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                              INCREASING THE
                              PROBABILITY OF
                              PROGRAM SUCCESS
                              USING RISK+

Glen B. Alleman   A workshop on the principles and practices of Risk+ and
Niwot Ridge LLC   increasing the Probability of Program Success
A Warning
    We’re going to cover a lot of material in 3 hours

Risk involves uncertainty. Uncertainty involves probability.

4   Douglas Adams, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

                     Your motivation?
       Your motivation is your pay packet on Friday.
                    Now get on with it.

    – Noel Coward, English actor, dramatist, &
      songwriter (1899 – 1973)

 We have to know the underlying statistical behavior of the
      processes driving the project
        This means cost, schedule, and technical performance
         measures with probabilistic models
     We need to know how these three statistical drivers are
        What drives what?
        What are the multipliers between each random
Let’s start with the basics
Remember High School Statistics
The IMS is a collection of probabilistic
    processes all coupled together
What does this really mean?

        In building a risk tolerant IMS,
         we’re interested in the
         probability of a successful
            “What is the probability of
             making a desired completion
        But the underlying statistics of
         the tasks influence this
        The statistics of the tasks, their arrangement in a network of
         tasks and correlation define how this probability based
         estimated developed.
There are real problems with those pesky
     Unknowns that get in the way of progress

     Imprint of a bird on our west facing family room second story
                      window on a bright afternoon
11                          The Bird survived
The “units of measure” of Risk

         These classifications can be used to avoid asking the
          “3 point” question for each task.
         Anchoring and Adjustment† of all estimating
          processes produces a bias.
         Knowing this is necessary for credible estimates.
          Classification                                  Uncertainty   Overrun
      1   Routine, been done before                       Low           0% to 2%
      2   Routine, but possible difficulties              Medium to Low 2% to 5%
      3   Development, with little technical difficulty   Medium        5% to 10%
      4   Development, but some technical difficulty      Medium High   10% to 15%
      5   Significant effort, technical challenge         High          15% to 25%
      6   No experience in this area                      Very High     25% to 50%
     † Tversky and Khanemann Anchoring and Adjustment
We’re looking for knowledge of what is going to
 happen in he future, with a known level of confidence

                      Harvard main library
15   What is Monte Carlo Simulation?
     With some principals behind us, let’s see how to use
     Risk+ to address the problem of forecasting the future of
     schedule and cost performance.
A Quick Look At Monte Carlo

     George Louis Leclerc,
     Comte de Buffon, asked
     what was the probability
     that the needle would fall
     across one of the lines,
     marked here in green.
     That outcome will occur
     only if A  l sin
     Los Alamos Science, Special Issue 1987
Monte Carlo Simulation

        Monte Carlo Simulation is named
         after the city, in Monaco, of casinos
         on the French Rivera.
        Monte Carlo …
            Examines all paths not just the critical
            Provides an accurate (true) estimate
             of completion:
              Overall duration distribution
              Confidence interval (accuracy
            Sensitivity analysis of interacting tasks
            Varied activity distribution types – not restricted to a single distribution
            Schedule logic can include branching – both probabilistic and conditional
            When resource loaded schedules are used – provides integrated cost and
             schedule probabilistic model.
20   What Are We Really After?
     We need to answer the question …
     What is the confidence we will complete “on or
     before” at date and “at or below” at cost?
     This is the question that should be asked and
     answered on a periodic basis.
     We need to have Schedule and Cost margin to
     protect the deliverables and our Budget At
Here is some advice on how
                                                          to depict this margin and
                                                          where to place this margin.
                                                          No matter how we show
                                                          manage these two elements
                                                          in the IMS, if we don’t have
                                                          margin we are late and
                                                          over budget before we
Confidence levels for margin change
     as the program proceeds

     As the program
     proceeds we
     want to have
      Increased
      Reduced
       schedule risk
      Increasing
       confirmation    Current Estimate Confidence

       that success
       can be
Our REAL goal here is to Manage
         Margin using probabilistic models

              Programmatic Margin is                                                 Margin that is not used in the
               added between Development,                                              IMS for risk mitigation will be
               Production and Integration &                                            moved to the next sequence
               Test phases                                                             of risk alternatives
              Risk Margin is added to the                                                   This enables us to buy back
               IMS where risk alternatives                                                    schedule margin for activities
               are identified                                                                 further downstream
                                                                                             This enables us to control the
                                                                                              ripple effect of schedule shifts
      Plan B
               Duration of Plan B < Plan A + Margin                   Activities shifted to
                                                                      left 2 days
                                                                                              on Margin activities
                                                                              Plan B
                                 3 Days Margin Used

                Plan A
                                                      5 Days Margin

     First Identified Risk Alternative in IMS                                                 Plan A   5 Days Margin

                                                                      Second Identified Risk            2 days will be added
                                                                                                        to this margin task
                                                                      Alternative in IMS                to bring schedule
                                                                                                        back on track
Sensitivity Analysis

        The schedule sensitivity of a task measures the
         closeness with which change in the task duration
         matches change in the project duration over the
        This closeness is the correlation between changes in
         individual activities and their impacts on other
        A task with high schedule sensitivity is more likely to
         be a major driver of the project duration than a
         lower ranked task.

              : Models of the Schedule
Task Criticality Analysis

        A measure of the frequency that an activity in the
         project schedule is critical (Total Float = 0) in a
        If a task is critical in 500 of the 1,000 iterations of
         the simulation, it has a Criticality Index of 0.5
        The higher the criticality index, the more certain it is
         that the task will always be critical in the project

               : Models of the Schedule
Cruciality shows each task’s tolerance
     to risk

        Cruciality = Schedule Sensitivity x Criticality
        Schedule Sensitivity can be statistically misleading:
         A   task with high sensitivity may not be on or near the
           critical path.
          Thus a reduction in that task’s duration may have little
           effect on the project duration.
        Cruciality sharpens the analytical focus:
          It   highlights critical or near–critical activities with high.
        Schedule Sensitivity
          These       tasks are most likely to drive project duration.

                  : Models of the Schedule
Guiding the Risk Factor Process means
     weighting each level of risk

        For tasks marked “Low” a reasonable
         approach is to score the maximum
                                                                   Min   Most Max
         10% greater than the minimum.                                   Likely
        The “Most Likely” is then scored as a
         geometric progression for the                      Low    1.0   1.04   1.10
         remaining categories with a common                Low+    1.0   1.06   1.15
         ratio of 1.5
                                                       Moderate    1.0   1.09   1.24
        Tasks marked “Very High” are bound           Moderate+    1.0   1.14   1.36
         at 200% of minimum.
                                                           High    1.0   1.20   1.55
            No viable project manager would like
             a task grow to three times the planned       High+    1.0   1.30   1.85
             duration without intervention             Very High   1.0   1.46   2.30
        The geometric progress is somewhat           Very High+   1.0   1.68   3.00
         arbitrary but it should be used instead
         of a linear progression
                  : Examples of Monte Carlo
Progressive Risk Factors

        A geometric progression (1.534) of risk can be
        The phrases associated with increasing risk have
         been shown at the Naval Research Laboratory to
         correlate with an engineers “sense” of increasing

              : Examples of Monte Carlo
Risk Factor Attributes

        The “narrative” for each risk
         factor needs to be developed.
        Each description is dependent
          Discipline
          Program stage
          Complexity
          Historical data
          Current “risk state” of the program

        This is currently missing from our
         efforts to quantify schedule and
         cost risk.
               : Examples of Monte Carlo

