want a
taste of freedom, keep going.”
Some of My Role Models
Eleanor Roosevelt
First Woman of the
Strong, committed, self
reflective, champion
for equality, equity,
cooperation, and
understanding across
apparent differences.
Some of My Role Models
César Estrada Chávez
Mexican American farm
worker, union
organizer, and civil
rights activist
Co-founder of United
Farm Workers
Tireless leader
defending workers
Some of My Role Models
Leonard Bernstein
Jewish & Gay
Conductor, Composer,
Articulated a love of
music making it
accessible to younger
people & generations
Television as Positive Role Model
ABC: Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
Advertising as Positive Role Model
“At Liberty Mutual, our job
just isn’t about providing you
with insurance. It’s about
creating a relationship with
you based on trust and
mutual understanding. With
our advertising, we want to
engage you in what
responsibility means to you.”
What’s Your Policy?
What Causes Prejudice &
“You’ve Got To Be Carefully Taught”
You've got to be taught
To hate and fear,
You've got to be taught
From year to year,
It's got to be drummed
In your dear little ear
You've got to be carefully taught.
You've got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a diff'rent shade,
You've got to be carefully taught.
You've got to be taught before it's too late,
Before you are six or seven or eight,
To hate all the people your relatives hate,
You've got to be carefully taught!
“South Pacific,” Richard Rogers & Oscar Hammerstein, 1949
Bullying Prevention Ad
Social Learning Theory
Young people observe
negative role modeling
in society, home, school
Can result in young
person exhibiting
aggressive or violent
Albert Bandura
Social Learning Theory
Bobo Doll experiment
Purpose: determine if
adult modeling resulted
in either aggressive or
behaviors in young
Social Learning Theory
– 36 boys, 36 girls
Control Group: 24 children
Average Age: 4 years
Children taken individually
in room of “non-aggressive”
toys: crayons, tinker toys,
and “aggressive” toys:
wooden mallet, Bobo doll.
Social Learning Theory
Children told, only adult
could play with toys,
participants must watch
Control group: no adult,
participants could play
with any toys.
Social Learning Theory
Half participants, adult
played with tinker toys
one minute,
For nine minutes,
attacked Bobo doll,
verbal insults, physical
– kicking, punching, hitting
the head with wooden
Social Learning Theory
Other half of participants,
adult model played with
tinker toys, ignored Bobo
doll entire 10-minutes of
Social Learning Theory
Each child taken into another playroom with
toys: airplane, fire engine, doll set.
To instill anger & frustration, experimenter
told children they could play with toys in room
for short time, & toys reserved for other
Social Learning Theory
Children taken individually to 3rd room. Left
alone 20 minutes to play with aggressive &
non-aggressive toys.
Aggressive toys:
– Bobo doll, wooden mallet, dart guns, tetherball
with a face painted on it, and others.
Non-aggressive toys:
– paper and crayons, tea set, dolls, a ball, cars,
trucks, plastic farm animals.
Social Learning Theory
Experimenters observed each child
behind one-way mirror, evaluated
behaviors on measures of aggressive
Children who observed
aggressive adult model,
much more likely to exhibit
physical and verbal
aggressive behaviors when
left alone in 3rd room.
As opposed to children
who were exposed to non-
aggressive model or no
Research Conclusions
Children can learn behaviors, like verbal and
physical aggression, by observing & imitating
Even in absence of behavioral reinforcements.
Children highly influenced by observing adult
behavior, believe that such behavior is
acceptable, freeing own aggressive inhibitions.
More likely to behave aggressively in future
National Civility Survey
KRC Research & Weber Sandwick, 2010
Erosion of civility in modern life:
– In human relationships
– Government
– Business
– Media
– On-line
65% - Major Problem
71% - Worsened Recently
Adults Construct the Rules;
Youth Forced to Follow
What types of modeling
and messages are we
sending our young
people in the following
The “Trickle Down” Effect
“I can remember adults in my mostly White town
talking about how the Dutch were cheap, or the
Norwegians were just a bunch of Vikings that stole,
and the Germans were just dirty krouts. The ideas
trickled down to the youth, where they would call
others the same things their parents called people
as well.”
University Teacher Education Student
Popular Movie
Movie parody of high
budget war films.
“Simple Jack,”
portrayed by Ben
“Once upon a time there
was a retard.”
R-word used 17 times.
Popular Radio Talk Show Host
Don Imus April 4, 2007
edition of MSNBC's
Imus in the Morning
Referred to the Rutgers
University women's
basketball team,
composed of eight
African-American and
two white players, as
"nappy-headed hos."
Advertising as Negative Role Model
Advertising as Negative Role Model
V8 Juice “Punch” in the Head
Business: WHAT IF…?
Cocks & Balls
Nov. 18, 2011
Police Mace
Gun Club Christmas Photo
Children and parents are able to choose between
grenade launchers, assault rifles, and AK-47s
Nations Truck Sales, Sanford, FL
Free Assault Rifle voucher with each truck purchased
“We started on Veterans Day. Hey, so many have given so much
for this right.” Nick Ginetta, General Sales Manager
Holy Smoke Bullet Urns
Stockton, Alabama
Your Ashes into Bullets
& Clem
Bushmaster Guns
Andrew Breitbart Shirley Sherrod
Andrew Breitbart
– “Big Journalism” Blog
– Commentator, Washington Times
Selectively edited Shirley Sherrod’s inspirational
speech delivered March 2010 to a local NAACP
chapter in an attempt to impugn the
extraordinary reputation and career of Ms.
