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Research – Methodology and Ethics
This essay attempts to identify and sum up two research methods (Qualitative and Quantitative
Research Methods), assess their relative strengths and weaknesses and explain how two ethical
issues arise from research. Qualitative and Quantitative research approaches are two of the various
methods used in sociological research. The use of these methods can be very important and can
normally produce efficient, realistic and logical results.
So what is qualitative research and what is quantitative research? To begin with, we look at the
distinctions between the forms of research. Thus, on first consideration, the use of questionnaires as
a research technique might be seen as a quantitative strategy, whereas ... Show more content on ...
Qualitative descriptions can play the important role of suggesting possible relationships, causes,
effects and dynamic processes.
Because statistics are not used, but rather qualitative research uses a more descriptive, narrative
style, this research might be of particular benefit to the practitioner as she, or he could turn to
qualitative reports in order to examine forms of knowledge that might otherwise be unavailable,
thereby gaining new insight.
Qualitative research adds flesh and blood to social analysis.
Both qualitative and quantitative research methods have some similarities, for instance, whilst
quantitative research may be mostly used for testing theory, it can also be used for exploring area
and generating hypotheses and theory. Similarly qualitative research can be used for testing
hypotheses and theories even though it is mostly used for theory generation.
Qualitative data often includes quantification, e.g. statements such as more than, less than, most as
well as specific numbers, quantitative, i.e. questionnaire approaches can collect qualitative data
through open–ended questions.
During the designing of questionnaires and the training of interviewers a number of ethical issues
need to be taken into consideration. Respondents have a right to be informed about the nature and
purposes of the study and how the information will be used prior to data collection. The issue of
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Fundamentals of Research Methodology
Fundamentals of Research Methodology Paper
Psychology is a discipline which seeks to study the thoughts and actions of men in a scientific way.
Science is a marvelous development in the history of human thought. The American Heritage
Dictionary defines psychology as the science dealing with the mind, mental and emotional
processes, and the science of human behavior. It defines science as systemized knowledge derived
from observations and study. Scientific study is a way of understanding life and developing theories
based on what is observed (Simonton, 2009). Psychologists develop theories and conduct
psychological research to answer questions about behavior and mental processes that impact
individuals and society. ... Show more content on ...
Although quantitative research is an integral part of doing research; qualitative research explores the
processes that underlie human behavior using interviews, surveys, case studies, and other personal
techniques (Salkind, 2009). Its general purpose is to examine human behavior in the social, cultural,
and political contexts in which they occur. Qualitative research can be powerful and appropriate
non–experimental way to explore an academic question rigorously, as when additional context is
needed to explain phenomenon missed by quantitative research methods. When properly performed,
qualitative research projects add to the body of knowledge on their subjects and make the researcher
well informed (Salkind, 2009).
Qualitative research deals with descriptions and data that can be observed, but not measured. It
explores items such as textures, colors, smells, tastes, and appearances and is obsessed with the
quality of the item. Its goal is to describe the meaning, rather than drawing statistical inferences.
What these experiments lose in reliability, they gain in terms of validity; providing a more in–depth
and rich description. Quantitative research deals with numbers and data that can be measured. The
length, height, speed, time, humidity, cost, age, weight, area and volume are the items quantitative
research methods deal with. The quantity of the item is
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Research Methodology : Research On Research
Research Methodology Introduction: Introduction in research is the most important section as it
gives an overview of the research and the contents of the document to the readers. It should take
users from their own lives to the place of the research analysis. Introduction part should give the
essential information of why the research topic is important in the field. It should be concise though
it does not have any word limits. In general introduction gives the review of the research. It is the
best place to tell any assumptions that is there in the research if any. It should define the outline of
the research and it should end with research questions which makes reader understand what exactly
the research paper is going to achieve. Literature Review: Literature review is briefly summarizing
the article which was reviewed. It is more focused on the topic of analysis and how it relates critical
analysis in your research work to other research works. To start with literature review, skim the
articles to get the idea of research work. Focus on introduction, conclusion and some paragraphs to
gather general purpose of the article and based on that group the articles into categories For
instance, group them into topics and subtopics. If exact words from the article is taken, citing that
sentence with page number is essential. Also the most important part is that the articles should be
relevant to the topic of research. Literature review is more about evaluating and integrating the
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Research Methodology For The Research
In doing the research, the methodology must be appropriate so that the analysis findings could reach
the objective. Research methodology proposed one procedure in order way to be follow to answer
all the questions in the research that want to be made. Quoted by Denzin and Lincoln (1994),
methodology is a process that related with research objective and data. In the others word, it is early
research planning that include the research scope, data collection method, data collection process
and data analysis method. For Ranjit (2005), methodology is one of crucial part in research, in order
to ensure the research can be done in the systematic way Overall, this chapter will discuss on the
research frame and the methodologies used in order to meet the research objectives. Research
process been divided into three main parts there are preliminary research part, data collection and
last one data analysis.
Research Methodologies
Research methodology is a way how the research is conducted step by step and in order. There are
two methods used for data collection which is the primary data and secondary data. These data can
be obtained and used many ways. The data is taken and analyzed in advance to produce a result that
we can use for research and future reference. This study will relate to the objective we want to
achieve and finding the answer to every objective we seek. In order to successfully achieve the
objectives we seek, we must know
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Research Methodologies
The current infrastructure of Air Force Reserve (AFR) medical unit offers various problems and
possible solutions for research and study as we continue into the 21st century. However, research
methodologies and the availability of information offers opportunities into understanding and
gaining knowledge pertaining to leadership, management and the culture as it pertains to the
organization. This paper will delve into the qualitative aspect of research methodology and the
methods of literature reviews and surveys as tools for gather information, knowledge, cause and
effect of hypotheses as they relate to leadership and organizational culture. A discussion of general
limitations and research methodology for the final ... Show more content on ...
Another option available for research methodology entails the use of surveys for gathering insightful
real time information. The use of surveys, researchers have the availability to develop and gather
responses, which either support or disprove hypotheses. Humphrey (2012) administered surveys
asking questions about leadership's impact on an organization's culture and climate focusing on
transformational leadership tenets. This particular method allowed the researcher to develop and
form hypotheses related to the study (Cooper & Schlinder, 2011). Walumbwa and Hartnell (2011)
examined the correlation of leadership and employee performance through the method of a survey
also involving transformational leadership and an underlying variance. While both research studies
entailed sampling of a population through surveys, they each have varying degrees of advantages
and disadvantages conducive to their use. The advantages of a survey include:
Time– a quicker turnaround offering an opportunity to gather and analyze results
Composition– allows for development of questions in relationship to the hypotheses
Quantity– the desired amount for sampling, developing a baseline for expected return of surveys
However, the disadvantages of surveys include:
Distribution– must construct method for distribution
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Research Methodology Used For Research
Research Methodology Introduction
This chapter discusses the methodology used for this research. Describing type of methodology in
research study and define the chosen method and approach for this research. Then, the outline of
research strategy used, framework this research conducted and data sources collected to obtain valid
and reliable research as the objective determined. Review of Research of Methodology
Broadly speaking, there are several purpose of research. It depends on the objective of the research
itself. First, research is conducted to get review from existing knowledge. Second, to investigate the
problem and existing situation. Third, to provide solutions to problems. Fourth, to explore and
analyse more general issues. Next, to construct or create new procedures or systems. After that, to
explain new phenomenon. Then, to generate new knowledge. Otherwise, combination of any
previous purposes. The purpose of research will determine the suitable method used to get the
Type of research
In general, research works commonly classified into four categories, namely: exploratory,
descriptive, analytical and predictive research (libguides, 2015) . Exploratory research. This type
conducted for a problem that has not been clearly defined. It looks for pattern, hypotheses or ideas
that can be tested. Can help determine the best research design, data collection method, and
selection of the subjects. Used when few or no previous studies exist. Will often
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Disadvantages Of Research Methodology
ii. Scientific methodology. This is the type of research methodology which focuses on the use of
scientific procedures or methods in research. Kothari. C. R (2004, 10) mentions that, "scientific
method implies an objective, logical and systematic method, i.e., a method free from personal bias
or prejudice, a method to ascertain demonstrable qualities of a phenomenon capable of being
verified, a method wherein the researcher is guided by the rules of logical reasoning, a method
wherein the investigation proceeds in an orderly manner and a method that implies internal
consistency". Scientific methodology can also be defined as the process of pursuing truth as
determined by logical considerations. Scientific methodology tries to achieve the go of research by
experimentation, observation, logical arguments from accepted suggestions and combining all these
three in changing proportions. iii. Pure research. This type of research involves developing and
testing theories and hypotheses that are challenging to the researcher intellectually but may or may
not be applied practically at the present time or even in future. The information acquired through
pure research is searched for in order to add to the existing body of research methods. Pure or basic
research does not necessarily focus on finding answer to specific questions or solve specific
problems, it is carried out in order to expand knowledge and review the unknown. It is undertaken
out of intellectual curiosity or
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Research Methodology : Mixed And Action
Methodology: Mixed and Action
Dolores Jackson Williams
Colorado Technical University Online
Action Research
Action research methodology involves societal and psychosomatic research to help researchers to
categorize social issues in a group or within the community, by using active participation in the
research the group for the express exertion to solve the issues. Action research is in any environment
where people will engage in a collective manner and are goal directed. Action research starts with an
action theory the primary focus of the theory is to introduce changes brought about by the conjecture
of the community, group or organization. Action research relies upon the evident gathered from
numerous standpoints, while lending to a more effective strategy to progress a community,
organization or groups as a whole. You will gain knowledge through the point of action research
application, it involves problem solving as the research progresses a solution will be achieved
resulting in your action development plan however, they are not considered irrefutable or
unconditional (Miller, G. E. 2003).
Goals of action research expansion of specialized practice for ongoing problem solving; developing
specified theory of action; improvement within the community through action research.
(Greenwood, Whyte, & Harkavy, 1993 Action research process
Selecting a focus
1. Clarifying theories
Action research starts with an action theory the primary focus of the
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Research Methodology : Research Project
Stating a knowledge claim means that researchers start a project with certain assumptions about how
they will learn and what they will learn during their enquiry. These claims might be called as
paradigms (Lincoln & Guba, 2000; Mertens, 1998); philosophical assumptions, epistemologies, and
ontologies (Crotty, 1998); or broadly conceived research methodologies (Neuman, 2000).
Philosophically, researchers make claims about what is knowledge (ontology), how we know it
(epistemology), what values go into it (axiology), how we write about it (rhetoric), and the processes
for studying it (methodology) (Creswell, 1994).
The researcher brings to the choice of a research design assumptions about the knowledge in claims.
In addition, operating at more applied level are strategires of inquiry or traditions of inquiry
(Creswell, 1998) or methodologies (Mertens, 1998) that provide specific direction of procedures in
research design.
1.Experimental designs Narratives Sequential
2.Non–experimental designs such as surveys Phenomenologies Concurrent Ethnographies
Transformative Grounded theory Case studies
Table: Alternative stratagies of inquiry
This section highlights the main aspects of Research design whereby research approaches and their
associated methods are explored in depth.
2.1 Quantitative approach
A quantitative approach is generally applied in the testing or
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Key Research Methodology, Concepts, And Terms
Module 1 – Review of Key Research Methodology, Concepts and Terms
Hi Everyone,
Welcome to the first module! This power point reviews research methodology, concepts, and terms
that you learned in your undergraduate Introduction to Research Methodology and Statistics. The
presented material provides you with a foundation for learning more sophisticated concepts and
statistical techniques.
While the power point is helpful, it does not replace reading the textbook. Also, there are quiz
questions embedded in the power point to test your understanding of the material and to prepare you
to complete your homework assignments. If you have any questions, reread your textbook. If you
continue to have questions, please feel free to post your question ... Show more content on ...
d. Mediating.
Power point 11
If you are having trouble understanding this variable, you are exactly where you are supposed to be.
Hopefully, my explanation will help you! A mediating variable explains the relationship between the
two other variables. As an example, let's consider the relation between social class (SES) and
frequency of breast self–exams (BSE). Age might be a moderator variable, in that the relation
between SES and BSE could be stronger for older women and less strong or nonexistent for younger
women. Education might be a mediator variable in that it explains why there is a relation between
SES and BSE. When you remove the effect of education, the relation between SES and BSE
Power point 12
While researchers will never state that one variable caused another variable to occur, as there are so
many variables to consider in social science research.