        Given a specified final cost or project duration, what is
         the probability of achieving this cost or duration?
        Frequentist approach
            Over many different projects, four out of five will cost less
             or be completed in less time than the specified cost or
        Bayesian approach
            We would be willing to bet at 4 to 1 odds that the project
             will be under the 80% point in cost or duration.
        Accuracy is needed to plan reserves.
        Accuracy is needed when comparing competing

                 : What is the Purpose of Project Risk Analysis?
Structured Thinking

        All estimates will be in error to some degree of
        Trying to quantify these errors will result in bounds too
         wide to be useful for decision making.
        Risk analysis should be used to
          Think about different aspects of the project
          Try to put numbers against probabilities and impacts
          Discuss with colleagues the different ideas and perceptions

        Thinking things through carefully results in
          Which elements of the programmatic and technical risk are
           represented in the IMS.
          The process becomes more valuable than the numbers.
               : What is the Purpose of Project Risk Analysis?
To properly use Schedule                                                   Margin†

        Work must be represented in single units – either
         task or work packages.
        The overall schedule margin must be related to the
         variation of individual units of work.
        The importance of the units of work must be shared
         among all participants (ordinal ranking of work and
         its risk).
        The schedule must be reasonable in some units of
         measure shared by all the participants.
     † “Protecting Earned Value Schedules with Schedule Margin,” Newbold, Budd, and Budd,
Let’s Apply a Monte Carlo Simulation Tool
                                  The Monte Carlo trolley, or FERMIAC,
                                  was invented by Enrico Fermi and
                                  constructed by Percy King. The drums
                                  on the trolley were set according to
                                  the material being traversed and a
                                  random choice between fast and slow
                                  Another random digit was used to
                                  determine the direction of motion,
                                  and a third was selected to give the
                                  distance to the next collision. The
                                  trolley was then operated by moving
                                  it across a two dimensional scale
                                  drawing of the nuclear device or
                                  reactor assembly being studied.
                                  The trolley drew a path as it rolled,
                                  stopping for changes in drum settings
                                  whenever a material boundary was
                                  crossed. This infant computer was
                                  used for about two years to
                                  determine, among other things, the
                                  change in neutron population with
33                                time in numerous types of nuclear
35   A Small Diversion
        Most Likely Isn’t Likely to be the Most Likely

     When we say “most likely” what do we think this
     actually means?
     If you pick the wrong meaning, your Monte
     Carlo model will be seriously flawed.
The problem with “Most Likelies”

        For each activity the “best” estimate is …
          The “most likely” duration – the mode of the distribution of
           durations? (Mode is the number that appears most often)
          It’s 50th percentile duration – the median of the distribution?
           (Median is the number in the middle of all the numbers)
          It’s expected duration – the mean of the distribution? (Mean
           is the average of all the numbers)
        These definitions lead to values that are almost always
         different from each other.
        Rolling up the “best” estimate of completion is almost
         never one of these.
Durations are Probability Estimates not
     Single Point Values

        We know this because…
          “Best” estimate is not the only possible estimate, so other
           estimates must be considered “worse.”
          Common use of the phrase “most likely duration” assumes
           that other possible durations are “less likely.”
          “Mean,” “median,” and “mode” are statistical terms
           characteristic of probability distributions.
        This implies activity distributions have probability
            They are random variables drawn from the probability
             distribution function (pdf).
        “Actual” project duration is an uncertain quality that can
         be modeled as a sum of random variables
            The pdf may be known or unknown.
3 Task Most Likely ≠ Project Most Likely

        PERT assumes
         distribution of the
         project times is the
         same as the tasks
         on the critical
        Because other
         paths can become
         critical paths, PERT
         underestimates the
         project completion
         time.                                      1+1=3
                : Managing Uncertainty in the IMS
Probability Distribution Function is the
     Lifeblood of good planning

        Probability of
         occurrence as a
         function of the
         number of
        “The number of
         times a task
         appears in a
         Monte Carlo

               : Managing Uncertainty in the IMS
Remember the quote about statistics

                   Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics
                   – Benjamin Disraeli

                   But we know better, we know that
                   any estimate without a variance is
                   not trustworthy.
                   We know that the variances have
                   to be calibrated from past
                   performance to be credible
42         A “Real World” Schedule Analysis
              One should expect that the expected
              can be prevented, but the unexpected
              should have been expected.
              — Augustine Law XLV

This is a must own book for everyone in our business. It defines
fundamental Laws of program and business management, which
are many times ignored – like the one above
Our Starting Point

        Risk+ Installed
        Let’s define the
         needed fields
        These are used
         by Risk+ to hold
         information and
         run the
        If there are conflicts, you can make changes in Risk+
         to work around your fields.
A Simple IMS

     By simple it means serial cascaded work efforts.
Initial Field Usage

        Minimum Remaining Duration
            The duration that is least you’d
             expect this task to complete in
        Most Likely Remaining
            The ML (Mode) of the duration
        Maximum Remaining Duration
            The duration that is the most
             you’d expect this task to
             complete in
        Task Reporting ID
            The tasks we want to watch
Define a View and Table for Risk+

                          Start with the Gantt View and Entry Table
                          Set up both to match the Risk+ field usage

     Use the default if
     there are no field
Fields used for Risk+ example
Let’s actually “doing something”

        Initialize the Most Likely.
        This sets the Most Likely
         duration to the same value
         that is in the “Duration” field
         of your IMS.
          The  “planned duration” now
           becomes the ML duration.
          If this “planned duration” is
           bogus then your model will be
           as well.
          Choose wisely.
Now the ML = DURATION step

        All the DURATION
         values have been
         moved to the ML field.
          But remember our
           discussion of the ML’s
          Choose them carefully

        The next we’ll set the
         upper and lower limits
         of that ML value
          Using  risk factors.
          OK, 3 point estimates
           if you have to.
Let’s do this the simple way

        Let’s pick MEDIUM
        MEDIUM means
          –25%
          +25%
          And a NORMAL
           (Gaussian) curve
Let’s have Risk+ do something for us

         Enter a “1” in the RPT field (Number 1)

         This marks that ROW in the schedule as a work
          activity we want to see the Monte Carlo output for
Now we’re ready to run

        The RISK ANALYSIS command
         starts the process going.
        Let’s make 200 iteration and
         look at the DURARTION
         ANALYSIS for the activities we
         are watching.
This is nice but what actually is Risk +

        Risk+ is picking a random number from under the normal
         distribution within the range of the
          Least remaining and most remaining
          This is not some ordinary random number it is chosen through
           an algorithm called the Latin Hypercube - more on that later.
        Risk+ then plugs that number into the “real” DURATION
         field and does that for all the DURATIONS in the
        Then the F9 key is pressed and the date is recorded for
         the finish of UID 41.
        This is done 200 times and a histogram of all the dates
         that appeared for those 200 time is recorded.
And We Get

                 Date: 11/29/2011 4:32:17 PM                                             Completion Std Deviation: 2.06 days
                 Samples: 500                                                            95% Confidence Interval: 0.18 days
                 Unique ID: 19                                                           Each bar represents 1 day
                 Name: End Work Package 3

                  0.20                                                             1.0           Completion Probability Table
                  0.18                                                             0.9
                               Cumulative Probability

                                                                                         Prob   Date             Prob    Date
                  0.16                                                             0.8
                                                                                         0.05   Wed 3/7/12       0.55    Tue 3/13/12
                  0.14                                                             0.7   0.10   Thu 3/8/12       0.60    Tue 3/13/12