Andrew Shirvell
Assistant Attorney General,
Attacking on-line and stocking
outside residence of Chris
Armstrong, the first openly-gay
student body president at the
University of Michigan
Shirvell accused Armstrong of
“promoting the radical
gay agenda”
Lori Janine Drew Megan Meier
Drew, mother of Meier’s friend
Dardenne, Prairie, Missouri
Drew posed as 16-year-old boy on MySpace named
“Josh Evans”
“Evans” turned on Meier
She committed suicide, Oct. 2006, 13 years old.
Drew indicted, three counts of accessing protected
computers to inflict emotional distress, and one
count of criminal conspiracy.
College students throughout the world were asked
to go 24 hours without digital media:
Product Marketing
Tired of chips that go mush when
you bite ’em or go to pieces when
you dip ‘em?
Chomp on Krunchers! the extra thick
and hearty chips bursting with
big potato taste.
Don’t fool around with those
weak-kneed chips anymore.
Sink your teeth into
Political Leader
Governor Arnold
Schwarzenegger, 2004,
referred to political
opponents as “girly-men.”
Legislators who opposed
his budget plans.
Called on voters to
“terminate” them.
Political Leader
Sharron Angle
Republican Senatorial
Candidate, Nevada,
“Man up, Harry Reid”
calling his manhood
into question.
Political Leader
Senate Republican
Majority Leader, 1998,
Trent Lott proclaimed
homosexuality a disease
and sin:
“It is [a sin]….You should
try to show them a way to
deal with that problem, just
like alcohol…or sex
Oklahoma State Representative
Sally Kern
Oklahoma State Representative
Sally Kern
“Studies show, no society that has totally
embraced homosexuality has lasted for more than,
you know, a few decades….I honestly think it’s
the biggest threat our nation has, even more so
than terrorism or Islam. . . It spreads! This stuff
is deadly and it is spreading. It will destroy our
young people and it will destroy this nation.”
Columnist & Author
Ann Coulter, at Republican
Party Conservative Political
Action Conference, 2007
Called Democratic
presidential candidate, John
Edwards a “faggot.”
Loud and sustained
applause and laughter from
most of the conference
Columnist & Author
CNBC show “The Big
Idea,” 2007, Ann Coulter
said everyone on earth
should be Christian and
that Jews needed to be
"perfected….It is better if
we were all Christians.”
Alabama Governor Robert Bentley
January 2011:
"So anybody here today
who has not accepted
Jesus Christ as their
savior, I'm telling you,
you're not my brother and
you're not my sister, and I
want to be your brother."
Movie Star & Director
Mel Gibson, arrested for
drunk driving, 2006,
“F*****g Jews….The
Jews are responsible for
all the wars in the world.”
Gibson then asked the
arresting officer, “Are you a
Political Figure Donald Trump
"[Mexico is] sending
people that have lots
of problems, and they
are bringing those
problems to us. They
are bringing drugs,
and bringing crime,
and they’re rapists."
Political Figure Donald Trump
I am calling for the
“total and complete
shutdown of Muslims
entering the United
States until our
representatives can
figure out what is going
September 11, 2001
Islamophobia: prejudice and discrimination
toward the religion of Islam and Muslims who
follow its teachings and practices.
Muslims Sikhs
Political Divisions
Political Divisions
Shell Gas Station, Texas, Nov. 2012
Political Divisions
Political Divisions
GOP Platform, 2012
Preserving and Protecting Traditional Marriage
The institution of marriage is the foundation of civil society. Its
success as an institution will determine our success as a
nation….The success of marriage directly impacts the economic
well-being of individuals. Furthermore, the future of marriage
affects freedom…. We recognize and honor the courageous
efforts of those who bear the many burdens of parenting
alone, even as we believe that marriage, the union of
one man and one woman must be upheld as the national
standard, a goal to stand for, encourage, and promote
through laws governing marriage. We embrace the
principle that all Americans should be treated with respect
and dignity.
“Religious” Justifications
Orthodox Judaism
Statement of Principles on the Place of Jews with
a Homosexual Orientation in Our Community:
“Judaism views all male and female same-sex sexual
interactions as prohibited...[and] cannot give its
blessing and imprimatur to Jewish religious same-sex
commitment ceremonies and weddings, and halakhic
values proscribe individuals and communities from
encouraging practices that grant religious legitimacy to
gay marriage and couplehood.”
“Basing itself upon Sacred Scripture, which presents
homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity,
tradition has always declared that homosexual acts are
gravely disordered. They are contrary to natural law.
They close the sexual act to the gift of love [i.e., children]. They
do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual
complementarity. Under no circumstances can they
be approved.”
Religion on Trans* Identities
Alex Salinas
21-year-old transman, Cadiz, Spain
Applied, Godparent, of nephew
Vatican denied request.
Catholic Church: Congregation for the Doctrine of the
Transgender status "reveals in a public way an attitude
opposite to the moral imperative of solving the problem of
sexual identity according to the truth of one's own sexuality.