However, we do use the term 'causal relationship' or cause and effect relationship', where the cause
has to precede the effect and the relationship cannot be explained by any other factors that are being
Power point 13
Here's an overview of the different types of variables and their functions.
Power point
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Research Methodology And The Execution Of Slr
2. Research Method
This section provides an overview research method i.e. systematic literature review (SLR) used in
thesis research; it describes the research methodology, the design and the execution of SLR.
2.1 Overview of Systematic Literature Review
This section of chapter was to thoroughly define and go through systematic literature review
research method.
2.1.1 Definition
Kitchenham and Charters (2007) proposed that systematic literature review has been a widespread
research methodology since 1990s, but it was initiated by medical research where number of well
documented standards has evidently showed its use. While, since the year 2004, systematic reviews
are also performed by many software engineering researchers and number of important engineering
conferences also seek submissions in this research category. In addition to this many popular
journals and magazines have distinct section for papers, which are also based on this research
methodology. (Kitchenham & Charters, 2007)
According to Kitchenham,
"A systematic literature review (often referred to as a systematic review) is a means of identifying,
evaluating and interpreting all available research relevant to a particular research question, or topic
area, or phenomenon of interest" (p.8).
The fundamental study of the systematic literature review is known as primary studies, and the
systematic literature itself is known as a form of secondary study.
2.1.2 Adopting the Systematic Literature Review
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Disadvantages Of Qualitative Research Methodology
Research Methodology
Assignment topic: What you can and can't do with qualitative research? Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of qualitative research.
Assignment Submitted by : Shahid Manjur Rahman
Research: Research is a process through which systematic investigation is done in order to acquire
new facts , information and end up with new conclusions. We can classify research as qualitative
research and quantitative research.
Qualitative research: Qualitative research is a very subjective form of research which has different
methods of collecting data, which specially focuses on having in–depth interviews of individuals
and targeted groups. According to the well known researchers Denzin ... Show more content on ...
Because qualitative research is conversational , it is important for data collectors to maintain clear
boundaries between what they are told by participants and what they convey to the participants.
Keeping a proper record of so is problematic for the researcher . Consequently the data may get
Advantages of qualitative research:
1. Through qualitative research a researcher can seek to explore phenomena in depth and detail.
2. In qualitative research more flexible instruments are used. It has an iterative style of eliciting and
categorizing responses to questions.
3. With the help of qualitative research one can describe variations, relationships, individual
experiences among groups and describe group norms.
4. As the set of questions can be open ended we can have a more comprehensive study about the
subject. Interviews are not limited to particular questions and can be redirected or guided by
researchers in real time.
5. Some aspects of the study are flexible.
6. The issues and subjects covered can be evaluated in depth and in detail.
7. The data in qualitative research are more convincing , compelling and powerful as compared to
the data gathered through quantitative research as the data of qualitative depends on human
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Research Methodologies
Research Methodologies In selecting a research methodology, researchers must approach the subject
matter with consideration of that which is desired as a data outcome. In light of this, the most
commonly used methodologies are quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods. The quantitative
study is usually defined so as a result of a clearly delineated range of numerical scales, sets or
representations designed to concretely define the findings of the resultant research. By its hypothesis
and its methodology, this study will be required to employ a process which is geared toward
empirically defensible findings. The determinism of numerical evaluation is widely considered less
vulnerable to individual biases unless it can be deduced that such bias informed the composition of
the equation methodology. Qualitative analysis essentially places a heavier demand upon the
involvement of the researcher in designing the frame for data analysis and the manner in which this
analysis is carried out. This means that the qualitative research must plumb through a considerable
amount of research and data in order to whittle down observational findings to a set of relevant and
useful resolutions. And indeed, after the processes of observation and information gathering, it can
be both time–consuming and intellectually taxing to reduce these findings to the most meaningful
and relevant indicators available. This difficulty is further intensified by the inherently complicated
task of clearly
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Qualitative Research Methodology
Methodology for the Research Paper
La'Brittani Poole–James
Dr. Lee
Grambling State University
Qualitative research is exact research where the information is not as numbers. Qualitative
researchers study things in their natural settings, make sense of, or interpreting information. My
research paper is about children with mental health illnesses. Qualitative research on my paper
would be the research that I found that on my topic from creditable sites that consisted of data with
no numbers included. Kevin Browne stated, "There is continuing debate on the extent of the effects
of media violence on children and young people, and how to investigate these effects. The aim of
this review is to consider the research evidence from a public–health perspective. A search of
published work revealed five meta–analytic reviews and one quasi–systematic review, all of which
were from North America. There is consistent evidence that violent imagery in television, film and
video, and computer games has substantial short–term effects on arousal, thoughts, and emotions,
increasing the likelihood of aggressive or fearful behavior in younger children, especially in boys.
The evidence becomes inconsistent when considering older children and teenagers, and long–term
outcomes for all ages. The multifactorial nature of aggression is emphasized, together with the
methodological difficulties of showing causation. Nevertheless, a small but significant association is
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Chapter 3: Research Methodology Research Methodology Is
Chapter 3: Research Methodology Research methodology is the process used to collect information
and data for the purpose of making business decisions. Primary Research, Justification and Biases
Primary research is the experiments, investigations, or tests carried out to acquire data first–hand,
rather than being gathered from published sources. However primary research is costly, time
consuming, sometimes the feed backs are inaccurate and the number of resources are required The
methodology may include publication research, interviews, surveys and other research techniques,
and could include both present and historical information. I will apply primary research because it
addresses targeted issues. Data interpretation is also better. ... Show more content on
Issues can be examined in detail and in depth. These advantages of qualitative research include
interviews which are not restricted to specific questions and can be redirected by the researcher in
real time. Also research framework and direction can be quickly revised as new information
emerges. The data based on customer service experience that is obtained is powerful and sometimes
more compelling than quantitative data. Justification and Biases A still common rhetorical device
used to present what is generally referred to as qualitative research to audiences unfamiliar with it is
to compare it to what is generally referred to as quantitative research Eakin & Mykhalovskiy (2005).
In such comparisons, qualitative research tends to be presented as what it is not and as less than; as,
for example, less mathematically precise and as producing findings that are not generalizable.
Quantitative Data that can be quantified and verified, and is amenable to statistical manipulation.
Using Quantitative is an advantage for the researcher to measure and analyse data, and research
studied is studied in detail.Quantitative research can test experiments because it can measure data
using statistics.However the disadvantage of quantitative is that the context of the study is ignored
and also the research does not happen in a natural setting or they don 't discuss the meaning of
things with
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Four Research Methodologies
Professor: Robert Smith
Graduate Research Methods
Phase 3 Discussion Board
Research Methodologies
Being in this business as a researcher, you must stay focus at all times, and at this time we must
concentrate on the design strategies for each of the research methodologies. It must include
everything that can help to produce a positive research, elements of inquiry, research approaches,
and overall design of the research being conducted. We have to determine all the different types of
research methodologies that are used in doing research. We must realize the importance of
integrating the different method types so that we can continue to construct precise, decisive, and
fitting data. As we get into the ... Show more content on ...
Observation methods can be seen as being structured or unstructured, disguised or undisguised and
also natural or contrived. The major methods that are connected with observation contain personal
or robotic observation. Dealing with matter, audit, and trace analysis, just like surveys, there are
both advantages and disadvantages to retaining observational methodology. Researchers also collect
Quantitative data thru the use of experimental design, actually, Casual Design surrounding
investigation are suitable for supposing cause–and–effect relationship. Experimentations have
restrictions in relations of time, cost, and administration, but they are rapidly becoming
progressively popular in marketing. Casual is most suitable to consider when developing research
projects for the organization and allowing experiments. On the other hand determining a research
design concurrently decides the types of data that can be attained. In doing casual design, there are
two types of data operated in resolving the research problem, primary data and secondary data.
Primary data is collected specifically to deal with the problem at hand and can either be qualitative
and quantitative in character. Secondary data in additionally are data that were collected for other
functions, the researcher should then
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Essay on Research Methodology
3. Methodology: 3.1 Introduction: The study for this thesis will be exploratory research using
secondary data collected by the communication agency, MESH Planning. The agency developed an
innovative approach called 'real–time experience tracking', which involves three stages of data
collection. And both qualitative and quantitative data will be collected and used in this context in
order to get an insight of critical incidents. This section will start with a comparison of three
possible methodologies for data collection: ethnography, survey (or interview) and real time
experience tracking. And then sampling and data collection methods will be examined followed by a
description of data analysis. 3.2 Research approach selection: ... Show more content on ...
They are much cheaper than ethnography with a greater effectiveness, however, all of these
interviews or surveys were based on the retrospective data, respondents answered the questions by
their memory and the issue may happened for a long time. There could be a great influence on the
quality of data since the ability of respondent to recall information differed from one to another and
some incorrect information often occurred (Baker, 2003). The third approach considered in this
study is the real–time experience tracking developed by MESH planning. This is an approach to
record 360–degree touchpoints of brand by respondents in real time. There are three stages of data
collection. The first stage uses the pre–online questionnaire to collect information about brand
health and relationship quality. The third stage uses the same questions to ask respondents'
perception after brand encounters in order to identify any change. While the second stage for data
collection is the most crucial process in the approach. Respondents are asked to send SMS message
to report any brand encounter via mobile phones. And the online diary also helped to expand these
experiences (Willis et al 2010). Meanwhile, for identifying the CIs, weekly questionnaire will be
sent to respondents about the CIs happened in the past week. The approach offers a holistic view to
track customer experience as well as identifying critical incidences. The real–time tracking approach
enabled to identify a
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Research Methodology For Research Design
3.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the research methodology employed in this thesis in respect of the research
objectives by ensuring the application of the appropriate methodology. Among other things the
research design, population, sampling procedures and sample size, data collection technique and
research instrument were discussed. Finally, the data analysis and research limitations were looked
3.2 Research design
Research design constitutes the entire strategy for data collection including the specific data analysis
techniques or methods the researcher intends to use. Three major approaches are mostly considered
by researcher during research methodology. These are quantitative, qualitative or mixed approaches.
However, Ghauri et al. (1995) maintained that quantitative and qualitative methods are two types of
research methods mostly used by researchers.
According to Bryman& Bell (2007), the quantitative method entails systematic empirical studies
which involve quantifying through the assistance of mathematics and statistics. Data is collected and
transformed into numbers which are empirically tested to see if a relationship can be found in order
to be able to draw conclusions from the results gained. On the other hand, qualitative research does
not rely on statistics or numbers rather qualitative research often refers to case studies where the
collection of information can be received from a few studying objects.
According to Biggam (2008) quantitative
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Quantitative And Qualitative Research Methodology
Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methodology Comparison
Research, as defined by Merriam Webster, is "the activity of getting information about a subject"
(Research, n.d.). When looking at the research process there are two main approaches for gathering
information; qualitative and quantitative approaches. The qualitative approach focuses on describing
information in a deep thought provoking manner. Adversely, the quantitative approach focuses on
information from a larger number of people and applies statistical techniques to recognize patterns
in the data ("Organizing," n.d.). In the educational setting, principals are the leaders of the school.
Principals need to develop teachers, create a safe and productive work environment, and try to
impact student achievement. Great principals search for new and inventive ways to make their
school thrive. Research provides principals opportunities to better understand problems and changes
in the school setting. Using research–based data, principals can help promote student and teacher
success in the educational setting.
Qualitative and Quantitative Research methods The article "Involving Young People in Changing
Their School Environment to Make It Safer" draws upon qualitative research to explore the process
of involving teachers and students in student action groups. The article draws on the qualitative
process by using semi–structured interviews with a small sample of students and staff members
(Fletcher, Fitzgerald–Yau,
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Research Methodology
S. Rajasekar
School of Physics, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli – 620 024, Tamilnadu, India∗
P. Philominathan
Department of Physics, Sri AVVM Pushpam College, Poondi, Thanjavur – 613 503, Tamilnadu,
V. Chinnathambi
Department of Physics, AKGS Arts College, Srivaikundam – 628 619, Tamilnadu, India In this
manuscript various components of research are listed and briefly discussed. The topics considered in
this write–up cover a part of the research methodology paper of Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.)
course and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) course. The manuscript is intended for students and
research scholars of science subjects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, statistics, biology and
computer ... Show more content on ...