                  0.12                                                             0.6   0.15   Thu 3/8/12       0.65    Tue 3/13/12
                  0.10                                                             0.5   0.20   Fri 3/9/12       0.70    Wed 3/14/12
                  0.08                                                             0.4   0.25   Fri 3/9/12       0.75    Wed 3/14/12
                  0.06                                                             0.3   0.30   Fri 3/9/12       0.80    Wed 3/14/12
                                                                                         0.35   Mon 3/12/12      0.85    Thu 3/15/12
                  0.04                                                             0.2
                                                                                         0.40   Mon 3/12/12      0.90    Thu 3/15/12
                  0.02                                                             0.1   0.45   Mon 3/12/12      0.95    Fri 3/16/12
                         Fri 3/2/12                         Mon 3/12/12   Tue 3/20/12
                                                                                         0.50   Mon 3/12/12      1.00    Tue 3/20/12
                                                        Completion Date
Learning to Speak in Risk+

        Risk +shows use the probability of finish “on or
         before” a date
        It does NOT show the probability of success.
        But even the “on or before” term is loaded with
         special meaning.
        It means for the 500 iterations of Risk+ using the
         upper and lower bounds of the duration, drawn
         from the probability density function (pdf) with the
         Normal (Gaussian) shape, 60% of the finish dates
         were recorded to be on or before 3/12/12.
Medium confidence for a large project

                  Date: 11/30/2011 6:05:35 PM                                         Completion Std Deviation: 4.49 days
                  Samples: 200                                                        95% Confidence Interval: 0.62 days
                  Unique ID: 17                                                       Each bar represents 2 days
                  Name: (SA) Systems Requirements Completed

                   0.22                                                         1.0           Completion Probability Table
                   0.20                                                         0.9
                            Cumulative Probability

                                                                                      Prob   Date             Prob    Date
                   0.17                                                         0.8
                                                                                      0.05   Fri 5/4/12       0.55    Thu 5/17/12
                                                                                0.7   0.10   Wed 5/9/12       0.60    Thu 5/17/12

                                                                                0.6   0.15   Thu 5/10/12      0.65    Fri 5/18/12
                                                                                0.5   0.20   Fri 5/11/12      0.70    Mon 5/21/12
                   0.10                                                               0.25   Mon 5/14/12      0.75    Mon 5/21/12
                                                                                0.3   0.30   Mon 5/14/12      0.80    Tue 5/22/12
                   0.05                                                               0.35   Tue 5/15/12      0.85    Wed 5/23/12
                                                                                      0.40   Tue 5/15/12      0.90    Thu 5/24/12
                   0.03                                                         0.1   0.45   Wed 5/16/12      0.95    Mon 5/28/12
                     Wed 5/2/12                        Wed 5/16/12     Mon 6/4/12
                                                                                      0.50   Wed 5/16/12      1.00    Mon 6/4/12
                                                     Completion Date
Low confidence for a large project

                  Date: 11/30/2011 10:30:05 PM                                        Completion Std Deviation: 9.14 days
                  Samples: 200                                                        95% Confidence Interval: 1.26 days
                  Unique ID: 17                                                       Each bar represents 3 days
                  Name: (SA) Systems Requirements Completed
                   0.16                                                         1.0           Completion Probability Table
                             Cumulative Probability

                                                                                      Prob   Date             Prob    Date
                   0.12                                                               0.05   Thu 5/3/12       0.55    Fri 5/25/12
                                                                                0.7   0.10   Tue 5/8/12       0.60    Mon 5/28/12

                   0.10                                                         0.6   0.15   Wed 5/9/12       0.65    Wed 5/30/12
                   0.08                                                         0.5   0.20   Mon 5/14/12      0.70    Wed 5/30/12
                                                                                0.4   0.25   Tue 5/15/12      0.75    Fri 6/1/12
                                                                                0.3   0.30   Thu 5/17/12      0.80    Mon 6/4/12
                   0.04                                                               0.35   Fri 5/18/12      0.85    Wed 6/6/12
                                                                                      0.40   Mon 5/21/12      0.90    Fri 6/8/12
                                                                                0.1   0.45   Wed 5/23/12      0.95    Thu 6/14/12
                    Tue 4/24/12                         Thu 5/24/12     Wed 6/27/12
                                                                                      0.50   Wed 5/23/12      1.00    Wed 6/27/12
                                                      Completion Date
Let’s run some

60   Basic Principles of Probabilistic Cost
     Now that the schedule can be produced using
     probabilistic methods, it’s time to talk about the cost.
     Cost does not have a linear relationship with
     schedule unfortunately.

        : Basic Principles of Probabilistic Cost
Basic Principles with Probabilistic Cost
     Estimating are coupled with scheduling

        Cost estimates usually involve many CERs
            Each of these CERs has uncertainty (standard error)
            CER input variables have uncertainty (technical uncertainty)
        Must combine CER uncertainty with technical uncertainty for
         many CERs in an estimate
            Usually cannot be done arithmetically; must use simulation to roll
             up costs derived from Monte Carlo samples
                Add and multiply probability distributions rather than numbers
                Statistically combining many uncertain, or randomly varying, numbers
            Monte Carlo simulation
                Take random sample from each CER and input parameter, add and
                 multiply as necessary, then record total system cost as a single sample
                Repeat the procedure thousands of times to develop a frequency
                 histogram of the total system cost samples
                This becomes the probability distribution of total system cost
                   : Basic Principles of Probabilistic Cost
The Cost Probability Distributions as a
     function of the weighted cost drivers

            Combined Cost Modeling
            and Technical Uncertainty

                                                                                       Cost = a + bXc
               Cost Modeling Uncertainty


                                                                                      Historical data point
                                                                                      Cost estimating relationship

                                                    Technical Uncertainty             Standard percent error bounds

                                                                            Cost Driver (Weight)

                : Basic Principles of Probabilistic Cost
The Risk Adjusted Cost Estimate
     Connected To The IMS

        In the risk–adjusted cost estimate, we now combine
         discrete risk events and the uncertainty of the input
         distributions with the uncertainty of the CERs
        Since the input distributions tend to be right–skewed,
         the expected cost tends to be larger than the baseline
        In addition, the risk–adjusted cost distribution tends to
         be wider than the baseline estimate
        The difference between the expected cost of the risk–
         adjusted estimate and the expected cost of the
         baseline estimate is, by definition, the amount of RISK
         dollars included in the risk–adjusted estimate

               : Basic Principles of Probabilistic Cost
Baseline versus Risk Adjusted Cost
                 Estimates Usually Show a Cost Increase

                                         Baseline vs. Risk-Adjusted Estimates
                                                     Mean = $102.6M
                                                     Std Dev = $29.8M

                                                                   Mean = $122.6M

                                                                   Std Dev = $42.8M

             0       50               100                  150          200       250   300   350
                      : Basic Principles of Probabilistic Cost
The S–Curve for Cost Modeling
65                                                               Cumulative Distribution Function




                                                                                                        80th percentile
Cumulative Probability

                                                  50th percentile                                       $153.5M
                         60%                      $114.7M

                                  Baseline Estimate
                                  Mean $102.6M                                       Risk–adjusted
                         40%                                                         Estimate Mean



                            $60          $80              $100               $120         $140       $160           $180   $200

                                          : Basic Principles of Probabilistic Cost
The Real Question Always Returns to…
     “But How Much Does It Cost? Really?”