Therefore it is evident that this person does not possess the
requirement of leading a life according to the faith and in the
position of godfather and is therefore unable to be admitted to
the position of godfather or godmother."
Southern Baptist Convention
2010 “Resolution on Homosexuality and the United States Military”
“RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist
Convention…affirm the Bible’s declaration that
homosexual behavior is intrinsically disordered and
sinful, and we also affirm the Bible’s promise of forgiveness,
change, and eternal life to all sinners (including those engaged in
homosexual sin) who repent of sin and trust in the saving power of
Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).”
Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints
Homosexual behavior violates the
commandments of God, is contrary to the
purposes of human sexuality, distorts loving
relationships, and deprives people of the
blessings that can be found in family life and in
the saving ordinances of the gospel. Those who
persist in such behavior or who influence others to do so are
subject to Church discipline. Homosexual behavior can be
forgiven through sincere repentance.
From Handbook of Instructions
Evangelical Covenant Church
Resolution on Sexuality” adopted 1996:
“We human beings misuse God’s creation of sexuality and distort
its role in our lives. In I Corinthians 6:9-10 and Romans 1:24-27,
Scripture succinctly declares this sin and God’s judgment on it.
Throughout the Scriptures we see how sin in sexual relationships
damages relationship with God and others. We live in a society
characterized by imperfect and sinful sexual relationships of many
kinds….Evangelical Covenant Church resolution to
care for persons involved in sexual sins such as
adultery, homosexual behavior, and promiscuity
compassionately recognizing the potential of these
sins to take the form of addiction.”
St. Patrick’s Day Parade:
South Boston
Banned Books
Boy Scouts
“Boy Scouts of America believes that
homosexual conduct is inconsistent with the
obligations in the Scout Oath and Scout Law
to be morally straight and clean in thought,
word, and deed….”
Professional Hockey
Professional Wrestling
Ultimate Fighting
Youth Fight Clubs
Violent Movies
Violent Video Games
Bias-Related Victimization
Each year, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) tracks incidents of hate
crimes throughout the United States. In 2006 alone 7,722 criminal incidents
involving 9,080 offenses “as a result of bias against a particular race, religion,
sexual orientation, ethnicity/national origin, or physical or mental disability.”
  51.8% were motivated by racial bias
  18.9% were motivated by religious bias
  15.5% were motivated by sexual-orientation bias
  12.7% were motivated by ethnicity/national origin bias
  1% was motivated by disability bias
(U.S. Department of Justice, 2006)
Gwen Araujo
Sakia Gunn
Lawrence King
Delilah Corrales
Ukea DavisTyra Hunter
Bingham Allen Schindler
Harvey Milk
Eric Plunkett
Matthew Shepard
Brandon Teena
Third leading cause of death
among adolescents, &
responsible for more deaths
than all illnesses combined.
Youth Suicide from Bullying
Tyler Clementi, 18
Seth Walsh, 13
Billy Lucas, 15
Asher Brown, 13
Raymond Chase, 19
Megan Meier, 13
Phoebe Prince, 15
Carl Joseph Walker
Hoover, 11
Bobby Griffith, 20
Belinda Allen, 14
Systems Oriented Approach
Bullying and harassment not simply
involving people who bully and people
who are bullied (the “dyadic view” ),
Rather, involves a number of “actors” or
roles across the social, community, &
school environments.
Some researchers define the roles:
Systems Oriented Approach
Sutton and Smith (1999) identified six distinct though overlapping
– 1. The “Ringleader Bully” active role in initiating the bullying
– 2. The “Assistant to the Bully” very active in the bullying
process, but a follower to the ringleader bully;
– 3. The “Reinforcer to the Bully” acts in ways that encourage the
bullying behavior;
– 4. The “Defender of the Victim,” engages in behaviors to
protect and help the target of the bullying;
– 5. The “Outsider,” sometimes called the “Bystander,” aware of
the bullying behaviors but does nothing and attempts to stay
away from the bullying episodes
– 6. The “Victim,” the person or persons targeted by those who
Systems Oriented Approach
Olweus (2000) eight roles in the bullying process.
– 1. “Children Who Bully,” similar to Sutton and Smith’s “Ringleader Bully”;
– 2. “Followers/Henchmen” actively engaging in the bullying process with
the children who bully, similar to Sutton and Smith’s “Assistant to the
– 3. “Supporter, Passive Bully/Bullies,” similar to Sutton and Smith’s
“Reinforcer to the Bully”;
– 4. “Passive Supporter, Possible Bully,” those who are on the fence
whether to engage in bullying behavior or simply observe;
– 5. “Disengaged Onlooker,” sometimes referred to as a “Bystander”;
– 6. “Possible Defender,” those who are on the fence whether to become
involved to support and defend those targeted by bullying behaviors;
– 7. “Defender of the Child Who Is Bullied,” similar to Sutton and Smith’s
“Defender of the Victim”;
– 8. “Children Who Are Bullied, The One Who Is Exposed,” similar to
Sutton and Smith’s the “Victim.”
Bystander Behavior in Bullying Incidents
©The Olweus Prevention Group, 2004
% of students who do
% of students who
wantto help, but
% of students who
try to help
Empowering the By-Stander
to Become the Up-Stander
Peer mediation and student leadership training
empowering and assisting students in developing
ways to successfully reduce bullying incidents,
Include in anti-bullying policies language
protecting allies from retaliation for taking action,
Ongoing support from adult family members,
school faculty and staff, community members,
Social Justice type student clubs,
Include students in school climate policy
What should students
have learned by the
time they graduate
high school?