(9) Social research helps find answers to social problems. They explain social phenomena and seek
solution to social problems. (10) Research leads to a new style of life and makes it delightful and
glorious . Emphasizing the importance of research Louis Pasteur said "I beseech you to take interest
in these sacred domains called laboratories. Ask that there be more and that they be adorned for
these are the temples of the future, wealth and well–being. It is here that humanity will learn to read
progress and individual harmony in the works of nature, while humanity's own works are all too
often those of babarism, fanaticism and destruction." (Louis Paster – article by S.Mahanti, Dream
2047, p.29–34 (May 2003)). In order to know what it means to do research one may read scientific
autobiographies like Richard Feynmann's "Surely you are joking, Mr.Feynmann!", Jim Watson's
"The double helix", "Science as a way of life – A biography of C.N.R. Rao" by Mohan
Sundararajan, etc.
Importance of Research
Research is important both in scientific and nonscientific fields. In our life new problems, events,
phenomena and processes occur every day. Practically implementable solutions and suggestions are
required for tackling new problems that arise. Scientists have to undertake research on them and find
their causes, solutions, explanations and applications. Precisely, research assists us to understand
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Methodology: Research Approach
3.0 Research methodology
Methodology refers to a system of methods used in a particular area of study or activity. It is not a
formula but a set of practices which can be used to conduct a research approach, research method,
questionnaire design, sample size, primary research, secondary data, and others. For the purpose of
doing methodology and explain about the research flow and also the lastly most important things
which is to showed the capability of the research flows.
3.1 Research Approach
Research approach towards the plans and where the procedures towards the research that span the
process from the broad assumptions to the detailed methods of the data collection, analysis and the
interpretation. Research Approach has two kinds of sorts
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Research And Methodology : Keyword 's Methodologies And...
Chapter 3: Research & Methodology This chapter outlines the Keyword's methodologies and focus
in more detail and discusses the related concepts and forms of EA. This chapter explains the
methodologies and the way that study going to find out the better answers for thesis's questions. Due
to rapid economic rise of China and followed by that of India and as one of the major fixed asset
formation sectors and cornerstone industries in the national economic system of these 2 countries,
the building sector is undergoing rapid development hence, this study is going to show the impacts
of C&D on Environment. If we walk through the complex road systems in different cities, in China
and India you would see many buildings are under construction ... Show more content on ...
This thesis assesses the cost for Chinese urban residential construction projects(The project is a
residential building with reinforced concrete framework) using projections of urbanisation rates,
building size and construction quality. Chinese urban residential construction is expected to remain
at elevated levels for the next couple of decades, but growth will undoubtedly decrease. As the
urbanisation process winds down and as improvements in building quality become more
incremental, construction is expected to peak in 2017 and fall back below current levels sometime
around 2030. This study is dependent upon a number of assumptions. The rate of dollar is same for
constriction period , the fuel and co2 emitted from transporting material to the construction site has
been ignored , because it happens before the first process (A process) of this study, however there
are upside risks as well. The evolution of floor space per capita is quite uncertain. Construction
project performance has traditionally been calculated in terms of time, cost, quality and quantity.
Lately, environment has been considered the fourth dimension and construction organisations have
been discussed to adopt EA systems. This study focuses on forth dimension more frequently than
other dimensions, in order to improve their environmental
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Research Methodology Of The Research Approach
This chapter outlines an overview of the research approach adopted in the study as well as the
research methodology and the practical approach adopted to achieve the set objectives of the study.
In addition, it also highlights the data collection methods, ethical considerations, and data analysis.
Case studies will be used as a research strategy as they are distinguished by their ability to
investigate a phenomenon which, in this case, will be the upgrading heritage buildings through
sustainable designs and construction. The chapter also rationalizes the sampling approaches and the
research methods used for collecting the data in the case studies. To achieve the objectives, data for
this study will be collected using two qualitative research methods: document analysis and semi–
structured interviews which were used to give a scholarly definition of the term "sustainable
adaptation to heritage sites and buildings" which is part of the objectives. The chapter also looks at
the qualitative analysis techniques which will be used to analyze the data.
3.2 Research approach
The difference between qualitative and quantitative research is basically a methodological issue and
the researcher's decision to choose a specific research approach should be based on its suitability to
answer the established research questions (Bryman, 1992). A qualitative approach according to
(Creswell, 2003) should be a logical subjective approach and should be able to describe experiences
... Get more on ...
Research Methodology For Research Methods Essay
Survey research methods are one of the most widely used research methods in education. This non–
experimental, quantitative research design is most often used to gather information about the
subject's attitude, beliefs, opinions, or similar types of information (McMillian & Schumacher,
2010). With this method, the researcher selects a sample of subjects and either administers a
questionnaire or conducts interviews to collect data from the subjects.
There are several benefits to using surveys in educational research. First of all, the researcher can
gather information from a small group of subjects (the sample), but apply the results to a larger
number of people (the population). Additionally, many educational researchers choose survey
methods because of the versatility, efficiency and generalizability that surveys provide (Schutt,
1996). Surveys are versatile, because they have been used in many different areas of educational
research. They are also very cost–efficient and, for the most part, do not require the time that most
other methods do. This makes them popular among researchers. As previously mentioned, the
researcher can gather data from a small group of subjects instead of the entire population, but
generalize the results to the population. This, in itself, is a huge benefit when sample generalizability
is a goal.
Important Considerations for Survey Research Design
Although survey research design is the most widely used in educational research, it is not the only
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Compare different research methodologies for health and...
P3: Compare different research methodologies for health and social care. In this assignment I will be
comparing the different types of research methodologies for health and social care. INTERVIEWS:
Interviews are usually taken for people when they are looking for jobs or looking places in college
and universities. There are many advantages of interviews, one being that they will be able to get
good information and some data, also they will develop their communication skills too when talking
to the other individual. However there are also many weaknesses such as, time consuming, the
person being interviewed could be lying and also the questions may not be clear. Another weakness
is that there could be a language barrier between the two ... Show more content on
This method includes the observer not being part of the group and just watching from a far distance.
The advantage of this method is that the observer may get some good data as they are observing
closely. Easier to record data as you are not participating, also it is very cheap and simple. However,
the disadvantages are that you may not get as much data as you are not a part of the discussions so
you may not get a lot of information as you would like. BOOKS: Books are in formation written
down by people. They can be written down as knowledge or real life stories. The advantages form
getting information and writing data from a book is that you will find out a lot of information that
you didn't already know. Also you will extend you knowledge by reading. However, the information
may not be accurate and could be false. Another weaknesses form getting information books is that
it is also quite time consuming looking for the answers and information when reading a book.
WEBSITES: This method is another way to get data from. Websites are also very good because they
can find you reliable information about any topic you want to gain knowledge from. However a
disadvantage for websites is that they could contain false information. Another advantage is that
there are wide ranges of
... Get more on ...
Report : Report On Research Methodology
Report on Research Methodology
1. Introduction: An introduction is the first step towards framing a technical paper and it plays a key
role in explaining to the readers what exactly the report is about. An introduction should start with a
brief introduction about the title and followed by explanation of the basic and important concept in
that research paper in short and then follows the problem description. An introduction is just an
outline of the research paper. The problem which is identified should be always related to the title of
the technical paper, this is done to avoid deviation from the topic. Introduction in a research paper is
the complex part to frame as it is the outline and first view of the topic to the readers. Entire ... Show
more content on ...
So, the method section is used to explain all those techniques, tools that are discussed in those
research papers. Categorizing the various techniques, steps that are explained in the research paper
in a readable and understandable manner is called procedures. It can be better explained as the step
by step process of an experiment, how it was started and how the process follows. Some research
topics results in browsing for more related research papers which might be difficult to categorize. In
this situation, procedures helps to prioritize those information's of various research papers. Methods
and procedures are the significant part of the research paper.
4. Design and Results: Design in the research paper is the section were the entire flow of steps or the
procedures followed and the tools are explained in detail with the help of pictures or flowcharts. It is
the most mandatory part of a research paper and it is the core of the technical paper. And the result
section is the sensitive part of a technical paper because it is the area where the final outcome is
discussed. Some readers might scan the introduction and they will directly switch to results section
to view the outcome and if they are satisfied they might wish to read the full technical paper. Result
section should be detailed and understandable. It should clearly explain how the problem is solved
in step by step manner.
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Methodology Involves Qualitative Research
4.2 Choose an appropriate methodology in terms of the research question
Research methodology generally involves qualitative research or quantitative research, or a mixture
of both. A quantitative research methodology involves the analysis of data collected from a large
number of surveys or interviews. On the other hand, methodologies for qualitative research often
involve using surveys or interviews to collect information about people – their attitudes, experiences
and behaviors.
The Methodology that will be used in terms of the research question will be the qualitative research
which involves a phenomenological perspective. The researcher aims to evaluate the meaning of
events for people in particular situations, the characteristic of qualitative research are as follows.
Interview – ... Show more content on ...
Methodology and methods– This section includes a clear justification for the chosen methodology
and research method. The length and depth of the research depends on the objective of the
researcher and the information he or she is trying to convey to the readers.
Recording findings– This section depend solely on the methodology used by the researcher, if the
researcher use a quantitative method survey, then the researcher will record the finding using table,
graphs, pie charts and associated statistics. If the researcher conducts a qualitative research then this
section will consist of descriptive prose containing lengthy questionnaires etc.
Format– Before the researcher start the research the researcher have to find out whether or not the
research will be restricted by a particular structure, style and content of the final work. The
researcher has to take into consideration the targeted audience, listed below is a traditional format
for a research.
Title Page
Content Page
List of illustrations Acknowledgements Abstract/Summary Introduction
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Evaluation Of A Research Methodology
Overview of the Research Methodology Provide an overview of your methodological approach.
Detailed discussions will appear in later sections.
Research Questions
What is the effect of using new technology to teach stock investments in a personal finance class on
student's test scores and investment portfolio? Through my action research I want to be able to show
that teaching students about stock investments using new technology will enhance student learning
and lead to higher results on an assessment. How does the stock investment unit affect the student's
perspectives of investing in stocks? Through a survey I will find out how students perspectives
change before and after the unit. How did this unit affect the likelihood that you ... Show more
content on ...
Some students were enrolled in the class to meet their financial requirement, while others that have
already met the requirement, and are taking the class as an elective. The students that are taking it as
an elective do so for a variety of reasons. Some students plan on going into business in college or
are genuinely interested in personal finance. Some students are just taking the class because their
friends are taking it too or because their guidance counselors put them in the class to fill their
The class is open to students in all grades, however most students are juniors or seniors. There are
two freshmen, six sophomores, eighteen juniors, and twenty–eight seniors. The class is broken into
two periods; one has 26 students the other has 28. There are 30 males and 24 females in the classes.
The students in the class come from a wide variety of socioeconomic status. Eight students in the
class are on the free and reduced lunch program. The districts average is about 20%, so the classes
in this study are about 6% below the district average. The district does not have information on
student's family wealth, several students in the class live in wealthier neighborhoods.
In the classes there are 4 students that have IEP plans. Most of these plans allow for additional
testing time. Two of the students have the option to take
... Get more on ...
Research Methodology Essay
The study design and methods chosen to take the same degree, both in real life or experimental
research. To learn more, the analysis of the data collection process took place before the start of the
The size of the choice of design research in line with the research approach to take, be it real life or
experimental research. If the experimental research, the design research can be established. This
research is about and how it will be done before the standards of a large amount of thought
3.2 Research process: Learn something for the collection, compilation and dissemination of
knowledge is inquiry. We can choose to use quantitative methods, qualitative methods, or
simultaneously, ... Show more content on ...
Questionnaire a number of line managers to understand when it is important for employees to
enable them to achieve their goals is sought. In–depth interviews will be provided with specific
staff research their personal experiences within the organization to learn about some of the
motivating on.