        This is impossible to answer precisely
        Decision–makers and cost analysts should always think
         of a cost estimate as a probability distribution, NOT as
         a deterministic number
        The best we can provide is the probability distribution –
         If we think we can be any more precise, we’re fooling
        It is up to the decision–maker to decide where he/she
         wants to set the budget
        The probability distribution provides a quantitative
         basis for making this determination
          Low budget = high probability of overrun
          High budget = low probability of overrun

               : Basic Principles of Probabilistic Cost
68   Some More Parts to using Risk+
     Just having the pictures is necessary, but knowing
     what they mean is required.
     Making changes to the IMS to increase the
     Probability of Program Success is the primary
     outcome from Monte Carlo Simulation.
Without Integrating $, Time, and TPM
     you’re driving in the rearview mirror

                  Performance (TPM)
Risk Management Demands a Well Defined Process
Statistics of a Triangle Distribution

                                   50% of all possible values are
                                   under this area of the curve. This
                                   is the definition of the median

                Minimum                                  Maximum
                1000 hrs                                 6830 hrs
                Mode = 2000 hrs     Mean = 3879 hrs
                                  Median = 3415 hrs

                                                                        Basic Statistics
TPM Trends & Responses directly
      impact risk and credibility of the IMS

     Design Model
ROM in Proposal                                                Detailed Design Model
                                                                       Bench Scale Model Measurement
       Technical Performance Measure

                                                                               Prototype Measurement
               Vehicle Weight

                                                                                              Flight 1st Article



                                              CA   SFR   SRR     PDR     CDR           TRR

                                                                                       Dr. Falk Chart – modified
Not A Mitigation Plan
     Mitigation is too late, the risk has
     turned into an issue. The money
     has been spent, and the time has
Ordinal versus Cardinal

                 Ordinal                               Cardinal
     A variable is ordinally measurable     A variable is cardinally measurable
     if ranking is possible for values of   if a given interval between
     the variable. For example, a gold      measures has a consistent meaning,
     medal reflects superior performance    i.e., if the measure corresponds to
     to a silver or bronze medal in the     points along a straight line. For
     Olympics, or you may prefer French     example, height, output, and income
     toast to waffles, and waffles to oat   are cardinally measurable.
     bran muffins. All variables that are
     cardinally measurable are also
     ordinally measurable, although the
     reverse may not be true.
Correcting Ordinal Risk Scales

        Classify and calibrate risk ranking in units
         meaningful to the decision makers
          Risk rank 1, 2, 3, 4, is NOT sufficient
          The Risk Rank must have a measurable value connected
           to the actual behavior of the system being assessed
        Calibration coefficients between ordinal probability
         and consequences should also be used.
        Ordinal analysis assumes ordering of the risks.
        Cardinal analysis provides objective measures of
         probability and consequential impact.
Level Likelihood       Value
Never multiply Likelihood                                                               E
                                       E    Near Certainty E ≥ 90%
by outcome. They are not
“numbers,” they a                      D    Highly Likely   74% ≤ D ≤ 90%               D

probability distributions.             C    Likely          40% ≤ C ≤ 60%               C
Only convolution is
                                       B    Low Likelihood 20% ≤ B ≤ 40%                B
                                       A    Not Likely      A ≤ 20%                     A

These are Cardinal measures of probability of occurrence and                                A   B   C   D    E
consequential impact
Level       Technical Performance         Schedule                       Cost
        Minimal or no consequence to
 A                                   Minimal or no impact     Minimal or no impact
        technical performance.
                                                               Budget increase or unit
        Minor reduction in technical
 B                                      Able to meet key dates production cost increases.
        performance or supportability.
                                                               < (1% of Budget)
        Moderate reduction in           Minor schedule slip.
                                                               Budget increase or unit
        technical performance or        Able to meet key
 C                                                             production cost increase
        supportability with limited     milestones with no
                                                               < (5% of Budget)
        impact on program objectives. schedule float.
        Significant degradation in
                                                               Budget increase or unit
        technical performance or        Program critical path
 D                                                             production cost increase
        major shortfall in              affected
                                                               < (10% of Budget)
                                        Cannot meet key        Exceeds budget increase or
        Severe degradation in technical
 E                                      program milestones.    unit production cost
        performance.                                                                                    76
                                        Slip > X months        threshold
Example of
       Ordinal Probability Complexity Scale†

       Definition of the Ordinal Scale Ranking                                            Scale Level
       Greater than 20% of the interface design has been
       altered because of modifications to the ICD’s.
       Greater than 15% but less than 20% of the interface
       design has been altered because of modifications of the                                 D
       Greater than 10% but less than 15% of the interface
       design has been altered because of modifications of the                                 C
       At least 5% but less than 10% of the interface design has
       been altered because of modifications of the ICD’s.
       At least 5% of the interface design has been altered
       because of modifications of the ICD’s.
     † Effective Risk Management: Some Keys to Success, Edmund Conrow, AIAA Press, 2003
A “real” risk Ordinal Ranking Table

          Percent Variance Interpretation of Risk Ranking
                            Normal business, technical & manufacturing
 A        – 5% ≤ A ≤ 10%
                            processes are applied
                            Normal business & technical processes are
 B        – 5% ≤ B≤ 15%     applied; new or innovative manufacturing
                            Flight software development & certification
 C        – 5% ≤ C ≤ 35%
                            Build & qualification of flight components,
 D        – 10% ≤ D ≤ 25%
                            subsystems & systems
     E    – 10% ≤ E ≤ 35%   Flight software qualification
     F    – 5% ≤ F ≤ 175%   ISS thermal vacuum acceptance testing
Project Train Wrecks Occur When There is…
 Inattention to budgetary
 Work authorizations that are
  not always followed
 Issues with Budget and data
 Lack of an integrated
  management system
 Baseline fluctuations and
  frequent replanning
                                    Untimely and unrealistic Latest Revised
 Current period and retroactive
                                     Estimates (LRE)
                                    Progress not monitored in a regular and
 Improper use of management
                                     consistent manner
                                    Lack of vertical and horizontal traceability
 EV techniques that do not
                                     cost and schedule data for corrective action
  reflect actual performance
                                    Lack of internal surveillance and controls
 Lack of predictive variance
                                    Managerial actions not demonstrated using
                                     Earned Value                                 79
Our Final Check List

        Set up the Risk+ fields, flags, views, and tables for the
         program standard IMS.
        Build an IMS that passes the DCMA 14 Point Assessment
         with all GREEN.
        Build the Ordinal Risk Ranking table for the various risk
         categories on the program.
        Assign risk ranking to each activities in the IMS, with the
         variances defined in the Ordinal Table.
        Run Risk+ to see the confidence in the deliverables.
        Develop the needed schedule margin to protect the
         delivery to at least the 80% confidence level.
Advice from the school of hard knocks

        Put margin in front of
         critical deliverables.
        Build a margin burn
         down chart and
         allocate schedule
         margin just like you do
         MR for the PMB.
        This real world advice
         is counter to the
         current DCMA
83   Putting This New Knowledge To Work
Managing margin is what Risk+ is all

                                                                                      CP Total Float
                                            Float Erosion: Critical Path Time Usage   Acceptable Rate of Float Erosion
                                                                                      Linear (CP Total Float )

                                      80                    Time Now
                                                            October 31, 2005
       Critical Path - Time Reserve


                                      40                                                    Spacecraft
                                                                                            Contract Delivery
                                                                                           December 10, 2007




How much margin do we need?

      The Missing Link: Schedule Margin Management, Rick Price, PS–10, PMI–CPM EVM World 2008
Deterministic versus Probabilistic

     Sep 2011

     Oct 2011
                               Current Plan
                               with risks is the
                Ready          deterministic schedule
     Nov 2001
                Early                                                                             Plan
     Dec 2011   Launch
                                    20%                                     Risk
                Period                                                     Margin
     Jan 2012
                                 Mean                                      Current Plan
                                                                           with risks is the
     Feb 2012                                                              stochastic schedule
                                                        The probability
                                                        distribution can
     Mar 2012                                           vary as a                        Missed
                                                        function of time



     Apr 2012
88   References

        “Protecting Earned Value with Schedule Margin,”
        Depicting Schedule Margin in the Integrated Master Schedule,
        Effective Risk Management: Some Keys to Success, Second Edition, Edmund Conrow,
         AIAA Press.
        How to Lie with Statistics, Darrell Huff, Norton, 1954 (Available in paper back at
         any good book store)
        DID DI–MGMT–81650 “A management method for accommodating schedule
         contingencies. It is a designated buffer and shall be identified separately and
         considered part of the baseline.