Strategies for Change
In addition to teaching the 3 Rs (reading, writing,
and arithmetic),
Self Awareness: To “Read” the Self
Solve Social, Emotional, and Ethical Problems
Social, Emotional, Ethical, & Academic Education
Jonathan Cohen, 2006
Theory of Multiple Intelligences
Howard Gardner
Theory of Multiple Intelligences
8 “intelligences”
that are involved in
solving problems
and fashioning
He believed all 8
can be TAUGHT in
Theory of Multiple Intelligences
Logical / Mathematical
Verbal / Linguistic
Musical / Rhythmic
Visual / Spatial
Bodily / Kinesthetic
Home-School Partnerships
Long-Term and Continuous Home & School
Coordination & Cooperation
Emphasize and Reinforce Efforts through
common understanding, goals, and terminology
(to be on the same page)
Home and School Emphasizing Teaching and
Learning of…
Home-School Partnerships
Community Living Skills (cooperation, sharing)
Responsible & Caring Participation in a
Democracy (John Dewey)
Find Sense of Meaning & Purpose in Life
Critical Thinking Skills
Critical Media Literacy
Life-Long Learning Skills
Social, Emotional, and Ethical Competencies
Mental Health-Home-School
Sex Education
Drug Education
Health Promotion
Bullying Prevention Efforts
School-Based Physical & Mental Health Centers
School Climate Assessment
Structural Issues (size of
school, etc.)
Environmental Issues
(physical condition, etc.)
Social-Emotional, Physical
Order, Safety
Expectations for Student
Quality of Instruction
Collaboration &
Sense of School
Peer Norms
Student Morale
Extent to Which the School
is a Vital Learning
Johathan Cohen, 2006
Develop and enforce comprehensive Bullying
Prevention Statewide Laws
Implemented into every school.
“No Child Left Behind,” while attempting to raise
academic standards and levels,
Does not fund initiates to improve Social,
Emotional, and Ethical skill improvement.
Illinois State Board of Education, 2004, for
example, mandated school districts statewide to
develop policies related to Social-Emotional
Learning into educational programs.
Teacher Education
Colleges & Universities offering Teacher
Education Certification & Degrees, emphasize:
– Self-Awareness of Pre-Service Teachers
– Classroom Management Techniques
– Bullying Prevention Strategies
– Conflict Resolution Skills
– Culturally Responsive Pedagogies
Bandura, A. (1965). Influence of models’ reinforcement contingencies on the
acquisition of imitative responses. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1,
Bandura, A., Ross, D., & Ross, S. A. (1961). Transmission of aggressions through
imitation of aggressive models. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 63, 575-
Cohen, Jonathan. (2006). Social, Emotional, Ethical, and Academic Education:
Creating a Climate for Learning, Participation in Democracy, and Well-Being. Harvard
Educational Review. 76 (2), 201-237
JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association, April 25, 2001. Vol. 285, No. 16
Olweus, Dan. (2000), Bullying at School. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, Ltd.
Rogers, Richard & Hammerstein, Oscar. (1949). “You’ve Got To Be Carefully
Taught,” from South Pacific.
Sutton, J., & Smith, P. K. (1999). Bullying as a group process: An adaptation of the
participant role approach. Aggressive Behavior, 25, 97-111.
"Never doubt that a
small group of
thoughtful committed
individuals can
change the world. In
fact, it's the only
thing that ever has.“
Margaret Mead

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Social Contexts of Youth Bullying

  • 2. Dr. Warren J. Blumenfeld is available to come to your campus or community organization. Contact:
  • 3. TO “OTHER”  Other and Othering “Othering” is something people do – an action, a verb, not an adjective or noun.  “Otherness”: not static, intrinsic, immutable characteristics or traits.  “Other: From Noun to Verb,” Nathaniel Mackey, 1992. Representations, 32, pp. 51-70. Nathaniel Mackey
  • 4. TO “MINORITIZE” An action, a verb, not an adjective or noun. The process of objectifying, subordinating, marginalizing, dominating, controlling, disenfranchising, violating “the Other” Through the elements of – Defining – Stereotyping – Scapegoating – Tokenizing
  • 5. “It takes a village to raise a child.” African proverb.
  • 6. THE FLOW Definitions My Assumptions “Messages” What Causes Prejudice and Discrimination Social Learning Theory and Role Modeling Scenarios Systems Oriented Approach Strategies for Change References
  • 7. DEFINITION: Bullying Bullying is a specific type of aggression in which (1) the behavior is intended to harm or disturb, (2) the behavior occurs repeatedly over time, and (3) there is an imbalance of power, with a more powerful person or group attacking a less powerful one. This asymmetry of power may be physical or psychological, and the aggressive behavior may be verbal…, physical…, or psychological (e.g. spreading rumors, engaging in social exclusion, extortion, or intimidation). Journal of the American Medical Association, 2001
  • 8. DEFINITION: Harassment Harassment is victimization based upon one’s real or perceived race, color, national origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, or marital status, physical appearance, or personality characteristics. Iowa Department of Education, Sample Policy on Bullying and Harassment, 2007.