Both methods can be used to manage a single project, or together in splendid isolation. It is
important to determine which method best suits the particular needs of each individual study,
therefore, compare two different methods for detailed consideration.
Methodology adopted in this case is based on qualitative research and is conducted through a survey
tool. In this process, research has direct access to the person under investigation and all the
expressions and behavior, he is known. While it would be subjective to calculate the behavior of
materials under investigation, but in this case, corrective measures and other information, if
necessary, you can download and take up directly. As used in this study, a survey to be conducted
through a questionnaire prepared for this purpose, but still on the last question is kept open to
evaluate the behavior of individuals and more information be provided. Knowledge and emphasis on
primary data makes this study reliable and confidant as well. 3.3.1 Qualitative Research Methods:
... Get more on ...
Research Methodology: Two Types Of Research Methodology
1.4 Research Methodology This section is mainly about the study of the method that will be used to
examine the research problem. Method acts as a tool or instrument for measuring variable stated in
the objectives or the way of the study being conducted. Once researcher have chosen the scientific
method as the means of inquiry, researcher must make some decisions about how researcher are
going to gather all information (Kenneth & Bruce, 2005). There are two types of research method
can be used to collect data either quantitative method or qualitative method. The term of quantitative
research is numerical in nature and can be mathematically computed. Quantitative data measure uses
different scales, which can be classified as nominal scale, ordinal scale, interval scale and ... Show
more content on ...
The study of social fact influenced by many variables, thus qualitative research method is the best
measure to conduct this research. The term refer to any type of qualitative research study that
produces findings not arrived by the way of statistical procedures or other means of quantification
(Strauss & Corbin, 1990). The qualitative method, naturalistic approach is use to observe and
interpret reality with the purpose of developing a theory that will explain what was experienced. The
qualitative examination reflect some type of individual phenomenological point of view. Douglas
(1976) and Greertz (1973) believe that numerous substances exist and various elucidation are
accessible from distinctive people that are all similarly legitimate. Reality is a social construct. If
one function from this perspective, how one conducts the study and what decision a researcher
makes from a study are extensively not quite the same as those a scientist originating from a
quantitative position (Isadore & Carolyn,
... Get more on ...
Evaluation Of A Research Methodology Essay
Chapter 3
Research Methodology
Overview of the Research Methodology Action research is the most suitable process to use in order
to address this research problem. The researcher needs a solution that's reliable to use and
appropriate to administer in a classroom setting. The issue, although prevalent throughout the
district, is still unique in the parameters of this fourth grade class. It is not the goal of the researcher
to generalize their findings to a large population, but instead to meet the needs and weaknesses of a
single group of students with which the researcher interacts with regularly.
Proposed Research Design The researcher will use action research to collect both quantitative and
qualitative data. The main objective of this research is to positively affect students ability to solve
word–problems effectively and efficiently. Therefore, the quantitative data will measure their
growth from before and after intervention. The qualitative data will gather students' responses
regarding the benefits of using/reusing taught methods. In addressing the first research question
(How effective are language–focused techniques at improving 4th grade students' understanding of
math word problems?), empirical data will serve as evidence. To answer the second research
question (What are the perceived benefits in 4th grade students using a graphic organizer/visual
support as a strategy in solving math word problems?), students will submit an anonymous survey
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Research Methodology: Research Methodology
Chapter 3– Research Methodology
This chapter will explain the key factors , variables and relationship among theories. It will also
present detailed idea about how the research will be done. This will include the Research design,
research strategy , data collection methods and data analysis. At the end of this chapter validity and
reliability issues will be discussed to follow the quality standards of the research. Research includes
any gathering data, information and facts for the advancement of knowledge.
3.2 Research Design
The research design is the knowledge acquire, strategies and method that will lead to the research
approach which are Qualitative, Quantitative research or Mixed (Creswell 2003). Each approach has
its benefits and detriments and is more suitable to answering certain kinds of questions.
Qualitative Research ... Show more content on ...
It is generally done in interviews, open–ended questions or focus groups. Generally, there is a small
number of participants that participate in this type of research because these type of research takes
time and need many resources. Interviews can vary from being highly structured and guided by
open–ended questions or be less structured and take the form of conversational interviews.
As there are few number of participants and as it costs so much for this type of research , the result
from a Qualitative Research cannot be generalized to the whole population. Nevertheless, these type
of research serves as a spring board for larger studies and deeper understanding that can inform
theory , practice and specific situations.
It also uses strategies of inquiry such as narratives, phenomenology, ethnography, grounded theory
studies or case studies. The researcher collects open–ended , emerging data with the primary intent
of developing themes from the data (Creswell 2003).
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Research Methodology For The Field Of Exploration
Research Methodology
The introduction drives the reader from a general branch of knowledge to a specific field of
exploration. It sets up the connection and essentialness of the exploration summarizing the current
observation and foundation data about the theme, expressing the reason for the work as the
examination issue bolstered by a theory or an arrangement of inquiries, quickly clarifying the
methodological methodology used to inspect the exploration issue, highlighting the potential results
your study can uncover, and plotting the remaining structure of the paper. The opening passage of
your paper will give your readers their underlying impressions about the rationale of your
contention, you 're composing style, the ... Show more content on ...
Methods and Procedure
The methods and procedure area portrays the method of reasoning for the utilization of particular
methodology or systems used to distinguish, select, and break down data connected to
comprehension the exploration issue, in this way, permitting the reader to fundamentally assess a
study 's general legitimacy and unwavering quality. This segment of a research paper answers two
fundamental inquiries: How was the information gathered or created? Also, how was it examined?
The composition ought to be immediate and exact and constantly written in the previous strained.
Design and Results
This section enlightens the reader particularly regarding the configuration of the study–the way to
deal with information gathering, examination and report composing. There are two types of designs
1. Quantitative research
2. Qualitative research
Quantitative research
Quantitative research underline target estimations and the factual, scientific, or numerical
examination of information gathered through surveys, polls, and reviews, or by controlling previous
measurable information utilizing computational methods. Quantitative research concentrates on
social occasion numerical information and summing it up crosswise over gatherings of individuals
or to clarify a specific marvel. Once the information is gone into the spreadsheet, breaking down
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Research Methodology And Quantitative Research
This section of the study will outline the selected research methodology and the justification for
these selections. The key aim of this chapter is to elucidate the various methods of research, the
chosen one, the rationale of the chosen methodology and importantly how it appropriately suite the
research. It is first essential to start the difference between qualitative and quantitative research to
determine which method is best appropriate for this study. The data collection method will be
properly outlined, clearly stating the advantages and drawbacks.
Qualitative and Quantitative Research
Several academics have attempted to ascertain the differences between qualitative research and
quantitative research. Hair et al. (2007) for example emphasized the main differences stating that
quantitative data are measurement in which numbers are used directly to represent the
characteristics of something, thus, the number related records lends itself to statistical analysis.
While qualitative data represents descriptions of things that are made without assigning numbers
directly. This method is architecture to facilitate better understanding of people, understand the
culture and social perspective of people (Myers, 2009). The following differences were emphasized
by Saunders et al. (2009) and Hair et al. (2007):
Quantitative Approach Qualitative Approach
Based on meanings derived from numbers Based on meanings expressed through words
Collection results in numerical and standardized
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Evaluation Of A Research Methodology
Overview of the Research Methodology
This research methodology is an action plan because the researcher is trying to create a
improvement plan in her own school. This will be working with at–risk and special education
students in the math classroom and ways to better serve those students using differentiated
instruction and technology to help lessen the educational gaps those students have and to raise MAP
Proposed Research Design
The proposed research plan will include two classrooms of at–risk and special education students
math classes. Incorporating technology and researched based instruction to help increase MAP
scores and student understanding. The instruments used will be pre– and post tests, MAP scores for
the year, informal daily bell ringer and teacher responses. This unit will take one quarter to complete
and will help in looking at further instruction in math for these students in years to come. Because of
the small sampling and that it is based in one school an action methodology is the best fit.
Sampling Techniques
The sampling pool includes two sections of Math 1.5, consisting of 18 students in one class and 13
in the other. All participating students were placed in Math 1.5 by either teacher placement, MAP
scores or IEP requirements. Of of the 31 students, 18 are boys and 13 are girls. The school district
has a high population of Native Americans so culture is an issue in this class. Nine of the students
came from the local reservation
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Qualitative Research Methodology
Methodology of research indicates the general pattern for organizing the procedure for the empirical
study together with the method of obtaining valid and reliable data for problem under
Research methods refer to the technique used to structure a study and to gather and analyze
information in a systematic fashion.37
Research methods involves the steps, procedures and strategies for gathering and analyzing data in a
The present study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on
knowledge regarding management of selected obstetric emergencies among the Final Year GNM
Students of selected school of Nursing, Belgaum, Karnataka.
This chapter deals with the different steps that were undertaken by the investigator for gathering and
analyzing the data. The various steps involved in this study are as follows:
1. Research approach
2. Research design
3. Research setting
4. Variables
5. Population.
6. Sample and sampling technique
7. Description of the tool
8. Validity and reliability of the tool
9. Pilot study
10. Procedure for data collection
11. Collection and plan for data analysis.
Research approach:
Research approaches indicate the procedures for conducting the study.71
An evaluative approach was adopted in this study as the researcher implemented an intervention in
order to achieve the research objectives.
Evaluative research is the process of collecting and analyzing information relating to
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Description And Rationale Of Research Methodologies
A. Description and rationale of research methodologies The focus of my research relied on
numerous different sources, including surveys of the city, interviewing the manager, questioning the
employees while asking them to fill out a survey. I used various resources to obtain my information
using surveys, interviews, and questioning the employees of the store. The primary goal of the
survey was to enhance my understanding of the imperative issues they face when trying to motivate
them to work hard. In other words, I tried to understand how the workers viewed management and
analyze the different ways I can inspire them to be more productive.
Forms of Research Goals of Research
Secondary 1. Gather background information on the store's services and operations. 2. Gain insight
into the current market segments and growing sectors of the population, along with generational
data. 3. Find out what customers and the market think about the store's current state.
Primary 1. Information about the store's current productivity enhancing program, target market, and
other basic yet necessary numerical and qualitative data to develop a conception of the current state
of the store 2. Find out the manager's opinion on employee engagement strategies and how it affects
the stores productivity. 3. What customers and current employees think of the management and find
possible ways to create a more productive environment for the employees to work in.
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Research Methodology : Research Methods
3. Research Methodology
3.1 Introduction
This chapter will focus on the research methods application and explain why use these research
methods to accomplish this case study. This study was used the qualitative method to collect various
data in order to get more depth and comprehensive information to explore the questions of this
study. The qualitative method mainly used in exploratory research on objectives, it can be used to
obtain potential causes, ideas, and motivations. Furthermore, the qualitative method can also provide
more in–depth problem–solving methods and explore new ideas in objectives of the study (Cohen,
3.2 Primary research: Questionnaire and Interview
Primary research is the method that obtain the first–hand data from experiments and investigation. It
contains several different methods such as questionnaire, interviews and surveys (Blaxter, 2006).
Due to changes in China 's luxury consumption is from the beginning of 2014, there are only a few
secondary sources can be found on the Internet. Therefore, this study has mainly focused on gather
first–hand information and resources on the analysis of changes in China 's luxury consumption.
In the questionnaire part, by the time of Easter holidays, I went back to China to do this research. I
have created 120 copies of the questionnaire in order to collect more information from different age,
sex, and occupation, region, and education Chinese consumers. The primary research has conducted
in two major
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The Theory Of The Research Methodology
Chapter 4: Research Methodology
4.1 Introduction
This chapter will focus on the theory of the research methodology that has been chosen to achieve
the aims and objectives of the project. The purpose of this section of the research is to discuss the
reasoning behind the methods chosen and explain the advantages and disadvantages of each.
4.2 Research Objectives
Review of the five main research objectives:
To examine the extent to which LLC and sustainable design are being effectively utilised in the
construction industry today.
To investigate the methodology and limitations of LLC and identify why it is not used more broadly
within the industry.
To highlight the importance of maintenance and operational costs and how they can provide a basis
for creating a more sustainable LLC tool.