        Interfacing Risk and Earned Value Management, Association for Project Management,
         150 West Wycombe Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP12 3AE, United
        Practice Standard for Earned Value Management, Second Edition, Project
         Management Institute, 2011.
        Effective Opportunity Management for Projects, David Hillson, Taylor and Francis,
        Measuring Time: Improving Project Performance Using Earned Value, Mario
         Vanhoucke, Springer, 2009.
        Performance Based Earned Value, Paul Solomon and Ralph Young, Wiley, 2007.
        Effective Risk Management: Some Keys to Success, Edmund Conrow, AIAA Press,
Niwot Ridge LLC
                               (: 303.241.9633
     4347 Pebble Beach Drive
     Niwot, Colorado 80503


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Risk management using risk+ (v5)

  • 1. 1 INCREASING THE PROBABILITY OF PROGRAM SUCCESS USING RISK+ Glen B. Alleman A workshop on the principles and practices of Risk+ and Niwot Ridge LLC increasing the Probability of Program Success
  • 2. A Warning We’re going to cover a lot of material in 3 hours 2
  • 3. Risk involves uncertainty. Uncertainty involves probability. 3
  • 4. 4 Douglas Adams, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
  • 5. MOTIVATION? Your motivation? Your motivation is your pay packet on Friday. Now get on with it. – Noel Coward, English actor, dramatist, & songwriter (1899 – 1973) 5
  • 6.  We have to know the underlying statistical behavior of the processes driving the project  This means cost, schedule, and technical performance measures with probabilistic models  We need to know how these three statistical drivers are coupled  What drives what?  What are the multipliers between each random 6 variable?
  • 7. Let’s start with the basics 7
  • 8. Remember High School Statistics 8
  • 9. The IMS is a collection of probabilistic processes all coupled together 9
  • 10. What does this really mean? 10  In building a risk tolerant IMS, we’re interested in the probability of a successful outcome…  “What is the probability of making a desired completion date?”  But the underlying statistics of the tasks influence this probability  The statistics of the tasks, their arrangement in a network of tasks and correlation define how this probability based estimated developed.
  • 11. There are real problems with those pesky Unknowns that get in the way of progress Imprint of a bird on our west facing family room second story window on a bright afternoon 11 The Bird survived
  • 12. The “units of measure” of Risk 12  These classifications can be used to avoid asking the “3 point” question for each task.  Anchoring and Adjustment† of all estimating processes produces a bias.  Knowing this is necessary for credible estimates. Classification Uncertainty Overrun 1 Routine, been done before Low 0% to 2% 2 Routine, but possible difficulties Medium to Low 2% to 5% 3 Development, with little technical difficulty Medium 5% to 10% 4 Development, but some technical difficulty Medium High 10% to 15% 5 Significant effort, technical challenge High 15% to 25% 6 No experience in this area Very High 25% to 50% † Tversky and Khanemann Anchoring and Adjustment
  • 13. We’re looking for knowledge of what is going to happen in he future, with a known level of confidence 13 Harvard main library
  • 14. 14
  • 15. 15 What is Monte Carlo Simulation? With some principals behind us, let’s see how to use Risk+ to address the problem of forecasting the future of schedule and cost performance.
  • 16. A Quick Look At Monte Carlo 16 George Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon, asked what was the probability that the needle would fall across one of the lines, marked here in green. That outcome will occur only if A  l sin
  • 17. 17 Los Alamos Science, Special Issue 1987
  • 18. Monte Carlo Simulation 18  Monte Carlo Simulation is named after the city, in Monaco, of casinos on the French Rivera.  Monte Carlo …  Examines all paths not just the critical path.  Provides an accurate (true) estimate of completion:  Overall duration distribution  Confidence interval (accuracy range)  Sensitivity analysis of interacting tasks  Varied activity distribution types – not restricted to a single distribution  Schedule logic can include branching – both probabilistic and conditional  When resource loaded schedules are used – provides integrated cost and schedule probabilistic model.
  • 19. 19
  • 20. 20 What Are We Really After? We need to answer the question … What is the confidence we will complete “on or before” at date and “at or below” at cost? This is the question that should be asked and answered on a periodic basis. We need to have Schedule and Cost margin to protect the deliverables and our Budget At Completion.
  • 21. Here is some advice on how to depict this margin and where to place this margin. No matter how we show manage these two elements in the IMS, if we don’t have margin we are late and over budget before we start. 21 WhitePapers/NDIAScheduleMarginWhitePaperFinal-2010(2).pdf
  • 22. Confidence levels for margin change as the program proceeds 22 As the program proceeds we want to have  Increased accuracy  Reduced schedule risk  Increasing visual confirmation Current Estimate Confidence that success can be reached
  • 23. Our REAL goal here is to Manage Margin using probabilistic models 23  Programmatic Margin is  Margin that is not used in the added between Development, IMS for risk mitigation will be Production and Integration & moved to the next sequence Test phases of risk alternatives  Risk Margin is added to the  This enables us to buy back IMS where risk alternatives schedule margin for activities are identified further downstream  This enables us to control the Downstream ripple effect of schedule shifts Plan B Duration of Plan B < Plan A + Margin Activities shifted to left 2 days on Margin activities Plan B 3 Days Margin Used Plan A 5 Days Margin First Identified Risk Alternative in IMS Plan A 5 Days Margin Second Identified Risk 2 days will be added to this margin task Alternative in IMS to bring schedule back on track
  • 24. Sensitivity Analysis 24  The schedule sensitivity of a task measures the closeness with which change in the task duration matches change in the project duration over the simulation.  This closeness is the correlation between changes in individual activities and their impacts on other activities.  A task with high schedule sensitivity is more likely to be a major driver of the project duration than a lower ranked task. : Models of the Schedule
  • 25. Task Criticality Analysis 25  A measure of the frequency that an activity in the project schedule is critical (Total Float = 0) in a simulation  If a task is critical in 500 of the 1,000 iterations of the simulation, it has a Criticality Index of 0.5  The higher the criticality index, the more certain it is that the task will always be critical in the project : Models of the Schedule
  • 26. Cruciality shows each task’s tolerance to risk 26  Cruciality = Schedule Sensitivity x Criticality  Schedule Sensitivity can be statistically misleading: A task with high sensitivity may not be on or near the critical path.  Thus a reduction in that task’s duration may have little effect on the project duration.  Cruciality sharpens the analytical focus:  It highlights critical or near–critical activities with high.  Schedule Sensitivity  These tasks are most likely to drive project duration. : Models of the Schedule