  • 9. MY ASSUMPTIONS 1. Crucial components of bullying prevention efforts often missing: social and cultural contexts & engagement. 2. Bullying & harassment not simply youth problems & behaviors. 3. Young people, through process of “social learning,” often acquire bullying & harassing attitudes and behaviors. 4. They also often learn the “socially sanctioned” targets for their aggressive behaviors. 5. Much of bullying behaviors based on social construction of mandatory, yet truly unattainable hyper-masculinity.
  • 10. Social Learning Theory Individuals learn by observing & associating with others (modeling). Modeling alone — free from reinforcements — can be enough for people to incorporate and act on their own beliefs and behaviors. Albert Bandura
  • 11. Social Learning Theory Society presents many role models, From very positive & to very negative, biased, aggressive, & destructive. Modeling process is very influential in beliefs and actions of young people. Albert Bandura
  • 12. Social Learning Theory Modeling is more than concrete actions (“response mimicry”). Also abstract concepts (“Abstract Modeling”): following rules, taking on values & beliefs, making moral & ethical judgments. Albert Bandura
  • 13. ROLE MODELS 1. Think back in your life to any role models you may have. Who were they? 2. How did they serve as role models? 3. What skills, knowledge, behaviors, views, perspectives, outlooks, feelings, etc. did you gain from them? 4. How have they impacted the course of your life?
  • 14. Some of My Role Models My Maternal Grandparents: Simon & Eva Mahler Love, compassion, identity, survival, hope, sense of family, sense of history and identity
  • 15. Some of My Role Models Frederick Douglass Abolitionist who escaped from slavery Vision of a greater nation, a reconciler, a survivor. “No person can place a chain about the ankles of another person without at last finding the chain around their own neck”
  • 16. Some of My Role Models Harriet Tubman Abolitionist who escaped from slavery Visionary of a greater nation, a reconciler, a survivor. “If you hear the dogs, keep going. If you see the torches in the woods, keep going. If there’s shouting after you, keep going. Don’t ever stop. Keep going. If you want a taste of freedom, keep going.”
  • 17. Some of My Role Models Eleanor Roosevelt First Woman of the USA. Strong, committed, self reflective, champion for equality, equity, cooperation, and understanding across apparent differences.
  • 18. Some of My Role Models César Estrada Chávez Mexican American farm worker, union organizer, and civil rights activist Co-founder of United Farm Workers Tireless leader defending workers rights
  • 19. Some of My Role Models Leonard Bernstein Jewish & Gay American Conductor, Composer, Educator Articulated a love of music making it accessible to younger people & generations
  • 20. Television as Positive Role Model ABC: Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
  • 21. Advertising as Positive Role Model “At Liberty Mutual, our job just isn’t about providing you with insurance. It’s about creating a relationship with you based on trust and mutual understanding. With our advertising, we want to engage you in what responsibility means to you.” Responsibility: What’s Your Policy?
  • 22. What Causes Prejudice & Discrimination?
  • 23. “You’ve Got To Be Carefully Taught” You've got to be taught To hate and fear, You've got to be taught From year to year, It's got to be drummed In your dear little ear You've got to be carefully taught. You've got to be taught to be afraid Of people whose eyes are oddly made, And people whose skin is a diff'rent shade, You've got to be carefully taught. You've got to be taught before it's too late, Before you are six or seven or eight, To hate all the people your relatives hate, You've got to be carefully taught! “South Pacific,” Richard Rogers & Oscar Hammerstein, 1949
  • 25. Social Learning Theory Young people observe negative role modeling in society, home, school Can result in young person exhibiting aggressive or violent behaviors. Albert Bandura
  • 26. Social Learning Theory Bobo Doll experiment Purpose: determine if adult modeling resulted in either aggressive or non-aggressive behaviors in young children.
  • 27. Social Learning Theory Participants: – 36 boys, 36 girls Control Group: 24 children Average Age: 4 years Children taken individually in room of “non-aggressive” toys: crayons, tinker toys, and “aggressive” toys: wooden mallet, Bobo doll.
  • 28. Social Learning Theory Children told, only adult could play with toys, participants must watch adult. Control group: no adult, participants could play with any toys.
  • 29. Social Learning Theory Half participants, adult played with tinker toys one minute, For nine minutes, attacked Bobo doll, verbal insults, physical violence: – kicking, punching, hitting the head with wooden mallet.
  • 30. Social Learning Theory Other half of participants, adult model played with tinker toys, ignored Bobo doll entire 10-minutes of experiment.
  • 31. Social Learning Theory Each child taken into another playroom with toys: airplane, fire engine, doll set. To instill anger & frustration, experimenter told children they could play with toys in room for short time, & toys reserved for other children.
  • 32. Social Learning Theory Children taken individually to 3rd room. Left alone 20 minutes to play with aggressive & non-aggressive toys. Aggressive toys: – Bobo doll, wooden mallet, dart guns, tetherball with a face painted on it, and others. Non-aggressive toys: – paper and crayons, tea set, dolls, a ball, cars, trucks, plastic farm animals.
  • 33. Social Learning Theory Experimenters observed each child behind one-way mirror, evaluated behaviors on measures of aggressive behavior.