To analyse whether life cycle costing can be used effectively for reducing the environmental impact
of construction projects.
To construct a set of recommendations and decisive conclusions to help support the use of life cycle
costing as a tool for sustainable design.
4.3 Methods of Research
In the process of ascertaining an appropriate research method suitable for data collection, an
evaluation into the two primary methods of research will be conducted to ensure the most suited
approach is chosen. Qualitative and Quantitative methods are the primary classifications for
research. Quantitative research adopts a scientific approach, where initial focus is on theory and
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Research – Methodology And Ethics

  • 1. Research ‚Äì Methodology and Ethics RESEARCH – METHODOLOGY AND ETHICS This essay attempts to identify and sum up two research methods (Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods), assess their relative strengths and weaknesses and explain how two ethical issues arise from research. Qualitative and Quantitative research approaches are two of the various methods used in sociological research. The use of these methods can be very important and can normally produce efficient, realistic and logical results. So what is qualitative research and what is quantitative research? To begin with, we look at the distinctions between the forms of research. Thus, on first consideration, the use of questionnaires as a research technique might be seen as a quantitative strategy, whereas ... Show more content on ... Qualitative descriptions can play the important role of suggesting possible relationships, causes, effects and dynamic processes. Because statistics are not used, but rather qualitative research uses a more descriptive, narrative style, this research might be of particular benefit to the practitioner as she, or he could turn to qualitative reports in order to examine forms of knowledge that might otherwise be unavailable, thereby gaining new insight. Qualitative research adds flesh and blood to social analysis. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods have some similarities, for instance, whilst quantitative research may be mostly used for testing theory, it can also be used for exploring area and generating hypotheses and theory. Similarly qualitative research can be used for testing hypotheses and theories even though it is mostly used for theory generation. Qualitative data often includes quantification, e.g. statements such as more than, less than, most as well as specific numbers, quantitative, i.e. questionnaire approaches can collect qualitative data through open–ended questions. ETHICAL ISSUES IN QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH During the designing of questionnaires and the training of interviewers a number of ethical issues need to be taken into consideration. Respondents have a right to be informed about the nature and purposes of the study and how the information will be used prior to data collection. The issue of anonymity, ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Fundamentals of Research Methodology Fundamentals of Research Methodology Paper Psychology is a discipline which seeks to study the thoughts and actions of men in a scientific way. Science is a marvelous development in the history of human thought. The American Heritage Dictionary defines psychology as the science dealing with the mind, mental and emotional processes, and the science of human behavior. It defines science as systemized knowledge derived from observations and study. Scientific study is a way of understanding life and developing theories based on what is observed (Simonton, 2009). Psychologists develop theories and conduct psychological research to answer questions about behavior and mental processes that impact individuals and society. ... Show more content on ... Although quantitative research is an integral part of doing research; qualitative research explores the processes that underlie human behavior using interviews, surveys, case studies, and other personal techniques (Salkind, 2009). Its general purpose is to examine human behavior in the social, cultural, and political contexts in which they occur. Qualitative research can be powerful and appropriate non–experimental way to explore an academic question rigorously, as when additional context is needed to explain phenomenon missed by quantitative research methods. When properly performed, qualitative research projects add to the body of knowledge on their subjects and make the researcher well informed (Salkind, 2009). Qualitative research deals with descriptions and data that can be observed, but not measured. It explores items such as textures, colors, smells, tastes, and appearances and is obsessed with the quality of the item. Its goal is to describe the meaning, rather than drawing statistical inferences. What these experiments lose in reliability, they gain in terms of validity; providing a more in–depth and rich description. Quantitative research deals with numbers and data that can be measured. The length, height, speed, time, humidity, cost, age, weight, area and volume are the items quantitative research methods deal with. The quantity of the item is ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Research Methodology : Research On Research Research Methodology Introduction: Introduction in research is the most important section as it gives an overview of the research and the contents of the document to the readers. It should take users from their own lives to the place of the research analysis. Introduction part should give the essential information of why the research topic is important in the field. It should be concise though it does not have any word limits. In general introduction gives the review of the research. It is the best place to tell any assumptions that is there in the research if any. It should define the outline of the research and it should end with research questions which makes reader understand what exactly the research paper is going to achieve. Literature Review: Literature review is briefly summarizing the article which was reviewed. It is more focused on the topic of analysis and how it relates critical analysis in your research work to other research works. To start with literature review, skim the articles to get the idea of research work. Focus on introduction, conclusion and some paragraphs to gather general purpose of the article and based on that group the articles into categories For instance, group them into topics and subtopics. If exact words from the article is taken, citing that sentence with page number is essential. Also the most important part is that the articles should be relevant to the topic of research. Literature review is more about evaluating and integrating the ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Research Methodology For The Research CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Introduction In doing the research, the methodology must be appropriate so that the analysis findings could reach the objective. Research methodology proposed one procedure in order way to be follow to answer all the questions in the research that want to be made. Quoted by Denzin and Lincoln (1994), methodology is a process that related with research objective and data. In the others word, it is early research planning that include the research scope, data collection method, data collection process and data analysis method. For Ranjit (2005), methodology is one of crucial part in research, in order to ensure the research can be done in the systematic way Overall, this chapter will discuss on the research frame and the methodologies used in order to meet the research objectives. Research process been divided into three main parts there are preliminary research part, data collection and last one data analysis. Research Methodologies Research methodology is a way how the research is conducted step by step and in order. There are two methods used for data collection which is the primary data and secondary data. These data can be obtained and used many ways. The data is taken and analyzed in advance to produce a result that we can use for research and future reference. This study will relate to the objective we want to achieve and finding the answer to every objective we seek. In order to successfully achieve the objectives we seek, we must know ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Research Methodologies Introduction The current infrastructure of Air Force Reserve (AFR) medical unit offers various problems and possible solutions for research and study as we continue into the 21st century. However, research methodologies and the availability of information offers opportunities into understanding and gaining knowledge pertaining to leadership, management and the culture as it pertains to the organization. This paper will delve into the qualitative aspect of research methodology and the methods of literature reviews and surveys as tools for gather information, knowledge, cause and effect of hypotheses as they relate to leadership and organizational culture. A discussion of general limitations and research methodology for the final ... Show more content on ... Surveys Another option available for research methodology entails the use of surveys for gathering insightful real time information. The use of surveys, researchers have the availability to develop and gather responses, which either support or disprove hypotheses. Humphrey (2012) administered surveys asking questions about leadership's impact on an organization's culture and climate focusing on transformational leadership tenets. This particular method allowed the researcher to develop and form hypotheses related to the study (Cooper & Schlinder, 2011). Walumbwa and Hartnell (2011) examined the correlation of leadership and employee performance through the method of a survey also involving transformational leadership and an underlying variance. While both research studies entailed sampling of a population through surveys, they each have varying degrees of advantages and disadvantages conducive to their use. The advantages of a survey include: Time– a quicker turnaround offering an opportunity to gather and analyze results Composition– allows for development of questions in relationship to the hypotheses Quantity– the desired amount for sampling, developing a baseline for expected return of surveys However, the disadvantages of surveys include: Distribution– must construct method for distribution ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Research Methodology Used For Research Research Methodology Introduction This chapter discusses the methodology used for this research. Describing type of methodology in research study and define the chosen method and approach for this research. Then, the outline of research strategy used, framework this research conducted and data sources collected to obtain valid and reliable research as the objective determined. Review of Research of Methodology Broadly speaking, there are several purpose of research. It depends on the objective of the research itself. First, research is conducted to get review from existing knowledge. Second, to investigate the problem and existing situation. Third, to provide solutions to problems. Fourth, to explore and analyse more general issues. Next, to construct or create new procedures or systems. After that, to explain new phenomenon. Then, to generate new knowledge. Otherwise, combination of any previous purposes. The purpose of research will determine the suitable method used to get the objective. Type of research In general, research works commonly classified into four categories, namely: exploratory, descriptive, analytical and predictive research (libguides, 2015) . Exploratory research. This type conducted for a problem that has not been clearly defined. It looks for pattern, hypotheses or ideas that can be tested. Can help determine the best research design, data collection method, and selection of the subjects. Used when few or no previous studies exist. Will often ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Disadvantages Of Research Methodology ii. Scientific methodology. This is the type of research methodology which focuses on the use of scientific procedures or methods in research. Kothari. C. R (2004, 10) mentions that, "scientific method implies an objective, logical and systematic method, i.e., a method free from personal bias or prejudice, a method to ascertain demonstrable qualities of a phenomenon capable of being verified, a method wherein the researcher is guided by the rules of logical reasoning, a method wherein the investigation proceeds in an orderly manner and a method that implies internal consistency". Scientific methodology can also be defined as the process of pursuing truth as determined by logical considerations. Scientific methodology tries to achieve the go of research by experimentation, observation, logical arguments from accepted suggestions and combining all these three in changing proportions. iii. Pure research. This type of research involves developing and testing theories and hypotheses that are challenging to the researcher intellectually but may or may not be applied practically at the present time or even in future. The information acquired through pure research is searched for in order to add to the existing body of research methods. Pure or basic research does not necessarily focus on finding answer to specific questions or solve specific problems, it is carried out in order to expand knowledge and review the unknown. It is undertaken out of intellectual curiosity or ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Research Methodology : Mixed And Action Methodology: Mixed and Action MGMT605–1503B–01 Dolores Jackson Williams Colorado Technical University Online Action Research Action research methodology involves societal and psychosomatic research to help researchers to categorize social issues in a group or within the community, by using active participation in the research the group for the express exertion to solve the issues. Action research is in any environment where people will engage in a collective manner and are goal directed. Action research starts with an action theory the primary focus of the theory is to introduce changes brought about by the conjecture of the community, group or organization. Action research relies upon the evident gathered from numerous standpoints, while lending to a more effective strategy to progress a community, organization or groups as a whole. You will gain knowledge through the point of action research application, it involves problem solving as the research progresses a solution will be achieved resulting in your action development plan however, they are not considered irrefutable or unconditional (Miller, G. E. 2003). Goals of action research expansion of specialized practice for ongoing problem solving; developing specified theory of action; improvement within the community through action research. (Greenwood, Whyte, & Harkavy, 1993 Action research process Selecting a focus 1. Clarifying theories Action research starts with an action theory the primary focus of the ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Research Methodology : Research Project RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 1. RESEARCH PARADIGM Stating a knowledge claim means that researchers start a project with certain assumptions about how they will learn and what they will learn during their enquiry. These claims might be called as paradigms (Lincoln & Guba, 2000; Mertens, 1998); philosophical assumptions, epistemologies, and ontologies (Crotty, 1998); or broadly conceived research methodologies (Neuman, 2000). Philosophically, researchers make claims about what is knowledge (ontology), how we know it (epistemology), what values go into it (axiology), how we write about it (rhetoric), and the processes for studying it (methodology) (Creswell, 1994). The researcher brings to the choice of a research design assumptions about the knowledge in claims. In addition, operating at more applied level are strategires of inquiry or traditions of inquiry (Creswell, 1998) or methodologies (Mertens, 1998) that provide specific direction of procedures in research design. QUANTITATIVE QUALITATIVE MIXED METHODS 1.Experimental designs Narratives Sequential 2.Non–experimental designs such as surveys Phenomenologies Concurrent Ethnographies Transformative Grounded theory Case studies Table: Alternative stratagies of inquiry 2. APPROACHES TO RESEARCH This section highlights the main aspects of Research design whereby research approaches and their associated methods are explored in depth. 2.1 Quantitative approach A quantitative approach is generally applied in the testing or ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Key Research Methodology, Concepts, And Terms Module 1 – Review of Key Research Methodology, Concepts and Terms Hi Everyone, Welcome to the first module! This power point reviews research methodology, concepts, and terms that you learned in your undergraduate Introduction to Research Methodology and Statistics. The presented material provides you with a foundation for learning more sophisticated concepts and statistical techniques. While the power point is helpful, it does not replace reading the textbook. Also, there are quiz questions embedded in the power point to test your understanding of the material and to prepare you to complete your homework assignments. If you have any questions, reread your textbook. If you continue to have questions, please feel free to post your question ... Show more content on ... Dependent. d. Mediating. Power point 11 If you are having trouble understanding this variable, you are exactly where you are supposed to be. Hopefully, my explanation will help you! A mediating variable explains the relationship between the two other variables. As an example, let's consider the relation between social class (SES) and frequency of breast self–exams (BSE). Age might be a moderator variable, in that the relation between SES and BSE could be stronger for older women and less strong or nonexistent for younger women. Education might be a mediator variable in that it explains why there is a relation between SES and BSE. When you remove the effect of education, the relation between SES and BSE disappears. Power point 12 While researchers will never state that one variable caused another variable to occur, as there are so many variables to consider in social science research. However, we do use the term 'causal relationship' or cause and effect relationship', where the cause has to precede the effect and the relationship cannot be explained by any other factors that are being considered. Power point 13 Here's an overview of the different types of variables and their functions. Power point ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Research Methodology And The Execution Of Slr 2. Research Method This section provides an overview research method i.e. systematic literature review (SLR) used in thesis research; it describes the research methodology, the design and the execution of SLR. 2.1 Overview of Systematic Literature Review This section of chapter was to thoroughly define and go through systematic literature review research method. 2.1.1 Definition Kitchenham and Charters (2007) proposed that systematic literature review has been a widespread research methodology since 1990s, but it was initiated by medical research where number of well documented standards has evidently showed its use. While, since the year 2004, systematic reviews are also performed by many software engineering researchers and number of important engineering conferences also seek submissions in this research category. In addition to this many popular journals and magazines have distinct section for papers, which are also based on this research methodology. (Kitchenham & Charters, 2007) According to Kitchenham, "A systematic literature review (often referred to as a systematic review) is a means of identifying, evaluating and interpreting all available research relevant to a particular research question, or topic area, or phenomenon of interest" (p.8). The fundamental study of the systematic literature review is known as primary studies, and the systematic literature itself is known as a form of secondary study. 2.1.2 Adopting the Systematic Literature Review There ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Disadvantages Of Qualitative Research Methodology Research Methodology Assignment topic: What you can and can't do with qualitative research? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of qualitative research. Assignment Submitted by : Shahid Manjur Rahman G2013BAMA50 5TH SEMESTER Research: Research is a process through which systematic investigation is done in order to acquire new facts , information and end up with new conclusions. We can classify research as qualitative research and quantitative research. Qualitative research: Qualitative research is a very subjective form of research which has different methods of collecting data, which specially focuses on having in–depth interviews of individuals and targeted groups. According to the well known researchers Denzin ... Show more content on ... Because qualitative research is conversational , it is important for data collectors to maintain clear boundaries between what they are told by participants and what they convey to the participants. Keeping a proper record of so is problematic for the researcher . Consequently the data may get manipulated. Advantages of qualitative research: 1. Through qualitative research a researcher can seek to explore phenomena in depth and detail. 2. In qualitative research more flexible instruments are used. It has an iterative style of eliciting and categorizing responses to questions. 3. With the help of qualitative research one can describe variations, relationships, individual experiences among groups and describe group norms. 4. As the set of questions can be open ended we can have a more comprehensive study about the subject. Interviews are not limited to particular questions and can be redirected or guided by researchers in real time. 5. Some aspects of the study are flexible. 6. The issues and subjects covered can be evaluated in depth and in detail. 7. The data in qualitative research are more convincing , compelling and powerful as compared to the data gathered through quantitative research as the data of qualitative depends on human experience
  • 24. ... Get more on ...