  • 27. Guiding the Risk Factor Process means weighting each level of risk 27  For tasks marked “Low” a reasonable approach is to score the maximum Min Most Max 10% greater than the minimum. Likely  The “Most Likely” is then scored as a geometric progression for the Low 1.0 1.04 1.10 remaining categories with a common Low+ 1.0 1.06 1.15 ratio of 1.5 Moderate 1.0 1.09 1.24  Tasks marked “Very High” are bound Moderate+ 1.0 1.14 1.36 at 200% of minimum. High 1.0 1.20 1.55  No viable project manager would like a task grow to three times the planned High+ 1.0 1.30 1.85 duration without intervention Very High 1.0 1.46 2.30  The geometric progress is somewhat Very High+ 1.0 1.68 3.00 arbitrary but it should be used instead of a linear progression : Examples of Monte Carlo
  • 28. Progressive Risk Factors 28  A geometric progression (1.534) of risk can be used.  The phrases associated with increasing risk have been shown at the Naval Research Laboratory to correlate with an engineers “sense” of increasing risk. : Examples of Monte Carlo
  • 29. Risk Factor Attributes 29  The “narrative” for each risk factor needs to be developed.  Each description is dependent on…  Discipline  Program stage  Complexity  Historical data  Current “risk state” of the program  This is currently missing from our efforts to quantify schedule and cost risk. : Examples of Monte Carlo
  • 30. Accuracy 30  Given a specified final cost or project duration, what is the probability of achieving this cost or duration?  Frequentist approach  Over many different projects, four out of five will cost less or be completed in less time than the specified cost or duration.  Bayesian approach  We would be willing to bet at 4 to 1 odds that the project will be under the 80% point in cost or duration.  Accuracy is needed to plan reserves.  Accuracy is needed when comparing competing proposals. : What is the Purpose of Project Risk Analysis?
  • 31. Structured Thinking 31  All estimates will be in error to some degree of variance.  Trying to quantify these errors will result in bounds too wide to be useful for decision making.  Risk analysis should be used to  Think about different aspects of the project  Try to put numbers against probabilities and impacts  Discuss with colleagues the different ideas and perceptions  Thinking things through carefully results in  Which elements of the programmatic and technical risk are represented in the IMS.  The process becomes more valuable than the numbers. : What is the Purpose of Project Risk Analysis?
  • 32. To properly use Schedule Margin† 32  Work must be represented in single units – either task or work packages.  The overall schedule margin must be related to the variation of individual units of work.  The importance of the units of work must be shared among all participants (ordinal ranking of work and its risk).  The schedule must be reasonable in some units of measure shared by all the participants. † “Protecting Earned Value Schedules with Schedule Margin,” Newbold, Budd, and Budd,
  • 33. Let’s Apply a Monte Carlo Simulation Tool The Monte Carlo trolley, or FERMIAC, was invented by Enrico Fermi and constructed by Percy King. The drums on the trolley were set according to the material being traversed and a random choice between fast and slow neutrons. Another random digit was used to determine the direction of motion, and a third was selected to give the distance to the next collision. The trolley was then operated by moving it across a two dimensional scale drawing of the nuclear device or reactor assembly being studied. The trolley drew a path as it rolled, stopping for changes in drum settings whenever a material boundary was crossed. This infant computer was used for about two years to determine, among other things, the change in neutron population with 33 time in numerous types of nuclear systems.
  • 34. 34
  • 35. 35 A Small Diversion Most Likely Isn’t Likely to be the Most Likely When we say “most likely” what do we think this actually means? If you pick the wrong meaning, your Monte Carlo model will be seriously flawed.
  • 36. The problem with “Most Likelies” 36  For each activity the “best” estimate is …  The “most likely” duration – the mode of the distribution of durations? (Mode is the number that appears most often)  It’s 50th percentile duration – the median of the distribution? (Median is the number in the middle of all the numbers)  It’s expected duration – the mean of the distribution? (Mean is the average of all the numbers)  These definitions lead to values that are almost always different from each other.  Rolling up the “best” estimate of completion is almost never one of these.
  • 37. Durations are Probability Estimates not Single Point Values 37  We know this because…  “Best” estimate is not the only possible estimate, so other estimates must be considered “worse.”  Common use of the phrase “most likely duration” assumes that other possible durations are “less likely.”  “Mean,” “median,” and “mode” are statistical terms characteristic of probability distributions.  This implies activity distributions have probability distributions  They are random variables drawn from the probability distribution function (pdf).  “Actual” project duration is an uncertain quality that can be modeled as a sum of random variables  The pdf may be known or unknown.
  • 38. 3 Task Most Likely ≠ Project Most Likely 38  PERT assumes probability distribution of the project times is the same as the tasks on the critical path.  Because other paths can become critical paths, PERT consistently underestimates the project completion time. 1+1=3 : Managing Uncertainty in the IMS
  • 39. Probability Distribution Function is the Lifeblood of good planning 39  Probability of occurrence as a function of the number of samples.  “The number of times a task duration appears in a Monte Carlo simulation.” : Managing Uncertainty in the IMS
  • 40. Remember the quote about statistics 40 Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics – Benjamin Disraeli But we know better, we know that any estimate without a variance is not trustworthy. We know that the variances have to be calibrated from past performance to be credible
  • 41. 41
  • 42. 42 A “Real World” Schedule Analysis One should expect that the expected can be prevented, but the unexpected should have been expected. — Augustine Law XLV This is a must own book for everyone in our business. It defines fundamental Laws of program and business management, which are many times ignored – like the one above
  • 43. Our Starting Point 43  Risk+ Installed  Let’s define the needed fields  These are used by Risk+ to hold information and run the application.  If there are conflicts, you can make changes in Risk+ to work around your fields.
  • 44. A Simple IMS 44 By simple it means serial cascaded work efforts.
  • 45. Initial Field Usage 45  Minimum Remaining Duration  The duration that is least you’d expect this task to complete in  Most Likely Remaining Duration  The ML (Mode) of the duration  Maximum Remaining Duration  The duration that is the most you’d expect this task to complete in  Task Reporting ID  The tasks we want to watch
  • 46. Define a View and Table for Risk+ 46 Start with the Gantt View and Entry Table Set up both to match the Risk+ field usage Use the default if there are no field conflicts
  • 47. Fields used for Risk+ example 47
  • 48. Let’s actually “doing something” 48  Initialize the Most Likely.  This sets the Most Likely duration to the same value that is in the “Duration” field of your IMS.  The “planned duration” now becomes the ML duration.  If this “planned duration” is bogus then your model will be as well.  Choose wisely.
  • 49. Now the ML = DURATION step 49  All the DURATION values have been moved to the ML field.  But remember our discussion of the ML’s  Choose them carefully  The next we’ll set the upper and lower limits of that ML value  Using risk factors.  OK, 3 point estimates if you have to.
  • 50. Let’s do this the simple way 50  Let’s pick MEDIUM confidence.  MEDIUM means  –25%  +25%  And a NORMAL (Gaussian) curve
  • 51. Let’s have Risk+ do something for us 51  Enter a “1” in the RPT field (Number 1)  This marks that ROW in the schedule as a work activity we want to see the Monte Carlo output for