  • 34. Findings Children who observed aggressive adult model, much more likely to exhibit physical and verbal aggressive behaviors when left alone in 3rd room. As opposed to children who were exposed to non- aggressive model or no model.
  • 35. Research Conclusions Children can learn behaviors, like verbal and physical aggression, by observing & imitating others. Even in absence of behavioral reinforcements. Children highly influenced by observing adult behavior, believe that such behavior is acceptable, freeing own aggressive inhibitions. More likely to behave aggressively in future situations.
  • 36. National Civility Survey KRC Research & Weber Sandwick, 2010 Erosion of civility in modern life: – In human relationships – Government – Business – Media – On-line 65% - Major Problem 71% - Worsened Recently
  • 37. Adults Construct the Rules; Youth Forced to Follow
  • 38. Implications? What types of modeling and messages are we sending our young people in the following scenarios?
  • 39. The “Trickle Down” Effect “I can remember adults in my mostly White town talking about how the Dutch were cheap, or the Norwegians were just a bunch of Vikings that stole, and the Germans were just dirty krouts. The ideas trickled down to the youth, where they would call others the same things their parents called people as well.” University Teacher Education Student
  • 40. Popular Movie Movie parody of high budget war films. “Simple Jack,” portrayed by Ben Stiller. “Once upon a time there was a retard.” R-word used 17 times.
  • 41. Popular Radio Talk Show Host Don Imus April 4, 2007 edition of MSNBC's Imus in the Morning Referred to the Rutgers University women's basketball team, composed of eight African-American and two white players, as "nappy-headed hos."
  • 43. Advertising as Negative Role Model V8 Juice “Punch” in the Head
  • 48. Gun Club Christmas Photo Children and parents are able to choose between grenade launchers, assault rifles, and AK-47s
  • 49. Nations Truck Sales, Sanford, FL Free Assault Rifle voucher with each truck purchased “We started on Veterans Day. Hey, so many have given so much for this right.” Nick Ginetta, General Sales Manager
  • 50. Holy Smoke Bullet Urns Stockton, Alabama Your Ashes into Bullets Thad Holmes & Clem Parnell, owners
  • 53. Andrew Breitbart – “Big Journalism” Blog – Commentator, Washington Times Selectively edited Shirley Sherrod’s inspirational speech delivered March 2010 to a local NAACP chapter in an attempt to impugn the extraordinary reputation and career of Ms. Sherrod
  • 54. ADULT CYBERBULLYING Andrew Shirvell Assistant Attorney General, Michigan Attacking on-line and stocking outside residence of Chris Armstrong, the first openly-gay student body president at the University of Michigan Shirvell accused Armstrong of “promoting the radical gay agenda”
  • 56. Drew, mother of Meier’s friend Dardenne, Prairie, Missouri Drew posed as 16-year-old boy on MySpace named “Josh Evans” “Evans” turned on Meier She committed suicide, Oct. 2006, 13 years old. Drew indicted, three counts of accessing protected computers to inflict emotional distress, and one count of criminal conspiracy.
  • 57. College students throughout the world were asked to go 24 hours without digital media:
  • 58. Product Marketing NO MORE WIMPY CHIPS! Tired of chips that go mush when you bite ’em or go to pieces when you dip ‘em? Chomp on Krunchers! the extra thick and hearty chips bursting with big potato taste. Don’t fool around with those weak-kneed chips anymore. Sink your teeth into Krrruuunchers!
  • 59. Political Leader Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, 2004, referred to political opponents as “girly-men.” Legislators who opposed his budget plans. Called on voters to “terminate” them.
  • 60. Political Leader Sharron Angle Republican Senatorial Candidate, Nevada, 2010 “Man up, Harry Reid” calling his manhood into question.
  • 61. Political Leader Senate Republican Majority Leader, 1998, Trent Lott proclaimed homosexuality a disease and sin: “It is [a sin]….You should try to show them a way to deal with that problem, just like alcohol…or sex addiction…or kleptomaniacs.”
  • 63. Oklahoma State Representative Sally Kern “Studies show, no society that has totally embraced homosexuality has lasted for more than, you know, a few decades….I honestly think it’s the biggest threat our nation has, even more so than terrorism or Islam. . . It spreads! This stuff is deadly and it is spreading. It will destroy our young people and it will destroy this nation.”
  • 64. Columnist & Author Ann Coulter, at Republican Party Conservative Political Action Conference, 2007 Called Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards a “faggot.” Loud and sustained applause and laughter from most of the conference delegates.
  • 65. Columnist & Author CNBC show “The Big Idea,” 2007, Ann Coulter said everyone on earth should be Christian and that Jews needed to be "perfected….It is better if we were all Christians.”
  • 66. Alabama Governor Robert Bentley January 2011: "So anybody here today who has not accepted Jesus Christ as their savior, I'm telling you, you're not my brother and you're not my sister, and I want to be your brother."
  • 67. Movie Star & Director Mel Gibson, arrested for drunk driving, 2006, ranted: “F*****g Jews….The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world.” Gibson then asked the arresting officer, “Are you a Jew?”
  • 68. Political Figure Donald Trump "[Mexico is] sending people that have lots of problems, and they are bringing those problems to us. They are bringing drugs, and bringing crime, and they’re rapists."
  • 69. Political Figure Donald Trump I am calling for the “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on.”