  • 25.
  • 26. Research Methodologies Research Methodologies In selecting a research methodology, researchers must approach the subject matter with consideration of that which is desired as a data outcome. In light of this, the most commonly used methodologies are quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods. The quantitative study is usually defined so as a result of a clearly delineated range of numerical scales, sets or representations designed to concretely define the findings of the resultant research. By its hypothesis and its methodology, this study will be required to employ a process which is geared toward empirically defensible findings. The determinism of numerical evaluation is widely considered less vulnerable to individual biases unless it can be deduced that such bias informed the composition of the equation methodology. Qualitative analysis essentially places a heavier demand upon the involvement of the researcher in designing the frame for data analysis and the manner in which this analysis is carried out. This means that the qualitative research must plumb through a considerable amount of research and data in order to whittle down observational findings to a set of relevant and useful resolutions. And indeed, after the processes of observation and information gathering, it can be both time–consuming and intellectually taxing to reduce these findings to the most meaningful and relevant indicators available. This difficulty is further intensified by the inherently complicated task of clearly ... Get more on ...
  • 27.
  • 28. Qualitative Research Methodology Methodology for the Research Paper La'Brittani Poole–James Dr. Lee Grambling State University 07/16/2017 Qualitative research is exact research where the information is not as numbers. Qualitative researchers study things in their natural settings, make sense of, or interpreting information. My research paper is about children with mental health illnesses. Qualitative research on my paper would be the research that I found that on my topic from creditable sites that consisted of data with no numbers included. Kevin Browne stated, "There is continuing debate on the extent of the effects of media violence on children and young people, and how to investigate these effects. The aim of this review is to consider the research evidence from a public–health perspective. A search of published work revealed five meta–analytic reviews and one quasi–systematic review, all of which were from North America. There is consistent evidence that violent imagery in television, film and video, and computer games has substantial short–term effects on arousal, thoughts, and emotions, increasing the likelihood of aggressive or fearful behavior in younger children, especially in boys. The evidence becomes inconsistent when considering older children and teenagers, and long–term outcomes for all ages. The multifactorial nature of aggression is emphasized, together with the methodological difficulties of showing causation. Nevertheless, a small but significant association is shown ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Chapter 3: Research Methodology Research Methodology Is Chapter 3: Research Methodology Research methodology is the process used to collect information and data for the purpose of making business decisions. Primary Research, Justification and Biases Primary research is the experiments, investigations, or tests carried out to acquire data first–hand, rather than being gathered from published sources. However primary research is costly, time consuming, sometimes the feed backs are inaccurate and the number of resources are required The methodology may include publication research, interviews, surveys and other research techniques, and could include both present and historical information. I will apply primary research because it addresses targeted issues. Data interpretation is also better. ... Show more content on ... Issues can be examined in detail and in depth. These advantages of qualitative research include interviews which are not restricted to specific questions and can be redirected by the researcher in real time. Also research framework and direction can be quickly revised as new information emerges. The data based on customer service experience that is obtained is powerful and sometimes more compelling than quantitative data. Justification and Biases A still common rhetorical device used to present what is generally referred to as qualitative research to audiences unfamiliar with it is to compare it to what is generally referred to as quantitative research Eakin & Mykhalovskiy (2005). In such comparisons, qualitative research tends to be presented as what it is not and as less than; as, for example, less mathematically precise and as producing findings that are not generalizable. Quantitative Data that can be quantified and verified, and is amenable to statistical manipulation. Using Quantitative is an advantage for the researcher to measure and analyse data, and research studied is studied in detail.Quantitative research can test experiments because it can measure data using statistics.However the disadvantage of quantitative is that the context of the study is ignored and also the research does not happen in a natural setting or they don 't discuss the meaning of things with ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Four Research Methodologies MGMT606–1301A–05 Professor: Robert Smith Graduate Research Methods Phase 3 Discussion Board Research Methodologies 01/29/2013 Being in this business as a researcher, you must stay focus at all times, and at this time we must concentrate on the design strategies for each of the research methodologies. It must include everything that can help to produce a positive research, elements of inquiry, research approaches, and overall design of the research being conducted. We have to determine all the different types of research methodologies that are used in doing research. We must realize the importance of integrating the different method types so that we can continue to construct precise, decisive, and fitting data. As we get into the ... Show more content on ... Observation methods can be seen as being structured or unstructured, disguised or undisguised and also natural or contrived. The major methods that are connected with observation contain personal or robotic observation. Dealing with matter, audit, and trace analysis, just like surveys, there are both advantages and disadvantages to retaining observational methodology. Researchers also collect Quantitative data thru the use of experimental design, actually, Casual Design surrounding investigation are suitable for supposing cause–and–effect relationship. Experimentations have restrictions in relations of time, cost, and administration, but they are rapidly becoming progressively popular in marketing. Casual is most suitable to consider when developing research projects for the organization and allowing experiments. On the other hand determining a research design concurrently decides the types of data that can be attained. In doing casual design, there are two types of data operated in resolving the research problem, primary data and secondary data. Primary data is collected specifically to deal with the problem at hand and can either be qualitative and quantitative in character. Secondary data in additionally are data that were collected for other functions, the researcher should then ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Essay on Research Methodology 3. Methodology: 3.1 Introduction: The study for this thesis will be exploratory research using secondary data collected by the communication agency, MESH Planning. The agency developed an innovative approach called 'real–time experience tracking', which involves three stages of data collection. And both qualitative and quantitative data will be collected and used in this context in order to get an insight of critical incidents. This section will start with a comparison of three possible methodologies for data collection: ethnography, survey (or interview) and real time experience tracking. And then sampling and data collection methods will be examined followed by a description of data analysis. 3.2 Research approach selection: ... Show more content on ... They are much cheaper than ethnography with a greater effectiveness, however, all of these interviews or surveys were based on the retrospective data, respondents answered the questions by their memory and the issue may happened for a long time. There could be a great influence on the quality of data since the ability of respondent to recall information differed from one to another and some incorrect information often occurred (Baker, 2003). The third approach considered in this study is the real–time experience tracking developed by MESH planning. This is an approach to record 360–degree touchpoints of brand by respondents in real time. There are three stages of data collection. The first stage uses the pre–online questionnaire to collect information about brand health and relationship quality. The third stage uses the same questions to ask respondents' perception after brand encounters in order to identify any change. While the second stage for data collection is the most crucial process in the approach. Respondents are asked to send SMS message to report any brand encounter via mobile phones. And the online diary also helped to expand these experiences (Willis et al 2010). Meanwhile, for identifying the CIs, weekly questionnaire will be sent to respondents about the CIs happened in the past week. The approach offers a holistic view to track customer experience as well as identifying critical incidences. The real–time tracking approach enabled to identify a ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Research Methodology For Research Design 3.1 Introduction This chapter presents the research methodology employed in this thesis in respect of the research objectives by ensuring the application of the appropriate methodology. Among other things the research design, population, sampling procedures and sample size, data collection technique and research instrument were discussed. Finally, the data analysis and research limitations were looked at. . 3.2 Research design Research design constitutes the entire strategy for data collection including the specific data analysis techniques or methods the researcher intends to use. Three major approaches are mostly considered by researcher during research methodology. These are quantitative, qualitative or mixed approaches. However, Ghauri et al. (1995) maintained that quantitative and qualitative methods are two types of research methods mostly used by researchers. According to Bryman& Bell (2007), the quantitative method entails systematic empirical studies which involve quantifying through the assistance of mathematics and statistics. Data is collected and transformed into numbers which are empirically tested to see if a relationship can be found in order to be able to draw conclusions from the results gained. On the other hand, qualitative research does not rely on statistics or numbers rather qualitative research often refers to case studies where the collection of information can be received from a few studying objects. According to Biggam (2008) quantitative ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Quantitative And Qualitative Research Methodology Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methodology Comparison Research, as defined by Merriam Webster, is "the activity of getting information about a subject" (Research, n.d.). When looking at the research process there are two main approaches for gathering information; qualitative and quantitative approaches. The qualitative approach focuses on describing information in a deep thought provoking manner. Adversely, the quantitative approach focuses on information from a larger number of people and applies statistical techniques to recognize patterns in the data ("Organizing," n.d.). In the educational setting, principals are the leaders of the school. Principals need to develop teachers, create a safe and productive work environment, and try to impact student achievement. Great principals search for new and inventive ways to make their school thrive. Research provides principals opportunities to better understand problems and changes in the school setting. Using research–based data, principals can help promote student and teacher success in the educational setting. Qualitative and Quantitative Research methods The article "Involving Young People in Changing Their School Environment to Make It Safer" draws upon qualitative research to explore the process of involving teachers and students in student action groups. The article draws on the qualitative process by using semi–structured interviews with a small sample of students and staff members (Fletcher, Fitzgerald–Yau, ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. Research Methodology RESEARCH METHODOLOGY S. Rajasekar School of Physics, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli – 620 024, Tamilnadu, India∗ P. Philominathan Department of Physics, Sri AVVM Pushpam College, Poondi, Thanjavur – 613 503, Tamilnadu, India V. Chinnathambi Department of Physics, AKGS Arts College, Srivaikundam – 628 619, Tamilnadu, India In this manuscript various components of research are listed and briefly discussed. The topics considered in this write–up cover a part of the research methodology paper of Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) course and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) course. The manuscript is intended for students and research scholars of science subjects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, statistics, biology and computer ... Show more content on ... (9) Social research helps find answers to social problems. They explain social phenomena and seek solution to social problems. (10) Research leads to a new style of life and makes it delightful and glorious . Emphasizing the importance of research Louis Pasteur said "I beseech you to take interest in these sacred domains called laboratories. Ask that there be more and that they be adorned for these are the temples of the future, wealth and well–being. It is here that humanity will learn to read progress and individual harmony in the works of nature, while humanity's own works are all too often those of babarism, fanaticism and destruction." (Louis Paster – article by S.Mahanti, Dream 2047, p.29–34 (May 2003)). In order to know what it means to do research one may read scientific autobiographies like Richard Feynmann's "Surely you are joking, Mr.Feynmann!", Jim Watson's "The double helix", "Science as a way of life – A biography of C.N.R. Rao" by Mohan Sundararajan, etc. C. Importance of Research Research is important both in scientific and nonscientific fields. In our life new problems, events, phenomena and processes occur every day. Practically implementable solutions and suggestions are required for tackling new problems that arise. Scientists have to undertake research on them and find