  • 52. Now we’re ready to run 52  The RISK ANALYSIS command starts the process going.  Let’s make 200 iteration and look at the DURARTION ANALYSIS for the activities we are watching.
  • 53. This is nice but what actually is Risk + doing? 53  Risk+ is picking a random number from under the normal distribution within the range of the  Least remaining and most remaining  This is not some ordinary random number it is chosen through an algorithm called the Latin Hypercube - more on that later.  Risk+ then plugs that number into the “real” DURATION field and does that for all the DURATIONS in the schedule  Then the F9 key is pressed and the date is recorded for the finish of UID 41.  This is done 200 times and a histogram of all the dates that appeared for those 200 time is recorded.
  • 54. And We Get 54 Date: 11/29/2011 4:32:17 PM Completion Std Deviation: 2.06 days Samples: 500 95% Confidence Interval: 0.18 days Unique ID: 19 Each bar represents 1 day Name: End Work Package 3 0.20 1.0 Completion Probability Table 0.18 0.9 Cumulative Probability Prob Date Prob Date 0.16 0.8 0.05 Wed 3/7/12 0.55 Tue 3/13/12 0.14 0.7 0.10 Thu 3/8/12 0.60 Tue 3/13/12 Frequency 0.12 0.6 0.15 Thu 3/8/12 0.65 Tue 3/13/12 0.10 0.5 0.20 Fri 3/9/12 0.70 Wed 3/14/12 0.08 0.4 0.25 Fri 3/9/12 0.75 Wed 3/14/12 0.06 0.3 0.30 Fri 3/9/12 0.80 Wed 3/14/12 0.35 Mon 3/12/12 0.85 Thu 3/15/12 0.04 0.2 0.40 Mon 3/12/12 0.90 Thu 3/15/12 0.02 0.1 0.45 Mon 3/12/12 0.95 Fri 3/16/12 Fri 3/2/12 Mon 3/12/12 Tue 3/20/12 0.50 Mon 3/12/12 1.00 Tue 3/20/12 Completion Date
  • 55. Learning to Speak in Risk+ 55  Risk +shows use the probability of finish “on or before” a date  It does NOT show the probability of success.  But even the “on or before” term is loaded with special meaning.  It means for the 500 iterations of Risk+ using the upper and lower bounds of the duration, drawn from the probability density function (pdf) with the Normal (Gaussian) shape, 60% of the finish dates were recorded to be on or before 3/12/12.
  • 56. Medium confidence for a large project 56 Date: 11/30/2011 6:05:35 PM Completion Std Deviation: 4.49 days Samples: 200 95% Confidence Interval: 0.62 days Unique ID: 17 Each bar represents 2 days Name: (SA) Systems Requirements Completed 0.22 1.0 Completion Probability Table 0.20 0.9 Cumulative Probability Prob Date Prob Date 0.17 0.8 0.05 Fri 5/4/12 0.55 Thu 5/17/12 0.7 0.10 Wed 5/9/12 0.60 Thu 5/17/12 Frequency 0.15 0.6 0.15 Thu 5/10/12 0.65 Fri 5/18/12 0.13 0.5 0.20 Fri 5/11/12 0.70 Mon 5/21/12 0.10 0.25 Mon 5/14/12 0.75 Mon 5/21/12 0.4 0.08 0.3 0.30 Mon 5/14/12 0.80 Tue 5/22/12 0.05 0.35 Tue 5/15/12 0.85 Wed 5/23/12 0.2 0.40 Tue 5/15/12 0.90 Thu 5/24/12 0.03 0.1 0.45 Wed 5/16/12 0.95 Mon 5/28/12 Wed 5/2/12 Wed 5/16/12 Mon 6/4/12 0.50 Wed 5/16/12 1.00 Mon 6/4/12 Completion Date
  • 57. Low confidence for a large project 57 Date: 11/30/2011 10:30:05 PM Completion Std Deviation: 9.14 days Samples: 200 95% Confidence Interval: 1.26 days Unique ID: 17 Each bar represents 3 days Name: (SA) Systems Requirements Completed 0.16 1.0 Completion Probability Table 0.9 0.14 Cumulative Probability Prob Date Prob Date 0.8 0.12 0.05 Thu 5/3/12 0.55 Fri 5/25/12 0.7 0.10 Tue 5/8/12 0.60 Mon 5/28/12 Frequency 0.10 0.6 0.15 Wed 5/9/12 0.65 Wed 5/30/12 0.08 0.5 0.20 Mon 5/14/12 0.70 Wed 5/30/12 0.4 0.25 Tue 5/15/12 0.75 Fri 6/1/12 0.06 0.3 0.30 Thu 5/17/12 0.80 Mon 6/4/12 0.04 0.35 Fri 5/18/12 0.85 Wed 6/6/12 0.2 0.02 0.40 Mon 5/21/12 0.90 Fri 6/8/12 0.1 0.45 Wed 5/23/12 0.95 Thu 6/14/12 Tue 4/24/12 Thu 5/24/12 Wed 6/27/12 0.50 Wed 5/23/12 1.00 Wed 6/27/12 Completion Date
  • 58. Let’s run some simulations 58
  • 59. 59
  • 60. 60 Basic Principles of Probabilistic Cost Now that the schedule can be produced using probabilistic methods, it’s time to talk about the cost. Cost does not have a linear relationship with schedule unfortunately. : Basic Principles of Probabilistic Cost
  • 61. Basic Principles with Probabilistic Cost Estimating are coupled with scheduling 61  Cost estimates usually involve many CERs  Each of these CERs has uncertainty (standard error)  CER input variables have uncertainty (technical uncertainty)  Must combine CER uncertainty with technical uncertainty for many CERs in an estimate  Usually cannot be done arithmetically; must use simulation to roll up costs derived from Monte Carlo samples  Add and multiply probability distributions rather than numbers  Statistically combining many uncertain, or randomly varying, numbers  Monte Carlo simulation  Take random sample from each CER and input parameter, add and multiply as necessary, then record total system cost as a single sample  Repeat the procedure thousands of times to develop a frequency histogram of the total system cost samples  This becomes the probability distribution of total system cost : Basic Principles of Probabilistic Cost
  • 62. The Cost Probability Distributions as a function of the weighted cost drivers 62 Combined Cost Modeling and Technical Uncertainty Cost = a + bXc Cost Modeling Uncertainty Cost Estimate Historical data point $ Cost estimating relationship Technical Uncertainty Standard percent error bounds Cost Driver (Weight) : Basic Principles of Probabilistic Cost
  • 63. The Risk Adjusted Cost Estimate Connected To The IMS 63  In the risk–adjusted cost estimate, we now combine discrete risk events and the uncertainty of the input distributions with the uncertainty of the CERs  Since the input distributions tend to be right–skewed, the expected cost tends to be larger than the baseline estimate  In addition, the risk–adjusted cost distribution tends to be wider than the baseline estimate  The difference between the expected cost of the risk– adjusted estimate and the expected cost of the baseline estimate is, by definition, the amount of RISK dollars included in the risk–adjusted estimate : Basic Principles of Probabilistic Cost
  • 64. Baseline versus Risk Adjusted Cost Estimates Usually Show a Cost Increase 64 Baseline vs. Risk-Adjusted Estimates Baseline: Mean = $102.6M Std Dev = $29.8M Risk–Adjusted: Mean = $122.6M Likelihood Std Dev = $42.8M 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 FY$M : Basic Principles of Probabilistic Cost
  • 65. The S–Curve for Cost Modeling 65 Cumulative Distribution Function 100% 90% 80% 80th percentile Cumulative Probability 70% 50th percentile $153.5M 60% $114.7M 50% Baseline Estimate Mean $102.6M Risk–adjusted 40% Estimate Mean $122.6M 30% 20% 10% 0% $60 $80 $100 $120 $140 $160 $180 $200 FY00$M : Basic Principles of Probabilistic Cost
  • 66. The Real Question Always Returns to… “But How Much Does It Cost? Really?” 66  This is impossible to answer precisely  Decision–makers and cost analysts should always think of a cost estimate as a probability distribution, NOT as a deterministic number  The best we can provide is the probability distribution – If we think we can be any more precise, we’re fooling ourselves  It is up to the decision–maker to decide where he/she wants to set the budget  The probability distribution provides a quantitative basis for making this determination  Low budget = high probability of overrun  High budget = low probability of overrun : Basic Principles of Probabilistic Cost
  • 67. 67
  • 68. 68 Some More Parts to using Risk+ Just having the pictures is necessary, but knowing what they mean is required. Making changes to the IMS to increase the Probability of Program Success is the primary outcome from Monte Carlo Simulation.
  • 69. Without Integrating $, Time, and TPM you’re driving in the rearview mirror 69 Technical Performance (TPM)
  • 70. Risk Management Demands a Well Defined Process
  • 71. Statistics of a Triangle Distribution 71 50% of all possible values are under this area of the curve. This is the definition of the median Minimum Maximum 1000 hrs 6830 hrs Mode = 2000 hrs Mean = 3879 hrs Median = 3415 hrs Basic Statistics