  • 71. ISLAMOPHOBIA Islamophobia: prejudice and discrimination toward the religion of Islam and Muslims who follow its teachings and practices. Muslims Sikhs
  • 75. Shell Gas Station, Texas, Nov. 2012
  • 78. GOP Platform, 2012 Preserving and Protecting Traditional Marriage The institution of marriage is the foundation of civil society. Its success as an institution will determine our success as a nation….The success of marriage directly impacts the economic well-being of individuals. Furthermore, the future of marriage affects freedom…. We recognize and honor the courageous efforts of those who bear the many burdens of parenting alone, even as we believe that marriage, the union of one man and one woman must be upheld as the national standard, a goal to stand for, encourage, and promote through laws governing marriage. We embrace the principle that all Americans should be treated with respect and dignity.
  • 80. Orthodox Judaism Statement of Principles on the Place of Jews with a Homosexual Orientation in Our Community: “Judaism views all male and female same-sex sexual interactions as prohibited...[and] cannot give its blessing and imprimatur to Jewish religious same-sex commitment ceremonies and weddings, and halakhic values proscribe individuals and communities from encouraging practices that grant religious legitimacy to gay marriage and couplehood.”
  • 81. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH CATECHISM 1995 “Basing itself upon Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that homosexual acts are gravely disordered. They are contrary to natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of love [i.e., children]. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.”
  • 82. Religion on Trans* Identities Alex Salinas 21-year-old transman, Cadiz, Spain Applied, Godparent, of nephew Vatican denied request.
  • 83. Catholic Church: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: Transgender status "reveals in a public way an attitude opposite to the moral imperative of solving the problem of sexual identity according to the truth of one's own sexuality. Therefore it is evident that this person does not possess the requirement of leading a life according to the faith and in the position of godfather and is therefore unable to be admitted to the position of godfather or godmother."
  • 84. Southern Baptist Convention 2010 “Resolution on Homosexuality and the United States Military” “RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention…affirm the Bible’s declaration that homosexual behavior is intrinsically disordered and sinful, and we also affirm the Bible’s promise of forgiveness, change, and eternal life to all sinners (including those engaged in homosexual sin) who repent of sin and trust in the saving power of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).”
  • 85. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Homosexual behavior violates the commandments of God, is contrary to the purposes of human sexuality, distorts loving relationships, and deprives people of the blessings that can be found in family life and in the saving ordinances of the gospel. Those who persist in such behavior or who influence others to do so are subject to Church discipline. Homosexual behavior can be forgiven through sincere repentance. From Handbook of Instructions
  • 86. Evangelical Covenant Church Resolution on Sexuality” adopted 1996: “We human beings misuse God’s creation of sexuality and distort its role in our lives. In I Corinthians 6:9-10 and Romans 1:24-27, Scripture succinctly declares this sin and God’s judgment on it. Throughout the Scriptures we see how sin in sexual relationships damages relationship with God and others. We live in a society characterized by imperfect and sinful sexual relationships of many kinds….Evangelical Covenant Church resolution to care for persons involved in sexual sins such as adultery, homosexual behavior, and promiscuity compassionately recognizing the potential of these sins to take the form of addiction.”
  • 87. St. Patrick’s Day Parade: South Boston
  • 90.
  • 91. Boy Scouts “Boy Scouts of America believes that homosexual conduct is inconsistent with the obligations in the Scout Oath and Scout Law to be morally straight and clean in thought, word, and deed….”
  • 94.
  • 96.
  • 100. Bias-Related Victimization Each year, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) tracks incidents of hate crimes throughout the United States. In 2006 alone 7,722 criminal incidents involving 9,080 offenses “as a result of bias against a particular race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity/national origin, or physical or mental disability.”   51.8% were motivated by racial bias   18.9% were motivated by religious bias   15.5% were motivated by sexual-orientation bias   12.7% were motivated by ethnicity/national origin bias   1% was motivated by disability bias (U.S. Department of Justice, 2006)
  • 101. LGBT MURDERED Gwen Araujo Brandie Coleman Sakia Gunn Lawrence King Delilah Corrales Ukea DavisTyra Hunter Mark Bingham Allen Schindler Harvey Milk Eric Plunkett Matthew Shepard Brandon Teena
  • 102. Suicide Third leading cause of death among adolescents, & responsible for more deaths than all illnesses combined.
  • 103. Youth Suicide from Bullying Tyler Clementi, 18 Seth Walsh, 13 Billy Lucas, 15 Asher Brown, 13 Raymond Chase, 19 Megan Meier, 13 Phoebe Prince, 15 Carl Joseph Walker Hoover, 11 Bobby Griffith, 20 Belinda Allen, 14
  • 105. Systems Oriented Approach Bullying and harassment not simply involving people who bully and people who are bullied (the “dyadic view” ), Rather, involves a number of “actors” or roles across the social, community, & school environments. Some researchers define the roles:
  • 106. Systems Oriented Approach Sutton and Smith (1999) identified six distinct though overlapping roles. – 1. The “Ringleader Bully” active role in initiating the bullying behaviors: – 2. The “Assistant to the Bully” very active in the bullying process, but a follower to the ringleader bully; – 3. The “Reinforcer to the Bully” acts in ways that encourage the bullying behavior; – 4. The “Defender of the Victim,” engages in behaviors to protect and help the target of the bullying; – 5. The “Outsider,” sometimes called the “Bystander,” aware of the bullying behaviors but does nothing and attempts to stay away from the bullying episodes – 6. The “Victim,” the person or persons targeted by those who bully.