  • 41. their causes, solutions, explanations and applications. Precisely, research assists us to understand nature ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Methodology: Research Approach 3.0 Research methodology Methodology refers to a system of methods used in a particular area of study or activity. It is not a formula but a set of practices which can be used to conduct a research approach, research method, questionnaire design, sample size, primary research, secondary data, and others. For the purpose of doing methodology and explain about the research flow and also the lastly most important things which is to showed the capability of the research flows. 3.1 Research Approach Research approach towards the plans and where the procedures towards the research that span the process from the broad assumptions to the detailed methods of the data collection, analysis and the interpretation. Research Approach has two kinds of sorts ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Research And Methodology : Keyword 's Methodologies And... Chapter 3: Research & Methodology This chapter outlines the Keyword's methodologies and focus in more detail and discusses the related concepts and forms of EA. This chapter explains the methodologies and the way that study going to find out the better answers for thesis's questions. Due to rapid economic rise of China and followed by that of India and as one of the major fixed asset formation sectors and cornerstone industries in the national economic system of these 2 countries, the building sector is undergoing rapid development hence, this study is going to show the impacts of C&D on Environment. If we walk through the complex road systems in different cities, in China and India you would see many buildings are under construction ... Show more content on ... This thesis assesses the cost for Chinese urban residential construction projects(The project is a residential building with reinforced concrete framework) using projections of urbanisation rates, building size and construction quality. Chinese urban residential construction is expected to remain at elevated levels for the next couple of decades, but growth will undoubtedly decrease. As the urbanisation process winds down and as improvements in building quality become more incremental, construction is expected to peak in 2017 and fall back below current levels sometime around 2030. This study is dependent upon a number of assumptions. The rate of dollar is same for constriction period , the fuel and co2 emitted from transporting material to the construction site has been ignored , because it happens before the first process (A process) of this study, however there are upside risks as well. The evolution of floor space per capita is quite uncertain. Construction project performance has traditionally been calculated in terms of time, cost, quality and quantity. Lately, environment has been considered the fourth dimension and construction organisations have been discussed to adopt EA systems. This study focuses on forth dimension more frequently than other dimensions, in order to improve their environmental ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Research Methodology Of The Research Approach This chapter outlines an overview of the research approach adopted in the study as well as the research methodology and the practical approach adopted to achieve the set objectives of the study. In addition, it also highlights the data collection methods, ethical considerations, and data analysis. Case studies will be used as a research strategy as they are distinguished by their ability to investigate a phenomenon which, in this case, will be the upgrading heritage buildings through sustainable designs and construction. The chapter also rationalizes the sampling approaches and the research methods used for collecting the data in the case studies. To achieve the objectives, data for this study will be collected using two qualitative research methods: document analysis and semi– structured interviews which were used to give a scholarly definition of the term "sustainable adaptation to heritage sites and buildings" which is part of the objectives. The chapter also looks at the qualitative analysis techniques which will be used to analyze the data. 3.2 Research approach The difference between qualitative and quantitative research is basically a methodological issue and the researcher's decision to choose a specific research approach should be based on its suitability to answer the established research questions (Bryman, 1992). A qualitative approach according to (Creswell, 2003) should be a logical subjective approach and should be able to describe experiences and ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Research Methodology For Research Methods Essay Survey research methods are one of the most widely used research methods in education. This non– experimental, quantitative research design is most often used to gather information about the subject's attitude, beliefs, opinions, or similar types of information (McMillian & Schumacher, 2010). With this method, the researcher selects a sample of subjects and either administers a questionnaire or conducts interviews to collect data from the subjects. There are several benefits to using surveys in educational research. First of all, the researcher can gather information from a small group of subjects (the sample), but apply the results to a larger number of people (the population). Additionally, many educational researchers choose survey methods because of the versatility, efficiency and generalizability that surveys provide (Schutt, 1996). Surveys are versatile, because they have been used in many different areas of educational research. They are also very cost–efficient and, for the most part, do not require the time that most other methods do. This makes them popular among researchers. As previously mentioned, the researcher can gather data from a small group of subjects instead of the entire population, but generalize the results to the population. This, in itself, is a huge benefit when sample generalizability is a goal. Important Considerations for Survey Research Design Although survey research design is the most widely used in educational research, it is not the only ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Compare different research methodologies for health and... P3: Compare different research methodologies for health and social care. In this assignment I will be comparing the different types of research methodologies for health and social care. INTERVIEWS: Interviews are usually taken for people when they are looking for jobs or looking places in college and universities. There are many advantages of interviews, one being that they will be able to get good information and some data, also they will develop their communication skills too when talking to the other individual. However there are also many weaknesses such as, time consuming, the person being interviewed could be lying and also the questions may not be clear. Another weakness is that there could be a language barrier between the two ... Show more content on ... This method includes the observer not being part of the group and just watching from a far distance. The advantage of this method is that the observer may get some good data as they are observing closely. Easier to record data as you are not participating, also it is very cheap and simple. However, the disadvantages are that you may not get as much data as you are not a part of the discussions so you may not get a lot of information as you would like. BOOKS: Books are in formation written down by people. They can be written down as knowledge or real life stories. The advantages form getting information and writing data from a book is that you will find out a lot of information that you didn't already know. Also you will extend you knowledge by reading. However, the information may not be accurate and could be false. Another weaknesses form getting information books is that it is also quite time consuming looking for the answers and information when reading a book. WEBSITES: This method is another way to get data from. Websites are also very good because they can find you reliable information about any topic you want to gain knowledge from. However a disadvantage for websites is that they could contain false information. Another advantage is that there are wide ranges of ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Report : Report On Research Methodology Report on Research Methodology 1. Introduction: An introduction is the first step towards framing a technical paper and it plays a key role in explaining to the readers what exactly the report is about. An introduction should start with a brief introduction about the title and followed by explanation of the basic and important concept in that research paper in short and then follows the problem description. An introduction is just an outline of the research paper. The problem which is identified should be always related to the title of the technical paper, this is done to avoid deviation from the topic. Introduction in a research paper is the complex part to frame as it is the outline and first view of the topic to the readers. Entire ... Show more content on ... So, the method section is used to explain all those techniques, tools that are discussed in those research papers. Categorizing the various techniques, steps that are explained in the research paper in a readable and understandable manner is called procedures. It can be better explained as the step by step process of an experiment, how it was started and how the process follows. Some research topics results in browsing for more related research papers which might be difficult to categorize. In this situation, procedures helps to prioritize those information's of various research papers. Methods and procedures are the significant part of the research paper. 4. Design and Results: Design in the research paper is the section were the entire flow of steps or the procedures followed and the tools are explained in detail with the help of pictures or flowcharts. It is the most mandatory part of a research paper and it is the core of the technical paper. And the result section is the sensitive part of a technical paper because it is the area where the final outcome is discussed. Some readers might scan the introduction and they will directly switch to results section to view the outcome and if they are satisfied they might wish to read the full technical paper. Result section should be detailed and understandable. It should clearly explain how the problem is solved in step by step manner. 5. ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Methodology Involves Qualitative Research 4.2 Choose an appropriate methodology in terms of the research question Research methodology generally involves qualitative research or quantitative research, or a mixture of both. A quantitative research methodology involves the analysis of data collected from a large number of surveys or interviews. On the other hand, methodologies for qualitative research often involve using surveys or interviews to collect information about people – their attitudes, experiences and behaviors. The Methodology that will be used in terms of the research question will be the qualitative research which involves a phenomenological perspective. The researcher aims to evaluate the meaning of events for people in particular situations, the characteristic of qualitative research are as follows. Interview – ... Show more content on ... Methodology and methods– This section includes a clear justification for the chosen methodology and research method. The length and depth of the research depends on the objective of the researcher and the information he or she is trying to convey to the readers. Recording findings– This section depend solely on the methodology used by the researcher, if the researcher use a quantitative method survey, then the researcher will record the finding using table, graphs, pie charts and associated statistics. If the researcher conducts a qualitative research then this section will consist of descriptive prose containing lengthy questionnaires etc. Format– Before the researcher start the research the researcher have to find out whether or not the research will be restricted by a particular structure, style and content of the final work. The researcher has to take into consideration the targeted audience, listed below is a traditional format for a research. Title Page Content Page List of illustrations Acknowledgements Abstract/Summary Introduction Background
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  • 58. Evaluation Of A Research Methodology Overview of the Research Methodology Provide an overview of your methodological approach. Detailed discussions will appear in later sections. Research Questions What is the effect of using new technology to teach stock investments in a personal finance class on student's test scores and investment portfolio? Through my action research I want to be able to show that teaching students about stock investments using new technology will enhance student learning and lead to higher results on an assessment. How does the stock investment unit affect the student's perspectives of investing in stocks? Through a survey I will find out how students perspectives change before and after the unit. How did this unit affect the likelihood that you ... Show more content on ... Some students were enrolled in the class to meet their financial requirement, while others that have already met the requirement, and are taking the class as an elective. The students that are taking it as an elective do so for a variety of reasons. Some students plan on going into business in college or are genuinely interested in personal finance. Some students are just taking the class because their friends are taking it too or because their guidance counselors put them in the class to fill their schedule. The class is open to students in all grades, however most students are juniors or seniors. There are two freshmen, six sophomores, eighteen juniors, and twenty–eight seniors. The class is broken into two periods; one has 26 students the other has 28. There are 30 males and 24 females in the classes. The students in the class come from a wide variety of socioeconomic status. Eight students in the class are on the free and reduced lunch program. The districts average is about 20%, so the classes in this study are about 6% below the district average. The district does not have information on student's family wealth, several students in the class live in wealthier neighborhoods. In the classes there are 4 students that have IEP plans. Most of these plans allow for additional testing time. Two of the students have the option to take ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Research Methodology Essay The study design and methods chosen to take the same degree, both in real life or experimental research. To learn more, the analysis of the data collection process took place before the start of the process. The size of the choice of design research in line with the research approach to take, be it real life or experimental research. If the experimental research, the design research can be established. This research is about and how it will be done before the standards of a large amount of thought necessary. 