  • 72. TPM Trends & Responses directly impact risk and credibility of the IMS 72 Design Model ROM in Proposal Detailed Design Model Bench Scale Model Measurement Technical Performance Measure 28kg Prototype Measurement Vehicle Weight Flight 1st Article 26kg 25kg 23kg CA SFR SRR PDR CDR TRR Dr. Falk Chart – modified
  • 73. Not A Mitigation Plan Mitigation is too late, the risk has turned into an issue. The money has been spent, and the time has passed. 73
  • 74. Ordinal versus Cardinal 74 Ordinal Cardinal A variable is ordinally measurable A variable is cardinally measurable if ranking is possible for values of if a given interval between the variable. For example, a gold measures has a consistent meaning, medal reflects superior performance i.e., if the measure corresponds to to a silver or bronze medal in the points along a straight line. For Olympics, or you may prefer French example, height, output, and income toast to waffles, and waffles to oat are cardinally measurable. bran muffins. All variables that are cardinally measurable are also ordinally measurable, although the reverse may not be true.
  • 75. Correcting Ordinal Risk Scales 75  Classify and calibrate risk ranking in units meaningful to the decision makers  Risk rank 1, 2, 3, 4, is NOT sufficient  The Risk Rank must have a measurable value connected to the actual behavior of the system being assessed  Calibration coefficients between ordinal probability and consequences should also be used.  Ordinal analysis assumes ordering of the risks.  Cardinal analysis provides objective measures of probability and consequential impact.
  • 76. Level Likelihood Value Never multiply Likelihood E E Near Certainty E ≥ 90% by outcome. They are not “numbers,” they a D Highly Likely 74% ≤ D ≤ 90% D probability distributions. C Likely 40% ≤ C ≤ 60% C Only convolution is B Low Likelihood 20% ≤ B ≤ 40% B possible A Not Likely A ≤ 20% A These are Cardinal measures of probability of occurrence and A B C D E consequential impact Level Technical Performance Schedule Cost Minimal or no consequence to A Minimal or no impact Minimal or no impact technical performance. Budget increase or unit Minor reduction in technical B Able to meet key dates production cost increases. performance or supportability. < (1% of Budget) Moderate reduction in Minor schedule slip. Budget increase or unit technical performance or Able to meet key C production cost increase supportability with limited milestones with no < (5% of Budget) impact on program objectives. schedule float. Significant degradation in Budget increase or unit technical performance or Program critical path D production cost increase major shortfall in affected < (10% of Budget) supportability. Cannot meet key Exceeds budget increase or Severe degradation in technical E program milestones. unit production cost performance. 76 Slip > X months threshold
  • 77. Example of Ordinal Probability Complexity Scale† 77 Definition of the Ordinal Scale Ranking Scale Level Greater than 20% of the interface design has been E altered because of modifications to the ICD’s. Greater than 15% but less than 20% of the interface design has been altered because of modifications of the D ICD’s. Greater than 10% but less than 15% of the interface design has been altered because of modifications of the C ICD’s. At least 5% but less than 10% of the interface design has B been altered because of modifications of the ICD’s. At least 5% of the interface design has been altered A because of modifications of the ICD’s. † Effective Risk Management: Some Keys to Success, Edmund Conrow, AIAA Press, 2003
  • 78. A “real” risk Ordinal Ranking Table 78 Risk Percent Variance Interpretation of Risk Ranking Rank Normal business, technical & manufacturing A – 5% ≤ A ≤ 10% processes are applied Normal business & technical processes are B – 5% ≤ B≤ 15% applied; new or innovative manufacturing processes Flight software development & certification C – 5% ≤ C ≤ 35% processes Build & qualification of flight components, D – 10% ≤ D ≤ 25% subsystems & systems E – 10% ≤ E ≤ 35% Flight software qualification F – 5% ≤ F ≤ 175% ISS thermal vacuum acceptance testing
  • 79. Project Train Wrecks Occur When There is…  Inattention to budgetary responsibilities  Work authorizations that are not always followed  Issues with Budget and data reconciliation  Lack of an integrated management system  Baseline fluctuations and frequent replanning  Untimely and unrealistic Latest Revised  Current period and retroactive Estimates (LRE) changes  Progress not monitored in a regular and  Improper use of management consistent manner reserve  Lack of vertical and horizontal traceability  EV techniques that do not cost and schedule data for corrective action reflect actual performance  Lack of internal surveillance and controls  Lack of predictive variance  Managerial actions not demonstrated using analysis Earned Value 79
  • 80. Our Final Check List 80  Set up the Risk+ fields, flags, views, and tables for the program standard IMS.  Build an IMS that passes the DCMA 14 Point Assessment with all GREEN.  Build the Ordinal Risk Ranking table for the various risk categories on the program.  Assign risk ranking to each activities in the IMS, with the variances defined in the Ordinal Table.  Run Risk+ to see the confidence in the deliverables.  Develop the needed schedule margin to protect the delivery to at least the 80% confidence level.
  • 81. Advice from the school of hard knocks 81  Put margin in front of critical deliverables.  Build a margin burn down chart and allocate schedule margin just like you do MR for the PMB.  This real world advice is counter to the current DCMA guidance.
  • 82. 82
  • 83. 83 Putting This New Knowledge To Work
  • 84. Managing margin is what Risk+ is all about 84 CP Total Float Float Erosion: Critical Path Time Usage Acceptable Rate of Float Erosion Linear (CP Total Float ) 100 80 Time Now October 31, 2005 Critical Path - Time Reserve 60 40 Spacecraft Contract Delivery December 10, 2007 20 0 -20 -40
  • 85. How much margin do we need? 85 The Missing Link: Schedule Margin Management, Rick Price, PS–10, PMI–CPM EVM World 2008
  • 86. Deterministic versus Probabilistic 86 Baseline Plan Sep 2011 Oct 2011 Current Plan with risks is the Ready deterministic schedule Nov 2001 Early Plan Margin Dec 2011 Launch 20% Risk Period Margin Jan 2012 Mean Current Plan with risks is the Feb 2012 stochastic schedule The probability distribution can 80% Mar 2012 vary as a Missed function of time Launch ATLO Period CDR PDR FRR SRR Apr 2012
  • 87. 87
  • 88. 88 References
  • 89. References 89  “Protecting Earned Value with Schedule Margin,”  Depicting Schedule Margin in the Integrated Master Schedule, ommitteeDocuments/WhitePapers/NDIAScheduleMarginWhitePaperFinal- 2010(2).pdf  Effective Risk Management: Some Keys to Success, Second Edition, Edmund Conrow, AIAA Press.  How to Lie with Statistics, Darrell Huff, Norton, 1954 (Available in paper back at any good book store)  DID DI–MGMT–81650 “A management method for accommodating schedule contingencies. It is a designated buffer and shall be identified separately and considered part of the baseline.
  • 90. References 90  Interfacing Risk and Earned Value Management, Association for Project Management, 150 West Wycombe Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP12 3AE, United Kingdom.  Practice Standard for Earned Value Management, Second Edition, Project Management Institute, 2011.  Effective Opportunity Management for Projects, David Hillson, Taylor and Francis, 2004.  Measuring Time: Improving Project Performance Using Earned Value, Mario Vanhoucke, Springer, 2009.  Performance Based Earned Value, Paul Solomon and Ralph Young, Wiley, 2007.  Effective Risk Management: Some Keys to Success, Edmund Conrow, AIAA Press, 2003.
  • 91. Niwot Ridge LLC (: 303.241.9633 4347 Pebble Beach Drive -: Niwot, Colorado 80503 91