  • 107. Systems Oriented Approach Olweus (2000) eight roles in the bullying process. – 1. “Children Who Bully,” similar to Sutton and Smith’s “Ringleader Bully”; – 2. “Followers/Henchmen” actively engaging in the bullying process with the children who bully, similar to Sutton and Smith’s “Assistant to the Bully”; – 3. “Supporter, Passive Bully/Bullies,” similar to Sutton and Smith’s “Reinforcer to the Bully”; – 4. “Passive Supporter, Possible Bully,” those who are on the fence whether to engage in bullying behavior or simply observe; – 5. “Disengaged Onlooker,” sometimes referred to as a “Bystander”; – 6. “Possible Defender,” those who are on the fence whether to become involved to support and defend those targeted by bullying behaviors; – 7. “Defender of the Child Who Is Bullied,” similar to Sutton and Smith’s “Defender of the Victim”; – 8. “Children Who Are Bullied, The One Who Is Exposed,” similar to Sutton and Smith’s the “Victim.”
  • 109. Bystander Behavior in Bullying Incidents ©The Olweus Prevention Group, 2004 38% 27% 35% % of students who do nothing % of students who wantto help, but don't % of students who try to help
  • 110. Empowering the By-Stander to Become the Up-Stander Peer mediation and student leadership training empowering and assisting students in developing ways to successfully reduce bullying incidents, Include in anti-bullying policies language protecting allies from retaliation for taking action, Ongoing support from adult family members, school faculty and staff, community members, Social Justice type student clubs, Include students in school climate policy decisions.
  • 111. What should students have learned by the time they graduate high school?
  • 112. Strategies for Change In addition to teaching the 3 Rs (reading, writing, and arithmetic), Self Awareness: To “Read” the Self Solve Social, Emotional, and Ethical Problems Social, Emotional, Ethical, & Academic Education (SEEAE) Jonathan Cohen, 2006
  • 113. Theory of Multiple Intelligences Howard Gardner
  • 114. Theory of Multiple Intelligences 8 “intelligences” that are involved in solving problems and fashioning products He believed all 8 can be TAUGHT in school.
  • 115. Theory of Multiple Intelligences Logical / Mathematical Verbal / Linguistic Musical / Rhythmic Visual / Spatial Bodily / Kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalist [Existentialist]
  • 116. Home-School Partnerships Long-Term and Continuous Home & School Coordination & Cooperation Emphasize and Reinforce Efforts through common understanding, goals, and terminology (to be on the same page) Home and School Emphasizing Teaching and Learning of…
  • 117. Home-School Partnerships Community Living Skills (cooperation, sharing) Responsible & Caring Participation in a Democracy (John Dewey) Find Sense of Meaning & Purpose in Life Critical Thinking Skills Critical Media Literacy Life-Long Learning Skills Social, Emotional, and Ethical Competencies
  • 118. Mental Health-Home-School Partnerships Sex Education Drug Education Health Promotion Bullying Prevention Efforts School-Based Physical & Mental Health Centers
  • 119. School Climate Assessment Structural Issues (size of school, etc.) Environmental Issues (physical condition, etc.) Social-Emotional, Physical Order, Safety Expectations for Student Achievement Quality of Instruction Collaboration & Communication Sense of School Community Peer Norms School-Home-Community Partnerships Student Morale Extent to Which the School is a Vital Learning Community Johathan Cohen, 2006
  • 120. Policy Develop and enforce comprehensive Bullying Prevention Statewide Laws Implemented into every school. However…
  • 121. Policy “No Child Left Behind,” while attempting to raise academic standards and levels, Does not fund initiates to improve Social, Emotional, and Ethical skill improvement. Illinois State Board of Education, 2004, for example, mandated school districts statewide to develop policies related to Social-Emotional Learning into educational programs.
  • 122. Teacher Education Colleges & Universities offering Teacher Education Certification & Degrees, emphasize: – Self-Awareness of Pre-Service Teachers – Classroom Management Techniques – Bullying Prevention Strategies – Conflict Resolution Skills – Culturally Responsive Pedagogies
  • 123. References Bandura, A. (1965). Influence of models’ reinforcement contingencies on the acquisition of imitative responses. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1, 589-595. Bandura, A., Ross, D., & Ross, S. A. (1961). Transmission of aggressions through imitation of aggressive models. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 63, 575- 582 Cohen, Jonathan. (2006). Social, Emotional, Ethical, and Academic Education: Creating a Climate for Learning, Participation in Democracy, and Well-Being. Harvard Educational Review. 76 (2), 201-237 JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association, April 25, 2001. Vol. 285, No. 16 Olweus, Dan. (2000), Bullying at School. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, Ltd. Rogers, Richard & Hammerstein, Oscar. (1949). “You’ve Got To Be Carefully Taught,” from South Pacific. Sutton, J., & Smith, P. K. (1999). Bullying as a group process: An adaptation of the participant role approach. Aggressive Behavior, 25, 97-111.
  • 124. CONCLUSION "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.“ Margaret Mead