3.2 Research process: Learn something for the collection, compilation and dissemination of knowledge is inquiry. We can choose to use quantitative methods, qualitative methods, or simultaneously, ... Show more content on ... Questionnaire a number of line managers to understand when it is important for employees to enable them to achieve their goals is sought. In–depth interviews will be provided with specific staff research their personal experiences within the organization to learn about some of the motivating on. Both methods can be used to manage a single project, or together in splendid isolation. It is important to determine which method best suits the particular needs of each individual study, therefore, compare two different methods for detailed consideration. Methodology adopted in this case is based on qualitative research and is conducted through a survey tool. In this process, research has direct access to the person under investigation and all the expressions and behavior, he is known. While it would be subjective to calculate the behavior of materials under investigation, but in this case, corrective measures and other information, if necessary, you can download and take up directly. As used in this study, a survey to be conducted through a questionnaire prepared for this purpose, but still on the last question is kept open to evaluate the behavior of individuals and more information be provided. Knowledge and emphasis on primary data makes this study reliable and confidant as well. 3.3.1 Qualitative Research Methods: ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Research Methodology: Two Types Of Research Methodology 1.4 Research Methodology This section is mainly about the study of the method that will be used to examine the research problem. Method acts as a tool or instrument for measuring variable stated in the objectives or the way of the study being conducted. Once researcher have chosen the scientific method as the means of inquiry, researcher must make some decisions about how researcher are going to gather all information (Kenneth & Bruce, 2005). There are two types of research method can be used to collect data either quantitative method or qualitative method. The term of quantitative research is numerical in nature and can be mathematically computed. Quantitative data measure uses different scales, which can be classified as nominal scale, ordinal scale, interval scale and ... Show more content on ... The study of social fact influenced by many variables, thus qualitative research method is the best measure to conduct this research. The term refer to any type of qualitative research study that produces findings not arrived by the way of statistical procedures or other means of quantification (Strauss & Corbin, 1990). The qualitative method, naturalistic approach is use to observe and interpret reality with the purpose of developing a theory that will explain what was experienced. The qualitative examination reflect some type of individual phenomenological point of view. Douglas (1976) and Greertz (1973) believe that numerous substances exist and various elucidation are accessible from distinctive people that are all similarly legitimate. Reality is a social construct. If one function from this perspective, how one conducts the study and what decision a researcher makes from a study are extensively not quite the same as those a scientist originating from a quantitative position (Isadore & Carolyn, ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Evaluation Of A Research Methodology Essay Chapter 3 Research Methodology Overview of the Research Methodology Action research is the most suitable process to use in order to address this research problem. The researcher needs a solution that's reliable to use and appropriate to administer in a classroom setting. The issue, although prevalent throughout the district, is still unique in the parameters of this fourth grade class. It is not the goal of the researcher to generalize their findings to a large population, but instead to meet the needs and weaknesses of a single group of students with which the researcher interacts with regularly. Proposed Research Design The researcher will use action research to collect both quantitative and qualitative data. The main objective of this research is to positively affect students ability to solve word–problems effectively and efficiently. Therefore, the quantitative data will measure their growth from before and after intervention. The qualitative data will gather students' responses regarding the benefits of using/reusing taught methods. In addressing the first research question (How effective are language–focused techniques at improving 4th grade students' understanding of math word problems?), empirical data will serve as evidence. To answer the second research question (What are the perceived benefits in 4th grade students using a graphic organizer/visual support as a strategy in solving math word problems?), students will submit an anonymous survey which ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Research Methodology: Research Methodology Chapter 3– Research Methodology This chapter will explain the key factors , variables and relationship among theories. It will also present detailed idea about how the research will be done. This will include the Research design, research strategy , data collection methods and data analysis. At the end of this chapter validity and reliability issues will be discussed to follow the quality standards of the research. Research includes any gathering data, information and facts for the advancement of knowledge. 3.2 Research Design The research design is the knowledge acquire, strategies and method that will lead to the research approach which are Qualitative, Quantitative research or Mixed (Creswell 2003). Each approach has its benefits and detriments and is more suitable to answering certain kinds of questions. Qualitative Research ... Show more content on ... It is generally done in interviews, open–ended questions or focus groups. Generally, there is a small number of participants that participate in this type of research because these type of research takes time and need many resources. Interviews can vary from being highly structured and guided by open–ended questions or be less structured and take the form of conversational interviews. As there are few number of participants and as it costs so much for this type of research , the result from a Qualitative Research cannot be generalized to the whole population. Nevertheless, these type of research serves as a spring board for larger studies and deeper understanding that can inform theory , practice and specific situations. It also uses strategies of inquiry such as narratives, phenomenology, ethnography, grounded theory studies or case studies. The researcher collects open–ended , emerging data with the primary intent of developing themes from the data (Creswell 2003). Quantitative ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Research Methodology For The Field Of Exploration Research Methodology Introduction The introduction drives the reader from a general branch of knowledge to a specific field of exploration. It sets up the connection and essentialness of the exploration summarizing the current observation and foundation data about the theme, expressing the reason for the work as the examination issue bolstered by a theory or an arrangement of inquiries, quickly clarifying the methodological methodology used to inspect the exploration issue, highlighting the potential results your study can uncover, and plotting the remaining structure of the paper. The opening passage of your paper will give your readers their underlying impressions about the rationale of your contention, you 're composing style, the ... Show more content on ... Methods and Procedure The methods and procedure area portrays the method of reasoning for the utilization of particular methodology or systems used to distinguish, select, and break down data connected to comprehension the exploration issue, in this way, permitting the reader to fundamentally assess a study 's general legitimacy and unwavering quality. This segment of a research paper answers two fundamental inquiries: How was the information gathered or created? Also, how was it examined? The composition ought to be immediate and exact and constantly written in the previous strained. Design and Results This section enlightens the reader particularly regarding the configuration of the study–the way to deal with information gathering, examination and report composing. There are two types of designs namely 1. Quantitative research 2. Qualitative research Quantitative research Quantitative research underline target estimations and the factual, scientific, or numerical examination of information gathered through surveys, polls, and reviews, or by controlling previous measurable information utilizing computational methods. Quantitative research concentrates on social occasion numerical information and summing it up crosswise over gatherings of individuals or to clarify a specific marvel. Once the information is gone into the spreadsheet, breaking down ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Research Methodology And Quantitative Research This section of the study will outline the selected research methodology and the justification for these selections. The key aim of this chapter is to elucidate the various methods of research, the chosen one, the rationale of the chosen methodology and importantly how it appropriately suite the research. It is first essential to start the difference between qualitative and quantitative research to determine which method is best appropriate for this study. The data collection method will be properly outlined, clearly stating the advantages and drawbacks. Qualitative and Quantitative Research Several academics have attempted to ascertain the differences between qualitative research and quantitative research. Hair et al. (2007) for example emphasized the main differences stating that quantitative data are measurement in which numbers are used directly to represent the characteristics of something, thus, the number related records lends itself to statistical analysis. While qualitative data represents descriptions of things that are made without assigning numbers directly. This method is architecture to facilitate better understanding of people, understand the culture and social perspective of people (Myers, 2009). The following differences were emphasized by Saunders et al. (2009) and Hair et al. (2007): Quantitative Approach Qualitative Approach Based on meanings derived from numbers Based on meanings expressed through words Collection results in numerical and standardized ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Evaluation Of A Research Methodology Overview of the Research Methodology This research methodology is an action plan because the researcher is trying to create a improvement plan in her own school. This will be working with at–risk and special education students in the math classroom and ways to better serve those students using differentiated instruction and technology to help lessen the educational gaps those students have and to raise MAP scores. Proposed Research Design The proposed research plan will include two classrooms of at–risk and special education students math classes. Incorporating technology and researched based instruction to help increase MAP scores and student understanding. The instruments used will be pre– and post tests, MAP scores for the year, informal daily bell ringer and teacher responses. This unit will take one quarter to complete and will help in looking at further instruction in math for these students in years to come. Because of the small sampling and that it is based in one school an action methodology is the best fit. Sampling Techniques The sampling pool includes two sections of Math 1.5, consisting of 18 students in one class and 13 in the other. All participating students were placed in Math 1.5 by either teacher placement, MAP scores or IEP requirements. Of of the 31 students, 18 are boys and 13 are girls. The school district has a high population of Native Americans so culture is an issue in this class. Nine of the students came from the local reservation ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Qualitative Research Methodology METHODOLOGY Methodology of research indicates the general pattern for organizing the procedure for the empirical study together with the method of obtaining valid and reliable data for problem under investigation.70 Research methods refer to the technique used to structure a study and to gather and analyze information in a systematic fashion.37 Research methods involves the steps, procedures and strategies for gathering and analyzing data in a study.37 The present study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on knowledge regarding management of selected obstetric emergencies among the Final Year GNM Students of selected school of Nursing, Belgaum, Karnataka. This chapter deals with the different steps that were undertaken by the investigator for gathering and analyzing the data. The various steps involved in this study are as follows: 1. Research approach 2. Research design 3. Research setting 4. Variables 5. Population. 6. Sample and sampling technique 7. Description of the tool 8. Validity and reliability of the tool 9. Pilot study 10. Procedure for data collection 11. Collection and plan for data analysis. Research approach: Research approaches indicate the procedures for conducting the study.71 An evaluative approach was adopted in this study as the researcher implemented an intervention in order to achieve the research objectives. Evaluative research is the process of collecting and analyzing information relating to ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Description And Rationale Of Research Methodologies III. RESEARCH METHODS USED IN STUDY A. Description and rationale of research methodologies The focus of my research relied on numerous different sources, including surveys of the city, interviewing the manager, questioning the employees while asking them to fill out a survey. I used various resources to obtain my information using surveys, interviews, and questioning the employees of the store. The primary goal of the survey was to enhance my understanding of the imperative issues they face when trying to motivate them to work hard. In other words, I tried to understand how the workers viewed management and analyze the different ways I can inspire them to be more productive. Forms of Research Goals of Research Secondary 1. Gather background information on the store's services and operations. 2. Gain insight into the current market segments and growing sectors of the population, along with generational data. 3. Find out what customers and the market think about the store's current state. Primary 1. Information about the store's current productivity enhancing program, target market, and other basic yet necessary numerical and qualitative data to develop a conception of the current state of the store 2. Find out the manager's opinion on employee engagement strategies and how it affects the stores productivity. 3. What customers and current employees think of the management and find possible ways to create a more productive environment for the employees to work in. ... Get more on ...
  • 77.
  • 78. Research Methodology : Research Methods 3. Research Methodology 3.1 Introduction This chapter will focus on the research methods application and explain why use these research methods to accomplish this case study. This study was used the qualitative method to collect various data in order to get more depth and comprehensive information to explore the questions of this study. The qualitative method mainly used in exploratory research on objectives, it can be used to obtain potential causes, ideas, and motivations. Furthermore, the qualitative method can also provide more in–depth problem–solving methods and explore new ideas in objectives of the study (Cohen, 2006). 3.2 Primary research: Questionnaire and Interview Primary research is the method that obtain the first–hand data from experiments and investigation. It contains several different methods such as questionnaire, interviews and surveys (Blaxter, 2006). Due to changes in China 's luxury consumption is from the beginning of 2014, there are only a few secondary sources can be found on the Internet. Therefore, this study has mainly focused on gather first–hand information and resources on the analysis of changes in China 's luxury consumption. In the questionnaire part, by the time of Easter holidays, I went back to China to do this research. I have created 120 copies of the questionnaire in order to collect more information from different age, sex, and occupation, region, and education Chinese consumers. The primary research has conducted in two major ... Get more on ...
  • 79.
  • 80. The Theory Of The Research Methodology Chapter 4: Research Methodology 4.1 Introduction This chapter will focus on the theory of the research methodology that has been chosen to achieve the aims and objectives of the project. The purpose of this section of the research is to discuss the reasoning behind the methods chosen and explain the advantages and disadvantages of each. 4.2 Research Objectives Review of the five main research objectives: To examine the extent to which LLC and sustainable design are being effectively utilised in the construction industry today. To investigate the methodology and limitations of LLC and identify why it is not used more broadly within the industry. To highlight the importance of maintenance and operational costs and how they can provide a basis for creating a more sustainable LLC tool. To analyse whether life cycle costing can be used effectively for reducing the environmental impact of construction projects. To construct a set of recommendations and decisive conclusions to help support the use of life cycle costing as a tool for sustainable design. 4.3 Methods of Research In the process of ascertaining an appropriate research method suitable for data collection, an evaluation into the two primary methods of research will be conducted to ensure the most suited approach is chosen. Qualitative and Quantitative methods are the primary classifications for research. Quantitative research adopts a scientific approach, where initial focus is on theory and literature, ... Get more on ...